Word List: dict = speak

contradict (v)
to speak against; to say the opposite
dictation (n)
what is written down as someone says it
dictator (n)
a leader who speaks and rules with total power
diction (n)
the manner in which something is expressed in words
(written or spoken)
dictionary (n)
a reference book in which spoken or written words are defined
dictum (n)
a judge’s ruling or statement
edict (n)
public words issued by an official that explain a law or
indictment (n)
formal words spoken or written by a jury that charge a person
with a crime
predict (v)
to say what will happen before it occurs
verdict (n)
the decision a jury makes in a trial; the decision said by the jury
Greek and Latin Roots © 2004 Creative Teaching Press
Word List: dict = speak
Name _________________________________________
Date _________________________________________
Vocabulary Quiz: dict
Shade in the bubble for the correct word.
1. The annual Horseracing Derby is coming up. Most people expect Solo’s Shadow to come
in first place.What are they making?
A) verdicts
B) predictions
C) dictations
D) edicts
2. All United States citizens are required by law to serve on a jury if asked to do so. If this
happens to you, you will have to decide on what?
A) dictionary
B) dictations
C) verdict
D) diction
3. Some people seem to have an accent.They simply differ in what compared to you?
A) dictation
B) indictments
C) edicts
D) diction
4. Every library has a few of these to help people say words the right way and figure out
what they mean.
A) dictionaries
B) dictums
C) predictions
D) contradictions
5. The usual result of this is a criminal trial to determine guilt or innocence.
A) indictment
B) contradiction
C) dictation
D) edicts
6. History tells of many of this type of person who ruled by force so that people had very
little control over their own lives.
A) dictum
B) edict
C) dictator
D) verdict
7. If an official met with many people around him to announce why a certain law must be
followed, what would he be saying?
A) dictum
B) edict
C) dictation
D) contradiction
8. A secretary records this on a notepad or computer for the boss, so that the boss will
remember what he or she said exactly.
A) dictation
B) edicts
C) predictions
D) dictums
9. It is not polite to do this to your parents.
A) contradict
B) predict
10. The judge read this to the courtroom.
A) dictionary
B) edict
C) dictum
D) indictment
C) prediction
D) dictum
Write the correct word on the line so the sentence makes sense.
Greek and Latin Roots © 2004 Creative Teaching Press
11. What do you _____________________ will happen if you spend tomorrow’s lunch money on a candy bar
12. If you lived in a country with a _____________________ as the leader, you would be told what you could
and could not do.
13. The _____________________ means that the man will face a trial to decide if he committed the crime.
14. If you want to know how to say the word indictment properly, then you could look in the
15. The way that you speak is called your _____________________.