Dharma Award - North American Hindu Association

Dharma Award
Dharma Bhakta [counselor)
9803 Goldfinch Ct
Saline, MI 48176 USA
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: (612) 470-NAHA (6242)
At the end of the program, for a student and/or
Saathi to receive an award, you MUST
Dharma program
L Complete the ‘Bhakta’s Comments and
Observations’ on Page 9’ and give it to Saathi
Step by Step through the Program
Step 1: Dharma
Step 2: Karma
Step 3: Incarnation
Step 4: Bhakti
Bhakta’s Comments and Observation
Steps = Chapters
@ Student’s Objectives
Karmas = Things the student is expected to
do. Reference to specific karma to be done
in each Step is capitalized.
Karmas are numbered same as in Student
and Saathi Workbook.
v List of items
Your role as Bhakta
! Emphasize these points.
1st Published 1983
1st Revision 1987
2nd Revision 2001
3rd Revision 2010
4th Revision 2011
5th Revision 2012
6th Revision 2013
7th Revision 2015
© 2015
It is illegal to reproduce this workbook or its contents in any form.
Dharma Bhakta Manual
While referring to the Lord, student, Saathi, and Bhakta, male
gender is used as a matter of convenience in writing.
Lengthy explanations for common Hindu concepts are omitted
from Bhakta Manual. If you wish to refresh some concepts, we
encourage you to go over the Saathi Workbook as well as discuss
these concepts with them. They will learn more and it will clarify
these concepts for them even better.
Welcome to the Dharma program and thank you for
volunteering to act as a counselor to the young
Dharma Student and his parent or a guardian
(Dharma Saathi)
You are in a unique position of privilege to guide
students and their parents/guardian of varying
spiritual background. As they begin their formal
introduction to the Hindu faith, please help them
learn about the elementary concepts of Hindu faith
and integrate these concepts into daily living.
You will serve as a role model for this family. Your
role is to listen to their questions. It is sometimes
difficult for the young to ask or answer questions.
Use open-ended questions rather than yes-or-no
questions. For example, instead of, “Do you
understand?” Ask, “What is it that you have
understood?” Stimulate their thinking by
encouraging them to put their thoughts into words.
Take a moment to go over both student & Saathi
workbooks. Encourage both to complete the Karmas
in their respective workbooks. Encourage the student
to be a participant in the learning process. The
workbook provides ample opportunity for students to
choose a variety of activities. As much as possible,
encourage creativity and originality.
Dharma students are typically between the ages of 8
and 13. The youngest to complete the program so far
has been 7 years old and the oldest has been 58 years.
Please keep your discussions and explanations at the
level appropriate to their age and spiritual maturity.
Please go over both
The Student Workbook and
The Saathi Workbook.
Provide critical
but encouraging comments.
We hope that you will enjoy guiding the young
Dharma student and Dharma Saathi as they complete
this program. If we can be of any assistance, please
do not hesitate to contact us.
We also hope you will encourage other Hindu
children to complete this Dharma program. We are
sure that such a suddha Karma will be spiritually
rewarding with Parmeshwar’s blessings.
Thank You.
Jai Shree Krishna
Nayan Hajratwala
North American Hindu Association
Dharma Bhakta Manual
Page 1
Dharma award
The Dharma Program is the first of two Hindu
religious growth programs for the youth designed by
The North American Hindu Association. (The Karma
Program is the second.) Both programs are nonsectarian and non-denominational Hindu religious
programs. The Dharma Award is a symbol of
recognition to a child for advancement in Hindu
religious knowledge and spiritual formation.
The Dharma award is approved by the Boy Scouts of
America and the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. Hindu
children who are not members of the scout
organizations can also earn these awards. The
Dharma award is most suitable for grades 3 to 8, or
ages 7 to 13. Dharma student should be able to
complete this program in four to six weeks.
The Dharma program introduces four elementary
fundamental concepts of Hinduism known as Steps in
this program:
This program is designed to:
v Help children become more aware of God's
presence in their daily lives, especially within the
home and the community.
v Introduce the Dharma concept and help them
recognize the presence of Parmeshwar in daily life.
v Introduce the Karma concept and help them
recognize that every karma (action) has
v Introduce the basic concept of Incarnation and help
them understand the mortal nature of humans.
Upon completion of the program
A Dharma Student (a boy)
will receive
v a badge
A Dharma Student, (a girl)
will receive
v a pin.
Dharma Saathi will receive
v a pin.
Dharma Bhakta
You are guiding them and doing so as a suddha karma,
that is, without expectation of anything in return. In
doing so, you are serving as an excellent role model for
your students. However, if the students wish to present
you with an award, please accept it
When they successfully complete
the Dharma program, they may
choose to present you with
v a pin.
Certificates for the Awards are issued if requested
on the Order Form.
v Introduce the basics of Bhakti in daily life and set
them on a course of spiritual growth.
Dharma Bhakta Manual
Page 2
Dharma award
The award is approved for religious recognition of the
Hindu faith by both the Boy Scouts of America and the
Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. Presentation of the Dharma
award can be made in one of the approved formats
listed under Step 4.
Typically three persons are involved.
1. The Student, who is working towards his Dharma
2. The Mentor, called Dharma Saathi, is the parent or
a guardian working side-by-side with the child on the
program. The mentor is also considered a “student”
alongside the child. The mentor may elect to
complete his Dharma Saathi workbook and earn the
Dharma Saathi award as well.
3. The Counselor, the Dharma Bhakta. As a Dharma
Bhakta, you are responsible for “teaching” the course.
Typically this is a priest. It is a generally accepted
doctrine that a priest associated with a temple should
be able to serve as a spiritual counselor.
However, a great diversity amongst Hinduism is
recognized. We will accept any person
knowledgeable in Hinduism and designated by the
priest or a parent.
Although some Hindu religious traditions require a
spiritual teacher to be male and/or Brahmin, for the
purpose of this program, any one may serve as a
counselor. A counselor should be a practicing Hindu,
knowledgeable in Hinduism, and is approved by the
Dharma Bhakta Manual
Workbook: Each Step in the workbook encourages
students to do the following:
1. Discussion
Students are encouraged to discuss a selected aspect
of the step such as Step 1 – Karma 1 (how
Parmeshwar shows his love) with the Dharma Saathi
and Dharma Bhakta.
2. Reflection
Students are asked to reflect on what they learned and
how it applies to them or their daily lives.
Example: Step 1 – Karma 1 f. (What is your Dharma to
your family?).
3. Observation
Students are afforded an opportunity to observe
others fulfilling their dharma, karma, or bhakti.
Example Step 2 – Karma 2 (What good or bad karma
did you see others doing?).
4. Action
Finally for every step, students are asked to do an
activity. Some activities are a little more involved
than others but all are designed with their age and
maturity in mind.
Example Step 3 – Karma 2 (“Cut out or paste a picture
of Rama or Krishna or draw one from a book.”)
Time Allowed for the Program
Most participants complete the program in about two
to three months. One step can be completed in about
one week.
As a Dharma Bhakta, one of your important duties is
to make sure that both the Dharma Student and
Dharma Saathi keep their appointments and complete
this program
Page 3
Dharma award
Your Role as a Dharma Bhakta
v To do their best.
How much you get involved and how much you
expect them to get involved in each step will depend
upon the spiritual maturity of the student.
v To write responses in their own words rather than
1. At the initial meeting
Briefly go over the steps and the level of
involvement the Dharma Saathi is willing and
able to take.
Plan/Propose a minimum of one meeting for
every two steps.
Our suggested meetings are as follows:
v Initial meeting.
v At the end of completion of Step 2.
v At the end of completion of all Steps.
Please keep in mind the age of the child and their
writing abilities as well as the busy work schedule of
the parents when deciding upon the interval between
the meetings. We estimate that each step can be easily
completed in one weekend. Thus, a two to three
weeks interval between meetings is not unreasonable.
Remind and Show
v Remind them that these lessons are not to be
forgotten after the completion of the workbook.
v Show them how to continue fulfilling their
Dharma on a daily basis in life.
Sign and date
At the end of each step (optional).
A special Hindu ceremony to celebrate the child’s
achievements. We have presented some guidelines
for presentation and puja ceremonies in the Student
You can of course schedule a meeting after every step.
Review Student Workbook. Please review Saathi
workbook as well if the Saathi has completed it.
Saathi is required to complete the workbook
ONLY if earning Saathi award.
This section presents a very brief outline of each step
and the activities in which the Dharma student and
Dharma Saathi will be involved.
What has been already done.
The next step(s) that is to be done.
Answer any questions.
Clarify their understanding of religious
Dharma Bhakta Manual
Following are our suggested guidelines for discussion
with the student and Saathi.
Following are the suggested items
for consideration during
Student and Saathi
Page 4
Step 1: Dharma
Step 1: Dharma
Step 1 - Karma 4: Thanking God
Begin each meeting with a prayer.
We have suggested one in Saathi book. You may select
or suggest another.
Teach student proper pronunciation.
Step 1 - Karma 1:
Meeting with Student and Dharma Saathi
v The concept of Parmeshwar.
v Discuss
- How Parmeshwar shows His love for them.
- How they can show their love for Him.
Guide the Student and Saathi in developing a
simple and short thank you to Parmeshwar. The
key word is simple.
You can add details as each step is completed.
Show how to thank Parmeshwar in one or all of the
three ways:
By Tann (body):
v Any kind of volunteering in the temple, for the
temple, for or during religious occasions would be
quite sufficient and meet the requirements.
By Mann (mind):
Step 1 - Karma 2:
Things to do for the family
v Being able to concentrate on puja without
distractions. You may recommend a very simple
By Dhan (wealth):
v Concept of Parmeshwar as a parent
v Serving parents equates to serving Parmeshwar.
v How to see Parmeshwar in everyone
starting with people they know.
v Concept of Dharma to family, friends, and the
v The concept of donation.
@ Student’s Objectives
Step 1 - Karma 3:
Reading (or watching DVD) Scriptures
Review our suggestions and select an appropriate
one. You may suggest another that illustrates the
concept of Dharma.
If you do not have enough time, encourage the
Saathi to tell these stories to the child.
Karmas = Things the student is expected to
do. Reference to specific karma to be done
in each Step is capitalized.
Karmas are numbered same as in Student
and Saathi Workbook.
v List of items
Your role as Bhakta
! Emphasize these points.
Dharma Bhakta Manual
Page 5
Step 2: Karma
Step 3: Incarnation
Step 2 - Karma 1:
Recording Karmas for one week:
Step 3 - Karma 1:
Meeting with Student and Dharma Saathi
Show them how to learn to recognize good and bad
Stress that with practice and patience, they will
learn to reduce the number of bad karmas to
essentially zero.
Step 2 - Karma 2:
A trip to observe other persons’ karmas:
Review and recommend trip locations
Show how same karma can be viewed by different
people in different ways.
Step 2 - Karma 3:
Record of karmas
! Emphasize that karmas are an integral part of
daily life.
How to be aware of doing good or bad karmas.
Step 2 - Karma 4:
Reading (or watching DVD) Scriptures
Select an appropriate story that illustrates the
concept of Karma.
Step 2 - Karma 5:
Thanking God
As in the previous step, we are asking both the student
and Saathi to thank Parmeshwar. You may wish to
recommend adding one more step - such as visiting the
temple and then offering thanks to the Lord there.
! Please stress the importance of thanking
Parmeshwar in one or all of the three ways - that is
by tann (body), mann (mind), and dhan (money).
Review workbooks
Dharma Bhakta Manual
v The incarnation concept
v The mortality of our physical body.
v The differences between incarnations of the divine
and incarnations of mortals.
v The ultimate goal of Moksha.
Review answers to the question of what they were
in previous life and what they would like to be in
the next life.
Step 3 - Karma 2:
A picture to cut and paste or draw
Offer praise for the student work.
Step 3 - Karma 3:
Naming various avatars:
Select or suggest at least one God and one Goddess
and go over their avatars.
Step 3 - Karma 4:
Reading (or watching DVD) Scriptures
Select an appropriate story that illustrates the
concept of incarnation.
Step 3 - Karma 5:
Thanking God
As in the previous step, we are asking both the student
and Saathi to thank Parmeshwar.
You may wish to recommend adding one more step such as saying a simple strotra such as Ganesh strotra
and then offering thanks to the Lord there.
! Please stress the importance of thanking
Parmeshwar in one or all of the three ways - that is
by tann (body), mann (mind), and dhan (money).
Page 6
Step 4: Bhakti
Step 4 - Karma 1:
Establishing a Bhakti center and routine.
Discuss the concept of Bhakti.
Introduce the concept of Bhavna (devotion or faith).
Bhakti performed without Bhavna is same as tourist
going to visit sites; there is no personal attachment.
Please show them what Bhavna means, does, and
how to cultivate it.
If the Dharma Saathi has not already an established
Bhakti routine at home, please assist them in
establishing an appropriate routine.
Step 4 - Karma 2:
Mantra & Meditation
Step 4 - Karma 4:
Reading (or watching DVD) Scriptures
Select an appropriate story that illustrates the
concept of Bhakti.
Step 4 - Karma 5:
At least one religious puja is required of the student.
Review our recommendations for puja and then
select one or offer another appropriate puja.
Discuss with Saathi as to the suitability of the puja
you recommend.
Guide the Dharma Saathi in selecting a mantra. Not
just for Saathi but also for the student.
Show them how to practice Dhyan (contemplation
or concentration) as an elementary step of yoga.
! Although we have asked only for the Niyam
(regularity) for one week, please stress the need as
well as the benefit of continuing this on a daily
basis, well beyond the completion of this program.
Step 4 - Karma 3:
A visit to another Bhakti center.
Hinduism has many paths. It is quite likely that the
Dharma Saathi already follows a particular path.
Encourage them not only to show and explain their
own Bhakti rituals to the young student but also to
visit and show Bhakti rituals of other Hindu paths.
Step 4 - Karma 6:
Meeting with Student and Dharma Saathi
This should be the last meeting with the Saathi and
the student to conclude the Dharma Program
They have completed all the steps in the Dharma
program, completed their workbooks, and presented
them to you for your comments.
Take time to reflect on the spiritual growth of the
Dharma student and Dharma Saathi. If it is
noticeable and good, please do point it out to
Make sure that the student is able to recognize all
deities that are present in the temple that they
frequently visit.
Dharma Bhakta Manual
Page 7
Step 4: Bhakti
Please complete the comments page of this
manual and give the page to Saathi.
You, too, may have benefited to a small extent from
the experience of acting as a Dharma Bhakta to them.
Please do share your experience with them. If you
enjoyed working with them, please let them know.
Please also encourage other Hindu children to earn
the Dharma award. We appreciate your assistance
and participation.
Presentation of the Dharma Awards
Please guide the Dharma Saathi to organize and
plan for the award presentation ceremony.
The following are suggested and approved ways to
present the awards.
1. A Hindu puja ceremony such as Ganesha Puja,
Vishnu Sahasranama, Satyanarayana Katha.
Please accept our
apologies for
any errors or
Kindly bring them to our
attention by sending us
an e-mail at
[email protected]
Please accept
our heartfelt gratitude and thanks
guiding a young Hindu child earn the Dharma Award
and also for
guiding his parent(s) or guardian(s) who acted as
2. A ceremony or a function held by the scouting unit
at their regular meeting, a special function, or a house
of worship such as a church or temple.
If the Saathi is able to, please encourage them to invite
family and friends - especially other young children.
Please encourage them to wear their awards proudly.
Step 4 - Karma 7:
Thanking God
As in the previous step, we are asking both the student
and Saathi to thank Parmeshwar.
Thank You
! Please stress the importance of thanking
Parmeshwar in one or all of the three ways - that is
by tann (body), mann (mind), and dhan (money).
Dharma Bhakta Manual
Page 8
Bhakta’s Comments and Observations:
for _______________________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Student Name
Congratulations. Complete this page and return it to the Saathi.
Your critical comments about any and all aspects of this program as well as any observation you have regarding
the students and Saathis will be appreciated. Some of your comments may be selected for inclusion on our
‘comments’ section of the website.
For students and/or Saathis to be considered for any award, you MUST check the following two items.
r I hereby certify that I have met with all the students and Saathis
r I have personally looked at workbook(s) submitted for the award requirements.
r I would like to continue to educate other young children in my community by volunteering to be a
Bhakta to [ ] Dharma [ ] Karma students. If you check this, the following information about you will
be placed on our website under ‘Volunteer’ Bhakta category.
Name, sex, city, state, present experience with this award, and the best way to contact you.
Thank you for this Suddha Karma.
PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING even if you are not volunteering to continue as a Bhakta.
Bhakta’s Name ____________________________________________________________
r Male
r Female
Email _____________________________________________
Dharma Bhakta Manual
Phone (optional) _________________________
Page 9
Our other publications of interest
L Eeshopanishad
A contemporary translation of the great Hindu scripture
in English with original Sanskrit Mantras.
The only book with clear explanations of commentaries from two great Acharyas,
Shree Shankaracharya and Shree Madvacharya.
in Pothi Format, 4.25 x 11, b&w, with illustrations
Guilded in Gold. A must read and collect Hindu scripture.
L My Dada’s Book of Karma
Supplemental reading for Dharma series, in color
Especially helpful for Step 2- Karma
for grades 1-5. Ideal for gift giving at children’s birthday.
5.5 x 8.5, color, with photo illustrations
L Home Temple Set up and Worship at Home
Supplemental reading for Dharma series, in color
Especially helpful for Step 4
for adults. Ideal for gift to families on auspicious occasions .
5.5 x 8.5, color, with photo illustrations
L Jai Hanuman Coloring and Activity Book
Supplemental activity book for Dharma series
Especially helpful for additional activity
for grades 1-5. Ideal for gift giving at children’s birthday.
8.5 x 11, b&w, illustrated
L Karma Series contains 3 books
Student workbook
Saathi workbook
Bhakta manual
All 8.5 x 11, b&w
All our books are available at special quantity discounts for bulk purchases
for fund raising, educational, and for giving as a gift at special occasions.
Please use the code KARMA15 at check out to receive 15% discount on the total order.
Visit our website at www.naha.us to order these supplies
Dharma Bhakta Manual
Page 10