Word Clouds with Great Purpose

Word Clouds with Great Purpose
World Cloud created with text from the “Rigor Matrix Rubric”
▪ Comparing Characters in Texts
▪ Introducing Vocabulary in Non-Fiction Texts (Newsela)
▪ Comparing and Contrasting Topics over Time
Passenger Pigeons Have Died Out but Scientists Hope to Bring them Back
Copy the text from a Newsela article
your students will be reading and paste
it into Wordle. As students study the
resulting word cloud ask them to:
• Make predictions about the text
• Record any questions
• Identify unknown vocabulary
terms they will find as they read
the text to determine meanings
• List names they will want to
connect with people, (or birds
in this article!) their roles, and
their importance to the topic
Passenger Pigeons Have Died Out but Scientists Hope to Bring them Back
Compare and Contrast
Civil Rights in the US
over a 100 yr. Span
▪ Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg Address, Lincoln’s 2nd
Inaugural Address, Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream”
▪ Compare and contrast common terms and changing themes
▪ Challenge students to find a current speech or article to add
and compare
Emancipation Proclamation (1862)
Gettysburg Address (1863)
Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address (1865)
I Have a Dream (1963)