2015-03-02 - Glenbard North High School

2015-03-02 Panther News
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Panther News for March 2, 2015
In This Issue
Working Together
PARCC Testing
Speech Team Makes History
National Merit
National Art & Writing Awards
Daily Herald Leadership
Spring Theatre Production
FCCLA to Compete at State
Math Team State Qualifiers
AP Exam Information
Class of 2015 Dates
Summer School
Glenbard Parent Series
Required Proof of Vaccine
Help Support Our School
Girls' Gymnastics DVC Champs
Wrestling State Qualifiers
Athletic Booster Scholarship
Working Together to
Inspire . . . Empower . . . Succeed
Dr. John Mensik
We are well into second semester, and we are looking forwar
to the beginning of spring. As we think about warmer weathe
and more sunshine, we sometimes develop a bit of "spring
fever." I am proud of how our students and staff work
together toward excellence. I encourage you to continue to
help your students stay focused on their academic work and
assessments, remain active in their extracurricular clubs,
activities, and sports, maintain good attendance, and strive to
do their best every day. Together we will inspire, empower,
and help our students succeed. Our students have done som
amazing things this year and there is still much to look forward
to. It is through the sincere dedication of parents, guardians,
community members, and staff that our students are able to
follow our PAWS credo - Prepare for success, Act with
integrity, Work together, and Show respect.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me at 630-681-3184, or e-mail at
[email protected]
PARCC Testing
Quick Links
North Website
Staff Directory
School Counseling Dept
Nurses' Office
Events Calendar
Bell Schedules
Athletic Boosters
We are entering a busy testing season - the debut of the
Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and
Careers (PARCC) exam, ACT exam and Advanced
Placement testing all occur in March and May.
We will administer the two-part PARCC assessment in
March and May. This new exam, which replaces the
Prairie State Achievement Examination (PSAE), is a more
rigorous exam that will measure how well our students are
achieving with the more demanding and internationally
benchmarked learning standards of the Common Core
State Standards. It will establish a new baseline to
measure growth by students, schools and school districts
in the future.
Dr. David Larson
We value using data from assessment; however, like many educators across the state
we've had concerns about over testing. Through advocacy with state officials, we wer
successful in having the PARCC exam given to just one grade level - freshman - in this
initial testing year.
Theatre Boosters
Theatre Box Office
Partnering with You for Students' Success
March 3 and 4 will be important testing days. Here are a few suggestions regarding
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Music Boosters
District 87 Website
how you can help your student do well:
Talk with your teen about the importance of these exams,
Ensure your student gets a good night's sleep each night before the exams,
Be sure your son or daughter eats a good breakfast on test days.
Glenbard Parent Series
To read more about PARCC testing, please click here.
Important Numbers
Speech Team Makes History
Attendance Office
Sectional and State Qualifiers
Deans' Office
School Counseling Office
Main Office
Nurses' Office
630-681-3312 or 3322
Theatre Box Office
A huge congratulations to the
Speech Team, who made
Glenbard North history this year
with our Sectional and State
qualifiers. We had six students
advance to sectionals (more than
we have had in over a decade)
and our Performance piece that
moved to State. On February
21st, our Speech Team made
Glenbard North history again wit
their IHSA State Qualifying
Performance in the Round at the
Peoria Civic Center. 19
performances made it to state,
and our team took tenth, putting us in the top ten finalists in the state of Illinois. This is
a monumental success for our team and we could not be more thrilled at the outcome
for our first time at the State competition.
Head Coach: Julie Hansen, Assistant Coaches: Nicole Stadler and Tim Schuett
Sectional Qualifiers: Jerry James, Keina Suggs, Kayleigh Quinn, Amanda Heimdal, Mi
Silva, and Kassandra Zamora.
Calendar Highlights
Click here calendar
March 4
Parent College/Career Night
Performance in the Round State Qualifiers: Mia Figueroa, Priya Rajan, Cameron Clark
Filasha Finley, Rosemary Florido, Alina Khan, Mylinh Truong, Krista Zamora, Rachel
Greene, Safa Khan, Ifrah Zafer, Nirali Patel, Kya Glenn, Fernando Garcia, Benjamin
Rodrigues, Muhammad Adeeb, Max Sacco, and Rae Hitzemann.
March 6
Junior Class Variety Show
March 12
Choir Concert
March 19
World Languages
Honor Society Induction
March 30 - April 3
Spring Break
April 6
Classes Resume
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PLC Schedule
2015 National Merit Scholarship Finalist
Congratulations to
Jonathan Duffy who has advanced to Finalist standing in the
National Merit Scholarship 2015 Program by demonstrating throug
distinguished performance high potential for future academic
Latex Allergies
Latex balloons or products containing
latex pose a significant health threat to
students with latex allergies. These
products are NOT ALLOWED on
campus at any time, including after
school, evening or weekend events.
IRIS Calls
Glenbard North uses the
Immediate Response Information
System (IRIS) to relay important
information or in an emergency
situation to parents/guardians.
Please remember to keep your
contact numbers and email
address current in PowerSchool.
National Scholastic Art and Writing Awards
Scholastic Art and Writing Awards is the most
prestigious and longest running high school art
and writing competition in the nation. Winners
of the awards exemplify its core values:
originality, technical skill, and the emergence of
personal voice or vision.
This year, from the nearly 3,000 pieces of art
submitted for the Regional Scholastic Art show,
1900 pieces were selected to be in the
Regional Scholastic show. This regional
competition includes the Suburban Chicago
area. Of those 3,000 pieces, 342 received an
honorable mention. Lauren Zanoni was one
of those students for her pen and ink drawing
"Nature's Window".
Lauren Zanoni & Quinn Audouin
The Gold Key award is given to a select group
of students whose work demonstrates exceptional artistic talent. Any work that
receives a Gold Key award will continue to the National Scholastic Art and Writing
Awards competition. Quinn Audouin was awarded the Gold Key for her comic art
You may click here to access your piece "Stitches". This is a great honor. Past national winners include Andy Warhol,
Truman Capote, Sylvia Plath, and Robert Redford. Jurors of the competition have
PowerSchool account.
included Judy Blume, Langston Hughes, Robert Frost, and Red Grooms.
Important Resource Information
Illinois law requires schools to
inform parents of information
regarding sex offenders. This
information may be found on the
DuPage County Sheriff's website
or use this link.
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"Nature's Window" by Lauren Zanoni
Lauren's work is about how we take nature for granted, often looking past it while livin
among it. Quinn's work is about an individual from the LGTB community. It tells the
story of the "injustice" of daily life for that individual while portraying the inner conflict o
dealing with the injustices.
"Stitches" by Quinn Audouin
Daily Herald Leadership Award
Honorable Mention
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Congratulations to Jerry James and
Nicole Tobison who earned
honorable mention for the 2015 Daily
Herald Leadership Team
Jerry James
Nicole Tobison
Spring Theatre Production
GN Theatre has just finished their
winter production of Prelude to a
Kiss, a romantic comedy. We would
like to thank everyone who made
this production successful and
congratulate our company for a job
well done. Currently, we are
working on our spring production of
Figments, a comedy by Billy St.
John. It is not too early to reserve
your tickets. Please click here for
ticket reservations.
FCCLARegional Competition
Students to Compete at State
Friday February 6, three Glenbard North FCCLA (Family, Career and Community
Leaders of America) students participated in a Regional Competition at College of
DuPage. All three students have qualified to compete with their projects at the State
FCCLA Competition this April in Springfield, IL. Success at State can qualify them for
a trip to Nationals this summer in Washington D.C.
Amanda Heimdal and Maria Ruiz-Ortega received a 1st Place and Most Outstanding
Award for their ongoing Chapter Service Project (Blanket Drive for DuPage PADS).
Bridgette Carbon received a 2nd place in
the Senior Pastry Arts Decorated Cookie
event. Bridgette proudly created a
Glenbard North inspired design for the
2015 School Pride theme.
Math Team State Qualifiers
Congratulations to the Math Team! They finished 5th place at Regionals this past
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Saturday. Oralist, Michael Toryiama and
his assistant, Jared Espino qualified for
state with a 2nd place finish. Michael also
qualified for state for the individual
competition by placing 3rd in pre-calculus.
Michael Toryiama
Jared Espino
AP Exam Information
Online Registration through March 12
Taking the Advance Placement exams is an important part of all AP courses. Scoring
well on AP exams can often earn students college credit for their high school class,
saving a significant amount on tuition. For the 2015 AP exams, students will be
registering online. This registration will take a few minutes and can be completed from
any computer with internet access. This year each AP exam costs $91.00.
Online Exam registration will end on Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 11:59 PM. To
register, students click here. To complete registration, students must answer all of the
required questions. Registration is not complete until students have printed the pdf of
the confirmation page that is provided at the end. We strongly recommend that parent
and students are both present while registering to ensure that the correct exams are
Click here to read the AP Bulletin for Parents and Students. Paper copies are also
available from teachers and in the Guidance Department. Please contact Sean Thoma
in the guidance office if you have questions or need financial assistance.
Class of 2015 Dates to Remember
April 16
Exit with Pride 2nd period
April 22
Academic Letter Awards 7:00 PM
May 13
Senior Honors and Awards Night 7:00 PM
May 29
Last day of school for Seniors
Class of 2015 Assembly/Senior Picnic
Cap and Gown/Ticket Pick-up
June 5
Graduation Rehearsal at College of DuPage 12:00 PM
June 6
Commencement Ceremony at College of DuPage 3:00 PM
Graduates arrive by 2:00 PM
Summer School
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Our summer school website is now available. Check out the great options for summe
learning. Click here for information. For questions regarding summer school, please
contact Summer School Principal, Michele Hawbaker at 630-681-3159 or email
[email protected]
We encourage all parents in our community to attend the powerful Glenbard Parent
Series (GPS) Navigating Healthy Families programs offered throughout the year. GPS
facilitates real-world parenting skills by engaging A-list speakers, parents and school
staff to become proactive and informed in pursuit of the mutual goal of strengthening
our communities. Each month we host free events during the afternoon, evening and o
Saturdays. For information click here.
Required Proof of Vaccine
Attention Juniors!
Thank you to those of you that have turned in proof of your
meningococcal conjugate vaccine. Every student entering 12th
grade must show proof of having two doses of meningococcal
vaccine. The first dose shall have been received on or after the
11th birthday and the second dose shall have been received on or
after the 16th birthday. If the first dose is administered when the
student is 16 years of age or older, only one dose is required. An
student not in compliance will not be permitted to pick up their
schedule and will be excluded from the first day of school in
August! If you have questions, please call the nurse's office at
Importance of Eating Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When our body does not have prope
nutrition, it does not function to its fullest. Just like a car, we have to put fuel in it to run
Breakfast gives our body nutrition and substance which is where our energy comes
from. Those who do not eat breakfast have a hard time concentrating and may have
difficulty learning.
Teens who eat breakfast:
Kick start their metabolism,
Do better in school,
Are more active,
Tend to make better food choices throughout the day.
Glenbard North serves breakfast! Take advantage and star
producing the energy needed to get through the day!
Help Support Our School
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Designate Glenbard North
We have discovered a terrific way to raise funds for our
school. Check out Target's Take Charge of Education
program. If you designate Glenbard North as your school
of choice, we will then receive a percentage of the
amount of each purchase in the form of a cash donation
from Target. To learn more or to designate our school,
click here
When you use your Target Visa or Debit REDcard,
Target will donate 1% of the purchase to your
designated school.
Special events are just around the corner with lots of shopping going on. You can also
encourage grandparents, alumni, neighbors, and friends to take part in this easy way
to help support our school. So, if you are going to Target anyway, please consider
using your Target Visa or Target REDcard designating Glenbard North as your school
of choice.
Girls Gymnastics
DVC Conference Champs
Congratulations to our Girls'
Gymnastics team on their incredible
season. The team ended with a
winning record, as conference
champs and regional champs. At
their sectional meet, the Panthers
scored a season high and qualified
Allison Wahrman, Katie Murphy, and
Erin Bregman to the State
preliminaries as individuals. The
ladies brought down the house and all
3 qualified to State Finals. Allison
came in 9th place on the uneven bars, Allison Wahman, Katie Murphy, Erin Bregman
Erin came in 11th place on uneven
bars, and Katie came in 7th place on the Floor Exercise. They were one of
only 2 teams to qualify 3 athletes to the 2nd day of competition.
Wrestling State Qualifiers
Congratulations to the Wrestling Team for qualifying nine wrestlers in the State
Championship at Univ of IL in Champaign.
Qualifiers were
Kirk Johansen
Austin Gomez
Paty Augustyn
Mike Milan
Phil Partipilo
Tommy Czernek
Colton Wegner
Luke Greenberg
Dillon Warnecke.
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Austin Gomez
State Champion 113 lb
Luke Greenberg State Runner Up 195 lb
Kirk Johansen 3rd Place 106 lb
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Athletic Booster Scholarship
Senior Athletes: Don't forget to click here for scholarship application. Scholarship due
date is April 13, 2015. Please note: Parents of Senior Athletes, you must have
completed volunteer hours by February 28, 2015 in order to meet the eligibility portion
of the scholarship.
Booster Board Members Needed
Our Booster Board has many openings in the next 2 years including secretary,
treasurer, vice-president, fundraising chair, alumni chair, parking lot chair, webmaster,
volunteer coordinator, concessions operations, concession purchasing and apparel
chair. Now is a great time to check out how the Booster Club supports our athletes.
Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month during the school year at 7:00
PM in the Faculty Cafeteria. If you have questions or would like more information
contact Beth Tobison at [email protected]
Concession Volunteers Needed
We always need help in the concession stand. Please click here to sign up. Also, if
you have changed your e-mail address since you made your account on sign-up geniu
please spend a moment and update your account information.
Social Media
For up-to-date information be sure to click here for our website, and follow us on
Facebook at GBN Athletic Boosters and Twitter@AthleBoosters.
Glenbard North High School
990 Kuhn Road
Carol Stream, IL 60188
630-653-7000 (7:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
Fax 630-653-7259
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