Human Reproduction, Vol.29, No.10 pp. 2171– 2175, 2014 Advanced Access publication on July 8, 2014 doi:10.1093/humrep/deu169 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Gynaecology ‘Behind blue eyes’†: the association between eye colour and deep infiltrating endometriosis Paolo Vercellini1,*, Laura Buggio 1, Edgardo Somigliana2, Dhouha Dridi 1, Maria Antonietta Marchese 1, and Paola Viganò 3 1 Istituto Ostetrico e Ginecologico ‘Luigi Mangiagalli’, Department of Clinical Science and Community Health, Università degli Studi, Milano, Italy Infertility Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milano, Italy 3Obstetrics and Gynecology Unit, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy 2 *Correspondence address. Istituto Ostetrico e Ginecologico ‘Luigi Mangiagalli’, Department of Clinical Science and Community Health, Università degli Studi, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Via Commenda, 12 – 20122 Milano, Italy. Tel: +39-02-55032917; Fax: +39-02-55030252; E-mail: [email protected] Submitted on February 16, 2014; resubmitted on May 26, 2014; accepted on June 9, 2014 study question: Is the prevalence of blue eye colour higher in women with deep endometriosis? summary answer: Blue eye colour is more common in women with deep endometriosis when compared with both women with ovarian endometriomas and women without a history of endometriosis. what is known already: Recent and intriguing evidence suggests that women with deep endometriosis may have particular phenotypic characteristics including a higher prevalence of a light-colour iris. Available epidemiological evidence is however weak. study design, size, duration: Case –control study performed in a large academic department specializing in the study and treatment of endometriosis. Individual iris colour was evaluated in daylight and categorized in three grades, namely blue-grey (blue), hazel-green (green) and brown. One observer assessed iris colour. In addition, the women themselves were invited to indicate the colour of their eyes according to the same classification system. Cases with discordant eye colour determinations between the observer and the woman were excluded from the final analysis. participants (materials, settings, methods): Two hundred and twenty-three women with deep endometriosis (cases), 247 with ovarian endometriomas and 301 without a history of endometriosis were enrolled. main results and the role of chance: After exclusion of 52 discordant cases, the proportions of brown, blue and green eye colours were, respectively, 61, 30 and 9% in the deep endometriosis group, 74, 16 and 10% in the endometrioma group and 75, 15 and 10% in the non-endometriosis group. Women in the deep endometriosis group had a statistically significant excess of blue eyes and a reduced proportion of brown eyes compared with the two control groups (P ¼ 0.002 and P , 0.001, respectively). The proportion of blue eyes was almost identical in the ovarian endometrioma group and the non-endometriosis group, and that of green eyes was substantially similar in all study groups. The OR (95% CI) of having blue eyes in women with deep endometriosis compared with women with ovarian endometriosis and with those without endometriosis was, respectively, 2.2 (1.4–3.6) and 2.5 (1.6 –3.9). limitations, reason for caution: We cannot exclude that some women without a previous diagnosis of endometriosis indeed had the disease. However, this would have led to a reduction of the observed difference in proportion of blue eyes, thus to a potential underestimation of the real strength of the association. Moreover, under-ascertainment is possible with regard to peritoneal disease, but unlikely with deep endometriotic lesions and ovarian endometriomas. wider implications of the findings: There are two possible explanations for our findings. Both may have intriguing implications for future research on endometriosis. Firstly, genes involved in the control of iris colour transmission may lie in a region with a strong pattern of linkage disequilibrium with genes involved in the invasiveness of endometriosis. Alternatively, blue eye colour could be considered an indicator of a photo-sensitive phenotype resulting in limited exposure to sunlight and UVB radiation. Limited sunlight exposure is associated with reduced circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, an element that has recently been linked to endometriosis development. † Pete Townshend. The Who, Decca, UK, 1971. & The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] 2172 Vercellini et al. study funding/competing interests: No research funding was received and none of the authors have any conflict of interests. trial registration number: Not applicable. Key words: ovarian endometrioma / deep endometriosis / eye colour / endometriosis / vitamin D Introduction Endometriosis, a chronic inflammatory condition associated with pelvic pain and infertility, affects 5% of the female population of reproductive age (Vercellini et al., 2014). Some investigators observed a relation between distinct phenotypic characteristics and endometriosis, predominantly in women with deep infiltrating lesions (Lafay Pillet et al., 2012). Women with endometriosis show particular pigmentary traits, including a higher number of naevi and freckles, have a specific photo-sensitive phenotype, self-limit ultraviolet exposure, and protect themselves more from the sun (Kvaskoff et al., 2009, 2013; Somigliana et al., 2010; Viganò et al., 2012). We previously observed an association between light eye colour (green/blue) and endometriosis (Somigliana et al., 2010). However, due to the small sample size, we were unable to analyse data separately for blue and green eye colour, and to discriminate between the various disease forms. Blue eyes appear to be linked to different disorders, such as type 1 diabetes (Di Stasio et al., 2011), cutaneous and iris melanoma (Regan et al., 1999; Olsen et al., 2010), deafness after meningitis (Cullington, 2001), and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (Hughes et al., 2004). Considering that peculiar phenotypic characteristics seem to be expressed mainly by women with deep endometriosis instead of all women with endometriosis in general (Lafay Pillet et al., 2012; Viganò et al., 2012) we decided to investigate the prevalence of blue eye colour in a case –control study. Cases were women with deep endometriosis, controls were those with ovarian endometriotic cysts and those without a history of endometriosis. The study hypothesis was that the frequency of blue eyes was higher in the former group than in latter two groups. Materials and Methods This case – control study was performed in an academic department specializing in the study of endometriosis. The objective was determination of the prevalence of blue eye colour in women with different endometriosis forms and in those without a history of endometriosis. Patients with endometriosis evaluated for chronic pain, infertility or pelvic masses were consecutively recruited from January to December 2013. Women were categorized in two groups, namely deep endometriosis (cases) and ovarian endometrioma (control group). The former included women with rectovaginal plaques, bladder detrusor nodules, bowel lesions, intrinsic ureteral endometriosis, and deep endometriosis infiltrating the pouch of Douglas and parametria. Cases with iatrogenic, post-Caesarean bladder detrusor endometriosis were excluded. Both women with a past or current diagnosis of endometriosis could be enrolled. The diagnosis of endometriosis was based on standard histologic criteria and, in case of rectovaginal forms, on vaginal and rectal examination, presence of visible endometriotic lesions at speculum inspection, and transvaginal and transrectal ultrasonography. When deep and ovarian lesions co-existed, the woman was included in the case group, as the former lesions are considered more severe than the latter ones (Chapron et al., 2006). Women with exclusively superficial peritoneal implants were excluded because this condition does not constitute per se definite endometriotic disease (Holt and Weiss, 2000). In case of affected sisters, only the first evaluated sibling was recruited, in order to avoid spurious over-representation of a specific eye colour. In the same time span, asymptomatic women attending our outpatient clinics for periodical gynaecological care, contraception, or cervical cancer screening programme, and without a previous clinical or surgical diagnosis of endometriosis, were enrolled in a second control group. NonCaucasian women were excluded. Cases and controls were genetically homogeneous as they were all of Italian origin and ancestry. Individual iris colour was evaluated in daylight and categorized in three grades, namely blue, green, and brown, according to a recent, simple and validated classification, easy to use in clinical research (Muinos Diaz et al., 2009). One observer, who was not blind to the aim of the study and the women’s condition, assessed iris colour. In addition, the women themselves were invited to indicate their eye colour according to the same classification. Subjects with discordant eye colour determination between the observer and the woman were excluded from the final analysis. Data were collected on standardized forms including demographic information and clinical characteristics. The local Institutional Review Board approved the study (approval no. 1587/12). All patients provided written consent before enrolment. The prevalence of blue eyes in the general population of central Italy is 10% (Di Stasio et al., 2011). Based on this expected rate of blue eyes among controls, considering as biologically important at least a 2-fold increase (corresponding to a OR of 2.2) in the rate of blue eyes among women with deep endometriosis, and setting type I and II errors at, respectively, 0.05 and 0.20, 200 women had to be recruited in each study group. We planned for a recruitment of at least 220 subjects per group to allow for subsequent exclusion of discordant cases, expecting a maximum of 10% disagreement rate. Recruitment continued until completion of the pre-planned sample size in the least numerous group. A binomial distribution model was used to calculate the standard deviation (SD) of proportions. In order to assess the extent of agreement between external and self-evaluation of eye colour, the unweighted k-index was calculated. We considered a value .0.60 as ‘good agreement’, and a value .0.80 as ‘very good agreement’. The x 2 test with continuity correction was used to compare proportions. To test intergroup associations among the three groups, we set significance at P ¼ 0.017 (0.05/3) to control for multiple comparisons. Data analysis was carried out with the Statistics Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 15.0, Chicago, IL, USA). Results Nine women refused to participate in the study for personal reasons (six women with deep endometriotic lesions and three women with ovarian endometriomas). A total of 771 women were eventually recruited. External and self-assessment of eye colour correlated but did not coincide. The k-index + SE was 0.86 + 0.02 (P , 0.001). The evaluations did not correspond in 52 women (7%). The proportion of these incongruent cases was fairly similar among the three study groups (20/223 women with deep endometriosis, 9%; 17/247 women with endometriomas, 7%; 15/301 women without a history of endometriosis, 5%; P ¼ 0.20). Disagreement regarded mainly eyes judged as blue by the 2173 Blue eyes and deep endometriosis Table I Baseline characteristics of participants according to study group.a Group ............................................................................................................................................... Deep endometriosis (n 5 203) Ovarian endometrioma (n 5 230) No endometriosis (n 5 286) ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Age (years) 38.4 + 6.9 36.9 + 7.4 33.6 + 7.9 BMI (kg/m2) 22.0 + 3.7 21.6 + 3.5 22.2 + 3.6 North 154 (76) 168 (73) 227 (79) Centre 19 (8) 9 (4) 14 (5) South 30 (15) 53 (23) 45 (16) Region of birth (Italy) Hair colour Black 7 (4) 8 (3) 14 (5) Dark brown 73 (36) 96 (42) 151 (53) Light brown 97 (48) 100 (44) 93 (32) Blonde 23 (11) 21 (9) 25 (9) 3 (1) 5 (2) 3 (1) Red a Data are expressed as mean + SD or number (percentage). observer, but as green by the woman (n ¼ 24), and as brown by the observer, but as green by the woman (n ¼ 19). After exclusion of these 52 subjects, 719 women were included in the final analysis (203 with deep endometriosis; 230 with ovarian endometriomas; 286 without a history of endometriosis). The deep endometriosis group comprised 104 patients with rectovaginal endometriotic plaques, 39 with full-thickness bladder detrusor nodules, 32 with deep lesions infiltrating the pouch of Douglas and parametria, 16 with fullthickness bowel lesions, and 12 with intrinsic ureteral endometriosis. Some demographic and clinical characteristics of the recruited women are shown in Table I. A total of 510 (71%) women had brown eyes, 140 (19%) blue eyes and 69 (10%) green eyes. The proportions of the different eye colours were not equally distributed among the three study groups, as they were, respectively, 61, 30 and 9% in the deep endometriosis group, 74, 16 and 10% in the endometrioma group, and 75, 15 and 10% in the non-endometriosis group (Fig. 1). In particular, women in the deep endometriosis group had a statistically significant excess of blue eyes and a reduced proportion of brown eyes compared with the other two study groups (P ¼ 0.002 and P , 0.001, respectively). The proportion of blue eyes was almost identical in the ovarian endometrioma group and in the non-endometriosis group, and that of green eyes was substantially similar in all study groups. The OR (95% CI) of having blue eyes in women with deep endometriosis compared with women with ovarian endometriosis and with women without a history of endometriosis was, respectively, 2.2 (1.4 –3.6) and 2.5 (1.6 –3.9). Figure 1 Distribution of eye colour according to study group. The error bars represent SD as estimated based on a binomial distribution model. Blue eyes are significantly more represented in women with deep invasive lesions (deep endometriosis versus no endometriosis, P , 0.001; deep endometriosis versus ovarian endometriomas, P ¼ 0.002; ovarian endometriomas versus no endometriosis, P ¼ 0.91), whereas brown eyes are significantly less represented (deep endometriosis versus no endometriosis, P , 0.001; deep endometriosis versus ovarian endometriomas, P ¼ 0.003; ovarian endometriomas versus no endometriosis, P ¼ 0.76). Discussion The results of this case–control study showed that blue eye colour is significantly more common in women with deep endometriosis (30%) than in those with ovarian endometriomas (16%) and in those without a history of endometriosis (15%). No statistically significant difference in blue eye prevalence was observed between the latter two groups, thus confirming that this phenotypic characteristic is associated mainly with deep endometriotic lesions, and not with less invasive forms. Moreover, the unbalanced distribution of iris colour was limited to the blue category, and not to light colours in general, as the proportion of green eyes was similar in all study groups. Green is the rarest eye colour in Italy (Di Stasio et al., 2011), and it was indeed the least frequent one in our 2174 series. A definitive discrimination between green and light brown requires the use of ophthalmologic equipment that was not available in our clinical setting. Photographs of iris colour were not taken. More in general, adult blue eye colour is a ‘hard’ and stable trait, and its assessment should be little prone to confounding. Selection bias is a potential threat to the internal validity of the present study. Because this was not a population-based study, selection of cases and controls from different underlying populations is possible. In this study, both groups of endometriosis patients came from the same underlying population, i.e. women who presented to our academic department’s referral clinic for endometriosis. Women with deep endometriosis and those with ovarian endometriomas had similar referral pattern. These self-referrals may come from outside the clinic’s geographic area. Women without a history of endometriosis came from our academic department’s gynaecologic clinic, mostly are from the clinic’s geographic area, consisted of women presenting for routine care, and they would all have become cases if they had developed endometriosis. The frequency of blue eyes is expected to be higher in populations from Northern Italian regions compared with those from Southern ones. Therefore, assuming that women presenting to gynaecologic clinic for routine care are from the Milan area (Northern Italy), whereas those self-referred to the endometriosis outpatient clinic are from a much broader area, would imply an expected excess of blue eyes in the former group compared with the latter one, which was not the case. Moreover, considerations on possible selection bias based on geographical origin of participants are weakened by the strong migration flows within our country, especially from South to North. Indeed, it would be difficult to select a specifically native Northern population within the Milan catchment area. The discrepancy between the prevalence of blue eyes observed in women without a history of endometriosis (15%) and that previously reported in the general Italian population (10%; Di Stasio et al., 2011) could be explained by the fact that the subjects studied by Di Stasio et al. (2011) were from central Italy. Interestingly, the results from the group of women with ovarian endometriomas and from that of women without a history of endometriosis were substantially similar. All study participants were equally assisted by the National Health System. Therefore, a potentially spurious association between socioeconomic status and eye colour can be ruled out. Very few women refused to participate in the study. Absence of blinding of the investigators could have unduly influenced the results. For this reason, we decided to include in the analysis of eye colour also the selfevaluation of the patients. Moreover, as a conservative measure, we excluded from the analysis all women with discordant external and selfevaluation. This should guarantee adequate reliability of the findings. The proportion of excluded participants was low (52/771; 7%), and should not have biased the final results. The sample size was large, particularly considering the deep endometriosis group. Moreover, given the type of infiltrating forms included and the diagnostic modalities adopted, misclassification of cases appears unlikely. According to the suggestion of Holt and Weiss (2000), we have selected only patients with deep lesions or ovarian endometriomas, excluding those with superficial implants only. In fact, limited peritoneal forms may not always constitute a definite disease, and their inclusion may decrease the likelihood of observing true associations in etiologic studies (Holt and Weiss, 2000). In addition, we did not retrieve endometriosis stage according to the Vercellini et al. American Society for Reproductive Medicine classification (1997), because this scheme does not allow discrimination between ovarian and deep lesions. In fact, this score system assigns points based, together with other variables, on the presence of ovarian endometriomas and Douglas pouch obliteration, but deriving the type of lesions present from the attributed stage is not possible. Moreover, this scheme does not specifically contemplate deep lesions such as rectovaginal plaques, bladder detrusor nodules and bowel lesions. The subjects included in the non-endometriosis group comprised women without known endometriosis presenting to our clinic for routine gynaecologic care, contraception or cervical cancer screening. We cannot exclude that some women without a previous diagnosis of endometriosis indeed had the disease. However, this would have led to a reduction of the observed difference in proportion of blue eyes, thus to a potential underestimation of the real strength of the association (Holt and Weiss, 2000). Moreover, under-ascertainment is possible with regard to peritoneal disease, but unlikely with deep endometriotic lesions and ovarian endometriomas. The biological explanation of our findings is not straightforward. There is a strong genetic contribution to eye colour. In general, pigmentary traits are of genetic origin, and because they involve similar regions and candidate genes, they often predict each other (Sturm, 2009). Indeed, a number of genes impacting the melanin biosynthetic pathway are candidates to explain the diversity of human pigmentation (Branicki et al., 2011). Accordingly, the presence of specific phenotypic traits such as red hair, freckles and sensitivity to sun exposure has been shown to be more common in women with endometriosis (Somigliana et al., 2010; Viganò et al., 2012). Genes involved in the control of human pigmentation may lie in a region with a pattern of linkage disequilibrium with genes implicated in the invasiveness of endometriosis. However, whereas some genes involved in the susceptibility to endometriosis have been recently identified based on results from genome-wide association studies (White and Rabago-Smith, 2011; Rahmioglu et al., 2014), very few data are available regarding the genetic variants influencing disease aggressiveness and potential to invade tissues. Alternatively, blue eye colour could be considered an indicator of a photo-sensitive phenotype resulting in limited exposure to sunlight and UVB radiation. Limited sunlight exposure is associated with reduced circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (Lucas et al., 2013). Along this line, an inverse relation has been demonstrated between plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and risk of endometriosis (Harris et al., 2013). Vitamin D reduces cell proliferation, increases apoptosis, enhances cell differentiation, and modulates angiogenesis, extracellular matrix production, and immune response (Holick, 2007). All these biological functions are consistently involved in the pathogenesis of endometriosis (Vercellini et al., 2014). More specifically, vitamin D and sun exposure independently stimulate T-regulatory cells and secretion of IL-10, reduce levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-17, and dampen T helper (Th)-1 immune function (Viganò et al., 2012). It may be hypothesized that the ovary might be less susceptible or more prone to correct the vitamin D deficiencymediated consequences on the local immune system. Additional studies conducted in different populations and countries are warranted to substantiate our observations. The present findings, if confirmed, emphasize the intriguing association between specific phenotypic characteristics and the tendency toward progression and tissue infiltration of particular endometriotic lesions, and may aid in shaping future research in this area of phenomics (Viganò et al., 2012). Blue eyes and deep endometriosis Authors’ roles P.V. contributed to the design of the study, interpretation of the data, and drafted the manuscript. L.B. contributed to the design of the study, to the recruitment of the participants and drafted the manuscript. E.S. contributed to the design of the study, analysis and interpretation of the data, and critical revision of the manuscript. D.D. contributed to the design of the study and to the recruitment of study participants. M.A.M. contributed to the design of the study and to the recruitment of study participants. P.V. contributed to the design of the study and critical revision of the manuscript. All authors reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript. Funding No research funding was received for this study. Conflict of interest None declared. References American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Revised American Society for Reproductive Medicine classification of endometriosis: 1996. Fertil Steril 1997;67:817 – 821. 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