Sound Doctrine Silences False Teaching

Sound Doctrine Silences False Teaching
10 minutes – Greeting & Fellowship
Light refreshments (optional)
Welcoming and Introducing new members or visitors to the Group
Sharing upcoming events (Conferences, Seminars, Network Meetings, etc.)
20 minutes – This Week’s Discussion
Objective: Continue our Study of the Letter to Titus, learning from Paul’s instruction to Titus the importance
of Sound Doctrine and combatting False Teaching!
Read Titus 1:10 – 1:15 – False Teachers!
Paul now instructs Titus in the handling of those who come in an insubordinate manner and with a
deceptive agenda – those who come with false doctrine!
The very real concern is that these false teachers must be silenced, they are upsetting whole
families with their false teaching.
These false teachers are to be confronted by Titus in hope that they will become sound in their faith
and in their doctrine.
A powerful statement that Paul makes is that, the defiled and the unbelieving know no purity, that
their minds and consciences are defiled. They profess to know God, but everything about them
denies their profession!
Read Titus 2:1 – 2:10 – Sound Doctrine – Life Application!
Titus is now given the instruction to teach Sound Doctrine!
Along with that instruction, Paul lays out some instruction for life application within the local
church. Included in this instruction is the teaching that older believers are to set an example and
also teach younger believers how to live in line with the Word of God!
Titus as the pastor, should show himself in all aspects of his life to be a model of good works, his
teaching should be full of integrity, dignity and of sound speech that cannot be condemned,
allowing opposition to be put to shame!
Read Titus 2:11 – 2:15 – Christ Redeems and Purifies His People!
Paul now points to the reason we are to take this stand, because Christ appeared bringing salvation
for all people, also to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, allowing us to live self-controlled,
upright and godly lives in this age – the age until Christ Returns!
We do these things, we pursue these righteous attitudes and behaviors because we await our
“blessed hope” – the Return of Christ!
Christ gave Himself to redeem us from all lawlessness, to purify for Himself a people for His Own
Possession who are zealous for good works!
These are the things that Titus is to declare and bring direction and correction through!
Jubilee International Ministries – Connect Group Curriculum
Titus Lesson 2
20 minutes – This Week’s Discussion Questions
Question 1: Do you understand the risk of False Teaching to the families in a local church?
• It is unfortunate, but it is very much a risk in our day that unbiblical doctrine can harm the family!
• Unbiblical teachings on marriage, from the acceptance of gay marriage to the perversion of the roles
of both husband and or wife are a risk to the Biblical Model of Marriage!
• Unbiblical acceptance of abortion, too lenient or too harsh of discipline for children, puts children
unborn and born at risk of not understanding the true value of a Biblical Worldview!
• Teaching that does not demand that men take their God Given and Biblical place in the church and
the home opens the door to an unbalanced and out of order society.
Question 2: What is the importance of Older Believers teaching Younger Believers about living a Biblical Life
in the church and in the home?
• When we are young, we will make youthful mistakes and decisions – they can be very discouraging
and potentially destructive!
• When “seasoned saints” share their lives and their wisdom acquired through years of serving God
and learning from Biblical Counsel in their own lives – they have an impactful impartation to share
with younger men and women.
• Young husbands, wives and families have a lot they can learn from those who have run the race
together and have seen God work in their marriages and families!
Question 3: Do you understand that our “Blessed Hope” is the Return of Christ?
• It can be easy, due to the emphasis on a “Heaven to gain and a hell to lose” evangelical mindset, to
forget that heaven is not the finality of our hope – our Blessed Hope is Christ’s Return and Kingdom!
• Because we have this Hope – we have all we need to be bold and righteous witnesses to the world!
10 minutes – Closing in Prayer
Pray that each person learn and apply a lifestyle based on our lesson
Pray that the group keeps each other accountable in doing so
Pray prayers of agreement with individuals with prayer requests
Close with a prayer that everything be sealed by the Holy Spirit and for safety in traveling
Post Meeting Fellowship
Leader should collect contact information from any new attendees
Time of Post Meeting Fellowship does not have to be restrictive but held within reason
Good time to share testimonies
Be sure no one feels they are obligated to stay if they need to go
Dismiss the Group
Post meeting – Leader should log in to Connect Leader’s Web Report and enter attendance and any
new member or visitor information then submit the data
Jubilee International Ministries – Connect Group Curriculum
Titus Lesson 2