JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 4 PAGES 823^846 2010 doi:10.1093/petrology/egq002 Missing Oligocene Crust of the Izu^Bonin Arc: Consumed or Rejuvenated During Collision? YOSHIHIKO TAMURA1, OSAMU ISHIZUKA2, KAN AOIKE3, SHINICHI KAWATE4, HIROSHI KAWABATA1, QING CHANG1, SATOSHI SAITO1, YOSHIYUKI TATSUMI1, MAKOTO ARIMA5, MASAKI TAKAHASHI6, TATSUO KANAMARU6, SHUICHI KODAIRA1 AND RICHARD S. FISKE7 1 INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON EARTH EVOLUTION (IFREE), JAPAN AGENCY FOR MARINE^EARTH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (JAMSTEC), YOKOSUKA 237-0061, JAPAN 2 INSTITUTE OF GEOSCIENCE, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF JAPAN/AIST, TSUKUBA 305-8567, JAPAN 3 CENTER FOR DEEP EARTH EXPLORATION (CDEX), JAPAN AGENCY FOR MARINE^EARTH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, YOKOHAMA 236-0001, JAPAN 4 MUSASHI HIGH SCHOOL, TOKYO 176-8535, JAPAN 5 GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENT AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, YOKOHAMA NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, YOKOHAMA 240-8501, JAPAN 6 INSTITUTE OF NATURAL SCIENCES, NIHON UNIVERSITY, TOKYO 156-8550, JAPAN 7 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, NMNH MRC-119, WASHINGTON, DC 20013-7012, USA RECEIVED JULY 6, 2009; ACCEPTED JANUARY 7, 2010 ADVANCE ACCESS PUBLICATION FEBRUARY 6, 2010 The 50 Myr old Izu^Bonin^Mariana (IBM) arc consists mostly of Oligocene middle and lower crust that underlies the upper crust; these units are in turn covered by Quaternary volcanic rocks. Seismic imaging, forearc geology, Ocean Drilling Program drilling and magnetic anomalies suggest that most IBM arc crust was created in Eocene^Oligocene times. However, remnants of this old crust have never been found at the northern end of the arc, where it is colliding with the Honshu arc (Izu collision zone).Two batholiths in this collision zone (the Tanzawa tonalites and the Kofu Granitic Complex) were emplaced during the Miocene (4^17 Ma). Major elements, Zr/Y, rare earth element ratios and normalized abundance patterns, and Sr^Nd isotopic data indicate that these plutonic bodies are compositionally similar to the Oligocene IBM volcanic rocks, and that they are dissimilar to the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary IBM lavas and volcaniclastic rocks. We suggest that the Miocene plutonic rocks in the Izu collision zone were derived from partially melted Oligocene middle crust. A model is proposed Corresponding author. Telephone: þ81-46-867-9761. Fax: þ81-46-867-9625. E-mail: [email protected] in which IBM arc middle crust in the collision zone was partially melted during the collision and then intruded into the overlying upper crust of the Honshu and IBM arcs. This resulted in the complete loss of chronological information related to their original source. WORDS: collision zone; granite; IBM arc; Oligocene; remobilization; tonalite KEY I N T RO D U C T I O N The Pacific plate began subducting beneath the Philippine Sea plate about 50 Myr ago to produce the currently active Izu^Bonin^Mariana (IBM) arc. This 50 Myr old subduction system contains remnant arcs, such as the Kyushu^Palau Ridge, West Mariana Ridge and Bonin Ridge, and extinct spreading centers, such as the Shikoku, ß The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@ JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 51 Parece Vela and West Philippine Basins, as well as the active Mariana Trough back-arc basin (Stern et al., 2003; Tatsumi & Stern, 2006) (Fig. 1). Here, we present a new petrological and geological model based on recent geophysical observations of the seismic crustal structure in the northern IBM arc, which we hereafter refer to as the Izu^Bonin arc. Seismic imaging suggests that most of the present Izu^Bonin arc crust was created in Eocene^ Oligocene times (Kodaira et al., 2008); these older rocks are mostly buried and make up much of the infrastructure (middle and lower crust) of the IBM arc. However, remnants of this older crust have never been found in the Izu collision zone. The absence of Eocene^Oligocene Izu^ Bonin arc crust in this zone is unexpected, unexplained, and is the focus of this study. Here we compare the major element, trace element, rare earth element (REE) patterns and Sr- and Nd-isotope compositions of Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks and the collision zone tonalites. We integrate these results with recent geophysical images of the arc and conclude that the Miocene plutonic rocks in the Izu collision zone were derived from the Oligocene middle crust, which was partially melted, remobilized and rejuvenated during the collision. Melts and partially melted masses of the remobilized middle crust rose buoyantly to form the Miocene tonalite and granitic plutons that crop out today. Similar processes may have operated in other collision zones. O L I G O C E N E M I D D L E C RU S T I N T H E I Z U ^ B O N I N A RC Recent studies have demonstrated that most of the submarine exposures in the IBM forearc are Oligocene to Eocene in age (Ishizuka et al., 2006). Moreover, most of these rocks have differentiated from mantle melts to varying degrees, implying that plutonic rocks from this era probably make up most of the crust. The abundance of Oligocene volcaniclastic deposits drilled in the forearc [Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites 787, 792 and 793, Fig. 1] also suggests the important role that Oligocene magmatism played in the evolution of the Izu^Bonin arc (Hiscott & Gill, 1992; Gill et al., 1994). Magnetic anomalies and crustal structure Yamazaki & Yuasa (1998) recognized three conspicuous north^south-trending rows of long-wavelength magnetic anomalies along the Izu^Bonin arc, oriented slightly oblique to the present volcanic front (Fig. 1). The easternmost anomalies correlate with frontal arc bathymetric highs, such as the Omachi Seamount; the westernmost anomalies coincide with the Kyushu^Palau Ridge (the remnant arc); and the central anomalies lying near 1398E cross linear arrays of Miocene volcanoes (Fig. 1). Yamazaki & Yuasa NUMBER 4 APRIL 2010 attributed all three magnetic anomalies to loci of Oligocene magmatic centers and suggested that the magnetic anomalies were caused by induced magnetization associated with mafic Paleogene plutonic bodies constituting the middle to lower crust. Full-crustal velocity profiles for the IBM arc (Suyehiro et al., 1996) define continuous layers extending 200 km across the arc (Figs 1 and 2b). Kodaira et al. (2007a, 2007b, 2008) conducted several active source wide-angle seismic studies in the northern part of the Izu^Bonin arc; these profiles extended for 1050 km along the volcanic front and for 500 km along the rear-arc, 150 km west of the volcanic front (Figs 1 and 2a). Kodaira et al. (2007a, 2007b) documented systematic crustal variations beneath the volcanic front (wavelengths of 80^100 km), defined by average crustal velocities and the thickness of felsic- to intermediate-composition middle crust [P-wave velocity (Vp) of 6·0^6·8 km/s] (Fig. 2a). Kodaira et al. (2008) also showed undulating crustal thicknesses crossing Miocene volcanic cross-chains of the Izu^Bonin rear-arc, 150 km west of the present-day volcanic front (Figs 1 and 2). Crustal thicknesses are as great as 25^30 km beneath the rear-arc and have along-arc wavelengths of about 100 km. Interestingly, the crust underlying the rear-arc thickens and thins, but these variations are not related to the surface volcanoes, in contrast to the situation along the volcanic front (Kodaira et al., 2007a; Tamura et al., 2009). Kodaira et al. (2008) suggested that most of the thick crust in rear-arc areas was created in Eocene^Oligocene times, before the Shikoku Basin began to open. Moreover, the undulating pattern of total- and middle-crust thicknesses and the variations of average seismic velocity, reflecting the bulk composition of the crust, form patterns similar to those along the present-day volcanic front. Three discrete thick crustal segments (20^25 km thick) in the rear-arc, and possible counterparts beneath the volcanic front (Kodaira et al., 2008), are shown in Fig. 2a. The crust beneath the volcanic front is thicker than that of the rear arc, possibly because of Quaternary magmatism (Kodaira et al., 2007a, 2007b; Tatsumi et al., 2008; Tamura et al., 2009) and/or a greater magmatic production rate beneath the Eocene^Oligocene volcanic front. Taylor (1992) interpreted the frontal arc highs (50 km east of the present volcanic front) to be arc volcanoes of the Oligocene volcanic front. However, the similarities in crustal variation patterns beneath the volcanic front and the possible paleoarc (rear-arc) crust suggest that many parts of the crust and its undulating pattern beneath the volcanic front might have been also created before the Miocene opening of the Shikoku Basin. The seismic profile lies 20^50 km west of the magnetic anomaly along the rear arc (Fig. 1), which shows five distinct magnetic highs (see Kodaira et al., 2008, fig. 8). Kodaira et al. (2008) found good correlation between the seismic velocity image and the arrangement 824 TAMURA et al. IZU^BONIN MISSING OLIGOCENE CRUST Fig. 1. Bathymetric features of the eastern Philippine Sea, including the Izu^Bonin^Mariana (IBM) arc system. Old seafloor (135^180 Ma) of the western Pacific plate subducts beneath the active IBM arc at the Izu^Bonin^Mariana trenches. Spreading centers are active in the Mariana Trough (7^0 Ma) and relict in the Shikoku and Parece Vela Basins (30^15 Ma) and West Philippine Basin (50^35 Ma). The Ogasawara Plateau, Amami Plateau, Daito and Oki-Daito ridges are Cretaceous^Eocene features. The Kyushu^Palau Ridge (KPR) marks the rifted western edge of the initial IBM arc system (50^30 Ma), subsequently separated by back-arc spreading into the Shikoku and Parece Vela Basins. The black dashed lines show the locations of the wide-angle seismic profiles across the arc (Suyehiro et al., 1996), along the present-day volcanic front (Kodaira et al., 2007a, 2007b) and along the rear-arc 150 km west of the volcanic front (Kodaira et al., 2008) (see Fig. 2). The lines of white circles show three conspicuous north^south rows of long-wavelength magnetic anomalies identified by Yamazaki & Yuasa (1998). Numbered boxes: 1, Miocene plutons (Kofu Granitic Complex and Tanzawa tonalites); 2, Oligocene pluton (Komahashi^Daini Seamount); 3, 4, Oligocene^Miocene turbidites recovered during ODP Legs 125 and 126 (ODP 787, 792 and 793); 5^7, Oligocene volcanic rocks (Omachi Seamount, Saipan, Rota, Guam and Palau Islands). 825 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 4 APRIL 2010 Fig. 2. (a) Three-dimensional block diagrams, bounded by the dashed lines in Fig. 1, showing seismic profiles across the volcanic front and the rear arc 150 km west of the volcanic front (after Kodaira et al., 2008). Numbered circles indicate sites drilled during ODP Legs 125 and 126, which recovered Oligocene and Neogene turbidites. Abbreviations show basalt-dominant Quaternary volcanoes (Mi, Miyake; Ha, Hachijo; Ao, Aogashima; Su, Sumisu; To, Torishima) on the volcanic front and the andesitic Oligocene volcano (Om, Omachi Seamount) east of the front. The stars on the rear-arc profile indicate Miocene^Pliocene volcanoes. Three discrete thick crustal segments (20^25 km thick) in the rear-arc and their possible counterparts below the volcanic front (Kodaira et al., 2008) are numbered 1^3. (b) Schematic across-arc profile (P-wave velocity) of the Izu^Bonin arc along the dashed line in Fig. 1 after Suyehiro et al. (1996). The 6·0^6·3 km/s, 7·1^7·3 km/s and 7·8 km/s layers correspond to parts of middle crust, lower crust and upper mantle, respectively. of magnetic highs; the strong magnetic highs lie immediately east of the thick crustal segments. The undulating crustal structure coincides with magnetic anomalies along the Izu^Bonin arc, suggesting the possible existence and volumetric importance of Oligocene crust. Quaternary rhyolites as probes into the middle crust Felsic magmas can originate from two end-member processes: by fractional crystallization of basaltic or andesitic parents, or by partial melting of basaltic, andesitic, or sedimentary sources. Several lines of evidence in the Izu^ Bonin arc argue against fractional crystallization (see Tamura et al., 2009, for details). Quaternary rhyolites may be useful probes into the Izu^Bonin middle crust, if they formed by the melting of such crust. Three chemical varieties of Quaternary rhyolite have been recognized by Tamura et al. (2009) along the Izu^Bonin arc front; these are closely related to volcano type and crustal structure. R1 rhyolites are erupted from basalt-dominant volcanoes, R2 rhyolites are associated with rhyolite-dominant submarine volcanoes, and R3 rhyolites are associated with rift eruptions. Based on major element variation, trace element ratios, REE patterns and Sr^Nd^Pb isotope ratios, Tamura et al. (2009) concluded that R2 rhyolites are partial melts of Oligocene middle crust, whereas R1 rhyolites are partial melts of Quaternary middle crust. Basalt volcanoes consume new middle crust to produce R1 rhyolite magma, whereas R2 rhyolite volcanoes consume old Oligocene middle crust. Moreover, rhyolite volcanoes have no mantle roots beneath the crust; that is, there is no evidence for a partially melted mantle source producing basalt magmas beneath the rhyolite volcanoes. Instead, arc-parallel dikes propagating from the basalt volcanoes may provide the heat to partially melt the Oligocene crust (Tamura et al., 2009). Huppert & Sparks (1988) showed that when basalt sills are emplaced into preheated continental crust, or as envisaged here a silicic to intermediate middle crust, a voluminous overlying layer of convecting silicic magma can be produced. Repeated intrusion of dikes or sills from basalt volcanoes could preheat the crust between them, resulting in formation of silicic magmas by melting the ‘continental crust’ components (middle crust) in the Izu^Bonin arc. This preheating could stimulate the production of large volumes of melt compared with the amount of basalt injected (Huppert & Sparks, 1988). 826 TAMURA et al. IZU^BONIN MISSING OLIGOCENE CRUST AG E D I L E M M A O F E X P O S E D M I D D L E C RU S T I N T H E I Z U COLLISION ZONE Suyehiro et al. (1996) and Takahashi et al. (1998) identified low-velocity crust in the northern Izu^Bonin arc, consisting of 6 km thick middle crust (6·1^6·3 km/s) at a depth of 7^12 km and a 2 km thick upper part of the lower crust (6·8 km/s) (Fig. 2b). The low velocity of the middle crust is consistent with that of granitic rocks (Christensen & Mooney, 1995). Kitamura et al. (2003) compared laboratory measurements of P-wave velocities of Tanzawa tonalites and hornblende gabbros (at various pressures and 258C) with those obtained from seismic studies of the Izu^Bonin arc (Suyehiro et al., 1996; Takahashi et al., 1998). Kitamura et al. (2003) concluded that the middle crust and the upper part of the lower crust in the IBM arc might consist of tonalite and hornblende gabbro, respectively (Kitamura et al., 2003). Rocks having the velocity of the lower crust, except its upper part, were not observed among the Tanzawa plutonic rocks. The simplified geology of the Izu collision zone is shown in Fig. 3a (after Aoike, 2001). The collision resulted in the northward convex configuration of the Median Tectonic Line in Central Japan. Figure 3b, which enlarges the dashed rectangle in Fig. 3a, shows the location of the Kofu Granitic Complex (KGC), which intrudes the Cretaceous^Paleogene Shimanto Belt, and the Tanzawa tonalites, which intrude a post-15 Ma accretionary terrane (after Saito et al., 2007a). The KGC is the largest plutonic complex in the Izu collision zone. K^Ar dates from the KGC range from 15·7 to 7·4 Ma (Kawano & Ueda, 1966; Shibata et al., 1984; Saito & Kato, 1996; Saito et al., 1997). Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon U^Pb ages for the KGC range from 16·8 to 10·6 Ma, overlapping the onset of IBM^Honshu collision at 15 Ma (Saito et al., 2007a). K^Ar and 40Ar^39Ar radiometric ages reported from the Tanzawa tonalite complex vary widely, from 416 Ma to 4 Ma; these also overlap the collision of the Tanzawa block at 6 Ma (compilation by Yamada & Tagami, 2008). Exposed granites and tonalites in the Izu Collision Zone are thought to represent felsic middle crust exhumed by tectonic uplift during the continuing arc^arc collision (Kawate & Arima, 1998; Saito et al., 2007a). Here, we face a paradox, however. Forearc geology, ODP results, magnetic anomalies and the seismic structure of the Izu^Bonin arc suggest that this crust was created mostly in Eocene^Oligocene times, a concept supported petrologically by the fact that crustal partial melts (Quaternary R2 rhyolites) have chemical signatures similar to those of Oligocene crust (Tamura et al., 2009). However, the collision zone tonalites and granites, which are deemed to be exhumed middle crust of the Izu^Bonin arc, are Miocene in age. What has happened to the Eocene^Oligocene Izu^Bonin arc crust in the process of colliding with the Honshu arc? Tonalitic rocks dredged from the Komahashi^Daini Seamount, northern Kyushu^Palau Ridge, have radiometric ages of 37^38 Ma, which could represent felsic middle crust in Eocene^Oligocene times (Haraguchi et al., 2003). Interestingly, their chemical compositions are similar to those of the collision zone plutons, as discussed below. E O C E N E ^ O L I G O C E N E I B M DATA S O U RC E S The oldest arc rocks in the IBM system, the so-called ‘proto-arc’ sequences, range in age from 48 to 44 Ma (Eocene), are in places boninitic, and are exposed in the IBM fore-arc (Ishizuka et al., 2006). Increasing evidence is being found that most of the proto-arc sequences are tholeiitic basalts (M. K. Reagan et al., personal communication; O. Ishizuka et al., personal communication). High-silica rhyolites also erupted during the proto-arc stage (Reagan et al., 2008). Late Eocene to Oligocene (44^25 Ma) volcanism in the IBM system is marked by eruption of basaltic to rhyolitic lavas with trace element characteristics typical of subduction-related lavas, whose resulting sequences have been called the ‘first-arc’ by Gill et al. (1994). Stern & Bloomer (1992) suggested that an early rift-like setting produced boninite magmas, whose eruption rates might have been exceptionally high (120^180 km3/km of arc/Myr). However, Kodaira et al. (2010) studied the crustal structure of the Bonin Ridge on the Izu^Bonin fore-arc (Fig. 1) and found that Chichijima island, which exposes boninites, is underlain by thin crust. Hahajima island, on the other hand, which is part of the first-arc sequence, exposes tholeiites and is underlain by thick and mature crust (Kodaira et al., 2010). These workers concluded that the first-arc (Eocene^Oligocene) processes created the wide extent of the present IBM crust. Eocene^Oligocene first-arc rocks make up the Alutom Formation on Guam, the Hagman Formation on Saipan and first-arc exposures on Rota (Reagan et al., 2008). Significant exposures of first-arc rocks also occur on the Palau Islands, which consist of the Aimeliik and Ngeremlengui Formations (Hawkins & Ishizuka, 2010). Omachi Seamount (298150 N, 1408450 E), a broad feature located 20 km east of the Quaternary volcanic front, has east^west and north^south dimensions of 31·5 and 59 km, respectively, and is an old basement high characterized by broad positive magnetic anomalies (Yamazaki et al., 1991; Yamazaki & Yuasa, 1998). Omachi is composed mainly of early Oligocene (32^34 Ma) andesite lava flows and volcanic breccias and early Miocene turbidites (Yuasa et al., 1988, 1998, 1999; Nishimura, 1992) and is truncated to the 827 Fig. 3. (a) Geological map of the collision zone between the Honshu and Izu^Bonin arcs [simplified from Aoike (2001)]. The Sambagawa, Chichibu and Shimanto Belts, respectively, represent the high P/T metamorphosed Jurassic accretionary prism, the Jurassic accretionary prism and the Cretaceous to Tertiary accretionary prism. Iso-depth contours of the Pacific plate (dashed lines) and Philippine Sea plate (gray lines) slabs estimated by Nakajima et al. (2009). Collision between these arcs results in the northward convex structure of the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) in Central Japan (Kanto Syntaxis) and several large reverse faults. The Kofu Granitic Complex (KGC) and Tanzawa tonalites lie within the dashed rectangle. These intrusive complexes invaded the Cretaceous^Tertiary Shimanto Belt and post-15 Ma accretionary terrain, respectively. Black and white triangles show basalt-dominant volcanoes and rhyolite-dominant volcanoes, respectively. Volcanoes: As, Asama; Hk, Hakone; Os, Oshima; Mi, Miyake; Ha, Hachijo; Ao, Aogashima; Su, Sumisu. The crust and mantle profile along A^A’ is shown in Fig. 9. (b) A more detailed geological map of the collision zone, an enlargement of the dashed rectangle in (a), showing the location of the Kofu Granitic Complex (KGC) and the Tanzawa tonalites (after Saito et al., 2007b). Collided Eocene^Oligocene basement of the Izu^Bonin arc might be exposed in places such as the Mineoka^Setogawa Ophiolite Complex (MSC) of the Shimanto Belt. JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 51 828 NUMBER 4 APRIL 2010 TAMURA et al. IZU^BONIN MISSING OLIGOCENE CRUST west by a normal fault of the Quaternary rift system (Fig. 1). Omachi andesites are underlain by serpentinite, exposed along the base of a fault scarp 3500^3100 m below sea level (Ueda et al., 2004). The turbidites cored during ODP Leg 126 in the Izu^Bonin arc range in age from 0·1 to 31 Ma (Hiscott & Gill, 1992; Gill et al., 1994). The Oligocene turbidites, almost entirely volcanogenic in origin, were recovered from three ODP sites (787, 792 and 793). Sites 792 and 787 are 60 and 95 km, respectively, east of Aogashima Island, and Site 793, slightly to the south, is about 75 km east of the volcanic front in the middle of the upper slope depositional area (Figs 1 and 2). The first mature IBM arc formed at 35 Ma. Evidence for this is preserved along the Kyushu^Palau Ridge (KPR), which was separated into three parts by rifting to form the Shikoku and Parece Vela Basins. The KPR is a remnant arc, about one-third of which formed in the Oligocene (Yamazaki & Yuasa, 1998). The original locations of ODP sites, Bonin Islands, Saipan, Rota and Guam are based on the motions suggested by Deschamps & Lallemand (2003), which, after 35 Ma, closed all of the basins (e.g. the Shikoku and Parece Vela Basins, Mariana Trough and Bonin rifts). These relations are shown in Fig. 4. C OL L I S ION ZON E P LU TON IC RO C K S C O M PA R E D W I T H I B M VO L C A N I C RO C K S A N D TURBIDITES Table 1 summarizes the sources of analytical data for the Oligocene and Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary lavas (including Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene volcaniclastic turbidites) and plutonic rocks of the Izu^Bonin^Mariana arc. Table 2 shows additional new data for the Oligocene Omachi Seamount and Rota determined by GSJ, AIST and IFREE, JAMSTEC, respectively. Details of the analytical methods have been given by Ishizuka et al. (2009) and Tamura et al. (2009). Glasses from Izu^Bonin tephras (e.g. Bryant et al., 2003) are not included because water-rich andesitic magmas cannot make glasses, and thus the data are more biased in composition compared with the lavas and turbidites (for further discussion, see Tamura & Tatsumi, 2002). It is likely that the plutons were the sites of some crystal^liquid segregation during cooling, thus the stage 1 gabbro suite (Kawate & Arima, 1998), the gabbros and anorthosites (Takahashi et al., 2004) of the Tanzawa plutonic bodies, and the ‘cumulates’ of the KGC (Saito et al., 2007a) are not included in this Fig. 4. The first mature IBM arc at 35 Ma, which was active along the original Kyushu^Palau Ridge (KPR) before the opening of the Shikoku and Parece Vela Basins, and which could have been subducted by the Pacific plate along the KPR. The present KPR is the remnant one-third of the Oligocene IBM arc, which has been rifted into three parts (Yamazaki & Yuasa, 1998). The original Oligocene locations of ODP sites, Bonin Islands, Saipan, Rota and Guam are shown by open triangles, based the reconstructions of Deschamps & Lallemand (2003). The Central Basin spreading center in the West Philippine Basin, active until 33 Ma, is shown by a dashed line. 829 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 4 APRIL 2010 Table 1: Sources of analytical data (major and trace elements and isotopic data) for Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks, Eocene^Oligocene volcanic rocks, and plutonic rocks of the Izu^Bonin^Mariana arc References Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks Miyake-jima Yokoyama et al. (2003) Hachijo-jima Ishizuka et al. (2008) Sumisu Tamura et al. (2005) Torishima Tamura et al. (2007) Other Quaternary volcanoes of the Izu–Bonin arc Tamura & Tatsumi (2002) and references therein, ODP Miocene–Pliocene turbidites and tephras Hiscott & Gill (1992), Gill et al. (1994), Schmidt (2001), Tamura et al. (2009) and references therein Straub et al. (2004) Eocene–Oligocene (first arc) volcanic rocks ODP Oligocene lavas, turbidites and tephras Hiscott & Gill (1992), Taylor et al. (1992), Gill et al. (1994), Bonin ridge Ishizuka et al. (2006) Hahajima Taylor & Nesbitt (1995) Taylor & Nesbitt (1998), Schmidt (2001) Guam, Rota and Saipan Reagan et al. (2008), this study Palau Hawkins & Ishizuka (2009) Omachi Seamount This study Plutons Komahashi–Daini Seamount Haraguchi et al. (2003) Kofu Granitic Complex (KGC) Saito et al. (2007a) Tanzawa tonalites and syn-plutonic dikes Kawate (1996), Kawate & Arima (1998), Takahashi et al. (2004) study. The R2 and R3 types of Quaternary rhyolite of the Izu^Bonin arc are omitted because they are partial melts of Oligocene crust (R2) or rift-type rhyolites (R3) (Tamura et al., 2009). The discussion in this paper refers to analyses normalized to 100% on a volatile-free basis with total iron calculated as FeO. Major elements Figure 5a shows variation diagrams of wt % SiO2 vs major element oxides (wt %) and Mg-number [100 Mg/ (Mg þ Fe)]. Izu^Bonin plutons include the Tanzawa and KGC, which are Miocene collision-zone tonalites and a granitic complex, respectively, and the Oligocene Komahashi^Daini tonalites. These three intrusive complexes have similar and overlapping variations in major element abundances and are thus plotted together in Fig. 5a; henceforth, they are referred to as ‘plutons’. The three columns illustrate data for Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks, Oligocene volcanic rocks and plutons, respectively. Figure 5b shows statistical assessments of these three groups of rocks and comparisons between them. Each point in the diagrams shows an average one standard deviation, which are obtained in the seven ranges of wt % SiO2 (45^50, 50^55, 55^60, 60^65, 65^70, 70^75 and 75^80). The most voluminous intrusions in the Tanzawa plutonic complex comprise rocks with 60 wt % SiO2 (Kawate & Arima, 1998); the ranges of 55^65 wt % SiO2 are highlighted in gray in Fig. 5b to emphasize the comparisons. Weight per cent TiO2 vs silica diagrams show that Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks have higher TiO2 contents compared with the plutons. Specifically, many of the Quaternary basalts and andesites (563 wt % SiO2) have 41·0 wt % TiO2, significantly higher than those of the plutons (0·5^1·0 wt % TiO2) at the same silica content. Quaternary and Neogene dacites and rhyolites are also systematically high in TiO2 compared with the plutons. On the other hand, Oligocene volcanic rocks are low in TiO2 (0·5^1·0 wt %) and in this respect are similar to the plutons. Weight per cent Al2O3 vs silica diagrams also show the similarity between the Oligocene volcanic rocks and the plutons. Many of the Quaternary and Neogene basalts and andesites are low in Al2O3 (516 wt %), and the dacites and rhyolites also have systematically lower Al2O3 values than those of the Oligocene volcanic rocks and the plutons. 830 TAMURA et al. IZU^BONIN MISSING OLIGOCENE CRUST Table 2: Representative major and trace element data for Oligocene volcanic rocks from Omachi Seamount and Rota Locality: Cruise no.: Submersible: Omachi Seamount YK01-04 Leg1 Shinkai 6500 Sample no.: Latitude (8N): Longitude (8E): Depth (m b.s.l.): Rock type: 608R001 29·1518 140·7044 3426 lava flow 61·16 SiO2 0·58 TiO2 16·81 Al2O3 5·94 Fe2O3 MnO 0·10 MgO 1·97 CaO 5·12 3·59 Na2O 2·89 K2O 0·16 P2O5 Total 98·31 Trace elements (ppm) by XRF Ba Ni Cu Zn Pb Th Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Trace elements (ppm) by ICP-MS Sc V 87·1 Cr 0·56 Co Ni Cu Rb 17·4 Sr 233 Y 21·2 Zr 42·2 Nb 2·45 Cs 0·173 Ba 123 La 8·94 Ce 23·3 Pr 2·82 Nd 13·6 Sm 3·22 Eu 1·10 Gd 3·24 Tb 0·537 Dy 3·26 Ho 0·667 Er 2·03 Tm 0·318 Yb 2·07 Lu 0·301 Hf 1·50 Ta 0·237 Tl Pb 2·60 Th 0·915 U 0·338 608R002 29·1521 140·7058 3410 lava flow 65·56 0·54 15·49 4·94 0·12 1·89 5·98 3·17 0·75 0·14 98·58 608R003 29·1521 140·7058 3388 lava flow 62·25 0·53 16·39 5·79 0·13 2·55 5·01 3·37 2·00 0·13 98·15 128·3 4·5 10·3 53·5 5·6 1·7 6·3 324·3 27 121·1 2·3 148·2 8·2 15·7 59·3 3·6 0·9 21·1 284·9 25·1 120·9 2·2 102·7 7·88 126·0 4·18 6·33 296 27·6 69·2 3·32 0·097 124 10·0 22·5 2·88 13·0 3·08 1·02 3·51 0·581 3·72 0·814 2·68 0·450 3·18 0·548 1·83 0·175 3·63 1·27 0·492 608R004 29·1524 140·7063 3353 lava flow 61·97 0·59 16·02 6·60 0·23 2·19 6·05 3·37 0·82 0·13 97·99 608R006 29·1529 140·7078 3148 lava flow 58·77 0·68 17·92 6·75 0·14 3·04 6·54 3·39 1·30 0·17 98·70 608R007 29·1531 140·7099 3055 lava flow 56·54 0·72 18·60 7·41 0·14 2·93 6·69 3·37 1·82 0·18 98·40 608R008 29·1538 140·7099 2964 lava flow 57·75 0·58 17·51 5·93 0·13 3·30 7·18 3·60 0·95 0·08 97·02 128·8 6·4 13·8 75·8 3·7 0·4 8·6 318·8 24·2 114·6 2·7 117·9 9·3 19·3 62·8 4·3 1·7 13·5 320·3 23·3 110 2·1 122·5 5·84 104·5 1·76 131·3 1·55 174·0 17·72 19·6 269 29·9 83·4 3·55 0·113 144 11·7 26·3 3·31 14·4 3·36 1·02 3·61 0·637 3·99 0·879 2·81 0·464 3·24 0·553 2·08 0·229 12·3 271 25·7 35·2 2·92 0·181 156 9·45 21·8 2·77 12·4 2·99 0·940 3·25 0·548 3·56 0·776 2·44 0·403 2·65 0·442 1·14 0·196 7·73 322 24·5 78·5 4·13 0·051 138 9·09 21·5 2·78 13·2 3·40 1·32 3·75 0·612 3·59 0·800 2·37 0·359 2·25 0·344 2·30 0·275 24·3 271 30·6 93·3 3·93 0·153 135 12·0 28·7 3·77 16·8 4·11 1·31 4·41 0·749 4·73 0·976 2·91 0·443 2·83 0·462 2·46 0·262 15·4 284 20·7 89·9 2·26 0·359 148 8·04 16·6 2·05 8·96 2·13 0·746 2·41 0·444 2·89 0·628 1·97 0·313 2·08 0·353 2·15 0·162 3·94 1·07 0·634 2·30 0·866 0·442 4·07 1·22 0·426 3·64 1·07 0·572 4·04 1·08 0·374 (continued) 831 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 4 APRIL 2010 Table 2: Continued Locality: Omachi Seamount Cruise no.: Submersible: YK01-04 Leg1 Shinkai 6500 Sample no.: Latitude (8N): Longitude (8E): Depth (m b.s.l.): Rock type: 609R018 29·1249 140·7059 3226 lava flow SiO2 57·81 TiO2 0·67 17·36 Al2O3 Fe2O3 7·24 MnO 0·19 MgO 2·85 CaO 7·74 Na2O 3·26 K2O 0·92 P2O5 0·18 Total 98·24 Trace elements (ppm) by XRF Ba Ni Cu Zn Pb Th Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Trace elements (ppm) by ICP-MS Sc V 148·9 Cr 1·00 Co Ni Cu Rb 13·0 Sr 308 Y 25·2 Zr 92·7 Nb 1·83 Cs 0·401 Ba 134 La 6·86 Ce 15·9 Pr 2·23 Nd 11·5 Sm 3·21 Eu 1·07 Gd 3·55 Tb 0·607 Dy 3·84 Ho 0·826 Er 2·51 Tm 0·416 Yb 2·71 Lu 0·416 Hf 2·51 Ta 0·167 Tl Pb 3·52 Th 0·633 U 1·57 YK00-08 Leg 1 Shinkai 6500 609R020 29·1261 140·7086 3176 tuff breccia 53·75 0·87 17·73 8·63 0·19 3·86 8·86 2·86 0·87 0·16 97·79 610R001 29·137 140·7055 3373 tuff breccia 55·07 0·89 18·36 8·50 0·20 3·77 8·83 3·02 0·70 0·20 99·54 610R003 29·1366 140·7078 3270 lava flow 57·99 0·64 17·55 6·56 0·13 4·00 7·54 3·27 0·57 0·09 98·34 73·5 7·1 44·2 94·2 4·5 1·2 9·7 312 31·9 120·8 1·7 161·1 12·5 28 58·3 4·8 1 4·1 290·7 16·4 102·7 1·4 208·7 1·80 178·1 16·71 189·5 19·86 10·6 267 26·0 99·5 1·72 0·321 75·2 4·72 12·8 1·87 10·2 2·91 1·08 3·60 0·640 4·44 0·887 2·70 0·449 2·86 0·435 2·53 0·153 10·5 289 35·3 130 2·70 0·252 71·3 6·78 18·4 2·70 14·0 3·90 1·26 4·73 0·824 5·33 1·137 3·46 0·564 3·48 0·592 2·90 0·125 3·84 0·365 0·265 4·50 0·347 0·247 570R004 29·1779 140·7097 2889 lava flow 57·66 0·62 17·45 6·48 0·11 3·24 6·47 3·29 3·00 0·10 98·42 570R005-2 29·178 140·7104 2818 lava flow 59·12 0·66 17·50 6·74 0·13 2·79 6·53 3·42 1·91 0·11 98·91 181·4 12 45·4 43 3 1·3 23 245·8 19·4 101·5 1·3 162·2 7·3 34·2 49·1 3·4 0·5 21·3 261·1 18·5 94·4 1·4 4·10 251 15·5 81·7 1·44 0·093 148 5·46 11·2 1·44 7·13 1·93 0·77 2·31 0·396 2·55 0·577 1·64 0·275 1·71 0·256 2·37 0·169 19·4 189 16·3 71·4 1·31 0·123 150 5·88 12·8 1·71 7·60 1·86 0·635 2·25 0·376 2·43 0·533 1·62 0·264 1·75 0·283 1·90 0·140 22·3 248 19·6 83·6 1·61 0·181 163 7·27 15·3 1·95 8·76 2·29 0·790 2·70 0·457 2·85 0·624 1·91 0·309 2·05 0·348 2·28 0·167 3·61 1·037 0·549 1·75 0·843 0·481 2·99 0·935 0·537 (continued) 832 TAMURA et al. IZU^BONIN MISSING OLIGOCENE CRUST Table 2: Continued Locality: Rota Sample no.: Latitude (8N): Longitude (8E): Sample point: RT02_7 14·0727 145·1056 Talakhaya RT03_11 14·0725 145·1055 Talakhaya RT04_14 14·0852 145·1115 Mt. Sabana RT08_26 14·0839 145·1124 Mt. Sabana Rock type: conglomerate conglomerate volcanic breccia volcanic breccia 62·46 0·47 16·71 6·55 0·23 2·89 7·21 3·31 0·82 0·11 100·76 54·99 0·52 17·71 7·62 0·12 5·86 9·92 2·17 1·03 0·17 100·11 271·5 21·3 28·2 64 2·5 11·4 144·1 40·3 60·4 0·6 107·7 30·9 65·8 60·2 3·1 1·9 4·9 469·6 16·9 41·7 0·6 25·9 30·0 29·0 20·7 26·0 10·39 139 39·1 59·8 0·728 0·139 236 7·44 12·6 2·17 11·0 3·30 0·860 4·87 0·814 5·41 1·25 3·88 0·565 3·76 0·612 1·91 0·051 0·035 2·09 0·517 0·266 32·4 35·3 56·9 4·42 448 16·6 40·8 0·345 0·092 100 5·99 12·3 1·90 9·14 2·42 0·856 2·81 0·438 2·70 0·581 1·74 0·249 1·63 0·250 1·41 0·020 0·023 2·37 1·30 1·63 55·63 SiO2 0·52 TiO2 17·81 Al2O3 9·29 Fe2O3 MnO 0·15 MgO 5·08 CaO 9·00 2·45 Na2O 0·52 K2O 0·07 P2O5 Total 100·51 Trace elements (ppm) by XRF Ba 86 Ni 41·6 Cu 108 Zn 82·5 Pb 2·9 Th Rb 8·5 Sr 146·6 Y 22·3 Zr 36·2 Nb 0·4 Trace elements (ppm) by ICP-MS Sc 33·9 V Cr Co 38·8 Ni 43·3 Cu 97·9 Rb 8·00 Sr 144 Y 23·0 Zr 37·2 Nb 0·544 Cs 0·329 Ba 81·6 La 3·47 Ce 6·96 Pr 1·44 Nd 7·51 Sm 2·60 Eu 0·914 Gd 3·49 Tb 0·632 Dy 4·33 Ho 0·950 Er 2·97 Tm 0·458 Yb 3·25 Lu 0·504 Hf 1·25 Ta 0·036 Tl 0·044 Pb 2·00 Th 0·343 U 0·206 RT16_51 14·0703 145·1118 Okgok Fall Talakhaya floated rock RT16_56 14·0703 145·1118 Okgok Fall Talakhaya floated rock RT16_57 14·0703 145·1118 Okgok Fall Talakhaya floated rock 53·94 0·53 17·41 8·14 0·13 6·48 10·44 2·07 0·72 0·13 99·99 61·28 0·77 16·58 8·22 0·14 2·23 6·10 3·92 1·16 0·13 100·54 62·48 0·61 17·36 6·95 0·13 2·09 6·56 3·85 0·69 0·14 100·87 52·04 0·41 16·49 9·58 0·17 7·90 11·89 1·70 0·28 0·05 100·50 82·9 34·3 87·8 66·8 145·5 5·7 74·7 84·7 4 1·4 15·9 157·4 24·5 84·4 1·1 186·1 9·1 39·8 74·4 3·3 0·7 10·3 167·7 32·2 74·3 0·9 41·8 136 83·6 71·9 6 142 10·2 24·1 0·6 35·2 22·5 23·3 41·2 33·5 38·3 77·4 4·08 391 12·1 35·7 0·305 0·063 74·7 3·66 8·66 1·29 6·29 1·77 0·650 2·05 0·334 2·09 0·449 1·36 0·196 1·30 0·202 1·25 0·017 0·021 2·02 0·993 0·517 28·6 7·11 71·7 14·64 155 24·7 86·7 1·08 0·466 139 5·05 12·2 1·81 8·93 2·79 0·905 3·65 0·635 4·20 0·928 2·85 0·429 2·92 0·459 2·68 0·071 0·068 3·17 0·774 0·439 21·3 7·96 37·1 9·58 166 31·8 74·7 0·923 0·275 170 5·41 10·7 1·71 8·57 2·65 0·863 3·87 0·650 4·37 1·01 3·12 0·454 3·03 0·485 2·33 0·061 0·046 2·85 0·673 0·355 47·3 127 78·2 5·47 143 10·7 24·5 0·334 0·248 35·9 1·56 3·77 0·58 3·05 1·06 0·425 1·49 0·268 1·83 0·405 1·25 0·184 1·27 0·196 0·803 0·020 0·017 1·19 0·209 0·123 1·1 4·2 381·2 11·5 35·6 (continued) 833 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY Table 2: Continued Locality: Rota Sample no.: Latitude (8N): Longitude (8E): Depth: RT16_61 14·0703 145·1118 Okgok Fall Talakhaya floated rock Rock type: 51·88 SiO2 TiO2 0·40 15·79 Al2O3 Fe2O3 9·41 MnO 0·16 MgO 9·87 CaO 11·20 Na2O 1·63 K2O 0·29 0·05 P2O5 Total 100·68 Trace elements (ppm) by XRF Ba 50·7 Ni 133 Cu 87·1 Zn 67 Pb Th Rb 5·4 Sr 131·4 Y 10·4 Zr 22·8 Nb 0·5 Trace elements (ppm) by ICP-MS Sc 41·8 V Cr Co 46·3 Ni 134 Cu 84·3 Rb 5·06 Sr 135 Y 10·7 Zr 23·7 Nb 0·318 Cs 0·170 Ba 41·9 La 1·52 Ce 3·67 Pr 0·58 Nd 2·95 Sm 1·01 Eu 0·412 Gd 1·47 Tb 0·262 Dy 1·78 Ho 0·397 Er 1·23 Tm 0·181 Yb 1·24 Lu 0·191 Hf 0·78 Ta 0·018 Tl 0·020 Pb 1·12 Th 0·202 U 0·115 RT16_62 14·0703 145·1118 Okgok Fall Talakhaya floated rock 63·45 0·68 15·93 7·60 0·13 1·80 5·97 3·78 1·00 0·17 100·51 144 6·8 94·3 77 2·7 1·5 14 150·1 24·5 88 1·1 22·1 21·9 7·60 87·9 13·43 148 24·2 90·6 1·04 0·386 134 4·99 12·1 1·79 8·68 2·70 0·825 3·50 0·611 4·01 0·890 2·75 0·408 2·82 0·440 2·76 0·070 0·092 3·18 0·803 0·434 VOLUME 51 NUMBER 4 APRIL 2010 Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks have higher wt % FeO than the plutons and Oligocene volcanic rocks at the same SiO2 content. In particular, the basalts and andesites can contain as much as 16 wt % FeO, values not observed in the plutons and Oligocene volcanic rocks. Like the variations in TiO2 content, dacites and rhyolites in the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary units show higher abundances than those of the plutons and Oligocene volcanic rocks. These high FeO contents result from a tholeiitic differentiation trend, as will be shown subsequently based on Mg-numbers. Figure 5 shows that some Oligocene volcanic rocks are higher in Na2O and K2O at 50^60 wt % SiO2 than the plutons and Quaternary and Neogene volcanic rocks. However, the Oligocene volcanic rocks and plutons are similar, in that both have 3^5 wt % Na2O at 50^60 wt % SiO2. Moreover, the strong positive trend of the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks between Na2O and SiO2 cannot be observed in the plutons and Oligocene volcanic rocks, where the trends are more broad and relatively flat from 50 to 70 wt % SiO2 (Fig. 5b). Low-K Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks from the Izu^Bonin volcanic front are different from the plutons and Oligocene rocks, both of which have a wider range and higher values of K2O at the same SiO2 content. We can see two K^Si trends in plutons 465 wt % SiO2. Such trends are different from those in both the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks and the Oligocene volcanic rocks. It is likely that some of the plutons have experienced crystal^liquid segregation during cooling, and some silicic rocks might represent such liquids. Thus, the range of 55^65 wt % SiO2 might be the most appropriate for comparisons between the three groups. The Mg-numbers [Mg-number ¼100Mg/(Mg þ Fe)] of the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks reflect their high FeO contents. Many basalts and andesites have Mg-number of 540, but some andesites have values 440, corresponding respectively to the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline trends defined by Miyashiro (1974). Thus both tholeiitic and calc-alkaline rocks exist in the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary of the Izu^Bonin arc, as they do in the NE Japan arc (e.g. Miyashiro, 1974; Tatsumi & Kogiso, 2003). On the other hand, most plutons and Oligocene volcanic rocks have high Mg-numbers and could be classified as calc-alkaline rocks by the definition of Miyashiro (1974). Thus, again, the plutons and Oligocene rocks are similar in terms of high Mg-number. Zr, Y and Zr/Y Figure 6a shows the variation of wt % SiO2 vs Zr, Y and Zr/Y. Importantly, the Zr contents of all IBM volcanic rocks and plutons are low (5200 ppm), and thus zircon-saturation temperatures are 58508C (Watson & Harrison, 1983). Figure 6b shows statistical assessments of b.s.l., below sea level. 834 TAMURA et al. IZU^BONIN MISSING OLIGOCENE CRUST Fig. 5. (a) Variation diagrams of wt % SiO2 vs major element oxides (wt %) and Mg-number [100Mg/(Mg þ Fe)]. The three columns illustrate Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks, Oligocene volcanic rocks and plutons, respectively. Data sources and sample locations are shown in Table 1 and Figs 1^4. (b) Statistical assessments of these three groups of rocks in (a) and comparisons between them. Each point in the diagrams shows an average one standard deviation, calculated for seven ranges of wt % SiO2 (45^50, 50^55, 55^60, 60^65, 65^70, 70^75 and 75^80). The ranges for 55^65 wt % SiO2 are highlighted in gray to emphasize the comparisons. 835 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 4 APRIL 2010 Fig. 5. Continued. these three groups of rocks and comparisons between them. Zr/Y values are petrogenetically significant because (1) they are easily measured, (2) Zr and Y are not transported in fluids or affected by moderate alteration, and (3) high ratios indicate a relatively fertile source, whereas low values indicate a depleted source. In the Izu^Bonin arc, Zr/Y and REE patterns changed to depleted ones in the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary (Gill et al., 1994) 836 TAMURA et al. IZU^BONIN MISSING OLIGOCENE CRUST concurrent with the formation of the Shikoku back-arc basin between 25 and 15 Ma. As can be seen in Fig. 6, the Zr/Y values of the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks are low (1^3), in contrast to the more variable and high (mostly 2^4) values of the Oligocene volcanic rocks. Within the Oligocene volcanic rocks, Oligocene turbidites in the northern part of the Izu^Bonin arc are more variable (1^8) in Zr/Y, compared with lavas of similar age to the south. Omachi Seamount, the Oligocene Mariana arc (Guam, Rota and Saipan) and the Oligocene Palau rocks have Zr/Y values in the range of 2^6·5,1^4 and 1^5, respectively. Most Oligocene volcanic rocks have Zr/Y values of 2^4, and thus 10^50% partial melts of such protoliths could have Zr/Y values similar to those of R2 rhyolites (4^5) (see Tamura et al., 2009, fig. 19). Zr/Y values of the plutons define a broad trend that increases with silica content (Fig. 6). Tanzawa tonalites, KGC and Komahashi^Daini tonalites each show wide variation in Zr/Y, ranging from 52 to 47, similar to the high values of the Oligocene volcanic rocks. Plutons containing 469 wt % SiO2 are also highly variable in Zr/Y, but all of the three plutons overlap the fields of R2 rhyolites, suggesting a close relationship with the Oligocene volcanoes. However, as noted above, it is likely that the plutons have experienced some crystal^liquid segregation during cooling, which may explain the systematic increase in Zr/Y with silica content. Moreover, some high-silica KGC samples have unusually low Zr/Y, which could be related to late-stage fractionation of zircon (Saito et al., 2007a). Thus, again, the range of 55^65 wt % SiO2 may be the most appropriate for comparison between the three groups (Fig. 6b). We emphasize here that both the Miocene plutons (Tanzawa and KGC) and the Oligocene Pluton (Komahashi^Daini) have higher Zr/Y values than those of the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks and are more similar in Zr/Y ratio, if not systematics, to the Oligocene volcanic rocks in the range 55^65 wt % SiO2 (Fig. 6b). REE patterns and ratios Based on a study of Izu^Bonin turbidites recovered during ODP Leg 126, Gill et al. (1994) concluded that as the Shikoku back-arc basin formed between 25 and 15 Ma REE patterns changed from the flat to enriched characteristics of the Oligocene turbidites to the depleted ones of the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary. Figure 7 shows the contrasting REE patterns between the Quaternary lavas, Miocene^Pliocene turbidites, Oligocene lavas and turbidites and the plutons. Quaternary Izu^Bonin basalts, andesites and R1 rhyolites (Fig. 7a) are depleted in light REE (LREE) compared with the middle REE and heavy REE. Importantly, the LREE-depleted patterns of the R1 rhyolites are subparallel to those of Quaternary Izu arc-front basalts and andesites (Fig. 7a). Miocene^ Pliocene (4^15 Ma) Izu turbidites also have LREE-depleted patterns that are indistinguishable from those of the Quaternary lavas (Fig. 7b). Oligocene rocks have depleted to LREE-enriched patterns (Fig. 7c and d) and the plutons have patterns similar to those of the Oligocene rocks ((Fig. 7e and f). Figure 7g and h compares the range of REE-abundance patterns of the plutons with those of the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks and the Oligocene volcanic rocks, respectively. It can be seen that the field of Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks does not match that of the plutons (Fig. 7g), whereas the field of Oligocene volcanic rocks is mostly included within the pluton field (Fig. 7h). Figure 7i shows the variation of La/Sm vs Dy/Yb of Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks, Oligocene volcanic rocks and plutons. Statistical assessments and comparisons are shown in Fig. 7j. Both the Oligocene volcanic rocks and the plutons have much larger standard deviations of La/ Sm than the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks, but their averages are similar to (2) but higher than the latter (51). Figure 7k shows Ce/Yb vs wt % SiO2 for the three subgroups, and Fig. 7l presents their statistical evaluation. The Ce/Yb ratios exhibit large standard deviations for the Oligocene volcanic rocks and plutons, but values are systematically higher than those of the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks at the same SiO2 content. The average Ce/Yb ratios in the range 55^65 wt % SiO2 are 5·4, 6·2 and 2·8, respectively. 87 Sr/86Sr and 143 Nd/144Nd ratios Figure 8a shows along-arc variations of 87Sr/86Sr and 143 Nd/144Nd for the collision zone plutons (KGC and Tanzawa tonalites), Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary frontal-arc volcanoes and rear-arc volcanoes of northern Izu and the Mariana Trough (see Isse et al., 2009, for references). Additional data for Miocene^Pliocene volcanic glasses from ODP Site 782 are from Straub et al. (2004). Data for collision zone plutons (KGC and Tanzawa tonalites) are from Saito et al. (2007a) and Kawate (1996), respectively. Collision zone plutons are exposed at the northern end of the Izu^Bonin arc, but their isotopic compositions are different in two important ways from the lavas of the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary northern Izu^Bonin arc. First, the northern Izu^Bonin arc should mostly be genetically related to the collision zone plutons. Most Izu rear-arc volcanoes are Miocene (17^3 Ma) in age (Ishizuka et al., 2003). However, they are medium-K volcanic rocks with low 87Sr/86Sr (0·703), which are different from those of the plutons. Frontal volcanoes of the northern Izu^Bonin arc are systematically lower in 87 Sr/86Sr and higher in 143Nd/144Nd compared with the plutons. Second, the southern Izu^Bonin arc and Mariana Northern Seamount Province (NSP) have the 837 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 4 APRIL 2010 Fig. 6. (a) Variation diagrams of wt % SiO2 vs Zr, Y and Zr/Y. The first, second and third columns plot Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks, Oligocene volcanic rocks and plutons, respectively. (b) Statistical assessments of these three groups of rocks and comparisons between them. Each point in the diagrams shows an average one standard deviation, which are calculated for the seven ranges of wt % SiO2 (45^50, 50^55, 55^60, 60^65, 65^70, 70^75 and 75^80). As in Fig. 5, the range for 55^65 wt % SiO2 is highlighted in gray to emphasize the comparisons. highest 87Sr/86Sr values and the lowest 143Nd/144Nd in the IBM arc; many of them are high-K and shoshonitic rocks (Sun & Stern, 2001). Moreover, many of them are much lower in 143Nd/144Nd than the plutons. Geographically, the plutons are far removed from the Mariana Central Island Province (CIP) and Southern Seamount Province (SSP), and in addition, the latter are low in 87Sr/86Sr and are thus different from the plutons. Figure 8b shows along-arc variations of 87Sr/86Sr and 143 Nd/144Nd for the collision zone plutons and Eocene^ Oligocene lavas (Taylor et al., 1992; Taylor & Nesbitt, 1995, 1998; Schmidt, 2001; Haraguchi et al., 2003; Ishizuka et al., 2006; Reagan et al., 2008). There appears to be only limited and no systematic along-arc variation of 87Sr/86Sr and 143 Nd/144Nd in Eocene^Oligocene times (Fig. 8b), which is also suggested from a study of the Kyushu^Palau ridge (O. Ishizuka, personal communication). Lavas of the Eocene^Oligocene IBM have systematically higher 87 Sr/86Sr and lower 143Nd/144Nd than those of the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary northern Izu^Bonin lavas; however, these are similar to those of the collision zone plutons. DISCUSSION We have shown that major elements, Zr/Y, REE ratios and patterns, and 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd compositions indicate that the KGC and Tanzawa tonalites (and their associated syn-plutonic dikes) have strong similarity to the Eocene^Oligocene IBM volcanic rocks and the Oligocene Komahashi^Daini plutonic complex, and that they are dissimilar to the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary Izu^ Bonin magmas. How might this be explained? Return of the Oligocene middle crust? The chemical differences between the Oligocene and Miocene^Quaternary Izu^Bonin magmas have been related to the formation of the Shikoku back-arc basin 838 TAMURA et al. IZU^BONIN MISSING OLIGOCENE CRUST Fig. 7. REE patterns of, (a) Izu^Bonin Quaternary arc-front basalts, andesites and R1 rhyolites, (b) Miocene^Pliocene (4^15 Ma) Izu turbidites, (c) Oligocene Omachi Seamount and Oligocene Palau, (d) Oligocene Izu turbidites and Oligocene Mariana arc (Guam, Rota and Saipan), (e) Kofu Granitic Complex (KGC), Tanzawa tonalites and Tanzawa syn-plutonic dikes, (f) Oligocene Komahashi^Daini tonalites. Combined normalized REE abundance patterns are illustrated in (g) comparison of plutons with Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks and (h) comparison of plutons with Oligocene volcanic rocks, respectively. (i) La/Sm vs Dy/Yb ratios of Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic rocks, Oligocene volcanic rocks and plutons. (j) Statistical assessment and comparison of La/Sm vs Dy/Yb. (k) Ce/Yb vs wt % SiO2 of the three groups and (l) their statistical assessments. Each point in (j) and (l) shows an average one standard deviation for the three ranges of wt % SiO2 (45^55, 55^65, and 65^75). The range for 55^65 wt % SiO2 in (l) is highlighted in gray to emphasize the comparisons. (Gill et al., 1994), and thus they most probably reflect chemical changes within the mantle wedge, which transformed the mantle source of the parental mafic magmas from enriched to depleted. Straub (2003) suggested that ultra-depleted subarc mantle, which produced boninites, existed during arc initiation and was then gradually replaced by Indian mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) mantle during the 839 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 51 NUMBER 4 APRIL 2010 Fig. 7. Continued. Eocene to late Oligocene. Straub (2003) also suggested that this replacement, driven by mantle convection, was a gradual process. This gradual replacement readily accounts for the wide range of trace element and isotopic ratios in the Eocene^Oligocene arc lavas and is best explained by source mixing (e.g. Hickey-Vargas & Reagan, 1987; Straub, 2003). The geochemical characteristics and wide range of trace element and isotope ratios of the KGC and Tanzawa tonalites are similar to those of the Eocene^Oligocene arc lavas. A large body of geochronological data (K^Ar and 40 Ar^39Ar radiometric ages and SHRIMP zircon U^Pb ages), however, shows that the two large plutonic complexes in the Izu collision zone were emplaced in 840 TAMURA et al. IZU^BONIN MISSING OLIGOCENE CRUST Fig. 8. (a) Along-arc variations in 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd for collision zone plutons (KGC and Tanzawa tonalites), Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary frontal-arc volcanoes (open circles) and the rear-arc volcanoes of northern Izu and the Mariana Trough (solid triangles) (see Isse et al., 2009, for references). Additional data for Miocene^Pliocene volcanic glasses from ODP Site 782 are from Straub et al. (2004). Data for collision zone plutons (KGC and Tanzawa tonalites) from Saito et al. (2007a) and Kawate (1996), respectively. Horizontal lines show averages of frontal volcanoes of the northern Izu^Bonin arc and Mariana CIP and SSP, respectively. (b) Along-arc variations of 87Sr/86Sr and 143 Nd/144Nd of collision zone plutons and Eocene^Oligocene lavas (Taylor et al., 1992; Taylor & Nesbitt, 1995, 1998; Schmidt, 2001; Haraguchi et al., 2003; Ishizuka et al., 2006; Reagan et al., 2008). Again, horizontal lines show averages of Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary frontal volcanoes of northern Izu^Bonin arc and Mariana CIP and SSP, respectively. KDS; Komahashi^Daini Seamount. Miocene times (4^17 Ma) [for a summary, see Saito et al. (2007a) and Yamada & Tagami (2008)]. One possibility is that the KGC and Tanzawa tonalites were produced by partial melting of Oligocene crust, or that they represent remobilized Oligocene magma bodies. Shukuno et al. (2006) and Tamura et al. (2009) described melting experiments using the Tanzawa tonalite that showed the following: at 9008C and 3 kbar, Tanzawa tonalite with 62·3% SiO2 becomes a mixture of 20% of rhyolitic melt (76% SiO2) and 50% plagioclase, 20% pyroxene and a few per cent of Fe^Ti oxides and quartz. Thus, it is possible that partial remelting and remobilization of these plutonic bodies could result in the complete loss of chronological information relating to their source. Such information was originally recorded in hornblende, biotite, zircon and the whole-rocks, and would record post-cooling chronological information following remelting and remobilization. Whole-rock Tanzawa tonalites contain 1wt % H2O (Shukuno et al., 2006), and their rhyolitic partial melts would contain 5^8 wt % H2O. Thus the hydrous experiments of Watson & Harrison (1983) could explain the behavior of zircon in the remobilized bodies. The zirconium contents in Oligocene^Quaternary Izu^ Bonin volcanic rocks and plutons are low (5200 ppm) (Fig. 6), and thus zircon-saturated temperatures are 58508C (Watson & Harrison, 1983). Saito et al. (2007b) showed peak metamorphic conditions of 3 kbar and 7808C for contact aureoles in the KGC. Thus it is reasonable to assume that a granitic body would have a temperature of 48508C before intruding the host-rocks. For such low-Zr high-temperature I-type granitoids, the likely dissolution of most of the recycled zircon before attainment of saturation would result in the complete loss of chronological information related to their source (Watson & Harrison, 1983). Many plutonic rocks and sedimentary rocks show a remarkable memory of tens of million years preserved in zircon ages. Zircons are clearly stable when they are separated from the magma from which they crystallized; however, they cannot survive when they are surrounded by low-Zr partial melts such as those of the IBM rhyolites. A fundamental question is whether the collision of the IBM and Honshu arcs could rejuvenate and remobilize the Oligocene middle crust. 841 Fig. 9. Schematic cross-section of the Izu^Bonin arc and the Honshu arc along the A^A’ profile in Fig. 3, modified from Aoike (2001). The Kofu Granitic Complex (KGC) and the Tanzawa tonalites were emplaced during the Miocene within the zone of collision, delamination and accretion between the two arcs. Crustal structure of the Izu^Bonin arc after Kodaira et al. (2007a). Most parts of the middle crust of the Izu^Bonin arc were produced in Eocene^Oligocene times (Kodaira et al, 2008). The middle crust in the collision zone was dragged to mantle depths (40^50 km) and temperatures (900^10008C). The resulting partial melting resulted in remobilization and delamination of the middle crust from the lower crust of the Philippine Sea plate. Possible magma source mantle [mantle diapir or hot finger (Tamura et al., 2002)] after Tamura et al. (2009). Closed and open triangles show basalt-dominant volcanoes and rhyolite-dominant volcanoes, respectively. Rhyolite volcanoes in the Izu^Bonin arc have no mantle roots, but dikes are inferred to travel laterally from the basalt volcanoes (as they did for 30 km during the 2000 eruption of Miyakejima (Nishimura et al., 2001; Geshi et al., 2002), providing heat to produce rhyolite magma having the characteristics of Oligocene middle crust (Tamura et al., 2009). The Tonoki^Aikawa Tectonic Line (TATL) and Kannawa Fault (KF) are thought to be the 15 Ma and present-day plate boundaries, respectively. (Note the delamination of upper and middle crust from the Izu^Bonin arc plate and their accretion to the Honshu arc in the collision zone.) NMTL, Niigata^Matsumoto Tectonic Line (informal name); MTL, Median Tectonic Line; BTL, Butsuzo Tectonic Line; TATL, Tonoki^Aikawa Tectonic Line; KF, Kannawa Fault. JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 51 842 NUMBER 4 APRIL 2010 TAMURA et al. IZU^BONIN MISSING OLIGOCENE CRUST Collision, delamination and accretion of the Oligocene crust Figure 9 shows the A^A0 profile from Fig. 3, across the Izu^ Bonin arc, the collision zone and the Honshu arc (based on Aoike, 2001; Kodaira et al., 2007a; Tamura et al., 2009). Most of the Izu^Bonin middle crust was produced in Eocene^Oligocene times (Kodaira et al., 2008); the IBM and Honshu arcs began to collide at 15 Ma (e.g. Soh et al., 1998). The Eocene^Oligocene middle crust was probably carried to mantle depths in the collision zone, where high temperatures (49008C) could easily have been attained beneath the doubled thickness of crust (Fig. 9). Subduction zones are generally cold because of the subduction of cold slabs of oceanic lithosphere. However, this collision zone is hot because of the subduction of newly produced Izu^Bonin crust, many parts of which have been heated by Quaternary basalts from mantle diapirs or hot fingers (Tamura et al., 2009). The down-dragged preheated middle crust would partially melt, but the mafic lower crust would not, resulting in delamination and separation of the middle crust from the lower crust (Fig. 9). The remobilized middle crust could then delaminate and rise buoyantly; the earlier parts intruded the Shimanto Belt to form the KGC, whereas the later parts invaded the Miocene Izu^Bonin sequences (Tanzawa Group) to form the Tanzawa tonalites. The aseismic Philippine Sea plate has been detected in the Izu^Bonin^Honshu collision zone, and its configuration and depth are consistent with this model. This plate is subducting to depths of 130^140 km without evidence of a tear or other gap, even beneath areas NW of the Izu collision zone (Nakajima et al., 2009). Arai et al. (2009) studied the crustal structure in the collision zone east of profile A^A0 in Fig. 3. Their profile shows the juxtaposition and delamination of the Izu^Bonin upper crust with that of the Honshu arc at depths of 10^20 km. It is not clear how deep the middle crust of the Izu^Bonin arc subducts beneath the Honshu arc before being remobilized to the surface. A seismic velocity study of the Tanzawa tonalites (Kitamura et al., 2003) suggests that most of the lower crust is missing beneath the Tanzawa tonalites, consistent with delamination of the Izu^Bonin middle and lower crusts below the Honshu arc. Confirmation of our interpretations might be provided by drilling into the Oligocene middle crust of the Izu^Bonin arc, as now proposed to the IODP. The final test awaits the development of a new method of geochronology, one that is not affected by remelting or remobilization at depth. Given that all geochronometers involve decay of radioactive elements in given rocks or minerals, such a geochronometer is unlikely to be developed if magmatism always follows segregation of liquids from residues. However, we suggest here that some remobilization of andesitic middle crust could result in tonalitic or granitic rocks with compositions similar to those of the middle crust. We might be able to identify such a group of rocks little affected by melt segregation and to produce isochrons by using such rocks. The resulting isochron ages might be much older than the estimated ages from single rocks, and they could represent the original age of the source rocks. Where is the Eocene^Oligocene arc upper crust in the collision zone between the Izu^Bonin and Honshu arcs? If it is true that most IBM crust is of Eocene^Oligocene age, then it follows that accreted supracrustal sequences in the Izu collision zone should include volcano-sedimentary units of that age. One such possibility is the Mineoka ophiolite, which is located in the eastern extension of the Cretaceous^Paleogene Shimanto Belt (Fig. 3a) and is overlain, unconformably, by fore-arc sedimentary rocks. The ophiolite crops out in the southern part of the Boso Peninsula, near the Izu^Bonin arc collision system. It includes pelagic to hemi-pelagic sedimentary rocks, tholeiitic pillow basalts and dolerites, alkali-basaltic sheet flows, calc-alkaline dioritic to gabbroic rocks and serpentinized peridotites. The tholeiitic basalts in the ophiolite have variable trace element compositions, ranging from mid-ocean ridge basalt to island-arc basalt, whereas the alkali basalts have a within-plate affinity (Hirano et al., 2003). 40Ar/39Ar and K^Ar dates yield ages of 49 13 Ma for the tholeiite (Fe^ Ti basalts), 19·62 0·90 Ma for alkali-basalts, and c. 25, 35 and 40 Ma for the plutonic rocks (two diorites and gabbro) (Hirano et al., 2003). Eocene (37·0 0·6 Ma) alkali basalts are also found on the Miura Peninsula (Taniguchi & Ogawa, 1990). The Setogawa ophiolite complex, which is an accretionary complex, occurs in the Tertiary Setogawa Terrace of the Shimanto Belt, west of the Izu^Honshu arc collision zone (Fig. 3b) (Arai, 1991; Ishiwatari, 1991; Shiraki et al., 2005). This complex contains serpentinite, picrite, gabbro to trondhjemite, tholeiitic to alkali basalt, and high-MgO and high-SiO2 rocks (high-magnesian andesites). The occurrence of boninite-like rocks implies that part of the Setogawa ophiolite formed in a supra-subduction zone setting from a depleted mantle source (Shiraki et al., 2005). Collided Eocene^Oligocene basement of the Izu^Bonin arc might be exposed in places in the Shimanto Belt, as in the Mineoka^Setogawa Complex, and the present study should therefore stimulate future petrological studies of this interesting and complex area. CONC LUSIONS We have shown that major elements, Zr/Y, REE ratios and patterns, and 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd compositions indicate that the Miocene KGC and Tanzawa tonalites (and 843 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 51 their syn-plutonic dikes) are more akin to the Eocene^ Oligocene IBM volcanic rocks and are dissimilar to the Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary Izu^Bonin magmas. These Miocene intrusive complexes within the collision zone are, therefore, interpreted to be remobilized middle arc crust, most of which was produced in Eocene^ Oligocene times. During the collision, the down-dragged preheated middle crust of the IBM was partially melted, but the mafic lower crust was not, resulting in delamination and separation of the middle crust from the lower crust. The remobilized middle crust then rose buoyantly; earlier parts intruded the Shimanto Belt to form the KGC, and later parts invaded the Miocene Izu^Bonin sequences (Tanzawa Group) to form the Tanzawa tonalites. Partial melting during collision erased the Eocene^ Oligocene age of this remobilized middle crust and explains the Miocene age of these intrusive complexes seen today. AC K N O W L E D G E M E N T S We thank Professor Robert J. Stern and two anonymous reviewers for their thorough and constructive reviews. We appreciate the encouragement and editorial help of the editor Professor John Gamble. F U N DI NG This work was supported in part by the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (17340165 and 20340122) and Grant-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Research (19GS0211). Many of the data were obtained from samples collected during JAMSTEC cruises and the JAMSTEC GANSEKI database ( R EF ER ENC ES Aoike, K. (2001). Geology of the Tanzawa, Misaka and Koma districts, central Japançtectonic evolution of the Izu collision zone. PhD thesis, University of Tokyo. Arai, S. (1991). The circum-Izu massif peridotite, central Japan as back-arc mantle fragments of the Izu^Bonin arc system. 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