here - Caedmon College Whitby

Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible for the scheme?
The scheme is open in the first instance to students in Year 7 and the sixth form. The device
purchased must then be used at the College regularly as a tool for learning.
Why are we proposing this programme?
Digital technology and skills are increasingly important in education and the workplace and, as part
of a rounded education, we believe it is important to offer students the opportunity to develop their
technological skills.
Why an iPad?
The device has been chosen based on research with other schools and the companies offering the
service. The iPad is the most commonly used device in schools and has an excellent range of
applications (‘apps’) to support learning. In addition, Apple themselves are keen supporters of
education and offer opportunities and training for students. In addition, the iPad, of the many tablet
devices available, is robust and holds its value well so will still have a value once the leasing scheme
has completed.
Why does my son or daughter need an iPad?
Having access to an iPad within school will offer your son or daughter opportunities for their learning
beyond traditional methods. The ease and convenience of an iPad means that technology can be
used where convenient and appropriate, including within lessons. Students will also have the
opportunity to create a greater array of outcomes from movies, news reports and audio files, as well
as collaborating with other students both in and outside of school using the device.
What is the educational benefit?
There is a large amount of research surrounding the use of devices like iPads in education and the
results are far from conclusive. It is hard to draw an exact correlation between access to iPads and
overall attainment at the end of school; we would not be introducing this scheme, however, unless
we felt it would offer benefits to the students and their learning.
Why are parents being asked to buy the devices?
As you will be aware, school budgets in today’s economic climate are increasingly tight and whilst
we would love to purchase devices for all students, it is simply not possible. This scheme offers
parents a safe and affordable way to access the latest technology.
What if my son or daughter does not take part in the scheme?
We believe the scheme is an affordable way of supplying students with a valuable learning tool but
we appreciate that not all households will want to or can afford to make this commitment. For those
students who do not ‘own’ an iPad, where possible, we will lend devices for essential work but these
will not be able to take home at the end of the day and may not always be available for use, as
there will only be limited numbers available.
How does the scheme work?
Parents/carers will be asked to register their interest through a dedicated website. Once sufficient
numbers have been registered to make the scheme affordable, the orders will be processed and the
devices will be delivered to school for deployment in September. Payments are made monthly for
the term of your selected contract and at the end of all the payments, the device will belong to the
student/family. The initial payment includes insurance cover for the device. All devices include a
robust case to protect the iPad and a full parts and labour warranty for damages. There is also
insurance for the length of the payment term that covers accidental damage and theft. Due to this,
the scheme offers excellent value for money for families.
Who owns the iPad?
During the term of the leasing scheme, the device is owned by Caedmon College Whitby. Once the
final payment has been made, the title of the property is transferred to the parent/student.
What happens if the iPad is lost/stolen or broken?
If the device is stolen, you will need to report the theft to the police and pass the crime number to
the leasing company; they will arrange for a replacement device to be sent to you. If the device is
damaged, you will need to report the issue through the dedicated website and will be given
instructions for the return and replacement of the iPad.
What happens to the work on the iPad if it is lost or broken?
When plugged in to charge, the iPad will automatically back itself up to iCloud. This means that any
‘new’ iPad to replace a broken or lost device can be restored using this backup.
Will my son or daughter be safe?
All of the iPads purchased through the scheme will be monitored through the school filtering system,
when on site, and the downloading of apps and other materials will also be filtered to age appropriate
content. Students will be educated on staying safe online and support will be offered to parents on
monitoring usage at home.
Can I purchase or use an existing iPad or device?
You are welcome to buy an iPad from any other supplier but this will not be covered by the warranty
or insurance offered through the scheme and the College can accept no liability for loss or damage
when on site to externally owned devices. In addition, the iPad will not be monitored through the
College’s filtering system or be age restricted unless you set this up personally. Access to the internet
will be filtered and monitored when students are in College through our existing ‘bring your own
device’ (BYOD) system.
If your son or daughter already has a device, they are more than welcome to use this within College,
but the same points as above apply. Use of a ‘personal’ device needs to be subject to the same
terms of acceptable use and parents/carers would need to make assurances regarding the device of
not bringing unacceptable material into College and that the device is not used in an unacceptable
way while on College property.