Passover Bulletin - Adath Israel Poale Zedek Anshei Ozeroff

On behalf of the Clergy,
Officers, and Staff, we wish you
and your family our warmest
wishes for a happy and
meaningful Passover.
Chag Kasher v’Sameach
If you are not yet receiving our weekly emails,
please contact Rabbi Whitman at
[email protected].
Is there someone in the hospital or at home
who would like a visit, or someone who needs
hospitality? Please let Rabbi Whitman know.
The ADATH reserves the right to use any photos taken
during our activities without any compensation or prior
Adath Israel Poale Zedek Anshei Ozeroff
223 Harrow Crescent, Hampstead, Quebec H3X 3X7
Tel: (514) 482-4252
Fax: (514) 482-6216
Please see our website, also optimized for mobile usage:
Please visit and “like” our Facebook page:
Eruv Hotline phone number is (514) 485-3321
Rabbi Michael Whitman
Assistant Rabbi Alexander Zwiebel
Rabbi Emeritus Michael Kramer
[email protected]
[email protected]
President: Dr. Peter Safran
Vice Presidents: Isadore Rubinfeld, Gerald Bernstein, William Cleman
Treasurer: Gerald Bernstein
Co-Executive Secretaries: Ellyn Delovitch, Esther Zoldan
Parnass: Wesley Gorin
[email protected]
Office Manager: Audra Libman
Bookkeeper: Maggie Kalajian
Office Assistant: Marilyn Fisher
Superintendent: Ernesto Cisneros
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Parking on Harrow Crescent
Please remember to show consideration to our neighbours on Harrow Crescent. Please be careful to avoid parking in front
of their driveways. Many thanks to all of our neighbours for their understanding!
ADATH is welcoming and accessible to every person.
For accessibility requests and information, please contact
Rabbi Michael Whitman ([email protected], 514-482-4252).
Sunday Mornings
Sunday and civil holiday Shacharit (morning service)
Sunday Daf Yomi (Page-a-Day Talmud study)
Weekday Shacharit (morning service),
including Rosh Chodesh (new month)
Followed by breakfast and Daf Yomi (Page-a-Day Talmud study)
8:00 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
6:30 a.m.
Weekday Evenings
Sunday to Thursday
about 15 minutes before sunset
Followed by 10 minutes of learning and Maariv (evening service)
Remember to repeat the Shema after dark
Evening Daf Yomi (Page-a-Day Talmud study)
See our weekly newsletter
Shabbat Daf Yomi (Page-a-Day Talmud study)
Shabbat Shacharit (morning service)
Remember to say the Shema before the Zman
7:40 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
Shabbat afternoon Talmud Class, men and women invited
Minchah (afternoon service)
45 minutes before Minchah
30 minutes before sunset
Followed by Shalosh Seudot (3rd Shabbat meal) and Dvar Torah/discussion
Men and women are invited.
Maariv (evening service)
10 minutes before Shabbat/YomTov ends
ADATH Volunteers at Le Cafe
I have shared with some of you before, the work of Dr.
Marshall Duke on raising children to have greater
happiness and emotional strength. He found that the
more children know about their family - their history and
experiences - the better they tend to do when facing
challenges later in life.
Specifically, Dr. Duke found that every family has a
unifying narrative, and those narratives usually fall into
one of three shapes: the ascending family narrative (we
had nothing, we worked hard, we succeeded, and now…),
the descending family narrative (we used to have it all,
then we lost everything…), and the oscillating family
narrative (we have had ups and downs, we succeeded,
we had setbacks, but no matter what happened we stuck
together as a family…). Dr. Duke found the last narrative
to be the most healthful.
And Dr. Duke recommends not only telling these family
stories, but using family gatherings to repeat activities
that become traditions which convey their story.
The Passover Seder is designed to do just that. The
purpose of the Hagadah is to tell the story of our family.
The passages Arami Oved Avi (an Aramean wanted to
destroy our father, Jacob, and he went down to Egypt,
few in number, and he became there a great and mighty
nation…) and V’Hi SheAmdah (in every generation they
rise against us to destroy us, and God saves us from their
hand…) dramatically tell the ups and downs of our family
story. And we also act out these oscillations with the
traditions of reclining and drinking wine, and with salt
water and bitter herbs.
But the text of the Hagadah should be just a starting
point. We should add our own personal family history at
each Seder, so our children will know the story of their
parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. This is
likely to be the part of the Seder our children will
remember best for the rest of their lives.
Bruce Feiler summed up Dr. Duke’s conclusions: “If you
want a happier family, create, refine, and retell the story
of your family’s positive moments and your ability to
bounce back from the difficult times. That act alone may
increase the odds that your family will thrive for many
generations to come.
And the perfect time for us to do that is at the Passover
On behalf of Marci and our entire family, I wish you and
yours Happy Pesach,
Rabbi Michael Whitman
synagogue are facing and together with
our motivated clergy, staff, executive and
board we shall rise to the challenge. We
need your help and input, your advice and
comments. Reach out to a friend, a
neighbour and even yourself to come and
partake of what we have to offer. I would
like to thank all of you who have spent
endless hours in the past few months
dedicating yourselves and helping us both
spiritually and financially. We have shown
the true commitment to each other and the Adath.
Passover is a time for new beginnings,
being respectful of our past and hopeful
for our future. This is the history of the
Jewish People and in fact the story of the
ADATH. What a rich legacy our shul has
had, from immigrants to entrepreneurs par
excellence, professionals and leaders of the
Jewish community. Where we are now and
what direction we take is up to us! The
ADATH is situated in the heart of
Hampstead, the best location in town,
surrounded by the largest concentration of Jews in
Canada. How can we best serve this community, what
programmes can enrich the area, how do we reach out
to the unaffiliated, and how do we insure the financial
wellbeing of our shul and community for future
generations? These are the challenges that we as a
I wish you and your family a happy and kosher Passover
on behalf of Miriam and myself.
Dr. Peter Safran, President
let Rabbi Whitman know. Our next presentation is Alison
Levine, “Loving Life on Wheels” on Shabbat morning, April
15 (see full details on the next page).
During February, we were inspired and energized by our
special guest speaker - Rachel Desjourdy, who works
with the Jewish community in the areas of inclusion and
disability. Rachel quoted the famous verse, “Do not place
a stumbling block before one who is blind,” as a Jewish
imperative to remove all barriers to complete
participation for every person, and to create
opportunities for people of any and all abilities to
participate in meaningful ways in our community. We have begun a review of our building to identify and
remove physical barriers. In our main Sanctuary, we have
permanently placed a table for Torah reading on the
floor level that does not require any steps for an Aliyah.
We are planning several ongoing programs to provide
meaningful, integrated participation to people of all
abilities for prayer, entertainment, socialization, and
work. We will announce more details soon.
With that charge, we have created the ADATH Inclusion
Task Force. Included on our Task Force are people of all
abilities, with a range of professional and life
experiences. The underlying goal of all of these efforts is to change
attitudes throughout our community, to realize that
every one of us is created in God’s image and we are all
different in unique ways. Inclusion is not something we
do, it is who we are as Jews. We succeed when every
person knows they are welcome, and they belong.
We have instituted an inclusion statement that is now
part of the publicity of every event, on our website, in
our bulletin (inside front cover), on emails, and in
We have begun an ongoing, sustained educational
campaign that will include dynamic guest speakers,
periodic Divrei Torah, classes, sermons, professional
presentations, events, and the sharing of articles and
links to educate and inspire. If you have an idea of a
speaker or program we can bring to the ADATH, please
We are blessed, within our ADATH community, with
amazing expertise, experience, energy, and good will. If
you know of anyone who would like to join our effort, or
if you have any ideas or suggestions, please let Rabbi
Whitman know. We are inspired by what we can
accomplish together!
With Passover upon us, we might create and enjoy the 5th glass of wine with the following thought: Is our glass half full,
or half empty? More importantly, are our lives half full or half empty? It’s not the years in your life that matters, rather it’s
the life in your years. So, upon my travels around the world, I often pick up thoughts which I would like to share with you,
simple phrases to keep in mind, in order to keep your cup full:
Help each other
Know you are loved
Pay with hugs and kisses
Be grateful
Show compassion
Dream big
Respect one another
Laugh out loud
One way to get along with people,
stay away from them.
A Happy Passover to all.
Andre Zoldan, Cemetery Chair
Please join us on Shabbat morning, April 15, as we welcome our guest speaker, Alison
Levine. Alison is a 26-year-old Paralympian in boccia, ranked 8th in the world. She will
be speaking on the Shabbat of Chol HaMoed Pesach at about 11:15 a.m., as part of
our Youth Service, where the entire service is run by our young people. Alison's topic
is, "Loving Life on Wheels." Everyone is invited to attend, and to hear and meet Alison.
You can learn more about Alison Levine at Here is an excerpt:
I am an athlete in the sport of boccia. Boccia is a Paralympic sport of precision,
concentration, and muscle control. I play in the BC4 category which is for athletes
with severe disabilities affecting the whole body, other than cerebral palsy. In my case, I have an idiopathic neuromuscular
disorder that causes weakness in all my muscles.
I have played many adapted sports in the past from wheelchair basketball, sledge hockey, and wheelchair rugby but now
concentrate on boccia as it is physically the only sport suited for my level of disability. I live a very different life than most
people but in my opinion, a great one. As John Milton said: "The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of
hell or a hell of heaven..."
If it were not for my disability I would probably never have had the opportunity or honor to represent my country or get to
spend my days playing a sport I love. Paralympic sport requires me to push through barriers to achieve my goals, allows
me to be proud of who I am no matter how I look, and gives me the courage to be the best that I can be.
I leave you with the words of Nelson Mandela, an amazing man who I believe embodied the Paralympic spirit by saying: "I
learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel
afraid, but he who conquers that fear."
I sit down to compose this Passover message on the
morning after the night before, at the conclusion of yet
another successful event, our TEAM Sisterhood Purim
Pajama Party at the ADATH! Boy, does TEAM Sisterhood
know how to throw a party?!
TEAM Sisterhood has inaugurated our Kosher Cookbook
Library. A lovely collection of cookbooks is available to
peruse in the synagogue library or to be borrowed and
returned. Try some new recipes this Passover, find them
in our Kosher Cookbook Library!
Looking back at this past season of celebrations and
activities at the ADATH, TEAM Sisterhood has been there
organizing, preparing, shopping, cooking, baking,
decorating and making sure there is always something
fun in the works for our ADATH family and beyond.
TEAM Sisterhood; at the ready to serve the ADATH with
fun, memorable, innovative and inclusive programs,
events and activities!
TEAM Sisterhood values your participation and support
of our efforts. If you are in a position to help us in any
way, by giving us items for prizes or with donations, we
will certainly make sure to put them to good use.
 Early March, we held what we call “Shake it Up Mah
Jongg”, a mini tournament with fun snacks and prizes.
 End of January, we organized a Yoga event that
included a Yoga practice with instructor Kesha Foster
and service of a healthy breakfast while we presented
Kesha with a gift to thank her for her more than three
years of participation in our weekly Yoga program.
 On December 24, TEAM Sisterhood held “Rockin’
Chanukah Eve at the ADATH” complete with Chanukah
candle lighting, Chinese take-out, latkes and donuts,
and a Fiddler on the Roof sing-a-long that lasted until
well after midnight!
 Sunday, December 11 was the date of our TEAM
Sisterhood Holiday Knit Sale where we displayed, for
sale, all the hand knit items that we had been working
on since early summer! Along with the sale of some
custom holiday chocolate prepared by Galerie au
Chocolat, not only did we bring in over $1,500 but we
had enough items to donate to Jewish Eldercare
Centre, Chai Lifeline and Auberge Shalom.
 On Thursday, November 24, members of TEAM
Sisterhood got to together for a celebratory breakfast
to show our appreciation for the ladies in the ADATH
office, Maggie Kalajian, Marilyn Fisher and Audra
Libman who deserve our full thanks for all that they do
to help get our plans off the ground!
 This year’s Annual Raffle Gala in the theme of
“Backyard Barbeque” was a great success due to the
incredible ingenuity and hard work of the TEAM!
On behalf of TEAM Sisterhood at the ADATH, I take this
opportunity to wish everyone a happy, healthy and
kosher Passover holiday!
Andrea Elbaz, for the TEAM
With a record like that, there’s no stopping us now! On
the agenda in the coming months is our Passover
Chocolate Sale, guided tour of the Chagall exhibit at the
Museum of Fine Arts, a Spring Mah Jongg Tournament,
another installment of Books & Breakfast, weekly Bridge
and Mah Jongg and whatever else may come our way!
Pre-Passover Shabbat Dinner - Friday night, April 7
On the last Shabbat before Passover, join us for a delicious Pre-Passover
Shabbat Dinner on Friday night, April 7; Minchah/Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 p.m.,
Dinner 6:30 p.m. Pre-paid reservations are required. Make your secure
reservation at our website,, or call our office, 514-482-4252.
Shabbat HaGadol Drashah - Saturday, April 8
Rabbi Whitman will deliver the Shabbat HaGadol Drashah after Minchah,
which will begin at 6:00 p.m. All men and women are invited to the Drashah at
6:20 p.m. and to the Shalosh Seudot which will follow. There will be ample
opportunity to ask any Pesach questions during Shalosh Seudot. Childcare will
be provided.
Sunday, April 9
Arrange for the Sale of Chometz with Assistant Rabbi Alex Zwiebel by
Search for Chometz, starting at
6:00 p.m.
7:20 p.m.
8:20 p.m.
Erev Pesach, Passover Eve - Monday, April 10
Fast of Firstborn, Shacharit, Siyum for Firstborn
Finish eating Chometz by
Burn and annul Chometz by
Candlelighting / Minchah
First Seder, Kiddush no earlier than
6:30 a.m.
10:14 a.m.
11:33 a.m.
7:16 p.m.
8:22 p.m.
Pesach, first day - Tuesday, April 11
Shacharit, Tefilat Tal
Candlelighting from an existing flame and preparations for
Second Seder, no earlier than
8:45 a.m.
7:20 p.m.
8:22 p.m.
Pesach, second day - Wednesday, April 12
Yom Tov ends
8:45 a.m.
7:20 p.m.
8:24 p.m.
Chol HaMoed - Thursday-Sunday, April 13-16
Thursday and Friday Shacharit
Thursday Minchah
Friday Minchah
Friday Candlelighting, no earlier than 6:15 p.m. (Plag), no later than 7:21 p.m.
Shabbat Shacharit, Shir HaShirim, Youth Service, guest speaker Alison Levine
Shabbat Minchah
Shabbat ends
Sunday Shacharit
Sunday Minchah/Candlelighting
6:15 a.m.
7:20 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
8:45 a.m.
7:15 p.m.
8:28 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
7:24 p.m.
Pesach, seventh day - Monday, April 17
Candlelighting from an existing flame, no earlier than
8:45 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:31 p.m.
Pesach, eighth day - Tuesday, April 18
Shacharit, Yizkor
Followed by our special children’s Dvar Torah program.
Shabbat/Yom Tov ends
Chometz sold through Assistant Rabbi Alex Zwiebel will be returned to
your ownership by
8:45 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:32 p.m.
9:30 p.m.
Special Children’s Program, As We End Passover - Tuesday evening, April 18
On Tuesday evening, April 18, we will hold a special program for all children, and their parents and grandparents, in the
closing hours of Pesach. After Minchah, which will begin at 7:30 p.m., all children are invited to deliver a Dvar Torah that
they have prepared. Children can prepare this Dvar Torah by themselves, with their parents, or with Rabbi Whitman in the
days and weeks before. Each child who participates will be duly recognized, with prizes and refreshments for all. Come
celebrate the beauty of our children and their accomplishments as a fitting climax to the Festival of Pesach.
Schedule for Early Shabbat Starting Times - Spring, Summer 2017
April 7
April 14
April 21
April 28
May 5
May 12
May 19
May 26
June 2
June 9
June 16
June 23
June 30
July 7
July 14
July 21
July 28
August 4
August 11
August 18
August 25
September 1
5:45 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
Plag/Earliest Candlelighting
6:08 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
6:22 p.m.
6:29 p.m.
6:35 p.m.
6:42 p.m.
6:49 p.m.
6:55 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:04 p.m.
7:07 p.m.
7:09 p.m.
7:09 p.m.
7:08 p.m.
7:05 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
6:54 p.m.
6:47 p.m.
6:39 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:20 p.m.
6:09 p.m.
Latest Candlelighting
7:12 p.m.
7:21 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:39 p.m.
7:48 p.m.
7:57 p.m.
8:05 p.m.
8:12 p.m.
8:18 p.m.
8:23 p.m.
8:27 p.m.
8:29 p.m.
8:28 p.m.
8:26 p.m.
8:22 p.m.
8:16 p.m.
8:08 p.m.
7:59 p.m.
7:49 p.m.
7:38 p.m.
7:26 p.m.
7:13 p.m.
Morning & Evening Daf Yomi
Daf Yomi (Page a Day Talmud Study) is the schedule of studying a page of Talmud a day. All over the world, thousands of
Jews each day study the same page of Talmud, thus connecting them in their pursuit of Torah knowledge. The Talmud is
the main repository of Jewish learning and, using the Daf Yomi cycle, can be completed in about seven and a half years.
This is a great opportunity to delve into the heart of Jewish learning, and get your day started with intellectual and
spiritual vigor. No previous knowledge is necessary and you can attend every day or once in a while. We offer Daf Yomi
every morning and evening. Please see our weekly newsletter for exact times.
Shabbat Youth Groups
Our Shabbat youth groups meet every Shabbat morning starting at 10 a.m. This is one of the most popular and successful
programs at the ADATH. We encourage all children to participate.
Expanded Shabbat Youth Groups
In addition to our ongoing Shabbat youth groups, we now have a popular, creative, and exciting program led by Rabbi
Alex, every Shabbat morning starting at about 10:30 a.m. Each week we choose a theme and feature related stories,
games, and healthy refreshments. Everyone is welcome!
Weekly Talmud Class
The Talmud is the main repository of classical Jewish learning. Each week, we may touch on issues of history, philosophy,
law, rituals, ethics, spirituality, and much more. Join us each Shabbat afternoon 45 minutes before Minchah. Taught by
Rabbi Alex Zwiebel. Please see our weekly newsletter for exact times. All men and women are invited.
Mah Jongg
Every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
Every Thursday; lunch at 11:30 a.m., game at 12:30 p.m.
Friday Night Young Adult Tish
Please join us for our monthly Friday Night Oneg Shabbat. Come out for some late night Torah, singing, logic games,
Scotch, and midnight cholent. Check our weekly newsletter for upcoming dates.
JACS (Jewish alcoholics, chemically dependent persons, and significant others) is a unique blending of Jewish tradition and
12-step recovery philosophy. JACS meets at the ADATH on the fourth Tuesday (usually) of each month. Call Rabbi
Whitman for more information.
We offer weekly classes in traditional Karate at the ADATH, with separate classes for men and for women. For further
information, call Audra in our office.
Women’s Book Club
Every 6 weeks or so, in a warm and casual setting, we get together to discuss a wonderful novel we've just read. It's fun
and relaxed and friendly. Please see our weekly newsletter for more information. All women are welcome - please join us!
ADATH offers beautiful gift cards to recognize personal occasions including birthdays, anniversaries,
congratulations, sympathy, thank you, or other important life events. We will print your message on the
card which includes ADATH artwork, and mail it to the designated recipient. Cards are available from
our office for a minimum donation of $18.
Estie and Avi Rosenblatt on the birth of a boy in Israel. Mazel Tov to grandparents Abby and Bernie Rosenblatt, and great
grandmother, Mira Rosenblatt.
Joanna and Jason Sidon on the birth of a son Ezra Yehuda Sidon. Mazel Tov to grandparents Rhonda and Michael
Rubinfeld, and Rischa and Ed Sidon, great-grandparents Phillippa Rubinfeld, and Irving Haznof. and to the entire family.
Mazal Tov to Marci and Rabbi Michael Whitman, and Rose Anne and Robby Karoly on the birth - a few weeks earlier than
expected - of their granddaughter Mikaela Esther Rachel - born to Leia and Adam Karoly in Toronto. Mazal Tov to great
grandmothers Emily Rabinowitz and Ida Karoly, and the entire family.
Corinne Hazan and Oliver Sutton, and Nathaniel Sutton on the birth of daughter and sister Ashley Meghan Sutton (Sarah).
Mazal Tov to the entire Hazan-Sutton family.
Sarah Hakoun and Moshe Donath on the birth of a baby boy. Mazal Tov to grandparents Helene and Dr. David Donath,
and Wendy and Dr. Jack Hakoun, great-grandparents Susan Lieberman, Rhona and Dr. Henry Shub, Genette and George
Hakoun, and the entire family.
Cheryl and David Herz on the birth of a baby girl. Mazel Tov to grandparents Elaine and Leon Monaker, and Dina and
Ernest Herz, and the entire family.
Barbara and Mair Fried on the birth of great-granddaughter Rifka Baila in New York.
Esty and Rabbi Alex Zwiebel on the birth of a baby boy. Mazal Tov to grandparents Razy and Rabbi Binyomin Steifel, and
Masha and Moishe Zwiebel, and the entire family.
Dr. Jenna Berger and Tomer Epstein on their engagement. Mazel Tov to their parents Gail Bernstein, Barbara Novek and
Sydney Berger, Judy and Yigal Epstein, grandparents Helen and Irving Bernstein, and Celia and the late Joseph Berger, the
late Esther and the late Yacov Bitton and the late Fanny and the late Itzhak Epstein, and to the entire family.
Huguette Veres, and Marla and Peter Veres, on the engagement of their grandson and son Eytan to Alyssa Daniels,
daughter of Judy and Michael Daniels of Lincolnwood, Illinois. Mazal Tov to grandparents Carolyn and Arnold Steinman.
David Mars on the engagement of his son Jason Mars to Rayna Loeb.
Ruth and Golan Baliesh on the engagement of their son Shayne Baliesh to Roxane Plaza.
Avi Lieberman and Oona Welman on their engagement. Mazal Tov to parents Nadine and Benny Lieberman, and Donna
and Allen Welman of Toronto, grandmothers Susan Lieberman and Blossom Wachsberg, and the entire family.
Stefanie Rosenblatt and Jeffrey Bergman on their upcoming marriage. Mazel Tov to parents Maxine and Marvin
Rosenblatt, and Joyce and David Bergman, to grandmother Mira Rosenblatt, and to the entire family.
Stephanie Lehrer and Shimon Gorin on their upcoming marriage. Mazel Tov to parents Ronnie Lehrer, and Arlene and
Wesley Gorin, and to their grandparents Myra and Simon Rappaport, and Muguette Myers and to the entire family.
Shirley and Marvin Small on the marriage of their grand daughter Arielle Greenberg of Toronto to Wesley Thomas of New
York. Mazel Tov to parents Naomi and Saul Greenberg of Toronto and to the entire family.
Candice and Ryan Cohen on their recent marriage.
Harriet and Jimmy Finkelstein, on the marriage of their son Jeremy to Dara Stein November 20.
Stephen Amsel on his Aufruf, in advance of his marriage to Melanie Bindman. Mazal Tov to Melanie and Stephen on their
upcoming marriage, to parents Cathy and Mark Bindman, Dr. Doris Steg, and Robert Amsel, and the entire family.
Carly Hitelman and Jason Nishmas on their recent marriage. Mazal Tov to their parents Hilda and Chuck Raphael, Bonnie
Phillips, and Derrick Nishmas, and to grandmothers Jeannette Phillips and Anne Nishmas, and the entire family.
Marilyn and Harvey Rosenbloom on the recent wedding of their grand daughter Stephanie Maldoff to Joshua Bank, both
of Toronto. Mazal Tov to parents Susan and Gerry Maldoff, and Barbara and Henry Bank, grandmother Betty Maldoff and
the entire family.
Bar / Bat Mitzvah
The Birnbaum and Gabay famililies on the Bar Mitzvah of Michael Birnbaum August 20.
Sheila Esar and the late Benjie Esar, on the occasion of grand-daughter Alyssa Parker’s Bat Mitzvah in Vancouver
September 3.
Naomi and Richard Tozman on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Gabriel in Israel, son of Eliane and Michael Tozman
December 26.
Mazal Tov to Shane Weinberger on his Bar-Mitzvah. Mazal Tov to his parents, Kerry Kaufman-Paperman and Daniel
Weinberger, to his grandfathers Joseph Weinberger and Norman Kaufman, siblings Devon, Jillian, and Jarred, and to the
entire family. Sadly missed at this time are Shane's late grandmothers Wendi Kaufman and Rosalinde Weinberger.
Special Events
Wesley Gorin on his recent birthday
Steven Spodek on his recent birthday
Jack Laufer on his 100th birthday
Naomi and Richard Tozman on their 50th wedding anniversary (August 21)
Naomi Tozman on her birthday (August 21)
Lisa Little on being called to the Bar of Ontario on June 15 and Jeremy Little on being called to the Barreau du Québec on
July 13. Mazel tov to parents Susan and Bennett Little.
Jeffrey Bergman on his Aufruf
Shimon Gorin on his Aufruf
Kayla Schlimper on her 9th birthday September 1
Myriam Benadiva on her 11th birthday August 31
Yaniv Benadiva on his 9th birthday September 6
Albert Levy on the occasion of reading the Haftorah on the anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah
Lou Kimel on his 90th birthday
Rabbi Alex and Esty Zwiebel celebrating 10 years at The ADATH
Lou Kimel on his 90th birthday September 14
Abe Rogozinsky on his 75th birthday August 17
Barbara and Abe Rogozinsky on their 57th wedding anniversary August 17
David Gandell on his birthday
Juliette Mastey on her 13th birthday
Batia Ora Deschamps on her birthday
Mary and Aubey Laufer on their 17th anniversary October 12
Mary Laufer celebrating her 64th birthday October 13
Patrick Mastey celebrating his birthday October 21
Gabriel Romagnolo on his birthday Simchat Torah
Derek Skolnik on the occasion of reading his Bar Mitzvah Haftorah on the first anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah
Patrick Mastey on the occasion of reading his Bar Mitzvah Haftorah on the anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah, and having
celebrated his 51st birthday October 21
Morty Pearl celebrating his 85th birthday October 25th
Judy and Isadore Rubinfeld celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary November 9
George Elbaz celebrating his birthday November 11
Steve Bramson celebrating his 55th birthday November 16
Betty and Sam Stein celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary
Alan Goldstein on his special birthday November 17
Naomi Tozman on her birthday November 21
Doris Gandell on her upcoming birthday November 28
Esty Zwiebel on her father Rabbi Binyomin Stiefel’s recent 70th birthday
Rabbi Alex Zwiebel on his special birthday December 5 (13 Kislev)
Jackie Stelman celebrating her birthday December 9
Jackie and Sam Stelman on their 62nd wedding anniversary December 12
Andrea Dalys Elbaz on her birthday December 15
Shane Weinberger on his Aufruf as a Bar Mitzvah December 15
Andrea and George Elbaz on their 26th wedding anniversary December 16
Cheryl and David Herz, and Emmanuel, on the occasion of their daughter and sister’s baby naming. Mazel Tov to grandparents
Elaine and Leon Monaker, and Dina and Ernest Herz, great grandparents Riva and Israel Richler, and the entire family.
Leon Grinberg on his 70th birthday January 1
Sam Szlamkowicz on his birthday January 6
Leah Wiseberg celebrating her 105th birthday
The Gratitude of the Congregation is Offered to:
Dou Dou Dahan, for the tasty and generous Chinese food prepared for Adath’s Rockin’ Chanukah Party December 24.
Batia Ora Deschamps for beautifully redesigning our weekly email announcements.
Nicola and Albert Levy for supplying delicious coffee for the Breakfast program.
Gary Lipman for supplying stylish carpeting for the Children’s programs.
TEAM Sisterhood for the painting of Zuckerman Hall. Thanks to all those who support the TEAM Sisterhood programs that afford
us the possibility of giving back to the synagogue.
Welcome to our New Members
Fany and Mitchell Ettinger
Bonnie Phillips
Joanne and Dr. Mitch Schipper
Dr. Samantha Surkis
Upcoming Bnei Mitzvah
Jayden Dector - Thursday, July 6, 2017
Jayden graduated from Merton Elementary School. There he was one of the finalists in the annual
storytelling competition. He is currently attending Royal Vale High School. Jayden is an energetic, funloving sports fanatic; he’s your future TSN reporter or soccer star. His interests range from hockey,
soccer, tennis, baseball, and parkour. He plays for the Cote St. Luc Canucks hockey team, baseball for
Cote St. Luc, and soccer for N.D.G. Jayden is a true team player who always looks out for his teammates.
His other interests include watching movies, and listening to a variety of music. He has a great sense of
humor, and loves to chat about sports statistics. Jayden is carrying on the tradition of Simcha’s at the
ADATH as his parents were married at the shul, and the former Rabbi Kramer was at his dad’s side for
his Bar Mitzvah. Jayden’s entire family and close friends are very excited and proud to share this
upcoming Simcha with him.
Harrison Shporer and Joseph Shporer - Shabbat, June 3, 2017
Harrison and Joseph graduated from Royal Vale Elementary where each of them earned numerous
awards in math and science and were, respectively, assistant captain and captain of the hockey team.
They currently attend Royal West Academy, where Harrison is an honour roll student. The boys are
regular shul-goers and have been part of the ADATH family since birth. Individually, each of them
bring special gifts to those they meet. As Jewish adults, their humour, warmth and sensitivity for
others will surely lead to positive contributions within our community. They are avid readers and enjoy
many sports. They play hockey with the Pee Wee AA Maroons and Royal West teams; Harrison, a
forward and Joseph on defense. Summertime will be filled with camp, AAA baseball with the NDG
Lynx and more hockey. Joseph and Harrison’s family and friends are looking forward to sharing this
important milestone in the Jewish lifecycle with our congregation, Rabbi Whitman, and Rabbi Alex.
Proud parents are Audra Libman, and Ronnie Shporer, sister Leah Rachel, grandmother Miriam
Shporer, great-grandmother Edith Feldman, and their many excited aunts, uncles and cousins. Their adoring grandparents Leon
Shporer, Z”L, and Doreen Libman, Z”L will be missed very much.
The family of Rose Sonabend
The family of the late Susan Ettler
Nina Hart, and the entire family, on the passing of Nina’s husband Harry Hart
Shelley Hershon, on the passing of his uncle William Hershon
Mona and Lenny Wolman, on the passing of uncle Lionel Mendelsohn
Sharon and Brent Weiser and family, on the passing of Sharon’s mother Marga Katz
David Gottlieb, Joshua, Matthew, and Zachary Gottlieb, Gloria and Herb Cobrin, Allison Cobrin, Karen and Mitchell Cobrin,
Jordana and Mitchell Greenspoon, and the entire family, on the passing of Randee Cobrin Gottlieb
The family of the late Jeannette Slabosky Druick
The family of the late Paula Finder
Aviva Ptack and family, on the passing of Morton Ptack
Rabbi Alex Zwiebel, on the passing of his uncle Rabbi Eliemelech Zwiebel in New Jersey
The family of the late Phyllis Springer
Shirley and Marvin Small and family, on the passing of Shirley’s brother Hyman Mestel
Dr. Bernard and Abbie Rosenblatt, Marvin and Maxine Rosenblatt, and the entire family, on the passing of mother and
mother-in-law Mira Rosenblatt
Leanore Davis, on the passing of husband David Davis
Fernanda Sousa and Dr. Louis Fronenberg, and Iris Webber, on the passing of father, father-in-law and grandfather Max
The family of the late Morton Arshinoff
Donna Morris and family, on the passing of her mother Goldie Liebman Morris
The family of the late Herman (Billy) Perlmutter
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Yonah and Sarah Rosner and family, on the passing of Rabbi Eliezer Rosner
Mortie Braunstein and family, on the passing of Mortie’s wife Mimi Braunstein
The family of the late Freda Kopyto
Frances Drazin and the entire Drazin family, on the passing of Frances’ husband Joseph Drazin
Jack Garfinkle and family, on the passing of Jack’s sister Ethel Solomon
The family of the late Susan Weltner
The family of the late Gitta Galganov
Frances Drazin, Malca and Louis Drazin, and the entire Drazin family on the passing of Frances’ husband Joseph Drazin
The family of the late Alberto Abudarham
The family of the late Rosabel Turner
The family of the late Mort Weiner
The family of the late Sandra Shiller
The family of the late Annette Elharrar
Edie Glickman, Lois and Archie Etcovitch, and the entire family, on the passing of Edie’s husband Norman Glickman
Elaine and Leon Monaker, Cheryl and David Herz, and the entire family, on the passing of Elaine’s mother Riva Richler
May you be comforted among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
August 7 2016 - March 13, 2017
Aliyah Fund
Morton Charad, in appreciation for an Aliyah September 10
Alvin Delovitch, in appreciation for an Aliyah on Rosh Hashanah
Charles Eklove, in appreciation for Aliyot
Charles Eklove, in appreciation for an Aliyah December 24
Harvey Grossman, in appreciation for an Aliyah on Rosh Hashanah
Harvey Grossman, in appreciation for an Aliyah for David Grossman on Rosh Hashanah
Dr. Isaac Katz
Louie Kimel, in appreciation for an Aliyah September 17
Howard Lewis, in appreciation for an Aliyah
Breakfast Fund
The Breakfast Club, in honour of Leon Grinberg’s 70th birthday January 1
Andrew Chodos, in memory of his father Ted Chodos on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 25 Shvat
Andrew Chodos, in memory of his mother Toni Chodos on the occasion of her Yahrzeit, 28 Tevet
Andrew Chodos, in memory of his father Ted Chodos on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 25 Shvat
Edita Cieply, in memory of her father Nathan Friedman on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 15 Kislev
Vivian and Leonard Copoloff, in memory of his father Philip Copoloff on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 25 Tevet
Harriet and Jimmy Finkelstein, in honour of their son Jeremy’s Aufruf in advance of his marriage to Dara Stein
Norman Glickman, in memory of his father Lazarus Glickman on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 5 Cheshvan
Shelley Hershon, in memory of his mother Ida Hershon on the occasion of her Yahrzeit, 28 Cheshvan
Shelley Hershon, in memory of his brother Stanley Hershon on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 7 Adar
Dr. Jessica Kovacs Lentsch, in memory of her father
Susan and Bennett Little, in memory of Susan’s mother Hudi Rachel bat Yaakov Leib on the occasion of her Yahrzeit, 15
Murray Pecker, in memory of his father Gerald Pecker on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 4 Kislev
Bonnie Phillips, and Derrick Nishmas, in honour of their son Jason’s Aufruf in advance of his marriage to Carly Hitelman
Neil Rohr, in memory of his father Martin Rohr on the occasion of his Yahrzeit
Sylvia Rothstein and family, in memory of her husband Isadore Rothstein on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 26 Kislev
Judy and Isadore Rubinfeld, in honour of Rabbi Alex Zwiebel’s birthday 13 Kislev
Judy and Isadore Rubinfeld, in memory of Isadore’s sister Adella Rubinfeld Selcer on the occasion of her Yahrzeit, 20 Tevet
Roslyn Schneidman, in memory of her husband Leonard on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 3 Elul
Howard Shiff, in memory of his father Sam Shiff, on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 17 Cheshvan
Howie Silbiger, in memory of his two grandmothers, on the occasion of their Yahrzeits, 29 Tishrei
Arthur Steckler, in memory of his grandfather Efraim Fishel ben Chayim Dovid on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 18 Kislev
Norman Sternthal, in memory of his father Joel Sternthal on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 13 Elul
Daniel Weinberger, in honour of his son Shane’s Aufruf December 15
Dr. Michael Zigman, and Dr. Marvin Zigman in memory of their father Joseph Zigman on the occasion of his 12th Yahrzeit,
19 Shvat
Esther and André Zoldan, in memory of André’s aunt Margit Zoldan Godel on the occasion of her Yahrzeit, 27 Tevet
Sol Zuckerman, in memory of his father David Zuckerman on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 29 Cheshvan
Yahrzeit, 18 Kislev
Esty and Rabbi Alex Zwiebel, on the occasion of the Brit of their son, Yoel Eliyahu
Daf Yomi Fund
Morton Pearl, in honour of the 50th wedding anniversary of Naomi and Richard Tozman
Morton Pearl, in memory of Ethel Pearl’s father and Nathan Schipper’s grandfather Harry Kramer
Morton Pearl, in memory of his wife Sonia Pearl
Morton Pearl, in memory of his father Louis Pearl, on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 27 Tishrei
George Reinhart
Pre-Selichot Program Sponsors
Doris and David Gandell, in memory of their late parents Israel and Yochewet Winogron, and Sam Gandell
Dale and Sam Szlamkowicz, in memory of their late parents Yidel and Rajzel Szlamkowicz, and Abraham and Terry
Jacobson, and their late uncle Abraham Gutberg
Simchat Torah Honourees and Co-Sponsors
Vivian and Leonard Copoloff
Patricia and William Cleman
Dina and Ernest Herz
Dorothy and George Grostern
Simchat Torah Celebration Contributors
Maxine and Marvin Rosenblatt
Roslyn Schneidman
Fanny and Jack Edery
Barbara and Mair Fried
Elinor and Saul Skolnick
Ruby Marovitz (in memory of Ben Marovitz)
Edita and Ken Cieply
Doris and David Gandell
Tina and Moshe Eskenazi
Tree of Life
The following Rock has been added recently to our Tree of Life:
In honour of the marriage of Olivia Amsellem-Levy and Gabriel Selinger August 21, 2016
Amanda & Mike Battat and Family
Darlene &Jonathan Singerman and Family
Memorial Plaques
The following Yarzheit Plaques have recently been placed upon the Memorial Wall of the Adath Israel Poale Zedek Anshei
Ozeroff Congregation located in the Rothstein Chapel:
With Deep Appreciation for Major Gifts:
Maxine and Marvin Rosenblatt, in loving memory of Mira and Henry Rosenblatt
General Fund
Maurice Amsellem, in honour of the wedding of Olivia Amsellem-Levy and Gabriel Selinger
Annie and Ruby Arbeiter, sending best wishes to Naomi and Richard Tozman on their 50th wedding anniversary
Annie and Ruby Arbeiter, sending condolences to Mel Kligman and family in memory of wife and mother Baila Kligman
Shelley and Joel Copoloff, sending best wishes to their uncle Leonard Copoloff on being honoured as Chatan Torah on Simchat
Myra Curtis and Lawrence Kessler, sending best wishes to Naomi and Richard Tozman on their 50th wedding anniversary
Daniel Dahan
Daniel Dahan
Eileen Dick, Yizkor donation in memory of her mother and father, Beatrice and Oscar Stein
Helene and Dr. David Donath, Raffle Gala sponsorship
Sheila and Charles Eklove, Yizkor donation in memory of Miriam and Irving Eklove, and Rae and Henry Azeff
Mark Farovitch
Doris and David Gandell, sending best wishes to Naomi and Richard Tozman on their 50th wedding anniversary
Ethel and Jack Garfinkle, sending best wishes to Rabbi and and Marci Whitman on the birth of a grand-daughter Mikaela
Ethel and Jack Garfinkle, Chanukah Party sponsorship
Ethel and Jack Garfinkle, sending best wishes to Esty and Rabbi Alex Zwiebel on the birth of a son, Yoel Eliyahu
Lucille and Peter Gates, sending condolences to the family of the late Morty Weiner
Anat and Harold Geyer, sending best wishes to Bill Orenstein on his birthday
Shirley Geyer, sending best wishes to Bill Orenstein on his birthday
Beryl Goldman
Lydia Haziza, Rosh Hashana donation
The Hecht family, sending condolences to Marvin Rosenblatt and family in memory of Marvin’s mother Mira Rosenblatt
Barbara and Perry Kurtzman, sending best wishes to Judy and Issie Runbinfeld on their 30th wedding anniversary
Maurice Lasry
Gloria and Rick Leckner, sending condolences to Sydney Margles on the passing of his wife Merle Margles
Miriam Levy and Bernie Bloom, in appreciation of Sheila Esar for the Adath Shabbat Project Dinner
Chaya and Lorne Lieberman, Raffle Gala sponsorship
Nadine and Ben Lieberman, Raffle Gala sponsorship
Renee and Martin Lieberman, Raffle Gala sponsorship
Heather, Howard, Joshua, Noah, and Matthew Liebman, in honour of Bernie Malinoff, a devoted
President, volunteer and community leader from a grateful community
Recia and Sheldon Liebman, sending condolences to Marvin Rosenblatt and family on the passing of his mother Mira Rosenblatt
Marlene and Buddy Manis, in appreciation of Vivian Konigsberg and Lawrence Bergman for the Adath Shabbat Project Dinner
Betty Mintzberg and great-grandchildren Leora Bick, Yoni Bick, and Nomi Shoshana Gibbons, in honour of Rabbi Whitman for
receiving the Rabbi Jacob and Deborah Rubinstein Memorial Award for Excellence in Rabbinic Leadership from the Rabbinical
Council of America
Jean Niyonkuru
Maxine and Marvin Rosenblatt, sending Mair Fried best wishes for a refuah shlemah and speedy recovery
Gloria and George Reinhart, sending condolences to Ethel and Jack Garfinkle on the passing of Jack’s sister Ethel Solomon
Gloria and George Reinhart, sending condolences to Louis Drazin and family on the passing of Louis’ brother Joseph Drazin
Sylvia Rothstein and family, sending best wishes to Esty and Rabbi Alex Zwiebel on the birth of a son, Yoel Eliyahu
Rhonda and Michael Rubinfeld, in honour of the birth of their grandson Ezra Yehuda Sidon
Shari and Howard Skolnick, in honour of Rabbi Alex Zwiebel, in appreciation of all your kindness.
Shirley and Marvin Small, in appreciation for Rabbi Whitman
Steven Spodek
Naomi and Richard Tozman, sending best wishes to Morty Pearl on his 85th birthday
Marla and Peter Veres
Marla and Peter Veres, Raffle Gala sponsorship
Myrna and Seymour Weiner, sending best wishes to Naomi and Richard Tozman on their 50th wedding anniversary
Jean Zwirek and Morris Libstug, sending best wishes to Lou Kimel on his 90th birthday
Prayer Book Fund
Two Chumashim: Anita, Ian, Michael, and Danny Morris, in loving memory of dear husband and father, Saul Morris
A Chumash: Rhoda and Leon Grinberg in loving memory of Leon’s parents, Sorah (Alexandrea) and Zurah (Zachar)
Grynberg of Brooklyn, New York
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Carole Blank
Bonnie Chodos and Ted Cohen
Sandra and Harvey Kofsky
Massoud Loloyan and Jaleh Rafii
Peggy Niloff, in honour of Rabbi Whitman with extreme thanks and gratitude for his kindness and compassion
Rabbi Charles Bender Memorial Library
Ronald Berger, and David Berger, in memory of their brother Howard Berger
Shabbat and Yom Tov Kiddush Fund
Ernest Abramovici, in memory of his father David Abramovici, and mother-in-law Miriam, on the occasions of their
Yahrzeits, 16 Shvat and 17 Shvat
Stephanie Assouline, in honour of Gabriel Romagnolo’s birthday on Simchat Torah
Gabriella and David Benadiva, in honour of Myriam’s 11th and Yaniv’s 9th birthdays, August 31 and September 6
Gerald Bernstein, in memory of his brother Eli Bernstein on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 15 Tishrei (Sukkot l)
Gerald Bernstein, in memory of his father Shlomo David Bernstein on the occasion of his Yahrzeit,11 Tevet
Gerald Bernstein, in memory of his brother Eli Bernstein on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 15 Tishrei
(Sukkot l)
Betty and Jack Birnbaum, in honour of the Bar Mitzvah of their son Michael
Alfred and Andrea Braun
The Bramson Family, on the occasion of Steve’s 55th birthday
Gloria and Herbert Cobrin, in memory of Herbert’s mother Beatrice Cobrin and sister Rosalind Cobrin, on the occasions of
their Yahrzeits, 15 and 30 Cheshvan
Sonia and Baruch Cohen, in memory of their daughter Monica on the occasion of her Yahrzeit, Adar II 5
Sheila and Charles Eklove, in memory of their parents Ray and Henry Azeff, and Miriam and Irving Eklove
Sheila and Charles Eklove, in honour of Leonard Copoloff being honoured as Chatan Torah on Simchat Torah
Charles Eklove, in appreciation of Aliyot given December 24
Rachel and Simon Elbaz, on the occasion of the visit of their son Aryeh Elbaz and his family from San Diego
Barbara and Mair Fried, in honour of the birth of great-granddaughter Rifka Baila in New York. Daughter of Yisroel and
Shoshana Gewirtz
Mair Fried (November 10)
Doris and David Gandell, in memory of David’s grandfather Avraham Gandellman on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 21
Tishrei, Sukkot VII
Doris and David Gandell, in honour of Doris’ birthday November 28
Ethel and Jack Garfinkle, celebrating their 61st wedding anniversary September 11
Ethel and Jack Garfinkle, in memory of Jack’s sister Ethel Solomon
Ethel and Jack Garfinkle, in appreciation of Sam Szlamkowicz
Ethel and Jack Garfinkle, in honour of their granddaughter Michelle Garfinkle’s wedding to Matt Rideout
Ethel and Jack Garfinkle, in memory of Moe Garfinkle and Lottie Garfinkle Alper on the occasion of their Yahrzeits, 17 and
24 Kislev
Ethel and Jack Garfinkle, in memory of father and father-in-law Morris Trager on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 10 Shvat
Ethel and Jack Garfinkle, in memory of Jack’s sister Ethel Solomon on the occasion of her Shloshim
Alan Goldstein
Arlene and Wesley Gorin, in honour of Shimon Gorin’s Aufruf in advance of his marriage to Stephanie Lehrer
Leon Grinberg (November 10)
Cheryl and David Herz, in celebration of the Kids’ Shabbat, September 10
Andrée Meltzer Hettena and Dr. Avi Hettena, in memory of Zvi Meltzer, husband, father, grandfather and father-in-law on
the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 8 Cheshvan
Andrée Meltzer Hettena and Dr. Avi Hettena, in memory of Fortunée Sachs, mother and grandmother on the occasion of
her Yahrzeit, 29 Shvat; and in honour of the birthdays of grandsons Adam and Eytan Alboher
Abigail Hirsch, in memory of her mother Edith Hirsch on the occasion of her Yahrzeit, 22 Adar
Luba and Leon Hirsch, in memory of Leon’s sister on the occasion of her Yahrzeit, 23 Tishrei
Allan Kahan, in memory of his father Sandor Kahan
Lawrence Kessler, in appreciation for an Aliyah November 19
Lawrence Kessler, in appreciation for an Aliyah December 10
Lawrence Kessler, in appreciation for an Aliyah February 4
Nicola and Albert Levy, and Jeremy and Melanie Levy, in memory of father and grandfather Ivor Stevens on the occasion
of his 1st Yahrzeit, 24 Tevet
Nicola and Albert Levy, on the occasion of the anniversary of Albert’s Bar Mitzvah and in honour of the Kids’ Shabbat at
the Adath
Nicola and Albert Levy (November 10)
Nicola and Albert Levy (January 21)
Andy Levy, in honour of Gabriel Selinger’s Aufruf in advance of his marriage to Olivia Amsellem-Levy. Mazel Tov to parents
Sandra Levy and Maurice Amsellem, Andrea Lockhart, and the late Stanley Selinger, and grandfather Andy Levy.
Elaine and Leon Monaker, and Dina and Ernest Herz, in honour of their granddaughter’s baby naming
Barbara and Abe Rogozinsky
Maxine and Marvin Rosenblatt, in honour of Jeffrey Bergman’s Aufruf in advance of his marriage to their daughter Stefanie
Judy and Isadore Rubinfeld, in honour of his birthday
Judy and Isadore Rubinfeld, on their 30th wedding anniversary celebrated November 9
The Safran Family, in honour of Steven Safran’s birthday and in honour of Isaac Safran’s delivery of the D’var Torah
Solomon Schinasi, in memory of his mother Jeannette Schinasi on the occasion of her Yahrzeit, 1 Tevet
Lea and Philip Schlimper, in honour of their daughter Kayla’s 9th birthday
Lea and Philip Schlimper. in memory of Philip’s father Kurt Schlimper on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 10 Kislev
Aaron Severs, in honour of Rabbi Alex Zwiebel
Dr. Doris Steg, in honour of her son Stephen Amsel’s Aufruf in advance of his marriage to Melanie Bindman
Betty and Sam Stein, celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary
The Sutton Family, in memory of Edward Sutton on the occasion of his Yahrzeit,18 Cheshvan
Corinne Hazan and Oliver Sutton, in honour of their daughter Ashley’s baby naming
Dale and Sam Szlamkowicz, in memory of Dale’s mother Terry Jacobson and Sam’s father Yidel Szlamkowicz, on the
occasions of their first and fifteenth Yahrzeits
Naomi and Richard Tozman, in honour of their 50th wedding anniversary
Naomi and Richard Tozman, in honour of Naomi’s birthday November 21
Marcia Tripp and family, in memory of her husband Leon Tripp on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 7 Elul
The Weinberger family, in honour of Shane’s Bar Mitzvah
Nicole and Martin Wirtschafter and family, in memory of Claire Wirtschafter on the occasion of her Yahrzeit, 5 Tishrei.
Esther and André Zoldan, and Zachary, Benjamin and Jonah Zoldan
Esther and André Zoldan, and Zachary, Benjamin, and Jonah Zoldan, in memory of father, father-in-law and grandfather
Jeno Zoldan on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 5 Shvat
Shabbos Youth Group Fund
Dina and Ernest Herz, in memory of Ernest’s mother Julia Horsky on the occasion of her Yahrzeit, 1 Elul (September)
Schwartz-Malinoff Family, in memory of Morris Schwartz, Z”L (December)
Sheila and Charles Eklove, in appreciation of Rabbi Alex Zwiebel (December)
Rhoda and Leon Grinberg, in honour of their 45th wedding anniversary (January)
Dale and Sam Szlamkowicz, in memory of Sam’s mother Rajzel bat Yisroel Dovid, on the occasion of her Yahrzeit, 20 Tevet
Spodek Najman Family, in memory of Harry Spodek Z”L on the occasion of his Yahrzeit, 20 Tevet (February)
Schwartz-Malinoff Family, in memory of Carole’s mother Riva Rabin Schwartz Z”L (March)
Shalosh Seudot Fund
Elaine and Warren Baer
The Bettinger and Lehrer Families, in memory of Louis Bettinger (Arie Leib ben Zussman) on the occasion of his Yahrzeit,
20 Av
Gerald Bernstein, in memory of his grandmother Elka Rochel bas Reb Sholem Maier, on the occasion of her Yahrzeit, 17
With gratitude to Hashem, in honour of Wesley Gorin, by his family
Chaya Rochel and Zushe Halperin and Family, in memory of father, father-in-law and grandfather Binyomin Yakov ben Arie
Lieb HaKohen on the occasion of his second Yahrzeit, 30 Shvat
Ben Marovitz Memorial Fund
Clare Lee and family, sending condolences to Barbara Rothpan and family, in memory of Harvey Rothpan
Clare Lee and family, sending condolences to the Chesir, Feiler and Friedman families, in memory of Miriam Chesir
Ruby Marovitz and family, sending condolences to the Cohen family, in memory of Les Cohen
Ruby Marovitz and family, sending condolences to the Kachuck family, in memory of Ben Kachuck
Irving Lang Memorial Fund
Evelyn and Irving Applebee
Annie and Ruby Arbeiter
Susan, Jeffrey, Stephanie and Jessica Bercovitch
Sylvia Berger
Leigh Bocal
Ralph Chodos
Sonia and Baruch Cohen
Vivian and Leonard Copoloff
Danut and Barbara
Ellyn and Alvin Delovitch
Marilyn Edelstein
The Staff at Feldman & Messias Pharmacy
Ruth and Moe Gerstein
Renee Greenstein
Natalie, Jeffrey, Jessica and Emily Grostern
“The Halickman Team”
Andrea Horn
Louis, Tamar, and Esther Lang
Helen Lester
Rachel Lester
The Levy Family
Sidney Margles
Lisa Singer and Farrel Miller and Family
Marilyn and Jack Miller
Nellie Miller
Shirley Radin Fredovitch
Miriam and Dr. Peter Safran
Anna Sasso
Shirley and Phil Silver
Thelma and David Smith
Jacqueline and Sam Stelman
Gloria Strulovitch
Yahrzeit Fund
Reuben Arbeiter, in memory of his father Sam Arbeiter
Maxine and Fred Arshinoff, in memory of their daughter Bonita Arshinoff
Barbara Berlach, in memory of her father Solomon Katz
Sydney Berger, in memory of his father Joseph Berger
Edith Berggrun, in memory of her father
Ivan Berggrun, in memory of his grandmother Gittel Berggrun
Ivan Berggrun, in memory of his grandfather
Kathy Berggrun Parnass, in memory of her aunt Helena Gregor
Barbara Berlach, in memory of her father Shlomo Katz
Marilyn Bicher, in memory of her mother Molly Ditkofsky
Marilyn Bicher, in memory of her father Maurice Ditkofsky
Dr. Zavie Brown, in memory his mother Mary Brown
Dr. Zavie Brown, in memory his father Irving Brown
Dr. Zavie Brown, in memory of his sister Betty Brown
Alissa, Matthew, Maxwell, and Macy Bultz, in memory of their grandparents and great-grandparents Molly and Ben Bultz
Ellie Karoline Charad, in memory of her husband Ralph
Morton Charad, in memory of his mother Esther Charad
Morton Charad, in memory of his father Julius Charad
Morton Charad, in memory of his brother Ralph Charad
Pamela Chasan, in memory of her father Louis Harry Mayerowitz
Sam Chocron, in memory of his father Isaac
Andrew Chodos, in memory of his grandfather Samuel Chodos
Andrew Chodos, in memory of his mother Toni Chodos
Andrew Chodos, in memory of his grandmother Debby Chodos
Bonnie Chodos, in memory of her father Ted Chodos
Bonnie Chodos, in memory of her mother Toni Chodos
Edita Cieply, in memory of her father Nathan Friedman
Ken Cieply, in memory of his mother Regina Cieply
Ken Cieply, in memory of his father Isak (Ira) Cieply
Baruch Cohen, in memory of his father Mordecai Cohen
Baruch Cohen, in memory of his mother Zippora Cohen
Roslyn Cohen, in memory of her husband Murray Cohen
Roslyn Cohen, in memory of her father Ben Sederoff
Roslyn Cohen, in memory of her uncle Abraham Averson
Sonia Cohen, in memory of her mother Braina Lift
Annette Convoy, in memory of her husband Morris Convoy
Sam Cooperman, in memory of his father
Leba Cooperstone, in memory of her father Simon Weisberg
Lottie Copoloff, in memory of her father Louis Gurevitch
Sydney Copoloff, in memory of his father Philip Copoloff
Sydney Copoloff, in memory of his mother Mae Copoloff
Vivian and Leonard Copoloff, in memory of father and father-in-law Hyman Rubin
David Cranson, in memory of Irving Cransky
Harrison Cutler, in memory of his mother Nell Cutler
Leanore Davis, in memory of her mother Fanny Glassman
Alvin Delovitch, in memory of his sister Joy Delovitch-Feldman
Ellyn Delovitch, in memory of her mother Anita Strulovitch
Debra (Trudy) Diamond, in memory of her father Hy Barclay
Eileen Dick, in memory of her mother Beatrice Stein
Eileen Dick, in memory of her father Oscar Stein
Neil Dick, in memory of his father Arthur Dick
Lawrence Dobinsky, in memory of his father William Dobinsky
Dr. David Donath, in memory of his mother Gitel Donath
Helene Donath, in memory of her father Aron Lieberman
Frances Drazin, in memory of her sister Maytie Deitcher Rothstein
Frances Drazin, in memory of her brother Joseph Deitcher
Ruth Drazin, in memory of her husband Joseph Drazin
Ruth Drazin, in memory of her brother-in-law Avrum Drazin
Simon Elbaz, in memory of his brother Amar Yahia Eliahu
Roz Elkin, in memory of her mother Dorothy Sailer
Roz Elkin, in memory of her father Jack Sailer
Sheila Esar, in memory of her husband Benjamin Esar
Mark Farovitch, in memory of his grandmother Pia Ida Marovitz
Melvyn Felsher, in memory of his wife Diane Felsher
Marvin Fenster, in memory of his mother Sarah Fenster
Dr. Harvey Finkelstein, in memory of his mother Chwola Schecter Finkelstein
Dr. Harvey Finkelstein, in memory of his father Leib Finkelstein
Dr. Harvey Finkelstein, in memory of his wife Elaine Scales Finkelstein
Mary Flanz, in memory of her father Chaim Potash
Mary Flanz, in memory of her mother Alta Ajzenberg
Dr. Kenny Frank, in memory of his father Jack Frank
Phillis Freedin, in memory of her sister-in-law Florence Freedin
Eva Friedman, in memory of her husband Nathan Friedman
Leon Friedman, in memory of his father Hyman Friedman
Philip Friedman, in memory of his father Hyman Friedman
Ethel Fruchter, in memory of her father Louis Zidulka
Frances Garellek, in memory of her husband Sam Garellek
Frances Garellek, in memory of her father Julius Flax
Shirley Geyer, in memory of her husband Abe Geyer
Anita Glazer, in memory of her mother Esther Rimokh
Sandra Glenns, in memory of her husband Burton Glenns
Gitta Goldberg, in memory of her husband
Beryl Goldman, in memory of her daughter Pamela Goldman Wexler
Beryl Goldman, in memory of her daughter Susan Goldman Feinglos
Michael Goldstein, in memory of his mother Gertrude Goldstein
Eva Gombos Dubman, in memory of Margit Godel
Dr. Aida Gordon, in memory of her mother Frances Perlin-Kalnitsky
Dr. Aida Gordon, in memory of her sister Patricia Kalnitsky Alt
Neil Gordon, in memory of his mother Pearl Gordon
Neil Gordon, in memory of his father Sam Gordon
Pearl Grekin, in memory of her father Harry Fisher
Eleanor Gross, in memory of her husband Stanley Gross
George Grosz, in memory of his father
Reva Grover, in memory of her husband Ronnie (Avrum) Grover
Reva Grover, in memory of her parents Minnie and Kasper Geffin
Reva Grover, in memory of her mother-in-law and father-in-law Jennie and Max Grover
Reva Grover, in memory of her sister and brother-in-law Estabel and John Levine
Lydia Haziza, in memory of her husband Albert Haziza
David Herscovici, in memory of his mother Fica Herscovici
Lawrence Herscovici, in memory of his mother Florence Herscovici
Eva Jagermann, in memory of her mother Gustava Markowicz
Eva Jagermann, in memory of her father Shymon Markowicz
Marcel Jagermann, in memory of his mother Regina Jagermann
Marilyn Kader, in memory of her mother Esther Shuster
Marilyn Kader, in memory of her father Abe Shuster
Marilyn Kader, in memory of her sister Faigie (Fannie) Fine
Morton Kader, in memory of his father Sam Kader
Alan Kahan, in memory of his father Sandor Kahan
Freddy Kalles, in memory of his mother Halina Kalles
Nancy and Dr. Isaac Katz, in memory of mother and mother-in-law Rae Freder
Nancy and Dr. Isaac Katz, in memory of mother-in-law and mother Golda Katz
Nancy and Dr. Isaac Katz, in memory of father and father-in-law Joseph Freder
Nancy and Dr. Isaac Katz, in memory of father-in-law and father Rabbi Alter Menachem Zev Katz
Nancy and Dr. Isaac Katz, in memory of sister and sister-in-law Shirley Katz (Rabinovitch)
Nancy and Dr. Isaac Katz, in memory of sister-in-law and sister Youlanne Finkelman
Nancy and Dr. Isaac Katz, in memory of brother and brother-in-law Ruben Katz
Nancy and Dr. Isaac Katz, in memory of brother-in-law and brother Chaim Mair
Sarah Kauffman, in memory of her husband Abie Kauffman
Zeela Kaufman, in memory of her mother Dorothy Kaufman
Zeela Kaufman, in memory of her father Abe Kaufman
Zeela Kaufman, in memory of her grandmother Sadie Novick
Zeela Kaufman, in memory of her grandfather Abraham Novick
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kendall, in memory of father and father-in-law Larry Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kendall, in memory of Mitchell’s grandmother Sally Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kendall, in memory of Mitchell’s grandfather Hyman Kendall
Dr. Thomas Kohn, in memory of his mother Martha Kohn
Karen Kotansky, in memory of father Herb Cohen
Patricia Kutz, in memory of her father Oscar Fox
Patricia Kutz, in memory of her mother Florence Fox
Irving Kuperhouse, in memory of his mother Serla Kuperhouse (Sarah bat Lev)
Sam Kuperman, in memory of his father Chaim Kuperman
Nathan Kuperstok, in memory of his father Frank (Froim) Kuperstok
Mina Kupferberg, in memory of her father Jacob (Yakov) Abrams
Minel Kupferberg, in memory of his mother Renée (Rivka)
Helen Lang, in memory of her mother Paula Rosenbloom
Sandra Lang, in memory of her brother Gerry Powell
Sandra Lang, in memory of her mother Debra Hinda Medwedowsky
Bluma Lebovics, in memory of her sister Frances Perlin-Kalnitsky
Ted Lebovics, in memory of his mother Matild Neuman
Barbara Leibov, in memory of her father Fritz Nobel
Barbara Leibov, in memory of her mother Ursula Nobel
Barbara Leibov, in memory of her sister Susan D. Nobel
Irwin Lesniak, in memory of his mother Bernice Lesniak
Elinor Levin, in memory of her mother Pearl Usheroff
Dr. Deborah Levitan Brown, in memory of her father Dr. Benjamin Levitan
Beatrice and Lew Lewis, in memory of sister-in-law Helen Mars
Herbert Lewis, in memory of his sister Sylvia Lewis Arron
Howard Lewis, in memory of his grandfather Lewis Solomon Lewis
Lew Lewis, in memory of his grandfather Lewis Solomon Lewis
Phillip Lewis, in memory of his mother Bronia Lewkowicz
Phillip Lewis, in memory of his father Chaim Lewkowicz
Joan Lieberman, in memory of her father Zalman Singer
Susan Orenstein Little, in memory of her mother Rachel (Rae) Orenstein
Susan Orenstein Little, in memory of her aunt Sarah Orenstein
Susan Orenstein Little, in memory of her father Louis Orenstein
Jaleh Loloyan, in memory of his father-in-law Daniel ben Mair
Dr. Essie Lom, in memory of her father Louis Lom
Elaine Madoff, in memory of her mother Bessie Etzkovitch
Ernest Mann, in memory of his wife Barbara Mann
Dr. Sorana Marcovitz, in memory of her father Max Marcovitz
Dr. Sorana Marcovitz, in memory of her uncle Froim Marcovitz
Frances Margolis, in memory of her husband David Margolis
Ruth Markel, in memory of son Daniel Markel
Howard Mayers, in memory of mother-in-law and father-in-law Ruth and William Fleischman
Phillip Mayman, in memory of his father
Elaine Milech, in memory of her aunt Hilda Wisenthal
Betty Mintzberg, in memory of her mother Clara Shatzman
Betty Mintzberg, in memory of her father Louis Shatzman
Henry Mintzberg, in memory of his mother Irene Mintzberg
Henry Mintzberg, in memory of his father Mike (Myer) Mintzberg
Dr. Edmond Miresco, in memory of his mother Ritta Mirescu
Dr. Edmond Miresco, in memory of his father Mozart Mirescu
David Modlinsky, in memory of his mother
Elaine Monaker, in memory of her brother Mark Jay Samuel Richler
Leon Monaker, in memory of his mother Mary Monaker
Anita Morris, in memory of her husband Saul Morris
Arnold Morris, in memory of Bertha Morris
Arnold Morris, in memory of Isaac Morris
Arnold Morris, in memory of his mother Sadie Morris
Arnold Morris, in memory of Morris Letovsky
Arnold Morris, in memory of Moses Morris
Bernice and Stanley Morris, in memory of mother and mother-in-law Esther Segal
Bernice and Stanley Morris, in memory of father and father-in-law Saul Segal
Stanley Morris, in memory of his mother Bessie Morris
Stanley Morris, in memory of his father Harry Morris
Stanley Morris, in memory of his sister Barbara Joyce Morris
Stanley Morris, in memory of his uncle Moses Morris
Eva and Paul Nadler, in memory of father-in-law and father Benjamin Nadler
Eva and Paul Nadler, in memory of mother-in-law and mother Rose Nadler
Eva and Paul Nadler, in memory of his father-in-law and father Mirko Kohn
Eva and Paul Nadler, in memory of Paul’s grandmother Shaindel Nadler
Eva and Paul Nadler, in memory of Paul’s grandmother Annie Long
Eva and Paul Nadler, in memory of Paul’s grandfather Solomon Long
Ruth Najman Spodek, in memory of her brother Bernard (Bernie) Najman
Mina O’Connor, in memory of her father Misza Mowszowicz
Mina O’Connor, in memory of her mother Cesia Mowszowicz
Gracia Oliel, in memory of her mother Bada (Sarah) Oliel
Aaron Ostrzega, in memory of his father Jerry Ostrzega
Danny Pearl, in memory of his mother Sonia Pearl
Gita and Jerry Pearl, in memory of mother-in-law and mother Fay Pearl
Gita and Jerry Pearl, in memory of father-in-law and father Louis Pearl
Brenda Pedvis, in memory of her mother
Robert Pik, in memory of his sister Vivian Naomi Pik
Dr. Marlene Rabinovitch, in memory of her father Dr. Sam Rabinovitch
Carole Brenda Rappaport, in memory of her mother Shirley Rappaport
Carole Brenda Rappaport, in memory of her father Hyman (Solly) Rappaport
George Reinhart, in memory of his mother Rose Reinhart
Rosalee Rohr, in memory of her mother Jean Fleishman
Rosalee Rohr, in memory of her husband Martin Rohr
Lenny Rosenberg, in memory of his wife Marsha Rosenberg
Dr. Bernard Rosenblatt, in memory of his father Henry Rosenblatt
Harvey Rosenbloom, in memory of his mother Paula Rosenbloom
Harvey Rosenbloom, in memory of his father Jack Rosenbloom
Harvey Rosenbloom, in memory of his brother-in-law Philip Borrow
Marilyn Rosenbloom, in memory of her mother Lily Pearl
Dr. Albert Rosengarten, in memory of his mother Ruth Rosengarten
Eileen Rothstein, in memory of her husband Nathan Rothstein
Dr. Howard Rottenberg, in memory of his mother Anne Rottenberg
Joe Rubin, in memory of his mother Rachel Rubin
Joe Rubin, in memory of his father Abraham Rubin
Michael Rubinfeld, in memory of his sister Adella
Michael Rubinfeld, in memory of his uncle Myer Rubinfeld
Michael Rubinfeld, in memory of his grandfather Isadore Rayner
Phillippa Rubinfeld, in memory of her brother-in-law Sydney Engel
Sally Rubinfeld, in memory of her husband Myer Rubinfeld
Anne Rubinstein, in memory of her son Leslie Rubinstein
Jeff Sacks, in memory of his brother Solomon Sacks
Jeff Sacks, in memory of his grandfather Louis Kuzniec
Sari Sacks, in memory of her mother Helen Kirstein
Sari and Jeff Sacks, in memory of father and father-in-law Jack Kirstein
Murray Sang, in memory of his mother Esther Sang
Brenda Schafer, in memory of her husband Mel Schafer
Solomon Schinasi, in memory of his mother Jeannette Schinasi
Genevieve Schmelz, in memory of her mother Ita Krel
Jack Schmelz, in memory of his mother Shaindel bat Ariye Leib
Barbara Sederoff, in memory of her father Irving Nadler
Barbara Sederoff, in memory of her mother Aida Nadler
Jay Sederoff, in memory of his father Issie Sederoff
Maxine Seidman, in memory of her mother Rose Trehub
Herman Selcer, in memory of his wife Jenny Selcer
Aaron Severs, in memory of his mother Marilyn Gitnick Severs
Jerold Shaffer, in memory of his father Harry Shaffer
Ruth Shaffer, in memory of her husband Harry Shaffer
Corina Shaffran, in memory of her grandmother Rachel Rabinovici
Corina Shaffran, in memory of her mother Sarah Rabinovici
Tatyana Shchupak, in memory of her father Isaak Slepyan
Deborah Sheiner, in memory of her uncle Abraham Averson
Lillian Shiller, in memory of her father Ezra Zynger
Mireille Shostak, in memory of her father Edward Khafif
Myrna Silverman, in memory of her husband David Silverman
Judy Skolnik, in memory of her husband Isidore Skolnik
Judy Skolnik, in memory of her mother Anne Keppel
Bonnie Spira, in memory of her mother Margaret Moody Rudner
Martin Springer, in memory of his mother
Riwka Srulovitz, in memory of her husband Jean Srulovitz
Dr. Doris Steg, in memory of her uncle Philip Steg
Sam Stein, in memory of his father Meyer Stein
Jackie Stelman, in memory of her brother Leslie Michael Rayner
Saul Stermer, in memory of his mother Esther Stermer
Saul Stermer, in memory of his brother-in-law Joseph Richter
Anne Sternthal, in memory of her husband Julius Sternthal
Stanley Sternthal, in memory of grandmother
Stanley Sternthal, in memory of his father Issie Sternthal
Harry Stilman, in memory of his mother-in-law Ida Ordower
Shirley Strohl, in memory of her mother Lily Strohl
Rhona Surkis, in memory of her husband Matthew Surkis
Rhona Surkis, in memory of her husband Matthew Surkis
Beverly Tencer, in memory of her mother Molly Trachtenberg Wallerstein
Beverly Tencer, in memory of her father Hyman Weinstein
Huguette Veres, in memory of her father Wolf Weksler
Samuel Wax, in memory of his mother Molly Wax
Myrna and Seymour Weiner, in memory of mother and mother-in-law Ray Sherman
Seymour Weiner, in memory of his mother Lily Marcovitch Weiner
Seymour Weiner, in memory of his brother Larry Weiner
Robert Weisberg, in memory of his father Simon Weisberg
Bryan Weiss, in memory of his grandfather Jean Srulovitz
Orit Weiss, in memory of her father Jean Srulovitz
Sylvia Wenger, in memory of her husband Myer Wenger
Sylvia Wenger, in memory of her brother-in-law Robert (Bob) Stein
Samuel Wex, in memory of his mother Molly Wex
Beverly White, in memory of her husband Frank White
Beverly White, in memory of her father Jack Sacks
Adeena Wisenthal, in memory of her aunt Hilda Wisenthal
Sheryl Overland Wohlmuth and Family, in memory of father David Overland
Annie Yaphe, in memory of her mother Riva Umansky
Annie Yaphe, in memory of her aunt Celia Meyerovitz
Annie and Deena Yaphe, in memory of husband and father Shemon Yaphe
Norman Zavalkoff, in memory of his wife Mona Zavalkoff
Dr. Arnold Zidulka, in memory of his mother Eva Zidulka
Dr. Arnold Zidulka, in memory of his father Louis Zidulka
Dr. Marvin Zigman, in memory of his father Joseph Zigman
Jean Zwirek, in memory of her mother Rachel Birnbaum
Jean Zwirek, in memory of her father Sam Birnbaum
Jean Zwirek, in memory of her grandmother Eva Kestenbaum
Jean Zwirek, in memory of her grandfather Solomon Kestenbaum
Jean Zwirek, in memory of her husband David Zwirek
Jean Zwirek, in memory of her mother-in-law Annie Zwirek
Jean Zwirek, in memory of her sister-in-law Zelda Zwirek
Stephen Zwirek, in memory of his father David Zwirek
March, 2017
Dear ADATH Member,
One of the most enduring traditions of Judaism is honouring our families. The Torah calls us to honour our families during
their lives and to remember them when they are no longer with us.
Our Sisterhood is once again planning to publish a “Book of Remembrance 5778” to be used for Yizkor Services during
Yom Kippur, as well as during all other Yizkor Services throughout the year. Recalling the memories of our loved ones is
both an act of solemn piety and an expression of profound respect.
In this memorial publication, you will have the opportunity of honouring the memories of your loved ones. Please enter
the names(s) of those you wish to be included in our “Book of Remembrance” below and return to the synagogue, along
with your donation.
TEAM Sisterhood
“Book of Remembrance” Deadline for submission: June 30th
Donor Name(s): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In memory of: English name
Hebrew name
(print clearly using block letters only)
(in English, using block letters)
1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
-or-  same entry as last year
-or-  same entry as last year, plus addition(s) above
Suggested Donation $18 per name:
Total enclosed: $ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Credit card info:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Exp.___________ cardholder’s name:______________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone number: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Adath Israel Poale Zedek Anshei Ozeroff
Not only may we not eat Chometz on Pesach, it may not even be in our possession during the Holiday. The most simple solution
is to eat or give away any Chometz you may have as Pesach approaches. I will be happy to take any food you have and give it to
the non-Jewish needy. That which we find during the ‘Bedikas Chometz’ (Search for Chometz), we burn before Pesach. If you
wish to keep certain Chometz items for after Pesach, it is possible to do so by selling them to a non-Jew for the week of Pesach.
You may contact Assistant Rabbi Alex Zwiebel to act as your agent to arrange this sale for you. When you do so, it is important
to remember that you are selling your Chometz for that week - it does not belong to you and the non-Jew to whom it is sold has
the right to come and take it (and pay you for it). All sold items should be put in an area that can be closed off, taped shut, and
clearly labeled ‘sold.’
With the sale of the Chometz, you are also leasing to the non-Jew the property on which the Chometz sits. Therefore, you have
to tell Rabbi Alex where the Chometz is located.
You must arrange for the sale of your Chometz no later than 6:00 PM, Sunday, April 9, 2017. Preferably, you should contact Rabbi
Alex in person with the form below filled out. However, if you are unable to do so, you may fill out the form below and send it to
the ADATH office (but confirm we have received it by Sunday, April 9, 2017) by mail (223 Harrow Cr. Hampstead, QC H3X 3X7),
fax (514-482-6216), or email ([email protected]).
Rabbi Michael Whitman
Date: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name(s) and Telephone Number(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address(es): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Main Location(s) of Chometz:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Chometz in other locations is also sold.)
Where do you plan to be during Passover? __________________________________________________________________________________________
I give full power to Assistant Rabbi Alex Zwiebel to sell and transfer all legal title of all items owned by me (excluding that which I
will use or burn before Pesach) - knowingly or unknowingly - which are, or may contain Chometz according to Jewish law and/or
Tradition, and which the Mishnah Brurah, compiled by the Chofetz Chaim, describes as items which a Jew may not own during
Pesach*, to anyone of his choice and in any manner which he deems necessary. I also authorize Rabbi Alex to lease any property
where this Chometz is located. I also authorize Rabbi Alex to receive the buyer’s deposit and to appoint a substitute in his stead
if he wishes, with full power to sell and lease as described above. This sale is valid according to Jewish and secular law. The
present document has been written in the English language at the express request of the parties. Le present document a ete
redige en langue anglaise a la demande expresse des parties.
Signature (include signatures of spouse and adult children if applicable):
*Including but not limited to: all products made of barley, oats, wheat, rye, or spelt, and all products containing any mixture or
derivative of these grains; all items prepared together with those mentioned above; all particles of the above that may adhere to
the surfaces of utensils; and all items concerning which there exists an unresolvable doubt about whether they fall into the above
Erev Yom Tov - Tuesday, May 30
All night Torah learning at Kollel Torah Mitzion, starting at 12 midnight.
Rabbi Whitman and others will teach throughout the night.
Shavuot, First Day - Wednesday, May 31
Candlelighting from an existing flame,
and all preparations for second night of Shavuot, no earlier than
6:30 a.m.
8:16 p.m.
9:10 p.m.
8:45 a.m.
8:20 p.m.
9:32 p.m.
Shavuot, Second Day - Thursday, June 1
Shacharit, Book of Ruth, Yizkor
Yom Tov ends
8:30 a.m.
8:20 p.m.
9:33 p.m.
We are thrilled to have Shahar Ben-Hamo, who is here this year as a Shinshin (Shanat Sherut) - serving in Montreal as part
of Federation CJA Israel Engagement Experience. Shahar brings us a taste of Israel like no one else! Shahar helps lead
youth activities at the ADATH on Shabbat, and other special events. Join us every Shabbat morning as Shahar leads
SHABABA (Shabbat Sababa) - Israeli-themed games and discussion for adults and kids of all ages during Kiddush from 122 p.m. Shahar prepares discussion topics relating to Israel, current events, and the weekly Parsha. Shahar also often speaks
during Shabbat morning services to the entire congregation. Here are some of the programs Shahar has initiated:
Charles Nuez,
Courtier en assurance de dommages
[email protected]
Téléphone : (514) 723-5817
Cellulaire : (514) 825-5431
Télécopieur : (514) 722-4122
4001, Crémazie Est
Bureau 100
Montréal (Québec)
H1Z 2L2