September 18, 2013

Finance/Budget & Planning Committee Meeting
Meeting Date: September 18, 2013
Location: Staff Lounge - 12:45 p.m.
Committee Members: X = Present, A = Absent
Odell Moon
Patricia Wagner
Pearl Bandringa
Frederick Board
Tim Isbell
Carol Stump
Steve Garcia
Pat Luther
Robert Sewell (1:07)
Karen Hardy
Caitlyn Gempler
Eric Desmond (12:56)
Non-Voting Present: Virginia Moran, Deedee Orta.
The meeting was called to order at 12:54 p.m. by Tim Isbell
Approval of the Minutes: The minutes of August 21, 2013 was approved as presented. MSC
(Sewell/Desmond). The minutes of September 4, 2013 was approved as presented. MSC
Discussion of Election of Chair: Odell suggested the committee table the election until the
faculty positions on the committee have been filled. An email from Academic Senate dated
September 17, 2013 indicated that they are considering removing faculty from participating on
the Finance, Budget & Planning Committee. Fred indicated he also received an email
regarding the same matter. The committee requested that Tim invite Tracy Davis to our next
meeting to discuss any issues we can to help retain faculty on the committee.
The committee agreed to accept nominations today, and then at our next meeting we will open
it up to additional nominations and discussion. MSC (Moon/Board).
Pearl Bandringa
Steve Garcia
Nominated by Fred Board
Nominated by Odell Moon
Pearl Accepted Nomination
Steve not present to comment
Committee Self-Evaluation: Ginnie requested we table the discussion until more members are
present. She will email an evaluation to the committee to review and fill out to get us started.
Review Charge of Committee and Ground Rules:
The committee reviewed AP1201 and believes the version online may be an old one. Deedee
will look and see if our committee has revised it since and if so will bring it to next meeting.
However, the committee went ahead and reviewed and made changes as follows to the
Finance/Budget & Planning Committee
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“Charge” listed in AP1201 for Finance/Budget & Planning:
(Existing AP1201 as is on VVC Website)
Finance/Budget & Planning
Charge –
 Reviews and advises the President’s College council and Board regarding budget strategies.
 Ensures that there is general agreement regarding benefits through a benefits subcommittee.
 Provides two way communication with the college community regarding budget issues and
their implications.
 Reviews unit plans and priorities to ensure financial support.
 Maintains and implements AP6200, Budget Development.
 Designs and ensures the long and short term fiscal planning for the college.
 Monitors plan implementation including resource allocation and assessment.
 Supports budget unit planning.
 Reviews and advises President’s Cabinet regarding action strategies.
 Identify necessary resources available resources to ensure the viability of the plan and help
ensure plan implementation and success.
Information Flow –
 Direct to College Council on policy-related issues.
 Direct to Superintendent/President on improvements to operational issues.
 Annual report directly to Board of Trustees.
Ground Rules:
A copy of the last set of rules established 04/04/12 was passed out. Number 1 remained the
same, Number 2 was changed to read: Speakers should be recognized by the Chair.
After further discussion, it was agreed that Robert and Ginnie would meet and discuss a
recommendation to submit to College Council on proposing a standard set of rules such as
Robert’s Rules of Order. Eric stated he would bring a condensed version of Robert’s Rules
using the established committee Ground Rules as a guide to the next meeting for further
Sub-Committee Report for Long-Term Planning: Tim gave an update of the work of the subcommittee. Ginnie noted they are on Revision #9 and have sent it to the committee to be
reviewing and commenting on if needed. This is the 1st Read by the FB&P Committee.
Campus Communication (from committee members): no discussion occurred.
Other: none.
Next Scheduled Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for October 2, 2013.
The meeting adjourned at 2:12 p.m.
Finance/Budget & Planning Committee
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