Expenditure Directorate Employees Premises Transport Supplies & Services Third Party Payments Assistant Chief Executive Communities Investment and Development Resources Wellbeing, Care and Learning Total Service Expenditure ITA Levy Net Current Expenditure Adjustment for Internal Recharges Net Service Expenditure Corporate Items Net Transfer to/(from) Reserves Net Revenue Budget Revenue Support Grant Business Rates Retention Council Tax Freeze Grant Collection Fund deficit Council Tax Requirement Precepts: Tyne & Wear Fire and Rescue Authority Police & Crime Commissioner for Northumbria Parish Councils Net Council Budget 10,006,019 71,009,440 5,256,020 22,640,230 164,473,670 273,385,379 273,385,379 (1,031,000) 272,354,379 29,854,390 302,208,769 302,208,769 302,208,769 2,975,190 16,154,090 5,417,080 413,080 20,473,420 45,432,860 45,432,860 (31,683,000) 13,749,860 1,196,250 14,946,110 14,946,110 14,946,110 277,730 14,064,920 10,710 97,420 1,723,640 16,174,420 16,174,420 (11,773,000) 4,401,420 527,910 4,929,330 4,929,330 4,929,330 5,538,021 36,902,270 2,034,250 6,558,410 92,928,690 143,961,641 17,383,460 161,345,101 (13,710,000) 147,635,101 11,139,450 158,774,551 158,774,551 158,774,551 119,350 20,626,330 242,900 137,346,660 158,335,240 158,335,240 (11,000) 158,324,240 132,981,880 291,306,120 291,306,120 291,306,120 Income Support Services 504,030 5,808,950 1,212,840 1,118,120 13,429,200 22,073,140 22,073,140 (19,802,000) 2,271,140 2,271,140 2,271,140 2,271,140 Capital Financing Costs 344,820 11,444,350 781,470 1,656,590 333,400 14,560,630 14,560,630 14,560,630 16,587,900 31,148,530 31,148,530 31,148,530 Gross Expenditue 19,765,160 176,010,350 14,712,370 32,726,750 430,708,680 673,923,310 17,383,460 691,306,770 (78,010,000) 613,296,770 192,287,780 805,584,550 805,584,550 805,584,550 Sales, Fees Other Income and Charges (17,094,890) (24,918,850) (2,108,690) (2,300,890) (19,388,680) (65,812,000) (65,812,000) (65,812,000) (65,812,000) (65,812,000) (65,812,000) (946,220) (171,570) (813,900) (1,766,300) (37,476,210) (41,174,200) (41,174,200) (41,174,200) (41,174,200) (41,174,200) (41,174,200) Rents (362,250) (18,241,870) (1,696,760) (243,210) (20,544,090) (20,544,090) (20,544,090) (20,544,090) (20,544,090) (20,544,090) Interest (186,940) (1,000) (2,250) (190,190) (190,190) (190,190) (1,565,000) (1,755,190) (1,755,190) (1,755,190) Specific Internal Gross Government Recharges Income Grants (339,950) (1,020,400) (19,763,710) (13,072,620) (91,685,220) (148,277,070) (349,610) (2,844,410) (7,814,370) (3,688,610) (8,109,590) (15,865,390) (215,225,910) (18,823,990) (291,160,250) (232,676,700) (122,483,610) (482,880,790) (232,676,700) (122,483,610) (482,880,790) 78,010,000 78,010,000 (232,676,700) (44,473,610) (404,870,790) (136,438,390) (1,125,750) (139,129,140) (369,115,090) (45,599,360) (543,999,930) (369,115,090) (45,599,360) (543,999,930) (369,115,090) (45,599,360) (543,999,930) 2014/15 Budget 1,450 27,733,280 6,898,000 16,861,360 139,548,430 191,042,520 17,383,460 208,425,980 208,425,980 53,158,640 2,232,900 263,817,520 (98,380,000) (79,926,180) (1,047,000) 84,464,340 4,562,400 5,401,170 120,870 94,548,780 Expenditure Priority Employees Premises Transport Supplies & Services Third Party Payments A Fit For Purpose Council A Working City Decent Neighbourhoods Tackling Inequalities Total Service Expenditure ITA Levy Net Current Expenditure Adjustment for Internal Recharges Net Service Expenditure Corporate Items Net Transfer to/(from) Reserves Net Revenue Budget Revenue Support Grant Business Rates Retention Council Tax Freeze Grant Collection Fund deficit Council Tax Requirement Precepts: Tyne & Wear Fire and Rescue Authority Police & Crime Commissioner for Northumbria Parish Councils Net Council Budget 36,621,589 137,651,070 18,552,130 80,560,590 273,385,379 273,385,379 (1,031,000) 272,354,379 29,854,390 302,208,769 302,208,769 302,208,769 921,210 25,644,270 2,905,380 15,962,000 45,432,860 45,432,860 (31,683,000) 13,749,860 1,196,250 14,946,110 14,946,110 14,946,110 368,290 7,972,840 5,963,390 1,869,900 16,174,420 16,174,420 (11,773,000) 4,401,420 527,910 4,929,330 4,929,330 4,929,330 10,946,791 96,455,060 6,762,420 29,797,370 143,961,641 17,383,460 161,345,101 (13,710,000) 147,635,101 11,139,450 158,774,551 158,774,551 158,774,551 381,720 5,902,480 20,224,250 131,826,790 158,335,240 158,335,240 (11,000) 158,324,240 132,981,880 291,306,120 291,306,120 291,306,120 Income Support Services 1,891,580 12,908,650 1,656,870 5,616,040 22,073,140 22,073,140 (19,802,000) 2,271,140 2,271,140 2,271,140 2,271,140 Capital Financing Costs 1,695,580 5,001,600 560,720 7,302,730 14,560,630 14,560,630 14,560,630 16,587,900 31,148,530 31,148,530 31,148,530 Gross Expenditue 52,826,760 291,535,970 56,625,160 272,935,420 673,923,310 17,383,460 691,306,770 (78,010,000) 613,296,770 192,287,780 805,584,550 805,584,550 805,584,550 Sales, Fees Other Income and Charges (3,008,630) (22,076,620) (7,897,160) (32,829,590) (65,812,000) (65,812,000) (65,812,000) (65,812,000) (65,812,000) (65,812,000) (3,178,690) (10,768,740) (27,226,770) (41,174,200) (41,174,200) (41,174,200) (41,174,200) (41,174,200) (41,174,200) Rents (592,540) (270,010) (19,681,540) (20,544,090) (20,544,090) (20,544,090) (20,544,090) (20,544,090) (20,544,090) Interest (2,250) (19,270) (168,670) (190,190) (190,190) (190,190) (1,565,000) (1,755,190) (1,755,190) (1,755,190) Specific Internal Gross Government Recharges Income Grants (5,723,500) (10,418,110) (22,328,930) (189,399,190) (70,856,990) (293,696,330) (2,898,780) (18,627,850) (29,713,070) (34,655,230) (22,580,660) (137,142,460) (232,676,700) (122,483,610) (482,880,790) (232,676,700) (122,483,610) (482,880,790) 78,010,000 78,010,000 (232,676,700) (44,473,610) (404,870,790) (136,438,390) (1,125,750) (139,129,140) (369,115,090) (45,599,360) (543,999,930) (369,115,090) (45,599,360) (543,999,930) (369,115,090) (45,599,360) (543,999,930) 2014/15 Budget 30,497,830 (2,160,360) 26,912,090 135,792,960 191,042,520 17,383,460 208,425,980 208,425,980 53,158,640 2,232,900 263,817,520 (98,380,000) (79,926,180) (1,047,000) 84,464,340 4,562,400 5,401,170 120,870 94,548,780 2014-15 Budget: Subjective Analysis Expenditure Directorate Assistant Chief Executive Division Democratic Services Democratic Services Total Economic Development Economic Development Total LA7 Policy Advisor LA7 Policy Advisor Total Policy, Comms and Performance Service Area Democratic Services Management Electoral Services Lord Mayors Members Allowances Corporate Economic Development Grant Funded Programmes Projects Tyne and Wear Policy Officer Climate Change Communications & Marketing International Affairs Performance Management Policy Professional Assistants Policy, Comms and Performance Total Public Safety and Regulation Building Control Capital-To be allocated out Environmental Protection Executive & Events Green Travel Plan Infrastructure Licensing Management Agreements Multi Storey Car Parks Off Street Parking On Street Parking Other Expenditure Parking Enforcement Public Health & Pollution Control Public Protection Quayside MSCP Resilience and Emergency Planning Safe Newcastle Shopmobility Tyne and Wear Payments and Partnerships Public Safety and Regulation Total Regional Transport Local Transport Plan Regional Transport Total Other Expenditure Assistant Chief Executive Other Overheads Other Expenditure Total Assistant Chief Executive Total Communities Building and Commercial Enterprise Building Maintenance Carbon Trust Design Services Energy Sustainability Transport Warmzone Building and Commercial Enterprise Total Co-operative Communities Service Children's Rights Team Communities Other Community Buildings Community Development Ward Budgets Co-operative Communities Service Total Customers, Culture and Skills Adult and Community Learning Civic Halls and Theatres Community Sport Strategy Culture and Heritage Customer Services Leisure Central Library Service Museums and Archives NGI Festivals and Events Programme Parks and Open Spaces Registrars Sports Facilities Tourism Customers, Culture and Skills Total Highways and Local Services Adhoc Maintenance Asset Management Blacksmiths Bus Stations Capital Charges Christmas Lights Depots Environmental Maintenance Flooding Grounds Gullies Highway Maintenance Pest Control Planned Highway Maintenance Employees Premises 411,459 210,640 70,660 62,200 754,959 348,070 280,550 628,620 79,880 79,880 545,950 33,880 592,710 122,630 1,295,170 458,150 55,680 3,500 59,180 300 - 769,540 225,130 50,930 192,870 685,500 1,640 1,381,540 9,320 4,650 868,900 - - 567,440 2,085,450 3,530 3,830 - - Transport 2,650 4,460 2,000 26,000 35,110 710 710 1,120 1,180 4,770 990 8,060 11,000 127,411 231,760 56,500 972,280 1,387,951 261,860 1,285,760 1,547,620 1,100 1,100 31,240 126,810 46,000 60,400 10,120 274,570 31,340 11,170 2,460 147,380 30,820 15,380 34,360 (271,480) 74,120 93,100 537,240 27,500 5,450 15,000 654,130 248,150 89,240 43,860 7,640 497,960 17,490 - 838,480 194,280 548,020 116,500 635,790 10,000 340 - 3,000 4,080 530 6,732,290 376,000 376,000 139,100 2,912,180 - 233,850 - 139,100 10,006,019 18,125,630 1,803,870 316,420 1,177,700 24,970 21,448,590 15,510 1,367,780 1,383,290 2,640,830 374,770 131,410 246,320 2,174,360 13,890 2,867,120 22,140 2,975,190 376,700 50,000 192,560 500 277,730 2,245,480 1,220 20,700 3,730 5,340,620 619,760 23,400 179,360 24,610 227,370 126,680 150,720 334,980 1,920,550 950,110 7,611,750 230 9,130 9,360 29,320 770 1,000 4,940 7,370 1,930 30,530 373,520 522,750 3,159,440 191,460 12,718,010 4,680 56,460 158,170 593,290 2,314,570 137,590 6,528,490 234,830 (420) 339,750 3,620 3,950 27,040 2,100 112,570 7,620 17,800 3,809,900 86,920 3,148,740 3,362,340 161,810 200,510 116,620 1,032,480 193,210 52,840 203,070 (79,550) 25,480 - Supplies & Services 8,030 981,940 647,480 28,380 1,284,470 30,520 - 2,105,100 208,230 208,230 13,450 13,450 5,538,021 11,923,490 283,920 140,950 49,000 1,055,830 13,453,190 51,780 15,690 (36,820) 53,990 705,430 790,070 1,284,380 157,290 107,130 511,080 266,490 31,650 4,173,920 1,603,950 151,500 741,010 36,750 985,580 46,890 10,097,620 48,450 134,000 15,550 263,580 180,450 228,760 1,430,590 1,883,670 8,960 - Income Third Party Payments 11,380 11,380 - - 17,900 - - Support Services 3,890 51,100 54,990 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 6,870 13,670 4,650 25,190 83,560 60,000 10,000 253,130 - 90,070 107,970 119,350 274,280 100,000 374,280 - - 4,120 5,760 416,570 4,080 4,080 504,030 2,594,490 (100) 195,190 10,490 53,240 2,853,310 23,900 23,900 720,180 20,000 148,280 20,580 Capital Financing Costs - - - 3,050 3,050 - 262,180 79,590 - 341,770 344,820 313,120 105,010 3,213,220 3,631,350 35,940 35,940 152,450 19,940 (11,610) 24,000 - 20,000 - 140,000 - 24,500 1,600 935,140 12,960 50,110 (890) 16,590 20,640 210,060 37,060 9,000 193,780 17,700 - 208,630 Gross Expenditue Sales, Fees Other Income and Charges 545,410 553,640 129,160 1,063,980 2,292,190 611,530 280,550 1,285,760 2,177,840 94,670 94,670 31,240 681,050 47,180 33,880 675,080 141,440 1,609,870 584,050 (1,000) (104,530) (87,000) (192,530) (118,000) (43,380) 834,610 16,110 282,430 1,698,330 1,500,570 32,150 1,136,530 15,000 1,221,570 2,413,190 935,750 679,650 219,040 1,056,160 134,520 90,070 12,849,730 584,230 584,230 156,630 156,630 19,765,160 35,853,190 435,040 2,458,280 379,640 10,841,110 24,970 49,992,230 90,920 15,690 142,540 1,515,350 705,430 2,469,930 4,801,390 683,550 239,540 1,269,770 4,536,990 35,860 8,066,260 1,626,090 151,500 1,735,940 565,050 6,495,630 378,040 30,585,610 333,280 69,420 359,660 355,300 (168,840) (220,690) (1,463,440) (33,350) (3,775,660) (3,216,850) (3,821,770) (40,470) (2,414,960) (16,640) (831,890) (45,580) (10,000) 256,620 1,296,060 5,164,610 385,110 5,450,520 28,380 6,660,990 226,770 446,200 (161,380) (64,420) (4,460) (68,880) (611,960) Rents Interest Specific Government Grants Internal Recharges (116,240) (50,250) 50,000 (116,240) - (250) (11,370) (11,370) (269,310) (269,310) (22,810) (68,240) (68,240) (211,920) - (90,720) - (211,920) - - (394,330) (660,460) - (290) (184,160) (585,920) (169,130) (184,160) (806,610) (1,463,440) (281,620) (3,863,940) (3,216,850) (3,821,770) (40,470) (2,414,960) (45,740) (831,890) (35,680) (119,110) (10,000) - (35,680) - (25,700) - - (90,720) (48,500) (248,270) (88,280) - - (117,240) (154,780) (37,000) (309,020) (118,000) (312,690) (430,690) (79,610) (79,610) (389,870) (4,460) (22,810) - - Gross Income - - - (29,100) (47,830) - (16,672,100) - (35,680) (514,140) (514,140) (362,250) - (47,830) - (847,970) (70,090) (70,090) (17,965,830) (584,230) (584,230) (17,094,890) (1,204,700) (748,240) (946,220) (362,250) - (339,950) - (1,020,400) (38,863,780) (485,000) (2,907,170) (112,830) (11,773,360) (19,763,710) (40,068,480) (485,000) (2,907,170) (112,830) (12,521,600) (54,142,140) - (56,095,080) (17,400) (33,710) (51,110) (4,895,910) (691,180) (134,690) (2,374,200) (3,876,660) (1,952,940) (331,560) (541,180) (399,350) (137,810) (613,190) (3,764,900) (70,640) (5,858,630) (86,060) 52,890 (15,710) (343,300) (115,000) (79,160) (6,000) (95,540) (487,080) (118,520) - (60,030) (150,000) (124,180) - (118,420) (4,504,320) (1,133,340) (50,000) (133,070) - (325,000) - (54,810) (168,420) - (847,090) (72,000) (3,294,240) (711,940) - (9,643,840) (17,400) (33,710) (51,110) (10,510) (1,122,440) - (1,132,950) (11,060) (526,870) (12,000) - (30,000) (19,270) (462,810) (613,190) (4,531,650) (70,640) (17,650,930) (158,060) 41,830 (542,580) (355,300) (170,900) (367,520) (16,590) (4,562,110) (115,000) (170,900) (446,680) (52,590) (4,676,920) (7,059,880) (221,390) (320,690) (7,546,960) (339,910) (320,690) 2014/15 Budget 428,170 398,860 92,160 1,063,980 1,983,170 493,530 (32,140) 1,285,760 1,747,150 15,060 15,060 31,240 291,180 42,720 33,880 675,080 141,440 1,215,540 (76,410) 665,480 (168,050) (524,180) 1,698,330 37,130 (249,470) (2,727,410) (3,201,850) (3,821,770) 1,181,100 (1,770) 890,010 (152,240) 183,360 937,050 124,520 90,070 (5,116,100) 156,630 156,630 1,450 (4,215,290) (49,960) (448,890) 266,810 (1,680,490) 24,970 (6,102,850) 90,920 15,690 142,540 1,497,950 671,720 2,418,820 (94,520) (7,630) 239,540 1,135,080 2,162,790 35,860 4,189,600 1,626,090 151,500 1,273,130 (48,140) 1,963,980 307,400 12,934,680 175,220 111,250 (182,920) 141,620 1,125,160 4,717,930 332,520 773,600 28,380 (885,970) (113,140) 125,510 2014-15 Budget: Subjective Analysis Expenditure Directorate Communities Division Highways and Local Services Service Area Private Developers Project Management & Central Support Public Conveniences Public Liability Road Safety School Crossing Patrols Street Lighting PFI Structural Maintenance Technical Consultancy Technical Services - Other Traffic Management Traffic Signals Group UTMC Waste Collection Waste Disposal Winter Service Capital Investment Capital Investment Total Development Development Total Development Management Development Management Total Fairer Housing Unit Fairer Housing Unit Total Strategic Property Services Strategic Property Services Total Other Expenditure Other Expenditure Total Investment and Development Total Resources Audit, Risk and Insurance Audit, Risk and Insurance Total Business Management (Res) Business Management (Res) Total Financial Services Financial Services Total Human Resources Human Resources Total ICT ICT Total Legal Services Legal Services Total Coroners Coroners Total Premises Transport 686,510 1,526,810 449,060 196,310 45,720 216,410 505,450 891,600 3,338,480 561,150 740,370 107,670 253,400 16,706,130 201,290 201,290 71,009,440 680,960 680,960 513,250 480,520 1,080 994,850 1,621,490 99,500 154,890 80 12,820 5,870,090 3,000 3,000 16,154,090 1,380 1,380 8,030 8,030 110,310 67,610 43,480 11,390 930 2,900 540 610 2,620 125,550 4,500 25,100 27,280 366,810 1,040 1,040 14,064,920 780 780 4,250 4,250 3,540 1,621,490 23,310 133,620 3,540 3,230 73,280 12,180 1,740 210 60,350 6,220 28,950 1,229,940 259,590 445,970 243,580 203,170 6,762,420 425,130 7,890 90,760 426,130 28,420 669,080 235,330 151,750 553,980 (637,610) 50,280 2,763,970 342,670 5,100 104,350 260,260 5,477,490 321,480 321,480 36,902,270 9,030 9,030 620 220,530 200,000 156,800 577,950 370,180 4,390 374,570 1,225,700 1,225,700 1,243,700 1,243,700 1,650 1,650 589,690 589,690 Investment & Development Director 143,330 143,330 5,256,020 Audit, Risk and Insurance 782,540 782,540 Business Management 1,291,280 Corporate Programme Office 194,670 Operational Support 1,290,510 Resources & Performance 1,363,260 4,139,720 Exchequer Services 1,697,620 Finance 2,268,900 Revenues & Benefits 3,722,600 7,689,120 Head of HR and Organisational Development Health and Safety 556,120 Operational HR 681,580 Strategic HR 526,390 Training Schemes 498,300 2,262,390 ICT Operations 5,362,840 Local Broadband Plan Technical Refresh 5,362,840 Commercial & Corporate Law 1,840,250 Land Charges 32,140 1,872,390 Coroners 122,800 122,800 4,010,350 20,000 4,030,350 100 390 490 5,417,080 - 10,710 450 450 1,150 1,500 1,000 3,650 750 5,000 10,290 16,040 Highways and Local Services Total Facility Services and Civic Management Building Cleaning Caretaking CCTV Monitoring Cemeteries and Crematoria Civic Services Trading Energy Sustainability External Catering Internal Catering Mansion House Newcastle Enterprise Centres Property Portfolio Property Services School Catering Security Wardens Waste Education & Enforcement Welfare Catering Facility Services and Civic Management Total Other Expenditure Communities Director Other Expenditure Total Communities Total Investment and Development Employees Supplies & Services Major Projects Housing & Planning Strategy HP&T Executive Local Development Framework Transportation Strategy Development Management Special Projects Transportation Strategy BNG Housing Development & Partnership Capital Charges Office Accommodation Property Services Surplus Assets 136,330 220 104,490 61,550 373,990 362,240 1,033,680 154,460 240,560 988,220 132,940 3,343,920 536,960 93,040 18,552,130 5,677,860 1,509,330 21,070 2,230 86,280 104,000 7,710 (1,870) 10,000 (117,990) 662,430 13,210 2,905,380 2,290,780 645,380 239,280 37,240 220 76,050 547,600 1,766,250 43,600 43,600 1,000 1,000 330 7,450 13,960 21,740 2,980 30,000 32,980 313,260 313,260 1,220 620 4,260 1,720 2,060 11,420 12,190 2,230 144,100 2,313,930 213,050 258,380 5,963,390 53,590 710 2,490 3,170 5,610 9,700 20,970 43,150 43,150 6,100 420 6,520 170 170 Income Third Party Payments 7,176,680 17,010 - 1,431,670 11,438,890 20,224,250 800 Support Services 2,100 18,680 5,500 1,930 51,450 80,950 589,460 22,170 48,260 80,220 410,290 (670) 1,656,870 23,600 4,020 Capital Financing Costs (108,100) 3,790 416,560 14,640 7,500 560,720 - - 1,510 31,230 1,350 1,550 40,580 130,460 65,340 12,380 16,920 6,280 3,620 580 339,420 310 310 5,808,950 8,800 8,800 59,060 59,060 1,250 - 800 2,050 55,290 55,290 - 652,060 652,060 293,130 24,280 700,000 1,017,410 2,034,250 8,810 8,810 5,740 1,080 43,000 320,950 370,770 453,070 132,500 1,162,240 1,747,810 221,080 45,880 301,470 15,990 584,420 1,596,050 1,777,600 3,373,650 103,060 1,260 104,320 147,820 147,820 - 484,680 6,190 490,870 763,850 763,850 1,212,840 8,560 8,560 6,700 6,000 18,610 31,310 91,810 19,000 68,270 179,080 15,040 12,160 2,690 29,890 721,760 - 781,470 - - 27,000 - - 27,800 20,626,330 - - - - 222,900 222,900 20,000 20,000 - 721,760 143,650 143,650 - 3,290 8,910 6,987,150 7,500 15,710 7,022,560 11,444,350 17,620 17,620 Gross Expenditue 142,880 (13,530) 123,790 85,720 379,380 7,314,410 566,470 1,694,910 195,040 327,710 2,444,400 402,530 8,244,350 13,108,880 575,300 56,625,160 8,470,960 1,521,950 1,495,060 2,276,640 28,420 1,168,120 433,410 315,030 1,320,890 8,779,240 1,015,330 6,216,950 1,216,890 756,330 253,560 541,520 35,810,300 527,120 527,120 176,010,350 700,950 700,950 513,870 764,360 200,000 165,910 1,644,140 2,124,390 28,500 2,152,890 3,178,400 3,178,400 - 210,240 1,443,770 1,654,010 5,552,110 620,550 720,000 6,892,660 143,330 143,330 14,712,370 800,360 800,360 1,304,870 195,750 1,341,010 1,747,420 4,589,050 2,243,250 2,425,400 5,187,300 9,855,950 795,060 750,240 850,120 523,990 2,919,410 7,957,020 3,251,370 11,208,390 1,949,410 177,470 2,126,880 584,050 584,050 Sales, Fees Other Income and Charges (157,790) (5,170) (3,540) (1,230) (35,150) (16,520) (115,570) (192,390) (2,202,980) (3,679,100) (194,240) (7,897,160) (1,423,270) (130,500) (2,329,710) (95,220) (152,870) (1,048,980) (293,430) (294,240) (198,330) (358,800) (63,660) (2,276,010) (501,380) (43,720) (9,210,120) (24,918,850) (66,000) (66,000) (1,299,400) (6,370) (1,305,770) (663,060) (663,060) (10,200) (63,660) (73,860) Rents Interest Specific Government Grants - (99,040) (2,089,740) - (400,000) (280,000) (186,010) - (270,010) (19,270) (2,898,780) - (6,470) (16,530) (5,500) (157,790) (11,640) (20,070) (105,770) (633,840) (2,239,810) (22,170) (133,220) (494,230) (2,124,890) (650,360) (2,355,380) (214,560) (133,220) (2,697,210) (400,000) (5,241,950) (895,670) (20,800) (29,713,070) (8,869,090) (1,572,010) (1,282,850) (515,420) (20,800) (18,627,850) (7,445,820) (1,441,510) (1,000) (58,000) (693,020) (17,675,270) (55,900) (55,900) (91,685,220) (810,170) (810,170) (126,230) (118,000) (2,500) (58,000) - (8,830) (253,060) (118,000) (191,400) (2,500) - (104,970) (104,970) (1,541,310) (1,541,310) (118,000) (502,390) (502,390) (6,370) (1,617,670) (3,104,340) (3,104,340) (62,470) (15,000) (740,510) (16,258,730) (530,000) (166,670) (3,150) - (3,150) (171,570) (470,920) (470,920) (191,400) (17,124,770) (18,241,870) (167,670) (530,000) (186,940) (13,072,620) (1,000) (1,000) (291,610) (291,610) (1,538,380) (48,000) (3,910) (12,390) (216,620) (4,570,020) (1,076,860) (628,740) (152,950) - (346,250) (814,540) (46,610) (152,950) - (1,160,790) (2,108,690) (52,900) (52,900) - (813,900) (134,020) (134,020) (48,320) (1,696,760) (75,000) (393,500) (468,500) (227,410) (988,500) (1,215,910) (48,320) (332,580) (185,180) - (517,760) - (161,710) (161,710) (205,000) (196,870) (401,870) - Gross Income (2,345,870) (1,666,500) (152,870) (1,159,450) (297,340) (321,630) (1,468,840) (16,784,200) (283,430) (6,846,030) (1,578,240) (628,740) (43,720) (693,020) (44,710,980) (55,900) (55,900) (148,277,070) (810,170) (810,170) (126,230) (646,920) (74,830) (847,980) (1,611,300) - (15,160) (32,900) Internal Recharges (46,610) (67,900) (12,250) (9,650) (1,000) (349,610) (30,540) - (30,540) - (35,680) (3,478,950) (3,514,630) - (2,844,410) (358,320) (358,320) (175,980) (153,780) (329,760) (581,090) (564,190) (1,145,280) (308,550) (830,220) (92,060) (22,820) (517,780) (136,140) (120,000) (44,000) (817,920) (4,449,980) (4,449,980) (1,008,330) (92,060) (22,820) (1,008,330) (89,800) (521,670) (45,620) (75,000) (120,620) (509,400) (924,810) (1,434,210) (7,814,370) (545,240) (545,240) (78,860) (250,980) (547,280) (877,120) (1,141,080) (785,050) (4,467,450) (6,393,580) (585,680) (148,390) (175,270) (119,000) (1,028,340) (5,133,360) (308,550) (5,441,910) (1,328,210) (196,870) (1,525,080) - 2014/15 Budget (14,910) (25,170) 103,720 (20,050) 379,380 5,189,520 (83,890) (660,470) (19,520) 194,490 (252,810) 2,530 3,002,400 12,213,210 554,500 26,912,090 (398,130) (50,060) (850,810) 610,140 (124,450) 8,670 136,070 (6,600) (147,950) (8,004,960) 731,900 (629,080) (361,350) 127,590 209,840 (151,500) (8,900,680) 471,220 471,220 27,733,280 (109,220) (109,220) 387,640 117,440 200,000 91,080 796,160 513,090 22,130 535,220 74,060 74,060 5,042,710 (304,260) 720,000 5,458,450 143,330 143,330 6,898,000 255,120 255,120 1,226,010 195,750 1,090,030 1,200,140 3,711,930 1,102,170 1,640,350 719,850 3,462,370 209,380 601,850 674,850 404,990 1,891,070 2,823,660 2,942,820 5,766,480 621,200 (19,400) 601,800 584,050 584,050 2014-15 Budget: Subjective Analysis Expenditure Directorate Resources Division Other Expenditure Service Area Chief Executive Director of Corporate Services Director of Resources Other Overheads Other Expenditure Total Resources Total Wellbeing, Care and Learning Adult Social Care Care Services Fairer Charging Income Learning Disability Mental Health Older People Other Social Care Services Physical Disability Specialist Services - Other Employees 213,000 19,210 156,780 19,440 408,430 22,640,230 9,258,680 1,971,540 2,647,410 4,311,590 410,520 874,310 340,620 Adult Social Care Total 19,814,670 Business Management (WC&L) Administration 3,851,270 Business Finance 990,320 Business Improvement & Performance 1,350,980 Complaints & Customer Relations 89,700 Former CSD held savings 34,590 Other Services 156,830 Service Level Agreements (SLA's) 633,440 Transport 591,280 Workforce Development 502,760 Business Management (WC&L) Total 8,201,170 Children's Social Care Children with SEN & Disabilities 1,460,030 Corporate Parenting & Leaving Care (Non LAC)2,668,820 Initial Contact, Referral & Assessment 2,849,850 Looked After Children 1,893,910 Other Social Care Services 1,001,820 Safeguarding Standards Unit 652,550 Services to Young People 2,425,240 Social Care Services East 3,428,570 Social Care Services West 1,501,340 Children's Social Care Total 17,882,130 Commissioning and Procurement Commissioning (Contract Management) 1,141,950 Commissioning and Learner Funding Employability Skills & Progress Other Commissioning Procurement 641,220 Commissioning and Procurement Total 1,783,170 Education - Mainstream Budget Behaviour & Attendance 700,420 Capital Charges Connexions 693,130 Employability & Skills Employability Skills & Progress 117,310 Learning Development 526,600 PFI & BSF Prim. & Secondary School Improvement 1,217,380 School Org & Capital 379,780 School Support Services 556,850 School Transport 109,270 SEN 1,389,620 Support Services 143,050 Education - Mainstream Budget Total 5,833,410 Education - Schools Budget Dedicated Schools Grant Early Years Block High Needs Block 2,564,570 Individual Schools Budgets 95,653,650 Schools block 526,950 Education - Schools Budget Total 98,745,170 Public Health Public Health 709,920 Public Health Total 709,920 Resilience, Prevention and Early Intervention Active Inclusion 2,183,490 Capital Charges Community Nurseries 2,711,550 Family Support Services 805,450 Joint Partnerships 116,780 Play Service 188,510 Supported Employment 757,080 Supporting People Sure Start 4,683,470 Wellbeing for Life 57,700 Resilience, Prevention and Early Intervention Total 11,504,030 Wellbeing, Care and Learning Total 164,473,670 Total Service Expenditure 273,385,379 Premises 500 - Transport 500 413,080 408,060 6,470 6,470 97,420 111,400 139,120 11,880 95,000 89,510 210,420 953,990 30,010 - 149,990 45,660 54,620 12,390 96,230 5,830 476,120 5,220 5,340 10,410 770 2,620 67,340 94,780 20,000 214,750 7,440 58,140 94,270 9,570 - 1,460 189,880 3,250 216,330 28,030 42,570 56,460 373,590 4,860 12,720 92,440 98,630 100,220 809,520 260 260 14,940 - 10,540 28,400 189,280 387,100 - Supplies & Services 125,550 14,130 14,820 66,310 220,810 6,558,410 759,470 70,850 1,140,000 1,701,230 342,560 330,510 1,101,520 5,446,140 290,610 38,890 295,990 36,690 (928,310) 71,440 173,010 (50,300) 287,890 215,910 440,320 252,270 269,650 216,510 33,190 64,860 773,670 661,340 83,790 2,795,600 187,230 747,180 287,000 105,810 56,630 1,383,850 15,830 500 134,320 3,324,140 17,000 105,200 7,350 59,110 2,410 3,650,030 4,620 18,680 16,020 3,220 2,540 8,880 290 79,730 238,280 45,240 1,200 128,720 27,463,240 746,490 167,560 19,270 (106,530) 1,121,390 (23,330) 29,817,360 1,000 14,264,640 23,280 14,288,920 211,650 38,450 38,450 220 220 36,050 8,092,120 4,735,940 32,511,830 2,004,710 47,344,600 2,782,350 2,782,350 436,620 185,430 3,500 260 49,080 47,830 25,310 260 1,360 21,500 161,470 1,097,180 301,900 51,810 41,410 476,430 4,450 978,630 20,473,420 45,432,860 13,840 4,690 103,010 1,723,640 16,174,420 1,365,410 (312,920) 3,142,880 92,928,690 143,961,641 Income Third Party Payments 242,900 500 31,990,810 3,671,860 44,730,100 413,940 8,093,560 88,900,770 - - 1,038,940 1,355,880 15,338,800 90,520 5,860 861,980 955,220 19,647,200 Support Services 3,200 670 3,870 1,118,120 30,140 59,700 440,170 6,000 41,980 577,990 71,360 275,470 123,500 470,330 82,000 Capital Financing Costs 2,580 2,580 1,656,590 13,880 - 13,880 - - 10 50,000 50,010 127,440 127,440 - 3,400 85,400 53,160 20,070 2,332,280 3,087,950 3,087,950 15,870,830 15,870,830 2,070 66,710 1,208,190 384,870 103,570 65,760 246,700 35,000 2,184,030 60,000 2,328,310 2,548,170 1,955,880 6,892,360 2,000 2,000 911,990 260,000 166,550 - 7,118,120 7,380,190 137,346,660 158,335,240 1,524,080 609,970 4,500 3,217,090 13,429,200 22,073,140 29,280 240 2,279,420 23,340 Gross Expenditue 348,720 33,340 172,270 88,330 642,660 32,726,750 10,551,990 34,183,190 7,644,050 50,809,420 1,274,410 9,484,120 1,658,390 115,605,570 4,177,240 1,034,550 1,747,090 127,160 (893,720) 232,350 1,313,960 831,640 855,880 9,426,150 3,046,120 4,377,680 3,175,960 17,917,080 1,049,450 820,650 3,651,080 5,363,300 2,640,570 42,041,890 1,329,180 747,180 369,000 233,250 701,510 3,380,120 784,350 22,500 962,020 45,240 123,630 875,030 32,242,580 2,411,040 759,570 651,770 2,282,160 2,849,040 157,420 44,143,850 8,152,120 12,756,220 144,978,290 4,510,820 170,397,450 19,365,320 19,365,320 3,804,370 22,500 333,400 14,560,630 3,225,000 2,191,440 419,200 290,760 867,820 8,642,200 7,149,120 (241,580) 26,348,330 430,708,680 673,923,310 247,010 - 247,010 - Sales, Fees Other Income and Charges Rents Interest Specific Government Grants Internal Recharges (54,120) (2,300,890) (228,220) (3,515,630) (1,328,530) (425,070) (8,574,390) (480,670) (14,552,510) (78,210) (35,510) (161,310) (54,120) (1,766,300) (2,566,300) (4,896,610) (1,054,010) (13,978,070) (2,630,510) (154,960) (25,280,460) (29,220) (16,230) (133,060) - (54,120) (41,780) - (40,000) - (3,688,610) (7,610) (85,960) (640,230) (228,850) (962,650) (38,750) (81,780) - (35,700) - (17,570) (100,000) (392,600) (328,950) (6,000) (280,930) (43,800) (659,680) (53,730) (53,730) (360,620) (178,510) (687,630) (178,000) (447,670) (25,000) (547,120) - (20,830) (100,000) (40,000) (42,430) (1,048,060) (150,000) (263,190) - (1,170,740) (240,000) (20,830) (1,673,930) (266,590) (743,410) (369,000) (85,960) (687,480) (837,480) (1,464,960) - (348,970) (115,030) (24,410) (137,970) (150,230) (493,720) (1,630,950) (36,120) (177,500) (213,620) (260,960) (1,171,910) (36,570) (194,840) (121,800) (99,510) (1,885,590) (19,388,680) (65,812,000) - (44,000) - - (30,840) (2,250) (232,900) (232,900) (8,629,540) (647,550) (9,277,090) (329,330) (329,330) (43,790) (74,840) - (38,260) (25,000) (292,380) (37,476,210) (41,174,200) (65,760) (243,210) (20,544,090) (32,760) (32,760) (755,330) (191,730) (1,128,770) (15,000) (2,090,830) (60,000) (60,000) (264,230) (234,280) (30,000) (118,000) (28,740) (795,250) - (8,340) (8,340) (230,670) (64,210) (448,490) (8,386,170) (1,146,800) (273,660) (785,020) (572,200) (1,029,870) (12,937,090) (651,560) (5,291,520) (160,331,860) (18,989,180) (18,989,180) (1,211,960) (249,300) (268,380) (517,680) (93,720) - (27,500) - (23,106,970) - (8,109,590) (97,940) (1,615,020) (3,872,260) (2,250) (28,692,190) (154,388,780) - (31,790) (191,800) Gross Income (54,120) (15,865,390) (2,836,300) (3,523,240) (6,265,140) (1,565,040) (22,552,460) (640,230) (3,143,940) (383,810) (40,910,160) (901,510) (51,740) (521,800) (1,576,440) (57,570) (100,000) (3,209,060) (747,630) (587,780) (264,230) (363,190) (280,280) (30,000) (1,612,100) (268,740) (43,800) (4,197,750) (266,590) (947,140) (369,000) (85,960) (695,820) (2,364,510) (591,290) (64,210) (841,460) (31,493,140) (1,494,730) (331,160) (922,990) (97,940) (2,337,450) (5,395,850) (43,570,220) (154,388,780) (936,980) (13,921,060) (1,093,430) (170,340,250) (19,318,510) (19,318,510) (1,637,930) (513,150) (1,685,060) (1,256,060) (179,480) (1,472,110) (31,790) (194,840) (12,000) (66,540) (392,140) (68,850) (68,850) (15,150) (1,589,150) (1,742,070) (25,000) (2,564,020) (2,442,040) (7,249,790) (2,250) (215,225,910) (18,823,990) (291,160,250) (190,190) (232,676,700) (122,483,610) (482,880,790) 2014/15 Budget 294,600 33,340 172,270 88,330 588,540 16,861,360 7,715,690 (3,523,240) 27,918,050 6,079,010 28,256,960 634,180 6,340,180 1,274,580 74,695,410 3,275,730 982,810 1,225,290 127,160 (893,720) 232,350 (262,480) 774,070 755,880 6,217,090 2,298,490 3,789,900 2,911,730 17,553,890 769,170 790,650 2,038,980 5,094,560 2,596,770 37,844,140 1,062,590 (199,960) 147,290 5,690 1,015,610 193,060 962,020 45,240 59,420 33,570 749,440 916,310 428,410 (271,220) 2,184,220 511,590 (5,238,430) 573,630 ########### 8,152,120 11,819,240 131,057,230 3,417,390 57,200 46,810 46,810 2,166,440 1,539,940 719,330 387,410 95,920 475,680 8,573,350 5,407,050 (266,580) 19,098,540 139,548,430 191,042,520 2014-15 Budget: Subjective Analysis Expenditure Priority A Fit For Purpose Council Division Service Area Audit, Risk and Insurance Audit, Risk and Insurance Total Business Management (Res) Audit, Risk and Insurance Business Management (Res) Total Business Management (WC&L) Business Management (WC&L) Total Commissioning and Procurement Commissioning and Procurement Total Co-operative Communities Service Co-operative Communities Service Total Democratic Services Democratic Services Total Financial Services Financial Services Total Human Resources Human Resources Total ICT ICT Total LA7 Policy Advisor LA7 Policy Advisor Total Legal Services Legal Services Total Policy, Comms and Performance Policy, Comms and Performance Total Coroners Coroners Total Other Expenditure Business Management Corporate Programme Office Operational Support Resources & Performance Administration Business Finance Business Improvement & Performance Complaints & Customer Relations Former CSD held savings Other Services Service Level Agreements (SLA's) Transport Workforce Development Commissioning (Contract Management) Commissioning and Learner Funding Employability Skills & Progress Other Commissioning Procurement Children's Rights Team Communities Other Community Buildings Community Development Ward Budgets Democratic Services Management Electoral Services Lord Mayors Members Allowances Exchequer Services Finance Revenues & Benefits Head of HR and Organisational Development Health and Safety Operational HR Strategic HR Training Schemes ICT Operations Local Broadband Plan Technical Refresh Tyne and Wear Policy Officer Commercial & Corporate Law Land Charges Climate Change Communications & Marketing International Affairs Performance Management Policy Professional Assistants Coroners Assistant Chief Executive Chief Executive Communities Director Director of Corporate Services Director of Resources Investment & Development Director Other Overheads Other Expenditure Total A Fit For Purpose Council Total A Working City Building and Commercial Enterprise Building and Commercial Enterprise Total Capital Investment Capital Investment Total Development Employees Building Maintenance Carbon Trust Design Services Energy Sustainability Transport Warmzone Major Projects Housing & Planning Strategy HP&T Executive Local Development Framework Transportation Strategy 782,540 782,540 1,291,280 194,670 1,290,510 1,363,260 4,139,720 3,851,270 990,320 1,350,980 89,700 34,590 156,830 633,440 591,280 502,760 8,201,170 1,141,950 - 641,220 1,783,170 15,510 1,367,780 1,383,290 411,459 210,640 70,660 62,200 754,959 1,697,620 2,268,900 3,722,600 7,689,120 556,120 681,580 526,390 498,300 2,262,390 5,362,840 5,362,840 79,880 79,880 1,840,250 32,140 1,872,390 545,950 33,880 592,710 122,630 1,295,170 122,800 122,800 139,100 213,000 201,290 19,210 156,780 143,330 19,440 892,150 36,621,589 18,125,630 1,803,870 316,420 1,177,700 24,970 21,448,590 680,960 680,960 513,250 480,520 1,080 Premises - 43,600 43,600 30,010 2,620 67,340 94,780 20,000 214,750 - 23,400 179,360 24,610 227,370 55,680 3,500 59,180 1,000 1,000 330 7,450 13,960 21,740 2,980 30,000 32,980 300 3,530 3,830 313,260 313,260 500 3,000 - Transport 450 450 1,150 1,500 1,000 3,650 5,220 5,340 10,410 770 1,460 189,880 3,250 216,330 260 260 230 9,130 9,360 2,650 4,460 2,000 26,000 35,110 750 5,000 10,290 16,040 2,490 3,170 5,610 9,700 20,970 43,150 43,150 710 710 6,100 420 6,520 1,120 1,180 4,770 990 8,060 170 170 6,470 1,040 - 3,500 921,210 376,700 50,000 192,560 500 7,510 368,290 2,245,480 1,220 20,700 3,730 5,340,620 619,760 1,380 1,380 8,030 7,611,750 780 780 4,250 - Supplies & Services 8,810 8,810 5,740 1,080 43,000 320,950 370,770 290,610 38,890 295,990 36,690 (928,310) 71,440 173,010 (50,300) 287,890 215,910 187,230 747,180 287,000 105,810 56,630 1,383,850 51,780 15,690 (36,820) 53,990 705,430 790,070 127,411 231,760 56,500 972,280 1,387,951 453,070 132,500 1,162,240 1,747,810 221,080 45,880 301,470 15,990 584,420 1,596,050 1,777,600 3,373,650 1,100 1,100 103,060 1,260 104,320 31,240 126,810 46,000 60,400 10,120 274,570 147,820 147,820 13,450 125,550 321,480 14,130 14,820 66,310 555,740 10,946,791 11,923,490 283,920 140,950 49,000 1,055,830 13,453,190 9,030 9,030 620 220,530 200,000 156,800 Income Third Party Payments - - - Support Services 8,560 8,560 6,700 6,000 18,610 31,310 30,140 59,700 440,170 6,000 41,980 577,990 82,000 Capital Financing Costs - - - - 127,440 127,440 - 222,900 222,900 20,000 20,000 11,380 11,380 - - 381,720 274,280 100,000 374,280 - 3,400 85,400 23,900 23,900 3,890 51,100 54,990 91,810 19,000 68,270 179,080 15,040 12,160 2,690 29,890 721,760 721,760 1,600 1,600 143,650 143,650 6,870 13,670 4,650 25,190 4,080 3,200 310 670 8,260 1,891,580 2,594,490 (100) 195,190 10,490 53,240 2,853,310 8,800 8,800 59,060 - 35,940 35,940 - - 210,240 1,443,770 1,654,010 3,050 3,050 2,580 2,580 1,695,580 313,120 105,010 3,213,220 3,631,350 Gross Expenditue 800,360 800,360 1,304,870 195,750 1,341,010 1,747,420 4,589,050 4,177,240 1,034,550 1,747,090 127,160 (893,720) 232,350 1,313,960 831,640 855,880 9,426,150 1,329,180 747,180 369,000 233,250 701,510 3,380,120 90,920 15,690 142,540 1,515,350 705,430 2,469,930 545,410 553,640 129,160 1,063,980 2,292,190 2,243,250 2,425,400 5,187,300 9,855,950 795,060 750,240 850,120 523,990 2,919,410 7,957,020 3,251,370 11,208,390 94,670 94,670 1,949,410 177,470 2,126,880 31,240 681,050 47,180 33,880 675,080 141,440 1,609,870 584,050 584,050 156,630 348,720 527,120 33,340 172,270 143,330 88,330 1,469,740 52,826,760 35,853,190 435,040 2,458,280 379,640 10,841,110 24,970 49,992,230 700,950 700,950 513,870 764,360 200,000 165,910 Sales, Fees Other Income and Charges (52,900) (52,900) (75,000) (393,500) (468,500) (78,210) (35,510) (161,310) Rents Interest (134,020) (134,020) (48,320) (48,320) (29,220) (16,230) (133,060) - Specific Government Grants (30,540) - (30,540) (38,750) (35,700) - (17,570) (100,000) (392,600) (53,730) (53,730) (1,000) (104,530) (87,000) (192,530) (227,410) (988,500) (1,215,910) (161,710) (161,710) (205,000) (196,870) (401,870) (64,420) (4,460) (68,880) - (178,510) (150,000) (447,670) (25,000) (547,120) (266,590) (743,410) (369,000) (85,960) - (687,480) (837,480) (116,240) (1,464,960) - - - - - - (116,240) (332,580) (185,180) - (517,760) - - (67,900) (12,250) (9,650) (358,320) (358,320) (175,980) (153,780) (329,760) (755,330) (191,730) (1,128,770) (15,000) (2,090,830) - (8,340) (8,340) - - (35,680) (3,478,950) (3,514,630) (45,620) (75,000) (120,620) (89,800) (521,670) Internal Recharges (308,550) (830,220) (68,240) (68,240) (92,060) (22,820) (92,060) (211,920) (22,820) (22,810) - (17,400) (33,710) (51,110) (50,250) 50,000 (250) (581,090) (564,190) (1,145,280) (517,780) (136,140) (120,000) (44,000) (817,920) (4,449,980) (4,449,980) (11,370) (11,370) (1,008,330) (1,008,330) (90,720) - (211,920) (22,810) (90,720) (54,120) - (3,008,630) (1,204,700) (748,240) - (54,120) (3,178,690) (1,952,940) (66,000) - - (5,723,500) - - (470,920) - (58,000) - Gross Income (545,240) (545,240) (78,860) (250,980) (547,280) (877,120) (901,510) (51,740) (521,800) (1,576,440) (57,570) (100,000) (3,209,060) (266,590) (947,140) (369,000) (85,960) (695,820) (2,364,510) (17,400) (33,710) (51,110) (117,240) (154,780) (37,000) (309,020) (1,141,080) (785,050) (4,467,450) (6,393,580) (585,680) (148,390) (175,270) (119,000) (1,028,340) (5,133,360) (308,550) (5,441,910) (79,610) (79,610) (1,328,210) (196,870) (1,525,080) (389,870) (4,460) (394,330) - (55,900) (54,120) (55,900) (55,900) (10,418,110) (38,863,780) (485,000) (2,907,170) (112,830) (11,773,360) (110,020) (22,328,930) (40,068,480) (485,000) (2,907,170) (112,830) (12,521,600) (54,142,140) (810,170) (810,170) (126,230) (118,000) (56,095,080) (810,170) (810,170) (126,230) (646,920) (74,830) (8,830) 2014/15 Budget 255,120 255,120 1,226,010 195,750 1,090,030 1,200,140 3,711,930 3,275,730 982,810 1,225,290 127,160 (893,720) 232,350 (262,480) 774,070 755,880 6,217,090 1,062,590 (199,960) 147,290 5,690 1,015,610 90,920 15,690 142,540 1,497,950 671,720 2,418,820 428,170 398,860 92,160 1,063,980 1,983,170 1,102,170 1,640,350 719,850 3,462,370 209,380 601,850 674,850 404,990 1,891,070 2,823,660 2,942,820 5,766,480 15,060 15,060 621,200 (19,400) 601,800 31,240 291,180 42,720 33,880 675,080 141,440 1,215,540 584,050 584,050 156,630 294,600 471,220 33,340 172,270 143,330 88,330 1,359,720 30,497,830 (4,215,290) (49,960) (448,890) 266,810 (1,680,490) 24,970 (6,102,850) (109,220) (109,220) 387,640 117,440 200,000 91,080 2014-15 Budget: Subjective Analysis Expenditure Priority Division A Working City Development Total Development Management Development Management Total Economic Development Economic Development Total Education - Mainstream Budget Education - Mainstream Budget Total Education - Schools Budget Education - Schools Budget Total Public Safety and Regulation Public Safety and Regulation Total Strategic Property Services Strategic Property Services Total Regional Transport Regional Transport Total A Working City Total Decent Neighbourhoods Highways and Local Services Service Area Development Management Special Projects Transportation Strategy Corporate Economic Development Grant Funded Programmes Projects Behaviour & Attendance Capital Charges Connexions Employability & Skills Employability Skills & Progress Learning Development PFI & BSF Prim. & Secondary School Improvement School Org & Capital School Support Services School Transport SEN Support Services Dedicated Schools Grant Early Years Block High Needs Block Individual Schools Budgets Schools block Building Control Capital-To be allocated out Environmental Protection Executive & Events Green Travel Plan Infrastructure Licensing Management Agreements Multi Storey Car Parks Off Street Parking On Street Parking Other Expenditure Parking Enforcement Public Health & Pollution Control Public Protection Quayside MSCP Resilience and Emergency Planning Safe Newcastle Shopmobility Tyne and Wear Payments and Partnerships Capital Charges Office Accommodation Property Services Surplus Assets Local Transport Plan Adhoc Maintenance Asset Management Blacksmiths Bus Stations Capital Charges Christmas Lights Depots Environmental Maintenance Flooding Grounds Gullies Highway Maintenance Pest Control Planned Highway Maintenance Private Developers Project Management & Central Support Public Conveniences Public Liability Road Safety School Crossing Patrols Street Lighting PFI Structural Maintenance Technical Consultancy Technical Services - Other Traffic Management Traffic Signals Group Employees Premises Transport 994,850 1,621,490 8,030 110,310 4,250 3,540 1,621,490 348,070 280,550 628,620 700,420 23,310 133,620 - 3,540 14,940 693,130 10,540 577,950 370,180 4,390 374,570 261,860 1,285,760 1,547,620 15,830 117,310 526,600 1,217,380 379,780 556,850 109,270 1,389,620 143,050 5,833,410 500 134,320 3,324,140 17,000 105,200 7,350 59,110 2,410 3,650,030 4,620 18,680 16,020 3,220 2,540 8,880 290 79,730 238,280 45,240 1,200 128,720 27,463,240 746,490 167,560 19,270 (106,530) 1,121,390 (23,330) 29,817,360 2,564,570 95,653,650 526,950 98,745,170 458,150 1,000 14,264,640 23,280 14,288,920 - 38,450 38,450 11,000 8,092,120 4,735,940 32,511,830 2,004,710 47,344,600 31,340 1,640 1,381,540 9,320 4,650 868,900 - 11,170 2,460 147,380 30,820 15,380 769,540 225,130 50,930 192,870 685,500 - Supplies & Services 838,480 194,280 548,020 116,500 635,790 10,000 340 - 3,000 4,080 530 34,360 (271,480) 74,120 93,100 537,240 27,500 5,450 15,000 654,130 248,150 89,240 43,860 7,640 497,960 17,490 6,732,290 2,912,180 233,850 2,105,100 589,690 589,690 376,000 376,000 137,651,070 4,680 56,460 158,170 4,010,350 20,000 4,030,350 25,644,270 234,830 (420) 339,750 100 390 490 7,972,840 7,620 17,800 293,130 24,280 700,000 1,017,410 208,230 208,230 96,455,060 48,450 134,000 15,550 - 567,440 2,085,450 3,809,900 86,920 3,148,740 3,362,340 161,810 200,510 136,330 220 104,490 61,550 373,990 362,240 1,033,680 154,460 240,560 988,220 - 116,620 1,032,480 193,210 52,840 203,070 (79,550) 25,480 21,070 2,230 86,280 104,000 7,710 (1,870) 8,030 981,940 647,480 28,380 1,284,470 30,520 1,220 620 4,260 1,720 2,060 11,420 12,190 2,230 144,100 263,580 180,450 228,760 1,430,590 1,883,670 8,960 3,230 73,280 12,180 1,740 210 60,350 6,220 28,950 1,229,940 Income Third Party Payments Support Services - 59,060 1,250 - 800 2,050 1,600 1,600 53,160 - 20,070 29,280 240 2,279,420 23,340 2,332,280 3,087,950 3,087,950 17,900 - - 66,710 1,208,190 384,870 103,570 65,760 246,700 35,000 2,184,030 60,000 2,328,310 2,548,170 1,955,880 6,892,360 83,560 60,000 10,000 253,130 - 90,070 107,970 - 5,902,480 20,000 - 140,000 - 7,176,680 17,010 - 4,120 5,760 - Capital Financing Costs 17,620 17,620 - 247,010 - 247,010 - 262,180 79,590 - 416,570 341,770 484,680 6,190 490,870 12,908,650 12,960 50,110 - 763,850 763,850 (890) 16,590 20,640 210,060 37,060 2,100 18,680 5,500 1,930 51,450 80,950 589,460 22,170 48,260 80,220 5,001,600 17,700 - 208,630 (108,100) 3,790 Gross Expenditue 1,644,140 2,124,390 28,500 2,152,890 611,530 280,550 1,285,760 2,177,840 784,350 962,020 45,240 123,630 875,030 32,242,580 2,411,040 759,570 651,770 2,282,160 2,849,040 157,420 44,143,850 8,152,120 12,756,220 144,978,290 4,510,820 170,397,450 584,050 Sales, Fees Other Income and Charges (66,000) (1,299,400) (470,920) (191,400) (6,370) (1,305,770) (118,000) (43,380) (191,400) - (161,380) (360,620) Rents Interest (2,500) (2,500) (269,310) (269,310) - - (348,970) (115,030) (24,410) (137,970) (150,230) (493,720) (1,630,950) (36,120) (177,500) (213,620) (611,960) 834,610 16,110 282,430 1,698,330 1,500,570 32,150 1,136,530 15,000 1,221,570 2,413,190 935,750 679,650 219,040 1,056,160 134,520 90,070 12,849,730 (168,840) (220,690) (1,463,440) (33,350) (3,775,660) (3,216,850) (3,821,770) (40,470) (2,414,960) (16,640) (831,890) (45,580) (10,000) (16,672,100) 5,552,110 620,550 720,000 6,892,660 584,230 584,230 291,535,970 333,280 69,420 359,660 355,300 (10,200) (63,660) (73,860) (22,076,620) (86,060) 52,890 (15,710) (343,300) 256,620 1,296,060 5,164,610 385,110 5,450,520 28,380 6,660,990 226,770 446,200 142,880 (13,530) 123,790 85,720 379,380 7,314,410 566,470 1,694,910 195,040 327,710 2,444,400 (115,000) (79,160) (6,000) (95,540) Specific Government Grants (58,000) - - (44,000) - - (30,840) (2,250) (232,900) (232,900) (8,629,540) (647,550) (9,277,090) - (74,840) - (23,106,970) - (97,940) (1,615,020) (3,872,260) (2,250) (28,692,190) (154,388,780) - (651,560) (5,291,520) (160,331,860) - (35,150) (16,520) (115,570) (192,390) (2,202,980) (847,980) (1,611,300) (118,000) (230,670) (6,370) (1,617,670) (118,000) (312,690) (430,690) (591,290) (64,210) (448,490) (8,386,170) (1,146,800) (273,660) (785,020) (572,200) (1,029,870) (12,937,090) (249,300) (268,380) (517,680) (48,500) (290) (184,160) (585,920) - (248,270) (88,280) - - - (35,680) - (25,700) - (47,830) (35,680) (362,250) - (47,830) (152,950) (152,950) (592,540) (72,000) (29,100) - (64,210) (841,460) (31,493,140) (1,494,730) (331,160) (922,990) (97,940) (2,337,450) (5,395,850) (43,570,220) (154,388,780) (936,980) (13,921,060) (1,093,430) (170,340,250) (660,460) (169,130) (184,160) (806,610) (1,463,440) (281,620) (3,863,940) (3,216,850) (3,821,770) (40,470) (2,414,960) (45,740) (831,890) (35,680) (119,110) (10,000) (847,970) (17,965,830) - (346,250) (814,540) - (1,160,790) (70,090) (70,090) (70,856,990) (11,060) (526,870) (509,400) (924,810) (1,434,210) (584,230) (584,230) (293,696,330) (158,060) 41,830 (542,580) (355,300) (46,610) (46,610) (514,140) (514,140) (10,768,740) Gross Income (253,060) (118,000) - (2,250) (189,399,190) (12,000) - (30,000) (19,270) (487,080) (118,520) (157,790) (5,170) (3,540) (1,230) Internal Recharges - (99,040) (2,089,740) - (170,900) (367,520) (16,590) (4,562,110) (115,000) (170,900) (446,680) (52,590) (4,676,920) (7,059,880) (221,390) (320,690) (7,546,960) (339,910) (320,690) (6,470) (16,530) (5,500) (157,790) (11,640) (20,070) (105,770) (633,840) (2,239,810) (22,170) (133,220) (494,230) (2,124,890) (650,360) (2,355,380) (214,560) (133,220) (2,697,210) 2014/15 Budget 796,160 513,090 22,130 535,220 493,530 (32,140) 1,285,760 1,747,150 193,060 962,020 45,240 59,420 33,570 749,440 916,310 428,410 (271,220) 2,184,220 511,590 (5,238,430) 573,630 ########### 8,152,120 11,819,240 131,057,230 3,417,390 57,200 (76,410) 665,480 (168,050) (524,180) 1,698,330 37,130 (249,470) (2,727,410) (3,201,850) (3,821,770) 1,181,100 (1,770) 890,010 (152,240) 183,360 937,050 124,520 90,070 (5,116,100) 5,042,710 (304,260) 720,000 5,458,450 (2,160,360) 175,220 111,250 (182,920) 141,620 1,125,160 4,717,930 332,520 773,600 28,380 (885,970) (113,140) 125,510 (14,910) (25,170) 103,720 (20,050) 379,380 5,189,520 (83,890) (660,470) (19,520) 194,490 (252,810) 2014-15 Budget: Subjective Analysis Expenditure Priority Decent Neighbourhoods Division Highways and Local Services Service Area UTMC Waste Collection Waste Disposal Winter Service Tackling Inequalities Total Total Service Expenditure Premises Transport 132,940 3,343,920 536,960 93,040 18,552,130 18,552,130 9,258,680 10,000 (117,990) 662,430 13,210 2,905,380 2,905,380 408,060 2,313,930 213,050 258,380 5,963,390 5,963,390 111,400 1,971,540 2,647,410 4,311,590 410,520 874,310 340,620 Adult Social Care Total 19,814,670 Children's Social Care Children with SEN & Disabilities 1,460,030 Corporate Parenting & Leaving Care (Non LAC)2,668,820 Initial Contact, Referral & Assessment 2,849,850 Looked After Children 1,893,910 Other Social Care Services 1,001,820 Safeguarding Standards Unit 652,550 Services to Young People 2,425,240 Social Care Services East 3,428,570 Social Care Services West 1,501,340 Children's Social Care Total 17,882,130 Customers, Culture and Skills Adult and Community Learning 2,640,830 Civic Halls and Theatres 374,770 Community Sport Strategy 131,410 Culture and Heritage 246,320 Customer Services 2,174,360 Leisure Central 13,890 Library Service 2,867,120 Museums and Archives 22,140 NGI Festivals and Events Programme Parks and Open Spaces 373,520 Registrars 522,750 Sports Facilities 3,159,440 Tourism 191,460 Customers, Culture and Skills Total 12,718,010 Fairer Housing Unit BNG Housing Development & Partnership 1,225,700 Fairer Housing Unit Total 1,225,700 Public Health Public Health 709,920 Public Health Total 709,920 Resilience, Prevention and Early Intervention Active Inclusion 2,183,490 Capital Charges Community Nurseries 2,711,550 Family Support Services 805,450 Joint Partnerships 116,780 Play Service 188,510 Supported Employment 757,080 Supporting People Sure Start 4,683,470 Wellbeing for Life 57,700 Resilience, Prevention and Early Intervention Total 11,504,030 Facility Services and Civic Management Building Cleaning 5,677,860 Caretaking 1,509,330 CCTV Monitoring Cemeteries and Crematoria 686,510 Civic Services Trading 1,526,810 Energy Sustainability External Catering 449,060 Internal Catering 196,310 Mansion House 45,720 Newcastle Enterprise Centres 216,410 Property Portfolio 505,450 Property Services 891,600 School Catering 3,338,480 Security 561,150 Wardens 740,370 Waste Education & Enforcement 107,670 Welfare Catering 253,400 Facility Services and Civic Management Total 16,706,130 80,560,590 273,385,379 139,120 11,880 95,000 89,510 210,420 953,990 7,440 58,140 94,270 9,570 387,100 126,680 150,720 334,980 1,920,550 950,110 149,990 45,660 54,620 12,390 96,230 5,830 476,120 28,030 42,570 56,460 373,590 4,860 12,720 92,440 98,630 100,220 809,520 29,320 770 1,000 4,940 7,370 1,930 30,530 593,290 2,314,570 137,590 6,528,490 3,620 3,950 27,040 2,100 112,570 259,590 445,970 243,580 203,170 6,762,420 6,762,420 759,470 70,850 1,140,000 1,701,230 342,560 330,510 1,101,520 5,446,140 440,320 252,270 269,650 216,510 33,190 64,860 773,670 661,340 83,790 2,795,600 1,284,380 157,290 107,130 511,080 266,490 31,650 4,173,920 1,603,950 151,500 741,010 36,750 985,580 46,890 10,097,620 1,243,700 1,243,700 211,650 1,650 1,650 220 220 36,050 55,290 55,290 2,782,350 2,782,350 436,620 185,430 3,500 260 49,080 47,830 25,310 260 1,360 21,500 161,470 1,097,180 301,900 51,810 41,410 476,430 4,450 978,630 2,290,780 645,380 239,280 37,240 220 76,050 547,600 1,766,250 13,840 4,690 103,010 53,590 710 1,365,410 (312,920) 3,142,880 425,130 7,890 90,760 426,130 28,420 669,080 235,330 151,750 553,980 (637,610) 50,280 2,763,970 342,670 5,100 104,350 260,260 5,477,490 29,797,370 143,961,641 Highways and Local Services Total Decent Neighbourhoods Total Tackling Inequalities Employees Supplies & Services Adult Social Care Care Services Fairer Charging Income Learning Disability Mental Health Older People Other Social Care Services Physical Disability Specialist Services - Other 28,400 189,280 99,500 154,890 80 12,820 5,870,090 15,962,000 45,432,860 67,610 43,480 11,390 930 2,900 540 610 2,620 125,550 4,500 25,100 27,280 366,810 1,869,900 16,174,420 Income Third Party Payments 1,431,670 11,438,890 20,224,250 20,224,250 500 31,990,810 3,671,860 44,730,100 413,940 8,093,560 88,900,770 1,038,940 1,355,880 15,338,800 90,520 5,860 861,980 955,220 19,647,200 - Support Services 410,290 (670) 1,656,870 1,656,870 71,360 275,470 123,500 470,330 720,180 20,000 148,280 20,580 Capital Financing Costs 193,780 402,530 8,244,350 13,108,880 575,300 56,625,160 56,625,160 10,551,990 34,183,190 7,644,050 50,809,420 1,274,410 9,484,120 1,658,390 115,605,570 3,046,120 4,377,680 3,175,960 17,917,080 1,049,450 820,650 3,651,080 5,363,300 2,640,570 42,041,890 4,801,390 683,550 239,540 1,269,770 4,536,990 35,860 8,066,260 1,626,090 151,500 1,735,940 565,050 6,495,630 378,040 30,585,610 22,500 3,178,400 3,178,400 19,365,320 19,365,320 3,804,370 416,560 14,640 7,500 560,720 560,720 13,880 - 13,880 10 50,000 50,010 152,450 19,940 (11,610) 24,000 - - 24,500 1,600 935,140 15,870,830 15,870,830 2,070 652,060 652,060 2,000 2,000 911,990 260,000 166,550 - 7,118,120 7,380,190 800 - 27,000 - - 27,800 131,826,790 158,335,240 1,524,080 609,970 4,500 3,217,090 23,600 4,020 1,510 31,230 1,350 1,550 40,580 130,460 65,340 12,380 16,920 6,280 3,620 580 339,420 5,616,040 22,073,140 Gross Expenditue 9,000 22,500 - 3,290 8,910 6,987,150 7,500 15,710 7,022,560 7,302,730 14,560,630 3,225,000 2,191,440 419,200 290,760 867,820 8,642,200 7,149,120 (241,580) 26,348,330 8,470,960 1,521,950 1,495,060 2,276,640 28,420 1,168,120 433,410 315,030 1,320,890 8,779,240 1,015,330 6,216,950 1,216,890 756,330 253,560 541,520 35,810,300 272,935,420 673,923,310 Sales, Fees Other Income and Charges (3,679,100) (194,240) (7,897,160) (7,897,160) (228,220) (3,515,630) (1,328,530) (425,070) (8,574,390) (480,670) (14,552,510) (328,950) (6,000) (280,930) (43,800) (659,680) (331,560) (541,180) (399,350) (137,810) (613,190) (3,764,900) (70,640) (5,858,630) (663,060) (663,060) (260,960) (1,171,910) (36,570) (194,840) (121,800) (99,510) (1,885,590) (1,423,270) (130,500) (2,329,710) (95,220) (152,870) (1,048,980) (293,430) (294,240) (198,330) (358,800) (63,660) (2,276,010) (501,380) (43,720) (9,210,120) (32,829,590) (65,812,000) Rents Interest - Specific Government Grants (400,000) (280,000) (186,010) (2,566,300) (270,010) (270,010) (41,780) (4,896,610) (1,054,010) (13,978,070) (2,630,510) (154,960) (25,280,460) (687,630) (178,000) (40,000) - (19,270) (19,270) - (81,780) (20,830) (1,048,060) - (20,830) (60,030) (150,000) (124,180) (118,420) (50,000) (133,070) - (325,000) - (54,810) (168,420) (847,090) (104,970) (104,970) (329,330) (329,330) (43,790) (1,541,310) (1,541,310) (31,790) (191,800) (795,250) - (1,133,340) (10,510) (1,122,440) - (711,940) - (9,643,840) (1,000) (1,000) (291,610) (291,610) (18,989,180) (18,989,180) (1,211,960) - (1,256,060) (12,000) (68,850) (15,150) (2,564,020) (38,260) (25,000) (292,380) (1,673,930) (4,504,320) (3,294,240) (27,500) (65,760) - - - (15,160) (32,900) (530,000) (166,670) (3,150) - (3,150) (27,226,770) (41,174,200) (17,124,770) (19,681,540) (20,544,090) (1,132,950) (502,390) (502,390) (93,720) (513,150) (179,480) (66,540) (1,589,150) (2,442,040) (7,445,820) (1,441,510) (1,000) (62,470) (15,000) (740,510) (16,258,730) - (1,170,740) (240,000) (263,190) - (1,282,850) (515,420) (20,800) (18,627,850) (18,627,850) (32,760) (32,760) (60,000) (60,000) (264,230) (234,280) (30,000) (118,000) (28,740) (228,850) (962,650) - (100,000) (40,000) (42,430) (2,898,780) (2,898,780) (7,610) (85,960) (640,230) Internal Recharges (1,538,380) (48,000) (3,910) (12,390) (216,620) (4,570,020) (1,076,860) (628,740) (693,020) (167,670) (530,000) (17,675,270) (168,670) (34,655,230) (22,580,660) (190,190) (232,676,700) (122,483,610) Gross Income (400,000) (5,241,950) (895,670) (20,800) (29,713,070) (29,713,070) (2,836,300) (3,523,240) (6,265,140) (1,565,040) (22,552,460) (640,230) (3,143,940) (383,810) (40,910,160) (747,630) (587,780) (264,230) (363,190) (280,280) (30,000) (1,612,100) (268,740) (43,800) (4,197,750) (4,895,910) (691,180) (134,690) (2,374,200) (3,876,660) (462,810) (613,190) (4,531,650) (70,640) (17,650,930) (3,104,340) (3,104,340) (19,318,510) (19,318,510) (1,637,930) (1,685,060) (1,472,110) (31,790) (194,840) (392,140) (68,850) (1,742,070) (25,000) (7,249,790) (8,869,090) (1,572,010) (2,345,870) (1,666,500) (152,870) (1,159,450) (297,340) (321,630) (1,468,840) (16,784,200) (283,430) (6,846,030) (1,578,240) (628,740) (43,720) (693,020) (44,710,980) (137,142,460) (482,880,790) 2014/15 Budget 2,530 3,002,400 12,213,210 554,500 26,912,090 26,912,090 7,715,690 (3,523,240) 27,918,050 6,079,010 28,256,960 634,180 6,340,180 1,274,580 74,695,410 2,298,490 3,789,900 2,911,730 17,553,890 769,170 790,650 2,038,980 5,094,560 2,596,770 37,844,140 (94,520) (7,630) 239,540 1,135,080 2,162,790 35,860 4,189,600 1,626,090 151,500 1,273,130 (48,140) 1,963,980 307,400 12,934,680 74,060 74,060 46,810 46,810 2,166,440 1,539,940 719,330 387,410 95,920 475,680 8,573,350 5,407,050 (266,580) 19,098,540 (398,130) (50,060) (850,810) 610,140 (124,450) 8,670 136,070 (6,600) (147,950) (8,004,960) 731,900 (629,080) (361,350) 127,590 209,840 (151,500) (8,900,680) 135,792,960 191,042,520
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