Abstract. Here in this paper, we have proved two interesting and fascinating results for primitive properties of words in f
uv u
as follows:
for all v2X u2X + with j(u)j>1 and 2 ^ lg(u) (in resp. 3 ^ lg(u) and
5 ^ lg(u)) if and only if n=2 0i5 (in resp. n=3 0i2 and n=5 0i1).
(2) fuv ug\Q6= for all v2X u2X + with (u)6=(v) and 2 ^ lg(u) (in resp. 3 ^ lg(u))
if and only if n=1 2 3 4 6 8 10 or 14 (in resp. n=1 2 3 or 5).
As is known, Borwein proved that if u2X + u6=a a2X then one of ua u must
be primitive. If one gives a close observation to the above results (1) and
(2), one immmediately realizes that Borwein's result is a special case which is
derived from two dierent directions.
fuv ug\Q6=
1. Introduction
Let X which contains more than one element, be an alphabet and X the free monoid generated by X: The empty word will be denoted by 1 and
X + = X nf1g: N will be used to represent the set of positive integers. A
word w 2 X + is primitive if w = f n for some f 2 X + implies n = 1. Let
Q be the set of all primitive words over X (as in 2]). For each u 2 X + let
(u) = fa 2 X ju = xay for some x y 2 X g and (1) = (as in 1],3]).
For w v 2 X we dene w p v if and only if v = wx for some x 2 X : For
any word x in X lg(x) is the number of letters occur in x: In particular,
Received December 15, 1992 revised April 13, 1993.
let lg(1) = 0: The terminologies which are not dened here could be found in
Shyr 2].
The main purpose of this paper is to generalize Borwein's result which
states that if u 2 X + u 6= an a 2 X then one of ua u must be primitive.
We want to discuss that if the surx word a of ua is not only a letter, then
what happens. But in the general cases, the above result of Borwein has
two dierent meanings. One is that if u v 2 X + lg(v) < j(u)j and lg(u)
or lg(uv) is odd, then one of uv u must be primitive. The other is that if
u v 2 X + (u) 6= (v) lg(v) j(u)j and lg(u) or lg(uv) is odd, then one of
uv u must be primitive. In addition, we obtain that fuv ug \ Q 6= for all
v 2 X n u 2 X + with j(u)j > 1 and 2 ^ lg(u) if and only if n = 2i 0 i 5
in section 3 and that fuv ug \ Q 6= for all v 2 X n u 2 X + with (u) 6= (v)
and 2 ^ lg(u) if and only if n = 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 or 14 in section 4.
First we present some well-known results which are needed later.
Proposition 1.1. (4]) Let f g 2 Q: If f n = gmx n m 2 and x p g
then f = g:
Proposition 1.2. (1],4]) Let u v 2 X + be such that lg(u) = i lg(v) =
j gcd(i j ) = d: If um and vn have a common initial segment of length i + j ; d
then u and v are powers of a common word of length not greater than d:
Note that we often assume d = 1 in our arguments when we apply Proposition 1.2.
2. Generalization of a Borwein's result
In this section, we shall discuss the primitive words in fuv ug from two
dierent directions (u) 6= (v) and j(u)j > 1 respectively. If one require that
j(u)j > lg(v) hold in each case simultaneously, then the condition j(u)j > 1
just a special situation of the condition (u) 6= (v):
We shall prove four lemmas below and use these lemmas to prove main
results of this section in Proposition 2.5.
Lemma 2.1. Let u v 2 X + with lg(v) lg(u): If uv is not primitive,
then (uv) = (u):
Proof. (u) (uv) is obvious. On the other hand, let uv = f i for some
f 2 Q and i 2: Since lg(v) lg(u) we have f p u: Hence (uv) = (f ) (u): Therefore, (uv) = (u):
For any u 2 X + there exist uniquely f 2 Q and n 2 N such that u = f n
(see 2]). We dene (u) = f:
Lemma 2.2. Let u v 2 X + and uv 62 Q: If lg(v) j(u)j then
lg(v) minflg((u)) lg((uv))g: Moreover, If lg(v) < j(u)j then lg(v) <
minflg((u)) lg((uv))g:
Proof. Let u = f i uv = gj for some f g 2 Q i 2 N and j 2: Since
lg(v) j(u)j lg(u) from Lemma 2.1 we obtain that (uv) = (u): Hence
(f ) = (u) = (uv) = (g): Therefore, lg(v) j(u)j = j(f )j = j(g)j:
This implies lg(v) minflg(f ) lg(g)g = minflg((u)) lg((uv))g: Using the
same argument, we obtain lg(v) < minflg((u)) lg((uv))g if lg(v) < j(u)j:
Lemma 2.3. Let u v 2 X + (u) 6= (v) and lg(v) j(u)j: If neither
u nor uv is primitive, then uv = g2 for some g 2 Q:
Proof. Let u = f i uv = gj f g 2 Q and i j 2: Then lg(v) lg(f ) 1 lg(u)
from Lemma 2.2. If j 3 then u = gm x where x p g and m 2:
Therefore u = f i = gm x: By proposition 1.1, we obtain f = g. This implies
that v = f j;i : This contradicts (u) 6= (v): Hence uv = g2 :
The following lemma can be proved directly from Lemma 2.3.
Lemma 2.4. Let u v 2 X + and lg(v) < j(u)j: If neither u nor uv is
primitive, then uv = g2 for some g 2 Q:
Proposition 2.5. Let u v 2 X + (u) 6= (v) and lg(v) = k j(u)j: If
lg(u) or lg(uv) is odd, then one of uv u must be primitive.
Proof. If lg(uv) is odd, then the result follows from Lemma 2.3.
Assume lg(u) is odd and u = f i uv = gj for some f g 2 Q i j 2: Then
f i and gj have u as a left common factor. Evidently, i 3 and j = 2: Now
lg(f ) + l(g) = lg(f ) + ilg(f2) + k = (i + 2)lg2(f ) + k (i + 3)2 lg(f ) lg(u):
The rst inequality holds because of Lemma 2.2. This implies f = g by
Proposition 1.2 and hence v = f j;i : This contradicts (u) 6= (v): Hence
either u or uv is primitive.
Corollary 2.6. Let u v 2 X + and lg(v) = k < j(u)j: If lg(u) or lg(uv)
is odd, then one of uv u must be primitive.
Now, we give another proof of Borwein's result.
Corollary 2.7. (2]) Let u 2 X + u 6= an a 2 X: Then one of ua u must
be primitive.
Proof. It is clear that (u) 6= (a) lg(a) = 1 j(u)j and either lg(u)
or lg(ua) is odd. Hence either u or ua is a primitive by Proposition 2.5.
3. Conditions for primitive words in fuv ug with j(u)j > 1
In section 2, we found that one could investigate the primitive properties in
fuv ug from two dierent directions. In this section, we consider the primitive
words in fuv ug with a condition j(u)j > 1: We begin with the following two
Lemma 3.1. Let u v 2 X + and gcd(lg(u) lg(v)) = 1: If j(u)j > 1 then
(u) 6= (uv):
Proof. If (u) = (uv) i.e., u = gm uv = gn for some g 2 Q then
d = lg(g) j(g)j = j(u)j > 1: Now, djlg(u) and djlg(uv) imply djlg(v) a
contradiction. Hence (u) 6= (uv):
The next lemma is obvious.
Lemma 3.2. If lg(u) = p is prime and u 62 Q then u = ap for some
a 2 X i:e: j(u)j = 1:
We need other conditions for our discussion on primitive words in fuv ug:
In Proposition 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5, we assume 2 6 j lg(u) 3 6 j lg(u) and 5 6 j lg(u)
Proposition 3.3. Let u v 2 X + and j(u)j > 1: If lg(u) is odd and
lg(v) = 2i 0 i 5 then one of uv u must be primitive.
Proof. If lg(v) = 1 the result follows directly from Corollary 2.7. We
assume that lg(v) = 2i i 1: Suppose that neither u nor uv is primitive and
let u = f n uv = gm for some f g 2 Q m n 3: Then f n and gm have u as a
left common factor. It is clear that f 6= g from Lemma 3.1 and that lg(u) and
lg(uv) are not prime from Lemma 3.2. From these facts and the hypothesis
that lg(u) is odd, we have:
(1) lg(v) = 2: By counting, we have lg(u) 25: Hence
lg(f ) + lg(g) = lgn(u) + lg(um) + 2 2lg(u3) + 2 < lg(u):
(2) lg(v) = 4: By counting, we have lg(u) 21: Hence
lg(f ) + lg(g) = lgn(u) + lg(um) + 4 2lg(u3) + 4 < lg(u):
(3) lg(v) = 8: By counting, we have lg(u) 25: Hence
lg(f ) + lg(g) = lgn(u) + lg(um) + 8 2lg(u3) + 8 < lg(u):
(4) lg(v) = 16: By counting, we have two cases:
Case 1. lg(u) = 9: Clearly, u = f 3 and uv = g5 : Hence
lg(f ) + lg(g) = 3 + 5 < lg(u):
Case 2. lg(u) 33:
) + 16 2lg(u) + 16 < lg(u):
lg(f ) + lg(g) = lgn(u) + lg(um
(5) lg(v) = 32: By counting, we have two cases:
Case 1. lg(u) = 25: Clearly, u = f 5 and uv = gm where m = 3 or 19:
lg(f ) + lg(g) 5 + 19 < lg(u):
Case 2. lg(u) 33.
) + 32 2lg(u) + 32 < lg(u):
lg(f ) + lg(g) = lgn(u) + lg(um
In all of the above cases, we have f = g by Proposition 1.2, which is a
contradiction. Therefore, one of uv u must be primitive.
Remark 1. The proposition is false if lg(v) = 64: For example, let X =
fa b dg u = (abbabba)3 and v = (bbaabbabbaabb)(abbabbaabbabbaabb)3 :
Then uv = (abbabbaabbabbaabb)5 :
Proposition 3.4 Let u v 2 X + and j(u)j > 1: If 3 6 j lg(u) and lg(v) =
3i 0 i 2 then one of uv u must be primitive.
Proof. If lg(v) = 1 the result follows directly from Corollary 2.7. We
assume that lg(v) = 3i i 1: Suppose that neither u nor uv is primitive and
let u = f n uv = gm for some f g 2 Q m n 2: Then f n and gm have u as
a left common factor. It is clear that f 6= g from Lemma 3.1, that both lg(u)
and lg(uv) are not prime from Lemma 3.2 and that 3 6 j n 3 6 j m and n or m
is odd. From these facts and the hypothesis that 3 6 j lg(u), we have:
(1) lg(v) = 3: By counting, we obtain lg(u) 22:
Case 1. n m > 3:
lg(f ) + lg(g) = lgn(u) + lg(um) + 3 < 2lg(u3) + 3 < lg(u):
Case 2. m = 2 or n = 2: If m = 2 then n 5: Hence
lg(f ) + lg(g) = lgn(u) + lg(u2) + 3 < lg(5u) + lg(u2) + 3 = 7lg(u10) + 15 < lg(u):
Similarly, we have the same conclusion if n = 2:
(2) lg(v) = 9: By counting, we obtain lg(u) 16:
Case 1. n m > 3:
lg(f ) + lg(g) = lgn(u) + lg(um) + 9 < 2lg(u3) + 9 < lg(u):
Case 2. m = 2 or n = 2: If m = 2 then n 5: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) = lgn(u) + lg(u2) + 9 < lg(5u) + lg(u2) + 9
+ 3lg(u) = lg(u):
= 7lg(u10) + 45 < 7lg(u) 10
Similarly, we have the same conclusion if n = 2:
In all of the above cases, we have f = g by Proposition 1.2, which is a
contradiction. Therefore, one of uv u must be primitive.
Remark 2. The Proposition 3.4 is false if lg(v) = 27: For example,
let X = fa b dg u = (abba)2 and v = (bbaabb)(abbaabb)3 : Then uv =
(abbaabb)5 :
Proposition 3.5. Let u v 2 X + and j(u)j > 1: If 5 6 j lg(u) and
lg(v) = 5i 0 i 1 then one of uv u must be primitive.
Proof. If lg(v) = 1 the result follows directly from Corollary 2.7. We
assume that lg(v) = 5: Suppose that neither u nor uv is primitive, let u = f n
and uv = gm for some f g 2 Q m n 2: Then f n and gm have u as a left
common factor. It is clear that f 6= g from Lemma 3.1, that lg(u) and lg(uv)
are not prime from Lemma 3.2 and that n or m is odd. Thus we have four
Case 1. lg(u) = 4: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) ; 1 = 2 + 3 ; 1 = lg(u):
Case 2. lg(u) = 9: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) ; 1 3 + 7 ; 1 = lg(u):
Case 3. lg(u) 16 and m n 3: We obtain
lg(f ) + lg(g) = lgn(u) + lg(um) + 5 < 2lg(u3) + 5 < lg(u):
Case 4. lg(u) 16 and n = 2 or m = 2: If n = 2 then m 3: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) = lgm(u) + lg(u2) + 5 lg(3u) + lg(u2) + 5
= 5lg(u) + 15 < lg(u):
Similarly, we have the same conclusion if m = 2:
In all of the above cases, we have f = g by Proposition 1.2, which is a
contradiction. Therefore, one of uv u must be primitive.
Proposition 3.6. Let u v 2 X + j(u)j > 1 and lg(u) 6= 9: If 7 6 j lg(u)
and lg(v) = 7 then one of uv u must be primitive.
Proof. Suppose that neither u nor uv is primitive and let u = f n uv = gm
for some f g 2 Q m n 2: Then f n and gm have u as a left common factor.
It is clear that f 6= g from Lemma 3.1, that lg(u) and lg(uv) are not prime
from Lemma 3.2 and that n or m is a odd. Thus we have six cases:
Case 1. lg(u) = 8: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) ; 1 4 + 5 ; 1 = lg(u):
Case 2. lg(u) = 15: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) ; 1 5 + 11 ; 1 = lg(u):
Case 3. lg(u) = 18: It is clear that m = 5: Thus lg(f ) + lg(g) 9 + 5 <
Case 4. lg(u) = 20: We have lg(f ) + lg(g) 10 + 9 < lg(u):
Case 5. lg(u) 25 and m = 2(or n = 2). If m = 2 then n 3: Thus
lg(f ) + lg(g) lg(3u) + lg(u2) + 7 = 5lg(u6) + 21 < lg(u):
Similarly, we have the same conclusion if n = 2:
Case 6. lg(u) 25 and m n 3: We obtain
lg(f ) + lg(g) = lgn(u) + 2lg(um) + 7 2lg(u3) + 7 < lg(u):
In all of the above cases, we have f = g by Proposition 1.2, which is a
contradiction. Therefore, one of uv u must be primitive.
Remark 3. The result does not hold if lg(u) = 9: For example, let
X = fa bg and let u = (aba)3 v = baabaab: Then uv = (abaabaab)2 :
The converses of Proposition 3.3, Proposition 3.4 and Proposition 3.5 are
as follow:
Proposition 3.7. If m 6= 2i 0 i 5 then there exist u v 2 X + with
2 6 j lg(u) j(u)j > 1 and lg(v) = m such that neither u nor uv is primitive.
Proof. (1) Suppose m = 2j k where j 2 N0 k 6= 1 and 2 6 j k: Put
f 2 (X k \ Q) and let u = f 3 v = f (2 ) : Then neither u nor uv is primitive.
(2) Suppose that m = 2j j 6: By Remark 1, we only consider j > 6:
Case 1. The last digit of m is 8 e:g: m = 128: Put f 2 (X 9 \ Q) and
3 4
g 2 X n for which n = m+27
5 ; 27: Let u = f and v = g(f g) : Then neither
u nor uv is primitive.
Case 2. The last digit of m is 6 e:g: m = 256: Put f 2 (X 3 \ Q) and
g 2 X n for which n = m5+9 ; 9: Let u = f 3 and v = g(f 3 g)4 : Then neither u
nor uv is primitive.
Case 3. The last digit of m is 2 e:g: m = 512: Put f 2 (X 11 \ Q) and
3 4
g 2 X n for which n = m+33
5 ; 33: Let u = f and v = g(f g) : Then neither
u nor uv is primitive.
Case 4. The last digit of m is 4 e:g: m = 1024: Put f 2 (X 7 \ Q) and
3 4
g 2 X n for which n = m+21
5 ; 21: Let u = f and v = g(f g) : Then neither
u nor uv is primitive.
Proposition 3.8. If m 6= 3i 0 i 2 then there exist u v 2 X + with
3 6 j lg(u) j(u)j > 1 and lg(v) = m such that neither u nor uv is primitive.
Proof. (1) Suppose m = 3j k where j 2 N0 k 6= 1 and 3 6 j k: Put
f 2 (X k \ Q) and let u = f 2 v = f (3 ): Then neither u nor uv is primitive.
(2) Suppose that m = 3j j 3: By Remark 2, we only consider j > 3:
Case 1. The last digit of m is 1 e:g: m = 81: Put f 2 (X 2 \ Q) and
g 2 X n for which n = m5+4 ; 4: Let u = f 2 and v = g(f 2 g)4 : Then neither u
nor uv is primitive.
Case 2. The last digit of m is 3 e:g: m = 243: Put f 2 (X 11 \ Q) and
2 4
g 2 X n for which n = m+22
5 ; 22: Let u = f and v = g(f g) : Then neither
u nor uv is primitive.
Case 3. The last digit of m is 9 e:g: m = 729: Put f 2 (X 8 \ Q) and
2 4
g 2 X n for which n = m+16
5 ; 16: Let u = f and v = g(f g) : Then neither
u nor uv is primitive.
Case 4. The last digit of m is 7 e:g: m = 2187: Put f 2 (X 4 \ Q) and
g 2 X n for which n = m5+8 ; 8: Let u = f 2 and v = g(f 2 g)4 : Then neither u
nor uv is primitive.
Proposition 3.9. If m 6= 5i 0 i 1 then there exist u v 2 X + with
5 6 j lg(u) j(u)j > 1 and lg(v) = m such that neither u nor uv is primitive.
Proof. (1) Suppose that m = 5j k where j 2 N0 k 6= 1 and 5 6 j k: Put
f 2 (X k \ Q) and let u = f 2 v = f (5 ) : Then neither u nor uv is primitive.
(2) Suppose that m = 5j j 2: Put f 2 (X 3 \ Q) and g 2 X n for which
n = m2+9 ; 9: Let u = f 3 and v = g(f 3 g): Then neither u nor uv is primitive.
The following results are obtained by using the same arguments.
Proposition 3.10. Let u v 2 X + j(u)j > 1 and 2 and 3 are not
factors of lg(u): If lg(v) = 2i 3j i j 2 N such that lg(v) 72 then one of
uv u must be primitive.
Proof. Suppose that neither u nor uv is primitive, let u = f n and uv = gm
for some f g 2 Q m n 5: Then f n and gm have u as a left common factor.
It is clear that f 6= g from Lemma 3.1 and that lg(u) and lg(uv) are not prime
from Lemma 3.2. By counting, we have lg(u) 25: Hence
+ lg(v) 2lg(u) + 72
lg(f ) + lg(g) lgn(u) + lg(u) m
= lg(u):
Hence f = g by Proposition 1.2, a contradiction. Therefore, one of uv u must
be primitive.
Proposition 3.11. Let u v 2 X + j(u)j > 1 and 2 and 3 are not
factors of lg(u): If lg(v) = 96 108 144 or 162 then one of uv u must be
Proof. suppose that both u and uv are non-primitive, let u = f n and
uv = gm for some f g 2 Q m n 5: Then f n and gm have u as a left common
factor. It is clear that f 6= g from Lemma 3.1 and that both lg(u) and lg(uv)
are not prime from Lemma 3.2.
(1) Suppose lg(v) = 96: By counting, we obtain two cases.
Case 1. lg(u) = 25: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) = 5 + 11 < lg(u):
Case 2. lg(u) 49: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) 2lg(u5) + 96 < 4lg5(u) < lg(u):
(2) Suppose lg(v) = 108: By counting, we obtain three cases.
Case 1. lg(u) = 25: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) 5 + 19 lg(u):
Case 2. lg(u) = 35: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) 7 + 13 lg(u):
Case 3. lg(u) 77: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) 2lg(u)5+ 108 < 4lg5(u) < lg(u):
(3) Suppose lg(v) = 144: By counting, we obtain two cases.
Case 1. lg(u) = 25: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) = 5 + 13 < lg(u):
Case 2. lg(u) 55: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) 2lg(u)5+ 144 < 5lg5(u) = lg(u):
(4) Suppose lg(v) = 162: By counting, we obtain two cases.
Case 1. lg(u) = 25: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) 5 + 17 < lg(u):
Case 2. lg(u) 55: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) 2lg(u)5+ 162 < 5lg5(u) = lg(u):
In all of the above cases, we have f = g by Proposition 1.2, which is a
contradiction. Therefore, one of uv u must be primitive.
From Propositions 3.3, 3.7, 3.4, 3.8, 3.5 and 3.9, we have the following
Theorem 3.12. fuv ug \ Q 6= for all v 2 X n u 2 X + with j(u)j > 1
and 2 6 j lg(u) if and only if n = 2i 0 i 5:
Theorem 3.13. fuv ug \ Q 6= for all v 2 X n u 2 X + with j(u)j > 1
and 3 6 j lg(u) if and only if n = 3i 0 i 2:
Theorem 3.14. fuv ug \ Q 6= for all v 2 X n u 2 X + with j(u)j > 1
and 5 6 j lg(u) if and only if n = 5i 0 i 1:
4. Conditions for primitive words in fuv ug with (u) 6= (v)
In this section, we consider the primitive words in fuv ug with (u) 6=
(v): For the similar reason that the hypotheses are not enough, we assume 2
6 j lg(u) and 3 6 j lg(u) in Proposition 4.4 and 4.6 respectively.
The following two lemmas are easy to see.
Lemma 4.1. Let u v 2 X +: If (u) 6= (v) then (u) 6= (uv):
Proof. If u = f i and uv = f j for some f 2 Q then v = f j;i : This implies
(v) = (f ) = (u) a contradiction.
Lemma 4.2. Let u v 2 X + : If lg(uv) = p is a prime and uv 62 Q then
(u) = (v):
Proof. It is obvious that uv = ap for some a 2 X: Hence (u) = (v) =
The following result is also a generalization of Browein's.
Proposition 4.3. Let u v 2 X + and (u) 6= (v): If lg(v) = 1 2 or 3
then one of uv u must be primitive.
Proof. If lg(v) = 1 the result follows directly from Corollary 2.7. We
assume that lg(v) > 1: Suppose that neither u nor uv is primitive and let
u = f m uv = gn for some f g 2 Q and m n 2: Then f m and gn have u as
a left common factor. It is clear that f 6= g from Lemma 4.1, and that lg(uv)
is not prime.
(1) lg(v) = 2: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) ; 1 lg(2u) + lg(u2) + 2 ; 1 = lg(u):
(2) lg(v) = 3: It is obvious that one of m n is odd and that lg(u) 3:
Without loss of generality, assume that m 3: Now,
lg(f ) + lg(g) ; 1 lg(3u) + lg(u2) + 3 ; 1 = 5lg(u6) + 3 lg(u):
In all of the above cases, we have f = g by Proposition 1.2, which is a
contradiction. Therefore, one of uv u must be primitive.
Proposition 4.4. Let u v 2 X + and (u) 6= (v): If lg(u) is odd and
lg(v) = 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 or 14 then one of uv u must be primitive.
Proof. If lg(v) = 1 2 or 3 the result follows directly from Proposition
4.3. We assume that lg(v) > 3: Suppose that neither u nor uv is primitive,
let u = f m uv = gn for some f g 2 Q m n 3: Then f m and gn have u as a
left common factor. It is clear that f 6= g from Lemma 4.1 and that lg(uv) is
not prime from Lemma 4.2. If lg(v) = 4 or 8 we can assume f 2 X because
of Proposition 3.3.
(1) lg(v) = 4: By counting, we have lg(u) 5: Hence
lg(f ) + lg(g) 1 + lg(u3) + 4 = lg(u3) + 7 < lg(u):
(2) lg(v) = 6: By counting, we have two cases.
Case 1. lg(u) = 3: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) ; 1 1 + 3 ; 1 = lg(u):
Case 2. lg(u) 9: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) = lgm(u) + lg(un) + 6 2lg(u3) + 6 < lg(u):
(3) lg(v) = 8: By counting, we have lg(u) 7: Hence
lg(f ) + lg(g) = 1 + lg(u3) + 8 = lg(u)3+ 11 < lg(u):
(4) lg(v) = 10: By counting, we have two cases:
Case 1. lg(u) = 5 We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) ; 1 1 + 5 ; 1 = lg(u):
Case 2. lg(u) 11: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) 2lg(u3) + 10 < lg(u):
(5) lg(v) = 14: By counting, we have two cases.
Case 1. lg(u) = 7: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) ; 1 1 + 7 ; 1 = lg(u):
Case 2. lg(u) 11: We have
lg(f ) + lg(g) ; 1 2lg(u3) + 14 ; 1 = 2lg(u3) + 11 lg(u):
In all of the above cases, we have f = g by Proposition 1.2, which is a
contradiction. Therefore, one of uv u must be primitive.
The following proposition is the converse of Proposition 4.4.
Proposition 4.5. Suppose m 6= 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 or 14: Then there exist
u v 2 X + with 2 6 j lg(u) lg(v) = m and (u) 6= (v) such that both uv and
u are non-primitive.
Proof. Let X = fa b dg:
(1) Suppose that 2 6 j m and m 5: Choose k 2 N with 2 6 j k and
1 < k < m: Put u = ak v = bn ak bn where n = m2+k ; k: Then neither uv nor
u is primitive.
(2) The last digit of m is 0 and m 20:
Case 1. m = 20: Put u = a7 v = b2 (a7 b2 )2 : Then neither uv nor u is
Case 2. m 30: Put u = a5 v = bn (a5 bn )4 where n = m5+5 ; 5: Then
neither uv nor u is primitive.
(3) The last digit of m is 2 and m 12:
Case 1. m = 12: Put u = a3 v = b2 (a3 b2 )2 : Then neither uv nor u is
Case 2. m 22: Put u = a3 v = bn (a3 bn )4 where n = m5+3 ; 3: Then
neither uv nor u is primitive.
(4) The last digit of m is 4 and m 24:
Case 1. m = 24: Put u = a3 v = b6 (a3 b6 )2 : Then neither uv nor u
Case 2. m = 34: Put u = a5 v = b8 (a5 b8 )2 : Then neither uv nor u is
Case 3. m = 44: Put u = a5 v = b2 (a5 b2 )6 : Then neither uv nor u is
Case 4. m 54: Put u = a11 v = bn (a11 bn )4 where n = m+11
5 ; 11:
Then neither uv nor u is primitive.
(5) The last digit of m is 6 and m 16:
Case 1. m = 16: Put u = a5 v = b2 (a5 b2 )2 : Then neither uv nor u is
Case 2. m = 26: Put u = a7 v = b4 (a7 b4 )2 : Then neither uv nor u is
Case 3. m = 36: Put u = a3 v = b10 (a3 b10 )2 : Then neither uv nor u is
Case 4. m 46: Put u = a9 v = bn (a9 bn )4 where n = m5+9 ; 9: Then
neither uv nor u is primitive.
(6) The last digit of m is 8 and m 18:
Case 1. m = 18: Put u = a3 v = b4 (a3 b4 )2 : Then neither uv nor u is
Case 2. m = 28: Put u = a5 v = b6 (a5 b6 )2 : Then neither uv nor u is
Case 3. m 38: Put u = a7 v = bn (a7 bn )4 where n = m5+7 ; 7: Then
neither uv nor u is primitive.
Proposition 4.6. Let u v 2 X + and (u) 6= (v): If 3 6 j lg(u) and
lg(v) = 1 2 3 or 5 then one of uv u must be primitive.
Proof. If lg(v) = 1 2 or 3 the result follows directly from Proposition
4.3. We assume that lg(v) = 5: Suppose that neither u nor uv is primitive, let
u = f m uv = gn for some f g 2 Q and m n 2: It is clear that f 6= g from
Lemma 4.1 and that lg(uv) is not prime from Lemma 4.2. By counting, we
have four cases:
Case 1. lg(u) = 4: It is obvious that m = 2 and n = 3: Hence
lg(f ) + lg(g) ; 1 = 2 + 3 ; 1 = lg(u):
Case 2. lg(u) = 5: It is obvious that m = 5: Hence
lg(f ) + lg(g) ; 1 1 + 5 ; 1 = lg(u):
Case 3. lg(u) = 7: It is obvious that m = 7: Hence
lg(f ) + lg(g) 1 + 6 = lg(u):
Case 4. lg(u) 10 and m = 3 or n = 3: Assume m = 3: Then
lg(f ) + lg(g) ; 1 = lg(3u) + lg(u2) + 5 ; 1 = 5lg(u6) + 9 < lg(u):
Similarly, we have the same conclusion if n = 2:
In all of the above cases, we have f = g by Proposition 1.2, which is a
contradiction. Therefore, one of uv u must be primitive.
Similarly, the following proposition is the converse of Proposition 4.6.
Proposition 4.7. Suppose m 6= 1 2 3 or 5: Then there exist u v 2 X +
with 3 6 j lg(u) lg(v) = m and (u) 6= (v) such that both uv and u are
Proof. Let X = fa b dg:
(1) Suppose 2jm and m 4: Put u = a2 v = bn a2 bn where n = m2;2 :
Then neither uv nor u is primitive.
(2) Suppose m is odd and m 7: Put u = a5 v = bn a5 bn where n = m2;5 :
Then neither uv nor u is primitive.
From 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7, we have the following theorems.
Theorem 4.8. fuv ug \ Q 6= for all v 2 X n u 2 X + with (u) 6= (v)
and 2 6 j lg(u) if and only if n = 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 or 14:
Theorem 4.9. fuv ug \ Q 6= for all v 2 X n u 2 X + with (u) 6= (v)
and 3 6 j lg(u) if and only if n = 1 2 3 or 5:
5. Conclusion
One might ask whether we can investigate primitive words in fuv ug
by dierent conditions to obtain similar results. If j(u)j = 1 (assuming
j(u)j > 1 in section 3) and (u) = (v) (assuming (u) 6= (v) in section
4), then u v 2 a for some a 2 X: And then nothing need to say. Hence
our conclusion is that any signicant hypotheses that we need for primitive
properties in fuv ug must meet the conditions j(u)j > 1 or (u) 6= (v):
1] Lothaire, M, Combinatorics on Words, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1983.
2] Shyr, H. J, Free Monoids and Languages, Institute of Applied Mathematics National
Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, 1991.
3] Tsai, Y. S. and Wu, H. L, Countings of Several Kinds of Primitive Words and d-primitive
Words in Some Specic Sets, (To appear).
4] Tsai, Y. S. and Wu, H. L, Properties on the Product of Primitive Words, (To appear).
Department of Mathematics, Chung-Yuan Christian University, Chung Li, Taiwan.