Membership Cancellation Form

Membership Cancellation Form
Date __________
Name(s) ___________________________________________ Membership # ______________
Current Phone #s (H)__________________ (W)__________________
I wish to discontinue my membership with Sunset Athletic Club. I decline the option to take Leave Of Absence
(inquire for details). I understand this form must be received by the 25th of the current month for cancellation to be
effective on the last day of the current month. At that time I shall no longer be eligible to use the facilities and
am responsible for all membership fees and charges to my account through that date. I also understand that by
terminating my membership, I am forfeiting any and all Membership Fees I have paid to join the Club, and will
be subject to the prevailing membership rates including Membership Fees should I decide to rejoin.
Cancellations cannot be prorated.
Member’s Signature(s)___________________________________________ Date_____________
Forwarding Address______________________________________________________________
(Street, City, State, Zip)
Because we care about you and your point of view, please help us to improve service to our members by
indicating the reason which best describes your need to resign your membership with Sunset Athletic Club.
Reason for cancellation of membership: (circle one) Moving (in town) Moving (out of town)
Financial Situation
Health Related
Staff Related (please comment below)
Not using Club
Facility Related (please comment below)
How would you best describe your experience at SAC? (circle one)
Very Good