Cultural Exchange Day Term 3 Awards

Term 3, the shortest term of this year has seen the following events take place:
 a reciprocal cultural exchange with the Maori Department,
3 visiting groups Labo from Japan, SIP from China and Kaohsiung from Taiwan ,
the International Ball,
a trip to Taupo,
a marketing trip for Heather to Thailand, China, and Korea,
Meret Knapp and Soobin Lim, both Art students exhibited their art at a local art gallery,
Charlotte Van Herwijnen ran in the election for the Board of Trustees Student Representative,
Hana Ito and Riko Morita presented a petition on the disarmament of nuclear weapons at house assemblies,
Momo Hongcherdchai was selected for the U18 Mid-Northern Women’s Underwater Hockey team,
Cathy Lei, Charlotte Van Herwijnen and Ocean Wang competed with the TGC Cheerleading team at a
competition in Auckland where they placed 5th,
Soomin Kim travelled to Sydney with the TGC School Choir to compete in the 27th Annual Australian International
Music Festival where they won gold!
Cultural Exchange Day
The Maori Department reciprocated in
the sharing of their culture with our
International students in the form of
song, dance, games, and teaching of
their language.
Term 3 Awards
Riina Nishima - for being Outgoing and Open to Challenges
Victoria Rosier—for her Friendly and Positive Attitude
Cathy Lei—Bravest Achievement for doing the Bungy Jump and Cliffhanger Swing in Taupo
Choyoung Park– Outstanding Result in ESOL Unit Test
Riko Morita— Initiative Award for speaking in assemblies to gather anti-nuclear petition signatures
Hana Ito— Initiative Award for speaking in assemblies to gather anti-nuclear petition signatures
Charlotte Van Herwijnen—for Outstanding Dedication to Study and Extra-Curricular Activities
Visiting Groups
11 students from the Labo group in Japan visited from
26th July—17th August . They enjoyed a full
programme consisting of day trips, a camp, and activities
including a cooking exchange with their buddies, where
they taught their buddies to make sushi while the
buddies taught them to make pikelets.
Three students from schools in SIP (Suzhou Industrial
Park), China visited from 31st July—21st August.
Two students from the Yang Ming Junior High School in
Kaohsiung, Taiwan visited from 27th July—6th August.
We have received positive feedback from the students
on their stay with Tauranga Girls’ College, their buddies
and their homestays.
Welcome and Orientation
We welcomed in term 3:
Lea Chassignol—France
Alexandra Falk—Germany
Laura Fischer—Germany
Melis Kaya—Germany
Sophie Kilders—Germany
Cathy Lei—Macau
Riina Nishima—Japan
Victoria Rosier— Germany
Flavia Saerberg—Germany
Elena Schaefer—Germany
Hannah Schweins—Germany
Wendy Shin—Korea
Lea Stocker—Switzerland
Kira Volschenk—Germany
Also the following Exchange Students:
Isabella Cappelletti Martini—Brazil
Oceane Brosteaux—Switzerland
Lucille Pignat—Switzerland
Delphine De Luca– Switzerland
Annika Herfert– Germany
Laura Strub—Switzerland
Daria Fagioli—Italy
International Ball
The International Ball was held
on 17th September with senior
International students from
seven local colleges attending.
Taupo Trip
Our trip this term was to Taupo,
where our girls were able to
choose from Jet Boating, Bungy
Jumping, Extreme Swing, Nature
Walk, Prawn Farm visit, Craters
of The Moon walk and the Honey Hive.
Meret Knapp and Soobin Lim, both
Art students, exhibited their work at a
local art gallery .
Charlotte Van Herwijnen is a candidate for
the Board of Trustees Student Representative. We wait in anticipation to see if she is
Hana Ito and Riko Morita recently presented to
numerous assemblies held in the school on a petition
for the disarmament of nuclear weapons which they
will present to the United Nations.
They were both overwhelmed with the number of
signatures they received.
Charlotte Van
Herwijnen, Ocean
Wang and Cathy Lei
competed with the
TGC Cheerleading
competition in
Auckland and
placed 5th .
Well done girls.
Marketing Trip
Heather recently spent nearly three
weeks on a marketing trip to Thailand,
China and Korea to promote Tauranga
Girls’ College and visit the parents of
students we have studying with us at
Julie Gu’s Mother and Father
Momo Hongcherdchai’s family and agent
Jessica Zhang’s father ,
agent and family friend
10th October
12th October
13th October
16th October/1st November
19th October
24th October
26th October
27th October
29th/30th October
30th October
1st November
2nd November
3rd November
7th /18th November
Sai Phophuttan’s Mother
and agent
We said farewell in term 3 to
the following students:
Minji Kim
Sandy Jariyaworakul
Riina Nishima
Riko Morita
Hannah Schweins
Kira Volschenk
Laura Strub
Lea Chassignol
Lucile Pignat
Oceane Brosteaux
Delphine De Luca
9th November
14th /20th November
21st /27th November
21st /27th November
29th November/5th December
7th December
7th December
14th December
15th December
15th December
Term 4 begins
BOP Volleyball Jnr Finals
Sports Prize Giving
Ritsumeikan Keisho Junior
High School Visit
Arts Awards
Labour Day Holiday
Senior Reports Issues
Mufti Day
NCEA Maths Exam Practice
Quiz Night
Last day for Year 13
Academic Prize Giving
Last day for Year 11/12
Activity Week for senior
International students
not sitting NCEA
NCEA Begins
Junior Assessment Week
Junior Production Week
NISS Volleyball Junior
Sendai Seiryou School visit
YES National Awards
Leavers Dinner
Year 9 Prize Giving/Reports
Year 10 Prize Giving Reports
Term 4 Ends