No 7 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School

Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No 7 Friday 12 May 2017
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
16 May
ASI Big Science Competition
18 May
Secondary Dance Party
25 May
National Eisteddfod - Jazz Band –
Lyneham High
27 May
Year 8,9 and 10 -Band
Llewellyn Hall
NAPLAN testing commenced on Tuesday 09 May for students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Students know what to expect from the
tests and have been encouraged to do their best. Executive Teachers, Uraj Singh and Maria Magdic have been very busy for a
number of weeks behind the scenes, organising testing schedules, staffing and ensuring a calm environment prevails. As you are
no doubt aware their initial preparations were for an online testing environment. We thank them for their attention to detail and
unflappable approach with the return to a pencil and paper test environment.
It’s only week three of term and our students have been busy competing and performing across a number of arenas.
Congratulations to the Junior (Y7-Y8) Debating Teams 1 and 3 who won their recent debates. Team 3’s victory was particularly
impressive as the opposing team had previously been undefeated. They will now debate Merici College at the Snow Centre at the
Grammar School. The Senior Debating Team (Y10) won their quarter finals this week, congratulation senior team 3!
The year 10 Da Vinci Decathlon team competed last week in a regional competition at the Illawarra Grammar School. They were
awarded second place and will progress to the NSW Competition at Knox Grammar later in the month. As always, the tasks they
undertook on the day were absolutely mind-bending, but they did us proud. Congratulations to the following students: Thomas
Fearn, Selina Li, Vivien Deng, Seraphina Nicholls, Shiyamar Sivapatham, Gordon Lum, Neha Kalele and Nikki Wade. Thank you
also to Ben Yuen and Sara Rapp who accompanied the team and had the challenge of marking tasks throughout the day.
The Band, under the direction of Rob Clements has been preparing for both the National Eisteddfod and their European tour. A
band camp, attended by 100 students was held last weekend at Warrambui, on the other side of Murrumbateman. Their concert
on Saturday night was most impressive and a highlight was the song the students wrote and performed for Rob. These
experiences are only possible because of Rob’s passion and dedication to the task and the support he also receives from other
members of staff. Rob would like to acknowledge the assistance of Ben Yuen, Tanya Murphy, Danielle Olney, Sara Rapp, Anthony
Duncan and all those who attended the concert.
Friday 19 May is National Walk Safely to School Day for primary school students. Now in its 18th year, the event seeks to
promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment. For students who live some distance from the school, the
suggestion is that parents park 1km from the school and walk. Student walkers will be acknowledged with a special sticker as
they enter through the school gates.
On the same day, students from Kindergarten to Year 10 will participate in Action
Contre La Faim (Action Against Hunger) to raise awareness of the plight of people
around the world and raise funds. The event will take place on the school oval and
students can be sponsored for the number of laps (walking or running) they
complete. Students have already received a sponsorship booklet. An official letter
from the school will be sent home to show to potential sponsors and when collecting
donations after the event. If you would like to learn more about the organisation and
its work go to:
Term 2 2017
26 April – 30 June
Term 3 2017
17 July – 22 September
Term 4 2017
9 October – 15 December
Term 1 2018
5 February - 13 April
Thank you to Christophe Navaux for this new initiative and the organisation
underpinning this whole school event.
Robin Egerton
Deputy Principal K-6
Les évaluations NAPLAN ont commencé le mardi 9 mai pour les élèves de CE2, CM2, Cinquième et Troisième. Les élèves se sont
bien préparés aux épreuves et nous les encourageons à faire de leur mieux. Les enseignantes cadres Uraj Singh et Maria Magdic
ont été bien occupées depuis quelques semaines à organiser le planning des épreuves, la surveillance par les enseignants et à
s’assurer que tout se déroule dans un environnement calme. Comme vous le savez, elles ont, dans un premier temps, organisé
les épreuves initialement prévues en ligne. Nous les remercions pour avoir su s’adapter avec un grand sens du détail à l’annonce
du retour aux épreuves en format papier.
Nous ne sommes qu’en semaine 3 et nos élèves ont été bien occupés dans divers concours et compétitions. Toutes nos
félicitations aux équipes de Débat 1 et 3 qui ont remporté leurs récentes épreuves. La victoire de l’équipe 3 est particulièrement
impressionnante car elle a été remportée face à une équipe jusque-là invaincue. Ils seront à présent opposés au Lycée Merici
lors des épreuves qui auront lieu au Snow Centre de la Grammar School.
L’équipe du Décathlon Da Vinci des élèves de Seconde a participé à une compétition régionale à la Grammar School d’Illawara la
semaine dernière. Ils ont obtenu la deuxième place et accèdent ainsi à la compétition de Nouvelle Galle du Sud qui aura lieu à la
Knox Grammar le mois prochain. Comme toujours, les épreuves du jour ont été de véritables casse-têtes et les élèves ont su
nous faire honneur. Toutes nos félicitations aux élèves suivants : Thomas Fearn, Selina Li, Vivien Deng, Seraphina Nicholls,
Shiyamar Sivapatham, Gordon Lum, Neha Kalele et Nikki Wade. Un grand merci à Ben Yuen et Sara Rapp qui les ont
accompagnés et ont eu la lourde tâche de noter des épreuves au cours de la journée.
L’orchestre, sous la direction de Rob Clements, se prépare à la fois pour le National Eisteddfod et leur tournée en Europe. Le
camp de l’orchestre a eu lieu le week-end dernier à Warrambui, de l’autre côté de Murrumbateman, avec la participation de 100
élèves. Leur concert de samedi soir fut particulièrement impressionnant et le clou de la soirée fut la chanson écrite pour Rob et
interprétée par l’orchestre. Ces expériences ne sont possibles que grâce à la passion et à l’engagement de Rob, et grâce à l’aide
que d’autres membres du personnel lui apportent. Rob souhaite remercier Ben Yuen, Tanya Murphy, Danielle Olney, Sara Rapp,
Anthony Duncan et tous ceux qui ont assisté au concert.
Le vendredi 19 mai aura lieu la journée nationale encourageant les élèves du Primaire à se rendre à pied à l’école en toute
sécurité, National Walk Safely to School Day. C’est la 18ème édition de cette journée qui a pour but de promouvoir la sécurité
routière, les transports en commun et la protection de l’environnement. Pour les élèves qui habitent loin de l’école, nous
suggérons aux parents de se garer à 1 km de l’école puis de marcher. Les élèves arrivant à pied à l’école recevront un
autocollant spécial.
Le même jour, les élèves des classes de Grande Section de Maternelle à la Seconde participeront à la course Action Contre la
Faim afin de sensibiliser sur le sujet de la faim dans le monde et de récolter des dons. Les élèves courront autour de l’Oval de
l’école. Chaque tour réalisé (en marchant ou en courant) rapporte aux élèves des dons de leurs sponsors. Ils ont déjà reçu un
livret où ils peuvent noter leurs différents sponsors et le montant que chaque tour réalisé leur rapportera. Une lettre officielle de
l’école sera remise aux élèves à destination de leurs sponsors potentiels et afin d’expliquer comment sera organisée la récolte
suivant :
Un grand merci à Christophe Navaux pour ce beau projet et l’organisation que représente un tel événement impliquant tout
notre établissement scolaire.
Robin Egerton
Principale-adjointe en charge du Primaire
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Chers parents,
Le vendredi 19 mai prochain, nos élèves du lycée franco-australien de Canberra participeront, à la 20ème édition de LA COURSE
CONTRE LA FAIM, organisée par les élèves de grade 10 du courant français en partenariat avec l’association Action contre la
A cette occasion, une vente de pâtisseries et de boisson sera organisée, nous sollicitons donc vos talents de cuisiniers pour la
réussite de cette action solidaire. Nous remercions, par avance, les
mamans et les papas qui pourront nous préparer des gâteaux et autres douceurs.
Nous vous remercions d’avance de l’attention que vous porterez à ce projet et comptons sur votre soutien !
To keep up-to-date with all your children’s assignments/school reports and other information, please head to the Managebac
website to learn more. If you don’t have or cannot remember your login, please email [email protected] for a
welcoming letter from Managebac.
PE & Sport News
Wow, what a busy year it has been so far in PE & Sport. This year we have welcomed two new staff members, Alex Currie and
Kathryn Ibbotson. Mrs Currie has joined us from Alfred Deakin High School and Miss Ibbotson from Mt Stromlo High School, both
a part of our South - Weston Network schools. Both teachers bring with them a wealth of experience and new ideas. We are
pleased to have both teachers as part of our team.
The following is a wrap up of all things PE and sport from term 1 and a look at what is to come this term.
Physical and Health Education
All students have settled well into their PE classes for the semester. So far students have engaged in a variety of sports focused
around many of the sports on offer during term 1. Most classes have also completed their health unit. Health units for semester
one are Positive Relationships and Sexuality (year 7) and Drug Education and Safety (years 8, 9 and 10). At the end of last
term, all students were engaged in fitness testing and cross country running in the lead up to the school cross country carnival
held on the last Thursday of term 1.
This term, students are back to their main class groups and have commenced the term with Athletics in preparation for our
school athletics carnival to be held on Thursday 1 June (week 16). Following athletics, students will engage in various sports and
health lessons (for those classes who haven’t completed health yet). In weeks 8 and 9 all classes will be doing their movement
composition unit focussing on skipping/jump rope. As part of the movement composition unit, students will be creating a
movement sequence to music as part of their requirements for the IB Middle Years Program.
Finally, just a gentle reminder to all students that they are required to get changed for practical lessons. This includes the PE
shirt (all sizes now available for purchase through the Uniform Shop next to the canteen), navy shorts/trackpants and
appropriate black shoes. While the majority of students are doing the right thing, there has been an increasing number of
students coming to PE with unsuitable footwear. Flat soled shoes, such as Vans, Converse and other street style shoes, do not
provide the required support and traction needed for the activities covered in PE. Students are also requested to bring a hat
through the summer, autumn and spring months and a drink bottle. Sunscreen is available for students to use when outside, but
are also welcome to bring their own, especially if sensitive to general sunscreen.
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Sports Carnival
Last term we completed two of the three major sports carnival at Telopea Park School. By the end of the semester we will have
completed all three major carnivals and know who our overall Champion House for 2017 is; although this won’t be announced
until the awards ceremony at the end of the year so everyone will need to wait in anticipation that it is their House.
The first of our three major sports carnivals for the year was the swimming carnival. Back in February, the school relocated to
Dickson Aquatic Centre for the day for students to race and have fun in a variety of aquatic events. Attendance at the swimming
carnival was the greatest it has been with nearly 650 students. The weather was perfect and a great day was enjoyed by all who
attended. This year saw Throsby House repeat their wins of the past two years, but only just with Campbell House a matter of
points behind in second place. Congratulations Throsby House, swimming carnival champions for 2017. Well done.
From the school swimming carnival, a team of approximately 30 students went on to the High Schools’ South swimming carnival.
Telopea Park School competed well and there were some notable performances on the day. 19 students of these students
performed well enough to qualify for the ACT Schools’ Swimming Championships held on Monday 1 May (12 & under) and
Wednesday 3 May (13 & over). Competition was much tougher as they competed against the best of the other ACT public and
non-government schools. While the ribbons did not come as frequently as the HS South carnival, most of the students did
improve on their qualifying times to the ACT.
The second major carnival this year was the cross-county carnival, once again held on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin on the
second last day of term 1 (Thursday 6 April). Following an early recess, all students walked down to Bowen Park where the cross
country course starts. Students ran in two mass groups, one for boys and one for girls. While age champions are awarded
regardless of where they come overall in the mass groups, there is also the opportunity to be crowned overall Champion runner
for boys and for girls. This year congratulations go to Stefanie Lejins (14 years girls) and Finn Brennan (14 years boys). Well
done to both of you. Students who finished in the top 10 places in each of the age groups qualified for the HS South regional
carnival to be held on Tuesday 23 May at Stromlo Forest Park. Notes regarding this carnival will be distributed to students who
have qualified by Friday 12 May. We wish all students well as they try to do their best as they represent Telopea Park School in a
couple of weeks’ time.
The last of school carnivals, the athletics carnival, will be held in week six (1st June) of this term, Thursday 1 June at the Woden
Athletics Enclosure (near The Canberra Hospital). This is later than last year and fingers crossed the weather holds out and we
have a lovely day. What I can assure you is that it will no doubt be a chilly morning and students need to ensure they are rugged
up and are warm. Students will come to school as normal at the start of the day and then be bused to and from the venue. The
carnival will include 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, relays, long jump, triple jump, shot put and discus. Students wanting to
compete in 3000m, high jump and javelin will be able to do so at school in pre-carnival events starting next week. The cost of
the carnival will be $10 and include transport and the ground hire costs. More information about the carnival and permission
notes and medical forms will be sent out next week.
Other Sporting Teams
Over the past term, students at Telopea Park School have had the opportunity to compete in a variety of sports against other
students from ACT and surrounding NSW schools. The sports that students represented the school in were, in no particular
order, tennis, golf, basketball, water polo, rugby league and rugby union. Congratulations to all participants in each sport for
your outstanding efforts and sportsmanship.
This term, once again, sees plenty of opportunities for students to represent our school in a number of different sporting events.
Sign-up sheets are available on the PE Noticeboard for students to express their interest in trying out for Oztag, Aussie rules
football, volleyball, futsal, rugby union, rugby league and hockey. Students should keep an ear out for announcements of trials
for these sports through the term.
ACT Interschools’ Snow Sports
There has been growing interest amongst students (and parents) to participate in the ACT Interschools’ Snow Sports event early
term 3. I am regularly asked about this event by parents and students and although the school has not directly sent a team to
compete before, participation in this event in past years has been driven by a group of interested parents. The event involves
competitions for snowboarding and skiing across a three-day carnival towards the end of July. At this stage, I am trying to get
an idea of how many students across the school would be interested in competing in this event and if there are any parents who
are willing to be involved in the organisation of sending a team. Can you please email me at [email protected] if you are
Finally, if you have any questions about your child’s participation and progress in PE and Health or Sport, please feel free to
contact myself or your child’s PE teacher.
Ben Yuen (Executive Teacher – Health and PE, Sport)
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Primary students and staff are well engaged in the term’s weekly routines and activities. It is full-steam ahead… coming from
last century, I am not sure of the digital equivalent of such a phrase, any suggestions? Warp-speed sounds a bit too fast!
Here is a summary of the most recent events and news:
Rostrum Speeches
The students in years 3-6 have been busy preparing a two-minute speech to present to their class. Each class then nominates
one student to present at an assembly. This will be held in the Secondary Library at 9.50 am for both sessions. Students in y4&6
will present on Monday 15th and y3&5 on Monday 22nd May. One student will then be selected to represent the school for the
quarter finals. Thank you to the class teachers for helping students to develop public speaking skills.
NAPLAN Y3 and 5
As has been well-documented, the national testing schedule was held in week 3 this term with Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday mornings being the main test times. Whilst we participate in such testing and data collection, please keep in mind that
this is one small slice of a student’s learning journey and we value the variety of work and effort students undertake with their
K-2 Assembly
As the school numbers are growing and space diminishing, we are evolving the need to host a separate k-2 assembly. This year,
in the very able hands of Alisha Tooma as coordinator, the second assembly was very successful in showcasing and celebrating
student work and achievement. Gathering as a school community helps students develop citizenship awareness. Thank you to all
staff for the support of this new event.
Instrumental Music Program Y5 and6 Bands
In term two, students in the TPS Woodwind Bands participate in an enriching event called ‘Combined Bands’. They get to play
with five other schools’ bands combining a brass and woodwind mix. It is a big sound and very motivating for the students. The
y6 band have just been out with Mrs Cribb and the y5 band will be going in early June.
SPORT update
The next two terms see many students participating in weekend sports. We wish you and your parents a rewarding experience in
your chosen team sports. Please let us know how you go.
On a gorgeous Canberra autumn day, the Y2-6 cross-country carnival was held in Telopea Park. All the training and preparation
resulted in excellent participation from our students. There was much cheering and encouragement from students and parents
for all runners. The generous donations of apples and oranges were heartily consumed after the race. It takes many helping
hands before and during the carnival to make such an event work well. Thank you to all parent volunteers, we can’t do it without
you! Thank you to all the staff for your support, Sports Leadership students from Secondary with many necessary tasks and to
Nick and Ray for helping us with equipment delivery and pick-up.
The TPS squad for the Regional 12&U squad will be selected soon and a note will be sent home to qualifying students. The
Regional carnival will take place on Wednesday 31st May at Stromlo Park.
This term, some of our students will take part in orienteering skills as part of the sporting grants scheme. The skills learned will
be shared with staff and students over the rest of the year.
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T2 ICACS Testing schedule for years 3-6:
Thank you to Ms Robin Egerton for co-ordinating this for the students. More ICACS testing will be scheduled next term.
ICAS Subject
ICAS Sitting Date
Monday 29 May
Tuesday 13 June
Tuesday 13 June
SunSmart policy: At the end of May, it is deemed to be ‘hats-off’ by SunSmart guidance. During the colder months of June and
July students do not need to wear the school hat. If you are looking to purchase warmer coats/jackets, beanies, scarves and
leggings, we ask that you please look to keep to colour-code for school wear. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Thank you for your support to ensure home and school work as a community.
Maria Magdic
Executive Teacher Y3-6
Nos élèves du Primaire et leurs enseignants poursuivent leur routine hebdomadaire et participent à toute vapeur à leurs
activités. Une expression du siècle dernier, mais quel serait l’équivalent de cette expression de nos jours ? Auriez-vous une
expression à me proposer ? Les choses changent vraiment à la vitesse de l’éclair !
Voici un aperçu des derniers événements et informations :
Concours d’éloquence en anglais
Les élèves des classes de CE2 à Sixième se sont bien préparés à présenter leur discours de deux minutes à leur classe. Chaque
classe sélectionnera ensuite un élève qui viendra présenter son discours à l’assemblée. Cela aura lieu au CDI à 9h50 pour les
deux séances. Les élèves de CM1 et de Sixième présenteront leur discours le lundi 15 mai et les élèves de CE2 et CM2 le lundi
22 mai. Un élève sera alors sélectionné pour représenter notre école lors des quarts de finale. Un grand merci aux enseignants
qui ont aidé les élèves à développer leurs compétences d’orateur.
NAPLAN (classes de CE2 et CM2)
Comme convenu dans les différents documents que vous avez reçus, les évaluations nationales ont lieu en semaine 3 de ce
trimestre, les mardis, mercredis et jeudis matin. Alors que nous participons à ces évaluations, je souhaite que nous n’oublions
pas que ces épreuves ne sont qu’une infime partie du parcours scolaire de nos élèves et nous apprécions la variété de
productions et d’efforts que nos élèves apportent avec leurs enseignants.
Assemblée des élèves des classes de Grande Section de Maternelle à CE1
Comme les effectifs de l’école croissent et que nous manquons de ce fait d’espace, nous nous orientons vers l’organisation
d’assemblées spéciales pour nos élèves de Grande Section de Maternelle à CE1. Cette année, grâce au professionnalisme d’Alisha
Tooma, notre coordinatrice, la deuxième assemblée a très bien su montrer et mettre en valeur les travaux et résultats de nos
élèves. Nos élèves développent leur conscience citoyenne grâce à de tels rassemblements de notre communauté scolaire. Un
grand merci à tous les enseignants pour l’organisation de cet événement.
Programme de musique instrumentale et orchestre des élèves des classes de CM2 et Sixième
Au cours du deuxième trimestre, les élèves faisant partie de l’orchestre d’instruments à vent de Telopea pourront participer à
une activité enrichissante intitulée « Fusion d’orchestres ». Ils ont la chance de pouvoir jouer avec cinq orchestres d’autres
écoles, mélangeant un ensemble d’instruments à cuivre et à vent. L’effet produit est impressionnant et très motivant pour nos
élèves. L’orchestre des élèves de Sixième a déjà pu y participer avec Mrs Cribb. L’orchestre des élèves de CM2 y participera au
début du mois de juin.
Nouvelles sportives
Au cours des deux prochains trimestres, de nombreux élèves prendront part à des activités sportives extrascolaires au cours du
week-end. Nous vous souhaitons, ainsi qu’à vos parents, de passer un bon moment enrichissant dans les sports que vous aurez
choisis. Donnez-nous de vos nouvelles.
Le cross des élèves des classes de CE2 à Sixième a eu lieu au parc de Telopea par une magnifique journée automnale. Toute la
préparation et les entrainements ont résulté en une excellente participation de nos élèves. Beaucoup d’élèves et de parents sont
venus encourager les coureurs sur le parcours. Toutes les pommes et les oranges généreusement données ont été mangées
avec plaisir. C’est grâce aux nombreux volontaires, venus prêter main forte avant et pendant le cross, que cet événement fut un
succès. Un grand merci aux parents volontaires sans qui nous n’aurions rien pu faire ! Un grand merci au personnel enseignant
et non enseignant pour leur aide, aux élèves du secondaire qui ont été en charge de nombreuses tâches, ainsi qu’à Nick et Ray
qui nous ont aidés à apporter et récupérer le matériel sur le lieu du cross.
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L’équipe de Telopea Park School pour le cross régional, catégorie 12 ans et moins, sera bientôt sélectionnée et les élèves
concernés recevront prochainement une note. Le cross régional aura lieu le mercredi 31 mai à Stromlo Park.
Ce trimestre, certains de nos élèves participeront à un cycle orientation, dans le cadre du programme de subvention sportive.
Les élèves pourront partager leurs compétences acquises avec les enseignants et les élèves au cours de l’année.
Planning des épreuves ICACS du deuxième trimestre pour les élèves des classes de CE2 à Sixième
Nous remercions Ms Robin Egerton pour la coordination des épreuves ICACS des élèves. D’autres épreuves ICACS sont
programmées au prochain trimestre.
Date de l’épreuve
lundi 29 mai
Production d’écrit
mardi 13 juin
mardi 13 juin
Programme SunSmart
Le programme SunSmart nous indique que le port du chapeau ne sera plus obligatoire à la fin du mois de mai. Pendant les mois
de juin et juillet, mois habituellement plus froids, les élèves ne sont pas tenus de porter le chapeau de l’école. Si vous avez
l’intention d’acheter un manteau chaud, un bonnet, une écharpe et des collants, nous souhaiterions que vous cherchiez à
respecter le code couleur de l’uniforme de l’école. Merci de votre coopération.
Merci de nous aider à faire en sorte que parents et école travaillent main dans la main.
Maria Magdic
Professeur cadre en charge des élèves du CE2 à la Sixième
P&C Meeting Dates & Fundraising Calendar of Events
Friday 19 May
Race Against Hunger - Course Action Contre la Faim
Wednesday 14 June (7pm)
P&C Meeting – Special AGM
Friday 23 June
Primary Disco
Wednesday 26 July (7pm)
P&C Meeting
Wednesday 6 Sept (7pm)
P&C Meeting
Wednesday 18 Oct (7pm)
P&C Meeting
Saturday 4 Nov
La Grande Fete
Wednesday 29 Nov (7pm-8pm)
P&C Meeting
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Pedestrian Crossing Coming Soon
Representatives from the ACT Government came to
the 3 May P&C meeting to present the plans for a
pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Telopea Park
West and New South Wales Crescent.
The proposed zebra crossing will be installed at the
location of the existing pedestrian island and will have
lights to illuminate the crossing at night. There will
also be additional signage erected at the time of
installation alerting drivers to the changed traffic
arrangements. Construction is planned to commence
in the coming months.
If you have any further feedback on the proposed
crossing, please email the P&C secretary Nancy
Waites: [email protected].
Des représentants du Gouvernement d’ACT sont venus à la réunion du P&C du 3 Mai et ont présenté le projet d’installation d’un
passage pour piéton au niveau de l’intersection entre New South Wales Crescent et Telopea Park West.
Il se situera à l’endroit où se trouve déjà le refuge pour piétons et des lumières l’éclaireront la nuit. Pendant la durée des
travaux, de nouveaux panneaux de signalisations seront installés pour alerter les conducteurs des changements de trafic. Le
commencement des travaux est prévu dans les prochains mois à venir.
Si vous voulez plus d’information sur ce projet, veuillez contacter la secrétaire du P&C Nancy Waites: [email protected].
Race Against Hunger - Course Action Contre la Faim – May 19
On 19 May, Y10 students are organising a "Race Against Hunger" on the school oval. All students are invited to join and run for
donations to benefit the French NGO Action Contre la Faim (ACF). Primary and Secondary families are kindly invited to
participate to the Bake Sale which will also benefit ACF. The P&C is in charge of holding a cake stand on the oval.
Please consider sending your child to school with home-baked or store-bought goodies on 19 May. We will also need volunteers
on the Cake stand. Please contact Colombe Bories [email protected] if you are available.
Le 19 mai, les élèves de Seconde organisent une Marche Contre la Faim dans la cour de l'école. Tous les élèves sont invités à
courir au profit de l'association Action Contre la Faim. Les parents du primaire et du secondaire sont également invités à
participer à la vente de gâteaux dont les bénéfices seront également reversés à cette ONG. Le P&C tiendra un stand le jour
Merci à ceux qui le pourront de bien vouloir contribuer en apportant gâteaux ou biscuits le 19 mai. Nous aurons également
besoin de volontaires pour tenir le stand. Contact: [email protected]
La Grande Fête
Sat 4th November 2017 from 2:30pm to 7:00pm
It’s May and although November seems a long way away, time will fly and the fete will be here. Please think about running a
stall or manning the fete emails, or being the central fete contact so that the fete can go ahead. Your school and your
children need you. We look forward to hearing from you!
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Nous sommes déjà en mai et même si Novembre apparait loin à l’horizon, le temps passera vite et la Fête sera bientôt là. S’il
vous plait pensez à aider en tenant un stand or en étant le coordinateur central pour que la fête puisse avoir lieu.
Votre école et nos enfants ont besoin de vous.
Contact [email protected] or mob 0428 623 395
Lost Property – Objets trouvés
Has your child lost a
or a
There are oodles in the lost property cupboard (outside the Primary School Office).
Make sure you label your child’s gear (school uniform, drink bottle, lunch box etc.).
We make every effort to return labelled items of clothing to the correct owner. Unlabeled school uniform items are donated to
the second-hand clothing store. Unlabeled non-school uniform items are given away.
Contact your friendly P&C for any queries.
Second-hand uniform shop
The shop is open every Wednesday 8.45am to 9.45am during term outside the Primary School Office.
Items available include summer dresses, skirts, shirts, blouses and polos of various sizes. Jackets are also well stocked. Only $5
per piece of clothing.
All enquiries please contact Jennifer Yung – [email protected]
Items have been selling well. However, donations of uniforms are much needed.
Many thanks
Monday – 8.30 - 9.30am
Tuesday – 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 11.00am – 12.00noon
Order and pay securely on the web:
[email protected]
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
Every Wednesday 8.45am to 9.45am during term
All enquiries please contact Jennifer at [email protected]
Items available include summer dresses, skirts, shirts, blouses and polos of various sizes. Jackets are also well stocked.
Donations of uniforms are most welcome.
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Les Explorateurs Scout Group is based in Canberra, Australia, and is a unique Scouting group delivering the
official Scouts Australia program en français! We provide an opportunity for our youth members to use their French
language skills in a fun, safe environment, while gaining valuable life skills.
Les Explorateurs Scout Group meets at the Ainslie Scout Hall, Ebden St, Ainslie ACT, every week during the school term, with
different nights according to age group, and currently offer programs for:
Petits Lutins/Joey Scouts: 6-7 years
Louveteaux/Cub Scouts: 8-10 years
Intrépides/Scouts: 11-15 years
For more information about Les Explorateurs, please visit our website or
email our Group Leader.
6287 3833
Being a parent is the hardest job we’ll ever have. All parents at some time experience difficulties and stress.
Parentline ACT
is a confidential and free telephone and face-to-face counselling and information service.
Phone Parentline if you would you like:
To talk with someone about those parenting issues.
Help with some ideas on raising children.
Support in the important job you are doing.
To know what is available for parents, teenagers and children.
To build better relationships in your family.
Help to understand your child or teenager’s behaviour.
Make an appointment for a counselling session.
Parentline ACT.
Monday to Friday (except on public holidays), 9am to 5pm.
Phone: 6287 3833
NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
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[email protected]
Proviseur/Head of French
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Deputy Principal K-10 Peter Clayden
Deputy Principal K-6
Deputy Principal 7-10 Michele McLoughlin
Conseiller Pédagogique Julien Dugas
Business Manager
Mary Ryan
Robin Egerton
School Board Members 2017
Board Chair
Jacinda Still
Appointed Member
Mary Welsh
Staff Member
Cathy Marot
Staff Member
Peter Usher
P&C Member
Paul Haesler
P&C Member
Student Member
Australian Government
French Government
Sophie Beauvais
Shiyamar sivapatham
Louise Hudson
Louise Roudil
Student Member
Timothy Rock
French Government
Bertrand Pous
Board Secretary
Mary Ryan
P&C 2017
Colombe Bories
Vice Presidents
[email protected]
Chris Farmer,
David Pullen
Nancy Waites
Assistant Secretary
Pauline Cullen
Justin Brown
Assistant Treasurer
Phillippe Moncuquet
Public Officer
Sharon Tiede
Grants Officer
Before and After School Care
Communication Officer
Lost Property Officer
Initial Fete Coordination
ACT P&C Delegate
Kristin Milton/Asterie T.
Lisa Wallace
Audrey Michiels
Clare Bannerman
Returning Officer
Anita Gardner
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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