Draw round your hand, and label each of your fingers, thumb and in

Draw round your hand, and label each of your fingers, thumb and in the middle
of your hand, with each of our feel good ways:
connect, move, notice, learn, give, talk.
Write down in your drawn hand what you do in your life, for each of the 6 ways.
My feel good 6 handy checker
This activity is suitable for groups or individuals.
Time needed 20 mins
Give out copies of the My feel good 6 handy checker sheets (copy the front of this sheet).
Ask them to draw round their hand in the middle of the sheet.
Ask them to label on the sheet their fingers, thumb and palm of the hand with our
6 ways to
wellbeing (connect, move, notice, learn, give and talk).
Ask them to think about what they do in their lives for each of the
6 wellbeing ways.
List these activities on the sheet, next to the matching named wellbeing ways. There are no
right or wrong answers.
Once complete, ask them to review their handy checker and notice:
are there any ways where they are not doing anything, or ways where they are doing
too much?
do they have a good balance across all the
6 ways?
Follow on activities:
Discuss the activities written down on the sheets, and if in a group ask them to share these
with each other, if they are happy to do so.
Ask the group if they are surprised about their lists, and if there is anything they’d like to do
more or less of, to help have a more balanced spread across the
6 ways.
If you have copies of the feel good cards, you can share these with them, and discuss the
top tips to do more in our everyday lives to improve our wellbeing.