SurvCADD - Carlson Software

File Modify Display Draw Inq-Set Pnts 3Dpoly DTM Contour Site Misc
DTM & Contour Module
One step contouring, volumes and site grading, the quickest in AutoCAD. Contour with labels all in one step.
Hard and soft barrier lines. Automated depression contours with ticks at interval. Multiple inclusion and
exclusion perimeters for contouring and volumes. Volumes by grid files, triangulation files or by layers (no
files!). Building pad design, pit design, pond design. 3D polyline utilities (join, trim, extend, break, offset.)
Slope zone analysis, elevation analysis, cut/fill depth contours and depth elevations. Slope ratio contours
constant or cumulative. Interpolation of spot elevation at random points or at intervals. Quantity "take-off"
for construction estimating, including analysis of earthwork zones, topsoil placement and removal, stone
layers and pavement. Powerful terrain modeling routines to create any surface or landscape.
Site designers have unique tools for regrading and balancing earthwork. Using the 3D polyline utilities, roads
and water diversion channels can be designed along terrain following any desired slope. Final terrain designs
can be trimmed to existing surfaces--great for fills, building sites, parking areas. Landfill designers benefit
especially from the SurvCADD DTM 3D tools. Just offset up and bench over with 3D polyline offset routine!
Any company that produces contour maps, including survey firms, civil engineering consultants and aerial
photogrammetry companies, will benefit from SurvCADD's fast contouring and advanced editing tools, which
include polyline vertice reductions, bezier smoothing and polyline segment removal. SurvCADD produces
high-quality contour maps with a logical minimum of steps.
Pond designers can incise ponds of any shape into existing contours or create embankment dams across drains
of larger valleys. SurvCADD calculates the exact volumes and even includes a "re-design" option that allows
near-instant experimentation with different outslope grades and dam widths. All pond design routines calculate
not only earthwork but water storage at all stages within the pond.
Construction companies can estimate jobs quickly by digitizing existing and final contours at pre-set intervals,
then compute earthwork using our unique "layer based" method. Zones of earthwork can be established for
paved or parking areas to fine-tune quantities.
3Dpoly Menu
Working in 3D in AutoCAD by itself is simply unproductive. AutoCAD makes it difficult to offset, trim, extend, join or break 3D
polylines. SurvCADD includes a host of 3Dpolyline utilites that duplicate AutoCAD's powerful 2D polyline utilites but work with
both 2D and 3D polylines. These design tools enable you to design, draw and edit entirely in 3D . SurvCADD liberates the
AutoCAD designer allowing the user to work freely and effortlessly in 3D.
Unique 3Dpolyline Utilities
• Draw 3D Polyline - Draw 3D Polyline by
point number or picking. Displays coordinates on each drawn vertex including elevation. Assign elevation feature.
• Slope Line (3D polyline) - Draw 3D polyline
by slope or ratio.
• Draw 3D Polyline with Follow - Allows you
to trace any existing 3D Polyline by selecting it's start location and end location. Multiple 3D polylines can be traced with this
• 2D Polyline to 3D Polyline by Points or
Surface Model - Convert 2D Polylines
thatintersect existing contours or TIN/Grid
files to create ridgelines, top and bottom of
banks . Great for converting streams and
curbs drawn as 2DPolylines in photogrammetry maps to 3Dpolylines.
• Break 3D Polyline by Surface - Unique
command extends or trims selected 2D and
3D Polylines to tie into existing surfaces.
Surface may be defined using screen contours, points or grid file. Great for splicing in
3D Offset Polylines used to define benches
for landfills and valley fills.
• Tag or Untag Hard Barrier Lines - Used
to stop smoothing between two tagged
polylines when contouring manmade features (e.g. curbs, walls, steps, cliffs... ).
Design roads and diversion ditches across
contour maps at any desired slope. Then use
the "3D Polyline Offset" SurvCADD command to create parallel grade lines, leading
to final designs using the Pad Template routine in the Site menu.
Offset 3D polylines to create road.
Offset 3D polylines to create a landfill.
The "3D Polyline Offset" command offsets both horizontally and vertical an invaluable tool designing in 3D. The landfill with benches containing sloping Vditches designed using the "3D Polyline
Offset, Trim and Extend" commands of
• 3D Polyline by Slope on Surface Draw a 3D polyline at a constant slope or
ratio along an existing contour, TIN or GRID
file. Great for designing a haul road, channel, or ditch along an irregular surface at a
constant grade or slope ratio.
• 3D Polyline Utilites - Offset, Trim, Extend,
Join and Break allows you to edit/modify 3D
Polylines as easily as 2D Polylines in
AutoCAD. Any 3D structure (e.g. walls,
steps, curbs,... .) can be drawn using 3D
polylines snapping to their true elevation
and offset or edited with the3D Polyline
Utilites command. Complex sites reqiring
grading or regrading can be created quickly
in 3D and used for accurate contouring and
2D polylines at 0 elevation that intersect contours can be converted into 3D polylines
and used to design any desired regrade. The example above where a 0.25:1 highwall
slope is designed to create a pit or building pad.
D.T.M. Menu
• Interpolate Points/Entity or Points by Slope
Ratio - Create COGO points interpolated
between points along polylines, lines/arcs
and by slope ratio.
• Make/Plot Grid Files & Grid Utilities Create Digital Terrain Models (DTM) or Grid
files from selected points, lines, 2D or 3D
Polylines with elevations. Grid files can be
plotted at any vertical exaggeration for 3D
viewing. Grid files can be edited, modified
and combined using polyline perimeters.
• Volumes by Grid Files - One Surface Volumes calculates the cut and fill volumes
above or below any datum elevation. Two
Surface Volumes calculates cut and fill volumes between two surfaces. Multiple inclusion and exclusion polyline perimeters can
be used. Cut and Fill differences can be plotted in specified rows or columns along the
grid files. Difference contours can be plotted with labels. Cut and fill maps can be
color coded within difference contour intervals. Cut or fill volumes by elevation stage
can be output. Volumes for cut and fill can
be plotted cell-by cell using grid files or analyzed by multi-cell zones.
• Volumes by Layers - One Step Volumes.
Allows user to pick on screen or type layer
names for existing and final grid files within
inclusion and exclusion perimeters. Any
number of layers can be thawed, only those
layers specified will be used to create the
existing and final grid files . No files are
needed or created.
Cut and fill volumes are displayed in an ASCII
editor for editing and sent or stored to the
drawing, printer or file.
• Volumes by Triangulation - Calculates volumes between two TIN files stored when
• Elevation Zone Analysis - Change colors
on plotted grids files by elevation range.
This command allows you to set and store
color legends by elevation range for recall.
Great for viewing grid files in 3D and displaying changes in elevations with color legend.
• Slope Zone Analysis - Calculates user defined slope zones and plots slope contours.
Colors slope zone area and prints out slope
area report.
• Slope Report - Reports average slope and
minimum and maximum slopes within any
closed polyline by grid file.
• Build landfills, roads and diversion ditches
simply by offsetting 3D polylines. Then
check volumes and redesign as needed. Or
take on challenging earthwork assignments
as shown below. All design is in plan view,
using 3D polylines as “wire frames”,over
which contours or surface grids can be
draped for presentation.
• The offset 3D polylines can be trimmed,
one surface to another, by SurvCADD’s
TRIM 3D POLYLINE BY SURFACE command. The 3D polyline connecting the intersection represents where the two surfaces
make contact. The existing and final surfaces are selected and volumes calculated
from a polyline perimeter.
Plot 3D grid files at any vertical exaggeration.
Regrading — No other package let’s you design grading quicker.
Volume calculations between existing & finished grade contours.
Contour Menu
• Triangulate & Contour - One step contouring. Preset index and intermediate contour intervals, layers and contour labeling
options. Select points, lines, 2D and 3D
polylines with elevations, pick inclusion and
exclusion perimeters, then SurvCADD contours and labels. Smoothing and automatic
vertice reduction are preset to create accurate smooth contours with minimal vertices.
The Triangular Irregular Network or TIN can
be plotted during the contour process as 3D
lines or 3D Faces and stored to a file.
SurvCADD is the only civil software that
triangulates and contours without the need
to store or display the TIN. If you want only
the contours, use Triangulate & Contour. No
other AutoCAD civil based package contours faster or with fewer steps.
• Global Elevation Label and Local Elevation
Label commands - Contours can be labeled
after contouring using these commands.
Labels can be boxed.
• Highlight Depression Contours - Highlights, Layerizes and places depression tick
marks on all contours in depression drainage areas.
• Trim Contour-Plines by pline - This command trims all polylines inside or outside a
• Change Contour-Plines Width - All index
contours or any polylines can be globally
set to a certain width.
• Assign Contour Elevations - External contour maps drawn as polylines at zero elevation can have their elevations quickly set
with this command. New elevation, interval
and layer can be set or changed within this
command without exiting.
• Tablet Calibrate & Digitize contours Configures digitizer to be used to digitize
contours with known elevation. Auto Tablet On, toggles the digitizer between tablet
calibration and selecting from digitizer tablet menu for AutoCAD/SurvCADD commands.
"Just Window the
Points and Break Lines,
Creating High Quality
Contour Maps!"
Triangulate & Contour draws Index/
Intermediate contours at any interval with
labels, within any inclusion and exclusion
• Edit TIN files on screen.
• Contours may be drawn from TIN or grid
files, stored or displayed .
• Digitized, blocky contours can be smoothed
by the accurate "Bezier" algorithm. Large
contour files, particularly files imported from
other software can be reduced to manageable size by using Reduce Contour Vertices.
File sizes after Reduce Contour Vertices, very
often achieve 30% to 50% size savings without reducing accuracy or smoothing.
• List Elevation - Displays elevation of any
2D or 3D contour selected.
SurvCADD's contouring does not require storing a TIN file, but if you want to draw the
TIN you may, as 3Dlines or 3Dfaces. As an option TIN files can be stored to a ASCII
file for Volumes and Hydrology.
SurvCADD's points are plotted at their true 3D or Z elevation. SurvCADD can contour
from screen entities in plan or any 3Dview. 3D lines, 2D or 3DPolylines with elevations act as barrier lines.
Site Menu
SurvCADD's Site Design has been a secret weapon for many civil engineering, surveying, construction and mining companies since
1992. We were the first and remain the only company that completes site design in one step without the necessity of storing preliminary
FLT or Grid files. This unique ability allows our users to tie in any site, road, bench pond and valley dam to an existing surface, using
only screen entities (e.g. photogrammetry contour map, digitized contours, contours from survey data...). By selecting only screen
entities in the disturbed area both speed and accuracy are maximized and the need for elaborate project file management is minimized
or nonexistent. SurvCADD can also use stored surface FLT and Grid files for site design. SurvCADD's newest site development feature
in Design Pad Template applies a true simple or complex template to a 3D polyline representing the horizontal and vertical alignment.
This feature draws the template in 3D with finished grade contours tied to existing contours, volume report is generated for cut and
fill. Now roads or any template design can be drawn in 3D directly in plan view quickly and accurately, without creating cross-sections
and running through conventional template design. Another AutoCAD first from Carlson Software!!!
• Design Pad Template - Ties any picked 2D
or 3D open or closed polyline into an existing surface defined as either screen entities
(contours, spot elevations...), FLT or Grid file.
Great for tieing in complex commercial and
residential sites or simple parking lots, roads,
channels and ditches to an existing surface.
The final design is drawn as a complete, 3D
"wire frame" figure. A closed 3D polyline is
drawn around the perimeter, defining the disturbed area. Finished grade contours are
drawn inside the disturbed area polyline.
Existing contours inside the disturbed area
polyline can be trimmed out, with finished
grade contours tied into existing contours.
A volume report is generated for cut and fill
in cubic yards and feet, this can be modified,
screen plotted, sent to the printer or stored
to a file. SurvCADD's latest feature includes
the ability to apply a complex road template
created in the Section & Profile module to
any 3D polyline that represents the horizontal and vertical road alignment. Using the
Design Pad Template command any template
(even including, inside & outside curbs,
median, sidewalks, ditches, berms and transitional outslope treatments...), can be tied
to an existing surface, drawing the outslopes,
disturbed area polyline, all in 3D with proposed contours and cut/fill volume report.
In seconds.
• Design Bench Pond - This command works
only with a closed 2D polyline that defines
the top of the pond. The pond can be any
simple or complex closed polyline with both
line and arc segments. Slopes in percent or
ratio are drawn both outward and inward
from the picked pond perimeter. The pond
"berm" can have any width. Outslopes are
drawn as 3D polylines, and a 3D polyline
perimeter connecting all outslopes defines
the disturbed area. Finished grade contours
are drawn inside the disturbed area polyline.
Existing contours inside the disturbed area
polyline can be trimmed out and finished
grade contours tied into existing contours.
The interior downward slope from the of the
top of the inside berm can tie either to the
existing surface or to a fixed elevation for
bottom of pond. The interior down slope is
defined separate from the outslope treatment
in percent or ratio. Volumes for cut and fill
and pond stage storage capacity (acre feet
and cubic feet/yards) are displayed within
even elevation intervals. The volume and
pond stage storage report can be modified,
screen plotted, sent to the printer or stored
to a file. Pond capacity files can be stored
for stage storage graphing and plotting.
• Valley Pond Design - This command works
with a linear 2D polyline that defines the top
of a dam. Dam width and downslope grades
in percent or ratio are entered. Outslopes
are drawn as 3D polylines with a 3D polyline
perimeter drawn connecting all outslopes defining the disturbed area. Contouring and
volume reporting are identical to the bench
pond routine. The high water mark elevation inside the dam is drawn as a closed 2D
polyline defining the perimeter of the storage area.
• Design Pad from Boundary - Creates a pad
perimeter from the disturbed limit boundary
and design slopes.
• Spot Elevations & Entities to Points - Create and plot random or gridded points from
screen entities, FLT or Grid file. Great for
creating points for stakeout. For random
points simply move the cursor along the
surface and the current elevation displays
on the sidebar as fast as you move the cursor. Great for checking grades. Pick a location anywhere on your map and a point is
created and drawn with the surface elevation. To create gridded points for stakeout
pick a polyline or an alignment file (*.CL),
specify offset distance left and right, interval distance to create points on left and right
sides and station interval. Points with elevations and descriptions defining station
and offset left or right are created and plotted. Points uploaded to data collector can
be used for stakeout with point descriptions,
helpful for verifying proper location.
• Draw 3DPoly Perimeter & Base Barrier
3D polylines - Draw base surface perimeter
and base barrier lines in preset layers for one
step stockpile, pond and surface pit volumes
• Calculate Stockpile, Pond and Surface Pit
Volumes - Creates volumes by simply
windowing a closed 3D polyline in the perimeter layer, that envelops both base and
final entities for the stockpile, pond or surface pit. The volume report can be modified,
screen plotted, sent to the printer or stored
to a file. Stockpiles display only fill volumes
and ponds and surface pits only cut volumes. No TIN or grid files are stored. Volumes for each stockpile, pond and surface
pit are created in seconds and all you did
was window the entities.
• Define Earthwork Zones & Calculate
Earthwork - When estimating quantities
using existing and final contours, it is often
necessary to deduct for stone and asphalt
in areas of parking lots, roads and buildings
so that a true volume to subgrade is calculated. This is achieved by associating materials and depths with polylines defining
these "earthwork zones". A parking area
might have 4" of asphalt and 8" of stone,
indicating that true subgrade is 1' below the
surface. The program also considers shrinkage and swell as well as topsoil removal and
replacement. With the Earthwork Zones defined, one simple window of the entities computes all quantities.
• Name Zone Polylines - Assigns names to
zone polylines so that Calculate Earthwork
can report volumes for each p[olyline by
"SurvCADD the quickest most
accurate volume results inside
AutoCAD meeting all your
estimating, earthwork reporting
and project management needs."