Untitled - Escuela Ameyalli

Sin Cera Ser es una Asociación Civil sin fines de
lucro que trabaja en contra de todo tipo de maltrato
infantil y adolescente (físico, sexual, escolar,
negligencia y psicológico), principalmente en las
áreas de prevención, capacitación y atención; esto
mediante el apoyo de equinoterapia y cuenta con un
programa integral de educación, salud y desarrollo
para niños de 0 a 6 años.
Toman noviembre como el mes fundamental porque la ONU
19 de noviembre:
· Día internacional para la prevención del abuso contra los niños.
· Día mundial sin violencia hacia los niños.
20 de noviembre:
· Día mundial de la infancia.
· Día internacional de la conmemoración de la declaración de los
derechos de los niños.
· Día internacional de la eliminación de la violencia contra la mujer.
El morado se elige como el color representativo de esta campaña ya
que simboliza magia, transformación y cambio, y es unisex.
Ser parte de esta campaña nos da la oportunidad de sumarnos al
fomento de una cultura que promueva el Buen Trato como la única
forma de convivencia y educación.
El trabajo de esta campaña se realiza durante 4 semanas donde los
temas se distribuyen en:
1ª semana: Buen Trato en la Familia, trabajando con el valor de la
2ª semana: Buen Trato en la Escuela, trabajando con el valor de la
3ª semana: Buen Trato en las Redes Sociales, trabajando con el
valor del respeto.
4ª semana: Buen Trato en la Comunidad, trabajando con el valor de
la empatía.
Para llevar a cabo el reforzamiento de los valores previamente mencionados, se
realizarán actividades que posibiliten la transformación de manera positiva del entorno
en el que nos desarrollamos, al ser promotor del Buen Trato nos comprometemos a
formar parte de la manifestación morada, que incluye actividades como:
Uso mi anillo y recuerdo que no humillo.
Con el lazo, te abrazo.
30 frases por 30 días.
Uso algo morado para manifestar mi buen trato .
Mi buen trato lo muestro en el auto. #esnuestrotrato.
Tengo buen trato todo el rato.
Donando libros hago más amigos.
Mi muro morado se ve de todos lados.
Tu carta me impacta.
Planto un árbol en honor a mi buen trato.
Por todo esto, Escuela Ameyalli los invita a participar en esta campaña para hacer de
nuestra comunidad un contexto armonioso y con una cultura del bien común.
Pueden contactar de manera directa a la organización a través de la dirección
[email protected] o al teléfono (55) 65500668.
Escuela Ameyalli.
These are the essays, phrases or ideas that kids wanted to write and
share during the four weeks of “Noviembre Morado”. The concepts that
they worked with were:
Cordiality, Tolerance, Respect and Empathy
1st Grade
Valentina Agredano
I say please and thank you. I try to have
good manners with my family, I say “good
morning”, I say “good evening”,
I help with the homework and obey
my parents because my family is very
important to me. I help to put the things in
the correct place.
need something. I accept everybody, it
doesn’t matter if they are different from me.
Ana Paula Rosado
I accept my companions, my relatives,
everybody. It doesn’t matter if they are
different from me. I wait for others to eat
with them. I help, respect and listen to
other people.
Santiago Acosta
When I’m using Internet I don’t send the
Isabel Carbonell Pavón
image, I don’t send the gun image, I
I help others, I am polite with my family,
I say please and thank you, good morning write good things, I never used bad words,
and good night, hello and good baye, I pick I send happy faces.
up my room and wash my clothes to help
Renata Nieves
my family.
I always erase bad things people say
about others in Internet. I appreciate good
Darian Gimbernat
I never fight with my brothers. We must things about kids in youtube.
not get angry with our family, I try to feel
what the other person feels. I don’t bother
my brothers. I am very happy with my
family, I share my things with my brothers,
I help my family
Andrés Moreno
“Please” is the tiket to have friends. The
other word is “excuse me”. Please always
say please and thank you, but not only with
people and friends we have to do it, but
with other members of my family. We have
to have good manners with the people who
are different from us.
Mía Montaño
For me toleance is to listen to other
people when they speak, to wait for others,
to respect others, to help others when they
2nd Grade
Sofía Acevedo
Tolerance is when a person accepts the
other person like he or she is and does not
make fun of people.
Lucía del Río
Tolerance is when a person accepts the
other person.
Juan Pablo Izquierdo Ramírez
Don’t make fun of the boys that are new.
Milla Aderman
Cordiality is when you are tolerant,
especially in school, in physical education,
at the park, at the restaurant, at home.
When you respect people and don’t say
they are bad. If you are cordial, you get
good benefits, like good friends. If you are
a good person you have more possibilities
to have more friends, you get along well
with your family.
Santiago Arredondo
It’s important to be cordial, we have to
be in peace and to show it. We can get
all we want by being cordial, we have to
practice it in class, at home, at work and in
other countries. If we like peace, we have
to begin with us, with everybody and with
all the world.
Camila Bosque
To me cordiality is when you respect
other people and you get more friends. It’s
very important to be cordial because you
are respectful, kind, and you help people.
All the people have to be cordial, all my
friends are cordial. For example, if you
help you are kind and you feel very happy
because you are cordial.
Valentín López
To me cordiality is shown by someone
who is a good person, who is kind,
who doesn’t say bad words and who is
respectful. Not only boys should be cordial,
everybody should be cordial. Cordiality is
very important, we have to be respectful
because it is very important to be a good
person, to have rights and good manners
3rd Grade
Montserrat Herrán Escamilla
Cordiality is when people do actions correctly. We need to respect others. The
cordiality is to reach an agreement. The oposite of cordiality is push, shout and have a
disagreement. Cordiality is to respect!
Eliza Gutiérrez
Cordiality for me is peace, love. My phrase is: when you have a friend don’t ruin
the relationship, get the best of it and enjoy it. We can make the decition to choose
our friends with but you have to be respectful to others too. I learnt that if we want a
friendship we shouldn’t be cruel and in “Noviembre Morado” you should reflect on how
you are and how you treat others. We can live in harmony all the time if we treat others
Carolina Toro
Cordiality is when someone is kind or polite with others, like when you say “bless you”
to someone, that is being cordial. When you are not cordial the others will not be cordial
with you. We need to respect and be cordial with others for others to be cordial with us.
Please don’t forget to be cordial with yourself and animals.
Maximiliano Ramírez Vázquez
This is a story to show what cordiality is.
Once upon a time in summer thre was a worm that was sitting, relaxing and under
the sun and an ant was collecting seeds to survive the winter. The ant made her house.
“Winter is almost here”, the ant said and went into her house to stay in a warm place
while the worm was still playing in the grass, the worm did not remember that it was
winter and it started to snow. After hours, the worm went to the ant’s house and asked
her “Can you please let me in?” The ant let the worm come in, she gave him a cup of
coffe and she turned on the fire place, the worm started to get warm. The ant showed
cordiality to the worm.
Paulo Víctor Barbosa
You have to be respectful with
the people and the people have
to be tolerant with you and with
animals. You always have to be
respectful. Not punching, pushing
shouting and hurting other people.
have to respect people that are different. If you
don’t show tolerance it could be wrong with your
friends. When some people don’t respect you, don’t
be angry, only take a deep breath and you can calm
Valentina Lozana
Tolerance is when you accept others, for example,
Emiliano Barrios
sometimes a person loses money and asks the
Tolerance is to be good with same question several times and you have to
others, for example: if one is answer it over and over again, that shows tolerance
brunette and other is white, you and when you get desperate is intolerance.
have to show tolerance, if one is
fat, you have to be tolerant. I don’t
Maximiliano Ramírez Vázquez
practice tolerance too much, but
There was a girl named Isabel who was rude with
now I don’t get angry with others her brother Bruno, she hated him. One day, she
or treat them bad.
pushed him into the balcony, she closed the door
and let Bruno 365 days outside. She wanted to
Andrea Bravo
make friends so she went outside but all the kids
Tolerance is important, you ran to their homes and she felt bad, she began to be
can be respectful, share things respectful and she had a lot of friends.
and accept others, this is what
I understand tolerance is. For
example, one girl accepts that
her friend is different. People are
different in the way they eat, they
speak, they act.
Chantelle Cristante
Tolerance is to be patient with
people even though they ask the
same question two or three times.
You don’t get mad, you need to be
patient. Another example is when
you only think about yourself, you
need to help others. If someone
makes a mistake, you don’t laugh
at him/her, so when you make
mistakes, the favour will come
back to you .
Eliza Gutiérrez
For me tolerance is: to be good
with people not only saying I love
you, you have to show it. You
Pablo Mendoza
Respect is to treat others the way we want them
to treat us. Respect others for them to respect you.
Respect is not to be rude with others; you have to
be happy with others, it is the way to have friends.
You have to be polite, that is, to show a little bit of
Montserrat Herrán
Respect is not only not to fight or shout. Respect
others when they are different because this way the
other people will respect you. Everybody has to be
respectful. Respect is to have cordiality, tolerance,
to be caring and principled. These are part of
Diego Castillo
Respect is something you can ask for but that
also you can earn. Respect is when you do many
good actions like helping grownups, I know that to
be respectful is a very important thing.
4th Grade
that means we have to show appreciation,
thankfulness and consideration for others
in any place we visit. To show cordiality
you should be tolerant doing an effort to be
cordial, first you have to be respectfull with
yourself and then with all the people.
Cecilia Aguayo Castro
To be cordial is to be friendly, formal and
polite. Being polite and formal will show
how you are inner self is like. It’s important
to be cordial because it is shown in your
Marilou Rosado Pérez
actions like helping, greeting, chearing
Cordiality is to be friendly, have sincere
and more. Some times it can be hard to
smiles and greetings. It’s to be
be cordial with someone that is not your
friend but you should try it because it can kind with others. We need to be cordial
with others but not only with our friends. I
mean a lot to them.
think cordiality is very important in our life
because if we are not cordial we are not
Valeria de Anda Jiménez
What is cordiality? Being a cordial person going to have respect, tolerance, empathy
is a very important thing because you or integrity. For me when you are nice
are friendly with people and you respect to someone you can make him smile. If
them, that means that you take care of all someone is cordial it can make a change
the people you love for example: family, in the world.
friends etc. You should treat everyone in
Cecilia Aguayo
the way you know that they feel good or
Tolerance is very important but it can be
if they are in trouble or if they feel sad,
mad or nervous. You must be cordial or difficult to show. Being tolerant will make
respectful and all the good things you give you a better person because in many
places your are going to find people you
you will get them back.
dislike, so being tolerant is a way to work
on it. You must be tolerant with nature,
Diego Gimbernat Saldaña
Respect is a fundamental part to be with others and with yourself because we
a cordial person.
Cordiality is being must treat everyone well. I think tolerance
friendly, formal and polite with others, it’s is a very important value that we must
a synonymn of friendship and kidness of always develop.
manner. An example of cordiality is being
Diego Gimbernat
sincere and caring like in welcomes but if
If you respect you will be a tolerant
you are not sincere or caring you are not
cordial. We need respect to be cordial person, it means that you don’t consider
the differences important. An example of tolerance is when it doesn’t matter if people
are different from you. We need peace and love to be tolerant, it is an attitude of love
and respect. Without love and respect we will have a horrible world. We have to be
tolerant with nature and with ourselves if we want to change the world, we should
change the man/woman in our mirrors.
Miranda Quintana
You can’t fight with people just because they have a problem, you have to be respectful
and tolerant. Many people fight against nature because they think it doesn’t have
feelings and this is not right. Don’t fight because you want, you have to be tolerant, it
doesn’t matter if they are not your friends, you don’t have to think they are bad people
or treat them with bad words, you have to be tolerant and treat people the way you want
to be treated. Tolerance is not to “say” that you help, you “have to” help.
Ana Lilia Romero
Tolerance is when you respect others and others respect you. If you are cordial you
will not have many fights. If you want to change the world, change the man or woman
on the mirror. First, you have to be tolerant with you and with everybody. Be tolerant
with the vices of others, but the best of tolerance is to be respectful. It is good to be
respectful with other people and with other things in the world.
5th Grade
very well. Cordiality is very important to
be in peace. To be cordial you have to be
honest and respectful and you need to be
good to all people.
Francisco Arroyo
The word cordiality means honesty and
sincerity. It is also said that it is a mix of joy
Sofía Mendoza Ordúñez
and enthusiasm. It shows the education
Cordiality is very important because
that offers a nice treatment to people.
it you will be happy and you will
It is important for me because if there
were a world without cordiality every single make others want to be cordial. Cordiality
wont make you perfect but it will make
action would be lost.
you a better person. In my family we are
respectfull, cordial, polite and friendly. We
José Eduardo Hernández Espinosa
Cordiality means warmth of feeling. For always try to be good people and we help
me it means it’s important because it’s a anyone who needs it when we can.
We support eachother, if we make
value which shows us we have to respect
we forgive them and never stop
each other and we can help ohter people
and treat them very well. In my family we loving eachother.
“If you haven’t made a mistake lately, you
are cordial because we help each other in
are dead or you are playing with secure
what we need.
things”. Albert Ellis.
Mateo Hernández Juy
Valeria Zavaleta Soto
Cordiality is important for me to avoid
We have to be cordial to have peace and
conflict and solve them with agreements
It is important for me because when
and avoid injustice.
Cordiality in my
family: my mom and my dad help me avoid we have cordiality all the world is in peace
conflicts, also help in my homework and and harmony. In my family we are cordial
when we are patient among us.
assignments, this shows cordiality.
Emilio Martínez
Cordiality is important for me because if
we didn’t have it, there would be a lot of
fights and wars.
In my family there is a lot of cordiality
so we don’t fight a lot, we treat each other
Ivana Aranda
Tolerance is to be patient and respectful
with other people who are different. To
me, it is important to be tolerant because
we need to be respectful and patient with
others. My family has taught me at home
these special values and at school too. You can be tolerant with new people or with
people that are not your friends, it is a matter of respect.
Emilio Martínez
Tolerance is important to me because tolerance means to respect and to be patient. If
all people respected each other, and everybody were patient, there would not be fights
and things like that. One time that I was tolerant was when I wanted to buy something,
but I did not have enough money so I waited until I got enough and I bought it, in that
way I am tolerant. One time I did not behave tolerant, it was when I did not respect
people and I fought with them. In my home it is important to be respectful and there is
a lot of tolerance so we do not fight much.
Mateo Hernández
I think tolerance is important because it can avoid conflicts and wars. Issues should
be solved easier avoiding stress. One day I was tolerant when I waited for a flight, I
accepted and played videogames. I was not tolerant when I wanted to play my favourite
song without the teacher’s permission. Tolerance is important in school to avoid
problems and conflicts with classmates and teachers. In my house we avoid conflicts
and discrimination.
Sara Romero
To me tolerance is when you are patient with
others, for example, once I was patient when my
parents decided to go to the “Blue Men” show. My
brother was angry because he did not want to go
there, so he threw some papers on my face and I
did not tell him anything to avoid making the fight
bigger. Tolerance in my family is very important
because if you go to my house you can see that
we are very tolerant with everyone, we take care
of each other. Tolerance in my school is important
because if someone bothers you, instead of starting
a fight, we talk to the teacher.
Sofía Mendoza Ordúñez
To me tolerance is to be patient and respect and
accept others with their differences. To me tolerance
is very important because we need to respect and
show that we care about others’ opinions, feelings
and belief. When we are tolerant we are using
a very important value that will help us know how
to respect the important things about other people.
This important value will help us to be a better
person and to make a big change. If we are tolerant
we can hear and understand people. In school and
in our home, we are tolerant with everyone, but sometimes we need to make a bigger
effort because our friends can be sad or angry and we need to be polite with them. We
are better people if we are tolerant.
Ximena Zamora
To me respect means to have special consideration towards others. It is a known
social value. There are many ways to show respect and it’s a very important value in
every relationship. Respect is important because if it didn’t exist, everyone would be
cruel and bad with everyone. Respect is not a rule, it is a value that eeryone should
practice. For example: one day in my other school some friends and I had a big fight,
they always bothered me, but one time I was eating alone and a friend arrived and told
me that she’d rather be my friend than theirs.
Ivana Aranda
Respect is thinking and acting in a positive way about yourself and others. You can
act in a way that should show others you care for their feelings.
To me, respect is one of the most important values, it doesn’t matter how people look
or the way they are
6th Grade: Family and Cordiality
Santiago Colín Nuñez
Cordiality is to have a friendly attitude towards
other people, something that we should apply not
only in Purple November, but also in our daily lives.
Cordiality for me is a circle of respect in society, I
mean a circle of harmony between people and other
living things. To be friendly you need to apply the
cordiality and fair treatment in everyday life with the
people around you.
Family is the place where you belong, where
you receive love, fair treatment, support to move
forward and education. There are different types of
families and they have different ways to love each
other and to treat eachother. In the world there are
families that had had problems among them or that
some of them don’t give enough love, education, or
a good treatmentto others. The family treatment
must be equitative among all the members of the
family, the parents should give love to their children,
education and good treatment, children have to
be respectful to their parents and people, good
treatment and love to their dear ones. I think that a
family is the one that makes you learn how to love,
to be respectful, to be friendly with other people, to
give an equitative treatment, to be a educated or
great person in life, to be a good person that does
not give up and struggle for success, I think that
families should be urged to teach you to never give
up in life, for me that’s a family.
Bibiana de la Cruz Moctezuma
Family is very important, they always support you
no matter what and they always love you. I can’t
imagine how life would be without my family. It is
also very important to show respect and kindness.
If you are respectful kind and friendly it will help you
in a social way, it also shows that you are a positive
Do not be rude with your familiy, remember that
they love you, we all have weaknesses and strengths,
nobody is perfect, never look at the negative things
or others’ weaknesses always see the positive side.
Mariana Alonso Ríos
School Tolerance
We need tolerance because we need to live in peace, we
need to understand that the world is different, we are different,
we have different people, cultures, languages and many
other things. We don’t need to look for a perfect society,
what we need is to search for people that allow us to express
ourselves. Society does not point us just for not meeting their
expectations. We need to respect our ideas and opinions
despite our not sharing them one hundred percent, because
if we give ourselves a chance to listen to each other, that
could change the way we see the world. That would give us
a different view of seeing things. May your ideas move mine
and help me grow every day.
“Tolerance is a difficult virtue, our first impulse and even the
second one is to hate all who are not like us.” Jules Lemaitre
Paulina Orihuela García
I think tolerance is important because with it, people can
live in peace. When you are tolerant you have to be openminded and solidary, you have to help other people. I think
that tolerance is more difficult in school because everyone
is different and not everyone is open-minded, but everybody
should be, because it is okey to be different. In my opinion,
everyone is different in their own way, but we have to be
tolerant not only in school but also in our own home and in
the street. We have to be tolerant with people even if they are
not our friends or they are different.
Ana Lucía Soto Garcés
Tolerance is to respect and not to judge people for what they
do, act, like or live. Tolerance is one of the values we need
the most, but one used the least because every person has a
different level of tolerance and most of us, including me, have
a low level of it. It is very important to be a tolerant person
because we all have different characteristics and qualities
which make us special and unique. Additionally, if we are not
tolerant we could hurt others’ feelings. I think that one of the
best places to be tolerant is at school, because we have a lot
of classmates and friends, and eventhough we can be alike in
many ways, we are all different in many aspects, but most of
the time we do not respect others’ likes or what they do and
the worst we can do is to judge. That is why I think we should
always try harder to be tolerant and even more, we would not
like to be judged or disrespected.
Valeria Bravo
We log in everyday into social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat,
and there we make comments about what has happened. It’s those comments that I feel
I need to address: some of them respect others’ opinions. In the real world, it’s unlikely
that anyone would ever speak as condescendingly or bullyingly or with love words to
strangers they meet on the street. Yet I think it’s better not to meet people that way. That’s a real problem because it means that we are so self-centered, so self-contained
and self-righteous that we cannot see beyond ourselves. But people watch televisión
shows that embrace the concept of rage and people take it to a physical extent. These
concepts are only reminders. Your name is the same as your face. Respect it. It
doesn’t matter whether it’s a screen name or your real one, it’s still your reputation you
are ruining when you make comments without respect.
Ana Lucía Soto Garcés
I think that it is very important to be a respectful person because everybody deserves
to be treated well. It is also very important to respect in social networks because it is
one of the most used ways of communication and everybody can use it, but not only
because everybody would see who you post or do, also because there are some people
that are more sensitive and you could hurt their feelings. Additionally, if you use social
networks respectfully and in a responsible way, you can even make new good friends.
Being respectful is the best way to show others your appreciation to them, and also, if
you don’t like a person, respect is a very good way to start a friendship or to stop your
dislike towards that person
1. The month of November will join us together to be more polite forever.
2. This purple november I want to deliver a phrase you’ll remember, be kind and polite
not only in purple november.
3.Lovely november should never forget it’s the month to always be kind and tender.
4.Purple november, I don’t wait until December to be a good member of this community
1. In order to use social networks responsibly, we have to respect others’ ideas,
feelings and opinions.
2. Being respectful to others when using social networks allows you make more friends
and be a better person.
3. The learning process requires me to be open-minded
4. Understanding the differences among all of us helps us make friends. Being different
is what makes us special.
5. You have to respect your family and avoid being rude with them. They love you.
6. Remember we have weaknesses, nobody is perfect. It’s important to practice
cordiality with everybody.
1. Si amigos quieres tener, cuidarlos es tu deber, respetar y tolerar, para no romper
la amistad.
2. En la escuela me respeto y te respeto, aunque tengamos diferente opinión y así
aumentamos la diversión.
3. En redes sociales aún no debes estar, deberas esperar y la regla respetar y mientras
con amigos jugar y jugar.
Mi experiencia en la semana de la Tolerancia
Hoy tuve la oportunidad de ir junto con mis compañeros de salón a
donde se encontraban los niños de preescolar, llevábamos ya tiempo
planeando cuál sería la mejor manera de mostrarles el valor de la
Tolerancia. Finalmente nos decidimos por contarles un cuento, con
el cual ellos podrían divertirse y al mismo tiempo aprender, para
posteriormente reflexionar sobre el tema con la cual ellos podrían
comprender cuál era el significado y la importancia de lo que
estábamos hablando. Después una figura de papel con referencia
al cuento fue lo que usamos para que ellos se divirtieron mientras
hacían una actividad que verdaderamente disfrutaban, reforzaron el
valor de la tolerancia.
En lo personal esta experiencia no solo la disfrutan los pequeños,
sino también yo, ya que el convivir con ellos es todo un placer, y el
sumarle el poder fomentar en ellos la consciencia y la importancia de
la tolerancia en un salón de clases es maravilloso. Podría decir que la
afortunada de estar con ellos era yo, ya que son niños auténticamente
encantadores, a los cuales les podemos agregar la ventaja de su
buena educación, ya que a esa edad es muy importante conocer y
reforzar los valores, y que mejor una escuela en la cual los tengo
presentes día con día como lo es el Ameyalli.
Maria Fernanda Gkougkounis
4º CCH
Conforme el tiempo pasa, voy sintiendo más desilusión. Aún recuerdo
cuando era pequeña y todo el mundo alrededor era perfecto, como
el día sonreía sin la necesidad del sol, y como no existía ninguna
preocupación al respecto de nada. Ahora todo es diferente, es difícil
conseguir un buen día, un buen momento o un buen recuerdo. Me
cuestiono si es cosa mía, ya que he crecido, o es una perspectiva que
tiene el mundo en general. Me temo que esa sea la respuesta, porque
me duele pensar que los niños de hoy no conocerán la plenitud que yo
en algún momento viví.
Me siento enjaulada en un mundo repleto de odio, estereotipos y
en el cual nada nunca es los suficientemente bueno, y me da miedo
¿A dónde evolucionaré? ¿O es acaso que siempre fue así, y yo me
encontraba cegada?
Me duele tener pensar que no soy lo suficientemente buena para mi,
para mis padres, para los demás. Me duele pensar que el mundo a mi
alrededor se está desmoronando en manos de una fuerza corrupta,
intolerante e ignorante. Y tengo la necesidad de hacer algo, con mi
grano de arena, y lo hago una y otra vez a diario, esparciendo sonrisas,
saludos, amabilidad y aún así, siento que no es suficiente, que ya es
muy tarde para deshacernos de la enfermedad en la que nos hemos
enjaulado nosotros solos.
Quiero un mundo diferente, donde todos vivamos plenos como
cuando éramos niños, donde no existan miedos innecesarios como el
de enfrentarnos a la gente, salir a la calle o algo tan sencillo como
poder alzar la voz. Quiero un mundo con tolerancia, con respeto. Donde
todos seamos iguales sin importar las preferencias, nuestros orígenes
o el color de nuestra piel. Donde estos temas dejen de ser mi plegaria
en las noches y no sean más motivo de conversaciones porque ya se
hizo costumbre.
Creemos que la solución está en manos de otros, que nosotros no
somos capaces de nada, pero yo creo que por más mínima que sea la
acción, no deja de tener un efecto… como dijo Newton “A toda acción
le corresponde una reacción”. Está en nuestras manos recuperar lo
que tanto anhelamos, ya sea por nosotros o por los demás. No dejes tu
sueños en palabras o deseos, levanta la voz, unámonos, hagamos de
nuestro mundo algo mejor. Toma tu inconconformidad y conviértela en
un factor que cambie al mundo y lo vuelva más brillante.
Marisol Ulloa Ortiz
6º CCH
¡Muchas gracias
a todos por su