P RINCETON UNIVERSITY The Two Hundred Sixty-Eighth Commencement The Second of June Two Thousand Fifteen The Order of Exercises Princeton University The Two Hundred Sixty-Eighth Commencement The Second of June Two Thousand Fifteen Page 2 Processional 2Invocation 2Greeting 2 Latin Salutatory Oration 3 Secondary School Teaching Prizes 4 Bachelor Degrees, Certificates, and Departmental Honors Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science in Engineering Certificates of Proficiency Departmental Honors 21 Undergraduate Awards, Prizes, and Commissions Phi Beta Kappa Sigma Xi Tau Beta Pi Shapiro Prize for Academic Excellence General and Departmental Prizes Athletic Prizes Commissions and Military Awards Major Scholarships and Fellowships 32 Valedictory Oration 32 Advanced Degrees Master of Arts Master of Fine Arts Master of Arts in Near Eastern Studies Master in Finance Master of Architecture Master in Public Affairs Master in Public Policy Master of Science in Engineering Master of Engineering Doctor of Philosophy 40 Graduate Student Fellowships and Awards 44 The President’s Awards for Distinguished Teaching 45 Retirements 46 Honorary Degrees 48 Remarks by the President of the University 48 Benediction and Alma Mater 48Recessional 48 A Commentary on Commencement 1 Processional Invocation and Greeting The audience will please rise when the faculty marshals enter. Alison L. Boden Chief Marshal for University Convocations Sandra L. Bermann Christopher L. Eisgruber Marshals for Advanced Degrees Mark R. Beissinger Imani Perry Marshals for Bachelor Degrees Richard A. Register J. Nicole Shelton Candidates for Advanced Degrees Marshal for Band and Bachelor Degrees Katherine T. Rohrer Candidates for Bachelor Degrees Marshals for Faculty and Administration Claire F. Gmachl Robert A. Kaster Dean of Religious Life and Dean of the Chapel President of the University Latin Salutatory Oration Neil John Hannan The Latin salutatory is awarded by vote of the faculty to one of the highestranking candidates for bachelor degrees. The special qualifications of a student as salutatorian are taken into account, as well as scholastic standing. Salutatio Associate Chief Marshal Angela N. Creager Habita in Comitiis Academicis Princetoniae In Nova Caesarea a.d. IV Non. Iun. Die II Iunii Anno Salutis MMXV Anno Academiae CCLXVIII Recipients of Honorary Degrees and Trustee Escorts vos clariores, Aeoliis modis libens saluto, cum brevitate quae non laudibus vestris sed apta est ingenio tenui loquentis. The Faculty and Administrative Officers Marshal for Recipients of Honorary Degrees and Trustee Escorts Eric S. Gregory The Trustees and Trustees Emeriti Processional Guests Mace-Bearer Jeff E. Nunokawa The Principals: Associate Dean of Religious Life and of the Chapel Deborah K. Blanks Dean of Religious Life and of the Chapel Alison L. Boden Dean of the College Valerie A. Smith Dean of the Graduate School Sanjeev R. Kulkarni Dean of the Faculty Deborah A. Prentice Provost David S. Lee University Orator Randall L. Kennedy Chair of the Board of Trustees of Princeton University Kathryn A. Hall President Christopher L. Eisgruber Marshal for the Principals Paul B. Muldoon Marshal for Processional Guests and Trustees Keith A. Wailoo 2 o Praesidens, nunc accipe verba, quo campus, Batavi principis hoc decus, ducente curatoribusque consiliisque viget nitescens. o doctus ordo, non homines tacens dignissimos vos praetereo, quia semper docebatis benigne, quorum ope victa thesis ferox tum. nec nunc parentes praetereo (nefas!), o providentes auxilium silens, nec vos, amici, nunc quibuscum perficioque notoque “fine,” annos iuventae. omnibus avolans attingit aetas. Innumerabiles annos canat vates triumphans vel moneat resecare longas spes. deminutam perpetue diem sic doctiores collyborum ferant, dicant inaequalem sagittam sic physici in spatio universo. nobis ituris nunc meminisse fas “pro quo quiescam?” tecta sonantia, cantantium voces amorum, tempora trita, bonos sodales. hunc ut locum nunc ulterioribus mutamus atque haec tempora condimus permira digressumque nostrum incipimus, valeatis usque. Secondary School Teaching Prizes Recognition, by Provost David S. Lee, of recipients of prizes for distinguished secondary school teaching in the State of New Jersey. Marcelino Garcia Natalie Macke Marcelino Garcia’s colleagues describe him as creative, passionate, and inspirational. He empowers his students to serve as leaders in his peer tutoring program, through which they motivate themselves and their peers to succeed in academics and everyday life. He engages parents of his students in an English-as-a-second-language course that supports their own learning and career development while helping them participate actively in their children’s education. According to his students, Marcelino is a rare soul who sees the potential in every student and represents hope to many of them. With “gusto” Natalie Macke engages her students in the world of science through active inquiry inside the classroom and beyond. Her Climate Stewards program enables high school students to communicate their climate science investigations to a broad community audience. Through a School Garden project, students with differing abilities learn not only how to maintain a garden, but how to work with each other in a unique and safe environment. “She has allowed me to grow into a better person,” one student says. “She has opened to us the possibilities and opportunities in the world.” Jennifer Kelly Susan Spencer P’95 An innovative and deeply caring language arts leader, Jennifer Kelly inspires her students to recognize and develop their unique voice. Her colleagues note that she has changed the reading culture in her building by establishing programs that serve as models to other institutions. In her Writer’s Workshop, students meet published authors in person and through video chats, posing their questions, one writer to another. “We [are] treated like individuals,” one student says, “not adolescents.” Jennifer’s classroom transforms learning and reading into a beloved choice, not a chore. Susan Spencer’s colleagues and students give testament to her ability to combine the incredible breadth of her knowledge and expertise with humor and a passion for learning. In addition to engaging students in one of her school’s most popular elective courses and supporting their consistently successful performance on AP exams, Susan is admired for her authenticity and convictions as the one openly gay teacher at her school, a role model who is dedicated to her students’ emotional well-being. Wrote one former student, “You saved my life. Thanks for having the courage to put yourself out there.” North Brunswick Township High School English as a Second Language Teacher Woodstown Middle School Language Arts Teacher Pascack Hills High School Science Teacher Northern Highlands Regional High School Teacher of European History and Psychology 3 Bachelor Degrees Presentation to the president, by Dean of the College Valerie Smith, of candidates for bachelor degrees; conferral of the degrees by the president. Bachelor of Arts D E G R E E A WA R D E D 20 SEPTEMBER 2014 Vladimir Costescu, Computer Science Lauren Adrienne Lewis, Geosciences Brigitte Arianne Malivert, English Robert Joseph Morris, Economics D E G R E E A WA R D E D 1 5 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 Emily Hannah Erickson, East Asian Studies Adam Alexander Zivkovic, Religion D E G R E E A WA R D E D 3 1 J A N U A RY 2 0 1 5 Travis Forbes Perlee, Computer Science D E G R E E A WA R D E D 2 9 M A R C H 2 0 1 5 Brittney D. Johnson, History Katherine Elisabeth Mount, Politics D E G R E E A WA R D E D 2 JUNE 2015 Rahji Zekaria Abdurehman, Computer Science Lily Shoshana Frances Adler, Chemistry Diogo Adrados, Computer Science Priscilla Boakye-Atansah Agyapong, Woodrow Wilson School Zahra Mahmoud Ahmed, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Mi Reuk Ahn, School of Architecture Candice Korleki Akiti, Molecular Biology Ekaterina Borisovna Alexeeva, Woodrow Wilson School Andrew James Alvarez, Economics Erika Leigh Andersen, English Anca Patricia Anghel, Economics Joanna Chinazam Anyanwu, Woodrow Wilson School Matan Lee Appelbaum, Mathematics Daniel Fernando Arias, Economics Meredith Haley Armstrong, Religion Cassidy Rae Arner, Sociology Julie Ann Aromi, Sociology Yesenia Arroyo, Classics Andrew Emerson Atkins, Woodrow Wilson School Juan-Jacques Aupiais, German Aaron Mario Ave, Economics Phway Su Aye, Art and Archaeology Elise Rosalie Backman, Woodrow Wilson School Michael David Bacon, History Louis Dillon Bacon II, History Daniel Augustus Badoe Jr., Chemistry Mariana Cherie Bagneris, Psychology Melissa Relyea Bales, History Courtney A. Balgobin, Molecular Biology 4 Brian Michael Ball, History Michelangelo X Ball Van Zee, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Urvija Banerji, English Gabrielius Cristino Banevicius, Computer Science Akua Akyeamponmaa Banful, Comparative Literature Samisha Bansal, Woodrow Wilson School Kristiana Alexa Barbato, Psychology Valentina Barboy, Computer Science Andrew Patrick Barnett, Economics Joana Francisca Barros-Magalhães, Woodrow Wilson School Caroline May Barry, Psychology Daniela Regina Bartalini, Classics Eric Thompson Bartholomae Jr., Economics Rebecca Elizabeth Basaldua, Politics Robert Anthony Basile, Sociology Jonathan Baker Bass, History Mrinalini Shreya Basu, Physics Catherine Louise Bauman, Anthropology William Scott Beacom, Woodrow Wilson School Christopher James Beard, Music Tyler Jeffrey Beauchamp, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Joan Kathryn Bedinger, English Suzannah Priya Beiner, English André R Belarmino, Psychology David Alexander Bell, Philosophy Catharine Meade Bellinger, Woodrow Wilson School Ryan Calabria Benitez, Woodrow Wilson School Annika Elizabeth Bennett, English William Oliver Bennett, Economics Joseph Eli Benun, Philosophy Eleanor Reid Bergin, Woodrow Wilson School Tova Marie Bergsten, Chemistry Dana Gail Bernstein, Psychology Jessica Nicole Berry, Psychology Walter Cliff Bersani, Philosophy Nisha Raj Bhat, Philosophy Jerome Russell Biroo, History Karlos Darrell Bledsoe Jr., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Jasmine Sheree Blocker, Psychology Whitney Wentworth Blodgett, History Emily Jane Bobrick, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Joshua David Bocarsly, Chemistry Carles Boix, Molecular Biology Eric Didier Bolton, Geosciences Leticia Marcela Bombieri, Geosciences Joseph Thomas Bonura Jr., Art and Archaeology Colleen Marie Boyce, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Julia Marie Boyle, Sociology Melanie Ann Boyle, Molecular Biology Carter Andrew Bradley, Woodrow Wilson School Maeve Monroe Brady, Psychology Peter Campion Bransfield, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Michael Morgan Brashear, History Catherine Marina Breen, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology William Tucker Brockett, History Lucas Marco Antoine Broïdo, East Asian Studies Rachel Samantha Bronheim, Woodrow Wilson School Meredith Ann Brown, History Noah Winslow Brown, Molecular Biology Sophie Rebecca Brown, History Emily Arden Broyles, Politics Michael V. Bruschi, Music Evan Charles Dallas Bullington, Philosophy Nicole Shivonne Bunyan, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Emilie Lima Burke, Politics Emily Koster Burr, Psychology Samuel C. Butler, Politics Nicole Ann Byl, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Brendan Thomas Byrne III, History Jeffrey Vernon Cady, Physics Joan Louise Cannon, Geosciences Wesley Holden Cao, Mathematics Harrison A. Cape, Chemistry Cristina Marie Carano, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Ryan James Cash, Woodrow Wilson School Alexandra Mary Cerf, Near Eastern Studies Yung In Chae, Classics Vivienne Chan, Woodrow Wilson School Lawrence Chang, Economics Ray Chen Chao, Woodrow Wilson School Whitney Elizabeth Charbonneau, French and Italian Vu Thanh Chau, Economics Isabella Chen, Woodrow Wilson School Jonathan Chris Chen, Chemistry Kevin Wanxiong Chen, Economics Mengqin Chen, Woodrow Wilson School Jay Cheng, Mathematics Vivien Cheng, Music Eli Chertkov, Physics Corey Kai Cheung, Molecular Biology Tiffany Wing Cheung, Geosciences Jennifer Meiling Chew, History Christina Marie Chica, Sociology Taylor Deanna Chin, Woodrow Wilson School Jennifer Jee Cho, East Asian Studies Albert Dong-In Choi, Classics Edward Hyun Choi, Economics Jonathan Juno Choi, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Weon Woo Choi, Economics Monica Yuna Chon, English Hadley Holt Chu, Economics Jacqueline Jiawei Chu, Molecular Biology Vincent Chu, Chemistry Suhryoung Christine Chun, Art and Archaeology Courtney Paige Ciardiello, Politics Marcos Antonio Cisneros Bravo, Slavic Languages and Literatures Tobias Leopold Citron, Woodrow Wilson School Katherine Kaleilani Clifton, English Caroline Bennett Cochran, Politics Ryan Chandler Cody, Psychology Cecelia Marie Coffey, Woodrow Wilson School Evan Lloyd Cole, Politics Logan Hall Coleman, Politics Evan Reid Coles, Religion Kovey A. Coles, Woodrow Wilson School Louise Britta Maria Connelly, Woodrow Wilson School Gavin Gillespie Cook, East Asian Studies Katharine Chambers Cook, Politics Laura Vaughn Cooper, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Liana Cornacchio, Philosophy Matthew Louis Costello, Politics Kristin Nicole Cotter, Woodrow Wilson School Stephen T. Coulton, Art and Archaeology Warren Stevens Crandall, Near Eastern Studies John Maxwell Crawford Jr., English Margaret Ann Craycraft, Art and Archaeology Jameson Mitchell Creager, East Asian Studies Ivo Crnkovic-Rubsamen, Astrophysical Sciences Elizabeth Sarah Crowe, Psychology Alvaro Lorenzo Cuba Gaita, Woodrow Wilson School Celina Pearl Culver, Woodrow Wilson School Hannah Marie Cumming, Woodrow Wilson School Sarah Beatrice Cuneo, Psychology Erin Sherwood Curley, Economics Peppar Elizabeth Pei-pei Cyr, Psychology Ellyssa P Czajkowski, Near Eastern Studies Helen Anastasia Daifotis, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Richard J. Daker, Psychology Joseph Michael D’Amato, Politics Kubrat Danailov, Mathematics Robert Martin Daniluk, Economics Keith Brandon Dauson, Economics Lakshmi Krishnakumar Davey, Woodrow Wilson School Eleanor Lisa Davies, Woodrow Wilson School Lauren Harriet Cassani Davis, Philosophy Tyler Alexis Davis, Psychology Natalie Lachelle Degraffinried, Psychology Guillaume Daniel W.S. Delépine, Woodrow Wilson School Lydia Demissachew, Politics Catherine Corinne Dennig, Woodrow Wilson School Matthew Seavey DeNunzio, Economics Benjamin Alan Denzer, School of Architecture Brendan Francis DeTommaso, History Frederick Knowles DeVeaux, Woodrow Wilson School Amanda Jane Devine, Comparative Literature Theresa Elizabeth Devine, Psychology Alexandra Fenton Dewey, Psychology Arjun Singh Dhillon, Mathematics Sailesh Dhungana, Economics Renata Montserrat Diaz, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Ana Díaz Rivero, Physics Brett Timothy Diehl, History Blake Julia Dietrick, English Aline Sophie Monique Dinescu, Economics Elena Arvold Di Rosa, Philosophy Hillary Alyse Dodyk, History Nicholas Anthony Donatiello, Economics Aliyah Naomi Donsky, Religion Robert Wallace Dougherty, Politics Melissa Kathryn Downey, Molecular Biology William Michael Downing, Economics Cindy Xinran Duan, Economics Arjun Dube, History Conor Ryan Dube, Near Eastern Studies Chester Simon Dubov, History Krysta Alanna Dummit, Chemistry Taylor Elizabeth Dunstan, Molecular Biology David Max Dworsky, Philosophy Brendan Holt Dwyer, Economics Emily Elisabeth Easton, History Daniel Christopher Ebanks, Woodrow Wilson School Dillon O’Donnell Ecclesine, Classics Blake Anthony Edwards, Psychology Daniel Joseph Edwards, Religion Melody McIver Edwards, Religion William Binitie Egi II, Economics Jason John Elefant, History Alexander Tahsin El-Fakir, Woodrow Wilson School Anthony Richard Ensbury, History Tyler Quinn Epperly, Sociology Eric Iver Eriksen, History Jose Luis Escamilla, School of Architecture Jonathan M. Esposito, History Richard Ryan Eva, Philosophy Allison Davey Evans, Psychology Lindsay Marie Eysenbach, Woodrow Wilson School John Somers Fairchild, Economics Eric Sydney Falcon, Woodrow Wilson School Billy Lue Fang, Mathematics Paul Edward Fanto, Physics Divya M. Farias, Anthropology K. Catharine Farrell, Molecular Biology Shafin Fattah, Economics Ryan L Fauber, Near Eastern Studies Lixue Feng, Woodrow Wilson School Ioana Ferariu, Independent Concentration in Cognitive Science Joan Fernandez, History Jeanette Suzanna Ferrara, English Anjalie Elena Sehgal Field, Computer Science Mark Steven Fillmore, Computer Science Grace Catharine Benoist Fish, History Jesse Ian Fleck, Woodrow Wilson School Erika Kristine Fluehr, History Steven Matthew Flynn, Chemistry Faridah Folawiyo, Near Eastern Studies Dalma Földesi, School of Architecture Eamon John Foley, Anthropology Tyler Clinton Foote, Economics Michael Harrison Ford, History Charles Thomas Fortin, East Asian Studies Andrew Donald Arthur Frazier, Classics Ross Salvatore Friscia, Politics Yuen Ying Fung, Economics Mary Landon Funk, English Sharon Gao, Economics Vivian Gao, Economics Juan Felipe Garavito, Woodrow Wilson School Robert John Garbade, Economics Jared Michael Garland, Comparative Literature Juliet Garrett, Philosophy Katharina S. Gebert, Psychology Elizabeth Rose Gelb, Woodrow Wilson School Austin Michael Gengos, Economics Brett William Geren, Politics Ava Monroe Geyer, English Sophie Stéphanie Bérubé Giguère, Molecular Biology Brianna Heather Gilbert, Psychology Mary Colleen Gilstad, Comparative Literature Fabrizio Giovannini Filho, Economics Michael Drew Glassman, School of Architecture Emma Elizabeth Glennon, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Katianne Ennis Goepel, Economics Damir Alejandro Golac, Economics Sandra Michelle Goldlust, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Ben Israel Goldman, English Matthew James Goldsmith, Computer Science Cosette Marie Gonzales, Comparative Literature Erica Maria Gonzalez, English Sara Raquel Gonzalez, History Mauricio González-Aranda, Physics Sara Anna Good, English Maeli Ariel Goren, Comparative Literature Bradley James Gorsline, Chemistry Sneha Goswami, Molecular Biology Clare Brooks Simms Gottsch, Molecular Biology Erika Talvi Grabbi, History Michael Colin Granovetter, Psychology Natalie Elizabeth Grant-Villegas, Psychology Andrew Louis Grasso, Computer Science Tommaso Emanuele Greenbaum, Woodrow Wilson School Helen Katherine Greene, Comparative Literature Thomas Harry Samuel Greenspan, Mathematics Julian Samuel Griggs, Computer Science Calvin Raj Gross, Classics Kelly Marie Gross, Molecular Biology Sarah Hirschfeld Gross, Woodrow Wilson School Wenyi Gu, Woodrow Wilson School Louis Guerra, Physics Cricket Cheyenne Gullickson, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Charles C Guo, Physics Alexandra Lâle Gürel, History Alaka Dhara Halder, Economics Jessica Haley, Woodrow Wilson School Joshua Morgan Hamilton, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Julia Rose Knox Hammer, East Asian Studies James Matthew Hamp, History Sarah Maria Hanna, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Neil John Hannan, Classics Thomas Patrick Hansen, Physics Jessica Meng Jia Hao, Psychology Laura Lau Harder, Woodrow Wilson School Darcy Lynn Hargadon, Politics Sophie Kathryn Spann Harkins, Woodrow Wilson School Steven Avery Harris, History Tyler Paige Hastie, Woodrow Wilson School Jonathan Scott Hastings, Woodrow Wilson School Ashley Kimberly Hatcher, Woodrow Wilson School 5 Aaron D. Hauptman, Woodrow Wilson School Jacqueline Mackenzie Hawkins, History Katherine Alice Hawkins, Music Rebecca Lin Haynes, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Benjamin Bernard Hazel, Sociology Stephanie Yuan He, Computer Science Yasin Youssef Hegazy, Economics Lindsey Anne Heigh, Sociology Katharine Bertha Heinz, Sociology Kelsey Jennifer Henderson, East Asian Studies Mackenzie Catherine Henderson, Psychology Valentin David Hernandez, Woodrow Wilson School Mason Daniel Herson-Hord, Near Eastern Studies Caroline Andrea Marguerite Hertz, English William Cree Hicks, Politics William Henry Himler, Politics David Taylor Hinojosa, Politics Taisuke Hirose, Woodrow Wilson School Hannah C Ho, Computer Science David Gabriel Hoffman, Psychology Lauren Hillary Hoffman, Religion Emily Nicole Hogan, Politics Jessica Taylor Holechek, School of Architecture Miriam Eleanor Holmes, English Brandon D. Holt, History Camille Wisnom Hooks, Economics Thomas Zachary Horton, Philosophy Katherine Sienkiewicz Horvath, Anthropology Tyler Jeffrey House, Woodrow Wilson School Olivia Rose Howard, Woodrow Wilson School Victor Yute Hsiao, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Diane Shuyan Hu, Woodrow Wilson School Nicholas Yiu Min Hu, Economics Margaret Wei Hua, Psychology Benjamin Chi Huang, Economics David Huang, Chemistry Tiffany S Huang, Molecular Biology Daniel Lyu-wen Hwang, Music Joanna Hwang, English Rana Assameldin Ibrahem, Woodrow Wilson School Luca Victor Iliesiu, Physics Bryce Alexander Ingram, Molecular Biology Jake Abram Intrator, Woodrow Wilson School Filipa Angelica Ioannou, Near Eastern Studies Annaliese Claire Ionson, Anthropology Dámaris Iriondo, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Alison Kay Itzkowitz, Art and Archaeology Adlan Kashka Kimani Jackson, Woodrow Wilson School Austin Lawrence Jackson, History Evan Theodore Jackson, History Shawon Kameron Jackson, Woodrow Wilson School Martha Lacey Jacobs, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Conner Perry Jager, Mathematics Ethan Mordechai Jamnik, Woodrow Wilson School Judith Evelyn Jansen, English Carla Marie Javier, Psychology Aaron Javitt, Molecular Biology Ken Jean-Baptiste, Molecular Biology 6 Dylan James Jeffay, Economics Sarah Boyce Jemison, History Frances Gaines Jenkins, Sociology Russell Jack Jenkins III, Mathematics Andrew Young Jeon, English Minjee April Jeon, Woodrow Wilson School Yerin Jeon, Chemistry Sarah Elizabeth Jeong, Woodrow Wilson School Hilary Ragin Jessup, Psychology H. Heinrich Jiang, Mathematics Alvina Xu Jiao, Woodrow Wilson School Peter Chase Johnsen, Physics Jakobi Adwin Johnson, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Daniel Paul Johnson Jr., Woodrow Wilson School Chelsea Taylor Jones, English Alexandra Young-Jin Junn, Woodrow Wilson School Peter Apostolos Kallis, Economics Anna Perlmutter Kamen, Woodrow Wilson School Lekha Padmasola Kanchinadam, History Marina Glory Kaneko, Sociology Samuel Kang, Economics Ian Aron Kapron-King, Economics Sophie Jane Karchemskiy, Chemistry Samantha Catherine Kaseta, Music Dalia Katan, Woodrow Wilson School Julu Beth Katticaran, Woodrow Wilson School Michael Noah Katz, East Asian Studies Claudia Rose Kelley, Slavic Languages and Literatures Connor Ryan Kelley, Economics Abigail Macy Kelly, Religion Thomas Jackson Kelly, Mathematics Preston Cosslett Kemeny, Geosciences Megan Kennedy, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Cody Hall Kessel, History Aaron J Kesselman, Philosophy Jeffrey Alex Kessler, Mathematics Sam Charles Kessler, English Nabeer Ziaullah Khan, Psychology Abraham Daniel Kielar, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Agisae Kim, Comparative Literature Erin Joohee Kim, East Asian Studies Hanna Kim, Woodrow Wilson School Jiweon Kim, Woodrow Wilson School Michelle Kiyeon Kim, Religion Samuel Heeju Kim, Chemistry Sooyeon Kim, Economics Stephanie Ana Kim, Woodrow Wilson School Nicole Anja Kincade, Psychology Sydney Meyer Marie Kirby, Psychology James Cody Kitchen, School of Architecture Harriet Nampima Kiwanuka, Politics Trevor Davidson Klee, Geosciences Andrew John Klutey, Woodrow Wilson School Rebecca Claire Knisley, Psychology Michael Andrew Kochis, Molecular Biology Casey Patrick Kolb, Music Elijah John Kolmes, Physics Darya Mikhailovna Koltunyuk, Comparative Literature David Nathaniel Kong, Classics Faith Tolulope Konigbagbe, Psychology Denton Frazier Koon, Economics Benjamin Robert Koons, Philosophy Daria A. Koren, Molecular Biology Robert Boswell Koudelka, Economics Gregory Milton Kraft, Philosophy Kelly Lin Kremer, Economics Nicole Mei Kreutter, Woodrow Wilson School Rebecca Hollingsworth Kreutter, Woodrow Wilson School Hannah Akemi Kronenberg, Economics Thomas Richard Kroshus, Molecular Biology Allison Corinna Kruk, Sociology Gregory Andrew Kufera, Mathematics Joseph Gage Labatt, English Michael Stephen Lachanski, Economics Catherine Jeanne Lambert, Classics Cameron Page Langford, Politics Rose Fowler Lapp, Comparative Literature Dylan Michael Larson-Konar, English Joseph Robert Laseter, Psychology Roxane Angèle Latrèche, Woodrow Wilson School Isabelle Anastasia Claire Laurenzi, Religion Oluwaseyi Lawal, Computer Science Kayla Victoria Lawrence, Politics Rachel Dawn Lawrie, Near Eastern Studies Brian Everett Lax, English Lauren Taylor Lazo, Psychology Ariana Lieselotte Lazzaroni, Economics Brianna Francis Leahy, Woodrow Wilson School Isaac Snowden Lederman, Woodrow Wilson School April S. Lee, Art and Archaeology Harrison Ty-Sen Lee, Chemistry Jacob Jong-Koo Lee, Computer Science Janie Junginn Lee, Woodrow Wilson School Jee Eun Lee, Woodrow Wilson School Joshua Wonwoo Lee, Woodrow Wilson School Lisa Seung-Yeon Lee, Mathematics Naomi Lee, Independent Concentration in Linguistics Tyler Anne Joo-Ri Lee, French and Italian Daphna Simone Le Gall, Politics Catherine Lei, Economics Garrit James Leicht, Economics Kassandra Maria Leiva, School of Architecture Steven Brian Leshinger, Politics Emily Suzanne Lever, Comparative Literature Juliette Florence Levine, Woodrow Wilson School Autumn Gabrielle Lewien, Politics Anya Alissa Lewis-Meeks, Woodrow Wilson School He Li, Economics Lucy Wang Li, Woodrow Wilson School Minghao Li, Molecular Biology Sherry H Li, Woodrow Wilson School Wendy Yuansi Li, Woodrow Wilson School Elizabeth Lian, Anthropology Sarah Jun Liang, Psychology Yahui Ellis Liang, Economics Alexandra Lieberman, Psychology Soo Min Lydia Lim, Comparative Literature Albert Lin, Physics Camille Yuying Lin, Woodrow Wilson School Frina Lin, Economics Jeffmin Lin, Mathematics Kevin Lin, Computer Science Eliot Laughlin Linton, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Veronika Lipková, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Jacqueline Tricia Lis, Economics Benjamin K. Liu, Chemistry Briana Cao Liu, Politics Claire Yu-Chen Liu, Economics Ellen Yu Liu, Woodrow Wilson School George Siyuan Liu, Physics Stephanie Chelynn Liu, Economics Claire Ferguson Loht, Woodrow Wilson School Daisy Lopez, Psychology Joseph Anthony LoPresti Jr., Woodrow Wilson School Edwin Loredo, Economics Anton Robert Louthan, History Khallid Jabari Love, Mathematics Vivian Jin Ludford, Comparative Literature Tara Helen Lukas, Politics Anna Lukasiewicz, Woodrow Wilson School Cecilia Marie Lulli, Politics Silvia Ann Lundgren, History Alexandra Kirsten Lunt, History Joshua Dwight Lyman, Classics Jonathan Brendon Ma, Economics Michael Steven MacDonald, Politics Kimberly Jean Mackay, Psychology Ijeoma Julia Madubata, Psychology Connor James Maher, Economics Brianne Elizabeth Mahoney, Politics Nicholas Mai, Chemistry Victoria Majchrzak, History Dean Soma Makino, Economics Kristina Lois Malzbender, Chemistry Cameron Alexander Maple, Woodrow Wilson School Luba Bandanya Margai, Molecular Biology Joseph Harrison Margolies, Woodrow Wilson School Monica Marinescu, Mathematics Thomas Farrell Markham, English Dale Amanda Markowitz, Computer Science Oliver Marsh, East Asian Studies Connor J. Martin, Woodrow Wilson School Danielle Shakira Martin, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Karenna Elizabeth Martin, Sociology Nicholas Leef Martin, Economics Dayton Robert Martindale, Astrophysical Sciences Yessica Martinez, Comparative Literature Timothy William Masters, History Tyler Nelson Maugeri, History Katherine Watts Mayhew, English Michael Monahan Mazzaccaro, History Elizabeth Kinne McBride, Woodrow Wilson School Alexa Kathleen McCall, History Cara Maureen McCollum, English Heather Elizabeth McCormac, Woodrow Wilson School Heather Christiana McCormish, Politics Drew Wesley McDonald, Woodrow Wilson School Emily Susanna McDonald, Sociology Kelsey R. McDonald, Psychology Kristen Elizabeth McDonald, History Lynessa Jenéa McGee, Molecular Biology Myles Louis McGinley, Woodrow Wilson School Brendan Neil McGrath, History Shannon Rose McGue, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Christopher James McIlwaine Jr., Economics Sean Patrick McIntee, Geosciences Tenley Torresdale-Mabel McKee, Molecular Biology Annie Dolan McLaughlin, Art and Archaeology Jessica Daryl McLemore, East Asian Studies Claire Lovell McMullen, Woodrow Wilson School Erin Elizabeth McMunn, Sociology Olivia Claire Amann McShea, Anthropology Ryan Albert Meder, Woodrow Wilson School Lucas Robert Merrell, Politics Allison Victoria Metts, Psychology Sam Zev Michaelson, Economics Connor Joseph Michelsen, Economics Adam Gray Millar, Philosophy Damaris Miller, Anthropology Andrew Michael Mills, Woodrow Wilson School Kevin Francis Mills, Economics Andrew Hogun Min, Woodrow Wilson School Pallavi Mishra, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Sophia Joanna Mockler, Comparative Literature Sydney Alexandra Montgomery, English Nicholas Moon, Molecular Biology Philip Daniel Mooney, German James Cooper Moore, English Kathryn Hess Moore, Philosophy Meredith Killion Moran, History Juan Ignacio Moreno, Physics Peyton Keith Morgan, Mathematics Sarah Spencer Morgan, English Alexandra Elizabeth Morton, English Daniel Patrick Mossing, Physics Mohammad Mehdi Mousavian, Near Eastern Studies Amantia Muhedini, Woodrow Wilson School Pratyusha Mukherjee, Economics Kanoa Lee Lapis Mulling, English Derek Christopher Murphy, English Grace Sawyer Murphy, Economics Justin Marquez Murphy, Psychology Miles Thompson Murphy, Economics Rachel Ann Myers, Physics Arjun Naidu, History Rachel Joohee Nam, Economics Iriane Marie Narcisse, Psychology Caleb Timothy Negash, School of Architecture Douglas Lucas Nelson, Philosophy Jessica Lauren Nelson, Anthropology Julia Elizabeth Nelson, English Morgan Brenna Nelson, Slavic Languages and Literatures Jenna Heather Newman, Molecular Biology Kathleen Denise Newman, Psychology Felicia Yan Ng, Psychology Cam Manh Nguyen, Sociology Jacqueline Olivia Nicholas, Woodrow Wilson School Miloš Nikolić, Physics Carl Alex Nist-Lund, Chemistry Isabelle-Emmannuella Nogues, Mathematics Jason Huan-Zhou Nong, Economics Grzegorz Nowak, Molecular Biology Claire Plon Nuchtern, Woodrow Wilson School Aryeh Lev Nussbaum Cohen, History David Octeau, Molecular Biology Temiloluwa Anne-Marie Odimayo, Woodrow Wilson School Lily Rosalind Offit, Psychology Zachary Michael Ogle, Woodrow Wilson School Kwaku Konadu Ohemeng, Chemistry Zhan Toichi Teng Xuan Okuda-Lim, Woodrow Wilson School Chukwunonso Judith Okwelogu, English Amina Jenrola Olajide, Molecular Biology Cody Lee O’Neil, German Shimin Ooi, Woodrow Wilson School Christopher Alcott Orban, Politics Cordelia Marcela Orillac, Chemistry Uchenna Onwuasoanya Orji, Psychology Tyler Graham Osborne, Psychology Derek Ou, Mathematics Hugo Jin Yi Ou, East Asian Studies Peter Vollintine Owens, Economics Nana Bonsu Owusu-Nyantekyi, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Paula Andrea Pacheco, Psychology Elon Packin, Economics Sarah Susie Pak, Woodrow Wilson School Robin Lee Palmer, Slavic Languages and Literatures Buyan Pan, Chemistry Nicholas Aaron Pang, Sociology Alison Gale Pankowski, Woodrow Wilson School Daniel Aurel Paolillo, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Parth Singh Parihar, Mathematics Alomi O. Parikh, Chemistry Eunhae Park, Molecular Biology Joseph Junyong Park, Molecular Biology Yuem Park, Geosciences Rachel Elana Parks, Anthropology Sunny Jitendra Patel, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Bradley C. Paternostro, English Elizabeth Joy Paul, Astrophysical Sciences Bowen McDonald Peard, History Elliot Newfield Pearl-Sacks, Woodrow Wilson School Miriam L. Pearsall, Comparative Literature Taylor Kyle Pearson, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Ryan Daniel Peloquin, Economics Bina Miriam Peltz, Politics David Gregory Pennoni, Economics Nicole Annise Pennycooke, Religion Brian Peyser Perlmutter, Sociology Samuel Martin Perricone, Philosophy Jameson Hunter Pesce, Woodrow Wilson School Charles Caleb Peyser, Computer Science V. Milena Phan, English Fabiola Pina, Slavic Languages and Literatures Margot Byrd Pinkerton, German James Carl Pinkerton IV, Mathematics Michael Elder Pinsky, Psychology 7 Madeleine Mc Leod Planeix-Crocker, French and Italian Amara Luisa Plaza-Jennings, Molecular Biology Alexandra Whitney Pleus, Astrophysical Sciences John McGuire Plonk, Woodrow Wilson School Luca Lorence Politi, French and Italian Samuel Ian Pons, Psychology Ana-Roxana Pop, Physics Robert Walter Posniewski Jr., History Alexander Jennings Powell, Politics Augusta Jasmine Powell, Sociology Sean Michael Power, Politics William Kearney Powers III, Woodrow Wilson School Morgan Presley, Astrophysical Sciences Jane Elizabeth Pritchard, English Emily Margaret Pritt, Psychology Kate Danielle Prucnal, Psychology Erin Symone Purdie, Politics Vivian Liu Qin, Molecular Biology Ante Qu, Physics Zhaonan Qu, Mathematics Vicky Ibette Quevedo, Psychology Carly Rachel Rabner, Sociology Jasmine Nitchaphorn Race, Classics Horia Ștefan Rădoi, Computer Science Maria Katarina Estrella Rafael, Politics Gabrielle Anna Ragazzo, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Alankrita Raghavan, Molecular Biology Pujan Mani Rai, Economics Madhavi Srinivasan Ramankutty, Woodrow Wilson School Michael Steven Ramos, Molecular Biology Paul Yu Shin Rapoport, Mathematics Gabriella Anna Ravida, Woodrow Wilson School Graham Hart Read, Molecular Biology Shayla Nicole Reid, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Rachel Christine Reiss, Molecular Biology Harvey Cheng-hui Ren, Woodrow Wilson School Rachel Marie Rendina, Economics Chet Patrick Reyen, English Hyeryoung Rhee, Politics Francis Joseph Ricci, Chemistry Daniel Malachy Richardson, Politics Faith Elizabeth Richardson, History Mia Michele Rifai, Woodrow Wilson School Stephanie Michelle Rigizadeh, Politics Paul Augustus Riley Jr., Politics Elizabeth Hall Rise, Art and Archaeology Gerant Teodoro Rivera-Alonso, Woodrow Wilson School Brennan Nicholas Robbins, Philosophy Eleanor F. Roberts, Politics MicKenzie Rae Roberts-Lahti, Woodrow Wilson School Jake Austin Robertson, Slavic Languages and Literatures Marcelo Alonso Rochabrún Oré, History Justin L. Rock, Chemistry Kyle Parker Roddy, Psychology Alexandra Janique Rodgers, Religion Spencer Thomas Rodriguez, History Theresa Marie Rodriguez, Politics 8 Matthew Marbury Rogers, Psychology Brandon Michael Rolnick I, History Hannah Beila Rosenthal, Politics Jeremy Solomon Rosenthal, Politics Calvin Thomas Rosser, Woodrow Wilson School William Allen Rotatori, Economics Logan Jaffe Roth, Music Patrick Michael Rounds, Woodrow Wilson School Anna Pearl Rubin, Religion Maryia Rusak, School of Architecture Scott Allen Rushton II, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Peter Daniel Ryan, Economics Jasper Ross Ryckman, History Natalie Saenz, Chemistry Alekper E. Safarov, Economics Darren Jason Saint-Ulysse, Sociology Joseph Saitta Jr., Economics Rafael Saiz García, Woodrow Wilson School Hawa Sako, Comparative Literature Margaret McBurney Salisbury, History Eric Andre Sanschagrin, Woodrow Wilson School Yaniv Shalom Sapir, Psychology Alexander Joseph William Sappington, Economics Mariya Sardarli, Mathematics Radha Sarkar, Politics Lina Helmi Saud, Woodrow Wilson School Matthew L. Saunders, Politics Zachary Savidge, Economics Olivia Anne Sayvetz, Woodrow Wilson School Jacob Lev Schatz, Psychology Alexander Edward Scheetz, Woodrow Wilson School Karen Anne Schirm, Molecular Biology Christoph William Schlom, Mathematics Alyssa Jasmine Schmidt, Classics Nicolas Paul Schmidt, School of Architecture Rebecca Eden Schreff, Woodrow Wilson School Sarah Elizabeth Schwartz, History Kathryn Elizabeth Scott, Woodrow Wilson School Thomas Gabriel William Scott, Molecular Biology Samuel Reynolds Scott Jr., Woodrow Wilson School Matthew Spencer Seely, Philosophy René Adrián Segura Knösel, Economics Todd Michael Seiss, Physics Michael Semenov, School of Architecture Tyler Daniel Servais, Economics Andrew Charles Shafer, Economics Tayyab Hussain Shah, Chemistry Kevin Michael Shannon Jr., Molecular Biology Susannah Penn Sharpless, Religion Rebecca Ashley Shaughnessy, Politics Fred Shaykis, Psychology Kevin Xin Shi, Molecular Biology Pavel Petrovich Shibayev, Physics Jessica Elizabeth Shivers, Psychology Yekaterina Shulgina, Molecular Biology Rachel Beth Shuman, Economics Harsan Singh Sidhu, Politics Robert Lowell Siliciano, Economics Harrison John Silver, History Max Simchowitz, Mathematics Jacob Anthony Simon, Computer Science Joel Maka Simwinga, Philosophy Ambika Devi Singh, Sociology William James Siroky, Economics Evelyn May Siu, Molecular Biology Rachel Athena Skokowski, French and Italian Ebony Nicole Slaughter-Johnson, History Cara Elizabeth Slear, Sociology Erin Taylor Slifer, Politics Louisa Jo Slosar, Music Delphine L. S. Slotten, Woodrow Wilson School Alexander Degener Smith, Mathematics Alexander Robert Yustak Smith, Molecular Biology Gregory Lee Smith, History Jamie Anne Smith, Computer Science Katherine Elizabeth Smith, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Ross Andrew Smith, Economics Tanner Ivor Smith, Woodrow Wilson School Emma Christine Snyder, Woodrow Wilson School Asawari Sodhi, Politics Brendan James Sofen, History Pamela Soffer, Psychology Elizabeth Farrell Sola, French and Italian Allison Emily Somers, Psychology Andrew Jonathan Sondern, History Kai Alexander Song-Nichols, Art and Archaeology Mason Shawn Soun, Mathematics Alina Carmen Spiegel, Chemistry Kathryn O’Sullivan Stack, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Lucía Stanham, Economics Philip McMahon Stansky, Politics Claire Bird Stanton, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Nicholas Martin Stead, Economics Dylan Sheptock Stevens, History Amber Symone Stewart, Art and Archaeology Christopher Bogle Webb St John, Art and Archaeology Mark Jensen Stone, Physics Mary Rosalie Stoner, Classics Kalin Marie Stovall, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michael Nelson Strand, Politics Robyn Bronson Straus, Politics Alexandro Kirhakos Strauss, Psychology Sebastián Strauss, Woodrow Wilson School Savannah Noël Strong, History Tula Breann Strong, Comparative Literature Victoria Yixin Su, Comparative Literature Pablo Manuel Suero, Physics Gina Heyue Sun, Molecular Biology Nag Hyun Sung, English Samuel Ariel Suskind, Economics Stephen Fitzhugh Stuntz Swanson, Computer Science Melanie Cheríe Szemis, Art and Archaeology Gina Marie Talt, Economics Tyler James Tamasi, Chemistry Sharon Cora Tan, Sociology Dharit Hobbs Tantiviramanond, Computer Science Aleksandra Taranov, Anthropology Jasmine Nicole Tatum, Psychology Jake Hamilton Taylor, Philosophy Morgan Kendall Taylor, Psychology Adam Daniel Tcharni, Woodrow Wilson School Robert Hill Templeton, Economics Aurélie Bénédicte Théramène, History Jacqueline Renée Thornton, Anthropology Melike Tokatlioglu, Woodrow Wilson School Alexandra Downing Tollefsen, English Elizabeth Ann Tolman, Physics Brendan Timothy Toole, Economics Han Dinh Tran, Woodrow Wilson School Steven Nguyen Khoa Tran, Computer Science Thuy Tien Vu Tran, Woodrow Wilson School Emma Javelle Trefethen, Mathematics Ming-Yee Tsang, Physics Andrew Tong Tsukamoto, Economics Brian Chang Tu, Mathematics Danni Tu, Mathematics Melissa Tu, Comparative Literature Emma Leonore Tucher, Politics Joseph John Tull, History Tugce Tunalilar, Molecular Biology Nshira Abena Turkson, Woodrow Wilson School Caleb Joseph Tuten, Economics Taylor William Tutrone, Psychology Julia Hudson Tyson, Woodrow Wilson School Robert Jordan Ullman, Computer Science Injinash Unshin, School of Architecture Elizabeth Marie Ussery, English Patrick Gerard Valent, Economics Nicholas Andre van der Vink, Woodrow Wilson School Allan Wayne Van Morter, Classics Larry Jay Vearrier II, Psychology Stephanie Velázquez, School of Architecture Gerardo John Veltri III, German John Francis Verducci, History Pavithra Vijayakumar, Woodrow Wilson School Jessica Vo, Woodrow Wilson School Linda Le Vo, Molecular Biology James Winfield von Thron, Religion Ambika Vora, Economics Harrison Jay Wagner, Woodrow Wilson School Charles William Waldron, Classics Zahra G. Waliji, Psychology Abidjan Inale Siobhan Walker, Comparative Literature James Dermot Adreon Walsh, Music Annemarie Elizabeth Wamsted, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Aron Stanley Wander, Politics Eric Wang, English Linda Wang, Computer Science Shirley Wang, Economics Vivian Rui Wang, Woodrow Wilson School Xixia Wang, Computer Science Casey Alexander Ward, Politics Maxoud James Wardaki, Politics Daphnée Alexandria Warren, Sociology Autumn Marleigh Waryjas, History Sarah Katherine Waszkewitz, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Olivia Agatha Watson, Chemistry Samuel William Watters, Politics Sean Robert Webb, Woodrow Wilson School Thaddeus Kingfisher Weigel, Molecular Biology Katherine Becker Welsh, English Jue Weng, Economics Tehila Wenger, Politics Kennett Louis Werner, History Emily Elizabeth Whitaker, Music David Allen White, School of Architecture Jillian Rose Wilkowski, Woodrow Wilson School Emmy Frances Williams, Religion Nicholas Joseph Park Williams, History Allen Kent Williams II, English Clayton Scott Wilson, Sociology Jessica Laura Wilson, Chemistry Donald George Wilson Jr., Molecular Biology Clara Wilson-Hawken, English Mateo Wirth, Mathematics Michael David Wise, Woodrow Wilson School Scott Hamilton Wise, Woodrow Wilson School Anne Leigh Woehling, Anthropology Katherine Ashley Wolff, Woodrow Wilson School Yael Wollstein, Art and Archaeology Frank Walter Woo, Molecular Biology Stephen Bryce Wood Jr., History Tiana Symone Woolridge, Woodrow Wilson School Cara Renee Worden, English Leah Philana Worthington, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Jeffrey Jun Long Wu, Molecular Biology Shirley Yin Wu, Woodrow Wilson School Marjorie Xie, Independent Concentration in Computational Neuroscience Sophia Yun Xing, Economics Hope Xu, Molecular Biology Zachary Andrew Yaffe, Molecular Biology Caresse Zhu Yan, Philosophy Christine Tzu-Ling Yan, Economics Carolyn Weng Yang, Woodrow Wilson School Hyoun Jung Helen Yang, English Young Hyo Yang, Economics Capella Catherine Yee, Computer Science Sarah Elaine Yerima, Sociology Cameron Minkyung Yi, Molecular Biology Hye Jee Yi, Molecular Biology Lu Yin, Economics Jesse Reed Young, Economics Emily Oi-Lam Yu, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Jeannette Jingting Yu, Economics Jiayan Yu, Woodrow Wilson School Miles Grant Yucht, Computer Science Hoi Ki Yuen, German Najia Dinar Zahir, Politics Michael Christopher Zaragoza, Philosophy Thomas John Zdyrski, Physics Nicole Kathryn Zenes, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michael Anthony Zeuli, Economics Shuxin Zhan, Mathematics Jenny Jingyi Zhang, Economics Kevin Zhang, Philosophy Sherry Yintong Zhang, Economics Yapei Zhang, Molecular Biology Jennifer Zhao, Woodrow Wilson School David Xiazhe Zheng, Psychology Linda J. Zhong, Economics Albert Shi Zhou, Mathematics Jason Zhou, Economics Yujie Jack Zhou, Woodrow Wilson School Deanna Ruxi Zhu, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Ruiwen Zhu, Economics Yifan Zhu, Economics Bachelor of Science in Engineering D E G R E E A WA R D E D 20 SEPTEMBER 2014 Katherine Ann Flanigan, Civil and Environmental D E G R E E A WA R D E D 3 1 J A N U A RY 2 0 1 5 Ryan Francis Gallagher, Civil and Environmental D E G R E E A WA R D E D 2 JUNE 2015 Ameera Yasser Abdelaziz, Computer Science Fiyinfoluwa Oluwatumilara Akinlawon, Mechanical and Aerospace Juan Bosco Albanell Flores, Electrical Nikhila Albert, Computer Science José Luis Alvarez Martinez, Civil and Environmental Lucas Samuel Amber, Mechanical and Aerospace Gabriel Alejandro Ambruso, Computer Science Cristina Laura Anastase, Civil and Environmental Theo Robert Anderson, Computer Science Casilda Aresti, Operations Research and Financial Jeffrey Asala, Electrical Jiae Hasina Azad, Civil and Environmental James E. Baase III, Mechanical and Aerospace Proma Banerjee, Operations Research and Financial Gabriel Eitan Baraban, Mechanical and Aerospace Nicholas Sebastian Beaulieu, Computer Science David James Huntzinger Beck, Mechanical and Aerospace Brian Douglas Bell, Computer Science Samuel Joseph Berens, Chemical and Biological Kristin Nicole Bergeson, Operations Research and Financial Lindsey Elizabeth Bergh, Chemical and Biological Miranda Lynn Bernard, Civil and Environmental Kelsea Boehner Best, Chemical and Biological Alison Dana Bick, Chemical and Biological Joseph Christopher Bolling, Electrical Caleb James Bradford, Mechanical and Aerospace Daniel Andrew Brooker, Mechanical and Aerospace Marie Greenwood Brooks, Mechanical and Aerospace Ankit Buddhiraju, Electrical 9 Denisa Ana-Maria Buzatu, Civil and Environmental Conleigh Rebecca Byers, Civil and Environmental Karena Xin Cai, Mechanical and Aerospace Regina Rijia Cai, Operations Research and Financial Anna Duval Cardinal, Mechanical and Aerospace Michael Robert Casper, Operations Research and Financial Ismael Abd-Allah Catovic, Chemical and Biological Sukriti Chadha, Electrical Shaheed Gulamabbas Chagani, Computer Science Philip Richard Chang, Operations Research and Financial François Jean Charpentier, Mechanical and Aerospace Yegor Dmitrievich Chekmarev, Chemical and Biological Amanda Misu Chen, Operations Research and Financial Benjamin Chen, Computer Science Erick Yiqing Chen, Operations Research and Financial Junjun Chen, Computer Science Deric Yanjun Cheng, Computer Science Richard Cheng, Mechanical and Aerospace Andrew Daniel Cheong, Computer Science Lai Sang Liza Cheung, Mechanical and Aerospace Christine Chien, Computer Science Green Hyun Choi, Computer Science Jean Choi, Computer Science Jamie Duri Chong, Computer Science Brendan Kobayashi Chou, Computer Science Shompa Choudhury, Operations Research and Financial Sean Reilly Coffers, Civil and Environmental Stephen Cognetta, Computer Science Matthew Gregory Colen, Computer Science Peter Pontes de Campos Comerford, Computer Science Franklyn Georges Darnis, Operations Research and Financial Malcolm Emerson Deck, Chemical and Biological Henrique Nakasse de Freitas, Operations Research and Financial Cara Nicole de Freitas Bart, Computer Science Peter Quentin Salisbury de Groot, Electrical Karthik Prasanna Dhore, Operations Research and Financial Bianca Elizabeth DiGiovanni, Civil and Environmental Patrick Ding, Operations Research and Financial David Martin Dohan, Computer Science Aaron John Doll, Computer Science Derrick Dominic, Electrical Kyle Weston Douglas, Operations Research and Financial Matthew Bourdon Drabick, Computer Science Meghan Grace Duarte-Silva Barry, Civil and Environmental David Benjamin Durst, Computer Science David Michael Dyrda, Mechanical and Aerospace 10 Christina Joy Efthimion, Operations Research and Financial Christiana Marie Elford, Mechanical and Aerospace Joshua Thomas Ellis, Mechanical and Aerospace Bruna Favetta, Chemical and Biological Adam Joshua Fisch, Mechanical and Aerospace Glenn R. Fisher, Electrical Matthew Eugene Floyd, Mechanical and Aerospace Tharald Sund Fongaard, Operations Research and Financial David Fridovich-Keil, Electrical Brian Phillip Fulginiti, Operations Research and Financial Christina Marie Funk, Computer Science Katherine Gao, Civil and Environmental Matthew Joseph Garvey, Operations Research and Financial Samuel Louis Gavis-Hughson, Computer Science Adam George Geilker, Mechanical and Aerospace Peter James Gjeltema, Mechanical and Aerospace Akshay Goel, Electrical Pranav Gokhale, Computer Science Ankush Gola, Electrical Stephanie Jill Goldberg, Electrical Amy Kathryn Gonzalez, Chemical and Biological Christopher Kwadwo Ampofo Gordon, Chemical and Biological Lindsay Kalla Graff, Mechanical and Aerospace Ben Whitner Grange, Computer Science Sebastian Johannes Grimberg, Mechanical and Aerospace Janie Jia Gu, Operations Research and Financial Sara Violet Guenther, Mechanical and Aerospace Matthew Robert Haake, Computer Science Elisse Taylor Hill, Computer Science Aaron Tyler Himelman, Electrical Andrew Cullen Hoffenberg, Operations Research and Financial Ashley Elizabeth Holt, Operations Research and Financial Elliot Jonathan Horlick, Chemical and Biological Channing Lincroft Huang, Computer Science Michael Fabian Iberkleid Szainrok, Electrical Violeta Yulieva Ilieva, Computer Science Allan Anwar Jabri, Computer Science Bryan Marc Jacobowitz, Computer Science Samuel Abraham Jerome, Computer Science Gregory Yongjoon Jo, Operations Research and Financial Mitchell Chervu Johnston, Operations Research and Financial Richard Scott Johnston Jr., Civil and Environmental Silken Michelle Jones, Mechanical and Aerospace Eliott Daemyung Joo, Operations Research and Financial Antonio Marco Juliano, Computer Science Daniel Sukin Kang, Computer Science So Won Kang, Operations Research and Financial Stefani Heather Karp, Computer Science Assimakis Agamemnon Kattis, Chemical and Biological Young Sun Lisa Kim, Computer Science Adam Henry Klosowiak, Electrical Brittany Ko, Electrical Lisa Kojima, Chemical and Biological Christopher Todd Kranenburg, Civil and Environmental Alisa Kroutikova, Computer Science Alexandra C. Kubiak, Computer Science Ariel Nicole Kunkel, Chemical and Biological Ye Wai Yan Kyaw, Computer Science Brandon Caesar Lam, Computer Science Nicholas Lavrov III, Chemical and Biological Dan Thanh Hoang Lê, Chemical and Biological Eugene Lee, Computer Science Marcus Kuok Kuan Lee, Mechanical and Aerospace Michael M. Lee, Computer Science Samantha Nicole Lee, Electrical Yelee Lee, Chemical and Biological Pui Yan Jane Leong, Operations Research and Financial Katelyn Ann Lesse, Computer Science Man Geen Harold Li, Operations Research and Financial Oscar Siyuan Li, Computer Science April Shichu Liang, Computer Science Jessica S. Liang, Mechanical and Aerospace Kevin Young Liaw, Chemical and Biological Samuel Phillip Lichtenberg, Computer Science Dror Liebenthal, Chemical and Biological Yunzhi Angela Liu, Electrical Mathilda Marie Lloyd, Computer Science Nicole Chantel Alleyne Loncke, Computer Science Beau Randall Lovdahl, Mechanical and Aerospace Jessica Liu Luo, Civil and Environmental Victor Tinlok Luu, Computer Science Nicolas Antonio Luzarraga, Mechanical and Aerospace Nihar M. Madhavan, Computer Science Michael Morley Manhard, Civil and Environmental Charles Reid Marsh, Computer Science Salvador Martinez, Computer Science Anne Margaret Maslan, Chemical and Biological Nathaniel Sean May, Operations Research and Financial Christopher George McCord, Operations Research and Financial Zachary Burton McCourt, Mechanical and Aerospace Cole Wulf McCracken, Computer Science Matthew Alexander McDonald, Chemical and Biological Ryan Kenneth McDonnell, Mechanical and Aerospace Sarah Beth McGowan, Mechanical and Aerospace Ryan Thomas McNellis, Operations Research and Financial Joanna Jepsen McPherson, Operations Research and Financial Jeremy Ryan Mehl, Mechanical and Aerospace Aashna Mehra, Mechanical and Aerospace Jonathan Aaron Meisel, Computer Science Cornellius Kiptoo Metto, Computer Science Theresa Christine Meyer, Computer Science Alana Rose Miller, Civil and Environmental Jacob Henry Miller, Chemical and Biological Robert Charles Mohr, Mechanical and Aerospace Po Wah Moon, Mechanical and Aerospace Brian Shiels Moore, Operations Research and Financial Lauren Nicole Morera, Operations Research and Financial Charlotte Lee Muller, Operations Research and Financial Gisela Lynn Murroni, Electrical Vaidhyanath Narayan Murti, Computer Science Rishi Narang, Computer Science Shreya A. Nathan, Operations Research and Financial Adrija June Navarro, Chemical and Biological Lynn Nehme, Mechanical and Aerospace Sunny Niu, Chemical and Biological Olamide Ayokunmi Oladosu, Mechanical and Aerospace Li Ting Ooi, Operations Research and Financial Gregory George Owen, Computer Science Satyajeet Pal, Operations Research and Financial Hannah Mimi Park, Electrical Rishita Reddy Patlolla, Operations Research and Financial David Russell Paulk, Computer Science Elizabeth Victoria Pearson, Chemical and Biological Arthur Richard Phidd, Mechanical and Aerospace Julia Anne Phillips, Operations Research and Financial Erica Brooke Portnoy, Computer Science Nicholas A Porto, Electrical Alexander Pouschine, Operations Research and Financial Victor Edward Prato, Mechanical and Aerospace Benjamin Curry Quazzo, Operations Research and Financial Medha Ranka, Operations Research and Financial Subhajit Ray, Electrical Brian Andrew Reed, Operations Research and Financial Jonathan Kohler Richards, Computer Science Kenrick Rowen Rilee, Computer Science Nicholas Caleb Robinson, Computer Science Ruth Barrett Rosenthal, Chemical and Biological Shubhro Saha, Computer Science Joshua Greenwald Samuels, Operations Research and Financial Ariel Nicole Sanders, Civil and Environmental Nicole Tatsue Sato, Chemical and Biological Alok Saxena, Operations Research and Financial Michelle Lauren Scharfstein, Operations Research and Financial Jacob Sõlômon Scheer, Mechanical and Aerospace Nicole Kathryn Schiavone, Mechanical and Aerospace Janet Lynn Schirm, Mechanical and Aerospace Matthew Vaughan Shackelford, Operations Research and Financial Varun Sharma, Operations Research and Financial Maksimilian Shatkhin, Electrical Qinlan Shen, Computer Science Brandon Shih, Operations Research and Financial Suzanne Katherine Shoffner, Chemical and Biological Eric Gregory Shullman, Civil and Environmental Irvin Haim Shuster, Computer Science Gregory Michael Siano, Electrical Nikhilesh Sigatapu, Computer Science Utsarga Saha Sikder, Computer Science Kevin William Simms, Operations Research and Financial Saumya Singh, Operations Research and Financial Sonia Skoularikis, Operations Research and Financial Mariah Cherice Smith, Mechanical and Aerospace Adam Christopher Smyles, Operations Research and Financial Andreea Bianca Spataru, Electrical Scott Andrew Sperling, Electrical Roger Dixon Sperry, Operations Research and Financial Benjamin Parker Stallworth, Computer Science Levi George Stanton, Civil and Environmental Collin Bonsall Stedman, Computer Science Evan Nicholas Strasnick, Computer Science Rahul Subramanian, Electrical Adam Louis Suczewski, Computer Science Hafeez Olayiwola Sulaimon, Mechanical and Aerospace Saumya Swaroop, Operations Research and Financial Eric Jonathan Swenson, Chemical and Biological Andrew James Touloukian Swoboda, Operations Research and Financial Junya Takahashi, Computer Science Joshua Paul Taliaferro, Chemical and Biological Vivienne Hui Xian Tam, Chemical and Biological Uyanga Tamir, Chemical and Biological Riley Christopher Thomasson, Electrical Benjamin Jia-An Tien, Chemical and Biological Ming-Ming Tran, Chemical and Biological Timothy Hữu-Tâm Tr̀ân, Operations Research and Financial Evaline Shin-Tin Tsai, Chemical and Biological William WeiKang Tso, Chemical and Biological Joseph Leonard Turchiano III, Computer Science Akshaya Uttamadoss, Electrical Mitchell Robert Vollger, Computer Science Matthew Thomas Walsh, Mechanical and Aerospace Austin Jeffrey Wang, Operations Research and Financial Dawn Wang, Mechanical and Aerospace Andrew Thomas Ward, Electrical Megan Marie Wellons, Operations Research and Financial Julia Nicole Wendt, Chemical and Biological Jessica Li Weng, Chemical and Biological Alexander Ludwig Wettermann, Electrical John Lamar Whelchel, Computer Science Michael E Wiest, Chemical and Biological Katelyn Elizabeth Williams, Civil and Environmental Virginia Catherine Willis, Computer Science Elana Carol Woldenberg, Mechanical and Aerospace Martin Johann Wolf, Chemical and Biological Caitlin Victoria Wood, Chemical and Biological Brendan Marcus Wright, Computer Science Catherine Dan Wu, Computer Science Haley Wu, Mechanical and Aerospace Liukun Wu, Operations Research and Financial Keji Xu, Computer Science Laura Xu, Electrical Adam Fatal Yabroudi, Electrical Helen Yao, Chemical and Biological Yo-Tzu Yeh, Electrical Yacob Yonas, Computer Science Michael Yuan, Electrical Rebecca Zhang, Operations Research and Financial Alexander Li Zhao, Computer Science David Wei Zhao, Operations Research and Financial Raymond Zhong, Computer Science Quan Zhou, Mechanical and Aerospace Joshua Adam Zimmer, Mechanical and Aerospace James Robert Zuber, Computer Science Certificates of Proficiency AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES Julie Ann Aromi Jasmine Sheree Blocker Bianca Elizabeth DiGiovanni Hillary Alyse Dodyk Mary Landon Funk Steven Avery Harris Brandon D. Holt Evan Theodore Jackson Shawon Kameron Jackson Sarah Boyce Jemison Allison Corinna Kruk Janie Junginn Lee Khallid Jabari Love Peyton Keith Morgan Augusta Jasmine Powell Paul Augustus Riley Jr. Hannah Beila Rosenthal 11 Ebony Nicole Slaughter-Johnson Elizabeth Marie Ussery Clara Wilson-Hawken Sarah Elaine Yerima AFRICAN STUDIES Priscilla Boakye-Atansah Agyapong Joanna Chinazam Anyanwu Sarah Elizabeth Jeong Drew Wesley McDonald Temiloluwa Anne-Marie Odimayo AMERICAN STUDIES Catherine Louise Bauman Emilie Lima Burke Liana Cornacchio Tyler Alexis Davis Conor Ryan Dube Jesse Ian Fleck Diane Shuyan Hu Andrew Young Jeon Chelsea Taylor Jones Daphna Simone Le Gall Tenley Torresdale-Mabel McKee Zhan Toichi Teng Xuan Okuda-Lim Nicole Annise Pennycooke Michael Elder Pinsky Gabriella Anna Ravida Eric Wang Jillian Rose Wilkowski Nicholas Joseph Park Williams Hyoun Jung Helen Yang Sarah Elaine Yerima A P P L I C AT I O N S O F C O M P U T I N G Juan Bosco Albanell Flores Matan Lee Appelbaum Daniel Fernando Arias Jeffrey Asala Gabriel Eitan Baraban Andrew Patrick Barnett Kristin Nicole Bergeson Alison Dana Bick Joseph Christopher Bolling Ankit Buddhiraju Karena Xin Cai Regina Rijia Cai Philip Richard Chang Amanda Misu Chen Erick Yiqing Chen Richard Cheng Kovey A. Coles Ivo Crnkovic-Rubsamen Franklyn Georges Darnis Malcolm Emerson Deck Guillaume Daniel W.S. Delépine Arjun Singh Dhillon Karthik Prasanna Dhore Patrick Ding Derrick Dominic Kyle Weston Douglas Cindy Xinran Duan Krysta Alanna Dummit David Max Dworsky Christina Joy Efthimion Billy Lue Fang Adam Joshua Fisch Glenn R. Fisher 12 Dalma Földesi Tharald Sund Fongaard Matthew Joseph Garvey Thomas Harry Samuel Greenspan Janie Jia Gu Louis Guerra Thomas Patrick Hansen Aaron Tyler Himelman Victor Yute Hsiao Luca Victor Iliesiu Conner Perry Jager Ken Jean-Baptiste H. Heinrich Jiang Gregory Yongjoon Jo Eliott Daemyung Joo Thomas Jackson Kelly Brittany Ko Casey Patrick Kolb David Nathaniel Kong Gregory Andrew Kufera Lisa Seung-Yeon Lee Samantha Nicole Lee Man Geen Harold Li Dror Liebenthal Yunzhi Angela Liu Dean Soma Makino Anne Margaret Maslan Nathaniel Sean May Christopher George McCord Matthew Alexander McDonald Ryan Thomas McNellis Robert Charles Mohr Juan Ignacio Moreno Lauren Nicole Morera Shreya A. Nathan Caleb Timothy Negash Felicia Yan Ng Kwaku Konadu Ohemeng Satyajeet Pal Rishita Reddy Patlolla Elizabeth Joy Paul James Carl Pinkerton IV Nicholas A Porto Alexander Pouschine Ante Qu Benjamin Curry Quazzo Medha Ranka Francis Joseph Ricci Joshua Greenwald Samuels Alexander Joseph William Sappington Alok Saxena Michelle Lauren Scharfstein Nicole Kathryn Schiavone Nicolas Paul Schmidt René Adrián Segura Knösel Matthew Vaughan Shackelford Maksimilian Shatkhin Yekaterina Shulgina Harsan Singh Sidhu Sonia Skoularikis Alexander Degener Smith Ross Andrew Smith Kai Alexander Song-Nichols Andreea Bianca Spataru Roger Dixon Sperry Eric Jonathan Swenson Riley Christopher Thomasson Ming-Ming Tran Timothy Hữu-Tâm Tr̀ân Emma Javelle Trefethen Ming-Yee Tsang Brian Chang Tu Matthew Thomas Walsh Austin Jeffrey Wang Dawn Wang Megan Marie Wellons Michael E Wiest Marjorie Xie Sophia Yun Xing Laura Xu Yo-Tzu Yeh Michael Christopher Zaragoza Shuxin Zhan Rebecca Zhang David Wei Zhao Linda J. Zhong Quan Zhou Joshua Adam Zimmer PROGRAM IN APPLIED AND C O M P U T AT I O N A L M AT H E M AT I C S Luca Victor Iliesiu Mitchell Chervu Johnston Assimakis Agamemnon Kattis Michael Stephen Lachanski Elizabeth Joy Paul Ante Qu Alexander Joseph William Sappington Zachary Savidge Shuxin Zhan ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING Jiae Hasina Azad Denisa Ana-Maria Buzatu Meghan Grace Duarte-Silva Barry Jessica Liu Luo Eric Gregory Shullman BIOPHYSICS Albert Lin George Siyuan Liu Miloš Nikolić C O N T E M P O R A RY E U R O P E A N POLITICS AND SOCIETY Austin Michael Gengos Heather Elizabeth McCormac Amantia Muhedini Madeleine Mc Leod Planeix-Crocker EAST ASIAN STUDIES William Scott Beacom Jennifer Meiling Chew Hadley Holt Chu Henrique Nakasse de Freitas Sharon Gao Wenyi Gu Taisuke Hirose Hanna Kim Gregory Milton Kraft Joshua Wonwoo Lee Sherry H Li Soo Min Lydia Lim Myles Louis McGinley Nicholas Aaron Pang Maria Katarina Estrella Rafael Harvey Cheng-hui Ren Alexandra Downing Tollefsen Vivian Rui Wang Jenny Jingyi Zhang ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Proma Banerjee Kristin Nicole Bergeson Amanda Misu Chen Shompa Choudhury Franklyn Georges Darnis Karthik Prasanna Dhore Kyle Weston Douglas Christina Joy Efthimion Tharald Sund Fongaard Brian Phillip Fulginiti Janie Jia Gu Sara Violet Guenther Andrew Cullen Hoffenberg Michael Stephen Lachanski Brandon Caesar Lam Katelyn Ann Lesse Man Geen Harold Li Mathilda Marie Lloyd Nicolas Antonio Luzarraga Ryan Kenneth McDonnell Ryan Thomas McNellis Rishita Reddy Patlolla Benjamin Curry Quazzo Joshua Greenwald Samuels Alexander Joseph William Sappington Michelle Lauren Scharfstein Matthew Vaughan Shackelford Varun Sharma Eric Gregory Shullman Saumya Singh Sonia Skoularikis Ross Andrew Smith Roger Dixon Sperry Saumya Swaroop Andrew James Touloukian Swoboda Keji Xu Alexander Li Zhao David Wei Zhao ENGINEERING BIOLOGY Samuel Joseph Berens Lindsey Elizabeth Bergh Ismael Abd-Allah Catovic Christine Chien Elliot Jonathan Horlick Victor Yute Hsiao Lisa Kojima Ariel Nicole Kunkel Dan Thanh Hoang Lê Yelee Lee Kevin Young Liaw Dror Liebenthal Anne Margaret Maslan Adrija June Navarro Sunny Niu Elizabeth Victoria Pearson Ruth Barrett Rosenthal Suzanne Katherine Shoffner Joshua Paul Taliaferro Vivienne Hui Xian Tam Ming-Ming Tran William WeiKang Tso Julia Nicole Wendt Jessica Li Weng Michael E Wiest Caitlin Victoria Wood Zachary Andrew Yaffe ENGINEERING PHYSICS Pranav Gokhale Sebastian Johannes Grimberg Christopher George McCord Subhajit Ray Utsarga Saha Sikder Mark Jensen Stone Andrew Thomas Ward Thomas John Zdyrski E N V I R O N M E N TA L S T U D I E S Meredith Haley Armstrong Louis Dillon Bacon II Michelangelo X Ball Van Zee Miranda Lynn Bernard Kelsea Boehner Best Colleen Marie Boyce Joan Louise Cannon Tiffany Wing Cheung Jonathan Juno Choi Cecelia Marie Coffey Evan Lloyd Cole Renata Montserrat Diaz Divya M. Farias Jeanette Suzanna Ferrara Erika Kristine Fluehr Sharon Gao Rebecca Lin Haynes Sarah Elizabeth Jeong Preston Cosslett Kemeny Nicole Mei Kreutter Rebecca Hollingsworth Kreutter Briana Cao Liu Claire Ferguson Loht Anna Lukasiewicz Victoria Majchrzak Jessica Daryl McLemore Olivia Claire Amann McShea Damaris Miller Brian Shiels Moore Brian Andrew Reed Olivia Anne Sayvetz Delphine L. S. Slotten Katherine Elizabeth Smith Gina Marie Talt Tyler James Tamasi Aleksandra Taranov Evaline Shin-Tin Tsai Sarah Katherine Waszkewitz Scott Hamilton Wise E U R O P E A N C U LT U R A L S T U D I E S Amanda Jane Devine Ioana Ferariu Martha Lacey Jacobs Ariel Nicole Kunkel Madeleine Mc Leod Planeix-Crocker FINANCE Juan Bosco Albanell Flores Casilda Aresti Phway Su Aye Proma Banerjee Andrew Patrick Barnett Eric Thompson Bartholomae Jr. Ankit Buddhiraju Sukriti Chadha Lawrence Chang Erick Yiqing Chen Kevin Wanxiong Chen Deric Yanjun Cheng Albert Dong-In Choi Shompa Choudhury Matthew Gregory Colen Franklyn Georges Darnis Karthik Prasanna Dhore Kyle Weston Douglas William Michael Downing Cindy Xinran Duan David Benjamin Durst Christina Joy Efthimion Tyler Clinton Foote Brian Phillip Fulginiti Yuen Ying Fung Juan Felipe Garavito Juliet Garrett Fabrizio Giovannini Filho Akshay Goel Janie Jia Gu Neil John Hannan Andrew Cullen Hoffenberg Ashley Elizabeth Holt Benjamin Chi Huang Daniel Paul Johnson Jr. Connor Ryan Kelley Agisae Kim Sooyeon Kim Robert Boswell Koudelka Michael Stephen Lachanski Catherine Lei Pui Yan Jane Leong Katelyn Ann Lesse Kevin Young Liaw Jacqueline Tricia Lis Dean Soma Makino Nathaniel Sean May Christopher George McCord Cole Wulf McCracken Sean Patrick McIntee Sam Zev Michaelson Kevin Francis Mills Pratyusha Mukherjee Charlotte Lee Muller Miles Thompson Murphy Jason Huan-Zhou Nong Li Ting Ooi Shimin Ooi Nicholas A Porto Joshua Greenwald Samuels Alexander Joseph William Sappington Zachary Savidge Alok Saxena Matthew Vaughan Shackelford Varun Sharma Brandon Shih William James Siroky Tanner Ivor Smith 13 Samuel Ariel Suskind Saumya Swaroop Timothy Hữu-Tâm Tr̀ân Julia Hudson Tyson Austin Jeffrey Wang Vivian Rui Wang Jue Weng Sophia Yun Xing Christine Tzu-Ling Yan Jesse Reed Young Sherry Yintong Zhang David Wei Zhao Jason Zhou Ruiwen Zhu PROGRAM IN GENDER AND SEXUALITY STUDIES Joanna Chinazam Anyanwu Rebecca Elizabeth Basaldua Meredith Ann Brown Christina Marie Chica Alexandra Lâle Gürel Brandon D. Holt Emily Susanna McDonald Alyssa Jasmine Schmidt Cara Elizabeth Slear Amber Symone Stewart Nicholas Joseph Park Williams G L O B A L H E A LT H A N D H E A LT H P O L I C Y Caroline May Barry Nisha Raj Bhat Cristina Marie Carano Taylor Deanna Chin Jacqueline Jiawei Chu Laura Vaughn Cooper Taylor Elizabeth Dunstan Lindsay Marie Eysenbach Charles Thomas Fortin Emma Elizabeth Glennon Sandra Michelle Goldlust Sneha Goswami Cricket Cheyenne Gullickson Sophie Kathryn Spann Harkins Lindsey Anne Heigh Tiffany S Huang Annaliese Claire Ionson Alexandra Young-Jin Junn Marina Glory Kaneko Megan Kennedy Samuel Heeju Kim Michael Andrew Kochis Daria A. Koren Brianna Francis Leahy Harrison Ty-Sen Lee Camille Yuying Lin Nicholas Mai Kristina Lois Malzbender Shannon Rose McGue Pallavi Mishra Jacqueline Olivia Nicholas Alomi O. Parikh Rachel Elana Parks Vivian Liu Qin Alankrita Raghavan Shayla Nicole Reid Rachel Christine Reiss 14 Karen Anne Schirm Fred Shaykis Evelyn May Siu Claire Bird Stanton Emma Leonore Tucher Pavithra Vijayakumar Linda Le Vo Anne Leigh Woehling Lu Yin Jeannette Jingting Yu Deanna Ruxi Zhu HELLENIC STUDIES Gregory Lee Smith HUMANISTIC STUDIES Yung In Chae Helen Katherine Greene Isabelle Anastasia Claire Laurenzi Elizabeth Lian Kathleen Denise Newman Elliot Newfield Pearl-Sacks Bina Miriam Peltz MicKenzie Rae Roberts-Lahti Rachel Athena Skokowski TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY Gabriel Alejandro Ambruso Green Hyun Choi Cara Nicole de Freitas Bart Ryan L Fauber Sharon Gao Stephanie Jill Goldberg Elisse Taylor Hill Judith Evelyn Jansen Michael Noah Katz Oscar Siyuan Li Theresa Christine Meyer Saumya Singh Adam Louis Suczewski Raymond Zhong JAZZ STUDIES Arjun Dube JUDAIC STUDIES Aryeh Lev Nussbaum Cohen Bina Miriam Peltz Anna Pearl Rubin L A N G U A G E A N D C U LT U R E Ancient Greece Anjalie Elena Sehgal Field Ancient Rome Catharine Meade Bellinger Anjalie Elena Sehgal Field Stephen Bryce Wood Jr. Arabic Conleigh Rebecca Byers Hannah Marie Cumming Hannah C Ho Jacqueline Olivia Nicholas Chinese Kevin Wanxiong Chen Kovey A. Coles Elizabeth Rose Gelb Michelle Kiyeon Kim Jee Eun Lee Jacqueline Tricia Lis Kevin William Simms Jessica Laura Wilson French Proma Banerjee Nicole Shivonne Bunyan Ellyssa P Czajkowski Aline Sophie Monique Dinescu Austin Michael Gengos Brianna Heather Gilbert Sara Anna Good Christopher Kwadwo Ampofo Gordon Assimakis Agamemnon Kattis Faith Tolulope Konigbagbe Alisa Kroutikova Kayla Victoria Lawrence Kassandra Maria Leiva April Shichu Liang Claire Lovell McMullen Olivia Claire Amann McShea Sydney Alexandra Montgomery Amantia Muhedini Buyan Pan Yael Wollstein German Samantha Catherine Kaseta Suzanne Katherine Shoffner Italian Nicholas Anthony Donatiello Isabelle-Emmannuella Nogues Maryia Rusak Japanese Mary Colleen Gilstad Alison Kay Itzkowitz Chet Patrick Reyen Ambika Vora Emmy Frances Williams Persian Ellyssa P Czajkowski Helen Katherine Greene Portuguese Elise Rosalie Backman Joana Francisca Barros-Magalhães Tyler Paige Hastie Iriane Marie Narcisse Rafael Saiz García Casey Alexander Ward Russian Jiweon Kim Alexandra Elizabeth Morton Aleksandra Taranov Spanish Zahra Mahmoud Ahmed Julia Marie Boyle Ellyssa P Czajkowski Brett Timothy Diehl Conor Ryan Dube Anthony Richard Ensbury Michael Drew Glassman Erica Maria Gonzalez Sara Raquel Gonzalez Elisse Taylor Hill Katherine Sienkiewicz Horvath Shawon Kameron Jackson Russell Jack Jenkins III Hilary Ragin Jessup Cody Hall Kessel Young Sun Lisa Kim Sydney Meyer Marie Kirby Edwin Loredo Cecilia Marie Lulli Nana Bonsu Owusu-Nyantekyi Rachel Elana Parks Rafael Saiz García William James Siroky Joshua Paul Taliaferro Morgan Kendall Taylor Caleb Joseph Tuten Casey Alexander Ward David Xiazhe Zheng L AT I N A M E R I C A N S T U D I E S Elise Rosalie Backman Logan Hall Coleman Celina Pearl Culver Brett Timothy Diehl Joan Fernandez Maeli Ariel Goren Alexandra Lâle Gürel Tyler Paige Hastie Daniel Paul Johnson Jr. Ariana Lieselotte Lazzaroni Camille Yuying Lin Yessica Martinez Shayla Nicole Reid Eleanor F. Roberts Marcelo Alonso Rochabrún Oré Rafael Saiz García Radha Sarkar Elizabeth Ann Tolman Nshira Abena Turkson L AT I N O S T U D I E S Aliyah Naomi Donsky Shawon Kameron Jackson Vicky Ibette Quevedo L E W I S C E N T E R F O R T H E A RT S Creative Writing Joan Kathryn Bedinger Samuel C. Butler Evan Reid Coles Amanda Jane Devine Chester Simon Dubov Jared Michael Garland Ava Monroe Geyer Ben Israel Goldman Cosette Marie Gonzales Filipa Angelica Ioannou Cameron Page Langford Isabelle Anastasia Claire Laurenzi Tyler Anne Joo-Ri Lee Anya Alissa Lewis-Meeks Soo Min Lydia Lim Vivian Jin Ludford Thomas Farrell Markham Yessica Martinez Emily Susanna McDonald Shannon Rose McGue Chukwunonso Judith Okwelogu V. Milena Phan Jane Elizabeth Pritchard Susannah Penn Sharpless Allison Emily Somers Aron Stanley Wander David Allen White Dance Jessica Nicole Berry Celina Pearl Culver Emily Nicole Hogan Silvia Ann Lundgren Allison Victoria Metts Morgan Brenna Nelson Asawari Sodhi Kalin Marie Stovall Tula Breann Strong Theater Christopher James Beard Annika Elizabeth Bennett Maeve Monroe Brady Katherine Kaleilani Clifton Sarah Beatrice Cuneo Blake Anthony Edwards John Somers Fairchild Eamon John Foley Juliet Garrett Ava Monroe Geyer Maeli Ariel Goren Julia Rose Knox Hammer Caroline Andrea Marguerite Hertz Miriam Eleanor Holmes Samantha Catherine Kaseta Sam Charles Kessler Joseph Gage Labatt Kanoa Lee Lapis Mulling Derek Christopher Murphy Julia Anne Phillips Madeleine Mc Leod Planeix-Crocker Jake Austin Robertson Patrick Michael Rounds Elizabeth Farrell Sola Steven Nguyen Khoa Tran Katherine Becker Welsh Emily Elizabeth Whitaker Visual Arts Benjamin Alan Denzer Matthew Eugene Floyd Wendy Yuansi Li Chukwunonso Judith Okwelogu Jane Elizabeth Pritchard Elizabeth Hall Rise Matthew Marbury Rogers Nicolas Paul Schmidt Jacqueline Renée Thornton Gerardo John Veltri III Caresse Zhu Yan LINGUISTICS Ioana Ferariu Jessica Meng Jia Hao Rose Fowler Lapp Naomi Lee Kathryn Hess Moore Robin Lee Palmer Madeleine Mc Leod Planeix-Crocker Qinlan Shen M AT E R I A L S S C I E N C E A N D ENGINEERING Lily Shoshana Frances Adler Fiyinfoluwa Oluwatumilara Akinlawon Daniel Augustus Badoe Jr. Joshua David Bocarsly Steven Matthew Flynn Adam George Geilker Amy Kathryn Gonzalez Christopher Kwadwo Ampofo Gordon Bradley James Gorsline Sara Violet Guenther Kevin Young Liaw Joseph Harrison Margolies Aashna Mehra Jacob Henry Miller Robert Charles Mohr Carl Alex Nist-Lund Kwaku Konadu Ohemeng Francis Joseph Ricci Pavel Petrovich Shibayev Olivia Agatha Watson Helen Yao M E D I E VA L S T U D I E S Daniela Regina Bartalini Stephen T. Coulton Katherine Alice Hawkins Benjamin Robert Koons Anton Robert Louthan Luca Lorence Politi Mary Rosalie Stoner Melissa Tu Gerardo John Veltri III MUSICAL PERFORMANCE Elliot Jonathan Horlick Darya Mikhailovna Koltunyuk Stephanie Chelynn Liu Alexa Kathleen McCall Sophia Joanna Mockler Jason Huan-Zhou Nong Aryeh Lev Nussbaum Cohen Marcelo Alonso Rochabrún Oré Louisa Jo Slosar Alexander Degener Smith Nicholas Martin Stead Melissa Tu James Dermot Adreon Walsh Caitlin Victoria Wood Rebecca Zhang NEAR EASTERN STUDIES Hannah Marie Cumming Helen Katherine Greene Bowen McDonald Peard Mia Michele Rifai Samuel William Watters Tehila Wenger Katherine Ashley Wolff Hoi Ki Yuen Najia Dinar Zahir 15 NEUROSCIENCE Candice Korleki Akiti André R Belarmino Vivien Cheng Ryan Chandler Cody Sarah Beatrice Cuneo Peppar Elizabeth Pei-pei Cyr Richard J. Daker Lauren Harriet Cassani Davis Theresa Elizabeth Devine Ioana Ferariu Michael Colin Granovetter Aaron D. Hauptman Nabeer Ziaullah Khan Brittany Ko Faith Tolulope Konigbagbe Luba Bandanya Margai Kelsey R. McDonald Justin Marquez Murphy Felicia Yan Ng Paula Andrea Pacheco Alomi O. Parikh Amara Luisa Plaza-Jennings Fred Shaykis Yekaterina Shulgina Jacob Anthony Simon Stephen Fitzhugh Stuntz Swanson Joshua Paul Taliaferro Vivienne Hui Xian Tam Larry Jay Vearrier II Thaddeus Kingfisher Weigel Julia Nicole Wendt Marjorie Xie Hope Xu Cameron Minkyung Yi David Xiazhe Zheng PLANETS AND LIFE Preston Cosslett Kemeny Nicole Chantel Alleyne Loncke Cody Lee O’Neil Alexandra Whitney Pleus Q U A N T I T AT I V E A N D C O M P U T AT I O N A L B I O L O G Y Candice Korleki Akiti Carles Boix April Shichu Liang Daniel Patrick Mossing Jonathan Kohler Richards Kevin Xin Shi Mitchell Robert Vollger ROBOTICS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Fiyinfoluwa Oluwatumilara Akinlawon Juan Bosco Albanell Flores James E. Baase III Gabriel Eitan Baraban David James Huntzinger Beck Joseph Christopher Bolling Caleb James Bradford Daniel Andrew Brooker Karena Xin Cai Anna Duval Cardinal Richard Cheng 16 Derrick Dominic David Michael Dyrda Adam Joshua Fisch Sara Violet Guenther Silken Michelle Jones Jessica S. Liang Nicolas Antonio Luzarraga Zachary Burton McCourt Ryan Kenneth McDonnell Sarah Beth McGowan Olamide Ayokunmi Oladosu Maksimilian Shatkhin Mariah Cherice Smith Matthew Thomas Walsh Quan Zhou Joshua Adam Zimmer RUSSIAN, EAST EUROPEAN AND EURASIAN STUDIES Jesse Ian Fleck Jake Austin Robertson Jillian Rose Wilkowski SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES John Somers Fairchild S T AT I S T I C S A N D MACHINE LEARNING Andrew Patrick Barnett Erick Yiqing Chen Frederick Knowles DeVeaux Karthik Prasanna Dhore Billy Lue Fang Tyler Clinton Foote Allan Anwar Jabri Jeffrey Alex Kessler Michael Stephen Lachanski Man Geen Harold Li Jonathan Brendon Ma Charles Reid Marsh Nathaniel Sean May Ryan Thomas McNellis Irvin Haim Shuster Max Simchowitz Philip McMahon Stansky Sophia Yun Xing Shuxin Zhan Rebecca Zhang S U S TA I N A B L E E N E R G Y Fiyinfoluwa Oluwatumilara Akinlawon Lucas Samuel Amber Leticia Marcela Bombieri Conleigh Rebecca Byers Sharon Gao Lindsay Kalla Graff Stephanie Chelynn Liu Brian Andrew Reed Levi George Stanton Tyler James Tamasi Evaline Shin-Tin Tsai T E A C H E R P R E P A R AT I O N 2007 Sophie Chang Gomer 2009 Paul Antonio Hernandez 2013 Gary Michael Fox Ariel Yvette Jespersen 2014 Cody J. Abbey Victoria G. Chung Philip Carl Dershwitz Dale E. Shepherd II GS 1988 Marian Starr Imperatore GS 1999 Dina Moretti Ellsworth T R A N S L AT I O N A N D I N T E R C U LT U R A L C O M M U N I C AT I O N Amanda Jane Devine Martha Lacey Jacobs Hanna Kim Darya Mikhailovna Koltunyuk Rose Fowler Lapp Tyler Anne Joo-Ri Lee Michael Semenov URBAN STUDIES James Cody Kitchen Christopher Todd Kranenburg Brian Peyser Perlmutter Maryia Rusak Kathryn Elizabeth Scott Michael Semenov Aleksandra Taranov Daphnée Alexandria Warren Jiayan Yu VA L U E S A N D P U B L I C L I F E Melissa Relyea Bales Nisha Raj Bhat Rachel Samantha Bronheim Yung In Chae Louise Britta Maria Connelly Katharine Chambers Cook Lakshmi Krishnakumar Davey Elena Arvold Di Rosa Richard Ryan Eva Cameron Page Langford Oluwaseyi Lawal Madhavi Srinivasan Ramankutty Brian Andrew Reed Hyeryoung Rhee Eleanor F. Roberts Yaniv Shalom Sapir Adam Daniel Tcharni Han Dinh Tran Departmental Honors ANTHROPOLOGY Highest Honors Katherine Sienkiewicz Horvath Rachel Elana Parks High Honors Catherine Louise Bauman Annaliese Claire Ionson Damaris Miller Honors Divya M. Farias Jacqueline Renée Thornton SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Highest Honors Benjamin Alan Denzer Michael Semenov High Honors Dalma Földesi Maryia Rusak Honors Jose Luis Escamilla Michael Drew Glassman A RT A N D A R C H A E O L O G Y Highest Honors Elizabeth Hall Rise High Honors Phway Su Aye Kai Alexander Song-Nichols Honors Alison Kay Itzkowitz Yael Wollstein ASTROPHYSICAL SCIENCES High Honors Elizabeth Joy Paul Morgan Presley Joshua Paul Taliaferro Vivienne Hui Xian Tam Jessica Li Weng C H E M I S T RY Highest Honors Joshua David Bocarsly Krysta Alanna Dummit Steven Matthew Flynn Samuel Heeju Kim Benjamin K. Liu Nicholas Mai Alomi O. Parikh Tayyab Hussain Shah Alina Carmen Spiegel High Honors Harrison A. Cape Jonathan Chris Chen Vincent Chu Bradley James Gorsline David Huang Sophie Jane Karchemskiy Harrison Ty-Sen Lee Carl Alex Nist-Lund Francis Joseph Ricci Tyler James Tamasi Honors Lily Shoshana Frances Adler Tova Marie Bergsten Kristina Lois Malzbender Kwaku Konadu Ohemeng Cordelia Marcela Orillac Natalie Saenz C I V I L A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L ENGINEERING Highest Honors Conleigh Rebecca Byers Michael Morley Manhard Eric Gregory Shullman High Honors Katherine Gao Honors Ivo Crnkovic-Rubsamen Dayton Robert Martindale Honors Denisa Ana-Maria Buzatu Alana Rose Miller CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING CLASSICS Highest Honors Anne Margaret Maslan Evaline Shin-Tin Tsai Helen Yao High Honors Dror Liebenthal Jacob Henry Miller Ruth Barrett Rosenthal Honors Bruna Favetta Christopher Kwadwo Ampofo Gordon Assimakis Agamemnon Kattis Kevin Young Liaw Matthew Alexander McDonald Elizabeth Victoria Pearson Suzanne Katherine Shoffner Highest Honors Neil John Hannan Mary Rosalie Stoner High Honors Yung In Chae Dillon O’Donnell Ecclesine Catherine Jeanne Lambert Honors Yesenia Arroyo Daniela Regina Bartalini Andrew Donald Arthur Frazier Calvin Raj Gross David Nathaniel Kong Alyssa Jasmine Schmidt Charles William Waldron C O M P A R AT I V E L I T E R AT U R E Highest Honors Helen Katherine Greene Darya Mikhailovna Koltunyuk Yessica Martinez Melissa Tu High Honors Amanda Jane Devine Jared Michael Garland Maeli Ariel Goren Honors Mary Colleen Gilstad Rose Fowler Lapp Victoria Yixin Su COMPUTER SCIENCE Highest Honors Stephen Cognetta David Martin Dohan David Benjamin Durst Samuel Abraham Jerome Stefani Heather Karp Samuel Phillip Lichtenberg Victor Tinlok Luu Charles Reid Marsh Gregory George Owen Qinlan Shen Nikhilesh Sigatapu Utsarga Saha Sikder Robert Jordan Ullman Brendan Marcus Wright High Honors Brendan Kobayashi Chou Anjalie Elena Sehgal Field Pranav Gokhale Andrew Louis Grasso Julian Samuel Griggs Channing Lincroft Huang Allan Anwar Jabri April Shichu Liang Dale Amanda Markowitz Rishi Narang Erica Brooke Portnoy Irvin Haim Shuster Benjamin Parker Stallworth Miles Grant Yucht Honors Ameera Yasser Abdelaziz Gabriel Alejandro Ambruso Shaheed Gulamabbas Chagani Junjun Chen Deric Yanjun Cheng Andrew Daniel Cheong Jean Choi Aaron John Doll Ben Whitner Grange Matthew Robert Haake Violeta Yulieva Ilieva Daniel Sukin Kang Oluwaseyi Lawal Jacob Jong-Koo Lee Oscar Siyuan Li Vaidhyanath Narayan Murti Charles Caleb Peyser Jonathan Kohler Richards Nicholas Caleb Robinson 17 Jacob Anthony Simon Evan Nicholas Strasnick Adam Louis Suczewski Stephen Fitzhugh Stuntz Swanson Dharit Hobbs Tantiviramanond John Lamar Whelchel Catherine Dan Wu Capella Catherine Yee Yacob Yonas James Robert Zuber EAST ASIAN STUDIES Highest Honors Gavin Gillespie Cook Charles Thomas Fortin High Honors Julia Rose Knox Hammer Honors Lucas Marco Antoine Broïdo Michael Noah Katz Erin Joohee Kim ECOLOGY AND E V O L U T I O N A RY B I O L O G Y Highest Honors Emma Elizabeth Glennon Joshua Morgan Hamilton Megan Kennedy Kathryn O’Sullivan Stack High Honors Michelangelo X Ball Van Zee Renata Montserrat Diaz Sandra Michelle Goldlust Victor Yute Hsiao Veronika Lipková Shannon Rose McGue Honors Jonathan Juno Choi Laura Vaughn Cooper Helen Anastasia Daifotis Cricket Cheyenne Gullickson Sarah Maria Hanna Eliot Laughlin Linton ECONOMICS Highest Honors Anca Patricia Anghel Andrew Patrick Barnett Vu Thanh Chau William Michael Downing Shafin Fattah Yuen Ying Fung Peter Apostolos Kallis Michael Stephen Lachanski Yahui Ellis Liang Frina Lin Jonathan Brendon Ma Dean Soma Makino Pratyusha Mukherjee Rachel Joohee Nam Alexander Joseph William Sappington Zachary Savidge Robert Lowell Siliciano 18 High Honors Samuel Kang Ian Aron Kapron-King He Li Jacqueline Tricia Lis Kevin Francis Mills Pujan Mani Rai Ross Andrew Smith Gina Marie Talt Robert Hill Templeton Andrew Tong Tsukamoto Jue Weng Lu Yin Jeannette Jingting Yu Linda J. Zhong Jason Zhou Honors Andrew James Alvarez Daniel Fernando Arias Eric Thompson Bartholomae Jr. Sailesh Dhungana Cindy Xinran Duan Tyler Clinton Foote Austin Michael Gengos Nicholas Yiu Min Hu Sooyeon Kim Kelly Lin Kremer Catherine Lei Claire Yu-Chen Liu Nicholas Leef Martin Sam Zev Michaelson Jason Huan-Zhou Nong Peter Vollintine Owens Elon Packin René Adrián Segura Knösel Rachel Beth Shuman Nicholas Martin Stead Christine Tzu-Ling Yan Jenny Jingyi Zhang ENGLISH Highest Honors Suzannah Priya Beiner Ben Israel Goldman Judith Evelyn Jansen Brian Everett Lax High Honors Katherine Kaleilani Clifton Sam Charles Kessler Thomas Farrell Markham Alexandra Elizabeth Morton V. Milena Phan Katherine Becker Welsh Hyoun Jung Helen Yang Honors Joan Kathryn Bedinger Ava Monroe Geyer Sarah Spencer Morgan Jane Elizabeth Pritchard Clara Wilson-Hawken F R E N C H A N D I TA L I A N Highest Honors Madeleine Mc Leod Planeix-Crocker Rachel Athena Skokowski High Honors Tyler Anne Joo-Ri Lee Luca Lorence Politi Honors Whitney Elizabeth Charbonneau Elizabeth Farrell Sola GEOSCIENCES Highest Honors Preston Cosslett Kemeny ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING High Honors Yuem Park Highest Honors David Fridovich-Keil Riley Christopher Thomasson Andrew Thomas Ward GERMAN High Honors Joseph Christopher Bolling Ankit Buddhiraju Akshay Goel Yo-Tzu Yeh Honors Jeffrey Asala Derrick Dominic Glenn R. Fisher Ankush Gola Aaron Tyler Himelman Nicholas A Porto Maksimilian Shatkhin Andreea Bianca Spataru Scott Andrew Sperling Laura Xu Adam Fatal Yabroudi Michael Yuan Honors Leticia Marcela Bombieri Highest Honors Juan-Jacques Aupiais Cody Lee O’Neil Margot Byrd Pinkerton High Honors Philip Daniel Mooney H I S TO RY Highest Honors Brett Timothy Diehl Chester Simon Dubov Sara Raquel Gonzalez Jacqueline Mackenzie Hawkins Meredith Killion Moran Arjun Naidu High Honors Grace Catharine Benoist Fish Alexandra Lâle Gürel Sarah Boyce Jemison Silvia Ann Lundgren Alexa Kathleen McCall Jasper Ross Ryckman Sarah Elizabeth Schwartz Gregory Lee Smith Honors William Tucker Brockett Steven Avery Harris Lekha Padmasola Kanchinadam Anton Robert Louthan Kristen Elizabeth McDonald Dylan Sheptock Stevens Kennett Louis Werner Nicholas Joseph Park Williams I N D E P E N D E N T C O N C E N T R AT I O N I N C O M P U T AT I O N A L NEUROSCIENCE High Honors Marjorie Xie I N D E P E N D E N T C O N C E N T R AT I O N IN LINGUISTICS High Honors Naomi Lee M AT H E M AT I C S Highest Honors Wesley Holden Cao Kubrat Danailov Billy Lue Fang H. Heinrich Jiang Lisa Seung-Yeon Lee Max Simchowitz Alexander Degener Smith High Honors Matan Lee Appelbaum Conner Perry Jager Monica Marinescu Derek Ou Zhaonan Qu Mariya Sardarli Honors Thomas Harry Samuel Greenspan Thomas Jackson Kelly Jeffrey Alex Kessler Jeffmin Lin Parth Singh Parihar MECHANICAL AND A E R O S PA C E E N G I N E E R I N G Highest Honors David Michael Dyrda Adam Joshua Fisch Sebastian Johannes Grimberg Marcus Kuok Kuan Lee High Honors Marie Greenwood Brooks Karena Xin Cai Richard Cheng Po Wah Moon Honors Gabriel Eitan Baraban Lai Sang Liza Cheung Christiana Marie Elford Sara Violet Guenther Nicolas Antonio Luzarraga Aashna Mehra Lynn Nehme Nicole Kathryn Schiavone Matthew Thomas Walsh MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Highest Honors Sophie Stéphanie Bérubé Giguère Michael Andrew Kochis Amara Luisa Plaza-Jennings Vivian Liu Qin Yekaterina Shulgina Yapei Zhang High Honors Carles Boix Corey Kai Cheung Sneha Goswami Aaron Javitt Joseph Junyong Park Rachel Christine Reiss Karen Anne Schirm Gina Heyue Sun Zachary Andrew Yaffe Honors Jacqueline Jiawei Chu Kelly Marie Gross Tiffany S Huang Nicholas Moon David Octeau Kevin Xin Shi Evelyn May Siu Thaddeus Kingfisher Weigel Hope Xu Hye Jee Yi MUSIC Highest Honors Michael V. Bruschi Casey Patrick Kolb Logan Jaffe Roth James Dermot Adreon Walsh Emily Elizabeth Whitaker High Honors Katherine Alice Hawkins Daniel Lyu-wen Hwang Louisa Jo Slosar Honors Christopher James Beard Vivien Cheng Samantha Catherine Kaseta NEAR EASTERN STUDIES Highest Honors Conor Ryan Dube High Honors Mason Daniel Herson-Hord Filipa Angelica Ioannou Honors Alexandra Mary Cerf O P E R AT I O N S R E S E A R C H A N D FINANCIAL ENGINEERING Highest Honors Kyle Weston Douglas Mitchell Chervu Johnston Man Geen Harold Li Christopher George McCord Ryan Thomas McNellis Matthew Vaughan Shackelford Sonia Skoularikis Liukun Wu High Honors Casilda Aresti Kristin Nicole Bergeson Regina Rijia Cai Shompa Choudhury Karthik Prasanna Dhore Pui Yan Jane Leong Joshua Greenwald Samuels Michelle Lauren Scharfstein Andrew James Touloukian Swoboda Rebecca Zhang Honors Amanda Misu Chen Franklyn Georges Darnis Patrick Ding Brian Phillip Fulginiti Janie Jia Gu Nathaniel Sean May Li Ting Ooi Satyajeet Pal Alok Saxena Brandon Shih Saumya Singh Timothy Hữu-Tâm Tr̀ân Austin Jeffrey Wang Megan Marie Wellons PHILOSOPHY Highest Honors Thomas Zachary Horton High Honors Nisha Raj Bhat Lauren Harriet Cassani Davis Elena Arvold Di Rosa Benjamin Robert Koons Brennan Nicholas Robbins Joel Maka Simwinga Michael Christopher Zaragoza Honors Walter Cliff Bersani David Max Dworsky Richard Ryan Eva Gregory Milton Kraft Adam Gray Millar Caresse Zhu Yan PHYSICS Highest Honors Luca Victor Iliesiu Ana-Roxana Pop High Honors Eli Chertkov Paul Edward Fanto 19 Louis Guerra Charles C Guo Elijah John Kolmes Albert Lin George Siyuan Liu Juan Ignacio Moreno Daniel Patrick Mossing Ante Qu Todd Michael Seiss Mark Jensen Stone Elizabeth Ann Tolman Honors Jeffrey Vernon Cady Ana Díaz Rivero Mauricio González-Aranda Peter Chase Johnsen Miloš Nikolić Thomas John Zdyrski POLITICS Highest Honors Darcy Lynn Hargadon Cameron Page Langford Bina Miriam Peltz Matthew L. Saunders Samuel William Watters High Honors Logan Hall Coleman Briana Cao Liu Sean Michael Power Eleanor F. Roberts Jeremy Solomon Rosenthal Radha Sarkar Aron Stanley Wander Honors Rebecca Elizabeth Basaldua Emily Arden Broyles Evan Lloyd Cole Katharine Chambers Cook Joseph Michael D’Amato Robert Wallace Dougherty William Cree Hicks Harriet Nampima Kiwanuka Daphna Simone Le Gall Autumn Gabrielle Lewien Hyeryoung Rhee Rebecca Ashley Shaughnessy Emma Leonore Tucher Tehila Wenger PSYCHOLOGY Highest Honors Richard J. Daker Michael Colin Granovetter Jessica Meng Jia Hao Felicia Yan Ng Fred Shaykis Jasmine Nicole Tatum High Honors Peppar Elizabeth Pei-pei Cyr Daisy Lopez Allison Victoria Metts Iriane Marie Narcisse 20 Lily Rosalind Offit Yaniv Shalom Sapir Jacob Lev Schatz Honors Kristiana Alexa Barbato Caroline May Barry Jessica Nicole Berry Allison Davey Evans Natalie Elizabeth Grant-Villegas Mackenzie Catherine Henderson Nicole Anja Kincade Rebecca Claire Knisley Alexandra Lieberman Kathleen Denise Newman RELIGION Highest Honors Isabelle Anastasia Claire Laurenzi Emmy Frances Williams Honors Lauren Hillary Hoffman Abigail Macy Kelly Anna Pearl Rubin Susannah Penn Sharpless S L AV I C L A N G U A G E S A N D L I T E R AT U R E S Highest Honors Robin Lee Palmer Jake Austin Robertson High Honors Claudia Rose Kelley Honors Marcos Antonio Cisneros Bravo SOCIOLOGY Highest Honors Allison Corinna Kruk High Honors Karenna Elizabeth Martin Nicholas Aaron Pang Augusta Jasmine Powell Carly Rachel Rabner Sarah Elaine Yerima Honors Christina Marie Chica Lindsey Anne Heigh Marina Glory Kaneko Erin Elizabeth McMunn Brian Peyser Perlmutter S PA N I S H A N D P O RT U G U E S E L A N G U A G E S A N D C U LT U R E S Highest Honors Claire Bird Stanton Honors Martha Lacey Jacobs Shayla Nicole Reid WOODROW WILSON SCHOOL O F P U B L I C A N D I N T E R N AT I O N A L A F FA I R S Highest Honors Taylor Deanna Chin Eric Sydney Falcon Aaron D. Hauptman Ethan Mordechai Jamnik Alvina Xu Jiao Julu Beth Katticaran Hanna Kim Jee Eun Lee Joseph Harrison Margolies John McGuire Plonk Sebastián Strauss Han Dinh Tran Nicholas Andre van der Vink Pavithra Vijayakumar Jiayan Yu High Honors Rachel Samantha Bronheim Tobias Leopold Citron Hannah Marie Cumming Lakshmi Krishnakumar Davey Lindsay Marie Eysenbach Olivia Rose Howard Jake Abram Intrator Anna Perlmutter Kamen Rebecca Hollingsworth Kreutter Roxane Angèle Latrèche Andrew Hogun Min Amantia Muhedini Shimin Ooi Calvin Thomas Rosser Honors Andrew Emerson Atkins William Scott Beacom Carter Andrew Bradley Ray Chen Chao Mengqin Chen Guillaume Daniel W.S. Delépine Frederick Knowles DeVeaux Alexander Tahsin El-Fakir Lixue Feng Diane Shuyan Hu Daniel Paul Johnson Jr. Alexandra Young-Jin Junn Isaac Snowden Lederman Juliette Florence Levine Wendy Yuansi Li Joseph Anthony LoPresti Jr. Andrew Michael Mills Claire Plon Nuchtern Gabriella Anna Ravida Rafael Saiz García Olivia Anne Sayvetz Kathryn Elizabeth Scott Adam Daniel Tcharni Vivian Rui Wang Michael David Wise Carolyn Weng Yang Undergraduate Awards, Prizes, and Commissions Elected to Membership in the Phi Beta Kappa Society Anca Patricia Anghel Casilda Aresti Michelangelo X Ball Van Zee Nisha Raj Bhat Michael V. Bruschi Wesley Holden Cao Harrison A. Cape Alexandra Mary Cerf Vu Thanh Chau Richard Cheng Corey Kai Cheung Taylor Deanna Chin Shompa Choudhury Katherine Kaleilani Clifton Richard J. Daker Kubrat Danailov Lauren Harriet Cassani Davis Benjamin Alan Denzer Brett Timothy Diehl David Martin Dohan Kyle Weston Douglas Conor Ryan Dube Chester Simon Dubov Krysta Alanna Dummit David Benjamin Durst David Michael Dyrda Eric Sydney Falcon Billy Lue Fang Paul Edward Fanto Shafin Fattah Adam Joshua Fisch Steven Matthew Flynn David Fridovich-Keil Yuen Ying Fung Sophie Stéphanie Bérubé Giguère Emma Elizabeth Glennon Ben Israel Goldman Maeli Ariel Goren Helen Katherine Greene Sebastian Johannes Grimberg Charles C Guo Joshua Morgan Hamilton Neil John Hannan Jessica Meng Jia Hao Thomas Zachary Horton Katherine Sienkiewicz Horvath Channing Lincroft Huang Luca Victor Iliesiu Ethan Mordechai Jamnik Judith Evelyn Jansen Samuel Abraham Jerome Alvina Xu Jiao Mitchell Chervu Johnston Peter Apostolos Kallis Stefani Heather Karp Hanna Kim Samuel Heeju Kim Michael Andrew Kochis Elijah John Kolmes Benjamin Robert Koons Rebecca Hollingsworth Kreutter Allison Corinna Kruk Catherine Jeanne Lambert Roxane Angèle Latrèche Harrison Ty-Sen Lee Jee Eun Lee Marcus Kuok Kuan Lee Tyler Anne Joo-Ri Lee Pui Yan Jane Leong Man Geen Harold Li April Shichu Liang Yahui Ellis Liang George Siyuan Liu Nicholas Mai Michael Morley Manhard Charles Reid Marsh Anne Margaret Maslan Christopher George McCord Ryan Thomas McNellis Philip Daniel Mooney Meredith Killion Moran Daniel Patrick Mossing Pratyusha Mukherjee Arjun Naidu Rachel Joohee Nam Cody Lee O’Neil Derek Ou Gregory George Owen Robin Lee Palmer Alomi O. Parikh Margot Byrd Pinkerton Madeleine Mc Leod Planeix-Crocker Luca Lorence Politi Ana-Roxana Pop Erica Brooke Portnoy Ante Qu Zhaonan Qu Jake Austin Robertson Rafael Saiz García Alexander Joseph William Sappington Matthew L. Saunders Michelle Lauren Scharfstein Jacob Lev Schatz Todd Michael Seiss Michael Semenov Matthew Vaughan Shackelford Tayyab Hussain Shah Fred Shaykis Qinlan Shen Kevin Xin Shi Yekaterina Shulgina Utsarga Saha Sikder Max Simchowitz Rachel Athena Skokowski Alexander Degener Smith Ross Andrew Smith Kai Alexander Song-Nichols Kathryn O’Sullivan Stack Benjamin Parker Stallworth Mark Jensen Stone Mary Rosalie Stoner Evan Nicholas Strasnick Riley Christopher Thomasson Elizabeth Ann Tolman Han Dinh Tran Evaline Shin-Tin Tsai Nicholas Andre van der Vink Andrew Thomas Ward Samuel William Watters Katherine Becker Welsh Brendan Marcus Wright Liukun Wu Hope Xu Helen Yao Sarah Elaine Yerima Jiayan Yu Yapei Zhang Elected to Membership in the Society of Sigma Xi Ameera Yasser Abdelaziz Fiyinfoluwa Oluwatumilara Akinlawon Gabriel Alejandro Ambruso Theo Robert Anderson Casilda Aresti Jeffrey Asala Mariana Cherie Bagneris Michelangelo X Ball Van Zee Proma Banerjee Gabrielius Cristino Banevicius Gabriel Eitan Baraban Kristiana Alexa Barbato Valentina Barboy Caroline May Barry Tyler Jeffrey Beauchamp David James Huntzinger Beck Brian Douglas Bell Kristin Nicole Bergeson Dana Gail Bernstein Jessica Nicole Berry Jasmine Sheree Blocker Emily Jane Bobrick Joshua David Bocarsly Carles Boix Joseph Christopher Bolling Leticia Marcela Bombieri Caleb James Bradford Marie Greenwood Brooks Denisa Ana-Maria Buzatu Conleigh Rebecca Byers Nicole Ann Byl Karena Xin Cai Regina Rijia Cai Harrison A. Cape Cristina Marie Carano Anna Duval Cardinal Michael Robert Casper Shaheed Gulamabbas Chagani Philip Richard Chang Amanda Misu Chen Benjamin Chen Erick Yiqing Chen Jonathan Chris Chen Junjun Chen Deric Yanjun Cheng Richard Cheng Andrew Daniel Cheong Eli Chertkov Corey Kai Cheung Jean Choi Jonathan Juno Choi Brendan Kobayashi Chou Shompa Choudhury Vincent Chu Stephen Cognetta Matthew Gregory Colen Laura Vaughn Cooper Ivo Crnkovic-Rubsamen Elizabeth Sarah Crowe Sarah Beatrice Cuneo Peppar Elizabeth Pei-pei Cyr Helen Anastasia Daifotis Richard J. Daker Kubrat Danailov Franklyn Georges Darnis Henrique Nakasse de Freitas 21 Alexandra Fenton Dewey Karthik Prasanna Dhore Renata Montserrat Diaz Patrick Ding David Martin Dohan Aaron John Doll Kyle Weston Douglas Matthew Bourdon Drabick Krysta Alanna Dummit David Benjamin Durst Christina Joy Efthimion Christiana Marie Elford Joshua Thomas Ellis Allison Davey Evans Anjalie Elena Sehgal Field Adam Joshua Fisch Matthew Eugene Floyd Steven Matthew Flynn Tharald Sund Fongaard David Fridovich-Keil Brian Phillip Fulginiti Christina Marie Funk Katherine Gao Matthew Joseph Garvey Sophie Stéphanie Bérubé Giguère Brianna Heather Gilbert Peter James Gjeltema Emma Elizabeth Glennon Akshay Goel Pranav Gokhale Ankush Gola Sandra Michelle Goldlust Christopher Kwadwo Ampofo Gordon Bradley James Gorsline Sneha Goswami Ben Whitner Grange Michael Colin Granovetter Natalie Elizabeth Grant-Villegas Andrew Louis Grasso Julian Samuel Griggs Sebastian Johannes Grimberg Kelly Marie Gross Janie Jia Gu Sara Violet Guenther Cricket Cheyenne Gullickson Matthew Robert Haake Joshua Morgan Hamilton Sarah Maria Hanna Jessica Meng Jia Hao Stephanie Yuan He Mackenzie Catherine Henderson Aaron Tyler Himelman Andrew Cullen Hoffenberg David Gabriel Hoffman Victor Yute Hsiao Channing Lincroft Huang David Huang Tiffany S Huang Violeta Yulieva Ilieva Allan Anwar Jabri Bryan Marc Jacobowitz Aaron Javitt Samuel Abraham Jerome Hilary Ragin Jessup Gregory Yongjoon Jo Mitchell Chervu Johnston Silken Michelle Jones Daniel Sukin Kang So Won Kang 22 Sophie Jane Karchemskiy Stefani Heather Karp Assimakis Agamemnon Kattis Preston Cosslett Kemeny Megan Kennedy Nabeer Ziaullah Khan Samuel Heeju Kim Young Sun Lisa Kim Nicole Anja Kincade Rebecca Claire Knisley Elijah John Kolmes Thomas Richard Kroshus Alisa Kroutikova Ye Wai Yan Kyaw Brandon Caesar Lam Joseph Robert Laseter Oluwaseyi Lawal Lauren Taylor Lazo Harrison Ty-Sen Lee Jacob Jong-Koo Lee Marcus Kuok Kuan Lee Pui Yan Jane Leong Man Geen Harold Li Oscar Siyuan Li April Shichu Liang Kevin Young Liaw Samuel Phillip Lichtenberg Dror Liebenthal Alexandra Lieberman Albert Lin Eliot Laughlin Linton Veronika Lipková Benjamin K. Liu Mathilda Marie Lloyd Daisy Lopez Jessica Liu Luo Victor Tinlok Luu Ijeoma Julia Madubata Nicholas Mai Kristina Lois Malzbender Michael Morley Manhard Dale Amanda Markowitz Charles Reid Marsh Dayton Robert Martindale Anne Margaret Maslan Nathaniel Sean May Christopher George McCord Cole Wulf McCracken Kelsey R. McDonald Matthew Alexander McDonald Shannon Rose McGue Ryan Thomas McNellis Joanna Jepsen McPherson Jeremy Ryan Mehl Aashna Mehra Jonathan Aaron Meisel Allison Victoria Metts Alana Rose Miller Jacob Henry Miller Pallavi Mishra Robert Charles Mohr Nicholas Moon Po Wah Moon Brian Shiels Moore Lauren Nicole Morera Charlotte Lee Muller Justin Marquez Murphy Vaidhyanath Narayan Murti Rishi Narang Iriane Marie Narcisse Shreya A. Nathan Lynn Nehme Kathleen Denise Newman Felicia Yan Ng Carl Alex Nist-Lund Lily Rosalind Offit Kwaku Konadu Ohemeng Li Ting Ooi Cordelia Marcela Orillac Tyler Graham Osborne Gregory George Owen Satyajeet Pal Buyan Pan Alomi O. Parikh Joseph Junyong Park Yuem Park Rishita Reddy Patlolla Elizabeth Joy Paul Charles Caleb Peyser Michael Elder Pinsky Amara Luisa Plaza-Jennings Ana-Roxana Pop Erica Brooke Portnoy Nicholas A Porto Morgan Presley Vivian Liu Qin Benjamin Curry Quazzo Vicky Ibette Quevedo Gabrielle Anna Ragazzo Alankrita Raghavan Medha Ranka Brian Andrew Reed Francis Joseph Ricci Jonathan Kohler Richards Nicholas Caleb Robinson Matthew Marbury Rogers Ruth Barrett Rosenthal Natalie Saenz Joshua Greenwald Samuels Yaniv Shalom Sapir Alok Saxena Michelle Lauren Scharfstein Jacob Lev Schatz Nicole Kathryn Schiavone Janet Lynn Schirm Karen Anne Schirm Thomas Gabriel William Scott Matthew Vaughan Shackelford Tayyab Hussain Shah Varun Sharma Maksimilian Shatkhin Fred Shaykis Qinlan Shen Kevin Xin Shi Pavel Petrovich Shibayev Brandon Shih Yekaterina Shulgina Eric Gregory Shullman Irvin Haim Shuster Nikhilesh Sigatapu Utsarga Saha Sikder Kevin William Simms Jacob Anthony Simon Saumya Singh Evelyn May Siu Sonia Skoularikis Alexander Degener Smith Katherine Elizabeth Smith Adam Christopher Smyles Pamela Soffer Allison Emily Somers Andreea Bianca Spataru Roger Dixon Sperry Alina Carmen Spiegel Kathryn O’Sullivan Stack Benjamin Parker Stallworth Collin Bonsall Stedman Evan Nicholas Strasnick Alexandro Kirhakos Strauss Adam Louis Suczewski Gina Heyue Sun Stephen Fitzhugh Stuntz Swanson Saumya Swaroop Andrew James Touloukian Swoboda Junya Takahashi Joshua Paul Taliaferro Vivienne Hui Xian Tam Tyler James Tamasi Dharit Hobbs Tantiviramanond Jasmine Nicole Tatum Morgan Kendall Taylor Riley Christopher Thomasson Benjamin Jia-An Tien Elizabeth Ann Tolman Ming-Ming Tran Timothy Hữu-Tâm Tr̀ân Evaline Shin-Tin Tsai Taylor William Tutrone Robert Jordan Ullman Linda Le Vo Zahra G. Waliji Matthew Thomas Walsh Austin Jeffrey Wang Dawn Wang Thaddeus Kingfisher Weigel Megan Marie Wellons Jessica Li Weng John Lamar Whelchel Elana Carol Woldenberg Brendan Marcus Wright Catherine Dan Wu Liukun Wu Hope Xu Laura Xu Adam Fatal Yabroudi Zachary Andrew Yaffe Helen Yao Capella Catherine Yee Cameron Minkyung Yi Hye Jee Yi Yacob Yonas Michael Yuan Miles Grant Yucht Rebecca Zhang Yapei Zhang Alexander Li Zhao David Wei Zhao David Xiazhe Zheng Raymond Zhong Quan Zhou Deanna Ruxi Zhu Joshua Adam Zimmer James Robert Zuber Elected to Membership in the Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Society Casilda Aresti Jeffrey Asala Kristin Nicole Bergeson Joseph Christopher Bolling Marie Greenwood Brooks Conleigh Rebecca Byers Regina Rijia Cai Amanda Misu Chen Junjun Chen Richard Cheng Jean Choi Shompa Choudhury Stephen Cognetta David Martin Dohan Kyle Weston Douglas David Benjamin Durst David Michael Dyrda Adam Joshua Fisch David Fridovich-Keil Katherine Gao Pranav Gokhale Sebastian Johannes Grimberg Aaron Tyler Himelman Channing Lincroft Huang Allan Anwar Jabri Samuel Abraham Jerome Mitchell Chervu Johnston Stefani Heather Karp Marcus Kuok Kuan Lee Pui Yan Jane Leong Man Geen Harold Li April Shichu Liang Dror Liebenthal Victor Tinlok Luu Michael Morley Manhard Charles Reid Marsh Anne Margaret Maslan Christopher George McCord Ryan Thomas McNellis Jacob Henry Miller Rishi Narang Gregory George Owen Erica Brooke Portnoy Joshua Greenwald Samuels Michelle Lauren Scharfstein Matthew Vaughan Shackelford Qinlan Shen Eric Gregory Shullman Irvin Haim Shuster Nikhilesh Sigatapu Utsarga Saha Sikder Sonia Skoularikis Benjamin Parker Stallworth Evan Nicholas Strasnick Evaline Shin-Tin Tsai Andrew Thomas Ward John Lamar Whelchel Liukun Wu Helen Yao Yo-Tzu Yeh Rebecca Zhang 23 Shapiro Prize for Academic Excellence, 2013 –14 A WA R D E D O C T O B E R 8 , 2 0 1 4 Class of 2016 Arka Adhikari James Agolia Jason Altschuler Elizabeth Banes Kellyn Blaisdell Isaiah Brown Sarah Huiyi Cen Dorothy Chen Saisai Chen Ella Cheng Luyu Cheng Elaine Shin-Yeu Chou Lillian Dattilo Daniel Dore James Albert Bahram Evans Chandler Gay Kenneth Hubbell Bumsoo Kim Esther Kim Ofer Kimchi Chia-Lo Lee Yoojin Lee Xiaohua Liang Kar Min Lim Jose Lopez Saahil Madge Matthew Matl Julia Metzger Michelle Miller Hanley Ong Hudson Orbe Cameron Platt Deirdre Ricaurte Brian Rosenfeld Michael Russell Naphat Sanguansin Karthik Amrutur Sastry Zachary Schiffer James Siderius Kevin Silmore Thomas Smith Eugene Tang Kevin Tang Yuval Wigderson Victor Alan Ying Sihan Sandy Yuan Charles Zhou Class of 2017 Isao Anzai Aslihan Asil Xin Xuan (Vivian) Chen Min Seung Choi Rachel Choi Jin Yun Chow Yue Ding Philip Etter Vladimir Yurivich Feinberg Thomas Hartke Brendan Hung Siddhartha Jayanti Kyung Hwa Stephanie Jeong Alexander Jow Selena Kitchens Penina Krieger Jie Liang Lee Luke Li Angela Liang Davis Liu Jerry Liu Lydia Tingruo Liu Adjoa Ampomaa Mante Nicole Marvin Joseph Obiajulu Peter Seho Park Benjamin Parks Melissa Parnagian Mark Petersen Chad Powers Gunnar Paul Rice Paul Rosen Lisha Ruan Eric Schneider Zoe Sims Grant Storey Graham Turk Margaret Wang Nicole Wang Suyang Kevin Wang Zi Cheng (Blair) Wang Finn Woelm Ming Yi Yeung Benjamin Zhang Roy Zhao General and Departmental Prizes GENERAL Class of 1901 Medal Shawon Kameron Jackson Class of 1939 Princeton Scholar Award Michael Semenov W. Sanderson Detwiler 1903 Prize Jonathan Brendon Ma Harold Willis Dodds Achievement Prize Brett Timothy Diehl Frederick Douglass Service Award Hannah Beila Rosenthal Allen Macy Dulles ’51 Award Laura Lau Harder Freshman First Honor Prize Lydia Tingruo Liu Priscilla Glickman ’92 Memorial Prize Claire Plon Nuchtern Phi Beta Kappa Prize Neil John Hannan Michael Semenov M. Taylor Pyne Honor Prize Jake A. Robertson Yessica Martinez George B. Wood Legacy Sophomore Prize Michael Peter Russell George B. Wood Legacy Junior Prize Neil John Hannan Allison Corinna Kruk AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES Ruth J. Simmons Thesis Prize in African American Studies Shawon Kameron Jackson Sarah Elaine Yerima AMERICAN STUDIES David F. Bowers Prize Conor Ryan Dube Zhan Toichi Teng Xuan Okuda-Lim Michael Elder Pinsky Grace May Tilton Prize in Fine Arts Elizabeth Hall Rise Michael Semenov Willard Thorp Thesis Prize Sarah Elaine Yerima ANTHROPOLOGY Senior Thesis Prize in Anthropology Katherine Sienkiewicz Horvath, first place Divya M. Farias, second place 24 PROGRAM IN APPLIED AND C O M P U T AT I O N A L M AT H E M AT I C S Applied and Computational Mathematics Independent Project Prize Luca Victor Iliesiu Assimakis Agamemnon Kattis SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Joseph Sanford Shanley ’17 Memorial Prize in Architecture Caleb Timothy Negash A RT A N D A R C H A E O L O G Y Art and Archaeology Senior Thesis Prize Phway Su Aye Frederick Barnard White Prize in Architecture Dalma Földesi Michael Semenov Frederick Barnard White Prize in Art and Archaeology Elizabeth Hall Rise Irma S. Seitz Prize in the Field of Modern Art Yael Wollstein Stella and Rensselaer W. Lee Prize Alison Kay Itzkowitz C H E M I S T RY T H E D A I LY P R I N C E T O N I A N Everett S. Wallis Prize in Organic Chemistry Tayyab Hussain Shah Donald Clive Stuart, Jr. Memorial Award Jacob Michael Donnelly ’17 Daniel Doh Hyung Kim ’17 Merck Index Award Steven Matthew Flynn Robert Thornton McCay Prize Joshua David Bocarsly Sigma Xi Book Award for Outstanding Research Samuel Heeju Kim William Foster Memorial Prize in Chemistry Kai Eiji Okada ’16 Hudson Sanger Orbe ’16 C I V I L A N D E N V I R O N M E N TA L ENGINEERING Achievement Award of the New Jersey Chapter of the American Concrete Institute Katherine Gao First Place Team Caroline Anne Kitchener ’14 Anthony Michael Paranzino ’14 W. Taylor Thom Jr. Prize Eric Gregory Shullman, honorable mention CANADIAN STUDIES CLASSICS Richard D. Challener ‘44 Senior Thesis Prize in Canadian Studies Divya M. Farias Annaliese Claire Ionson Stinnecke Prize Daniel Seungyul Kim ’16 CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING Comparative Literature Senior Thesis Prize Helen Katherine Greene Central Jersey Section, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Award for Overall Excellence in Chemical Engineering Anne Margaret Maslan Evaline Shin-Tin Tsai Helen Yao COMPUTER SCIENCE Sigma Xi Book Award for Outstanding Research Jacob Henry Miller Lynde Debate Prize for 2013–14 Sigma Xi Book Award for Outstanding Research Katherine Gao, book prize Birch Family Prize Pratyusha Mukherjee Richard K. Toner Thermodynamics Prize Dror Liebenthal Evaline Shin-Tin Tsai Junior Orator Medal Benjamin James Dinovelli ’16 Jeffrey Harris Leibenhaut ’16 Erica Susan Turret ’16 Justin Ryan Boyd Ziegler ’16 Claire C. Branch ’14, second place speaker Cara Eckholm ’14, best speaker Connor Philip Mui ’14, second place speaker W. Mack Angas Prize Conleigh Rebecca Byers Michelle Goudie ’93 Senior Thesis Award Evaline Shin-Tin Tsai Class of 1876 Memorial Prize for Debate in Politics Samuel Amos Mathews ’17, best speaker Jeffrey Harris Leibenhaut ’16, first place team Brian Shiels Moore, second place team Eric Hu Wang ’18, second place team David W. Carmichael Prize Michael Morley Manhard BENDHEIM CENTER FOR FINANCE Central Jersey Section, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Ernest F. Johnson Distinguished Service Award Joshua Paul Taliaferro D E B AT I N G A N D P U B L I C SPEAKING C O M P A R AT I V E L I T E R AT U R E Accenture Prize in Computer Science David Benjamin Durst April Shichu Liang Evan Nicholas Strasnick Phillip Y. Goldman ’86 Prize in Computer Science Charles Reid Marsh P R O G R A M I N C R E AT I V E W R I T I N G Samuel Shellabarger Memorial Prize in Creative Writing Ben Israel Goldman Theodore H. Holmes ’51 and Bernice Holmes Poetry Prize Susannah Penn Sharpless Ward Prize Andra Lee Bailard ’16 Zoe Catherine Perot ’16 Second Place Team Frank Joseph Musella ’14 Maclean Prize Jeffrey Harris Leibenhaut ’16 Walter E. Hope, Class of 1901, Extemporaneous Speaking Prize Bharath Srivatsan ’18, first place Carolyn Elizabeth Beard ’18, second place Miranda Rosen ’18, second place Walter E. Hope, Class of 1901, Memorial Freshman Debating Prize Bharath Srivatsan ’18, first place Theodore Raphael Furchtgott ’18, second place EAST ASIAN STUDIES Marjory Chadwick Buchanan Senior Thesis Prize Charles Thomas Fortin PROGRAM IN EAST ASIAN STUDIES Leigh Buchanan Bienen and Henry Bienen Senior Thesis Prize Katherine Kaleilani Clifton ECOLOGY AND E V O L U T I O N A RY B I O L O G Y Charles M. Cannon Memorial Prize Sandra Michelle Goldlust, book prize Leslie Kilham Johnson Book Prize Renata Montserrat Diaz 25 Senior Book Prize Emma Elizabeth Glennon Sigma Xi Book Award for Outstanding Research Joshua Morgan Hamilton, book prize Megan Kennedy, book prize ECONOMICS Burton G. Malkiel *64 Senior Thesis Prize in Finance Anca Patricia Anghel Andrew Patrick Barnett Daniel I. Rubinfeld ’67 Prize in Empirical Economics William James Siroky Andrew Tong Tsukamoto Halbert White ’72 Prize in Economics Alexander Joseph William Sappington John Glover Wilson Memorial Award Vu Thanh Chau Senior Thesis Prize in Economics Alexander Joseph William Sappington Walter C. Sauer ’28 Prize Sailesh Dhungana Peter Apostolos Kallis Wolf Balleisen Memorial Prize Zachary Savidge Robert Lowell Siliciano ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Charles Ira Young Memorial Tablet and Medal David Fridovich-Keil G. David Forney Jr. Prize Ankit Buddhiraju David Fridovich-Keil John Ogden Bigelow Jr. Prize in Electrical Engineering Samantha Nicole Lee Andreea Bianca Spataru Peter Mark Prize Andrew Thomas Ward SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING A N D A P P L I E D S C I E N C E Calvin Dodd MacCracken Senior Thesis / Project Award Denisa Ana-Maria Buzatu Adam Joshua Fisch Maksimilian Shatkhin James Hayes-Edgar Palmer Prize in Engineering David Fridovich-Keil Jeffrey O. Kephart ’80 Engineering Physics Award Mark Jensen Stone Andrew Thomas Ward 26 Joseph Clifton Elgin Prize Henrique Nakasse de Freitas Elana Carol Woldenberg Lore von Jaskowsky Memorial Prize Anne Margaret Maslan Erica Brooke Portnoy PROGRAM IN E N V I R O N M E N TA L S T U D I E S T. A. Barron Prize for Environmental Leadership Damaris Miller Tau Beta Pi Prize Nicole Kathryn Schiavone Peter W. Stroh ’51 Environmental Senior Thesis Prize Conleigh Rebecca Byers ENGLISH F R E N C H A N D I TA L I A N Bain-Swigget Poetry Prize Nshira Abena Turkson Charles William Kennedy Prize Dylan Michael Larson-Konar James Cooper Moore Class of 1859 Prize Alexandra Elizabeth Morton Class of 1870 Junior Prize Cameron Makena Platt ’16 Class of 1870 Old English Prize Sam Charles Kessler Cameron Makena Platt ’16 Class of 1870 Sophomore English Prize Benjamin Elis Goodman ’17 Class of 1883 English Prize for Academic Freshmen Julia Eleanor Fitzgerald ’18 Class of 1883 English Prize for Freshmen in the School of Engineering and Applied Science Elliot Meir Hirsch ’18 Edward H. Tumin Memorial Prize Sam Charles Kessler Francis Biddle Sophomore Prize Catherine Tingting Niu ’17 Morris W. Croll Poetry Prize Olivia Janet Robbins ’16 The E.E. Cummings Society Prize of the Academy of American Poets Benjamin Elis Goodman ’17 Thomas B. Wanamaker English Language Prize Suzannah Priya Beiner Thomas H. Maren English Department Senior Thesis Prize Brian Everett Lax Ward Mathis Prize Jared Michael Garland, honorable mention Ben Israel Goldman Lydia Greer Weintraub ’18, honorable mention Dorothea vanDyke McLane Prize in Italian Jake Zachary Essman ’18 Iden Kalemaj ’18 Alice Scott Longenbach ’18 Prix du Cercle Français, attribue par l’Association Francophone de Princeton Madeleine Mc Leod Planeix-Crocker PROGRAM IN GENDER AND SEXUALITY STUDIES Suzanne M. Huffman Memorial Senior Thesis Prize in Women’s Studies Nicholas Joseph Park Williams, first place Christina Marie Chica, second place Rebecca Elizabeth Basaldua, honorable mention GEOSCIENCES Arthur F. Buddington Award Yuem Park Benjamin F. Howell, Class of 1913, Junior Prize Claire Marie Zarakas ’16 Edward Sampson, Class of 1914, Prize in Environmental Geosciences Preston Cosslett Kemeny GERMAN Mary Cunningham Humphreys Junior German Prize Juan-Jacques Aupiais Cody Lee O’Neil PROGRAM IN HELLENIC STUDIES Hellenic Studies Senior Thesis Prize Gregory Lee Smith H I S TO RY C. O. Joline Prize in American History Sarah Elizabeth Schwartz Dylan Sheptock Stevens Nicholas Joseph Park Williams Carter Kim Combe ’74 Prize in History Brett Timothy Diehl Prize in Asian History Arjun Naidu Prize in Latin American History Brett Timothy Diehl William Koren, Jr. Memorial Prize in History Grace Catharine Benoist Fish Jacqueline Mackenzie Hawkins H U M A N VA L U E S University Center for Human Values Senior Thesis Prize Elena Arvold Di Rosa Annaliese Claire Ionson Cameron Page Langford PROGRAM IN JUDAIC STUDIES Carolyn L. Drucker, Class of 1980, Prize in Jewish Studies Anna Pearl Rubin, first place P R O G R A M I N L AT I N AMERICAN STUDIES Kenneth Maxwell Senior Thesis Prize in Brazilian and Portuguese Studies Brett Timothy Diehl Rachel Elana Parks Stanley J. Stein Senior Thesis Prize Michael Semenov P R O G R A M I N L AW A N D P U B L I C A F FA I R S J. Welles Henderson ’43 Senior Thesis Prize Bina Miriam Peltz L E W I S C E N T E R F O R T H E A RT S Francis LeMoyne Page, Class of 1922, Prize for Outstanding Achievement in the Creative Arts Annika Elizabeth Bennett Eamon John Foley Ava Monroe Geyer Maeli Ariel Goren Emily Nicole Hogan Louis Sudler Prize in the Arts Tula Breann Strong Jacqueline Renée Thornton L I B R A RY Elmer Adler Undergraduate Book Collecting Prize Anna Justine Leader ’18, first place Harrison Wert Blackman ’17, second place M AT H E M AT I C S Andrew H. Brown Prize Daniel Nelson Dore ’16 Yuval Wigderson ’16 Class of 1861 Prize Eric David Schneider ’17 George B. Covington Prize in Mathematics Max Simchowitz Alexander Degener Smith Middleton Miller ’29 Prize Kubrat Danailov Thomas Jackson Kelly Peter A. Greenberg ’77 Memorial Prize Arka Adhikari ’16 Bumsoo Kim ’16 Sigma Xi Book Award for Outstanding Research Kubrat Danailov, book prize Alexander Degener Smith, book prize MECHANICAL AND A E R O S PA C E E N G I N E E R I N G Donald Janssen Dike Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Research Adam Joshua Fisch, first place Maksimilian Shatkhin, first place Quan Zhou, second place Aashna Mehra, honorable mention Enoch J. Durbin Prize for Engineering Innovation Elana Carol Woldenberg George Bienkowski Memorial Prize Karena Xin Cai, first place Nicole Kathryn Schiavone, first place John Marshall II Memorial Award Sebastian Johannes Grimberg, first place Marcus Kuok Kuan Lee, honorable mention Morgan W. McKinzie ’93 Senior Thesis Prize Sebastian Johannes Grimberg, first place Karena Xin Cai, second place Sau-Hai Lam *58 Prize in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Sebastian Johannes Grimberg Sigma Xi Book Award for Outstanding Research Nicole Kathryn Schiavone MOLECULAR BIOLOGY George Khoury ’65 Senior Prize for Academic Excellence Michael Andrew Kochis Molecular Biology Senior Thesis Prize Carles Boix Sophie Stéphanie Bérubé Giguère Joseph Junyong Park Frank Walter Woo Sigma Xi Book Award for Outstanding Research Michael Andrew Kochis Yekaterina Shulgina MUSIC Isidore and Helen Sacks Memorial Prize Aryeh Lev Nussbaum Cohen Logan Jaffe Roth NEAR EASTERN STUDIES Bayard and Cleveland Dodge Memorial Prize Alexandra Mary Cerf Mason Daniel Herson-Hord F. O. Kelsey Prize Ali Galib Cebeci ’16 PROGRAM IN NEUROSCIENCE The Class of ’43 Brinster Neuroscience Award Michael Colin Granovetter Yekaterina Shulgina O P E R AT I O N S R E S E A R C H A N D FINANCIAL ENGINEERING Ahmet S. Cakmak Prize Mitchell Chervu Johnston Michelle Lauren Scharfstein Dr. Frank S. Castellana Prize in Operations Research and Financial Engineering Christopher George McCord Kenneth H. Condit Prize Man Geen Harold Li Liukun Wu Sigma Xi Book Award for Outstanding Research Regina Rijia Cai, book prize Joshua Greenwald Samuels, book prize Rebecca Zhang, book prize PHILOSOPHY Alexander Guthrie McCosh Prize Thomas Zachary Horton Class of 1869 Prize in Ethics Evan Charles Dallas Bullington Elena Arvold Di Rosa Joel Maka Simwinga Michael Christopher Zaragoza Dickinson Prize Adam Gray Millar Brennan Nicholas Robbins John Martyn Warbeke 1903 Prize in Metaphysics and Epistemology David Max Dworsky Tomb Prize Kathryn Hess Moore PHYSICS Allen G. Shenstone Prize in Physics Nathan Benjamin Agmon ’17 Ahmed Ali Akhtar ’17 Zachary Joshua Atkins ’16 Jeffrey Vernon Cady Eli Chertkov Ana Díaz Rivero Paul Edward Fanto Daniel Steven Gift ’17 Mauricio González-Aranda 27 Charles C Guo Peter Chase Johnsen Ofer Kimchi ’16 Albert Lin George Siyuan Liu Daniel Patrick Mossing Milos Nikolic Ante Qu Todd Michael Seiss Elizabeth Ann Tolman Jeremy Daniel Whitton ’16 Thomas John Zdyrski Horace Yang Zhang ’16 Kusaka Memorial Prize in Physics Inka Nadine Busack ’16 Fikret Ali Ceyhan ’16 Matthew Stephen Chuckran ’17 Rory Shea Fitzpatrick ’16 Ghita Guessous ’17 Amelia Mary Hankla ’17 Thomas Richard Hartke ’17 David Hoyos ’16 Luca Victor Iliesiu David Jeffrey Jacobowitz ’16 Elijah John Kolmes Kevin Gongjian Chang Mizes ’16 Rachel Ann Myers Ana-Roxana Pop Camille Emineh Rullan Buxo ’17 Joseph Robert Scherrer ’16 Andrew George Sharo ’16 Pavel Petrovich Shibayev Mark Jensen Stone Aditya Hariprasad Trivedi ’16 Ming-Yee Tsang Edward Alexander Wollack ’16 Manfred Pyka Memorial Physics Prize Sarah Emily Battat ’17 Adam Joseph Bowman ’17 Christopher Criscitiello ’18 Jaewon Kim ’18 Ioanna Kourkoulou ’17 Jeffrey Kuan ’18 Jonathan Hsijing Lu ’18 Colin Paul Lualdi ’17 Sadiki Jabari Wiltshire ’17 Himawan Wicaksono Winarto ’18 Eric Z. Wu ’18 Xiaoyu Xu ’18 Stephen Whelan ’68 Senior Thesis Prize for Excellence in Constitutional Law and Political Thought Isabelle Anastasia Claire Laurenzi Matthew L. Saunders The New York Herald Prize Cameron Page Langford PSYCHOLOGY Edward E. Jones Memorial Prize Yaniv Shalom Sapir Pamela Soffer George A. Miller Prize in Cognitive Science Jessica Meng Jia Hao Howard Crosby Warren Junior Prize in Psychology Kellyn Nicole Blaisdell ’16 Jose Fernando Lopez Jr. ’16 Susana Martinez ’16 Alissa Eloise Wagner ’16 Howard Crosby Warren Senior Prize in Psychology Richard J. Daker Michael Colin Granovetter Jessica Meng Jia Hao Felicia Yan Ng Fred Shaykis Jasmine Nicole Tatum Miller-Schroeder Memorial Prize Jasmine Sheree Blocker Fred Shaykis RELIGION John Robinson Memorial Prize Emmy Frances Williams OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS LIFE Kenneth Christopher Harris ’65 Memorial Award Yasin Youssef Hegazy Damaris Miller Bina Miriam Peltz PROGRAM IN RUSSIAN, EAST EUROPEAN AND EURASIAN STUDIES POLITICS Montgomery Raiser ’92 Thesis Prize Jake Austin Robertson John G. Buchanan Prize in Politics Samuel William Watters COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Lyman H. Atwater Prize in Politics Darcy Lynn Hargadon Sean Michael Power Gregory T. Pope ’80 Prize for Science Writing Dayton Robert Martindale Philo Sherman Bennett Prize in Politics Sean Michael Power 28 S L AV I C L A N G U A G E S A N D L I T E R AT U R E S Nicholas Bachko, Jr. Scholarship Prize in Slavic Languages and Literatures Jacob Alexander Sackett-Sanders ’16 SOCIOLOGY Isidore Brown Academic Achievement Award Allison Corinna Kruk Isidore Brown Thesis Award Nicholas Aaron Pang S PA N I S H A N D P O RT U G U E S E L A N G U A G E S A N D C U LT U R E S Vicente Llorens Castillo Senior Prize in Spanish Claire Bird Stanton STUDENT VOLUNTEERS COUNCIL Priscilla Glickman ’92 Memorial Prize Claire Plon Nuchtern P R O G R A M I N V I S U A L A RT S Lucas Award in Visual Arts April S. Lee Gerardo John Veltri III Caresse Zhu Yan WOODROW WILSON SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AND I N T E R N AT I O N A L A F F A I R S Class of 1924 Award Anna Perlmutter Kamen Julu Beth Katticaran Jee Eun Lee Donald Stokes ’51 Dean’s Prize Hanna Kim Adam Daniel Tcharni Gale F. Johnston Prize in Public Affairs Claire Ferguson Loht Lieutenant John A. Larkin Jr. Memorial Prize Joseph Harrison Margolies Sebastián Strauss Myron T. Herrick Prize Julu Beth Katticaran R. W. van de Veld Award Evan Robert Draim ’16 Tucker Blake Jones ’16 Clarissa Glenn Kimmey ’16 Evan Takuya Kratzer ’16 Mitchell Edward McCloy ’16 Joanna Agnieszka Mieczkowska ’16 Annelies Warren Paine ’16 Isabela Maria Pena-Gonzalez ’16 Ilana Ariel Polster ’16 Melody Zhang Qiu ’16 Leigh Anne Schriever ’16 Lyra Michelle Schweizer ’16 Molly Ruth Stoneman ’16 Lillian Xu ’16 Woodrow Wilson School Senior Thesis Prize Rebecca Hollingsworth Kreutter Sherry H Li Athletic Prizes GENERAL C. Otto v. Kienbusch Sportswoman of the Year Award Blake J. Dietrick The William Winston Roper Trophy Michael M. MacDonald The Class of 1916 Cup Christopher G. McCord The Art Lane ’34 Citizen Athlete Award Andrew M. Mills Tiana S. Woolridge The George J. Mueller Award Sebastian J. Grimberg Michael M. Manhard BASEBALL The Coach’s Baseball Trophy Nicholas H. Hernandez ’17 The Edward J. Donovan Baseball Award Nicholas A. Donatiello The Kafer Trophy Matthew S. DeNunzio The Kellogg Trophy Nicholas W. Brady ’18 Asher Lee-Tyson ’18 The William J. Clarke Award William E. Arendt ’16 Daniel M. Hoy ’16 BASKETBALL Herbert W. Hobler ’44 Women’s Basketball Award Blake J. Dietrick Mariah C. Smith Paul Richard Friedman ’81 Award Daniel J. Edwards The B. F. Bunn Trophy Hans Brase ’16 The Class of 1959 Bob Rock Sixth Man Award Clayton S. Wilson CREW The Carol P. Brown ’75 Award Faith E. Richardson The Class of 1983 Award Caroline M. Barry H E AV Y W E I G H T C R E W The William Lyman Biddle Medal David Octeau LIGHTWEIGHT CREW SPRINT FOOTBALL David R. Covin ’91 Award Rebecca H. Kreutter The Harry A. Mahnken Award Kyle W. Douglas Bayard W. Read, Class of 1926 Lightweight Crew Award Matthew B. Drabick The M. Tyler Campbell Trophy Daniel A. Paolillo The Gordon G. Sikes Medal Fabrizio Giovannini Filho C R O S S C O U N T RY The Rosengarten Cross Country Award Wolfgang A. Beck ’18, Freshman Megan M. Curham ’17, Varsity Samuel I. Pons, Varsity Natalie K. Rathjen ’18, Freshman FENCING The Wanda P. Sieja Award Anna C. Van Brummen ’16 Mary-Grace M. Stone ’16 Princeton Fencing Trophy Jack N. Hudson ’16 The Johnston Award (Varsity) Michael E. Wiest FIELD HOCKEY GOLF Martin P. “Buff” Wohlforth ’76 Memorial Award Joseph M. D’Amato Hana Ku ’17 ICE HOCKEY The Patty Kazmaier Award Alison G. Pankowski Elizabeth English Trophy Jamie McDonell ’16 1941 Championship Trophy Aaron M. Ave The Blackwell Trophy Colton I. Phinney ’17 The Hobey Baker Trophy Joseph A. Grabowski ’18 The Richard F. Vaughan Cup Ryan C. Benitez Thorp Van Dusen Goodfellow ’41 Field Hockey Award Julia M. Boyle Sydney Kirby The Thomas J. Tucker ’95 Ironman Award Thomas R. Kroshus Mari J. Schleuning P’07 Award Stephanie J. Goldberg Emily C. Goodfellow ’76 Women’s Lacrosse Award Erin T. Slifer FOOTBALL Harland “Pink” Baker ’22 Award Kurt S. Holuba ’18 The Charles W. Caldwell Memorial Trophy Michael S. Ramos The Class of ’52 Football Award Jakobi Johnson William K. Powers The Donold B. Lourie Award Mitchell L. Sweigart ’18 The Dr. Harry Roemer McPhee Award Matthew L. Costello Joseph J. Tull The Henry T. “Hank” Towns h82 Award Jonathan M. Esposito Connor J. Michelsen The John P. Poe – Richard W. Kazmaier, Jr. Football Trophy Michael A. Zeuli The Richard W. Colman Scholar-Athlete Award Connor R. Kelley The Ronald A. Rogerson Award T. Quinn Epperly LACROSSE The Connie McCallister Women’s Lacrosse Award Jessica L. Nelson Scott P. Klurfeld ’74 Memorial Award Brendan N. McGrath Robert W. Posniewski The Higginbotham Trophy Michael S. MacDonald Christopher A. Orban The Howard Trophy Eric A. Sanschagrin The John T. Schroeder Class of 1992 Men’s Lacrosse Award Justin M. Murphy SOCCER The Kathy Kobler Garrett ’91 Memorial Award Gabriella A. Ragazzo Women’s Soccer Award Lauren T. Lazo The David S. Hackett Memorial Soccer Cup Samuel A. Suskind 29 The Dr. William Trevor Trophy Joshua B. Haberman ’17 The Robert Hauter Myslik ’90 Memorial Award Andrew M. Mills SOFTBALL The Cindy Cohen Women’s Softball Award Rachel M. Rendina The Kathy Kobler Garrett ’91 Memorial Award Shanna L. Christian ’16 The Patton-Poole Women’s Softball Award Alyssa J. Schmidt SQUASH Edward W. Hobler ’39 Women’s Squash Award Nicole S. Bunyan The Lexi Anastos Trophy Alexandra K. Lunt The George C. McFarland, Jr. Squash Award Samuel Kang Tyler G. Osborne SWIMMING Class of 2000 Susan S. Teeter Award Elizabeth R. Gelb Friends of Princeton Swimming Award for Women Madelyn R. Veith ’18 The Class of 1974 Women’s Swimming Award Shirley Wang The David A. Benjamin Academic and Athletic Achievement Award Zachary B. McCourt Commissions and Military Awards The George Myers Church Tennis Trophy Michael N. Katz Benjamin C. Quazzo COMMISSIONS The Leon Lapidus Memorial Award (Men) Thomas S. Colautti ’17 The Richard Swinnerton Trophy Luke J. Gamble ’18 TRACK The Nancy Kraemer Women’s Track Award Kimberly J. Mackay * U.S. Army Cadet Command Distinguished Military Graduate (Top 25 percent of all cadets nationwide) The Babb Trophy Carrington E. Akosa ’18 August S. Kiles ’18 U N I T E D S T AT E S A R M Y M I L I T A R Y S C I E N C E A WA R D S The Bonthron Trophy Scott A. Rushton Stephen T. Soerens The Morgan Award Fiyinfoluwa Akinlawon Michael M. Mazzaccaro Nana Owusu-Nyantekyi Bradley C. Paternostro The Diamond Award Jasmine S. Blocker Matthew A. McDonald The Larry Ellis Alumni Award Richard Levandowski ’70 Cindy Stoughton Barnard ’85 The Jerry Horton Award for Women’s Most Valuable Swimmer Caitlin Chambers ’17 The Myers Award Rachel A. Skokowski Thomas Scott The Women’s Freshman Swimming Award Corrigan Claire McIlmail ’18 VOLLEYBALL The Dermod F. Quinn Memorial Award Samuel E. Smiddy ’17 The John Alan Swabey Memorial Trophy Andrew R. Helber ’16 Bayley S. Dixon ’07 Women’s Volleyball Award Frances G. Jenkins The Morgan McKinzie Men’s Volleyball Award William J. Siroky The Matthew R. Weiner Class of 2002 C. Rob Orr Award Andrew J. Klutey WAT E R P O L O The War Memorial Trophy Conner P. Jager ’15 Michael M. Manhard Scott A.C. Roche ’94 Memorial Water Polo Award Kevin Zhang The William B. Nash II Memorial Award Corey H. Okubo ’18 TENNIS Lewis S. Kraft ’44 Tennis Trophy Sara Goodwin ’18 Katrine Steffensen ’18 The Leon Lapidus Memorial Award (Women) Lindsay K. Graff 30 United States Army Michael D. Bacon Robert W. Dougherty * Joshua M. Hamilton Beau R. Lovdahl Joshua D. Lyman Victor E. Prato Sean R. Webb Women’s Water Polo Tiger Award Kelly M. Gross WRESTLING The Gifford Trophy Brett N. Harner ’17 The Hooker Trophy Jonathan Y. Schleifer ’18 The Treide Trophy Jordan P. Laster ’17 Military Order of the Loyal Legion, NY Chapter Award Joshua M. Hamilton COL J. A. Barton Campbell ’62 Award Robert W. Dougherty Distinguished Military Graduate Award Robert W. Dougherty Robert L. McLean ’52 Award Michael D. Bacon George C. Marshall Leadership Award Robert W. Dougherty Cadet Battalion Commander Sabre Award Robert W. Dougherty American Legion Award for Scholastic Excellence Beau R. Lovdahl American Veterans of WWII, Korea and Vietnam (AMVETS) Award Sean R. Webb Alumni and Friends of Princeton University ROTC Honorarium Michael D. Bacon Robert W. Dougherty Joshua M. Hamilton Beau R. Lovdahl Joshua D. Lyman Victor E. Prato Sean R. Webb Commissions are awarded by the United States Department of the Army. Major Scholarships and Fellowships, 2014 –15 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG) Michel-David Weill Scholarship Varshini Narayanan ’16 Rebecca Winslow Smaha ’14 National Institutes of Health Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award Witherspoon Scholarship Beinecke Scholarship Boren Scholarship Christopher Dongsuk Shin ’17 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Junior Fellow Julu Beth Katticaran Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress Fellowship Duncan Charles Hosie ’16 DAAD Graduate Study Scholarship Lorenzo James Fuchs McClellan ’14 Martin A. Dale ’53 Fellowship Katherine Kaleilani Clifton Fulbright Grant Amanda Jane Devine, Germany Charles Thomas Fortin, South Korea Emma Elizabeth Glennon, Bangladesh Alexandra Young-Jin Junn, South Korea Eliot Laughlin Linton, Canada Natalie Saenz, Spain Evelyn May Siu, Taiwan Alina Carmen Spiegel, China Matthew Paul Spindler ’13, Netherlands Nicholas Martin Stead, Switzerland Victoria Yixin Su, South Korea Benjamin Jia-An Tien, Australia Evaline Shin-Tin Tsai, Switzerland Deanna Ruxi Zhu, Peru Gates Cambridge Trust Scholarship Laura Vaughn Cooper Samuel Heeju Kim Cameron Page Langford Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Yuval Wigderson ’16 Hertz Scholarship Maxim Rabinovich ’13 Ito Foundation Scholarship Gavin Gillespie Cook Henry Richardson Labouisse ’26 Prize Fellowship Yessica Martinez Damaris Miller Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Destiny Ariel Tenise Crockett ’17 Maricela Coronado ’17 Miles Gamble Hinson ’17 Charlesa Diane Redmond ’17 Achille Tenkiang ’17 Michael Colin Granovetter National Science Foundation Fellowship Rachel Eleanor Bernard ’09 Anjali Bisaria ’12 Birgitt Modzelewski Boschitsch ’13 Rosalind Emma Echols ’05 Ann Marie Feke ’13 Anastasia Oldham Fitz ’10 David Fridovich-Keil David Janos Kurz ’12 Edward Dong Myung Lee ’12 Yifei Michelle Liu ’13 Tessa Pauline Maurer ’13 Kelsey R. McDonald Ryan James Morrill ’10 Paul Erich Ohno ’14 Tamara Pico ’14 Ante Qu Elizabeth Marie Shoenfelt ’13 Max Simchowitz Anna Kornfeld Simpson ’14 Elizabeth Ann Tolman Paul and Daisy Soros Scholarship Ledina Gocaj ’11 Eric Sydney Falcon Sophie Stéphanie Bérubé Giguère Yenching Academy Scholarship Cody J. Abbey ’14 Julia Rose Knox Hammer Mary Kathleen Hannon Schulman ’14 Alice Yih-An Su ’13 ReachOut 56-81-06 Fellowship Cody Lee O’Neil Bina Miriam Peltz Rhodes Scholarship Joseph Walzer Barrett ’14 Rachel Athena Skokowski Sarah Elaine Yerima Rotary International Global Grant Scholarship Monica Anne Greco ’13 Daniel M. Sachs ’60 Scholarship William Scott Beacom Brett Timothy Diehl Scholars in the Nation’s Service Initiative Nathan Lang Eckstein ’16 Jamal Roy Johnson ’16 Abyssinia Makeda Lissanu ’16 Michelle Pauline Nedashkovskaya ’16 Alexandra Jean Wheatley ’16 Harry S. Truman Scholarship Thomas González Roberts ’16 St. Andrew’s Society of New York Scholarship Jake Austin Robertson 31 Advanced Degrees Valedictory Oration Misha Semenov The valedictory is awarded by vote of the faculty to one of the highest-ranking candidates for bachelor degrees. The special qualifications of a student as valedictorian are taken into account, as well as scholastic standing. 32 Presentation to the president, by Dean of the Graduate School Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, of candidates for advanced degrees; conferral of the degrees by the president. Master of Arts D E G R E E A WA R D E D 20 SEPTEMBER 2014 Jesse Thomas Ault, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Samuel Cary Beckwith, Sociology Giulia Brancaccio, Economics Ioannis Branikas, Economics Cara Elisabeth Brook, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Nhung Trang Bui, Politics Chenyi Chen, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Ching-Yu Chen, Electrical Engineering Po-Hsuan Chen, Electrical Engineering Yu Chen, Electrical Engineering Yutong Chen, Applied and Computational Mathematics Kang Hoon Choi, Physics Zachary Steven Christensen, Politics Hao Deng, Electrical Engineering Mirka Campbell Døj-Fetté, Art and Archaeology Xiaoyang Sean Dong, Economics Hollis Emory Dvorkin, History Janeria Alexis Easley, Sociology Andrew David Edwards, History Liliane Isabelle Amy Ehrhart, French and Italian Languages and Cultures Merle Alpert Eisenberg, History Xinyi Fan, Electrical Engineering Alta Ying Fang, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Colby Kipp Fisher, Civil and Environmental Engineering Jessica Lindsay Fleischer, History Jacob Friedman, Music Michael Anthony Fusella, Electrical Engineering Yael Geller, History (History of Science) Fabien Georget, Civil and Environmental Engineering Carly Lay Alfonso Geronimo, Molecular Biology Mojgan Ghasemi, Electrical Engineering Genna Rachel Gliner, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Ameneh Golnari, Electrical Engineering Felipe Marques Goncalves, Economics Munan Gong, Astrophysical Sciences Aaron Joseph Gottlieb, Sociology Nikhil Anand Gupta, Economics Georgina Hall, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Tae Jun Ham, Electrical Engineering Yossi Harpaz, Sociology Adam Hatzikyriakou, Civil and Environmental Engineering Kaoru Hayashi, East Asian Studies Theresa C. Henry, Molecular Biology Matthew Blair Hernandez, Mathematics Julio Enrique Herrera Estrada, Civil and Environmental Engineering Shuay-Pwu Patty Ho, Physics Lingyu Hong, Electrical Engineering Sungki Hong, Economics Matthew James Howard, Molecular Biology Michael Jemison, Mathematics Song Ha Joo, Politics Sol Jung, Art and Archaeology Emily Margaret Kern, History (History of Science) Sergii Kiiashko, Economics Jin-Sung Kim, Electrical Engineering Hsin-Yu Ko, Chemistry Guangyong Koh, Physics Heather Kugelmass, Sociology Kwi Jeong Lee, Religion Wenjie Lei, Geosciences David Kent Lennington, English Xiaoyuan Li, Civil and Environmental Engineering Wenkai Liang, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Susanna Liljegren Bergman, Chemistry Xin Lin, Electrical Engineering Jingbo Liu, Electrical Engineering Hoang Dung Lu, Chemical Engineering Jen-Tang Lu, Electrical Engineering Junwei Lu, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Ping Lu, Civil and Environmental Engineering Mona Mady, History Carolina Isabel Malagon, Germanic Languages and Literatures Mohammad Moein Malek Akhlagh, Electrical Engineering Grant William Margulieux, Chemistry Sarah Copenhaver Matherly, History Katherine Thompson McCabe, Politics Kathryn Jane McGarr, History Graham James McKee, Economics Michael Patrick Mckeown, Electrical Engineering Lisa Celine McManus, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Alice Kyungsun Min, Molecular Biology Arsalan Mohsen Nia, Electrical Engineering Mostafa Momen, Civil and Environmental Engineering Rita Isabela Morales, History Tiffany Tang Moy, Electrical Engineering Wangui Monica Muigai, History (History of Science) Dmitry Mukhin, Economics Mitchell Aaron Nahmias, Electrical Engineering Eric Naslund, Mathematics Robert Nazarian, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Wei Xiang Jonathan Ng, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Tri Minh Nguyen, Electrical Engineering Suerfu, Physics Farhan Nuruzzaman, Geosciences Saurabh Pant, Politics Yajun Peng, Geosciences Christopher John Peters, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Peter Julian Vico Petri, Germanic Languages and Literatures Brendan Francis Phelan, Chemistry Sébastien Philippe, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Emily Alise Prifogle, History Jonathan Richard Quann, History Robyn Dora Radway, History Kalyani Ramnath, History Leslie Beth Ribovich, Religion David Lawrence Richards, Economics Felix Rietmann, History (History of Science) Emily Catherine Hawley Riley, History Kira Alexandra Rose, Comparative Literature Daniel Edward Ruiz, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) James Rumsey-Merlan, Comparative Literature Clara Santamaria Monturiol, Economics Elvira R. Sayfutyarova, Chemistry Benjamin Eli Schaffer, Civil and Environmental Engineering Jakob Schlockermann, Economics Molly Kathleen Schnell, Economics Jacob Alexander Schwartz, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Andrew Curtis Shaver, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Yu Shen, Physics Xiaojie Shi, Mathematics Yuan Shi, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Amanda Lynn Siemann, Civil and Environmental Engineering Kedron Pyle Silsbee, Astrophysical Sciences James Andrew Smith, Geosciences Elizabeth Hannah Stern, Slavic Languages and Literatures Joel Suarez Jr., History Neereja Mythili Sundaresan, Electrical Engineering Charles Pendleton Stuntz Swanson, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Sanata Sy-Sahande, Politics Alex Norman Tait, Electrical Engineering Andrew Robert Tilman, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Timothy Lucas Hiebert Treuer, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Anna Taylor Trugman, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Joseph George Tylka, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Paula Elena Vedoveli Francisco, History Channing Pierce Verbeck Jr., Economics Emil Verner, Economics Mark Edwin Walker, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Xiaoli Wang, Electrical Engineering Yulong Wang, Economics Yuyan Wang, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Zhaoran Wang, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Ian Spencer Ward, History David Ross Williford, Politics Xue Wu, Electrical Engineering Yuhou Xia, Mathematics Zhuozhi Yao, Electrical Engineering David Wei Zhang, Economics Jintao Zhang, Electrical Engineering Sophie Zhang, Physics Tianqi Zhao, Operations Research and Financial Engineering D E G R E E A WA R D E D 15 NOVEMBER 2014 Nana Kwabena Aboagye, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Carl C. Adair, English Kathleen Alda Balthrop-Lewis, Religion Adrian Mark Bartlett, Psychology Nicolette Gehron Belletier, Molecular Biology Rebecca Ann Ben, Art and Archaeology Jeremy Isaac Borjon, Psychology Theodor D. Brasoveanu, Physics Adam Thomas Brockett, Psychology Gabriel Buchbinder, Economics Nicholas Otto Butler, Economics Shoumitro Chatterjee, Economics Rachel Abigail Connor, Psychology John Peter DiIulio, Politics Cydney Hurston Dupree, Psychology Linsey Nicole Edwards, Sociology Yuyang Fan, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Yanie Fecu, Comparative Literature Xiaochen Alan Feng, Economics Romain Reda Ferrali, Politics Jöel Chaim Finkelsteiñ VII, Psychology Ohad Fried, Computer Science Elspeth Alexandra Green, English Ella Hattie Haselswerdt, Classics Daniel Joseph Herbst, Economics David C. Hock, Slavic Languages and Literatures LaTasha Holden, Psychology Eric Douglas Hubble, Philosophy Katharine Potts-Dupre Huemoeller, Classics Kelsey Lynn Hughes, Molecular Biology Colette Johnson, English Dayna Judge, Politics Gary Kane, Psychology Corinne Elizabeth Kannenberg, History Pavlos Kollias, Psychology Cassandra Korsvik, Molecular Biology Artem Kotelskiy, Mathematics Mary Alice Kroeger, Politics Emanuela Kucik, English Ashley Elizabeth Lazevnick, Art and Archaeology James Lee, Politics Young-suk Lee, Computer Science Jessica Lueders-Dumont, Geosciences Ingrid Mikulik Ockert, History (History of Science) Kara Lynn Olive, Music Alexander Philippov, Astrophysical Sciences Clarice Monique Robenalt, Psychology Gaurav Nath Sabharwal, Economics Rahulram Sridhar, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Faez Hussain Syed, Religion Anne Elizabeth Truetzel, Classics Mathura Yalini Umachandran, Classics Matthew Hawkins Vollgraff, Germanic Languages and Literatures Taylor Whittington Webb, Psychology Yuanda Xu, Applied and Computational Mathematics Hannah Sarina Yohalem, Art and Archaeology Chen Zhao, Economics Yang-Yang Zhou, Politics D E G R E E A WA R D E D 3 1 J A N U A RY 2 0 1 5 Colin N. Azariah-Kribbs, English Elizabeth Jean Bailey, Chemistry Rachel Elizabeth Baker, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Jane Wilson Baldwin, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Cole Michael Bunzel, Near Eastern Studies F. Miguel Caballero Vázquez, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Duyu Chen, Chemistry Shai Matthew Chester, Physics Kenneth Tze Aun Chong, English 33 Zachary Ball Cooper, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Marcelo da Rocha Lima Diego, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Gregory Lincoln Davies, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Jonathan D. Fine, Art and Archaeology Sherif Girgis, Philosophy Alexandria Leigh Hammons, Molecular Biology Phillip Matthew Hannam, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Daniel Hazard, English Brahm Herscovitch Kleinman, Classics Jamie Anne Kwan, Art and Archaeology Zhengjie Li, East Asian Studies Ashley Linder, Neuroscience Jeffrey Michael Lipshultz, Chemistry Adrianna Renee Loback, Neuroscience Mingzhen Lu, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Sara Rachel Marcus, English Edgar Andrés Melgar, Near Eastern Studies Leenoy Meshulam, Neuroscience Jennifer Dee Minnen, English Siddharth Mishra Sharma, Physics Matthew Tyler Mullane, Architecture Elizabeth Ryan Osenbaugh, Art and Archaeology Rosalind Aimee Parry, English Peng Peng, Art and Archaeology Reuben Phillips, Music Yue Qin, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Jorge Iván Quintana Navarrete, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Béla András Rácz, Mathematics Irene Raitman Khutorskoy, Molecular Biology Nicholas Moore Risteen, Architecture Andrej Risteski, Computer Science Wasim Shabbirahmed Shiliwala, Near Eastern Studies Lindsey Stephenson, Near Eastern Studies Paul Mark Touyz, Classics Yingfei Wang, Computer Science Julian Glenn West, Chemistry Joshua L. Wetzel, Computer Science Jessica Wright, Classics Boxiao Zheng, Chemistry D E G R E E A WA R D E D 29 MARCH 2015 Raymundo Alfaro-Aco, Molecular Biology Nima Alidoust, Electrical Engineering Peter John Bolgert, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Alexander K. Bollfrass, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs 34 Holly Kileff Borham, Art and Archaeology Kimberly Box, Molecular Biology David Gabriel Boyd, East Asian Studies Nathaniel Walker Brown Jr., Chemistry Yecheng Kent Cao, Art and Archaeology Liye Chen, Chemistry Sara Chuang, Chemical Engineering Santiago Cuellar, Computer Science Sonia Angela de Laforcade, Art and Archaeology Kirsten Hammer Dueck, Art and Archaeology Matthew Brady Dufner, Molecular Biology Anne Edmundson, Computer Science Ryan Wilson John Edwards, Civil and Environmental Engineering Hanieh Falahati, Quantitative and Computational Biology Vanessa Jessica Feng, Chemistry Benjamin Luis Fogarty, Anthropology Su Fu, East Asian Studies Emily Christine Gentry, Chemistry Drew Budd Gower, Civil and Environmental Engineering Josef Andrew Gramespacher, Molecular Biology Ross Michael Granowski, Mathematics Elijah Jordan Greenstein, East Asian Studies Michael Patrick Howard, Chemical Engineering Jennifer A. Huynh, Sociology Claire Margaret Kaup, East Asian Studies Madison Korinne Kilbride, Philosophy Amanda Ruth Klause, Classics Ugne Klibaite, Quantitative and Computational Biology Adam Jared Lerner, Philosophy Jonathan Seelye Martin, Germanic Languages and Literatures Logan Ryan Matthews, Chemical Engineering Stefan James McCarver, Chemistry Richard Vincent Miller, Molecular Biology Anahita Zohreh Mostafavi, Molecular Biology Gerardo Munoz, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Lucas Quoc Nguyen, Chemistry Matthew K. Nielsen, Chemistry Bethany Kei Okada, Chemistry Clelia Pozzi, Architecture Elizabeth Ann Rowland, Molecular Biology Catherine Elizabeth Ruesch, Molecular Biology Alexi Marcelle Runnels, Molecular Biology Marisa Brooke Sanders, Chemistry Andrew Pablo Santos, Chemical Engineering Matthew Moscicki Spellberg, Comparative Literature Logan Lee Stafman, Computer Science Joseph Christopher James Stanford, Physics Michael Swan, Molecular Biology Nathaniel Ariel Tabris, Philosophy Alex Tham, Sociology Alexander James Tkalych, Chemistry Sophie Miriam Blackman Travis, Molecular Biology Brian Kevin Wilson, Chemical Engineering Yihan Wu, Chemistry Junchao Xia, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Xin Xiang, Physics Asieh Zadbood, Psychology Lian Zhu, Chemical Engineering D E G R E E A WA R D E D 2 JUNE 2015 Alliya Amir Akhtar, Geosciences Naoki Arakawa, Astrophysical Sciences Clayton Byers, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Xinyi Chen, Chemistry William Richard Coulton, Physics Tyler Clarke Coverdale, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Marni Simone Crow, Molecular Biology Matthew Kuenzli Fu, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Hongxin Gao, Chemistry Hanna Golab, Classics Lee Michael Gunderson, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Maria Gutin, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Jennifer Guyton, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michelle S. Hofman, Chemistry Cory Hunter, Music Victoria Juharyan, Slavic Languages and Literatures Jennifer Jean Kasbohm, Geosciences Dakota Killpack, Music Vladimir Kirilin, Physics Aaron Michael Levy, Physics Hsin-Jung Li, Molecular Biology Jenna Leigh Lobby, Molecular Biology Krystal Karyan Lum, Molecular Biology Amanda Jeanette Mackey, Molecular Biology Scott Angus Maclennan, Geosciences Michaela Markham McSweeney, Philosophy Akshay Karankumar Mehra, Geosciences Sinead Elizabeth Morris, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Kelsey Christina Moss, Religion Christian Edward Padilla, Chemistry James Eujin Park, Chemistry Wei Peng, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Lucia Maria Rafanelli, Politics Rajesh Hampapur Ranganath, Computer Science Danielle Priscilla Santiago Ramos, Geosciences Jared Tyler Saunders, Molecular Biology Emmanuel Schaan, Astrophysical Sciences Zachary Michael Sethna, Physics Suin Shim, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Lisa Diane Snyder, Music Keiran Alexander Swart, Geosciences Shree Nikhila Tanneti, Molecular Biology Betul Uralcan, Chemical Engineering Patrick John Vail, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Wenbo Wu, Geosciences Yuzhen Yan, Geosciences François Jacques Mayer, Finance Stephen Andrew McDonald, Finance Arthur Rodier, Finance Cesar Rojas Flores, Finance Taylor Russell, Finance Swapnil Sharma, Finance Hugo Steiner, Finance Edward Carl Stivers Jr., Finance Zhiyuan Wang, Finance Gregory Weil, Finance Benjamin David Whitcher, Finance Alexander Huang Wu, Finance Pan Xie, Finance Lu Xin, Finance Zhichao Yan, Finance Lana Zakharova, Finance Master of Fine Arts Master of Architecture D E G R E E A WA R D E D 20 SEPTEMBER 2014 Viet Pham Cuong, Music (Composition) Alex Dowling, Music (Composition) Christopher Rogerson, Music (Composition) D E G R E E A WA R D E D 29 MARCH 2015 Margaret R. Daniel, Music (Composition) D E G R E E A WA R D E D 2 JUNE 2015 Noah Flynn Kaplan, Music (Composition) Master of Arts in Near Eastern Studies D E G R E E A WA R D E D 20 SEPTEMBER 2014 Rephael Gedaliah Stern, Near Eastern Studies D E G R E E A WA R D E D 2 JUNE 2015 Chad M. Mowbray, Near Eastern Studies Autumn Kelly Patterson, Near Eastern Studies Master in Finance D E G R E E A WA R D E D 2 JUNE 2015 Robin De Rycke, Finance Sonya Joan Flechon, Finance Xiaonan Ge, Finance Fan Jiang, Finance Karen Juliet Leiton Rodriguez, Finance Longchuan Liao, Finance Sebastian Roberto Maass, Finance D E G R E E A WA R D E D 29 MARCH 2015 Ruiqing Li, Architecture Zigeng Wang, Architecture D E G R E E A WA R D E D 2 JUNE 2015 Serguei Andreevitch Bagrianski, Architecture Laura Elizabeth Britton, Architecture Patricia Xian Fang Chia, Architecture Sonia Margo Flamberg, Architecture Tyler Hopf, Architecture Qianru Hua, Architecture Ting Yan Kwan, Architecture Yang Li, Architecture Jose Angel Meza, Architecture Gina Van Itallie Morrow, Architecture Daniel Tappe, Architecture Hans Peter Tursack, Architecture Shota Vashakmadze, Architecture Master in Public Affairs D E G R E E A WA R D E D 2 JUNE 2015 Magdalena Teresa Anchondo, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Cynthia Anne Barmore, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Matthew Daniel Beienburg, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Gaurav Bhatnagar, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Henry James Brewster, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Henry Crane Burton, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Gabriel Carlos Catapang, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Stephen Mychal Chaisson, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Esha Chhabra, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Michael Wolfsohn Chimowitz, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Shasti Kernai Kathleen Conrad, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Jared Aldwin Chag Crooks, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Ines Cruzalegui, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Anastacia Dialynas, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Lauren Patrice Dunn, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Samuel Washburn duPont, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Daniel Munczek Edelman, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Ritika Goel, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Rebecca Rui Gong, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Christina Naomi Grover-Roybal, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Joanna Marlene Hecht, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Shannon Snead Hiller, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Matthew Holzgrafe, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs John Houston, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Amanda Yan Ran Hsiao, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Ricardo Alcides Hurtado, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Anand Jahi, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Maryam Zahra Janani, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Nicholas Frome Kelly, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Emily Catherine King, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Emina Kobiljar, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs James Henry Krejsa, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Damera Vijay Kumar, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Ethan Donovan Lynch, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Jakara Sachiko Mato, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs 35 Abby Margaret McCartney, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Kevin Edward McGinnis, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Megan Taaffe McGuire, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Megan Elizabeth McPhee, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Rebecca Metz, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Jamie Rebecca Morgan, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Alyson Kristen Neel, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Anna Ninan, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Allison Blough Nour, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Nadav Pollak, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Meagan Elsie Bruski Reed, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Kelly Christine Roache, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Michael Scott Robinson, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Eleuthera Sa, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Seth Aaron Samelson, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Vanesa Benedetto Sanchez, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Elías Ramón Sánchez-Eppler, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Emmett Edan Sapp, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Elizabeth Marie Schultz, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Hannah Van Arsdale Shaw, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Unika Shrestha, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Daniel Tierney Smith, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Bishnu Bahadur Thapa, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Lilian Margarita Timmermann, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Maureen Tracey-Mooney, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Caitlin Rasmussen Tulloch, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Rachel Strauss Van Cleve, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Andrea Villamil Pesqueira, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Laura Zachary, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Joyce Yan Zhang, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs 36 Master in Public Policy D E G R E E A WA R D E D 2 JUNE 2015 Brian Gerard Cunningham, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Melanie Claire D’Evelyn, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Yasmin Elhady, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Yvonne Nneka Ezeala, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Kathryn Ann Greene, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Maroulla Haddad, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Nicholas Raymond Lawson, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Avital Brena Ludomirsky, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Cassie McGannon, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Peter Charles Norsky, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Priya Ramdas, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Rona Rathod, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Kent Robert Reinhold, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Dor Renert, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Pavol Zilincik, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Master of Science in Engineering D E G R E E A WA R D E D 20 SEPTEMBER 2014 Christina Lynn Porter, Electrical Engineering Boyang Song, Operations Research and Financial Engineering D E G R E E A WA R D E D 15 NOVEMBER 2014 Alex Hallden-Abberton, Electrical Engineering D E G R E E A WA R D E D 29 MARCH 2015 Sharvanath Pathak, Computer Science D E G R E E A WA R D E D 2 JUNE 2015 Jordan Thomas Ash, Computer Science Hannah Virginia Bands, Civil and Environmental Engineering Catherine Alyce Eiben, Civil and Environmental Engineering Elba Sthephania Garza, Computer Science Emily Rose Gilson, Civil and Environmental Engineering Michael Jeffrey Kranch, Computer Science Kevin Alexander Lai, Computer Science Mary Anne Limbach, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Raghav Sethi, Computer Science Christopher Charles Veto, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Hilary Catherine Wayland, Civil and Environmental Engineering Hao Wu, Electrical Engineering Peter Zimmerman, Computer Science Master of Engineering D E G R E E A WA R D E D 2 JUNE 2015 Simin Chen, Computer Science Jared Aldwin Chag Crooks, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Nevin Hao Li, Computer Science Jiaxi Shi, Computer Science Yannan Wang, Computer Science Shaoqing Yang, Computer Science Doctor of Philosophy D E G R E E A WA R D E D 20 SEPTEMBER 2014 Lamis Abdelaaty, Politics Aasha Marsha Abdill, Sociology Alex Acs, Politics Anand Ashok, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Laura Ashley Atkins, Philosophy Hagar Barak, History Caitlin Laurel Barale, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michael Jay Barber, Politics James Robert Belasco, Electrical Engineering Yael Berda, Sociology Andrew Macdonald Berdahl, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Keisha N. Blain, History Michael Daniel Campanell, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Cheng Chen, Economics Nora Elisa Chisari, Astrophysical Sciences Angèle Christin, Sociology Neo Christopher Honghoon Chung, Quantitative and Computational Biology Frederic N. Clark, History Hannah-Louise Clark, History (History of Science) Alexis H. Cohen, Art and Archaeology Robert J. Comito, Chemistry Eliav Danziger, Economics Zachary Miller Detweiler, Chemistry and Materials Science Ashley McDaniel Donovan, Chemistry René Daniel Flores, Sociology and Social Policy Jeffrey Alan Owen Garber, Chemistry Cecile Gaubert, Economics Jamie Greenberg Reuland, Music Rachel B. Gross, Religion Jon Emil Gudmundsson, Physics Joanna Elizabeth Haye, Molecular Biology Joshua Steven Heyne, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering James Colin Hill, Astrophysical Sciences Jun Hu, Art and Archaeology April Dawn Hughes, Religion Sarah J. Hummel, Politics Christopher Robert Jamison, Chemistry Jennifer Dominique Jones, History Dobromir Georgiev Kamburov, Electrical Engineering Zheng Ke, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Chris Alan Kendall, Politics Hyungwon Kim, Physics In Song Kim, Politics Alexander David Kloth, Molecular Biology and Neuroscience Bong Ihn Koh, Molecular Biology Michael Patrick Wyatt Kreuzer, Public and International Affairs Dmitry Krotov, Physics Raymond Cheng Kuo, Politics Christopher Michael Kurpiewski, History Kenneth Michael Lamb, Politics Jeffrey F. Lane, Sociology Victoria Lee, History (History of Science) Karen Elinor Conway Levy, Sociology Sam Jay Lewallen, Mathematics Joseph D. Majkut, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences William Edward McClain, Chemistry Alison B. Miller, Mathematics Charles Grabel Miller, Molecular Biology Rosalynn Conniff Molden, Chemistry Michael Ryan Mooney, Physics Pablo J. Mosteiro, Physics Somangshu Mukherji, Music Stefan Martin Münzel, Electrical Engineering Matthew Richard Naylor, Chemistry Huy Le Nguyen, Computer Science Halley Mellor Oyer, Molecular Biology Jeffrey Bok-Cheung Parker, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) David Salvatore Pedulla, Sociology and Social Policy Nicolas Christian Richard Pégard, Electrical Engineering Guilherme Leite Pimentel, Physics Michael Thomas Pirnot, Chemistry Samuel F. Potter, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Christopher Keltie Prier, Chemistry Yury Pritykin, Computer Science Patrick Rebeschini, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Paul Benjamin Reverdy, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Brice Richard, Economics Meredith Leigh Sadin, Politics and Social Policy Benjamin R. Safdi, Physics Stephanie M. Schacht, Sociology Shrenik Nitin Shah, Mathematics Xiaofeng Shi, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Seiji Shirane, History Steven Andrew Snell, Politics Yu Song, Electrical Engineering James Patrick Steichen, Music Geneva Marie Stein, Molecular Biology and Neuroscience Anton D. Stepanov, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Jason Strudler, Slavic Languages and Literatures Naomi F. Sugie, Sociology and Social Policy Noel Waldron Swanson, Philosophy Garrett Wayne Tate, Geosciences Mikhail Tikhonov, Physics Eleftherios Tsiokos, Mathematics Ke Wan, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Ke Wang, Physics Meredith Samantha Wilf, Politics Amelia S. J. Worsley, English Yang-Le Wu, Physics Yuxuan Xin, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Yu Zhang, Mathematics Zhuo Zhang, Electrical Engineering Alexander V. Zhiboedov, Physics Brian B. Zhou, Physics Oded Zinger, Near Eastern Studies D E G R E E A WA R D E D 15 NOVEMBER 2014 Mika Ahuvia, Religion Loren D. Alegría, Physics April Charity Armstrong, Religion Andrew Russell Babbin, Geosciences Huajie Cao, Physics Sebastian Chialvo, Chemical Engineering Virginia E. Clark, Classics Mark Christopher Dancigers, Music Karl Thomas Jayaram Dannenbaum, Politics Robert S. Dwyer, Molecular Biology Tarek Asem Elgawhary, Religion Sarah Hussein El-Kazaz, Politics Eric Louis First, Chemical Engineering Rotem Geva Halperin, History Xingli Giam, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Yanilda María González, Politics and Social Policy Sreechakra Goparaju, Electrical Engineering Jonathan Michael Husson, Geosciences Wenhao Jia, Electrical Engineering Jeffrey West Kirkwood, Germanic Languages and Literatures Cassandra Korsvik, Molecular Biology Ipek Gokce Kulahci, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Bhadrinarayana Lalgudi Visweswaran, Electrical Engineering Jebro Lit, History Brendan Carrick Lyons, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Tatiana Medvedeva, Physics Jeffrey Mighion, Chemistry Anne Kathleen O’Donnell, History Simon Marcus Oswald, Classics 37 Onur Ozyesil, Applied and Computational Mathematics YeJe Park, Physics Natalia Perez, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Helen Pfeifer, History Daniel Vivian Polk, Anthropology Jason V. Rogers, Molecular Biology Alexander Irvin Ruder, Politics Ana Sabau Fernandez, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Curt Matthew Schieler, Electrical Engineering Nitin Sekar, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Divjyot Sethi, Electrical Engineering Dan Sirbu, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Holly Ann Sutterlin, Molecular Biology Ann Thomas Tate, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Hua Wang, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Jue Wang, Geosciences and Materials Science Xin Wang, Molecular Biology Owen James Hugh Williams, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Jennifer Louise Wilson, Slavic Languages and Literatures Fujia Wu, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Audrey Ming-Wei Yau, Geosciences Runhong Zong, Mathematics D E G R E E A WA R D E D 3 1 J A N U A RY 2 0 1 5 Tyler Wayne Abrams, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Scott F. Abramson, Politics Mazhar Nawaz Ali, Chemistry and Materials Science Alexis Marie Belis, Art and Archaeology Pierre Michel Bouzi, Electrical Engineering Andrea Jane Brewer, Philosophy Laura-Maé Pauline Britton, Molecular Biology Sourindra Mohan Chaudhuri, Electrical Engineering Kenneth Tze Aun Chong, English Michelle Martine Gonzales Cope, Molecular Biology Henry M. Cowles, History (History of Science) Kevin Brendan Daly, Chemical Engineering Lihui Feng, Molecular Biology Carlos Fonseca Suarez, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Matthew Gerald Frith, Chemistry and Materials Science Prem K. Gopalan, Computer Science Tao Han, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Catherine Leigh Hansen, Comparative Literature 38 Christian Jany, Germanic Languages and Literatures Sonika Johri, Electrical Engineering Albert Brian Kao, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Radha Kumar, History Peter Demoor Kurie, Anthropology Justin Michael Little, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Nikolas Christopher Logan, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Mikhail Olegovich Maksimov, Chemical Engineering Danielle Meinrath, Classics Thomas Marshall Miller, Classics Jennifer Ann Morris, Art and Archaeology Clayton Edward Myers, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Amanda Kathleen O’Rourke, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Béla András Rácz, Mathematics Claire E. Radley, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Erin Lee Raffety, Anthropology Victoria Diane Reyes, Sociology Charles B. Rice-Davis, French and Italian Languages and Cultures Beatrice Sanford Russell, English Leslie Mareike Schoop, Chemistry Tardu Selim Sepin, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Tian Shen, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Derek Charles Shiller, Philosophy James Burke Smadbeck, Chemical Engineering Erica Marie Staehling, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Harvey Ronald Stark, Religion Maika Takita, Electrical Engineering SuYang Xu, Physics Jiawei Yao, Operations Research and Financial Engineering D E G R E E A WA R D E D 29 MARCH 2015 Stephen Benjamin Bandini, Chemistry Ozlem Bilgir Yetim, Electrical Engineering Aleksey S. Boyko, Computer Science Philip Alexander Poliakoff Coen, Neuroscience Maayan P. Dauber, English Nikhil Rajiv Deshmukh, Molecular Biology and Neuroscience Zachary Neal Donnell, Molecular Biology Yihao Fan, Molecular Biology Michael Kevin Fuccillo, Chemistry Balasubramanian Harish, Chemistry Lyra Jean Hostetter, English Jonghun Kam, Civil and Environmental Engineering Kelly Marie LaRue, Molecular Biology David Alexander McGady, Physics Jason Christian McSheene, Molecular Biology Elena Peregrina Salvador, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Jennifer K. Peterson, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Daniel B. Quinn, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Devin Lane Underwood, Electrical Engineering Omri Weinstein, Computer Science Jessica Rowland Williams, Molecular Biology Aaron K. Wong, Computer Science Ming Fai Felix Wong, Electrical Engineering Daniel James Worden, French and Italian Languages and Cultures Pei-yuan Wu, Electrical Engineering Yavuz Yetim, Electrical Engineering D E G R E E A WA R D E D 2 JUNE 2015 Megan Brankley Abbas, History Jan Marie Ringpis Alegre, Psychology and Social Policy Stephanie Marta Amato, Chemical Engineering Nemanja Antic, Economics Çağın Ararat, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Anna Marie Arnaudo, Molecular Biology Gilad Arwatz, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Nyan Lynn Aung, Electrical Engineering Andrew Peter Ballinger, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Afonso Jose Sousa Bandeira, Applied and Computational Mathematics Matthew Stephen Barnes, Politics Matthew David Baron, Economics Kristen Marie Baroudi, Chemistry and Materials Science Courtney Alexandra Jean Bearns, Psychology and Social Policy Thomas David Beck, Mathematics Jasmine Benyamin, Architecture Kristin Elizabeth Bietsch, Demography Nicholas Charles Boaz, Chemistry David Bruce Borenstein, Quantitative and Computational Biology David Joseph Bozym II, Chemical Engineering Carl Frederik Brasz, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Carolann Elena Buff, Music John G. Cannarella, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Materials Science Nathaniel W. Chaney, Civil and Environmental Engineering Hao Chen, Electrical Engineering Jidong Chen, Politics Diane Lynn Coffey, Public Affairs and Demography Gilad Cohen, Music (Composition) Benjamin Connault, Economics John Henry Conway, Chemistry Liang Dai, Economics Hang Deng, Civil and Environmental Engineering Yu Deng, Mathematics Negar Elhami Khorasani, Civil and Environmental Engineering Lainie Marie Fefferman, Music (Composition) Friederike Funk, Psychology Andra Geana, Psychology Jonathan David Glassman, Civil and Environmental Engineering Clifton L. Granby, Religion Cody Justin Kirmil Gray, Politics Tikia Kenise Hamilton, History Matthew P. Harrison, English Samuel R. Helfont, Near Eastern Studies Leo Hugo Oskar Hellström, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Anna Maria Hiszpanski, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Jordan M. Hoyt, Chemistry Yingzhe Hu, Electrical Engineering Chiao-Ti Huang, Electrical Engineering Ji Huang, Economics Ying Jiang, Economics Konrad Eric Kaczmarek, Music (Composition) Patrick A. Kates, Chemistry Shaowei Ke, Economics Xiaobo Ke, Molecular Biology Kyle Tinnell Keller, Psychology George A. Khoury, Chemical Engineering Wouter Kool, Psychology David B. Krisiloff, Chemistry Jason William Krizan, Chemistry and Materials Science Matthew M. Krumholtz, English Gabriele La Spada, Economics Benjamin J. Landrum, Chemical Engineering George Ryan Laufenberg, Anthropology Dawn Teresa LaValle, Classics Minjin Lee, Civil and Environmental Engineering Ross Benjamin Lerner, English Kin Sum (Sammy) LI, Art and Archaeology Sabbir Liakat, Electrical Engineering Bomyi Lim, Chemical Engineering Victoria Xueyao Liu, Economics Chao Lu, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Heather Rose Macbeth, Mathematics Nathan Alexander Mahynski, Chemical Engineering Andrew Jason Manion, Mathematics Grant William Margulieux, Chemistry Pam A. Mueller, Psychology Sebastián Arturo Muñoz Muñoz, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Darshana Narayanan, Psychology and Neuroscience Jeffrey Phuc Nguyen, Physics Jacob Olidort, Near Eastern Studies Maya Opendak, Neuroscience Nikolay Ouzounov, Molecular Biology Vikram J. Pansare, Chemical Engineering Zakir Paul, Comparative Literature Ryan Nathaniel Peckner, Mathematics Thiago Siqueira Pereira, Computer Science Elizabeth Julia Petcu, Art and Archaeology James Robert Pickett, History Doron Ravid, Economics Ariana Elaine Reilly, English Warren Samuel Abel Rieutort-Louis, Electrical Engineering Hamish James Alexander Robb, Music David Garrett Robinson, Quantitative and Computational Biology Brian Jeffrey Rosenberg, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Sara Brinton Rosenthal, Physics Christian Casey Sahner, History Halil Saka, Physics Jeffrey S. Santner, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Takudzwa Sharon Sayi, Demography Cole Nathan Schlesinger, Computer Science Allison Youatt Schnable, Sociology Vanessa Schouten, Philosophy Patrick Reinhart Schwemmer, Comparative Literature Edward Matthew Segal, Civil and Environmental Engineering Katharina Nicola Seidl-Rathkopf, Psychology and Neuroscience Jessica Kouyang Shang, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Travis William Shaw, Chemistry Liangming Shen, Mathematics Kimberly Blair Shepard, Chemical Engineering Dórótea Höeg Sigurdardóttir, Civil and Environmental Engineering Brianne Kelly Smith, Civil and Environmental Engineering Eric Michael Smith, Physics Marissa Jo Smith, Anthropology Michael Daniel Sockin, Economics Mårten Söderblom Saarela, East Asian Studies Mariano A. Somale, Economics Christopher Kai Steverson, Economics James Gordon Stewart, Computer Science Neel U. Sukhatme, Economics Cheng Sun, Economics Kang Sun, Civil and Environmental Engineering Peng Sun, Computer Science Aoxiang Tang, Electrical Engineering Andrei Tarfulea, Mathematics Gabriel Eduardo Tenorio Rojo, Economics Mazell M. Tetruashvily, Molecular Biology and Neuroscience Haoshu Tian, Applied and Computational Mathematics Firdevs Ulus, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Jaquilyn Rae Waddell Boie, Politics and Social Policy Daniel Thomas Walker, English Tao Wang, Economics Alex Washburne, Quantitative and Computational Biology Elena Susanna Weygandt, Slavic Languages and Literatures Daniel Gugsa Wolle, Molecular Biology Amy Wu, Electrical Engineering Ben Wu, Electrical Engineering Shuyun Conan Wu, Mathematics Junchao Xia, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Kaite Yang, Psychology Yao Yao, Civil and Environmental Engineering Enea Zaramella, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Peng Zhao, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 39 Graduate Student Fellowships and Awards Honorific Fellowships Porter Ogden Jacobus Fellowship Angèle Christin, Sociology Yu Deng, Mathematics Sonika Johri, Electrical Engineering James Robert Pickett, History Kimberly Blair Shepard, Chemical and Biological Engineering Whiting Fellowship in the Humanities Laura Ashley Atkins, Philosophy Gilad Cohen, Music (Composition) Ross Benjamin Lerner, English Thomas Marshall Miller, Classics Amelia S. J. Worsley, English Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Fellowship Frederic N. Clark, History Somangshu Mukherji, Music Brice Richard, Economics Ana Sabau Fernandez, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Alexander V. Zhiboedov, Physics Harold W. Dodds Fellowship Xingli Giam, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology In Song Kim, Politics Jeffrey West Kirkwood, Germanic Languages and Literatures Wouter Kool, Psychology Mikhail Olegovich Maksimov, Chemical and Biological Engineering Nicolas Christian Richard Pégard, Electrical Engineering Warren Samuel Abel Rieutort-Louis, Electrical Engineering Michael Daniel Sockin, Economics Wallace Memorial Fellowship in Engineering John G. Cannarella, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Materials Science George A. Khoury, Chemical and Biological Engineering Program and School Fellows Centennial Fellowship Kristen Marie Baroudi, Chemistry and Materials Science Andrea Jane Brewer, Philosophy Yu Deng, Mathematics Andra Geana, Psychology Rotem Geva Halperin, History Sam Jay Lewallen, Mathematics David Alexander McGady, Physics Alison B. Miller, Mathematics Pablo J. Mosteiro, Physics 40 Maya Opendak, Neuroscience Ryan Nathaniel Peckner, Mathematics Shrenik Nitin Shah, Mathematics Erica Marie Staehling, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Mikhail Tikhonov, Physics Brian B. Zhou, Physics Fellowship of Woodrow Wilson Scholars Friederike Funk, Psychology Peter Demoor Kurie, Anthropology Pam A. Mueller, Psychology David Salvatore Pedulla, Sociology and Social Policy Allison Youatt Schnable, Sociology Francis Upton Fellowship in Engineering John G. Cannarella, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Materials Science Zheng Ke, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Bomyi Lim, Chemical and Biological Engineering Daniel B. Quinn, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Edward Matthew Segal, Civil and Environmental Engineering Jessica Kouyang Shang, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering James Burke Smadbeck, Chemical and Biological Engineering Firdevs Ulus, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Amy Wu, Electrical Engineering Junchao Xia, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Gordon Y. S. Wu Graduate Fellowship in Engineering Hannah Virginia Bands, Civil and Environmental Engineering James Robert Belasco, Electrical Engineering Pierre Michel Bouzi, Electrical Engineering Carl Frederik Brasz, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Sourindra Mohan Chaudhuri, Electrical Engineering Hao Chen, Electrical Engineering Negar Elhami Khorasani, Civil and Environmental Engineering Sreechakra Goparaju, Electrical Engineering Dobromir Georgiev Kamburov, Electrical Engineering Huy Le Nguyen, Computer Science Nicolas Christian Richard Pégard, Electrical Engineering Paul Benjamin Reverdy, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Curt Matthew Schieler, Electrical Engineering Dan Sirbu, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Brianne Kelly Smith, Civil and Environmental Engineering Pei-yuan Wu, Electrical Engineering Peng Zhao, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Laurance S. Rockefeller Graduate Prize Fellowship in the University Center for Human Values Yael Berda, Sociology Frederic N. Clark, History Henry M. Cowles, History of Science Karl Thomas Jayaram Dannenbaum, Politics Friederike Funk, Psychology Clifton L Granby, Religion Kenneth Michael Lamb, Politics Ross Benjamin Lerner, English Karen Elinor Conway Levy, Sociology Daniel Thomas Walker, English President’s Fellowship Aasha Marsha Abdill, Sociology April Charity Armstrong, Religion Carlos Fonseca Suarez, Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures Clifton L Granby, Religion Tikia Kenise Hamilton, History Matthew James Howard, Molecular Biology Jennifer Dominique Jones, History Mary Anne Limbach, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Sebastian Roberto Maass, Finance Jose Angel Meza, Architecture Amanda Kathleen O’Rourke, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Daniel Vivian Polk, Anthropology Devin Lane Underwood, Electrical Engineering Alex Washburne, Quantitative and Computational Biology Jennifer Louise Wilson, Slavic Languages and Literatures American Council of Combined Research and Language Training Fellowship James Robert Pickett, History American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship Jamie Greenberg Reuland, Music April Dawn Hughes, Religion Jebro Lit, History Somangshu Mukherji, Music Anne Kathleen O’Donnell, History Zakir Paul, Comparative Literature James Robert Pickett, History James Patrick Steichen, Music American Councils Russian Language and Area Studies Program Jennifer Louise Wilson, Slavic Languages and Literatures American Meteorological Society Graduate Fellowship Samuel F. Potter, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Erica Marie Staehling, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences American School of Classical Studies at Athens Simon Marcus Oswald, Classics AmeriCorps Segal Education Award John Houston, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Emily Catherine King, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Kaite Yang, Psychology Beinecke Scholarship Andrea Jane Brewer, Philosophy Helen Pfeifer, History Berman Foundation Dissertation Fellowship in Support of Research in the Social Scientific Study of the Contemporary American Jewish Community Rachel B. Gross, Religion Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Graduate Fellowship John Houston, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Charlotte Newcombe Foundation Fellowship Allison Youatt Schnable, Sociology Chateaubriand Fellowship – Humanities and Social Sciences Catherine Leigh Hansen, Comparative Literature China Scholarship Council Liangming Shen, Mathematics Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia Scholarship Cesar Rojas Flores, Finance Desert Outreach Foundation Scholarship Daniel Vivian Polk, Anthropology Eisenhower Institute of Gettysburg College: Eisenhower-Roberts Graduate Fellowship Sarah Hussein El-Kazaz, Politics Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship April Charity Armstrong, Religion Fulbright – Ministry of Research, Science, and Technology Graduate Award Claire E. Radley, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Fulbright Institute of International Education Graduate Fellowship Anand Ashok, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Ines Cruzalegui, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Jeffrey West Kirkwood, Germanic Languages and Literatures Christopher Michael Kurpiewski, History Elizabeth Julia Petcu, Art and Archaeology James Robert Pickett, History Seiji Shirane, History Fulbright International Science and Technology Award Sebastián Arturo Muñoz Muñoz, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Guilherme Leite Pimentel, Physics Fulbright – Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship Hannah-Louise Clark, History of Science Georges Lurcy Charitable and Educational Trust Lurcy Fellowship for Study in France Jamie Rebecca Morgan, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Charles B. Rice-Davis, French and Italian Languages and Cultures Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Fellowship Jamie Greenberg Reuland, Music Gorham Phillips Stevens Fellowship Alexis Marie Belis, Art and Archaeology Governor’s Scholarship Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst – German Academic Exchange Service Fellowship Jasmine Benyamin, Architecture Mazhar Nawaz Ali, Chemistry and Materials Science Amanda Kathleen O’Rourke, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Noel Waldron Swanson, Philosophy Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund Fellowship Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Ross Benjamin Lerner, English Jeffrey F. Lane, Sociology Christian Casey Sahner, History Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation Diane Lynn Coffey, Public Affairs and Demography Ethan Donovan Lynch, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Abby Margaret McCartney, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Student Research Fellowship Philip Alexander Poliakoff Coen, Neuroscience Xiaobo Ke, Molecular Biology IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Huy Le Nguyen, Computer Science Warren Samuel Abel Rieutort-Louis, Electrical Engineering Dórótea Höeg Sigurdardóttir, Civil and Environmental Engineering Japan Foundation Fellowship Victoria Lee, History of Science Patrick Reinhart Schwemmer, Comparative Literature Joan and Richard Scheuer Fellowship Mika Ahuvia, Religion Josephine de Karman Fellowship Angèle Christin, Sociology Kenneth Michael Lamb, Politics Kress Institutional Fellowship in the History of Art Jennifer Ann Morris, Art and Archaeology Elizabeth Julia Petcu, Art and Archaeology Kwon Fellowship In Song Kim, Politics Leifur Eiríksson Foundation Scholarship Jon Emil Gudmundsson, Physics Dórótea Höeg Sigurdardóttir, Civil and Environmental Engineering Lloyd E. Cotsen Junior Fellowship Maayan P. Dauber, English Matthew M. Krumholtz, English Dawn Teresa LaValle, Classics Danielle Meinrath, Classics Lucy Shoe Meritt Fellowship Alexis Marie Belis, Art and Archaeology Mustard Seed Foundation Harvey Fellow Kenneth Tze Aun Chong, English 41 NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship Dan Sirbu, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Kang Sun, Civil and Environmental Engineering National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Andrew Russell Babbin, Geosciences John G. Cannarella, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Materials Science Eric Louis First, Chemical and Biological Engineering Jonathan David Glassman, Civil and Environmental Engineering Anna Maria Hiszpanski, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Justin Michael Little, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Andrew Jason Manion, Mathematics Alison B. Miller, Mathematics Paul Benjamin Reverdy, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Shrenik Nitin Shah, Mathematics Erica Marie Staehling, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Brian B. Zhou, Physics National Physical Science Consortium – Sandia National Laboratory Simin Chen, Computer Science National Science Foundation – Graduate Research Fellowship Jan Marie Ringpis Alegre, Psychology and Social Policy Stephanie Marta Amato, Chemical and Biological Engineering Matthew David Baron, Economics Henry M. Cowles, History of Science René Daniel Flores, Sociology and Social Policy James Colin Hill, Astrophysical Sciences Jonathan Michael Husson, Geosciences Albert Brian Kao, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology George A. Khoury, Chemical and Biological Engineering Sam Jay Lewallen, Mathematics Nathan Alexander Mahynski, Chemical and Biological Engineering Andrew Jason Manion, Mathematics David Alexander McGady, Physics Jeffrey Bok-Cheung Parker, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Christina Lynn Porter, Electrical Engineering Victoria Diane Reyes, Sociology Meredith Leigh Sadin, Politics and Social Policy Benjamin R. Safdi, Physics Nitin Sekar, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Shrenik Nitin Shah, Mathematics 42 Jessica Kouyang Shang, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Travis William Shaw, Chemistry Naomi F. Sugie, Sociology and Social Policy Holly Ann Sutterlin, Molecular Biology Andrei Tarfulea, Mathematics Devin Lane Underwood, Electrical Engineering Alex Washburne, Quantitative and Computational Biology Jessica Rowland Williams, Molecular Biology Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Fellowship Andrew Macdonald Berdahl, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Negar Elhami Khorasani, Civil and Environmental Engineering Dan Sirbu, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Fellowship Alexis H. Cohen, Art and Archaeology Taiwan Ministry of Education Scholarship Chiao-Ti Huang, Electrical Engineering The D. Kim Foundation for the History of Science and Technology in East Asia Victoria Lee, History of Science The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Scholarship Onur Ozyesil, Applied and Computational Mathematics Thomas R. Pickering Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans Ethan Donovan Lynch, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Autumn Kelly Patterson, Near Eastern Studies Emmett Edan Sapp, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship United States Department of Education Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship René Daniel Flores, Sociology and Social Policy Yingzhe Hu, Electrical Engineering Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Diane Lynn Coffey, Public Affairs and Demography Maryam Zahra Janani, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Samsung Scholarship Hyungwon Kim, Physics Siebel Scholars Huy Le Nguyen, Computer Science Thiago Siqueira Pereira, Computer Science Cole Nathan Schlesinger, Computer Science Omri Weinstein, Computer Science Peter Zimmerman, Computer Science Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship Kin Sum (Sammy) Li, Art and Archaeology Sloan Macroeconomic Modeling and Systemic Risk Research Initiative Ji Huang, Economics Social Science Research Council – Latin American Security Drugs and Democracy Fellowship Yanilda María González, Politics and Social Policy Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship Seiji Shirane, History Samuel R Helfont, Near Eastern Studies Jacob Olidort, Near Eastern Studies Autumn Kelly Patterson, Near Eastern Studies Rephael Gedaliah Stern, Near Eastern Studies United States Department of Education Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Anne Kathleen O’Donnell, History United States Department of Energy Fusion Energy Sciences Fellowship Tyler Wayne Abrams, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Jeffrey Bok-Cheung Parker, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) United States Department of Energy Science Graduate Fellowship Nikolas Christopher Logan, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) Brendan Carrick Lyons, Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) United States Department of State Weinberg Fellowship Rona Rathod, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs United States Military Services Fellowship Air Force Peter Charles Norsky, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs United States Military Services Fellowship Army Michael Jeffrey Kranch, Computer Science Peter Zimmerman, Computer Science United States Military Services Fellowship Coast Guard Kent Robert Reinhold, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs United States Military Services Fellowship Navy Brian Gerard Cunningham, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore Patricia Xian Fang Chia, Architecture William Georgetti Scholarship Vanessa Schouten, Philosophy Teaching Awards E-Council Excellence in Teaching Award Çağın Ararat, Operations Research and Financial Engineering George A. Khoury, Chemical and Biological Engineering Vikram J. Pansare, Chemical and Biological Engineering Patrick Rebeschini, Operations Research and Financial Engineering Warren Samuel Abel Rieutort-Louis, Electrical Engineering Edward Matthew Segal, Civil and Environmental Engineering Raghav Sethi, Computer Science Shrenik Nitin Shah, Mathematics Ben Wu, Electrical Engineering Friends of Davis International Center Teaching Award Bhadrinarayana Lalgudi Visweswaran, Electrical Engineering Alexander V. Zhiboedov, Physics Graduate School Teaching Award Thomas David Beck, Mathematics Jonathan Michael Husson, Geosciences George Ryan Laufenberg, Anthropology Danielle Meinrath, Classics Amelia S. J. Worsley, English 43 The President’s Awards for Distinguished Teaching Recognition, by Dean of the Faculty Deborah A. Prentice, of recipients of awards for sustained records of excellence in undergraduate- and graduate-level teaching by Princeton University faculty members. Frederick M. Hughson Paul R. Prucnal Fred Hughson inspires his students to exalted levels of effort. He redesigned the toughest molecular biology course and teaches it with a clarity and enthusiasm that leave his students genuinely excited about learning. Most importantly, he cares — cares that his students truly understand the science, appreciate its relevance to their lives, and have the confidence to succeed. Whether you ask his colleagues, high school teachers in his summer program, or his students, they all say “Fred is fantastic. Seriously.” Paul Prucnal is a passionate teacher of electrical engineering, known for grounding abstract concepts in practical applications. His teaching does not stop when class is over; advising does not end with graduation; and mentoring is a lifelong commitment. He literally gives his whole heart to teaching, letting students test on him their newly minted electrocardiograms; he nurtures his students with home-baked pies that he offers as antidotes to stress; and he convinces his students that there are no limits to what they can create, invent, or achieve. Benjamin C. Morison Esther H. Schor According to his students, learning from Ben Morison is one of the memorable joys of Princeton. His field of ancient philosophy is governed by giants like Plato and Aristotle. He breathes life into their work, breaking down complex philosophical concepts into fundamental first principles and enabling his students to see for themselves the strengths and weaknesses of a philosophical argument. He shows his students how to think, and by extension how to live what Plato calls “the best life.” Even in the bright constellation of the English department’s notable teachers, Starry Schor shines bright. For graduate students she is a trusted mentor, a pragmatic and intellectually generous adviser, and “the best friend your paper ever had.” Undergraduates call her a “once in a blue moon” teacher who crafts spellbinding lectures that cross fields, eras, and genres. A humanist in the best tradition, she is a life-changing teacher who models what it means to be an insightful scholar as well as a stellar human being. Professor of Molecular Biology Professor of Philosophy; Director, Program in Classical Philosophy 44 Professor of Electrical Engineering Professor of English Retirements Recognition, by Dean of the Faculty Deborah A. Prentice, of the retiring members of the faculty, administration, and staff. Faculty Steven L. Bernasek, Professor of Chemistry David Botstein, Anthony B. Evnin ’62 Professor of Genomics, Professor of Molecular Biology and the Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics Erhan Çinlar, Professor of Operations Research and Financial Engineering Caryl G. Emerson, A. Watson Armour, III, University Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures; Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures and Comparative Literature Christodoulos A. Floudas, Stephen C. Macaleer ’63 Professor in Engineering and Applied Science, Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering James L. Gould, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Edward John Groth III, Professor of Physics Philip John Holmes, Eugene Higgins Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Paul R. Krugman, Professor of Economics and International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School Bede Liu, Professor of Electrical Engineering Alan Eugene Mann, Professor of Anthropology Joyce Carol Oates, Roger S. Berlind ’52 Professor of the Humanities, Professor of Creative Writing Clarence Ernest Schutt, Professor of Chemistry Lee Merrill Silver, Professor of Molecular Biology and Public Affairs Thomas James Trussell, Charles and Marie Robertson Professor of Public and International Affairs, Professor of Economics and Public Affairs Sigurd Wagner, Professor of Electrical Engineering Administrative, Professional Library, Professional Researcher, Professional Specialist, and Support Staffs T W E N T Y- F I V E Y E A R S O R M O R E O F S E RV I C E Karen E. Bauer, Insurance Coordinator, Risk Management Paul L. Bree, Senior Technical Specialist, Psychology Robert Vierling Budny, Principal Research Physicist, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Renato R. Carazzai, Electrician, Facilities Scott G. Carlisle, Librarian III, University Library Alice J. Cashel, Accounting Specialist I, Sponsored Research Accounting Claudin M. Champagne, Business Assistant, Physics James H. Chrzanowski, Head, Mechanical Design Branch, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Lloyd Philip Ciebiera, Technical Associate I, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Gregory John Czechowicz, Graphic Artist, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory John Macklin Delaney, Librarian III, Rare Books and Special Collections, University Library Barbara Felice Devlin, Associate Professional Specialist, Molecular Biology Dianna L. Dromboski, Data Management Support III, Facilities Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt, Engineer, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Sandra J. Flynn, Department Office Support III, Woodrow Wilson School Jesse Lee Glover, Technology Specialist I, Office of Information Technology Charles Eyre Greene, Special Collections Assistant V, Rare Books and Special Collections, University Library Lynn Grenier, Senior Business Liasion, Facilities Kathleen M. Hamnett, Financial Analyst, Office of Development Philip John Heitzenroeder, Head, Mechanical Engineering, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Floyd Leon Horner Jr., Mail Carrier, Mail Services, University Services Barnabas Joseph, Patrol Officer, Public Safety Dianne M. Kaiser, Senior Systems Administrator I, Office of Information Technology Thomas Harold Kaiser, Infrastructure Specialist, Office of Information Technology Charles Nicholas Kircher, Senior Project Engineer, Facilities, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Sally Ann Kornegay, Cook, Campus Dining Janet Elizabeth Lute, Senior Librarian, University Library James D. MacTaggart, Senior Programmer, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Lewis D. Meixler, Head, Technology Transfer, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Kurian Varkey Nellikunnel, Senior Developer/ Analyst I, Office of Information Technology Cynthia Joan Nelson, Department Manager, Architecture Larry Burgess Nixon, Senior Computer Operator, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Linda Rae Oppenheim, Librarian III, University Library Sonja S. Patterson, Office Support, Human Resources, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Albert Pearson, Grounds Operations Manager, Facilities Ronald John Rickwell, Control Systems Operations, Facilities Joy E. Roberts, Kosher Cook, Campus Dining Vanessa Ross, Assistant to the Director, Career Services Barbara A. Sarfaty, Graduate Program Administrator, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory William Dancer Stanton, Steam Plant Operator, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Elizabeth Marie Stein, College Administrator, Residential Colleges Lloyd George Wedderburn, HVAC Controls Mechanic, Facilities William Frank Zimmer, Mechanic, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory 45 Honorary Degrees Presentation to the president of the candidates for honorary degrees by the University Orator and Trustee, Randall L. Kennedy, Class of 1977. Conferral of the degrees by the president. Harry Belafonte Doctor of Laws Harry Belafonte’s life has spanned many roles, including actor, singersongwriter, social activist, and producer. With a recording career that began in his early 20s, Belafonte became famous for his blend of pop, jazz, and Caribbean musical styles, and was dubbed “The King of Calypso.” He won three Grammy Awards, including a Lifetime Achievement Award, and a Tony Award. His star power propelled him into film acting in the 1950s, with titles including Carmen Jones, Island in the Sun, and Odds Against Tomorrow. His later work focused on documentaries. In 1960, he won an Emmy Award for his TV special, Tonight with Harry Belafonte. He was awarded the National Medal of Arts in 1994. Belafonte has received numerous honors for his humanitarian work. As a civil rights activist, he was a confidant of Martin Luther King Jr. In the 1980s, he helped start the USA for Africa project to fight hunger. He played a key role in recording the 1985 multi-artist song, “We Are the World,” to raise funds for Africa. Recently, Belafonte founded Sankofa, a nonprofit organization that brings together artists and grassroots organizations to confront social issues. Raised in poverty in Harlem and Jamaica, he became one of the foremost entertainers of his generation, generously sharing his fame to further the careers of others. Following in the footsteps of Paul Robeson, he used music to bridge national and ethnic differences. In working tirelessly for civil rights across the South, opposing apartheid in South Africa, and mobilizing famine relief for Ethiopia, he has reminded us that “we are the world.” His integrity and courage inspire admiration and imitation, and his example strengthens our hope that the daybreak of justice, peace, and equality may still come, if we, like him, let our light shine: Day-O! David P. Billington ’50 Doctor of Science David Billington is the Gordon Y. S. Wu Professor of Engineering, Emeritus, at Princeton University. A 1950 graduate of Princeton, he started teaching at the University in 1960 and transferred to emeritus status in 2010. He is known for his design work on large structures, including bridges and thin-shell concrete structures. A legendary teacher, Billington taught generations of Princeton undergraduates, building connections between engineering and other disciplines through popular courses such as “Structures and the Urban Environment” and “Engineering in the Modern World.” His honors include three Engineering Council awards, the President’s Distinguished Teaching Award, and the National Science Foundation Director’s Award for Distinguished Teaching Scholars. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineers in 1986 and is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His books include Power, Speed and Form: Engineers and the Making of the Twentieth Century, with his son, David Billington Jr.; The Innovators: The Engineering Pioneers Who Made America, and Félix Candela: Engineer, Builder, Structural Artist, with colleague Maria Garlock. Princeton University (B.S.E., 1950) 46 An epic scholar and legendary teacher, he inspired students, colleagues, and designers to integrate the discipline of engineering with the play of art. From Fulton’s steamboat to Maillart’s bridges, he introduced us to the engineering pioneers who revolutionized the world and opened our eyes to the creativity of engineering at its best. “Structural art” is his vocabulary for bridges, towers, and vaults that embrace efficiency through form, economy through construction, and elegance through structural expression. His legacy is the generations of students whose lives were formed and shaped by exposure to his love and deep appreciation of engineering as art. Ann Dunwoody Doctor of Laws Ann Dunwoody is a retired general of the U.S. Army. In 2008, she became the first woman in U.S. military history to achieve four-star officer rank. She retired in 2012 after a total of 37 years of service. During her last four years, she led the largest global logistics command in the Army, with 69,000 military and civilian personnel in all 50 states and more than 140 countries. She managed the Army’s logistics operations in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as contingency operations in Haiti, Pakistan, and Japan. Dunwoody’s military honors include two Distinguished Service Medals, a Defense Superior Service Medal, and three Legion of Merit awards. She was awarded the National Order of Merit by France. As she did during her career, Dunwoody continues to speak out against sexual assault in the military. Dunwoody is president of First 2 Four, LLC, a leadership mentoring and strategic advisory services company. Her book, A Higher Standard, was published in April. State University of New York College at Cortland (B.A., 1975); Florida Institute of Technology (M.S., 1988); Industrial College of the Armed Forces (M.S., 1995) The first female four-star general in U.S. history, she comes from a family that has defended the nation since before the Civil War. During almost four decades in the military, she oversaw operations of staggering complexity in every state and all across the world. Her passion was to serve and her guide star was “never forget the soldier.” A persistent and continuing voice calling for respect and fair treatment for women, she embodies a line from the official Army anthem: She is “always fighting from the heart.” Deborah Tobias Poritz Doctor of Laws Deborah Poritz served as chief justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey from 1996 to 2006. During her tenure, she authored numerous opinions on significant issues, including the right of same-sex couples to wed. Prior to serving as the court’s first female chief justice, she served as New Jersey’s first female attorney general. In that role, she defended Megan’s Law in state and federal courts and chaired the task force that proposed and implemented a reorganization and reformation of the juvenile justice system in the state. Previously, she was chief counsel to Gov. Thomas Kean ’57. Poritz currently is of counsel in the Princeton office of the law firm Drinker Biddle & Reath. She has received the National Association of Women Judges’ Lifetime Achievement Award and the Civic Leadership Award from the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, among others. She has held numerous leadership positions in professional organizations. Brooklyn College (B.A., 1958); University of Pennsylvania Law School (J.D., 1977) After teaching school and then earning her law degree at the age of 40, she ascended to this state’s highest legal offices. A pioneering jurist, she was the first woman to serve as chief justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court and the first woman to serve as the State’s attorney general. Her commitment to fair treatment helped secure opportunities and protections for many facing discrimination and injustice. This Brooklyn native has long been at home in Princeton where she applies her wise counsel in her law practice and in interactions with our students, encouraging determined advocacy on behalf of a civic and social vision that seeks the best in all of us. John Paul Stevens Doctor of Laws every individual, the traditions of the American people, and the values of our country. After leaving the Court, he has remained a thoughtful and prolific commentator on the Constitution, extending still further his legacy as one of this nation’s most compelling advocates for freedom, justice, and the rule of law. Mario Vargas Llosa Doctor of Letters The acclaimed Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa won the Nobel Prize in literature in 2010 when he was teaching for a semester at Princeton. He first taught at Princeton in 1992, and most recently he taught in 2013. His literary papers are housed in the University’s Firestone Library. Known for his deep engagement with politics and history and for his deft storytelling, Vargas Llosa has been a major figure in Latin American fiction since his debut novel, The Time of the Hero, was published in 1963. He has written more than a dozen novels, as well as nonfiction and drama. Among his novels are: Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, The War of the End of the World, The Feast of the Goat, and The Dream of the Celt. His latest book, The Discreet Hero: A Novel, was published in March. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Licenciado en Literatura,1958); Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Ph.D., 1959) For half a century, since the publication of “The Time of the Hero,” he has helped us take in the specifics of his native Peru, and take on a much more spacious purview. He writes with a rare combination of intellectual vigor and emotional valor that allows him to tackle subjects, including the overtly political, from which many would simply shy away. We honor him today as a truth teller, a tester of boundaries, a master of his craft, and a teacher in the broadest sense of the term. Nominated to the Supreme Court by President Gerald Ford in 1975, John Paul Stevens served as associate justice until his retirement in 2010. At the time of his retirement, he was the oldest member of the Court and the thirdlongest serving in Court history. Stevens served in the United States Navy from 1942 to 1945. He was admitted to law practice in Illinois in 1949 and focused on antitrust law. In 1970, he was appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Before retiring from the Supreme Court, Stevens had written some 1,400 opinions, roughly half of them dissents. In 2011, Stevens participated in a conversation on campus with then-Provost Christopher L. Eisgruber, who served as a law clerk for Stevens from August 1989 to July 1990. In 2012, Stevens received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Stevens is the author of Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution, published last year. University of Chicago (A.B., 1941); Northwestern University School of Law (J.D., 1947) After defending our freedom in World War II, he devoted his career to upholding our Constitution. His 40 years on the bench, including 35 on the Supreme Court, were distinguished by careful legal craftsmanship and steadfast adherence to constitutional ideals. A champion of liberty and an exemplar of reasoned judgment, his jurisprudence manifested a deep regard for the dignity of 47 Remarks by the President Christopher L. Eisgruber Benediction Deborah K. Blanks Associate Dean of Religious Life and of the Chapel Alma Mater Old Nassau Tune ev’ry heart and ev’ry voice, Bid ev’ry care withdraw; Let all with one accord rejoice, In praise of Old Nassau. In praise of Old Nassau, we sing, Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Our hearts will give while we shall live, Three cheers for Old Nassau. Recessional The audience will please remain in place until the academic procession returns to the staging area behind Nassau Hall. AV E T E AT Q V E VA L E T E In Memoriam The University remembers here with great sadness a member of the Class of 2014, whose untimely death occurred this year prior to degree completion. Aryeh Avraham Stein-Azen, Politics 48 A Commentary on Commencement Princeton traces its founding to a royal charter granted on October 22, 1746, by King George the Second of England. The first Commencement Exercises were held in 1748, in Newark, then home of the College of New Jersey, as Princeton was originally called. Six students were graduated at the first Commencement; today there are approximately 1,290 seniors receiving undergraduate degrees. One of Princeton’s first graduate students was James Madison 1771, later the fourth president of the United States. He remained at the college after graduation to continue his studies with President John Witherspoon, who was the only college president as well as the only clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence. Systematic graduate instruction began in the 1870s, and the Graduate School, as it is known today, was formally organized in 1900. More than 500 recipients of advanced degrees will be recognized at Commencement today. Princeton’s Commencements have been held in late spring only since 1844. Before then the ceremony took place in the fall because the College was in session all summer long. Since the College moved to Princeton in 1756, Commencement has been held in a variety of locations on or near campus, including Alexander Hall, the First Presbyterian Church, and Nassau Hall, but since 1922 the front lawn of Nassau Hall (known as front campus) has been the site of Commencement, weather permitting. The Commencement Setting Guests at a Commencement held on front campus visit historic ground. The word “campus” defined to mean the grounds of a college was first used at Princeton University. “Front campus” is used to refer to the lawn in front of Nassau Hall, Princeton’s oldest building and a registered national historic landmark. The largest academic structure in the Colonies, Nassau Hall provided, for nearly one-half century after its completion in 1756, all the facilities of the College—classrooms, bedrooms, refectory, library, and prayer hall. Nassau Hall was the scene of an unsuccessful stand of the British in the crucial Battle of Princeton in 1777. In the spring of 1779, when the farm called Prospect just behind Nassau Hall was owned by a retired Indian agent, its campus border (now McCosh Walk) was home to an encampment of Delaware sachem. These Native American leaders, here at the behest of the Continental Congress, presented three young Delaware Indians for education in Nassau Hall at Congress’s expense—making the education of American Indians at Princeton the first instance of U.S. federal aid to education. Nassau Hall was once the Capitol of the country: The Continental Congress met in its library room for four months in 1783. In its prayer hall, Washington received the thanks of Congress for his conduct of the war. To the north—behind the spectator facing Nassau Hall—is FitzRandolph Gate, named in honor of Nathaniel and Rebecca FitzRandolph, who donated the land on which Nassau Hall was built. To the west is the John Maclean House, built as a home for the president when Nassau Hall was constructed in 1756. It is named for Princeton’s 10th president, who lived there between 1854 and 1868. Ten of Princeton’s first 11 presidents, until 1879, lived in the house. It was the residence of deans of the faculty between 1883 and 1967 and became the headquarters of the Alumni Council in 1968. The sycamore trees in the front yard are known as “the Stamp Act Trees” because they were planted in 1765, the year the Stamp Act was repealed. Behind Maclean House is Stanhope Hall, the University’s third-oldest building, erected in 1803. Its architect was Benjamin Latrobe, who also designed the Capitol in Washington and supervised the reconstruction of Nassau Hall after a disastrous fire in 1802. Stanhope Hall is now home of the Center for African American Studies. To the east is the Joseph Henry House, the home of the University’s Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts and the Council of the Humanities. It was built in 1837 for Joseph Henry, professor of natural philosophy and a pioneer experimenter in electromagnetism. Originally built to the south of Stanhope Hall, the house was relocated twice before being moved to its present location in 1946 to make way for Firestone Library. Professor Henry sent messages over a wire several years before Morse perfected the telegraph for commercial use. He later became the first secretary of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Flanking the front steps of Nassau Hall are two bronze tigers that were given to the University in 1911 by the Class of 1879, Woodrow Wilson’s class. The tiger has been a symbol of Princeton since the latter part of the 19th century. On the Commencement platform, front and center, is a replica of the University’s seal, which is the corporate signature of the Trustees (it is also reproduced on the cover of this program). Today’s ceremony is a continuation of a regular Board meeting that was adjourned yesterday “to reconvene on front campus,” to permit the Trustees to confirm undergraduate, advanced, and honorary degrees at this public ceremony. The current seal was adopted in 1896 when, at the Sesquicentennial of its founding, the College of New Jersey became Princeton University. The Trustees’ minutes of February 13, 1896, describe the seal as follows: “… a shield resting upon a circle. In the upper part of the shield an open Bible with Latin characters VET NOV TESTAMENTUM signifies the Old and New Testaments.… In the lower part a chevron, denoting the rafters of a building. In the spaces between the sides of the shield and the circle the motto DEI SUB NUMINE VIGET (Under God’s power she flourishes). On the outside of the circle SIGILLUM UNIVERSITATIS PRINCETONIENSIS (the seal of Princeton University).” The front campus is of particular importance to alumni of the University. It is where students become alumni at Commencement and where alumni assemble for the annual P-rade at Reunions just prior to Commencement. During a special Charter Day convocation to celebrate the University’s 250th anniversary a plaque was placed in the center of front campus, where the crosswalks meet, to recognize the many and diverse contributions of alumni. The plaque’s inscription reads, “In the Nation’s Service, In the Service of All Nations. On the occasion of its 250th Anniversary Princeton University here records its gratitude to its alumni for their devotion to the University and its mission of education, scholarship, and service. October 22, 1996.” The Academic Procession The academic procession is led by the chief marshal, a member of the faculty appointed to this position by the president. The forming of the procession, the seating of Commencement participants, and other aspects of Commencement Exercises are managed by the faculty marshals and the assistant marshals. Faculty marshals are identified by their unique orange gowns and black 16th-century caps, as is the mace-bearer, who carries the ceremonial mace in the academic procession. Assistant marshals, who are members of various University staffs, wear academic gowns and distinctive orange-and-black Da Vinci caps; student ushers wear academic gowns with orange piping and no hoods. Advanced degree candidates, receiving masters’ or doctoral degrees, come first in the procession. They received their academic hoods at a Graduate School ceremony yesterday. They are preceded by a gonfalon, a decorative banner representing the Graduate School. Seniors come next, also preceded by gonfalons, for each of Princeton’s six residential colleges. Since 1982, residential colleges have been the center of residential life for freshmen and sophomores. In fall 2007, with the opening of Whitman College, the University inaugurated an expanded residential college system that includes three four-year colleges and pairs them with three two-year colleges. Juniors and seniors may live in the residential colleges and even upperclass students who do not live in the colleges remain associated with them. Each college has a faculty master, dean, director of studies and director of student life, as well as residential college advisers, who are upperclass students, and resident graduate students. Academic advising for freshmen and sophomores is centered at the colleges, and juniors and seniors also are encouraged to confer with their college advisers for non-departmental advising throughout their undergraduate careers. Following Commencement Exercises today, seniors will receive their diplomas in their residential college (see Diploma Distribution Events below). Following degree candidates in the procession are members of the platform party including members of the faculty and senior administration, Trustees and special award winners, heads of neighboring institutions of higher learning, and the mayor of Princeton. At the end of the procession are the chair of the Board of Trustees and the president of the University, led by the faculty mace-bearer. The mace was presented to the University by the citizens of Princeton in 1956, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the opening of Nassau Hall. It symbolizes the authority of the president of the University as well as the close relationship that has existed between the University and the community ever since the College was first invited to move to Princeton in 1752. The mace’s silver headpiece is dominated by the eagle of freedom surmounting the orb of power—a traditional American pattern. Directly below is the seal of the University, encircled by ivy. The ebony staff is fluted to symbolize the fasces of authority. A half-staff circlet of silver is decorated with the seals of the United States and the State of New Jersey, and also of Great Britain, under whose authority the first charter was granted in 1746. The president of the University wears a special gown, symbolic of that office and of the institutional continuity it represents. The gown is black, trimmed with gold, and faced with the orange of Princeton and of the House of Nassau. The 19 bands of gold lacing on the sleeves of the gown represent the 20 presidents who have guided Princeton since its founding. In order of succession they are Jonathan Dickinson; Aaron Burr Sr.; Jonathan Edwards; Samuel Davies; Samuel Finley; John Witherspoon; Samuel Stanhope Smith; Ashbel Green; James Carnahan; John Maclean; James McCosh; Francis Landey Patton; Woodrow Wilson; John Grier Hibben; Harold Willis Dodds; Robert Francis Goheen; William Gordon Bowen; Harold Tafler Shapiro; Shirley M. Tilghman; and Christopher L. Eisgruber, who assumed office July 1, 2013. Academic Dress and Custom Three major levels of academic achievement are represented by different types of gowns. Successful completion of requirements for the bachelor’s degree is symbolized by the bachelor’s gown, made of black material, with long, pointed sleeves. The gown is generally worn closed. Like the bachelor’s gown, the master’s gown is black without trim and is identified by the shape of the oblong sleeve, square at the end and sealed, so that the upper part of the arm comes through a slit in the sleeve. The doctor’s gown and the master’s gown may be worn open or closed. 49 Although some universities prescribe a solid color such as red, crimson, or green for their doctoral gowns, in the United States most are black. In some cases the gown’s trim matches the edging of the hood, thus indicating the profession or field of major interest. The doctoral gown has bell-shaped sleeves as a further distinguishing mark. Because members of the Princeton University faculty completed their graduate work at many different educational institutions in this country and abroad, there will be a variety of raiment in today’s procession. Some degree holders wear no hood because their academic robe itself symbolizes the degree awarded (witness the scarlet gown of Oxford). The length and shape of the academic hood and the width of its velvet edging help to identify the level of the degree that the wearer has earned. Sometimes velvet edging is used to indicate the field or discipline in which the degree was granted. Some examples of colors assigned to different disciplines are: dark blue, philosophy; light blue, education; peacock blue, public affairs; brown, fine arts or architecture; copper, economics; green, medicine; orange, engineering; pink, music; purple, law; scarlet, divinity or theology; white, arts, humanities, or letters; golden yellow, science or science in engineering. The lining of the academic hood provides added color and gives further meaning to most academic costumes. The black shell of the hood, varying in size for each of the three kinds of degrees, is lined with the official color (or colors) of the college or university conferring the degree. More than one color is often shown by the use of the chevron or by an equal division of school colors. Caps, generally mortarboards with tassels, have their own significance. Some foreign degree holders wear special hats, distinctive to their degree and institution. Master’s and bachelor’s tassels are black, while the doctor’s tassel may be black or gold. The doctoral cap may be made of velvet. 50 The Use of Latin In 1748 the exercises were conducted entirely in Latin. Besides the address by the salutatorian “performed in good Latin from his Memory in a handsome oratorical Manner,” there were also “publick Disputations in Latin” by all six candidates for the bachelor’s degree on six separate questions in philosophy and theology, and “an elegant Oration in the Latin Tongue, delivered memoriter,” by Aaron Burr Sr., the second president of the College. Today, Latin is still used by the president in the conferring of degrees and by the salutatorian. Degrees are conferred under the authority of the president and the Trustees, as established in the charter. In token thereof, the president and Trustees wear caps when conferring degrees. Each time a dean or the University orator puts on a cap and goes to the lectern to present candidates for degrees, the Trustees also put on their caps. The president makes appropriate remarks and tips his cap to signify the formal conferral of the degree. The Latin used by the president in the conferring of degrees is simple and straightforward: Auctoritate mihi a curatoribus Vniversitatis Princetoniensis commissa, vos ad gradum primum in artibus et cum honoribus, ut indicatum est, admitto. “By the authority vested in me by the Trustees of Princeton University, I admit you to the degree of bachelor of arts, with honors as indicated.” The same formula is used for all the other degrees with appropriate amendments. The Latin Salutatory and the Valedictory The Latin salutatory is the oldest Commencement honor, dating to the first Commencement in 1748. Some of the most distinguished members of the Princeton faculty were former salutatorians, including Henry Burchard Fine, Henry van Dyke, Allan Marquand, William Berryman Scott, Henry Norris Russell, and President Emeritus Robert Francis Goheen. The valedictory was first awarded as a graduation honor in 1760. Probably the greatest moment ever experienced by a Princeton valedictorian was the one enjoyed by Ashbel Green in 1783. The Continental Congress held some of its meetings that year in the library room of Nassau Hall. It adjourned its sessions to attend Commencement. Green concluded his valedictory with an address of some length to George Washington, who was present. “The next day,” Green later recorded, “General Washington met me in the entry of the College as he was going to a committee-room of Congress, took me by the hand, walked with me a short time, flattered me a little, and desired me to present his best respects to my classmates, and his best wishes for their success in life. There has never been such an audience at a Commencement before and perhaps there never will be again.” Later, in 1812, Ashbel Green became Princeton’s eighth president. Academic Honors Membership in Phi Beta Kappa is based on general academic performance throughout the college course and through election by the society. Membership in Sigma Xi is accorded in science and engineering. Undergraduates who show promise in scientific and engineering research are elected to associate membership. The national engineering society, Tau Beta Pi, has a chapter at Princeton to which certain candidates for the B.S.E. degree are admitted in recognition of superior scholarship. The first honorary degree given by Princeton was master of arts honoris causa, conferred at the first Commencement upon Jonathan Belcher, governor of the Province of New Jersey and promoter and benefactor of the College, who secured its second charter. The Trustees sought to honor him further in 1756 by proposing to name the College’s first building for him. He declined and suggested instead that it be named in honor of William III, “a branch of the illustrious House of Nassau.” Today candidates for honorary degrees are selected by a committee made up of Trustees and members of the University community. The criteria used in the committee’s deliberations include genuine achievement and distinction in an activity consonant with the mission of the University; the advancement of learning in the arts, sciences, and technology, and for the public welfare; and distinguished contribution in elective, appointive, or career service notable for demonstrated qualities of intellect as well as character. Candidates must be approved by a vote of four-fifths of the Board of Trustees present and voting. Music for Commencement Members of the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia, conducted by Paul Erion, provide the music for today’s Commencement. Selections for the preCommencement concert may include Paul Dukas’s Fanfare from “La Peri”; Paul Erion’s arrangements of George Frideric Handel’s “Music for the Royal Fireworks” and Richard Wagner’s “Elsa’s Procession to the Catherdral”; and Gustav Holst’s own arrangement for band of “Jupiter” from “The Planets.” During the procession, you will hear classics from the British military band repertory: Holst’s “Suites 1 and 2 for Military Band,” Ralph Vaughan Williams’s “Folk Song Suite,” and William Walton’s “Crown Imperial March,” the last composed for the coronation of King George VI. The recessional music includes Donald Hunsberger’s arrangement of Dmitri Shostakovitch’s “Festive Overture,” and concludes with marches by John Philip Sousa. At the close of today’s program, “Old Nassau” will be led by members of the senior class Diane S. Hu, Joe LoPresti, and Paul A. Riley Jr. President of the University Christopher L. Eisgruber Christopher Ludwig Eisgruber was elected Princeton University’s 20th president on April 21, 2013, and assumed office on July 1, 2013. A renowned constitutional scholar, he served as a member of the Princeton faculty for 12 years and as Princeton’s provost for nine years before being named president. Eisgruber received his A.B. in physics from Princeton in 1983, graduating magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. He then earned an M.Litt. in politics at the University of Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, and a J.D. cum laude at the University of Chicago Law School, where he served as editor-in-chief of the law review. After clerking for U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Patrick Higginbotham and U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, he taught at New York University’s School of Law for 11 years. In 2001, Eisgruber joined the Princeton faculty as the director of the Program in Law and Public Affairs and the Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Public Affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and the University Center for Human Values. He directed Princeton’s Program in Law and Public Affairs from 2001 to 2004, and he served for a year as acting director of the Program in Ethics and Public Affairs in 2002-03. In addition to writing and editing several books and publishing numerous articles on constitutional issues, Eisgruber has testified multiple times before legislative bodies on the issue of religious freedom. His books include Constitutional SelfGovernment (2001); Global Justice and the Bulwarks of Localism: Human Rights in Context (edited with Andras Sajo, 2005); Religious Freedom and the Constitution (with Lawrence Sager, 2007); and The Next Justice: Repairing the Supreme Court Appointments Process (2007). In 2014, he was elected to membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 51 Trustees of the University EX OFFICIO Christopher L. Eisgruber Christopher J. Christie TRUSTEES Aku Ammah-Tagoe ’11 Jaime I. Ayala ’84 Thomas A. Barron ’74 Scott Berg ’71 Victoria Baum Bjorklund ’73 Katherine B. Bradley ’86 Denny Chin ’75 Pyper Davis ’87 John D. Diekman ’65 Carl Ferenbach III ’64 Heather K. Gerken ’91 Charles DeW. Gibson ’65 Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers ’87 C. Kim Goodwin ’81 Angela A. Groves ’12 Paul G. Haaga, Jr. ’70 Kathryn A. Hall ’80 Philip U. Hammarksjold ’87 Brent Henry ’69 Robert J. Hugin ’76 Lisa P. Jackson *86 Mitchell R. Julis ’77 Randall L. Kennedy ’77 Steven D. Leach ’82 Anthony H.P. Lee ’79 Kanwal Matharu ’13 Laurence C. Morse *80 Robert S. Murley ’72 Nancy B. Peretsman ’76 Brian M. Reilly ’14 Margarita Rosa ’74 Ruth J. Simmons Bradford L. Smith ’81 Peter C. Wendell ’72 Sheryl WuDunn *88 John O. Wynne ’67 Min Zhu *88 Commencement Committee Class of 2015 OFFICERS Jonathan Ma, President Samisha Bansal, Vice President Cordelia Orillac, Treasurer Yeri Lee, Secretary Jenna Newman, Social Chair STEERING COMMITTEE Tumi Akinlawon, Kitty Cook, Zach Horton, Michael Katz, Cameron Maple, annual giving Evan Coles, Hanna Kim, Adam Tcharni, Class Day Rana Ibrahem, Lucy Li, Eva Weng, Commencement fair / checkout Neil Hannan, Janie Lee, Nicole Pennycooke, Saumya Singh, last lectures David Durst, Benjamin Hazel, operation mattress Helen Daifotis, Marina Kaneko, Kemy Lin, senior jacket Hadley Chu, Sydney Montgomery, Tiana Woolridge, senior prom Dalia Katan, Zhan Okuda-Lim, slide show / P-rade Diane Hu, Joe LoPresti, Paul Riley, step sing Elise Backman, Victoria Majchrzak, yearbook In case of severe weather If Commencement on front campus is interrupted by heavy rain, high winds, or thunder and lightning, the ceremony will be ended promptly. The president will award undergraduate and advanced degrees, should that part of the program not have been reached, and guests and graduates will be dismissed. Diplomas may be picked up as described under “Diploma Distribution Events.” The platform party, and guests of faculty and of teacher award winners and of honorary degree recipients will retire to the Faculty Room in Nassau Hall where these awards and certificates will be presented. Other guests and degree candidates must vacate the area and seek shelter as directed by Public Safety Officers, Assistant Marshals, and ushers. Recommended locations for shelter include Alexander Hall and Dillon Gym (on the west side), Firestone Library and the University Chapel (on the east side). Please turn off cell phones and other electronic devices or switch them to silent/vibrate mode during the ceremony. Photographs of the ceremony taken by photographers engaged by the University will be available at www. princeton.edu / pr / gradpics /2015. These include photographs of the graduates exiting FitzRandolph Gate at the end of the ceremony. Restrooms are located in Chancellor Green; at the corner of East Pyne opposite Whig Hall; in Alexander Hall (on the west side of audience); in Clio Hall (use rear entrance); and in West College. Copyright © 2015 by The Trustees of Princeton University Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this program, the student’s transcript is the official record of the University. 52 Diploma Distribution Events Each of the residential colleges hosts a reception following Commencement for seniors and their guests, and diplomas will be distributed at these events. Seniors should go to the college to which they are currently assigned to receive their diplomas. Diplomas will be available immediately after Commencement until 2:30 p.m. in the residential colleges. Colleges are within walking distance of Nassau Hall, and shuttles are available from Alexander Hall following Commencement. Diplomas not picked up at the residential college receptions will be available in the Office of the Registrar in 101 West College from 3 to 5 p.m. on Commencement day and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the day following Commencement. Shuttles to the receptions leave from Alexander Hall after graduation. Locations of the receptions in the colleges follow. Butler College: Butler Green on Elm Drive. The diploma distribution tent is near Yoseloff Hall and behind the large dining/reception tent. The Central Line travels along Elm Drive stopping at the Butler College event. Forbes College: Forbes College living room and terrace. The “Forbes Express” bus goes directly to Forbes College; the bus will make return trips stopping at the West parking garage, after 1:30 p.m. Mathey College: Hamilton-Joline corridor (diplomas distributed); Mathey College dining hall and common room (reception areas). Mathey College is adjacent to the Commencement location; please use the walkway marked between Hamilton and Joline Halls. Rockefeller College: Holder Cloister (diplomas distributed); Rockefeller College common room and dining hall (reception areas). Holder Cloister’s entrance is between Alexander Hall and Nassau Street. Please use the entrance to the dining hall on Nassau Street. Whitman College: The Class of 1963 Courtyard. The Central Line travels along Elm Drive stopping at Whitman College. Wilson College: Dodge Osborn Courtyard. Take the Central Line south on Elm Drive. Exit at Whitman College and walk east on Goheen Walk. Wilson College is on the left. Enter the main lobby, proceed up the stairs and exit through the lobby doors on the right to reach Dodge-Osborn Courtyard. Advanced degree recipients whose degrees have been conferred by the trustees at the current meeting receive their diplomas on Cannon Green, in front of Clio Hall, home of the Graduate School.
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