DECEMBER 2011 NEWSLETTER Well it`s that festive

Well it’s that festive time of year once again and as with any special time, Christmas can present its
own unique problems for our 4 legged companions. So before we kick back and celebrate, why not
ensure this Christmas runs as smoothly for our pets as for the rest of our family.
Our pets’ digestive systems are not designed for abrupt changes of diet particularly those as rich as
the foods on offer at Christmas. Try to avoid giving your dog turkey leftovers and the like, as turkey,
duck and even pork are far too rich for the average dog and will not only cause tummy upsets such
as diarrhoea and vomiting, but they may even necessitate a trip to Park Vets if the problem persists!
Make sure those bin bags are tightly tied and out of reach – scavenged turkey carcases could make
for a spell at the vets and even surgery to remove the offending bone if it gets lodged on its way
through your dog’s digestive tract…
Similarly, remember that dogs are not small people and eating a large helping of chocolate, raisins,
grapes , sultanas will not only ruin their waistline but could have serious consequences. These foods
are poisonous to dogs and can be life threatening in large amounts. The component of chocolate
that is toxic to dogs is called theobromine. This is found in the highest levels in cocoa , cooking
chocolate and dark chocolate, just 25g may be enough to poison a 20kg dog! A single chocolate
shouldn’t harm, but if in doubt please call Park vets immediately. A small amount may cause
diarrhoea and vomiting but if enough chocolate is ingested this can progress to seizures, collapse
and even death if left untreated. Raisins, grapes, sultanas can also cause diarrhoea and vomiting,
which may progress to kidney failure if enough product is eaten…
Dogs and cats are nosey and may chew and ingest odd discarded items such as baubles, tinsel,
string, presents from crackers etc. Be careful as these seemingly innocuous things can cause
blockages if eaten and may need retrieval via abdominal surgery (a laparotomy) – Not good for your
pet or your pocket!
Even seemingly safe items such as Lilies come with their own health warning for cats. Lilies even in
the tiniest quantity are poisonous to cats and can cause kidney failure. Please be careful – kittens in
particular will climb and sniff- they can easily brush against the pollen which they will then ingest
when grooming themselves later.
Although you may look forward to the hustle and bustle of Christmas and the arrival of many
visitors; your pets often prefer stability and may find this disruption in routine extremely stressful.
Try to ensure that they have somewhere to escape to and hide; or even make arrangements for an
overnight stay at a cattery or kennels to avoid that noisy New Year’s Eve party / firework display. We
can advise on products to help your pets cope with these stressful events.
Please call Park Vets if your pet needs any help. (Link to fireworks hand out on website??)
ADAPTIL comes as a plug-in diffuser, spray or collar that can comfort your dog and help him cope
with his fears. It produces a scent that only your dog can smell. The effect is not immediate, so
the ADAPTIL diffuser needs to be plugged in continually for up to 2 weeks before the scary
ZYLKENE is a natural palatable product given with food to help reduce your pet’s anxiety levels.
Zylkene should also be started before the anticipated series of fearful events.
Both ADAPTIL and ZYLKENE can help your pet manage stress, but also can facilitate any training
programmes to help your dog deal with these stressful situations in the future. They can both be
given in combination with any prescribed ‘Anti Anxiety’ medications…
Please ask at reception if you have any queries or concerns. We realise that this can be an
extremely distressing time for our more sensitive pets.
Remember to ensure that your pet’s vaccinations are up to date if they are going into kennels over
the festive period (both dogs and cats need an annual vaccination booster). Book well in advance if
they need a kennels or cattery – the best ‘hotels’ will be full months in advance!
And finally
Don’t forget those stocking fillers for your pets – we have a wide selection on display in reception at
Park Vets, and as usual we are selling Christmas cards for our favourite charities – “Guide Dogs for
the Blind” and “Riding for the Disabled”.
If despite all of your best intentions, your pet does become ill over Christmas, be assured that help is
at hand as Park Vets will be available for emergencies 24 / 7 as for every other day of the year. Our
surgery is manned 24hours a day by our usual vets and nurses. Help is only a phone call away on
02920 382211.
Christmas Opening Hours are (for routine appointments):