fo|ky; f’k{kk foHkkx gfj;k.kk STUDENT SKILL PASSBOOK fo|kFkhZ dk uke Sr. No. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. MATHS Essential Competencies Required 1 lcls Åij & lcls uhps] vkxs&ihNs] vanj&ckgj] ikl&nwj dh le>A 2 de T;knk dh le> ¼feyku }kjk] ,d&,d laxfr }kjk½A oLrqvksa ds voyksduh; xq.kksa ds vk/kkj ij lekurk o foHksnhdj.k djuk A 3 f=vk;keh oLrqvksa tSls&fMCcs] xsna ] ‘kadq] vkfn ds vkdkj o eki dh oLrqvksa dh igpkuA voyksduh; xq.kksa ds vk/kkj ij oLrqvksas dh NaVuh djuk rFkk oxhZdj.k djukA oLrqvksa ds yq<+dus rFkk f[kldus ds vk/kkj ij OkxhZdj.kA 1 ls 20 rd dh la[;kvksa ds laxr oLrqvksa dk laxzg djuk] igpkuuk o cksyukA oLrqvksa ;k muds fp=ksa ds laxzg ls mudh la[;k dk vanktk yxkukA la[;kdksa dks i<+us o fy[kus dh le>A okLrfod oLrqvksa o la[;kdksa (Numerals) dh lgk;rk ls ,d vadh; la[;kvksa dks tksM+uk ¼tksM+ 9 rd gks½A ,d vadh; nks la[;kvksa dks ekSf[kd :i ls tksM+ukA 4 5 6 7 okLrfod oLrqvksa ,oa fp=ksa dk iz;ksx djds ?kVkus dh {kerkA ?kVk ds rF;ksa ds laxr fLFkfr;ksa dh ekSf[kd O;k[;k djukA ‘kwU; dh tkudkjhA izpfyr flDds o 100 rd ds uksVksa dh igpku djukA nks oLrqvksa dh dqy dher dk vanktk yxkuk o fxudj lR;kfir djukA To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No Essential Competencies Required NO Listens to the poem and responds in yes/no Matches actions from pictures with action words Uses common greetings and courtesies. (eg. Good morning, Thank you ) Follows instructions/commands with appropriate actions and gestures Names the action words with the help of pictures Recognises the letters I, L, T Recites the poem with actions and gestures Identifies the pictures and names them Recognises the letters H, E, F Speaks about himself/herself To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes r r r r r r r yr r er r syr r re y rs e y s e s Recites the poem with appropriate actions and gestures Matches object from pictures with the names of the objects Recognises the letters X, Y, K 1 No Essential Competencies Required NO v/;kid dh ckr@funs’Z k lqudj izfrfØ;k nsukA viuk o vius ifjokj dk ifjp; nsukA Recognises the letters A, Z Matches fruit pictures with their trees HINDI To be filled by exit class teacher Answers the questions in one or two words Associates pictures of animals with their names and their young ones. Identifies and makes the sounds of different animals Counts the objects and speaks numbers in English Identifies pictures of fruits and names them Recognises the letters V, W I . SRN ………………………………………………. ENGLISH To be filled by exit class teacher r r r r r ry re r rs r r r r r y r re ry rs er rr sr rr y rrr e ryr s rrer rrsy rre rys rer rysr rerr syrr r rer sryr rer r rsy r re r rs ry r rer yr srr er rysr er y sr e ys e Class. [ksy xfrfof/k;ksa esa izfrHkkfxrkA Ckkyxhr lqudj ihNs nksgjkukA fp= igpkudj vuqeku yxkukA LoPNrk laca/kh ppkZ esa Hkkx ysukA vklikl ds ifjos’k dh igpkuA Qyks]a lfCt;ksa o i'kq&if{k;ksa ds uke dh tkudkjhA fcUnq feyku djukA jaxksa dh igpku djrs gq, jax HkjukA r r r r r r r r r yr r re y rs e y s e s o.kksZa dh cukoV igpkurs gq, mudk mPpkj.k djukA ns[kdj o.kksaZ dk vuqys[ku djukA o.kksZa dks tksM+dj i<+uk o ‘kCn cukukA o.kksZa dks tksM+dj ljy ‘kCnksa dk ys[ku djukA To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes r rr rr rr rr yrr reyr rser rsr rr ry rye res sr y e s r r r r r r r r r y r e y s e s No NO 8 9 10 11 50 rd dh la[;kvksa ds laxr oLrqvksa dk laxzg.k ,oa mudks fxuukA oLrqvksa dks 10&10 ds lewg esa rFkk ‘ks”k dks vyx djuk o la[;k dks igpkuus o fy[kus dh le>A fn, x, laxzg ls mudh la[;k dk vanktk yxkuk o fxu dj lR;kfir djukA ^^igys** vkSj ^^ckn ds** le; tSls ‘kCnksa }kjk ?kfVr ?kVukvksa esa varj djukA vf/kd ,oa de vof/k dks ek=kRed n`f”V ls vuqHko djuk tSls ckYVh ;k ex ls ikuh Hkjus dh vof/kA ?kfVr ?kVukvksa dks mudh vof/k vuqlkj rFkk muds ?kVus ds le; vuqlkj Øeokj crkukA cM+k&NksVk] Å¡pk&uhpk esa varj djukA oLrqvksa dks yackbZ ds vuqlkj Øec) djukA vleku ek=dksa }kjk NksVh&NksVh nwfj;ks@ a yEckbZ dk vanktk yxkuk o ekiuk ¼tSls dneksa ls½A 100 rd dh la[;kvksa ds laxr oLrqvksa dk voyksdu] mudk laxzg.k ,oa mudks fxuukA oLrqvksa dks 10&10 ds lewg esa rFkk ‘ks”k dks vyx djuk o la[;kvksa dks igpkuus o fy[kus dh le>A la[;kvksa dks Øe ls fy[kus dh le>A 12 13 r r r r r ry rer rys r rer ysr er sry r r er rr sy rr e rr rs ry r re r rs ry re r rys r re ry rs re r rs y r e r s yr er sy e s 14 15 Identifies pictures of vegetables and names them Recognises pictures of vegetables and names them Recognises the letters C, G ‘kCnksa esa vkbZ ek=kvksa dh igpku djukA ek=k;qDr ‘kCnksa dk ys[ku djukA Identifies colours and names them fp= dFkk dks le>us dk iz;kl djukA ek=k iz;ksx ls o.kZ /ofu esa varj dh igpku djukA Matches pictures of the similar shapes Recognises the letters O, Q Understands relations of family members and names them Introduces family members with their names Recognises the letters P, R, B fofHkUu O;olk;ksa ls tqM+s fp=ksa dh igpku djukA igsfy;ksa ds rdZiw.kZ mÙkj nsukA Recites the poem with appropriate actions and gestures Identifies the pictures of actions and names them Recognises the letters D, S Identifies body parts and names them Understands and follows simple instructions Recognises the letters U, J Identifies birds and names them Understands and answers simple questions in one or two words Traces over dotted small letters of English alphabet Identifies the names of games with the help of pictures Recognises the letters of the English alphabet (capital and small) Speaks simple sentences e.g. “I like to play ........“ Recognises the small letters (a to z) Writes small and capital letters of the English alphabet Listens to three-letter words and writes them v/;kidksa ds fy, funs’Z k % ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k dj yh gS rks gk¡ (Yes) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k ugha dh gS rks ^uk* (No) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ftl v/;kid }kjk d{kk i<+kbZ xbZ gS ‘kS{kf.kd o”kZ ds vUr esa oks izR;sd fo|kFkhZ ds dkS’ky dk ewY;kadu djds dkS’ky iklcqd fo|kFkhZ dks nsaxAs 2 fo|ky; f’k{kk foHkkx gfj;k.kk STUDENT SKILL PASSBOOK fo|kFkhZ dk uke Sr. No. MATHS Essential Competencies Required 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Class. SRN ………………………………………………. ENGLISH To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No Essential Competencies Required NO To be filled by exit class teacher Yes 100 rd dh la[;kvksa ds la[;kadks dks i<+uk@fy[kuk@cksyukA 100 rd dh la[;kvksa dks Øekxr fy[kukA lkSS rd nh xbZ la[;k ds iz;ksx ls oLrqvksa dk laxzg djukA f=vk;keh vkÑfr;ksa ds xq.kksa dh O;k[;k djukA okLrfod oLrqvksa ,oa fp=ksa dk iz;ksx djds ljy iSVuksaZ ds Øe dks iw.kZ djukA 100 rd nh xbZ oLrqvksa dks 10&10 ds lewg esa rFkk ‘ks”k dks ,d&,d djds vyx djuk] fxuuk o fy[kukA oLrqvksa ;k muds fp=ksa ds laxzg ls mudh la[;kvksa dh rqyuk djuk tSls fdlh nh gqbZ la[;k ls de ;k vf/kdA Reads and writes capital letters nks ;k vf/kd vkl&ikl dh Hkkjh o gYdh oLrqvksa dk vanktk yxk dj rqyuk djukA lk/kkj.k rqyk dh mi;ksfxrk o iz;ksx }kjk oLrqvksa ds Hkkjksa dh rqyuk djukA iqujko`fÙk fd;s fcuk fn, x;s nks vadksa ls lcls cM+h o lcls NksVh la[;k cukukA nh xbZ 100 rd dh rhu ;k vf/kd la[;kvksa dks vkjksgh ;k vojksgh Øe esa fy[kukA f=vk;keh oLrqvksa dh f}vk;keh :i js[kk [khapukA f}vk;keh :i js[kk ns[kdj f=vk;keh oLrqvksa dh igpku djukA Speaks simple dialogues Matches the names of games with the pictures of objects Understands the concept of one and many ,d vadh; tksM+ ds rF;ksa dh le>A fdlh la[;k esa ‘kwU; tksM+uk o fdlh la[;k esa ls ‘kwU; ?kVkukA la[;k js[kk dh lgk;rk ls tksM+ djukA Speaks simple sentences using action words Completes words with the help of picture clues Completes sentences with the help of pictures No II . HINDI To be filled by new class teacher Yes NO Essential Competencies Required gko&Hkko lfgr dfork dk okpu djukA fofHkUu /ofu;ksa dh igpku djrs gq, vUrj djukA Recognises small letters Understands and follows simple instructions Answers simple questions orally Identifies the picture and names them i<+dj vFkZ xzg.k djukA vuqLokj dk Kku gksukA Reads and writes the days of a week Identifies different means of transport Rearranges letters into meaningful word/words Recognises different means of transport Reads and understands simple sentences Makes words with cues Speaks simple sentences (likes/dislikes etc.) Reads and writes names of body parts Matches pictures of actions related with body parts Writes number names in English from 1 to 20 3 fyax] opu dk Kku gksukA oDrk ds euksHkkoksa dks le>dj viuh ckr dgukA dkSu] D;k] dc] dgk¡ okys iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsukA ckyxhrksa dk y;iw.kZ xk;u djukA dYiuk vk/kkfjr iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsukA cky dgkuh lqudj le>uk o izfrfØ;k nsukA cks/k vk/kkfjr iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsukA okD;ksa dks ‘kq) :i ls fy[kukA igsyh i<+dj vuqeku yxkrs gq, mÙkj nsukA fcuk f>>d ppkZ esa Hkkxhnkjh djukA dfork esa fufgr ewy Hkko dks le>ukA lewg ls vyx ‘kCnksa dks Nk¡VukA To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No NO 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Lkh/kh o oØ js[kkvksa dh igpku djukA lh/ks fdukjs okyh oLrqvksa ls lh/kh js[kk,¡ [khapukA eqDr gLr ls {kSfrt] m/okZ/kj rFkk frjNh js[kk,¡ [khapukA oØ o lh/kh js[kkvksa ls fHkUu&fHkUu vkÑfr;k¡ cukukA ,d vadh; nks la[;kvksa dks ekSf[kd :i ls tksM+uk o ?kVkukA ,d vadh; rhu la[;kvksa dks ekSf[kd o fyf[kr :i ls tksM+ukA oLrqvksa dks 2] 3] 4] 5‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ vkfn ds lewgksa esa fxuuk o fy[kukA oLrqvksa dks yEckbZ ds vuqlkj Øec) djukA nwjh o yEckbZ dk vanktk yxkuk rFkk vekud ek=dksa tSls& ckfy’r ;k dneksa vkfn }kjk lR;kiu djukA lIrkg ds fnukas o o”kZ ds eghuksa dh tkudkjhA fofHkUu eghuksa esa vkus okyh _rqvksa ¼LFkkuh; ifjorZu vuqlkj½ o muesa gksus okyh fØ;kdykiksa dh tkudkjhA ?kfVr ?kVukvksa dh vof/k dks fnuks@ a eghuksa esa Kkr djuk o mudh O;k[;k djukA izpfyr eqnzk ds uksV o flDds igpkuukA 50 #0 rd dh izpfyr eqnzk dks tksM+uk o ?kVkukA nSfud iz;ksx dh [kjhnkjh ds fy, /ku dk vUnktk o cdk;k dk KkuA nks vadh; la[;kvksa dks fofHkUu rjhdksa ls tksM+ukA 10&10 ds lewgksa o [kqys dh lgk;rk ls nks vadh; la[;kvksa dks ?kVkukA nks ;k vf/kd vkl&ikl dh fHkUu&fHkUu /kkjdksa dh /kkfjrk dk vanktk yxk dj rqyuk djukA nSfud thou dh ?kVukvkas ls vk¡dM+s ,df=r djukA vk¡dMks+a dk fu:i.k djuk o mu ij ppkZ djukA Writes the names of colours of the given objects Uses is/are with the help of given pictures Completes sentences with the help of pictures ekrk&firk] HkkbZ&cgu vkfn dks ljy ‘kCnksa esa fy[ks i= dks i<+ukA ,d tSlh pht+ksa ds lewg cukus dh le>A Reads and understands simple sentences Uses personal pronoun (his/her) Identifies similar shapes and names them dgkuh ls feyh lh[k dks nks&rhu okD;ksa esa fy[kukA foykse ‘kCnksa dh le>A Reads and answers simple questions in one or two words Uses has/have in simple sentences Makes simple sentences with the help of cues Uses greetings and courtesies Makes words with the help of picture clues Speaks and understands simple sentences ‘kjhj ds vaxksa ds uke crkuk o fy[kukA ‘kkjhfjd LoPNrk ij ppkZ esa izfrHkkfxrkA Reads and understands simple sentences Matches pictures of professions with their tools Recognises and writes names of objects in the kitchen oxZ rkfydk ls <w¡<+dj tkuojksa ds uke fy[kukA ‘kCnksa ls ljy okD; cukukA v’kq) ‘kCnksa dk ‘kq) ys[ku djukA Understands simple sentences and answers the questions Recognises vowel sounds Makes words with the help of cues dfork/kkfjr iz’uksa ds ,d&nks iafDr;ksa esa mÙkj fy[kukA R;ksgkjksa dks eukus ds ckjs esa vius vuqHko crkukA vkl&ikl dh lkQ&lQkbZ ds egÙo ij ppkZ djukA fojke fpg~uksa dks le>dj okD; i<+ukA Writes answers in small sentences Uses possessive adjective (my/his/her/their/your etc.) Arranges pictures of an incident in sequence Solves riddles with the help of pictures Identifies the names of vegetables from the grid Matches the rhyming words v/;kidksa ds fy, funsZ’k % ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k dj yh gS rks gk¡ (Yes) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k ugha dh gS rks ^uk* (No) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ftl v/;kid }kjk d{kk i<+kbZ xbZ gS ‘kS{kf.kd o”kZ ds vUr esa oks izR;sd fo|kFkhZ ds dkS’ky dk ewY;kadu djds dkS’ky iklcqd fo|kFkhZ dks nsxa sA 4 fo|ky; f’k{kk foHkkx gfj;k.kk STUDENT SKILL PASSBOOK fo|kFkhZ dk uke Sr. No. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. MATHS Essential Competencies Required 1 2 3 4 5 6 f=vk;keh oLrqvksa dks fofHkUu vksj ls ns[kus ij vkdkjksa dks igpkuukA lh/kh js[kkvksa o oØ js[kkvksa dh le>A lefefr dh le>A rhu vadh; la[;kvksa dks i<+uk @fy[kuk] LFkkuh; eku dh le>A rhu vadh; la[;kvksa ds iSVuZ dks vkxs c<+kus dh le>A rhu vadh; la[;kvksa rd tksM+us dh le> o fofHkUu fof/k;ksa }kjk tksM+uk o nks la[;kvksa dks ekud iz.kkyh }kjk iquZlewgu }kjk tksM+ukA tksM+ o ?kVk dh le>A rhu vadh; la[;kvksa ds tksM+ }kjk nSfud thou dh leL;kvksa dk gyA ekud ek=d] lsaVhehVj o ehVj dh le>A lh/kh@oØ js[kkvksa dh lgk;rk ls vk—fr;k¡ cukus dh le>A iSekus ds iz;ksx dh le>A uD’kksa dh le>A f}vk;keh vk—fr;ksa vkfn dh igpkuA VSuxzke igsyh dks cukus o mlds VqdMksa dk iz;ksx djds fofHkUu vkÑfr cukus dh le>A fofHkUu vkd`fr;ksa }kjk fn, x, {ks= dks iwjk HkjukA Ekkud fof?k }kjk tksM+ o ?kVk dh lgk;rk ls leL;kvksa dks gy djukA la[;k js[kk ij tksM+ o ?kVk djukA Class. SRN ………………………………………………. ENGLISH To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No Essential Competencies Required NO HINDI To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No Essential Competencies Required NO Reads and understands simple sentences Uses prepositions of place (, on, under, behind etc.) Names weather conditions/seasons (e.g. sunny, cloudy, winter, summer etc) Writes specific information in sentences Identifies common nouns and proper nouns Identifies the concept of masculine and feminine Uses simple words to make short and simple sentences Identifies subjects and predicates in simple sentences Identifies and uses personal pronouns (I, we, he, she, you, they etc.) Reads and writes answers in simple sentences Uses prepositions of time and place Writes specific information in simple sentences Understands the instructions related to traffic rules Uses is/am/are in simple sentences; writes do’s/don’ts (should/should not) for road safety Uses everyday expressions of courtesy Uses has/have/had in sentences Speaks and writes in English number words from1-100 5 III . dfork dk gko&Hkko lfgr okpu djukA dfork esa vk, ‘kCnksa ds vFkZ crkukA rqdcUnh o ;kstd ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjh gksukA dYiuk ls dgkuh dks vkxs c<+kukA jkstejkZ esa iz;ksx gksus okys eqgkojksa dk KkuA ftKklk ‘kkar djus gsrq iz’u iwNukA fHkUukFkZd ‘kCnksa ls okD; cukukA dfork dk Hkko le>rs gq, ,d&nks iafDr;ksa esa mÙkj nsukA fofHkUu Qyksa o feBkb;ksa ds uke crkuk o fy[kukA la;qDr o.kksaZ ls ;qDr ‘kCnksa dk ‘kq) ys[ku djukA vukSipkfjd i= i<+dj Hkko le>ukA ‘kCnksa ls okD; cukukA feyrs&tqyrs ‘kCnksa dk Kku gksukA vuqHko@dYiuk vk/kkfjr iz’uksÙkjksa dh le> gksukA To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No NO 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 fnu] frfFk] feuV o ?kaVksa dh le>A ?kVukvksa dks muds ?kVus ds le; vuqlkj Øec) djus dh le>A ?kM+h esa le; ns[kus dh le>A ekud ek=dksa ds iz;ksx ls Hkkj Kkr djuk o mudh rqyuk djukA nks vadksa dh xq.kk dh le> o igkM+ksa dks cukukA nks vadh; la[;kvksa ij fofHkUu fof/k;ksa }kjk xq.kk djukA xq.kk ij vk/kkfjr ‘kkfCnd iz’uA le@fo”ke la[;kvksa dh le>A l[;kvks@ a vkdkjksa ds iSVuZ dh le>A vekud@ekud ek=dksa ls rjyksa dks ekiuk o mudh rqyuk djukA leku lewgksa esa ck¡Vuk ,oa Hkkx djus dh le> fodflr djukA nSfud thou ls lacaf/kr vkdM+ksa dks ,df=r djukA vkdM+ksa dk fu#i.k djuk rFkka muls ljy fu”d”kZ fudkyukA jkf’k;ksa dks tksM+us o ?kVkus dh le>A lk/kkj.k fcy dks le>ukA Composes the story with the help of given words Uses is/am/are in sentences Uses punctuation marks (capital letters ,full stops and question marks) Speaks and writes words related to forest Changes singular nouns into plural nouns Makes meaningful sentences from jumbled words Makes a chart/poster on health/hygiene Uses adjectives in sentences Lo;a }kjk dh xbZ ;k=k ds vuqHko crkuk o fy[kukA cks/k vk/kkfjr iz’uksa ds rdZiw.kZ mÙkj nsukA ikB esa fufgr vFkZ dks le>rs gq, izfrfØ;k nsuk okD;ksa dks lgh Øe esa yxkukA ;kstd o fojke&fpg~uksa dh tkudkjh o mudk iz;ksx djukA vuqLokj o vuqukfld esa varj dh le>A foykse ‘kCnksa dk KkuA Composes a poem using rhyming words Recognises national/state symbols and talks about them Uses has/have in simple sentences Uses simple dialogues in role play Talks about means of communication Uses ‘will ’and its contracted form (I’ll) in sentences Writes greetings/messages for various occasions (birthday, new year etc.) Talks about means of transport Uses articles (a, an, the) in sentences Describes objects (e.g. a car, cycle etc) in a short paragraph Talks about good health, hygiene and food habits Takes dictation of numbers or words Arranges the steps of a process in an appropriate sequence Reads and understands the text and answers the questions Speaks simple dialogues for role play Writes short instructional sentences oxZ&igsyh ls ‘kCn Nk¡VukA rF;ksa esa dYiuk tksM+dj vuqeku yxkukA igsfy;ksa dk rdZiw.kZ mÙkj nsukA ‘kq) orZuh dk KkuA vk¡pfyd ‘kCnksa ds vFkZ crkukA *okD;ka’k ds fy, ,d ‘kCn* dk iz;ksx djukA dgkuh dks le>dj lkj :i esa fy[kukA dYiuk vk/kkfjr iz’ukas ds mÙkj nsukA loZuke inksa dh tkudkjhA dfork esa vk, u, ‘kCnksa dk ‘kq) mPpkj.kA ^j* ds fofHkUu :iksa ds iz;ksx dh le>A v/;kidksa ds fy, funs’Z k % ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k dj yh gS rks gk¡ (Yes) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k ugha dh gS rks ^uk* (No) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ftl v/;kid }kjk d{kk i<+kbZ xbZ gS ‘kS{kf.kd o”kZ ds vUr esa oks izR;sd fo|kFkhZ ds dkS’ky dk ewY;kadu djds dkS’ky iklcqd fo|kFkhZ dks nsxa sA 6 fo|ky; f’k{kk foHkkx gfj;k.kk STUDENT SKILL PASSBOOK fo|kFkhZ dk uke Sr. No. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. MATHS Essential Competencies Required 1 2 3 4 Lak[;kvksa o vkd`fr;ksa ds iSVukZsa dk le>uk o vkxs c<+kuk A VkbZy o VkbZfyax dh izkjafHkd le>A VSuxzke igsyh dks cukus o mlds lHkh VqdMksa dk iz;ksx djds fofHkUu vkÑfr cukus dh le>A Ikk¡p vadksa rd dh la[;kvksa dh le>A fxurkjs dh lgk;rk ls l[;k,¡ cukus] fy[kus o i<+us ,oa muds LFkkuh; eku dh le>A vkjksgh@vojksgh Øe esa fy[kukA lIrkgks]a fnuks]a yhi o”kZ] dSys.Mj vkfn dks le>ukA fofHkUu ?kVukvksa dh vof/k o le; dks Kkr djuk o mUgsa Øec) djukA ?kM+h dh lqbZ ls ?k¡Vs] feuV] lSd.M o [email protected] dh le>A f=vk;keh oLrqvksa ds fofHkUu ifjis{z ;kssa dks igpkuukA f=vk;keh vkdkjksa dks dkxt@lery ij n’kkZukA f}vk;keh usV }kjk f=vk;keh vkdkjksa dks cukukA 5 15 rd igkM+s cukus dh le>A ekud fof/k ,oa ySfVl fof/k }kjk xq.kk djukA ekud fof/k }kjk Hkkx djukA 6 :i;ksa dks iSlksa o iSlksa dks :i;ksa esa cnyus dh le>A /kujkf’k ij lafØ;k,¡ o ykHk&gkfu ij vk/kkfjr ljy iz’u gy djus dh le>A Class. SRN ………………………………………………. ENGLISH To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No Essential Competencies Required NO IV . HINDI To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No Essential Competencies Required NO Reads and understands the text and answers the questions Speaks and writes names of seeds/grains used in daily life Uses adverb of frequency (always, often, never, twice etc.) in sentences dfork dk vkjksg&vojksg lfgr okpuA lekukFkhZ ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjhA Composes a story with the help of hints (e.g. pictures, words/ phrases) Uses appropriate pronouns Uses articles (a, an, the) in sentences viuh dYiuk ls dgkuh dks vkxs c<+kukA feyrs&tqyrs ‘kCnksa ds varj tkuukA Speaks and writes words associated with facial expression Uses ‘There is/There are ’in the sentences; Uses capital letters, full stops, commas and question marks in sentences NksVh o egÙoiw.kZ ckrksa dh le>A vius fopkjksa dks ljy okD;ksa esa fy[kukA Uses words both as verbs and nouns Uses possessive adjectives (my, our, their, his etc.) Uses simple past tense and past continuous tense Uses adjectives ending with ‘- ing’ in sentences Uses comparative degrees of adjectives in sentences Uses simple dialogue for role play nslh eghuksa dh tkudkjhA Speaks and writes words associated with waste management Identifies types of sentences and changes simple sentences into interrogative sentences Speaks 2-3 sentences on a familiar topic with the help of word hints dfork dk Hkko le>ukA 7 rqdkUr ‘kCnksa dk KkuA fofHkUu _rqvksa esa vkus okys R;ksgkjksa ij ppkZA dgkuh ds lanHkZ esa vuqHko vk/kkfjr ppkZ djukA drkZ o deZ dkjd dh le>A fn, x, ‘kCnksa ls okD; fuekZ.k djukA To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No NO 7 iwjs Hkkx] vk/ks Hkkx] rhu pkSFkkbZ Hkkx dh le>A Identifies subjects, verbs and objects in sentences Uses conjunctions (and, but) in sentences Describes the given picture in sentences/paragraph 8 ehVj@lsVa hehVj dh le>A Speaks and writes words associated with different seasons Identifies exclamatory sentences using punctuation marks Develops a paragraph with the help of hints (pictures/words/phrases ) Completes the crossword/pyramid with words Understands and uses common and abstract nouns Describes an occasion with the help of given hints (pictures/ words/ phrases) Reads and understands the text and answers questions Uses simple dialogue for role play Writes short instructional sentences for charts/ posters Speaks and writes words associated with forest/trees/plants etc. Speaks and writes words having the same sound but different meanings Rearranges the words to make meaningful sentences Uses suffixes ‘-less’ and ‘-ful’ to form new words Uses adverbs of manner ending with ‘ly’ Writes short sentences for placards on a given/familiar topic Identifies the difference between noun and verb and forms nouns from verbs Uses correct forms of verbs to express future time Writes an application for leave Uses prefixes and suffixes to form new words Identifies regular and irregular verbs Writes Notice for ‘Lost and Found’ ijdkj }kjk o`Ùk [khapus] f=T;k] O;kl o dsUnz dh le>A 9 ekud ek=dksa ls Hkkjksa ds tksM+@?kVk dh le>A fdyksxzke o xzke ds vkilh laca/k dh le>A 10 rjyksa ds vk;ru] yhVj o feyhyhVj esa ekius dh le>A fofHkUu vk;ruksa dk tksM+ o ?kVk ls lacaf/kr ljy leL;k,a gy djukA 11 [kqyh o can vk—fr;ksa dh le>A vkd`fr;ksa@{ks=ksa dk ?ksjk@ifjeki fudkyus dh le>A 12 vekud fof/k }kjk {ks=Qy fudkyus dh le>A ekud fof/k }kjk {ks=Qy fudkyus dh le>A 13 izfr:i }kjk lefefr dh le>A izfrfcEc }kjk lefefr dh le>A 14 vk¡dMs+ ,df+=r djuk vkSj mUgsa x.kuk fpg~u }kjk n’kkZukA vk¡dMksa dks n.M+ vkys[k }kjk fu:fir djuss dh le>A LFkkuh; R;ksgkjksa dks eukus ds fo”k; esa vius vuqHko crkukA l`tukRed ‘kfDr dk iz;ksx djrs gq, vuqPNsn ys[ku djukA la;qDr okD;ksa dh igpkuA ns’k&HkfDr vkSj ns’k izse ds Hkkoksa dks vius ‘kCnksa esa fy[kukA fo’ks”k.k ‘kCnksa dh le>A dkSu] D;k] dSls] dgk¡ vkfn iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsukA izR;;] okD;ka’k ds fy, ,d ‘kCn dk KkuA laokn ‘kSyh dks le>dj NksVs&NksVs laokn fy[kukA foykse ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjhA nksgksa dk lLoj okpu djukA vius fopkjksa dks ØeCk) <ax ls vfHkO;Dr djukA laKk inksa dk KkuA LFkku fo’ks”k ds fo”k; esa izkIr tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij ppkZ djukA oxZ igsyh ls R;ksgkjksa ds uke igpkuukA dfork dk ljykFkZ djukA okD; esa iz;qDr fo’ks”k.k&fo’ks”; dh igpku djukA dgkuh dks lkj :i esa fy[kus dh le>A ‘kCnksa ls milxZ o izR;; vyx djukA la;qDr O;atu o loZuke inksa dk KkuA Øks/k] izse] g”kZ vkfn euksHkkoksa dks le>ukA 15 v/;kidksa ds fy, funs’Z k % ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k dj yh gS rks gk¡ (Yes) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k ugha dh gS rks ^uk* (No) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ftl v/;kid }kjk d{kk i<+kbZ xbZ gS ‘kS{kf.kd o”kZ ds vUr esa oks izR;sd fo|kFkhZ ds dkS’ky dk ewY;kadu djds dkS’ky iklcqd fo|kFkhZ dks nsxa sA 8 fo|ky; f’k{kk foHkkx gfj;k.kk STUDENT SKILL PASSBOOK fo|kFkhZ dk uke …………………………………………………………………………………………….. MATHS Sr. No. Essential Competencies Required 1 ,d djksM+ rd dh l[;kvksa dh tkudkjh o le>A l[;kvksa ij lafØ;kvksa dh le>A 2 can vkSj [kqyh vk—fr;ksa dk KkuA U;wu dks.k] ledks.k o vf/kd dks.k dh le>A pk¡nk ¼Mh½ dh lgk;rk ls dks.k ekiukA 3 vkd`fr;ksa ds ifjeki o {ks=Qy dh le>A Vkby o iSVuZ dh le>A 4 fHkUuksa dh le>A eqnzk o yEckbZ] Hkkj] vk;ru vkfn ds ekiksa esa fHkUuksa dk ljy mi;ksxA 5 lefefr js[kk@js[kkvksa dh le>A 6 Lak[;kvksa ds xq.ku[k.M dh le>A Lak[;kvksa ds xq.ktksa dh le>A 7 vk—fr;ksa vkSj vadksa ij vk/kkfjr iSVuZ dh le>A la[;kvksa ls igsfy;k¡ cukuk o gy djus dh le>A Class. SRN ………………………………………………. ENGLISH To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No Essential Competencies Required NO Changes simple sentences into negative sentences Makes words from jumbled letters Writes 4-5 sentences to describes a specific picture/experience Identifies nouns and verbs and uses them in sentences Uses words related to the forest/zoo animals etc. in sentences Speaks and writes a paragraph on specific picture/experience/inci dent/place etc. Uses what, when, where, why to ask questions Uses collective nouns Uses prepositions of time and place Identifies and uses nouns, pronouns and verbs in sentences Uses will/shall, can/cannot in sentences Writes a paragraph with the help of hints (words/information etc.) Uses nouns, verbs and homophones in sentences Makes questions with ‘wh’ words Describes an incident orally with the help of hints Writes sentences related to natural disaster Identifies direct and indirect speech/narration Writes ‘Notice’ for the school Notice Board Uses the simple past and past continuous tense in sentences Forms nouns from verbs using suffixes Writes a letter of complaint/suggestion to the concerned authority 9 V . HINDI To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No Essential Competencies Required NO dfork dk vkjksg&vojksg lfgr okpu djukA la;qDr O;atuksa ls okD; fuekZ.k djukA vuqeku vk/kkfjr iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsukA eqgkojksa dk iz;ksx dj okD; fuekZ.k djukA fo’ks”k.k ‘kCnksa dh le>A dfork dk ljykFkZ djukA okD;ka’k ds fy, ,d ‘kCn dk iz;ksx djukA ikB i<+dj le>ukA le:ih fHkUukFkZd ‘kCnksa dk KkuA ty laj{k.k ds egÙo ij fopkj izdV djukA oxZ igsyh ls ufn;ksa ds ukeksa dks igpkudj fy[kukA rdZ’kfDr dk iz;ksx djrs gq, iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsukA rRle&rn~Hko ‘kCnksa dh igpku djukA fopkjksa dks Øec)rk ls cksyuk o fy[kukA fHkUukFkZd ‘kCnksa dk KkuA To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No NO 8 uD’kk o fp= fu:i.k dh le>A uD’kksa dks i<+us dh le>A 9 ?ku o ?kukHk dh le>A f=vk;keh oLrqvksa ds fofHkUu ifjizs{;ksa dh le>A 10 10 ok¡] 100 ok¡] 1000 ok¡ Hkkx dh le>A 10 ok¡] 100 ok¡] 1000 ok¡ Hkkx dks n’keyo esa fu:i.k djukA 11 {ks=Qy dh le>A vk;r ds {ks=Qy o ifjeki Kkr djus dh le>A 12 vk¡dM+ksa dks ,df=r djus o mudks VSyh fpUg }kjk n’kkZus dh le>A n.M vkys[kksa dks cukuk o muls fu”d”kZ fudkyukA 13 3 vadks rd dh la[;k ls xq.kk djus dh le>A 2 vadks rd dh la[;k ls Hkkx djus dh le>A 14 Bksl inkFkkZsa ds vk;ru dh rqyukA ,d ek=d dks nwljs ek=d esa cnyus dh le>A ekud bdkbZ;ksa ¼xzke] fd0xzk0½ esa Hkkj dh le>A Uses the simple present tense in sentences Uses pairs of words in sentences (hustle and bustle, ups and downs etc.) Writes diary entry Joins sentences using conjunctions like but, and, or, because, so etc. Speaks and writes words related to ‘school’, ‘home’, ‘market’ etc. Writes simple sentences on environmental issues Identifies and uses adverbs in sentences Uses words related to food items used during a visit/trip Speaks simple dialogues for conversation/role play Describes a person/profession (doctor, teacher, cobbler, actor etc.) Uses prepositions in sentences Writes short instructional sentences for preparing a poster on different topics Makes new words by joining words or adding suffixes/prefixes Makes sentences beginning with ‘Let’s’ Writes a diary entry czt Hkk”kk ds ‘kCnksa ds vFkZ le>ukA rqdcanh okys ‘kCnksa dk KkuA Uses words related to qualities of a person Uses ‘do not/did not/cannot/was not’ in sentences; using contracted forms Organises/develops specific information into a paragraph/ story Uses words related to adventure sports Uses nouns, adjectives in sentences Writes a paragraph on a given topic fdlh LFkku fo’ks”k ds fo”k; esa i<+dj viuh izfrfØ;k nsukA fuikr inksa dh tkudkjh gksukA dYiuk vk/kkfjr iz’uksa dh le>A fØ;kfo’ks”k.k inksa dk KkuA laokn ‘kSyh esa fopkjksa dh vfHkO;fDr djukA ‘kq) orZuh dk KkuA Øks/k] izse] ?k`.kk vkfn euksHkkoksa dh le>A dYiuk vk/kkfjr iz’uksÙkjksa dh le>A eqgkojksa dks Nk¡Vdj fy[kuk o muls okD; cukukA dfork ds ewyHkko dh le>A ‘kCnksa ls milxZ vyx djus dh le>A dkjd dh igpku o iz;ksx dh le>A opu dk Kku gksukA dgkuh esa vk, ‘kCnksa dk vius okD;ksa esa iz;ksx djukA dky ds lgh iz;ksx dh le>A 15 v/;kidksa ds fy, funs’Z k % ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k dj yh gS rks gk¡ (Yes) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k ugha dh gS rks ^uk* (No) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ftl v/;kid }kjk d{kk i<+kbZ xbZ gS ‘kS{kf.kd o”kZ ds vUr esa oks izR;sd fo|kFkhZ ds dkS’ky dk ewY;kadu djds dkS’ky iklcqd fo|kFkhZ dks nsaxAs 10 fo|ky; f’k{kk foHkkx gfj;k.kk STUDENT SKILL PASSBOOK fo|kFkhZ dk uke Sr. No. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. MATHS Essential Competencies Required 1 cM+h la[;kvksa dks i<+uk o fy[kukA dks”Bdksa dks gy djus dh le>A jkseu la[;kadksa dh le>A 2 izkÑr la[;kvksa ij lafØ;kvksa ds xq.k tSls Øe fofue;] lkgp;Z] bdkbZ la[;k vkfn dh le>A iw.kZ o izkd`frd la[;kvksa dks la[;k js[kk ij iznf’kZr djus dh le>A xq.kt o xq.ku[kaM dh le> o muds xq.k/keZA 2] 3] 4] 5] 10 o 11 ls foHkkT;rk dh tk¡pA la[;kvksa ds HCF o LCM dh le>A 3 4 fcanq ] js[kk[kaM] js[kk o fdj.k dh le>A izfrPNsnh js[kkvksa vkSj lekarj js[kkvksa dh le>A dks.k] f=Hkqt] prqHkqZt o o`Ùk dh izkjafHkd le>A 5 dks.kksa dks cukus dh le>A Hkqtkvksa vkSj dks.kksa ds vk/kkj ij f=Hkqtksa dk oxhZdj.k djus dh le>A f=foeh; vkdkjksa tSls ?ku] ?kukHk] xksyk o fijkfeM dh le>A _.kkRed la[;kvksa rFkk iw.kkad Z ksa dks la[;k js[kk ij iznf’kZr djus dh le>A iw.kkZadkas ij ;ksx vkSj O;odyu dh lafØ;k,a djus dh le>A la[;k js[kk ij iw.kkZadksa ds ;ksx ij O;odyu djus dh le>A fHkUu dh le>A 6 7 fHkUu dks la[;k js[kk ij n’kkZus dh le>A fHkUuksa dh rqyuk] ;ksx o O;odyu djus dh le>A Class. SRN ………………………………………………. VI . ENGLISH To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No Essential Competencies Required NO HINDI To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No Essential Competencies Required NO Reads and comprehends the text Narrates personal experiences/opinions Writes meaningful sentences using the given words/phrases Develops a story using the given hints Makes new words using suffixes (--ness, -ity, --ty, --y, etc.) Identifies figures of speech like similes, metaphors etc dfork ds Hkko dks vius ‘kCnksa esa izLrqr djukA xq.kokpd fo’ks”k.k Nk¡Vdj fy[kukA Reads and understands the text and answers text based factual and inferential questions Identifies nouns, pronouns and adjectives in the text Writes descriptions/narratives of personal experiences Reads the text with comprehension and identifies the facts Uses words / phrases from the text in sentences Writes 4-5 sentences or a paragraph on the given topic Organises sentences into a paragraph Comprehends the meanings of words in context Finds the meanings of words from dictionary ikB dk izokgiw.kZ okpu djukA vuqeku vk/kkfjr iz’uksa dks le>dj mÙkj fy[kukA fØ;k fo’ks”k.k ‘kCn Nk¡VukA Introduces himself/herself and expresses his/her ideas/aims/ suggestions Describes a person having different personality traits Reads and understands the main idea of the poem dYiuk vk/kkfjr iz’uksa ds mÙkj fy[kukA okD; :ikarj.k djukA Reads and comprehends the text and answers the questions Finds meanings of unfamiliar words used in the poem/text Uses phrasal verbs in sentences dfork ds ewy Hkko dh le>A mnwZ ‘kCnksa ds vFkZ crkukA 11 Hkkookpd laKk dh igpku o mldk iz;ksx djukA vius cpiu dh ?kVukvksa dh fyf[kr vfHkO;fDr djukA iz'uksa ds rdZiw.kZ mÙkj nsukA rqdcUnh okys ‘kCnksa dk iz;ksx djukA laKk ‘kCnksa dh igpku djukA fyfi ds fodkl Øe dh tkudkjhA ifjek.kokpd fo’ks”k.k dh le>A To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No NO 8 n’keyo dh le>A n’keyo la[;kvksa dh rqyuk] ;ksx o O;odyu djus dh le>A 9 vk¡dMksa dks ,df=r djuss dh le>A vk¡dMksa dks fp=kys[k ls n’kkZus dh le>A vk¡dM+ksa dks n.M vkys[k dh lgk;rk ls n’kkZus dh le>A 10 vkÑfr;ksa ds ifjeki dks le>ukA vk;r] oxZ vkSj f=Hkqt dk ifjeki Kkr djus dh le>A vk;r o oxZ dk {ks=Qy Kkr djus dh le>A 11 pj o vpj jkf’k dh le>A 12 13 14 15 16 17 Uses ‘There is/are/was/were’ in simple/compound sentences Describes/narrates a visit Describes professions expressing the nature of job done by each professional Understands the text and responds to questions based on it. Understands grammar in context Writes a poem of five or six lines using ‘What if’ Writes a paragraph on the favourite place/thing Uses words in sentences expressing movements (e.g. dive, glide ) Uses ‘would, could, used to' etc. in sentences laokn’kSyh esa viuh ckr dgukA vFkZ ds vk/kkj ij okD; ds Hksnksa dh le>A fopkjksa dks Øec) :i ls izdV djukA vuqHko vk/kkfjr vfHkO;fDr djukA ikB esa vk, ‘kCnksa ls okD; fuekZ.k djukA ohj jl dks le>rs gq, dfork dk y;c) okpu djukA dkjd fpg~uksa dk lgh iz;ksx djukA fnO;kax cPpksa ds izfr laosnuk dks vius ‘kCnksa esa izLrqr djukA fHkUukFkZd ‘kCnksa ls okD; fuekZ.k djus dh le>A lehdj.kksa dks gy djus dh le>A lehdj.kksa ij vk/kkfjr iz’uksa dks gydj ds vKkr jkf’k Kkr djus dh le>A vuqikr o lekuqikr dh le>A ,sfdd fof/k ls iz’uksa dks gy djus dh le>A ifjos’k esa miyC/k oLrqvksa esa lefefr dh le>A vkd`fr;ksa ds izfrfcEc ds vk/kkj ij lefer js[kkvksa dh le>A ds ;a=ksa ¼:yj] ijdkj] fMokbMj] lsV Ldos;j] pk¡nk½ dh le>A fdlh Hkh f=T;k dk o`Ùk [khapus dh le>A ds ;a=ks dh lgk;rk ls js[kk,¡] yEc js[kk,¡] yac lef}Hkktd cukus dh le>A i= fo/kk dks le>rs gq, i=&ys[ku djukA fØ;k inksa dh le>A dfork dh iafDr;ksa dk vk’k; Li”V djukA foykse ‘kCnksa ls okD; fuekZ.k djus dh le>A vius {ks= ds yksdxhrksa o yksd&laLÑfr ij ppkZ djukA dkjd ds Hksnksa dk KkuA LokoyEcu o viuk dke Lo;a djks ij ppkZ o vuqPNsn ys[ku djukA milxZ o izR;; dk iz;ksx dj ‘kCn fuekZ.k djukA vo/kh Hkk”kk ds ‘kCnksa dh le>A izlax lfgr Hkko fy[kukA x|ka’k vk/kkfjr iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsukA okD;ka’kksa dk iz;ksx dj okD;&fuekZ.k djukA rRle o rnHko ‘kCnksa dh igpkuA ‘kCnksa ds i;kZ;okph ‘kCn fy[kukA v/;kidksa ds fy, funs’Z k % ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k dj yh gS rks gk¡ (Yes) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k ugha dh gS rks ^uk* (No) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ftl v/;kid }kjk d{kk i<+kbZ xbZ gS ‘kS{kf.kd o”kZ ds vUr esa oks izR;sd fo|kFkhZ ds dkS’ky dk ewY;kadu djds dkS’ky iklcqd fo|kFkhZ dks nsxa sA 12 fo|ky; f’k{kk foHkkx gfj;k.kk STUDENT SKILL PASSBOOK fo|kFkhZ dk uke Sr. No. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. MATHS Essential Competencies Required 1 iw.kkZdksa ds ;ksx] O;odyu] xq.ku o foHkktu dh le>A iw.kkZadksa ds xq.k/keksZa dks Kkr djukA 2 fHkUuksa dks xq.kk o Hkkx djus dh le>A n’keyo la[;kvksa dks 10] 100 vkSj 1000 ls xq.kk o Hkkx djus ds fu;eksa dh le>A n’keyo la[;kvksa dks xq.kk o Hkkx djus dh le>A 3 vk¡dM+ksa dk vadxf.krh; ek/;] ifjlj] cgqyd o ek/;d Kkr djus dh le>A oxhZd`r vkadM+ksa dks n.M+ vkys[k }kjk n’kkZuk o mudh O;k[;k djukA 4 Lkehdj.k cukus ,oa gy djus dh le>A lafØ;kvksa dk iz;ksx dj] pj.kksa esa lehdj.k dks gy djus dh le>A 5 izfrPNsnh js[kkvksa o fr;Zd Nsnh js[kk dh O;k[;kA muds }kjk fufeZr dks.kksa dks igpkuus vkSj muds xq.kksa dh le>A 6 f=Hkqt ls lacaf/kr js[kk[k.Mksa TkSls ekf/;dk] ‘kh”kZ yEc rFkk muds xq.kksa dh le>A ikbFkkxksjl xq.k dh le>A Class. SRN ………………………………………………. ENGLISH To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No Essential Competencies Required NO Reads and comprehends the text and answers factual and inferential questions Expresses his/her views based on personal observations Writes a paragraph describing an incident/event Reads and comprehends the text and identifies the main idea(s) and supporting details Holds a conversation with friends expressing his likes/dislikes Writes a paragraph and uses verbal/visual clues Reads and understands texts like comics, pictures with dialogues etc. Solves crossword /word ladder with the help of given words Writes a story in own words with the help of clues Reads and comprehends the text and answers the questions Frames questions using ‘wh’ words Edits the paragraph with appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters Reads the text with comprehension and grasps the main idea(s) Delivers a speech / Role-play/ debates Composes a story using the specific information Finds out meanings of unfamiliar words used in the text Writes characters sketches using prompts/verbal clues/pictures etc. Writes a report using the information 13 VII . HINDI To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No Essential Competencies Required NO dfork dk gko&Hkko lfgr okpu djukA xq.kokpd fo’ks”k.k o }U} lekl dks igpkudj fy[kukA iqu#Dr ‘kCnksa ds iz;ksx dh le>A nslh eghuksa ds ukeksa dh tkudkjhA ufn;ksa ls gksus okys ykHkksa dks vius ‘kCnksa esa fy[kukA Hkkookpd laKk] fo’ks”k.k fo’ks”; dh le>A dfork dk Hkko le>ukA y;kRed ‘kCnksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, okD; fuekZ.k djukA Hkk”kk vkSj cksyh esa varj dk KkuA ikB esa fufgr vFkZ dks le>dj izfrfØ;k nsukA jDrnku ds egÙo ij ppkZ djukA vk'k; Li”V djukA laokn ‘kSyh dh le> o mldk iz;ksx djukA fojke fpg~uksa dk mfpr iz;ksx djukA iz’uksa ds rdZiw.kZ mÙkj nsukA dfork esa izÑfr ds ekuohdj.k dh le>A i;kZ;okph ‘kCnksa dk Kku o mudk ;Fkksfpr iz;ksx djukA cks/kkRed iz’uksa dks le>rs gq, mÙkj nsukA To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No NO 7 js[kk[k.Mks]a dks.kksa o f=Hkqtksa dh lokZaxlerk dh le>A f=Hkqtksa ds lokZaxlerk izfrca/kksa (SSS, SAS, ASA, RHS) dks le>dj iz;ksx djus dh le>A Understands wishes and ideas Uses correct sentences in conversation with friends Writes recipe of a dish using the clues 8 izfr’krrk ds vFkZ ,oa fHkUu la[;kvksa rFkk n’keyo dks izfr’kr esa cnyus dh le>A ykHk] gkfu dks izfr’kr esa Kkr djus dh le>A lk/kkj.k C;kt dh le>A 9 ifjes; la[;kvksa dks la[;k js[kk ij iznf’kZr djus dh le>A nks ifjes; la[;kvksa ij lafØ;k,a djus dh le>A Reads to seek new information Rearranges sentences into a meaningful paragraph with proper punctuation marks and capital letters Writes a report on factual incident Reads and understands the text Narrates an incident Forms words using specific prefixes and suffixes Reads and comprehend the text and answers factual and inferential questions Writes a paragraph on the given topic x|ka’k vk/kkfjr iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsukA milxZ o izR;;ksa ds iz;ksx ls ‘kCn&fuekZ.k djukA fo’ks”k.k ds Hksnksa dh tkudkjhA dYiuk/kkfjr iz’uksa ds mÙkj fy[kukA nksgksa esa fufgr Hkko dh ekSf[kd o fyf[kr vfHkO;fDr djukA nksgksa esa iz;qDr rqd o y; dh le>A dkO;ka’k i<+dj iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsukA rqdkar ‘kCnksa ds iz;ksx dh le>A ;kstd ‘kCnksa dk KkuA 10 ,d nh gqbZ js[kk ds lekarj fdlh fcanq ls gksdj js[kk [khapus dh le> tks ml js[kk ij fLFkr ugha gSA Hkqtkvksa o dks.kksa ds vk/kkj ij f=Hkqtksa dh jpuk djus dh le>A 11 cgqHkqtksa ds ifjeki vkSj {ks=Qy dh le>A o`Ùk dh ifjf/k o {ks=Qy fudkyus dh le>A 12 pj] vpj jkf’k;ksa ls O;atd cukus dh le>A ,d inh;] f}inh; o cgqinh; O;atdksa dks igpkuus dh le>A fdlh in ds xq.kkadksa o xq.ku[k.Mksa dh le>A ns’kHkfDr o ns’k izse ij vius ‘kCnksa esa vuqPNsn ys[ku djukA fyax o opu dk Kku o lgh iz;ksx djukA 13 ?kkrkad ds fu;eksa dh le> ,oa mudk iz;ksxA cM+h la[;kvksa dks ekud :i esa O;Dr djus dh le>A Lkk{kkRdkj ‘kSyh dh le>A ‘kCndks’k ds iz;ksx ls ‘kCnksa ds vFkZ tkuukA 14 le cgqHkqt esa jSf[kd lefer dh le>A vkd`fr;ksa esa ?kw.kZu lefefr dh le>A 15 f=foeh; vkÑfr dh le>A Talks about the life and achievements of celebrities like writers, actors, sports persons etc. Describes personal experiences ( e.g. A cricket match/a visit) [kkuiku esa vk, cnyko dks vius vuqHko ls tksM+dj ppkZ djukA fofHkUu i'kq&if{k;ksa ds LoHkko ij vius fopkj izdV djukA laf/k dh le>A in dk ljy ‘kCnksa esa vuqokn djukA czt Hkk”kk ds ‘kCnksa dh le>A rRiq#”k lekl dh le>A cks/kkRed iz’uksa ds mÙkj fy[kukA dfork ds Hkko laca/kh iz’uksa dk vius ‘kCnksa esa mÙkj nsukA dkO; esa vkst xq.k dh le>A izlax lfgr O;k[;k djukA dkO;ka’k i<+dj vFkZ xzg.k djus dh le>A Bksl ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa dks igpkuus dh le>A v/;kidksa ds fy, funs’Z k % ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k dj yh gS rks gk¡ (Yes) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k ugha dh gS rks ^uk* (No) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ftl v/;kid }kjk d{kk i<+kbZ xbZ gS ‘kS{kf.kd o”kZ ds vUr esa oks izR;sd fo|kFkhZ ds dkS’ky dk ewY;kadu djds dkS’ky iklcqd fo|kFkhZ dks nsaxAs 14 fo|ky; f’k{kk foHkkx gfj;k.kk STUDENT SKILL PASSBOOK fo|kFkhZ dk uke Sr. No. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. MATHS Essential Competencies Required 1 2 ifjes; la[;k,a ,oa mu ij lafØ;kvksa rFkk muds xq.kksa dh le>A ifjes; la[;kvksa dks la[;k js[kk ij fu#i.k djus dh le>A fdUghsa nks ifjes; la[;kvksa ds e/; vifjfer ifjes; la[;k,a gksus dh le>A ,d pj okys jSf[kd lehdj.k cukus dh le>A ,d pj okys jSf[kd lehdj.k ds vuqiz;ksx djus dh le>A 3 prqHkqZtksa ds xq.kksa ds vk/kkj ij mudk oxhZdj.k djus dh le>A 4 prqHkZt+ksa dh jpuk dh le>A 6 7 vk¡dM+ksa dk laxzg o laxBu djus dh le>A vk¡dM+ksa dks n.M vkys[k rFkk o`Ùk vkys[k }kjk izLrqr djus dh le>A izkf;drk dh le> rFkk bls Kkr djukA la[;kvksa dk oxZ Kkr djus dh le>A vHkkT; xq.ku[k.Mu }kjk o HkkxQy fof/k }kjk oxZey w Kkr djus dh le>A n’keyo la[;kvksa dk oxZewy Kkr djus dh le>A ?ku la[;kvksa ds xqw.k /keksZa dh le>A nh xbZ la[;k dks iw.kZ ?ku cukus ds fy, xq.kt fudkyus dh le>A fdlh ?ku la[;k dk ?kuewy fudkyus dh le>A VIII . SRN ………………………………………………. ENGLISH To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No Essential Competencies Required NO HINDI To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No Essential Competencies Required NO Reads and comprehends the text and answers the questions based on it Uses phrasal verbs used in the text Writes personal experiences in the form of a diary entry or a narrative/ story dfork dk gko&Hkko lfgr okpu o ljykFkZ djukA olar _rq ls ekuo thou dh rqyuk djrs gq, ppkZ djukA Uses active and passive voice Writes and narrates personal experiences in a paragraph Understands the ideas/theme of the poem and the language used to express them Uses all forms of direct and indirect narration Writes dialogues for different situations and role play on them Recites and enjoys the poem e'khuh;qx ls vk, ifjorZu ij viuh izfrfØ;k nsukA laKk o mlds Hksnksa dh tkudkjhA Uses past indefinite and present perfect tense Writes informal letters to family members/friends/relatives Expresses feelings/emotions related to social/ human issues orally or in writing Understands different types of text and answers the questions Makes new words by adding specific prefixes and suffixes Writes composition describing a visit to hill station or historical place dkO;ka’k vk/kkfjr iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsukA lekukFkhZ ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjhA 5 Class. Understands the text, identifies the main ideas Identifies transitive and intransitive verb and uses them in sentences Expresses feelings, emotions about environment through a speech or paragraph. Appreciates the text and answers questions on it Writes Notices for school Notice Board writes formal letters 15 Lo;a }kjk dh xbZ ;k=k dk o.kZu djukA dkjd o okD; fuekZ.k dh le>A i= ys[ku dh le>A Loj laf/k dk KkuA ekuoh; izse] ln~Hkko o ,drk ij fopkjkfHkO;fDr djukA leku vFkZ nsus okys ‘kCnksa dh tkudkjh o iz;ksx djukA cks/k vk/kkfjr iz’uksa ds rdZiw.kZ mÙkj nsukA }U} lekl dh tkudkjhA To be filled by exit class teacher To be filled by new class teacher Yes Yes No NO 8 vuqikr o izfr’krrk dk mi;ksx djus dh le>A Ø; ewY;&foØ; ewY;] ykHk&gkfu] izfr’kr] fcØhdj vkfn dh le>A pØo`f) C;kt Kkr djus dh le>A Identifies features of a diary entry Uses past indefinite and past continuous tense Writes a paragraph describing an incident in the past vuqeku vkSj dYiuk ds vk/kkj ij iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsukA dfBu ifjfLFkfr;ksa ls tw>us ij vius vuqHko crkukA 9 O;atd ds in dh le> o mudks inksa dh la[;k ds vk/kkj ij ukedj.k djus dh le>A chth; O;atdksa dk ;ksx] O;odyu ,oa xq.kk djus dh le>A Ekkud loZlfedkvksa dh le> o mudk mi;ksxA f=foeh; vkdkjksa ds n`’;ksa dh le>A vius vkl&ikl ds LFkku dk izfrfp=.k djus dh le>A ekufp= dh le>A f=foeh; vk—fr;ksa ds Qyd] fdukjs o ’kh”kksaZ dh la[;k fxuus dh le> rFkk vk;yj lw= dk lR;kiuA Observes verbal and non-verbal expressions Completes sentences using appropriate form of the verbs Writes imaginary stories lkf[k;ksa dk lLoj okpu o Hkko Li”V djukA Hkk”kk ij {ks=h; izHkko dh le>A Appreciates and enjoys the text dgkuh esa fufgr lans’k dks le>dj fy[kukA milxZ ds iz;ksx ls ‘kCn fuekZ.k djukA 10 Expreses his/her views on good human qualities fofHkUu vkd`fr;ksa tSls leyEc] leprqHkZqt] ?kukHk] ?ku o csyu ds i`”Bh; {ks=Qy Kkr djus dh le>A ?kukHk] ?ku o csyu ds vk;ru Kkr djus dh le>A ?kkrkad ds fu;eksa dk lkekU;hdj.k rFkk iz;ksx djus dh le>A cM+h la[;kvksa vkSj NksVh la[;kvksa dks ?kkrkad }kjk ekud #i esa O;Dr djus dh le>A lh/kk lekuqikr dks le>ukA 11 12 13 ewd vkSj lokd~ fQYeksa dk rqyukRed o.kZu djukA izR;; Kku dk iz;ksx djrs gq, ‘kCn fuekZ.k djukA i|ka’k dk lLoj okpu o ljykFkZ djukA lqnkek o JhÑ”.k] dh lPph fe=rk ij fopkjkfHkO;fDr djukA u, ‘kCnksa dk viuh Hkk”kk esa iz;ksx djukA x|ka’k vk/kkfjr iz’uksÙkjksa dh le>A dgkuh dks vius ‘kCnksa esa fy[kus dh le>A eqgkojksa dk okD; iz;ksx djukA czt Hkk”kk ds ‘kCnksa dk fgUnh :ikarj.k djukA okD;ka’k ds fy, ,d ‘kCn dk KkuA izfrykse lekuqikr dks le>ukA chth; O;atdksa ds xq.ku[kaMu dh le>A chth; O;atdksa dk foHkktu djus dh le>A 14 15 n.M+ vkys[k] vk;r fp=] o`Ùk&vkys[k o js[kk vkys[k dh le>A lery ij x&funZs’kkad rFkk y&funZs’kkad }kjk fdlh fcUnq dh fLFkfr fu/kkZfjr djus dh le>A 16 la[;kvksa dks O;kid #i esa fy[kdj fofHkUu xq.kksa tSls foHkkT;rk rFkk igsfy;ksa ds gy dks rdZlaxr cukus dh le>A ikuh dh thou ;k=k ij ys[k fy[kukA dkjd Nk¡Vdj mlds Hksnksa ds uke crkukA dgkuh ds ‘kh”kZd dh lkFkZdrk ij ppkZ djukA thou thus dh dyk ij fopkjkfHkO;fDr djukA ikB esa vk, vkapfyd Hkk”kk ds ‘kCnksa ds vFkZ dk KkuA okD;ksa ds yk{kf.kd vFkZ dks le>rs gq, vk’k; Li”Vhdj.k djukA 17 18 v/;kidksa ds fy, funsZ’k % ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k dj yh gS rks gk¡ (Yes) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ;fn ;ksX;rk xzg.k ugha dh gS rks ^uk* (No) okys xksy nk;js dks dkyk@xgjk dj nsAa ftl v/;kid }kjk d{kk i<+kbZ xbZ gS ‘kS{kf.kd o”kZ ds vUr esa oks izR;sd fo|kFkhZ ds dkS’ky dk ewY;kadu djds dkS’ky iklcqd fo|kFkhZ dks nsxa sA 16
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