Colonial South Carolina

Chapter 2
Homework/Study Guide for Chapter 2, p. 1
Name _________________________________________
Colonial South Carolina
The homework on p. 3 will be checked on Sept. 21 (A) or 22 (B)
There will Vocabulary Quiz (20%) on ALL of the vocabulary on p. 2 of this Study Guide on Sept. 25 (A) or 28 (B)
You must complete and turn in the homework (page 3-4) on the test day to qualify for any possible bonus points.
The test on this chapter is Sept. 29 (A) or Sept. 30 (B)
How to prepare for your test:
Complete all of the homework in preparation for class AND participate actively in each class.
Locate any notes or handouts from class, if applicable.
Complete and bring to the test a prewritten essay OR a completed essay prewrite form with the
answer to ONE of the essay questions on this study guide.
Study for a quiz on vocabulary terms on the test review day. This will be worth a 20% test grade.
Study Tips:
You should read all of the chapter!!
Complete all of the homework each day so that you do not have all of the homework to do the
night before the test review!! If you want the possibility of bonus points, choose this
organizational procedure.
You can find a clean copy of the prewrite form on SharpSchool. You may use this on the test!!
A completed pre-written essay will help you!!
Gather all of the written work you need to study before you begin.
Study the vocabulary terms for the review quiz!!
SC Social Studies Standards
Standard 8-1: The student will demonstrate an
understanding of the settlement of South Carolina and the
United States by Native Americans, Europeans, and
Summarize the history of English settlement in
New England, the mid-Atlantic region, and the
South, with emphasis on South Carolina as an
example of a distinctly southern colony.
Explain the significance of enslaved and free
Africans in the developing culture and economy of
the South and South Carolina, including the
growth of the slave trade and resulting population
imbalance between African and European settlers;
African contributions to agricultural development;
and resistance to slavery, including the Stono
Rebellion and subsequent laws to control slaves.
Explain how South Carolinians used their natural,
human, and political resources uniquely to gain
economic prosperity, including settlement by and
trade with the people of Barbados, rice and indigo
planting, the slave trade, and the practice of
Compare the development of representative
government in South Carolina to representative
government in the other colonial regions,
including the proprietary regime, period of royal
government, and South Carolina’s Regulator
Triangular Trade Routes
English Colonies
Stono Rebellion
Charles Town in 1704
Homework/Study Guide for Chapter 2, p. 2
Chapter Vocabulary
Indentured servant
Proprietary Colony
cash crops
Carolina Gold
mother country
Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina
Middle Passage
plantation system
triangular trade
Eliza Lucas Pinckney
naval stores
Lords Proprietors
Grand Council
Stono Rebellion
Vocabulary Quiz on Sept. 25 (A) or 28 (B). You will be responsible for recognizing all of the above terms on a
quiz. There will be 20 questions: 10 matching questions and 10 fill-in-the-blank sentences with a word
Chapter 2 Essay Question Outline
Choice #1
Choice #2
How did the organization of
the Carolina colony insure its
chances for success?
Why was the success of
Carolina dependent upon the
work of slaves?
Choice #3
Why was the Regulator
movement necessary in
South Carolina?
You are preparing an outline, not a complete essay answer
The completed answer for one of the above questions will include:
1. 3 vocabulary terms from the list for this chapter that will be used in the outline.
2. One sentence (STATE) of introduction
3. One sentence (EXAMPLE/EVIDENCE) with the first example for your answer.
4. One sentence (EXPLAIN) showing how this example is applicable to your
5. One sentence (EXAMPLE/EVIDENCE) with the second example for your answer.
6. One sentence (EXPLAIN) showing how this example is applicable to your
Check SharpSchool for a copy of the outline format for this chapter!!
____ / 8
Homework/Study Guide for Chapter 2, p. 3
Each assignment counts 2 points.
Name __________________________________
Homework assignments for Chapter 2
#1: Barbados Connection: Read pages 38-39 in your textbook.
Then list at least 4 similarities and 4 differences
between the English colony of Barbados and the English colony of Carolina.
How did the experiences in Barbados influence the success of Carolina? _____________________________
#2: Slavery: As you read through the Chapter, make notes on the reasons for slavery, the economic benefits, and the
negative aspects of slavery. Base your notes in FACTS from the chapter.
Slavery in Colonial Carolina
Reasons for having it
Economic Benefits
Negative Aspects
Homework/Study Guide for Chapter 2, p. 4
#3: Colonial Trade: Using information from Lesson 3, fill in the table with information about the imports and exports
to and from the colony of Carolina.
Cash Crops (out)
African Slaves (in)
Naval Stores (out)
European Trade Goods (in)
How did trading these items benefit Britain in the system of mercantilism? _________________________________________
#4: Review:
Find the “Key Ideas” on p. 34, 41, 52, 50. Write down which were 4 of the most important of these ideas
in your opinion.
Important Key Ideas
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________________