Proceedings: Summary 19/97 Terrorism and Genocide "CONDOR OPERATION" CENTRAL COURT OF INSTRUCTION NUMBER FIVE NATIONAL COURT MADRID ORDER In Madrid on tenth of December one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight BACKGROUND ONE: On 16 October, 1998, criminal charges were filed against Augusto Pinochet and others for the offences of genocide, terrorism and torture, as part of Investigation 19/97 Item III relating to the so-called "Condor Plan". TWO: On the same date an arrest warrant and an international arrest order were issued against Augusto Pinochet for the aforementioned offences. THREE: On 18 October 1998 the arrest warrant and the international arrest warrant was extended FOUR: On 3 November 1998, it was decided to propose to the Government the extradition of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, who was detained for this purpose in London (England). The request was duly submitted and is currently being considered. FIVE: On 4 and 5 November, a plenary session of the Criminal Division of the Spanish National Court unanimously held in two judgments both in relation to proceedings 19/97 before this Court and 1/98 before Central Court number 6 which are investigating the events in Argentina and Chile between 1976 and 1983 and between 1973 and 1990 respectively, which presumably constitute offences of genocide, terrorism and torture, that the Spanish Courts have jurisdiction to investigate and hear same. SIX: By judgment of 20 October 1998 Central Court number 6 waived its jurisdiction over Investigation 1/98 in favour of this Court which by a judgment of 20 October 1998 was incorporated into Investigation 19/97 Item III, giving rise to a joinder of proceedings, which decision was confirmed by the Plenary Session of the Criminal Division of the National Court in a judgment dated 23 November 1998. 1 FACTS ONE: Augusto Pinochet Ugarte , born in Valparaiso (Chile) on 25 November 1915, with Chilean identification number 1.128.923-1, then Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, by an agreement with other senior military personnel, so as to fulfil the prior plan clandestinely arranged to bring down Chile's constitutional government and end the life of the President of the Republic Salvador Allende Gossens and establish a de facto military government, led a coup d'état on 11 (eleventh) September 1973 which led to the overthrow and death of President Allende in the Palacio de la Moneda, after which the latter, loyal to the current legal order, rejected the false offers of safe-conduct made to him by Augusto Pinochet, which in reality formed part of a plan, corroborated by an oral recording, to assassinate him by sabotaging the plane offered to him once it was airborne. That same day and without a continuity solution the go-ahead was given by Mr. Pinochet Ugarte, and those who with him were directing the initiative, for a campaign of fierce repression against the lives, safety and freedom of persons and their property which would last from that date (11 September 1973) until 1990 -the year in which the accused left power-, and which was to reach the greatest levels of intensity during 1974 and 1975. TWO: Augusto Pinochet Ugarte , from his commanding position, but pursuing an activity unrelated to the public duties entrusted to him as President and member of the Governing Junta formed after the coup d'état of the night of 11 September 1973, using and taking advantage of this position, created and led within his country, in co-ordination with other Chilean military and civilian leaders, and abroad, in conjunction with the military leaders holding power at that time in other countries in the area, such as Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina, an international criminal organisation whose only purpose was to conspire, develop and execute a systematic criminal plan of illegal detentions, abductions, torture followed by the death of the persons concerned, the forced removal of persons and the selective disappearance of over 3,000 people, who are hereinafter listed, in order to achieve a series of political and economic objectives so as to reaffirm the bases of the conspiracy and spread terror among the citizens. Thus, on the one hand, the main objective of the conspirators was the partial destruction of the Chilean national group formed by all of those who were ideologically opposed to them by means of the selective elimination of the leaders of each sector forming the group through abduction followed by disappearance, detention, torture and death so as to inflict extremely serious physical and mental injury on the group victims and on the group itself. However, this main objective was strengthened or complemented by the persecution, by the same means and orders, of Chileans abroad who were considered targets to be eliminated. The criminal action also sought partially to destroy the group by targetting persons who were either contrary to the official religious position adopted by the Governing Junta, presided over by Mr. Pinochet Ugarte, -this is the case of the members of the "Christians for Socialism" 2 movement, who were to be annihilated-, or those whose beliefs were non-theistic, and who identified themselves ideologically as members of the international Marxist movement. Finally, there is also evidence of the application of more "humiliating" and "degrading" treatment where the victim belonged to certain ethnic groups (natives -for example- the Mapuches) or religion (Jews). According to the estimates studied in the cause, more than 300.000 people were deprived of liberty; more than 100.000 persons were expelled or obliged to go into exile; those killed and/or disappeared amount to almost 5.000, although only those cases which are certain are listed and those who were victims of political violence were excluded; more than 500.000 persons were submitted to torture. Additional to these cases were all the other violations of other fundamental rights such as information, education etc.. THREE: Augusto Pinochet and the other members of the Governing Junta engaged in this multi-faceted criminal activity, which was unrelated to the inherent tasks of government, with the support and active collaboration of other Chilean, Argentinian, Uruguayan, Bolivian, Brazilian and Paraguayan senior military personnel, in the case of the latter five within the framework of the so-called "Condor" Operation/Plan designed for the exchange of information and intelligence relating to political opponents, aimed at identifying and locating such persons in order to have them physically eliminated or moved to anywhere which was considered advisable by the assisting member country in order to have them interrogated, disappear or executed. The Condor Plan was a plan personally conceived by Colonel Manuel Contreras (Condor I),following the orders of Augusto Pinochet, and other leaders of countries committed at that time to the struggle against international communism, such as Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil and subsequently Argentina. The first meeting, according to the information disclosed in the proceedings, was held in October 1975 in Santiago, Chile which was followed by others in other capital cities, such as Asuncion, as shown by the documents forming the so-called Paraguayan Terror Files. This National Intelligence meeting was attended by the Director of the DINA, Colonel Manuel Contreras Sepúlveda, the Paraguayan Head of Investigation, Pastor Colonel and the Head of the Paraguayan Militarised Police, Francisco Brites. It was stated that one of the fundamental grounds for establishing this organisation was "to confront this psycho-political war" and for this purpose it is necessary "to have in the international area not a centralised command in its internal operations, but rather effective co-ordination so as to allow an appropriate exchange of information and experiences as well as a certain degree of personal acquaintance between the Heads of Security". However, as will be seen, it would not be confined to mere intelligence work, but would also extend to detentions and the hand-over of persons followed by disappearances, on the pretext that they were engaged in subversive activities. The clandestine detention centre known as "Automotores Orletti" in Buenos Aires, would be used under the Condor Plan as a transit centre for persons detained in Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay or Chile who were afterwards handed over to each of the persons in charge in those countries who executed them or gave orders for their disappearance. Other centres were 3 also used by the Paraguayan police such as ESMA (the Escuela Mec nica de la Armada in Buenos Aires) On other occasions, the members of the services belonging to CONDOR would take direct action against the victims, putting them to death by the use of explosives or by some other equally effective means, as occurred in the case of General Prats in Buenos Aires, which will be referred to later. This modus operandi constitutes the essence of the strategy of the aforementioned CONDOR PLAN which, according to the document dated 28 September 1976 -which was declassified in the U.S.- would concentrate on the execution of a full co-ordinated terrorist effort which could be carried out in any country, even non-CONDOR member countries, against persons or organisations considered to be "left-wing, Communists and Marxists". One of the sections of this document literally states as follows: "a third and more secret phase of the "CONDOR OPERATION" was the training of member countries special groups who travel to any part of the world, to countries not included in the agreement, in order to inflict punishment, including murder, on terrorists or supporters of terrorist organisations from member countries of the "CONDOR OPERATION". For example, if a terrorist or a supporter of a terrorist organisation of a member country of the "CONDOR OPERATION" was sighted in a European country, a special "CONDOR OPERATION" team would be sent to locate and trail the target, and a second group would be sent to inflict the punishment". The Condor Plan formed part of the system designed by Pinochet Ugarte and his delegate Manuel Contreras to track down and deal with Chilean exiles abroad to the point of putting them to death or having them handed over so as to have them subsequently disappear. FOUR: The foregoing shows that the criminal plan designed by Augusto Pinochet Ugarte and the other senior military personnel was drawn up in meticulous detail, and that its primary objective was the seizure of power in Chile. In this respect Augusto Pinochet, then Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, together with the other accused, about 8.20 on 11 September 1973, demanded, under threat of violence, that the President elected in acordance with the Constitution, Salvador Allende, hand over power to the self-proclaimed illegal "Government of Commanders-in-Chief of the Armed Forces". When this was rejected by the Head of State, they stormed the Palacio de la Moneda, the Headquarters of the Presidency of the Republic, by artillery and aerial bombardment, and around 13.45 the infantry entered to find the President dead. That same night, a "Governing Junta of the Commanders-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Forces of Order" was formed which was to be embodied in Decree-Law 1/1973 of 11 September 1973 and published in the Official Gazette of 18 September under the description " Establishment of Governing Junta" and Augusto Pinochet Ugarte was named its President, but the effective powers were held by the Governing Junta, which was to adopt resolutions 4 unanimously. This situation was maintained by Decree-Law 527 of 17 June 1974 published on 26 June 1974 and until Decree-Law 806 of 17 December 1974 amending section 7 of DecreeLaw 527 so as to make the President of the Governing Junta President of the Republic. All the acts described above were carried out outside the limits of what the Law established as the inherent powers of a Head of State, incurring clearly in illegality. On 11 September 1973, Augusto Pinochet, together with the other accused, in order to initiate the plan designed, the first step of which was achieved with the military uprising, ordered the detention and subsequent disappearance - up to this day- of the following persons, the majority of whom were supporters of President Allende, who were taken from the Palacio de la Moneda and driven to the Tacna Regiment where they were tortured and subsequently taken out, presumably to be executed. Among these persons were nine advisers and members of the Presidency of the Republic and 15 members of the G.A.P. (Presidential Security Unit). 1. Jaime Barrios Meza, 47 years old, General Manager of Banco Central and Adviser to the President; 2. Daniel Escobar Cruz, 37 years old, member of the Communist Party, Head of Section of the Undersecretariat for the Interior; 3. Egidio Enrique Huerta Corvalan, 48 years old, Palace Superintendent; 4. Claudio Jimeno Grendi, 33 years old, sociologist, executive member of the Socialist Party, adviser to the President; 5. Jorge Max Klein Pipper, 27 years old, psychiatrist, executive member of the Communist Party, adviser to the President; 6. Eduardo Paredes Barrientos, 34 years old, doctor, executive member of the Socialist Party, adviser to the President; 7. Egidio Enrique París Roa, 40 years old, psychiatrist, executive member of the Communist Party, adviser to the President; 8. Hector Picheira Nuñez, 28 years old, doctor, adviser to the President; 9. Arsensio Poupin Dissel, 38 years old, lawyer, member of the Central Committee of the Socialist Party, adviser to the President; 10.Manuel Castro Zamorano, 23 years old, member of the G.A.P.; 11.Sergio Contreras, 40 years old, journalist, member of the G.A.P.; 12.José Freire Medina, 20 years old; 13.Daniel Antonio Gutiérrez Ayala, 25 years old; 14.Oscar Lagos Ríos, 21 years old, executive member of "Socialist Youth"; 15.Oscar Marambio Araya, 20 years old; 16. Juan Mandiglio Murua, 24 years old; 17.Julio Moreno Pulgar, 24 years old, office worker and telegraph operator; 18.Jorge Orrego Gonz lez, 29 years old; 19.Oscar Luis Ramírez Barría, 23 years old; 5 20.Luis Fernando Rodríguez Riquelame, 26 years old, member of the Security Guard of President Allende; 21.Jaime Sotelo Ojeda, 33 years old, Head of the Presidential Escort; 22.Julio Fernando Tapia Martínez, 24 years old, chauffeur of the garages of the Presidency and member of the President's Personal Guard; 23.Oscar Enrique Valladares Caroca, 23 years old; and 24.Juan Vargas Contreras, 23 years old. Oscar Ivan Soto Guzmán, President Allende's personal doctor, was also detained with theabove-mentioned persons. Immediately after being detained they were taken from the Presidential Palace to C/ Morandé where they were lined up together with their hands behind their heads against the facade of the Presidential Palace and then hurled face down on the ground. Around 17.00 they were ordered to stand up and a list of names and personal data was prepared. Some, such as Mr. Soto Guzm n, were told that they were being set free; however, others, among them all of those listed the last 15, members of the Socialist Party-, had their arms and legs tied and were taken by truck to the Tacna Regiment in Santiago, and from there to an unknown destination. As Mr. Soto Guzmán was informed by Colonel Castro while he was awaiting his personal fate in the Military Intelligence Service, the orders for the detention and torture of President Allende's associates were given by Augusto Pinochet. Another group of persons, members of the Socialist Party, was detained by the carabineros (militarised police) around 8.45 on 11 September 1973: 25. Domingo Blanco Torres, 32 years old; 26. Carlos Alfonso Cruz Zavalla, 30 years old; 27. Gonzalo Jorquera Leyton, 27 years old; 28. Enrique Ropert Contreras, 20 years old, member of the Socialist Party, son of President Allende's secretary, Mirian Contreras. The last four detained, after being taken to the Superintendent's Office in Santiago, were moved to the Sixth Militarised Police Station. All of them, except Domingo Blanco, who remains missing, were found dead at the end of September on the banks of the River Mapocho, under Bulnes Bridge. 29. Antonio Aguirre Vázquez, 29 years; and 6 30. Osvaldo Ramos Rivera, 22 years old, members of the G.A.P. and of the Socialist Party, were taken from the Palacio de la Moneda to the Posta Central by military personnel, from where they disappeared due to military action. 31. Francisco Lara Ruiz, 22 years old, and 32. Wagner Herid Salinas Muñoz, 30 years old, both members of the Socialist Party and of the G.A.P. were stopped on the outskirts of the city of Curicó by the military who put them to death around 5 October 1973. 33. Guillermo Jesús Arenas Díaz, 25 years old, accountant and member of the Socialist Party, was driven to the Chile Stadium and then to the National Stadium, from where he disappeared; 34. Emperatriz del Transito Villagra, 38 years old, housewife, disappeared when taking food to her husband; 35. Ivan Octavio Miranda Sepúlveda, 28 years old, mechanic, trade union representative, missing since 11 September 1973; 36. Oscar Luis del Carmen Avilés Jofre, 28 years old, municipal worker, detaineddisappeared when leaving the Palacio de la Moneda which he had entered that day as a member of the security team of Minister Pedro Wstovic. Around 18.00 on 11 September he was taken to the Tacna Regiment and imprisoned in the section known as Boxes where he was subjected to torture and mistreatment until 13 September 1973, when together with 26 or 27 other persons, whose arms and legs were bound, he was taken from the regiment to an unknown location. Subsequently, in 1994 his body was identified, the death certificate stating that he died on 24 October 1973 due to a thoracic traumatism caused by bullets "on the public highway"; 37. Juan Garcés Portigliati, 20 years old, member of the G.A.P., disappeared around 8.40 in the vicinity of the Palacio de la Moneda, after being detained by the carabineros and driven with others to the grounds of the local authority (intendencia) in Santiago; 38. Domingo Antonio Norambuena Inostroza, 38 years, worker, detained-missing from that date (11 September 1973) in the El Abanico area of Bio -Bio Province, in Monte Negro sawmill; 39. José Adolfo Rojas Méndez, 20 years old, salesman, detained on 11 September 1973 in Chillán around 21.00 at his home by military personnel who took him to Montaña Infantry Regiment No. 9 from where he was taken and has been missing since around 05.00 the next day; and 40. Hector Daniel Urruta Molina, 22 years old, member of the Socialist Party, student, member of the G.A.P., detained at 14.00 of that day in the Palacio de la Moneda by military personnel and driven to Tacna Regiment, from where he was taken to an unknown location. FIVE: The repression and selective elimination of persons of the same national group for ideological reasons, continued with greater or lesser intensity from 12 September 1973 onwards, following the orders of the Governing Junta, formed by Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, as President, Admiral José T. Merino Castro, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy; General Gustavo Leigh Guzmán, Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force; and General Cesar Mendoza Duran, Director General of the Carabineros, who continued to unanimously adopt decisions until 17 December 7 1974 when Augusto Pinochet was appointed President of the Republic (Decree-Law 806 which amended Decree-Law 527 of 17 June 1974). Intense violence continued: 41. Benito Torres Torres, 57 years old, sanitation fitter, detained by the Carabineros on 11 September 1973 around 21.00 at his home in Santiago, was killed the following day and his body was found with a bullet in the thorax abandoned in a place known as Los Barrancos; 42. Juan Manuel Lira Morales, 23 years old, an employee, died of a bullet wound in the abdomen in the La Legua area caused by military personnel; 43. Alberto Mariano Fonteta Alonso, Uruguayan, 26 years old, fisherman, detained on 12 September 1973 and has not since appeared; 44. Julio Roberto Quintiliano Cordozo, Brazilian, 29 years old, engineer, member of the Communist Party, arrested on 12 September 1973, and driven to the Military School where trace of him was lost; 45. Tito Guillermo Kumze Durán, 42 years, employee, President of the textile trade union Burguer, socialist activist, detained by members of the 4th Carabinero Station and was killed after being hit several times by a burst of gunfire from the weapon of one of the members of the unit; 46. Drago Vinko Gojanovic Arias, Chilean-Yugoslavian, 23 years old, chauffeur of the Embassy of the German Democratic Republic and a Communist activist. Detained on 12 September 1973 in his parents' home, was driven to his own home, and after searching it the military took him to an unknown location; he was found dead with numerous bullet wounds. 47. Hugo Araya González, 37 years old, graphic reporter and socialist activist. Died of injuries caused by shots fired by the military while he was taking photographs on 12 September 1973. 48. Luis Alberto Merchant Herchant, 43 years old, detained on 13 September 1973 on the public highway by a military patrol, was beaten by soldiers and taken away in a vehicle, his whereabouts since then being unknown. 49. Ernesto Trambraun Riegelhaupt, 49 years old, Communist activist, detained early in the morning of 13 September 1973 and driven to the 7th Police Station and from there to the Ministry of Defence; nothing has been heard of him since then. 50. Enrique Ernesto Morales Melzer, 21 years old, chauffeur, killed by a bullet on 13 September 1973 in the José María Caro area. 51. Jorge Gutiérrez San Martín, 41 years old, mechanic, killed by a bullet on 12 September 1973. 52. Fernando Sofanor Flores Acevedo, 42 years old, bricklayer, killed on 13 September 1973 in the José Maria Caro area, by the gunfire of a military patrol; 53. Sócrates Ponce Pacheco, 30 years old, Ecuadorian, lawyer, detained on 11 September, by the Carabineros who took him to the Tacna Regiment. He was moved to the Chile Stadium, was called by loudspeaker in the early morning of 13 September 1973 and found outside the stadium with 8 gunshot wounds; 8 54. Gregorio Mónica Argote, 22 years, student, Communist activist, detained at his home on 14 September 1973, by a military patrol, after having been freed from the Chile Stadium; nothing is known of him since then; 55. Herman Cea Figueroa, 38 years old, labourer, Communist activist, detained on 11 September 1973 at his workplace, and, like many others, was taken to the Stadium. He was executed by the Carabineros on 15 September 1973; 56. Victor Lidio Jara Martínez, 40 years old, singer, theatre director and member of the Central Committee of the "Communist Youth", was detained between 12 and 15 September 1973 by army personnel. His body appeared on 16 September near the Metropolitan Cemetery together with five corpses, amongst them 57. Littre Quiroga Carvajal, lawyer, National Director of Prisons, Communist activist, detained on 12 September 1973 and sent to the Chile Stadium on 13 September 1973; 58. Charles Edmund Horman Lazar, 31 years old, North American, filmmaker and writer. He was detained at his home in the Vicuña Mackenna area on 17 September 1973 by a group of five members of the army. The same day he was imprisoned in the National Stadium, where he was interrogated, tortured and subsequently executed on 18 September 1973; his body was found in the general cemetery. SIX: In October 1973 General Sergio Arellano Stark, fulfilling direct orders given by Augusto Pinochet, travelled to the north of the country, to unify criteria in proceedings pursued in the military courts throughout the country.A) On 16 October 1973, around 11.00 General Sergio Arellano Stark, Delegate of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and of the Governing Junta, arrived at the local airport and was received by the Commandant of the Motorised Regiment "ARICA", Lieutenant Colonel Ariostel Lapostol Orrego. On that same day General Arellano ordered the shooting of 15 detainees of La Serena Prison in the Arica Regiment: 1.- Oscar Gastón Aedo Herrero who had been detained on 6 October 1973. 2.- Carlos Enrique Alcayaga Varela, Governor of Vicuña and member of MAPU, detained on 12 September 1973. 3.- José Eduardo Araya Gonz lez, detained on 12 October 1973. 4.- Marcos Enrique Barrantes Alcayaga, detained on 16 September 1973. 5.- Jorge Abel Contreras Godoy, detained by the Carabineros, was driven to the Illapel Militarised Police Station and from there to La Serena Prison. 6.- Hipólito Pedro Cortés Alvarez, detained in his workplace in Ovalle, where he was a representative of the construction trade union and driven to La Serena Prison. 7.- Oscar Armando Cortéz Cortéz, detained on 22 September 1973 in Ovalle. 8.- Victor Fernando Escobar Astudillo, detained on 1 October 1973 in Salamanca. 9.- Roberto Guzmán Santa Cruz, lawyer, member of MIR, detained on 14 September 1973 after voluntarily giving himself up in Incahuasi. 9 10.- Jorge Mario Jord n Domic, doctor, detained on 12 September 1973 when he voluntarily gave himself up in Ovalle Police Station. 11.- Manuel Jachadur Marcarian Jamett, detained on 16 September 1973 in Los Vilos. 12.- Jorge Ovidio Osorio Zamora, detained on 17 September in Manresa. 13.- Jorge Washington Peña Hen, musician, detained on 19 September 1973 in Serena Prison. 14.- Mario Alberto Ramírez Sepúlveda, university lecturer, detained on 27 September 1973, after voluntarily giving himself up in Serena Prison, and 15.- Gabriel Gonzalo Vergara Muñoz, agricultural worker, member of MAPU, detained on 12 October 1973 in Ovalle. B) On the night of 17 October 1973, General Arellano ordered the execution of 13 civilians detained in Copiapó, which he concealed from General Lagos Osorio, the military head of the area. The persons are identified below: 16.- Winston Dwight CABELLO BRAVO, engineer, detained in Copiapo on 12 September 1973. 17.- Agapito del Carmen CARVAJAL GONZALEZ, civil servant, detained in Copiapo, in October 1973. 18.- Manuel Roberto CORTAZAR HERNANDEZ, student, detained in Copiapo, on 17 September 1973. 19.- Alfonso Ambrosio GAMBOA FARIAS, director of Radio, detained in Copiapo, on 15 September 1973. 20.- Raúl del Carmen GUARDIA OLIVARES, member of the Socialist Party. 21.- Raúl Leopoldo de Jesús LARRAVIDE LOPEZ, student, detained in Copiapo, on 12 September 1973. 22.- Edwin Ricardo MANCILLA HESS, student, detained in Copiapo on 15 October, 1973. 23.- Adolfo Mario PALLERAS MORAMBUENA, trader, detained in Copiapo on 15 October 1973. 24.- Jaime Iv n SIERRA CASTILLO, broadcaster, detained in Copiapo on 20 September 1973. 25.- Atilio Ernesto UGARTE GUTIERREZ, student, detained in Copiapo on 14 October, 1973. 26.- Nestor Leonell VICENT CARTAGENA, teacher, detained in Copiapo. 27.- Pedro Emilio PEREZ FLORES, mining engineer, detained in Copiapo on September 25, 1973. 28.- Benito TAPIA TAPIA, mine worker, detained on 17 September 1973 in Copiapo. C) On the next day, 18 October 1973, without informing General Lagos, General Arellano Stark ordered the execution of another 14 persons detained in Antofagasta Prison pending trial. 10 The victims were taken from the prison to "Quebrada El Way" in military vehicles. Around 1.20 they were shot by machine guns and repeater rifles. The victims are identified below: 29.- Luis Eduardo Alaniz Alvarez (student). 30.- Nelson Guillermo Cuello Alvarez. 31.- Mario Silva Iriarte (Manager of Corporación de Fomento-Norte, lawyer). 32.- Miguel Manrique Díaz (worker of the company INACESA). 33.- Daniel Alberto Moreno Acevedo (worker of Corporación de Fomento). 34.- Washington Muñoz Donoso (supervisor of the company CCV). 35.- Eugenio Ruiz Tagle Orrego (Manager of INACESA). 36.- Mario Arqueras Silva (Governor of Tocopilla). 37.- Marcos de la Vega Rivera (Mayor of Tocopilla, engineer). 38.- Dinator Avila Rocco (worker of the "Maria Elena" mine). 39.- Segundo Flores Antivilo (social assistant at the company Soquimich). 40.- José García Barrios (suprvisor of the company CCV). 41.- Dario Godoy Mancilla, and 42.- Alicia Valenzuela Flores (Councillor of Tocopilla). The bodies were thrown on the street in front of Antofagasta Hospital Morgue. D) The next morning, 19 October 1973, the same General Arellano Stark set off for Calama where he ordered the execution of 26 detainees who are identified below: 43.- Mario ARGUELLEZ TORO, chauffeur and trader, detained on 30 September 1973 in Calama. 44.- Carlos BERGER GURALNIK, lawyer and journalist, detained on 11 September 1973, on the 13th he was set free and detained again on 14 September 1973. 45.- Haroldo CABRERA ABARZUA, Assistant Finance Manager of Compañía de Cobre de Chuquicamata, detained on 12 September 1973, and tortured repeatedly. 46.- Carlos Alfredo ESCOBEDO CARIS, chauffeur, detained on 24 September 1973 in Chuquicamata. 47.- Daniel GARRIDO MUÑOZ, ex-army official, detained on 5 October 1973 in Calama. 48.- Luis Alberto HERNANDEZ NEIRA, employee, detained on 29 September 1973 in Calama. 49.- Hernán Elizardo MORENO VILLARROEL, Secretary of Gobernación of ELLOA, detained on 12 October 1973. 50.- Luis Alfonso MORENO VILLARROEL, employee, detained on 12 October 1973 in Calama. 51.- David MIRANDA LUNA, Assistant Manager of Cía. Chuquicamata, detained on 16 September 1973, when he voluntarily gave himself up. 11 52.- Carlos Alfonso PIÑERO LUCERO, chauffeur, detained on 5 October 1973 in Calama. 53.- Fernando Roberto RAMIREZ SANCHEZ, teacher, detained on 10 October 1973 in Calama. 54.- Sergio Moisés RAMIREZ ESPINOZA, employee, detained and executed in Calama. 55.- Alejandro RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, employee, detained on 17 September 1973 in Calama. 56.- José Gregorio SAAVEDRA GONZALEZ, 18 years old, student, detained on 24 September 1973, taken to Calama Militarised Police Station, where he remained incommunicado for 5 days, during which he was taken daily to "La Dupont" torture centre. 57.- Domingo Manuel MAMANI LOPEZ, Head of Social Welfare of Cía RIOZOA, DUPONT, detained on 30 September 1973, and tortured. 58.- Jerónimo CARPANCHI CHOQUE, labourer, detained on 12 October 1973 in Calama. 59.- Bernardino CAYO CAYO, labourer, detained on 12 October 1973 in Calama. 60.- Manual HIDALGO RIVAS, labourer, detained 12 October 1973 in Calama. 61.- José Rolando HOYOS SALAZAR, mechanic, detained on 12 October 1973 in Calama. 62.- Rosario Aguid MUÑOZ CASTILLO, labourer, detained on 12 October 1973 in Calama. 63.- Milton Alfredo ORTEGA CUEVAS, labourer, detained on 12 October 1973 in Calama. 64.- Roberto Segundo ROJAS ALCAYAGA, labourer, detained on 12 October 1973. 65.- Jorge Rubén YUENG ROJAS, detained incommunicado in Calama Prison until he was executed. 66.- Rafael Enrique PINEDA IBACACHE, labourer, detained on 17 September 1973 in Calama. 67.- Luis Alberto GAHONA OCHOA, labourer, detained on 12 October 1973 in Calama. 68.- Milton Alfredo MUÑOZ MUÑOZ, labourer, detained on 11 October 1973 in Calama. Due to protests about what had happened, General Lagos called General Arellano to account who furnished to him a document signed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Army Augusto Pinochet Ugarte in which he named him Special Delegate to review and accelerate proceedings being pursued in the Military Courts. Subsequently General Lagos met Augusto Pinochet and informed him of the events but only received the reply that he try "to overcome the serious situation which has arisen in relation to public opinion" due to the impact of the executions which were not ordered by courts. On 31 October 1973 General Lagos received a telex from COFFA -Commando of the Armed Forces created, outside the institutional organisation of the armed forces, directly under the control of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, in order to facilitate, as later occurred with the DINA, abductions, executions and mass disappearances- ordering him to draw up a list of the executions in his area of jurisdiction. Since the list -which General Lagos personally presented to Pinochet Ugarte on 1 November 1973- included the 53 cases referred to in numbers 16 to 68 (sections B, C and D), he received an order that same night from Augusto Pinochet's Assistant to remove all reference to the commission by General Arellano, as Delegate of Augusto Pinochet, of the above- 12 mentioned acts at Copiapó, Antofagasta and Calama. The new list was drawn up in the office of the Commander in Chief of the Army, Augusto Pinochet. SEVEN: Although those specifically referred to and those who will be referred to in other Facts are mentioned here, it is necessary to list the disappeared, tortured and executed according to the Rettig Report and the Report of the National Corporation on Reparation and Reconciliation, attached to these proceedings, classified by districts and according to whether the acts were commited before or after the appointment of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte as President of the Republic on December 17, 1974, who is the person responsible for the acts described since he, together with the other members of the Governing Junta, had absolute control of the situation, eliminating any dissidence or dispute. In this list of persons, whose disappearance and deaths are attributed to them, the deceased who were victims of Political Violence (P.V.) have been excluded. Abbreviations: Identity, sex, age, date of birth, profession, activity, number of identity document, date of kidnapping, place, date of assasination, place, page of Report. D.D. = Detained disappeared; CVR = Commission of Truth and Reconciliation or Rettig Report; CNRR = Corporation of National Reparation and Reconciliation. List of persons killed or detained-missing between 11th September 1973 and 11th March 1990 Source: Rettig Report Report of the National Corporation of Reparation and Reconciliation to whose volumes and pages reference is made. Abbreviations: identity, sex, age, date of birth, profession, activity, number of identity document, date of kidnapping, place, date of assasination, place, page of Report. DETAINED-MISSING= Detained-missing (Detenido desaparecido); CVR = Commision of Truth and Reconciliation or Rettig Report (Comision de Verdad and Reconciliación or Informe Rettig); CNRR = National Corporation of Compensation and Reconciliation (Corporación Nacional de Reparación AND Reconciliación); Cases of Political Violence (V.P.) are excluded. A. MAYORS AND MUNICIPAL COUNCILLORS 13 Murdered or detained-missing between 12th September 1993 and 16th December 1974 1.- ACEVEDO ANDRADES LUIS BERNARDO, M, 31, 05/02/43, FOREST WORKER, EX-MAYOR OF COELEMU, 4.258.275-1, 30/04/74,,ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 488. 2.- ALDONEY VARGAS JAIME, M, 30, 08/06/43, CIVIL BUILDER, COUN-CILOR LIMACHE, MANAGER CCU, 4.902.888-1,12/09/73, QUILLOTA,,05,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 3.- ALVARADO ARAYA MARIO, M, 34, 09/12/38, EMPLOYEE SADEMI, EX-MAYOR CABILDO, 31.057-,08/10/73, 11/10/73,PETORCA, SAN FELIPE, 05,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 300,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 4.- BLANCO UBILLA VICENTE RAMON, M, 37, 05/10/35, MERCHANT, SECRETARY COUNCILOR, COMMITTEE PRESIDENT PO, , 3.609.644-6,20/09/73, MAIPO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 167,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 5.- CAMPOS LOPEZ RUBEN ANTONIO, M, 39, 02/08/44, TEACHER, COUNCI-LOR OF LAJA, SCHOLL DIRECTOR CONSOL,03.051.067-4, 16/09/73, 18/09/73, BIO,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED 6.- DE LA VEGA RIVERA MARCO FELIPE, M, 46, 20/07/27, CHEMICAL ENGINEER (D.O.S.), MAYOR TOCOPILLA, ,02.705.735-7,15/09/73, 19/10/73, TOCOPILLA, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 265,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 7.- GONZALEZ MARDONES DANILO, M, 39, 02/05/34, TEACHER, MAYOR LOTA, 5.005.087-4, /09/73, 22/10/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 331,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 8.- LAGOS REYES RICARDO RAUL, M, 48, 10/10/25, MAYOR OF CHILLAN, 02.098.874-6, 16/09/73, 16/09/73, ÑUBLE, ÑUBLE, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 335,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 9.- LOPEZ TORRES JUAN SEGUNDO, M, 41, 27/01/32, MAYOR VALLENAR, 02.630.299-4, 14/12/73, 14/12/73, HUASCO, HUASCO,03,03,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 283,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 14 10.- NORAMBUENA FERNANDOY LUIS FERNANDO,M,31,23/08/42,EMPLOYEE ESSO, COUNCILOR, 4.492.015-8,14/09/73, SAN ANTONIO,,05,,DETAI-NEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 297,,, 11.- RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ ALEJANDRO,M,47,10/03/26,WORKER,COUNCILOR CALAMA, 1.180.603-1, /10/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA,02,02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 270, 12.- VALDERAS ANGULO ARTURO JESUS,M,22,08/12/50,WORKER,COUNCILOR ENTRE LAGOS, 6.821.600-,16/09/73,,OSORNO,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 409, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 13.- VALENZUELA FLORES ALEXIS ALBERTO,M,29,10/01/44,WORKER SOQUIMICH, COUNCILOR TOCOPILLA, TREASURER UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDE-RATION (CUT), PDTE. S, 17/09/73, 19/10/73, TOCOPILLA, ANTOFAGAS TA,02,02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 265, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 14.- TENORIO FUENTES EINAR ENRIQUE,M,42,16/07/31,HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER, COUNCILOR, LOCAL DIRECTOR EDUCATION, SECRE, 2.294.0317,15/09/73,,CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 387,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 15.- VALLEJOS RAMOS JORGE,M,34,22/04/39, FOREST WORKER, TOWN COUNCIL COUNCILOR PANGUIPULLI, 4.436-,19/10/73,,VALDIVIA,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 226,,,MILIT.AND CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) (PARAMILITARY POLICE), 16.- VARGAS DIAZ FLORENCIO ASCENCIO, M, 65, 23/05/08, MAYOR, .492.192-5, 23/10/73, 24/10/73, CHAÑARAL, CHAÑARAL, 03, 03, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 283, Murdered or detained-missing between 17th December 1974 and 11th March 1990 17.- ANDRADE BALCAZAR LUIS HUMBERTO, M, 55, 12/02/21, MEDICAL SURGEON, COUNCILOR SAN BERNARDO, 1.597.516-4, 19/02/76, CONCEP -CION, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 396,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,MILITARY 18.- FUENTES RODRIGUEZ HUMBERTO OF LAS NIEVES, M, 59, 23/10/16, LOCKSMITH, EX-COUNCILOR OF RENCA, FORMER UNION LEADER, .955.616-8, 15 04/11/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 557,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, COMANDO CONJUNTO, 2 PAGE 19.- JANA SANTIBAÑEZ MANUEL ELIAS,M,46,15/09/28,MERCHANT,EX-MAYOR CAÑETE, 3.492.372-8, 12/02/75, 17/02/75, ARAUCO, CONCEPCION, 08, 08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 578,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., B. STUDENTS 1. Murdered or detained-missing on 11th September 1973 20.- SCHNEUER YUBERO WALTER CARLOS, M, 21, 02/11/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 05.745.756-, 11/09/73, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 153,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 2.- Murdered or detained missing between 12th September 1973 and 16th December 1974 21.- ACUÑA CASTILLO MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 19, 13/09/54, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 7.542.249-0, 08/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 506,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 22.- AGUAYO OLAVARRIA HECTOR DOMINGO, M, 17, 10/06/56, STUDENT, 13/09/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE393,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 23.- AGUILAR CARVAJAL ALICIA MARCELA, F, 6, 15/03/67, SCHOOL STUDENT, 18/09/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 300,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,MILITARY 24.- CAMPOS CARRILLO FELIPE PORFIRIO, M, 23, 25/02/50, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, FROM ECUADOR, /09/73, 20/09/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 328,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 25.- CARCAMO ROJAS SAUL SEBASTIAN, M, 19, 29/01/53, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT,,,16/09/73, 16/09/73, MAIPO, MAIPO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 227,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,CARCIV, 16 26.- CARRASCO BARRIOS RICARDO EDUARDO, M, 19, 18/10/53, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT,, 6.539.784-6, 16/09/73, 16/09/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 227,DETAINED-MISSING CLARI-FIED,,CARCIV, 27.- CARRASCO DIAZ MARIO EDRULFO, M, 18, 16/05/56, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT,, 6.696.949-5, 16/09/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 582,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 28.- CARRASCO PEÑA BLANCA MARINA DE LA LUZ, F, 27, 13/12/45, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 3.716.181-, 15/09/73, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 149, STATE FUNCTIO-NARY, 29.- CARREÑO AGUILERA IVAN SERGIO, M, 15, 15/08/58, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT,, 7.625.597-0, 13/08/74,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 540,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 30.- CARREÑO GONZALEZ ENRIQUE DEL ANGEL, M, 22, 04/01/51, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT,, 6.042.905-7, 18/09/73, LINARES,,07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 486, 31.- CASTRO CASTRO SAMUEL ROBERTO, M, 13, 20/09/60, STUDENT, 7.213.742-6, 24/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 303,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,MILITARY, 32.- CASTRO SALVADORES CECILIA GABRIELA, F, 23, 02/07/51, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT,, 6.287.541-0, 17/11/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 519,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 33.- CATALAN FEBRERO MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 24, 31/12/49, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 6.257.304-K, 27/09/73, 09/10/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEP-CION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 330, 34.- CERDA ANGEL EDUARDO ELIAS, M, 8, 07/02/65, SCHOOL STUDENT, 12/10/73, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 197,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 35.- CID URRUTIA WASHINGTON, M, 24, 03/12/49, STUDENT DUOC,EX-STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF CONCEPCION, 3.738.707-K,02/12/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 522,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 36.- CISTERNA BOCAZ MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 17, 28/09/55, STUDENT, 7.689.249-0, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR V.P.,CNRR PAGE 458,MILITARY 17 37.- DEL CANTO RODRIGUEZ JOSE ENRIQUE, M, 17, 15/07/56, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 5.877.862-1, 06/10/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 246, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, IDENTI-FIED CEMETERY YARD 29,MILITARY, 38.- DIAZ DIAZ LEONIDAS ISABEL, F, 14, 03/10/59, STUDENT, 13/10/73, 14/10/73, CORDILLERA, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE200, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 39.- DIAZ LOPEZ JUAN JONAS, M, 24, STUDENT, 26/11/73,27/11/73,SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 214, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 40.- DROUILLY YURICH JACQUELINE PAULETTE, F, 24, 03/12/49, UNI-VERSITY STUDENT, 6.853.430-5, 30/10/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 519, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 41.- ELGUETA PINTO MARTIN, M, 21, 01/07/53, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.505.2024, 15/07/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 508, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 42.- ELTIT CONTRERAS MARIA TERESA, F, 22, 01/09/52, STUDENT DUOC,, 7.076.730-9, 12/12/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 523, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 43.- ESCANILLA ESCOBAR CLAUDIO JESUS, M, 16, 02/11/56, SCHOOL STUDENT, SHOE SHINER, 65.615-, 13/09/73, LINARES,,07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 318, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 44.- ESCOBAR SALINAS RUTH MARIA, F, 27, 21/08/46, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 5.257.259-2, 30/06/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 271,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 45.- ESCOBAR VASQUEZ ALEJANDRO, M, 18, 11/10/54, STUDENT, 7.461.556-2, 13/09/73, CAUTIN, 09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 393, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 46.- ESPEJO GOMEZ RODOLFO ALEJANDRO, M, 18, 31/07/56, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 7.100.013-3, 15/08/74, ,SANTIAGO, 13,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 569,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 18 47.- ESPINOSA MENDEZ JORGE ENRIQUE, M, 24, 01/11/49, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.344.061-2 , 18/06/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 505,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 48.- ESPINOZA HENRIQUEZ MAMERTO EULOGIO, M, 26, 11/05/48, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, BODYGUARD MIGUEL ENRIQUEZ, 5.597.068-8, 17/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 515,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 49.- FARIÑA OYARCE CARLOS PATRICIO, M, 13, 06/11/59, SCHOOL STUDENT, 13/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 199,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 50.- FAUNDEZ BUSTOS SANTIAGO OMAR, M, 23, 23/05/50, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 06.425.532-0, 27/11/73, 30/11/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 380,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 51.- FELMER KLENNER JOSE LUIS, M, 20, 05/02/53, UNIVERSITY STU-DENT, 6.043.938-9, 20/09/73, 19/10/73, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10, 10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 422,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 52.- FLORES ARAYA JOSE ORLANDO, M, 19, 05/08/55, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 7.248.189-5, 23/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 542,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILI-TARY/DINA, 53.- FUENTES GARIN EUGENIO DEL CARMEN, M, 17, 02/06/56, STUDENT, 7.369.984-3, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 269,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 54.- FUENTES RIQUELME LUIS FERNANDO, M, 23, 13/07/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.021.461-1, 20/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 515,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 55.- GAETE FARIAS GREGORIO ANTONIO, M, 22, 07/10/51, WORKER, STUDENT HIGH-SCHOOL, 5.529.661-8, 15/08/74, SANTIAGO,13,,DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 569, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 56.- GAJARDO HIDALGO SERGIO ALBERTO, M, 15, 10/09/58, STUDENT, 7.891.647-8, 15/09/73, 30/10/73, SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR (DD),CNRR PAGE 65,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,IDENTIFIED IN CEMETERY YARD 29, 19 57.- GARAY HERMOSILLA HECTOR MARCIAL, M, 19, 06/03/55, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 7.694.786-4, 08/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 506,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 58.- GARCIA FRANCO JOSE FELIX, M, 31, 23/02/42, UNIVERSITY STU-DENT, FROM ECUADOR, 7.198.571-7, 13/09/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 370,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 59.- GODOY MANSILLA DARIO ARMANDO, M, 18, 22/08/55, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT,, 6.489.171-5, /10/73, 19/10/73, TOCOPILLA, ANTOFAGAS-TA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 264, OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED., 60.- GOMEZ CONCHA JOSE DOMINGO, M, 17, STUDENT, 17/09/73, ÑUBLE, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 345, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 61.- GONZALES GONZALES RAMIRO CARLOS, M, 18, 20/03/55, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, CHILEAN-BOLIVIAN,, 7.423.354-6, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 150,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 62.- GONZALEZ ALLENDE MANUEL JOSE, M, 16, 13/08/57, STUDENT, 21/09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 169, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 63.- GONZALEZ MELLA LUIS GENARO, M, 25, 27/01/49, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 5.934.084-0, 22/11/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 526,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 64.- GONZALEZ YAÑEZ HECTOR ENRIQUE, M, 8, 12/11/65, SCHOOL STU-DENT, 26/12/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 281, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 65.-GUAJARDO ZAMORANO LUIS JULIO, M, 22, 16/05/52, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, LOCAL LEADER, CYCLIST, 6.314.039-2,20/07/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 508,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 66.- GUERRERO GUTIERREZ CARLOS EDUARDO, M, 20, 30/03/54, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT,, 5.894.777-6, 31/12/74, ,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 523,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 67.- GUTIERREZ ARAVENA DOMINGO RAMON, M, 16, 16/03/58, STUDENT, 23/09/73, 24/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 98, 20 68.- GUTIERREZ SOTO CARMEN, F, 14, 17/07/59, STUDENT, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 266,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 69.- HERNANDEZ GARCES HECTOR ENRIQUE, M, 17, 09/12/55, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 28/09/73, 06/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 239,,,MILITARY 70.- HERRERA COFRE JORGE ANTONIO, M, 18, 11/01/56, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT,, 7.475.179-2, 13/12/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 528, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 71.- HORMAZABAL PINO NELSON LUIS, M, 11, 08/03/62, SCHOOL STU-DENT, 13/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 265,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,MILITARY 72.- IBARRA ECHEVERRIA CARLOS LEONARDO, M, 20, 06/11/52, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, LEADER INSTITUTO PEDAGOGICO, 6.868.892-2,05/10/73, 08/10/73, SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 186,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,MILITARY. 73.- IBARRA TOLEDO JUAN ERNESTO, M, 21, 12/02/53, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 5.832.312-8, 25/07/74,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 509,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 74.- IGOR SPORMAN GUSTAVO BERNARDO, M, 22, 23/09/51, STUDENT, 06.798.739-K, 29/09/73, /09/73, OSORNO, OSORNO, 10, 10,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 413,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 75.- JARA HERRERA JOSE JUAN CARLOS, M, 17, 20/04/56, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 2.014.156-, 17/09/73, 18/09/73, BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 76.- JARA LATORRE JOSE ORLANDO, M, 13, 11/08/50, STUDENT, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR V.P., CNRR PAGE 463, MILITARY 77.- JORQUERA ENCINA MAURICIO EDMUNDO, M, 19, 05/08/55, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 6.376.132-K, 05/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 243,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 78.- JUANTOCK GUZMAN YACTONG ORLANDO, M, 26, 24/08/47, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS UNION PDT. UNIVERSITY VALPARAISO, 21 5.906.402-9, 12/09/73, VALPARAISO,,05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 293,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 79.- KONOBA KRUL TEODORO, M, 22, 05/01/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, ARGENTINA, /09/73, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 58, 80.- KRAUSS ITURRA VICTOR FERNANDO, M, 24, 17/10/48, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, REGIONAL SECRETARY 22/09/73, 04/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 397, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 81.- LAGOS MARIN OGAN ESTEBAN, M, 20, 17/03/53, UNIVERSITY STU-DENT, EXSTUDENT LEADER, 5.975.615-K, 15/03/74, 28/04/74, CHI-LLAN, CHILLAN, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 499,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 82.- LAGOS SALINAS CARLOS EDUARDO, M, 20, 02/11/52, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,,05.463.496-K, 16/09/73, 16/09/73, ÑUBLE, ÑUBLE, 08,08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 335,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 83.- LARA ESPINOZA GABRIEL VALENTIN, M, 18, 22/02/55, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT,, 7.584.767-K, 22/09/73, BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 358,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 84.- LARGO VERA LUIS ALEJANDRO, M, 26,07/03/47, STUDENT, 5.799.071-6, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 147,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 85.- LARRAVIDE LOPEZ RAUL LEOPOLDO DE JESUS, M, 20, 25/09/52, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,,05.065.044-, 12/09/73, 17/10/73, COPIAPO, COPIAPO, 03, 03, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 279,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 86.- LEIVA VARGAS ALBERTO, M, 33, 04/04/40, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, POLITICAL SECRETARY MAPU BUIN, 89.481-, 14/09/73, MAIPO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 226,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 87.- LIRA YAÑEZ JORGE NICOLAS, M, 24, 03/10/48, STUDENT, 6.055.180-4, 23/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 97, 88.- LOPEZ STEWART MARIA CRISTINA, F, 21, 23/11/52, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 9.254.020-0,22/09/74,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 516,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 22 89.-LLANOS GUZMAN HECTOR HORACIO, M, 18, 28/03/55, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 07.450.756-5, 23/10/73, 23/10/73, CACHAPOAL, CACHAPOAL, 06, 06, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 279,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINE-ROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 90.- MALDONADO AVILA LUIS BERNARDO, M, 24, 11/02/49, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 5.776.317-5,26/09/73,,CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 272, 91.- MALDONADO GATICA VICTOR JOAQUIN, M, 21, 13/04/52, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 18/09/73, 19/09/73, CHACABUCO, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 158,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 92.- MANCILLA HESS EDWIN RICARDO, M, 21, 11/10/52, STUDENT NORMA-LISTA, REGIONAL SECRETARY 06.019.830-6, 15/10/73, 17/10/73, COPIAPO, COPIAPO,03,03,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 279,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 93.- MANRIQUEZ NORAMBUENA PATRICIO ENRIQUE, M, 17, 05/02/56, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 20/09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 168, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 94.- MARDONES JOFRE PEDRO JUAN, M, 22, 09/09/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.272.409-9, /11/73, 10/11/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09,09, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 378,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 95.- MARDONES ROMAN ERNESTO DOMINGO, M, 19, 29/07/54, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.865.828-4, 03/12/73, 19/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 160,,, 96.- MARFULL GONZALEZ GABRIEL AUGUSTO, M, 22, 25/07/51, STUDENT, 06.389.983-, 14/09/73, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, MELIPILLA, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 150,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 97.- MARTINEZ LEYTON GABRIEL RICARDO NELSON, M, 15, 26/02/58, SCHOOL STUDENT, 26/09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 102,,, 98.- MARTINEZ VERA GUSTAVO HERNAN, M, 18, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, EXPRESIDENT YOUNG SOCIALISTS (P.S.) PAINE, 6.887.408-4, 24/09/73, 06/10/73, MAIPO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 229,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 23 99.- MASCAREÑA DIAZ CARLOS, M, 22, 27/10/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 06.663.242-3, 01/11/73,01/05/74, PUERTO MONTT, 10,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 500,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 100.- MAZA CARVAJAL ENRIQUE ANTONIO, M, 24, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, FROM VENEZUELA,, 4.026.195-8, 12/09/73, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR V.P.,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 140,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 101.- MELLA FLORES ALEJANDRO ROBINSON, M, 19, 24/08/54, STUDENT, 7.583.780-1, 19/09/73, LINARES,,07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 314, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 102.- MENESES REYES JUAN ANICETO, M, 27, 01/07/47, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 5.122.572-4, 03/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE582, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 103.- MILLAHUINCA ARAYA FRANCISCO SEGUNDO, M, 18, 16/06/55, HIGHSCHOOL STUDENT, 13/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR V.P.,CNRR PAGE 437, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED, CURFEW, MILIT, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 104.- MIMICA ARGOTE GREGORIO, M,22, 20/12/50, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, PRESIDENT STUDENT CENTER ENGINEERING, 5.927.653-0, 14/09/73, ,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 143, DETAI-NEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY PATR. 105.- MONTERO MOSQUERA AMADOR FRANCISCO, M, 21, 08/05/52, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 06.546.777-1, 06/11/73, 10/11/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 378,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 106.- NARVAEZ SALAMANCA JORGE PATRICIO,M,15,09/10/57,HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 6.836.537-6,28/09/73,,BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 358, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 107.- MORALES MORALES ARMANDO EDELMIRO, M, 19, 14/01/54, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 6.530.487-2, 04/10/73, LINARES, 07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 317, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 108.- MORENO CAMPUSANO HECTOR LEONARDO, M, 19, 18/04/54, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, SECRETARY ORGANIZATION YOUNG SOCIALISTS (P.S.), 6.885.702-3,19/09/73,21/09/73, BIO,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 352, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 24 109.- MORENO DIAZ MANUEL ERNESTO, M, 18, 15/11/54, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, .64.069-, 18/09/73, 19/09/73, TOCOPILLA, TOCOPILLA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 274,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 110.- MOSCOSO MOENA FERNANDO HUMBERTO, M, 20, 24/11/53, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 06.516.417-5, 06/10/73, 20/12/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 334, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., NAVY 111.- MOYA ROJAS ANGEL GABRIEL, M, 15, 20/09/57, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 14/09/73,14/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE146/T, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 112 .- MUNITA CASTILLO PATRICIO, M, 22, 18/12/50, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 05.627.427-8, 13/12/73, 14/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 217,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 113.-MUÑOZ ANDRADE LEOPOLDO DANIEL, M, 22, 12/12/51, STUDENT INDUSTRY SCHOOL, 6.553.584-K, 20/07/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 508,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 114.- MUÑOZ BIZAMA JOSE MIGUEL, M, 21, 04/11/51, MUSIC SCHOOL STUDENT,, 6.550.620-3, 17/10/73, 30/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 207,DETAINED-MISSING C LARIFIED, CIVILES 115.- MUÑOZ BRAVO LUIS ALBERTO, M, 28, 07/09/45, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 5.566.753-5, /09/73, 15/09/73, ANTOFAGASTA, ANTOFAGAS-TA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 262,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 116.- MUÑOZ MELLA JORGE RODRIGO, M, 18, 19/12/54, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT,,,, 6.342.434-K, 18/09/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 162,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARABI-NEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 117.- MUÑOZ APABLAZA PEDRO MARIO ALONSO, M, 21, 27/04/52, STUDENT,06.463.879-3, 27/10/73, 27/10/73, MALLECO,MALLECO,09,09,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 369,,, 118.- ÑANCUFIL REUQUE JUAN HECTOR, M, 21, 19/04/52, STUDENT,EX-CIVIL OFFICIAL I.N.E., 6.544.934-K, 20/09/73, CAUTIN, 09,,DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 387, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 25 119.- NARVAEZ SALAMANCA JORGE PATRICIO, M, 15, 09/10/57, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 6.836.537-6, 28/09/73, BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 358,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 120.- NAVARRETE CLAVIJO MARCO ANTONIO, M, 10, 03/05/63, SCHOOL STUDENT, 12/09/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR V.P., CNRR PAGE 427,,, 121.- NAVARRO PALMA CARLOS MANUEL, M, 19, 28/02/54, STUDENT, 06.385.8269,23/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR V.P.,CNRR PAGE 521, 122.- NUÑEZ ESPINOZA RAMON OSVALDO, M, 20, 07/11/53, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 6.593.751-4, 25/07/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 509,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 123.- OJEDA JARA JORGE LUIS, M, 20, 25/02/53, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, EXSECRETARY CONGRESSMAN SOCIALIST PARTY, EX-PRESIDENT, 05.783.420-, 16/09/73, 05/10/73, MELIPILLA, SAN ANTONIO,,05,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 297/,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 124.- ORTIZ MORAGA JORGE EDUARDO, M, 20, 05/06/54, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.300.119-8, 12/12/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 527, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 125.- ORTIZ ORELLANA RAMON REMIGIO, M, 16, 30/05/57, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 6.974.289-0, 18/01/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 489,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARABI-NEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 126.-ORTIZ VALENZUELA RAUL MAURICIO, M, 15, 01/07/58, STUDENT, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR V.P.,CNRR PAGE 453,,, 127.- PAGARDOY SAQUIERES ENRIQUE JULIO, M, 21, 01/02/52, STUDENT, FROM URUGUAY, 01.152.632-, /09/73, PUENTE ALTO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 214,,, 128.- PALMA DONOSO GREGORIO, M, 21, 05/07/53, STUDENT, 6.705.135-1,03/12/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 521,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 129.- PALMA RODRIGUEZ JUAN PATRICIO, M, 17, 14/07/56, SCHOOL STUDENT, 7.685.025-9, 11/09/73, 27/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 176,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 26 130.- PALOMINOS ROJAS LUIS JAIME, M, 23, 09/10/51, MUSIC SCHOOL STUDENT, 5.546.096-5, 07/12/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 522,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 131.- PARDO ROJAS SILVIO VICENTE, M, 26, 17/12/47, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 5.969.597-5, 04/04/74, VALPARAISO,,05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 487,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 132.- PARGA ORTEGA LEONARDO PATRICIO, M, 17, 24/10/55, STUDENT, 7.312.252K, 14/09/73, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 267,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,MILITARY 133.- PARRA QUINTANILLA PATRICIO HUMBERTO, M, 14, 10/02/59, STUDENT, 7.415.350-K, 27/09/73, 28/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 177,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 134.- PEÑA SOLARI MARIO FERNANDO, M, 21, 01/01/53, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 5.922.332-1, 09/12/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 527,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 135.- PEÑA SOLARI PATRICIA NILDA, F, 23, 22/12/50, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.494.786-9, 10/12/74, ,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 527,,, 136.- PEREZ GODOY PEDRO HUGO, M, 15, 03/09/58, SCHOOL STUDENT, 17/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 205,DETAINEDMISSING CLARIFIED,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) COM 137.- PIZARRO NOVA CARMEN XIMENA, F, 10, 07/01/63, SCHOOL STU-DENT, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR V.P.,CNRR PAGE 454, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 138.- PORTUGUEZ MAULEN LUIS ANTONIO, M, 17, 23/09/56, STUDENT, 02/10/73, 03/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 114, 139.- PRAT MARTI ARTURO LORENZO ALBERTO, M, 21, 10/08/52, STUDENT NORMALISTA, 6.589.225-1, 01/10/73, ÑUBLE, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 339,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 140.- QUINTEROS MIRANDA ABELARDO OF JESUS, M, 21, 22/07/52, TAYLOR STUDENT,, 6.364.777-2, 06/10/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 190,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 27 141.- QUINTEROS MIRANDA EDUARDO SANTOS, M, 19, 04/06/54, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, STUDENT LEADER, 06.364.776-, 06/10/73, 08/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 190,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 142.- RADRIGAN PLAZA ANSELMO OSVALDO, M, 25, 02/03/49, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE 6.253.101-0, 12/12/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 522,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 143.- RAMIREZ AMESTICA ROGELIO GUSTAVO, M, 18, STUDENT, 01/10/73, 01/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 182, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 144.- RAMIREZ PEÑA SERGIO HERNAN, M, 17, 15/07/56, SCHOOL STU-DENT, 06/12/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 215, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 145.- RETAMAL CORNEJO DIXON, M, 24, 27/08/49, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 06.101.622-8, 03/10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 375,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIS T,, 146.- RETAMAL PARRA LUIS ALEJANDRO, M, 14, 28/10/58, SCHOOL STUD-ENT, 07.513.525-4, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 140, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 147.- RETAMAL PEREZ OSCAR ABDON, M, 19, 25/05/54, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 6.630.474-4, 25/09/73, LINARES,,07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 318,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 148.- RETAMAL VELASQUEZ JOSE GREGORIO, M, 21, 10/05/52, EX STU-DENT TEACHING PROFESSION, 06.522.856-4, 01/10/73, 01/10/73, ÑUBLE, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 339,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.. 149.- RIOS BUSTOS MARCOS ORLANDO, M, 14, 08/06/58, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, .IG 01/10/73, 01/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE .IG 182,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 150.- RIOS TRASLAVIÑA MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 16, 25/11/56, SCHOOL STUD-ENT, 01/10/73, 01/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 182,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 28 151.- RIOSECO MONTOYA RICARDO GUSTAVO, M, 22, 01/03/51, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, EX-COUNCILOR PC SON, 04/10/73, 05/10/73, MALLECO, MALLECO,09,09,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 390,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 152.- RIQUELME AVILES ROBERTO ADAN, M, 20, 30/10/53, STUDENT, 6.610.452-4, 10/10/73, 10/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 127,,, 153.- RIQUELME RAMOS NOLBERTO MAURICIO, M, 16, 06/07/57, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 20.629-,,14/09/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 263, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S (PARA-MILITARY POLICE)AND MILITAR 154.- RODRIGUEZ ARAYA JUAN CARLOS, M, 30, 07/07/44, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 4.806.865-0, 17/11/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 519,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 155.- RODRIGUEZ CARCAMO HECTOR ROBERTO, M, 25, 18/09/48, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 4.763.076-2, 19/09/73, CONCEPCION,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 327, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 156.- RODRIGUEZ LAZO DANIEL ELISEO, M, 15, 26/11/57, SCHOOL STUDENT, 25/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 209,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 158.- ROJAS ARANCIBIA SANTIAGO RUBEN, M, 16, 30/12/56, STUDENT, 7.314.4787, 17/10/73, 18/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR V.P.,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 208, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,PRESUMIBLY MILITARY PATROL. 159.- ROMERO LAGOS JOSE FERNANDO, M, 22, 30/06/51, STUDENT, 5.610.106-3, 14/09/73,,ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 345,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 160.-ROSAS ASENJO REINALDO PATRICIO, M, 17, 04/08/56, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, PRESIDENT STUDENT CENTER LICEO OSORNO, 12/09/73, 13/09/73, OSORNO, OSORNO,10,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 407,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 161.-ROSS HERNANDEZ LUIS ALBERTO, M, 20, 28/10/52, STUDENT, 7.392.642-4, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR V.P.,CNRR PAGE 521,,, 29 162.- RUIZ MANCILLA JUAN CARLOS, M, 21, 17/04/52, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.483.229-8,07/11/73, 10/11/73, CAUTIN, 09,09, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 378,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 163.- SAAVEDRA GONZALEZ ENRIQUE ANTONIO, M, 18, 13/06/55, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT,,, 7.777.409-2, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 150,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, 164.- SAAVEDRA GONZALEZ JOSE GREGORIO, M, 18, 10/02/55, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, STUDENT LEADER, 6.134.350-4, 24/09/73, 19/10/73,EL LOA,EL LOA,02,02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 270,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 165.- SALAMANCA MORALES ERNESTO GUILLERMO,M,20,30/03/53,ELECTRICIAN, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, YOUNG LEADER UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), 7.250.760-6, 25/01/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 539,,, 166.- SALAS PARADISI JORGE MIGUEL, M, 25, 07/12/47, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 16/10/73, 17/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 205,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 167.-SALAZAR AGUILERA JOSE ALBERTO, M, 23, 02/09/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 5.759.469-1, 22/11/74, VALPARAISO,,05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 519,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 168.- SALINAS ARGOMEDO ARIEL MARTIN, M, 26, 09/06/48, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, STUDENT LEADER UNIV. OF CONCEPCION,, VINCULADO 6.049.089-9, 25/09/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 516,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 169.- SALINAS VERA MARIO, M, 16, 14/12/56, SCHOOL STUDENT, 5.879.235-7, 20/10/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 210,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 170.-SAN MARTIN VERGARA LUIS DAGOBERTO, M, 21, 10/01/53, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 6.008.528-5, 17/12/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 528,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 171.- SANCHEZ CARRERA MANUEL ANTONIO, M, 20, 08/04/53, STUDENT, 6.283.175-8, 11/09/73,14/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 60,,, 30 172.-SANCHEZ PEREZ SIMON ELADIO, M, 17, 15/03/56, SCHOOL STUDENT, 20/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 167,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,FACH 173.- SANDOVAL GOMEZ SEGUNDO ABELARDO, M, 19, 11/07/54, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT,, 6.458.387-5, 13/09/73, 02/10/73, LINARES, LINA-RES, 07, 07, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 313,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED. 174.- SANTANDER ALBORNOZ IGNACIO DEL TRANSITO, M, 17, 22/03/56, STUDENT, FARM WORKER, 24/09/73, MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 229,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, 175.-SARMIENTO SABATER HERNAN, M, 26, 10/08/47, UNIVERSITY STU-DENT, 5.966.823-4, 28/07/74, LINARES, 07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 509,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 176.-SEPULVEDA BAEZA JOSE ESTEBAN, M, 22, 16/05/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 6.038.917-9, 12/09/73, 02/10/73, LINARES, LINARES, 07, 07, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 313,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 177.-SEPULVEDA BRAVO RICARDO DEL CARMEN, M, 16, 29/01/57, STU-DENT, 16/09/73, 16/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 156, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 178.- SEPULVEDA CONTRERAS DANIEL MAURICIO, M, 23, 24/11/49, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.171.753-6, 20/09/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 388,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 179.- SEPULVEDA GONZALES JUAN DE DIOS, M, 21, 01/01/52, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, STUDENT LEADER, 7.002.121-8, 23/09/73, BIO BIO, 08,,DETAINEDMISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 207, MILITARY 180.- SEPULVEDA GUAJARDO RENATO ALEJANDRO, M, 21, 15/07/53, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 6.025.494-K, 12/12/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 527, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 181.- SEPULVEDA TRONCOSO MARCELA SOLEDAD, F, 18, 03/10/55, UNI-VERSITY STUDENT,, 6.890.602-4, 26/06/74,,CHACABUCO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 505,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,DINA 31 182.- SILVA PERALTA CLAUDIO GUILLERMO, M, 23, 21/12/50, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 6.347.659-5, 26/11/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 521,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 183.- SILVA SALDIVAR GERARDO ERNESTO, M, 23, 12/05/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.222.736-2, 10/12/74, SANTIAGO, 13,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 527,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 184.- SOLAR WELCHS LUIS PEDRO, M, 18, 21/06/55, STUDENT, 6.759.686-2,22/10/73, 22/10/73, ARICA, ARICA,01,01,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 251,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 185.- SOTO CAMPOS HUGO ENRIQUE, M, 18, 07/09/55, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 13/09/73, LINARES, 07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 316,,, 186.- TEODOROVIC SERTIC NENAD, M, 24, 18/09/48, UNIVERSITY STU-DENT, FROM AUSTRIA, 5.415.986-2, /09/73, 15/09/73, ANTOFAGASTA, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 261, OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 187.- TERAN OF LA JARA CARLOS ALBERTO, M, 25, 16/01/49, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 5.622.911-6, 11/12/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 522,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 188.- TERUGGI BOMBATCH FRANK RANDALL, M, 24, 14/03/49, STUDENT, FROM THE UNITED STATES, 07.478.706-1, 20/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIA-GO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 160,,, 189.- TORRES VILLALVA JINMY FREDDY, M, 19, 29/04/54, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,,FROM ECUADOR, /09/73, 20/09/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 328,,, 190.- UGARTE GUTIERREZ ATILIO ERNESTO, M, 25, 03/11/47, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT,, 5.030.640-2, 14/10/73, 17/10/73, COPIAPO, COPIAPO, 03,03,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 280,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 191.- ULLOA PINO VICTOR ADOLFO, M, 16, 03/03/57, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 7.461.892-8,18/09/73,,BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 351, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 192.- VALENZUELA FIGUEROA LUIS ARMANDO, M, 23, 14/11/50, STUDENT TRADE SCHOOL,, 6.496.175-, 28/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR ,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 510,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 32 193.- VALENZUELA VELASQUEZ CLAUDIA ANDREA, M, 6, 29/01/67, SCHOOL STUDENT, / /,14/09/73,,TALCA,,07,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 310, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 194.- VALLE PEREZ JOSE MIGUEL, M, 15, 12/12/57, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 7.770.826-K, 17/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 207,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARABI-NERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) COMI 195.- VALLEJOS VILLAGRAN ALVARO MODESTO, M, 25, 18/04/49, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE 5.413.060-0,20/05/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 504,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 196.- VASQUEZ MARTINEZ HUGO RIBOL, M, 21, 13/10/52, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 06.299.137-2, 23/12/73, VALDIVIA,,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 407, 197.- VENEGAS LAZZARO CLAUDIO SANTIAGO, M, 17, 26/10/56, HIGH-SCHOOL STUDENT, 7.254.242-8, 10/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR ,VOL 2, PAGE 570, DETAINED-MISSING L. OFFICIAL 198.- VENEGAS MUÑOZ ELIZABETH DEL CARMEN, F, 13, 30/06/60, SCHOOL STUDENT, 13/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 263,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S (PARA-MILITARY POLICE)AND MILITAR 199.- VERA TORRES PABLO RENAN, M, 22, 09/02/51, UNIVERSITY STU-DENT, LEADER YOUNG SOCIALISTS (P.S.) CAUQUENES, 19/09/73, 04/10/73, CAUQUENES, CAUQUENES, 07, 07, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 315,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 200.- VIDAL TEJEDA VICTOR IVAN, M, 16, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 13/10/73, 13/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 200,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY.2A.UNIDAD 201.- VIDELA MOYA LUMI, M, 26, 11/02/48, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, ,22/09/74, 03/11/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 515,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,DINA 202.- VIERA OVALLE FRANCISCO EUGENIO, M, 19, 23/12/52, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, STUDENT LEADER STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, 02/10/73, 11/10/73, SANTIAGO, MAIPO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 241,,,MILITARY 33 203.-VIVANCO VASQUEZ VICTOR JULIO, M, 19, 03/05/54, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT,, 6.626.758-K, 08/10/73,,LINARES,,07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 319,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 204.- ZAMORANO CORTES MARIO FRANCISCO, M, 34, 19/02/39, STUDENT, 2.733.378-, 26/11/73, 27/11/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 214,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 205.- ZEREGA PONCE VICTOR OSVALDO, M, 26, 13/08/47, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, .172.557-, 22/06/74, /07/74, SANTIAGO, VALPARAISO,,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 576,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 3.- Murdered or detained-missing between 17th December 1974 and 11th March 1990 206.- ABARCA ALARCON RAMON ALFONSO, M, 17, 20/12/65, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT,,,,10.415.165-5, 16/09/83, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 430,, ATTEMPT TO LIFE BY CITIZENS UNDER POLITICAL PRETEXT , 207.- ACEVEDO GALLARDO PEDRO GABRIEL, M, 19, 24/03/56, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 6.520.256-5, 28/04/75, COPIAPO, 03,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 537,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 208.- ACOSTA VELASCO MARIA ELIANA, F, 34, 11/02/42, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 4.775.868-8, 26/09/76, FROM ARGENTINA,,AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 285DETAINED-MISSINGARGENTINA,, 209.- ACUÑA BALLESTEROS REINALDO ENRIQUE, M, 23, 04/01/60, STU-DENT, 8.312.633-7,04/09/83, 04/09/83, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 210.- ACUÑA REYES RENE ROBERTO, M, 22, 17/06/52, STUDENT, 5.961.215-8, 14/02/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 525,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 211.- CACERES MORALES JAIME ANDRES, M, 11, 08/02/72, SCHOOL STUDENT, 11/08/83, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 715,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 212.- CALDERON PINEDA JUAN MANUEL, M, 17, 23/08/67, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 10.691.421-4, 18/01/85, QUILLOTA, 05,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 339,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 34 213.- CAMPOS CIFUENTES JOSE ALEJANDRO, M, 30, 28/10/50, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 5.943.880-8, 19/02/81, AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 664,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 214.- CARDENAS ARIEL ALBERTO IVAN, M, 19, 23/01/65, STUDENT, 10.118.732-2, 28/09/84,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR V.P.,CNRR PAGE 549, NATIONAL PROTEST DAY,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 215.- CARO BENITEZ RICARDO ALEJANDRO, M, 22, 06/08/53, STUDENT, 14/10/75, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S, 216.- CARRASCO VALDIVIA MAURICIO JEAN, M, 25, 22/04/51, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT,, 5.693.813-3, 20/10/76, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 536,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 217.- CARRASCO VASQUEZ JOSE HERNAN, M, 28, 04/04/47, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, EX-STUDENT LEADER UNIVERSITY, 04.388.982-6, 20/11/75, 01/12/75, SANTIAGO, MAIPO, 13,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 534,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,DINA 218.- CASTRO SEGUEL ALEX ROBINSON, M, 16, 28/06/68, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 05/09/84,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 725,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 219.- CERDA APARICIO HUMBERTO PATRICIO, M, 20, 07/09/54, STUDENT,, 7.492.952-4, 10/02/75,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 525,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 220.- CONTRERAS HERNANDEZ CLAUDIO ENRIQUE, M, 27, 21/09/47, CIVIL BUILDER, EX-STUDENT LEADER, 5.883.809-8, 07/01/75, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE623,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 221.- CONTRERAS OVIEDO LUIS ALBERTO, M, 17, 02/01/67, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 10.632.057-8, 30/10/84, ARICA,,01,KILLED CVR V.P.,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE726,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 222.- CORNEJO CAMPOS RAUL GUILLERMO, M, 28, 17/10/47, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.024.920-2, 16/06/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 535,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 35 223.- CORREDERO REYES MERCEDES DEL PILAR, F, 9, 21/12/63, SCHOOL STUDENT, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR V.P.,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 138, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 224.- CORTAZAR HERNANDEZ MANUEL ROBERTO, M, 20, 03/05/53, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT,, 6.519.768-5, 17/09/73, 17/10/73, COPIAPO,COPIA-PO,03,03,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 279,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 225.- COTAL ALVAREZ LUIS RAUL, M, 15, 28/02/58, STUDENT, 05/10/73, 05/10/73, MALLECO,MALLECO, 09, 09, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 390,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 226.- CRISOSTOMO SALGADO EDUARDO SEGUNDO, M, 24, 23/11/48, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 6.201.365-6, 01/10/73,,ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 340,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 227.- CURIÑIR LINCOQUEO NELSON WLADIMIRO, M, 22, 10/09/51, UNI-VERSITY STUDENT,,06.535.765-8, 05/10/73, 14/10/73, CAUTIN, CAU-TIN,09,09,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 377,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, 228.- CHAER VASQUEZ ROBERTO SALOMON, M, 21, 07/06/53, EMPLOYEE,EXSTUDENT UNIVERSITY OF CONCEPCION, 6.413.171-0,06/09/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 512,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 229.- CHAVEZ LOBOS ISMAEL DARIO, M, 22, 26/09/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 5.522.155-3, 26/07/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 509,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 230.- DELARD CABEZAS CARMEN ANGELICA, F, 23, 24/01/53, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 5.789.900-K, 10/01/77,,ARGENTINA,,AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 601DETAINED-MISSINGARGENTINA, 231.- DELARD CABEZAS GLORIA XIMENA, F, 22, 30/06/54, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 5.789.901-8, 17/01/77, ARGENTINA,,AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 601DETAINED-MISSINGARGENTINA, 232.- DIAZ DARRICARRERE CARMEN MARGARITA, F, 24, 15/06/50, UNI-VERSITY STUDENT, 5.198.627-K, 13/02/75, SANTIAGO,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 525,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 36 233.- DONOSO PALACIOS SARA DE LOURDES, F, 25, 11/02/50, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 5.920.612-5, 15/07/75, SANTIAGO,13, DETAINED-MIS-SING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 575, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 234.- ESPINOLA MUÑOZ JUAN CARLOS, M, 18, 02/07/67, STUDENT, 10.167.424-K, 17/11/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 235.- FERNANDEZ RIVERA JORGE ANTONIO, M, 18, 13/05/67, STUDENT, 10.492.149-3, 05/09/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 731,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 236.- FLORES ECHEVERRIA ARNALDO, M, 21, 07/12/63, STUDENT, 9.865.354-6, 10/06/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 661, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 237.- FLORES GARRIDO JOSE EDILIO, M, 28, 08/12/47, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 5.527.967-5, 11/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 566,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 238.- FUENTES CONCHA NADIA DEL CARMEN, F, 13, 07/04/73, SCHOOL STUDENT, 02/07/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 735,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 240.-FUENTES FERNANDEZ OSCAR VICENTE, M, 19, 19/09/65, STUDENT USACH, UNIVERSITY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE 9.341.481-0, 09/04/85, 09/04/85,,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 728,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 241.- FUENZALIDA MORALES FRANCISCO ANTONIO, M, 12, 09/02/72, SCHOOL STUDENT, 27/03/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 722,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 242.- GALLARDO ARANCIBIA RAFAEL ANTONIO, M, 6, 16/03/79, SCHOOL STUDENT, 06/09/85, MAIPO, ,13,KILLED CVR V.P.,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 732,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 243.- GALLARDO MUÑOZ JOSE MANUEL, M, 17, 14/03/66, STUDENT, 19/12/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 338, EXECUTED INVE.,POWER ABUSE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 37 244.- GARCIA RAMIREZ VICENTE ISRAEL, M, 19, 07/09/57, STUDENT, 6.756.554-1, 30/04/77, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 576, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 245.- GARRIDO QUEULO CHRISTIAN LEANDRO, M, 21, 25/01/62, STUDENT, 9.400.152-8, 18/09/83, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 246.- GODOY ECHEGOYEN CARLOS GABRIEL, M, 23, 01/11/61, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 07.697.389-K, 20/02/85, 22/02/85, VALPARAISO, VALPARAI-SO, 05, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 653, OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED. 247.- GONZALEZ BRAVO MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 18, 27/01/66, STUDENT, 9.349.376-1, 12/05/84, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 723, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 248.- GONZALEZ ESPINOZA IGNACIO ORLANDO, M, 24, 28/11/51, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 5.540.891-2, 04/12/75, SANTIAGO, 13,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 558,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,COMANDO CONJUNTO 249.- GONZALEZ GONZALEZ LUIS ENRIQUE, M, 26, 03/04/48, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, WAITER,,,MAPU, 5.324.249-9, 15/03/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 581, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 250.- GONZALEZ MOENA ANA JEANETTE, F, 19, 28/04/59, STUDENT, 8.803.132-6, 01/10/78, CACHAPOAL, 06,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 333, POWER ABUSE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 251.- GONZALEZ VALDERIA PEDRO DE NAZARET, M, 18, 20/10/62, STU-DENT, 20/06/81, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 301,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE MILITAR 252.- GUARATEGUA QUINTEROS ORLANDO PATRICIO, M, 23, 09/01/53, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.064.303-2, 25/06/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAI-NEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 539,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 253.- GUERRERO CARRILLO ANGEL GABRIEL, M, 24, 26/02/52, STUDENT DUOC, 5.712.335-4, 25/05/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 535,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 254.- HENRIQUEZ AGUILAR SANDRA JANET, F, 14,, SCHOOL STUDENT, 12/08/83,,SANTIAGO,,13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 715,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED., 38 255.- INOSTROZA LAMAS CAUPOLICAN HUMBERTO, M, 26, 21/03/58, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 07.871.304-6, ,27/03/84, CONCEPCION,,08,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 721, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 256.- ITURRA CONTRERAS CARLOS DE LA CRUZ, M, 25, 09/06/58, STU-DENT INACAP, 07.996.785-8, 09/09/83 ,CONCEPCION,,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 718, 257.- JACCARD SIEGLER ALEXEI VLADIMIR, M, 25, 30/03/52, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, CHILEAN-SWISS, 5.004.765-2, 17/05/77, ARGENTINA, AR, DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 598DETAINED-MISSINGAR-GENTINA, 258.- JARA ARAVENA JOSE EDUARDO,M,28,23/09/51,STUDENT UNIVERSIT, 32.854-, 23/07/80, 02/08/80, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 651,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,INV 259.- JOUI PETERSEN MARIA ISABEL, F, 19, 22/06/55, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.872.216-0, 20/12/74,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 527, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 260.- LABRA SAURE PEDRO CLAUDIO, M, 23, 19/06/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 5.743.007-, 08/02/75, 08/02/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 525,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., DINA 261.- LARENAS MOLINA CARMEN GLORIA, F, 19, 06/07/64, STUDENT, 9.733.280-0, 12/07/83,,VALPARAISO,,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 711,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,CNI 262.- LAZO ROJAS ALONSO, M, 24, 19/12/50, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 5.739.4099,14/11/75,,COPIAPO,,03,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 538,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 263.- LEAL RIVEROS VICTOR RICARDO, M, 19, 25/06/67, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 9.981.824-7, 21/12/86, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 315,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 264.- LOPEZ OLMEDO ENRIQUE,M, 35, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, /10/77, 11/11/77, VALPARAISO, VALPARAISO, 05, 05, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 628,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI?DINA? 39 265.- MAIGRET BECERRA MAURICIO ARMANDO, M, 18, 22/03/66, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 09.384.252-9, 29/03/84,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 266.- MAINO CANALES JUAN BOSCO,M,27,19/02/49, PHOTOGRAPHER, STUDENT UNIVERSITY, 6.053.723-2,26/05/76,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 581, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 267.- MANZANO GONZALEZ PATRICIO ENRIQUE, M, 21, 09/01/64, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 9.795.026-1, 08/02/85, 09/02/85, LOS ANDES, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 744,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 268.- MARCHANT VIVAR MARCELA ANGELICA, F, 8, 06/01/75, SCHOOL STUDENT, 11/08/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 714, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 269.- MARIQUEO MARTINEZ PEDRO ANDRES, M, 16, 26/01/68, STUDENT, 01/05/84,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 723,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED., 270.- MARTINEZ GONZALEZ RAMON HUGO, M, 23, 17/01/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE 5.718.744-, 06/01/75, 13/01/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 524,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 271.- MARTINEZ RODRIGUEZ MARIO DANIEL, M, 24, 25/06/62, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, STUDENT LEADER, 9.150.952-0, 06/08/86, SAN ANTONIO, 05, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 189,EXECUTED INVE.,, 272.- MEDINA HERNANDEZ RODRIGO ALEJANDRO, M, 18, 11/03/58, UNI-VERSITY STUDENT, 7.965.465-5, 27/05/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 535,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 273.- MENANTEAU ACEITUNO HUMBERTO JUAN CARLOS, M, 24, 04/11/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, EX-LEADER FINE ARTS SCHOOL,06.821.460-2,19/11/75, 01/12/75,SANTIAGO,MAIPO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 534, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,DINA 274.- MONTECINOS SAN MARTIN MARCOS HERNAN, M, 25, 29/05/50, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,,05.471.044-5, 03/09/75, CONCEPCION, 08,KILLED CVR V.P.,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 538,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 40 275.- MORA GONZALEZ JOSE TOMAS, M, 17, 15/07/72, STUDENT, 13.934.280-1, ,02/12/89, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 325, UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 276.- MORALES CHAVEZ ENRIQUE SEGUNDO, M, 15, 06/08/68, STUDENT, 29/11/83, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 277.- MORALES MUÑOZ HENRY ANIBAL, M, 15, 05/04/69, SCHOOL STU-DENT, 10.756.149-8,,05/11/84,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR V.P., CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 727, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 278.- MUÑOZ ARAVENA GONZALO RODRIGO, M, 19, 21/04/66, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 9.883.356-0, 08/02/85, 19/11/85, VALPARAISO, VALPARAI-SO, 05,05,KILLED CNRR V.P.,CNRR PAGE 516,,KILLED IN PRISON BY CRIMINALS PRISONERS 279.- NAVARRO SUBIABRE NIBALDO ALFREDO, M, 26, 28/07/63, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 08.750.577-4, 13/11/89, VALPARAISO,,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,,, 280.- NUÑEZ ROJAS LUIS HERNAN, M, 24, 13/11/51, UNIVERSITY STU-DENT, 6.240.343-8, 26/05/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 535,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 281.- OLIVARES CORONEL IVAN NELSON, M, 18, 02/12/56, STUDENT, 6.923.363-, 21/10/75, /10/75,SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 531,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 282.- OLIVA TRONCOSO VICTOR EDUARDO, M, 23, 02/10/51, STUDENT, 02/07/75, AR, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 599,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,,CIV 283.- ORELLANA ROJAS HECTOR AVELINO, M, 21, 03/07/57, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 7.882.065-9, 07/10/78, ANTOFAGASTA, 02,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 294,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 284.- ORTIZ CID GIOVANNA OF LAS MERCEDES, F, 21, 25/11/60, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 06/11/82, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 285.- PARDO ABURTO JORGE ENRIQUE, M, 15, 01/10/69, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 11.649.251-2, 04/09/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 730, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 41 286.- PEÑA HERREROS MICHELLE, F, 27, 27/07/47, UNIVERSITY STU-DENT, FORMER EMPLOYEE CHILE-VIETNAM INSTITUTE, SPANISH, 6.199.338-K, /06/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 574,, 287.- PEREZ ARAVENA JERONIMO JONADAC, M, 18, 26/05/67, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 10.499.513-6, 29/06/85, LINARES, ,07,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 259DETAINED-MISSINGCIVIL POLICE,, 288.- PEREZ VARGAS IVAN RENATO, M, 21, 06/12/54, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 24/02/76, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR V.P.,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 534,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 289 .- PEREZ VARGAS MIREYA DE LOURDES, F, 21, 06/12/54, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 7.042.176-, 24/02/76, 24/02/76, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 534,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 290.- PIÑONES VEGA LUIS HUMBERTO, M, 21, 13/02/53, STUDENT INDUSTRIALIST STUDIES 08/01/75, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 250, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,DINA 291.- POLDEN PEHUEN MERCEDES LUZMIRA, F, 17, 15/06/61, STUDENT, 05/05/79, SANTIAGO, ,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 296, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 292.- QUEZADA CAPETILLO DANILO WILFREDO, M, 26,16/01/57, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 7.170.210-3, 11/02/83, ,VALPARAISO,,05,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 185,EXECUTED INVE.,,CIVIL POLICE 293.- QUEZADA YAÑEZ MARCOS, M, 17, 30/09/71, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 11.782.300-8, 24/06/89, 24/06/89, MALLECO, MALLECO, 09, 09, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 653,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINE-RO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 294.- QUIROZ NILO PATRICIA ANGELICA, F, 28, 26/10/58, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 8.775.336-0, 16/06/87, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 642,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 295.- RANDOLPH SEGOVIA JOSE RODOLFO RIGOBERTO, M, 24, 11/04/61, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 07.698.161-2, 26/05/85, 26/05/85, CONCEP-CION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED. 42 296.- REYES ARZOLA MARCO AURELIO, M, 20, 27/04/66, STUDENT, 10.484.819-2, 21/09/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 297.- RIOS CESPEDES ERNESTO IGOR, M, 18, 16/12/67, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 11.269.398-K, 03/07/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 735, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 298.- RIOS CROCCO ALICIA VIVIANA, F, 25, 02/10/58, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 8.615.083-2,, 12/12/84, ,SANTIAGO, ,13,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 188,EXECUTED INVE.,, 299.- RIOS PACHECO SONIA DEL TRANSITO, F, 30, 14/08/44, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 6.292.588-4, 17/01/75, VALPARAISO, 05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 528,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 300.- RIOS SOTO HERBIT GUILLERMO, M, 24, 30/12/50, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 5.696.032-5, 03/01/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 523,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 301.- RIOS VIDELA HUGO DANIEL, M, 21, 12/12/53, UNIVERSITY STU-DENT, 6.494.858-K, 14/02/75,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 525,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 302.-RIQUELME CASTILLO LUIS FERNANDO, M, 14, 03/10/70, SCHOOL STUDENT, 13.474.617-3, / /, 04/08/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 303.- RIQUELME LEMUS MARCELO AUGUSTO, M, 17, 23/04/67, STUDENT, 14/08/84, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR V.P.,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 723,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 304.- ROBLES ORTEGA PABLO MARCELO, M, 16, 09/03/73, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 12.507.924-5, 26/11/89, CORDILLERA,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 659,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 305.- RODRIGUEZ CELIS VICTOR RENE, M, 16, 17/03/67, SCHOOL STU-DENT, , / /, 11/05/83,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR V.P., CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 710,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,INV? 306.- RODRIGUEZ HERRERA NIBALDO MANUEL, M, 14, 01/10/69, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, . . -, / /, 04/09/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 725,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 43 307.- RODRIGUEZ LEAL PABLO, M, 18, STUDENT, 15/11/81, SANTIAGO, 13,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 656,,,CIVIL POLICE 308.- RODRIGUEZ MENA HUGO ABRAHAM, M, 8, 22/07/76, SCHOOL STU-DENT, . . -, / /, 30/10/84,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 728,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 312.- ROJAS ROJAS JAIME IGNACIO, M, 9, 19/06/74, SCHOOL STUDENT, . -, / /,11/08/83, VALPARAISO,,05,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 714,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 313.- RUBILAR OCAMPO CLARA LUZ, F, 25, 21/05/49, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.716.563-2, /03/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 254,,,DINA 314.- SAEZ PEREZ ORLANDO JOSE, M, 10, 16/11/69, SCHOOL STUDENT, 24/03/80, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 673, 315.- SALINAS MARTIN ISIDRO HERNAN, M, 18, 12/02/68, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 9.668.681-1, / /,01/07/86, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 647,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 316.- SANDOVAL CARO ERICA DEL CARMEN, F, 15, 14/08/68, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, 28/03/84, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 722,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 317.- SILVA SOTO RICARDO CRISTIAN, M, 28, 04/02/59, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 8.072.223-0, 16/06/87, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 643, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 318.- SOLIZ POVEDA ROSA ELVIRA, F, 24, 27/07/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, EXSTUDENT LEADER, 6.496.426-7, 07/07/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 575,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 319.- SOTO HERRERA JOSE ANTONIO, M, 15, 10/02/70, STUDENT, 11.527.558-5, / /, 04/09/85, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR V.P.,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 731, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 320.- STOCKLE POBLETE GLORIA ANA, F, 21, 28/08/62, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 8.983.985-8, 30/01/84,,COPIAPO,,03, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 338, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,POWER ABUSE,MILITARY 44 321.- TAMAYO MARTINEZ MANUEL JESUS, M, 24, 06/05/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, EX-STUDENT LEADER, 5.543.248-1, 03/04/76, ARGENTINA,,AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 597DETAINED-MISSINGARGENTINA,, 322.- THAUBY PACHECO CLAUDIO FRANCISCO, M, 24, 15/11/50, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 5.392.364-k,31/12/74,, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 571,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 323.- TOBAR MARTINEZ JESSICA ALEJANDRA, F, 21, 06/11/63, STUDENT, 9.785.380-0, 25/05/85, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 683, 324.- TORRES TELLO MACARENA DENISSE, F, 6, 20/08/83, SCHOOL STUDENT, 15.700.316-K, 23/05/89, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 659,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 325.- UGAS MORALES RODRIGO EDUARDO, M, 22, 25/08/52, STUDENT, 6.529.0766, 07/02/75,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 523,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 326.- URBINA CHAMORRO JILBERTO PATRICIO, M, 25, 06/07/49, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, EX-LOCAL AND STUDENT LEADER, 5.865.078-1, 06/01/75, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 523,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 327.- URRUTIA GALAZ DAVID EDISON, M, 26, 04/12/49, CARPENTER, STUDENT DUOC,, 5.309.807-K, /12/75,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 558,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 328.- VALENZUELA LEIVA LUIS OSCAR, M, 20, 22/01/54, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, EX-CANDIDATO PRESIDENT FESES, 7.189.947-0, 10/01/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 249,DETAINED-MIS-SING OFFICIAL LIST,, 329.- VALENZUELA LEVI JOSE JOAQUIN, M, 29, 15/04/58, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 5.124.944-5, / /, 16/06/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 643,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 330.- VARGAS GALLARDO GUILLERMO CIRILO, M, 21, 05/03/63, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, 08.837.456-8, / /,05/09/84,,COPIAPO,,03,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 724,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 45 331.- VASQUEZ SAENZ JAIME ENRIQUE, M, 27, 24/11/47, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,, 5.718.595-3, 13/02/75, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 525,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 332.- VERA LINARES MARISOL DE LAS MERCEDES, F, 22, 14/10/62, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 09.474.939-5, / /,04/09/85,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 730,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED. 333.- VERGARA TOLEDO RAFAEL MAURICIO, M, 18, 26/01/67, STUDENT, 10.782.746-3, / /,29/03/85,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 640,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 334.- VILLAR QUIJON ELIAS RICARDO, M, 20, 23/07/54, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6.179.139-6, 27/01/75, VALPARAISO,,05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 529,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 335.- WOOD GWIAZDON RONALD WILLIAM, M, 20, 04/11/65, STUDENT I.P.S., 8.906.180-6, / /,23/05/86,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 733,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 336.- YAÑEZ FIGUEROA PATRICIO ALEJANDRO, M, 14, 14/09/68, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, . . -, / /, 14/06/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR V.P., CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 710,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 337.- ZAMORA PORTILLA PEDRO GERMAN, M, 16, 15/01/67, STUDENT, 11.165.5545, / /,13/10/83,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 719,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, C. OFFICIALS 1. Murdered or detained-missing on 11th September 1973 338.- ARENAS DIAZ GUILLERMO JESUS, M, 25, 20/08/48, ACCOUNTANT (SOCORA), 5.626.984-3, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 136, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 46 339.- MUÑOZ CORNEJO MANUEL DEL CARMEN, M, 32, 21/10/40, HEAD OF PERSONNEL SOQUIMICH, 3.694.511-7, 11/09/73, TOCOPILLA,,02,,DETAI-NEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 273,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 2. Murdered or detained-missing between 12th September 1973 and 16th December 1974 340.- ACUÑA ALVAREZ CARLOS PATRICIO, M, 26, 26/05/47, SUPERVISOR CHUQUICAMATA, 5.203.033-1, 11/09/73, 13/10/73, EL LOA, ANTOFA-GASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 264,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED. 341.- AEDO HERRERA OSCAR GASTON, M, 23, 17/12/49, FOREST EXPERT CONAF, AREA HEAD SAG, 5.867.633-0, 06/10/73, 16/10/73, CHOAPA,ELQUI,04,04,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 286,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 342.- AGUAD PEREZ FARUC JIMMI, M, 26, 29/09/47, EMPLOYEE SADEMI, 00.132.447-,08/10/73,11/10/73,PETORCA,SAN FELIPE,05,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 300,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 343.- AGUILAR CUBILLOS JORGE RICARDO, M, 28, 26/05/45, HEAD OF SERVICE CORA, 4.692.596-3, 05/10/73, 05/10/73, OSORNO, OSORNO, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 415,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 344.- AGUIRRE PRUNEDA REINALDO ARMANDO, M, 28, 30/12/44, CIVIL OFFICIAL SOQUIMICH, 4.823.648-0, /09/73, 04/10/73, TOCOPILLA, TOCOPILLA, 02, 02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 275,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARAMILITARY POLICE)S 345.- ANGULO MATAMALA ROLANDO GASTON, M, 26, 16/02/48, SOCIAL ASSISTANT (D.A.S. HEAD), .322.757-, 19/04/74, /04/74, ÑUBLE, ÑUBLE,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 500,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 346.- ARCE TOLOZA TEOFILO SEGUNDO, M, 26, 04/11/46, CIVIL OFFI-CIAL CORA, 04.860.570-2, 12/09/73, 02/10/73, LINARES, LINARES, 07, 07, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 312,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 347.- AVILA LARA CESAR OSVALDO DEL CARMEN, M, 36, 11/01/37, TEACHER, PROVINCIAL DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION, 3.116.935-6, 27/09/73, , OSORNO,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 413,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 47 348.- AVILA MALDONADO MARIO ALBERTO, M, 27, 11/03/46, EMPLOYEE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICE, 09/10/73, /10/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEP -CION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 333,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE). 349.- BETTANCOURT BAHAMONDE SILVIO FRANCISCO, M, 22, 19/12/50, OIL ENGINEER ENAP,SECRETARY GENERAL MAPU PUNTA ARENAS, 5.226.891-5, 13/09/73,,PUNTA ARENAS,,12,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 227DETAINED-MISSINGCIVIL POLICE 350.- BURGOS LAVOZ OSVALDO, M, 43, 01/05/30, OFFICER BANCO DEL ESTADO, 3.024.705-1, 15/09/73,,CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 387,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 351.- BURGOS SEPULVEDA ANIBAL SEGUNDO, M, 00, EMPLOYEE BANCO DEL ESTADO,,, 27/09/73, 27/09/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN,09,09,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 381,,, 352.- BUSTAMANTE MANCILLA CARLOS ALBERTO, M, 23, 15/04/50, EMPLO -YEE ARGENTINA EMBASSY, 5.741.130-9, 14/09/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 146,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY PATR. 353.- BUSTOS MARCHANT JUAN RAMON, M, 47, 22/10/26, CIVIL POLICE CHIEF, 29/04/74, 02/05/74, SANTIAGO, VALPARAISO, 05, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 443,EXECUTED INVE., SUICIDE AS A CONSEQUENCE OF REPRESSION, NAVY INTELLIGENCE SERVICE (S.I.N.) 354.- CABEZAS GACITUA JULIO CESAR, M, 45, 27/08/28, LAWYER, PROCURADOR PROSECUTOR COUNCIL FOR THE STATE DEFENSE, 02.793.031-K, 14/09/73, 11/10/73, IQUIQUE,IQUIQUE,01,01,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 253,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 355.- CABRERA ABARZUA HAROLDO RUPERTO, M, 34, 21/03/39, COMMERCIAL ENGINEER, SUBMANAGER FINANZAS CHUQUICAMATA, 3.218.859-1,12/09/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 269,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 356.- CABRERA BALARRIZ ELIZABETH DEL CARMEN, F, 23, 19/11/49, SOCIAL ASSISTANT, HEAD WELFARE DEPARTAMENT UNIV. DEL NORTE, 05.940.984-0, /09/73, 15/09/73, ANTOFAGASTA, ANTOFAGASTA,02,02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 262,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 48 357.- CACERES GATICA JORGE ROLANDO, M, 28, 13/08/45, EMPLOYEE HOSPITAL S.JUAN DE DIOS, 17/09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 153,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY.REG.YUNGAY 358.- CALDERON VILLALON JUAN EFRAIN, M, 25, 08/12/47, CUSTOMS CIVIL OFFICIAL, EX-MARINE, 05.301.773-8, 14/09/73, 29/09/73, VALPARAISO, IQUIQUE,,01,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 247,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED., 359.- CAÑAS NOLBERTO JESUS, M, 48, 15/10/24, FISH CENTER MANAGER, 11/09/73, 29/09/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE,01,01,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 247, 360.- CARCAMO RODRIGUEZ JULIO ANTONIO, M, 37, 04/03/36, TEACHER NORMALISTA, 6.570.574-5, 02/10/73, 02/10/73, AYSEN, AYSEN, 11, 11, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 425,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 361.- CARCAMO RUIZ RUDY, M, 28, 10/10/46, INSPECTOR SOCOAGRO, EXMEMBER GAP, 5.056.181-K, 27/11/74,,CONCEPCION,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 537,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 362.- CARRILLO TORNERIA ISIDORO DEL CARMEN, M, 48, 20/05/27, MANAGER ENACAR, 2.544.164-8, 22/09/73, 22/10/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 331, 363.- CIENFUEGOS CAVIERES SERGIO EDUARDO JOSE, M, 23, 04/02/50, CIVIL OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY OF CHILE,, 4.777.108-0, 07/01/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 486,DETAI-NEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 364.- CONCHA BASCUÑAN MARCELO RENAN, M, 30, 26/10/45, AGRONOMIST ENGINEER CORFO, 4.945.518-6, 10/05/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 547,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 365.- CONSTANZO VERA JOSE ALFONSO, M, 26, 09/10/46, TECHNICIAN CAP, 04.861.727-1, 13/09/73, 21/09/73, TALCAHUANO,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 328,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 366.- CONTRERAS LEON LUIS EDUARDO, M, 33, 26/08/40, EMPLOYEE CODELCO,EX-LEADER UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), 04.570.348-7, 22/10/73, EL LOA,,02,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 272,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, 49 367.-CORDOVA CROXATO JOSE RUFINO, M, 35, 05/12/37, ADMINISTRATOR EMPORCHI, 03.852.128-4, 11/09/73, 11/10/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01,01,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 253,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 368.- CORNEJO CARVAJAL JORGE ANTONIO, M, 26, 06/07/73, INSPECTOR DIRINCO, 16/09/73, 18/11/73, MELIPILLA, SAN ANTONIO, 05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 296,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY, 369.- CRISOSTOMO TORO MANUEL HUMBERTO, M, 25, 05/03/49, ACCOUN-TANT SEAM-CORFO, 5.118.596-K,02/10/73,,ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MIS-SING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 340,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 370.- CUEVAS DIAZ BRENO BENICIO, M, 45, 10/01/28, HEALTH INSPEC-TOR, 02.621.992-2, 16/09/73, 23/10/73,TOCOPILLA,TOCOPILLA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 277,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 371.- CUEVAS PARRA QUERUBIN BERNARDO, M, 38, 27/06/35, TEACHER, OFFICIAL CORFO LINARES, .127.084-, 12/09/73, 04/01/74, LINARES, LINARES, 07, 07, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 494,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 372.- DE ALMEIDA LUIZ CARLOS, M, 00, TEACHER PHYSICS STATE TECH-NICAL UNIVERSITY,,FROM BRASIL, BRASIL, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 228, 373.- DEL CANTO RAMIREZ GUILLERMO, M, 30, 11/03/43, AGRONOMIST (CORA),REGIONAL LEADER MIR, EX-DIRECTOR COMI, 4.825.653-8, 02/01/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 486,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 374.- DE SOUZA KHOL NELSON, M, 33, 25/01/40, TEACHER,,FROM BRA-SIL, BRASIL, 7.687.971-0, 15/09/73, 16/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 92, 375.- DURAN DURAN ALFREDO RICARDO, M, 44, 05/05/39, OFFICIAL REGISTRO CIVIL,, 4.401.556-0, 13/10/73, LINARES,,07,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 259, 376.- FARIAS URZUA OSCAR ARMANDO, M, 33, 13/01/40, SCHOOL TEA-CHER, MANAGER CERVECERA PARMA, 04.585.039-0, 12/09/73, 20/09/73, QUILLOTA, VALPARAISO,05,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 293, 377.- FETIS SABELLE OSCAR ENRIQUE, M, 35, 24/09/38, CIVIL OFFI-CIAL SAG, ENTOMOLOGIST, EX-MANAGER FARM PROPERTIES, 4.151.996-7, 05/11/73, 50 ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 343,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 378.- FETIS VALENZUELA SERGIO IVAN, M, 27, 25/08/46, CIVIL OFFI-CIAL SAG, 5.761.369-6, 05/11/73,,ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 343,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 379.- FIERRO FIERRO JOSE ARMANDO, M, 24, 08/09/49, EMPLOYEE SADEMI, 18/09/73, 11/10/73, QUILLOTA, SAN FELIPE, 05,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 301,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 380.- FIORASO CHAU ALBANO AGUSTIN, M, 23, 12/09/50, HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER, 6.386.623-7, 17/06/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 505,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 381.- FLORES ZAPATA NELSON JORGE, M, 29, 28/08/44, EMPLOYEE INDAP, SECR. REGIONAL,05.082.159-, 02/10/73, 02/10/73,, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 183,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY.CARABINERO(PARAMILITARY POLICE)S.1 CIVIL 382.- FUENZALIDA FUENZALIDA VICTOR ENRIQUE, M, 35,, AGRONOMIST CORA, SECRETARY LOCAL PC, 04.340.594-, 15/09/73, 18/01/74, QUI-LLOTA, QUILLOTA,05,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 495,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 383.- GALDAMES ROJAS ORLANDO, M, 41, 10/08/32, CIVIL OFFICIAL ENAMI, MANAGER MINA LAS PALMAS, COUNCILOR PET, 03.124.982-1, 06/10/73, 06/10/73, PETORCA, PETORCA,05,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 303,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 384.- GAC ESPINOZA PABLO, M, 43, 09/12/30, CIVIL OFFICIAL INDAP,EXCOUNCILOR AND MAYOR, SECR.REGIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY, 2.568.6381,17/01/74, QUILLOTA, 05, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 495,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 385.- GARFIAS GATICA DAGOBERTO ENRIQUE, M, 23, 30/07/50, EMPLOYEE CMPC, 5.285.817-, 15/09/73, 18/09/73, BIO, 08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, 386.- GONZALEZ NORAMBUENA LEOPOLDO MAURICIO, M, 20, 25/11/52, CIVIL OFFICIAL CORA, 6.742.468-9, 13/09/73, 02/10/73, LINARES, LINARES, 07, 07, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 313,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 51 387.- GONZALEZ ORTEGA RAMON DOMINGO, M, 37, 31/08/36, CIVIL OFFICIAL S.I.I.,MANAGER FISH COOPERATIVE, .111.094-, 11/09/73, 29/10/73, MAGALLANES, TIERRA DEL FUEGO, 12,12,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 431,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 388.- GUERRERO MUÑOZ ENRIQUE RENATO, M, 30, 30/08/43, CIVIL OFFICIAL S.N.S., 4.882.629-6, 21/09/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 204, D.D.CIVIL POLICE,, 389.- HERNANDEZ ELGUETA GUILLERMO, M, 32, 16/07/41, PUBLI CIVIL OFFICIAL, SUBDELEGATE OF CUNCO, 4.780.274-1, /10/73, 15/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 388,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 390.- HUENUL LOPEZ LINCOYAN CARLOS, M, 25, 15/11/47, CIVIL OFFI-CIAL MINISTRY OF INTERIOR, 5.121.860-4, 15/09/73, 15/09/73, SAN-TIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 66,,,CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 391.- HURTADO MARTINEZ MANUEL HERNAN, M, 34, 20/09/38, TREASURY CIVIL OFFICIAL, SECRETARY SECCIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY, 18/09/73, 18/01/74, QUILLOTA, QUILLOTA,05,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 495,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 392.- JARA RIOS ELISEO SEGUNDO, M, 38, 11/08/35, CIVIL OFFICIAL INDAP, REGIONAL SECRETARY SOCIALIST PARTY, 03.978.911-6, 12/09/73, 27/10/73, MALLECO, MALLECO, 09, 09,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 389,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 393.- JELDRES RIVEROS REINALDO LUIS, M, 33, 01/02/40, CIVIL OFFICIAL INDAP,IN COMISION OF SERVICIO SEAM-CORFO, 4.451.669-1, 19/09/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 338,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 394.- MIRANDA LUNA DAVID ERNESTO, M, 47, 15/11/25, SUBMANAGER CHUQUICAMATA MINES, 1.935.208-0, 17/09/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA,02,02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 269,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 395.- MONTECINOS SLAUGHTER RICARDO CRISTIAN, M, 27, 31/01/46, CIVIL OFFICIAL F.M.I., 5.439.880-8, 16/10/73, 17/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 205,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 52 396.- MORAN ARAYA IVAN FLORENCIO, M, 21, 23/06/52, EMPLOYEE SOQUIMICH, 18/09/73, 19/09/73, TOCOPILLA, TOCOPILLA, 02,02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 274,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 397.- MORENO CASTRO MARIO FERNANDO, M, 38, 23/08/34, EMPLOYEE SEAMCORFO, 3.013.390-0, 02/10/73, ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 340,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 398.- MUÑOZ FLORES MIGUEL ENRIQUE, M, 21, 11/11/51, CIVIL OFFI-CIAL CORA, 13/09/73, 04/10/73,CAUQUENES,CAUQUENES,07,07,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 315, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 399.- NEHGME CORNEJO JECAR, M, 33, 25/10/40, HEALTH EDUCATOR S.N.S., 04.102.034-2, 26/10/73, 25/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 377, 400.- OJEDA GRANDON SONIA, F, 29, 25/01/44, OFFICIAL SERCOTEC, 4.894.917-7, 16/09/73, 16/09/73, ÑUBLE,ÑUBLE,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 334,,, 401.- OLIVARES MORI FERNANDO DE LA CRUZ, M, 27, 22/07/46, CIVIL OFFICIAL CELADE, 5.047.881-5, 05/10/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 188, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 402.- PARRA ALARCON JORGE MANUEL, M, 38, 15/07/35, MECHANICAL WORKSHOP HEAD OF ENAP, 3.325.438-5, 15/10/73, 24/10/73, CERRO SOMBRERO, CERRO SOMBRERO,12,12,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 431,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 403.- QUIÑONES LEMBACH MARCOS ESTEBAN, M, 26, 11/12/47, PUBLIC CIVIL OFFICIAL, HEALTH UNION EX-LEADER, 6.050.565-9, 17/07/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 507,DETAI-NEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 404.- RETAMAL MATAMALA FRANCISCO DE ASIS, M, 26, 04/07/47, EMPLO -YEE PUBLIC WORKS CORPORATION, 5.906.136-4, 09/10/73, ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 342,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 405.- RUIZ-TAGLE ORREGO EUGENIO, M, 26, 17/09/47, MANAGER OF INACESA, 05.745.558-6, 12/09/73, 19/10/73, ANTOFAGASTA, ANTOFA-GASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 265,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 53 406.- SAGAUTE HERRERA JORGE, M, 51, 10/08/25, EX-DIRECTOR AERO-NAUTICS FACH, CHILENO,, 2.065.495-3, 06/04/77, FROM ARGENTINA,,AR,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 600, D.D.ARGENTINA, 407.- SAN MARTIN BENAVENTE JOSE ISAIAS, M, 23, 25/10/49, HEAD DIRINCO TEMUCO, 6.396.676-2, 19/09/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 370,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 408.- SANDOVAL VASQUEZ MARIO, M, 35, 22/08/38, CIVIL OFFICIAL ROADS,COUNCILOR RIO NEGRO, 4.204.168-8, 17/09/73, OSORNO, ,10,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 417,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 409.- SANGUINETTI FUENZALIDA LUIS ENRIQUE, M, 38, 28/05/35, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, HEAD OF DEPARTAMENT OF CIVIL POLICE, 3.046.298-K, 12/09/73, 14/09/73, VALPARAISO, VALPARAISO, 05,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 294,,, 410.- SILVA IRIARTE HECTOR MARIO, M, 37, 15/10/35, LAWYER, MANA-GER CORFO, PRESIDENT UP AN, 35.345.3 -, 12/09/73, 19/10/73, ANTOFAGASTA, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 265,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 411.- SILVA PACHECO SEGUNDO PATRICIO, M, 22, 05/06/51, EM PLOYEE ECA, 6.022.393-9, 29/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 275, UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARAB.AND MILITAR, 412.- SOBARZO SEPULVEDA JAVIER ENRIQUE, M, 28, 20/06/45, EMPLOYEE DINAC, EX-BLACK BERETS PELDEHUE EXPELED, 5.519.227-8, /09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 235,DETAI-NEDMISSING CLARIFIED, MILITARY, 413.- TOLEDO GARAY ENRIQUE ALFONSO, M, 28, 04/05/45, CIVIL OFFI-CIAL DINAC, ARMY EX-MEMBER, EXPELED, 4.607.186-7, 15/09/73, 15/09/73, CHACABUCO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR (DD),CNRR PAGE 61,DETAINEDMISSING CLARIFIED, IDENTIFIED IN CEMETERY YARD 29,MILITARY PELDE 414.- VALENZUELA RIVERA FERNANDO ABRAHAM, M, 39, 28/12/34, LAW-YER, SECRETARY PROSECUTOR CORFO, 3.460.058-9, / /, 19/11/74, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 519,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 415.- VALLEJO BUSCHMANN MARTA ANA DE MONSERRAT, F, 32, 18/04/41, OFFICIAL STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, 4.157.296-5, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR V.P., CNRR PAGE 431,,,MILITARY 54 416.- VEGA TAPIA JAIME ALBERTO, M, 33, 25/01/40, PUBLIC EMPLOYEE, 4.358.9245, / /,08/10/73, ÑUBLE,, 08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 347, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 417.- VERGARA CORSO LUIS EDUARDO, M, 33, 06/09/40, TEACHER, CIVIL OFFICIAL INDAP, MANAGER HACIENDA LAGO LAJA, 4.610.299-1, 18/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 364,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 418.- VIDAL HINOJOSA FLORINDO ALEX, M, 25, 09/03/48, CIVIL OFFICIAL ROADS, MEMBER FTR, 6.072.647-7, 27/09/73, 05/10/73, SAN ANTONIO, 05, 05, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 297,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 419.- YAÑEZ CARVAJAL ALBERTO AMADOR, M, 31, 04/08/42, PRISONS CIVIL OFFICIAL, 04.271.954-4, 05/01/74, 11/02/74, IQUIQUE, IQUI-QUE, 01, 01,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 257,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 3.- Murdered or detained-missing between 17th December 1974 and 11th March 1990 420.- CASTRO VIDAL LUIS EMILIO, M, 36, 29/04/49, ADMINISTRATION EMPLOYEE S.N.S.,5.297.819-K, 23/12/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 431, KILLED BY CITIZENS UNDER POLITICAL PRETEXT, 421.- CORTES ALRUIZ JUAN ELIAS, M, 31, 04/03/45, EMPLOYEE HOSPI-TAL S.J.OF DIOS, EX-LEADER S.J.OF DIOS UNION, EX-E, 4.568.351-6, 07/05/76,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 565,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 422.- SORIA ESPINOZA CARMELO LUIS, M, 54, 05/11/21, CIVIL OFFI-CIAL UNITED NATIONS, FROM SPAIN, 2.898.403-, 14/07/76, 16/07/76, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 575, D.-INTELLECTUALS AND ARTISTS 1.- Murdered or detained-missing between 12th September 1973 and 17th December 1974 55 423.- ALVARADO NEIRA CARLOS SEGUNDO, M, 53, 09/04/20, PAINTER, 1.857.8697, 26/10/73, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 179,,, 424.- BARRIA ARANEDA ARTURO, M, 38, 28/10/35, MUSIC TEACHER , 3.400.191-K, 28/08/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 542,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 425.- BARRIENTOS WARNER JOSE RENE, M, 29, 06/01/44, TEACHER, MUSIC, STUDENT U, STUDENT LEADER, INTEGRANTE ORQUES, /09/73, 04/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA,10,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 397,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 426.- JARA MARTINEZ VICTOR LIDIO, M, 40, 28/09/32, SONG-AUTHOR-SINGER, THEATER DIRECTOR ,CIVIL OFFICIAL EXTENSION DEPARTAMENT UNIVERSITY T.E,03.353.894-, 12/09/73, 14/09/73,SANTIA-GO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 144,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 427.- NUÑEZ VALENZUELA MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 23, 30/06/50, FOLK SIN-GER, 6.441.315-5, 30/10/73, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR V.P.,CNRR PAGE 489,,CEMETERY YARD 29 IDENTIFIED EL 9/9/94, 428.- PUGA ROJAS ANA MARIA IRENE, F, 26, 14/08/48, ACTRESS, 6.343.720,03/12/74, 03/12/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 522,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,DINA 429.- REYES CASTILLO JAVIER ESTEBAN, M, 27,09/10/55, FOLK MUSI-CIAN, 07.156.538-6,12/07/83, 14/07/83, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 430.- RIVEROS GOMEZ HUGO EDUARDO, M, 29, 03/11/52, ARTIST PAIN -TER, 6.969.572-8, 07/07/81, 08/07/81,SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 646,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CIV 431.- SOLOVERA GALLARDO JORGE GERARDO, M, 27, 16/08/48, MUSICIAN, MEMBER FENSIMET, PDTE. DEPTO.CULTURA IN, 6.199.024-0, 30/07/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 550,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 432.- VALDEBENITO JUICA WILSON FERNANDO, M, 28, 25/03/62, MUSI-CIAN, SECRETARY SINDICATO PIRQUINEROS, 9.940.639-9, 15/12/88, 15/12/88, OVALLE, PETORCA, 05,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 391, 56 2.- Murdered or detained-missing between 17th December 1974 and 11th March 1990 433.- ARIAS MATAMALA ISIDRO SEGUNDO, M, 35, 11/01/40, MUSICIAN FILARMONIC ORCHESTRA , 22.506-, 04/04/75, 06/04/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 537,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,INV 434.- MENDOZA TORO FELIX ALBERTO, M, 33, 08/11/53, MUSICIAN, 6.964.435-K, 22/06/87, 22/06/87, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 317, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 435.- MIRANDA GODOY DARIO FRANCISCO, M, 22, 21/08/53, EMPLOYEE AND THEATER ACTOR ,PERSON IN CHARGE OF CULTURE FENSIMET, MEMBER DEPA, 6.563.094-K, 30/07/76,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 550,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 436.- NATTINO ALLENDE SANTIAGO ESTEBAN, M, 63, 12/09/21, PUBLI-CITY DESIGNER,, 1.426.883-9, 28/03/85, 30/03/85, SANTIAGO, SAN -TIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 650,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, E. LOCAL GOVERNMENT EXECUTIVES AND CENTRAL GOVERNMENT DELEGATES 1.- Murdered or detained-missing on 11th September 1973 437.- CASTRO ROJAS GERMAN GUSTAVO, M, 33, 27/05/40, ACCOUNTANT, INTENDENTE TALCA, 02.535.430-3, 11/09/73, 27/09/73, TALCA, TALCA, 07,07,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 311,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 438.- CONTRERAS CONTRERAS SERGIO, M, 40, 02/02/33, JOURNALIST, HEAD OF PRESS INTENDENCIA SANTIAGO, 2.742.226-, 11/09/73, SANTIA-GO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133, 2.- Murdered or detained-missing between 12th December 1973 and 16th December 1974 57 439.- AGUAYO FERNANDEZ LUIS EVANGELISTA, M, 21, 17/06/52, INSPEC -TOR LICEO, ASSISTANT GOVERNOR, 6.396.038-1, 14/09/73, LINARES, , 07,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 317,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST 440.- AGUILAR DUHAU SANTIAGO DOMINGO, M, 41, 06/12/31, ACCOUN-TANT, GOVERNOR LA UNION, 3.183.393-0, 17/09/73, OSORNO,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 411,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 441.- ARQUEROS SILVA MARIO DEL CARMEN, M, 45, 06/05/28, GOVERNOR TOCOPILLA, 02.216.223-3, /09/73, 19/10/73, TOCOPILLA, ANTOFAGAS-TA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 265,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED., 442.- CANTU SALAZAR MANUEL BELTRAN, M, 36, 24/08/37, TEACHER, ADVISER INTENDENCIA OF SANTIAGO, 2.756.369-, 16/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 159, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARAB./MILITAR. 443.- SAN MARTIN JULIO, M, 39, 19/07/34, GOVERNMENT UNDERDELEGA-TE, LOCAL SECRETARY PC, 3.609.340-4,29/09/73,,MALLECO,,09,,DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 392,,, 444.-SOTO GATICA HERMINIO, M, 44, 27/06/29, GOVERNMENT UNDERDELEGATE, 2.525.046-K, 12/09/73, COYHAIQUE, 11,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 425, 445.- TOLEDO CARTES EDUARDO, M, 35, 14/03/38, TAYLOR, GOVERNOR SUBDELEGATE OF NEGRETE, VICE-PD, 4.202.687-5, 09/08/74, BIO-BIO, 08, KILLED, CNRR, CNRR PAGE 355, TORTURE FOLLOWED BY DEATH, PARA-MILITARY POLICE (CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S), 446.- VASQUEZ MATAMALA JORGE MANUEL, M, 51, 16/12/21, CONSTRUC-TION WORKER, GOVERNOR OF ELQUI, 16/09/73, ELQUI, 04, KILLED CVR, CVR VOL 1 PAGE 285, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED, F. MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES 1.- Murdered or detained-missing on 11th September 1973 58 447.- DAVILA RODRIGUEZ JOSE HECTOR, M, 38, 05/09/35, CAPTAIN CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 3.793.530-1, 11/09/73, ANTOFA-GASTA, 02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 438,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 448.- MUÑOZ CARRASCO OSVALDO MARIO, M, 44, 09/01/29, MAYOR CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 02.965.295-3, 11/09/73, ANTOFAGAS-TA, 02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 438, 449.- SCHMIDT GODOY GUILLERMO EUGENIO, M, 23, 04/01/50, CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 5.149.381-8, 11/09/73, 12/09/73, ANTO-FAGASTA, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 261,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, Murdered or detained-missing between 12th September 1973 and 17th December 1974 450.- PRATS GONZALEZ CARLOS, M, 59, 02/02/15, EX ARMY COMMANDER IN CHIEF, EX HOME OFFICE AND DEFENSE MINISTER, 9.207.885-, 30/09/74, AR, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 590, 451.- AMPUERO ANGEL ALBERTO ARNOLDO, M, 28, 06/04/45, EMPLOYEE DINAC, ARMY EX-MEMBER, 5.551.591-3, 13/09/73, 15/09/73,CHACABU-CO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 84, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 452.- BACHELET MARTINEZ ALBERTO ARTURO MIGUEL, M, 50, 27/04/23, AIR FORCE GENERAL, . 87.949-, 18/12/73, 12/03/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 498,,, 453.- BARRA UMAÑA LUIS ARTURO, M, 31, 29/03/42, CORPORAL CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 21.100-, 11/12/73, VALDIVIA, 10,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 361,EXECUTED INVE. POWER ABUSE,CARABINE-ROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 454.- BARRAZA RUHL LUIS ALBERTO, M, 27, 21/06/46, EMPLOYEE SEAM-CORFO, ARMY EX-MEMBER, EX-GAP, 5.483.334-2, 29/10/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 237,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 59 455.- BIOLLEY OJEDA MANUEL ORLANDO, M, 20, 13/07/53, ARMY SOL-DIER, 5.875.875-2, /11/73,,CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 380,,, 456.- BUCHHORSTS FERNANDEZ JOSE GASTON, M, 19, 30/08/54, ARMY SOLDIER, 7.323.979-6, /09/73, VALDIVIA,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 397, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 457.- CABELLO CABELLO TOMAS ORLANDO, M, 44, 07/03/29, MERCHANT, EX CORPORAL CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 2.992.359-0, 01/11/73, 15/01/74, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 252,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 458.- CANTUARIAS GRANDON GUSTAVO ANTONIO, M, 45, 24/02/28, ARMY COLONEL, DIRECTOR ESCUELA DE ALTA MONTAÑA, LOS ANDES, 2.129.718-6, 05/10/73, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 184, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 459.- CARIAGA MATELUNA PEDRO, M, 23, CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)(PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 13/09/73, SANTIAGO, , 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 437, 460.- ESPINOZA SANTIC JOSE ENRIQUE, M, 24, 04/04/49, AIR FORCE CORPORAL, 5.651.184-, 19/10/73, 26/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 212,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 461.- GHO ALARCON MARIO ARMANDO, M, 19, 22/08/54, ARMY SOLDIER, 06.224.761-4, /10/73, 16/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 203,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 462.- GONZALEZ PEREZ RODOLFO VALENTIN, M, 19, 24/09/54, AIR FORCE SOLDIER, INTELLIGENCE SERVICE, DINA, 7.078.027-5, 24/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 589, DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 463.- JARA ALVAREZ AQUILES JUAN, M, 30, 27/11/42, CARABINERO(PARAMILITARY POLICE)(PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 4.575.119-8,15/10/73, 16/10/73, SAN ANTONIO, SAN ANTONIO,05,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 298,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED. 464.- LAVANDEROS LATASTE MARIO LUIS IVAN, M, 37, 24/11/35, ARMY MAYOR, 3.220.960-2, 18/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 144, EXECUTED INVE.,, 60 465.- MALDONADO SEPULVEDA JORGE EUGENIO, M, 20, 29/09/53, ARMY RESERVE SOLDIER, . 57.114-, 12/03/74, VALDIVIA,,10,KILLED CNRR V.P.,CNRR PAGE 499, SUICIDIO?, 466.- MARTINEZ ALISTE RENE MAXIMO, M, 20, 18/11/53, ARMY RESERVE SOLDIER, 03/12/73, 08/12/73, MAIPO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOL 1 PAGE 243, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED, MILITARY 467.- MELO PRADENAS MARIO RAMIRO, M, 27, 26/03/46, ADVISER PRESI-DENCE OF THE REPUBLIC, EX ARMY OFFICER, EX-GAP, 4.842.171-7, 29/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING, CVR, CVR VOL 1 PAGE 178, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST 468.- MENDOZA VILLAVICENCIO JENARO RICARDO, M, 25, 10/06/48, CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) (PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 5.683.615-2, 15/10/73, 16/10/73, SAN ANTONIO, SAN ANTONIO, 05, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOL 1 PAGE 298, EXECUTD INVE., 469.- MOLINA CANDIA ENRIQUE SEGUNDO, M, 31, 20/12/41, NAVY SAR-GENT, 4.348.658-6, 19/09/73, 19/11/73, VALPARAISO, VALPARAISO, 05, 05, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 406,SUICIDIO COMO SECUELA OF LA REPRESION, 470.-MONTOYA TORRES DARIO HUGO BELISARIO, M, 19, 23/12/53, ARMY SOLDIER, 07.238.275-7, 20/09/73, 20/09/73, ÑUBLE, ÑUBLE, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 345, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 471.- NASH SAEZ MICHEL SELIM, M, 19, 01/07/54, ARMY SOLDIER, 6.614.269-8, 13/09/73, 29/09/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 248,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 472.- NAVARRETE JIMENEZ DAVID, M, 20, 19/10/54, ARMY CORPORAL, 13/12/74, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 605,,, 473.- PANTOJA RIVERA SERGIO AMADOR, M, 19, 29/12/54, ARMY SOL-DIER, 6.654.664-0, /10/74,,PARINACOTA, 01,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 492, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 474.- PAVEZ DIAZ SERGIO OSVALDO, M, 19, 19/07/54, ARMY SOLDIER, 6.558.8358,,12/09/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 262, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, 61 475.- PEÑA FUENZALIDA JUAN FRANCISCO, M, 21, 18/02/53, ARMY SOLDIER, 6.750.454-2, /10/74,,PARINACOTA, 01,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 492, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 476.- ROJAS FUENTES MANUEL TOMAS, M, 20, 03/05/53, ARMY (R), 6.875.530-, 03/12/73,07/12/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 243, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 477.- VALDES GALAZ MANUEL NEMESIO, M, 20, 08/02/54, ARMY CORPO-RAL, 6.021.761-0, 17/11/74, QUILLOTA, 05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 488, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 478.- VEGA SALAZAR SERGIO ROLANDO, M, 19, 18/12/56, ARMY SOLDIER, 7.411.046-0, 05/09/75, MAIPO,,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 182,,, 3. Murdered or detained-missing between 17th December 1974 and 11th March 1990 479.- CARRASCO MATUS CARLOS ALBERTO, M, 21, 30/12/53, ARMY CORPO-RAL, DINA; 7.202.425-7, 14/03/75, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 589, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 480.- CORTES DIAZ JUSTO BENEDICTO, M, 27, 18/12/47, CORPORAL CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE), +5.339.538-4, 02/01/75, LIMA-RI, 04, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 365, POWER ABUSE /ALLEGED SUICIDE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 481.- GUTIERREZ CONTRERAS GUMERCINDO, M, 19, 09/02/62, ARMY SOLDIER, 8.928.873-8, 20/03/81,,CAUTIN,,09,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 335, POWER ABUSE,MILITARY 482.- JORQUERA GUTIERREZ GUILLERMO, M, 38, 24/07/39, ARMY WARRANT OFFICER, INTELLIGENCE SERVICE, 4.423.736-9, 23/01/78, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 654,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 483.- SALINAS CALDERON HERNAN PATRICIO, M, 19, 23/06/56, ARMY SOLDIER, 6.224.616-0, 18/11/75,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 604, G. PARLAMENTARIANS 62 1.- Murdered or detained-missing between 12th December 1973 and 16th December 1994 484.- ESPINOZA VILLALOBOS LUIS UBERLINDO, M, 33, 19/10/40, FAR-MER, EXCONGRESSMAN PUERTO MONTT, 4.498.223-4, 27/09/73, 02/12/73, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 423, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 485.- LOBOS BARRIENTOS LUIS GASTON, M, 46, 15/11/26, CONGRESSMAN, EXINTENDENT OF CAUTIN, 2.219.392-9, 05/10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 375, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 2.- Murdered or detained-missing between 17th December 1974 and 11th March 1990 486.-ARAYA ZULETA BERNARDO, M, 64, 01/12/11, RETIRED, EX-MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT, 2.189.374-9, 02/04/76, VALPARAISO, 05, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 545,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 487.- SOTO GALVEZ HERNAN, M, 52, 08/12/24, MERCHANT, EX-SECRETARY HOUSE OF DEPUTIES, EX-CONGRESSMAN, 2.173.716-K, 07/06/77, SANTIA-GO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 555,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST. H. OFFICIALS OF POLITICAL PARTIES 1.- Murdered or detained-missing between 12th September 1973 and 16th December 1994 488.- ACHU LIENDO RIGOBERTO DEL CARMEN,M,31,16/07/42, SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT CHIEF, EX DETECTIVE, REGIONAL SECRETARY YOUNG SOCIALISTS (P.S.),,SOCIALIST PARTY, 4.641.372-5, 12/09/73, 13/12/73,SAN FELIPE,SAN FELIPE,05,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 301,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 489.- AILLON LARA JORGE,M,33,18/12/39,CIVIL OFFICIAL ECA,MEMBER REGIONAL DIRECTION PC, 4.154.217-9,27/09/73,,MALLECO,,09,,DETAI-NEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 392,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 490.- ALARCON VALENZUELA CECIL PATRICIO,M,23,05/09/50,CIVIL OFFICIAL INDAP, MEMBER REGIONAL COMMISSION SOCIALIST PARTY, EX- 63 LEADER,SOCIALIST PARTY, 5.963.542-5, 16/09/73,,ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAI-NEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 336,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 491.ANDREOLI BRAVO MARIA ANGELICA,F,27,10/01/47,SECRETARY, SECRETARY POLITICAL COMMISSION MIR, EX-EST, MIR, 5.864.244-4, 06/08/74,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 510,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,DINA 492.- ANINAO MORALES ANTONIO,M,48,12/12/24,SMALL FARMER, PRESI-DENT JAP, MAPUCHE LEADER, 2.331.316-2, 24/09/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 392,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 493.- BACCIARINI ZORRILLA RAUL ENRIQUE,M,49,30/09/23,EX-CIVIL OFFICIAL CIVIL POLICE,REGIONAL LEADER SOCIALIST PARTY,,SOCIALIST PARTY, 1.846.782-8,13/09/73,22/09/73,SAN ANTONIO,SAN ANTONIO,05,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 295,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 494.- BRAVO ALVAREZ FIDEL ALFONSO,M,22,14/03/51,WORKER,EX-MEMBER GAP,,SOCIALIST PARTY,06.231.977-1,22/09/73,22/09/73,SAN ANTONIO,SAN ANTONIO, 05, 05, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 296,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 495.- BUSCH OYARZUN ALFREDO ERARDO,M,56,19/05/18, MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE CHIEF, PROPAGANDA REGIONAL DIRECTOR PC, PC, 14/08/74, OSORNO, 10,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 274,,, 496.- BUSTOS REYES SONIA OF LAS MERCEDES,F,30,13/05/44, TELLER CASINO CIVIL POLICE, CHRISTIAN DEMOCRAT MILITANT, LINKED TO MIR,,CHRISTIAN DEMOCRAT, 5.226.393-K, 05/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 512,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 497.- BUZIO LORCA JAIME MAURICIO,M,21,08/11/52, UNIVERSITY STU-DENT, LIGA COMUNISTA, 6.326.315-K, 13/07/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 506,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 498.- CALDERON OTAIZA JORGE EDUARDO,M,28,24/03/45, EMPLOYEE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC OFFICERS, SECRETARY OF ORGANIZATION YOUNG SOCIALISTS (P.S.),,SOCIALIST PARTY, 5.518.5794,30/09/73,,CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 372,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 499.- CAMU VELOSO ARNOLDO,M,36,01/06/37, LAWYER, MEMBER POLITICAL COMMISSION CENTRAL COMMITTEE SOCIALIST PARTY, SOCIALIST 64 PARTY,03.406.072-K, 24/09/73, 24/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 174,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 500.- CARREÑO DIAZ ANDRES ALFONSO,M,54,15/07/20,LINOTYPE WORKER, SECRETARY REGIONAL COMMITTEE PC, PC, 792.584-0, 08/07/74, 31/07/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 388,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,SIFA 501.- CARREÑO ZUÑIGA VICTOR HUGO,M,22,17/09/51,STUDENT,REGIONAL SECRETARY YOUNG SOCIALISTS (P.S.) VALDIVIA,,SOCIALIST PARTY, .123.302-, 04/10/73, 05/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 398, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 502.- CASTILLO SEPULVEDA NESTOR HERNAN,M,23,26/06/50,,REGIONAL SECRETARY YOUNG COMMUNISTS (C.P.), 5.477.506-7,27/10/73,,COYHAIQUE,,11,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 428,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 503.- CURIÑANCO REYES MAURICIO SEGUNDO, M, 38, 30/07/35, CARPEN -TER, LOCAL LEADER SOCIALIST PARTY,,SOCIALIST PARTY,,10/10/73,,VALDIVIA,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 401,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 504.- CHAMORRO AREVALO JUAN GUILLERMO,M,23,21/10/49,ACCOUNTANT, MILITANT PCR, .101.390-,16/09/73,,BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 350,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 505.CHAMORRO GOMEZ MANUEL NATALIO,M,41,01/02/33, LOOM MECHANIC,,,SOCIALIST PARTY SYMPATHIZER, 3.448.464-3,03/04/74, SANTIAGO, , 13,, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 269,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 506.- DE LA BARRA VILLARROEL ALEJANDRO,M,24,01/04/50,,MEMBER POLITICAL COMMISSION MIR,,MIR, 5.711.066-K, 03/12/74, 03/12/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 522,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,,DINA 507.- ENCINA PEREZ GERARDO ANTONIO,M,33,15/08/40,FARMER, AREA LEADER SOCIALIST PARTY,,SOCIALIST PARTY, 4.651.1077,02/10/73,,LINARES,,07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VO LUME 1 PAGE 322,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 65 508.- FERNANDEZ ACUM MARIO,M,19,05/10/53,WATCHMAKER,SECRETARY YOUNG COMMUNISTS (C.P.) OSORNO, 6.845.3461,28/09/73,,OSORNO,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 413,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 509.- FUENTEALBA CALDERON ISAIAS JOSE,M,29,07/04/44, CHIEF OF AREA, FOREST WORKER, MCR MILITANT MCR, MIR, 25.220-, 10/10/73, VALDIVIA, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 401,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 510.- GARCIA BERRIOS JOSE BOESLINDO, M, 66,25/11/06,RETIRED,SECRETARY LOCAL COMMITTE PC, .254.660-4, 12/09/73, 19/10/73, TOCOPILLA, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 265, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 511.- GARCIA OVANDO VENANCIO BERNABE,M,25,02/07/48,SMALL FARMER, MEMBER YOUNG LEADERSHIP POPULAR UNITY,,, 6.158.030-1,08/10/73, OSORNO, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 417,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 512.- HUAIQUIÑIR BENAVIDES JOEL,M,28,02/02/46, INDUSTRIAL SECU-RITY INSTRUCTOR, REGIONAL SECRETARY AND MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE CEN, SOCIALIST PARTY, 5.287.586-2,27/07/74, , SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 568,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 513.- JEREZ MEZA VICTOR,M,31,15/06/42,DRIVER ENDESA,REGIONAL SECRETARY SOCIALIST PARTY, UNION PRESIDENT, SOCIALIST PARTY,,22/09/73,,BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 362/, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 514.- LABRADOR URRUTIA RAMON ISIDRO,M,24,07/06/50,MERCHANT, LOCAL COMMITTEE HEAD MIR, MIR, 5.626.648-8, 14/12/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 528,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 515.- LAMANA ABARZUA JORGE ANDRES,M,27,04/06/46,EMPLOYEE CMPC, WELFARE DELEGATE UNION CMPC; INTEG,,MAPU, 27.715-, 15/09/73, /09/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, 516.LARA PETROVICH EDUARDO ENRIQUE,M,35,10/11/38,MECHANIC INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE, UNION LEADER, 3.747.590-4, 15/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 540,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 66 517.- LEVEQUE CARRASCO RODOLFO IVAN,M,22,08/06/51,PAINTER, REGIO -NAL SECRETARY YOUNG COMMUNISTS (C.P.), 6.100.955-8, 15/09/73, OSORNO, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 408,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 518.- LOBOS CAÑAS LUIS ALBERTO,M,31,03/07/42,DRIVER,DRIVER CEN-TRAL COMMITTE PC,04.768.700-, 17/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 158,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 519.- MANRIQUEZ DIAZ MIGUEL HERNAN,M,24,25/10/48,EMPLOYEE INACE-SA, MEMBER POLITICAL COMMISSION YOUNG SOCIALISTS (P.S.), EXMEMBER,,SOCIALIST PARTY,05.935.217-2, 20/09/73, 19/10/73, ANTOFA-GASTA, ANTOFAGASTA,02,02,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 265,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 520.- MOLINA RUIZ FLORENTINO ALBERTO,M,44,29/12/28,CIVIL OFFICIAL PC, REGIONAL LEADER PC, MEMBER COMMITTEE CE,,PC, 2.314.784-K, 05/11/73, 10/11/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN,09,09,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 378, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 521.- OBREQUE OBREQUE DOMINGO ANTONIO,M,36,16/10/36,ACCOUNTANT SOQUIMICH, SECRETARY FOR ORGANIZATION SOCIALIST PARTY,,SOCIALIST PARTY, 4.002.039-K, 28/09/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 388,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 522.- PEREIRA SALSBERG ANDRES,M,54,15/02/19,TECHNICIAN INDUS-TRIAL, MANAGER, EX-PRESIDENT RADICAL PARTY ASSEMBLY, EX-PDTE. PR, 823.8138,16/10/73,,MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 523.- PIZARRO VICENCIO OSCAR ERNESTO,M,25,24/10/47,EMPLOYEE, MANAGER FABRICA AEROLITE, LEADER, SOCIALIST PARTY, 19/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 81,,, 524.- REINANTE RAIPAN ALBERTO SEGUNDO,M,39,,WORKER FOREST WORKER, MCR MILITANT,MIR,,10/10/73,,VALDIVIA,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 401, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARAB/MILITARY 525.- REINANTE RAIPAN ERNESTO,M,29,,FOREST WORKER,MILITANT MCR, MIR,,10/10/73,,VALDIVIA,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 401,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARAB/MILITARY 67 526.- REINANTE RAIPAN MODESTO JUAN,M,18,,FOREST WORKER,MILITANT MCR, MIR, 10/10/73,,VALDIVIA,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 402, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARAB/MILITARY 527.- REYES JARA JUAN MANUEL,M,30,25/07/53,CIVIL OFFICIAL OF POLITICAL PARTY, HEAD GPM (MIR),,MIR, 4.964.888-K, 22/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 92,EXECUTED F.L., CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)? 528.- SANHUEZA MELLADO MANUEL EDUARDO,M,30,22/11/43,WORKER,REGIO NAL SECRETARY YOUNG COMMUNISTS (C.P.), EX-MEMBER COM, 4.637.223-9, 10/07/74, ARICA, 01, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 488,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 529.VAN SCHOUWEN VASEY BAUTISTA,M,30,03/04/43,MEDICAL SURGEON,MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE MIR,,MIR, 4.824.875-6, 13/12/73, 14/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 217,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 530 VILLARROEL CARMONA AGUSTIN OF LA CRUZ, M, 34, 07/03/39, MINER, SECRETARY ORGANIZATION PC, 4.425.730-0, /09/73, 04/10/73, TOCOPILLA, TOCOPILLA,02,02,KILLED CNRR (DD),CNRR PAGE 116,DETAI-NED-MISSING CLARIFIED, REMAINS IDENTIFIED IN 1991, 3.- Murdered or detained-missing between 17th December 1974 and 11th March 1990 531.- ACEVEDO FARIÑA GERMAN,M,35,22/11/41,MERCHANT,MEMBER SECU-RITY STAFF CENTRAL COMMITTEE, SOCIALIST PARTY, 4.553.475-8, 08/11/77, 08/11/77, SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 402,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 532.- AEDO ARIAS LUCIANO HUMBERTO,M,34,07/07/50,CIVIL OFFICIAL MIR, MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE MIR, MIR, 6.437.896-1,,23/08/84, CONCEPCION, , 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 637,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 533.- ARIAS PINO LUIS FIDEL,M,29,29/10/45,LATHE OPERATOR MECHA-NIC, LOGISTICS HEAD MIR,,MIR, 5.278.066-, 19/02/75, 19/02/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR V.P.,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 525,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 68 534.- ASCENCIO SUBIABRE JOSE RAMON,M,30,01/11/45,CRAFTSMAN, PRESIDENT JAP CONCHALI, PC, 6.006.291-9, 29/12/75, , SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 544,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 535.- BOETTIGER VERA OCTAVIO JULIO,M,28,10/08/47, POLITICAL SCIENCES BACHELOR, ORGANIZATION HEAD SOCIALIST PARTY, SOCIALIST PARTY, 4.779.325-4,17/01/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 575,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 536.- CEPEDA MARINKOVIC HORACIO,M,54,14/05/22,CIVIL BUILDER,MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE PC, EX-DIRECTOR E, 1.846.038-6, 15/12/76, , SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 553,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 537.- CONTRERAS MALUJE CARLOS HUMBERTO,M,29,05/12/46, PHARMACY CHEMIST, EX-COUNCILOR CONCEPCION. MEMBER CENTRAL COMMETTEE, 4.503.418-6, 02/11/76,,SANTIAGO,,13,, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 561,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,COMANDO CONJUN -TO 538.- CORDANO LOPEZ HUMBERTO,M,24,08/11/52, NURSE ASSISTANT, MEMBER COMACHI (COMMITTEE OF HELP TO CHILE, 6.742.256-2, 23/05/77, ARGENTINA, AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 598,,,DINA 539.- CORTES GUAJARDO DAGOBERTO,M,33,21/10/49,,LEADER MIR, MIR, 06.133.430-0, 28/11/82,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR V.P.,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 661,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 540.CORTES RODRIGUEZ GERMAN DEF JESUS,M,29,01/11/48,NOT KNOWN,MEMBER POLITICAL COMMISSION MIR, EX-SEMINA, MIR, 16/01/78, 18/01/78, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 629,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,DINA? 541.- CHARME BARROS EDUARDO,M,34,26/01/42, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, MEMBER POLITICAL COMMISSION SOCIALIST PARTY, SOCIALIST PARTY, 4.943.564-9, 14/09/76, 14/09/76, SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 576,,, 542.- DIAZ LOPEZ VICTOR MANUEL,M,56,10/11/19, GRAPHIC WORKER, EXNATIONAL LEADER UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), UNDERSE-CRETARY, PC, 1.001.421-2,12/05/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 547,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 69 543.- DONAIRE CORTEZ ULDARICO,M,51,28/10/24,GRAPHIC WORKER,MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE PC, 2.095.711-5,05/05/76, , SANTIAGO, , 13, ,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 546, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 544.- DONATO AVENDAÑO JAIME PATRICIO,M,41,30/05/34, ELECTRICAL MECHANIC, MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE PC, EX-DIRECTOR N, PC, 3.317.7623,05/05/76,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 546,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 545.ENRIQUEZ ESPINOZA EDGARDO,M,34,15/12/41,ENGINEER,MEMBER POLITICAL COMMISSION MIR,,MIR, 4.674.185-4,10/04/76, ARGENTINA, AR, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 596DETAINED-MISSINGARGENTINA, 546.- ESPEJO ESPEJO JOSE GABRIEL,M,26,20/10/49,MINER, SECRETARY POLITICO YOUNG COMMUNISTS (C.P.), 6.096.174-3, 20/03/76, 20/03/76, COPIAPO, COPIAPO, 03, 03, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 210,EXECUTED INVE.,,MILITARY 547.- ESPINOZA FERNANDEZ ELIANA MARINA, F ,44, 02/12/31, MERCHANT, MEMBER NATIONAL COMMISSION OF PROPAGANDA, PC, 3.649.311-9, 12/05/76,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 548,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 548.- FERRUZ LOPEZ SANTIAGO ABRAHAM, M, 73, 23/05/02, RETIRED, TREASURY MANAGER PC, 1.948.002-K, 11/12/75, , SANTIAGO, ,13, ,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 544,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 549.- FLORES REYES SERGIO RAUL,M,28,14/10/47,NOT KNOWN, PROPAGANDA AND ORGANIZATION SOCIALIST PARTY MANAGER,,SOCIALIST PARTY, 5.890.364-7, 20/12/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 252DETAINED-MISSINGCIVIL POLICE,, 550.- FUENTES ALARCON JORGE ISAAC,M,28,05/02/47,SOCIOLOGIST, MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE MIR, EX-LEADER,,MIR, 5.453.067-6, 17/05/75, PARAGUAY, PY, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 595,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST 551.-JIMENEZ ALFARO TUCAPEL FRANCISCO,M,60,04/08/21,,PRESIDENT ANEF, SOCIALIST PARTY, 1.382.056-, 25/02/82, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 649, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 552.- LAGOS SALINAS RICARDO ERNESTO, M, 24, 09/04/51, ACCOUNTANT, MEMBER POLITICAL COMMISSION SOCIALIST PARTY,,SOCIALIST PARTY, 70 5.463.497-8, /06/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 573,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 553.- LARA ROJAS FERNANDO ANTONIO,M,27,12/03/49,AGRONOMIST,REGIONAL LEADER PC, 6.175.429-6, 07/05/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 547,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 554.- LAZO SANTANDER LUIS SEGUNDO,M,61,10/11/15,RETIRED,MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE PC, EX-LEADER, 1.253.774-3, 15/12/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 553,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 555.- LOPEZ ARELLANO JAIME EUGENIO,M,24,11/07/51,CIVIL OFFICIAL POLITICAL PARTY, MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE AND POLITICAL COMMISSION,,SOCIALIST PARTY,05.460.697-4, /12/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 252, 556.-MANCILLA RAMIREZ ADOLFO ARIEL,M,26,24/11/48,CIVIL BUILDER, MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE SOCIALIST PARTY, EX-LEADER,,SOCIALIST PARTY, 5.249.056-1, 06/03/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 572,DETAINED-MISSING L .OFICIAL, 557.- MATURANA GONZALEZ LUIS EMILIO GERARDO,M,26,14/09/49, SCHOOL TEACHER, REGIONAL LEADER PC,,PC, 5.192.381-2, 08/06/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 560,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST, COMANDO CONJUNTO 558.- MORAGA CRUZ LUIS DESIDERIO,M,40,04/06/35,DRIVER, SECURITY STAFF CENTRAL COMMITTEE PC, 3.401.655-0,20/10/75,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 556,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,COMANDO CONJUNTO 559.-MUÑOZ ALARCON JUAN RENE,M,34,,NOT KNOWN,EX-LEADER SOCIALIST PARTY, MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE, 4.824.5579,,23/10/77,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 394, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., KILLED BY CIVILIANS UNDER POLITICAL PRETEXTS, 560.- MUÑOZ NAVARRO JORGE EDUARDO,M,28,05/08/55,, SOCIAL BRANCH HEAD LOCAL COMMITTEE MIR,,MIR, 6.614.822-K, 16/05/84, 17/05/84, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 187,EXECUTED INVE.,, 561.NAVARRO ALLENDES M,49,16/11/27,RETIRED,MEMBER CENTRAL FERNANDO COMMITTEE PC, ALFREDO, EX-LEADER, 71 2.333.561-1, 13/12/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 553,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 562.- NAZAL QUIROZ MIGUEL,M,44,21/09/31,WORKER BUILDING,MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE PC, EX-LEADER, 3.262.756-0, 11/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 551,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 563.- OLIVARES GUERRA ZOILO GALVARINO,M,35,10/07/39,WORKER, JRR MILITANT (YOUNG RADICAL PARTY),,PIR, 3.965.207-2,02/06/75,, VALPARAISO,,05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 586,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 564.- OLIVARES PEREZ JUAN RAMON,M,37,21/01/43,EMPLOYEE,MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE MIR,,MIR, 4.642.334-,,07/11/80,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 630,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 565.ORELLANA CATALAN JUAN RENE,M,34,01/04/42,FURNITURE WORKER,MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE YOUNG COMMUNISTS (C.P.),04.037.100-1,08/06/76,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 560, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,COMANDO CONJUNTO 566.- PARADA VALENZUELA JAVIER ERNESTO,M,24,14/12/51,CIVIL OFFICIAL POLITICAL PARTY, MIR,,11/11/76,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 256 DETAINED-MISSING CIVIL POLICE,, 567.- PINTO ARROYO EDRAS OF LAS MERCEDES,M,48,04/02/28,DRIVER,MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE PC, EX-DRIVER CAM, 2.471.0769,20/12/76,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 554,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 568.- PIZARRO MOLINA WALDO ULISES,M,42,25/04/34, MINES TECHNICIAN, MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE PC, EX-LEADER, 2.951.237-K, 15/12/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 553,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 569.- ROJAS RAMIREZ ALADIN ESTEBAN,M,30,15/03/45, MINER, SECRETARY LOCAL COMMITTEE YOUNG COMMUNISTS (C.P.), 5.244.5132,10/04/75,,COPIAPO,,03,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 563,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 72 570.- UGARTE ROMAN MARTA LIDIA,F,42,29/06/34,DRESSMAKER,MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE PC, 3.927.133-, 09/08/76, 09/09/76, SANTIAGO, PETORCA, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 551,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 571.- ZAMORANO DONOSO MARIO JAIME,M,44,05/05/31,WORKER,MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE PC, PC, 2.596.100-5,04/05/76,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 546, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, I) HEAD OF STATE AND GOVERNMENT Dead or detained-missing on 11th September 1973 572.- BARRIOS MEZA JAIME,M,47,23/09/25,ECONOMIST, ADVISER TO THE PRESIDENCE OF THE REPUBLIC, 2.333.011-3,11/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133, 573.- ESCOBAR CRUZ DANIEL FRANCISCO,M,37,04/10/35, STAFF DIRECTOR HOME OFFICE UNDERSECRETARY, PC, 3.102.636-9,11/09/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 574.- JIMENO GRENDI CLAUDIO,M,33,29/05/40,SOCIOLOGIST, ADVISER TO THE PRESIDENCE OF THE REPUBLIC, 4.555.064-8,11/09/73, , SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133, 575.- KLEIN PIPPER GEORGES, M,27,29/12/45, PHYSICIAN PSYCHIATRIST, ADVISER SECRETARY GENERAL OF GOVERNMENT, FRANCO-CHILEAN, 4.812.198-5, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 576.- PAREDES BARRIENTOS JUAN ANTONIO EDUARDO,M,34,23/12/38,MEDICAL SURGEON, ADVISER TO THE PRESIDENT, EX-DIRECTOR CIVIL POLICE, 3.467.3403, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, 577.- PARIS ROA EGIDIO ENRIQUE,M,40,05/03/33, PHYSICIAN PSYCHIATRIST, ADVISER TO THE PRESIDENCE OF THE REPUBLIC, MIEM, 3.402.140-6, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133,DETAINEDMISSING CLARIFIED, 73 578.- PINCHEIRA NUÑEZ HECTOR RICARDO, M, 28, 09/11/44, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, ADVISER TO THE PRESIDENCE OF THE REPUBLIC, 5.199.525-2, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133,DETAINED-MISSING, 579.- POUPIN OISSEL ARSENIO,M,38,17/11/34,LAWYER, MINISTER SECRETARY GENERAL OF GOVERNMENT, 2.937.679-4,11/09/73, , SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, J)ESCORTS OF THE HEAD OF STATE (GAP): 580.- BLANCO TARRES DOMINGO BARTOLOME,M,32,12/07/42, 4.432.554-3, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 581.- CASTRO ZAMORANO MANUEL RAMON,M,23,20/05/50, 6.540.226-2,11/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133,DETAINEDMISSING CLARIFIED, 582.- CRUZ ZAVALLA CARLOS ALFONSO,M,30,28/02/43, 6.902.581-1, 11/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 583.- FREIRE MEDINA JOSE,M,20,28/04/53, 7.281.556-4, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, 584.-GAMBOA PIZARRO LUIS ALFREDO,M,19,01/02/54, 7.502.332-4, 11/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 79, 585.- GARCES PORTIGLIATI PEDRO JUAN,M,20,28/05/53, 7.071.201-6, 11/09/73, ,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 195,DETAINED-MISSING L .OFICIAL,, 586.- GUTIERREZ AYALA DANIEL ANTONIO,M,25,26/10/47,FARM WORKER, 5.686.352-4, 11/09/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, 587.- JORQUERA LEYTON GONZALO MARIO,M,27,04/04/46, 11/09/73, 20/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 74 588.- MONTIGLIO MURUA JUAN JOSE,M,24,24/06/49, 5.479.924-1, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 589.- MORENO PULGAR JULIO HERNAN,M,24,18/11/48, PRESIDENTIAL PALACE CONCIERGE, 6.141.258-1,11/09/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 590.- RODRIGUEZ RIQUELME LUIS FERNANDO,M,26,11/07/47, PHOTOGRAPHER, 6.028.356-7,11/09/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 591.- SOTELO OJEDA JAIME GILSON,M,33,04/11/39, HEAD PRESIDENTIAL ESCORT, 4.016.990-3, 11/09/73, 20/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 592.- TAPIA MARTINEZ JULIO FERNANDO,M,24,10/02/49,DRIVER, 6.096.217-0, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 593.- URRUTIA MOLINA HECTOR DANIEL,M,22,27/09/51, 6.045.937-1, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 196,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 594.- VALLADARES CAROCA OSCAR ENRIQUE,M,23,09/09/50,FARM WORKER, 6.210.891-6, 11/09/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 595.- VARGAS CONTRERAS JUAN ALEJANDRO,M,23,31/01/50, 5.590.850-8, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST, Dead or detained-missing between 12th September 1973 and 16th December 1974 596.- LETELIER DEL SOLAR ORLANDO,M,44,13/04/32, ECONOMIST, MINISTER OF DEFENSE, 21/09/76,WASHINGTON, US, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 593, 597.- TOHA GONZALEZ JOSE,M,55, LAWYER, MINISTER OF DEFENSE, , SOCIALIST PARTY, 2.454.470-, 11/09/73, 15/03/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 498,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 75 K) ESCORTS OF THE HEAD OF STATE: 598.- ALARCON JARA EDUARDO ENRIQUE,M,28,23/11/45, MASON, 4.851.211-9, 30/07/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 509, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 599.-CARREÑO CALDERON JOSE BELISARIO,M,19,17/11/53, 6.471.397-3, 11/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 101,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 600.- CRUZ ZAVALLA CARLOS ALFONSO,M,30,28/02/43, 6.902.581-1, 11/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 601.- CHACON HORMAZABAL JULIO,M,26,18/10/46, SECRETARY GOVERNOR SANTA CRUZ,,SOCIALIST PARTY, 4.731.020-2, 27/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 176,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 602.- GAMBOA PIZARRO LUIS ALFREDO,M,19,01/02/54, 7.502.332-4, 11/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 79, 603.JORQUERA LEYTON GONZALO MARIO,M,27,04/04/46, 11/09/73, 20/09/73,SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 604.- LARA RUIZ FRANCISCO URCISINIO,M,22,20/02/51, 11/09/73, 05/10/73, CURICO,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 135, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 605.- LEPE MORAGA HECTOR MANUEL,M,29,21/05/44, 05.233.326-1, 27/09/73, 09/10/73,CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 330/,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 606.- MARAMBIO ARAYA OSCAR OSVALDO,M,38,20/05/48, 6.072.981-6, 11/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 76 607.MONTERO SALAZAR EDMUNDO ENRIQUE,M,21,01/08/52, 6.969.491-8, 11/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 80, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,IDENTIFIED BY FINGERPRINT, BURIED WITHOUT FAMILIY KNOWLEDGE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 608.- ORREGO GONZALEZ JORGE OSVALDO,M,29,25/12/43, 4.758.902-9, 11/09/73, 20/09/73,SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 609.- PACHECO MONSALVE JAVIER ANTONIO,M,31, 4.482.884-7, 05/10/73, 06/10/73, SANTIAGO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 240, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY.ESC.INFANT. 610.- RAMIREZ BARRIA WILLIAM OSVALDO,M,23,23/07/50, 4.708.858-5, 11/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, 611.- RAMOS RIVERA OSVALDO DEL CARMEN,M,22,04/06/51, 5.921.366-0, 28/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 132, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 612.- SALINAS MUÑOZ WAGNER HERID,M,30,27/11/42, 00.789.585-, 11/09/73, 05/10/73,CURICO,MAIPO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 135,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 613.- SOTELO OJEDA JAIME GILSON,M,33,04/11/39, PRESIDENTIAL ESCORT CHIEF, 4.016.990-3, 11/09/73, 20/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 134,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, L) PROFESSIONALS 1.- Murdered or detained-missing on 11th September 1973 614.HUERTA CORVALAN ENRIQUE LELIO, M, 38, 26/02/35, PHYSICIAN,INTENDEN TE PALACIO OF GOBIERNO, INTERVEN,,, 3.234.562-K, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 77 615.- LAGOS RIOS OSCAR REINALDO, M, 21, 16/08/52, MEMBER GAP, LEADER YOUNG SOCIALISTS (P.S.), 6.490.796-4, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 133, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 616.- SEGOVIA VILLALOBOS LUIS OROCIMBO, M, 28, 11/01/45, ENGINEER, SUPERVISOR COBRECHUQUI, 04.842.108-3, 11/09/73, 04/10/73, TOCOPILLA, TOCOPILLA, 02, 02, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 275,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 617.- PONCE LAZCANO ARMANDO ENRIQUE, M, 23, 27/07/50, TEXTILE WORKER, 6.350.349-5, 11/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 56, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 618.- ROJAS MENDEZ JOSE ADOLFO, M, 21, 17/08/53, SELLER, 11/09/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 196, MILITARY 2.- Murdered or detained-missing between 12th September 1973 and 16th December 1974 619.- AEDO CARRASCO FRANCISCO EDUARDO, M, 63, 23/10/10, ARCHITECT, 525.257-1, 07/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 514, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 620.- ARANEDA CONTRERAS VLADIMIR DANIEL, M, 23, 15/05/40, SCHOOL TEACHER, 3.048.367-7, 23/09/73,22/10/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 331,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 621.- ARIAS NAVARRETE HUGOLINO HUMBERTO, M, 35, 29/09/38, RURAL TEACHER, 3.632.877-4,01/10/73,02/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 238,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 622.- ARRIAGADA JEREZ MARIA, F, 40, 28/01/33, SCHOOL TEACHER, LEADER TEACHING PROFESSION, 2.281.748-5, 27/09/73, MALLECO, 09,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 372,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 623.- AVILA PIZARRO JORGE, M, 27, 25/07/46, PHYSICIAN PSYCHIATRIST SOCIALIST PARTY, 4.435.578-7, 17/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 159, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 78 624.- BAIGORRI HERNANDEZ CARLOS RAUL, M, 31, 16/08/42, SCHOOL TEACHER, 4.816.133-2, /09/73, 30/10/73, TIERRA DEL FUEGO, TIERRA DEL FUEGO, 12,12,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 431,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 625.- BENITEZ HERRERA LEOPOLDO RAUL, M, 37, 12/03/36, ARCHITECT, TEACHER UNIVERSITY C., 3.422.231-2, 17/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 161,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 626.BERGER GURALNIK CARLOS, M, 30, 01/06/43, LAWYER, JOURNALIST,DIRECTOR RADIO EL LOA, JEFE RR.PP. CHUQU, 4.489.453-K, 11/09/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02,02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 269, 627.- BRUHN FERNANDEZ AMELIA ANA, F, 34, 13/06/40, DECORATOR, 3.706.164-6, 04/10/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 517,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 628.- BUENO CIFUENTES CARMEN CECILIA, F, 24, 16/07/50, FILM MAKER, 5.196.451-9, 29/11/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 521,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 629.- BUSCH MORALES LUIS, M, 29, 25/09/44, ENGINEER AGRONOMIST, BOLIVIAN, 7.516.072-0, 05/10/73, 06/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA,02,02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 267,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 630.- CALDERON TAPIA MARIO EDUARDO, M, 31,23/05/43, JOURNALIST, 4.610.483-8, 25/09/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 516,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 631.- CARCAMO GARAY JOSE MARIO, M, 26, 01/10/46, AGRONOMIST, 05.620.1661, 20/09/73, 19/10/73, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 422,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 632.- CARTAGENA PEREZ CRISTIAN VICTOR, M, 30, 28/01/43, SCHOOL TEACHER,, 4.946.718-4, 18/09/73, ,MAIPO, ,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 228,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 633.- CATALAN LINCOLEO SAMUEL ALFONSO, M, 29, 21/08/45, AGRONOMIST, 5.118.008-9, 27/08/74, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 490,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 634.- CELEDON LAVIN LEON EDUARDO, M, 33, 06/10/39, LAWYER, 4.439.9202,30/09/73, 02/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 183,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 79 635.- CEPEDA SOTO VICENTE RAMON, M, 31, 23/08/42, MEDICAL SURGEON, 04.687.720-9, 14/09/73, 23/10/73, TOCOPILLA, TOCOPILLA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 277,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 636.- CERDA ALBARRACIN JORGE ANTONIO, M, 29, 24/12/43, PHYSICIAN GENERAL OF ZONA, 12/09/73, 20/09/73, TOCOPILLA, ANTOFAGASTA,02,02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 263,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 637.- CHACON OLIVARES JUAN ROSENDO, M, 29, 24/06/45, PHYSICIAN VETERINARY, EX AREA OFFICER SOCOAGRO, 5.216.058-8, 15/07/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 508,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 638.-DIAZ BRIONES ALFONSO DOMINGO, M, 22, 02/02/52, ENGINEER, 5.572.888-7, 01/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 275, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 639.- DONOSO DAÑOBEITIA MANUEL FRANCISCO, M, 25, 05/11/47, SOCIOLOGIST, 05.144.145-1, 09/10/73, 20/10/73, ARICA, ARICA, 01,01,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 249,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 640.- D'ORIVAL BRICEÑO JORGE HUMBERTO, M, 26, 06/06/48, PHYSICIAN VETERINARY, 5.746.173-K, 31/10/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 518,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 641.- GAJARDO WOLFF CARLOS ALFREDO, M, 34, 06/08/40, ARCHITECT, 4.325.983-0, 20/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 515,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 642.- GALVEZ NORAMBUENA VICTOR OMAR, M, 21, 23/08/52, TEACHER RURAL, 6.443.702-, 01/10/73, 02/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 238, EXECUTED OFIC.,,MILITARY 643.- GALLEGOS SANTIS CARLOS OSCAR, M, 30, 28/08/43, TEACHER TEACHING PROFESSION, LEADER SUTE, SCHOOL DIRECTOR, 05.058.347-3, 17/09/73, 23/10/73, TOCOPILLA, TOCOPILLA, 02,02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 277,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 644.- GAMBOA FARIAS ALFONSO AMBROSIO, M, 34, 02/11/38, TEACHER AND JOURNALIST, DIRECTOR RADIO ATACAMA, 03.251.413-8, 16/09/73, 17/10/73, COPIAPO, COPIAPO,03,03,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 279,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 80 645.- GARCIA GARCIA HECTOR VICTORIANO, M, 50, 24/01/24, MEDICAL SURGEON, EX-COUNCILOR BUIN, . 60.116-, 13/08/74, 13/08/74, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 501, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 646.- GARCIA POSADA RICARDO HUGO, M, 43, 22/06/30, ECONOMIST, MANAGER COBRESARL, ADVISER UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), 2.695.922-5, 12/09/73, 17/10/73, COPIAPO, COPIAPO, 03,03, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 281,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 647.- GEDDA ORTIZ MAXIMO ANTONIO, M, 26, 19/12/47, JOURNALIST TVN, 5.752.612-2, 16/07/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 507,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 648.- GIANELLI COMPANY JUAN ANTONIO, M, 29, 26/10/46, SCHOOL TEACHER, NATIONAL LEADER UNION OF SCHOOL WORKERS, 5.086.166-K, 26/07/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 560,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,COMANDO CONJUNTO 649.- GODOY LAGARRIGUE CARLOS ENRIQUE, M, 39, 09/02/37, MEDICAL SURGEON, 3.426.804-5, 04/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 550,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 650.- GONZALEZ INOSTROZA MARIA ELENA, F, 22, 02/01/52, SCHOOL TEACHER, 5.614.248-7, 15/08/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 511,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 651.- GONZALEZ RAMOS NESTOR, M, 43, DESIGNER TECHNICIAN, 02.306.272-, 17/10/73, 17/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 206, AIR FORCE 652.- GUENDELMAN WISNIAK LUIS ALBERTO, M, 24, 28/09/49, ARCHITECT, 5.712.546-2, 02/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 512,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 653.- GUZMAN FUENTES MARCELO OMAR, M, 34, 28/04/39, TEACHER, HEALTH EDUCATION HEAD HOSPITAL IQUIQUE, 04.880.173-0, 16/09/73, 29/09/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE,01,01,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 247,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 654.- GUZMAN SANTA CRUZ ROBERTO, M, 35, 25/09/37, LAWYER, 3.185.508-K, 14/09/73, 16/10/73, ELQUI, ELQUI, 04,04,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 287, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 81 655.- HENRIQUEZ ARAVENA HERNAN ARTURO, M, 35, 27/09/37, MEDICAL SURGEON, HEALTH AREA DIRECTOR; DIRECTOR OF HOSPITAL, 4.031.9816,25/09/73, 05/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN,09,09,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 374,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 656.- HEREDIA OLIVARES JUAN ISAIAS, M, 41, 01/04/32, SCHOOL TEACHER, VICEPRESIDENT JAP, 3.296.851-1, 16/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 350,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 657.- HERNANDEZ ANDRADE JOSE GREGORIO, M, 27, 13/11/45, TEACHER, O5.519.098-,16/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 163,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 658.- HILLERNS LARRAÑAGA ARTURO ENRIQUE, M, 29, 16/12/43, MEDICAL SURGEON, RURAL HEALTH PROGRAM CHIEF CAUTIN, 3.268.006-2, 15/09/73, CAUTIN, 09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 370,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 659.- HORMAN LAZAR CHARLES EDMUND, M, 31, 15/05/42, JOURNALIST AND FILM MAKER, NORTHEAMERICAN,, 7.517.220-, 17/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 160,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 660.- JARA CASTRO JOSE HIPOLITO SEGUNDO, M, 29, 23/02/45, CHEMISTPHARMACY, 5.292.321-2, 14/09/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 514, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 661.- JIMENEZ CORTES LUIS CARLOS, M, 25, 02/12/47, DESIGNER TECHNICIAN, 4.779.937-6, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 201,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, IDENTIFIED CEMETERY YARD 29, 662.- JORDAN DOMIC JORGE MARIO, M, 28, 15/09/44, PHYSICIAN, AREA PHYSICIAN GENERAL, 4.961.131-5, 16/09/73, 16/10/73, LIMARI, ELQUI, 04,04,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 287,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 663.- LEIVA NARVAEZ RAMON NONATO, M, 53, TEACHER, 25/10/73, 25/10/73, LINARES, LINARES,07,07, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 323,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 664.- LEJDERMAN KONUJOWSKA BERNARDO MARIO, M, 30, 24/03/43, GEOLOGIST, ARGENTINA, 5.876.297-0, 08/12/73, ELQUI,,04,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 290,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,MILITARY 82 665.- LEUTHNER MUÑOZ ELSA VICTORIA, F, 32, 05/05/42, TEACHER, EXSECRETARY COMUNIST MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT, 4.509.917-2, 15/08/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 570,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 666.- MAHUIDA ESQUIVEL LUIS OMAR,M,25,27/06/49, TEACHER OF ENGLISH, MIR, 4.997.821-9,20/11/74,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 526,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 667.MARDONES GARCES FRANSK,M,23,01/01/50,TEACHER SCHOOL PROFESSION, 06.844.220-6, 6/10/73,,CORONEL,,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 329, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 668.MARTINEZ VICTOR ALFONSO,M,22,17/02/52,ENGINEER, 13/09/74,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 514,,, 669.- MEDINA LETELIER NELSON JOAQUIN,M,23,02/03/50, RURAL TEACHER, 5.665.408-, 01/10/73, 02/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 238, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 670.- MENESES CISTERNA JAIME,BM, 28, 30/10/44,PHOTOGRAPHER,,,,05.328.146-, 23/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 171,,, 671.MIRANDA LOBOS EDUARDO FRANCISCO,M,27,06/01/47,TOPOGRAPHER,,,MIR, 5.660.829-K, 07/10/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 518, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 672.MORALES SAAVEDRA NEWTON LARRIN,M,39,30/08/34, ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, EX UNION LEADER, EX NAVY PETTY OFFICER, 2.920.768-2,13/08/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 510,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 673.- MORALES HERRERA JUAN JOSE MANUEL, M, 24, TEACHER, 26/09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO ,SANTIAGO,13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 102,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 675.- MORALES VILLANUEVA ARCHIBALDO, M, 43, 15/10/30, RADIO ANNOUNCER, JOURNALIST, SHAREHOLDER "EL GUERRILLERO" NEWSPAPER; /09/73, 12/11/73, SANTIAGO, COLCHAGUA,,06,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 307,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 83 676.- MUÑOZ DONOSO WASHINGTON RADOMIL, M, 25, 07/04/48, TEACHER, MANAGER CCU, 05.761.205-3, / /73, 19/10/73, ANTOFAGASTA, ANTOFAGASTA,02,02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 265,,, 677 NEGRETE PEÑA CESAR ARTURO EMILIANO, M, 25, 17/08/49, ECONO-MIST, 6.129.980-7, 09/12/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 527,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 678.-NICHOLLS RIVERA CARLOS ENRIQUE MARIO, M, 27, 08/06/46, CHEMICAL ENGINEER C.C.U., 05.076.877-, 24/09/73, 24/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 173, 679.- PERALTA MARTINEZ SERGIO ORLANDO, M, 39, 01/10/33, TOPOGRAPHER, ADVISER INTENDENT OF SANTIAGO, 02.068.621-, 16/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 162,,,AIR FORCE 680.- PEREZ FLORES PEDRO EMILIO, M, 29, 01/09/44, MINES ENGINEER, MANAGER MINES PLATEFORM, 25/09/73, 17/10/73, COPIAPO, COPIAPO, 03,03,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 280,,, 681.- PEREZ HERMOSILLA JOSE LEONARDO, M, 32, 08/12/41, JOURNALIST, EX CIVIL OFFICIAL INDAP, 4.792.242-9, 03/01/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 815,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 682.- PEREZ MOLINA SERGIO ALFREDO, M, 30, 01/11/43, ENGINEER, 4.544.026-5, 21/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 515,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 683.- PINTO VIEL GUILLERMO, M, 81, 12/12/91, LAWYER, . 8.462-, /10/73, 23/11/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 350, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, 684.- POSECK PEDREROS REINALDO SALVADOR, M, 49, 08/07/24, LAWYER, AREA HEAD INDAP, 1.857.243-5, 07/10/73, ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 342/,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 685.- PONCE PACHECO SOCRATES, M, 30, 25/05/43, LAW YER, MANAGER INDUMET, FROM ECUADOR, 5.477.675-6, 11/09/73, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 143,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 84 686.- QUILAGAYZA OXA HERNAN ANTONIO, M, 38, 05/03/35, TOPOGRAPHER AND RADIO OPERATOR, 03.003.256-K, 06/10/73, CONCEPCION,,08,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 329, 687.- QUINTILIANO CARDOSO TULIO ROBERTO, M, 29, 06/09/44, ENGINEER CORA, FROM BRASIL, BRASIL, 7.073.090-1, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 139,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 688.- QUIROGA CARVAJAL LITTRE ABRAHAM, M, 33, 30/12/39, LAWYER, DIRECTOR NATIONAL SERVICE OF PRISONS, 04.101.654-, 11/09/73, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 144/, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 689.- RAMIREZ SANCHEZ FERNANDO ROBERTO, M, 25, 08/10/47, TEACHER, 5.952.760-6, 10/10/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02,02,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 270,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 690.-REYES NAVARRETE SERGIO ALFONSO, M, 26, 17/03/48, ECONOMIST, 5.574.473-4, 16/11/74,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 519, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 691.-RIOS CASTILLO PEDRO ALVARO, M, 43, 22/06/30, ECONOMIST, DIRECTOR UNIVERSITY OF CONCEPCION AT LOS ANGELES, 02.924.923-7, 16/09/73, 02/10/73, BIO BIO, CAUTIN, 09, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 373, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 692.- RIOS DALENZ JORGE, M, 32, 25/07/41, DENTIST, BOLIVIAN, BOLIVIAN, 6.978.391-0, /09/73, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 60,,,MILITARY 693.- RIPOLL CODOCEO OSCAR WALTER PEDRO, M, 38, 31/08/35, METALURGIC ENGINEER SERCOTEC, 03.351.974-5, 09/10/73, 20/10/73, ARICA, ARICA, 01, 01, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 249,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 694.- RIQUELME RIQUELME JUAN DE DIOS, M, 31, HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER, /12/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 380,,, 695.- RIVAS RACHITOFF JOSE MIGUEL MARIO MANUEL, M, 35, 01/12/38, JOURNALIST, EX-CIVIL OFFICIAL INDAP, 2.225.328-K, 05/01/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 567,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 85 696.- RIVERA BARRA HERIBERTO, M, 47, 20/09/25, TYPESETTER, 2.458.579-4, 16/09/73, BIO BIO, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 350,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 697.- ROJAS ZAMORA GUILLERMO HAROLDO, M, 36, 06/03/38, HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER, 4.276.945-2, 06/08/74, CHAÑARAL,,03,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 243, D.D.CIVIL POLICE,, 698.- RUZ ZUÑIGA JORGE CARLOS ROMUALDO, M, 26, 07/02/47, HYDRAULICS ENGINEER SERCOTEC, 5.742.071-5, 20/09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 166,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, MILITARY REG.G 699.- SAA PIZARRO JULIO ANDRES, M, 37, 28/02/36, DENTIST, 3.252.807-16/10/73, 17/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 205,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 700.- SAAVEDRA GONZALEZ LUIS EDUARDO, M, 24, 16/10/48, PHOTOGRAP -HER, 05.863.877-, 16/09/73, 16/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 154,,,STATE AGENTS 701.- SALAZAR CONTRERAS CARLOS HELEN, M, 46, 25/04/27, LAWYER, TEACHER UNIVERSITY OF CHILE. EX-PRESIDENT JAP, 2.339.348-, 05/10/73, 11/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 196, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 702.- SALAZAR VELIZ BARTOLOME AMBROSIO, M, 31, 24/08/42, TEACHER, 81.701-, 17/04/74, 27/04/74, ÑUBLE, ÑUBLE,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 499, 703.- SALINAS VELASQUEZ JAVIER ALBERTO, M, 48, 26/04/26, TEACHER, 3.459.750-2, 28/06/74, 30/06/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 503,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 704.- SANHUEZA CONTRERAS OSCAR OMAR, M, 23, 01/01/50, TEACHER, 14.433-, 15/09/73, 18/09/73, BIO ,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366,DETAINEDMISSING CLARIFIED,, 705.- SANTANA GOMEZ HECTOR ARTURO HILDEBRANDO, M, 24, 27/02/49, ENGINEER AGRONOMIST, HEAD OF AREA INDAP, 5.843.071-4, 16/09/73, 16/09/73, CHILOE, CHILOE, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 419,,, 86 706.- SANTIBAÑEZ ESTAY ARIEL DANTON, M, 25, 15/11/48, HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER, 6.142.668-K, 13/11/74, ,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 518,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 707.- SEPULVEDA PALAVECINO CARLOS ALBERTO, M, 33, 30/07/40, SCHOOL TEACHER, GOVERNMENT UNDERDELEGATE COMUNA NINHUE, .125.935-, / /, 14/09/73, ÑUBLE,,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 344,,, 708.- SILBERMAN GUROVICH DAVID, M, 33, 10/06/39, ENGINEER, MANAGER COBRECHUQUICAMATA, 3.830.399-6, 04/10/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 543,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 709.- TABERNA GALLEGOS FREDDY MARCELO, M, 30, 20/01/43, GEOGRAPHER, DIRECTOR ORPLAN, DIRECTOR ORPLAN, 4.832.206-9, 16/09/73, 30/10/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE,01,01,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 255,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 710.- TELLO GARRIDO TEOBALDO ANTONIO, M, 25, 27/10/48, PHOTOGRAPHER, EX-CIVIL OFFICIAL CIVIL POLICE, 5.327.220-7, 22/08/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 511,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 711.- TOGNOLA RIOS CLAUDIO ROMULO, M, 42, 08/08/31, CHILD PHYSICIAN, MATERNITY HOSPITAL HEAD, 03.069.005-2, 16/09/73, 04/10/73, TOCOPILLA, TOCOPILLA, 02, 02, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 275,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 712.- TORRES ARAVENA RUPERTO ORIOL, M, 58, 27/03/15, FARMER, CHEMICAL ENGINEER, LEADER SMALL FARMERS, 1.256.535-6, 13/10/73, LINARES, 07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 323,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 713.- TRAN HUYNH QUE PHUONG, M, 32, BIOCHIMIST,,VIETNAM, 7.572.776-3, 26/11/73, 27/11/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 214, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 714.- TRONCOSO LEON RICARDO, M, 30, 10/11/42, PHOTOGRAPHER, CORRESPONDENT "PURO CHILE" AND "VEA", 4.497.528-9, 01/10/73,,ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 340,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 87 715.- TRONCOSO MUÑOZ RICARDO AURELIO, M, 26, 29/10/47, HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER, 5.405.604-4, 15/08/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 511,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 716.- ULLOA PINO JUAN ELADIO, M, 26, 08/02/47, TOPOGRAPHER, HEAD C.O.U., 5.330.508-3, 18/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 351, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 717.- VALLEJO FERDINAND GUILLERMO OSVALDO, M, 38, 29/01/35, LAWYER, ADVISER OF MANAGER AEROLITE, 3.429.120-9, 19/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 165,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED,, CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S.COM.P.CHAC. 718.- VALLEJOS AGUILERA NILSON HERNANDO, M, 27, 02/03/46, SCHOOL TEACHER, 19/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIAGO, CORDILLERA, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 93,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 718.- VALLEJOS PARRA RENE DANIEL, M, 24, 07/01/49, FREE LANCE PHOTOGRAPHER, 5.765.483-K, 04/10/73, ANTOFAGASTA,,02,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 216, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 720.- VASQUEZ MUÑOZ LUIS JUSTINO, M, 34, 29/06/39, SCHOOL TEACHER, EXCOUNCILOR, 3.938.849-9, 20/11/73, COLCHAGUA,,06,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 307,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 721.- VELASQUEZ CALDERON HILDA ISOLINA, F, 31, 09/06/42, UNIVERSITY NURSE, 04.873.801-K, / /,14/09/73,,TALCA,,07,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 310,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 722.- VELASQUEZ MOLINA HECTOR FERNANDO, M, 37, 27/07/36, SCHOOL TEACHER,,,PR,03.673.280-6, 06/11/73, 08/11/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 333,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 723.- VERA ALMARZA IDA AMELIA, F, 30, 05/12/43, ARCHITECT, CHILEAN BOLIVIAN, 14.859-,19/11/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 526,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 724.- VERA CONTARDO BERNARDA ROSALBA, F, 27, 04/02/46, SCHOOL TEACHER, 5.416.447-5, 10/10/73,,VALDIVIA,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE401,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 88 725.- VERGARA DOXRUD HECTOR PATRICIO, M, 32, 14/07/42, ENGINEER, EXMANAGER, EX OFFICIAL CORFO, 4.592.223-5, 17/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 580,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 726.- VICENTI CARTAGENA NECTOR LEONELO, M, 33, 27/04/40, TEACHER, 4.489.289-8, /09/73, 17/10/73, COPIAPO, COPIAPO, 03,03,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 280, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 727.- VILUGRON REYES JORGE ORLANDO, M, 27, 19/07/46, TEACHER, 4.290.424-4, 01/10/73, 08/10/73, AYSEN, AYSEN,11,11,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 425,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 728.- WEGNER MILLAR ABSALON DEL CARMEN, M, 31, 16/07/42, MEDICAL SURGEON, HEALTH AREA DIRECTOR, 4.582.370-9, /11/73, 13/12/73, SAN FELIPE, SAN FELIPE,05,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 301,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 3. Dead or detained-missing between 17th December 1974 and 11th March 1990 729.- ALFARO CASTRO HUGO ENRIQUE, M, 43, 07/10/31, TEACHER, TECHNICIAN IN MINES, 2.954.449-2, 27/01/75, 31/01/75, TOCOPILLA, TOCOPILLA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 578,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 730.- ALVAREZ SANTIBAÑEZ FEDERICO RENATO, M, 32, 25/02/47, HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER, 94.574-, 15/08/79, 21/08/79, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 651,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 731.- ARAYA GONZALEZ HUGO, M, 37, 09/10/35, GRAPHIC JOURNALIST (STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY),, 3.720.561-3,,12/09/76,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 141,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 732.- ARRATIA REYES LEANDRO ABRAHAM, M, 35, 01/07/45, PHOTOGRAPHER, 5.021.348-K, 16/01/81, 18/01/81, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 630,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 733.- ARREDONDO BAEZ ENRIQUE DANTE, M, 40, 30/05/45, ARCHITECT, 5.296.8925,,03/11/85, VALPARAISO, 05,KILLED CNRR V.P.,CNRR PAGE 553, BOMB, CIVILIANS 734.- BIEDMA SCHADEWALDT PATRICIO ANTONIO, M, 31, 13/05/45, SOCIOLOGIST, EX-RESEARCHER UC, TEACHER RESEARCHER CEREN CATHOLIC 89 UNIVERSITY,ARGENTINE, 6.345.032-4, /07/76, ARGENTINA, AR,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 596,,, 735.- BOBADILLA MANUEL ANTONIO, M, 42, 18/02/32, PHOTOGRAPHER, HEAD JAP LA FAENA, 3.923.487-4, 23/12/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 577,,, 736.- CARMONA ACEVEDO AUGUSTO HERIBERTO TADEO, M, 38, 26/09/39, JOURNALIST, 4.334.052-2, 07/12/77, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 629,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 737.- CARRASCO TAPIA JOSE HUMBERTO, M, 43, 28/08/43, JOURNALIST, 4.945.687-5, 08/09/86, 08/09/86, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 648,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 738.- CASTILLO CERNA GABRIEL, M, 43, 04/12/32, PHYSICIAN SOCIALIST PARTY, 3.340.854-4, 11/10/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 567,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 739.- CLAUDET FERNANDEZ JEAN IVES, M, 36, 30/01/39, CHEMICAL ENGINEER, FRANCO-CHILEAN, 3.642.911-9, 01/11/75, ARGENTINA, AR, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 595DETAINED-MISSINGARGENTINA,, 740.- CORVALAN CASTILLO LUIS ALBERTO, M, 28, 02/08/47, ENGINEER AGRONOMIST, 268.420-, 26/10/75, BULGARIA, BG, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 563,, DEAD FOLLOWING TORTURES RECIEVED IN THE YEAR 1973, 741.- DELGADO TAPIA ANA ALICIA, F, 29, 28/07/53, ENGINEER AGRONOMIST, 7.324.624-5, 03/07/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 636,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 742.- GALVEZ RIVADENEIRA GUILLERMO, M, 49, 20/10/26, JOURNALIST, 1.905.224-9, 28/07/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 548,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 743.- GUERRERO CEBALLOS MANUEL LEONIDAS, M, 36, 25/06/48, TEACHER, 5.390.869-1, 29/03/85, 30/03/85, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 650,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 744.- GUGGIANA ESPOZ JOSE MANUEL, M, 40, 30/11/35, SCHOOL TEACHER, EX REGIONAL COORDINATOR OF EDUCATION; 3.738.266-3,07/05/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 565,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 90 745.- GUTIERREZ MARTINEZ MARIA ISABEL, F, 26, 11/10/48, GEOGRAPHER, 5.987.215-K, 24/01/75, VALPARAISO, 05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 529,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 746.- HERRERA MANRIQUEZ GUILLERMO HERNAN, M, 28, 15/01/47, HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER, 5.396.316-, 03/05/75, 05/05/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 572,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., DINA 747.- INSUNZA BASCUÑAN IVAN SERGIO, M, 43, 08/07/33, MEDICAL SURGEON, 3.402.166-K, 04/08/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 550, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 748.- LEON GALVEZ JOSE PATRICIO DEL CARMEN, M, 29, 12/09/45, TEACHER, 4.858.307-5, 16/01/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 524,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 749.- LORCA TOBAR CARLOS ENRIQUE, M, 30, 19/11/44, PHYSICIAN SOCIALIST PARTY, MEMBER POLITICAL COMMISSION CENTRAL COMMITTEE SOCIALIST PARTY, EX-MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT, SOCIALIST PARTY, 5.006.438-7, 25/06/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 574,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 750.- MAGNET FERRERO MARIA CECILIA,F,27,03/12/48,SOCIOLOGIST, MAPU, 5.540.036-9, 16/07/76,,ARGENTINA,,AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 601, DETAINED-MISSING ARGENTINA,, 751.- MAGNI CAMINO CECILIA,F,32,24/02/56,SOCIOLOGIST,,,FPMR, 6.691.270-1, /10/88, 29/10/88,COLCHAGUA,COLCHAGUA,06,06,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 649,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 752.MARTINEZ MEZA AGUSTIN ALAMIRO,M,27,26/03/47,ENGINEER, NEIGHBORHOOD LEADER,,MIR, 5.125.812-6, 01/01/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 523,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 753.- MARTINEZ QUIJON GUILLERMO ALBINO,M,68,21/04/08,TYPESETTER,EXSECRETARY UNION OF PUBLISHERS,,PC,00.677.758-9, 21/07/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 547,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 755.- MATURANA ESPINOZA HECTOR,M,27,15/05/47,SCHOOL TEACHER, 5.027.863-8, 23/12/74,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 585, 91 756.- MATUS DE LA MAZA DIEGO,M,32,06/01/44,ENGINEER, 4.104.420-9, 01/07/76, SAN ANTONIO,,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 560, EXECUTED INVE., 757.- MELLA VERGARA PEDRO SEGUNDO,M,37,18/01/40,TOPOGRAPHER, 4.084.962-9, 14/05/77, ARICA,,01,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 588, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 758.- MONTTI CORDERO EUGENIO IVAN,M,29,04/01/46,ENGINEER MECHANIC, MIR, 5.641.906-3,13/02/75,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 525, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 759.- MUÑOZ POUTAYS ONOFRE JORGE, M, 42, 16/12/33, ENGINEER MINES, 2.595.417-3, 04/05/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE546,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 760.- OBREGON TORRES RAUL RODRIGO, M, 31, 27/08/50, TECHNICIAN TOPOGRAPHER, 5.329.693-9, 13/09/81, VALDIVIA, 10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 631, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,CNI 761.- PACHECO SANCHEZ MONICA DEL CARMEN, F, 26, 03/11/49, SCHOOL TEACHER, 6.297.710-, 18/11/75, 19/11/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 533,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 762.- PALLINI GONZALEZ ROSETTA GIANNA, F, 22, 06/06/53, TEACHER, 6.731.6053, 02/08/75, MEXICO, ,MX,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 394,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,DINA 763.- PARADA MALUENDA JOSE MANUEL, M, 34, 05/05/50, SOCIOLOGIST, 6.050.964-6, 29/03/85, 30/03/85, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 650,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 764.- PARDO PEDEMONTE SERGIO RAUL, M, 25, 21/09/50, BIOLOGO MARINO, 5.392.668-1, 16/06/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 535,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 765.- PELLEGRIN FRIEDMANN RAUL ALEJANDRO, M, 30, 28/10/58, ENGINEER, 06.617.865-K, /10/88, 30/10/88, COLCHAGUA, COLCHAGUA, 06, 06, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 649,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 766.- PEÑA DIAZ SERGIO, M, 36, 21/12/46, PHYSICIAN VETERINARY, 4.903.129-7, 07/09/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 634, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 92 767.- PEÑA MALTES JOSE JULIAN, M, 37, 25/08/50, ENGINEER ELECTRONICS, 6.060.361-8, 09/09/87, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 657,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 768.- PEREIRA PLAZA REINALDA DEL CARMEN, F, 29, 05/05/47, PHYSICIAN TECHNOLOGIST, EX-LEADER HEALTH UNION, 5.319.316-1,15/12/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 554,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 769.- PERELMAN IDE JUAN CARLOS, M, 31, 07/01/44, CHEMICAL ENGINEER, 4.810.842-3, 20/02/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 526,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 770.- PEREZ ALVAREZ HERNAN SANTOS, M, 24, 26/12/52, PHOTOGRAPHER, EXLEADER SETTLEMENT SANTIAGO PINO, 6.074.999-K,19/10/77, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 654,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CNI 771.- PEREZ CORREA MARIO SERGIO, M, 48, 26/12/36, PHYSIOTHERAPIST, 4.013.281-3, 19/07/85, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 684, 772.- QUINCHAVIL SUAREZ LUIS, M, 42, 26/08/38, TEACHER MAPUCHE LANGUAGE, EX-PEASANT LEADERCOMMUNAL COUNCIL, 4.302.538-4, 19/02/81, AR, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 664,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 773.- RETAMAL SEPULVEDA JULIA DEL ROSARIO, F, 54, 21/09/21, TEACHER, 1.729.886-0, 13/08/76, ,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 551,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 774.- RODRIGUEZ PACHECO ALAN WILLIAMS, M, 28, 20/09/56, MATHEMATICIAN, 6.891.336-5, / /,03/01/85, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR ,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 638,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 775.- RODRIGUEZ URZUA ALEJANDRO, M, 49, 28/01/27, ARCHITECT, EXCOUNCILOR, EX-PDT, 2.281.478-8, 27/07/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 549,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 776.- RIVEROS VILLAVICENCIO SERGIO ALBERTO, M, 32, 06/06/42, TYPESETTER, DELEGATE UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), 4.339.6129,15/08/74,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 540,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 93 777.-ROJAS CASTAÑEDA ALFREDO, M, 34, 22/09/40, ENGINEER, EX-RAILWAYS DIRECTOR, 4.019.953-5,04/03/75,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 572,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 778.- ROJAS CUELLAR OSCAR ELIECER, M, 35, 16/12/46, DESIGNER TECHNICIAN, EX-TREASURER "IVESA" UNION, 4.863.185-1, 28/12/81, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 656, DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 779.- ROJAS DE NEGRI RODRIGO ANDRES, M, 19, 07/03/67, PHOTOGRAPHER, 8.494.706-7, / /,06/07/86, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 734, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 780.- ROZAS CONTADOR FRANCISCO JAVIER ALEJANDR, M, 22, 08/03/52, FREE LANCE PHOTOGRAPHER,, 6.595.234-3, 20/12/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 527,,, 781.- SALGADO TROQUIAN ALEJANDRO, M, 30, 08/07/53, PHYSICIAN VETERINARY, 6.550.520-7, / /,07/09/83, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 635, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 782.- SOBARZO NUÑEZ HECTOR PATRICIO, M, 31, 08/09/52, TEACHER,EXSTUDENT LEADER, 5.997.235-9, 03/07/84, 03/07/84, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 636,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 783.- SOTO CERDA JUAN RAMON, M, 30, 25/10/51, LAWYER, TAXIDRIVER, 6.689.043-0, / /,10/11/81, CORDILLERA,,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 633,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 784.- TAMBURINI GUILLERMO ALFREDO, M, 32, 02/10/41, PHYSICIAN, ARGENTINA, 16/07/76,ARGENTINA,,AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 601,,, 785.- TAPIA DE LA PUENTE ROGELIO HUMBERTO, M, 31, 12/03/53, FOREST ENGINEER, 6.373.636-8, 23/08/84, VALDIVIA,,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 638,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 786.- TURIEL PALOMERA MARIANO LEON, M, 30, 07/11/45, ENGINEER HYDRAULICS, 4.649.784-8, 15/07/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 560,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 94 787.- VALENZUELA POHORECKY RECAREDO IGNACIO, M, 30, 02/11/56, ECONOMIST, 7.685.557-9, 15/06/87, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 641,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 788.- VENEGAS ILLANES RATCHEL ELISABETH, F, 24, 27/03/52, TEACHER, 5.931.311-4, /09/76,,ARGENTINA,,AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 600, 789.- VIDAURRAZAGA MANRIQUEZ GASTON FERNANDO, M, 30, 04/08/56, SCHOOL TEACHER, 7.771.833-8, 08/09/86, 08/09/86, MAIPO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 648, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 790.- VILAVELLA ARAUJO ARTURO JORGE, M, 38, 10/11/44, CHEMICAL ENGINEER, 5.031.991-1, / /,07/09/83, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 635,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, M) CLERGY 1.- Murdered or detained-missing between 12th September 1973 and 16th December 1974 791.- ALSINA HURTOS JUAN, M, 31, 28/04/42, PRIEST, EMPLOYEE HOSPITAL, SPANISH,, 6.468.343- 19/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 152,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 792.- AVILA MARQUEZ ROBERTO SEGUNDO, M, 59, 08/05/14, RAILWAYS WORKER, EVANGELIC PRIEST, 1.558.394-0, 27/09/73, 01/10/73, SAN BERNARDO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 238,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 793.- LLIDO MENGUAL ANTONIO, M, 38, 29/04/36, PRIEST, SPANISH, 6.703.513-5, 24/09/74, SANTIAGO,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 516, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 794.- MATIAS ÑANCO JOSE,M,60, PESCADOR, ASSISTANT EVANGELIC PRIEST, 31/10/73, 31/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE405,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY. 795.- POBLETE FERNANDEZ GERARDO FRANCISCO, M, 31, 13/05/42, SALESIAN PRIEST, 04.889.035-0, 21/10/73, 21/10/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 250,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 95 796.- WOODWARD IRIBERRI MICHAEL ROY, M, 42, 25/01/32, PRIEST, CHILEAN BRITISH, 2.282.124-5, /09/73, 22/09/73, VALPARAISO, VALPARAISO, 05, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 294, 2.- Dead or detained-missing between 17th December 1974 797.- JARLAN POURCEL ANDRE, M, 43, 25/05/41, PRIEST, FRENCH, 10.099.923-4, 04/09/84, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 724,,, N) TRADES UNIONISTS 1.- Dead or detained.missing between 12th September 1973 and 16th December 1974 798.- ACEVEDO ESPINOZA RENE, M, 42, 06/04/31, BUILDINGS CHIEF, UNION LEADER, 2.732.135-6, 11/11/73, 14/11/73, VALPARAISO, VALPARAISO, 05,05,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 383,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,MILITARY 799.- ACUÑA YAÑEZ JOSE SALVADOR, M, 29, 01/03/44, WORKER, TREASURER UNION FABRICA DE VIVIENDAS HOGAR, 4.985.192-8,04/10/73, ÑUBLE, , 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 341,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 800.-AEDO HIDALGO LUCIANO, M, 37, 13/12/35, SHOEMAKER, PRESIDENT RURAL SUPPLYING CENTER (CAR), 4.053.650-7, 11/10/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 391,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 801.- AGUILERA AGUILERA MANUEL ANTONIO, M, 45, 17/12/27, WORKER ENDESA, UNION LEADER, 2.761.416-7,27/09/73,,BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 362,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 802.- AGUILERA PEREIRA UBERLINDO DEL ROSARIO, M, 26, 02/08/47, FARM WORKER, PEASANT LEADER, 15/09/73, 15/09/73, CAUQUENES, CAUQUENES,07,07,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 324,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 96 803.- AGUILERA SALAS HERNALDO, M, 28, 17/02/45, FARM WORKER, SETTLEMENT LEADER, 6.680.113-6, 17/10/73, 18/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN,09,09, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 386,,, 804.- ALBORNOZ PRADO HERNAN FERNANDO, M, 23, 02/03/50, FARM WORKER, LEADER SETTLEMENT UNION, 5.956.549-4, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 226,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,CARABIN/CIVILES 805.- ALBORNOZ PRADO JUAN HUMBERTO, M, 25, 12/06/48, FARM WORKER, SECRETARY SETTLEMENT UNION, 5.956.548-6, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 226,DETAINEDMISSING CLARIFIED,,CARABIN/CIVILES 806.- ALCAYAGA ALDUNATE AUGUSTO ANDINO, M, 42, 15/08/31, ACCOUNTANT, PRESIDENT ELECMETAL EMPLOYEES UNION, 2.899.823-, 17/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 157,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 807.- ALCAYAGA VARELA CARLOS ENRIQUE, M, 37, 05/01/36, MASON, UNION LEADER, 3.445.650-K, 12/09/73, 16/10/73, ELQUI, ELQUI,04,04,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 286,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 808.- ALMONACID ARELLANO LUIS ALFREDO, M, 42, 19/08/31, TEACHER, PROVINCIAL SECRETARY CUT, LEADER SUT, 3.368.032-5, 16/09/73,17/09/73,CACHAPOAL, CACHAPOAL,06,06,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 306, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 809.- ALMONACID DUMENEZ LUIS JORGE, M, 22, 05/03/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, STUDENT LEADER, 6.722.824-3, 16/09/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 371,,, 810.-ALTAMIRANO VARGAS JORGE LADIO, M, 19, 11/07/54, FARM WORKER, SECRETARY PEASANT UNION, 6.990.870-5, 15/09/73, OSORNO, 10,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 408,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 811.- ALVAREZ CAÑAS GUILLERMO AMADOR, M, 49, 15/03/24, , PRESIDENT STEVEDORES UNION, 21/09/73, 22/09/73, SAN ANTONIO,SAN ANTONIO,05,05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 296,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 97 812.- ALVEAR ESPINOSA JAVIER SEGUNDO, M, 32, 09/04/41, MECHANIC, LOCAL LEADER, 04.890.612-5, 20/10/73, 20/10/73, TALCA, TALCA, 07,07,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 312,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 813.- ANCAO PAINE ALEJANDRO, M, 42, 20/06/31, FARMER, LEADER CERA "L.CRUZ", COUNCIL MEMBER, 4.671.091-6, 26/09/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 391,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 814.- ANGULO CARRILLO LUCIO HERNAN, M, 37, 27/09/35, FARM WORKER, PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT UNION, 3.905.008-0, 15/09/73, OSORNO, 10,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 408,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 815.-APABLAZA HENRIQUEZ CLORINDA DEL CARMEN, F, 35, 17/08/38, DRESSMAKER, 4.042.542-K, 21/09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 110,,, 816.- ARANDA ROMERO ROBERTO ENRIQUE, M, 37, 08/05/37, ITINERANT SELLER, LOCAL LEADER, 4.095.559-3, 23/08/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 541,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 817.- ARANEDA CONTRERAS VLADIMIR DANIEL, M, 23,15/05/40,SCHOOL TEACHER, DI, 3.048.367-7, 23/09/73, 22/10/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 331,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 818.- ARANEDA REYES LUIS ALBERTO, M, 43, 20/08/30, RAILWAYS MACHINIST, LEADER FEDERATION S.WATTS, . 13.850-, 15/09/73, 18/09/73,BIO BIO,BIO BIO,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 819.- ARIAS VEGA ALBERTO BLADIMIR, M, 19, 28/09/54, MECHANIC WORKER, UNION LEADER, 6.694.842-0, 22/08/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 541,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 820.- ARIAS ZUÑIGA MANUEL JESUS, M, 43, 27/03/30, MECHANIC ENDESA, UNION LEADER, 2.711.645-0, 13/11/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 365,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 821.- ARISMENDI MEDINA OSCAR, M, 46, 18/11/26, FARM WORKER, SETTLEMENT LEADER EL TORO, 2.432.091-K, 19/09/73, 19/10/73, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 421,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 98 822.- ARRAÑO SANCHO LEVY SEGUNDO, M, 27, 20/10/46, FARM WORKER, PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT, 4.934.384-1, 05/01/74, QUILLOTA, 05,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 847,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 823.- ARRIAGADA JEREZ MARIA, F, 40, 28/01/33, SCHOOL TEACHER, LEADER TEACHER PROFESSION, 2.281.748-5, 27/09/73, MALLECO,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 372,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 824.- ARRIAGADA ZUÑIGA JOSE GABRIEL, M, 30, 09/05/43, TOPOGRAPHER, UNION PRESIDENT BUILDING ENTERPRISES, 5.102.246-, 10/10/73, 12/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 403,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 825.- ARROYO PADILLA RUBEN DAVID, M, 24, 24/03/50, CRAFTSMAN, LOCAL LEADER, 5.378.979-K, 25/11/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 520,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 826.- ASTORGA NANJARI JOSE BRAULIO, M, 55, 15/12/18, FURNITURE WORKER, LEADER JAP, 1.239.028-9, 19/12/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 218,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 827.- ASTUDILLO ALVAREZ ENRIQUE RENE, M, 51, 11/04/22, FARM WORKER, PEASANT LEADER, 2.081.476-4, 07/10/73, TALAGANTE,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 223,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 828.- AVENDAÑO ALARCON CELSO SEGUNDO, M, 47, 02/04/26, CRAFTSMAN FURNITURE WORKER, PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT, 2.497.459-6, 21/10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 388,,, 829.- AVENDAÑO BORQUEZ FRANCISCO DEL CARMEN, M, 20, 06/12/52, STUDENT TEACHER PROFESSION, LEADER SUTE, 06.412.152-9, 19/09/73, 19/10/73, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 421,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 830.- BAEZA CRUCES JOSE LUIS, M, 41, 21/07/32, MERCHANT, LEADER UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), 2.471.897-2, 09/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 562,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,AGA/FACH 831.- BARRALES GONZALEZ VICTOR MANUEL, M, 25, 10/07/48, WORKER, LEADER SETTLEMENT SANTIAGO PINO, 5.970.249-1, 30/09/73, 30/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 178,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 99 832.- BARRERA BARRERA JOSE GUILLERMO, M, 30, 14/07/43, , LEADER TRUCK DRIVERS UNION, 4.544.417-1, 14/03/74, MELIPILLA,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 583,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 833.- BARRIGA SOTO JOSE ORLANDO, M, 32, 21/10/40, FOREST WORKER, UNION LEADER, 4.685.044-0, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 399,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 834.- BARRIOS BARROS JUAN BAUTISTA, M, 27, 16/06/47, SHOEMAKER WORKER, UNION LEADER, 5.277.598-1, 27/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 509,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 835.- BASTIAS RIQUELME JUAN BAUTISTA, M, 25, 09/06/48, SMALL FARMER, SETTLEMENT LEADER, 6.154.161-6, 08/10/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 389,,, 836.- BELMAR SOTO MARIO OMAR, M, 30, 13/08/43, WORKER ENDESA, UNION LEADER, 4.998.291-7, 14/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 363,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 837.- BREWE TORRES JULIO ENRIQUE, M, 26, 07/01/47, TEACHER, LEADER SUTE, 04.821.999-3, 18/09/73, 23/10/73, TOCOPILLA, TOCOPILLA, 02,02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 810,,, 838.- BURDILES ALMONACID RENE, M, 21, 14/08/52, FARM WORKER, SECRETARY PEASANT UNION, 6.722.628-3, 16/09/73, OSORNO, 10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 408,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 839.- BURGOS SAEZ ELBA, F, 29, 04/11/43, PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT, LEADER J.A.P., 6.112.227-3, 17/09/73,,BIO -BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 241,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 840.- BUSTAMANTE LLANCAMIL MARIA ESTER, F, 28, 17/05/55, NURSE ASSISTANT, SECRETARY WORKERS FEDERATION AUCAR, 6.913.024-0, /10/73, 05/10/73, OSORNO, OSORNO, 10,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 415,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 841.- BUSTAMANTE SOTELO GUILLERMO DEL CARMEN, M, 39, 18/09/33, FARM WORKER, LOCAL LEADER, UNION PRESIDENT, 4.253.288-6, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 148,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 100 842.- CABRERA NEIRA BERNABE, M, 39, 20/02/34, EMPLOYEE, LEADER CELULOSA ARAUCO UNION, 03.676.851-7, /09/73, 22/10/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 331,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 843.- CADIZ CORTES SERGIO ENRIQUE, M, 28, 20/05/45, FARM WORKER, SECRETARY FEDERATION OF PEASANT UNIONS, 5.282.219-K, 22/10/73, ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 343,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 844.- CAMPOS BARRA EDUARDO ALEJANDRO ALBERTO, M, 29, 07/08/44, CAR TECHNICIAN, LEADER JAP, 2.627.553-9, 13/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 143,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED 845.- CAMPOS MORALES JOSE GABRIEL, M, 26, 04/06/47, FARM WORKER, PEASANT UNION LEADER, 5.808.444-1, 18/09/73, LINARES, 07,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 321,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 846.- CANCINO ARAVENA ANSELMO ANTONIO, M, 26, 08/11/47, FARM WORKER, UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT) DELEGATE, PEASANT LEADER (MCR), 5.839.906-K, 08/12/73, CAUQUENES,,07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 314,DETAINED-MISSING 847.- CANIO CONTRERAS JOSE, M, 34, 10/11/40, FARM WORKER, PEASANT SETTLEMENT LEADER, 4.253.824-8, 14/01/74, CAUTIN,,09,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 385,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 848.- CARCAMO CARRASCO GERMAN SIMON, M, 24, 16/08/49, EMPLOYEE SOCOAGRO, SECRETARY SOCOAGRO UNION, 06.220.333-1, /09/73, 30/10/73, TIERRA DEL FUEGO,TIERRA DEL FUEGO,12,12,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 431,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 849.- CARCAMO SALDAÑA JAIME JUAN, M, 25, 12/01/49, WORKER, PRESIDENT J.A.P., 6.154.929-3, 20/11/74, LINARES, 07,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 204, 850.- CARDENAS ARRIAGADA VALENTIN, M, 29, 20/05/44, FARM WORKER, SETTLEMENT LEADER, 5.374.274-2, 02/10/73, 09/10/73, OSORNO, OSORNO,10,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 414,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 851.- CARFURQUIR VILLALON LUIS CAUPOLICAN, M, 49, 23/05/24, ADMINISTRATOR HOSPITAL, EX-COUNCILOR, LEADER FENATS AND UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), 2.052.732-3, 19/09/73, 101 PITRUFQUEN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR 387,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, VOLUME 1 PAGE 852.- CARRASCO MALDONADO RENE CLAUDIO ROBERTO, M, 27, 06/12/46, CHIEF OF PERSONNEL HOSPITAL DEL RIO, UNION LEADER, 05.746.255-8, 21/12/73, 29/12/73, SANTIAGO, CHACABUCO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 222,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 853.- CARRASCO TORRES JOSE MANUEL, M, 43, 20/08/30, ACCOUNTANT, MALLECO PEASANT SETTLEMENTS COORDINATOR, 02.985.307-K, 10/10/73, 12/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 403,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 854.- CASTILLO GAETE ROGELIO JOSE, M, 32, 29/10/40, AGRONOMIST, MEMBER JAP, 04.617.389-9, 13/09/73, TALCA, 07,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 310,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 855.- COFRE MARTINEZ GERMAN RENE, M, 30, 01/01/43, EMPLOYEE MUNICIPAL, LOCAL LEADER, 6.548.333-5, 24/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 236,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,IDENTIFIED IN CEMETERY YARD 29,FACH 856.- COFRE OBADILLA JOSE LORENZO, M, 42, 20/09/31, FARM WORKER, LEADER PEASANT UNION, 28/09/73, ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 346,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 857.- CORTES ALVAREZ HIPOLITO PEDRO, M, 43, 30/01/30, MUNICIPAL WORKER, UNION LEADER, 3.215.962-1, 22/09/73, 16/10/73, LIMARI, ELQUI, 04,04,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 287,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 858.- CORTES CASTRO BERNARDO DEL TRAN SITO, M, 20, 08/08/53, UNIVERSITY STUDENT,STUDENT LEADER, MEMBER GRUPO LIT, 6.010.206-6, 04/04/74, 05/04/74, ELQUI,ELQUI,04,04,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 499,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 859.- CORTES CORTES OSCAR ARMANDO, M, 48, 25/07/25, TAYLOR, LOCAL LEADER, 2.346.075-0, 23/09/73, 16/10/73, LIMARI, ELQUI, 04,04,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 287,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 860.- CORTES DIAZ JOSE ROSAMEL, M, 35, 04/05/38, FOREST WORKER, UNION LEADER, 4.244.520-7, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 399,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 102 861.- CORTES VALDIVIA GASTON OF JESUS, M, 39, 01/08/34, WORKER, SECRETARY INDUSTRIAL UNION CCU, 3.472.874-7, 29/12/73, ANTOFAGASTA,,02,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 485,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 862.- COUSSY BENAVIDES PLUTARCO ENRIQUE, M, 32, 22/06/41, WORKER ENDESA, UNION LEADER, 4.641.919-7, 21/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 361/,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 863.- CUEVAS MOYA CARLOS ALBERTO, M, 21, 25/04/52, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, LEADER VEC, 05.761.424-2, 20/12/73, 21/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 219,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,DINA 864.- CURIHUAL PAILLAN PEDRO, M, 24, 22/10/48, FARM WORKER, SECRETARY FARM WORKERS UNION, 6.237.606-6, 15/09/73, CAUTIN, 09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 387,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 865.- CHACON SALGADO ARTURO, M, 40, 27/07/33, SMALL FARMER, SECRETARY COMMITTEE PEASANT UNION, 3.612.183-1,17/09/73, OSORNO, 10,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 410,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 866.- CHANFREAU OYARCE ALFONSO RENE, M, 23, 22/12/50, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, STUDENT LEADER, REGIONAL LEADER 5.770.991-K, 30/07/74,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 510,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 867.- DE CASTRO LOPEZ BERNARDO, M, 35, 01/11/38, PUBLICITY DESIGNER, UNION LEADER, 4.182.895-1, 14/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 514,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 868.- DEVIA DEVIA JOSE ROSA, M, 27, 24/02/46, SOLDERER, UNION LEADER ELECMETAL, 5.087.823-, 17/09/73, 17/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 157,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 869.- DIAZ FIERRO JUAN CARLOS, M, 27, 08/10/45, EMPLOYEE, LEADER FENATRADECO AND UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), 04.856.893-9, 19/09/73, 20/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 167,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 870.- DIAZ TORO JOSE ABEL, M, 28, 05/12/44, FARM WORKER, UNION LEADER, 5.349.305-K, 27/09/73, CAUTIN, 09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 383,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 103 871.DOCKENDORFF NAVARRETE MURIEL, F, 23, 02/03/51, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, STUDENT LEADER, 6.814.402-7, 06/08/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE510,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 872.- DOMINGUEZ JARA GUSTAVO EFRAIN, M, 28, 21/11/45, FARM WORKER, SETTLEMENT LEADER, 5.335.519-6, 11/10/73, ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 347,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 873.- DOMINGUEZ JARA TOMAS ROGELIO, M, 25, 24/10/49, FARM WORKER, SETTLEMENT LEADER, 6.183.065-0, 11/10/73,,ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 347,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 874.- ELGUETA ELGUETA MANUEL GASTON, M, 27, 27/09/46, HEALTH PROFESSOR S.N.S., LEADER FENATS, 05.737.737-2, 26/10/73, 25/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN,09,09,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 377,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 875.- ESPINOZA BARRIENTOS PEDRO SEGUNDO, M, 32, 21/01/41, FARM WORKER, FARM UNION PRESIDENT, . 75.520-18/10/73, VALDIVIA,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 253,IN CIVIL POLICE,,MILITARY 876.- FERNANDEZ BARRERA LUIS ANSELMO, M, 32, 28/11/40, CRAFTSMAN, LEADER TOLOSA FARM OCCUPATION, 4.188.133-K, 25/09/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 387,,, 877.- FERNANDEZ COLOMA VICTORIANO SEGUNDO, M, 28, 23/09/45, TRACTOR DRIVER,PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT "POR LA RAZON O LA FUERZA", . 29.530-, 12/12/73, 12/12/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 350,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,MILITARY, 878.- FERNANDEZ CUEVAS JUAN DAGOBERTO, M, 24, 07/01/49, SOLDERER, SECRETARY ELECMETAL UNION, 17/09/73, 17/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 157,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 879.- FERNANDEZ CUEVAS MIGUEL ALBERTO, M, 22, 11/07/51, WORKER, ELECMETAL UNION COORDINATOR, 17/09/73, 17/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 157,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 880.- FERRADA SANDOVAL LUIS ARNALDO, M, 41, 28/10/31, FARM WORKER, SETTLEMENT LEADER, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 399,,, 104 881.- FIERRO INOSTROZA JOEL, M, 50, 17/09/23, FOREST WORKER, UNION LEADER, EX-COUNCILOR ENTRE LAGOS, 3.823.413-7, 17/09/73, OSORNO,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 410,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 882.- FLORES RIVERA ALEJANDRO, M, 33, 17/07/40, CIVIL OFFICIAL S.N.S., UNION LEADER, REGIONAL PRESIDENT F, 3.783.886-1, 02/10/73, 05/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09,09,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 374,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 883.- FUENTEALBA HERRERA CARLOS ROBERTO, M, 29, 13/08/45, ELECTRICIAN PLANTA IANSA, UNION LEADER, 5.258.253-9, 22/06/74, 22/06/74, TALCA,TALCA,07,07,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 172, 884.- GALLARDO AGUERO NESTOR ALFONSO, M, 25, 12/05/49, ACCOUNTANT, 5.911.205-8, 28/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 515,,, 885.- GARCIA CANCINO NARCISO SEGUNDO, M, 31, 13/03/42, WORKER, UNION LEADER, 4.508.549-K, 07/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 399,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 886.- GARCIA MORALES SANTIAGO SEGUNDO, M, 26, 29/07/47, FOREST WORKER, MEMBER FOREST WORKERS UNION, 05.955.869-2, 25/09/73, 04/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA,10,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 397, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 887.- GODOY ACUÑA JOSE DOMINGO, M, 20, 30/07/53, FARM WORKER, UNION LEADER, 7.346.862-0, 20/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 355, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 888.- GODOY ACUÑA JOSE MARIANO, M, 25, 28/10/47, FARM WORKER, UNION LEADER, 5.733.710-9, 20/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 355 ,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 889.- GODOY ACUÑA JOSE NAZARIO, M, 22, 12/06/51, FARM WORKER, UNION LEADER, 6.760.976-K, 20/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 355,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 890.- GODOY ROMAN FRANCISCO BALTAZAR, M, 49, 01/05/24, SMALL FARMER, LEADER SMALL FARMERS, SECRETARY, 2.159.629-9, 18/09/73, MAIPO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 228,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLIC E)S. PAINE/CIVIL 105 891.- GOMEZ FARIAS OSCAR ARMANDO, M, 31, 25/02/42, EMPLOYEE HEALTH WORKS, 4.238.324-4, 12/09/73, 27/12/73, SAN ANTONIO, SAN ANTONIO, 05, 05, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 299,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 892.- GONZALEZ DELGADO JUAN WALTER,M,31,23/12/41, ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEE, UNION LEADER, 5.727.748-3, 08/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA,VALDIVIA,10,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 399, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 893.- GONZALEZ MAUREIRA SERVANDO ANTONIO, M, 27, 01/03/46, CALDRON WORKER, PRESIDENT RAYON S.A. UNION, 5.804.593-4, 24/09/73, 25/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 101,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 894.- GONZALEZ SANDOVAL ISELCIO ENRIQUE, M, 24, 13/01/49, FARM WORKER, LEADER J.A.P., 5.734.951-4, 27/09/73, 27/09/73, MAIPO, MAIPO,,13,KILLED CNRR (DD),CNRR PAGE 107,DETAINED-MISSING CLARI-FIED,IN 1991 SE IDENTIFICARON SUS RESTOS POR PERICIA,MILITARY SAN B 895.- GUAJARDO BETTANCOURT CELSO ALAMIRO, M, 51, 14/11/22, WORKER BUILDING, MEMBER BUILDING WORKERS UNION, 1.704.578-4, 12/01/74,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 283, UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARAB.AND MILITAR 896.- HEREDIA VASQUEZ MIGUEL ANDRES, M, 23, 29/10/50, PLUMBER HOSPITAL BARROS LUCO,LOCAL LEADER, 6.008.192-1, 26/12/73, SANTIAGO, 13,, DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 213,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,FACH 897.- HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ JOSE ABRAHAM, M, 51, 01/11/21, FARM WORKER, LEADER SETTLEMENT, 2.018.995-9,01/10/73,,BIO BIO, 08,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE359,,, 898.- HIDALGO RIVAS MANUEL SEGUNDO, M, 23, 28/05/50, WORKER, UNION LEADER, 6.309.339-4, 12/10/73, 19/10/73, RIO LOA,RIO LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 270,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 899.- HOYOS SALAZAR ROLANDO JORGE, M, 38, 20/03/35, WORKER MECHANIC, UNION LEADER AND SPORTSMAN, 3.436.984-4, 12/10/73, 19/10/73, RIO LOA,RIO LOA,02,02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 271,,, 106 900.- HUENTEQUEO ALMONACID REINALDO, M, 30, 10/12/42, SMALL FARMER, SECRETARY COMMITTEE SMALL FARMERS, 5.872.323-1, 06/10/73, VALDIVIA,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 416,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 901.- IRIBARREN LEONARDO ANTONIO, M, 41, 23/12/31, MINER, UNION LEADER, 3.274.250-5, 26/10/73, HUASCO,,03,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 228, 902.- JIMENEZ JIMENEZ JAIME, M, 29, 13/04/44, WORKER, UNION LEADER, 5.653.466-, 17/10/73, 21/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 204,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 903.- JIMENEZ MACHUCA ARMANDO ENRIQUE, M, 38, 23/04/35, STEVEDORE, UNION LEADER, NOT KNOWN, 03.502.642-8, 22/09/73, 22/09/73, TEJAS VERDES, 05, 05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 296,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 904.- JOFRE JOFRE JOSE SILVERIO, M, 44, 20/06/29, FARM WORKER, UNION LEADER, 04/10/73, 27/10/73, BIO BIO,BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 365,,, 905.- KUNZE DURAN TITO GUILLERMO, M, 42, 22/09/30, EMPLOYEE, PRESIDENT TEXTILE UNION BURGER, 02.746.742-, 12/09/73, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 140, CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 906.- KRUTELER QUIJADA ALBERTO SEGUNDO, M, 47, 15/01/26, FARMER, 14/09/73,,VILLARRICA,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 394, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 907.- KUNZE DURAN TITO GUILLERMO, M, 42, 22/09/30, EMPLOYEE, PRESIDENT TEXTILE UNION BURGER, 02.746.742-, 12/09/73, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO , SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 140, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 908.- LAMANA ABARZUA JORGE ANDRES, M, 27, 04/06/46, EMPLOYEE CMPC, WELFARE UNION DELEGATE CMPC; INTEG, . 27.715-, 15/09/73, /09/73, BIO BIO,BIO BIO,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 909.- LAMICH VIDAL JORGE RUBEN, M, 48, 24/05/26, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, LEADER BUILDING UNION BUIN, . 24.276-, 13/08/74, 14/08/74, MAIPO, MAIPO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 501,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 107 910.- LARA PETROVICH EDUARDO ENRIQUE, M, 35, 10/11/38, INDUSTRIAL MECHANIC MAINTENANCE, UNION LEADER, 3.747.590-4, 15/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 540,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 911.- LAZO QUINTEROS CARLOS ENRIQUE, M, 41, 11/09/32, FARM WORKER, SETTLEMENT LEADER, 4.254.293-8, 16/10/73, MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 912.- LEPIN ANTILAF SEGUNDO, M, 30, 21/05/43, SMALL FARMER,MEMBER JAP, 05.872.413-0, 07/10/73,08/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 384,,,MILIT/CARAB/CIV 913.- LINCOPAN CALFULAF FRANCISCO JAVIER, M, 41, 03/05/32, FOREST WORKER,LEADER OF LA UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT)VALDIVIA, 3.126.336-0, /09/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA,10,10,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 348, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,MILITARY 914.- LIZAMA CARIQUEO MANUEL, M, 30, 23/04/44, FARM WORKER, SECRETARY UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT) TEMUCO, SETTLEMENT LEADER,,, 4.739.682-4, /10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 383,,, 915.- LIZAMA IRARRAZABAL FRANCISCO JAVIER, M, 34, 07/06/39, FARM WORKER, PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT EL PATAGUAL, 04.115.360-1, 13/10/73, 13/11/73, MAIPO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 232, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 916.- LONCOPAN CANIUQUEO MARIANO, M, 43, 06/12/30, SMALL FARMER, LEADER SMALL FARMERS, 2.836.100-9, /10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 394,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 917.- LOPEZ ALIAGA MARIO, M, 35, 22/03/38, TRACTOR DRIVER CORA, LEADER FARM COOPERATIVE, 3.988.916-1, 19/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 352,,, 918.- LLANCALEO CALFULEN LEANDRO, M, 30, 24/05/44, FARMER, UNION LEADER, /12/74, ARGENTINA,,AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 600, 919.- LLANQUILEF VELASQUEZ NELSON NOLBERTO, M, 25, 19/07/48, WORKER M.O.P., UNION LEADER, AREA LEADER YOUNG SOCIALISTS (P.S.), 5.984.299-4, 108 /10/73, PALENA, 10,,DETAINED-MISSING 420,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 920.- MADRID GALVEZ RAFAEL ANTONIO, M, 23, 03/03/50, UNIVERSITY STUDENT, SUDENT LEADER UNION STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, 5.311.777-, 03/10/73, 04/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 185, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY.GUARDIA VIEJA 921.- MAMANI LOPEZ DOMINGO, M, 41, 12/05/32, EMPLOYEE (ENAEX), UNION LEADER, 2.915.772-3, 30/09/73, 19/10/73, CALAMA, CALAMA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 270,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 922.- MANZANO CORTES OSVALDO MARIO, M, 32, TEXTILE WORKER , PRESIDENT UNION RAYON SAID, 00.090.663-, 17/09/73, 18/01/74, QUILLOTA, QUILLOTA, 05, 05, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 495, 923.- MANZO SANTIBAÑEZ GASTON RAIMUNDO, M, 34, 04/12/38, WORKER, LOCAL LEADER, EX-CANDIDATO A RE, 12/09/73, 12/09/73, MELIPILLA, MELIPILLA, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 155, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 924.- MARIN ROSSEL JORGE ROGELIO, M, 19, 05/07/54, TECHNICIAN SHIPYARD EMPORCHI, LEADER YOUNG SOCIALISTS (P.S.), 6.901.273-6, 28/09/73, IQUIQUE, 01, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 248,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 925.- MARTINEZ ALDANA JUAN DOMINGO, M, 42, 31/05/31, TECHNICIAN SHOES AND LEATHER, LEADER SHOES AND LEATHER CONFEDERATION DO, 2.932.373-, 03/12/73, 07/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 243,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 926.- MATURANA PEREZ JUAN BAUTISTA, M, 29, 18/07/45, MERCHANT, NEIGHBORHOOD LEADER, 5.272.452-K, 24/08/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 542,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 927.- MAUREIRA GAJARDO RENE DEL ROSARIO, M, 40, 01/10/33, MER-CHANT, MEMBER JAP, 2.955.539-7, 16/10/73, MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 928.- MENDEZ MENDEZ DANIEL, M, 42, 31/08/31, FOREST WORKER, UNION LEADER, 3.077.309-8, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 400,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 109 929.- MERINO FIGUEROA JUAN CARLOS, M, 20, 03/12/53, STUDENT, LEADER YOUNG SOCIALISTS (P.S.), LEADER JAP, 26/11/73, 27/11/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 214,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 930.- MILLAR SANHUEZA WILLIAM ROBERT, M, 41, 28/09/31, RAILWAYS EMPLOYEE , UNION LEADER , 2.615.777-3, 24/09/73, IQUIQUE,,01,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 248,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 931.- MOLINA GUERRERO JOSE GABRIEL, M, 31, 25/04/42, LOCKSMITH, LOCAL LEADER, 4.182.595-2, 22/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 170, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 932.- MONROY SEGUEL LEOMERES, M, 25, 17/10/48, FARM WORKER, SETTLEMENT LEADER, 6.158.261-4, 17/10/73, 18/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 386, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 933.- MONSALVE TOLEDO WALDEMAR SEGUNDO, M, 26, 12/04/47, MECHA-NIC INDUSTRIAL, LOCAL LEADER, MEMBER JAP, 5.406.942-1, 12/10/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 198,,, 934.- MONSALVES MARTINEZ ADIEL, M, 41, 11/08/32, MECHANIC RAILWAY SHOP, LEADER CONSEJO WORKER SHOP, 28/09/73, 05/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 240, OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED., 935.- MONTECINOS URRA CARLOS ROBERTO, M, 43, 20/10/29, CRAFTSMAN, COUNCILOR COMMUNIST PARTY COIHUECO, LEADER PEASANT, 2.758.427-6, 27/09/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 346,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 936.- MORA OSSES SEBASTIAN, M, 47, 18/05/26, FOREST WORKER,PEA-SANT LEADER, 2.490.962-K, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 400,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 937.- MORALES ALVAREZ JOSE LENINGRADO, M, 31, 07/10/41, WORKER, COUNCIL LEADER RAILROAD EMPLOYEES , 3.648.671-2, 28/09/73, 06/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 240, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 938.- MORENO FUENZALIDA GERMAN RODOLFO, M, 26, 07/03/48, WORKER AND UNIVERSITY STUDENT ., UNION LEADER HEALTH AREA, 5.277.604-K, 15/07/74, 110 SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 507, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 939.- MOSCOSO QUIROZ RAUL ELISEO, M, 24, 28/07/49, WORKER, LEADER SETTLEMENT SANTIAGO PINO, 7.165.069-3, 30/09/73, 30/09/73, SAN-TIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 178, OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 940.- MOYANO SANTANDER MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 24, 05/03/49, WORKER,UNION DELEGATE STANDARD ELECTRIC, 06.086.257-5, 16/01/74, 04/02/74, SANTIAGO, SAN ANTONIO, 05, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 497, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 941.- MUÑOZ CONCHA JOSE EDULIO, M, 21, 04/01/52, WORKER, LOCAL LEADER, /09/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 371, 942.- MUÑOZ MESIAS CARLOS ABEL, M, 39, 20/03/34, WORKER CENTRAL EL TORO, UNION LEADER EL TORO, .129.470-, 28/11/73, 28/11/73, TALCA, TALCA, 07, 07, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 157,,,MILITARY 943.- MUÑOZ MUÑOZ MILTON ALFREDO, M, 33, 29/06/40, WORKER, UNION LEADER, 4.341.554-9, 12/10/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 271,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 944.- MUÑOZ PEÑALOZA JORGE HERNAN, M, 28, 08/08/45, FARM WORKER, SETTLEMENT LEADER, 5.305.510-9, 16/10/73, MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 945.- MUÑOZ PEÑALOZA MARIO ENRIQUE, M, 24, 15/01/49, FARM WORKER, SETTLEMENT LEADER, 5.969.277-1, 16/10/73, MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)/MILITARY 947.- MUÑOZ MUÑOZ HERALDO DEL CARMEN, M, 27, 20/12/45, PLUMBER CMPC, LEADER JAP, . 16.707-, 13/09/73, 18/09/73, BIO BIO,BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 948.- MUÑOZ MUÑOZ MILTON ALFREDO, M, 33, 29/06/40, WORKER, UNION LEADER, 4.341.554-9, 12/10/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 271,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 111 949.- MUÑOZ MUÑOZ RAUL ANTONIO, M, 50, 12/10/22, EMPLOYEE HARDWA-RE STORE MONTERO, UNION LEADER, 1.508.020-5, 29/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 177,,, 950.- MUTARELLO SOZA VITALIO ORLANDO, M, 28, 26/05/45, WORKER SOQUIMICH, UNION PRESIDENT SOQUIMICH, 4.920.179-6, 12/09/73, TOCOPILLA,,02,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 273,DETAI-NEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 951.- NAVARRETE SOLAR JUAN GUILLERMO, M, 37, 26/02/36, EMPLOYEE, UNION LEADER, 3.698.727-8, 21/01/74, 21/01/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 496, OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 952.- NEIRA SALAS MAXIMO SEGUNDO, M, 34, 22/08/39, ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEE, UNION LEADER SIGDO KOPPER, 04.426.600-8, /09/73, 11/10/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 331, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 953.- NUÑEZ GONZALEZ ELOY EMILIO,M,35,06/12/37,CONCIERGE,LEADER JAP, 5.542.508-6, 17/12/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 89,,, 954.- NUÑEZ GONZALEZ SAMUEL ALFREDO, M, 47, 11/11/26, STEVEDORE, UNION LEADER STEVEDORES , /09/73, 22/09/73, SAN ANTONIO, SAN ANTONIO, 05, 05,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 296,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. MILITARY 955.- OLIVA ESPINOZA ABRAHAM, M, 41, 21/08/32, FARM WORKER, PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT PEASANT, 3.997.386-3, 02/12/73, 02/12/73, LLANQUIHUE,LLANQUIHUE,10,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 423,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 956.- OLIVARES PEREZ MARIO SAMUEL, M, 27, 19/11/45, WORKER MECHA-NIC ENDESA, UNION LEADER CENTRAL EL TORO, 5.456.453-8, 17/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 361/,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 957.- ORELLANA GATICA JOSE, M, 23, 27/04/50, FARM WORKER, PEASANT LEADER, 23/09/73, BIO BIO, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 358, 958.- ORELLANA MEZA JOSE GUILLERMO, M, 35, 19/08/38, WORKER HOSPITAL BARROS LUCO, UNION LEADER, 4.141.446-4, 22/01/74, SAN-TIAGO, 13, 112 DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 568,DETAINED-MISSING 959.- ORTEGA ALEGRIA GILBERTO ANTONIO, M, 39, 10/07/34, EMPLOYEE, UNION LEADER, NOT KNOWN, 10/10/73, 12/10/73, 10,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 403,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 960.- ORTIZ ACEVEDO JUAN MANUEL, M, 38, 04/06/35, FARM WORKER, PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT, 03.862.269-2, 13/10/73, 13/11/73, MAIPO, CORDILLERA, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 232,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 961.- ORTIZ ACEVEDO LUIS CELERINO, M, 36, 05/01/37, FARM WORKER, PRESIDENT JAP, VICEPRESIDENT ASENTAMIE, 4.001.077-7, 13/10/73, 13/11/73, MAIPO, CORDILLERA, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 232, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 962.- OYARCE JUAN, M, 50, 16/11/22, SELLER, TREASURER UNIONCATO SUPLEMENTEROS, 2.836.598-5, 28/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 348,,, 963.- PALLERAS NORAMBUENA ADOLFO MARIO, M, 26, 18/11/46, MER-CHANT, LEADER SETTLEMENT ARNOLDO RIOS, 05.931.780-6, 11/10/73, 17/10/73, COPIAPO, COPIAPO, 03, 03,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 280, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 964.- PANGUINAMUN AILEF JOSE ROSARIO SEGUNDO, M, 31, 10/09/42, WORKER, EX-CANDIDATE COUNCILOR, LEADER SETTLEMENT, .100.696-, 09/10/73, OSORNO, 10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 418,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 965.- PARADA GONZALEZ ALEJANDRO ARTURO, M, 22, 08/01/52, UNIVER-SITY STUDENT, REGIONAL LEADER YOUNG SOCIALISTS (P.S.), 6.616.170-6, 30/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 568,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 966.- PARRA GUZMAN MARIO, M, 29, 08/12/43, WORKER, UNION LEADER "CHILEAN AUTOS", 04.491.881-, 27/09/73, 27/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 177,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY PATR. 967.- PAVEZ HENRIQUEZ JORGE MANUEL, M, 25, 30/06/48, FARM WORKER, VICEPRESIDENT SETTLEMENT EL PATAGUAL, 5.458.972-7, 13/10/73, MAIPO, 113 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 232,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, MILITARY. INFANTERY SCHOOL, 968.- PERALTA GAJARDO CALIXTO JUAN OF DIOS, M, 29, 08/03/44, UNEMPLOYED, UNION LEADER, 4.607.626-5, 29/01/74, 29/01/74, SAN-TIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 496,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 969.- PEREZ NAVARRETE ADELINO ALFONSO, M, 36, 18/11/36, FARM WORKER, NEIGHBORHOOD AND UNION LEADER , DELEGATE C, 3.816.715-4, 15/09/73,,BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 350,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 970.- PINO BAEZA GILBERTO OF LA CRUZ, M, 32, 21/06/41, FARM WORKER, UNION PEASANT LEADER, TREASURER A,,, 4.686.679-7, 22/10/73, ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 343,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 971.- PINTO PINTO JOSE FELIDOR, M, 52, 12/01/21, FARM WORKER, PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT CAMPO LINDO, 2.619.806-2, 19/09/73, BIO-BIO, 08, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 357,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 972.- POBLETE CORDOVA PEDRO ENRIQUE, M, 27, 24/05/47, METALURGIC WORKER , UNION LEADER, 5.205.522-9, 19/07/74, SANTIA-GO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 508,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 973.- QUIROZ PEZOA LAUREANO, M, 42, 20/10/30, FARM WORKER, MEMBER JAP, 4.570.858-6, 16/10/73, MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 974.- REBOLLEDO MENDEZ ROSENDO, M, 40, 03/05/33, WORKER, UNION LEADER, 4.142.986-0, 07/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 400,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 975.- REYES PIÑA DANIEL ABRAHAM, M, 24, 30/12/49, BARBER, NEIGH-BORHOOD LEADER, EX-LEADER JAP, 6.131.636-1, 18/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 508,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 976.- RIVERA CATRICHEO LUIS ALFREDO, M, 52, 28/12/18, FOREST WORKER, PEASANT LEADER, 2.185.370-4, 10/10/73, VALDIVIA,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 401, DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 114 977.- ROBLES PANTOJA ROBERTO ATZEL, M, 38, 04/07/35, TEXTILE WORKER , UNION LEADER INDUSTRIA SUMAR, 3.145.142-, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 261,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE, 978.- RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ ARTAGNAN, M, 27, 19/07/47, LOCKSMITH, LEADER SECRETARY HOMELESS SETTLERS , 5.119.091-2, 24/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 511,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 979.- RODRIGUEZ VILLANUEVA SERGIO GERVASIO, M, 37, 19/06/36, SOLDERER, UNION LEADER, 3.785.174-4, /09/73,,VALDIVIA,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 214,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)? 980.- ROJAS CORTES JOSE EXEQUIEL, M, 39, 10/04/34, MERCHANT, LOCAL LEADER, FINANCES HEAD REG, 3.255.471-7, 12/09/73, 16/09/73, CHOAPA, CHOAPA,04,04,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 290, CARABINE-RO(PARAMILITARY POLICE)(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 981.- ROJO ALFARO HECTOR, M, 43, 15/02/30, STEVEDORE, SECRETARY COMACH, NATIONAL LEADER SI, 02.485.550-3, 22/09/73, 22/09/73, SAN ANTONIO, SAN ANTONIO, 05, 05, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 295, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 982.- RUBILAR MORALES GERARDO ISMAEL, M, 25, 13/04/48, WORKER BUILDING, UNION LEADER, 6.195.188-1, 25/01/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 539,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 983.- RUBIO LLANCAO JUAN OF DIOS, M, 38, 06/12/34, SMALL FARMER, LEADER INDIAN COMMUNITY , 3.864.796-2, 12/09/73, BIO BIO, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 198,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILI-TARY POLICE) 984.- RUBIO LLANCAO JULIO ALBERTO, M, 36, 06/06/37, FARMER, LEADER INDIAN COMMUNITY , 4.199.850-4, 12/09/73, BIO BIO, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 198,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 985.- SAAVEDRA BETANCOURT JOSE ALFONSO, M, 37, 21/10/35, SMITH, UNION LEADER, 3.863.730-4, 13/09/73, TALCA,,07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 320, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 986.- SAEZ ESPINOZA LUIS ONOFRE, M, 37, 13/09/36, WORKER CMPC, UNION SECRETARY CMPC, MEMBER UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT) P, .223.637-, 20/09/73, /09/73, BIO BIO,BIO BIO,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 367,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, 115 987.- SAEZ FUENTES ZENON, M, 42, 30/03/31, DRIVER MECHANIC HOSPI-TAL, UNION LEADER, 2.947.084-7, 03/10/73, CONCEPCION, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 329,DETAINED-MISSING OFFI-CIAL LIST,, 988.- SALAS RIQUELME MARIO GABRIEL, M, 24, 05/06/49, WORKER, LOCAL LEADER, 5.475.194-K, 30/09/73, 30/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 178,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. MILITARY 989.- SALAZAR SALAZAR ERNESTO RAUL, M, 38, 20/02/35, WORKER, PRESIDENT UNION HOME BUILDING ENTERPRISE , 3.893.269-1, 04/10/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 341,,, 990.- SANTANA ALARCON RAUL, M, 29, 15/10/43, ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY OF CHILE, LOCAL LEADER, DELEGATE UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERA-TION (CUT), 04.740.442-8, 17/09/73, /09/73, OSORNO, OSORNO, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 412,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 991.- SANTIS QUIJADA CEFERINO DEL CARMEN, M, 31, 18/03/42, WOR-KER, PRESIDENT UNION RAYONHIL, MEMBER F, 4.739.997-1, 12/09/73, SAN ANTONIO,,05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 297,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST, MILITARY 992.- SEGUEL MUÑOZ NIBALDO CAYETANO, M, 32, 07/08/41, WORKER MUNICIPAL, COUNCILOR MULCHEN, LEADER UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDE-RATION (CUT), 4.831.360-4, 27/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MIS-SING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 358,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 993.- SERRANO GALAZ ROBERTO RAUL, M, 34, 02/09/39, FARM WORKER, LEADER PEASANT FEDERATION , 4.417.389-1, 16/10/73, MAIPO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233,,, 994.- SILVA CARREÑO LUIS, M, 43, 19/08/30, FARM WORKER, SETTLE-MENT LEADER, 24.362-, 16/10/73, MAIPO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 995.- SEPULVEDA NUÑEZ LUIS LEOPOLDO, M, 27, 17/05/46, SOLDERER ENDESA, UNION LEADER, 5.034.151-8, 17/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 361,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 996.- SOLAR MIRANDA RICARDO JORGE, M, 23, 01/06/50, WORKER, LOCAL LEADER, 6.111.679-, 19/09/73, 11/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR 116 VOLUME 1 PAGE 241,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINE-ROS (PARA-MILITARY POLICE). 997.- SOTO PEREDO GUSTAVO, M, 50, 29/09/22, SHOEMAKER, LOCAL LEADER, 1.092.227-5, 13/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 155,, 998.- TAPIA TAPIA BENITO OF LOS SANTOS, M, 32, 02/02/41, EMPLOYEE COBRESAL, UNION LEADER, MEMBER CENTRAL COMMITTEE , 4.158.558-7, 17/09/73, 17/10/73, ATACAMA,COPIAPO,03,03,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 287, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 999.- TORO ROMERO ENRIQUE SEGUNDO, M, 28, 12/11/45, WORKER RAIL-ROAD , UNION VICEPRESIDENT RAILROAD WORKERS , 4.660.882-, 10/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 540,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1000.- TORRES SALAZAR JAIME BERNARDO, M, 21, 21/07/52, WORKER, SECRETARY REGIONAL COMMITTEE MIR, 6.890.465-K, 16/09/73, CAUQUE-NES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 320,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1001.- VALDIVIA FRANCISCO GABRIEL, M, 34, 04/10/39, WORKER ENAEX, UNION PRESIDENT WORKERS DUPONT-ENAE, 4.006.624-1, 04/10/73, 06/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 267,, 1002.- VARGAS QUEZADA RUBEN, M, 51, 06/06/22, WORKER, UNION LEADER, 2.943.233-3, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA,10,10,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 400,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1003.- VEGA GONZALEZ OSCAR, M, 67, 31/08/06, FARM WORKER, UNION PEASANT LEADER, 19/09/73, 22/11/73, COPIAPO, ANTOFAGASTA,, 02,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 406,EXECUTED INVE., SUICIDE FOLLOWING REPRESSION , 1004.- VERGARA MUÑOZ GABRIEL GONZALO, M, 22, 10/01/51, FARM WORKER, PEASANT LEADER, 6.801.735-1, 12/10/73, 16/10/73, LIMARI, ELQUI, 04,04, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 287,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 1005.- VIDAL PANGUILEF JOSE MATEO SEGUNDO, M, 26, 23/02/47, CARPENTER, LEADER UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT) OSORNO, SETTLERS LEADER , 05.214.167-2, 17/09/73, OSORNO,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 412,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 117 1006.- VIDAL PEREIRA RUDY FREDDY, M, 27, 29/11/45, EMPLOYEE,LOCAL LEADER, 22/11/73, 22/11/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 243,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1007.- VILLARROEL ESPINOZA JUAN OF DIOS, M, 33, 06/11/39, WORKER CMPC, UNION LEADER CMPC, . 13.330-,14/09/73,18/09/73,BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 367,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1008.- ZAPATA AGUILA CARLOS, M, 28, 31/03/45, TRACTOR DRIVER, COMMUNAL LEADER SOCIALIST PARTY, UNION PRESIDENT , 5.269.544-9, 17/09/73, OSORNO, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 409,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1009.- ZELAYA SUAZO CARLOS HUGO, M, 40, 20/02/33, WORKER, UNION LEADER VIÑA CARAFI, 3.344.153-3, 07/02/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 583,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 1010.- YAÑEZ OLAVE JORGE BERNABE, M, 29, 02/09/44, JOURNALIST, PEASANT LEADER, 5.349.832-9, 16/09/73, CAUQUENES, 07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 320,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST. 2.- Dead or detained-missing between 17th December 1974 and 11th March 1990 1011.- ARAYA ARAYA PASCUAL ANTONIO, M, 25, 07/11/50, PEASANT LEADER, 6.109.628-0,,24/02/76,,CANADA,,CA,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 397,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,MILITARY 1012.- ARAYA CASTILLO ALFONSO DEL CARMEN, M, 27, 17/09/48, FURNI-TURE WORKER, UNION LEADER BUILDING, 5.347.584-1, 09/09/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 566,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1013.- ARAYA VILLANUEVA RAFAEL SEGUNDO, M, 34, 19/07/41, PIRQUI-NERO, UNION LEADER, 4.739.244-6,06/04/76,,COPIAPO,,03,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 564,,,SECURITY AGENTS . 1014.- ASCENCIO SUBIABRE JOSE RAMON, M, 30, 01/11/45, CRAFTSMAN, PRESIDENT JAP CONCHALI, 6.006.291-9,29/12/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 544,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1015.- ATENCIO CORTEZ VICENTE, M, 46, 16/09/29, WORKER BUILDING WORKER, EX-PARLAMENTARY, LEADER UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), 118 2.865.638-6, 11/08/76, SANTIAGO, ,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 549,,, 1016.- CARRASCO TAPIA JOSE HUMBERTO, M, 43, 28/08/43, JOURNALIST, JOURNALIST UNION LEADER , 4.945.687-5, 08/09/86, 08/09/86, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 648,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1017.- CORTES JELVEZ PEDRO BLAS, M, 38, 12/08/37, WORKER, UNION LEADER DISPUTADA OF LAS COND, 3.637.732-1, /11/75, 19/11/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 533,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1018.- DALL ORSO BADILLA CARLOS PATRICIO, M, 36, 15/10/50, CRAFTSMAN, UNION LEADER CRAFTSMEN, 6.176.911-0, 03/07/86, VALPA-RAISO,,05,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 416,,, 1019.- FARIAS NARANJO JOSE CARLOS, M, 26, 26/10/57, WORKER BUIL-DING, SECRETARY UNION BUILDING, 8.447.686-2, 13/11/83, MELIPI-LLA, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1020.- FERNANDEZ LOPEZ MARIO GILBERTO, M, 49, 15/11/34, CARRIER WORKER, TRUCK DRIVERS LEADER NO, 3.144.569-8, 17/10/84, 18/10/87, LA SERENA, 04, 04,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 652,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1021.- GONZALEZ ORTIZ FRANCISCO JUAN, M, 27, 01/08/49, HARDWARE INSTALLER , NATIONAL LEADER CONSTRUCTION FEDERATION , 5.743.956-4, 09/09/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 566,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1022.- JERIA SILVA ENRIQUE, M, 37, 06/04/39, WORKER BUILDING, 4.257.329-, 18/08/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 552, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1023.- LARA ROJAS FERNANDO ANTONIO, M, 27, 12/03/49, AGRONOMIST, 6.175.429-6, 07/05/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 547, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1025.- LEIVA JIMENEZ OSCAR ARMANDO, M, 27, 24/12/47, PHOTOGRAP-HER, . 2.179-, 14/11/75, 14/11/75, ANTOFAGASTA, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 538, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 119 1026.- MATURANA GONZALEZ LUIS EMILIO GERARDO, M, 26, 14/09/49, SCHOOL TEACHER, 5.192.381-2, 08/06/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 560,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, COMANDO CONJUNTO 1027.- MOLINA MOGOLLONES JUAN RENE, M, 29, 08/06/45, AGRONOMIST CONAF, PRESIDENT UNION EMPLOYEES CONAF, 5.086.347-6, 29/01/75, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 524,DETAI-NEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1028.- MORALES MAZUELA VICTOR HUGO, M, 45, 17/01/31, HEAD OF BUILDING WORKERS, UNION LEADER BUILDING, 2.632.423-8, 09/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 551,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST 1029.- MORALES RAMIREZ MIGUEL LUIS, M, 31, 11/10/44, ITINERANT MERCHANT, SECRETARY UNION SELLERS MOTE CON HUESILLO, 5.083.545-6, 03/05/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 565, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1030.- NEHGME CRISTI JECAR ANTONIO, M, 28, 25/03/61, POLITIC LEA-DER , 8.962.053-8, 04/09/89, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 649, 1031.- NUÑEZ CANTILLANA FRANCISCO RAFAEL, M, 61, 27/09/27, WORKER BUILDING, UNION LEADER OF LA BUILDING, 2.618.546-7, 28/11/89, ,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 400, KILLED BY CIVILIANS UNDER POLITICAL PRETEXTS, 1032.- PACHECO AVENDAÑO HECTOR SEGUNDO, M, 54, 20/01/35, LATHE OPERATOR MECHANIC, NEIGHBORHOOD LEADER, HUMAN RIGHTS GROUP CAPI-LLA, 3.748.669-8, 14/11/89, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 657,,, 1033.- SEPULVEDA MALBRAN ALEJANDRO RODRIGO, M, 27, 02/05/53, TECHNICIAN MECHANIC, 5.714.172-7, 24/12/80, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 300, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1034.- SOBARZO LUQUE PEDRO SEGUNDO, M, 55, 24/11/27, RETIRED, NEIGHBORHOOD LEADER, 01.982.538-8, 01/11/83, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 395, EXECUTED F.L.,KILLED BY CIVILIANS UNDER POLITICAL PRETEXTS, "FRENTE CERO" 120 1035.- TOLOZA VASQUEZ JOSE VICENTE, M, 30, 17/07/45, LINOTYPE WORKER, LEADER YOUTH DEPARTAMENT UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERA-TION (CUT), 5.019.913-4, 15/07/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 548,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1036.- TREJO SAAVEDRA LUIS HERNAN, M, 46, 24/03/29, MUNICIPAL WORKER , LEADER MUNICIPAL WORKERS , 2.950.604-3, 15/09/75, CURI-CO, 07, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 586, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1037.- VALENCIA CASTILLO JULIO SEGUNDO, M, 32, 08/09/51, TAXIDRI-VER, LEADER COMMITTEE ALLEGADOS, 6.243.330-2, / /, 28/09/84, CORDILLERA, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 726,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1038.- VARGAS ARANCIBIA CARLOS ANTONIO, M, 34, 15/04/41, ELECTRI-CIAN, UNION LEADER; JRR MILITANT(YOUNG RADICAL PARTY), 3.914.837-4, 29/05/75, QUILLOTA, 05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 586,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1039.- VEGA RAMIREZ LUIS EDUARDO, M, 26, 08/01/49, FARM WORKER, VICEPRESIDENT PEASANT CONFEDERATION R, 5.646.177-9, 12/09/75, CURICO,07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 579,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1040.- VERDUGO HERRERA SERGIO ORLANDO, M, 50, 18/12/25, BUILDER, PRESIDENT UNION SOC.CONSTRUCT.ESTAB, 41.978. -, 20/07/76, 21/07/76, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 364,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, 1041.- YEVENES YEVENES SIMON EDUARDO, M, 42, 17/06/43, MERCHANT, LOCAL LEADER, 04.465.612-4, / /, 02/04/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 687,,, O) MEMBERS OF UNIVERSITY STAFF 1.- Murdered or disappeared between 12th September 1973 and 16th December 1974 1042.- LIZARDI FLORES HUMBERTO, M, 26, 10/04/47, UNIVERSITY TEACHER, 04.999.175-4, 11/09/73, 11/10/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE,01,01,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 253,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 121 1043.- MORALES JARA RUBEN EDUARDO, M, 29, 11/10/44, UNIVERSITY TEACHER, 5.249.032-4, TEMUCO,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 375, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1044.- PALOMINO BENITEZ VICENTE SEGUNDO, M, 30, 10/08/44, UNIVER-SITY TEACHER, 4.485.460-0, 16/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 514,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1045.- PEÑA HEN JORGE WASHINGTON, M, 45, 16/01/28, UNIVERSITY TEACHER, MUSICIAN, SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA CONDUCTOR UNIVERSITY OF CHILE, 2.366.128-4, 19/09/73, 16/10/73, ELQUI, ELQUI, 04, 04,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 287,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1046.- RAMIREZ SEPULVEDA MARIO ALBERTO, M, 44, 25/08/29, UNIVER-SITY TEACHER, 2.749.414-5, 27/09/73, 16/10/73, ELQUI, ELQUI, 04, 04, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 287,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1047.- SANCHEZ ARGUEN FRANCISCO SEGUNDO, M, 43, 25/10/29, UNIVER-SITY TEACHER, 2.661.761-8, 01/10/73, ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 340,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1048.- TORO GARLAND GONZALO MARCIAL, M, 47, 11/08/27, UNIVERSITY TEACHER, 2.443.249-1, 04/04/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 504,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,DINA 1049.- VALENZUELA SALAZAR HECTOR DARIO, M, 27, 06/04/46, UNIVER-SITY TEACHER, 5.347.004-1, / /, 14/09/73, TALCA,,07,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 310,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1050.- VENTURELLI LEONELLI OMAR ROBERTO, M, 31, 01/02/42, UNIVER-SITY TEACHER UNIVERSITY C., FORMER PRIEST, ITALIAN -CHILEAN,, 4.304.3293,25/09/73,,CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 375,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2.- Dead or detained.missing betwen 17th December 1974 and 11th March 1990 1051.- AVALOS DAVIDSON ALEJANDRO JUAN, M, 31, 16/12/44, UNIVER-SITY TEACHER, 4.908.195-2, 20/11/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 544,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 122 1052.- GARCIA VEGA ALFREDO GABRIEL, M, 30, 13/08/44, UNIVERSITY TEACHER, 4.939.772-0, 18/01/75, VALPARAISO, 05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 528,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1053.- ORTIZ LETELIER JUAN FERNANDO, M, 54, 24/06/22, UNIVERSITY TEACHER, COUNCIL NORMA, 1.611.532-0,15/12/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 553,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1054.- OSSA GALDAMEZ JAIME IGNACIO, M, 32, 02/10/43, UNIVERSITY TEACHER, 4.529.032-, 20/10/75, 25/10/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 532,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, P) OTHERS 1.- Murdered or detained-missing on 11th September 1973 1055.- NORAMBUENA INOSTROZA DOMINGO ANTONIO, M, 38, 16/06/35, FOREST WORKER, 3.884.739-2, 11/09/73, BIO BIO, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 195,, MILITARY 1056.- ROJAS MENDEZ JOSE ADOLFO, M, 21, 17/08/53, SELLER, 11/09/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 196, MILI-TARY 1057.- TORRES TORRES BENITO, M, 57, 17/12/15, HARDWARE INSTALLER , .617.816-, 11/09/73, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 138, 1058.- VALENCIA HINOJOSA JUAN, M, 51, 09/09/22, PROVINCIAL HEAD ECA, 02.170.808-9, 11/09/73, 11/10/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 253, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1059.- VALDIVIA ARAYA JAVIER EDGARDO, M, 25, 10/01/48, MECHANIC, 5.696.051-1, 11/09/73, HUASCO, 03, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 283, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2.- Murdered or missing betwen 12th September 1973 and 16th December 1974 123 1060.- ABARCA SANCHEZ LUIS ANTONIO, M, 22, 17/08/51, TEXTILE WORKER, 6.597.177-1, 26/11/73, 27/11/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 212,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1061.- ACEVEDO PEREIRA ALFREDO, M, 27, 21/10/45, WORKER RAILWAY SHOP, 28/09/73, 06/10/73, MAIPO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 239,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1062.- ACUÑA INOSTROZA CARLOS MAXIMILIANO, M, 46, 08/11/26, FOREST WORKER, 2.584.018-6, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDI-VIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 399,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 1063.- ACUÑA PACHECO EJIDIO ROESPIER, M, 24, 25/07/49, FARM WORKER, .112.270-, 16/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 350, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1064.- ACUÑA SEPULVEDA DANIEL, M, 69, 18/04/10, RETIRED, 13/08/79, ELQUI, 04, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 645,,, 1065.- ACUÑA TORRES ALVARO JAVIER, M, 25, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 5.164.242-2, 23/09/73, 24/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 122,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1066.- ADASME MORA JOSE ABRAHAM, M, 21, 21/04/52, ITINERANT SELLER, 5.876.057-9, /10/73, 22/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 176,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1067.- ADASME NUÑEZ JOSE DOMINGO, M, 37, 04/03/36, FARM WORKER, 4.062.237-3, 16/10/73, MAIPO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 1068.- ADLER ZULUETA CARLOS RODOLFO, M, 25, 17/07/48, NOT KNOWN, ARGENTINA, 16/10/73, 17/10/73, SANTIAGO,SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 205,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1069.- AEDO GUERRERO SERGIO, M, 35, 13/04/38, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 141, OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY. 1070.- AEDO LANDEROS MANUEL JESUS, M, 24, 10/11/48, CARPENTER, 6.092.676K, 18/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 357,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 124 1071.- AGUILAR NUÑEZ SERGIO EMILIO, M, 27, 20/10/45, MERCHANT, 5.195.100-K, 22/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 118,,, 1072.- AGUILERA SOLIS DESIDERIO, M, 42, 10/02/31, FARM WORKER, 3.234.091-1, 20/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 355,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1073.- ARIAS RAMIREZ LUIS ARMANDO, M, 22, 20/08/51, CRAFTSMAN, 6.878.5707, 22/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 115,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1074.- ARREDONDO GONZALEZ JUAN GUILLERMO, M, 33, 25/06/40, LATHE OPERATOR MECHANIC, 04.188.305-, 22/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 170,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1075.- ARRIAGADA CORTES JOSE MANUEL, M, 19, SELLER, /10/73, 12/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 403,,, 1076.- ASTUDILLO CELEDON JOSE LUIS, M, 16, 16/06/57, MOVER WORKER , 17/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 251,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1077.- ASTUDILLO MONSALVE CARLOS HUMBERTO, M, 38, 26/09/73, PRESS WORKER , 3.288.403-2, 25/09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO,13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 126,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1078.- BARRIA BASSAY HECTOR ALEJANDRO, M, 27, 25/04/46, SCHOOL ASSISTANT , 5.760.307-0, 16/10/73, OSORNO,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 418,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1079.- BECERRA HIDALGO MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 00, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, INFORMERE DINA LINARES, PATRIA AND LIBERTAD, 29/07/74, LINARES,,07,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 501,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1080.- BRAVO RIVAS GUILLERMO ALBERTO, M, 21, 26/05/52, UNEMPLO-YED, 06.518.228-9, 06/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 245DETAINED-MISSINGCIVIL POLICE,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1081.- BRAVO ZUÑIGA CARLOS RAUL, M, 24, 28/03/49, PIONETA, 5.663.199-2, 17/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 95,,, 125 1082.- CABRERA ORTIZ TRANSITO DEL CARMEN,M,28,04/05/45,TEXTILE WORKER, 4.879.129-8,27/09/73,09/10/73,CONCEPCION,CONCEPCION,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 330,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1083.- CACERES MUÑOZ MANUEL DAVID, M, 60, 12/11/13, MUNICIPAL WORKER, 1.480.620-2, 19/12/73, 21/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 221,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 1084.- CACERES PAVEZ GUILLERMO OF JESUS, M, 36, 04/06/37, ITINE-RANT MERCHANT, 4.150.085-9, 20/09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SAN-TIAGO, 13,13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 111,,, 1085.- CACERES PEREDO DANIEL ENRIQUE, M, 17, 03/03/57, NO ACTI-VITY, 20/07/74, 21/07/74, MAIPO, MAIPO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 503,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1086.- CACERES SANTIBAÑEZ ROBERTO HERNAN, M, 16, 29/07/57, ITINE-RANT MERCHANT, 24/09/73, 24/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 174,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1087.- CADIZ MOLINA LUIS NELSON, M, 28, 23/07/45, MERCHANT, 5.870.255-2, 14/09/73, MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 226,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1088.- CADIZ NORAMBUENA JAIME DEL TRANSITO, M, 23, 07/03/51, WORKER, EX-GAP, 6.052.376-2, 17/07/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 508,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1089.- CALDERON CORTES LUIS ERNESTO, M, 22, 26/08/51, WORKER BUILDING, 6.854.185-9, 14/09/73, VALPARAISO, 05,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 81, 1090.- CALDERON NILO FRANCISCO JAVIER, M, 19, 23/01/54, FARM WORKER, 7.270.136-4, 03/10/73, 03/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 230,DETAINED-MISSING CLARI-FIED,,MILITARY 1091.- CALDERON SALDAÑO SANTOS PASCUAL, M, 27, 26/12/45, FARM WORKER, 5.625.030-, 20/10/73, 23/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 234,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1092.- CALFIL HUICHAMAN LORENZO MAXIMILIANO, M, 50, 05/09/24, MERCHANT, 3.209.948-3, 10/10/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 246,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 126 1093.- CALZADILLA ROMERO IRAN DEL TRANSITO, M, 22, 17/11/51, TEXTILE WORKER, 06.467.697-0, 05/10/73, 20/12/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 333,,, 1094.- CAMPOS DIAZ SEBASTIAN HERNALDO, M, 24, 10/04/49, ASSISTANT ELECTRICIAN, 2.387.046-0, 16/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 354,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1095.- CAMPOS GATICA JUAN FERNANDO, M, 31, 26/01/42, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 02/10/73, 02/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 138,,, 1096.- CAMPOS ROJAS ELSA OF LAS MERCEDES, F, 18, 22/02/55, WOR-KER, 7.511.643-8, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 296,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE /EXHUMED FROM CEME-TERY YARD 29,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1097.- CAMPOS VINES HERIBERTO, M, 71, 02/07/02, FARMER, .805.167-4, 16/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 230DETAINEDMISSING CIVIL POLICE,, 1098.- CAMUS SILVA BENJAMIN ADOLFO, M, 31, 28/08/42, FARM WORKER, 48.838. -, 20/10/73, 23/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 234,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1099.- CANALES VENEGAS ISAIAS RODOLFO, M, 23, 02/06/50, CONCIERGE MADEMSA, 6.395.969-3, 04/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR V.P.,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 187,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1100.- CANALES VIVANCO LUIS ALBERTO, M, 27, 10/06/46, EMPLOYEE, 05.575.850-6, 20/12/73, 21/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 220,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, CAÑAS ACEVEDO JUAN RAMIRO, M, 18, 21/04/55, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 6.924.032-1,20/09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 111,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1101.- CANCINO ALCAINO EDUARDO GUILLERMO, M, 26, 04/05/48, WOR-KER, .158.390-, 21/08/74, 30/08/74, RANCAGUA, SANTIAGO (CERTIF.), 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 512,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 127 1102.- CANDIA ACEVEDO MARIO ANGEL, M, 26, 10/08/47, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 6.694.844-7, 02/10/73, 02/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 139,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1103.-CANDIA NUÑEZ HUGO DEL ROSARIO, M, 21, 07/10/52, EMPLOYEE, 06.090.763-3, 26/09/73, 11/10/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 331,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1104.- CANDIA SALINAS SERGIO ORLANDO, M, 28, 04/07/45, BUTCHER, 06.225.529-3, 20/10/73, 20/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 209,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINE-ROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1105.- CANDIA VASQUEZ CARLOS GERMAN, M, 17, 07/07/56, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 7.695.612-K, 16/10/73, 18/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 169,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,SETTLEMENT INTERVENTION ,FACH 1106.- CANELO MAUREIRA LUIS ENRIQUE, M, 22, 26/02/51, WORKER, .554.502-, 02/01/74, 02/01/74, VALPARAISO, VALPARAISO, 05, 05, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 189,,, 1107.- CANTO GUTIERREZ MANUEL FERNANDO, M, 18, 06/05/55, ITINE-RANT SELLER, 7.799.916-7, 05/10/73, 06/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 187,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,MILITARY 1108.- CAPETILLO MORA RAMON ALFREDO, M, 25, 15/06/48, FARM WOR-KER, 6.063.209-K, 08/10/73, MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 231,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1109.- CARCAMO NAVARRO DAGOBERTO SEGUNDO, M, 20, 21/07/53, WOR-KER, 07.269.257-8, 17/10/73, 17/10/73, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10, 10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 421,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1110.- CARDENAS GOMEZ EDGARD EUGENIO, M, 24, 03/02/49, RADIOTECHNICIAN, 6.308.311-9, 05/10/73, OSORNO, 10,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 415,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1111.- CARDENAS PEREZ JUAN CARLOS, M, 25, 28/08/49, WORKER BUIL-DING, 6.291.676-1, 05/02/74, MAGALLANES,,12,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 362,,POWER ABUSE,MILITAR 128 1112.- CARDENAS SOTO HERNAN, M, 34, SHOEMAKER, 4.608.897-, 15/10/73, 15/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 209,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1113.- CARDENAS VILLEGAS MARCELINO, M, 40, 06/01/33, TRACTOR DRIVER, 3.449.135-6, 30/12/73, OSORNO,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 266,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1114.- CARILAF HUENCHUPAN GREGORIA, F, 72, 20/10/, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 03.734.062-6, 16/11/73, CAUTIN,,09,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 384,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1115.- CARMONA PARADA ANGEL PATRICIO, M, 24, 19/01/50, ITINERANT SELLER, 6.416.642-5, 01/05/74, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 362,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,POWER ABUSE,MILITARY 1116.- CARO BASTIAS LUIS HUMBERTO, M, 30, 03/08/43, LOADING WORKER, 4.947.515-2, 15/09/73, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 86,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1117.- CARPANCHAI CHOQUE JERONIMO JORGE, M, 28, 30/09/45, DRIVER ENAEX, 5.580.824-4, 12/10/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 270,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1118.- CARRASCO CACERES CARLOS AURELIO, M, 26, 03/08/47, DRIVER, 05.407.710-6, 14/12/73, 31/12/73, SAN ANTONIO, SAN ANTONIO, 05, 05, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 299,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILI-TARY 1119.- CARRASCO PEREIRA FERNANDO ALBINO, M, 25, 09/07/48, TAXI-DRIVER, 06.209.168-1, 14/09/73, 14/09/73, ÑUBLE, ÑUBLE,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 344,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1120.- CARRASCO RIVEROS JORGE, M, 27, WORKER BUILDING, 5.572.147-5, 20/09/73, 05/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 142,,, 1121.- CARRASCO TOLOZA ROBUSTIANO, M, 45, 12/12/27, FARMER, 02.720.845-2, 18/10/73, CONCEPCION, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 331,,, 1122.- CARRASCO VARGAS ABEL, M, 39, 12/10/33, WORKER ENDESA, EX UNION LEADER, 3.382.395-9, 27/09/73,,BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MIS-SING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 362,,, 129 1123.- CARRERO CHANQUEO RAMON, M, 53, 31/08/20, FARM WORKER, 5.874.3836, 21/11/73, 21/11/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN,09,09,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 183,,,MILITARY 1124.- CARVAJAL GONZALEZ AGAPITO DEL CARMEN, M, 31, 28/11/41, DRIVER SANITARY WORKS , 04.730.948-4, /10/73, 17/10/73, COPIA-PO, COPIAPO, 03, 03, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 279,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1125.- CARVAJAL GONZALEZ FERNANDO DEL CARMEN, M, 30, 05/07/43, OFFICE EMPLOYEE , 04.913.199-2, 22/09/73,1 6/10/73, COPIAPO, COPIAPO, 03,03, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 279,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1126.- CARVALLO LIRA ENRIQUE ARMANDO, M, 21, 13/11/51, NO ACTI-VITY, 6.464.486-6, /09/73, 27/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 129, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1127.- CASANOVA PINO MARIO EDUARDO, M, 34, 29/07/39, TEMPORARY WORKS , 4.441.476-7, 17/09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13, KILLED CNRR (DD),CNRR PAGE 123 DETAINED-MISSINGCIVIL POLI-CE,DEATH NON REGISTERED, REMAINS NOT DELIVERED,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 4TA 1128.- CASTAÑEDA ESCOBAR MARIO ANTONIO, M, 51, 25/05/22, ELECTRI-CIAN, 1.511.252-2, 23/09/73, 24/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 124,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1129.- CASTILLO AHUMADA LUIS ANTONIO, M, 22, 15/03/51, NOT KNOWN, 06.485.316-3, /09/73, 03/10/73, BIO BIO,BIO BIO,08,08,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 306,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1130.- CASTILLO ALEGRIA VICTOR MOISES, M, 27, 25/07/46, WATCHMA-KER, EXLOCAL LEADER, 5.785.047-7, 09/10/73, 10/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 195,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S.RENCA 1131.- CASTILLO ANDRADE MAGUINDO ANTONIO, M, 40, 14/04/33, EMPLO -YEE, 3.531.803-8, 15/09/73, 17/10/73, COPIAPO, COPIAPO, 03,03,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 281,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1132.- CASTILLO BARRUETO VICTOR MANUEL, M, 27, 03/02/46, MER-CHANT, 5.019.923-1, 19/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 102,EXECUTED F.L.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 130 1133.- CASTILLO CASTILLO ROMAN ARMANDO, M, 18, 17/09/55, ITINE-RANT SELLER, 7.689.150-8, 19/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 102,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINE-ROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 1134.- CASTILLO SOTO MANUEL SEGUNDO, M, 27, 06/08/46, UPHOLSTE-RER, 4.447.264-, 01/02/74, 02/02/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 192,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1135.- CASTRO ALVAREZ JOSE EUGENIO, M, 21, 19/12/51, SHOEMAKER, 5.877.1252, 14/09/73, CONCEPCION,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 327,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1136.- CASTRO BRITO JUAN ISAIAS, M, 28, 23/10/45, WORKER BUIL-DING, 4.778.877-3, 19/05/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 490,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1137.- CASTRO CALDERA RAUL HUMBERTO, M, 23, 17/05/50, EMPLOYEE RAILWAY SHOP, 5.741.842-, 28/09/73, 06/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 240,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1138.- CASTRO LOPEZ CARLOS ALBERTO, M, 20, 16/11/52, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 7.697.864-6, 15/09/73, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 148,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1139.- CASTRO LOPEZ DANIEL ANTONIO, M, 68, 13/06/05, MERCHANT AND CORRESPONDENT , EX-COUNCILOR, . 83.626-5, 10/10/73,, VALDIVIA, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 401,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1140.- CASTRO SAAVEDRA SERGIO MANUEL, M, 15, 29/10/57, ASSISTANT ITINERANT MARKET , 15/10/73, 15/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 201,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARAMILITARY POLICE)S.MILITARY.CO.RENC 1141.- CASTRO SAEZ HECTOR GUILLERMO, M, 16, 24/12/56, FARM WOR-KER, 7.641.477-7, 24/09/73, 08/03/74, MAIPO, MAIPO,13,13,DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 229,DETAINED-MISSING CLARI-FIED,,MILITARY 1142.- CATALAN LIZANA LUIS ELOY, M, 46, 06/05/27, WORKER, 2.499.664-6, 16/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 91,,, 131 1143.- CATALAN PAILLAL MANUEL ELIAS, M, 27, 26/07/46, SMALL FARMER, 5.493.847-0, 13/09/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 381,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1144.- CAYUAN CANIUQUEO MAURICIO SEGUNDO, M, 22, 28/06/51, WOR-KER, 6.282.059-4, 02/10/73, 02/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 183,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARAB.COMI 12 1145.- CAYUL TRANAMIL SEGUNDO, M, 34, 23/08/39, SMALL FARMER, 4.444.6677, /05/74, 03/06/74, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 198,,, 1146.- CAYUMAN CAYUMAN CARLOS ALBERTO, M, 31, 05/08/42, WORKER FOREST WORKER, 7.028.627-0, 10/10/73, VALDIVIA,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 401,,, 1147.- CEA CABEZAS PEDRO PASCUAL, M, 50, 10/11/23, PEASANT , 3.753.094-8, 12/10/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 353,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1148.- CEA FIGUEROA HERNAN, M, 38, 25/05/35, TEXTILE WORKER, 03.555.031-, 12/09/73, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 144,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1149.- CENDAN ALMADA JUAN ANGEL, M, 22, 28/01/51, EMPLOYEE HOTEL TUPAHUE, FROM URUGUAY, MOVIMIENTO TUPAMARO, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 225, MILITARY 1150.- CEPEDA VENEGAS AUGUSTO RAMON, M, 20, 06/05/53, ELECTRICIAN, 6.360.252-3, 19/09/73, 20/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 107,,, 1151.- CERDA LUCERO JUAN BAUTISTA, M, 27, 15/10/45, BUSDRIVER , /09/73, 16/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE155,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1152.- CERDA ZUÑIGA PEDRO ANTONIO, M, 33, 28/04/40, FARM WORKER, 4.450.618-1, 13/09/73, 13/09/73, MELIPILLA, MELIPILLA, 13,13, KILLED CNRR (DD), CNRR PAGE 93,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,DEATH NON REGISTERED, REMAINS NOT DELIVERED,MILITARY 1153.- CERNA HUARD OSVALDO DEL CARMEN, M, 22, 18/09/52, ACCOUN-TANT, HEAD OF SALES SOCOAGRO, 6.916.637-7, 15/11/74, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 563,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 132 1154.- CERON BARROS JUAN ARTURO, M, 32, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 19/09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 175,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARMIL 1155.- CESPEDES PINTO ALFONSO, M, 54, 11/05/19, SHOEMAKER, .561.635-2, 19/09/73, CAUTIN, 09,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 232,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1156.- CID CID LUIS ALBERTO, M, 47, 07/07/26, FARM WORKER, . 41.241-, 20/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 357,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1157.- CID FUENTEALBA CRISTINO HUMBERTO, M, 41, 22/01/32, FARM WORKER, 3.257.523-4, 13/09/73, BIO-BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 356,,, 1158.- CIFUENTES NORAMBUENA GASTON EDUARDO, M, 25, 28/01/49, MERCHANT, 6.025.839-2, 03/12/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 571,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1159.- CLAVERIA INOSTROZA JORGE CRISTIAN, M, 19, 01/09/54, SE-LLER, 10/10/73, 18/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 207,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1160.- COBO AHUMADA JORGE RAUL, M, 28, 09/01/45, NO ACTIVITY, /09/73, 27/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 131,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1161.- COLPIHUEQUE LICAN ELEUTERIO RAMON, M, 26, 28/06/47, SMALL FARMER, 5.919.268-K, /10/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 259,,,MILITARY 1162.- COLPIHUEQUE NAVARRETE ALBERTO, M, 57, 01/01/16, SMALL FARMER, 2.716.650-4, /10/73, ,CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 259,,,MILITARY 1163.- COLLIO NAIN HERIBERTO, M, 50, FARMER, 08/10/73, 08/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 384,MILIT/CARAB/CIV 1164.- CONCHA VILLEGAS HUGO ANTONIO, M, 29, 11/08/45, WORKER MECHANIC, EX-UNION LEADER COMANDARI, 4.963.758-6, 13/08/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING 133 CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 548,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1165.- CONEJEROS TRONCOSO JOSE ENRIQUE, M, 32, 18/08/41, FARM WORKER, 4.693.259-5, 02/10/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 383,,, 1166.- CONTRERAS CACERES AUDITO NEFTALI, M, 21, 19/06/53, FURNI-TURE WORKER, 6.965.328-6, 23/09/73, 05/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 143,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1167.- CONTRERAS ESCAMILLA LUIS HERIBERTO, M, 43, 01/10/30, ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN , 2.871.685-, 10/11/73, 15/11/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 243,,, 1168.- CONTRERAS GODOY JORGE ABEL, M, 31, 27/09/42, ELECTRICIAN, 4.743.713-K, 01/10/73, 16/10/73, CHOAPA, ELQUI, 04,04,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 287,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1169.- CONTRERAS PLOTSQUI EXEQUIEL ZIGOMAR, M, 21, 09/07/52, SPORTSMAN, 987.509-2, 30/03/74, CAUTIN,,09,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,,,EFECT.EJERCITO 1170.- CONTRERAS SANTANDER AGUSTIN, M, 32, 15/05/42, WORKER, 4.369.516-9, 09/09/74, 11/09/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 201, 1171.- CORDERO MUÑOZ LUIS ALBERTO, M, 33, 06/05/40, DRIVER, 4.372.855-5, 20/03/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 489,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 1172.- CORDOVA YAÑEZ JUAN MIGUEL, M, 38, 12/06/35, MASON, 07/10/73, 07/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 148,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1173.- CORIA CALDERON JUAN JORGE, M, 19, 07/06/54, WORKER, 23/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 119,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,F.CONJUNTAS 1174.- CORONADO ASTUDILLO JOSE ABEL, M, 20, 19/12/52, WORKER ENDESA, 6.528.173-2, 17/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 351,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1175.- CORTES AMAYA RUBEN DEL CARMEN, M, 26, 09/04/47, SHOEMAKER, 10/10/73,11/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 155,,, 134 1176.- CORTES CONTRERAS ABELARDO OF LA CRUZ, M, 39, ITINERANT SELLER, 3.339.552-3, 19/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 112, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINE-ROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1177.- CORTES MORALES HIJO NONATO OF M. ANGELICA, N, /09/73, VALPARAISO, 05,KILLED CNRR (H.NON.),CNRR PAGE 437, INTRAUTERINE LIFE INTERRUPTED, CONSCRIPT 1178.- CORTES PINTO LUIS ENRIQUE, M, 25, 12/05/48, LOADING WORKER VEGA, 6.082.743-5, 17/01/74, 17/01/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 502,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1179.- CORVALAN CERDA AGUSTIN SERGIO, M, 20, 28/08/53, WORKER, 6.614.528K, 19/01/74, 26/01/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 192,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1180.- COSSIO PEREZ MOISES DEL CARMEN, M, 32, 12/03/41, NOT KNOWN, 04.361.549-, 12/09/73, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE236,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1181.- CUADRA ESPINOZA JUAN GUILLERMO, M, 26, 22/08/47, FARM WORKER, 5.484.366-6, 24/09/73, 05/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 229,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1182.- CUBILLOS GALVEZ CARLOS LUIS, M, 20, 02/09/53, ITINERANT MERCHANT, EX-LOCAL LEADER SETTLEMENT VIET, 5.717.894-9, 04/06/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 505,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,DINA 1183.- CUBILLOS GUAJARDO DOMINGO CLEMENTE, M, 19, 04/08/54, WORKER, 7.314.872-3, 18/01/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 489,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARABI-NEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1184.- CUELLAR ALBORNOZ FLORENCIO ESTEBAN, M, 21, 29/09/52, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 7.079.960-K, 13/10/73, 14/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 159,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1185.- CUELLO ALVAREZ GUILLERMO NELSON, M, 30, 19/02/43, HEAD JEFE OF GARAGE CORFO, 05.009.727-7, 13/09/73, 19/10/73, ANTOFA-GASTA, 135 ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 264,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1186.- CUEVAS CIFUENTES JOSE BERNARDINO, M, 47, 05/08/26, FARM WORKER, 5.373.974-, /11/73, CAUTIN, 09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 383,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1187.- CUEVAS JOSE EMILIANO, M, 52, 05/01/22, BUILDING CONTRA-CTOR, 19.693, 14/05/74, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 1188.- CUEVAS PINCHEIRA MIGUEL, M, 41, 24/06/32, FARM WORKER, SHOEMAKER, 2.995.092-K, 20/09/73,,BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 355,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1189.- CURAMIL CASTILLO FRANCISCO SEGUNDO, M, 18, 08/02/55, FARM WORKER, 7.526.094-6, /09/73, 20/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 385,,,MILITARY 1190.- CURIVIL TRANAMIL LUIS, M, 20, 15/10/52, NOT KNOWN, 6.941.178-9, 13/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 80,,, 1191.- CUTHBERT CHIARLEONI SOFIA, F, 56, 28/11/17, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 2.143.177-k, 30/09/74, BUENOS AIRES, AR,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 890,,, 1192.- CHACON VILLANUEVA SERGIO GASTON, M, 35, 29/07/38, TEXTILE WORKER, HEAD OF CULTURE SUMAR, 4.095.557-7, 14/09/73, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 88, EXECUTED INVE.,, 1193.- CHAMORRO AREVALO JUAN GUILLERMO, M, 23, 21/10/49, ACCOUN-TANT AUDITOR, 101.390-,16/09/73,,BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 350,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1194.- CHAMORRO GOMEZ MANUEL NATALIO, M, 41, 01/02/33, MECHANIC IN LOOMS, 3.448.464-3,03/04/74,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 269,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 1195.- CHAMORRO MONARDEZ HERNAN, M, 29, 03/03/44, TECHNICIAN RAILWAY SHOP, 4.373.410-, 28/09/73, 06/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 240,,, 1196.- CHAMORRO SALINAS CARLOS OCTAVIO, M, 18, 20/05/55, TAYLOR ASSISTANT , 20/10/73, 20/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR 136 VOLUME 1 GREGORIO PAGE 209,,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S.13 SAN 1197.- CHANDIA MIRANDA LUIS FERNANDO, M, 23, 05/02/50, WORKER BUILDING, 5.523.561-9, 16/09/73, 16/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 92,,, 1198.- CHANEZ CHANEZ NICOLAS, M, 42, 06/12/30, TRANSPORTATION MANAGER 2.724.167-0, 19/10/73, 15/01/74, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 252,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1199.- CHAVEZ OYARZUN COSME RICARDO, M, 23, 01/06/50, WORKER BUILDING, /11/73, 08/11/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA,10,10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 406,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1200.- CHAVEZ REYES CARLOS, M, 54, / /19, FARM WORKER, 01.915.899-3, 17/09/73, 29/09/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 228,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1201.- DAVILA GARCIA LUIS HERMINIO, M, 18, 15/09/55, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 15/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 249,DETAINEDMISSING CLARIFIED,IDENTIFIED CEMETERY YARD 29,CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 1202.- DE LA BARRA DE LA BARRA SERGIO OSVALDO, M, 26, 09/05/47, POST OFFICIAL , PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT SANTIAGO PINO, 5.789.837-2, 30/09/73, 30/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 178,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1203.- DE LA JARA GOYENECHE FELIX SANTIAGO, M, 24, 21/02/50, MERCHANT, EX-STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF CHILE, 6.002.075-2, 27/11/74, ,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 526,DETAI-NEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1204.- DE MATTOS SANTOS WANNIO JOSE, M, 47, 27/04/26, NOT KNOWN, FROM BRASIL, 07.041.218-7, / /73, 16/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 202,,, 1205.- DEILA SANTOS ARTURO, M, 20, 03/03/53, NO ACTIVITY, 14/10/73, 15/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 160, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY REGIMENT BUIN 137 1206.- DEILA SANTOS FRANCISCO, M, 20, 03/03/53, NO ACTIVITY, 14/10/73, 14/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 160, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, MILITARY REGIMENT BUIN 1207.- DEL PERO BUSTOS JOSE ANTONIO, M, 20, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 11/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 99,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1208.- DIAZ AGUERO BEATRIZ ELENA, F, 26, NOT KNOWN, FROM ARGENTI-NA, 7.685.539-, 17/10/73, 17/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 205,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 1209.- DIAZ CASTRO ANGEL MARIO, M, 41, WORKER, 11/09/73, 18/01/74, QUILLOTA, QUILLOTA, 05, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 495, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1210.- DIAZ INOSTROZA JOSE MANUEL, M, 29, 24/12/50, FARM WORKER, 6.319.314-3, 13/10/73, 23/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 232,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1211.- DIAZ JERIA LUIS ALFREDO, M, 20, 12/08/53, WORKER, 5.877.749-8, 20/09/73, MELIPILLA,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 168,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) CUR 1212.- DIAZ JIMENEZ ARTURO FERNANDO, M, 49, 08/02/25, TEXTILE WORKER, 9.765.933-8, 01/01/74, SANTIAGO,,13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 313,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE /DOOR OF DOM. NEW YEAR ,MILITARY 1213.- DIAZ LEON MIGUEL ANTONIO, M, 18, 09/06/55, MERCHANT, 12/09/73, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 87,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1214.- DIAZ LOPEZ JORGE ENRIQUE, M, 23, 14/09/50, CARRIER WORKER, 05.819.142-, 16/09/73, 16/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 156,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINE-RO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S.PINCOYA POLICE STATION 1215.-DINAMARCA VIDAL NELSON ARMANDO, M, 20, 25/02/53, LOCKSMITH, 7.257.919-4, 15/10/73, 16/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 165,,, 138 1216.- DONAIRE RODRIGUEZ ROLANDO ANASTASIO, M, 49, 21/01/24, FARM WORKER, 02.257.826-K, 20/10/73, 13/11/73, MAIPO, CORDILLERA, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 234,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1217.- DONOSO AVILA CARLOS EMILIO, M, 30, 12/06/43, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 5.777.339-1, 30/09/73, 01/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 179,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S.COMI 12 1218.- DONOSO CORTES MANUEL GILBERTO, M, 20, 08/06/53, NO ACTI-VITY, 5.876.019-6, 13/10/73, 14/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 161,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINE-ROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)? 1219.- DORNER CAIMAPU MARIO ENRIQUE, M, 24, 02/06/61, FARM WOR-KER, 9.295.312-2, 23/09/85, LLANQUIHUE, 10,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 372, POWER ABUSE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1220.- DUQUE DUQUE CARLOS ENRIQUE, M, 24, 27/11/48, SELLER, 5.870.003-7, 12/10/73, 12/10/73, CORDILLERA, CORDILLERA, 13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 157,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINE-ROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1221.- DUQUE ORELLANA PATRICIO LORETO, M, 25, 01/12/47, FARM WORKER, 5.693.440-5, 16/10/73, MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,MILITARY 1222.- DURAN CASTILLO NELSON GONZALO, M, 22, 15/10/50, UNEMPLO -YED,EXMARINES , 06.362.527-, 21/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 170,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1223.- DURAN RIVAS LUIS EDUARDO, M, 29, 16/02/45, SELLER, EX-STUDENT LEADER, 5.177.340-, 14/09/74, SANTIAGO,,13,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 580,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1224.- DURAN ZUÑIGA RUBEN NEFTALI, M, 22, WORKER FOREST WORKER, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 399,,, 1225.- D'APOLLONIO PETERMANN SERGIO, M, 48, 08/06/25, FARM WOR-KER, 2.335.977-4, 23/10/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 356,,, 139 1226.- D'APOLLONIO ZAPATA CARLOS JACINTO, M, 22, 22/06/51, WAI-TER, 6.570.298-3, 23/10/73, BIO BIO, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 356,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARAB.RETEN BIO 1227.- ELLIS VENEGAS PATRICIO ORLANDO, M, 19, 23/03/55, GO LDSMITH ASSISTANT , 7.019.672-7, 16/06/74, 18/06/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 318,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,MILITARY 1228.- ESCOBAR ASTUDILLO VICTOR FERNANDO, M, 21, 26/10/51, AGRO -NOMIST (ECA), COMMUNAL SECRETARY COMMUNIST PARTY , 6.393.665-0, 01/10/73, 16/10/73, CHOAPA, ELQUI, 04,04,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 287,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1229.- ESCOBAR CAMUS JUAN, M, 31, 01/05/42, MERCHANT, 04.365.431-4, 30/09/73, 30/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 180,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY PATR. 1230.- ESCOBAR CHAVARRIA RAMON LUIS, M, 33, 04/12/39, TAXIDRIVER, 04.063.873-3, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 164,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1231.- ESCOBAR ESCOBAR HUMBERTO DEL CARMEN, M, 25, 16/07/48, WORKER BUILDING, 5.716.833-1, 14/10/73, 14/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 162,EXECUTED F.L.,, 1232.- ESCOBEDO CARIS CARLOS ALFREDO, M, 24, 26/05/49, DRIVER, 5.864.826-4, 25/09/73, 19/10/73, CALAMA, CALAMA, 02, 02,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 269,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1233.- ESPINOSA SEPULVEDA REBECA MARIA, F, 40, 06/11/33, SECRE-TARY,EXOFFICIAL INDAP, 2.038.140-K, 04/01/74,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 567, 1234.- ESPINOZA DURAN JAIME DEL CARMEN, M, 22, 12/10/50, FARM WORKER, 6.430.441-0, 01/10/73, ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 340,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1235.- ESPINOZA FARIAS JORGE, M, 19, 09/10/54, WORKER, 07/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 195,,, 140 1236.- ESPINOZA MEDEL FLORENTINO DEL CARMEN, M, 27, 18/09/46, MASON, 5.207.475-4, 07/10/73, 07/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 123,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1237.- ESPINOZA OJEDA JOAQUIN SEGUNDO, M, 35, 24/09/37, SAILOR OF BAHIA, 4.029.911-4, 15/09/73, 15/09/73, ANTOFAGASTA, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 262,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1238.- ESPINOZA POZO MODESTO SEGUNDO, M, 32, 24/04/42, RONDIN, NEIGHBORHOOD EX-LEADER UNION EX-LEADER , 4.545.453-3, 22/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 513,,DETAI-NEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 1239.- ESPINOZA TRONCOZO GUIDO ARTURO, M, 20, 16/11/52, WORKER, 25/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,C NRR PAGE 100,,, 1240.- ESPINOZA VALENZUELA ANGEL DANIEL, M, 21, 20/09/52, MER-CHANT, 12/09/73, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 64,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1241.- ESPINOZA VALENZUELA JUAN SEGUNDO, M, 27, 25/10/46, FARM WORKER, 5.941.840-8, 30/08/73, 10/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09,09, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 349DETAINED-MISSING NOT IN LIST,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,MILITARY 1242.- ESTAY ESTAY GILBERTO DEL CARMEN, M, 46, 16/08/27, ASSIS-TANT HOSPITAL BARROS LUCO, 30/09/73, 01/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 181,,, 1243.- ESTOL MERY MIGUEL EMILIO, M, 49, 27/07/24, BUILDER, FAR-MER, 1.700.088-8, 23/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 151,,, 1244.- ESTRADA BUSTOS DANIEL GERMAN, M, 28, 26/01/45, MERCHANT, EXMEMBER EJERCITO DADO OF BAJA, 5.457.424-K, 12/09/73, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 61,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1245.- FARIAS VARGAS GUSTAVO MANUEL, M, 23, 08/09/50, MONEY COLLECTOR (SANITARY WORKS , 6.436.152-K, 22/09/73, TRASLADO SAN ANTONIO, 05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 297,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1246.- FAUNDEZ MUÑOZ FERNANDO OMAR, M, 22, 23/10/50, BUILDING WORKER , 07/10/73,08/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 141 124,OFFICIALLY LEGUA EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS (PARA-MILITARY POLICE)LA 1247.- FERNANDEZ BURGOS PEDRO ANTONIO, M, 54, 08/09/19, MERCHANT ITINERANT MARKET , 30/10/73, 30/10/73, TALAGANTE, TALAGANTE, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 212,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1248.- FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ JULIO CESAR, M, 24, 12/12/48, CRAFTS-MAN, FROM URUGUAY, MOVIMIENTO TUPAMARO, 11/10/73,,SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 196,,, 1249.- FERNANDEZ GONZALEZ MARIO, M, 26, 25/11/4 7, MINES FOREMAN , 5.900.970-2, 26/11/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 346,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1250.- FERNANDEZ LAGOS JOSE MIGUEL, M, 22, 11/05/51, WORKER, 6.594.862-, 12/09/73, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 56,,, 1251.- FERNANDEZ PAVEZ SERGIO FERNANDO, M, 18, 27/11/54, LOADING WORKER, 05/10/73, 13/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 187,DETAINED-MISSING CLARI-FIED,,MILITARY 1252.- FERNANDEZ ZAPATA CARLOS JULIO, M, 26, 15/11/47, WORKER , EXSTUDENT UNIVERSITY OF CONCEPCION, 5.331.961-0, 10/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 513,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1253.- FERRADA PIÑA LUIS HUMBERTO, M, 34, 23/01/39, LOADING WORKER, 04/12/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 281,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE /CUR-FEW,FACH 1254.- FLORES LORENZO, M, 39, 10/08/34, SELLER, 3.535.035-7, /10/73, PETORCA, 05,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 231, DETAI-NED-MISSING CIVIL POLICE,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1255.- FLORES ACEVEDO FERNANDO SOFANOR, M, 42, 29/10/30, MASON, 03.350.091-2, 13/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 143,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1256.- FLORES ANTIVILO SEGUNDO NORTON, M, 25, 20/08/48, SOCIAL ASSISTANT, 04.934.188-1, 01/10/73, 19/10/73, TOCOPILLA, ANTOFA-GASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 264,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 142 1257.- FLORES BAEZA CESAR AUGUSTO, M, 30, 15/02/43, ADMINISTRATI-VE EMPLOYEE CORA, 5.139.783-5, 12/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 349,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1258.- FLORES CAROCA FLORIDOR OF JESUS, M, 24, 07/02/49, WORKER, 6.050.491-1, 13/10/73, 13/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 199,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1259.-FLORES FRANCISCO GUILLERMO, M, 45, 01/08/28, CONCIERGE ELECMETAL, 2.827.855-1, 17/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 72,,, 1260.- FLORES ROJAS JOSE SEGUNDO, M, 40, 05/11/33, BARBER, 3.454.198-1, 22/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 541,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 1261.- FLORES SEPULVEDA CARLOS FRANCISCO, M, 16, 06/03/57, ITINE-RANT MERCHANT, 7.384.685-4, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 274,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1262.- FONSECA CASTRO EDUARDO ANTONIO, M, 26, 20/01/47, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 05.164.381-K, 20/10/73, 21/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 210,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S.COMI 11 1263.- FONSECA FAUNDEZ CARLOS, M, 25, 06/11/47, SOLDERER INDUS -TRIA SUMAR, 5.743.282-9, 17/09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,DETAINEDMISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 203,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,MILITARY 1264.- FONTELA ALONSO ALBERTO MARIANO, M, 26, 13/02/47, CRAFTS-MAN, FISHERMAN , EX-STUDENT LEADER IN URUGUAY, FROM URUGUAY, SYMPATHIZER TUPAMARO, 7.687.981-8, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAI-NEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 138,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1265.- FRANCOVICH PEREZ MARIA OF LA LUZ, M, 46, 25/09/26, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 5.098.468-0, 13/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 264,,, 1266.- FREDES GARCIA JOSE GERMAN, M, 29, 17/01/44, FARM WORKER, 5.116.363K, 16/10/73, MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 143 1267.- FREIRE CAAMAÑO ELIACER SIGISFREDO, M, 20, 08/09/73, FOREST WORKER, 7.394.949-1, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 399,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1268.- FUENTEALBA FUENTEALBA FRANCISCO JAVIER E, M, 26, 03/10/47, GOLDSMITH , EX-STUDENT UNIVERSITY AUSTRAL, 5.587.698-3, 13/07/74,, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 507,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1269.- FUENTES FUENTES JOSE ALBERTO, M, 44, 10/07/29, SMALL INDUSTRY FIRM OWNER, 2.875.380-2, 13/10/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 376,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1270.- FUENTES GONZALEZ LUIS HERNAN, M, 21, 04/03/54, RAILROAD EMPLOYEE , 4.841.296-3, 05/12/74, MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 585,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1271.- FUENTES LIZAMA JUAN DE DIOS, M, 78,, FARM WORKER, 14/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 354,,, 1272.- FUENTES LIZAMA JUAN FRANCISCO, M, 67, ,FARM WORKER, 14/09/73, BIO BIO,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 354,,, 1273.- FUENTES RAVANAL JUAN GUILLERMO, M, 24, 31/03/49, WORKER, 07.189.231-K, 18/09/73, 18/09/73, ÑUBLE, ÑUBLE, 08,08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 337,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1274.- FUENTES SORIANO LUIS ALBERTO, M, 39, ITINERANT SELLER, /10/73, 16/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 150,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S.COMI GONEL 1275.- FUENTES VERA RAUL RENE, M, 42, 11/06/31, LOADING WORKER SLAUGHTERHOUSE , 3.012.009-4, /09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 181,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,MILITARY 1276.- FUENZALIDA FERNANDEZ RODOLFO JACINTO, M, 43, 22/09/30, CIVIL PILOT , 2.031.821-K, 11/09/73, 30/10/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 255,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 144 1277.- FUENZALIDA MADRID JOSE ORLANDO, M, 27, 01/12/45, WORKER, 5.325.360-1, 21/10/73, 22/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 151,,, 1278.- GAETE BALMACEDA LUIS ALBERTO, M, 20, 29/06/53, FARM WOR-KER, 6.565.471-7, 16/10/73, MAIPO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,MILITARY 1279.- GAETE CELIS LUIS, M, 54, 25/12/19, MASON, 1.162.425-1, 03/06/74, MAIPO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 286,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,MILITARY 1280.- GAETE ESPINOZA JORGE LEONEL, M, 26, 10/01/47, LABORATORYCHEMIST, 5.201.339-9, 15/09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 87,EXECUTED INVE.,, 1281.- GAETE LOPEZ CARLOS ENRIQUE, M, 28, 14/01/45, FARM WORKER, 5.338.556-7, 16/10/73, MAIPO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 1282.- GAHONA OCHOA LUIS ALBERTO, M, 28, 14/09/45, WORKER, 5.345.125-K, 12/10/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02,02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 270,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1283.- GALAZ SALAS DOMINGO OCTAVIO, M, 23, 10/09/50, FARM WORKER, 6.278.976-K, 03/10/73, 03/10/73, PAINE, MAIPO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 230,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,MILITARY 1284.- GALAZ VERA CARLOS ALBERTO, M, 22, 04/11/51, WORKER BUIL-DING, 04/01/74, 05/01/74, SAN ANTONIO, SAN ANTONIO, 05, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 494,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1285.- GALARCE LEON LUIS HUMBERTO, M, 27, 05/04/46, PAINTER, 05.167.334-, 15/10/73, 15/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 139, 1286.- GALLARDO NUÑEZ JUAN JORGE, M, 19, 24/06/54, LOADING WOR-KER, 10/10/73, 10/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 128, 1287.- GALLARDO VARGAS HUMBERTO EUGENIO, M, 44, 02/06/29, NOT KNOWN, 2.928.180-7, 23/11/73, CACHAPOAL, 06,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 307, 1288.- GALLARDO VILLAGRAN MARIO ANTONIO, M, 23, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 6.304.818-6, /09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR, 145 CNRR PAGE 76, EXECUTED F.L., CARABI-NEROS (PARA-MILITARY POLICE AND MILITARY. 1289.- GALLARDO ZARATE ERNESTO, M, 43, CONDEMNED IN PRISON, . 22.488,,24/09/73, ARAUCO, 08,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 273,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS (PARA-MILITARY POLICE)AND GENDAR. 1290.- GALLEGOS GALLEGOS JUAN ANGEL, M, 37, 15/11/35, TAYLOR, PRESIDENT OF NEIGHBORHOOD SETTLEMENT COUNCIL SA, 4.364.212-, 16/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 203,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,MILITARY,CARABINEROS (PARA-MILITARY-POLICE), 1291.- GAMONAL SUAREZ JOSE ADOLFO, M, 15, 21/12/58, NO ACTIVITY, 22/12/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 235,,,MILITARY 1292.- GARATE TORRES SEGUNDO NICOLAS, M, 28, 05/10/45, WORKER BUILDING, RETIRED MILITAR , .231.405-, 12/09/73, MELIPILLA, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE155,DETAINED-MISSING OFFI-CIAL LIST,, 1293.- GARAY BENAVIDES CARLOS MIGUEL, M, 25, 23/06/48, SUPERVISOR CODELCO, 5.607.380-9, 12/09/73, 04/10/73, TOCOPILLA, TOCOPILLA, 02,02,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 275,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1294.- GARCIA GARAY ANTONIO JESUS DEL TRANSITO, M, 28, 20/09/45, CAR PAINTER , 5.669.105-7, 18/01/74, 21/01/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 164,,, 1295.- GARCIA GONZALEZ MANUEL ANTONIO, M, 26, 20/11/47, SOLDERER, 05.732.375-2, 20/07/74, EL LOA, 02, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 331,, POWER ABUSE,MILITARY 1296.- GARCIA LAZO JOSE ANDRES, M, 29, 30/08/44, TECHNICIAN IN T.V., 5.168.677-2, 18/09/73, 30/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 162,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1297.- GARRETON ROMERO VICTOR ALEJANDRO, M, 56, 21/07/17, MER-CHANT, 667.037-16/10/73, 17/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 205,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1298.- GARRIDO BARRIOS SERGIO ENRIQUE, M, 31, 07/11/41, SLAUGH-TERHOUSE WORKER , 4.730.125-4, 13/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 264, 146 OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE PALENA,MILITARY USE OF FORCE /CUR-FEW .ALTO 1299.- GARRIDO MUÑOZ DANIEL JACINTO, M, 22, 13/03/51, UNEMPLOYED, 7.267.878-8, 05/10/73, 19/10/73,EL LOA, EL LOA, 02,02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 269,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1300.- GARRIDO OCAREZ CARLOS HUMBERTO, M, 19, 10/06/54, ASSISTANT ITINERANT MARKET , 02/10/73, 02/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 183,,, 1301.- GARZON MORILLO BENJAMIN, M, 35, 05/12/31, DRIVER, FROM ARGENTINA, 23/09/73, 23/09/73, ANTOFAGASTA, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 95,,, 1302.- GATICA CORONADO VICTOR JOEL, M, 18, ITINERANT MERCHANT, / /73, 08/11/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA,10,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 406,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1303.- GAYOSO GONZALEZ DAVID OLIBERTO, M, 19, 17/12/53, WORKER, 6.959.551-0, 13/10/73, 14/10/73, CORDILLERA, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 137, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 1304.- GODOY BELLO GERARDO, M, 26, 03/10/47, WORKER, 05.640.442-, 07/12/73, 08/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 216,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1305.- GODOY GODOY JULIO CESAR, M, 56, 03/09/17, FARM WORKER, . 54.876-, 20/09/73, BIO BIO, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 355,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1306.- GODOY SANDOVAL LUIS ALBERTO, M, 23, 13/12/49, FARM WORKER, 6.408.402-K, 06/10/73, 06/10/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO,08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 359,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1307.- GOJANOVIC ARIAS DRAGO VINKO, M, 23, 23/10/49, DRIVER RDA EMBASSY , 05.127.173-, 12/09/73, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 141,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1308.- GOMEZ CERDA LUIS ALBERTO, M, 33, 05/11/39, SUPERVISOR CHUQUICAMATA, WORKER DELEGATE THERMOELECTRICAL ENTERPRISE , 147 4.036.610-5,13/09/73, TOCOPILLA,,02,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 274,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1309.- GOMEZ FARIAS OSCAR ARMANDO, M, 31, 25/02/42, EMPLOYEE SANITARY WORKS , 4.238.324-4, 12/09/73, 27/12/73, SAN ANTONIO, SAN ANTONIO, 05, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 299,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1311.- GOMEZ MONSALVE VICTOR SEBASTIAN, M, 17, 02/01/56, TEMPO-RARY WORKS , 133.867-, 19/10/73, 25/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 152,,, 1312.- GOMEZ RETAMALES JORGE GUSTAVO, M, 28, 04/12/50, TECHNICIAN IN RADIOS, 7.041.779-0, /09/73, 16/09/73, MELIPILLA, MELIPILLA, 13, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 155,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1313.- GOMEZ VEGA ALEJANDRO PATRICIO, M, 22, 01/11/51, UNEMPLO-YED, 06.381.311-, 20/12/73, 21/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 220,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1314.- GOMEZ VELASQUEZ JOSE RENE, M, 42, 25/03/31, FARMER, . 17.047-, 17/09/73, ÑUBLE,,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 345, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1315.- GONZALEZ ALBORNOZ MARIO ANTONIO, M, 34, 03/10/39, FARM WORKER, EX-PRESIDENT UNIONAGRICOLA, 18/10/73, 18/10/73, LINARES, LINARES, 07, 07, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 322,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1316.- GONZALEZ ANGULO ENRIQUE, M, 22, 08/12/50, FARM WORKER, 7.370.1473, 03/10/73, 09/10/73, OSORNO, OSORNO, 10, 10, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 126,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1317.- GONZALEZ BUSTAMANTE ILUCINIO, M, 48, 25/12/25, FURNITURE WORKER, 1.584.132-K, 15/01/74, OSORNO, 10,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 238,,, 1318.- GONZALEZ CALFULEF TEOFILO ZARAGOZO, M, 24, 28/07/49, MOVER WORKER , 6.152.724-9, 16/10/73, VALDIVIA, 10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 404,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1319.- GONZALEZ DE LA TORRE JOSE JILBERTO, M, 44, 15/07/29, FARM WORKER, 3.036.346-9, /01/74, OSORNO, 10,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 236,,, 148 1320.- GONZALEZ ESPINOZA JOSE EMILIO, M, 32, 25/04/41, FARM WORKER, 4.543.508-3, 03/10/73, 08/03/74, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13,13,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 230,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,MILITARY 1321.- GONZALEZ FERNANDEZ HECTOR JENARO, M, 27, 19/09/46, EMPLO -YEE, EX-STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF CONCEPCION, 5.752.804-4, 06/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 513,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1322.- GONZALEZ INOSTROZA HERNAN GALO, F, 26, 05/11/47, EMPLOYEE, 5.297.543-3, 15/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 511,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1323.- GONZALEZ LORCA NESTOR ARTEMIO IVAN, M,37, 11/01/36, MER-CHANT, 03.629.261-K, 15/10/73, CARDENAL CARO, 06, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 306,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1324.- GONZALEZ MANRIQUEZ LUIS FRANCISCO, M, 27, 09/10/46, ELEC -TRONIC TECHNICIAN , 5.110.397-1, 03/10/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 517,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1325.- GONZALEZ MONDACA LUIS OSVALDO, M, 32, 05/10/41, FARM WORKER, EX-PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT, 04.593.318-, 20/10/73, 23/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13 ,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 234,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1326.- GONZALEZ MORALES FRANCISCO RAFAEL, M, 22, 04/10/51, DRI-VER, 6.825.112-5, 25/11/73, 26/11/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 407,EXECUTED INVE.,SUICIDE FOLLOWING RE-PRESSION , 1327.- GONZALEZ MORAN RAUL, M, 31, 16/03/42, EMPLOYEE HOSPITAL S.J. DE DIOS, 4.553.077-9, 17/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 152,,, 1328.- GONZALEZ NICOLAU HERNAN SERGIO, M, 28, 28/10/44, NOT KNOWN, 4.881.639-8, 26/09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 102,,, 1329.- GONZALEZ NUÑEZ CLAUDIO ENRIQUE, M, 25, 16/08/49, CLEANING ASSISTANT , 5.661.860-0, 09/12/74,,SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 585,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1330.- GONZALEZ ORTEGA ELIAS DAGOBERTO, M, 24, 28/12/48, EMPLO-YEE, IN CHARGE PROPAGANDA SOCIALIST PARTY VILLARRICA, 5.420.685-2, 13/09/73, 149 CAUTIN, 09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 393,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1331.- GONZALEZ ORTEGA HUGO ARNER, M, 23, 06/06/50, HEAD OF ROADS AND MUNICIPALITY WORKS ,SECRETARY LOCAL SOCIALIST PARTY, 5.363.749-3, 13/09/73, CAUTIN, 09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VO LUME 1 PAGE 393,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1332.- GONZALEZ OSORIO CARLOS MANUEL, M, 18, 04/11/55, WORKER, 7.015.058-1,12/06/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 491,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1333.- GONZALEZ PEREZ JUAN ROSENDO, M, 23, 01/09/50, FARM WORKER, 6.419.622-7, 03/10/73, 03/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 230,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,MILITARY 1334.- GONZALEZ ROJAS ANTONIO SEGUNDO, M, 23, 27/08/50, SELLER, 5.874.4859, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 63,,, 1335.- GONZALEZ SAAVEDRA ALAMIRO SEGUNDO, M, 41, 23/09/31, MER-CHANT, 02.976.470-0, 21/09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 169,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1336.- GONZALEZ SALVADOR, M, 63, 21/10/09, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 1.517.493, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 270,,, 1337.- GONZALEZ SANHUEZA SEGUNDO, M, 37, DRIVER, 3.433.469-2, 10/09/73, 06/10/73, LINARES, LINARES, 07, 07, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 317, STATE AGENTS 1338.- GONZALEZ SEPULVEDA JOSE GUMERCINDO, M, 32, MECHANIC, 10/10/73, 09/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13,13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 231,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1339.- GONZALEZ VARGAS MANUEL ZACARIAS, M, 45, 13/11/27, EMPLOYEE RAILWAY SHOP, 28/09/73, 06/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 240,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1340.- GONZALEZ VENEGAS DAVID HECTOR, M, 27, 29/11/46, EMPLOYEE DINAC, EX-MEMBER ARMY EXPELLED , 5.734.777-5, 13/09/73, 15/09/73, CHACABUCO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 61, OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 150 1341.- GRANDON GALVEZ FERNANDO, M, 34, 24/03/39, EMPLOYEE CMPC, 79.232-, 14/09/73, 18/09/73, LAJA, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1342.- GREZ ABURTO JORGE ARTURO, M, 29, CRAFTSMAN, EX-STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF CONCEPCION; 23/05/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MIS-SING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 504,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1343.- GUAJARDO BETTANCOURT CELSO ALAMIRO, M, 51, 14/11/22, WORKER BUILDING, MEMBER DIRECTION UNION BUILDING, 1.704.578-4, 12/01/74, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 283, UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS (PARA-MILITARY POLICE )AND MILITARY 1344.- GUAJARDO CASTRO JUAN DEL CARMEN, M, 21, 06/10/51, UNEMPLO-YED, . 68.858-, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 56,, 1345.- GUAJARDO PIZARRO JUAN SEGUNDO, M, 18, WORKER SALITRERA, 21/09/74, ELQUI, 04,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 491,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 1346.- GUARDIA OLIVARES RAUL DEL CARMEN, M, 23, 22/05/50, MECHA-NIC, 5.961.087-2, / /73, 17/10/73, COPIAPO, COPIAPO,03,03,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 279,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 1347.- GUERRERO GUERRERO PASCUAL ANTONIO, M, 76, 06/02/97, MINER, .827.033-3, 07/10/73, 07/10/73, ELQUI, ELQUI, 04, 04, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 286,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1348.- GUERRERO VAGANAY ENRIQUE, M, 39, 05/06/34, ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN , 3.515.342-K, /10/73, 06/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 120,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1349.- GUTIERREZ ASCENCIO JOSE FERNANDO, M, 25, 02/11/47, FARM WORKER, 5.963.446-1, 07/10/73, 07/10/73, BIO BIO,BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR T OMO 1 PAGE 360,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1350.- GUTIERREZ AVILA ARTEMIO SEGUNDO, M, 23, 24/04/51, GOLDS-MITH, 6.647.706-1, 14/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 507,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 151 1351.- GUTIERREZ GOMEZ MARCELO DEL CARMEN, M, 17, 11/12/55, BUILDING WORKER , 6.522.228-0, 05/10/73, OSORNO, 10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 416,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1352.- GUTIERREZ GUTIERREZ OSCAR ARMANDO, M, 28, 28/11/44, AGRO -NOMIST (CORFO), 07/12/73, MALLECO,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE390,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1353.- GUTIERREZ RIVAS LUIS SERGIO, M, 29, 28/08/44, MINER, EX-CANDIDATE COUNCILOR; EX-SECRETARY REGI, 5.469.811-9, 02/10/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 179,DETAI-NEDMISSING CLARIFIED,, 1354.- GUTIERREZ RODRIGUEZ JACK EDUARDO, M, 44, 08/10/28, BUIL-DING CONTRACTOR, . 26.437-, 13/09/73, 18/09/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1355.- GUTIERREZ SAN MARTIN JORGE, M, 41, 15/03/32, WORKER NOBIS, 3.338.311-, 13/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 143,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS (PARA-MILITARY POLICE).3RD POLICE STATION . 1356.- GUTIERREZ SEGUEL SERGIO ENRIQUE, M, 18, 27/10/55, SHOEMA-KER, 18/01/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 489,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILI-TARY POLICE) 1357.- GUZMAN SOTO ENRIQUE DEL CARMEN, M, 21, 10/12/51, FOREST WORKER, 19/09/73, 04/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10,10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 397,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1358.- HADAD RIQUELME JULIO, M, 47, 21/05/26, MERCHANT, 07.459.121-3, 26/09/73, 27/09/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 381,,, 1359.- HENRIQUEZ BRAVO JULIO ESTEBAN, M, 37, 16/06/36, MERCHANT, 3.707.563-9, 19/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 352,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1360.- HENRIQUEZ CALDERON HECTOR HUGO, M, 20, 29/01/53, ITINERANT SELLER, 20/09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 88,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARAB./MILITAR. 152 1361.- HERMOSILLA MUÑOZ LUIS HILARIO, M, 45, 11/11/27, DRIVER, DRIVER SENATOR ORLANDO MILLAS, 02.756.369-4, 17/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 163,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1362.- HERNANDEZ ANDRADE ROBERTO DARIO, M, 26, 03/01/47, EMPLOYEE CORFO, DRIVER OSCAR GARRETON, 05.587.539-, 16/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 163,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1363.- HERNANDEZ FLORES CARLOS, M, 39, 24/09/34, LOCKSMITH, 5.332.639-0, 07/10/73, TALAGANTE, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 223,,, 1364.- HERNANDEZ FLORES NELSON, M, 32, 06/03/41, FARM WORKER, . 32.063-, 07/10/73, TALAGANTE, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 223,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1365.- HERNANDEZ FLORES OSCAR NIBALDO, M, 30, 17/05/43, FARM WORKER, 05.332.639-0, 07/10/73, TALAGANTE, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 223,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1366.- HERNANDEZ GUAJARDO JUAN HUMBERTO FRANCIS, M, 39, 12/12/33, MERCHANT, 3.105.637-3, 03/10/73, 03/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 115,,, 1367.- HERNANDEZ INOSTROZA MANUEL, M, 42, 13/07/31, TAYLOR, EXCANDIDATE COUNCILOR LAGO RANCO, .309.627-0, 16/10/73, VALDIVIA, 10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 404,,, 1368.- HERNANDEZ MANRIQUEZ GASPAR ANTONIO, M, 23, 04/07/50, FARM WORKER, 6.452.699-5, 14/10/73, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 319,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILI-TARY 1369.- HERNANDEZ MORALES GONZALO, M, 26, 27/07/47, DRIVER, SECRE-TARY LOCAL PR CHERQUENCO, 5.648.459-0, 23/09/73, CAUTIN, 09,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 205, DETAINED-MISSING OFFI-CIAL LIST,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1370.- HERNANDEZ NEIRA LUIS ALBERTO,M, 32, 06/05/41, EMPLOYEE, 2.593..895K, 29/09/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOL 1 PAG 269, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED 153 1371.- HERNANDEZ ORREGO JOSE DANIEL, M, 31, 08/04/42, WORKER, 4.866.357-5, 16/10/73, 16/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 204,,, 1372.- HERRERA GONZALEZ LUIS RICARDO, M, 34, 25/09/39, WORKER MECHANIC, 00.111.849-, 27/09/73, 28/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 177,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY PATR. 1373.- HERRERA MUÑOZ ROSALINDO DELFIN, M, 22, 01/03/51, FARM WORKER, 6.820.070-9, 16/10/73, MAIPO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 1374.- HERRERA VILLEGAS JOSE MANUEL, M, 17, 15/04/56, ASSISTANT OF MECHANIC, 06.925.857-3, 07/10/73, ,TALAGANTE, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 223,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1375.- HIDALGO GONZALEZ JUAN MANUEL, M, 23, 07/11/49, ASSISTANT CARPENTER, /09/73, 27/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 106,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILI-TARY POLICE) 1376.- HIDALGO MELLA AURELIO ENRIQUE, M, 21, 28/11/51, FARM WORKER, 6.435.261-K, 03/10/73, 08/03/74, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 230,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,MILITARY 1377.- HIDALGO RETAMAL CARLOS MIGUEL, M, 18, 11/01/56, FARM WORKER, 15/09/73, 16/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 63, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1378.- HIGUERA ZUÑIGA ISAIAS, M, 39, 28/10/34, STATISTICIAN GENDARMERIE, PRISONS DELEGATE UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), 3.616.140K, 11/01/74, 17/01/74, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 251,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1379.- HINOJOSA CESPEDES VICENTE ARMANDO, M, 19, 14/07/54, ITINE-RANT MERCHANT, 6.872.175-, 26/03/74, 02/04/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 503,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1380.- HORN ROA LUIS ARMANDO, M, 35, 19/07/38, FARM WORKER, 4.293.837-8, 27/11/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 234, CHILEAN AIR FORCE 154 1381.- HUAIQUI BARRIA ROBERTO EDER, M, 16, 14/10/51, NOT KNOWN, RIÑIÑAUE, 10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 396,EXECUTED INVE.,, 1382.- HUENCOI ANTIL MAURICIO, M, 00, FARM WORKER, /09/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 385, /09/73, 1383.- HUENUL HUAIQUIL DOMINGO, M, 42, 05/02/32, FARM WORKER, 7.038.9835, 15/06/74, CAUTIN, 09,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 241,,, 1384.- HUENUMAN HUENUMAN JOSE RICARDO, M, 30, FARM WORKER, COUN CILOR ENTRE LAGOS, 15/09/73, OSORNO,,10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 410,,, 1385.- HUICHALLAN LLANQUILEN SAMUEL, M, 00, FARM WORKER, 11/06/74, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 490,,, 1386.- IBAÑEZ GARCIA MANUEL JESUS, M, 24, 29/12/48, EMPLOYEE, 15/09/73, 20/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 153, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY.REG.YUNGAY 1387.- IBARRA DURAN LUIS ANTONIO, M, 24, 13/06/49, ELECTRICIAN IANSA, PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT SIMON BOLIVAR, 6.108.674-9, 23/09/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 338,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1388.- IBARRA ESPINOZA CARLOS ALEJANDRO, M, 27, 21/12/45, ITINE-RANT MERCHANT, 4.941.800-0, 20/09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 103,,, 1389.- IBARRA FUENTES GUILLERMO, M, 32, 09/02/41, WORKER SERVIU, 04.428.474-, 11/11/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 213, AIR FORCE 1390 .- IBARRA LOPEZ ROLANDO ANTONIO, M, 32, 08/10/42, SMALL FARMER, 4.920.863-4, 25/10/74, ,LINARES,,07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 493,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1391.- INAREJO IGOR LUCIANO JOSE, M, 21, 08/11/54, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 5.891.407-K, 05/12/73, 06/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 158,EXECUTED INVE.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 155 1392.- INOSTROZA MALLEA JUAN LUIS, M, 19, 07/01/54, FARM WORKER, 25/09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 103,,, 1393.- INOSTROZA ÑANCO JOSE VICTOR, M, 19, 17/11/53, WORKER, 5.876.452-3, 21/10/73, 25/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 405,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1394.- INOSTROZA ORELLANA LUIS ALBERTO, M, 23, 20/04/50, MOVER WORKER , . 56.440-, 19/10/73, 19/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 146, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1395.- INOSTROZA PAREDES HECTOR, M, 21, 02/08/52, UNEMPLOYED, 5.873.644-9, 24/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 208,,,CIVIL POLICE .AND MILIT. 1396.-ITURRA LILLO JUAN FELIX, M, 50, SMALL FARMER, 23/10/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 348,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARABIN.TEN.PEM 1397.- JAQUE ARELLANO JUAN SANTOS, M, 16, 27/05/57, MOVER ITINE-RANT MARKETS , /09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 272, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE / TAKEN TO EMERGENCY CENTER ,MILITARY 1398.- JARA ESPINOZA RAMON OSVALDO, M, 23, 29/11/49, PLUMBER, 05.749.512K, 23/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 172,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY.CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S.INVEST. 1399.- JARA JARA MARIO, M, 21, 20/07/52, ASSISTANT FURNITURE WORKER, . 26.647-, 15/09/73, /09/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1400.- JARA VALENZUELA JEREMIAS NOE, M, 21, 16/08/52, FRIGIDAIRE ASSISTANT , 08/10/73, 30/10/73, SANTIAGO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 153, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABIN.S.GREG. 1401.- JARAMILLO FIGUEROA OSVALDO, M, 24, 17/07/49, FARM WORKER, 6.421.405-5, 04/10/73, 04/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 115,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 156 1402.- JELDRES VALLEJOS FRANCISCO DEL ROSARIO, M, 25, 10/06/48, FOREST WORKER, 5.948.706-K, 23/10/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 348,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1403.- JEREZ PADILLA RAUL ADRIAN DE LA CRUZ, M, 23, 26/08/50, MERCHANT, 06.388.867-, 25/11/73, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 157, 1404.- JIMENEZ BARRERA RAUL LUIS, M, 25, 10/02/48, WORKER INDUS -TRIA CALAF, 5.436.550-0, 04/10/73, 04/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR (DD),CNRR PAGE 119,DETAINED-MISSING CLARI-FIED,IDENTIFIED IN CEMETERY YARD 29,MILITARY 1405.- JIMENEZ LUCERO BERNARDO SEGUNDO, M, 33, SELLER, 13/09/73, CACHAPOAL, 06, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 305,,, 1406.- JIMENEZ VIDAL JUAN FRANCISCO, M, 42, 13/07/31, CUSTOM EM-PLOYEE , 2.754.216-6, 15/09/73, 29/09/73, IQUIQUE, 01, 01,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 248,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1407.- JORQUERA JORQUERA LUIS ALBERTO, M, 47, 25/10/28, LATHE OPERATOR MECHANIC,EX-PRESIDENT LATHE OPERATOR UNION SOQUIMI, 2.585.308-3, 14/06/74, 21/06/74, ANTOFAGASTA, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 500,,DEATH FOLLOWING TORTURES SECURITY AGENTS 1408.-KOYCK FREDES ARTURO ENRIQUE, M, 48, 23/06/25, ELECTRICIAN, JEFE GRUPO RAILWAY SHOP, 1.705.712-K, 28/09/73, 28/09/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 239,,, 1409.- LABRADOR URRUTIA RAMON ISIDRO, M, 24, 07/06/50, MERCHANT, JEFE LOCAL COMMITTEE MIR, 5.626.648-8, 14/12/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 528,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1410.- LABRIN SASO MARIA CECILIA, F, 25, 15/05/49, SOCIAL ASSIS-TANT, EXOFFICIAL CORVI, 5.922.759-9, 12/08/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 510,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1411.- LACORTE MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 28, 24/05/45, WORKER INDUMET, FROM ARGENTINA, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 58, 1412.- LAGOS BRAVO LUIS HUMBERTO, M, 24, 22/10/48, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 5.224.217-7, 30/09/73, 01/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 112, 157 1413.- LAGOS CID LUIS HUMBERTO, M, 40, 20/07/33, TAXIDRIVER, 3.472.271-4, 11/01/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 237,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1414.- LAGOS HIDALGO SERGIO HERNAN, M, 30, 19/02/44, SELLER, 4.192.061-0, 14/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 514,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1415.- LAGOS LAGOS VICTORIANO, M, 35, 15/04/38, FOREST WORKER, 4.100.4959, 17/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 364, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1416.- LAGOS NILSSON GLORIA ESTHER, F, 28, 29/09/45, EMPLOYEE, EXSECRETARY PRESS OFFICE PALACE GOVERNMENT LA MONEDA, 4.332.602-3, 26/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 511,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1417.- LAGOS TORRES LUIS ARMANDO, M, 50, 24/12/22, FOREST WORKER, 10/10/73, VALDIVIA, 10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 401,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1418.- LARA NUÑEZ MANUEL, M, 30, 03/09/43, FARM WORKER, 16/09/73, ÑUBLE, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 336, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 1419.- LARENAS INOSTROZA JOSE MIGUEL, M, 33, 17/05/40, NO ACTI-VITY, 4.449.111-7, /10/73, /10/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08,08, KILLED CNRR (DD), CNRR PAGE 154,, DEATH NOT REGISTERED,REMAINS NOT FOUND ,CIVIL POLICE 1420.- LAUBRA BREVIS JUAN DE DIOS, M, 26, 08/03/47, FARM WORKER, 05.959.452-4, 05/10/73, 05/10/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 359,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1421.- LAURIE LUENGO AROLDO VIVIAN, M, 30, 12/07/44, ITINERANT SELLER , 5.288.648-1, 28/07/74, LINARES, 07,, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 509, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1422.- LAVIN LOYOLA CLAUDIO ARTURO MANUEL, M, 29, 21/02/44, AGRONOMIST, 02/10/73, 04/10/73, CAUQUENES, CAUQUENES, 07, 07, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 315,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 158 1423.- LAZO LAZO OFELIO OF LA CRUZ, M, 43, 08/12/30, CARPENTER, EXMEMBER GAP; 2.793.771-3, 30/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 509,,, 1424.- LAZO MALDONADO LUIS RODOLFO, M, 20, 25/11/52, FARM WORKER, 6.563.639-5, 16/10/73, MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, MILITARY 1425.- LAZO MALDONADO SAMUEL DEL TRANSITO, M, 24, 16/08/49, FARM WORKER, 6.563.637-9, 16/10/73, MAIPO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILI-TARY 1426.- LAZO QUINTEROS CARLOS ENRIQUE, M, 41, 11/09/32, FARM WORKER, SETTLEMENT LEADER, 4.254.293-8, 16/10/73, MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILITARY 1427.- LAZO QUINTEROS RAUL DEL CARMEN, M, 38, 19/07/35, FARM WORKER, 17/09/73, 17/09/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 228, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1428.- LAZO QUINTEROS SAMUEL ALTAMIRO, M, 49, 25/09/24, FARM WORKER, 2.495.071-, 16/10/73, MAIPO, 13,, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, MILI-TARY, 1429.- LEAL ARRATIA LUIS ALBERTO, M, 55, 13/08/18, SMALL FARMER, EXLEADER PEASANT CONFEDERATION TRIUNFO , 1.842.154-2, 22/11/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 379,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 1430.- LEFIQUEO ANTILEF DAGOBERTO DEL CARMEN, M, 22, 15/02/51, ITINERANT MERCHANT , 14/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 138, 1431.- LEIVA MOLINA SERGIO GUSTAVO, M, 27, 15/09/46, EMPLOYEE, . 22.033-, 03/01/74, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 494, 1432.- LEIVA MUÑOZ MANUEL ANTONIO, M, 33, 07/12/39, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 4.434.344-4, 20/09/73, 20/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 84,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,F.CON-JUNTAS 1433.- LEMUS MUÑOZ EXEQUIEL ALEJANDRO, M, 17, 09/05/56, FURNITURE WORKER APPRENTICE , 7.474.744-2, 02/10/73, 02/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 114,,, 159 1434.- LEON ESPINOZA SERGIO FRANCISCO, M, 23, 16/09/51, CRAFTS-MAN, 6.176.919-6, 29/03/74, 24/04/75, SANTIAGO, CAUTIN, 09, KILLED CNRR (DD), CNRR PAGE 446, D.D.CIVIL POLICE, SUICIDE AS A RESULT OF REPRESSION , 1435.- LEON FARIAS DAVID ALEJANDRO, M, 23, 02/03/50, WORKER, 06.117.4214, 16/01/74, 20/01/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 502,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1436.- LEON FUENTES PATRICIO WENCESLAO, M, 21, 11/07/52, NO ACTIVITY, 06.284.684-4, 12/10/73, 12/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 132,,, 1437.- LEON MORALES CARLOS RENE, M, 32, 18/02/43, SHOEMAKER, 4.705.276-9, 23/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 96, EXECUTED F.L.,MILIT. AND CARABINEROS (PARAMILITARY POLICE). 1438.- LEON PAULSEN JAVIER OF JESUS, M, 35, 20/05/39, WORKER, EX-MANAGER MINE LA DISPUTADA, 4.429.216-5, 04/10/74, SANTIAGO, 13 KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 175,,, 1439.- LEVEQUE CARRASCO RAUL BLADIMIR, M, 23, 23/09/49, NO ACTI-VITY, 5.874.896-K, 15/09/73, OSORNO, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 408, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1440.- LEVICOY EMELCOY ALFREDO, M, 58, 07/05/17, CARPENTER, . 1.582-, 03/10/75, 04/10/75, CHILOE, CHILOE, 10, 10, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 361, 1441.- LEVIO LLAUPE SEGUNDO, M, 59, / /14, SMALL FARMER, 03.120.875-0, 02/10/73, 02/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 382,,, 1442.- LIENDO VERA GREGORIO JOSE, M, 28, 26/08/45, AGRONOMIST, 05.641.466-, 19/09/73, 03/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 398, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1443.- LILLO ALARCON LUIS HUMBERTO, M, 22, 08/04/52, ITINERANT SELLER, 6.612.803-2, /05/74, 20/05/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 170,,,AIR FORECE 1444.- LINARES GALARCE FRANCISCO SEGUNDO MIGUEL, M, 43, 29/09/30, DRIVER E.T.C. DEL Estado, , 16/07/74, 29/07/74, VALPARAISO, VALPARAISO, 05, 05, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 500,,, 160 1445.- LINSAMBARTH RODRIGUEZ RENE ANDRES, M, 27, 27/07/46, FARM WORKER, 39.511-, 22/10/73, EL LOA,,02,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 227,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1446.- LIRA BRAVO SEGUNDO DEL CARMEN, M, 28, 24/06/45, PLUMBER, 05.082.573-6, 14/10/73, 14/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 201, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, STATE AGENTS 1447.- LIRA MORALES JUAN MANUEL, M, 23, 17/04/50, DRIVER, 5.866.561-4, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 138, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 1448.- LIZAMA TRAFILAF RENE ALEJANDRO, M, 24, 02/07/49, WAITER, 5.869.941-1, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 271, UNDUE USE OF FORCE,MILITARY 1449.- LIZARDI LIZARDI LUIS ALBERTO, M, 29, 09/06/44, HARBOR WORKER , 04.877.516-0, 11/09/73, 29/09/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 247, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1450.- LOBOS GUTIERREZ LUIS RENE, M, 25, 20/02/48, FARM WORKER, 5.531.327K, 21/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 211, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, MILIT.REG.G.VIE 1451.- LOBOS URBINA OSCAR ANTONIO, M, 24, 07/08/49, WORKER, 15/09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 175, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., FACH 1452.-LOO PRADO ARTURO JULIO, M, 27, ,TEXTILE WORKER, 17/09/73, 18/01/74, QUILLOTA, QUILLOTA, 05, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 495, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1453.- LOPEZ ELGUEDA RICARDO OCTAVIO, M, 15, 15/12/57, ITINERANT SELLER, 20/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 166,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, FACH 1454.- LOPEZ ESTAY CRISTINA DEL CARMEN, F, 28, 24/07/45, EMPLO -YEE, 05.078.497-5, 13/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR V.P.,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 142, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., SNIPER 1455.- LOPEZ LOPEZ ARAZATI RAMON, M, 33, 30/05/40, CRAFTSMAN, FROM URUGUAY, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 161 200,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, IDENTIFIED IN CEMETERY YARD 29, MILITARY 1456.- LOPEZ LOPEZ BERNABE DEL CARMEN, M, 23, 09/03/50, FARM WORKER, 6.531.337-5, 03/10/73, 03/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 230,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, MILITARY 1457.- LOPEZ LOPEZ ERNESTO ALFREDO, M, 25, 13/08/48, WORKER , 5.956.479-K, 16/09/73, PETORCA, 05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 303,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1458.- LOPEZ LOPEZ JOSE RICARDO, M, 32, 10/06/41, FOREST WORKER, 4.626.2425, 17/09/73, BIO BIO, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 364, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1459.- LOPEZ LOPEZ MANUEL ANTONIO, M, 00, NOT KNOWN, 13/10/73, 13/10/73, COLCHAGUA, COLCHAGUA, 06, 06, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 306, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1460.- LOPEZ PINTO ABRAHAM, M, 54, 14/08/19, FARM WORKER, 2.112.669-1, 16/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 363, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1461.- LOPEZ RIVAS LEOPOLDO, M, 47, 28/02/26, SHOEMAKER, 1.995.736-5, 23/09/73, ÑUBLE, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 338,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1462.-LOPEZ SUAREZ NICOLAS ALBERTO, M, 40, 26/09/35, EMPLOYEE, EXNATIONAL COUNCILOR UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), EXPRESIDENT, 3.435.603-3, 30/07/76,, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 561,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1463.- LOYOLA CID EDGARDO ORLANDO, M, 19, 23/12/54, SOLDERER ASSISTANT , 7.144.898-3, 03/12/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 521,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1464.- LUCERO ALDANA OSCAR ROBERTO, M, 23, 26/12/49, WORKER, 6.348.905-, 12/10/73, 12/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 197,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 1465.- LUQUE SCHURMAN JOSE, M, 33, DRIVER, FROM ARGENTINA, 23/09/73, 23/09/73, ANTOFAGASTA, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 95,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILI-TARY POLICE) 162 1466.- LLABULEN PILQUINAO JOSE DOMINGO, M, 44, 05/05/29, FARMER, 3.027.900-K, 11/10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 218, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1468.- LLANCA ITURRA MONICA CHISLAYNE, F, 23, 28/07/51, CIVIL REGISTRY EMPLOYEE , 5.542.886-7, 06/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 513,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1469.- LLANQUIEN VICTOR, M, 00, SMALL FARMER, 08/10/73, /10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 384,,, 1470.- LLAULEN ANTILAO JOSE JULIO, M, 39, 05/07/34, FARM WORKER, 4.927.1662,11/06/74, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 490, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1471.- LLEUCUN LLEUCUN JUAN, M, 56, 04/04/17, SMALL FARMER, 01.785.353-8, 09/10/73, 10/10/73, CHILOE, CHILOE, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 420,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1472.- MAC LEOD TREVER JUAN RODRIGO, M, 29, 05/05/45, EMPLOYEE, 4.805.4447, 30/11/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 521, 1473.- MACAYA BARRALES ALFONSO SEGUNDO, M, 32, 19/07/41, MER-CHANT, EX-COUNCILOR, . 30.312-, 15/09/73, 18/09/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366,DETAINED-MIS-SING CLARIFIED,, 1474.- MACAYA FUENTES ROGELIO ANTONIO, M, 41, 27/11/32, EMPLOYEE, 2.813.857-1, 29/07/74, 26/08/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 356,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1475.- MACHUCA ESPINOZA JOSE OSCAR, M, 27, 06/03/46, WORKER, 5.167.461-8, 22/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 91,,, 1476.- MACHUCA MORALES GUMERCINDO FABIAN, M, 28, 13/04/46, PAIN -TER, 6.172.070-7, 30/07/74, TALAGANTE, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 568,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1477.- MACHUCA MUÑOZ ZACARIAS ANTONIO, M, 22, 05/06/52, EMPLOYEE ENDESA, 5.715.089-0, 30/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 509, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 163 1478.- MALDONADO BAO MIGUEL ENRIQUE, M, 23, 14/12/50, WORKER, 6.273.5449, 18/09/73, 18/09/73, ÑUBLE, ÑUBLE, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 337, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1479.- MALDONADO FUENTES JOSE, M, 33, 22/07/40, SOLDERER, 4.306.975-, 17/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 157, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 1480.- MALDONADO GALLARDO LUIS ELEUTERIO, M, 21, 01/09/52, LOA-DING WORKER, 6.083.873-9, 12/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 133,,, 1481.- MALDONADO MIRANDA MANUEL SEGUNDO, M, 43, 13/04/30, FARM WORKER, PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT "EL ESFUERZO PEASANT, 02.740.124-4, 18/09/73, 20/09/73, CHACABUCO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 237, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1482.-MALDONADO NUÑEZ VICTOR FERNANDO, M, 17, 21/05/56, NO ACTI-VITY, 7.016.362-4, 23/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 97,,, 1483.- MALDONADO TORRES CARLOS GERMAN, M, 41, 17/04/32, FARM WORKER, 3.528.765-5, 21/10/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 211,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,MILIT.REG.G.VIE 1484.- MALDONADO ULLOA HECTOR HUGO, M, 26, 06/02/47, EMPLOYEE CTC, 05.407.666-5, 31/01/74, 31/01/74, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 496,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1485.- MALVINO CAMPOS HECTOR JUAN, M, 26, 24/06/47, NOT KNOWN, 04/10/73, 08/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 194, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1486.- MAMANI GARCIA JUAN APOLINARIO, M, 27, 08/03/46, CARRIER WORKER, 05.608.382-0, 20/11/73, 15/01/74, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 252,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1487.- MAÑAO AMPUERO JOSE HERNAN, M, 22, 06/05/51, ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEE, 6.463.949-8,30/01/74, 31/01/74, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 496, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1488.- MANCILLA DELGADO JUAN SEGUNDO, M, 40, 23/08/33, TRUCK DRI-VER , 3.627.265-1, 03/10/73, OSORNO, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 414, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 164 1489.- MANSILLA COÑUECAR CARLOS HUMBERTO, M, 20, 01/10/53, BOXER, 7.343.244-8, 15/10/73, 17/10/73, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 421,,, 1490.- MANRIQUEZ LOPEZ HOMAR LAUTARO, M, 56, 08/01/18, RADIOTECHNICIAN, COMMUNAL SECRETARY SOCIALIST PARTY, NEIGHBORHOOD LEADER, 1.292.817-3, 06/09/74, ÑUBLE, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 577,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1491.- MANRIQUEZ WILDEN LUIS ANIBAL, M, 44, 26/01/29, MERCHANT, 02.299.991-5, 02/11/73, 15/01/74, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 252,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1492.- MARCHANT LUIS ALBERTO, M, 44, 08/10/28, SELLER, 2.746.256-1, 12/09/73,SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 142,,, 1493.- MARCHANT VILLASECA RODOLFO ARTURO, M, 29, 29/08/45, TECHNICIAN AIR CONDITIONING , EX-UNION PRESIDENT ENAFRI, 5.122.917-7, 02/01/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 571,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1494.- MARDONES SOTO ERNESTO ANTONIO, M, 00, NOT KNOWN, 14/09/73, CONCEPCION, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 327,,, 1495.- MARIN ALVAREZ HECTOR GUSTAVO, M, 45, 26/10/28, MERCHANT, 2.193.935-8, 23/09/73, 23/09/73, ANTOFAGASTA, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 96,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1496.- MARIN CORTES GUILLERMO ENRIQUE, M, 36, 01/07/37, UNEMPLO-YED, 16/10/73, 17/1 0/73, SANTIAGO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 142,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,AIR FORCE 1497.- MARIN MEJIAS PEDRO VICENTE, M, 26, 20/12/46, FURNITURE WORKER, 07/10/73, 08/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 124, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINEROS (PARA-MILITARY POLICE ) LA LEGUA 1498.- MARQUEZ AGUSTO NELSON JOSE, M, 31, 28/10/42, WORKER TRA-DING NAVY , 04.911.039-1, 12/73, 31/01/74, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 251,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 165 1499.- MARTINEZ GUILLEN HUGO TOMAS, M, 36, 25/03/37, MERCHANT, 03.775.426-9, 02/11/73, 15/01/74, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 252,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1500.- MARTINEZ HERNANDEZ EUGENIA DEL CARMEN, F, 25, 30/09/49, TEXTILE WORKER, 5.816.392-9, 24/10/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 518,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1501.- MARTINEZ HERRERA GENARO FERNANDO, M, 22, 04/06/51, ITINE-RANT MERCHANT, 5.665.788-, 17/09/73, 20/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 83,EXECUTED INVE.,, 1502.- MARTINEZ NOCHES FRANCISCO HERMINIO, M, 24, 01/10/49, FARM WORKER, 6.307.175-7, 06/10/73, 06/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CNRR (DD),CNRR PAGE 120DETAINED-MISSINGCIVIL POLICE, DEATH NOT REGISTERED, REMAINS NOT FOUND 1503.- MARTINEZ ROJAS JOSE VICTORINO, M, 41, 20/02/33, CARPENTER, 3.073.182-4, 14/07/74, 27/09/74, COLCHAGUA, CACHAPOAL, 06, 06, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 356,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, 1504.- MARTINEZ TRASLAVIÑA MARCO ANTONIO, M, 15, 11/02/58, LOA-DING WORKER VEGA, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 210,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)? 1505.- MATAMALA VENEGAS LUIS GILBERTO, M, 16, 12/11/56, ITINERANT SELLER, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 165, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S.12 COM. 1506.- MATELUNA GOMEZ DANIEL DE LOS ANGELES, M, 53, 16/01/20, HEALTH PRACTITIONER, COUNCIL UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT) TEMUCO, 01.729.223-1, /09/73, 02/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 373, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1507.- MATELUNA GUTIERREZ LUIS EDUARDO, M, 26, 03/10/46, NOT KNOWN, 4.881.420-4, 21/09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 88,,, 1508.- MATULIC INFANTE JUAN ESTANISLAO, M, 19, 27/06/54, 6.218.013-7, /10/73, 16/10/73, CALAMA, CALAMA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 268,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 166 1509.- MATURANA ESPINOZA HECTOR, M, 27, 15/05/47, SCHOOL TEACHER, 5.027.863-8, 23/12/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 585,,, 1510.- MATURANA PEREZ WASHINGTON HERNAN, M, 25, 21/12/48, MER-CHANT, 6.082.115-1, 24/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE542, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1511.- MATURANA VALDERRAMA SAMUEL EDUARDO, M, 21, 21/12/51, EMPLOYEE CANAEMPU, 5.630.120-8, 08/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 194,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1512.- MATUS HERMOSILLA VICTORIANO, M, 39, 16/08/34, FOREST WORKER, 3.449.741-9, 11/01/74, 15/01/74, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 163, CARABINEROS (PARA-MILITARY POLI-CE).AND MILITARY 1513.- MAUREIRA LILLO SERGIO ADRIAN, M, 46, 22/04/27, FARM WOR-KER, 02.182.669-3, 07/10/73, TALAGANTE, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 223,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1514.- MAUREIRA MIRANDA EDMUNDO ALEJANDRO, M, 27, 23/05/46, TAYLOR, 5.028.555-3, 04/10/73, 01/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 187,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1515.- MAUREIRA MUÑOZ JOSE MANUEL, M, 26, 07/08/47, FARM WORKER, 06.017.427-K, 07/10/73,TALAGANTE, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 223, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1516.- MAUREIRA MUÑOZ RODOLFO ANTONIO, M, 22, 19/02/51, FARM WORKER, 06.574.312-4, 07/10/73, TALAGANTE, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 223,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1517.- MAUREIRA MUÑOZ SEGUNDO ARMANDO, M, 24, 19/03/49, FARM WORKER, 05.925.332-8, 07/10/73, TALAGANTE, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 223,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1518.- MAUREIRA MUÑOZ SERGIO MIGUEL, M, 27, 30/10/45, FARM WOR-KER, 05.213.511-7, 07/10/73, TALAGANTE, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 223, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1519.- MEDINA GODOY SERGIO NICOLAS, M, 30, 02/05/43, WORKER FIAT, 4.916.281-2, 08/12/73, CACHAPOAL, 06, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 327, POWER ABUSE,MILITARY 167 1520.- MEDINA RIQUELME DOMINGO MANUEL, M, 25, 04/12/47, WORKER, 15/10/73, 15/10/73, SANTIAGO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 202,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S.COM.17,MILITARY 1521.- MELENDEZ RAMIREZ JOSE LUIS, M, 25, 10/06/48, NO ACTIVITY, 5.746.436-4, 18/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 74,,, 1522.- MELIPILLAN AROS JORGE, M, 34, 01/01/39, NOT KNOWN, /10/73, 17/10/73, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10, 10, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 421,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1523.- MELIQUEN AGUILERA JOSE ANDRES, M, 44, 09/11/28, FARM WORKER, 3.900.278-7, 04/10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 383,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1524.- MENARES DIAZ RENE ERNESTO, M, 30, 02/08/44, ASSISTANT SHOE SHOP , EX-CANDIDATE COUNCILOR CHRISTIAN DEMOCRAT, 29/10/74, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 247, D.D.CIVIL POLICE,,CIVILS 1525.- MENDEZ HERNANDEZ IRENEO ALBERTO, M, 22, 01/03/51, UNEMPLO-YED, 6.821.092-5, 20/09/73, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 318,,, 1526.- MENDEZ ORTEGA LUIS SERGIO, M, 25, 20/04/48, MECHANIC, 21/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 169, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINEROS(PARA-MILI-TARY POLICE) 1527.- MENDEZ VALENZUELA JOSE ANTONIO, M, 24, FARM WORKER, /10/73, 03/10/73, TALCA,TALCA, 07, 07, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 311, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1528.- MENDEZ VENEGAS JOSE EGIDIO, M, 33, 12/12/39, AMBULANCE DRIVER , 18/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 73,,, 1529.- MENDOZA SANTIBAÑEZ JUSTO JOAQUIN, M, 23, 12/06/50, WORKER, 12/09/73, 16/09/73, MELIPILLA, CURACAVI, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 155, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1530.- MENDOZA VILLAVICENCIO JENARO RICARDO, M, 25, 10/06/48, CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)683.615-2, 15/10/73, 16/10/73, SAN 168 ANTONIO, SAN ANTONIO, 05, 05, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 298,EXECUTED INVE.,, 1531.- MENESES BRITO PEDRO JUAN, M, 30, 12/11/42, FARM WORKER, PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT, 4.983.997-9, 21/10/73, 23/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 234, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1532.- MERINO MOLINA PEDRO JUAN , M, 20, 08/11/53, TAYLOR, 5.926.225-4, 14/09/74, CONCEPCION, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 562,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1533.- MESINA ARAYA VICTOR FERNANDO, M, 25, 03/09/48, WORKER BAKER, 05.839.366-, 27/09/73, 05/10/73, SAN ANTONIO, SAN ANTONIO, 05, 05, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 297,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1534.- MEZA ARRIAGADA VICTOR, M, 42, 14/05/32, SMALL FARMER, . 28.225-, 07/10/73, 15/02/74, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 352,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1535.- MEZA RUBILAR BERNARDO SAMUEL, M, 46, 20/08/27, FOREMAN ENDESA, MERCHANT, 2.734.840-8, 17/09/73, BIO BIO, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 363,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, MILITARY 1536.- MEZQUITA RAMIREZ MANUEL NORBERTO, M, 30, 22/12/43, SELLER, FROM ARGENTINA, 6.247.893-4, 10/05/74, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 285, EXECUTED INVE.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE / ARGENTINE, MILITARY 1537.- MIERES TORO MANUEL JESUS, M, 30, 01/01/44, WORKER, 5.248.697-1, 18/05/74, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 240, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1538.- MILLA MONTUY JUAN, F, 40, 24/06/33, SMALL FARMER, 3.659.305-9, 08/11/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 383, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1539.- MILLALEN HUENCHUÑIR PEDRO, M, 35, 09/09/38, FARM WORKER, EXPRESIDENT SETTLEMENT, 4.159.290-7, 29/09/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 382,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1540.- MILLANAO CANIUHUAN JAIME PABLO, M, 24, 23/07/49, TEXTILE WORKER, 6.422.857-9, 23/09/73, 25/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 206,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,MILITARY 169 1541.- MILLAS VELIZ JUAN FERNANDO, M, 31, 07/06/42, MECHANIC, 04.456.95818/11/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 213, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1542.- MIRANDA GALVEZ LUIS ALBERTO, M, 36, PLUMBER, 14/10/73, 14/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 135, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1543.- MIRANDA GONZALEZ CARLOS ENRIQUE, M, 33, 29/06/40, DRIVER, 4.284.662-7, 22/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 228, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1544.- MIRANDA LIZAMA MANUEL SEGUNDO, M, 25, 10/04/49, 19/05/74, 23/05/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 503,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1545.- MIRANDA MIRANDA FRANCISCO, M, 22, 01/03/51, NOT KNOWN, 6.000.157K, 10/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 195,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, MILITARY 1546.-MIRANDA SEGOVIA OSCAR HERNAN ENRIQUE, M, 17, 15/06/56, SELLER, 17/10/73, MELIPILLA, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 223, D.D.CIVIL POLICE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1547.- MIRANDA SEPULVEDA IVAN OCTAVIO, M, 28, 19/01/45, MECHANIC LATHE OPERATOR, UNION TREASURER , 5.022.384-1, /09/73, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 137,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1548.- MISSENE BURGOS RENE, M, 45, 28/12/38, MECHANIC, 3.679.482-8, 08/05/74, ÑUBLE, 08,, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 489,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1549.- MOLINA GONZALEZ HIJO NONATO OF FLORIPA, N, No corresponde, /10/74, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR (H.NON.), CNRR PAGE 403, INTRU-TERINE LIFE INTERRUPTED ,SIM, 1550.- MOLINA HERNAN SERGIO, M, 37, 17/05/36, WORKER, 3.922.917-K, 05/12/73, 06/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 159,,, 170 1551.- MOLINA MONSALVE BIENVENIDO, M, 28, 25/03/45, FORESTAL,WORKER . 97.636-, /10/73, 05/11/73, VALDIVIA, VALDI-VIA, 10, 10, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 155,,, 1552.- MOLINA QUEZADA JOSE ROBERTO, M, 51, 23/01/22, FARM WORKER, 3.308.252-5, 03/11/73, BIO BIO, 08,, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 357,,, 1553.- MOLINA RODRIGUEZ FREDDY FLAVIO, M, 34, 24/06/39, BUILDING WORKER , 05.086.546-, 25/09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 175,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARA-BINERO(PARAMILITARY POLICE)S.MILITARY.INVES. 1554.- MOLINA ZAMBRANO ANASTASIO, M, 39, 24/10/33, FARM WORKER, PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT, 03.120.752-5, 09/10/73, 11/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 386,,, 1555.- MONDACA VEGA ERNESTO RAMON, M, 25, 18/12/48, WORKER, 1.274.926-, /03/74, 21/03/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 502, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1556.- MONDACA VEGA JUAN FRANCISCO, M, 21, 04/10/52, MERCHANT, 6.341.699-1, /03/74,21/03/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 502, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1557.- MONSALVES MARTINEZ ADIEL, M, 41, 11/08/32, MECHANIC RAIL-WAY SHOP, LEADER COUNCIL WORKER SHOP, 28/09/73, 05/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 240,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1558.- MONTECINOS ALFARO SERGIO SEBASTIAN, M, 28, 23/05/46, TAYLOR, EXMANAGER ACEROS FRANKLIN, EX-COORD, 5.028.560-K, 01/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 569,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1559.- MONTECINOS URRA CARLOS ROBERTO, M, 43, 20/10/29, CRAFTS-MAN, COUNCILOR COMUNIST PARTY COIHUECO, PEASANT LEADER, 2.758.427-6, 27/09/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 346,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1560.- MONTERO MONTERO ENRIQUE SEGUNDO, M, 29, 22/10/43, ITINE-RANT MERCHANT, 4.740.373-1, 23/09/73, MAIPO, 13, DETAINED-MIS-SING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 172, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 171 1561.- MORA GUTIERREZ FERNANDO ADRIAN, M, 17, 03/11/55, FOREST WORKER, 7.487.450-9, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 400,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1562.- MORA OSSES SEBASTIAN, M, 47, 18/05/26, FOREST WORKER, PEASANT LEADER, 2.490.962-K, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDI-VIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 400, OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 1563.- MORA SAN JUAN LUIS DEL CARMEN, M, 43, 16/09/30, TRACTOR DRIVER, LIVESTOCK HEAD LAUTARO COUNCIL , 03.110.579-K, 27/09/73, 30/09/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN,09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 381,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 1564.- MORALES BAÑARES MARIO RUBEN, M, 23, 11/01/50, TRACTOR DRIVER CONAF, 6.633.296-9, 25/09/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 231, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1565.- MORALES BUSTOS LUIS MIGUEL, M, 32, 26/11/40, ITINERANT SELLER, 4.705.032-4, 20/09/73, 20/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 84,, 1566.- MORALES CHAPARRO EDGARDO AGUSTIN, M, 37, 22/11/36, PLUM-BER, EX UNION LEADER, 3.968.027-0, 06/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 570, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1567.- MORALES DIAZ DOMINGO DE LA CRUZ, M, 20, 03/05/53, ELECTRI-CIAN, 6.973.570-3, 13/10/73, 14/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 200, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,STATE AGENTS 1568.- MORALES LOBOS EMILIO, M, 35, 02/10/38, LOADING WORKER FERIA, 5.635.718-1, 10/01/74, 21/01/74, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 502,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1569.- MORALES MELZER ENRIQUE ERNESTO, M, 21, 29/09/51, DRIVER INDAP, 13/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 142, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1570.- MORALES MUÑOZ LUIS EUGENIO, M, 27, NOT KNOWN, 5.306.307-1, 04/10/73, 05/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 188, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINERO (PARAMILITARY POLICE)L.BARRA B 172 1571.- MORALES RAMIREZ MIGUEL LUIS, M, 31, 11/10/44, ITINERANT MERCHANT, SECRETARY UNION MOTE CON HUESILLO, 5.083.545-6, 03/05/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 565,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 1572.- MORALES RETAMAL PEDRO ABRAHAM, M, 44, 01/06/29, FARM WORKER, 13/09/73, CURICO, 07, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 310, STATE AGENTS, 1573.- MORALES RUIZ JOSE LUIS, M, 20, 10/12/53, ITINERANT SELLER, 6.394.388-6, 01/08/74, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 562, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1574.- MORALES RUIZ PEDRO NOLASCO, M, 27, 05/02/46, PEONETA, 06.185.717-6, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 211, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1575.- MORENO ACEVEDO DANILO ALBERTO, M, 28, 31/01/45, DRIVER CORFO, 04.801.696-, 08/10/73, 19/10/73, ANTOFAGASTA, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 265, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1576.- MORENO CAVIEDES MIGUEL HERNAN, M, 17, 09/10/55, WORKER, 21/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 98, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1577.- MORENO MENA ALFREDO ANDRES, M, 23, 10/04/50, CAR PAINTER , 6.320.627-K, 13/10/73, 14/10/73, CORDILLERA, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 200, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABI-NERO(PARAMILITARY POLICE)S 1578.- MORENO VILLARROEL HERNAN ELIZARDO, M, 31, 18/04/44, WOR-KER, GOVERNOR SECRETARY , MANAGER, 4.950.793-3, 12/10/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 269, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 1579.- MORENO VILLARROEL LUIS ALFONSO, M, 30, 21/12/42, EMPLOYEE, 4.918.975-3, 24/09/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02,02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 269,,, 1580.- MORGADO OYARCE CARLOS ALBERTO, M, 28, 04/12/44, WORKER HOGAR DE CRISTO, 5.324.403-3, 13/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 220,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 173 1581.- MORRIS BARRIOS MARIO, M, 27, 20/04/46, CUSTOM EMPLOYEE , 5.691.4005, /09/73, 11/10/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 253,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1582.- MOYA ZURITA IVAN NELSON, M, 14, 08/12/58, 05/10/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 353, 1583.- MOYANO SANTANDER MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 24, 05/03/49, WORKER, UNION DELEGATE STANDARD ELECTRIC, 06.086.257-5, 16/01/74, 04/02/74, SANTIAGO, SAN ANTONIO, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 497, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1584.- MOYANO VALDES NICANOR, M, 49, 03/08/24, MERCHANT, 1.960.013-0, 10/11/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 389,,, 1585.- MULLER SILVA JORGE HERNAN, M, 27, 10/01/47, CAMERAMAN CHILE FILMS, 5.520.349-0, 29/11/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 521,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1586.- MUÑOZ ALARCON ELISEO DEL CARMEN, M, 35, 28/11/38, STEVEDO -RE, 3.922.063-6, 18/12/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 235, 1587.- MUÑOZ CASTILLO ROSARIO AGUID, M, 26, 10/02/47, WORKER, 5.644.674-5, 12/10/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 271, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1588.- MUÑOZ FLORES GERMAN EDUARDO, M, 17, 04/04/56, NO ACTIVITY, /03/74, 27/03/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 169, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1589.- MUÑOZ GONZALEZ HERNAN RIGOBERTO, M, 30, WAITER, 17/09/73, BIO BIO, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 203,,,CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 1590.- MUÑOZ GONZALEZ JOSE SERGIO, M, 32, 18/09/41, MERCHANT, 04.368.376-, 30/09/73, 30/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 180, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. MILITARY PATR. 1591.- MUÑOZ MATURANA SERGIO HUGO, M, 21, 23/10/51, MERCHANT, 5.578.5813, 23/09/73,24/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 94, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)/MILITARY. 174 1592.- MUÑOZ MUÑOZ MANUEL JESUS, M, 35, 12/06/39, FARM WORKER, /12/74, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 248DETAINEDMISSINGCIVIL POLICE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1593.- MUÑOZ PEÑALOZA RAMIRO ANTONIO, M, 32, 18/10/40, FARM WORKER, 4.533.351-5, 16/10/73, MAIPO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, MILITARY 1594.- MUÑOZ PEÑALOZA SILVESTRE RENE, M, 31, 28/07/42, FARM WORKER, 4.721.925-6, 16/10/73, MAIPO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, MILITARY 1595.- MUÑOZ RODRIGUEZ WUILZON GAMANIEL, M, 26, 13/07/47, EMPLO -YEE CMPC, 05.288.122-6, 14/09/73, 18/09/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO,08,08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1596.- MUÑOZ ROJAS GILBERTO ANTONIO, M, 17, 10/11/56, ITINERANT SELLER, 23/03/74, 24/03/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 168, FACH 1597.- MUÑOZ ROJAS SEGUNDO HERNAN ANTONIO, M, 19, 06/02/54, FARM WORKER, 6.522.850-, 11/10/73, 14/10/73, MELIPILLA, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 201, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1598.- MUÑOZ SEPULVEDA JOSE APOLINARIO, M, 33, 10/01/41, SMALL FARMER, 4.785.361-3, 18/10/74, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 492, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1599.- MUÑOZ SERPA JULIO ALBERTO, M, 21, 17/11/51, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 6.241.093-0, 16/10/73, 19/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 144, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., AIR FORCE 1600.- MUÑOZ TAPIA EDUARDO EXEQUIEL, M, 21, 04/09/52, MERCHANT, 6.711.251-, 01/08/74, 06/08/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 583, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CIV 1601.- MUÑOZ TORRES JULIO ALBERTO LUIS, M, 43, 10/11/29, MASON, 2.816.5757, 01/10/73, 01/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 181, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 1602.- MUÑOZ VASQUEZ LUIS ALBERTO, M, 22, 15/11/50, WORKER, 6.092.227-6, 04/10/73, ÑUBLE, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 341, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 175 1603.- MURA MORALES JUAN MIGUEL, M, 24, 13/12/49, SELLER COMMER-CIAL FIRM , 5.167.519-3, 16/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 577,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1604.- NAHUEL HUAIQUIMIL JUAN SEGUNDO, M, 23, 16/07/50, SMALL FARMER, MEMBER J.A.P., 06.977.562-4, 07/10/73, 07/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 384, MILIT/CARAB/CIV 1605.- NAHUELCOY CHIHUAICURA BERNARDO, M, 32, 20/12/40, FARM WORKER, 04.836.421-7, /10/73, 19/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09,09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 385,,, 1606.- ÑANCUMAN MALDONADO JOSE ARMANDO, M, 20, WORKER, 17/10/73, 17/10/73, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10,10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 421, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1607.- NASH SAEZ MICHEL SELIM, M, 19, 01/07/54, ARMY CONSCRIPT SOLDIER,614.269-8,13/09/73, 29/09/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 248, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1608.- NAVARRETE LEIVA ARTURO ALEJANDRO, M, 21, 22/10/51, RAIL-ROAD WORKER, 6.608.431-0, 11/10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 376,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1609.- NAVARRO CACERES JUAN FERNANDO, M, 24, 22/10/50, WORKER, 5.998.691-0, 01/12/74, 01/12/74, ARICA, ARICA, 01, 01, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 358, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, MILITARY 1610.- NAVARRO SALINAS MANUEL JESUS, M, 20, 08/12/52, MECHANIC ASSISTANT, 07.055.421-6, 07/10/73, ,TALAGANTE,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 223,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1611.- NAVARRO SCHIFFERLI SERGIO DEL CARMEN, M, 37, 20/07/36, SMALL FARMER, 4.022.653-2, 04/10/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 383,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARA-BINERO(PARAMILITARY POLICE)S. POLICE STATION 3 ESQ., 1612.-NAVIA MARTINEZ RAMON DONATO, M, 54, 31/08/19, 1.742.682-6, 14/10/73, 15/10/73, VALPARAISO, VALPARAISO, 05, 05, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 139, NAVY 176 1613.- NEGRETE CASTILLO SERGIO OSMAN, M, 19, 19/11/54, NOT KNOWN, 6.225.835-7, 17/11/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 156,,, 1614.- NEGRETE HERNANDEZ MANUEL ESTANISLAO, M, 27, 13/03/46, FARM WORKER, 114.939-, 10/10/73, CURICO, 07, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 278, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1615.- NEICUL PAISIL JOSE LIGORIO, M, 45, 08/04/28, SMALL FARMER, EXCOUNCILOR ENTRE LAGOS, LEADER COPPER, 2.907.132-2, 16/09/73, OSORNO, 10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 409,,, 1616.- NIETO DUARTE CARLOS ALBERTO, M, 19, 27/11/53, FARM WORKER, 6.565.500-4, 16/10/73, MAIPO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 233,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, MILITARY 1617.- NILO AREVALO JUAN ANTONIO, M, 64, 03/09/09, MOVER WORKER, 1.104.545-6, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 271, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1618.- ÑIRIPIL PAILLAO JULIO AUGUSTO, M, 16, SMALL FARMER, 07/10/73, 07/10/73, GALVARINO, 09,09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 384,, 1619.- NOVOA AGUILERA LUIS FERNANDO, M, 17, 10/10/56, NO ACTI-VITY, 15/10/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 221, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1620.- NUÑEZ ALVAREZ LUIS FRANCISCO PASCUAL, M, 21, 13/04/52, DRIVER M.O.P., 6.023.251-2, 11/10/73, 12/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR (DD), CNRR PAGE 133, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, IN 1991 FINGERPRINTS IDENTIF. OF REMAINS BY EXPERTS , 1621.- NUÑEZ CANELO JORGE HUMBERTO, M, 25, 20/02/48, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 5.870.054-1, 30/09/73, 30/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 179, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 1622.- NUÑEZ MUÑOZ HECTOR JAIME, M, 27, 08/10/45, MERCHANT, 5.021.236-K, 22/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 356,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1623.- NUÑEZ ROSAS MARTIN, M, 33, 15/04/40, EMPLOYEE ECA, 5.385.925-9, 15/09/73, OSORNO, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 411,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 177 1624.- NUÑEZ VARGAS JUAN BAUTISTA, M, 30, 11/06/43, FARM WORKER, PRESIDENT SETTLEMENT VIÑA EL ESCORIAL, 4.717.059-1, 24/09/73, 03/10/73,MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 229, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1625.- OLEA ALEGRIA VICTOR FERNANDO, M, 24, 17/06/50, WORKER, 5.788.334-0, 11/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 585, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1626.- OLIVARES GRAINDORGE JORGE ALEJANDRO, M, 23, 14/09/50, GARDENER, 5.899.657-2, 27/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 509, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1627.- OLIVARES JIMENEZ DANTE VALENTIN, M, 35, 05/12/37, WORKER, 4.445.394-0, 20/09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 89, 1628.- OLIVARES PEREZ BRUNO, M, 19, 21/08/54, NOT KNOWN, 7.269.617-4, 01/06/74, CAUTIN, 09, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 171,,, 1629.- OLMOS GUZMAN GARY NELSON, M, 33, 21/11/40, SHOE CRAFTSMAN , EXLEADER JAP LA BANDERA, 4.036.793-4, 24/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 584, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1630.- OPAZO ARAVENA CESAR DAGOBERTO, M, 23, 30/01/50, WORKER, 06.577.919-6, 10/11/73, TALCA, 07, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 156, 1631.-OPAZO GUARDA MARIO ARMANDO, M, 19, 22/09/53, FARM WORKER, IN CHARGE OF PROPAGANDA YOUNG COMMUNISTS (C.P.) OSORNO, 14/09/73, OSORNO, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 409,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1632.- ORDENES SIMON JUAN MIGUEL, M, 20, 23/11/52, FARM WORKER, 6.922.926-3, 17/09/73, 16/09/73, CHACABUCO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 158, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1633.- ORDENES SIMON PAULINO ERNESTO, M, 21, 28/09/51, FARM WORKER, 6.066.207-K,17/09/73, 16/09/73, CHACABUCO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 158, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 178 1634.- ORDOÑEZ LAMA IVAN GERARDO, M, 17, 05/10/56, NO ACTIVITY, 06.368.080-K, 08/10/73, TALAGANTE, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 223, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1635.- ORELLANA ALARCON JUAN HUMBERTO ALBERTO, M, 31, 01/03/42, MASON, 4.440.372-, 23/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 170, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY.CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S.INVES. 1636.- ORELLANA APABLAZA DAVID, M, 51, 16/05/22, TAXIDRIVER, 1.563.029-9, 05/04/74, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 284, EXECUTED F.L., UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1637.- ORELLANA BARRERA MIGUEL SEGUNDO, M, 32, 22/08/41, DRIVER, 23/09/73, 24/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 171, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., F.CONJ.CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S.MILITARY. 1638.- ORELLANA JARA LUIS ALFONSO, M, 18, 24/02/65, WORKER POJH, 9.785.579-K, 04/12/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 336, EXECUTED INVE., POWER ABUSE, CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1639.- ORELLANA PEREZ LUIS EMILIO, M, 25, 07/06/48, EMPLOYEE, 5.811.85219/12/73, 21/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 219,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,DINA 1641.- ORELLANA ROJAS SERAFIN DEL CARMEN, M, 33, 27/03/40, NO ACTIVITY, 5.403.400-8, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 148,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, MILI-TARY BUIN 1642.- ORELLANA TAPIA NELSON RICARDO, M, 28, 29/10/44, WORKER, 5.049.7968, /09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 151, D.D.NOT IN LIST,, 1643.- ORELLANA VILLA PEDRO JUAN, M, 28, 20/03/45, CRAFTSMAN, 5.383.180-K, 01/10/73, CONCEPCION, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 113, EXECUTED INVE.,, 1644.- ORMEÑO GAJARDO VASCO ALEJANDRO, M, 18, 16/06/55, LEATHER WORKER , 05.878.171-1,26/02/74, 28/02/74, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 497, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 179 1645.- ORREGO LILLO BENJAMIN ANTONIO, M, 42, 10/03/31, CARPENTER, 3.210.483-5, 19/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 364, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1646.- ORTEGA ALVARADO RICARDO HERNAN, M, 19, 06/08/54, WORKER, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 63,,, 1647.- ORTEGA CUEVAS VICTOR ALFREDO, M, 34, 22/03/39, WORKER, 4.452.627-1, 12/10/73, 19/10/73, EL LO A, EL LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 271, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1648.- ORTEGA DONOSO JUAN LUIS, M, 23, ASSISTANT FURNITURE WOR-KER, 05/10/73, 05/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 118,,, 1649.- ORTEGA FERNANDEZ LUIS ALBERTO, M, 30, 24/12/42, EMPLOYEE CLINICA BANCARIA, 04.499.341-4, 21/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 169, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1650.- ORTIGOSA ANSOLEAGA JOSE MARIA, M, 42, 30/08/31, MANAGER, 00.146.082-, /09/73, 02/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 373, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1651.- ORTIZ MIRANDA JUAN DE DIOS, M, 50, 02/06/24, CAR PAINTER , 01.559.5760, 01/10/74, 08/10/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 357, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1652.- ORTIZ MORAGA JUAN OSVALDO, M, 47, 16/01/26, WORKER, 2.354.611-6, 21/10/73, 21/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR (DD), CNRR PAGE 148,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) COM 1653.- ORTIZ ORTIZ CARLOS MANUEL, M, 22, 01/01/51, FARM WORKER, 6.209.221-1, 02/10/73, 06/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 230, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1654.- OSORIO RODRIGUEZ MARIA ELENA, F, 25, MAID, 25/12/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 222, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1655.- OSORIO ZAMORA JORGE OVIDIO, M, 35, 01/05/38, ACCOUNTANT, 4.280.284-0, 27/09/73, 16/10/73, ELQUI, ELQUI, 04, 04, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 287, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 180 1656.- OSSES MELGAREJO JUAN AGUSTIN, M, 22, 20/05/51, NO ACTI-VITY, 7.780.089-1, /10/73, /10/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CNRR (DD), CNRR PAGE 154, D.D.CIVIL POLICE, DEATH NOT REGISTERED , REMAINS NOT FOUND , CIVIL POLICE 1657.- OTTS FLORES LUIS ENRIQUE, M, 28, 05/02/45, MERCHANT, 04.772.111-, 07/10/73, 07/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 192, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 1658.- OYARZO TORRES BAUTISTA SEGUNDO, M, 52, 05/04/21, FARM WORKER, 01.944.728-6, 20/10/73, 23/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 234, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1659.- OYARZUN ESCOBAR JORGE EDUARDO CRISTIAN, M, 23, 05/06/50, MERCHANT, 06.306.127-1, 30/09/73, 30/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 180, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY PATR. 1660.- OYARZUN SOTO FLAVIO ARQUIMIDES, M, 27, 08/09/47, SELLER, 5.413.9403, 02/10/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 517, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1661.- OYARZUN ZAMORANO PEDRO ENRIQUE, M, 36, 08/05/37, WORKER RAILWAY SHOP, .385.618-,29/09/73, 06/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 240, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1662.- PACHECO DURAN JORGE PEDRO, M, 21, 15/12/52, CRAFTSMAN,5.898.536-8, 03/12/73, 19/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 218,,, 1663.- PACHECO MOLINA ALFREDO, M, 24, 11/06/49, DRIVER, 6.233.176-3, 03/10/73, 09/10/73, OSORNO, OSORNO, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 414, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1664.- PACHECO MOLINA EDUARDO, M, 29, 14/11/43, FARM WORKER, 5.308.9348, 03/10/73, 09/10/73, OSORNO, OSORNO, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 414,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1665.- PACHECO SEPULVEDA MANUEL RICARDO, M, 19, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 14/10/73, 14/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 135, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 181 1666.- PADILLA VILLOUTA JOSE REMIGIO, M, 23, 28/06/50, WORKER, 5.728.548-6, 04/10/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 341,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1667.- PAILLACHEO CATALAN TEOBALDO JOSE, M, 58, 13/10/14, FARM WORKER, 1.684.188-9, 03/10/73, 09/10/73, OSORNO, OSORNO, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 414,,, 1668.- PAILLAMILLA TREULEN SERGIO LUIS, M, 28, 25/08/45, FOREST WORKER, 5.684.209-8, 10/10/73, VALDIVIA, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 218, MILITARY 1669.- PAINE LIPIN JULIO MANUEL, M, 27, 10/07/46, FARM WORKER, 5.189.584-3, 16/10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 383, 1670.- PAINIQUEO TROPA ROBERTO, M, 41, 24/03/42, WORKER, 3.268.427-0, 09/12/73, 10/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 160,,, 1671.- PALACIOS EDGARDO IVAN, M, 33, 02/03/41, SOLDERER, 04.245.903-8, 16/06/74, CONCEPCION, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 241, 1672.- PALMA AREVALO JUAN SEGUNDO, M, 29, 15/10/43, EMPLOYEE ECA, 04.445.560-9, /10/73, 10/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 385,, 1673.- PALMA CORTES RAMON ANTONIO, M, 30, 02/07/43, WORKER, 01/10/73, 01/10/73, SAN FELIPE, SAN FELIPE, 05, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 300,,, 1674.- PALMA NAVARRETE ORLANDO GREGORIO, M, 18, 12/04/55, WORKER, 7.472.882-0, 21/12/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 329, POWER ABUSE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1675.- PALMA PALMA MANUEL FERMIN, M, 25, 05/08/48, MERCHANT, 6.424.291-1, 30/07/74, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 491, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 1676.- PALOMINOS LAMAS GERMAN ELIDIO, M, 25, 13/04/48, CARPENTER FURNITURE WORKER, 05.940.889-5, 23/09/73, 01/12/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 256, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 182 1677.- PANES MUÑOZ GABRIEL GONZALO, M, 24, 11/06/49, TEXTILE WORKER, 5.964.738-8, 11/09/73, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 59,,, 1678.- PARDO GONZALEZ ZACARIAS ENRIQUE, M, 25, 29/04/48, ITINE-RANT MERCHANT, 5.203.848-, 03/10/73, 08/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 193, OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED., MILITARY 1679.- PARDO TOBAR RICARDO GUILLERMO, M, 28, 23/02/45, EMPLOYEE, EXINSTRUCTOR PARACHUTIST SCHOOL PELDE, 5.039.954-0, 10/10/73, 10/10/73,SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 129, 1680.- PAREDES CORTINEZ RENE, M, 21, 15/02/52, ITINERANT MER-CHANT, 6.158.849-3, 07/10/73, 07/10/73, TOCOPILLA, TOCOPILLA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 276, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1681.- PAREDES LAZCANO CESAR WALDO, M, 37, 15/12/35, OFICIAL ADMIN. CIVIL POLICE, 3.764.164-2, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 80,,, 1682.- PEDREROS FERREIRA PEDRO SEGUNDO, M, 48, 29/10/24, ADMINIS TRATIVE EMPLOYEE, 2.007.937-1, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 400, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1683.- PEÑA BRUNES DANIEL ENRIQUE, M, 45, 15/07/28, MINER, 2.492.831-4, 18/06/74, 28/06/74, ANTOFAGASTA, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 409, SUICIDE AS RESULT OF REPRESSION , 1684.- PEÑA CASTRO ONOFRE, M, 52, 01/04/21, FARMER, COUNCILOR CATEMU, 2.262.152-1, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, QUILLOTA, SAN FELIPE, 05, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 303, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 1685.- PEÑA CATALAN HERNAN, M, 20, 09/03/53, PIONETA, 6.674.040-4, 15/10/73, 25/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 200, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, CARAB.COMI 13,G 1686.- PEÑAILILLO SEPULVEDA AURELIO CLODOMIRO, M, 30, 25/06/43, RETIRED FOR INVALIDITY , MEMBER JAP,,, 4.708.817-8, 16/09/73, LINARES, 07, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 316, DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 183 1687.- PEPITO (PERSONA OF APODO), M, 28, NO ACTIVITY, 19/09/73, VALDIVIA, 10, KILLED CNRR V.P., CNRR PAGE 456, DUMB-DEAF AND MIND DEFICIENT , CUR-FEW, MILITARY 1688.- PERALTA CARDOZO JUAN, M, 31, 26/11/41, CARPENTER, 4.726.502-9, 14/10/73, 14/10/73, VALPARAISO, VALPARAISO, 05, 05, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 138,,, 1689.- PEREIRA CANCINO ORLANDO ENRIQUE, M, 31, 06/11/41, FARM WORKER, 04.653.916-8, 17/09/73, 17/09/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 228, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1690.- PEREIRA HERNANDEZ LUIS ALCIDES, M, 31, 19/08/43, FARM WORKER, 4.826.719-K, 25/10/74, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 493, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1691.- PEREIRA MERIÑO AROLDO ARMANDO, M, 49, 18/07/25, FARM WORKER, 2.290.808-1, 25/10/74, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 493, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1692.- PEREZ BALBONTIN LUIS ENRIQUE, M, 22, 06/02/51, SELLER, 6.618.530-, 15/10/73, 16/10/73, SANTIAGO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 203, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 1693.- PEREZ CARDENAS RICARDO ABRAHAM, M, 22, 04/04/51, MINER, 5.582.0139, 02/10/73, 05/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 267, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1694.- PEREZ GALLARDO NOLBERTO, M, 35, 11/02/38, WORKER, 3.921.911-5, 18/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 74, 1695.- PEREZ NAVARRETE ERNESTO ALFONSO, M, 24, 05/08/49, MUNCIPAL EMPLOYEE , 5.478.803-7, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 59, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1696.- PEREZ RIOS JOSE ROSENDO, M, 24, 18/10/49, ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEE HONSA, 6.254.647-6, 27/10/73, COYHAIQUE, 11, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 428, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1697.- PEREZ UBEDA JORGE SEGUNDO, M, 22, 19/01/51, WORKER, 07/10/73, 08/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 192, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 184 1698.- PEREZ VARGAS ALDO GONZALO, M, 23, 06/09/51, ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN , 23/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 514,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1699.- PEREZ VARGAS CARLOS FREDY, M, 25, 08/09/49, PUBLICITY WORKER, PRESS PRINTER MANAGER MIR (CONDOR AND MINERV) 6.227.008-K, 10/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 514,,, 1700.- PESLE DE MENIL ETIENNE MARIE LOUIS, M, 49, 07/01/24, TECHNICIAN COOPERATIVIST INDAP, MEMBER MOV.CHRISTIANOS POR EL SOCIALISMO, FRENCH, 3.837.205-K, 19/09/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 371,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1701.- PETERS CASAS GUILLERMO ERNESTO, M, 19, 25/06/54, MECHANIC, DRIVER COMMUNIST CONGRESSMAN , 7.248.379-0, 17/09/73, OSORNO, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 410,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1702.- PEZO JARA LUIS HERNAN, M, 29, 06/09/54, FOREST WORKER, 6.502.264-8, 12/09/73, 04/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 398, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1703.- PICARTE PATIÑO HUMBERTO, M, 30, 04/09/43, MERCHANT, 3.595.66818/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 161, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1704.- PIEROLA PIEROLA JORGE VICENTE, M, 26, 26/08/48, ADMINIS -TRATIVE EMPLOYEE CORFO, EX-ARMY MEMBER EXPELLED (PELDEH), 5.752.133-3, 10/10/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 246, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1705.- PILGRIM ROA MARIO, M, 22, 22/11/50, DRIVER, . 21.079-, 05/10/73, ARAUCO, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 278, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1706.- PIÑERO LUCERO CARLOS ALFONSO, M, 28, 13/10/44, SECRETARY DIRECTOR'S OFFICE , DRIVER AND SECRETARY MANAGER COBRECHUQUI, 4.885.080-4, 05/10/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 270, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1707.- PINCHEIRA CHAVEZ JUAN DARIO, M, 28, 28/09/45, FARM WORKER, EXSUBDELEGATE SANTA BARBARA, 4.687.267-3, 05/11/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 361,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 185 1708.- PINEDA IBACACHE RAFAEL ENRIQUE, M, 24, 19/01/49, ELECTRO -NIC TECHNICIAN , 5.599.785-3, 17/09/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 269, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1709.- PINTO CAROCA HECTOR SANTIAGO, M, 33, 25/10/39, FARM WOR-KER, 4.717.058-3, 03/10/73, 03/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 230,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, MILITARY 1710.- PINTO CAROCA HERNAN, M, 41, 17/12/31, FARM WORKER, 3.113.477-3, 03/10/73, 08/03/74, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 230,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, MILITARY 1711.- PINTO ESQUIVEL JORGE BERNARDINO, M, 46, 09/09/27, MER-CHANT, EX UNION LEADER, 23/09/73, 24/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 171, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY.BUIN 1712.- PINTO RODRIGUEZ LUIS ARMANDO, M, 17, LOADING WORKER, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 262, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, 1713.- PIZARRO ARANDA ARTEMIO, M, 37, 06/09/36, EMPLOYEE SADEMI, 00.029.031-, 09/10/73, 11/10/73, PETORCA,SAN FELIPE, 05, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 301, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1714.- PIZARRO HECTOR MANUEL, M, 35, 01/10/38, WAITER, 4.040.015-K, 18/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 73,,, 1715.- PIZARRO MENICONI ISIDRO MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 21, 08/12/52, TECHNICIAN WRITING MACHINES , 6.223.627-2, 19/11/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 526, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1716.- PIZARRO SAN MARTIN GABRIEL ALEJANDRO, M, 27, 10/08/46, FARM WORKER, 5.874.179-5, /10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 213, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1717.- PIZARRO VICENCIO OSCAR ERNESTO, M, 25, 24/10/47, EMPLOYEE, MANAGER FABRICA AEROLITE, 19/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 81, 1718.- PLAZA ARELLANO MANUEL BENITO, M, 25, AGRONOMIST, 20/09/73, 04/10/73, CAUQUENES, CAUQUENES, 07, 07, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 315, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 186 1719.- POBLETE CARRASCO RAFAEL EDGARDO, M, 26, 20/06/48, METALUR-GIC WORKER , 5.868.456-2, 12/07/74, 13/07/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 287, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 1720.- POBLETE HORMAZABAL CARLOS ABEL, M, 17, 06/07/56, SELLER ASSISTANT , 15/10/73,16/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 141,,, 1721.- POBLETE TROPA JUAN MAURICIO, M, 20, 23/01/53, MERCHANT, 6.919.5792, 23/09/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 338,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1722.- PONCE ARIAS ELIGEN, M, 38, 28/05/35, EMPLOYEE CORHABIT, 29.593. -, 27/09/73, 27/0 9/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 382, 1723.- PONCE CONTRERAS MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 18, 16/01/55, SLAUGHTER-HOUSE WORKER , 20/10/73, 20/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 209, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABI-NEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1724.- PONCE QUEZADA ORLANDO MIGUEL, M, 16, 15/01/57, NO ACTI-VITY, 08/10/73, 08/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR (DD), CNRR PAGE 125, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, DEATH NOT REGISTERED, REMAINS NOT FOUND, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1725.- PONCE VICENCIO EXEQUIEL, M, 39, 10/04/36, HARBOR WORKER , EXHARBOR LEADER AND UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), MEMBER CO, 3.617.995-3, 25/06/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 574,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1726.- POO ALVAREZ BENEDICTO, M, 41, 29/07/32, SMALL FARMER, 3.373.429-8, 20/10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 226, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1727.- PORMA CHEUQUECOY FRANCISCO PASCUAL, M, 42, 16/12/30, SMALL FARMER, 04.117.711-K, 22/10/73, /10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 385, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1728.- POVASCHUK GALEAZZO JUAN ANTONIO, M, 24, 05/01/49, PHOTO GRAPHER, FROM URUGUAY, MOVIMIENTO TUPAMARO, 1.152.632-, /09/73, 187 PUENTE ALTO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 215, D.D.CIVIL POLICE, CARAB. AND MILIT. 1729.- PUEN VILLANUEVA SEGUNDO ROSAMEL, M, 23, 18/12/49, WORKER, 5.876.066-8, 06/10/73, 06/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 121,,, 1730.- PURRAN TRECA JOSE GUILLERMO, M, 38, 04/01/35, ADMINISTRA-TIVE EMPLOYEE CORA, LEADER INDIAN COMMUNITY , 3.864.053-4, 12/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 198, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1731.- QUEGLAS MATURANA HECTOR ANDRES, M, 21, 10/09/52, FURNITURE WORKER, 6.441.428-3, 04/10/73, 05/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 188, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED ., CARABINEROS (PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 1732.- QUEZADA NUÑEZ JOSE ELIAS, M, 28, 15/03/45, PIONETA, MEMBER JAP, 5.554.147-7, 08/10/73, 09/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 186, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1733.- QUEZADA O'KINGTON VICTOR HERNAN, M, 32, 21/12/40, SELLER, 4.491.141-8, 13/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 265, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE /DEAD IN HOSP.BARROS LUCO, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1734.- QUIDEL REUMAY FRANCISCO, M, 31, 10/10/42, WORKER, 4.446.889-1, 09/12/73, 10/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 160,,, 1735.- QUINTANILLA ESCOBAR JAIME, M, 25, 30/07/48, WATCHMAN METRO, 05.528.646-9, 24/02/74, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 353, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINE-ROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1736.- QUIROGA ROJAS CARLOS DESIDERIO, M, 32, 07/08/41, ADMINIS-TRATOR SALITRERA, 04.088.353-3, 12/09/73, 20/09/73, TOCOPILLA, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 263, OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED., 1737.- QUIROZ PEREIRA WILFREDO HERNAN, M, 32, 22/09/41, WORKER ENDESA, EX-DIRECTOR UNIONINDUSTRIAL CENTRAL, 4.629.632-K, 21/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 352/, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 188 1738.- QUISPE CHOQUE DONATO, M, 28, 12/12/45, WORKER, BOLIVIAN, 7.107.133-2, 22/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 172, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1739.- RAMIREZ DEL PRADO ROBINSON ENRIQUE, M, 36, 29/03/37, LEATHER WORKER , EX-PRESIDENT UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT) CHILLAN, 4.023.966-9, 25/09/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 339,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1740.- RAMIREZ DIAZ JOSE ADRIAN, M, 20, 20/08/53, ASSISTANT ITINERANT SELLER, 7.381.213-5, 17/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 223,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1741.- RAMIREZ ESPINOZA SERGIO MOISES, M, 29, 11/11/43, NOT KNOWN, 5.125.339-6, /10/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 270, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1742.- RAMIREZ GALLEGOS MARIA JULIETA, F, 65, 17/05/09, LADY OF THE HOUSE, .811.644-K, 30/11/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 521,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1743.- RAMIREZ ORELLANA TOMAS ENRIQUE, M, 25, 07/11/47, WORKER BUILDING, 5.980.153-8, 05/11/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 343, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1744.- RAMIREZ ORTIZ VICTOR FERNANDO, M, 19, 06/12/53, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 07/10/73, 08/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 193, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 1745.- RAMIREZ PEÑA JUAN GUILLERMO, M, 20, 14/03/53, WORKER, .573.852-, 01/01/74, VALPARAISO, 05, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 282, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1746.- RAMIREZ RAMIREZ JOSE SANTOS, M, 50, 04/04/23, BUILDING WORKER, 1.524.058-K, 28/09/73, 28/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR (DD), CNRR PAGE 109,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, IN 1994 IDENTIFIED IN CEMETERY YARD 29 AND CERT.DEFUNC,MILITARY OR FAC 1747.- RAMIREZ ROSALES JOSE MANUEL, M, 22, 25/04/52, CRAFTSMAN, IN CHARGE OF ORGANIZATION MIR, 6.797.509-K, 27/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 508,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 189 1748.- RAMIREZ TORRES PEDRO LUIS, M, 34, 01/05/39, FARM WORKER, 4.685.2389, 17/09/73, 17/09/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 228, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1749.- RAMOS HUINA GERARDO ALEJANDRO, M, 20, 16/10/52, FOREST WORKER , 6.457.497-3, 14/10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 391, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1750.- RAMOS HUINA JOSE MOISES, M, 22, FOREST WORKER, 14/10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 391, CARABI-NEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 1751.- RAMOS JARAMILLO JOSE ALEJANDRO, M, 46, 24/04/27, FOREST WORKER, 2.957.329-8, 14/10/73, SANTIAGO, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 391, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1752.- REBOLLEDO ESPINOZA RAMON EDMUNDO, M, 41, 02/12/32, DAY LABORER , 3.207.017-5, 18/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 208,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, MILI-TARY 1753.- RETAMAL ROSALINDO DEL CARMEN, M, 64, 19/02/09, RENTISTA, .334.430-, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 127, 1754.- RETAMALES BRICEÑO ASRAEL LEONARDO, M, 44, 14/07/30, MECHA-NIC , EX-NEIGHBORHOOD LEADER, EX-CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)(PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 2.934.165-6, 07/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 585, 1755.- REYES AVILA CARLOS RAMON, M, 19, 31/08/54, UNEMPLOYED, 7.517.804-2, /09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 181, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1756.- REYES GONZALEZ AGUSTIN EDUARDO, M, 23, 19/07/50, CRAFTS-MAN, 4.309.970-1, 25/05/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 505, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, DINA 1757.- REYES GONZALEZ SEGUNDO HERNAN, M, 28, 17/06/45, WAITER, 5.404.1942, 03/11/73, BIO-BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 360, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1758.- RIFFO PASTENES ORLANDO, M, 34, 28/07/39, WORKER BUILDING, PRESIDENT JUNTA OF VECINOS, 04.204.690-6, 18/09/73, 19/09/73, ÑUBLE, ÑUBLE, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 345, 190 1759.- RIFFO RAMOS SERGIO ALEJANDRO, M, 23, 09/11/51, CRAFTSMAN, EXSTUDENT LEADER UNIVERSITY OF, 6.294.463-3, 29/11/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 521, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1760.- RIOS PEREZ CARLOS LUIS, M, 29, 21/02/44, ITINERANT MER-CHANT, 4.810.827-, 20/10/73, 20/10/73, SANTIAGO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 147,,, 1761.- RIOS PRADENA AMADO DE JESUS, M, 20, 20/09/42, BUILDING WORKER , 15/09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 175,,, 1762.-RIQUELME AVILES WALDO ANTONIO, M, 23, 13/02/51, NOT KNOWN, 06.384.434-9, 18/03/74, 24/03/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 503, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1763.- RIQUELME BRIONES ERIKA DEL CARMEN, F, 17, 04/12/55, ITINE-RANT MERCHANT, 7.137.256-1, /10/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 232DETAINED-MISSINGCIVIL POLICE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1764.- RIQUELME BRIONES JUAN ANTONIO, M, 14, 06/12/58, ITINERANT MERCHANT, /10/73, ÑUBLE, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 232, D.D.CIVIL POLICE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1765.- RIQUELME CONCHA FEDERICO, M, 38, 10/02/35, CRANE ASSISTANT , DIRECTOR LOADING WORKERS UNION , . 17.714-,13/09/73, 18/09/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1766.- RIQUELME GARATE IGNACIO HUMBERTO, M, 29, 31/07/44, MECHA-NIC, 5.324.667-2, 12/09/73, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 57,EXECUTED F.L., CARABINEROS(PARA-MILI-TARY POLICE) 1767.- RIQUELME IBAÑEZ VIDAL DEL CARMEN, M, 45, 25/09/27, MER-CHANT, 2.717.283-0, 15/09/73, LINARES,,07,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 322,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1768.- RIQUELME PACHECO ADAN ANTONIO, M, 43, 07/10/29, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 1.977.967-K, /09/73, 17/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 70,,, 191 1769.- RIQUELME PACHECO FRANCISCO JOSE, M, 37, 27/01/35, PAINTER, 3.310.631-9, /09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 70,,, 1770.- RIQUELME PACHECO JAIME BENJAMIN, M, 40, 25/03/33, WORKER, 2.933.364-5, /09/73,21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 70,,, 1771.- RIQUELME RIQUELME MISAEL, M, 55, 27/12/17, MERCHANT, 1.377.823-K,, 14/09/73, LOS ANDES, 05, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 267, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1772.- RIVERA CARREÑO LUIS FRANCISCO, M, 29, 16/08/44, BUILDING WORKER , 4.868.651-6, 30/09/73, 30/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 111, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 1773.- RIVERA COFRE LUIS ENRIQUE, M, 21, 09/04/52, WORKER, 7.279.413-3, 05/10/73, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 319,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1774.- RIVERA CONCHA WALDO ENRIQUE, M, 33, 23/01/41, EMPLOYEE SENDOS, 4.472.741-2, 30/04/74, CAUTIN, 09, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 285, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 1775.- RIVERA RAMIREZ LORENZO, M, 36, 23/10/37, PENSIONER, .477.644-, /10/73, CONCEPCION, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 233, MILITARY 1776.- RIVEROS CHAVEZ JOSE HERNAN, M, 27, 15/04/46, BUILDING WORKER , 5.626.232-6, 12/10/73, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 319,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1777.- RIQUELME VENEGAS OCTAVIO SATURNINO, M, 30, 22/03/43, CARPENTER, LEADER PEASANT FEDERATION , TEACHER, 4.766.288-5, 30/10/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE343, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1778.- ROA RIQUELME JUAN OF DIOS, M, 35, 06/02/38, FARM WORKER, 04.570.723-7, 07/10/73, 07/10/73, BIO BIO,BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 360, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1779.- ROBLES ROBLES JORGE, M, 43, 10/01/30, MERCHANT, 2.916.529-7, 18/10/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 354,,, 192 1780.- ROCA PEREZ MAXIMO ANTONIO, M, 18, 08/02/55, BUILDING WORKER, 7.780.234-7, 11/10/73, BIO BIO, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 130,,, 1781.- RODRIGUEZ ACOSTA JOSE, M, 55, 06/11/18, DAY LABORERLERO, 07/11/73, 08/11/73, LA SERENA, LA SERENA, 04, 04, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 289, STATE AGENTS 1782.- RODRIGUEZ AQUEVEQUE FLORENTINO AURELIO, M, 16, 03/06/57, SHOEMAKER, 03/10/73, 03/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, DETAI-NEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 184, DETAINED-MISSING CLARI-FIED,, 1783.- RODRIGUEZ AQUEVEQUE JUAN ENRIQUE, M, 20, 15/07/53, SHOEMA-KER, 6.613.953-0, 03/10/73, 03/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 184, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1784.- RODRIGUEZ ARANCIBIA LUIS MIGUEL, M, 23, 10/05/50, MERCHANT ITINERANT MARKET , 6.172.952-6, 13/10/73, 14/10/73, CORDILLERA, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 200, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1785.- RODRIGUEZ CORTES BERNARDINO, M, 39, 20/08/34, LEATHER WORKER , 3.120.944-7, 06/03/74, VALPARAISO, 05, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 487, 1786.- RODRIGUEZ ESCOBAR JUAN, M, 33, 25/12/39, FARM WORKER, 01/10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 383,,, 1787.- RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ JESUS DE LA PAZ, M, 25, 27/12/48, WORKER, 6.804.999-7, 22/08/74, MAIPO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE511, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1788.- RODRIGUEZ HERNANDEZ JOSE EUSEBIO, M, 24, 09/03/49, 6.142.593-4, /09/73, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 147, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1789.- RODRIGUEZ OLAVE ALFONSO VENICIO, M, 29, 11/09/44, WORKER, 7.848.442-, 20/01/74, 21/01/74,SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 352, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 1790.- RODRIGUEZ PEÑA JOSE OSCAR, M, 49, 10/02/24, NOT KNOWN, 2.458.544-1, 03/10/73, BIO BIO, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 353, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 193 1791.- RODRIGUEZ TORRES JOSE SEGUNDO, M, 23, 08/10/50, ITINERANT SELLER, 6.722.350-0, 30/10/73, 01/11/73, LA SERENA, LA SERENA, 04, 04, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 289, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1792.- ROJAS ALCAYAGA ROBERTO SEGUNDO, M, 36, 22/02/37, WORKER, 3.654.559-3, 12/10/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 271, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1793.- ROJAS ARCE JEAN EDUARDO, M, 23, 02/05/50, EMPLOYEE, 5.838.074-1, /10/73, 10/10/73, QUILLOTA, QUILLOTA, 05, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 304, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1794.- ROJAS CASTRO PEDRO, M, 21, 12/10/52, WORKER SUMAR, 20/12/73, 21/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 219,,, 1795.- ROJAS CORTES HUGO MANUEL, M, 33, 14/03/40, WORKER, 13/09/73, 03/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 184, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1796.- ROJAS GERALDO LUIS EDUARDO, M, 21, 05/05/52, PIONETA, 05/10/73, 05/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 187, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 1797.- ROJAS GONZALEZ PATRICIO DEL CARMEN, M, 21, 20/08/52, WORKER, 6.749.945-K, 16/09/73, 18/11/73, MELIPILLA, SAN ANTONIO, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 298/, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1798.- ROJAS GONZALEZ RODOLFO ISMAEL, M, 24, 25/11/48, WORKER BUILDING, LEADER SETTLEMENT, 25/09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, SAN -TIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 103, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1799.- ROJAS GONZALEZ SERGIO WENCESLAO, M, 18, 04/04/55, JUNIOR UNIVERSITY OF CHILE, 26/09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 103,,, 1800.- ROJAS MARAMBIO ANDRES, M, 38, 14/08/35, DRIVER HOSPITAL CALAMA, 03.291.230-3, 05/10/73, 06/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 267, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1801.- ROJAS MENDEZ JOSE ADOLFO, M, 21, 17/08/53, SELLER, 11/09/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 196, MILI-TARY 194 1802.- ROJAS ORELLANA RAUL ORLANDO, M, 36, 08/10/36, HORSEMAN, 5.251.426-6, 14/09/73, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 268, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 1803.- ROJAS OSEGA JUAN ORLANDO, M, 38, 23/02/35, MERCHANT, 03.534.702-K, 01/11/73, 15/01/74, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 252, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1804.- ROJAS PEÑA HERIBERTO, M, 23, 29/11/50, UNEMPLOYED, 5.598.327-5, 24/12/73, CONCEPCION, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 334, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1805.- ROJAS RAMON LUIS, M, 35, 03/10/37, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 4.140.707-7, 25/09/73, ARICA, 01, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 274, 1806.- ROJAS ROJAS MIGUEL, M, 52, 16/11/20, FARM WORKER, MEMBER UNION SETTLEMENT, 2.332.670-1, 13/10/73, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 323, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1807.- ROJAS VALENZUELA LUIS FERNANDO, M, 50, 18/09/23, HEALTH PRACTITIONER, 2.001.939-5, 02/10/73, 02/10/73, ARICA, ARICA, 01, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 247, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1808.- ROJAS VASQUEZ GILBERTO ANTONIO, M, 28, 29/10/44, WORKER BUILDING, 5.181.832-6, 13/10/73, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 323, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1809.- ROMAN VERGARA ANGEL CLODOMIRO, M, 26, 20/02/47, WORKER, 5.526.773-, 30/12/73, 31/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 222, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1810.- ROMEO GONZALEZ SANTOS VICTOR MANUEL, M, 33, 27/06/40, ACCOUNTANT,SECRETARY EMPLOYEES UNION PERLAK, . 46.827-, 11/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13, 13,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 74, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1811.- ROMERO CORRALES VICTOR ENRIQUE, M, 22, 07/12/50, WORKER, /11/73, 08/11/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 406, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1812.- ROMERO GONZALEZ RAMIRO ANTONIO, M, 28, 22/10/44, FARM WORKER, MEMBER SETTLEMENT UNION , 5.180.769-3, 13/10/73, LINA-RES, 07, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 323, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 195 1813.- ROMERO JELDRES ABRAHAM JOSE, M, 29, 22/12/43, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 4.889.497-6, /09/73, 27/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 108, EXECUTED INVE., BURIED AS N.N.AND SUBINSCRIPTED IN 1975, MILITARY? 1814.- ROMERO MUÑOZ ROBERTO DEL CARMEN, M, 23, 25/03/50, FARM WORKER, 6.173.703-0, 09/10/73, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 318, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1815.- ROMO ESCOBAR MANUEL LUIS, M, 20, 02/07/53, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 07.892.188-9, 01/02/74, 04/02/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 502, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1816.- ROSAS AGUILA TEOBALDO, M, 27, 14/08/46, MERCHANT, 5.409.955-K, 20/01/74, 22/01/74, MELIPILLA, TALAGANTE, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 165, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. ,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1817.- RUBILAR GUTIERREZ FLORENCIO, M, 24, 15/12/48, FARM WORKER, 6.161.024-3, 06/10/73, 06/10/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 359, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1818.- RUBILAR GUTIERREZ JOSE LIBORIO, M, 28, 23/07/45, FARM WORKER, 5.261.006-0, 06/10/73, 06/10/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 359,DETAINED-MISSING CLARI-FIED,, 1819.- RUBILAR GUTIERREZ JOSE LORENZO, M, 33, 30/08/40, FARM WORKER, 4.627.446-6, 06/10/73, 06/10/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 359,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1820.- RUBIO FAUNDEZ SERGIO MARIO, M, 21, 12/02/53, ASSISTANT MECHANIC, 6.692.430-0, /05/74, 20/05/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 170, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. 1821.- RUDOLPH REYES VICTOR EUGENIO, M, 27, 10/05/46, EMPLOYEE, 17/09/73, 04/10/73,VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 398, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1822.- RUIZ OJEDA MARIA DEL CARMEN, F, 48, 23/06/25, MAID, 6.724.471-0, 31/12/73, OSORNO, 10, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 236, D.D.CIVIL POLICE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 196 1823.- RUIZ RODRIGUEZ RICARDO SEGUNDO, M, 24, 15/04/49, FARM WORKER, 7.244.032-3, 07/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 400, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1824.- RUZ DIAZ JUAN ANTONIO, M, 32, 20/01/41, CUSTOMS EMPLOYEE , EXCOUNCILOR, 4.374.448-8, 14/09/73, 30/10/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 255, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1825.- SAAVEDRA BAHAMONDEZ RUDEMIR, M, 29, 25/06/44, WORKER FOREST WORKER, 12/09/73, 04/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 398, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1826.- SAAVEDRA MUÑOZ VICTOR SEGUNDO, M, 19, 15/01/54, FOREST WORKER, 6.531.812-1, 17/09/73, 04/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 398, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1827.- SAEZ SAEZ LUIS ANTONIO, M, 45, MERCHANT, . 8.158-, 19/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 78, EXECUTED INVE., CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1828.- SAEZ VALENZUELA FRANCISCO, M, 38, MERCHANT, 3.543.799-, 07/10/73, 07/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 192, EXECUTED F.L., CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1829.- SAEZ VICENCIO JORGE ROBERTO, M, 23, 27/02/50, GARDEMER, 6.214.120-4, 19/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 225, D.D.CIVIL POLICE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1830.- SALAMANCA MELLA MANUEL, M, 38, 10/03/35, FARM WORKER, 4.026.2261, 20/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 355, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1831.- SALAS OVALLE ROSAMEL DEL CARMEN, M, 53, SMALL FARMER,MEMBER JAP, 12/09/73, /09/73, CACHAPOAL, CACHAPOAL, 06, 06, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 305,,, 1832.- SALAS SALAS HUMBERTO, M, 32, 10/05/41, WOOD MERCHANT , 4.649.701-5, 24/09/73, OSORNO, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 412, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1833.- SALAS SOTOMAYOR JOSE MANUEL, M, 21, 12/01/52, WORKER, 6.537.129-4, 14/09/73, ANTOFAGASTA, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 261, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 197 1834.- SALAZAR BRICEÑO ALBERTO EUGENIO, M, 33, 01/09/45, CRAFTS-MAN, FORMER SAILOR, .274.434-, 23/06/79, 23/06/79, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 645, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CNI 1835.- SALAZAR LEAL TEOBALDO RENE, M, 50, 01/11/22, ADMINISTRATI-VE EMPLOYEE UNIVERSITY CH., PRESIDENT NEIGHBORHOOD COMMITTEE , 01.862.107-, 10/10/73, 12/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 198, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1836.- SALAZAR MUÑOZ RAIMUNDO, M, 46, 15/03/27, SMALL FARMER, 2.684.4347, 20/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 357,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1837.- SALCE ASCORRA ALVARO AGUSTIN, M, 48, 19/11/24, ADMINISTRA-TOR, / /, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 164, STATE AGENTS 1838.- SALCEDO MORALES CARLOS ELADIO, M, 21, 31/12/52, MERCHANT, 5.193.409-1, 16/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 511, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1839.- SALDIAS DAZA OSCAR ELADIO, M, 22, 05/02/51, WORKER CARPEN -TER, 5.247.917-7, 20/09/73, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 316, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1840.- SALDIVIA SALDIVIA JOSE SOFANOR, M, 23, 09/04/50, FOREST WORKER, 37.127-, 28/09/73, 28/09/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CNRR (DD), CNRR PAGE 112,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, DEATH NOT REGISTERED , REMAINS NOT FOUND , 1841.- SALDIVIA VILLALOBOS TEOBALDO, M, 26, 24/04/47, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 5.649.312-3, 17/09/73, 27/09/73, QUILLOTA, QUILLOTA, 05, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 302, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1842.- SALFATE SALFATE CARLOS JULIO, M, 28, 12/10/44, NO ACTI-VITY, 07/10/73, 07/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 123, 1843.- SALGADO MORALES MANUEL SEGUNDO, M, 36, 07/12/37, 3.529.696-4, 13/01/74, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 501, EXECUTED INVE.,, 198 1844.- SALGADO SALGADO RENE NOLBERTO, M, 27, 24/08/46, FARM WORKER, SECRETARY UNION CAMPESINA OF MAILE, 5.394.106-0, 17/09/73, OSORNO, 10,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 409,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARAB.TCIA.SAN 1845.- SALINAS EYTEL MARCELO EDUARDO, M, 31, 25/02/43, TECHNICIAN IN RADIO AND TV, 4.847.664-3, 31/10/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 518, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1846.- SALINAS FLORES CARLOS VICENTE, M, 21, RADIO OPERATOR, 09/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 400, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1847.- SALINAS GARCIA OSCAR RENATO, M, 26, 09/12/46, LOADING WORKER, 4.881.811-0, 01/10/73, 04/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 116, EXECUTED F.L., MILITARY 1848.- SALINAS SALINAS JUAN OF DIOS, M, 29, 27/04/44, FARM WOR-KER, 5.100.160-5, 14/09/73, TALAGANTE, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 148, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARABINE-ROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1849.- SAMPSON OCARANZA JOSE DEMOSTENES ROSIER, M, 33, 27/06/40, MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEE , 3.869.163-5, 21/09/73, 30/10/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 255, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1850.- SAN MARTIN BARRERA RAUL BURIDAN, M, 20, 13/05/53, SHOE WORKER , EX-LEADER NEIGHBORHOOD COMMITTEE LA LEGUA, 7.696.226-K, 06/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 190, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1851.- SAN MARTIN CARES LUIS HERNAN, M, 23, 05/10/50, WORKER, 6.295.028-5, 04/10/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 341,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1852.- SAN MARTIN INOSTROZA EXEQUIEL OVIDIO, M, 35, 15/03/39, FARMER, 3.795.466-7, 14/08/74, 14/08/74, BIO BIO,BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 288, EXECUTED INVE., UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARAB. IN CIVIL CLOTHES 1853.- SANCHEZ MEJIAS LUIS ALBERTO, M, 21, 06/07/52, COPERO, 03.630.320-, 07/10/73, 07/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 191, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 199 1854.- SANCHEZ ROJO NELSON MIGUEL, M, 28, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 04.554.021-9, /09/73, 29/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 178, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 1855.- SANCHEZ SILVA WILFREDO RAMON, M, 28, 26/09/45, EMPLOYEE SADEMI, 04.949.321-5, 08/10/73, 11/10/73, PETORCA, SAN FELIPE, 05, 05,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 300, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1856.- SANDOVAL ASTORGA JORGE LUIS, M, 17, 06/04/56, ITINERANT MARKET ASSISTANT , 7.208.755-0, 23/03/74, 24/03/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 168,,, 1857.- SANDOVAL MEDINA GERONIMO HUMBERTO, M, 22, 20/12/50, FARM WORKER, 6.561.387-5, 07/10/73, 07/10/73,BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 360, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1858.- SANDOVAL MUÑOZ JOSE ORLANDO, M, 26, 22/11/47, FARM WORKER, TELLER SETTLEMENT, 6.685.319-5, 01/07/74, 01/07/74, ÑUBLE, ÑUBLE, 08, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 173,,, 1859.- SANDOVAL PALERMO, M, 41, 04/09/32, WORKER, . 61.068-, 03/10/73, BIO BIO, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 276,,, 1860.- SANDOVAL PUGA SEGUNDO GUILLERMO, M, 23, 07/05/50, EMPLO-YEE, 5.433.603-9, 26/02/74, 28/02/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 167, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1861.- SANDOVAL SANDOVAL MARIO EDUARDO, M, 31, 25/11/41, WORKER BUILDING, 4.602.123-1, 22/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 92, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED. FACH 1862.- SANHUEZA SANHUEZA JUAN CARLOS, M, 35, MOVER WORKER , 21/09/73, CONCEPCION, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 205, D.D.CIVIL POLICE, 1863.- SANTANA FIGUEROA ALAMIRO SEGUNDO, M, 23, 03/09/50, UNEMPLOYED, EX-STUDENT LEADER, 7.039.795-1, 17/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 363, D.D.CIVIL POLICE, MILITARY 1864.- SANTANDER ALFARO PATRICIO, M, 21, 23/07/52, CARPENTER, 6.699.317-5, 07/10/73, 08/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 123, EXECUTED F.L.,, 200 1865.- SANTANDER VALDES MANUEL SEGUNDO, M, 31, 28/08/42, MER-CHANT, 4.288.571-1, /09/73, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 104,, 1866.- SANTIBAÑEZ DURAN MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 19, 25/10/54, MERCHANT, 7.219.757-7, /10/73, 05/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 187, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., INV.P.J.M.CARO 1867.- SANTIS URRIOLA RAUL FERNANDO, M, 26, 07/09/47, MECHANIC, 05.667.899-, 05/10/73, 11/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 196, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1868.- SANTONI DIAZ FRANCISCO JAVIER, M, 27, 10/12/45, CONDEMNED IN PRISON, 4.615.589-0, 26/11/73, ELQUI, 04, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 234, MILITARY 1869.- SARABIA FRITZ ARSENIO DEL CARMEN, M, 38, 25/04/35, NOT KNOWN, 03.491.857-0, /09/73, 11/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 131,,, 1870.- SARAO DIAZ JUAN IGNACIO, M, 17, 28/04/56, MERCHANT ITINE-RANT MARKET , 02/02/74, 02/02/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 166,,, 1871.- SARAVIA GONZALEZ MARTIN SEGUNDO, M, 39, 17/10/33, MECHA-NIC, 3.451.741-K, 23/09/73, 24/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 94, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 1872.- SARMIENTO CANTILLANA LEONCIO DEL CARMEN, M, 36, 15/09/37, WORKER BUILDING, 3.311.274-2, 10/01/74, 14/01/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 501, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1873.- SCHMIDT ARRIAGADA CARLOS, M, 21, 24/10/51, EMPLOYEE CORVI, 5.879.584-4, 13/09/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 393, 1874.- SCHMIDT ARRIAGADA RICARDO AUGUSTO, M, 20, 25/12/52, UNEMPLOYED, 06.816.771-K, 13/09/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 393, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1875.- SEGUEL REYES NOLBERTO, M, 34, 06/06/39, WAITER, 4.037.479-5, 27/09/73, MAIPO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 108,,, 201 1876.- SEGUEL VIDAL DEMOCRITO OF LA CRUZ, M, 22, 03/05/51, FURNI-TURE WORKER, 6.428.499-1, 22/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 279, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 1877.- SEGURA HIDALGO CARLOS GUSTAVO, M, 22, 18/09/51, LOADING WORKER VEGA, 6.438.268-3, /10/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 233, DETAINED-MISSING CIVIL POLICE,, 1878.- SEPULVEDA BRAVO HERNAN RAFAEL, M, 27, 09/04/46, WORKER, 16/09/73, 16/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 156, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1879.- SEPULVEDA BRAVO JUAN MANUEL, M, 25, 10/02/48, WORKER, 05.571.3626, 16/09/73, 16/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 156, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1880.- SEPULVEDA CASTILLO DOMINGO, M, 29, 18/10/43, WORKER, 05.170.766-4, 05/10/73, 05/10/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 359,,, 1881.- SEPULVEDA CERDA MANUEL, M, 26, 20/01/47, WORKER ENDESA, 5.240.414-2, 06/11/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE362, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1882.- SEPULVEDA FARIAS ADRIAN DEL CARMEN, M, 27, 29/01/46, WORKER SUMAR, BANDERA ROJA, 15/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 172, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1883.- SEPULVEDA LABRA CELEDONIO DE LAS ROSAS, M, 26, 19/06/47, WORKER, EX-LOCAL LEADER, 05.971.422-8, 06/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 190, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1884.- SEPULVEDA MANCILLA NARDO DEL CARMEN, M, 24, 21/01/49, WORKER, 05.712.819-, 23/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 171, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY BUIN 1885.- SEPULVEDA MONTANARES ALFONSO RENE, M, 00, MERCHANT, 10/07/74, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 491, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 202 1886.-SEPULVEDA REBOLLEDO MANUEL JESUS, M, 27, 12/10/45, FOREST WORKER, 4.460.921-5, 07/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 400, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1887.- SEPULVEDA TORRES GARDENIO, M, 35, 18/11/39, FARM WORKER, 14/09/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 391, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1888.- SEPULVEDA TORRES OSVALDO, M, 30, 05/07/42, FARM WORKER, 4.447.6460, 20/09/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 391, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1889.- SEPULVEDA VALENZUELA BELLA AURORA, F, 62, 15/08/12, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 17/10/74, LINARES , 07, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 176, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1890.- SEPULVEDA VALENZUELA BENEDICTO DE LA ROS, M, 64, 12/05/10, FARM WORKER, 1.966.774-K, 18/10/74, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 492,,, 1891.- SIERRA CASTILLO JAIME IVAN, M, 27, 27/10/45, RADIO ANNOUN -CER ATACAMA, 05.300.847-K, 20/09/73, 17/10/73, COPIAPO, COPIAPO, 03, 03, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 280, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1892.- SILVA AGUIRRE JULIO EDUARDO, M, 23, 10/04/50, WORKER BUILDING, 5.922.959-1, 03/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 277, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 1893.- SILVA CAMUS FERNANDO GUILLERMO, M, 60, 08/05/14, DECORATOR OF INTERIORS, .565.411-4, 27/11/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 521, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1894.- SILVA CARREÑO MANUEL, M, 45, 19/06/28, FARM WORKER, 2.527.542-K, 29/11/73, MAIPO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 235, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1895.- SILVA CONTRERAS SAMUEL EDUARDO, M, 27, 18/05/46, ASSISTANT HOSPITAL, EX UNION LEADER, 5.274.324-9, 25/03/74, OSORNO, 10, DETAINEDMISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 239DETAINED-MISSINGCIVIL POLICE,, 1896.- SILVA DIAZ CARLOS JESUS, M, 17, 22/07/56, ITINERANT MER-CHANT, 7.324.606-7, 04/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 277, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 203 1897.- SILVA DIAZ LUCIANO DEL CARMEN, M, 25, 16/07/48, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 5.692.590-2, 03/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 277,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 1898.- SILVA JARA LUIS HUMBERTO, M, 22, 22/10/52, LOADING HARBOR WORKER , .547.835-, 16/11/74, 16/11/74, VALPARAISO, VALPARAISO, 05, 05, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 289, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARAB.AND MILITAR 1899.- SILVA LOPEZ LUIS ALFONSO, M, 19, 18/11/53, PIONETA, .176.046-, 06/10/73, 06/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 122, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,FACH 1900.- SILVA LOPEZ ROLANDO OF LA CRUZ, M, 21, 14/09/52, UNEMPLO-YED, 6.343.303-9, /10/73, /10/73, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 154,,, 1901.- SILVA LOPEZ VICTOR GALVARINO, M, 20, 19/10/52, WORKER, 06.599.888-2, 16/09/73, 16/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 156, 1902.- SILVA LUIS OSVALDO, M, 38, 31/05/35, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 03.804.710-, 20/09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 167,,, 1903.- SILVA OLIVA JOEL GUILLERMO, M, 37, 25/02/36, MECHANIC LATHE OPERATOR FF.CC., 28/09/73, 06/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 240, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1904.- SILVA PEZO EMILIANO SEGUNDO, M, 25, 24/06/48, CARPENTER, 5.836.3588, 19/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 82, 1905.- SILVA SILVA ANDRES, M, 33, 26/02/40, FOREST WORKER, 05.584.396-1, 06/10/73, 09/10/73, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 399, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1906.- SILVA SILVA LUIS ARMANDO, M, 20, 23/01/54, ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN , 5.896.330-5, 24/10/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MIS-SING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 570, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1907.- SOTO CERNA ANTONIO PATRICIO, M, 31, 14/06/43, CARPENTER, EXLEADER JAP, LEADER COMMITTEE SIN C, 4.432.665-7, 22/11/74, SANTIAGO, 13, 204 DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 526, DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1908.- SOTO CHANDIA LUIS ALBERTO, M, 25, 10/11/47, TRACTOR DRI-VER, 5.859.536-5, /10/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 391, 1909.- SOTO GONZALEZ CESARIO DEL CARMEN, M, 60, FARM WORKER, 15/09/73,LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 322, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1910.- SOTO LUIS ALBERTO, M, 36, 07/05/37, MERCHANT, 3.598.032-6, 17/10/73, 18/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 143,,, 1911.- SOTO MUÑOZ JOSE SANTIAGO, M, 23, 27/11/50, BUTCHER EMPLO-YEE , 6.717.501-8, 31/01/74, 31/01/74, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 496, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1912.- SOTO QUIJON SEGUNDO MARCIAL, M, 32, 02/09/41, FARM WORKER, 4.713.410-2, 20/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 257, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1913.- SOTO RIVERA HIJO NONATO OF CLEMENTINA OF, N, /09/73, SAN BERNARDO, 13, KILLED CNRR (H.NON.), CNRR PAGE 402, INTRAUTERINE LIFE INTERRUPTION , 1914.- SOTO SILVA LUIS HORACIO, M, 19, NO ACTIVITY, 27/9/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR (DD), CNRR PAGE 105, DETAINED-MISSING CIVIL POLICE, DEATH NON REGISTERED, REMAINS NOT DELIVERED, 1915.- SOTO VALDES ALBERTO TORIBIO, M, 20, 15/08/53, PUBLICITY DELIVERY , 6.063.863-2, 08/10/73, 09/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 186, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1916.- SOTO VALDES RUBEN,M,66,15/09/07,MERCHANT,,,SOCIALIST PARTY, .599.373-3, /01/74, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 213,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1917.- SPORMA SANTIBAÑEZ EDUARDO, M, 64, 30/03/10, SMALL FARMER, 554.402-5, 06/08/74, 06/08/74, OSORNO, OSORNO, 10, 10, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 173, 205 1918.- STAPPUNG LOPEZ MARIO EMILIANO, M, 30, 20/10/42, WORKER, 04.337.098, 30/09/73, 30/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 181, AIR FORCE 1919.- STEPKE MUÑOZ WALTER RAUL, M, 24, 12/03/49, FARMER, 5.404.305-8, 15/09/73, CAUTIN,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 387,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 1920.- SUAZO SUAZO LUIS SEGUNDO, M, 20, 21/06/53, CAR PAINTER , 13/10/73, 14/10/73, CORDILLERA, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 200, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 1921.- SUIL FAUNDEZ JUAN ISMAEL, M, 25, 24/12/48, TECHNICIAN ELECTRICIAN, 6.008.856-K, 04/01/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 486, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1922.- SUPERBY JELDRES MARIO EDMUNDO, M, 23, 12/04/50, 5.397.364-7, 14/09/73, VALDIVIA, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 407,,, 1923.- TAMAYO REYES ANTONIO ARTEMIO, M, 31, 07/01/42, ASSISTANT CLINICA BANCARIA, 04.837.117-, 21/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 169, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 1924.- TAPIA CONCHA LUIS ROLANDO, M, 37, 01/08/36, BUILDING CONTRACTOR CORA, TEACHER, 3.516.497-9, 20/04/74, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 487, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1925.- TAPIA MUÑOZ JOSE ALEJANDRO, M, 19, 07/08/54, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 5.879.044-3, 04/10/73, 08/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 125, EXECUTED F.L.,, 1926.- TAPIA ROJAS MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 17, 16/03/56, NO ACTIVITY, 26/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 210, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) ? 1927.- TAQUIAS VERGARA MANUEL SEGUNDO, M, 38, 22/12/34, WORKER, 3.162.991-, / /, 15/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 201, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1928.- THATHER MUÑOZ JORGE SEGUNDO, M, 18, 31/03/55, UNEMPLOYED, 7.991.073-2, 28/12/73, 28/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR 206 (DD),CNRR PAGE 162, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 1993 FINGERPRINTS IDENTIFICATION BY EXPERTS /REMAINS NOT DELIVE-RED, 1929.-TOLEDO GONZALEZ LUIS SEGUNDO, M, 32, 08/12/41, WORKER, 4.453.30202/08/74, 06/08/74,SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 583, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CIV 1930.- TORMEN MENDEZ SERGIO DANIEL, M, 25, 27/04/49, MECHANIC BICYCLES, NATIONAL CHAMPION OF CYCLISM , 5.203.175-3, 20/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 508, DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1931.- TORO CASTILLO LUIS ALBERTO, M, 34, 10/07/39, SOLDERER RAILROAD ,04.278.292-0, 01/10/73, 11/02/74, IQUIQUE, IQUIQUE, 01, 01, KILLED CVR , CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 257, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1932.- TORO TORO JORGE MANUEL, M, 30, 23/05/43, SELLER, 12/09/73, 15/09/73, MELIPILLA, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 155, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1933.- TORO VELEZ EDUARDO EMILIO, M, 42, 18/05/31, ITINERANT SELLER , EXEMPLOYEE DINAC, 3.090.527-K, 06/10/73, 28/10/73, SANTIAGO, CHACABUCO, 13, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 190,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1934.- TORO VELOSO LUIS ESTEBAN, M, 20, 30/05/53, MERCHANT ITINE-RANT MARKET , 13/10/73, 14/10/73, CORDILLERA, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 200, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1935.- TORRES ALBORNOZ OSVALDO ALFONSO, M, 24, 01/05/49, MER-CHANT, 5.870.226-9, 16/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 156, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARAB. TCIA.ROO 1936.- TORRES ANTINAO LUIS OMAR, M, 21, 11/08/52, ITINERANT SELLER, 07.162.294-0, 26/12/73, 26/12/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 380, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1937.- TORRES ARANGUIZ JORGE REINALDO, M, 19, 08/12/53, ASSISTANT ITINERANT SELLER, 6.222.050-3, 29/09/73, 29/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 110, OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED., AIR FORCE 207 1938.- TORRES ARENAS JOSE FERNANDO, M, 25, 31/12/47, INSPECTOR DIRINCO, 5.633.054-, 16/09/73, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 159/, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARAB./MILITAR. 1939.- TORRES FLORES HENRY FRANCISCO, M, 16, 17/03/58, PIONETA, 8.138.9713, /07/74, IQUIQUE, 01, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 491, D.D.CIVIL POLICE,, 1940.- TORRES GAETE OSCAR SEGUNDO, M, 29, NOT KNOWN, 5.224.861-2, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 271, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 1941.- TORRES GUZMAN ERNESTO RENE, M, 22, 09/10/50, WORKER, EXTREASURER WORKERS UNION HOGAR DE CRISTO, 6.357.934-3, 04/10/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 341, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1942.- TORRES VELASQUEZ MARIO CESAR, M, 33, 19/10/40, LINOTYPE WORKER, 04.313.613-5, 19/09/73, 19/10/73, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 422, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1943.- TOY VERGARA JORGE ARTURO, M, 18, 06/03/55, MERCHANT, 22/12/73, MALLECO, 09, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 162, 1944.- TRACANAO PINCHEIRA ALEJANDRO ANTONIO, M, 22, FOREST WOR-KER, 19/10/73, VALDIVIA, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 401, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1945.- TRACANAO PINCHEIRA ELISEO MAXIMILIANO, M, 16, 29/10/56, WORKER FOREST WORKER, 10/10/73, VALDIVIA, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 401, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 1946.- TRACANAO PINCHEIRA MIGUEL JOSE, M, 31, 04/04/42, FOREST WORKER, 19/10/73, VALDIVIA, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 401, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1947.- TRANAMIL PEREIRA JOSE MARIA, M, 47, 10/07/26, SMALL FAR-MER, LEADER JAP, CACIQUE COMUNIDAD PEHUENC, 2.267.895-7, 12/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 198, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 208 1948.- TRAUBMANN RIEGELHAUPT ERNESTO, M, 49, 19/05/24, PUBLIC RELATIONS ENAMI, FROM CHECOSLOVAQUIA, 1.751.907-7, 13/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 142, DETAI-NED-MISSING CLARIFIED, 1949.- TRECANAO MORA LUIS ALBERTO, M, 18, 05/10/54, WORKER, 6.560.854-5, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 82, EXECUTED INVE.,, 1950.- TRONCOSO PEREZ GUIDO RAUL, M, 21, 05/08/52, MECHANIC, 06.665.668-3, 02/10/73, 02/10/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 373 , OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1951.- ULLOA CARRILLO JUAN CARLOS, M, 20, / /53, MERCHANT, 5.878.078-2, 10/10/73, 10/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 127, 1952.- ULLOA LUENGO BERNABE OF SAN JOSE, M, 21, 25/05/52, WORKER BUILDING,6.750.834-3, 15/10/73, ,ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 342, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CIVIL POLICE 1953.- ULLOA VALENZUELA LUIS ARMANDO, M, 51, 01/04/22, FOREST WORKER, 01.448.098-6, 14/09/73, /09/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 366, DETAINED-MISSING CLARI-FIED,, 1954.- URBINA DIAZ DOMINGO ANTONIO, M, 47, 12/08/26, FARM WORKER, 03/10/73, 03/10/73, TALCA, TALCA, 07, 07, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 311, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1955.- URBINA DIAZ LUIS ALBERTO, M, 50, FARM WORKER, 03/10/73, 03/10/73, TALCA, TALCA, 07, 07, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 311, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1956.- URRA LAGOS MERCENORIO, M, 42, 10/01/31, ELECTRICIAN,3.108.820-8, 29/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 275,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 1957.- URRA PARADA RAUL, M, 23, 23/02/50, WORKER CMPC, . 18.457-, 13/09/73, /09/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 367, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 1958.- URRUTIA ACEVEDO CLEOFE DEL CARMEN, M, 41, 15/01/32, TAXI-DRIVER, EX-CANDIDATE TO COUNCILOR, ARMY PENSIONIST , 2.724.454-8, 03/10/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 341, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 209 1959.- URRUTIA SEPULVEDA LUIS ALBERTO, M, 43, 21/09/30, FARM WORKER, 3.029.911-6, /09/73, CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 213,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1960.- UTRERAS BELTRAN JUAN SEGUNDO, M, 23, 30/07/50, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 6.407.779-1, 17/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13,, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 158,,, 1961.- VALDEBENITO MEDINA FRANCISCO ANTONIO, M, 19, 04/10/54, NO ACTIVITY, 130.809-, 20/10/73, 21/10/73, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 149, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1962.- VALDERAS MANCILLA FLAVIO HERIBERTO, M, 28, 17/12/44, FARM WORKER, 5.384.362-K, 16/09/73, OSORNO, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 409, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1963.- VALDES CHAVEZ MARIO ALEJANDRO, M, 19, 05/03/54, MERCHANT ITINERANT MARKET , 22/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 91, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABI-NEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 1964.- VALDES MORALES LINO FIDEL, M, 24, 07/10/73, 07/10/73, TOCOPILLA, TOCOPILLA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 276, 1965.- VALDES POZO JOVA DEL TRANSITO, F, 49, 02/08/25, HAIRDRES-SER , 3.802.629-1, 06/10/74,SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 288, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1966.- VALDES VALDES FRANKLIN ANTONIO, M, 28, 28/04/45, ACCOUN-TANT SANATORIUM EL PINO, 4.889.923-, 28/09/73, 04/10/73, SANTIA-GO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 239, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY.SAN BERNARDO. 1967.- VALDEVENITO MIRANDA JUAN JOSE, M, 26, 18/02/47, CAR REPAIR WORKER, 5.335.617-6, 20/09/73, 20/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR (DD),CNRR PAGE 85, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, FINGERPRINTS IDENTIFIED IN 1991 BY EXPERTS , AIR FORCE CARABINER0S (PARA-MILITARY POLICE). 1968.- VALDEVENITO OLAVARRIA ADAN, M, 26, 10/05/48, MERCHANT, 5.620.8151, 25/09/74, CONCEPCION, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 562, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 210 1969.- VALDEZ SEPULVEDA EDELMIRO ANTONIO, M, 42, 22/09/32, FARM WORKER,3.124.224-K, 25/10/74, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 493, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1970.- VALDIVIA CONTRERAS LUIS ALBERTO, M, 36, 16/10/36, LOADING WORKER, 3.873.320-, / /, 29/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 178, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 1971.- VALDIVIA VALDIVIA ALIRO DEL CARMEN, M, 39, 16/07/34, FARM WORKER, 3.339.795-K, 03/10/73, 03/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 230, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, MILITARY 1972.- VALDIVIA VASQUEZ MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 16, 25/11/56, WORKER, 21/10/73, 21/10/73, SANTIAGO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 242, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 1973.- VALDIVIA VASQUEZ SEGUNDO FERNANDO, M, 20, 06/07/53, WOR-KER, 07.204.809-, 21/10/73, 21/10/73, SANTIAGO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 242, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1974.- VALDIVIA VASQUEZ VICTOR EDUARDO, M, 18, 20/10/55, WORKER, 7.745.235-4, 22/10/73, MAIPO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 242,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARABINEROS (PARA-MILITARY POLICE ) POLICE STATION SAN BERNARDO 1975.- VALDOVINOS PEREZ SERGIO HERNAN, M, 29, 17/01/44, PAINTER, 5.089.6064, 19/12/73, 21/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 161,,, 1976.- VALENCIA CACERES MANUEL JESUS, M, 49, 06/06/25, MASON , 1.012.537-5, 09/09/74, 11/09/74, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 174, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1977.- VALENCIA LOPEZ JUAN FIDEL, M, 34, 30/07/39, NOT KNOWN, 04.915.554-9, 01/12/73,VALPARAISO, 05, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 280, UNDUE USE OF FORCE / MIND DEFICIENT , MILITARY 1978.- VALENCIA NORAMBUENA MANUEL ANTONIO, M, 39, 14/11/33, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 06/10/73, 07/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 191, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 211 1979.- VALENZUELA ALVAREZ BASILIO ANTONIO, M, 35, 16/11/37, FARM WORKER, 3.938.929-0, 16/10/73, MAIPO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 234, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, MILITARY 1980.- VALENZUELA BASTIAS JULIO GASTON,M,28,08/01/45,RADIO OPERATOR,,,SOCIALIST PARTY, 5.016.597-3, 09/10/73, 20/10/73, ARICA, ARICA, 01, 01, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 249,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 1981.- VALENZUELA FERRADA LUIS MARIO, M, 20, 22/10/52, WORKER FOREST WORKER, 07.400.441-5, 13/09/73, 04/10/73, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 398, 1982.- VALENZUELA RETAMAL ALCIBIADES, M, 23, 01/12/45, SMALL FARMER, 4.448.980-5, 18/10/74, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 493, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1983.- VALENZUELA SCHEUMANN RICARDO LUIS, M, 27, 05/10/46, CHE-MIST TECHNICIAN , 4.816.811-6, 11/03/74, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 167,,, 1984.- VALENZUELA VALENZUELA JORGE ORLANDO, M, 30, 11/07/43, FARM WORKER, MEMBER PEASANT UNION, 5.967.816-7, 08/10/73, MAIPO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 231, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)/CIV 1985.- VALENZUELA VALENZUELA JULIO, M, 18, 04/08/55, WORKER, 6.280.372-K, 07/10/73, 08/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 123,,, 1986.- VALENZUELA VELASQUEZ VICTOR HUGO, M, 22, 07/08/51, ASSIS-TANT REAL STATE REGISTER, SECRETARY PROPAGANDA YOUNG COMMUNISTS (C.P.), JEFE BRP TEM, 5.739.102-2, 07/11/73, 10/11/73, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 378, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 1987.- VALLE CORTES JUAN CARLOS, M, 22, 24/09/51, MESSAGER , 5.665.927-7, 21/10/73, 21/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 148, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1988.- VAN YURICK ALTAMIRANO EDWIN FRANCISCO, M, 20, 30/11/53, SELLER, 6.426.158-4,10/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 506,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 212 1989.- VARAS ALEUY RUBEN, M, 21, 09/08/52, NOT KNOWN, 6.180.319-K, 14/09/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 345, DETAINEDMISSING NOT IN LIST , 1990.- VARGAS BARRIENTOS PEDRO LEON, M, 23, 11/04/50, WORKER AND STUDENT, 6.294.013-1, 13/09/73, 29/10/73, MAIPO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 225, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, 1991.- VARGAS FERNANDEZ FELIX MARMADUKE, M, 31, 17/02/42, EX-MEMBER GAP, 4.511.520-8, /01/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 582, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1992.- VASQUEZ CASTAÑEDA ENRIQUE ZENON, M, 22, 05/08/51, ITINE-RANT MERCHANT, 15/09/73, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 63,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 1993.- VASQUEZ CASTAÑEDA VICENTE ARMANDO, M, 19, 10/08/54, ITINE-RANT MERCHANT, 6.871.556-3, 15/09/73, 16/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 63, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 1994.- VASQUEZ ESCOBAR JORGE ENRIQUE, M, 22, 26/10/50, LOADING WORKER, 22/09/73, 22/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 91, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1995.- VASQUEZ FREDES MARIA EDITH, F, 24, 15/11/48, MERCHANT ITINERANT MARKET , 06.739.635-9, 23/10/73, ARAUCO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 332, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 1996.- VASQUEZ GODOY ERNESTO, M, 22, 25/12/50, WORKER AEROLITE, 04.602.123-, 19/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 165, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 1997.- VASQUEZ GUAJARDO ROMELIO ANTONIO, M, 33, 31/08/40, MER-CHANT, 3.498.805-6, 30/09/73, 30/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 179, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARAB.12 COMI 1998.- VASQUEZ ORTIZ JUAN RENE ALBERTO, M, 28, 16/05/45, WORKER, 09/12/73, 09/12/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 216, 1999.- VASQUEZ ROMO EMILIO GUILLERMO, M, 30, 02/02/43, BUTCHER, 23/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 95, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 213 2000.- VASQUEZ SEPULVEDA HECTOR MANUEL HUMBERTO, M, 18, 19/04/55, MERCHANT ITINERANT MARKET , MEMBER JAP, 18/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 225, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CIVILES/NANO ME 2001.- VASQUEZ SILVA JUAN BAUTISTA, M, 19, 12/02/54, FOREST WORKER, 6.998.424-K, 16/09/73, ÑUBLE, 08, KILLED CNRR (DD), CNRR PAGE 67, DEATH NOT REGISTERED, REMAINS NOT DELIVERED, 2002.- VEAS SALINAS JAIME ALBERTO, M, 21, 14/02/52, BUTCHER SHOP WORKER, 7.075.375-8, 20/10/73, 20/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 209, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2003.- VEGA GONZALEZ ARTURO BENITO, M, 20, 26/06/53, WORKER BAKER, 7.730.318-9, 16/10/73, VALDIVIA, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 404, 2004.- VELASQUEZ MARDONES HECTOR ERNALDO, M, 33, 25/03/44, FURNITURE WORKER, 5.231.883-1, 03/11/73, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 393,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2005.- VELASQUEZ VARGAS JOSE RAUL, M, 24, 16/07/49, RADIO OPERA-TOR (VIALIDAD), 6.034.405-1, 09/10/73, PALENA, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 419,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2006.- VELASQUEZ VARGAS RUBEN ALEJANDRO, M, 28, 02/11/44, SMALL FARMER, 4.463.604-2, 05/10/73, PALENA, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 419, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2007.- VELASQUEZ VELASQUEZ JOSE ESAU, M, 52, 21/12/20, FARMER, 05/10/73, PALENA, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 419, OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2008.- VENEGAS ISLAS GROBER HUGO, M, 43, 01/02/31, MECHANIC ELECTRICIAN, EX-CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE), 2.668.368-8, 25/05/74, ARICA, 01,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 493, D.D. CIVIL POLICE, MILITARY 2009.- VERA CARCAMO JUAN BAUTISTA, M, 23, 03/06/50, SMALL FARMER, EXCIVIL OFFICIAL CORA, . 17.461-, / /, 10/10/73, COYHAIQUE, 11, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 426, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 214 2010.- VERA FIGUEROA SERGIO EMILIO, M, 28, 22/06/46, EMPLOYEE BOOKSTORE , 5.432.385-9, 16/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 584, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2011.- VERA ORTEGA FERNANDO ISIDRO, M, 18, 15/05/55, ASSISTANT STORE, 23/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 173,,, 2012.- VERA OYARZUN JUAN, M, 53, 20/04/20, WORKER, REGIONAL SECRETARY PC, EX-COUNCILOR, DIRI, 1.448.280-6, 27/10/73, COY-HAIQUE, 11, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 428, DE-TAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2013.- VERA SOTO JUAN SEGUNDO, M, 29, 13/01/44, WORKER, 5.287.899-3, 18/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 271, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2014.- VERA VERGARA HECTOR FERNANDO, M, 30, 19/11/43, WORKER, 5.727.7572, 21/09/73, 21/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 90,,, 2015.- VERDEJO CONTRERAS LUIS ALBERTO, M, 26, 14/06/47, MERCHANT, 13/10/73, 14/10/73, CORDILLERA, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 200, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2016.- VERDEJO VERDEJO EXEQUIEL DEL CARMEN, M, 49, 10/02/24, WORKER ENDESA, 2.439.914-1, 06/11/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 362, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2017.- VERDUGO BUSTOS OSCAR RENE, M, 33, 26/03/40, EMPLOYEE, 5.022.223-3, 18/09/73, 19/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 75,,, 2018.- VERGARA GONZALEZ LUIS ARMANDO, M, 22, 17/05/51, WORKER, 6.205.318-6, 15/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 202, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARAB.COMI 13 2019.- VERGARA INOSTROZA PEDRO JOSE, M, 22, 14/02/52, OCCASIONAL WORKER, 27/04/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 489,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2020.- VERGARA JOSE ADAN, M, 40, SHOEMAKER, LINARES, 07, 07, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 71,,, /10/73, /10/73, LINARES, 215 2021.- VERGARA SEPULVEDA JULIO, M, 28, 15/07/44, WORKER, 4.775.670-7, 06/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 122,,, 2022.- VERGARA UMAÑA JORGE ALBERTO, M, 30, 10/04/43, WORKER, 04.708.61925/09/73, 25/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 174, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILI-TARY.CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S.INVES. 2023.- VICENCIO GONZALEZ HECTOR ORLANDO, M, 24, 20/02/49, WORKER BUILDING, 7.438.795-0, 20/09/73, 21/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 166,DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,,FACH 2024.- VIDAL AEDO EDMUNDO JOSE, M, 20, 01/11/52, FARM WORKER, 6.426.270K, 05/10/73, 05/10/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 359, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 2025.- VIDAL ARENAS HUGO ALFREDO, M, 27, 04/05/46, FARM WORKER, 6.122.853-5, 03/10/73, 03/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 230, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, MILITARY 2026.- VIDAL IBAÑEZ JOSE ABRAHAM, M, 22, 23/07/51, FARM WORKER, ASSISTANT RADIO "EL SUR", 6.830.167-K, 04/10/73, CONCEPCION, 08, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 329,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2027.- VIDAL MOLINA JOSE ALFREDO, M, 27, 16/03/46, WORKER ECA, 5.399.068-, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 171, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)/MILITARY 2028.- VIDAL PAREDES VICENTE DEL CARMEN, M, 25, 19/07/48, WORKER, 6.284.595-, 05/10/73, 05/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 189, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2029.- VIDELA OVALLE BENJAMIN JAIME, M, 28, 02/05/45, EMPLOYEE, 5.071.378-4, 06/10/73, 23/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 191, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED, CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 2030.- VILLAGRA ASTUDILLO JOSE CAUPOLICAN, M, 40, 06/11/33, WORK-ER, 3.060.023-1, 15/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 540, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 216 2031.- VILLAGRA CRUZ HUMBERTO JAVIER, M, 17, 31/07/56, NOT KNOWN, 16/09/73, CONCEPCION, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 269, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 2032.- VILLAGRA GARRIDO VICTOR SEGUNDO, M, 31, 09/02/42, TEXTILE WORKER, 4.946.118-6, 15/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 269, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2033.- VILLAGRA ROJAS JUAN PEDRO, M, 22, 12/11/73, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 5.873.431-4, 22/10/73, 23/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 152, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., DETEN -TION RECOGNIZED, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) RENCA 2034.- VILLAGRAN VILLAGRAN JOSE LUIS TITO, M, 53, 22/09/19, SHOEMAKER. ARMED FORCES RETIRED, LEADER NEIGHBO RHOOD COMMITTEE, 29.212-, 16/09/73, 17/09/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 350,,, 2035.- VILLALOBOS DIAZ MANUEL JESUS, M, 22, 04/04/52, SELLER, 06.553.478-, 17/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 515, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2036.- VILLALOBOS MORAGA WALDO RICARDO, M, 48, 12/08/25, WORKER, 2.480.353-8,23/12/73, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 313, CARAB/POLICEMAN 2037.- VILLARROEL GANGA VICTOR MANUEL, M, 18, 30/05/56, MECHANIC, 7.434.471-2, 25/06/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 491, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2038.- VILLARROEL NAZARA PEDRO SEGUNDO, M, 27, 22/01/46, NOT KNOWN, 5.778.501-2, 16/10/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 141, EXECUTED INVE.,, 2039.- VILLARROEL RIVERA LUIS ANTONIO, M, 19, 01/07/54, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 02/10/73, 03/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 114, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARAB. 2040.- VILLASECA DIAZ JORGE BERNARDO, M, 48, 20/08/25, MERCHANT, 14/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 268, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 217 2041.- VILLASEÑOR JARA JUAN ANTONIO, M, 37, DIVER , CAUQUENES, 07, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 324, / /, 21/11/73, 2042.- VILLAVICENCIO MEDEL JOSE EUSEBIO, M, 25, 25/06/48, WORKER, VICEPRESIDENT SANTIAGO PINO SETTLEMENT, 5.192.699-4, 30/09/73, 30/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 178, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 2043.- VILLEGAS VILLAGRAN ARTURO SEGUNDO, M, 45, 10/09/28, TAXI-DRIVER, EX UNION LEADER FANALOZA, 2.291.366-2, 18/09/73, CONCEP-CION, 08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 327,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2044.- VIVANCO CARRASCO CELSIO NICASIO, M, 26, 25/12/46, FARM WORKER, 5.645.092-0, 05/10/73, 05/10/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 359, DETAINED-MISSING CLARI-FIED, 2045.- VIVANCO DIAZ RAMON LUIS, M, 44, 11/04/29, LATHE OPERATOR, 2.597.079-, 28/09/73, 06/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 240, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2046.- VIVEROS FLORES GABRIEL JOSE, M, 29, 21/10/44, FARM WORKER, 5.699.188-3, 03/11/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 357,,, 2047.- WALKER ARANGUA JOAQUIN, M, 30, 21/02/43, EX-MEMBER GAP, 04.436.696-7, 30/12/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 236, NAVY 2048.- WALL CARTES LUIS GUILLERMO, M, 22, 19/06/51, MECHANIC, 6.951.334-4, 05/11/73, ÑUBLE, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 343, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2049.- WEITZEL PEREZ PATRICIO LAUTARO, M, 26, 20/04/47, WATCHMA-KER, PRESIDENT JRR(YOUNG RADICAL PARTY), 05.341.675-6, 01/10/73, 01/10/73, ÑUBLE, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 339, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2050.- WENTEN VALENZUELA MANUEL, M, 49, 12/10/23, FARM WORKER, 04.116.543-K, 15/09/73, 18/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 351, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE). 218 2051.- YAÑEZ ASTUDILLO EVARISTO SEGUNDO, M, 34, 08/09/39, TECHNI-CIAN RADIO PRESIDENT JAP LAMPA, 17/09/73, 20/09/73, CHACABUC O, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 236, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2052.- YAÑEZ DURAN JOSE FLORENCIO, M, 34, 26/10/38, FARM WORKER, 4.872.301-2, 05/10/73, 05/10/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 359, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 2053.- YAÑEZ FRANCO JUAN MIGUEL, M, 25, 06/03/48, CARPENTER, 4.780.088-9, 12/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 349, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2054.- YAÑEZ ORELLANA JUAN BELARMINO, M, 27, 28/05/47, BAKER, 19/11/74, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 585, OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED., MILITARY 2055.- YAÑEZ VASQUEZ LUIS ALBERTO, M, 22, 15/10/50, FARM WORKER, 6.479.383-7, 13/10/73, LINARES, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 319, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2056.- YAUFULEM MAÑIL CEFERINO ANTONIO, M, 23, 04/10/50, FARM WORKER, 11/06/74, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 490, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2057.- YAUFULEM MAÑIL MIGUEL EDUARDO, M, 24, 10/05/49, FARM WORK-ER, 11/06/74, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 490, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2058.- YAUFULEM MAÑIL OSCAR RUMUALDO, M, 18, 06/02/56, FARM WORKER, 7.854.856-8, 11/06/74, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 490, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2059.- YUENG ROJAS JORGE RUBEN, M, 37, 04/03/36, WORKER, 3.622.331-6, 12/10/73, 19/10/73, EL LOA, EL LOA, 02, 02, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 271, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2060.- ZAMORANO GONZALEZ VICTOR MANUEL, M, 18, 12/07/55, FARM WORKER, -,03/10/73, 03/10/73, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 230, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 2061.- ZAMORANO VALLE MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 24, 12/06/49, CHILDREN CENTER ASSISTANT, 5.192.667-6, 12/09/73, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 263, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 219 2062.- ZANI ESPINOZA LUIS ARMANDO, M, 19, 10/07/54, NO ACTIVITY, 05.878.059-6, /09/73, 27/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR (DD), CNRR PAGE 105, D.D.CIVIL POLICE, DEATH NON REGISTERED, REMAINS NOT DELIVERED, 2063.- ZAPATA ANDRADE JOSE FRANCISCO, M, 24, 29/01/49, FARM WORKER, UNION DELEGATE CANTERAS FARM, 6.409.708-3, 04/10/73, 06/11/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 365, 2064.- ZAPATA BANDA LUIS ORLANDO, M, 47, 08/04/26, FARM WORKER, 25/09/73, 25/09/73, CURICO, CURICO, 07, 07, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 101, 2065.- ZIEDE GOMEZ EDUARDO HUMBERTO, M, 27, 31/10/46, UNEMPLOYED, 5.311.370-2, 15/06/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 505, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, DINA 2066.- ZORRILLA RUBIO JORGE LAUTARO, M, 25, 03/01/48, WORKER, . 20.927-, 15/09/73, 18/09/73, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 367, DETAINED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 2067.- ZULOAGA ORELLANA CARLOS EDUARDO, M, 18, 13/08/55, ASSIS-TANT, 7.740.601-8, 07/10/73, 07/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 123, EXECUTED F.L.,, 2068.- ZUÑIGA ACELDINE JOSE RAFAEL, M, 49, 20/06/24, FARM WORKER, 2.995.097-0, 17/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 355, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2069.- ZUÑIGA ACELDINE JOSE SECUNDINO, M, 51, 01/07/22, FARM WORKER, 3.200.202-1, 17/09/73, BIO BIO, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 355, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2070.- ZUÑIGA AGUILERA FRANCISCO ARNALDO, M, 22, 13/09/51, EMPLO -YEE CAFE BAR, 5.543.553-7, 12/10/73, 27/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 198, DETAI-NED-MISSING CLARIFIED,, 2071.- ZUÑIGA SANCHEZ RAMON VICTOR, M, 31, 25/05/42, CRAFTSMAN, 4.528.159-0, 27/09/73, 19/10/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 146, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 220 2072.- ZUÑIGA TAPIA HECTOR CAYETANO, M, 27, 02/08/47, CRAFTSMAN, EXSTUDENT UNIVERSITY OF CONCEPCION, 5.907.675-2, 16/09/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 514, DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2073.- ZUÑIGA ZUÑIGA EDUARDO FERNANDO, M, 44, 25/06/30, CAR REPAIR WORKER, 2.258.634-3, 23/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 541, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, MILITARY Murdered or detained-missing between 17th December 1974 and 11th March 1990 2074.- ABURTO GALLARDO EVALDO SEGUNDO, M, 22, 15/09/63, WORKER POJH, 9.767.529-5, 21/09/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 342, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2075.- ACEVEDO CISTERNAS EDUARDO BERNABE, M, 30, 09/11/55, FIS-HERMAN, 7.867.264-1, 31/05/86, VALPARAISO, 05,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2076.- ACUÑA SEPULVEDA DANIEL, M, 69, 18/04/10, RETIRED, 13/08/79, ELQUI, 04, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 645,,, 2077.- AGUIRRE BALLESTEROS JUAN ANTONIO, M, 23, 22/04/61, WORKER BAKER, 9.009.476-9, 04/09/84, 22/10/84, SANTIAGO, MELIPIL-LA,13,13,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 652,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2078.- AROS PARDO ALFONSO LUIS, M, 28, 02/06/50, TAXIDRIVER, EX-CIVIL OFFICIAL INDAP AND BODY GUARD J., 5.577.483-, 23/08/78, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED,,CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE644,,, 2079.- ARROS YAÑEZ OSCAR SEGUNDO, M, 28, 25/09/47, LATHE OPERATOR ENACAR, 4.999.097-9, 26/09/75, 28/09/75, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08,08,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE531,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2080.- AVILA GARAY IVAN FRANCISCO, M, 32, 28/05/52, ENGINE DRIVER ASSISTANT, 5.716.496-4, 20/06/84, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 679,,, 2081.- AVILES MIRANDA JOSE ARISTEO, M, 72, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 3.554.822-, 28/04/79, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 644,EXECUTED INVE.,, 221 2082.- BASOA ALARCON RENE, M, 29, 16/09/46, EMPLOYEE, INFORMER, 5.744.576-9, 19/03/82,,MAIPO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 647, 2083.- BRAVO FUENTES HUGO PATRICIO, M, 19, 03/11/64, UNEMPLOYED, 10.128.432-8, 09/08/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 723,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2084.CABRERA HINOJOSA ESTHER ANGELICA,F,22,18/05/65,UNEMPLOYED,,,FPMR,8.259.8197,,16/06/87,,SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 642,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2085.- CACERES PEÑA LINCOYAN NERY, M, 61, 15/09/27, EMPLOYEE, 2.429.340-8, 04/05/89, 07/05/89, CHAÑARAL, COPIAPO, 03,03, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 427,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,GENDARMERIE 2086.- CALFUQUIR HENRIQUEZ PATRICIO ALEJANDRO, M, 28, 20/04/53, WORKER, 07.235.187-8,,20/09/81,,VALDIVIA,,10,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 632,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 2087.- CAMPOS FARDELLA JORGE SERGIO, M, 50, 21/11/35, HEAD OF SALES CAROZZI, 03.255.496-2, 16/06/86, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 687, 2088.- CAMPOS PINILLA YOLANDA HORTENSIA, F, 33, 25/09/49, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 6.399.233-K, 11/08/83, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 713,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 2089.- CANCINO ARMIJO ADAN DEL CARMEN, M, 30, 21/10/45, WORKER, 5.537.810-K, 03/01/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 586DETAINED-MISSINGCIVIL POLICE,, 2090.- CANDIA REYES SEGUNDO ENRIQUE, M, 37, 21/03/47, CARPENTER, 5.621.187-K, 05/02/84, 09/02/84, CAUTIN, CAUTIN,09,09,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 412,,TORTURE OR MISTREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2091.- CANO VIDAL MARTA DEL CARMEN, F, 34, 17/04/49, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 5.748.400-4, 11/08/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 714, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 222 2092.- CANTEROS TORRES CLARA ELENA, F, 21, 25/07/54, LABORATORY EMPLOYEE , 7.351.624-2, 23/07/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE549,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2093.-CARABANTES OLIVARES HORACIO NEFTALI, M, 21, 05/02/53, ITINERANT MERCHANT, MEMBER COMMITTEE REGIONAL MIR, 7.218.951-5, 21/01/75, VALPARAISO,,05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 528,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2094.- CARCAMO ARAVENA RAUL IVAN, M, 32, 29/01/45, EMPLOYEE, 4.824.376-2, 01/09/77, VALPARAISO, 05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 654,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2095.- CARCAMO MARIO ARNALDO, M, 51, 14/07/26, TEMPORARY WORKS , EXUNION PRESIDENT ENTERPRISE MARCO CH, 2.400.997-1, 05/12/77, IQUIQUE,,01,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 403,,, 2096.- CARDENAS VALDERRAMA VICTOR MODESTO, M, 52, 04/11/23, ELECTRICIAN, FORMER GOVERNMENT SUBDELEGATE LA CALERA, 1.963.464-7, 26/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 561,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2097.- CARRASCO BASCUÑAN NELSON RAMON, M, 27, 06/07/56, WORKER POJH, 07.591.737-6, 27/03/84, 27/03/84, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 721,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2098.- CARRASCO GATICA ALEJANDRO LUIS, M, 27, /06/53, ITINERANT SELLER, 6.287.608-3, 30/08/80, CHOAPA, 04, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 368,,POWER ABUSE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2099.- CARREÑO ARAYA CRISTINA MAGDALENA, F, 33, 03/06/45, SECRE-TARY, 6.207.475-2, 26/07/78, ARGENTINA, AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 663DETAINED-MISSINGARGENTINA,, 2100.- CASTILLO ARCAYA ROBERTO, M, 35, 19/11/41, TECHNICIAN MACHINES NCR, 4.157.312-, 06/08/77, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 2101.- CASTILLO MUÑOZ MARIA LORETO, F, 29, 10/09/54, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 6.752.081-5, 16/05/84, 18/05/84, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 214,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 223 2102.- CASTILLO OYARCE RICARDO SERGIO, M, 21, 06/05/61, WORKER, 9.250.7076, 15/01/83, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2103.- CASTRO SEPULVEDA PEDRO DANIEL, M, 38, 14/10/35, WORKER PEM, 3.861.913-6, 29/04/77, ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 567,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2104.- CASTRO VILLANUEVA ISIDORO SEGUNDO, M, 26, 06/01/51, NON COMMISSIONED OFFICERS CASINO WAITER, 6.074.282-0, 31/05/77, ARICA,,01,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 588,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2105.- CATALAN ACUÑA CELINDO, M, 23, 04/01/45, UNEMPLOYED, 5.170.808-3, 01/03/78, ÑUBLE,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 655,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2106.- CATALAN ARRIAZA, NON BORN SON OF OLIVIA OR, N, /10/89,,VALPARAISO,,05,KILLED CNRR (H.NON.),CNRR PAGE 404,, INTRAUTERINE LIFE INTERRUPTED,CIVIL POLICE 2107.- CATALAN ESCOBAR HERNAN EUSEBIO, M, 24, 24/04/51, SHOEMA-KER, PRESIDENT YOUNG SOCIALISTS (P.S.) PITRUFQUEN, 6.464.143-3, 21/11/75,,CAUTIN,,09,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 564,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2108.- CATALAN OJEDA PEDRO LUIS, M, 18, 31/01/62, MUNICIPAL WORKER, 8.921.647-8, 19/01/80,VALDIVIA, 10,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 288,EXECUTED INVE.,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2109.- CAUTIVO AHUMADA SALVADOR FIDEL, M, 26, 14/08/62, WORKER, WALL ARTIST PAINTER B.R.P., 08.873.315-0, 31/12/88, ARICA, 01,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARA-BINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S? 2110.- CAYUNAO VILLALOBOS JOSE ENRIQUE, M, 20, 15/04/67, WORKER, 11.108.982-5, 12/11/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 737,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 2111.- CESPEDES CARO LUIS RENE, M, 20, 31/03/57, ITINERANT SE-LLER, 8.312.134-3, 08/02/78, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 655,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CIVIL POLICE 224 2112.- CESPEDES RIQUELME MARIO HERNAN, M, 32, 28/03/55, FARM WORKER, 7.907.722-4, 12/08/87, 12/08/87, CACHAPOAL, CACHAPOAL, 06,06, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 350,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2113.- CIENFUEGOS CAVIERES MARIA VERONICA, F, 28, 18/09/53, NOT KNOWN, 6.208.627-0, 11/12/81, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 633,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 2114.- COIDAN LEIVA SPIRO ADRIAN, M, 49, 16/02/26, CARPENTER, 2.000.253-0, 21/06/75, VALPARAISO, 05,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 393,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, 2115.- COLOMA ACUÑA MANUEL JESUS, M, 60, 25/11/12, RETIRED, EXCOUNCILOR SANTA CRUZ, 434.145-7, 08/10/73, 26/06/75, COLCHAGUA, COLCHAGUA, 06,06,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 578,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2216.- COLLIO COLLIO LUIS ALBERTO, M, 21, 12/02/68, ASSISTANT BUILDING, 11.227.833-8, 13/10/89, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 357,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2217.- CONCHA CALLEJAS RAUL DANTON, M, 26, 15/11/59, FARM WORKER, 8.735.787-2, 17/07/86, 18/07/86, COPIAPO, COPIAPO, 03,03,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 417,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CIVIL POLICE 2118.- CONTRERAS GARAY ANGEL DEMETRIO, M, 36, 07/09/50, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 06.366.646-7, 18/11/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 689,,, 2119.- CONTRERAS GONZALEZ ANTONIO DEL CARMEN, M, 20, 26/07/65, NO ACTIVITY, 10.429.726-9, 10/10/85, VALDIVIA, 10,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 373,EXECUTED INVE.,POWER ABUSE,MILITARY 2120.- CONTRERAS GONZALEZ JORGE EDILIO, M, 21, 09/05/55, WORKER, 04/07/76, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,,FACH 2121.- CONTRERAS GONZALEZ JUAN ORLANDO, M, 25, 20/03/51, WORKER, 04/07/76, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,,FACH 225 2122.- CONTRERAS MENARES MANUEL ANDRES, M, 31, 02/11/55, ACCOUN TANT, 7.773.418-K, 19/07/87, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,,, 2123.- CONTRERAS ROJAS HECTOR MANUEL, M, 39, 29/05/37, RADIO CONTROLLER, EX-UNION LEADER RADIO CONTROLLER , 3.878.398-K, 28/06/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 539,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2124.- CORREA ARCE RUITER ENRIQUE, M, 61, 15/07/15, RETIRED, .956.42627/05/77, 28/05/77, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 555,EXECUTED INVE.,, 2125.- CORREA ORTIZ HERNAN, M, 33, 18/06/50, DESIGNER TECHNICIAN, 5.354.488-, 28/12/81, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 2126.- CORREA VERGARA LUIS ALBERTO, M, 28, 09/12/59, MERCHANT, 8.845.7552, 03/12/88, 04/12/88, BIO BIO,BIO BIO,08,08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 447,,SUICIDE FOLLOWING REPRESSION,CIVIL POLICE 2127.- CORTES CORTES JUAN SEGUNDO, M, 58, 29/04/17, WORKER, .836.735-3, 04/09/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 563,,, 2128.- CORTES FERNANDEZ JUAN MANUEL, M, 24, 16/08/49, PIONETA, 6.028.9344, 25/04/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 206, D.D.CIVIL POLICE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2129.- CORTES NAVARRO ANDRES NICANOR, M, 17, 04/02/58, WORKER, 8.047.580-2, 19/09/75, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2130.- CORTES PINO FABIAN ONOFRE, M, 27, 27/10/55, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 6.862.668-4, 11/08/83, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 713,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2131.- CORVALAN VALENCIA JOSE ENRIQUE, M, 46, 20/08/29, EMPLOYEE, EX UNION LEADER ENAFRI AND MUNICIPAL, 2.351.340-4, 09/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 551,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 226 2132.- CRISTI MELERO ROBERTO, M, 26, 16/09/50, EMPLOYEE, 5.596.408-4, 17/01/77, ARGENTINA, AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE601, D.D.ARGENTINA,, 2133.- CRUZ DIAZ LIZANDRO TUCAPEL, M, 52, 21/01/24, TELEGRAPHER, EX UNION LEADER POLPAICO, 1.752.825-4, 18/12/76, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 554,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2134.- CRUZ ORTIZ MANUEL FELIX, M, 34, 11/11/50, CONCIERGE CASI-NO, 6.109.625-6, 28/04/85, 28/04/85, ELQUI, ELQUI, 04, 04, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 415,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2135.- CUEVAS CUEVAS JAIME ALFONSO, M, 29, 30/10/55, FOREST WORKER, 6.316.419-4, 10/11/81, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 633,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2136.- DE LA MAZA ASQUET JOSE LUIS, M, 26, 25/12/50, ELECTRICIAN, 01/11/77, ARGENTINA,,AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 664, D.D.ARGENTINA,, 2137.- DELPERO PANIZZA BRUNO, M, 30, 05/03/46, EMPLOYEE, ITALIAN, 05.706.131-6, 03/08/76, COPIAPO, 03,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,,, 2138.- DIAZ BARRIOS CARLOS HERNAN, M, 22, 05/09/61, DIVER, 7.927.172-1, 22/05/84, TALCA, 07,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 336,OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2139.- DIAZ CLIFF JUAN ANTONIO, M, 41, 08/05/45, EMPLOYEE, 5.566.196-0, 18/04/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 640,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2140.- DIAZ SOTO EDUARDO ANTONIO, M, 19, 04/04/64, MERCHANT, 8.860.391-5, 14/12/83, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 720,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2141.- DORNER CAIMAPU MARIO ENRIQUE, M, 24, 02/06/61, FARM WORK-ER, 9.295.312-2, 23/09/85, LLANQUIHUE, 10,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 372, POWER ABUSE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2142.- DUARTE REYES RAMON, M, 18, 06/01/70, 12.084.218-8, 30/10/88, LLOLLEO, 05, 05, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 744,,, 227 2143.- DUPRE NARVAEZ INGRID JEANNETTE, F, 19, 23/05/66, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 10.920.718-7, 11/01/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 344,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CIVIL POLICE 2144.- DURAN GONZALEZ CARLOS PATRICIO, M, 25, 14/02/51, BUILDER, EX UNION LEADER BUILDING CORPORATION ES, 6.054.022-5, 18/12/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 554, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2145.- ERRAZURIZ VELIZ LUIS, M, 42, 28/07/33, MERCHANT, 3.645.029-0, 24/01/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 283,,,CIVILS 2146.- ESCOBAR CEPEDA ELISA DEL CARMEN, F, 42, 19/07/33, WORKER, 3.272.520-1, 06/05/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 546,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2147.- ESCOBAR FERRADA MANUEL ANGEL, M, 22, 16/06/62, EMPLOYEE, 09.491.814-6, 29/12/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2148.- ESCOBAR LAGOS LORENA DEL PILAR, F, 3,17/09/75, NO ACTI-VITY, 08/10/78, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED, CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI/CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 2149.- ESCOBAR MONDACA ELIZABETH EDELMIRA, F, 29, 26/11/57, UNEMPLOYED, 7.365.005-4, 16/06/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 642,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2150.- ESPARZA OSORIO TOMAS SEGUNDO, M, 23, 29/01/61, WORKER, 9.887.5115, 19/11/84, 19/11/84, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09,09, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 414, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 2151.- ESPINOZA BRAVO MANUEL, M, 52, CAR CARETAKER, RETIRED, 16/12/80, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 674, 2152.- ESPINOZA GONZALEZ LUIS ALFREDO, M, 25, 23/10/53, ELECTRI-CIAN, EXMEMBER GAP, 6.816.937-2, 10/12/78, ARGENTINA,,AR,,DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 663 DETAINED-MISSING ARGENTINA,, 2153.- ESPINOZA PARRA JUAN ELIAS, M, 35, 15/01/47, PHOTOGRAPHER, 5.800.8109, 29/12/83, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 636,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 228 2154.- EUGENIO EUGENIO BASILIO, M, 44, 15/04/32, SHOEMAKER, 3.091.174-1, 29/04/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 565,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2155.- FERNANDEZ TRUJILLO HUMBERTO FERNANDO, M, 24, 09/03/53, NO ACTIVITY, 7.202.659-4, 07/09/77, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 293,, UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2156.- FERREIRA-RAMOS SCALTRITTI DANIEL, M, 38, 29/11/48, NOT KNOWN, URUGUAYA, 15/01/87,15/01/87, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 384, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CIVIL POLICE 2157.- FERREYRA VASQUEZ JOSE MARIA, M, 38, 16/01/38, CRAFTSMAN, . 83.374-, /08/76, 27/08/76, MAIPO, MAIPO, 13,13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 365,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, 2158.- FLORES BARRAZA MARIA OLGA, F, 60, 07/03/16, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 2.178.098-7,02/04/76,,VALPARAISO,,05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 545,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2159.- FLORES CASTILLO CAROL FEDOR, M, 25, 29/08/48, MECHANIC LATHE OPERATOR, 6.218.498-1, 07/06/76, 21/06/76, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 559,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2160.- FLORES DURAN SERGIO GABRIEL, M, 29, 15/03/52, TECHNICIAN ELECTRICIAN, 6.208.627-0, 11/12/81, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 633,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 2161.- FOITZICK CASANOVA BALMORIR VENTURA, M, 64, 05/08/11, FARM -ER, 550.194-6,, 21/07/75,, VALDIVIA,, 10, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 181,,, 2162.- FRES GALLARDO GONZALO ELIS, M, 18, 02/09/65, TEXTILE WORKER, 10.205.931-K, 29/03/84, 29/03/84, PETORCA, PETORCA, 05, 05, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2163.- FUENTES SEPULVEDA ANDRES ADALBERTO, M, 22, 02/01/61, TAXI-DRIVER, 8.629.140-1, 11/05/83, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 710,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 229 2164.- FUENTES TOLEDO JORGE FRANCO, M, 17, 01/02/66, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 13/08/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 716,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2165.- FUENTES ZAMORANO JUAN ABELARDO, M, 27, 18/04/48, HEALTH PRACTITIONER, EX- SOLDIER ESCUELA CABALLERIA Quillota, .101.762-, 11/06/75, 12/06/75, SANTIAGO, QUILLOTA, 05,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 180,,,MILITARY 2166.- FUENZALIDA LOYOLA SERGIO MANUEL, M, 55, 22/08/20, MER-CHANT, 1.722.277-5, 28/06/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 539,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2167.- FUENZALIDA NAVARRETE GONZALO IVAN, M, 26, 27/07/61, FURNI-TURE WORKER, MEMBER CODEJU, MEMBER FPMR, 9.295.342-4, 09/09/87,, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 657,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 2168.- GACITUA MARTINEZ JUAN RICHARD, M, 21, 20/08/63, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 9.701.991-6, 05/10/84, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 304,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2169.- GAETE AVILA MIGUEL SEGUNDO, M, 33, 25/04/49, ELECTRICIAN, 6.173.2713, 10/09/82, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2170.- GAHONA CHAVEZ ALONSO FERNANDO, M, 32, 01/12/42, MUNICIPAL WORKER, 4.853.829-0, 08/09/75, SANTIAGO, ,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 556,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2171.- GALVEZ DIAZ RAUL FERNANDO, M, 22, 30/12/60, POSTMAN, 8.005.293-6, 13/10/83, CORDILLERA,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 720,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2172.-GALLARDO CHAVEZ ARTURO OSCAR, M, 21, 05/01/59, SHOP YARUR EMPLOYEE, 8.466.968-7, 18/11/80, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 299, EXECUTED INVE.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,MILITARY 2173.- GALLARDO PACHECO ALBERTO RECAREDO, M, 63, 12/11/12, LATHE OPERATOR MECHANIC, 436.681-6,18/11/75, 19/11/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE533,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 230 2174.- GALLEGOS SABALL BENEDICTO ANTONIO, M, 29, 24/09/53, UNEMPLOYED, 6.870.022-1, 11/08/83, SANTIAGO,,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 714,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2175.- GANGA TORRES LUIS ANDRES, M, 21, 30/11/53, SELLER, 7.314.127-, 19/11/75, 19/11/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO,13,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 533,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2176.- GARAY TOBAR LINA DORA DEL CARMEN, F, 44, 15/10/38, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 5.007.651-2, 11/08/83, VALPARAISO, 05, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 711,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2177.- GARRIDO FERNANDEZ RENE HERNAN, M, 17, 08/08/67, SHOP ASSISTANT, 06/01/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 306,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2178.- GARRIDO LETELIER ATILIO DANTE, M, 52, 01/11/32, FARM WORK-ER, 3.455.971-6, 15/12/84, 15/12/84, COLCHAGUA, COLCHAGUA, 06, 06, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 380,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2179.- GOMEZ AGUIRRE ANA TERESA, F, 21, 07/03/62, WORKER PEM, 9.865.236-1, 11/08/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 713,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2180.- GOMEZ HIDALGO LINA OF LAS MERCEDES, F, 37, 20/07/51, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 06.348.267-6, 01/11/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 344, EXECUTED INVE.,POWER ABUSE,FACH 2181.- GOMEZ SAEZ JOAQUIN ALFONSO, M, 32, 16/08/56, SMALL FARMER, 8.306.023-9, 20/12/88, 20/12/88, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 323,, UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2182.- GONZALEZ CERDA ENRIQUE, M, 62, BUILDING WORKER, 28/04/77, SANTIAGO, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 292,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2183.- GONZALEZ DE ASIS GUILLERMO, M, 30, 25/06/45, PLUMBER, 4.940.767-K, 12/09/75, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 530,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 231 2184.- GONZALEZ FREDES FERNANDO DIONISIO, M, 57, 13/01/18, MASON, 21/07/75, 21/07/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2185.- GONZALEZ GONZALEZ MOISES PATRICIO, M, 25, 11/12/61, WOR-KER, 9.098.328-8, 03/06/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 386,EXECUTED INVE.,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2186.- GONZALEZ GONZALEZ PATRICIO LEONEL, M, 23, 03/04/62, JU-NIOR, 9.581.770-K, 10/12/85, CORDILLERA, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 311, EXECUTED INVE.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARAB.AND MILITAR 2187.- GONZALEZ INZUNZA JUAN CARLOS, M, 23, 07/03/62, ITINERANT SELLER, 9.421.442-4, 18/01/86, QUILLOTA, 05,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 312,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2188.- GONZALEZ MILLONES VICTOR MANUEL, M, 30, 13/08/54, EMPLO -YEE, 6.564.819-9, 10/11/84, SAN FELIPE, 05,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 258,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2189.- GUAJARDO PALMA OSCAR CONSTANCIO, M, 23, 04/07/58, MER-CHANT, 7.780.858-2, 30/01/82, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 372, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CIVIL POLICE 2190.- GUARDA SAEZ JUAN EDUARDO, M, 26, 02/07/57, UNEMPLOYED, 7.479.3169, 11/08/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 712,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 2191.- GUERRA OLIVARES JULIO ARTURO, M, 29, 13/07/57, ELECTRI-CIAN, 7.534.465-1, 16/06/87, 16/06/87, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13,13,KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 642,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2192.- GUEVARA MARDONES FERNANDO ENRIQUE, M, 29, 13/11/48, FAR-MER, 6.097.438-1,, 01/10/78, RENGO, 06,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 333,,POWER ABUSE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2193.- GUTIERREZ GUTIERREZ MARIA CRISTINA, F, 16, 23/04/69, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 11.978.797-1, 07/03/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 232 2194.- GUTIERREZ NUÑEZ JORGE ENRIQUE, M, 23, 25/06/61, NO ACTI-VITY, 09.347.882-7, 20/09/87, 20/09/87, VALPARAISO, VALPARAISO, 05, 05, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 319,,, 2195.- GUZMAN MUÑOZ FRANCISCO RAMIRO, M, 45, 24/10/40, DRIVER MICROBUS, 04.331.855-1, 28/08/86, CORDILLERA, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 688, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2196.- GUZMAN SOTO PROSPERO DEL CARMEN, M, 27, 02/08/54, WORKER, 06.533.089-K, 20/09/81, VALDIVIA, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 632,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 2197.- GUZMAN URRUTIA JORGE PATRICIO, M, 21, 17/06/66, WORKER POJH, 10.343.366-5, 08/10/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 738,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2198.- HARASIC MERVIL JORGE QUINTO, M, 34, 08/05/43, MERCHANT, 4.888.527-6, 23/05/77, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 292, UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2199.- HENRIQUEZ ALISTE HECTOR HUGO, M, 28, 29/10/53, DETECTIVE, 06.504.563-K, 18/11/81, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 675, 2200.- HENRIQUEZ GALLEGOS WILSON DANIEL, M, 26, 03/02/61, WORKER BUILDING, 09.178.683-4, 15/06/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 642,,, 2201.- HERNANDEZ ALARCON JUAN CARLOS, M, 24, 05/01/65, NOT KNOWN, 10.430.228-9, 19/01/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE649,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2202.- HERNANDEZ ALBORNOZ MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 17, 08/02/69, WORKER, 11.443.570-8, 05/09/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 736, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2203.- HERNANDEZ CONCHA EDUARDO ENRIQUE, M, 28, 11/12/47, ACCOUN TANT, 5.913.676-3, 03/08/76, MAIPO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 565,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2204.- HERNANDEZ MONDACA JUAN LUIS, M, 16, 16/04/72, ASSISTANT SELLER, 13.284.263-9, 07/09/88, 07/09/88, CORDILLERA, CORDILLERA, 13, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 321,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINE-ROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 233 2205.- HERNANDEZ ZAZPE JUAN HUMBERTO, M, 23, 19/04/52, MECHANIC LATHE OPERATOR, EX-STUDENT LEADER, 5.810.252-0, 03/04/76, ARGEN-TINA, AR, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 597 DETAINED-MISSING ARGENTINA,, 2206.- HERRERA BENITEZ ALICIA MERCEDES, F, 52, 18/06/24, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 1.961.371-2, 04/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 549,,, 2207.- HERRERA RIVEROS NELSON ADRIAN, M, 30, 17/01/54, MERCHANT, 6.364.291-6, 23/08/84, 23/08/84, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 637,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2208.- HIDALGO ORREGO SERGIO JORGE, M, 33, 27/03/44, EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MANAGER, 5.149.175-0, 31/08/77, VALPARAISO, 05, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 654,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2209.- HINOJOSA ARAOS JOSE SANTOS, M, 33, 23/06/41, ACCOUNTANT, 4.438.163-K, 26/06/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 581,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2210.- HONORES AGUIRRE HERNAN DEL CARMEN, M, 41, 11/08/40, MER-CHANT, 04.387.174-9, 10/04/82, 10/04/82, ELQUI, LIMARI, 04, 04, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE374,EXECUTED INVE.,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2211.- HUAIQUIL CALVIQUEO GERVASIO HECTOR, M, 25, SMALL FARMER, 26/10/75, CAUTIN, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 490,,, 2212.-HUERAVILO SAAVEDRA OSCAR LAUTARO, M, 23, 11/01/54, EMPLO -YEE, 6.293.832-3, 19/05/77, ARGENTINA, AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 602 DETAINED-MISSING ARGENTINA,, 2213.- HUERTA BEIZA VICTOR HUGO, M, 52, 28/07/31, ITINERANT MER-CHANT, 03.834.830-2, 03/11/83, 03/11/83, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 635,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2214.- IBARRA CORDOVA FABIAN ENRIQUE, M, 26, 20/01/48, ACCOUNTANT AUDITOR, 5.384.995-4, 17/01/75, VALPARAISO, 05,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 520,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 234 2215.- IBARRA SAAVEDRA JULIO MARCELINO PATRICIO, M, 20, 06/08/66, UNEMPLOYED, 10.541.016-6, 20/09/86, 20/09/86, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 314,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 2216.- INAREJO ARAYA MARCOS SEGUNDO, M, 23, 05/06/65, CONCIERGE UMCE, 9.807.583-6, 24/08/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 400, KILLED BY CIVILIANS UNDER POLITICAL PRETEXTS, 2217.- ITURRA GOMEZ CARLOS HUMBERTO, M, 24, 02/06/57, WORKER P.E.M. 7.135.543-8, 24/03/81, LLANQUIHUE, 10, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 372, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2218.- JARA CORDOVA JULIO ANTONIO, M, 28, 30/03/59, ASSISTANT CARPENTER, 8.810.338-6, 27/06/87, 28/06/87, VALPARAISO, VALPARAI-SO, 05, 05, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 386, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2219.- JARA CORTES CARLOS EDUARDO, M, 21, 14/02/65, FARM WORKER, 10.491.778-K, 31/08/86, 31/08/86, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2220.- JARA LOPEZ BERNARDO RAMON, M, 34, 18/06/50, WORKER POJH, 06.535.022-k, 30/10/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 727,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2221.- JUICA CORTES ERIK PATRICIO, M, 25, 30/07/61, SELLER, 07.268.502-4, 02/04/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 737,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2222.- JUICA VEGA MARIO JESUS, M, 34, 30/11/41, MERCHANT, RENCA MUNICIPAL WORKERS EX-PRESIDENT, EX-CA, 4.663.098-K, 09/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 551,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2223.- LABBE PEÑALOZA LUIS EUGENIO, M, 22, 31/01/54, WORKER PEM, 7.550.788-7, 07/02/76, COLCHAGUA, 06,KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 291, UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARAB.AND MILITAR 2224.- LAGOS ESCOBAR GUIDO ONOFRE, M, 29, 10/11/52, ASSISTANT TAYLOR, 6.070.610-7, 31/03/80, 21/07/80, BIO BIO, BIO BIO, 08, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 298,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 235 2225.- LAGOS MARIN SERGIO HUMBERTO, M, 26, 26/02/49, EMPLOYEE, EXSTUDENT LEADER UNIVERSITY, 5.179.090-1, 07/02/75, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 524,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2226.- LAGOS RODRIGUEZ MARIO OCTAVIO, M, 34, 15/01/50, WORKER, 5.626.6275, 23/08/84, 23/08/84, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 637, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2227.- LAMAS LARGO MARCELINO ROLANDO, M, 23, 17/08/51, CARPENTER, 6.245.114-9, 26/12/74, IQUIQUE, 01, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 577, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2228.- LASCHAN MELLADO FRIDA ELENA, F, 28, 10/08/47, ASSISTANT OF PARVULOS, 5.898.757-3, 15/04/76, ARGENTINA, AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 601, D.D.ARGENTINA,, 2229.- LATORRE RODRIGUEZ ELIZABETH DEL CARMEN, F, 26, 10/11/61, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 9.798.417-4, 16/09/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 322, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 2230.- LAUREL ALMONACID JOSE ALBERTO, M, 19, 25/10/54, ASSISTANT MECHANIC, 6.864.670-7, 12/05/74, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 330, EXECUTED INVE.,POWER ABUSE, 2231.- LAUSIC GLASINOVIC CEDOMIL LUCAS, M, 28, 16/07/46, AGRONO-MIST, 5.352.922-4, 03/04/75, /04/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 530,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,DINA 2232.-LAZCANO CAMPOS JOSE RENATO, M, 21, 01/01/62, NO ACTIVITY, 7.785.718-4, /06/83, LOS ANDES, 05, KILLED CNRR (DD),CNRR PAGE 377, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CIVIL POLICE 2233.-LEAL DIAZ SERGIO HERNAN, M, 41, 26/08/35, SMALL INDUSTRY FIRM OWNER, 3.849.242-K, 18/08/77, VALDIVIA, 10, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 653, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2234.- LEAL PEREIRA ARSENIO ORLANDO, M, 44, 18/12/30, MERCHANT, . 95.079-, 01/09/75, 06/09/75, MAIPO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 556,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,FACH 236 2235.- LEFIAN RODRIGUEZ HERNAN ABELARDO, M, 25, 20/02/63, WORKER, 9.289.366-9, 12/11/88, MAIPO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 322,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2236.- LETELIER PARRA JUAN JOSE, M, 31, 10/06/51, NOT KNOWN, 5.925.004-3, 25/07/82, 25/07/82, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 375,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2237.- LEUTUN MIRANDA FRANCISCO SEGUNDO, M, 27, 04/10/60, PIONE-TA, 8.852.707-0, 01/02/88, 20/04/88, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10, 10, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 388, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2238.- LOPEZ LEYTON RAFAEL OF LA CRUZ, M, 25, 22/10/55, FARM WORKER, 7.830.895-8, 07/06/81, 07/06/81, SAN FELIPE, SAN FELIPE, 05, 05, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 300, EXECUTED INVE.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 2239.- LOPEZ ZUÑIGA FRANCISCO HUMBERTO, M, 19, 31/12/66, UNEMPLO-YED, 10.407.694-7, 03/07/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 735,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2240.- LUCERO MUÑOZ RENE EUSEBIO, M, 32, 15/09/55, MERCHANT, 07.773.596-8, 07/05/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 344, POWER ABUSE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2241.- LLANCA RODAS JUAN MANUEL, M, 26, 18/07/49, WORKER BUIL-DING, 6.135.062-4, 17/09/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 493,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2242.- LLANCAQUEO MILLAN SEGUNDO ELIAS, M, 45, 15/10/29, FARM WORKER, 2.733.949-2, 05/04/75, 05/04/75, LAUTARO, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 586,,, 2243.- MALDONADO VELASQUEZ JORGE GERMAN LUIS, M, 19, 21/06/69, WORKER, 11.755.235-7, 21/01/89, CORDILLERA, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 323, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 2244.- MARCHANDON VALENZUELA MARCELINO CAROL, M, 29, 06/01/57, SMITH, 7.897.098-7, 04/12/86, 08/12/86, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 641,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 237 2245.- MARCHANT ORTIZ ESAU AUDILIO, M, 37, 27/09/43, WORKER, 5.246.814-0, 07/12/80, 08/12/80, CACHAPOAL, CACHAPOAL, 06, 06, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 371,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2246.- MARILAO PICHUN MOISES, M, 33, 14/07/51, NOT KNOWN, 6.769.250-0, 18/04/85, 19/04/85, TEMUCO, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CNRR, CNRR AG. 189, 2247.- MARIN NOVOA PEDRO MANUEL, M, 25, 25/02/58, WORKER POJH, 7.848.570-1, 11/09/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 719,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2248.- MARTIN MARTINEZ MARGARITA ELIANA, F, 30, 07/05/46, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 5.598.384-4, 01/07/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 647, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2249.- MARTIN MARTINEZ MARIA PAZ, F, 33, 11/08/53, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 6.493.678-6, 01/07/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 647, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2250.- MARTINEZ CELIS TOMAS RICARDO, M, 35, 05/12/50, ITINERANT SELLER, 6.020.627-9, 05/06/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 313, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2251.- MARTINEZ ROJAS FERMIN DEL CARMEN, M, 66, 28/07/13, RETI-RED, 2.378.465-3, 20/02/80, CURICO, 07, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 655, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2252.- MARTINEZ VALENZUELA DOMINGO ENRIQUE, M, 24, 15/11/50, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 05/09/75, 08/09/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 588,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2253.- MEDEL RIVAS DANIEL JOSE, M, 30, 09/05/52, WORKER BUILDING, PRESIDENT NEIGHBORHOOD COMMITTEE , MEMBER CEN, 6.429.517-9, 28/04/83, QUILLOTA, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 634, OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2254.- MELGAREJO ROJAS SANTOS DAVID, M, 17, 01/11/61, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 14/01/79, CONCEPCION,,08,,DETAINED-MISSING CNRR,CNRR PAGE 257,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 238 2255.- MELO FARIAS JOEL BERNARDO, M, 53, 09/02/28, FARM WORKER, 3.320.715-8, 21/07/81, MAIPO, ,13,KILLED CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 744, 2256.- MEMOLA HORMAZABAL CESAR ROQUE, M, 22, 21/09/61, SELLER, 6.194.219-K, 30/12/83, 31/12/83, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 302, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2257.- MENA ALVARADO NALVIA ROSA, F, 20, 26/08/55, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 7.688.548-6, 29/04/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 545, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2258.- MENA SANCHEZ MARCOS DAVID, M, 21, 28/02/65, FISHMONGER, 9.450.450-3, 05/09/86, 05/09/86, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 383, ,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CIVIL POLICE 2259.- MENDEZ VASQUEZ LAURA ROSA, F, 26, 04/12/62, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 09.410.170-0, 17/07/89, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2260.- MERINO VARAS ULISES JORGE, M, 33, 05/01/43, INSPECTOR TRAFFIC DIRECTION , 5.110.863-9, 02/02/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 564,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2261.- MILLAS MARQUEZ PEDRO GONZALO, M, 31, 27/02/46, FARM WOR-KER, 4.447.753-K, 15/12/77, LAUTARO, 09,09, DETAINED-MISSING CVR,CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 654, CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2262.- MIÑO LOGAN DAVID MARCO ANTONIO, M, 29, 30/12/56, EMPLOYEE, 7.299.759-K, 19/01/85, QUILLOTA, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 639, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2263.- MIÑO LOGAN MARCELO ESTEBAN, M, 26, 04/07/58, EMPLOYEE, 07.941.6290, 19/01/85, QUILLOTA, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 639, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2264.- MIRANDA AGUILAR MARTIN GUSTAVO, M, 53, 11/05/23, CARPEN -TER, 1.733.532-4, 23/12/76, ULTIMA ESPERANZA, 12, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 367, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CARABI-NEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 239 2265.- MIRANDA DIAZ MARCIA ELENA, F, 24, 11/10/60, NOT KNOWN, 9.779.708-0, 23/11/84, CONCEPCION, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 411, SUICIDE AS A RESULT OF REPRESSION , 2266.- MIRANDA GODOY DARIO FRANCISCO, M, 22, 21/08/53, EMPLOYEE AND THEATRE ACTOR , IN CHARGE OF CULTURE IN FENSIMET, MEMBER DEPA, 6.563.094-K, 30/07/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 550, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2267.- MIRANDA VIVAR HECTOR OSVALDO, M, 31, 21/11/56, CRAFTSMAN, 7.780.450-1, 21/12/87, MALLECO, 09, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 387, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,GENDARMERIE 2268.- MONDACA ZELADA JAIME IRINEO, M, 19, 29/11/67, WORKER, 10.796.821-0, 15/12/86, EL LOA, 02, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 314, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILI-TARY POLICE) 2269.- MONSALVE SANDOVAL JOSE EUGENIO, M, 27, 03/06/54, WORKER, 07.403.685-6, 20/09/81, VALDIVIA, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 632, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,CNI 2270.- MONTECINOS VERDEJO FERNANDO HUMBERTO, M, 23, 14/04/61, CRAFTSMAN, 08.121.464-6, 30/10/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 727, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2271.- MONTENEGRO GODOY SERGIO EDUARDO, M, 34, 09/04/40, MER-CHANT, EX-CIVIL OFFICIAL MINISTER OF THE TREASURY ; EX-LEADER, 3.832.709-, 24/01/75, BUENOS AIRES, AR, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 600,,, 2272.- MONTOYA VILCHES RAUL GILBERTO, M, 43, 15/02/33, ELECTRI-CIAN, EXMANAGER WORK RELATIONS CORFO, 2.935.822-2, 21/07/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 560,DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2273.- MORA ORELLANA GILBERTO ANTONIO, M, 22, 13/06/65, WORKER, 07.545.538-0, 04/09/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 744, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 2274.- MORAGA GARCES JUAN HECTOR, M, 32, 24/11/43, WORKER BUIL-DING, EX-YOUNG LEADER UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), EXLEADER O, 4.861.596-1, 22/07/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MIS-SING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 565,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 240 2275.- MORAGA MUÑOZ ENRIQUE ABELARDO, M, 27, 11/09/61, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 09.240.089-1, 10/12/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 345, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,POWER ABUSE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2276.- MORALES ALVAREZ CARLOS SEGUNDO, M, 30, 10/12/57, SHOEMA-KER, 7.785.036-8, 06/10/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 740,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 2277.-MORALES SANTOS JOSE EDUARDO, M, 29, 25/04/52, PIONETA, 25/10/81, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 2278.- MORALES VILLAGRA ENRIQUE DEL CARMEN, M, 21, 27/10/53, WOODCUTTER, 7.339.517-8, 07/02/75, 07/02/75, CONCEPCION, CONCEP -CION, 08, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 289,, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2279.- MORENO QUEZADA MANUEL JESUS, M, 51, 24/06/34, MERCHANT, 03.797.337-8, 09/08/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 729,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2280.- MOYA ROJAS MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 21, 07/08/67, ITINERANT MER-CHANT, EX-NEIGHBORHOOD LEADER, 10.475.369-8, 06/05/89, 06/05/89, LIMARI, LIMARI, 04, 04, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 193,,,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2281.- MUJICA BARROS MARIO ERNESTO, M, 32, 25/06/52, ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT, 6.615.321-, 23/08/84, BIO BIO, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 638, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2282.- MUJICA MATURANA MOISES EDUARDO, M, 30, 18/01/46, TECHNI-CIAN PROOFREADER , EX-CIVIL OFFICIAL QUIMANTU, 4.481.267-3, 29/04/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 564,DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2283.- MUÑOZ ALVAREZ VICTOR EDUARDO, M, 24, 05/09/53, ITINERANT SELLER, 5.876.043-, 14/10/77, 14/10/77, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 294, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CIVIL POLICE 2284.- MUÑOZ AREVALO ENZO, M, 30, 28/08/53, ITINERANT MERCHANT, EXPRESIDENT MERCHANTS UNION AMB, 6.429.655-8,, 03/07/84, SANTIA-GO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 636, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 241 2285.- MUÑOZ HERNANDEZ MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 16, 31/12/63, CRAFTSMAN, 04.773.440-1, 05/05/80, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 298, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2286.- MUÑOZ HUENCHUÑIR GUILLERMO IGNACIO, M, 20, 24/06/66, ITINERANT SELLER, 9.875.401-6, 31/08/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 341, EXECUTED INVE.,POWER ABUSE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2287.- MUÑOZ LAZO LUIS MIGUEL, M, 23, 07/08/64, TECHNICIAN ELEC -TRONIC, 08.915.806-0, 20/09/87, VALPARAISO, 05, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 319,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2288.- MUÑOZ NAVARRO ERWIN EDUARDO, M, 25, 31/01/54, MERCHANT, 7.095.879-1, 09/07/79, VALDIVIA, 10, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 334, POWER ABUSE, CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2289.- MUÑOZ NAVARRO JORGE EDUARDO, M, 28, 05/08/55, IN CHARGE OF FRENTE SOCIAL LOCAL COMMITTEE MIR, 6.614.822-K, 16/05/84, 17/05/84, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 187, EXECUTED INVE.,, 2290.- MUÑOZ OTAROLA JULIO ORLANDO, M, 33, 19/09/53, TECHNICIAN IN METAL CONSTRUCTC. , EX UNION LEADER, MEMBER FPMR, 6.984.359-K, /09/87, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE657, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2291.- MUÑOZ RODRIGUEZ LUIS GREGORIO, M, 22, 14/03/52, EMPLOYEE, 6.455.519-7, 20/01/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 524, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2292.- MUÑOZ ULLOA MAURICIO ANDRES, M, 27, 21/11/58, CONDEMNED IN PRISON, 7.100.332-9, 18/10/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 513, UNDUE USE OF FORCE /INTENDING TO FLEE PRISON ., POLICE-MEN 2293.- MUÑOZ VELASQUEZ LUIS GONZALO, M, 27, 12/08/48, ACCOUNTANT, EXCANDIDATE TO COUNCILOR, 6.019.851-9, 03/04/76, ARGENTINA, AR, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 597, D.D.ARGENTINA,, 2294.- MURGA MEDINA JOSE DANIEL, M, 28, 22/09/57, EMPLOYEE, 07.102.870-4, 18/04/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 640, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 242 2295.- MUSKATBLIT EIDELSTEIN ABRAHAM, M, 45, 14/06/41, PUBLICIST, 4.637.815-6, 09/09/86, 11/09/86, CORDILLERA, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 648, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2296.- NATTINO ALLENDE SANTIAGO ESTEBAN, M, 63, 12/09/21, PUBLI-CITY DESIGNER, 1.426.883-9, 28/03/85, 30/03/85, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 650,OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,, 2297.- NAVARRO MELLADO SERGIO, M, 34, / /42, WORKER, 02/02/76, 03/02/76, MALLECO, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 744, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2298.- NORAMBUENA CANALES JOSE DEL TRANSITO, M, 24, 12/01/61, WORKER, 9.231.567-3, 07/11/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 733, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,MILITARY 2299.- NUÑEZ BENAVIDES RODOLFO MARCIAL, M, 54, 21/10/21, DRIVER, EX UNION LEADER, SECRETARY ORGANI, . 65.815-, 18/05/76, SANTIA-GO, 13, DETAINED-MISSIN G CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 565, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2300.- NUÑEZ MUÑOZ ARTURO RICARDO, M, 24, 04/07/54, WORKER BUIL-DING, EX-MIR MILITANT, 6.377.543-6, 17/05/79, 18/05/79, SANTIA-GO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 645, OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED., 2301.- OBANDO GALETOVIC IVAN, M, 25, NOT KNOWN, 17/04/81, VALPA-RAISO, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,,, 2302.- OJEDA AGUAYO JUAN ANGEL, M, 27, 22/11/54, WORKER, 07.460.264-9, 28/11/81, VALDIVIA, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 632, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 2303.- OLIVARES JORQUERA RAUL JAIME, M, 25, 27/12/49, EMPLOYEE, 6.099.806K, / /75, 01/08/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 579, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2304.- OPAZO LARA LUIS HUMBERTO, M, 27, 28/11/55, UNEMPLOYED, 00.143.379-, 23/11/83, CONCEPCION, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARAB.COM.CIVIL 243 2305.- ORELLANA CASTRO MIGUEL IVAN HUMBERTO, M, 27, 14/03/49, EX-CIVIL OFFICIAL CORMU, /06/76, ARGENTINA, AR, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 600,,, 2306.- ORELLANA PINO SILVIA DEL CARMEN, F, 22, 28/10/60, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 9.056.143-K, 14/10/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 720, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2307.- ORMEÑO MOSCOSO JORGE HERNAN, M, 50, 01/06/29, MECHANIC LATHE OPERATOR, 2.509.204-K, 11/12/79, 11/12/79, SANTIAGO, SAN-TIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2308.- ORTA JOPIA RUBEN EDUARDO, M, 34, 11/10/46, TECHNICIAN ELECTRICIAN, 5.033.906-8, 07/11/80, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 630, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 2309.- ORTIZ VALLADARES FRANCISCO HERNAN, M, 45, 22/04/30, FURNI-TURE WORKER, EX UNION LEADER, EX-SECRETARY LUI, 2.933.613-K, 30/10/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 557, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2310.- OSBEN CUEVAS SERGIO LIONEL, M, 25, 11/10/56, DRIVER CIVIL POLICE, 07.420.780-4, 18/11/81, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 675,,, 2311.- OSORIO PEREZ GERMAN ANIBAL, M, 30, 06/06/52, UNEMPLOYED, 6.196.138-0, 19/04/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR V.P., CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 661, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2312.- OSORIO VERA JOSE SERGIO, M, 27, 28/09/55, MERCHANT, 7.679.667-K, 11/08/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 712, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2313.- OTAROLA VALDES LUIS GERARDO, M, 25, 25/07/52, WORKER, 6.467.736-5, 30/08/77, VALPARAISO, 05, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 653,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2314.- OVALLE NARVAEZ MIGUEL HERNAN, M, 22, 17/08/53, EMPLOYEE, 6.023.053-6, 27/06/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 539, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2315.- OVIEDO SARRIA SERGIO DANIEL, M, 29, 21/07/47, WORKER, 6.309.349-1, 14/05/77, ARICA, 01, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 588, 244 2316.- OYARCE GUARDA MARTIN ALEJANDRO, M, 19, 29/01/69, WORKER BUILDING, 11.487.066-8, 23/07/88, 23/07/88, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 321, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2317.- OYARZUN MANZO OSCAR ORLANDO, M, 43, 05/02/35, MECHANIC LATHE OPERATOR, EX-CIVIL OFFICIAL ENAP, EX-SECRETARY REGIO, 3.048.894-6, 26/01/79, 31/01/79, AR, AR, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 663, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2318.- PAILLAQUEO MORALES JUANA MARIA, F, 45, 08/07/41, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 4.574.785-9, 10/09/86, CORDILLERA, 13, KILLED CNRR V.P., CNRR PAGE 517, MANIFESTACION,MILITARY 2319.- PAILLALEF PAILLALEF JUAN JOSE, M, 52, 04/11/24, EMPLOYEE BUILDING CONSTRUCT., 1.944.900-9, 31/07/77, ARICA, 01, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 588, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2320.- PALACIOS TORO ESTEBAN ALEJANDRO, M, 21, 03/08/57, WORKER PEM, 00.139.804-, 28/08/78, 29/08/78, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 744, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 2321.- PALMA MOYA PACIFICO SEGUNDO, M, 29, 15/10/56, WORKER, 07.969.4991, 23/09/85, TALCA, 07, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 310, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2322.- PALMA ROBLEDO DANIEL, M, 60, 13/09/15, MANAGER, 2.309.992-6, 04/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 550, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2323.- PARDO MUÑOZ BERTA ROSA, F, 65, 31/07/22, PENSIONIST, 03.275.191-1, 20/01/88, VALPARAISO,,05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 692, 2324.- PAREDES PEREZ ERNESTO ENRIQUE, M, 33, 27/12/42, ACCOUN-TANT, 4.066.953-1, 15/05/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 580, D.D.CIVIL POLICE,, 2325.- PAREDES TRUJILLO JOSE MANUEL, M, 32, 22/10/55, DIVER, 8.683.268-2, 04/11/87, 04/11/87, LLANQUIHUE, LLANQUIHUE, 10, 10, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 387, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 245 2326.- PARRA BENITEZ MARCELO RUDECINDO, M, 14, 25/05/70, PESCA-DOR, 17/04/85, CONCEPCION, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 307, UNDUE USE OF FORCE,NAVY 2327.- PARRA ROLDAN FERNANDO IVAN, M, 27, 26/10/58, SELLER, 08.038.777-6, 13/10/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 689, 2328.- PAVEZ PINO RENE ENRIQUE, M, 19, 16/02/64, WORKER POJH, 9.842.342-7, 14/10/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 719, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2329.- PEÑA ESCOBAR RICARDO OSVALDO, M, 22, 19/12/56, WORKER PEM, 8.049.745-8, 21/08/79, 21/08/79, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 297, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2330.-PEREIRA LUNA SERGIO OMAR, M, 44, 08/06/38, WORKER, 04.045.004-1, 15/10/82, 15/11/82, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 2331.- PEREZ ESPINOZA VICTOR OMAR, M, 28, 05/10/58, WORKER BUILDING,08.371.180-2, 16/02/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2332.- PEREZ VALDEBENITO ROBERTO ANDRES, M, 24, WORKER BUILDING, 09.361.942-0, 01/11/86, 01/11/86, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, DEATH AS A RESULT OF TORTURE, 2333.-PIÑA ARRATIA CECILIA ADELAIDA, F, 22, 04/04/64, TEXTILE SHOP EMPLOYEE, 10.191.969-2, 11/09/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 737, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2334.- PINCHEIRA LLANOS LUIS PANTALEON, M, 34, 18/06/47, ACCOUN-TANT, EX-STUDENT SOCIOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF, 10/11/81, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 633, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 2335.- PINO CORTES CLAUDIO PATRICIO, M, 23, 01/11/63, UNEMPLOYED, 09.178.609-5, 24/03/87, 25/03/87, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 744, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2336.- PINO ELIZONDO JUAN SEGUNDO, M, 48, 01/12/35, WORKER BUIL-DING, 03.353.625-6, 30/10/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 728, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 246 2337.- PINOCHET ARENAS ALEJANDRO ALBERTO, M, 23, 02/06/64, CAR TECHNICIAN , MEMBER FPMR, 10.212.807-9, 10/09/87, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 657,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2338.- PINTO RODOLFO HERNAN, M, 49, 10/04/31, WORKER POJH, 3.320.489-2, 19/04/80, VALPARAISO, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 673, 2339.- PIZARRO ROJAS ELISEO ENRIQUE, M, 51, 31/10/31, WORKER PEM, 04.155.843-1, 11/08/83, VALPARAISO, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 711, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CNI 2340.- PLAZA DIAZ SARA BEATRIZ, F, 17, 06/02/68, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 08.862.827-6, 01/03/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 744, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 2341,.POBLETE HLACZIK CLAUDIA VICTORIA, F, 0, NO ACTIVITY, ARGEN-TINA, 27/11/78, ARGENTINA, AR, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 602,,, 2342.- POBLETE ROA JOSE LIBORIO, M, 23, 06/01/55, TECHNICIAN LATHE OPERATOR, MEMBER "CRISTIANOS PARA LA LIBERACION", 6.227.737-8, 27/11/78, ARGENTINA, AR, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 602, D.D.ARGENTINA,, 2343.- POLANCO VALENZUELA OSCAR FERNANDO, M, 40, 18/10/40, HEAD OF ADMINISTRATIVE SHOP, 4.182.464-6, / /, 08/07/81, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 646, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., ACHA 2344.- PONCE SILVA SAMUEL ANTONIO, M, 23, 28/07/60, MERCHANT, 8.634.754-7, 01/04/84, 01/04/84, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 303, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 2345.- PORTILLA PORTILLA ARMANDO, M, 48, 14/06/28, SALE PROMOTER, EXDIRECTOR ENDESA, EX-SUPERINT.RELAC.IN, 2.758.775-5, 09/12/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 552, 2346.- PUENTES ORIA MANUEL ALFREDO, M, 27, 26/01/59, WORKER, 8.568.273-3, 14/06/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 341, POWER ABUSE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2347.- QUEZADA MONCADA HERNAN LEOPOLDO, M, 32, 10/08/45, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, SIM COLLABORATOR , 5.563.278-2, 09/10/77, VALPARAISO, 05, 247 DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 654, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2348.- QUEZADA OVIEDO VICTOR MANUEL, M, 48, 01/09/35, EMPLOYEE, 3.958.228-7, 27/03/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 722, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2349.- QUEZADA SOLIS MARIO LUIS, M, 32, 02/08/43, ASSISTANT ENFER-MERIA, EX-SECRETARY INTENDENCIA ANTOFAGASTA, 4.289.884-8, 12/12/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 544, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2350.- QUILAN CABEZAS JAIME ANTONIO, M, 26, 09/03/62, WORKER, MEMBER PASTORAL COUNCIL CHAPEL JOHN XX, 09.255.031-1, 29/12/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 741, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CIV 2351.- QUIÑONES IBACETA JUAN LUIS, M, 31, 22/12/44, LINOTYPE WORKER, EXSTUDENT LEADER, 5.325.166-8, 23/07/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 548, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2352.- QUINTANA DIAZ SEGUNDO ARCANIO, M, 25, 26/05/62, CARPENTER, 9.502.956-6, 16/10/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 319, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILI-TARY POLICE) 2353.- QUINTANA MICHELSON SERGIO ANTONIO, M, 31, 04/05/52, ASSIS-TANT ACCOUNTANT, 5.842.388-2, 30/04/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 658, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2354.- QUINTANILLA LABRA JORGE WLADIMIR, M, 19, 24/12/62, NO ACTIVITY, 7.787.019-, 03/02/82, 04/02/82, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 373, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2355.- QUINTANILLA PALOMINOS GUIDO FROILAN, M, 24, 10/08/55, FARM WORKER, 7.277.945-2, 14/07/80, 16/07/80, CACHAPOAL, CACHAPOAL, 06, 06, KILLED CNRR,CNRR PAGE 370, EXECUTED INVE., TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2356.- QUINTEROS MARTINEZ IVAN ALFREDO, M, 31, 29/09/50, MECHANIC INDUSTRIAL, 6.441.291-4, 17/12/81, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 633, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 248 2357.- QUINTUL MUÑOZ JOSE RAUL, M, 35, 01/07/43, WORKER BUILDING, 16/05/79, CHILOE, 10, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 369, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2358.- QUIROZ OPAZO JOSE DOMINGO, M, 26, 09/07/49, NOT KNOWN, MILITANTE FRACTION E.L.N. SOCIALIST PARTY, 27/10/75, 27/10/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 579, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2359.- RAMIREZ BURGOS JOSE HERNANDO, M, 43, 06/08/41, PAINTER BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 4.223.903-8, 15/05/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 397, KILLED BY CIVILIANS UNDER POLITICAL PRE-TEXTS, 2360.- RAMIREZ CALDERON GUSTAVO GUILLERMO, M, 20, 13/06/55, CAR MECHANIC , SOCIALIST MILITANT PARTY FRACTION E.L.N., 6.974.255-6, 06/09/75, SANTIAGO,,13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 575,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2361.- RAMIREZ GONZALEZ OSCAR JULIO, M, 23, 04/05/60, JUNIOR, 8.638.144-3, 08/09/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 717, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2362.- RAMIREZ HERRERA RICARDO IGNACIO, M, 40, 23/02/37, CIVIL BUILDER MINVIU, 3.682.001-2, 16/05/77, ARGENTINA, AR,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 598, D.D.ARGENTINA, 2363.- RAMIREZ ITURRIAGA JORGE ALFREDO, M, 28, 05/01/59, CRAFTS-MAN, 8.036.100-9, 15/05/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 320, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2364.- RAMIREZ RAMIREZ FRANKLIN, M, 20, 20/01/56, NO ACTIVITY, 7.315.778-1, 05/11/76, 05/11/76, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 366, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 2365.- RAMIREZ RUBIO ROBINSON, M, 24, 13/12/58, WORKER POJH, 7.625.301-3, 08/09/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE717, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2366.- RAMIREZ ZURITA MANUEL MARCELINO, M, 22, 10/02/64, TELLER STORE, 10.075.664-1, 18/01/87, 18/01/87, MALLECO, MALLECO, 09, 09, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 384, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 249 2367.- RAMOS GARRIDO OSCAR ORLANDO, M, 59, 17/10/16, LINOTYPE WORKER, RADIOTECHNICIAN, EX-INTENDENTE, EX-FUNC.PUBLISH.A HORI-ZONTE, .615.705-K, 05/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 549, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2368.- RAMOS VIVANCO OSCAR ARTURO, M, 24, 28/01/52, RADIOTECHNI-CIAN AND STUDENT, 5.395.900-8, 05/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 549, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2369.- RATIER NOGUERA HUGO NORBERTO, M, 39, 11/10/43, NOT KNOWN, IN CHARGE OF MILITAR SECTION MIR, ARGENTINA, 7.582.739-, 07/09/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 635, OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2370.- REBOLLEDO PARRA RICARDO SERAFIN, M, 22, 02/05/63, ITINE-RANT MERCHANT, 9.452.279-K, 08/08/85, CONCEPCION, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 308, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CIVIL POLICE 2371.- RECABARREN GONZALEZ LUIS EMILIO, M, 29, 06/02/47, GRAPHIC TECHNICIAN , EX-LEADER OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION UNIVERSITY T, 5.473.525-1, 29/04/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 545, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2372.- RECABARREN GONZALEZ MANUEL GUILLERMO, M, 22, 18/09/53, PLUMBER, EX UNION LEADER, 7.311.072-6, 29/04/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 545, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2373.- RECABARREN ROJAS MANUEL SEGUNDO, M, 50, 18/09/25, GRAPHIC WORKER RETIRED, EX-LEADER NACIONAL GRAFICOS, EX-DIRIG, 1.464.283-8, 30/04/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE545, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2374.- REKAS URRA ELIZABETH MERCEDES, F, 27, 28/03/49, SOCIAL ASSISTANT, 5.849.187-K, 26/05/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 581, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2375.- RETAMAL SEVERINO RAMON EDUARDO, M, 23, 25/09/59, CARPEN -TER, 8.725.874-2, 22/08/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 716, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2376.- RETAMAL SOTO JOSE ROLANDO, M, 18, 20/02/62, ITINERANT MER-CHANT, 8.826.706-0, 09/08/80, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 370, TORTURE 250 OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINE-ROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2377.- REYES GARRIDO MANUEL LAUTARO, M, 24, 25/12/50, WORKER, 6.091.0782, 19/11/75, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 533, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2378.- REYES GONZALEZ RICARDO ENRIQUE, M, 22, 07/04/63, PRESS SELLER, 9.676.588-6, 12/05/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 307, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 2379.- REYES MANRIQUEZ ENRIQUE HERNAN, M, 35, 26/10/46, MECHANIC MANT., EX-SOLDIER FACH, INDICTMENT CASE N§ 1-73., 06/01/82, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR V.P., CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 661, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 2380.- REYES REBOLLEDO SATURNINO CAMILO, M, 25, 18/07/58, BUIL-DING WORKER, 8.610.519-5, 12/08/83, CONCEPCION, 08, KILLED CVR V.P., CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 713, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2381.- REYES URRA RICARDO, M, 21, 13/04/60, DETECTIVE, 8.987.492-, 18/11/81, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 675,,, 2382.- REYES VALERIO ENRIQUETA DEL CARMEN, F, 29, 16/12/45, MAID, 01/11/75, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 531, OFFI-CIALLY EXECUTED.,,DINA 2383.- RIFFO FIGUEROA JULIO CESAR, M, 31, 30/07/50, WORKER, 07.586.504-K, /09/81, 21/09/81, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 632, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2384.- RIOSECO ESPINOZA CARLOS RAMON, M, 26, 08/02/48, SELLER, EXSTUDENT UNIVERSITY OF CONCEPCION, 5.808.144-2, 18/01/75, VALPARAISO, 05, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 528,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2385.- RIQUELME GANGAS JAIME NURY, M, 25, 05/12/53, WORKER BUILD-ING, 6.467.071-9, 23/04/78, ARGENTINA, AR, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 663, 2386.- RIVAS OVALLE SEBASTIAN RODRIGO, M, 25, 20/01/64, UNEMPLO-YED, 09.440.478-9, 16/12/89, VALDIVIA, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 740, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLI-CE)S 251 2387.- RIVAS SEPULVEDA PATRICIO FERNANDO, M, 31, 23/05/44, MER-CHANT, EX-DETECTIVE, 4.817.896-0, 31/08/75, MALLECO, 09, DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 579, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2388.- RIVERA BARRAZA PEDRO BENITO, M, 44, 25/10/40, WORKER, 04.064.646-9, 16/05/85, 20/05/85, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 744, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2389.- RIVERA CUBILLOS GERMAN REINERIO, M, 40, 05/08/47, WORKER, 5.870.466-0, 17/07/88, CONCEPCION, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 390, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2390.- RIVERA FIERRO ROSA, F, 37, 14/04/49, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 06.708.977-4, 29/12/86, VALPARAISO, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 690, 2391.- RIVERA GAJARDO FELIPE SEGUNDO, M, 42, 03/07/44, ELECTRI-CIAN, 4.859.708-4, 08/09/86, 08/09/86, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 648, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2392.-RIVERA RAMIREZ JOSE ANTONIO, M, 19, 28/05/67, MINER, 11.161.908-5, 19/09/86, 20/09/86, ELQUI, ELQUI, 04, 04, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 383, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2393.- RIVERA SILVA RICARDO HERNAN, M, 24, 09/06/63, BUS DRIVER , 7.962.2869, 16/06/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 643, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2394.- RIVERAS MATUS JUAN LUIS, M, 52, 15/04/23, EMPLOYEE CHILEC -TRA, EX UNION LEADER CHILECTRA, 1.923.690-0, 06/11/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 564,,, 2395.- RIQUELME PINO ANIBAL RAIMUNDO, M, 28, 23/10/47, HARDWARE INSTALLER , MEMBER COMMITTEE CENTRAL YOUNG COMMUNISTS (C.P.), LEADER S, 5.030.655-0, 09/09/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 566,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2396.- ROBOTHAM BRAVO JAIME EUGENIO, M, 23, 16/12/51, EX-STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF CHILE, 6.107.397-3, 31/12/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAI-NEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 571, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 252 2397.- ROCHA ALVAREZ JOSE SANTOS, M, 43, 01/05/32, CRAFTSMAN TEXTIL, 2.913.939-3, 31/10/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 557, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2398.- ROCHA ROCHA DOMINGO ANTONIO, M, 59, 20/02/21, WORKER PEM, 02.760.824-8, 19/04/80, VALPARAISO, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 673,,, 2399.- RODRIGUEZ ALCAINO GABRIEL GREGORIO, M, 31, 03/07/43, DRIVER POLICE VEHICLE , 04.556.023-6, 03/04/75, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 604,,, 2400.- RODRIGUEZ CORDERO ROLANDO JUAN, M, 31, 21/04/45, EMPLOYEE, 5.209.046-, / /, 21/10/76, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 536, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2401.- RODRIGUEZ GALLARDO MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 23, 01/10/51, LATHE OPERATOR MECHANIC, 6.021.539-1, 28/08/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 555, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2402.- RODRIGUEZ LOPEZ ARMANDO ANTONIO, M, 23, 06/07/65, UNEMPLO-YED, 10.467.828-9, 31/03/89, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,,, 2403.- RODRIGUEZ SOLIS GUILLERMO EUGENIO, M, 26, 27/09/62, ITINE-RANT MERCHANT, PAIS, 9.440.383-9, 20/12/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 643, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CNI 2404.-RODRIGUEZ VERGARA MIGUEL ENRIQUE, M, 42, 03/02/33, MER-CHANT, 2.936.648-9, 17/11/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 580,DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2405.- ROIG BERENGUER MANUEL, M, 56, 04/09/29, WORKER BUILDING, PHOTOGRAPHER, 2.285.550-6, / /, 06/09/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 731,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2406.- ROJAS CAMPOS CARLOS PATRICIO, M, 23, 10/03/55, 7.232.045-K, /04/78, ARGENTINA, AR, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 663, 2407.- ROJAS PEARCE RODRIGO HUGO, M, 30, 16/05/55, EMPLOYEE, 07.826.293-1, 15/06/85, VALPARAISO, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 253 2408.- ROMERO MENA JOSE LUCIANO, M, 29, 12/07/46, FARMER, 5.593.423-1, 13/04/76, BIO BIO, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 291,,UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2409.- ROMERO REYES ROBERTO ROMUALDO, M, 29, 19/12/53, EMPLOYEE UNIV. OF CHILE, 6.918.194-5, / /, 12/08/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 715, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2410.-ROSALES GALLARDO ROSA DEL CARMEN, F, 20, 31/08/54, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 7.062.010-3, 25/04/75, 28/04/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 179, EXECUTED INVE.,,MILIT.AND CARAB. 2411.- RUBILAR SALAZAR SANTIAGO, M, 34, 23/05/46, TECHNICIAN IN ADMINISTRATION, 4.635.646-2, /07/80, 02/08/80, SANTIAGO, SANTIA-GO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 630, OFFICIALLY EXECU-TED.,,CNI 2412.- RUBIO GARRIDO LUIS ARMANDO, M, 20, 23/01/64, OFFICE EMPLO-YEE , 09.805.431-6, / /, 30/10/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 728, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2413.- RUIZ LAZO SERGIO FERNANDO, M, 34, 10/05/50, TEXTILE TECH-NICIAN , EX UNION LEADER SUMAR, 5.390.414-9, 20/12/84, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 656, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,CNI 2414.- RUNCA JOSE AVELINO, M, 60, 29/07/15, FARM WORKER, 02.385.553-4, 14/12/85, 14/12/85, OSORNO, OSORNO, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 564,,, 2415.- SAAVEDRA INOSTROZA GUIDO ARTURO, M, 23, 13/09/54, TEXTILE WORKER, 6.369.170-1,10/01/78, ARGENTINA, AR, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 664, D.D.ARGENTINA,, 2416.-SAAVEDRA VERGARA JOSE OF LAS NIEVES, M, 46, 05/09/30, MER-CHANT, 3.077.339-K, 08/04/76, MALLECO, 09, DETAINED-MISSING CNRR, CNRR PAGE 254, 2417.-SAGREDO ARANEDA HECTOR MANUEL, M, 24, 13/10/51, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 6.535.417-9, 28/05/76, CONCEPCION, 08, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 587, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2418.- SAGREDO PACHECO JOSE DEL CARMEN, M, 64, 16/07/11, CARPEN-TER, EX UNION LEADER BUILDING, 00.297.518-1, 03/11/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 557, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 254 2419.- SALAS ROJAS JORGE ANTONIO MARCELO, M, 22, 31/08/66, BAR-BER, 9.974.172-4, 29/09/88, 29/09/88, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 390, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CIVIL POLIC E 2420.- SALAZAR BRICEÑO ALBERTO EUGENIO, M, 33, 01/09/45, CRAFTS-MAN, FORMER SAILOR, .274.434-, 23/06/79, 23/06/79, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 645, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CNI 2421.- SALGADO SALINAS JORGE OROSMAN, M, 42, 12/08/33, FARM WORKER, EX-PDT.FEDERATION OF WORKERS UNION , 3.524.809-9, 09/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 551, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2422.- SALINAS MARTINEZ GABRIEL, M, 19, 28/11/55, WORKER, 7.455.820-8, 31/08/75, 31/08/75, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 290, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILI-TARY POLICE) 2423.- SALINAS VASQUEZ ALFREDO ERNESTO, M, 45, 11/02/30, WORKER BUILDING, 2.936.368-4, 03/11/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE557, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2424.- SAN MARTIN LIZAMA JORGE, M, 20, NOT KNOWN, 17/07/76, 18/07/76, MALLECO, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 587, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., ,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 2425.- SANCHEZ CORNEJO CARLOS ENRIQUE, M, 59, 23/01/16, RETIRED TELEGRAPH WORKER, 1.297.567-8, 17/12/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 558, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2426.- SANDOVAL CARES ANTONIO OVIDIO, M, 31, 13/06/57, FURNITURE WORKER, 7.969.973-K, / /, 31/08/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 739, 2427.- SANDOVAL RODRIGUEZ MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 26, 01/06/48, TAYLOR, 5.750.455-2, 07/01/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 523, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2428.- SANHUEZA SALINAS SUSANA ELIZABETH, F, 3, 30/12/72, NO ACTIVITY, / /, 24/02/76, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 534, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 255 2429.- SANTANDER MIRANDA JOSE EDUARDO, M, 29, 20/04/47, IBM EMPLOYEE, EX-YOUNG LEADER UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), EXLEADER S, 4.805.124-3, 06/08/76, MAIPO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 566, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2430.- SANTANDER ZUÑIGA OMAR HERNAN, M, 18, 09/08/68, ITINERANT SELLER, 10.206.224-8, / /, 20/10/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2431.- SANTIAGO CASTRO MARCO ANTONIO, M, 21, 03/02/63, SELLER, 7.787.206K, 21/05/84, 21/05/84, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 378,,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CIVIL POLICE 2432.- SEGOVIA GIL LEOPOLDO ALBINO, M, 20, 16/12/62, UNEMPLOYED, 8.456.004-9, 18/06/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 710, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CNI 2433.- SEIFFERT DOSSOW NOLBERTO ENRIQUE TEODORO, M, 53, 06/06/22, IN CHARGE OF MAINTENANCE I.N.I.A., EX-MEMBER JAP, 1.866.854-8, 06/08/75, 08/08/75, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 361, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINE-ROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2434.- SEPULVEDA FERREIRA GUIDO HECTOR, M, 37, 07/05/47, EMPLO -YEE, 5.334.739-8, / /, 23/08/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 658, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2435.- SEPULVEDA PALM LUIS ENRIQUE, M, 26, 13/02/54, NOT KNOWN, 7.013.6287, 12/04/80, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 297, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CIVIL POLICE 2436.- SEPULVEDA SALAZAR JUAN SEBASTIAN, M, 28, 30/10/60, PRIVATE GUARD , 7.846.426-7, 02/03/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 399, KILLED BY CIVILIANS UNDER POLITICAL PRETEXTS, 2437.- SEPULVEDA SANCHEZ MANUEL JESUS, M, 28, 13/07/59, LATHE OPERATOR MECHANIC, MEMBER FPMR, 8.163.362-2, 09/09/87, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 657, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2438.- SILVA BUSTOS PEDRO, M, 39, 08/04/37, LOADING WORKER VEGA CENTRAL, EX-LEADER MUNICIPAL NATIONAL WORKERS , 3.809.582-K, 09/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 551, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 256 2439.- SILVA GONZALEZ LUIS ARTURO, M, 22, BUTCHER, 14/06/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 711, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CNI 2440.- SILVA JARA LUIS ALBERTO, M, 14, 07/01/74, ASSISTANT ITINE-RANT MARKET , 12.644.045-6, 07/10/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 740, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 2441.- SOLORZA GONZALEZ BERNARDO ENRIQUE, M, 22, 16/08/57, WAI-TER, 8.438.852-1, 18/04/80, 21/04/80, TALCA, TALCA, 07, 07, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 651, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2442.- SOTO CABRERA RUBEN SIMON, M, 18, 26/05/65, TEMPORARY WORKER, 18/01/83, VALPARAISO, 05, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 656,,, 2443.- SOTO CARDENAS VICTOR MANUEL ROLANDO, M, 17, 28/11/68, BUTCHERY ASSISTANT, 12.475.234-5, 18/06/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 308, EXECUTED INVE., UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABI-NERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2444.- SOTO MEDINA LUIS ALBERTO, M, 28, 20/06/58, WORKER, 8.644.138-1, 19/04/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 343, POWER ABUSE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2445.- SOTO VEGA JUAN CARLOS, M, 21, 08/12/57, MERCHANT, 27/04/79, 27/04/79, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 295, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, MILITARY 2446.-SUAZO SANDOVAL JULIO CELESTINO, M, 26, 06/04/59, WORKER, 08.775.267-4, / /, 04/09/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 732, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2447.- TAMAYO LAZCANO LUIS ENRIQUE, M, 27, 23/10/56, TAXIDRIVER, 7.735.354-2, / /, 12/08/84, VALPARAISO, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 637, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2448.- TAPIA AGUILERA RENE HERNAN, M, 25, 25/10/56, WORKER, 7.954.951-7, / /, 07/11/81, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2449.- TAPIA HERNANDEZ RAUL FRANCISCO, M, 26, 01/04/51, CARPEN -TER, CHILEAN-ARGENTINA, 6.089.312-8, 23/04/78, ARGENTINA, AR, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 663, D.D.ARGENTINA,, 257 2450.- TAPIA LEYTON OSCAR EUGENIO, M, 33, 16/08/51, ITINERANT SELLER, 6.412.643-1, / /, 10/06/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 661, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., 2451.-TORO BRAVO NICOMEDES SEGUNDO, M, 31, 15/01/45, WORK ER BUILDING, EX-MANAGER BAKERY LIDO, 5.566.565-6, 28/07/76, SANTIA-GO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 561, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, 2452.-TORO ORTIZ MARTIN EUGENIO, M, 24, 02/03/63, WORKER POJH, 9.841.8628, 26/04/87, 26/04/87, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 315, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 2453.- TORRES MUÑOZ MANUEL URBANO, M, 19, 18/04/57, WORKER, 7.861.305-K, 16/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 332, EXECUTED INVE., POWER ABUSE, MILITARY 2454.- TRALCAL HUENCHUMAN JUAN SEGUNDO, M, 49, 24/06/26, SMALL FARMER, 03.456.031-5, 10/09/75, 10/09/75, CAUTIN, CAUTIN, 09, 09, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 586, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2455.- TRONCOSO AGUIRRE JORGE ANDRES, M, 48, 19/01/29, JEWELER, EX NEIGHBORHOOD COMMITTEE LEADER, EX-LEADER JAP, 2.095.120-6, 11/05/77, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 554, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2456.- ULLOA SAEZ JOSE IVAN, M, 49, 02/12/38, WORKER, 04.170.032-7, / /, 25/06/88, CONCEPCION, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2457.- ULLOA SAN MARTIN EMILIA DE LAS MERCEDES, F, 21, 29/01/64, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 10.523.773-1, / /, 06/11/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 733, 2458.- URREA CASAS-CORDERO ANA MARIA, F, 32, 03/11/52, 6.623.395-2,, 13/08/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 729,,, 2459.- URRUTIA DIAZ CARLOS ALBERTO, M, 26, 20/06/60, CARETAKER, 9.030.2302, 14/10/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 342, EXECUTED INVE., POWER ABUSE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 258 2460.- VALDEBENITO ESPINOZA CARLOS ROSENDO, M, 29, 13/12/67, UNEMPLOYED, 12.044.173-6, 08/10/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 738, 2461.- VALDENEGRO ARANCIBIA JUAN MANUEL, M, 23, 06/10/51, LOCKS-MITH, 6.691.741-K, 07/02/75, 08/02/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 358, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, MILITARY 2462.- VALDENEGRO CARRASCO LILA LUDOVINA, F, 48, 26/02/28, DRESSMAKER, 2.946.707-2, 02/09/76, VALPARAISO, 05, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 566, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2463.- VALDIVIA GONZALEZ OSCAR DANTE, M, 27, 04/10/48, MECHANIC, 5.782.715-7, 26/05/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 535, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2464.- VALDIVIA VALENZUELA JOSE EDUARDO, M, 17, 19/11/68, KITCHEN ASSISTANT , 10.768.161-2, 04/07/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 736, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2465.- VALENCIA CALDERON MANUEL EDUARDO, M, 20, 02/09/66, TECHNI-CIAN ELECTROMECHANIC, 9.785.517-K, 16/06/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 643, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2466.- VALENZUELA BARRIENTOS JORGE PATRICIO, M, 26, 20/06/52, MERCHANT, . 74.807-,16/10/78, 16/10/78, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 295, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2467.- VALENZUELA MELLA OSCAR, M, 26, 18/05/52, EMPLOYEE HOSPITAL J.J. AGUIRRE, 9.406.625-5, 20/04/79, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 333,,, 2468.- VALLADARES CAROCA JULIO DEL TRANSITO, M, 28, 01/07/48, FARMER ACCOUNTANT , 5.318.662-9, 13/11/76, BOLIVIA, BO,, DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 587, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2469.- VARAS SILVA JUAN MANUEL, M, 37, 20/05/47, MECHANIC, MEMBER FPMR, 5.776.082-6, / /, 03/07/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 636, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2470.- VARGAS LEIVA MANUEL OF LA CRUZ, M, 54, 20/06/22, RETIRED, EXCOUNCILOR AND MAYOR, MEMBER COMMITTEE CEN, 1.169.190-0, 07/08/76, 259 SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 550, DETAINEDMISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2471.- VARGAS LIZAMA PEDRO JAIME, M, 24, 16/10/63, WORKER, 09.868.838-2, / /, 02/10/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,CARABINERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 2472.- VARGAS MIRANDA LUIS ORLANDO, M, 58, 03/11/30, BUILDING WORKER, 22/08/89, 22/08/89, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 413, SUICIDE FOLLOWING TORTURE, 2473.- VARGAS SALAZAR ANGEL PATRICIO, M, 29, 13/08/58, MERCHANT, 07.703.381-5, 19/12/87, 19/12/87, PETORCA, PETORCA, 05, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 744, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CARABI-NERO(PARA-MILITARY POLICE)S 2474.- VASQUEZ PEÑA HUGO HERNAN, M, 27, 12/04/57, ITINERANT MER-CHANT, 07.410.410-K, 14/01/85, 15/01/85, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,,INV 2475.- VASQUEZ SAN MARTIN ERASMO JUVENAL, M, 27, 19/02/60, NO ACTIVITY, 7.782.528-2, 13/05/87, 13/05/87, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 385, EXECUTED INVE.,TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CIVIL POLICE 2476.- VEGA BIZAMA IRIS YOLANDA, F, 28, 09/08/50, MERCHANT, . . -, 23/06/79, 23/06/79, CONCEPCION, CONCEPCION, 08, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 645, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2477.- VEGA RIQUELME VICTOR HUMBERTO, M, 24, 02/03/51, NOT KNOWN, 5.819.084-5, 03/01/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 558, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2478.- VEGA RIVERA VICTOR HUGO, M, 29, 12/04/60, DIVER, 9.473.680-3, 24/02/90, ARICA, 01, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 347, POWER ABUSE,MILITARY 2479.- VEGA VASQUEZ FLORENTINO SEGUNDO, M, 28, 22/04/55, WORKER BUILDING, 06.742.687-8, 03/02/83, HUASCO, 03, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 376, TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH, CARABINE-ROS(PARAMILITARY POLICE) 260 2480.- VEGA VEGA JULIO ROBERTO, M, 61, 26/06/15, GRAPH RETIRED, EX-LEADER MUNICIPAL WORKERS , 1.252.460-9, 16/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13,,DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 552,,, 2481.- VELASQUEZ AGUILAR JORGE ALBERTO, M, 20, 06/06/67, WORKER, 11.129.664-2, 27/12/87, 04/01/88, VALDIVIA, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 389,OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., TORTURE OR BAD TREATMENT FOLLOWED BY DEATH,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2482.- VELASQUEZ MARDONES HECTOR HERALDO, M, 35, 14/08/41, WORKER BUILDING, 4.862.237-2, 16/05/77, ARGENTINA, AR, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 598, D.D.ARGENTINA,, 2483.- VELIZ AGUILERA LUIS ALBERTO, M, 31, 11/11/43, ITINERANT MERCHANT, 4.442.647-1, 25/04/75, 28/04/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 179, EXECUTED INVE.,FAMILY FINDS DEATH C.IN 1990,MILIT./CARABIN. 2483.- VELIZ RAMIREZ HECTOR, M, 43, 20/01/33, MUNICIPAL WORKER, EXLEADER UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), EX-CANDIDATE COUNCILOR, 3.330.564-8, 15/12/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 553, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2485.- VELOSO MERIÑO LIDIA ESTER, F, 27, 09/02/60, LADY OF THE HOUSE, 8.562.281-1, 09/05/87, COYHAIQUE, 11, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 316, UNDUE USE OF FORCE,CNI 2486.- VERA TAPIA BORIS AROLDO, M, 26, 08/06/60, WORKER POJH, 9.033.029-2, / /, 02/07/86, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 735, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2487.- VERGARA VALENZUELA LUCIA ORFILIA, F, 31, 13/12/51, NOT KNOWN, 6.494.784-2, / /,07/09/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 635, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2488.- VERGARA VARGAS FERNANDO GABRIEL, M, 36, 22/08/48, PUBLI-CITY DESIGNER , 5.312.979-K, 15/12/84, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 638, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2489.- VERNAL HONORES JORGE LENIN, M, 37, 09/10/40, UNEMPLOYED, EXEMPLOYEE CAJA EMPLEADOS PARTICULARES, 4.435.371-7, 16/03/78, 18/03/78, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 643, EXECUTED INVE.,, 261 2490.- VICTORIANO VELOSO GILBERTO OF LAS MERCED, M, 35, 08/02/50, TAXIDRIVER, 8.715.584-6, / /, 01/07/85, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 640,,, 2491.- VIDELA ALVAREZ JUAN FELIX, M, 21, 22/02/54, EMPLOYEE, 6.223.612-4, 25/12/75, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 290, UNDUE USE OF FORCE,MILITARY 2492.- VIELMA LUENGO EDUARDO GERMAN, M, 24, 04/11/61, WORKER, 09.303.607-7, 04/09/86, 04/09/86, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 736, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2493.- VILCHES FIGUEROA ABEL ALFREDO, M, 27, 27/09/47, WORKER, 4.971.403-3, 27/01/75, VALPARAISO, 05, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 529, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2494.- VILLAFRANCA VERA JAIME EDISON, M, 21, 19/05/54, NOT KNOWN, 5.972.186-0, 25/07/75, 26/07/75, COLC HAGUA, COLCHAGUA, 06, 06, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 181, MILITARY 2495.- VILLALOBOS DIAZ ALEJANDRO DELFIN, M, 29, 05/05/45, ELEC-TRICIAN, LOCAL LEADER, 5.203.570-8, 20/01/75, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 529, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2496.- VILLARROEL DIAZ MAXIMO RAIMUNDO, M, 32, 19/02/56, WORKER PEM, 08.340.065-K, 05/09/87, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 318, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2497.- VILLARROEL MELLA ISAIAS ALEJANDRO, M, 26, 02/04/58, WORKER BUILDING, 8.197.305-9, 23/12/84, CONCEPCION, 08, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 305, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2498.- VILLARROEL ZARATE JUAN AURELIO DEL CARME, M, 55, 19/06/21, PHOTOENGRAVER, EX UNION LEADER IMPRENTA HORIZONTE, 1.735.777-8, 13/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 549, 2499.- VILLEGAS SEPULVEDA RUDECINDO ONOFRE, M, 40, 24/05/43, CARRIER WORKER, 5.214.419-1, / /, 12/08/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 716, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2500.- VIVANCO HERRERA NICOLAS HUGO, M, 30, 20/01/46, LINOTYPE WORKER, EX-WORKER IMPRENTA HORIZONTE, 5.365.118-6, 10/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13, 262 DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 549, DETAI-NED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2501.- VIVANCO VEGA HUGO ERNESTO, M, 58, 08/01/18, EMPLOYEE, EXEMPLOYEE IMPRENTA HORIZONTE, 1.593.787-4, 04/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 549, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2502.- VIZCARRA COFRE CARLOS MARIO, M, 31, 13/12/44, CAR REPAIR WORKER, EX-YOUNG LEADER UNITED TRADE UNIONS CONFEDERATION (CUT), 4.665.6938, 11/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 551, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2503.- WEIBEL NAVARRETE JOSE ARTURO, M, 33, 25/09/42, FURNITURE CRAFTSMAN, 4.107.245-8, 29/03/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 558, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,,COMANDO CONJUNTO 2504.- WEIBEL NAVARRETE RICARDO MANUEL, M, 29, 17/12/45, BUS DRIVER, LOCAL LEADER, 4.770.390-5, 07/11/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAI-NED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 557, DETAINED-MISSING CLARI-FIED, COMANDO CONJUNTO 2505.- WIFF SEPULVEDA MODESTA CAROLINA DEL CARM, F, 34, 08/06/41, SOCIAL ASSISTANT, 5.014.784-3, 25/06/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 574, 2506.- WINLO BARRIOS VICTOR HUGO, M, 28, 13/12/53, CONDEMNED IN PRISON, . . -, 06/01/82, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., GEN 2507.- YAÑEZ AYALA SERGIO ERNESTO, M, 27, 08/05/54, BANK TELLER, 7.066.478K, 09/03/81,,EL LOA, 02, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 184, EXECUTED INVE.,,CNI 2508.- YAÑEZ CALFUPAN SOFIA LEONOR, F, 23, MAID, 10.759.031-5, 22/11/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 192, EXECUTED INVE.,, 2509.- YAÑEZ JIMENEZ HORACIO, M, 69, 02/06/06, WORKER, EX-LOCAL LEADER, .182.325-6, 22/10/75, MAIPO, 13,,DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 579, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 263 2510.- YAÑEZ PALACIOS PEDRO JUAN, M, 31, 29/06/50, ASSISTANT ELECTRICIAN, 5.996.734-7, 17/09/81, VALDIVIA, 10, 10, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 631, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CNI 2511.- YANQUEZ DE LA CERDA LUIS ARTURO, M, 39, 08/09/49, EMPLO -YEE, 5.089.715-K, 29/02/88, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 399, ATTEMPT BY CIVILIANS UNDER POLITICAL PRETEXT, 2512.- ZALAZAR ARRUE JUAN CARLOS, M, 27, 06/07/56, ASSISTANT LOCKSMITH, 8.005.875-6, / /, 11/08/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 712, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., CNI 2513.- ZAMORA MELENDEZ JUAN CRISTIAN, M, 18, 04/11/65, WORKER, 9.934.7171, 27/03/84, VALPARAISO, 05, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 721, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2514.- ZAPATA CARRASCO JOSE ANANIAS, M, 29, 11/09/52, FARM WOR-KER, 16/06/81, COYHAIQUE, 11, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 301, UNDUE USE OF FORCE, CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) 2515.- ZAVALA BARRA RUBEN EURICO, M, 15, 31/01/68, CAR CARETAKER, 12/10/83, CONCEPCION, 08, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 743, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2516.- ZAVALA GALLEGOS MIGUEL ANGEL, M, 24, 18/10/58, DRIVER MICROBUS, 7.843.153-9, / /, 08/09/83, SANTIAGO, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 717, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2517.- ZUMAETA DATTOLI JOSE RIENSI SENNEN, M, 38, 30/07/43, AC -COUNTANT, 4.798.076-, 31/10/81, ARICA, 01, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 646, 2518.- ZUÑIGA ADASME LUIS HIPOLITO, M, 19, 05/07/62, LOADING WORKER, 15/11/81, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 656, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST, CNI? 2519.- ZUÑIGA LLANQUILEF ARIEL EDUARDO, M, 24, 30/07/65, MECHA-NIC, 12.091.607-6, 12/02/90, CAUTIN, 09, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 346, POWER ABUSE,CARABINEROS(PARA-MILITARY POLICE) SECRETARIES 264 Murdered or detained-missing between 12th September 1973 and 16th December 1974 2521.- GADEA GALAN NELSA ZULEMA, F, 29, 27/12/43, SECRETARY CORVI, IN COMISION OF SERVICE SOVIETIC ENTERPRISE, FROM URUGUAY, 7.479.487-4, 19/12/73, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 219, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2522.-LOPEZ DIAZ VIOLETA DEL CARMEN, F, 40, 21/09/33, SECRETARY, 3.103.5937, 29/08/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 512, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2523.- NEIRA MUÑOZ MARTA SILVIA ADELA, F, 29, 01/01/45, SECRE-TARY, LOCAL LEADER, 5.084.419-6, 09/12/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DE-TAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 527, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2524.- URIBE TAMBLAY BARBARA GABRIELA, F, 20, 13/12/53, SECRE-TARY, 6.364.277-0, 10/07/74, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 506, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2525.- VILLARROEL LATIN OFELIA REBECA, F, 29, 30/04/44, SECRETARY SUMAR, 05.223.488-, 23/09/73, 23/09/73, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 1 PAGE 172, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED., Murdered or detained-missing between 17th December 1974 and 11th March 1990 2526.- GALINDO RAMIREZ MARIA, F, 26, 13/01/50, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY, EX-LEADER NACIONAL JOC, 6.520.203-4, 22/07/76, SANTIA-GO, 13, DETAINEDMISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 535, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2527.- GALLARDO MORENO CATALINA ESTER, F, 29, 03/12/45, SECRE-TARY, 6.977.988-, 18/11/75, 19/11/75, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO, 13, 13, KILLED CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 533, OFFICIALLY EXECUTED.,, 2528.- MORALES MORALES ROSA ELENA, F, 46, 01/03/30, SECRETARY, EXSECRETARI, 3.224.233-2, 18/08/76, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 566, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2529.- OBANDO COÑUE SUSANA ESTRELLA, F, 23, 20/04/65, SECRETARY, 10.326.691-2, 26/07/88, 26/07/88, MAGALLANES, MAGALLANES, 12, 12, KILLED CNRR, CNRR PAGE 191, 265 2530.- RODRIGUEZ DIAZ MIREYA HERMINIA, F, 33, 07/12/41, SECRE-TARY, 3.858.849-4, 25/06/75, SANTIAGO, 13, DETAINED-MISSING CVR, CVR VOLUME 2 PAGE 574, DETAINED-MISSING OFFICIAL LIST,, 2531.- MOFFITT RONNIE, M, 25, SECRETARY, FROM THE U.S., 21/09/76, WASHINGTON, US, VOLUME 2 PAGE 593,,, 266 R) According to the data supplied by the Justica e Dereitos Humanos organisation there is a list of Brasilian citizens who disappeared or were killed in Chile in circumstances similar to those shown above: 2532. TULIO ROBERTO QUINTILIANO, shot in the Tacna Regiment on September 12, 1973. 2533. LUIS CARLOS ALMEIDA arrested on September 14, 1973, in Santiago and, after being tortured, was shot at one of the bridges of the Mapocho River. 2534. NELSON DE SOUZA KOLH, exiled in Argentina since 1971, in 1972 he went to Chile to work at the Instituto de Estudios Económicos y Sociales. He was arrested by the Air Force on September, 15, 1973, and has been disappeared ever since. 2535. WAMIO JOSE DE MATROS, ex-Captain of the Public Order Forces of Sao Paulo. He was arrested and taken to the National Stadium where he was tortured and died without receiving medical attention. 2536. ANTENOR MACHADO DOS SANTOS, shot on November 10. 1973, by a Carabineros patrol. 2537. SERGIO MORAIS, as appears in the Rettig Report. 2538. JANE VAMINI, shot on December 6, 1974 in Concepción. She was the companion of journalist José (a) "Pepe" Carrasco, international editor of the magazine "Analisis", also executed. S) According to the information provided by the Latin American Association for Human Rights (ALDHU), the list of Argentinean, Bolivian, Ecuadorian, Mexican, Peruvian and Uruguayan dead and disappeared in Chile of similar characteristics to those listed in previous sections, is as follows: 1. ARGENTINIANS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Carlos Rodolfo Adler Zulueta Cherif Omar Ainie Rojas Claudia Poblete Hlaczic Mirta Mónica Alonso José Luis Appel de la Cruz Miguel Angel Atanasiú Jara 267 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 14 Pablo Aranasiú Laschan Patricio Biedma Schaderwaldt Roberto Cristi Melero Gloria Ximena Delard Cabazas Beatriz Elena Días Agúero Bernardo Lejdermann Konnoyoica Hugo Norverto Ratier Noguera Guillermo Tamburini The 14 are mentioned in other statements of the facts in this resolution. 2. BOLIVIANS 1. Luis Bush Morales. 36 years old, Bolivian. Agricultural engineer. Socialist activist. Detained on 5 July by the Carabineros who took him that same day to Calama Prison. He was executed the next day by resolution of a supposed Court-martial held in Calama. 2. Donato Quishpe Choque. Bolivian national, worker in Sumar. Detained by military personnel in his workplace on 23 September and executed on the same day by his captors. His body was found on the San Martín road, together with two other fellow workers. 3. Enrique Antonio Saavedra Gonz lez. Unmarried, 18 years old, Bolivian national. University student. Not politically affiliated. Detained, together with a relative, by State officers in the middle of September 1973. He was imprisoned in a military unit in San Felipe, until the beginning of December of the same year. He has remained missing since then. 4. Carlos González González Gonz lez, unmarried, 18 years old. Bolivian national. University student. Detained on 15 September 1973, together with his cousin, by State officers. The last place where he was sighted was in a military unit in the city of San Felipe in December 1973. His whereabouts since then are unknown. 3.- ECUADORIANS 1. Felipe Porfirio Campos Carrillo. Unmarried, 23 years old. Ecuadorian national. Student of Kinesiology in the University of Concepcion. No known political affiliation. Executed on 20 September 1973 by the Carabineros. His body was found on the southern bank of the mouth of the Bio -Bio River, with numerous bullet wounds. 2. José Felix García Franco. 31 years old, Ecuadorian, unmarried. 7th year medical student at the University of Chile, an intern in Temuco Regional Hospital. When summoned by a military edict, he voluntarily presented himself to the Second Carabineros Station in Temuco on 18 September 1973. His whereabouts are unknown since then. 3. Sócrates Ponce Pacheco. 30 years old. Ecuadorian national, married and had a child posthumously. A lawyer, he worked in the Ministry for Housing in the Social Development 268 Department and was supervisor of the Metallurgy Industry (INDUMET). A representative of the Ecuadorian Socialist Party in Chile, he had been President of the foreign students of the University of Chile. He was detained on 11 September 1973 by the Militarised Police in Chile. On 13 September of the same year, his body was found on the public highway with numerous bullet wounds. The family recovered the corpse from the Forensic Institute. 4. Freddy Jimmy Torres Villalba. Unmarried, 18 years old. Ecuadorian national. An engineering student in the University of Concepcion, without any known political affiliation. Detained by the Carabineros in Concepcion and executed on 20 September 1973. His corpse was found on the South Bank of the mouth of the Bio-Bio River, with numerous bullet wounds. 5. Alfredo Loyola Gangotena Vallejo. Ecuadorian. Student of the University of Concepcion, member of the Revolutionary Left-wing Movement (MIR). Entered Chile in April 1973. Disappeared on 11 September 1973 in the custody of the Chilean army. Shot without any trial and his ashes were sent to his parents in Ecuador in a small copper urn on 8 October 1973. 6. Juan Carlos Sevilla Barahona. Student. Ecuadorian, 19 years old, travelled to Chile to study economics ni the University of Chile in December 1972. Detained by Chilean military officers on the night of 11 September 1973, taken to the National Stadium and later taken from there by a Chilean Carabineros patrol and then disappeared. 4. MEXICANS: 1. María del Rosario Avalos Castañeda. 24 years old, Mexican national, married and mother of a child. Executed on 8 December 1973 by a military patrol belonging to the Arica Regiment in La Serena, in the Guallihuaica area, in the interior of Vicuña. Her husband was executed with her. Her child was taken by the same patrol to a convent in the city of La Serena. 5. PERUVIANS: 1. Percy Max Arana Saldaña. Unmarried, 22 years old, a Peruvian national. Worked as a singer. In the early morning of 31 March 1984 he died as a result of the use of excessive force due to bullets and blows to which he was subjected by State officers, when he was mistaken for an extremist. 6. URUGUAYANS: 1. Julio Cesar Fernádez Fernández. Uruguayan national, 22 years old, married with two daughters. Craftsman. Linked to the Tupamaro Movement. Disappeared on 11 October 1973 269 from his home in Santiago. He was imprisoned in the military unit at Tejas Verdes, where he disappeared in November of the same year. 2. Arazatí López López. Detained by Chilean State officers. Uruguayan national. His body was found and repatriated in 1986. 3. Julio Pagardoy Saquieres. A student aged 21, a Uruguayan national. Detained by the Carabineros de Chile after the coup while travelling by bus to the centre of Santiago. 4. Juan Antonio Pavaschuc Galeazo. 29 years old. Uruguayan national. A photographer, he was detained by Chilean Military Intelligence officers on 29 September 1973 in Paso Alto. 5. Juan Sedan Alamanda. A Uruguayan national, he was detained by Chilean Military Intelligence officers on 11 September 1973. He has been missing since then. 6. Leonardo Gelpi. A Uruguayan national, he was detained by Chilean Military Intelligence officers on 11 September 1973; he has been missing since then. 7. lberto Mariano Fontela Alonso. 26 years old, unmarried. Uruguayan national. Fisherman. He was detained by military personnel on 12 September 1973 in his home in the Las Condes commune, together with another two persons and was taken to the Military School and subsequently to the Tacna Regiment. His whereabouts since his last place of imprisonment are unknown. 8. Nelsa Zulama Gadea Gal n. Uruguayan national, 29 years old, married. She was secretary of Corvi, allocated to the Soviet company KPD. On 19 December 1973 she was detained by the military in her workplace in the Providencia commune in Santiago. Her whereabouts since her detention are unknown. DOCTORS: According to the information available in the proceedings, this group was particularly persecuted and were victims of violent deaths, abduction followed by torture and disappearance, and 10% of the total doctors in Chile in 1973 were forced into exile. All of this formed part of a plan to deprive the University Faculties of Medicine, the Hospitals and the community in general of such an important group of professional leaders in the Nation. * First of all, mention should be made of Doctor Salvador Allende Gossens, President of Chile, whose death was the subject of a preconceived plan and one of the main objectives of the military coup headed by Augusto Pinochet Ugarte. * Doctor Luis Alberto Barra García. Killed by security forces on 27 November 1986. * Doctor Vicente Cepeda Soto. Detained in Tecopilla on 20 September 1973. Executed on 23 October 1973 by State officers. * Doctor Jorge Cerda Albarracin. Detained in Pedro Valdivia on 12 September 1973. Executed on 20 September 1973. * Doctor Miguel Enrique Espinoza. Died on 5 October 1973 from shots fired by members of the unit ordered to detain him. 270 * Doctor Hector García García. Detained on 13 August 1974 in Buin Hospital. Executed on the same day by members of the military belonging to San Bernardo Infantry School. * Doctor Hern n Henríquez Aravena. Executed on 2 October 1973 by State officers. * Doctor Jorge Jord n Domic. Detained on 16 September 1973 and driven to the La Serena Regiment and later to the City Prison and executed on 16 October of the same year. * Doctor Absalon Wegner Millar. Detained at the end of November 1973. Executed beside San Felipe Prison on 13 December 1973 by military personnel of Yungay Infantry Regiment No. 3. * Doctor Jorge Avila Pizarro, detained on 17 September 1973. Taken to the National Stadium. Executed on 18 September and his body was found in the Forensic Institute. * Doctor Gabriel Castillo Cerna. Detained on 11 October 1976 on the public highway by security officers. Has remained missing since then. * Doctor Carlos Godoy Lagarrigue. Detained by DINA (Directorate of National Intelligence) officers on 4 August 1976 on the road between San Bernardo Parochial Hospital and San Francisco Student Policlinic. He was taken to Villa Grimaldi. Nothing has since been heard of him, except that the license plate of his vehicle appeared inside the so-called Colonia Dignidad. * Doctor Eduardo González Galeno. Detained on 14 September 1973 together with his wife by members of the Chilean Air Force. He was taken to the Carabineros Office in Cunco and from there by air-force helicopter to Manquehul base. He has remained missing since then. * Doctor Arturo Hillerns Larrañaga. Detained on 15 September 1973 in Temuco. His whereabouts are unknown since then. * Doctor Ivan Insunza Bascuñan. Detained on 4 August 1976 by DINA officers, who took him to Villa Grimaldi from where he disappeared. The registration plate of his vehicle appeared in Colonia Dignidad. * Doctor Jorge Klein Kipper. Detained, as already stated, on 11 September 1973 in the Palacio de la Moneda. His whereabouts are unknown. (see Fact 4, number 5) Doctor Carlos Lorca Tobar. Detained on 25 June 1975 on the public highway by • DINA officers. Seen in Villa Grimaldi, and remains missing to date. Doctor Enrique París Roa. Detained on 11 September 1973 by military personnel in the Palacio de la Moneda (see Fact 4, number 7). He suffered the same fate as Doctor Klein, but his remains were identified in 1994 in yard 29 of the General Cemetery where he had been buried as "NN" after having been tortured and shot in September 1973. * Doctor Eduardo Paredes Barrientos. Arrested, the same as the above mentioned, in the Palacio de la Moneda on September 11, 1973 (Fact 4, number 6). In 1994 his remains were identified in yard 29 of the General Cemetery where he had been buried as "NN" after being tortured and shot in September 1973. * Doctor Claudio Tognola Rios. Arrested on September 16, 1973 by agents of Investigations and Carabineros in the sector of the La Veleidosa mine. His body was recovered in 1990, destroyed by the effects of a blast of dynamite inside the mine. 271 Doctor Bautista Van Shovwen Vassey. Arrested on September 13, l973 in the Capuchinos Church in Santiago, by Carabineros and civilians. In l99l evidence appeared that his body had been submitted to autopsy and sent to patio 29 of the General Cemetery as an "N.N." (non numbered). Apart from the executions and disappearances of the above-mentioned professionals, a significant percentage - 10% - of doctors were obliged to abandon their profession, a 10% who were expelled and forced to live in exile, after being arrested and tortured, like so many other Chilean citizens, in order to save their lives, by imposition of the governing Junta led by Augusto Pinochet Ugarte. The number of exiled doctors in these circumstances reaches 174, according to the list presented by the Medical College of Chile in this cause. The governing Junta completed its persecution and cleansing of the medical profession by depriving a total of 13l doctors of their legitimately held posts in the Chilean National Service and the University of Chile, according to the list of the Medical College of Chile. EIGHT: On March 11, l974, the Chilean Government made public its declaration of Principles in which is stated that "the Junta believes that national unity is the most prized objective, and every concept is rejected which migt represent, and foster, stubborn antagonisms between social classes. The Government will exercise with determination the principle of authority, drastically sanctioning any outbreak of indiscipline or anarchy." This new order showed the determination of the authorities to suspend and restrict public liberties basing themselves on a particular concept of National security which involved the use of secret police organizations or of the military institutions themselves, repressing the opposition, dismantling parties, controlling trades unions' activities and regulating the Universities. Following this strategy the governing Junta created the Intelligence Services of Chile (DINA) by Decree Law 521 of June 14, l974, which was the the continuation of the Commission known by the same acronym and which had been created in November l973. According to this law, the DINA, whose Director was designated by that Supreme Decree, was "a military organism of a technical-professional nature, responsible directly to the governing Junta, and its mission shall be that of gathering all information at the national level from the different fields of action, with the aim of providing the intelligence required to formulate policy, develop plans and adopt measures to protect national security and the development of the country". Nevertheless, DINA was a military organism directly responsible to the President of the governing Junta until December 17, l974 and afterwards to the President of the Republic, in both cases Augusto Pinochet Ugarte. Therefore, what is stipulated in Decree Law 521 regarding the designation as its Director of an active General was never fulfilled, and throughout its existence 272 the post of Delegate and Executive Director was held by Colonel Manuel Contreras, who owed loyalty and personal and absolute obedience to Augusto Pinochet, without any possibility whatsoever of taking decisions without the order and knowledge of the latter, to whom, according to the testimony of Contreras himself "I reported daily", and in respect of which "may be appreciated my absolute subordination and responsibility to the President of the Republic"; he adds: "I always accordance with the orders given to me by the President of the Republic. Only he, as the superior authority of the DINA, could arrange for, and order, the missions to be carried out and I always, in my capacity as Delegate of the President and Executive Director of the DINA, strictly obeyed what I was ordered to do. The President ordered that he be informed daily about important events which occured and at the same time as normal practice he was kept informed permanently of the fulfillment of the orders given"; and always "I worked in a directly subordinated position to the President of the Republic and Commander in Chief of the Army, with no other intermediate authority"; finally, Coronel Contreras adds: "my direct responsibility to the Governing Junta and later on to the President of the Republic, represents a total endorsement of my correct and disciplined conduct, since the President knew exactly what the DINA and its Delegate and Executive Director did or did not do (...) the exercise of Full Command in a Military Institution does not involve being independent, since commanders have a Superior Command to whom they are responsible and to whom they are always accountable for the fulfillment of their missions and orders received. In my particular case this was the President of the Republic and that is why I say that I did not give myself orders, and that any mission to be carried out had to originate as it always did, from the President of the Republic.". As may be seen from the actions carried out in the Preliminary Proceedings, the real objective of the DINA, as a Criminal organization, was to repress and eliminate, following the orders emanating from President Pinochet Ugarte, those he considered political enemies and any other people included in the plan for selective elimination sponsored by the governing Junta when it took power on September 11, l973, using effective means of destruction such as weapons of war, explosives and other diverse and equally appropriate means. In the period 1974-l977, the DINA was almost exclusively responsible for repression, which it carried out by the technique of forced disappearance of persons. All the cases of Detained-Disappeared in this period followed the same pattern of prior planning and central coordination -designed by the DINA, whereby its agents wore civilian clothes, were selected from within the Armed Forces but acted outside the Institutional Authority structure of those Armed Forces- which, taken together, show a determination to exterminate certain categories of persons; those to whom might be attributed leadership of a political, religious, cultural, military, professional, social, etc. nature and who were opposed to those formulated by the dominant group led by Augusto Pinochet and the governing Junta over which he presided. This Organization (DINA) was very strictly organized, with a regime of military discipline. Its members belonged to the Chilean army, although even civilians were given an equivalent military grade. Second in ranking to Colonel, later General, Contreras was Pedro Espinosa, who 273 acted as director of operations on orders from Augusto Pinochet, and Eduardo Iturriaga was responsible for operations abroad. For its criminal activities, the DINA used companies as covers and coded bank accounts in various countries in the world, and relied on agents based abroad for preparing actions undertaken in collaboration with other foreign services. The DINA was dissolved in August l977 and substituted by the Central Nacional de Informaciones (CNI) - National Information Center. Acting simultaneously with the DINA, between the end of l975 and the end of l976, mainly in Santiago was the Joint Command (Comando Conjunto) which was responsible for the disappearance of numerous persons. Also active were the Intelligence services of the different Armed Forces and Carabineros, such as SIFA (Intelligence Service of the Air Force, later called DIFA); the SICAR, Intelligence Service of the Carabineros, and the SIN, Naval Intelligence Service, all of which were responsible for the forced disappearance of persons within the same general framework of repression directed by the Governing Junta. NINE: As has been said, the truth is that the DINA became a diabolical mechanism for the disappearance, torture and elimination of persons within and outside Chile, especially in Argentina where it obtained agreements of cooperation with the SIDE and the Federal Police, which allowed the clandestine transfer of detainees. At the same time it established relationships with extremist organizations like the Argentine "Triple A", offered refuge to Cuban nationalists who were then used to carry out attacks against Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffit in Washington D.C., or General Prats in Buenos Aires, amongst others and established relationships with extreme right-wing organisations in Europe such as "the Corsican Brotherhood" (France) or "Avanguardia Nazionale" (Italy) to carry out attacks in Europe. As part of the criminal activity of the DINA, and within the so-called "Plan Condor", are the following cases, without attempting to list them all: 1. Edgardo Enríquez Espinosa, prominent activist of MIR AND BROTHER OF THE EXECUTED Secretary General of that Party, Miguel Enríquez, is kidnapped on April 10, 1976 in Buenos Aires (Argentina) as he was leaving a meeting one evening of the Revolutionary coordinating Junta; according to the Rettig Commission this person was under the protection of the UNHCR and was taken from some Argentine detention center to Villa Grimaldi in Santiago, and has not been heard of since. The Vicaría de la Solidaridad - Archbishopric of Santiago: he had been seen in the Clandestine Detention Center (CCA) named Campo de Mayo and transferred to the CCD Monte Maravilla in Chile and during l976 in the already mentioned Villa Grimaldi. Together with 274 Edgardo Enríquez the disappeared Brazilian citizen Regina Marcondes and various other persons were arrested. On December 23, l975, that is, four months before his capture, the DINA had already laid the trap around the top leader of the MIR and several other persons, ordering agents abroad to transfer them to Chile after capturing them. Moreover, a telex was sent stating that the mission had been completed. The DINA was responsible directly to Augusto Pinochet Ugarte. 2. On April 2nd, 1976 the arrest took place of Luis Gonz lez MUÑOZ VELASQUEZ, ex-Secretary of the Local Section of the Socialist Party in San Bernardo and candidate for local Councillor (Regidor), together with Juan Humberto HERN NDEZ ZASPE, ex-President of the Federation of Industrial and Technical Students of Chile (FEITECH), and Manuel Jesús TAMAYO MART NEZ, sociologist, socialist leader who worked closely with members of the Central Committee of his party, acting as "liaison" with Carlos Lorca, Ricardo Lagos, both also disappeared, and another socialist fraction, together with other Chileans in the public highway, in Mendoza, in the presence as witnesses of Luis Alfredo Concha, Jorge Alvarez Gallardo and Mauricio Muñoz Velázquez, brother of Luis Gonzalo. The three kidnapped persons were friends and had arrived in Argentina in the course of 1974, having left Chile where they were being pursued for political reasons. They also worked together in the Modernfiold company of Manuel Mendoza y Cia. and were in charge of reorganising a socialist coordinating body participating in the activities of the so-called Consensus Committee of the PS (Socialist Party. In the military operation joint forces participated made up from the Argentine Federal Police and DINA agents. The three arrested persons were taken by land from Mendoza to Villa Grimaldi towards the end of April 1976. 3. On April 15th, 1976, the arrest took place in Buenos Aires of students who were activists of the MIR, Frieda Elena LASCHAN MELLADO, married to the Chilean student Angel Omar ATHANASIU JARA and her recently born son Pablo ATHANASIU LASCHAN. Frieda had been arrested on September 13th 1973 in Lantaro (Chile), remaining for some days in the police station. She was then allowed to go free and arrested subsequently in Santiago de Chile, legal proceedings being initiated and finally dismissed. In March 1974 she joined Angel Omar Athanasiu Jara and they went to Juan Martin de los Andes (Necequen-Argentina) until mid -1975. There they learned that they were being watched from Chile and they moved to Buenos Aires. As the result of receiving a letter, the family learned that the couple and the child had been arrested in Chile on April 15th, 1976. They are still disappeared. 4. On July 2nd, 1976 the arrest takes place in La Paz, Bolivia, of the agricultural accountant Julio del Transito VALLADARES CAROCA. He was handed over, together with other Chileans, to the Chilean authorities on the Charaña frontier on November 13th, 1976, since when there has been no further trace of him. The Ministry of the Interior acknowledges that the 275 arrest took place, although - having been required to do so by a Court - it refused "exclusively for reasons of security" to identify the agents who arrested him. 5. In the early hours of July 16th, 1976, members of the Argentinian Army arrested in their apartment in the calle Córdoba in Buenos Aires the couple Guillermo TAMBURINI and María Cecilia MAGNET FERRERO. He was an Argentine doctor and member of the MIR, who had been resident in Chile for some years and had fled the repression unleashed after September 11th, 1973. She was a Chilean activist of the MAPU and a sociologist, having arrived in Argentine towards the end of 1973. In the course of the detention Guillermo Tamburini was wounded by a bullet. 6. On July 27th, 1976, 25 days after arriving in Argentina, Luis Enrique ELGUETA D AZ is arrested together with his companion CLARA HAYDEE and her sister CECILIA MARIA FERNANDEZ, both of Argentine nationality. He had taken refuge in that country after having been expelled from the School of Music of the Universidad de Chile owing to his involvement with the MIR in Santiago. Before travelling he had left with a friend the address of a relative in the Argentine capital where he intended to stay. His friend, Sergio Fuenzalida, was arrested in Santiago by the DINA on June 28th, 1976, together with six other people, all of whom are now disappeared. The Rettig Commission established that the victim, who was intensively looked for in Chile after the DINA operation which annihilated his group of friends in Santiago, was put at the disposal of DINA agents in Buenos Aires and disappeared. 7. In July 1976 Miguel Ivan ORELLANA CASTRO disappeared. He was 27 years old, a member of the MIR, and exiled in Cuba. The disappearance took place when the victim was on his way to Buenos Aires clandestinely for a political meeting. 8. On September 24th, 1976, the arrest takes place in the centre of Buenos Aires of the governess Rachel Elizabeth VENEGAS ILLANES, member of the MIR and nothing further has been heard about her since then. She had been indicted by the Military Prosecutor in Victoria and condemned to a long period of house arrest, after which she had left Chile. While in Buenos Aires she had obtained a visa for travel to Holland a few days before her arrest. 9. In July 1976 the arrest takes place of Patricio BIEDMA SCHADEWALDT, an activist of the MIR linked to the Revolutionary Co-ordinating Junta (Junta Coordinadora Revolucionaria) which the security bodies had detected. Of Argentine nationality but fixed residence in Chile since 1968, the sociologist Patricio Biedma returned to Argentina after the 11th September, 1973 as the result of the political persecution to which he was subjected in Chile. He continued his political activity within the Chilean MIR, working together with the principal leaders of the movement. 276 There is evidence that Patricio Biedma was arrested in a "tooth-comb" operation in July 1976 in Buenos Aires and taken to various places , amongst them "Automotores Orletti" which was operated by the SIDE - an security agency with which the DINA maintained close relations-. On these premises Biedma was seen José Luis Bertazzo who declares his knowledge that Biedma was interrogated on various occasions by DINA agents who had travelled to the CCD "Automotores Orletti" especially for this reason. The fate of this sociologist must be related to that of Edgardo Enríquez and Jorge Fuentes. During his captivity Patricio Biedma conveyed to Bertazzo his fear of being moved to Chile. 10. On August 3rd, 1976 the arrest took place in San Bernardo of the member of the Communist party Eduardo Enrique HERN NDEZ CONCHA, without anything being known of where he was held or of his fate after arrest. 11. On January 11th, 1977, José Luis APPEL DE LA CRUZ was kidnapped by a group of armed civilians in the public highway in the city of Cipolletti, Province of Neuquen, Argentina, in the presence of his wife Carmen Angélica DELARD CABEZAS and his daughter. Carmen Delard disappeared in the police station when reporting the disappearance of her husband. 12. On January 17th, a week later, her sister Gloria Ximana DELARD CABEZAS was arrested in her home in Buenos Aires together with her husband Roberto CRISTI MELERO and her two sons. Gloria Delard was pregnant of her third son and nothing is known of where they were held or of their fate after arrest. The two sisters Carmen and Gloria Delard were, at the moment of their disappearance, students and members of the MIR of the Universidad de Concepción. Persecuted in Chile after September 11th, 1973, they accepted the offer made by a friend of the family, an ex-Army Colonel, to help them to cross the Chilean-Argentine frontier and had then settled respectively in Neuquen and Buenos Aires respectively. 13. Jorge FUENTES ALARC N, Chilean, Secretary of MIR for the region of Antofagasta, and member of the Central Commitee. Sociologist by profession, 28 years of age, married and father of one son. The Chilean Security agents were looking for him since the end of l973, so he had to flee to Argentina. On May 17, l975 he was arrested by the Paraguayan Police and in September transferred clandestinely to Chile by DINA agents on a foreign mission within the actions related to the "Condor Plan". He was seen alive for the last time in Villa Grimaldi on January 13, l976. From what can be gathered from investigations carried out by Gladys Meilinges de Sannemann and from documentation in the "Terror of Paraguay" files, Jorge Fuentes Alarcón shared a cell in this country with the Argentine Amilcar Santucho, and was under the charge of Colonel Zeballos of the Chilean Air Force and the Head of the DINA. 277 In Villa Grimaldi, according to the testimony of Angeles Beatriz Alvarez C rdenas, wife of Gilberto Patricio Urbina Chamorro, prominent activist of MIR and detained like him in Villa Grimaldi, Fuentes Alarcón was referred to disdainfully as the "bug" and they had him locked up in a cage like an animal, his head shaven and ridden with lice, permanently on view like a beast. From background information the conclusion can be drawn that the Argentine intelligence services also participated in the capture of the MIR leader, providing the information on Jorge Fuentes false passport. There are multiple testimonies, which are in agreement with each other, about the time which Jorge Fuentes spent in Villa Grimaldi where he received medical attention for mange while, at the same time, they continued to torture him and submit him to degrading treatment. 14. On April 6, l977 the ex-Director of Aeronautics of the Chilean Air Force, Jorge SAGAUTA HERRERA, 51 years of age, is arrested by Argentine security forces at the home of a friend of his in Buenos Aires. On searching the house, a list of Chilean political prisoners was found and he was taken away by the intelligence agents and disappeared. 15. Alexei Vladimir JACCARD SIEGLER, Chilean-Swiss citizen, by security services of the Chilean army in September l973, released on December 21 of the same year, and travelled to Switzerland on that date. On May 15, l997, arriving from Milan to Buenos Aires, he stayed at the Bristol Hotel before carrying on to Santiago where he hoped to see his father. Between the 16th and 17th he was arrested by federal police in the street and taken to police premises where he was interrogated and then taken to the Escuela Mec nica de la Armada (ESMA), and since then has been disappeared. In the same operation Ricardo Ignacio RAMIREZ HERRERA, in charge of organization and finances of the Chilean Communist Party in Buenos Aires, and Hector Heraldo VELASQUEZ MARDONES, also an active Chilean communist were arrested. On the same day, Chilean and Argentine agents captured the three Chilean citizens and five Argentine members of the Chile Solidarity Committee in Argentina, who were acting as hosts to the Chileans. Until today the eight are disappeared. The especially active role which the DINA and the Government of Chile played in this case began with the illegal triple arrest in foreign territory with the complicity of the Argentine security services, and ended with the handing over of false information to the Swiss diplomats who were looking for a Swiss national (Alexis Jaccard). 278 As for Ricardo Ramírez, the Chilean International Police falsely informed the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the supposed trips of the victim, between l977 and l983. The request for this information had been made by the Tribunals of the Argentine Republic. Another report sent by the Police to this Commission, in agreement with the real facts, shows that the victim only travelled from Santiago to Germany in March l976, date when he was able to leave as a political exile to settle in Hungary. Subsequent to the triple arrest of the three Chilean activist communists in Buenos Aires, the Chilean and Argentine security organisms launched a considerable volume of false documents and information to cover up for each other faced with pressure from the Swiss government which insisted on knowing what had happened to a national in transit. 16. On May 23, l977 Humberto CORDANO L PEZ, a male nurse, member of the Communist Party, had been exiled in Comodoro Rivadavia since September 11, l973, was arrested on the date indicated above, in the vicinity of the Céntrico Hotel in Comodoro Rivadavia. A member of the Argentine Chile Solidarity Committee in that province, Humberto Cordano had helped a number of arrested Chileans and it was widely known that, as a result, he had been followed by DINA agents in this Argentine city until his arrest and disappearance. 17. On May 19, l977, is arrested together with his spouse, Oscar Lautaro HUERAVILO SAAVEDRA, 23 years' old, employed, no political activity known, a young Chilean living in Buenos Aires, married to Argentine citizen Mirta Mónica ALONSO, six months' pregnant. The couple was seen in the Escuela Mec nica de la Armada (ESMA). The child was born in captivity and recovered by his grandmother. The couple continue disappeared. 18. On May 29, l977, Matilde PESSA MOIS and her husband Jacobo STOULMAN BOERTNIK, both of Chilean nationality and with no political militancy or affiliation, were arrested on arrival of their flight from Santiago to Buenos Aires, before passing International Police control. Subsequent to their arrest a registration in their names was found in the Hotel Winston Palace in Buenos Aires, which at that time was used by the Argentine security services. 19. On May 19th, 1977, the arrest took place of José Liberio POBLETE ROA, a member of the Christians for Socialism community, together with his wife of Argentine nationality Marta Gertrudis HLACZIK and his eight-month old daughter Claudia POBLETE HLACZIK. This couple and their daughter disappear and there is testimony whch indicates that they were in the detention centres El Olimpo of Buenos Aires, losing track of them in mid-1979. During this period in the CCD, the child was taken from the mother who was submitted to torture. 20. On September 11th, 1977, the arrest took place in barrio Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina, of Cherif Omar AINIE ROJAS, Chemistry student in the University of that city, who had lived in the Argentine since her childhood. The day after, members of the Joint Armed Forces searched her home, taking the victim s identity card. 279 21. On January 10th, 1978, members of the Argentine police arrested Guido Arturo SAAVEDRA INOSTROZA, student of the University of Buenos Aires and employee of Textil Gloria. He has remained disappeared until this date. This young University student had left Chile after September 11th, 1973, having been arrested in the Universidad Federico Santa Maria in Valparaiso.The information available enabled the Rettig Commission to establish that Guido Saavedra was the object of an illegal arrest and disappearance, which took place outside the national territory by agents of the State of Chile, or with their participation. Moreover, reference was made to the very close communication which existed betwen the Argentine and Chilean secret services at that time. 22. In 1978 the arrest takes place in Buenos Aires of the Chilean citizens Raúl TAPIA HERN NDEZ, Jaime Nury RIQUELME GANGAS and Luis ESPINOZA GONZ LEZ. They were exiles, working legally in the Argentine and they disappeared in the context to which reference has already been made. 23. In April 1978 Carlos Patricio ROJAS CAMPOS, a Communist activist, disappeared. Up to 1977 he had been pursued in Calama and Tocopilla and then took refuge in Buenos Aires, maintaining regular contact with his family in Chile by letter. Since then they have had no news about him. 24. On July 26th, 1978, the disappearance took place in Argentina of Cristina Magdalena CARREÑO ARAYA, a Communist activist. She had reached that country from Hungary at the beginning of the month. On the 24th of the month she reported to the office of CEAS, an institution of the Catholic Church working in coordination with the UNHCR (ACNUR), in the federal capital that she felt she was being pursued and requested the status of refugee; according to the testimony of the witnesses who are a party to this case, Cristina was seen in the CCD "EL BANCO". 25. On January 27th, 1979 Oscar Orlando OYARZUN MANZO, an activist of the Communist Party of Chile, a refugee in Argentina since 1974, was kidnapped by agents dressed in civilian clothes and killed in the outskirts of Buenos Aires. 26. On February 19th, 1981, the arrest takes place on the Chilean-Argentine frontier in the sector of Paimún of the Chilean citizens, José Alejandro CAMPOS CIFUENTES, a nursing student and Luis QUINCHAVIL SUAREZ, an ex Mapuche leader, both activists of the MIR, when they tried to return to Chile cladestinely in the so-called "Operation Return" (Operación Retorno/Operación Naltame). They had been condemned previously by military courts in time of war (Consejos de Guerra) to penalties of deprivation of liberty which had been commuted to exile in 1975, as a result of which their return to the national territory was forbidden. Alejandro Campos Cifuentes used a false identity document in the name of Fortunato Herrera A. On entering by the Huahum de Painun border, sector Valdívia and Nenquén from the 280 Argentine side, he was arrested and handed over to agents of the CNI and mounted carabineros of Valdivia. They took him to the Intelligence Services of carabineros (SICAR-BICAR). He was taken to the Shooting Range (Campo de Tiro) de la Reina in Santiago de Chile and they dynamited his body. Luis Quinchavil Suarez met the same fate. The background information which is known about these matters related to the CNI operations indicate that guerilla activities were brought to an end as a result in the sector of Neltume in 1981 and led the Rettig Commission to establish that José Campos and Luis Quinchavil had been arrested by Argentine gendarmes on the frontier and handed over by them to agents of national security, and disappeared while in their hands. TEN: In addition to what has been declared, the following eleven persons of Chilean nationality were illegally arrested in the Argentine and are still disappeared: - Nelson Martín Cabello Pérez, 23 years old, arrested on April 9th, 1976 in La Plata, Argentina, together with his wife and brother-in-law - Oscar Juli n Urra Ferrarese, 24 years old, arrested at 13.30 on May 22nd, 1976, in Buenos Aires, Argentine, together with his wife Susana Ossola de Urra, who was pregnant. Personnel of the Argentine Aeron utica participated. The couple were taken to the jail of Campo de Mayo and from there to the military penitentiary of Magdalena where their trace is lost. It is not known if the child was born and if it was, it is still disappeared. - Rafael Antonio Ferrada, 49 years old, was arrested on August 3rd, 1976 in his home in San Martin, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. His arrest was reported to Court Number 2 in San Martin and no reply was received. - José Francisco Pichulm n Alcap n, 20 years of age, was arrested on August 12th, 1976 in his home in Neuquén (Argentina) by a military group. According to testimony he was seen for the last time by a guard in the enclosure of the locality of Río Mayo. - Juan Raúl Pichulm n Alcap n, 24 years old, was arrested on January 27th, 1977, in his home, in the locality of J.J. Gómez in Río Negro (Argentina), together with his wife by members of the army, consisting of a group of 20 to 30 persons who said they belonged to the "joint forces". - Nelson Flores Ugarte, 28 years' old, arrested on February 18, 1997 at his home in Buenos Aires, by a group of heavily armed men. The arrest of this Chilean citizen was never recognised by the Argentinian authorities, his whereabouts are unknown. - María Isabel Navarrete, 24 years of age, was arrested on May 17, l977 outside the Faculty of Medicine in La Plata. 281 - Reinaldo Miguel Pinto Rubio, 23 years of age, arrested on June 19, l977 in Buenos Aires by a group of individuals. He offered resistance to the kidnappers but was shot at and taken to the Claypole Police Station. - María Angélica Pinto Rubio, 21 years of age , was seen for the last time in Buenos Aires on February 10, 1977. Apparently her arrest was connected to her brother's. - José Luis de la Maza Asquet, 27 years of age, was arrested on November 1, l977 in the street in the town of Tucum n (Argentina) and disappeared on that same date without having been able to determine his whereabouts. -Juan Adolfo Coloma Machuca, arrested on December 11, l978 in Buenos Aires, together with his wife. Juan Adolfo Coloma, whom they called Hern n, was seen in the prison camp of El Olimpo at the end of l979. ELEVEN : Likewise, the following persons were arrested in the same organized framework of physical elimination designed, amongst others, by Augusto Pinochet Ugarte and carried out directly by the Intelligence services of Chile abroad, with the help of those of the country where the selected victim was located: YEAR 1976 - María Eliana Acosta Velasco, 34 years of age, of Chilean nationality, was arrested in La Plata (Argentina) on September 28 and interned in the clandestine detention Centers known as "ARANA" and "QUILMES", disappeared in January 1977. In the same way, Esteban BADELL, Argentine and husband of the former, has been disappeared since the same date, as also his brother Julio BADELL. - Luis Adolfo Jaramillo Jaramillo, 42 years of age, disappeared on November 26, in Quilmes, Argentina. - José Heriberto del Carmen Leal Sanhueza, 25 years of age, single, university student, disappeared, probably in Córdoba, Argentina. - Luis Guillermo Guzm n Osorio, of Chilean nationality, disappeared in Argentina despite appearing as registered on the lists of the permanent Assembly for Human Rights of this country - Enrique Lomas Pontigo, disappeared on May 24 in Buenos Aires, disappearance which appears registered in the UNHCR-Argentina. - Luis Arnaldo Zaragoza Olivares, employee, arrested in Argentina on August 17, disappeared since that date as shown on lists of CONADEP and APDH of that country. - Gaspar Medina Medina, 42 years' old, arrested on September 9 in Futaleufú, Argentina; his disappearance appears registered in the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights and in the CELS (Center for Legal and Social Studies of Argentina). - René Alejandro Moscoso Espinoza, photo-engraver arrested on September 15 at the factory where he worked (GRAFFA S.A. of Buenos Aires, Argentina), as registered in the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights and CONADEP. 282 - Salvador Cubillos Maturana, arrested on November 10 in Buenos Aires, Argentina and disappeared on that date according to lists of the APDH of Argentina. - Nora Mardikiand, of Argentine nationality, married to Chilean Nelson Cabello remains disappeared. YEAR 1977 - Maria Eugenia Escobar Silva, disappeared 18th February in Buenos Aires, Argentina - Daniel Tapia Contardo, 26 years, detained 26th March in BuenosAires, Argentina, as registered in APDH and CONDEP - Hernan Leopoldo Caballero, 26 years, detained 26th March in Buenos Aires, Argentina, data on files of APDH and CODP - Gastón Riquelme Cifuentes, detained 5th June, Argentina - Norma Riquelme Cifuentes, detained 5th June, Argentina, data files of APDH and CONADEP - Hern n Artemio Rojas Fajardo,plasterer, detained 7th June in Mar del Plata, Argentina and still disappeared, registered APDH and CONADEP YEAR 1978 - Luis Alfredo Espinoza Gonzalez 25 years old, detained 3rd December in Mendoza, Argentina, remains disappeared - Eduardo Kurt Fuentes, detained in January in Argentina according to files of APDH - Ester Elena Jimenez Torrealba, disappeared in January in Argentina, according to registers of UNHCR, and remains disappeared - Rafael Eduardo Ulloa Sanchez, detained in Argentine on12th June, and still disappeared - Rubén Gómez Quesada, journalist,detained 30th December in Salta, Argentina since when still disappeared as shown in files of APDH - Susana Larubia, detained on11th December in Buenos Aires and disappeared since then. YEAR 1979 - Juan Antonio Rodriguez, Chilean, detained 8th January in Mar del Plata, Argentina, since then still disappeared - Sylvia Lilian Almendras Zapata, disappeared in Argentine - Santiago Pedro Astelarra, disappeared in Argentina - Yolanda Barría Santana, disappeared in Argentina - Omar José Ojeda Mer, disappeared in Argentina 283 - Mario Juan Villa Colombo, disappeared in Argentina - Ricardo Lancelot Carvajal Vargas,disappeared in Argentina - Gary Nelson Olomos Guzm n,disappeared in Argentina - José Fernando Fanjul Mallea,disappeared in Argentina - Silvia Teresa Marrambio Silva, disappeared in Argentina - Angel Manuel Martínez Fern ndez, disappeared in Argentina - Luisa Aurora Arredondo Fern ndez, disappeared in Argentina TWELVE: Within this same pattern of action by the DINA are included those other cases which have occurred outside the frontiers of Chile and that are of two types but also included in the "Condor Plan", within which is known as the "Colombo operation". 1. Persons detained-missing in Chile whose documentation has appeared next to bodies found in Argentina, although their real identity is not known and the final place of disappearance of the following persons is not known: The common denominator of all of them is that they were detained by the DINA, they are disappeared at the present date, and the majority of their names (60 names) appear in an Argentine magazine LEA which only appeared once, without an editor responsible for it, whose address was false as was the information about the printer. Date of disappearance name age 1. 27-May-74, Reyes González Agustín Eduardo, 23 2. 4-June-74, Cubillos Galvez Carlos Luis, 20 3. 15-June -74, Ziede Gómez Eduardo Humberto, 27 4. 17-June -74, Fioraso Chau Albano Agustín, 23 5. 18-June -74, Espinoza Méndez Jorge Enrique, 24 6. 25-June -74, Villarroel Gangas Víctor Man, 18 7. 8-July-74, Acuña Castillo Miguel Angel, 18, seen in Yalamos in August-September 1974 8. 8-July-74, Garay Hermosilla Héctor Marci, 18 9. 10-July-74, Toro Romero Enrique Segundo, 28 10. 10-July-74, Uribe Tamblay Bárbara Gabriela, 20 11. 10-July-74, Van Yurick Altamirano Edwin, 20, seen in Yalamos in August-September 1974 12. 13-July-74, Buzzio Lorca Jaime Mauricio, 21 13. 13-July-74, Alvarado Borgel María Inés, 21 14. 14-July-74, Contreras Gonzalez Abundio Al, 28 15. 15-July-74, Chacón Olivares Juan Rosendo, 29 seen in Yalamos between July and September 1974 284 16. 15-July-74, Elgueta Pinto Martín, 21, seen in Yalamos between July and September 1974 17. 15-July-74, Lara Petrovich Eduardo Enrique, 35 18. 15-July-74, Moreno Fuenzalida Germ n Rodol, 25 19. 15-July-74, Villagra Astudillo José Caupol, 40 20. 17-July-74, Quiñones Lembach Marcos Esteb, 26 21. 18-July-74, Reyes Piña Daniel Abraham, 24 22. 19-July-74, Poblete Cordova Pedro Enrique, 27 23. 20-July-74, Guajardo Zamorano Luis Julio, 22 24. 20-July-74, Muñoz Andrade Leopoldo, 22, seen in Yalamos in September-October 1974 25. 23-July-74, Gonz lez Pérez Rodolfo Valen, 19 26. 25-July-74, Ibarra Toledo Juan Ernesto, 21 27. 25-July-74, Núñez Espinoza Ramón Osvaldo, 20 28. 26-July-74, Chavez Lobos Ismael Darío 29. 27-July-74, Olivares Graindorge Jorge Alejandro, 23 30. 29-July-74, Machuca Muñoz Zacarías Antonio, 22 31. 30-July-74, Alarcón Jara Eduardo Enrique, 49 32. 30-July-74, Lazo Lazo Ofelio de la Cruz, 43 33. 31-July-74, Chanfreau Oyarce Alfonso René, 23 34. 1-August-74, Montecinos Alfaro Sergio Sebas, 28 35. 5-August-74, Jorquera Encina Mauricio, 19 36. 6-August-74, Andreoli Bravo María Ang élica, 27 37. 6-August-74, Dockendorff Navarrete Muriel, 22 38. 15-August-74, Espejo Gómez Rodolfo Alejandro, 18 39. 15-August-74, Gaete Farías Gregorio Antonio, 24 40. 15-August-74, Gonz lez Inostroza Galo Hern n, 27 41. 15-August-74, Gonz lez Inostroza María Elena, 22 42. 16-August-74, Salcedo Morales Carlos Eladio, 21 43. 17-August-74, Cabezas Quijada Antonio Sergio, 29, seen in Yalamos in SeptemberOctober 1974 44. 21-August-74, Arevalo Muñoz Víctor Daniel, 26 45. 22-August-74, Arias Vega Alberto Vladimir, 19, seen in Yalamos in SeptemberOctober 1974 46. 22-August-74, Tello Garido Teobaldo Antonio, 25 47. 22-August-74, Espinoza Pozo Modesto Segundo, 32, seen in Yalamos in OctoberNovember 1974 48. 23-August-74, Aguilera Peñaloza Stalin Artu, 41, seen in Yalamos in OctoberNovember 1974 49. 24-August-74, Maturana Pérez Juan Bautista, 29 50. 24-August-74, Olmos Guzmán Gary Nelson, 34 51. 26-August-74, Bravo Núñez Francisco Javier, 24 52. 27-August-74, Binfa Contreras Jacqueline, 28 285 53. 28-August-74, Barría Araneda Antonio Arturo, 38, seen in Yalamos in SeptemberOctober 1974 54. 29-August-74, López Díaz Violeta del Carmen, 40 55. 5-September-74, Bustos Reyes Sonia de las Merc, 30 56. 6-September-74, Chaer Vasquez Roberto, 21, seen in Yalamos between September and October 1974 57. 6-September-74, Llanca Iturra Mónica Chyslaine, 23 58. 6-September-74, Morales Chaparro Edgardo Agust, 38 59. 7-September-74, Aedo Carrasco Francisco Eduardo, 63, is transfered to several centres of torture, having been seen for the last time in "Cuatro Alamos" 60. 7-September-74, Retamales Briceño Asrael Leona, 44 61. 10-September-74, Perez Vargas Carlos Freddy, 25 62. 13-September-74, Jara Castro José Hipólito, 24 63. 14-September-74, De Castro López Bernardo, 36 64. 14-September-74, Durán Rivas Luis Eduardo, 29, seen in Yalamos between September-October 1974 65. 14-September-74, Lagos Hidalgo Sergio Hern n, 30 66. 14-September-74, Merino Molina Pedro Juan, 20 67. 16-September-74, Carrasco Díaz Mario Edrulfo, 18 68. 16-September-74, Palomino Benítez Vicente Segundo, 30 69. 16-September-74, Zúñiga Tapia Héctor Cayetano, 27 70. 17-September-74, Villalobos Díaz Manuel Jesús, 22 71. 17-September-74, Gallardo Aguero Nestor Alfonso, 24, seen in Cuatro Alamos on October-November 1974 72. 20-Septembe r-74, Gajardo Wolff Carlos Alfredo, 34, seen in Cuatro Alamos in October-November 1974 73. 20-September-74, Fuentes Riquelme Luis Fernando, 23, seen in Cuatro Alamos in October-November 1974 74. 23-September-74, López Stewart María Cristina, 22, was arrested and held at the "José Domingo Cañas" torture centre in Santiago 75. 25-September-74, Calderón Tapia Mario Eduardo, 31 76. 25-September-74, Salinas Argomedo Ariel Martín, 26, seen in Yalamos in September to October 1974 77. 3-October-74, Andrónicos Antequera Jorge Eli, 24 78. 4-October-74, Andrónicos Antequera Juan Car, 23 Both brothers were detained in Antofagasta and were seen that same month in the "Cuatro Alamos" torture centre 79. 7-October-74, Miranda Lobos Eduardo Francis, 27 80. 24-October-74, Martínez Hern ndez Eugenia del, 25 81. 30-October-74, Droully Yurich Jacqueline Paul, 24 82. 31-October-74, D'Orival Briceño Jorge Humb, 26 83. 31-October-74, Salinas Eytel Marcelo Eduardo, 31 286 84. 16-November-74, Reyes Navarrete Sergio Alfonso, 26, profession economist, married, militant of MIR, detained at his domicile in C/ Vergara, 24 in Santiago, Chile, by 3 agents of the DINA and was trasported in a Chevrolet pick-up with false number plates presumably to the Cuatro Alamos detention centre 85. 17-November-74, Castro Salvadores Cecilia Ga, 23 86. 19-November-74, Pizarro Meniconi Isidro Migue, 21 87. 25-November-74, Arroyo Padilla Ruben David, 29 88. 26-November-74, Silva Peralta Claudio Guiller, 23 89. 27-November-74, Silva Camus Fernando Guillermo, 61 90. 27-November-74, De la Jara Goyeneche Feliz, 24 91. 29-November-74, Bueno Cifuentes Carmen Cecilia, 24 92. 7-December-74, Palominos Rojas Luis Jaime, 23 93. 8-December-74, Cid Urrutia Washington, 25 94. 9-December-74, Bustillos Cereceda María Teresa, 25 95. 9-December-74, Peña Solari Mario Fernando, 21 96. 9-December-74, Neira Muñoz Marta Silvia Adela, 29 97. 10-December-74, Peña Solari Nilda Patricia, 23 98. 10-December-74, Silva Saldívar Gerardo Ernesto, 23 99. 12-December-74, Eltit Contreras María Teresa, 22 100. 12-December-74, Ortiz Moraga Jorge Eduardo, 20 101. 12-December-74, Radrigan Plaza Anselmo Osvaldo, 25 102. 13-Decmber-74, Herrera Cofre Jorge Antonio, 18 103. 14-December-74, Labrador Urrutia Ramón Isidro, 24 104. 20-December-74, Joui Petersen María Isabel, 19 105. 31-December-74, Robotham Bravo Jaime Eugenio, 23 106. 1-January-75, Martínez Meza Agustín Alamiro, 27 107. 2-January-75, Marchant Villaseca Rodolfo Ar, 29 108. 6-January-75, Urbina Chamorro Jilberto Patri, 25 109. 7-January-75, Contreras Hern ndez Claudio En, 27 110. 7-January-75, Sandoval Rodríguez M. Angel, 26 111. 10-January-75, Flores Pérez Julio Fidel, 22 112. 18-January-75, García Vega Alfredo Gabriel, 30 113. 29-January-75, Molina Mogollones J. Enrique, 29 114. 7-February-75, Ugaz Morales Rodrigo Eduardo, 22 115. 13-February-75, Vasquez Saenz Jaime Enrique, 27 116. 14-February-75, Cortes Joo Manuel Edgardo del, 28 117. 14-February-75, Ríos Videla Hugo Daniel, 21 118. 14-February-75, Acuña Reyes René Roberto, 22 119. 20-February-75, Perelman Ide Juan Carlos THIRTEEN: Forming part of the criminal operations carried out by the DINA within the so called "Condor Plan" - in accordance with the strategy already described of 287 orders transmitted by Augusto Pinochet Ugarte to Manuel Contreras and by the latter to his subordinates and the execution of these orders by means of special agents sent abroad and sometimes assisted by the security services of countries included in "Condor" - a series of spectacular actions were carried out in pursuit of the elimination, within the plan for selective elimination determined by the governing Junta, of leaders who were opposed to "good order", most notably: General and ex-Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Army and Vice-President of the Republic with Salv ador Allende, Carlos Prats Gonz lez; the ex-Vice-President of Chile Bernardo Leighton; Senator Carlos Altamirano, Secretary General of the Socialist Party of Chile; and the ex-Minister of Defence of Chile, Orlando Letelier 1.- On September 30th, 1974, at approximately 0.50 hours in C/Malabia y Segui, Buenos Aires at a point close to the home of General Carlos Prats Gonz lez and his wife Sofia Cuthbert Chiarleoni, DINA agents, complying with orders received from Manuel Contreras and Augusto Pinochet, operated the remote control which activated the explosive charge which had previously been placed underneath the Fiat 600 vehicle, licence C 949.958 occupied by the couple, causing their immediate death due to traumatic destruction and multiple viscero-muscular lacerations and internal and external hemorrhages. The explosive used showed similarities to those which were used in the action against Orlando Letelier to which reference is made later. 2. On October 6th, 1975. the ex-Vice-President of Chile Bernardo Leighton, founder of the Christian Democrat Party, and his wife Ana Fresno were the objects of an attack with fire arms by agents of the DINA, amongst them Michael Vernon Townley, following orders given by his superiors Eduardo Iturriaga Newman and Manuel Contreras Sepúlveda which the last of those named had received from Augusto Pinochet Ugarte. Moreover, the services were used of an extreme right wing group called Avanguardia Nazionale. This took place in Rome...and as a result of the bullet wounds in his cranium, Bernardo Leighton Guzm n suffered serious encephalic wounds; the sequelas were serious intellectual deterioration, a motor deficit on the right side of his body which provoked difficulties in movements, aphasia which provoked difficulties in speaking; epileptic attacks; difficulties in swallowing. From the moment of his return to Chile until his death he required permanent medical attention to treat the diverse pathologies derived from the attack. For her part, Ana Fresno Ovalle was hit by a bullet in the cervical region which partially destroyed the cervical vertebrae. The injuries caused her a spastic paraperexia and pain for which there was no treatment. After intensive treatment she was able to walk again for short distances and taking small steps using orthopaedic equipment. The definitive sequelas are spastic paraparexia and pains which prevent her from leading a life with normal social relationships. 288 It has been established that those responsible within the DINA, both Iturriaga and Contreras, expressed their satisfaction at the success of the operation because, although Bernardo Leighton had not died, the seriousness of his injuries was such that they made him "inoffensive" in relation to the objective which he had in mind, according to them and to Augusto Pinochet - as their military and political superior - the presumed unification of the opposition groups in exile. 3.- In 1975 DINA agents travelled to France to locate and follow the movements of exiled Chileans and, especially, of Senator Carlos Altamirano, Secretary General of the Socialist Party of Chile. To carry out these actions they contact criminal organisations in France. Thus, there is evidence of contacts and collaboration with the "Corsican Bro therhood" organisation, according to the investigations of the American prosecuting attorney Barcela. Also, in that same year 1975 and on the occasion of the visit to Madrid of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte and Manuel Contreras for the funeral of the Spanish Head of State at that time, Francisco Franco, they had a meeting with one of the members of the Italian group which had been closely connected with the attack on Bernardo Leighton called Stefano de la Chiae who cooperated with the DINA in actions abroad such as the one described. 4.- Orlando Letelier del Solar, lawyer and economist, was a senior staff member of the Inter-American Bank, with headquarters in Washington D.C. until in October 1970 he was appointed Chilean Ambassador to the United States. Subsequently he was designated Minister of Foreign Affairs, Interior and Defence from July until September 11th, 1973. On September 11th, 1973 he was arrested in his Ministry, that of Defence. Held first in the Military School (Santiago), a few days later he was interned in the Dawson Island (Magallanes) concentration camp, obliged to carry out forced labour and subjected to humiliating treatment over a period of a year. Through the mediation of Venezuela he was liberated in October 1974. In 1975 and 1976 he lived in the United States where he was appointed Director of the Institute for Policy Studies, headquartered in Washington D.C. As an ex-Ambassador to the United States, he had the status of a protected person, as was expressly recognised in the resolution included in the proceedings which were carried out in Washington D.C. in connection with his death. Ronni Moffit was a citizen of the U.S.A., a researcher of the Institute for Policy Studies, married. 289 At the beginning of September 1976 the Military Junta issued a decree, depriving Mr. Letelier of his Chilean nationality, on the pretext that he was promoting initiatives in the U.S.A. and Europe directed to the re -establishment of democracy in Chile. Orlando Letelier del Solar and Ronni Moffit we re killed on September 21st, 1976 on Embassy Row, the street of the embassies in Washington, as the result of the explosion of a bomb similar to that which killed General Prats, which the DINA agent William Vernon Townley, carrying out orders of the DINA Director Manuel Contreras who, in turn, was carrying out those of Augusto Pinochet, had placed below the driver s seat and which was activated by remote control by anti-Castro Cubans who had been contracted by DINA. 5. In the framework of the actions designed to be carried out in other countries (Condor Plan) by DINA, Manuel Contreras, its Director, instructs the agent William Vernon Townley - who formed part of the "Avispa" or "Mulchen" group, a quasi-secret section of DINA, which was responsible directly to the Director and which was used by him for special projects, always by order of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte - to travel to Spain in november 1976, having heard that Senator Carlos Altamirano was there, Secretary General of the Socialist Party of Chile, who had already been followed in Mexico and France, "to see what can be done with Altamirano". Townley, together with other agents, received orders from Pedro Espinoza Bravo, second in command to Manuel Contreras, given by phone, to kill the Senator. After preparing the action, Townley decides not to carry it out, although Espinoza was urging him to do so, because he considered it was "suicidal" given the victim s security measures. 6.- In that same period DINA agents travelled to Portugal to prepare attacks which were frustrated by the fact that the CIA detected them. 7. - Guillermo Roberto Beausire Alonso, of double British-Chilean nationality, Economics student, was arrested on November 2nd, 1974 in the Airport of Ezeiza (Buenos Aires) by the Argentine police who handed him over to DINA, who held him in the detention centres José Domingo Cañas, Villa Grimaldi, Vendo Seky (also known as the Discotheque) where all trace of him is lost after June 2nd, 1975. 8. - Jean Yves Claudet Fern ndez, French-Chilean, is arrested on November 1st, 1975 in the Libery Hotel of Buenos Aires and executed in Argentina with the participation of the DINA. 9.- Jorge Isaac Fuentes Alarcón, who has already been mentioned, is arrested on May 16th, 1975 together with Amilcar Santuchu, taken to Asunción and from there to 290 Villa Grimaldi where he arrives with mange and sequela of torture. He has remained disappeared since then. FOURTEEN: In August 1977 the DINA was dissolved and was substituted by the Central Nacional de Informaciones (CNI), which initially, until November 1977, kept the same structures and even staff as the DINA. Between November 1977 and mid-1980 there was a fall in the number of disappearances and deaths of persons as a result of the repression. As from 1980 DINA reacted to the action of other armed organizations by a recrudescence of the repression; and, although the number of disappearances dropped, those that did take place were carried out on a very much more selective basis aimed at members of MIR, FPMR and the PC (Communist Party). As with its predecessor DINA, the CNI was a Government agency located in the Ministry of the Interior, which carried out intelligence tasks and illicit actions abroad similar to those of the DINA. In the report of the Commission already referred to, the majority of the 160 deaths between l978 and l990 were attributed to the CNI, in a period when other organizations of the Security Forces engaged in repression were also active, namely Comando Vengadores M rtires (COVERMA) and the Communications Directorate of the Carabineros (DICOMCAR). FIFTEEN: As for repressive methods and specifically the practice of torture, humiliations and maltreatment, the system was universal and generalized from the very moment of the arrest irrespective of age or sex, although especially accentuated when it referred to certain collective groups, as for example Jews and the Mapuche natives. I/ From the first moment of the military coup and in the subsequent months, the treatment received by the detainees was vile and continued to be so while they were in the detention centers which functioned with the authorization and consent of the governing Junta, presided over by Augusto Pinochet, using varied techniques ranging from violent and continuous beatings tothe fracturing of bones and the spilling of blood, as well as keeping the detainees face downwards on the floor or standing up, naked, under constant light, or with their heads covered by hoods, tied up, shut up ("tabicados") or in niches, that is to say in cubicles so narrow that they could not move; denial of food, water, cover or similar necessities; hanging from their arms, suspended in the air; procedures of semi-asphyxiation in water, malodorous substances and excreta; application of electricity on testicles, tongue and vagina; systematic rape; simulated execution and other refined methods of torture like the well known "Pau de arara" which consisted in hanging up their bodies over long periods of time. The detention centers where torture was most intensively practised were: the former airport of Cerro Moreno in Antofagasta; ships belonging to the Navy or under its control, in Valparaíso; Mariquina Island and Fuerte Borgoño, in Concepción; the Air Base of Maquelma, in Tomingo, and various Regiments, police stations, reserve corps 291 (retenes), airfield centers and airplanes throughout the country, the National Stadium, the Chile Stadium, the Air War Academy in Santiago. The police station in Rahue in Osorno; or the Prison Camp of Pisagua where Nelson M rquez Augusto, a militant of the Communist Party was executed on January 18, l974. The torture was so atrocious that he went mad, tried to flee and after being captured was executed. The torture was watched over and directed by doctors wearing hoods who attended the victims so that they would not die as a result of those tortures. II/ Between 1974 and 1977 the following dentention and torture centers were in operation: A) Locations of the DINA: 1. Tejas Verdes. 2. Cuatro Alamos. Here there was no access for persons other than the DINA. It had a series of small and incommunicated cells. 3. Londres n§ 38, located in the center of Santiago.: 4. José Domingo Cañas, in Santiago: 5. Villa Grimaldi, in Santiago, was the most important detention and torture Center of the DINA, which had specially designed artefacts for the torture of detainees. In this detention Center there was an area known as the Tower in whose interior had been built about ten compartments of 70x70 centimete rs and two meters high, with a low door which they had to enter on their knees. In this Tower there was a torture room. The majority of the detainees who went there were not seen again; other areas were the "Chile Houses", constructions of wooden planks where the person had to remain on foot. The "Corvi Houses" were small wooden boxes built into a larger room in which the person remained upright for several days. The torture sessions were practiced by specialist agents, and other officers carried out the interrogations, although they sometimes also participated in the torture. The most commonly used form of torture was the "parrilla" (grill) which consisted of a metal table on which the victim was laid naked and tied by his extremities and then electric charges were applied to lips , genitals, wounds or metal protheses; two people, relatives or friends, were placed in metal boxes, one on top of the other so that when the person above was tortured, the other felt the psychological impact; on other occasions the victim was hung by the wrists and/or the knees to a bar and during the lengthy period he remained like that, electric currents were applied to him, cutting wounds were inflicted or he was beaten; at other times the person s head was immersed in dirty water or other liquids; or they used the "submarino seco" method, i.e., placing a bag over the head until close to suffocation; drugs were also used, and boiling water was thrown over various detainees as punishment and as a foretaste of the death which they would later suffer. 6. La Discotheque or La Venda Sexy; 7. Implacante, 8. Cuartel Venecia, all in 292 Santiago; 9. Cuartel General in C/. Belgrano n§ 11; and Rinconada Maipú, both in the proximity of Santiago; 11. Clinics of the DINA; 12. Colonia Dignidad, owner of the property or "El Lavadero" where agents of the DINA practised torture and made several detainees disappear; 13. La Casa del Parral in the town of the same name, 14. Military Hospital and other localities of the Armed Forces and forces of Order and Security. B) Locations of the SIFA and of the Joint Command: Amongst others, these stand out: 1. Air War Academy (AGA) between end of l973 and end of l974. The average of persons held in detention during l974 was between 70 and 80. Torture was practiced on the second floor or in the chapel, and consisted of the introduction of splinters or pointed objects under the nails, hanging by "pau de arara", heads hooded, and all types of beatings. Among the personas who underwent this treatment were General Bachelet and José Luis Baeza Cruces, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.; 2. Casa de Apoquindo, in Santiago; 3. Hangar in Cerrillos; 4. Nido 20; 5. Nido 18; 6. Remo Cero: Anti-aircraft Artillery Regiment in Colina; 7. La firma. III/ Between August 1977 and 1990, the Central Nacional de Informaciones (CNI), the DICOMCAR and COVEMA systematically practised torture on detainees on a more selective basis than the DINA. The main methods continued to be: electricity applied to sensitive parts of the body, immersion of head in water, almost to the point of asphyxiation, and beatings. Sometimes the torture led to the death of the victim. SIXTEEN: Torture was applied to more than 500,000 people, and because the list would be endless, in the following pages a series of cases are enumerated, especially significant as to the tortures inflicted, within what was a generally applied system, established, approved and encouraged by the members of the Governing Junta, presided over by Augusto Pinochet and carried out by his subordinates. 1. - On 11 September 1973 Marcos Roberto Roitman Rosenman was arrested and taken to the Chile Stadium. There, along with other detainees carried on the same bus, he was forced to get out and then to jump up and down continuously under the threat of whipping if he stopped, which consisted of lashing the victim s feet with barbed wire. This punishment was inflicted afterwards. During all this time the detainees lived in a state of intense fear; they were told they were there because they were Marxists and communists, they were not citizens nor people and that at any time the new military law could be applied and they could be shot with no reason given. Various citizens bled to death in the stadium as a result of gunshot wounds without receiving any medical help. Likewise a number of detainees jumped from the 293 second floor of the stadium suffering skull fractures. During the first few days they were interrogated to establish exactly where they had been arrested and then sent to different locations according to the answers, Thus the people detained in the State Technical University were then moved to the National Stadium. On arrival they were given their first meal in four days, consisting of bread and a cup of coffee and then separated into various groups in the interior of the building, with other citizens of differing ages, sex, and social positions. Marcos Alberto Roitman was interrogated for the first time on 18 September and as soon as he gave his age and said he was a student at the Technical University he received a punch in the face of such force that he was knocked to the ground. This victim along with the rest, was subjected to various sessions of interrogation, when he was given the names of people and on saying he did not know them was beaten repeatedly with a pick handle and iron bars. There was a general feeling of terror and the constant sound of screaming from the tortured detainees led to cases of some victims losing their mind, faced with the incomprehensible and staggering situation they found themselves in, given that they did not know why they had been arrested. The Commandant of the place, who says he is obeying orders of the Chief of the Armed Forces, - Augusto Pinochet Ugarte - again told the detainees that they are not persons, they have no rights nor protection under the Constitution. In the meantime the soldiers subjected them to constant psychological torture, threatening to shoot them with a machine gun known as Hitler s Electric Saw because one burst would cut a person in two. Torture was implemented in a systematic and generalised fashion under the express orders of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte and the rest of the military leaders and was developed through the most varied techniques. That this is so is verified by an analysis of the meeting that took place in the second half of 1974 between Augusto Pincohet, the Bishop of the Lutheran Evangelical Church in Chile, Helmut Erich Walter Frenz, and the Catholic Bishop, Fernando Ariztia, both of them in their capacity as Joint-Presidents of the Pro-Peace Committee (Comité Pro Paz), during which they delivered an exhaustive dossier on cases of systematic torture carried out by members of the DINA on detainees. Sr. Pinochet, asked the clerics, causing them some perplexity, if when they spoke of physical harassment - an expression that they had used earlier - they were referring to torture, to which they answered yes; at this point, Augusto Pinochet, after leafing through the document and slowly studying it said: You are priests and enjoy the luxury of being merciful. I am a soldier and President of the whole Chilean Nation, whose people have been attacked by the bacillus of communism and they must be eradicated, the communists and marxists, they must be tortured because otherwise they will not sing". During this meeting Bishop Ariztia asked what had happened to Father Antonio Llidó, a priest of Spanish nationality who had disappeared. Pinochet Ugarte replied in a 294 harsh tone "He is not a priest, he is a communist or marzist", equating this concept with the need for execution or extermination in that they are not considered as human beings and, therefore, they can be tortured and eliminated. Following this line of thought, it is a question of wiping out any religious discrepancy that may be united to, or close to, the above cathegorisation (Marxism, socialism) and which differs from the particular concept of religion that the members of the Governing Junta hold. Thus the group "Christians for Socialism", - whose members were principally priests and catholic citizens who thought that Socialism is nearer to the Scriptures than Capitalism - was systematically persecuted, forcing the members who were not captured to go into hiding or to flee the country, as happened both with its leaders, Gonz lez Arroyo, Mariano Puga, and with those who simply members, numbering almost one hundred, who with the help of the bishops and the ambassadors managed to escape. 2.- Antonio Llidó Mengual was arrested during the last days of September 1974 and confined in the Detention Centre in Calle José Domingo Cañas, installations belonging to the DINA. He was subje cted to torture, including the application of electric current to his genital organs and repeated physical beatings of his whole body, leaving him with various fractured ribs. He was also the victim of sado-sexual aggression tortures because he was a priest. During the period he was the victim of tortures he received no medical assistance whatsoever. They forced him to sing songs which the priest did to try and comfort the other prisoners. The degradation to which he was subjected reached the limit when he was forced to lie on the ground behind another detainee, a girl called "LUMI VIDELA MOYA" and the soldiers said "perhaps you will feel better that way because all you priests are queers". At all times the bearing of the priest was courageous and he comforted the rest of the prisoners, sharing with them the food the guards gave him to live on, scraps of bread and fruit peels. On 12 October 1974 or thereabouts, Father Llidó was taken to the Cuatro Alamos Detention Centre, also run by the DINA, and confined with other people, for example HERMAN EUGENIO SCHWEMBER FERN NDEZ in what was known as "Room 13" in that concentration camp. On or about 26 October 1974 Father Llidó was taken aside with a group of 12 or so other prisoners, among them JUAN ALFREDO GAJARDO WOLFF, the brothers ANDRONICUS ANTEQUERA and ARIEL SALINAS, and all of them were made to disappear. Father Llidó, was born in Valencia (Spain) and was working in the parish of Quillota in the Valparaiso Diocesis. He had arrived in Chile as a priest forming part of a 295 pastoral mission, and became involved in various civic activities with his parishioners, and that is the reason he was tortured and then disappeared at the hands of members of the DINA, who were acting on the orders of their superiors, whose supreme commander in the hierarchical structure is Augusto Pinochet Ugarte. 3. Marta Lidia Ugarte Rom n, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Chile was arrested by DINA agents on 9 August 1974 and taken to Villa Grimaldi. Nothing was known of her until her corpse was discovered in September 1976, with clear signs of having undergone severe torture before being killed. According to eye witnesses, she was suspended in a pit from a pole, had her finger nails and toe nails pulled out, and had her hair burned. Likewise according to the autopsy reports her body had been thrown from a considerable height, judging from the disintegration of various parts of her body. 4.- José Marcelino González Malpu, arrested with the rest of his family on 29 October 1976, his brother has not been seen since. He was subjected to torture, comprising application of electric current to his genitals, shoulders and ankles. He had water thrown over him beforehand to make the pain more intense. His ears were beaten, they placed his mother, naked, in front of him and went through the motions of shooting her. 5.- Pedro Hugo Arellano Carvajal was arrested together with his father following the bombing of the building that housed the radio station which was identified as belonging to the Socialist Party. From the time they were detained they were subjected to multiple tortures; he was tied to a metal bed and his hands were forced against an electrified metal plate, with the victim being thrown back across the room from the shock. Apart from the electrical torture he was subjected to beatings in 10 different locations and finally in prison. Apart from those blows, he was ill-treatted in ten different places and finally in the prison. Apart from the electric current electric wires were attached to his chest, his penis and his toes. In another place he was tied to a tree and whipped. He was pushed along a corridor and beaten all the way. He was put on board a helicopter, and pushed out with ropes tied to his trousers, and flown through thorns. On landing, he was thrown onto the tarmac lying face down with his hands tied. In the same centre they tied him to a rope and lowered him into a water well and left him until he was practically drowned, then pulled him out, asked various questions and since he didn't answer lowered him back into the well. They also played Russian roulette with him which consisted of blindfolding him, and the soldiers would place a pistol or machine gun against his head and simulate shooting him. On occasions they shot a gun right next to his head and he could feel the explosion of air. In Belloto they placed an apple on his 296 head and started to shoot near it. Previously the base chaplain had asked them if they wanted to commend their souls to God, lending himself to the torturers games. In the naval hospital in Ormue under the orders of Pedro Arancibia he is forced to take all his clothes off as were the Rodríguez family who had been arrested with their sons. They forced the sons to lie on the ground and the father to lie on top of them and make sexual movements in such a way that the father penetrated the elder son and the other son penetrated his young brother. Pedro Arellano was forced to lie on top of one of the children and obliged to do the same as the father had done. The marines who were directing these sessions stood over the victims, with a bayonet pressed against the nape of their necks, threatening to blow their heads open if they did not penetrate the boys. Afterwards they were all marched down a corridor completely naked, and beaten continuously. One of the marines opened up the anus of one of the boys with a bayonet and cut him. Pedro Arellano, apart from the Rodríguez family, witnessed beatings and other physical abuse performed on D. Celestino Saenz del Río, a Spanish citizen and member of the Socialist Party. He also saw approximately 500 people being tortured. The tortures were performed by the military who would throw stones at the heads of the older victims for half an hour and make them run along on their knees across the rocks that were on the Belloto runway. 6.- Gladys Nelida Diaz Armijo was arrested in Santiago de Chile on 20 February 1975 together with Juan Carlos Perelma n who is still disappeared. She was taken to Villa Grimaldi, a clandestine detention centre under the orders of the DINA, controlled by Manuel Contreras and Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, where she was kept for two years and three months. During the first three months of her detention in secret GLADYS NELIDA DIAZ ARMIJO was subjected to systematic sessions of electric shock torture, each lasting between three and four hours, with a two hour break in between sessions, continuing throughout the night and day. The sessions took place during the first three days when she was tied up without being given any food. Immediately after, she was beaten by a karate expert who left her with four broken ribs, broken tympanum and extensive internal and external bleeding. Later she was suspended from the ceiling by a rope tied around her wrists and again subjected to electric shock. She was kept hanging this way for a day and a half. Subsequently she was subjected to drugs being injected, pentathol and "curare" over a period of three months, alternating between interrogations, drugs, and electric shocks. The tortures were constant, with no relief at week ends and she lost 15 kilograms in weight as a result of this treatment. What is more, the sessions were carried out wi th medical supervision; they would check her heartbeat to see if she could withstand greater doses of electricity. She suffered two respiratory failures as a result of the torture inflicted. The longest time she had been allowed to sleep during these first three months was one night, at the end of the first month, and until then they had only allowed her one or two hours of continuous sleep. The sanitary conditions were atrocious as she 297 was not allowed to bath or wash her hair nor allowed any form of protection during menstruation, in an attempt to reduce her to the level of an animal. During some time she was kept in a chamber called "The Tower" where the cell she was confined in measured sixty by eighty centimetres by one metre long, with no door and the only opening a narrow gap in one wall near the floor; to enter and exit she had to wriggle like a snake. During her confinement she was blindfolded, had chains on her feet and was handcuffed, and the handcuffs were only removed when she ate. During her stay in the Centre, the detainee Cedomil Lausic, aged 21, was beaten to death with chains and together with two other persons she was forced to watch him die over a three day period. In addition, Isidro Arias, a cellist with the Philharmonic was killed by bullet in his head at the door of his cell. 7.- Luis Enrique Peebles Skarnic, arrested between 2 and 9 February 1975 in the Colonia Dignidad was tortured by DINA agents. He was suspended in the "Pau de Arara" fashion, meaning hands and feet toge ther tied behind the back. The torture comprised the methods already described and others, where he was shut in a wooden box which narrowed at a point where they beat him with sticks. He witnessed the death of the Mayor of Caciete, also detained, and of Manuel Elías Jana Sanibañez and those of the journalist Jose Carrasco, and Eric Zott, who were all beaten to death with rifle butts. 8.- Alfredo Carlos Walter Mingram, a retired officer of the Armed Forces was arrested at his home on 15 November 1976. On that day, in Pasaje Irene N§ 365, Ampliación Villa Dulce Norte, in Miraflores Alto, Viña del Mar he was intercepted by a small, dark-skinned obese individual who spat out the words "there is an order to investigate you" while pointing to a blue station wagon with the N§ 0125 painted on the doors, and next to it four individuals, one very tall and obviously wearing a wig who leapt on him, tied him up and placed him in two sacks, securing them tightly. "immediately afterwards, once I was out of the apartment they started to beat me, kick me and hit me with the enormous guns they were carrying while the vehicle was being driven through the streets of Viña del Mar and Valparaiso". "Once out of Valaparaiso the vehicle began to climb and I realised we were going to the highest sector of Playa Ancha - later the smell of the sea air and the sound of the seagulls warned me that they were going to kill me so I said if you are going to kill me, shoot me to which they responded, with more blows WE ARE NOT GOING TO WASTE BULLETS ON YOU, YOU BLOODY MARXIST and various other insults. The vehicle stopped, I was dragged out and thrown down a gully, inside a sack. I fell, hitting many rocks on the way down, but fortunately without hitting my head. The individuals finally let me out of the sack after picking me from the bottom of the gully and, using foul language, took me back to the vehicle where I was forced to lie face down on the floor and drove me away to the Investigations Barracks in Viña del Mar. 298 In the prison I was taken out and stripped on the ground in the courtyard where three women, dressed up as "bunnies" prodded my body with long poles before forcing me to dress up in a clown costume and taking me to a room on the first floor in the North-East corner of the prison where they forced me to lie on a "horse" ("potro") immobilising me with straps around my wrists - I imagine they applied electric current because I always felt a tingling in my wrists. They then took me, still naked, to some old sheds on the eastern side of thecourtyard". There he was tied with wire to the back of a rough pine bench. The wire cut into his flesh. From the early hours of 16 November until 16:00 he was left sitting in his own blood and excrement, tied to the bench by wire cutting into his flesh, his arms crossed, right collar bone dislocated, without any one of the numerous uniformed police - CARABINEROS - doing anything to bring the situation to an end. 9.- Miguel Woodward, a catholic priest, was arrested in September 1973 and put on board a prison ship. Of the 800 prisoners who were on board the ship, approximately a dozen were priests. Miguel Woodward was considered by the Naval officers as "the most dangerous of the prisoners" because he belonged to a group called "Christians for Socialism" and had been working for more than 10 years in the poorest parts of Valparaiso, helping people to find work and organising lessons for the children. The prisoners were tortured in groups. The sessions always began with a shower. While they were still wet, electrodes were attached to various parts of the body, and current switched on. Then they were thrown against tables and beaten. Father Woodward had both arms broken in two places by a hammer, and the whole of his body was beaten black and blue. The prisoners were left without food for days on end although on occasions they were given beans infected with worms. The broken arms and broken ribs of Father Woodward receive no medical attention and in front of other people he and the other priests are accused of sleeping with women. For many days he resisted, his body broken inside, and finally he died. 10.- Dr. EDUARDO PAREDES BARRIENTOS, profession doctor and surgeon and adviser to the President of the Republic, D. Salvador Allende, was arrested in the Presidential Palace on 11 September 1973 together with other people. At 18:00 h. they were all driven to the Tacna regimental barracks in two military vehicles. They were kept in this precinct until the 13. The members of the group composed of the President of the Republic's advisers and those belonging to the GAP (personal bodyguards) with their hands and feet tied, were put on board military lorries and driven away to an unknown destination. However the military vehicle heads towards Peldehue, to the garrison of the Tacna regiment, where they were possibly executed and buried. 299 The mortal remains of EDUARDO PAREDES BARRIENTOS were identified in July 1995 in a common grave on Plot 29 in the Santiago de Chile general cemetery. The autopsy revealed the tortures to which he was subjected after his arrest by agents of the State. His vertebral column was fractured, he had suffered broken wrists, pelvis, ribs and skull, and homicidal burns - from a blowlamp or flame thrower - to the chest, shoulders, throat and part of the face, that left marks on the bone structure, even on the teeth. 11.- Irma del Carmen Parada Gonz lez, was arrested on 27 October 1973. She was driven away with José Carrasco who was tortured even before they arrived and she heard his screams. She was received by an officer called Peter who appeared to have good manners She was left in solitary confinement for two days but could hear the constant screams of the other prisoners produced by the torture. On the third day they started to interrogate her in a room, they stripped her of all her clothes, applied the "telephone" and electric current to the mouth, vagina and breasts. She was raped by two individuals. On the fourth day they put her hands in a liquid and then intoduced them into a machine, whereupon she fell unconscious. When she regained consciousness, she found herself in a pit among dead bodies and wet straw. She was later allowed outside with other prisoners, and witnessed the arrival of Doctor Hector García, paediatrician from the Buin Hospital, who was tortured up to unspeakable limits and subsequently executed. During the time of her detention she ate nothing, although at one stage she was given a plate of putrid food. "At this point one detainee shouted that they were giving her the remains of her own dead companions, because he could see an ear in the soup. Immediately afterwards they heard gunfire and presumably they shot the detainee in question". 12.- Mariela Albrecht Schwarz. Arrested on 29 April 1974. She was beaten and threatened with Russian roulette. She was later stripped and beaten in a chamber. Another day she was taken up into a sort of garrett and forced to take "aspirins" and tranquillisers which produced a state of muscular paralysis. In the condition that these drugs induced she was interrogated by a "hypnotist" and then dragged downstairs again by two agents. That night, while she was unable to move, she was raped by a guard. The following day she was stripped again for electric shock torture but on seeing she had been raped they dressed her again. Ten days later she was taken away to the Chile Stadium. 13.- Domingo Ignacio Cadin Cruces. Arrested on 29 June 1974 by DINA agents. From the beginning he was repeatedly beaten over all parts of his body, subjected to psychological attacks and threatened with all his family being killed. Electric current was applied to various parts of his body, (head, teeth, anus, penis, stomach, testicles, both 300 feet) and he was blindfolded and gagged. On protesting that his father had been tortured the same way he was beaten savagely. 14.- Laura Eugenia Rodríguez Fern ndez. Arrested on 30 April 1974 she was also taken to the installations in Calle Londres 38, together with Guadalupe Santa Cruz. The day after arriving at this torture centre she was raped and subjected to electric shocks, using the technique known as "the grill". She was finally transferred to the Chile Stadium where her son Alfredo was brought to her on a stretcher with the aim of exerting psychological pressure. 15.- Roberto Francisco Merino Jorquera. Arrested on 11 May 1974. He was blindfolded and taken to a building in the centre of the city. There he was stripped, tied to a metal bed and subjected to electric shocks. He was then taken to another room containing a number of other detainees, where he was tied to a chair and left until 13 May 1974. During this time a plastic bag was placed over his head with the intention of suffocating him. 16.- Adriana Luz Pino Vidal. Arrested on 12 June 1974. Every day she stayed in the installations she was subjected to electric shock sessions, applied to her vagina, ears , hands, soles of the feet and mouth; she was also beaten about the face with a knuckleduster and cigarettes were stubbed out on her stomach. Likewise the threat was made that they would go and arrest her eldest daughter and rape the daughter in front of her. Since she was pregnant she suffered constant vaginal haemorrhage and on three occasions was taken to a military hospital where a doctor with the rank of colonel attended to her. As a result of the torture, 40 days after being detained, when she was in the Cuatro Alamos camp, she suffered an abortion. The same day that she returned from her last visit to the military hospital, when she looked through the window of the cell she was in, in "Londres 38", she saw how a large van drive into the courtyard, which is used as a vehicle park and how a detainee was taken out of it and forced to lie on the ground, whereupon the van was driven over his legs. He was then dragged away by the legs by Osvaldo Roma in order to cause him greater pain. This person was known by his surname, Van Schowen 17.- Adriana Urrutia Asenjo. Arrested on 8 August 1974. She was moved to various detention and torture centres, such as Londres 38, Villa Grimaldi, Cuatro Alamos and finally Tres Alamos from where she was re leased in early September 1974. She was subjected to constant tortures, at the same time as her companion, Humberto Mewes, including electric shocks, beating of the spine with a ball attached to a rope ("laque"), which broken two of her vertebrae; in addition, a machine was driven over her legs, leaving her unable to walk for a number of days. 301 18.- Agustín Julio Holgado Bloch. Arrested in the street, at the corner of Calle Alameda and Calle San Antonio on 12 September 1974. He was tortured with a special machine for applying electric shocks, apparently of an experimental nature, with sudden changes in the intensity of the current which on being applied made the whole body leap up from the table. 19.- Mónica Isabel Uribe Tamblay. Arrested on 13 September 1974. She was systematically tortured and raped, by groups of 5 people who beat her, mainly around the head and lung area. She was tied down for electric current to be applied to her genital organs, ears and head. On one occasion when she had been thrown naked on to the floor in a room near the bathroom, a man came in started to interrogate her and beat her and then tried to rape her. At one point the blindfold slipped from her eyes and she saw that her attacker appeared to be General Manuel Contreras. 20.- Viviana Uribe Tamblay. Arrested on 13 September 1974 at the same time as her sister Mónica and her uncle Carlos Sepúlveda. She was stripped and given electric "grill" treatment. She was then taken to a room and beaten up by three men. She was then taken to a place in Ir n, with plane trees, and with her eyes blindfolded she was kicked up a staircase to the second floor and taken before a group of people whose leader told her that she had better co-operate and since she did not do so, all those present beat her. She was blindfolded again and taken into another room where she was stripped, subjected to electric shocks and raped. She was then taken to another room and, still naked, tied to a chair whereupon a dog was let into the room and started scratching her on the breast with its front paws until they took it away. The same day they took her back to the same room on the second floor to continue electric shock torture and subjected her to violent interrogation that had nothing to do with politics but was of a sexual nature. 21. Beatriz Constanza Bataszeww Contreras. Arrested on 12 December 1974. She was taken to some form of underground installations, stripped naked and subjected to electric shocks, simulated shootings and various types of sexual abuse, in the presence of other detainees such as Fernando Peña and Ana Maria Arenas. She was then taken up to the room she had first been in, thrown on a mattress, left for a short while and then taken to the basement area again and subjected to the same treatment as before. Another detainee, JORGE ORTIZ MORAGA was in the same place and she was obliged to perform lascivious acts with him for the entertainment of the guards and degradation of the prisoners. The person who appeared to lead the group was a large strong individual known as "Papi" with wide hands who wore an enormous ring on one hand. On one occasion he asked Cristina Zamora, one of the prisoners who was also a doctor, to perform a medical examination, and Cristina saw that he had syphilitic open sores on his body. This 302 individual used to rape the female prisoners and the tortures he applied were of a sexual nature: forcing the men to masturbate, touching organs, applying current to the genitals etc. He also owned a dog called Voladia which had been trained in sexual practices with human beings. 22.- Ricardo Froden Armstrong. Arrested on 23 January 1975 in his home located on the corner of Calle Fern ndez Alabano and Gran Avenida by a large force of DINA agents who kept him in the Villa Grimaldi torture centre until May 1975. In this period he witnessed the systematic torture of approximately 200 detainees. 23.- María Isabel Matamala Vivaldi. Arrested on 5 February 1975. She was taken to the Villa Grimaldi where a man took down her personal details and obliged her to strip naked. As part of the system they gagged her with a towel and applied electric current to her genital organs, breasts, nipples, mouth, etc., while she was tied down to a metal table. During this torture the sound of the Aranjuez Concerto was being played at full volume. When she was half dressed after this session she was taken to another room, without a blindfold, occupied by Miguel Krasnoff and a dark woman known as "the Commandant". Both, particularly the woman, punched her repeatedly while she was tied to a chair. They then threw her into a room the size of a water closet. From there she could hear them torturing Ruben Aguilera. Among other tortures performed in the Villa Grimaldi, in addition to the constant use of electricity, a practice known as "the telephone" was applied, (blows to the ears), as well as psychological pressure in threatening to harm the victim's family, being forced to hear other people being tortured, deprivation of liquids, interruption of sleep and simulated shootings. 24. Francisco Hern n Plaza Tapia. Arrested on 3 February 1975. he was taken to the Villa and subjected to systematic torture techniques, including electric shock, being suspended from the ceiling, cigarette burns on the body and immersion in liquids until practically drowned. 25.- Carena Zoila Pérez Martínez. Arrested on 5 March 1975. Blindfolded and taken to the torture centre in Cañal Bajo on the outskirts of Osorno and subjected to electric shocks. She was hit in the stomach with coligue branches and subjected to simulated shooting. Various agents also abused her sexually. 303 26. Mauricio Eduardo Galaz Romero. Arrested on 17 September 1975. Taken to the Villa Grimaldi and without any prior interrogation, stripped naked, tied to a bed with metal pincers through which they applied electric current to his testicles, anus, penis and other sensitive parts of the body. He was then left in a large room, very cold, smelling of urine and occupied by approximately 20 other detainees. The following day at approximately 5:00 he was taken to a place near Plaza Nuñoa, and on returning he was taken to a small chamber where he was hung upside down, naked, from the ceiling and left that way the whole morning. Periodically two individuals would enter and apply electric shocks to the anus. On one occasion he was tortured at the same time as a female detainee whom he knew. On another occasion they simulated shooting him. 27. Jean Yves Claudet Fernández, disappeared after being arrested on November 10, 1975. He had previously been detained twice in Chile, first on October 2, 1973 when he was subjected to intense torture in the National Stadium, suffered four broken ribs and contracted bronco-pneumonia. He was released but then arrested again a few days later, taken to the National Stadium and then transferred to the penitentiary. In early November 1974 the case against him was officially closed with no verdict and he was repatriated to France. At an unknown date he went to Argentina and checked in to the Hotel Liberty in Buenos Aires, and was arrested on November 10, 1975. 28. Jeremías Segundo Levinao Meliqueo, of Mapuche origin, from the area of Lautaro. In the years precding the coup d'état he was a rural worker, and worked with the MCR (Movimiento Campesino Revolucionario) whose objective was the struggle to defend the lands of the Mapuche native small proprietors. For many years native farmers had seen their lands usurped by the local owners of more extensive lands, so that during the Salvador Allende Government, with the application of Land Reform, rural workers saw that being organized might allow them to recover the land which for centuries had been theirs and was their sustenance. He took part in this process together with his relatives, companions and friends. People who were in this movement suffered savage repression after the coup and many of them are dead or disappeared today. He was arrested in June 1974 and accused on the basis of his activities in the Movement and for being an activist left-winger, and with him were accused other indigenous natives like Luis Mora San Juan, a rural worker of the settlement of El Luchador de los Aromos, in Lautaro. He was killed violently and his body buried very close to where he lived. T hanks to the information given by some rural workers about a month later, his son found his body. In mid-June, l974, when he was 18 years old, a group of civilians from the Investigation Corps of Lautaro arrested him in the street. He was taken to the Investigations barracks where he was held for about three months. Together with three other rural workers, he was accused of organizing the resistance to the dictatorship in that area. He was interrogated and tortured many times. For this purpose he was taken 304 into the country and there, with all his clothes on, handcuffed and feet tied, they threw him in the river and when he was on the point of drowning, they got him out of the water and then, while wet, they applied electric current to all his body, especially his genitals. Then they threw him into a cell where he spent several days in wet clothes. It was a dirty room, without a bathroom, and they made him perform his physiological needs right there, and at times he was not fed for several days on end.. Although he was alone, at different times he could hear the screams of other companions being tortured, which was as bad for him as what he himself had gone through. In October, they transferred him to the Temuco Regiment. There he was interrogated by military personnel who questioned him about arms, names of persons who supposedly carried out activities against the Military Junta.. Blindfolded in a room, they applied electric currents to him while naked, on the "grill" (metal bed) and they beat him all over. Especially terrible was the application of electricity to his teeth. A piece of metal was placed in his mouth with a key which revolved and burned his mouth. At the same time someone held his mouth shut with a damp rag. A few days later they removed the blindfold from his eyes and the handcuffs and they told him that they were taking him off to be killed. They put him in a small car together with four other people. However, they were taken to Temuco Jail. He was at once handed over to the Military Prosecutor s Office and then, a year and a half later, was tried in the penultimate Military Tribunal to be held in Temuco, and condemned to house arrest whereby he had to register once a week at the Military Prosecutor s Office and then in the Lautaro Jail. As from that date he underwent constant persecution which obliged him to abandon Chile in l984, destination France. 29.- José Manuel Parada Maluenda, arrested March 29, 1985 by Carabineros in Santiago, because he was in charge of the Department of Information of the Vicaria de la Solidaridad of the Bishopric of Santiago of Chile. On the day following his arrest, he appeared together with Manuel Guerreo, beheaded, his ripped open from top to bottom and with numerous wounds. The authorities were aware of the facts and these authorities included President Augusto Pinochet Ugarte who permitted the act to be commited in order to terrorise the citizens. SEVENTEEN: The tortures and cruelty were not only inflicted on adults, but also on small children and youngsters aged less than 18, and in the cases referred to in the following pages, resulted in death: A) Death following disappearance: In the areas of Laja and San Rosendo 19 people were arrested by the Carabineros of Laja between 13 and 17 September 1973. Amongst them were two minors: 305 Mario Manuel BECERRA AVELLO, age 18. Detained by the Laja Carabineros on 17 September when he was about to take a train to Curacautín. Juan Carlos JARA HERRERA, age 17. Detained by the Laja Carabineros on 17 September 1973. They were all put in vehicles during the early hours of 18 September, supposedly being taken to the barracks of the Los Angeles Regiment, but they never arrived. On 11 October 1973 their bodies were discovered by villagers in a pit covered by sand in San Juan ravine, located on the road between Laja and Yumbel. The Yumbel Court ordered that the bodies be disinterred and buried in the Yumbel Parish Cemetery. The Archbishopric of Concepción presented formal criminal charges before the Laja Criminal Court on 24 July 1979, against the Carabineros of the same locality. The Concepción Appeal Court designated a Circuit Judge. This allowed the victim to be identified and established that they had been executed by the Carabineros of Laja on the same day that they were taken away, in the place where the bodies were found. On 18 March the Circuit Judge declared that the case was outside his jurisdiction and the proceedings were transferred to the Ad-hoc Military Prosecuting Attorney of Concepción, and was definitively closed for lack of conclusive evidence on 9 June 1980 by the Judge of Military Court No. 3. This decision was ratified by the Supreme Court on 3 December 1981. The amnesty of 1978 was applied to the perpetrators of the killings. - On 20 September 1973, Roberto HUAQUI BARRIA, aged 17, was killed. The victim had left Lago Ranco on 11 September with a group of other people with the intention of going to Argentina. When he was crossing the River Nilahue, a small aircraft piloted by civilians opened fire and shot him dead. The body of the youngster fell into the river, was swept away by the current and was never recovered. - On 24 September a troop of soldiers from the San Bernardo Infantry Regiment arrived at the vineyards in El Escorial de Paine and rounded up four workers, and took them to a football pitch where they made to stretch out on the ground. They were then blindfolded, put on board a military vehicle and driven to the Cerco de Chena detention centre. Among the people arrested were Hector CASTRO SOEZ, aged 18; Gustavo Hern n MART NEZ VERA, aged 18, and Ignacio del Tr nsito SANTANDER ALBORNOZ, aged 17. 306 On 3 October 1973 the troops carried out an operation in the course of which 13 agricultural workers from the Paine district were rounded up. They were taken to the Cerro Chena detention centre by soldiers from the San Bernardo Infantry Regiment. Among those arrested were Carlos Manuel ORTIZ ORTIZ, aged 18 and Victor Manuel ZAMORANO GONZ LEZ, aged 18. In December the Legal Medical Service informed the members of the families of the people who had been arrested that their bodies had been buried in Plot 29 in the General cemetery. Around the same date, neighbours from the area discovered human remains in the vicinity of the Cuesta de Chada hillside. Members of the families were able to identify most of the bodies from the clothes they had been wearing on the day they were arrested. The remains were transported to the Legal Medical Service. In September 1990 the Appeal Court Judge, Germ n Hermosilla made an appearance at the Legal Medical Service to identify the remains that had been unidentified since 1974. Among the bodies identified were those of Hector Castro Saez and Victor Manuel Zamorano Gonz lez. On 3 October 1973 the brothers Juan Enrique Rodríguez Aqueveque, aged 20, and Florentino Aurelio Rodríguez Aqueveque, aged 17, were arrested by troops. Some days later the family located the corpse of Juan Enrique in the Legal Medical Institute. The autopsy protocol mentioned the existence of another corpse found in the same location that was not recognised at the time, which allows one to assume it was that of Florentino Aurelio. Both corpses presented multiple bullet wounds. On 7 October 1973 eleven people from three different families of land workers in the Sector of Isla de Maipo were arrested in their respective homes by Carabineros. The agents had no order to arrest or authorisation to enter the homes, despite which they checked the houses, terrorised the families and in some cases used unnecessary violence. The detainees were transported to the Isla de Maipo station. The same day four young men who were in the town square of Isla de Taipo were rounded up by the Carabineros and taken to the same station, among them were Jose HERRERA VILLEGAS aged 17, and Iv n ORDOÑEZ LAMA, aged 17. Their families' search for them was fruitless. However an anonymous source known to the Catholic Church gave information towards the end of 1978 on the existence of human remains in an abandoned mine in Lonquén. A judicial investigation was put in hand under the charge of the Circuit Judge, Adolfo Bañados. On 4 April 1979 the Circuit Judge issued a resolution determining that the case was outside his competence so investigations could not continue and remitting the case 307 to the Second Military Tribunal of Santiago. This resolution contains various Legal Considerata in which it is established that the bodies buried in the lime oven in Lonquén correspond to the 15 people arrested on 7 October 1973 in Isla de Maipo, and that in the death of these persons "intervention and direct liability" attached to the Head of the Carabinero station at the time "notwithstanding the responsibility of the men who acted under his orders". Subsequently the Military Prosecutor laid charges against the Carabineros who were serving in the Lonquén station, accusing them of the crime of unnecessary violence causing the death of all the detainees as already identified. Later a verdict was pronounced whereby the case was definitively dismissed in favour of those who had been accused in relation to the crime of unnecessary violence. Eliseo Maximiliano TROCANAO VALENZUELA, aged 18, was arrested on 10 October 1973 in the Trafún Sector, during a joint raid carried out by uniformed personnel and civilians. He was taken to the Villarica bridge over the River Toltén and executed there. His body was neve§r found. Modesto Juan REINANTE RAIPAN, aged 18, was arrested on 10 October 1973 in the Trafún Sector, during a joint raid carried out by uniformed personnel and civilians. He was taken to the Villarica bridge over the River Toltén and executed there. His body was never found. B) Death through execution On 12 September 1973 Mercedes del Pilar CORREDERA REYES, aged 8, died in Santiago, victim of a bullet wound in her left knee. On 14 September 1973 Angel Gabriel MOYA ROJAS, aged 15, died in Santiago. The victim was on his way to a friend's house, before the curfew hour, and came across a patrol of troops who stopped them and searched them. They then told them to run away and opened fire on them. The victim died instantly. On 14 September 1973 Claudia Andrea VALENZUELA VEL ZQUEZ, aged 6, was executed in Talca. Her parents were killed during the same incident and her two younger brothers were injured. The information collected by the Commission of Truth proves that the house was raided in the early hours of the morning by Carabineros and the victims executed inside their home. On 16 September 1973, Ricardo del Carmen SEP LVEDA BRAVO, aged 16, was executed along with his two brothers in Población Los Nogales (Santiago). Carabineros burst violently into the house, attacked the people living there and searched 308 the premises. They took the three brothers away and executed them on a nearby street corner in the presence of witnesses. On 18 September 1973 Gabriel Marcelo CORTEZ LUNA, aged 17 was arrested in his home by Carabineros and taken to the Chillán Second Station. One month later his family discovered he had been buried in the cemetery. The body was exhumed, identified by family and traces of bullets were found in the head. On 19 September 1973 Luis Gilberto MATAMALA VENEGAS aged 16, was executed.Carabineros from the San Joaquín station burst violently into the young man's home in Población Isabel Riquelme in Santiago. Without even asking his name they opened fire on him leaving him seriously wounded and then immediately withdrew. He died when he was being taken to the Red Cross. - On 19 September 1973 Segundo Enrique THOMES PALAVECINOS, aged 15, died. That day the minor had taken bus which was intercepted by the Carabineros, who proceeded to detain all the male passengers on board. His corpse was found in the street with multiple bullet wounds, as stated in the Death Certificate. On 19 September 1973, Ernesto Manuel MORENO DIAZ, aged 18 was killed in Tocopilla. He had been detained along with another young man by a group of Carabineros in Tocopilla and were to be taken to the local police station. The following day the two corpses were delivered to the Hospital Mortuary in Tocapillo with the explanation that death occurred in the course of an attempt to escape. The state of the bodies showed that the men had been killed by blows and bullet wounds. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission concluded that the death of both detainees constituted an execution outside all legal boundaries, and was the responsibility of agents of the State. On 21 September 1973 Patricio Enrique MANRIQUEZ NORMABUENA, aged 17, was executed in Santiago. The day before he had been arrested by Carabineros from the Fourth Command who had also raided his house and taken away a number of books. The youngster's corpse was found on 22 September 1973, with multiple bullet wounds. Next to the body were the books that had been taken from his home the day before. On 21 September 1973, Carabineros from the station in Calle Walker Martínez in Santiago arrested three young people in their homes, among them Manuel José GONZALEZ ALLENDE aged 16. 309 According to eye witnesses the Carabineros were drunk and in the course of the arrest they raided the homes. The bodies of the victims were found the following day on the banks of the River Mapocho by their relatives. On 23 September 1973 Fernando Isidro VERA ORTEGA, aged 18, was executed in Santiago. The person concerned had been arrested at his home in the población of La Pincoyain the course of a collective raid. All those detained were taken to the town's sports pitch and then to the Carabinero station in La Pincoya. The victim's body was later found on the general highway leading to San Martín. The date of his death was certified as being the same day, 23 September, and the cause was bullet wounds to the head and chest. On 24 September 1973 Roberto Hern n CACERES SANTIBAÑEZ aged 16 was executed after being arrested by a group of Carabineros. He was taken to the Fourth Command installations. Some days later his body was found in the Legal Medical Institute, having been sent there by the Military Prosecutor s Office , and showed multiple bullet wounds. On 27 September 1973 the minor F. Juan Patricio PALMA RODR GUEZ, aged 17, died in Santiago. The person concerned had disappeared from near his home on 11 September 1973 in the course of an operation involving the detention of a number of people. The youngster's corpse was found near the Metropolitan Cemetery and the cause of death was bullet wound. The victim's body was never seen by his family and was buried in Plot 2 in the Santiago General Cemetery. On 28 September 1973 Omar Enrique BALBOA TR ONCOSO, aged 18, and Patricio Humberto PARRA QUINTANA, aged 14 died in Santiago. They were executed after being detained in their homes in the población of Villa La Cisterna, No.1 by troops from the Air Force, belonging to the El Bosque Air Base. The Legal Medical Institute informed their families that their bodies had been found at one side of the Metropolitan Cemetery with numerous bullet wounds and they were buried in Plot 29 of the General Cemetery. On 1 October 1973 Miguel Angel RIOS TRASLAVIÑA, aged 16, Rogelio Gustavo RAMIREZ AMESTICA, aged 18, and Marco Orlando RIOS BUSTOS, aged 15, were executed after being detained by a military patrol in a place where they were playing "taca-taca". The youngsters were taken out into the street, in the presence of various neighbours and beaten up by the troops. They were then obliged to run away whereupon the soldiers opened fire, riddling two of them with bullets. The third reached the Iquique bridge where he was shot by another patrol. 310 On 5 October 1973, Luis COTAL ALVAREZ, aged 15 was executed in Angol. Official Announcement N§ 64 of the Military Authorities made known that two terrorists had been shot for attacking the barracks. The military arrested them in the street during the hours of curfew. According to eye witnesses both detainees were taken to a bar that was under construction where they were beaten up and then executed through various shots of firearms The bodies were abandoned for the night and picked up in the early hours of the morning by a military vehicle. The bodies were never seen by their families. On 6 October 1973 Héctor Enrique HERNANDEZ GARCES, aged 17 was killed. He was arrested by the military on 27 September 1973 at his home. In the course of a military operation in the Maestranza de Ferrocarriles de San Bernardo, 10 other people were rounded up. They were all executed on 6 October 1973 by soldiers from the Army in the Cerro Chena detention centre, by multiple shots. On 8 October 1973 Julio Augusto ÑIRIPIL PAILLO, aged 16 was executed in the village of Galavarino. A patrol arrived at his house, composed of members of the Army, Carabineros from Lautaro and one civilian from the area. They executed him in the patio; his mother picked up the body and buried it. The death was never officially certified. On 9 October 1993 in the Sector known as "Baños de Chihuío" army personnel executed 17 people, among them the minor Fernando Adri n MORA GUTIERREZ, aged 17. That day a military convoy composed of troops from the "Cazador" and "Maturana" regiments, both based in Valdivia, with various jeeps and lorries carrying a force of approximately some 90 men, started a journey towards the Southern Sector of the Panguipulli timber complex. In the villages of Chabranco, Curriñe, Llifén and Futrono the soldiers rounded up a number of villagers, either in their homes or their place of work, and some were handed over by the Carabineros and that night they were driven to a privately owned estate known as "Baños de Chihuío". The prisoners were taken out of the main building to an area some 500 metres away and executed. The following day a witness recognised various of the victims and saw that the majority of the bodies had cuts on their hands, fingers, in the stomach and some of them even had their throats cut and their testicles cut off and there were no signs of bullet wounds. 311 The victims' corpses were left in the place of execution during various days, covered only with some tree trunks and branches. Approximately 15 days later military personnel arrived and buried the bodies in graves of varying dimensions. On a date which can not be specified, but probably towards the end of 1978 or beginning of 1979, persons dressed in civilian clothes arrived at the estate, went to the house, and demanded that the owner point out the spot where the bodies were buried. These civilians, with others who were accompanying them, worked all night disinterring the human remains and transported them to an unknown destination. On 13 October 1973 Héctor Eugenio ARAYA GARRIDO, aged 18 was executed. That day, together with another person, he had been arrested by troops from the Yungay Regiment who were rounding up people in the Pincoya I district. According to witnesses he was taken to a precinct in Quinta Normal where the soldiers had set up camp. The following day his body was found in the Legal Medical Institute with numerous bullet wounds in the head and chest. On 13 October 1973 Víctor Iván VIDAL TEJADA, aged 16, died. He had been detained by military personnel in La Pincoya and taken to the sports pitch, and from there, presumably, to the camp in Quinta Normal. Two months later his mother discovered a file in the Legal Medical Institute with records of her son, whose body had been taken there on 14 October. In the early morning of 14 October 1973 eight people were executed by Carabineros. Among them, Elizabeth LEONIDAS CONTRERAS, aged 14, who was pregnant, and Jaime Max BASTIAS MARTINEZ, aged 17. On 13 October 1973 a patrol of Carabineros had arrested, in front of witnesses, a group of people. They were taken to Station N§ 20 in Puente Alto and then to Station N§ 4 in Santiago. On 14 October 1873 they were put on board a jeep and driven to the banks of the River Mapocho, near to the Bulnes bridge. Here, before witnesses, they obliged to leave the vehicle, ordered the victims to start running and immediately afterwards opened fire. On 15 October 1973, Sergio Manuel CASTRO SAAVEDRA, aged 15 was executed. He had been arrested the same day at his home in the commune of Renca by soldiers from the Army and Carabineros. His body was found on the Quilicura peak, an area near the place where he lived, with a gunshot wound in the abdomen. - On 19 October 1973, 14 people were executed in Antofagasta. 312 Among these 14 persons executed on October 14 was a minor, Darío Armando GODOY MANSILLA, aged 18, who had been detained in Tocopilla and then taken to the Antofagasta prison. On 19 October 1973, 26 people were executed by military personnel on the road between Calama and Antofagasta, among whom was the minor Jos é Gregorio SAAVEDRA GONZALEZ, aged 18. He was detained on 24 Se ptember 1973 and nobody knew where he was until 29 September, when he was arraigned before the Military Prosecutor. He was tried and exiled to the South of the 38th Parallel. On 20 October 1973 an Official Report issued by the Divisional Commandant stated that 26 prisoners from the Calama prison had been shot by military personnel who were transferring them to the Antofagasta prison when they tried to escape. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission concluded that the Calama shootings were performed beyond the bounds of any law in a cruel and savage fashion. - On 20 October 1973, 4 people were executed, among them two minors: Carlos Octavio CHAMORRO SALINAS, aged 18 and Miguel Angel PONCE CONTRERAS, aged 18. They were detained in the San Gregorio población by Carabineros. Their bodies were found the same day in different parts of Santiago, all presenting numerous bullet wounds. On 21 October 1973 two brothers were executed by Army troops, one of them was a minor, Miguel Angel VALDIVIA VASQUEZ, aged 16. They were arrested at their home in San Bernardo, in the presence of their family by a military patrol belonging to the San Bernardo Infantry Regiment. They were taken to the Cerro Chenand and told to start running whereupon the troops opened fire, killing them both in the same place. - On 23 October, 1973, the press in Arica gave information about the death of Luis Pedro SOLAR WELCHS, aged 18. According to this information, the youth was surprised by an Army patrol within a duly signposted military area. While in custody he attempted to snatch the weapon from a sentry in order to shoot him, obliging another guard to shoot him on the spot. - On 25 October, 1973, three youths, among them two minors: Juan Bautista FIERRO PEREZ, aged 17, and Pedro FIERRO PEREZ, aged 16, were executed in Valdivia by Carabineros and probably Army personnel. They were detained on October 20, 1973 in their homes by Carabineros and Army personnel and taken to the Gil de Castro Command Post. The three were executed. 313 - In October 1973, four people died who had been detained in Puerto Saavedra. In three of the cases, the events occurred during the night when a military contingent arrived there from Temuco. The bodies were abandoned and found by their relatives in the River Imperial with numerous bullet wounds. Among them was the minor Francisco Segundo CURAMIL CASTILLO, aged 18. - On 8 November, 1973, by judgement of the Valdivia Court Martial, three people accused of attacking the Gil De Castro Carabineros Headquarters were executed. Among them were two minors, Cosme Ricardo CHAVEZ OYARZUN, aged 18, and Víctor Joel GATICA CORONADO, aged 18. - On 26 November, 1973, five persons were executed in Santiago, among them the minor Juan Domingo ARIAS QUEZADA, aged 17. On November 27, residents in El Array n heard the ascent of a heavy vehicle, around at about 04:00 and then prolonged gunfire. That same day the dead bodies of the five were found by a neighbour. The autopsy found that they died as a result of numerous heavy calibre bullets. Two of them were tied up. According to relatives the group probably tried to take shelter in an embassy, but were surprised by a military patrol who would have de tained them. - On 19 December 1973, the minor Demetrio Max ALVAREZ OLIVARES, aged 17, was executed. He had been detained by Investigations personnel at his home on 3 December 1973. together with other left-wing supporters were detained, all of whom were driven to the Central Headquarters of the Investigations Police, then to the Public Prison and finally to the Buin Regiment to be interrogated. Trace of them is lost from this final destination until their bodies appeared in the Legal Medical Institute. The autopsy disclosed bullet wounds as the cause of death. - On 8 March 1974, Santiago Waldo Antonio RIQUELME AVIL•S, aged 22, and Nicol s FLORES MARDONES, aged 18, were killed. Both were detained in the course of raids on dwellings in Quinta Bella by members of the Buin Regiment. Some days later, their bodies were found in a stream in an area known as Camino La Herradura. The autopsy showed bullet wounds from shots in the back as the cause of death. - On 21 October Iv n Nelson OLIVARES CORONEL, aged 18, was killed. That day DINA agents arrived at his home during curfew. Olivares fled taking refuge in a neighbour's garden. He was found by agents who shot him, wrapped the body in a sheet and took him away in a van. 314 - On 24 March 24 1976, the minor Patricio Amador ALVAREZ LOPEZ, aged 17, was killed in Santiago. The previous night he had been detained opposite the Liceo Nocturno Nº 4 together with three other youths. A few blocks away the detainees were released by their captors except the individual in question. The victim's body appeared the next day in the Legal Medical Institute, where he was taken by the Carabineros and it was verified that the cause of death was a bullet wound and that the body showed considerable bruising to the head, chest and extremities. - On 1 July, a group of Carabineros raided the building at Calle Mamiña N§ 150 in Santiago, and the dead bodies of the sisters Margarita Eliana and María Paz Martín Martínez were later found together with that of the son of one of them, Isidro SALINAS MARTIN. After considering the data collected, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission concluded that the two sisters and the son were executed by the Carabineros. C) Deaths through torture - Gonzalo Elías FREZ GALLARDO, aged 18, died on 24 March 1984, victim of use of excessive force on the part of personnel from the Chile Investigations Department when he presented himself to the offices of this body in La Ligua, since his family had told him they were looking for him. The cause of his death was cervical and cranial injuries caused by third parties. - On 24 June 1989 Marcos QUEZADA YAÑEZ, aged 17, was arrested in the street by the Carabineros of Curacautín. She was taken to their installations and died some hours later as a result of "shock, probably caused by electrical current" according to the post-mortem report. The youngster did not commit suicide, as the official version stated but died as a result of tortures applied by agents of the State. D) Deaths through other causes - On 13 September 1973 Reinaldo Patricio ROSAS ASENJO, aged 17, was killed. The victim was at a meeting in a private house in the city of Osorno when a military patrol burst in with the intention of arresting those present. Reinaldo Rosas tried to flee and the soldiers shot him, leaving him mortally wounded. He died the same day, 13 September 1973 315 - On 15 September 1973 Juan Fernando VASQUEZ RIVEROS, aged 15, died. - On 13 September before the curfew hour had been reached in Santiago, and while a Platoon of Carabineros was raiding the Ferriloza Trade Union's premises, the victim was walking in the street nearby. Without any warning to stop, the police opened fire on him, causing gunshot wounds from which he later died in hospital. - On 17 September 1973 a father and his 17 year old son, José Dominguez GOMEZ CONCHA were killed in the house where they lived by two Carabineros. Numerous witnesses testified that there was no provocation whatsoever on the part of the victims. The police who killed the men forced the family to bury them within a two hour period, obliging the family members to carry out the burial. - On 26 February 1974 a military patrol arrested Vasco Alejandro ORMEÑO GAJARDO, aged 18, at his home. In May 1974 his body was found on waste land near Landa, with a bullet wound. Later a member of the police admitted before the Military Attorney that he had arrested and killed this young man. - On 20 July 1974 Daniel CACERES PEREDO, aged 17, a mentally handicapped youth, died. According to witnesses' statements, the victim was wounded by a military patrol in front of the San Bernardo Hospital. The youth escaped from the medical centre where he was being treated and captured again by a military patrol, who caused him further injuries after he had already been detained. He died later in hospital and the cause of death was gunshot wound. - Lorena del Pilar ESCOBAR LAGOS, aged 3, died in Santiago on 8 October 1978. Military police burst into the house of an uncle of the infant, firing their guns. - Luis Fernando RIQUELME CASTILLO, aged 14, died on 4 August 1985 as a result of gunshot wounds, inflicted by Carabineros, without any provocation whatsoever. - María Cristina GUTIERREZ GUTIERREZ, aged 16, died on 7 March 1986 as a result of excessive force at the hands of agents of the State. - Ramón Leopoldo DUARTE REYES, aged 18. Died on 30 October 1988 when being arrested in the street in Llolleo. Cause of death gunshot wound. EIGHTEEN: Within the general pattern of selective elimination, the criminal action was guided in part by ethnic and religious reasons.. 316 A) Ethnic reasons applied to the indigenous Mapuche people, who were systematically eliminated, killed or disappearance. They also suffered particular cruelty on the grounds of race aimed at preventing any recognition or realisation of the claims they had been voicing for centuries, and which they had achieved through the Land Reform of the Salvador Allende government. Thus to ensure that the Mapuche Movement, embodied by indigenous leaders of the AD 228 MAPU, could not go on reasserting Mapuche national rights, the governing military junta and Augusto Pinochet as its president set about eliminating the Mapuches within the General Plan for Elimination. The Mapuche people constitute an Amerindian tribe of Araucanians located between the Rivers Bio -Bio and Tolkén of ancenstral antiquity who have traditionally dedicated themselves to agriculture and tending their flocks of llamaas and harvesting. "Mapuche means People of the Land (MAPU: land + CHE: people). They live chiefly in the Ninth Region in the central southern area of the country, and though there are currently no overall statistics regarding the number of people making up the race, there are c-ertainly more than half a million Mapuches spread about Chile s rural and urban communities. The indigenous Mapuche people have their own religion and language and a traditional form of communal land ownership that is the basis of their identity and way of life. Over the years, ever since the arrival of the Spaniards in the sixteenth century, most of their lands were expropriated, but thanks to the land reforms brought in and developed by the Salvador Allende government, some were restored to them, and they achieved a relatively decent standard of living, health and education. This was the aim of Law 17,729 of 1972. Thus one of the military junta s top priorities following the coup was to suppress any consolidation of this trend in support of the Mapuche identity. It was, therefore, decided to curtail it by first killing and/or abducting numerous prominent activist leaders and rural workers on account of their belonging to this ethnic group. This happened to approximately 300 people, which is not a definitive figure as we are dealing with isolated communities that speak no, or little, Spanish and, most importantly, are terrified of reporting what happened for fear of reprisals. These people were tortured before they were killed or released, albeit forced to abandon their land and lifestyle or even to leave the country. Subsequently, with Decree-Law 2568 passed by the military junta in March 1979, the distribution of indigenous land was reorganised, reversing the Mapuches gains and giving rise to further oppression. On the very day of the coup, the landowners, army and Carabineros began to persecute 317 the Mapuches that had fought for their lands and succeeded in recovering them (Report by the Special United Nations Working Group on human rights in Chile, 1978). As emerges from the report on the Mapuches produced in 1980 by the Inter-Church Committee For Human Rights in Latin America, entitled People of the Land , the persecution of the Mapuches was a reality and was due solely to their indigenous nature ; as was a reality the fact that they tried to hide at first because all indigenous people were hunted down like animals . Moreover, a number of Mapuches and principally some of their leaders who were not killed or disappeared were forcibly displaced by government orders to areas far from their own lands for periods of up to three months Without prejudice to any later additions in the course of these proceedings to the list of indigenous Mapuche people killed, missing or tortured as a result of the criminal repression set in motion by the accused Augusto Pinochet Ugarte and the governing military junta over which he presided, and carried out by all who took part in the crimes under their orders, from 11 September, 1973, we may now, with the data available, enumerate the victims that have been identified, most of whom figure in the list below: 1.- Mois és Ayanao Montoya, aged 19, arrested on October 21, 1973 and illegally executed the same day by government agents at kilometre 26 of the Aysen road. 2.- Carlos Aillañir Huenchual, aged 57, arrested on October 16, 1973 and executed on November 9 by government age nts. He had seven children. 3.- Cardenio Ancacura Manquian, a father of four and member of the Socialist Party who had played an active part in land reform, arrested on October 16, 1973. He was executed on the Laja steamer and his body thrown into Lake Ramo, along with those of two of his companions, by officers of the Valdivia Maritime Authority. 4.- Ruben A. Antiman Nahuelquin, aged 45 with four children, arrested on February 8, 1986. He died following an assault by a Carabinero officer causing chest injuries, frontal pneumothorax and blood poisoning. 5- José R. Argel Marilcan, aged 33, arrested on October 17, 1973 in Puerto Montt by Carabineros. He was executed on October 18, 1973. 6.- Alejandro Anco Paine, aged 42 with one daughter, arrested on September 26, 1973 for his role as a prominent member of the Luciano Cruz Land Reform Centre (CERA), Socialist Party activist and member of the Cunco Mapuche Council. He has been missing since the date of his arrest. 318 7.- Antonio Aminao Morales, aged 49 with three children, arrested on September 24, 1973 in Llaima when on his way to register at the police post in that town. His whereabouts are unknown. 8.- Sergio Aros Huichacan, aged 23, arrested on September 18, 1973 by Carabineros from Entrelagos. He was taken to the police station then executed in the early hours on the bridge over the River Rilmaiquen. His body was thrown into the river. 9.- Alejo Barriga Nahuelhual, arrested on October 17 1973 by Carabinero officers at his home in the Mapuche settlement of El Roble de Freire. They burst into the house, shot at and wounded him then dragged him away towards the River Tolten. He has been missing ever since. The community leaders Ernaldo Aguilera Sales and Leomeres Monroy Seguel were arrested and executed in the same operation. 10.- José Eladio Beltr n Curide, arrested on December 2, 1974 in Perquenco, province of Cautín. Since then he has been missing. 11.- José Ignacio Beltr n Meliqueo, aged 46 with six children, arrested on October 15, 1973 for his membership of the Manuel Levinao Mapuche Community. Since then his whereabouts have been unknown. 12.- María Esther Bustamente Llancamil, arrested on October 2, 1973 and executed on 5 October by Carabineros from the 3rd police station in Rahue and the police post at Bahía Mansa. She worked as a secretary for the ANCAR Workers Federation in Osorno. 13.- Patricio A. Calfuquir Henriquez, member of the MIR, executed by officers from the CNI (National Intelligence Office) on September 20, 1981 in Remeco Alto, Tenth Region. 14.- Víctor M. Cantupil Millanao, aged 73, arrested on December 13, 1985 and missing ever since. He was brutally beaten by Carabineros who broke into his home in search of his son. 15.- Gregorio Carilaf Huenchupau, aged 73, brutally be aten about the head and body by Carabinero officers who broke into his house in search of his son on September 15, 1973. He died at home on September 17 as a result of the injuries inflicted. 16.- Mauricio S. Caynan Caninqueo, aged 22, arrested on October 2, 1973 and executed the same day by Carabineros from the 12th police station. His body appeared subsequently at the Legal Medical Institute. 17.- Carlos E. Collao Sarpi, arrested and killed on November 10, 1985. 319 18.- Luis Campolican Carfurquir Villalon, arrested and disappeared on September 18, 1973. 19.- Samuel Catal n Lincoleo, aged 29 with one son, arrested on June 27, 1974 at his home in Cantaro by soldiers and officers from the Criminal Investigation Department, and missing since then. 20.- Manuel Elías Catal n Paillal, father of three, arrested on September 13, 1973 in the Juan Catal n Community in Lautaro by Carabinero officers. He has been missing since then. 21.- Lorenzo M. Carfil Huichaman, arrested on October 10, 1973 by Carabineros at his home in the locality of Rebeca Matte, commune of Ñuñoa. Since then he has been missing. 22.- Reynaldo Catriel Catrileo, father of nine and Representative of the Indigenous Community of Ancalef, arrested on November 9, 1973 in Cantin (Moloco). He has been missing since then. 23.- Eleuterio R. Colpihueque Lican, aged 26, arrested on October 15, 1973 in Temuco, together with his father: 24.- Alberto Colpihueque Navarrete. Both were taken to Alberto s farm where they were forced to do hard labour for four days. They were then taken away by soldiers towards Curarreme, and have been missing ever since. 25.- Carlos A. Cayuman, aged 31 and married with five children, arrested on October 10, 1973 in the Trafun area by uniformed and civilian officers together with a large number of other people. All the civilian detainees were executed on the Villarsicen Bridge over the River Tolten. He was a timber worker at the Panguipull timber and forestry complex. His body was never found. 26.- Mauricio S. Curiñanco Reyes, arrested on October 10, 1973 in the Liquiñe area. He met the same fate as Carlos above. 27.- Francisco S. Curamil Castillo, aged 18, arrested by soldiers in September 1973 together with several other members of the community in the Puerto Saavedra Settlement. He was executed and his body subsequently found on the seashore. 28.- Heriberto Collio Nain, a 63-year-old farmer. On October 8, 1973 he was beaten by a patrol of Carabineros and one civilian who then left him for dead. He died at home at about 8 a.m. 320 29.- Pedro Curihual Paillan, a 24-year-old union leader, arrested on September 15, 1973 in the Liquiñe area along with a large number of other people, all of whom were executed on the Villarrica Bridge over the River Tolten. His body has not been found. 30.- Nelson Vladimir Curiñir Linconeo, aged 22, arrested on October 13, 1973 at his home in Teonunco by Air Force personnel and executed. His body was found in 1990 in the Nueva Imperial Cemetery where he had be en buried as N.N. in October 1973. 31.- Manuel Chenquelao Millanao, arrested on November 21, 1984. 32.- Juan Chenquepau Lerimilla, aged 16, arrested in Bantaro on June 11, 1974 by Carabineros and missing ever since. 33.- Fernando Chavez Alonc o, arrested on September 8, 1975. 34.- Segundo Flores Antivilo, arrested on October 1, 1973 at his home in the locality of María Elena. He was taken to the Antofagasta prison in Tocopila and executed on October 19, totally illegally, on the orders of General Arellano (as described above). 35.- Teofilo Z. Gonz lez Calfulet, aged 24, arrested on October 16, 1973 in Lago Ranco and taken to the police station, then handed over to officers of the Valdivia Maritime Authority, dependent on the Navy. They took him on to the Laja steamer where he was 233 executed along with a number of other people. Their bodies were thrown into the lake. 36.- Roberto E. Hualqui Barria, aged 17, executed by armed civilians as he was crossing the River Nilahue on Septembe r 11, 1973 while trying to flee the country across the Andes. 37.- Mauricio Huenucoti Antil, arrested in September 1973 by soldiers from Temuco and killed by government agents. His abandoned body later turned up on the banks of the Imperial River. 38.- Joel Hualquiñir Benavides, arrested on July 27, 1974. 39.- Reinaldo Huentequeo Almoracid, father of five, arrested on October 6, 1973 at his home and driven by Carabineros from the Carimmalin post to the Río Bueno police station in the locality of Mautilme. He and a number of other people were taken to the bridge over the River Pilmaiquen where he was shot but escaped wounded. He was recaptured shortly afterwards and has been missing ever since. 321 40.- Ricardo Huemuman Huemuman, arrested on September 17, 1973 by Carabineros from Zutre Lagos. In the early hours of the 18th he was taken to a suspension bridge over the River Pilmaiquen where he was executed and his body thrown into the water. 41.- Gervasio H. Hualquil Calviqueo, a 25-year-old farm worker, married with ten children. He was arrested at his home on October 26 by Carabineros, who also burnt down his house. He has been missing ever since. 42.- Oscar L. Hueravilo Saavedra, aged 23, arrested on May 19, 1977 along with his wife Mirta Mónica Alonso. 43.- Samuel Huichallan Llanquilen, father of three, arrested on June 11, 1974 in Landano together with a number of other people. His whereabouts have been unknown since then. 44.- José V. Inostroza Ñanco, aged 19, arrested on October 21, 1973 in Valdivia by Carabineros and soldiers. He was executed four days later. 45.- Andrés Levio Llaupe, aged 49, married with nine children. He was arrested on October 2, 1973 by Carabineros and executed immediately afterwards. 46.- Segundo Lepin Andilaf, aged 30, executed near his home in Galvanino on October 8, 1973 by a patrol of Carabineros and one civilian. 47.- Manuel Lizama Cariqueo, aged 29, secretary of the Temuco Trade Union (CUT) and president of the El Cardal Settlement in the locality of Pillanlelben. He was arrested on November 8, 1973 by Carabineros. He has been missing since that day. 48.- Mariano Loncopan Caninqueo, head of the Maichin Small Farmers Committee, arrested on October 15, 1973 and never heard of again. 49.- Juan Lleucun Lleucun, an Inspector, arrested on October 9, 1973 at his home on Quenac Island (Chilo é) by Carabineros who took him to the police post of the locality where he died on October 10, 1973 as a result of torture. 50.- José B. Llabulen Pilquinao, arrested on October 11, 1973 by Carabineros from Cantaro as he was going home by bus to the indigenous settlement (reservation) of Quiniaco-Manzanal. He has been missing ever since. 51.- Mónica Ch. Llanca Iturra, aged 23, arrested on September 6, 1974 at her home in Santiago by DINA officers and taken to the Cuatro Alamos prison camp. She has not been heard of since. 322 52.- Juan M. Llanca Rodas, aged 26, arrested on September 17, 1975 and driven to the Puente Alto barracks. He was taken away on the night of September 19 and his whereabouts remain unknown. 53.- Leandro Llancaleo Calfuquen. He moved to Argentina in 1974, disappearing in December of the same year. He is still missing. 54.- Nelson N. Llanquilef Velasquez, aged 25, arrested on October 18, 1973 in the Puerto Ramírez area, Chiloé, by Carabineros and executed on the shore of Lake Yelcho. His body has not been recovered. 55.- José J. Llanleu Antilao, a 39-year-old farm worker, arrested on June 11, 1974 in Lantaro along with a number of other people. He has been missing since then. 56.- Segundo Elias Lancaqueo Milan, father of two, arrested on April 5, 1975 at his home in Lantaro and executed on the outskirts of the town by Carabineros and officers from the Criminal Investigation Department. 57.- Víctor Llanquien, arrested on October 8, 1973. 58.- Domingo Lluenul Huaiquil, arrested on June 15, 1974 and missing since then. 59.- Carlos M. Mansilla Coñoecar, arrested on October 18, 1973 and missing since then. 60.- Jorge Melipillan Aros, arrested on October 17, 1973 and killed the next day by Carabinero officers in Puerto Montt. 61.- Guillermo T. Muñoz Huenchiñir, aged 20, killed by a Carabinero on August 31, 1986 at around 3 a.m. while he was walking peacefully in the company of another person. The alleged perpetrator was granted impunity and the case against him dismissed. 62.- Luis Omar Mahuida Esquivel, married with two children, and a MIR activist, arrested in the street on November 20, 1975 by government agents. He was taken to the La Venda-Sexy torture centre, where he disappeared. 63.- José A. Meliquen Aguilera, married with four children, arrested on October 4, 1973 in the Manuel Liviano reservation by officers from the Lantaro police station. He has been missing since then. 64.- Pedro Millalen Huencluñir, aged 35 with three children, a farm worker and president of the Lantaro Settlement. On September 29, 1973 he was arrested by a group 323 of civilians and Carabineros in the Campo Lindo Settlement. He was repeatedly beaten then taken to the house of one of the civilians. Since then his whereabouts have been unknown. 65.- Jaime P. Millanao Caminhuan, a 24-year-old textile worker, arrested by a military patrol on September 23, 1973 and never seen again at his place of work. 66.- Juan J. Paillalef Paillalef, a 54-year-old clerk with four children, arrested on July 31, 1977 by officers from the Military Intelligence Service (SIM) in the street in front of his home in the locality of Arica. He has been missing since then. 67.- Sergio L. Paillamilla Trenlen, aged 28, arrested together with his brother near the Panguipulli Timber and Forestry Complex by soldiers at their parents house on October 11, 1973. They were taken to the farm known as Fundo Chirequel where they were locked up in a shed. Sergio has never been heard of again. 68.- Julio M. Palme Lipin, a farm worker married with four children in the Tres Luces Settlement in the locality of Muco Bajo. He was arrested by Carabineros on October 16, 1973 and driven to the Lantero police station. He was taken away at the end of the month and his whereabouts remain unknown. 69.- Joan P. Nahel González, executed on August 70.- Juan S. Nahuel Huaiquil, a small farmer, executed at his home at about 2 a.m. by a patrol of soldiers, Carabineros and civilians. 71.- Bernardo Nahuelcoy Chimeycura, married with four children, arrested in October 1973 along with several other community members at the Puerto Saavedra Settlement by soldiers from Temuco. He was executed and his body thrown into the river. It was found some days later, floating by the seashore. 72.- José A. Ñancuman Maldonado, aged 20, arrested on October 17, 1973 by Carabineros from Puerto Montt. He was executed together with a number of other people the next day. 73.- Julio Agusto Ñiripil Paillao, a 16-year-old farm worker from the Huincaleo Community. He was executed on October 8, 1973 by soldiers and Carabineros from Lantaro. 74.- José Matías Ñanco, a 60-year-old Protestant preacher with nine children, arrested on October 31, 1973 in Maiquillahue by officers of the Valdivia Maritime Authority, dependent on the Chilean Navy. He was executed and his body never found. 324 75.- José Ligorio Neical Paisil, a 45-year-old agricultural worker, arrested by Carabineros on September 16, 1973 in the commune of Entrelagos. He has been missing since then. 76.- Mercedes L. Polden Pehuen, aged 17, arrested and killed at 7 a.m. on May 5, 1979 in the town of Rohka, while she was going home at night to the commune of La Granja. A Carabinero officer shot and killed her from behind, then they tore her clothes in order to simulate a rape and accuse her friends of it. The case was dismissed for lack of evidence. 77.- Francisco P. Porma Cheuquecoy, married with nine children, arrested by Carabineros at his home in Puerto Saavedra on October 22, 1973. His body was found on the beach following his execution by State officials. 78.- José Rosario Panguinamun Ailet, married with two children, arrested on October 9, 1973 in a street in Osorno. He has been missing ever since. 79.- Juan Hector Ñancutil Renque, aged 21, arrested on September 21, 1973 while on his way to the police station in Pitrufquen. Since then his whereabouts have been unknown. 80.- Luís Quinchavil Suarez, a 38-year-old farm labourer and community leader in the Nehuentue area and member of the MIR. In 1973 he was sentenced to seven years in prison, then the sentence was commuted to exile in Holland. He was arrested on February 19, 1981 by Argentinean gendarmes in the Paimún border area as he tried to enter Chile. They handed him over to CNI (National Intelligence Office) officers. Since then he has been missing. 81.- Gerardo A. Ramos Huina, a 21-year-old farm labourer, single, arrested by Carabineros on October 14, 1973 at his home in Malipenco. Since then his whereabouts have been unknown. 82.- José Maises Ramos Huina, a 22-year-old farm labourer, arrested on October 14, 1973 in the same circumstances as his brother above. 83.- Hernesto Reinante Raip n, a 29-year-old timber worker, arrested on October 10, 1973 in Trafun in a joint operation by Carabineros and the army. He was taken to the Villarrica Bridge where he was executed and his body thrown into the River Tolten. 84.- Modesto Juan Reinante Raip n, an 18-year-old timber worker, arrested on October 10, 1973 in the same circumstances as his brother. 325 85.- Alberto Segundo Reinante Raip n, a 38-year-old timber worker, married with four children, arrested on October 10, 1973 in the same circumstances as his brothers. 86.- Luis A. Rivera Catricheo, a 54-year-old timber worker, arrested on October 10, 1973. He disappeared in the same circumstances as the three cases above. 87.- Julio Alberto Rubio Llancao, a 36-year-old farmer in the Pehuenche Cauñicu Community, arrested on September 12, 1973 by Carabineros from Santa B rbara. He has been missing ever since. 88.- Juan de Dios Rubio Llancao, a 38-year-old farmer and leader of the same indigenous community, arrested and abducted in the same circumstances as his brother. 89.- Omar Torres Antinao, a 21-year-old fruit seller, single, executed at his home on December 25, 1973 by soldiers from the Temuco Tucapel regiment. 90.- Alejandro Antonio Trancanao Pincheira, a timber worker aged 22 with two sons, arrested on October 10, 1973 in Trafun, in a joint military and civilian operation that took him to the Villarrica Bridge over the River Tolten where he was killed. His body has not been found. 91.- Eliseo Maximiliano Trancanao Pincheira, an 18-year-old timber worker, single, who worked with his brother at the Panguipulli Timber and Forestry Complex. He was arrested on October 10, 1973 in the same circumstances as his brother. 92.- Miguel José Trancanao Pincheira, aged 25, single and of the same profession as his brothers above. He was arrested on October 10, 1973 in the same circumstances as his brothers. 93.- Juan Segundo Trankal Huenchuman, a 48-year-old farm labourer, married with six children in the Blanco Lipil Community. He was arrested on October 9, 1975 by Carabineros from the Pillan Lebun post who killed him in his house before his family. 94.- Ramón Tramolao Pasten, arrested and abducted on February 23, 1974. 95.- Luis Alberto Trecanao Mora, aged 19, killed on September 19, 1973 after leaving the factory where he worked in the Mapocho area of Santiago. He was executed at 7.30 a.m., together with a number of other people, on the Vivaceta Bridge over the River Mapocho as result of constriction of the skull and brain , and remained missing until 1992 when his name appeared on a list of 30 people who had been executed, buried and cremated at the Santiago General Cemetery. 326 96.- Jose Mateo Segundo Vidal Panguilef, a builder aged 26 with two children. In September 1973 he turned himself in to the Carabineros having been summoned by military order. He was taken to the 3rd police station in Rahue (Osomo) where he was arrested, then he was executed on the Pilmaiquen Bridge on September 19, 1973. His body was found in the river in January 1974. 97.- Sofía Leonor Yañes Calzupan, a 23-year-old domestic servant. She was executed on November 22, 1988 in the commune of Ñuñoa while she busy cleaning in her place of work when six months pregnant. The house belonged to a woman lawyer known for her work in defence of human rights linked to the Archbishop of Santiago s Vicaria of Solidarity, and who had received several threats over the telephone. The assailants were government agents and the purpose of the attack was to inhibit the professional activity of Sofía’s employer. 98.- Ceferino Antonio Yaufurem Mañil, a farm labourer with one son, arrested on June 11, 1974 by Carabineros in Lautaro. He has been missing ever since. 99.- José Domingo Yaufurem Mañil, a farm labourer, arrested in the same circumstances as his brother. 100.- Miguel Eduardo Yaufurem Mañil, a farm labourer, arrested on June 11 1974 in Lautaro in the same circumstances as his brothers. 101.- Oscar Rumualdo Yaufurem Mañil, a farm labourer aged 18, single, arrested on June 11, 1974 at his home in the same circumstances as his brothers. All met the same fate. 102.- José Guillermo Purran Treca, a 37-year-old clerk and leader of the Pehuenche Callaquí Community. He was arrested on September 12, 1973 and has been missing ever since. 103.- Domingo Huenul Huaiquil, a farmer aged 42, arrested at about 18.00 at the El Rayo restaurant in Lautaro by Carabinero officers who took him away in a van. He has been missing ever since. It appears that Domingo Huenul had been involved in the occupation of farmland in the area. 104.- José Alfredo Levicoy Emelcoy, a 58-year-old worker, arrested at his home on October 3, 1975 at 11 a.m. by Carabinero officers. He was taken to the 3rd police station in Achao where he was interrogated and subjected to torture. Hours later he was found hanged by his shirt from the bars on a window in his cell. 327 105.- Francisco Javier Lincopan Calfulaf, a 41-year-old worker, communist activist and leader of the Valdivia Trade Union (CUT), arrested shortly after the coup at his home in the town of Teniente Merino de Valdivia where he was convalescing following a liver disease. He was held in solitary confinement in an udientified place, then moved to prison, where he was subjected to interrogation, beatings and torture. He was neither given medical attention nor supplied with his prescribed medicines. Finally, as his health deteriorated, he was transferred to the Kennedy Hospital where he died of his injuries. 106.- José María Tranamil Pereira, a 47-year-old farmer and chief of the Trapa Trapa Pehuenche Community. He was arrested by Carabineros in the town of Santa B rbara on September 12, 1973, since when he has been missing. 107.- Juan Milla Montuy, a farmer aged 40 with four children, arrested on November 8, 1973 in Lautaro by Carabinero officers. He has been missing ever since. 108.- José Hector Borquez Levikan, aged 30 and married with four children, a timber and administrative worker at the Panguipulli timber and forestry complex. He was arrested on October 10, 1973 in the Trafun area by uniformed officers and civilians and taken with a large number of people to the Villarrica Bridge over the River Tolten, where all were killed. His body has never been found. 109.- Domingo Mamani López, a labourer aged 41 with one son, and union president at the National Explosives Company, arrested on September 30, 1973 by Carabineros. He was held in solitary confinement at a special interrogation and torture centre until October 12, when he was moved to a public prison. Subsequently on October 19, 1973 he was killed on the road between Calama and Antofagasta. 110.- Teobaldo José Paillacheo Catal n, a 57-year-old farming labourer, married. He was arrested on October 3, 1973 in the Mantilhue Chiscaihue Settlement by Carabineros who took him to the Salto Pilmaiquen police post. He was taken away to be killed on October 4, and his body has never been recovered. 111.- Juan Mauricio Poblete Tropa, a shopkeeper aged 29, arrested at his home in Chillan on September 23, 1973 by Carabineros and soldiers. He was held until the 27th of the same month, when he was executed. His body appeared a month later near the El Alba Bridge over the River Nuble. 112.- José Avelino Runca, aged 60, a Communist Party activist, arrested on December 14, 1975 by Carabinero officers at his home in the locality of Quilakahui, then executed by his captives. B) For Religious reasons.- 328 Although it is true that the Governing Junta of Chile does not undertake the persecution of the Jewish people, it is true that that the incidence of the repression is notable in the case of citizens of Jewish origin, who were subjected to particularly cruel torture by reason of their Jewish origins. The cases referred to are: - David Silberman Gurovich, kidnapped, tortured, and disappeared. The testimony is contained in the case records of Monseñor Fernando ARIZTIA, the current President of the Catholic Episcopal Conference of Chile, stating that Augusto Pinochet was aware of the arrest of David Silberman. On October 4, l974 David SILBERMAN GUROVICH disappeared, ex-general manager of the Cobre -Chuqui company during the Unidad Popular Government, engineer. The victim had been condemned by the Military Tribunal of Calama (Consejo de Guerra) to thirteen years in jail. In contrast to the others who were condemned in Calama, David Silberman was taken on September 30, l973 to the Santiago Penitentiary to serve is sentence (various of those who had been condemned and who had been associates of David Silberman in Cobre-Chuqui were executed without due process in October 1973 by a military mission which had arrived from Santiago under the command of General Arellano Stark and which came to be known as "the Caravan of Death"). In a complex operation which involved switched identities, phone tapping, falsification of documents and other devices, David Silberman was kidnapped in the penitentiary by agents of DINA. The victim remained in the Centro José Domingo Cañas where he was badly tortured. Subsequently he was taken to Cuatro Alamos where he disappeared towards the end of October. -Diana Frida Aron Svigilisky, kidnapped, tortured and disappeared. On November 18, l974 Frida ARON SVILISKY was detained in the street in the commune of Ñuñoa and as a result of her detention was wounded by a bullet. -Carlos Berger Guralnik , 329 aged 30, journalist and lawyer, directorof the El Loa radio and manager of Public Relations at Chuquicamata. Arrested on September 11 on the premises of El Loa radio, brought before a Military Court on September 29 and condemned to sixty days in prison. At the time of his execution he was serving his sentence. - Luis A. Guendelman Wisniak, On September 2, l974 the arrest took place at his home in the commune of Las Condes of Luis Alberto GUELDENMAN WISNIAK by DINA agents who brought with them under arrest a friend of his who was released sometime later. Luis Guendelman was held on DINA premises and was seen for the last time in Cuatro Alamos when he was being tortured. In July l975 DINA tried to pass off a body found in the Argentine as being the remains of Luis Guendelman in a manoeuvre for the purposes of disinformation known as "Operation Colombo". - Manuel Elias Jana Santibáñez, On February 17, l975 the ex-mayorof Cañete during the previous government, Manuel Elías JANA SANTIBAÑEZ was killed. Activist of the PS (Socialist Party) who had been arrested on February 13, l975 after an interview with the Intendente (local authority leader) of Arauco. His body was found in the Naval Hospital of Talcahuano, where it was handed over in a sealed coffin. The victim had been held in the gymnasum of the Naval Base of Talcahuano, from which he was taken just before his death, alive and on the understanding that they were taking him to hospital. -Georg Max Klein Pipper, aged 27, psychiatrist, adviser to the President of the Republic of Chile, who has already been referred to. Arrested in the Presidential Palace, tortured and disappeared as from September 11, l973. -Abraham Muskatblit Eidelstein, On September 19, l974 at 03.00 in the morning, there arrived at the home of Abraham MUSKATBLIT EIDELSTEIN, an advertising executive, in the area of Casas Viejas, twelve armed individuals who kidnapped him. His boddy appeared riddled with bullets some hours later in an irrigation channel next to the road which leads to Lonquén. 330 That same night armed civilians tried to kidnap Luis Toro, lawyer of the Vicaría de la Solidaridad. These acts were attributed to the Commando self-styled "Once de Septiembre". -Jorge H. Muller Silva, On November 29, l974 the arrest took place in the street in Santiago, when they were on their way to work, of Jorge Hern n MULLER SILVA and his work companion in Chile Films, Carmen Cecilia BUENO CIFUENTES. Both were taken to Villa Grimaldi and then to Cuatro Alamos where they disappeared while in the hands of the DINA. -Raúl Pellegrín Friedmann, tortured and executed. On October 21, l988 a group from the PFMR commanded by their leaders Cecilia MAGNI CAMINO and Raúl PELLEGRIN FRIEDMANN attacked the village of Los Queñes, where a Carabineros corporal was killed; they then fled to the mountains. Some days later, on October 28, l988 the body was found in the River Tinguirica of Cecilia Magni and on October 31 the body of Raúl Pellegrín was found. According to the autopsies, both bodies showed bruises and signs that electrical current had been applied to them. As regards Raúl Pellegrín, it states that the cause of death was asphyxiation by submersion in water and contusions on the back thorax which is attributed to the use of blunt instruments, taking into account the topography and depth and the absence of external injuries. -Matilde Pessa Mois, kidnapped, tortured and disappeared. On May 29, l977 the arrest took place on the arrival of the flight between Santiago and Buenos Aires, before passing the International Police control, of the Chilean couple Matilde PESSA MOIS and Jacobo STOULMAN BOERTNIK, without political activities or affiliations. From that moment they disappeared. Subsequently their names were found registered in the Winston Palace Hotel of Buenos Aires, which was used at that period by the Argentine Security Services. -Juan Carlos Perelman Ide , kidnapped,tortured and disappeared. 331 On February 20, 1974 the MIR activist Juan Carlos PERELMAN IDE, was arrested together with his companion who sometime later was freed and was able to give witness to the fact that he had been held in Villa Grimaldi. Jacobo Stoulman Boertnik, kidnapped, tortured and disappeared. On May 29, l977 the arrest took place on the arrival of the flight between Santiago and Buenos Aires, beofre passing the International Police control of the Chilean couple Matilde PESSA MOIS and Jacobo STOULMAN BOERTNIK, without political activities or affiliations. From that moment they disappeared. Subsequently their names were found registered in the Winston Palace Hotel of Buenos Aires, which was used at that period by the Argentine Security Services. -Ernesto Traubmann Riegelhaupt, kidnapped and disappeared. On September 13, l973 Ernesto TRAUBMANN RIEGELHAUPT disappeared, Czech, aged 49, public relations for the Empresa Nacional de Minería (Enami). He was arrested in the early morning of the same day by Carabineros. He was taken to the 7th Police Station and from there to the Ministry of Defence. Despite the efforts of his family, there hasbeen no further news regarding his whereabouts. There is no record that he left the country. -José Joaquín Valenzuela Levi. In the early morning of June 15, l987 in calle Pedro Donoso in the commune of Conchalí, there took place the last episode in which the largest number of people died, amongst them Jos Joaquín VALENZUELA LEVI, student. The official version indicates that there was a skirmish, as a result of which the victims already referred to were killed while one other person escaped. - Recaredo Ignacio Valenzuela Pohorecky. Killed. The events began on the morning of June 15, l987 when Recaredo Ignacio VALENZUELA POHORECKY, economist, was intercepted in calle Alhué of Santiago, a few meters from his mother's house. Without telling him that he should give himself up, the CNI agents who were waiting for him shot and killed him. NINETEEN: Amongst the victims of Augusto Pinochet's repression, there were various Spanish citizens and descendants of Spaniards, amongst them: 332 1. Antonio Llidó Mengual, Spanish priest, associated with MIR, arrested in Octobe r 1974, held in the Centro José Domingo Cañas and transferred to Cuatro Alamos where he disappeared while in the hands of DINA; to whom an extensive reference has been made already. 2. Carmelo Luís Soria Espinoza, Spaniard, official of the United Nations, activist of the Socialist Party, arrested on July 14, l976 and executed on July 16, l976, his body being found on the 17th of the same month in the El Carmen canal. Carmelo Soria was kidnapped and tortured by agents of the MULCHEN Brigade of the DINA, which had the mission of providing personal protection to Augusto Pinochet. The torture and his death took place in a house in Santiago, in the sector of Lo Curro, bought with DINA money in which Michael Townley lived. After the military coup, Carmelo Soria had dedicated himself, to the extent possible, to facilitating the exile of people, taking them to various embassies in Chile and giving them protection. He helped persons who were opposed to the regime. During the three years that he gave asylum to people he suffered increasing harrassment. On July 14, after lunch, he left for his work at about 14.00 but did not arrive there because he had been kidnapped. After draining the canal, the body of Mr. Soria was found in the back seat of the vehicle but not within it. The distance between the vehicle and the body was approximately five hundred meters. The killing of Carmelo Soria was carried out by members of the MULCHEN BRIGADE which was responsible directly to Augusto Pinochet through Manuel Contreras. 3. Michelle Peña Herreros, companion of Ricardo Ernesto Lagos, arrested towards the end of June, l975, Spanish nationality, eight months' pregnant and Socialist Party activist, was held in the Torre in Villa Grimaldi, was sujected to torture and subsequently disappeared in the hands of DINA, as did her companion. The child was born in captivity and there has been no further information since. 4. Enrique López Olmedo, Spanish nationality, member of MIR, executed on November 11, l977, after being arrested in Valparaíso at the end of October by Navy personnel. 333 5. Juan Alsina Hurtos, Spanish, Catholic priest, and in charge of personnel in the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Santiago, was executed on September 19, l973, on the banks of the Maocho River by members of the Yungay Regiment. 6. Antonio Elizondo Hormaechea, of Spanish nationality, and activist in MAPU (Movimiento de Acción Popular Unitario), a socialist Christian organization; he was arrested together with his wife, Elizabeth Mercedes Rakas Urra, four months' pregnant, on May 26, l976 and nothing further has been heard about his whereabouts. 7. José Tohá González, lawyer, Mimister of Defence in the Govenment of President Allende, son of Spaniards, is arrested on September 11 in the Palacio de la Moneda and taken to the Military School. Subsequently he was sent to Dawson Island where he was subjcted to torture. He was then successively transferred to various detention centers in which his health deteriorated seriously. He died on March 15, l977 at the hands of State agents who simulated a suicide which in reality his state of weakness would have made impossible. 8. José Francisco Bordas Paz, engineer, aged 31, member of the Central Committee of the MIR, died on September 5, l975 at the hands of members of the Intelligence Service of the Chilean Air Force (SIFA). 9. Felix Francisco Figueras Ubach, arrested on December 11, l975 in Valparaíso. He was captured by members of the Armoured Infantry Regiment N§ 4 of Viña del Mar and taken to their barracks. 10. Manuel Roig Berenguer. Died on September 6, 1985, having been shot during a demonstration. 11. Aruro Villavella Araujo. Engineer and member of the Central Committee of the MIR; died during a CNI operation, together with two others, on December 7, 1983. Some 60 agents of the CNI surrounded his house in Calle Fuenteovejuna 1330 in Santiago, killing all those who were inside it. 12. María Cristina López Stewart, aged 21, arrested on September 22, 1974 in Santiago by members of the DINA. From that date, and after having been seen in the detention and torture centre of "José Domingo Cañas", she disappeared. 13. Gastón F. Vidaurrazaga Manriquez, aged 30. two sons, teacher. On September 18, 1986 at about 4.00, six individuals penetrated his home taking him with them to an unknown destination. His body was found shortly after with multiple bullet wounds at about Km. 15 on Route 5 South. 334 14. Juan José Bomcompte Andreu, aged 30 with one daughter, economist. On August 24, 1984 he was executed by CNI agents in his home in Valdivia, as part of an operation against the leadership of the MIR in the Southern zone of the country. 15. Ricardo García Rosada, aged 43, with two sons, comercial engineer. On September 12, 1973 he was taken to the prison of Copiapó after presenting himself to the authorities in Potresillas, being executed on the 18 of that month and buried in an unknown place. 16. Ricardo Silva Soto, aged 27, with one son. activist in the Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodrígue z (FPMR). On June 16, 1987 he was executed in Santiago by agents of the Central Nacional de Informaciones (CNI); this act formed part of the so-called "Operation Albania" in which 12 persons were killed on June 15 and 16, 1987. LEGAL REASONING ONE: The procedural issues in connection with the competence and jurisdiction of the Courts of Spain for the investigation, knowledge and issue of formal conclusions as to the facts of the case have been resolved in the official findings dated 25.3.1998; 11.6.1998 and 15.9.1998, but above all in the Resolution of the Plenary Session of the Criminal Division dated 4 and 5 November 1998. Likewise the issues concerning privilege and the lack of immunity of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte were addressed and resolved in the Ruling of 3 November 1998, on the basis of which extradition is proposed, substantiated by the Decision of the House of Lords in England, issued on 25 November 1998. Therefore, in respect of these issues, one need only ratify the arguments presented: At this point, to satisfy the requirements of Article 384 of the Criminal Procedures Law - edict on the procedures for the trial of the accused - one needs to establish the legal/penal classification of this crime, for merely provional purposes, of the facts summarised in this Resolution, and assign a judgement as to imputability, likewise of a provisional nature, on the essence of the events where evidence of criminal liability is concentrated. TWO: The facts as related could constitute: 1.- The crime of genocide according to Article 607, Paragraphs 1, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th of the Penal Code. The Legal Precept states: 335 "Those persons who, with the intention of partially or totally destroying a national group, perform any one of the following actions will be p-unished: 1. By a prison sentence of fifteen to twenty 20 years if they kill any member of such group. 2. By a prison sentence of fifteen to twenty years if they sexually assault any member of such group or inflict injuries as described in Article 149. 3. By a prison sentence of eight to fifteen years if they subject the group or any member of the group to living conditions that endanger their life or seriously threaten their health or produce any of the injuries described in Article 150. 4. The same punishment will be applied to those persons who force members of the group to move from one place to another, apply any measures designed to impede their normal way of life or reproduction, or forcibly transfer individuals from one group to another. 5. By a prison sentence of four to eight years if they cause any injury other than those described in N§s 2 and 3 of this paragraph". "Genocide comprises the ultimate crime, the most serious violation of the rights of mankind that can possibly be committed" (translator s note: this and subsequent such translations are non-official). These are the words used in the so-called "M.B. Whitaker Report" which addresses the Study of Prevention and Repression of the Crime of Genocide in the context of Resolution 1983/83 of the Social - Economic Council of the United Nations dated 27 May 1983 revised edition dated 2 July 1985, E/CN. 4/ Sub.2/1985/6 and comprises an essential document for the appraisal of the crimes under discussion. The duty of the International Community should be to detect it, pursue it. and punish it as appropriate, without allowing the political pressures of any Government or Regime to open the doors to immunity, because if this is allowed, it would expedite the performance of new criminal actions that humanity rejects and repudiates. In the same sense one needs to emphasise that the right to live is the first of human rights and all other rights are tributaries of same. The right to conserve life is not only an issue which concerns the Government of the individual or the group in question but also a concern of the International Community, particularly when this Community is the holder of the right that is being violated. Resolution 96 (I) of the United Nations General Assembly, affirms that the pursuit and punishment of the crime of genocide is a matter of national interest and, it should be added, of national and international obligation, for that reason it is a crime which is "condemned by the civilized world" and a legal commitment exists whereby it must be pursued both in times of peace and times of war. 336 It is a norm which is imperative or ius cogens, according to the International Court of Justice (consultative opinion on the reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide of December 9, 1948, of May 15, 23 and 28, 1951). As a ius cogens norm it must be, and is, accepted pacifically by the international community which can only be affected by a subsequent modification, through mechanisms specifically foreseen in Article 53 of the Vienna Convention on Treaty Rights of May 23, 1969. What is more, and given its character (ius cogens), which is rooted in Common International Law, the norm is wider than that which is contained in the 1948 Convention, and therefore starting from the basic minimum, that the former contains the principles collected in the latter, they are obligatory for all States even outside the linkage which is derived from the Convention itself and are applicable in accordance with the principle of universal jurisdiction and require cooperation which is, again, universal for all and in the face of all (erga omnes) The difficulties that will arise to impede the achievement of the f-oregoing will be great and even harder to overcome when the body that threatens death, or is the executor or accomplice of murder, is the State itself; especially if one bears in mind the obstructive behaviour of the Government in question in relation to the action by the United Nations foreseen in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide dated 9 December 1948, which Spain subscribed to on 13 September 1968, with express and total reservation as to Article 9, referring to the Jurisdiction of the International Tribunal of Justice for the interpretation, application, and execution of the Convention. Accepting the commitment, whenever a legitimate interest is involved represented in this case by the existence of victims who are Spaniards and descendants of Spaniards - as is reflected in Article 23.4 of the Spanish Organic Law on Judicial Power, to pursue the crime of genocide, as is the case in a similar sense, with Article 6 of the German STGB and the Israeli Law 5710/50. The crime of genocide is defined in the Convention of 9 December 1948, and where Spain is concerned, is included in our Internal Laws of Jurisdiction, as a result of our adhesion to the Convention, through the Law 44/1971 of 15 November, which adds Article 137 bis, within Chapter III, as one of the crimes against the Rights of the People under Title I (Crimes against the Foreign Security of the State) within Book II of the Penal Code. Since then, this crime has not disappeared from our Penal Code. It is currently regulated, as mentioned earlier, by Article 607, Chapter II (The Crime of Genocide) Major Heading XXIV (Crimes against the International Community) Book II of the Penal Code. From the point of view of classification, the most relevant differentiation in this case between the crime as defined in 1971 and current legislation is the substitution of the expression "national ethnic group" by "national," and "social group" by "racial group". 337 The first difficulty that may arise is whether the Spanish legislator, on eliminating the orthographic comma between "na tional" and "ethnic" which now exists, meant to restrict the scope of application of the precept, or, on the contrary, allows an interpretation in accordance with the Convention. This domestic legislation remained in force for almost five years after the inception of the Spanish Constitution of 1978, in which Article 10.2 makes express reference to the interpretation of International Treaties and Agreements in respect of fundamental rights. Therefore, the interpretation according to the Constitution and the 1948 Convention of the expression "national ethnic groups" existing in Article 137 bis, in force until 1983, obliges one to insert a comma between "national" and "ethnic", exactly as has happened in the modification referred to, and, therefore, not to restrict the national groups object of genocide to those of a purely ethnic nature. This argument is valid even though the events which are the subject of this investigation took place before the inception of the current Spanish Constitution, because in virtually all cases one is faced with abduction, a crime of permanent consummation, and convert, in turn, genocide into a crime of permanent consummation, and because the crime of genocide continues to be committed as long as the actions designed to partially eliminate a group subsist, which happened in Chile many years after our Constitution came into force. The problems which may arise from the specific wording of the provisions of Section 137 bis of the Penal Code may be avoided by the use of the approach based on Article 10.2 of the Constitution, instead of that relating to international legislation on Treaties and specifically the Vienna Convention, on the Law of Treaties. While it is true that this international legislation refers to the fact that the provisions of domestic law cannot be relied upon to breach a Treaty, it is nonetheless also true that Article 5 of the Convention on the Crime of Genocide does not provide for the direct and immediate effectiveness of same, but rather imposes on the parties the commitment to adopt the necessary measures to ensure the application of the Convention and to provide effective criminal sanctions for guilty persons. There is therefore an express reference to the effectiveness of domestic legislation implementing the Convention as stated in the Preamble to the 1971 Law which incorporates the crime of genocide into the Spanish Penal Code. In summary, therefore, the national group approach must overcome an initial problem, the possible non-alignment of Spanish legislation as to the crime of genocide when the atrocities were committed by the Chilean exterminators, since they did not affect a "national ethnic group". This problem may be overcome by reverting to the Constitution, which declares as unconstitutional the limitation of national groups to those of an ethnic nature, by interpretation of internal legislation on fundamental rights in accordance with the 1948 Convention as required by Article 10.2 of the Constitution. 338 But, what is more, the hypothesis of genocide is also applicable in relation to an ethnic group (the Mapuches). THREE: The second problem posed by the national group argument in classifying the behaviour of the Chilean exterminators is the concept itself. However, as will be seen later, this concept is viable. "National group" may mean "a group belonging to a nation", i.e. "the group of a nation" in the territorial sense, although in international legislation and practice the expression means above all "a group of common national origin"- (Cf. Cherif Bassiouni, International Criminal Law, Crimes, 1986, p.291). This expression is thus used, e.g. in Paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discri mination, December 21st 1965, which, in defining the concept of "racial discrimination", refers to all distinctions, exclusions, restrictions or preferences based, among other things, on reasons of race, national origin or ethnic origin. In the discussions during the drafting process of the 1948 Convention, it was intended to specify this as a group of a single nationality or citizenship, from the same ethnic origin, or as a reference to national minorities and even those belonging to different nationalities within a State or Nation. The Convention chose the expression "national group", this being considered inclusive of these cases which are, in reality, restrictive. In this sense it can be said that within the concept of genocide, the idea of "national" is used to identify permanent groups of people with a common origin. Apart from this, in the crime of genocide, the group to be totally or partially destroyed serves to determine the specific, subjective element, cause or intention sought with its destructio n. Genocidal conduct is not only carried out with the intention of destroying a group, but also because they belong to a nation, ethnic group, race or religion. Obviously this idea does not exclude the genocide of national groups, the destruction of groups with a common origin, but differentiated within the same nation, this being understood to mean the territorial scope or group of inhabitants ruled by the same government. It is obvious that such groups within their own national identity exist within the nation. Generally in these cases the cohesion of these groups is ethnic - which would explain the restrictive Spanish legislation prior to 1983 - racial or religious but other differentiating elements are not excluded by this idea, e.g. territorial, historic or linguistic factors. There is no doubt that the total or partial destruction of the Scots, Catalans, Basques or Corsicans for the mere fact of their being such would be genocide of national, but not necessarily ethnic, groups, regardless of whether the reason were their language, tradition, territorial ambitions or ideology, as the decisive factor is that the reason for the destruction of the group would be, precisely, the fact that they belonged to such a national group united by some permanent, commo n, differentiating feature. In the same way, the definition of national group does not exclude those cases where the victims are part of the same group as the transgressors, i.e. the cases of "selfgenocide" such as occurred with the mass killings in Kampuchea. 339 In the "Whitaker Report" mentioned above, it is emphasised that "genocide does not necessarily mean the destruction of an entire group (....) The term used in Article 2 of the Convention seems to indicate quite a high numbe r in relation to the total strength of the group or also an important part of that group, such as its leaders". "(...) The group of victims may, in fact, be either a minority or a majority in a country;(...) the definition does not exclude the case where the victims belong to the same group as that to which the perpetrator of the crime belongs. The United Nations Raporteur on the mass killings carried out by the Khmer Rouge in Kampuchea qualifies this massacre as "self-genocide", an expression which implies the mass destruction in the interior of the group itself of an important number of that group; as Pieter Drost said (The Crime of State II, Genocide. Leyden, A.W. Sythoff, 1959) "The most serious form of the crime of genocide is the deliberate destruction of the physical - or psychological - life of human beings taken individually, because of their belonging to any collective human group as such". The document concludes that "in order to be qualified as genocide, the crimes committed against a certain number of individuals must be aimed at their collective group or at them as members or links in that collective group". Among the crimes against humanity, which is not the same as genocide, the Charter of the N•remberg International Military Court included "persecution for political, racial or religious reasons in the carrying out of, or in connection with, any crime under the jurisdiction of this Court". However, although it is recognised in international literature that historically the destruction of national, ethnic, racial or religious groups has clearly been politically motivated, and in spite of the precedent of the Charter of N•remberg, it is clearly deduced from analysis of the proceedings and studies of the 1948 Convention that the Sixth Commission responsible for drafting it, after prolonged debate, deliberately excluded political groups as the object of the crime of genocide, mainly because of the opposition of the Soviet Union. This does not mean that the destruction of groups for political reasons was left outside the scope of genocide. It is much more accurate to say that it means such political reasons must be centred on a national, ethnic, racial or religious group for its total or partial destruction to constitute genocide. Without this extra identification, the destruction of ideological or political groups was considered to be outside the scope of the crime of genocide by the 1948 Convention. This exclusion has been contested repeatedly by the most expert scientific opinions, especially because, as Professor José Manuel Gómez Benítez says ("Genocide and the Immunity of Heads of State") "Reality, above all, has imposed a different way of interpreting the Convention. Exterminations of groups of people for political reasons have been so obvious and atrocious that it has become increasingly unjustifiable to 340 maintain that they do not fit within the legal definition of genocide because they do not coincide with any of the groups referred to in the text of the Convention.". "It could be added that the concept of genocide is a living concept and should necessarily include those cases which really give it meaning in the light of events that have occurred since the Convention came into force. One of the cases which most clearly supports this interpretation, which should not be understood as by extension but rather as an integral of the true range that should be assigned to the term national group, is the self-genocide in Kampuchea referred to above, in respect of which it has been internationally recognised, especially by the United States in 1994, that between 17 April 1975 and 7 March 1979, what occurred in Democratic Kampuchea (Cambodia) was truly genocide of national groups for political reasons, although it came to affect not only the same Khmer group as the exterminators, but also the very members of the Khmer Rouge who differed ideologically from the controlling group. It is widely recognised that the first groups to be eliminated belonged to police forces, soldiers of the defeated army and high-ranking civil servants of previous regimes, sometimes together with their families. Later came ethnic minorities and immediately afterwards, in the context of the ideological ambition to eliminate the capitalist classes of all those Cambodians whom the leaders of the Khmer Rouge under the command of Pol Pot considered as suspect of individualistic activities or in favour of the concept of private property; at this point the massacres started to include as victims members of the Khmer Rouge squads and Khmer peasants. All of this without counting thousands of individual executions, tortures, and deportations." (J. M. Goméz Benítez , Ibid). In addition, it must not be forgotten that the Congress of the USA itself passed the Cambodian Genocide Justice Act which sought to place those responsible for that genocide before the Courts. FOUR: The foregoing reasoning has been developed to express -that, on the one hand, the concept of "national group" argued for here is not, in essence, identical with that of "political group" but that, on the other hand, it does not exclude "political groups" in the formulation of this concept. Legal Doctrine, when referring to the Nazi genocide, establishes that it was the result, not of an international war, but of a calculated policy of collective killing undertaken by a State that entailed the "systematic and structured eradication of innocent people by the bureaucratic apparatus of that State".(Irving Horowitz, Taking Lives: Genocide and State Power. New Brunswick Transaction Books, 1980). Something very similar may be said of the genocide being judged herein. In Chile, as in Argentina, the Military Commanders, Augusto Pinochet and the rest of the members of the Governing Military Junta, imposed, in September 1973, through a coup d'état, a regime of terror based on the calculated systematic and violent elimination, by the State, of thousands of people over several years, under the disguise of a war against subversion; 341 the aim was to eradicate the very structure of the national group, through killing, imprisoning, and causing to disappear the persons who exercised some form of leadership or of an ideological initiative in each one of the sectors as described above under the heading of "Facts"; i.e. it was a question of a preordained action governed by principles much deeper than those of mere political disagreement, but included ideological, religious and ethnic aspects overlapping with same and with the leit motif of fighting against and eradicating "the Communist/Marxist conspiracy which is threatening Western Civilisation". When the motivation behind the victims' persecution is ethnic (Gypsies, Jews, indigenous natives) the aggressor is not moved by purely racial motives, abstracted from any other ideological component, but rather but rather builds up sentiment sentiments which give rise to criminal actions on an eseentially political base, to the extent that a premise of this type, - be it fascist, communist, capitalist or any other - rests on a specific rational conception, which thereafter determines the action. That is to say the politicalideological motive is the essential driving force for the conduct. In this case nobody doubts that the partial or total destruction of a group identified as such, attacked by an aggressor thus motivated, constitutes a crime of genocide. And so one should not have any doubt when it comes to qualifying the opposite assumption in the same way. This means that when the action comprises an attack on the very members of the national group (an essentially political concept) and is undertaken for motives that are essentially political, though they may be joined to others of a racial or religious or ideological nature, which are manifested in concrete actions in the form of a more intense a-ggression, sadism, violence, torture and illtreatment when the victim in question is a Native, a Jew, a Non-conforming Catholic or simply an intellectual who disagrees with the party line of the aggressor group, or a non-theist, those individuals are assimilated to "Communists and Marxists". Not to accept this interpretation is to be blind to the living concept of genocide, which cannot stagnate, bound by an interpretation contrary to the true nature of events, and unaltered, anchored to doctrines established by he immediate precedent of the Second World War, but today has evolved, in rhythm with the way atrocities against humanity have progressively been refined and developed and "conditioned by" the new situations, different to those advanced by the Convention of December 9, 1948. This interpretation, which fits in with the appraisals expounded above in respect of self-genocide, is also compatible with Article 25 of the Spanish Constitution and with the definition contained in the Convention governing the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide and with Article 15.2 of the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights of December 19,1966 in accordance with which none of that which 342 is provided for in this article would be incompatible with "the trial nor the sentence of a person for acts or omissions which at the moment of their execution were criminal in accordance with general principles of Law, recognised by the International Community", and Article 607 of the Spanish Penal Code and integrates the present reality of this type of crime and, above all, is clearly applicable to the case of genocide in Chile that is being evaluated in these proceedings. In conclusion, if the political motivation cannot be eliminated when this genocidal act is carried out for ethnic or religious reasons, it is even more the case that the categorisation as genocide cannot be ignored when the criminal action is based on poltical motivations and the object of the aggression is exactly the same group of persons (national group to whom the aggressor also belongs, being the sector which is dominant through the use of force) and the instruments are the same - deaths, kidnapping followed by disappearance, tortures, sexual aggessions or forced displacements - and for the same purpose of eliminating ideological discrepancy and political opposition, and in any case is evident on the basis of either supposition. Therefore, the political parties as basic elements of co-existence and integration in democracy (Art. 6 in relation to Art. 1 of the Spanish Constitution) are an integral part of the national group in which their constitutional function is developed, and, therefore, all aggression to them and, specially, to the leadership which they provide, attacks the very identity of the group. In an identical sense one may speak of the other ideological sectors which make up the concept of national group, for which purpose one need not exclusively refer to aspects which are based on the territorial location of the group, but also on those which give it a real and specific cultural, professional, social, and political identity The following may be cited as norms and resolutions or scientific doctrines which support the interpretation hereby sustained: 1.- Resolution 96 (I) already referred to of the United Nations General Assembly of December 11, 1946, the destruction of racial, relgious or political groups is genocide. 2.- The Consultative Opinion already referred to, on Reservations to the Convention on Genocide of 1948, International Tribunal of Justice 1951. 3.- Article 5 h) of the Statute of the International Tribunal for Ex-Yugolslavia sanctions persecution for political, racial, and religious motives. 4.- M.B. Whitaker Report, on the Question of the Prevention and Repression of the Crime of Genocide. Resolution 1983/83 of the Social and Economic Council of the United Nations of May 27, 1983, revised edition dated July 2, 1985, E/CN-4/Sub2/1985/6. 5.- The Crimes of State, 11th Genocide. Leyden, A.W. Sythoff, 1950, by Pieter Drost. 343 6.- The crime of political genocide, remedying the black stain of the Convention against Genocide. Author Beth Van Schaack, in "The Yale Law Journal" n§ 106, l997. FIVE: Indeed, the elimination of people undertaken by the accused and the other members of the Governing Military Junta should not be considered in part as a series of unconnected events with no common link; nor as a multiplicity of isolated actions that happened to take place at the same time; In fact one is looking at a planned and coordinated campaign, with the smallest detail catered for , waged against part of a Cilean national group to which all belong. This is revealed by the selection of persons which they seek to eliminate, the methods of arrest and disappearance used, the existence of centres specifically destined for use as concentration camps-, the practice of torture under "scientific control", clandestine burials, and conspiracy with the military of foreign countries to act outside the Chilean borders against Chilean citizens; the training of Special Forces; the creation of clandestine organisations which obey secret orders such as the DINA or CNI. This whole set of circumstances, together with the absolute nature of the Junta's power makes sense if it is aimed at an objective far beyond mere reprisals against the political opposition, which, according to the means employed and the ends aimed at, could also constitute in itself a terrorist activity -- This means that what one hopes to achieve is the ideological, political and religious regeneration of the group through the violent elimination of those "elements" (citizens) who are considered "expendable" or who impede the project of a New Order, or, the same thing, all those who oppose, or present a danger- albeit fictitious - to, the group which has triumphed and oppresses the other. The reality of these affirmations is evident from the narrative of Facts contained in this document, and from the indications (testimonies) that will be expressed later on and which are based on them. The Resolution of the Inter-Americas Human Rights Commission dated 15 October 1996- states: "The Military Government that led the country from 11 September 1973 until 11 March 1990 carried out a systematic policy of repression which resulted in the disappearance of thousands of victims, summary executions, illegal killings and torture...That government- had used practically all known methods for the physical elimination of dissidents". The objective of the destruction of a significant sector of the national group structures in its diverse sectors, as shown in the list, which is not exhaustive, contained in "Facts", is revealed in the selective elimination with criminal intent against the leaderhip of such sectors, organised on an institutional basis, against more than 50% of 344 the population of the Chilean Nation, victim of the self-genocide or intra-genocide - The then Head of State, leaders of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Powers, Municipal Authorities, Universities, Churches, Trades Unions, Political Parties, professional and cultural Associations, the foundations on which the Nation was based In this fashion the destruction of this group was achieved, in benefit of the dominant group, headed by the military structure, for which the accused, Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, is jointly liable. In addition, the mechanics of the operation and the choice of coercive measures used by the alleged perpetrators, once accepted the existence of the national group, were specifically aimed at ending the life of the victims or subjecting them to physical and mental injury, or forcing them to move from their homes against their will or to seek exile in numerous cases or attacked their sexual freedom in a systematic fashion. This behaviour appears logical and makes sense if it forms part of a plan of purification of the group itself once the elements which threaten its unity have been eliminated. That is to say the leaders who give it cohesion. SIX: As pointed out earlier in this document, the criminal acts as described also have other sides and permit different applications, equally acceptable and described herein, Indeed, one examines herein the conduct of AUGUSTO PINOCHET and of the other jointly responsible persons who acted under his orders with the aim of systematically eliminating the dissident or person deemed to be dissident because of that person's ideological convictions or simply belonging to an ideological group. During the discussions of what groups would be classified as the object of genocide in the drafting of the 1948 Convention, the majority of the participants maintained that ideological or political groups should be treated the same way as religious groups, since both upheld a common idea (ideology) that united their members. The events as investigated could be subsumed, in addition to the partial destruction of a national group, as the destruction of a group for religious reasons, understanding this conduct as equivalent to the destruction of a religious group. One of the "leit motifs" behind which the repressive military action stood, was the preservation of what they called the Western and Christian morality, in contrast to marxism and internationalism, in other words, Atheism. Likewise, the objective was the elimination of those persons opposed to the official religious stance of the Governing Junta, such as occurred with the group "Christians for Socialism". In the preceding pages the equivalency between the destruction of a group for reasons of religion and the destruction of religious groups has been expounded; in this sense one must point out that the idea, as to Doctrine, is consolidated, that the terms religion or belief also include believers in God, Atheists, and Agnostics, 345 according to the Footnote to Article 1 of the Draft of the International Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination based on Religion or Beliefs, approved by the Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1967, reproduced in all legal doctrine. Historically this procedure was applied to the mass deportation of Tibetan children to Chinese centres of Marxist education to prevent them receiving any religious education (Cf. Le Tibet et La République Populaire de China in the Revue de Droit Penal et Criminologie, February 1961, p. 541; also the Tibetan Question and the Authority of Law, International Commission of Jurists, Geneva 1959; both quoted by Javier Saenz de Pipaón y Mengs in International Political Delinquency with special reference to the crime of genocide, Institute of Criminology of the Complutense University of Madrid, 1973, p. 152.). Although it is true that in that instance, the group in question was clearly a national group in the traditional sense of the expression, with a clear Buddhist religious identity, it is no less true that the acts were considered genocide in that they constituted the destruction of a group for ideological, religious reasons. There is a great degree of parallelism between this oriental Marxist style, ideological religious purge and what was attempted, but in reverse, by Augusto Pinochet in 1973. Meaning, that it was a question of combating everything that went against the official religious ideology of the dominant group represented by the Ruling Military Junta. Thus this action is aimed at a group held together by their common atheist or agnostic ideology, which, by definition, does not accept Christian Doctrine and Beliefs. Therefore, one may assert that in Chile, as happened in Argentina, although with differing aspects, even more clearly between March 1976 and December 1983, in a reversed image of what the Chinese Marxists intended, the intention was to destroy, according to the criteria of the perpetrators of genocide, those who did not profess a determined religious ideology (atheists or agnostics) or did not adhere to the Faith in the way that the oppressors wished. This would explain, in the case of Chile, the existence of Churches that fought against the actions of the military commanders and the persecution of these religious dissidents - Christians for Socialism - and non religious groups (marxists or otherwise). The destruction of a group because of their atheism or their common nonacceptance of the official religious ideology of the perpetrators of genocide, is also, according to this, the destruction of a religious group, insofar as the group to be destroyed also behaves technically as the object of identification of the motivation or subjective element of the genocidal behaviour. It a-ppears, indeed, that genocidal behaviour may be defined both positively, according to the identity of the group to be destroyed, (e.g. Moslems), and negatively, with greater genocidal scope (e.g. all nonChristians, all Atheists, all Christians of certain types, etc.). This idea holds, therefore, that it is genocide of a religious group when the destruction takes place in a systematic 346 and organised manner, totally or partially, of a group because of their Atheist or NonChristian c-onvictions, i.e. in order to impose a determined Christian ideology on the former and the latter if they do not conform, eliminating them if this objective is not fulfilled, or simply because of their convictions.In addition, Fact Eighteen describes a supposed crime of genocide for ethnic reasons. In fact, the Araucanian tribe of Mapuches has its own ethnic identity with its own culture, religion, language and customs, different from the modern configuration of society. This difference has been legally recognised as part of the native culture and, therefore, enjoys the right, recognised by national and international organisations, to its own existence which cannot be attacked in any of its aspects and which if it is attacked in some of the ways foreseen in the Convention against Genocide and Article 607 of the Penal Code, gives rise to the generally reproachable conduct which is here being prosecuted. The aggression against the Mapuche people is not fortuitous nor can its significance be diluted by inclusion in any of the previous groups referred to (selfgenocide or genocide for ideological motives); rather it has its own identity and, as is stressed in Amnesty International s Report and the report by the Inter-Church Committee for Human Rights in Latin America, entitled People of the Land, and as we will have occasion to note throughout this cause, the aggression was carried out more intensively, because of the relationship to this ethnic group, with the intention of destroying their form of life, eliminating distribution of lands and properties, and obliging some of its members to disperse or simply eliminating them. In addition, the conditions of detention, the humiliations, and tortures were also intensified by reason of the fact that they belonged to an ethnic or religious (Jewish) group.SEVEN: The facts as presented may likewise be considered crimes of terrorism, developed through numerous acts of executions, beatings, abductions, arson and bombings according to Articles, 515, 516 - 2nd, and 571 of the Penal Code. The requirements that the penal text impose in this case do concur, as is revealed by the dynamics of the crime as described: 1.- It seems clear that the teleological element required by the Spanish Penal Code - subverting the Constitutional order or causing serious breaches of the peace - should not be understood as merely Spanish constitutional and public order as this would prevent the prosecution of any terrorist offence committed outside Spain, in open conflict with the Universal Vocation proclaimed by Article 23.4 of the Organic Law on Judicial Power (L.O.P.J.). On the contrary it must refer to a constitutional order equivalent to that of Spain, i.e. any that requires that "the State be Social, and 347 Democratic by Law, upholding freedom, justice, equality, a political pluralism as the supreme values of its legal system. as proclaimed in Article 1 of theSpanish Constitution. That is, precisely, the kind of constitutional order that was illegally and illegitimately overthrown by the Junta of the Chiefs of the Armed Forces, later the Governing Junta, headed by Mr. Pinochet Ugarte through the coup d'état on 11 September 1973. Therefore, it may be affirmed that such criminal action considered by itself constitutes the first attack on public peace and constitutional order in Chile and means that the teleological element exists to its full extent. It should be borne in mind that the Chilean Constitution remained in force until 1980 and expressly forbade acts such as those committed by the aforementioned. 2.- As regards the specification of the crime committed, there is no doubt whatsoever that the whole catalogue of crimes referred to in the Penal Code as constituting crimes of terrorism (arson, murder, infliction of physical injuries, torture, illegal arrest, disappearances etc.) was covered. 3.- Finally, as regards the objective element of whether or not a terrorist or armed gang existed, it could be said that one may invoke Article 577 of the current Penal Code (formerly Article 174 bis b) of the old Penal Code that has now been repealed) which presupposes the non-existence of a terrorist organisation or armed gang and thus the matter is resolved. However, it must be stressed that there was clearly a previously conceived plan by the Military Governing Junta of Chile headed by Augusto Pinochet to conspire against, and thereafter systematically carry out, through organisations specifically created for this purpose -the DINA, the CNI and others mentioned in the Facts- a whole series of attacks against political opponents which were motivated by the same objective, namely, that of attacking the group of persons who were ideologically opposed, not only within Chile, but also abroad, using for this purpose explosives, military weapons and Italian terrorist organisations -Avanguardia Nazionale- or the Intelligence Services of other countries -such as Argentina, Paraguay or Uruguay- which together with Chile formed part of the "Condor Plan" constituting an authentic terrorist organisation operating outside any legal standards including those dictated by the Governing Junta itself. The difficulties which arise in relation to the apparent contradiction in terms when referring to State Terrorism are resolved by proceeding on the basis that the Dictatorship is characterised by the inoperativeness of the Principle of Legality so that the very organs of the State act outsi de such legality, although formally it exists. The truth is that in the case under consideration, as we have seen, a whole series of Institutional Bodies and Structures were created outside the scope of formal legality, but by those in charge of the State and, in particular, by those managing the State, in order to carry out murders, abductions, torture, forced disappearances of persons etc. so as to eliminate political dissidence and end any ideological dispute in any sector. 348 The fact that terrorism is included in Article 23.4 of the Organic Law on Judicial Power as an offence capable of being prosecuted universally, must be understood to refer not so much to terrorism, whether national or international, which occurs in Spain, because this is already covered by domestic legislation, but rather to cases in which Spain as a member of the International Community has an interest in prosecuting, but the prosecution of the offence must unavoidably be carried out in accordance with Spanish law. Spain's interest, as a member of that Community, does not lie in the fact that there is a Spanish victim or victims but rather in the fact that terrorism forms part of the concept of crimes against Humanity and the countries share a common interest in prosecuting it since it constitutes a clear case of international criminal responsibility, where terrorism is of this kind and, in particular, is used as a method of political and ideological repression and is carried out using the structures of the State or the State itself through its representatives. In this respect it is important to cite the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly in which it urges the adoption of all measures necessary to combat and eliminate all terrorist acts no matter where or by whom they have been committed (Doc. A/50/186 of the General Assembly of 22 December 1995). Moreover, it is true to say that the principle of extraterritorial jurisdiction in the area of terrorism cannot under any circumstances be invoked for the purpose of protecting the Spanish State, but rather for the purpose set forth in the previous paragraph. The fact that terrorism is deemed to be an international crime means that it is not governed by the requirement of double incrimination and, therefore, can still be prosecuted if it was not prosecuted in the country in which the events occurred at the time they occurred, because what is important is the principle of universal prosecution imposed by the principles of supranational intervention and extraterritorial jurisdiction, in reliance on Article 23.4 of the Organic Law on Judicial Power read in conjunction with Article 15.2 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights signed in New York on 19 December 1966. As a result of the foregoing, it must be concluded that the reference in the Organic Law on Judicial Power to terrorism "according to Spanish criminal law" means that both the Spanish Institutional Order and the Institutional Order of other countries are protected when attacked by any such offences against persons and human rights. In other words, international legal interests, not merely domestic interests, are protected. In the instant case it can be seen how as soon as the Governing Junta began to operate, its leaders, headed by Augusto Pinochet, arranged all the means necessary and gave the appropriate instructions so that the widespread repression would be clandestine, co-ordinated and organised 349 both within and outside the country; they did not hesitate to seek assistance from other terrorist organisations or from other services equally conversant with terrorist activity. EIGHT.- The actions may also constitute the crime of torture under Articles 173 and 174 of the Penal Code. The crime of torture was introduced into Spanish criminal law, although not identified as such, by Organic Law 31/78 of July, in Article 204 bis of the Penal Code under the heading of Crimes against Internal State Security; it is currently included under a separate heading in Articles 571 and 574 of the Penal Code. In this respect when considering torture as a universally prosecutable crime, one should bear in mind Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 16 December 1966, ratified by Spain on 27 April 1977 which forbids torture, inhuman and degrading treatment; Article 5.1.c) of the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishments approved on 10 December 1984 in New York and ratified by Spain on 21 October 1987, states as follows: " All signatory States shall take the necessary measures to establish their jurisdiction over the crimes referred to in Article 4 .... when the victim is a national of that State and the State considers it appropriate"; Article 3 of the Four Geneva Conventions of 12 July 1949 ratified by Spain, which refers to the basic rules applicable to any armed conflict, including non-international or domestic conflicts, forbids torture and inhuman treatment at any time and in any place. The same principle is expressed in Article 6 c) of the Statute of the Nuremberg Tribunal and Article 5 e) of the Statute of the Tribunal for ex-Yugoslavia created in 1995. Moreover, Article 23.4g) of the Organic Law on Judicial Power of 1 July 1985 provides that the Spanish Courts are competent to hear cases regarding acts committed by Spaniards or foreigners outside the national territory capable of being classified as an offence and which, in accordance with international Treaties and Conventions, should be prosecuted by Spain. Finally, Article 15 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 19 December 1966, having established the principle of legality, states as follows: "Nothing contained in this Article shall prejudice the trial and punishment of any person for any act or omission which, at the time when it was committed, was criminal according to the general principles of law recognised by the international community ". Therefore, the mandate is contained in international legislation, the offence has been specified in the Penal Code since 1978 and the procedural rules are to be found in the Organic Law on Judicial Power, applicable on the basis of the aforementioned international conventions and the principle of legal procedure "tempus regit actum". In any event, given the difficulty that could be raised by Article 9.3 of the Spanish Constitution, the acts constituting torture must necessarily be investigated -since they were classified as an offence in July 1978- and, in any event as one of the instruments by 350 which the crime of genocide alleged to have been committed by the accused was carried out (Article 607 of the Penal Code read in conjunction with Article 135 bis of the consolidated text of the Penal Code of 1973) and the crime of terrorism itself to the extent that they may give rise to serious injuries and even death. NINE: Having classified the facts for the purposes of criminal law and made some additional comments concerning jurisdiction in line with the order of a Plenary Session of the National Court Criminal Division of 5 November 1998, the content of which is assumed and deemed to be incorporated herein as well as the order proposing the extradition of Pinochet Ugarte dated 3 November 1998, it is advisable to address, if only briefly, certain aspects relating to the ongoing nature of some of the alleged offences charged herein and the fact that some of the victims, specifically Orlando Letelier and the Spanish citizen Carmelo Soria, were specifically protected persons and the consequence of the obligation to investigate. Both had the status of an internationally protected person at the time of his execution and death at the hands of the DINA which was ultimately following the orders of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte and, therefore, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, approved by resolution of the General Assembly of 14 December 1973 (Spanish Official Journal (BOE) of 7 February 1986) applies to the case. On the date of the attack on Orlando Letelier, as recognised in the judgment itself, he enjoyed such status. On the date of the abduction, torture and murder of Carmelo Soria Espinoza, at the hands of agents of the Chilean State on 14 July 1976, he was an international functionary of the United Nations, appointed by the Secretary General and therefore enjoyed all the privileges and immunities conferred by the Convention signed by the CEPAL (Economic Commission for Latin America) and the Chilean Government on 29 October 1974. He was also protected by the provisions of the United Nations Charter and the United Nations Convention on prerogatives and immunities and, very specifically, by the first-mentioned Convention. All these aspects are proven in proceedings. The following appear in the records of the investigation carried out by the Chilean Supreme Court which was set aside due to the application of the Amnesty Decree of 1978: 1.- The Statute of CEPAL (UN) Article VII of which provides for the immunity in Chile of its functionaries. 2.- Certification by the United Nations that Carmelo Soria was an international functionary at the time of his death; 351 3.- Certification by the United Nations that the vehicle in which Carmelo Soria was abducted was owned by him and bore a UN registration plate. 4.- Communiqué of the Chilean Ministry for Foreign Affairs dated 30 April 1992 recognising Carmelo Soria's status as a UN functionary on the date of his death. The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons provides as follows: Art. 1. - b) An internationally protected person shall mean any representative, functionary or official of a State, or any functionary, official or other agent of an Intergovernmental Organisation, who at the time and in the place in which the offence is committed against him ... is entitled, in accordance with international law to special protection against any attack on his person, freedom or dignity, as well as the members of his family who form part of his household. b) Article 2.1 includes the offences which must be considered as such for the purposes of the application of the Convention, when performed intentionally: "a) The commission of murder, abduction or any other attack on the physical integrity or freedom of an internationally protected person" “c) Article 3 provides that "Each State shall adopt all measures necessary to establish their jurisdiction over the offences referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 2 in the following cases: a) Where the offence was committed in the territory of that State or on board a vessel or aircraft registered in that State. 3. This Convention shall not exclude any criminal jurisdiction exercised in accordance with national legislation", c) Article 7 provides "The signatory State in whose territory the alleged offender is present, if it fails to extradite him, shall submit the matter, without any exception or unjustified delay, to its competent authorities for criminal prosecution, in accordance with the procedure provided under the legislation of that State"; d) Finally, Article 8.4 provides "For the purposes of extradition between signatory States, the offences shall be deemed to have been committed not only in the place where they occurred but also in the territory of the States obliged to establish their jurisdiction in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 3". This means that in the light of the impossibility of pursuing the prosecution against Augusto Pinochet "as the alleged offender" for the acts committed in Chile, due to the 352 application of the Self-amnesty Law, despite the fact that there are sufficient and indeed extensive evidence to establish a prima facie case that he committed and participated in the aforementioned crimes (Art. 1.2 of the Convention), he must be tried either in the country where he is at present or in Spain, which demands his extradition for these acts as constituting crimes of genocide, terrorism and torture. Therefore, from this perspective under no circumstances can the extradition be denied without incurring the obligation to try him in England or before the Courts of Justice in Chile after the adoption of the relevant legal measures including the appropriate constitutional amendment. Otherwise there would simply be a concealment of the very situation of impunity and immunity which Mr. Pinochet Ugarte enjoys in Chile and which the House of Lords, within whose jurisdiction he is present, has rejected at the request of the Spanish Courts (see section 22(2) (d) of the English Extradition Act, 1989 which adopts this approach). TEN: In accordance with the provisions of Article 384 of the current Criminal Procedure Law and despite not having the testimony of the accused Mr. Pinochet Ugarte, which has been sought by letters rogatory, there is sufficient rational indicia of criminal responsibility against him and, therefore, it is necessary to order that he be indicted so that he may be informed of the specific acts of which he is accused and for which he will be tried in due course. Therefore, having addressed the legal concepts, in accordance with the arguments contained in the foregoing reasoning, one should mention, if only briefly, the alleged participation of the accused Mr. Pinochet Ugarte and, secondly, provide a list, which is not claimed to be exhaustive, since the investigation is still in progress, of the indicia of criminal conduct which have been considered to date and on which this order is based. The indicia obtained are of two classes, --it is necessary to emphasise the difficulty involved in obtaining information and proof due to the lack of co-operation on the part of the Chilean authorities, which has only been offset by the efforts of the victims and international bodies as well as other countries which have responded to requests for judicial assistance, --direct, in other words, those which show a specific albeit presumed relationship between the act described and the legal consequence of same and the participation in that act of the person or persons who are mentioned in the description of the facts; and indirect, in other words, indicia which without specifically referring to the situation to which they apply, reaffirm or support other direct indicia or strengthen the description of events or render it coherent, or explain why the events occurred in a certain sequence rather than in a different sequence, or, in short, help one to understand a specific situation by endowing it with a logical meaning, allowing one to avoid absurd interpretations and focus on the reality of the act commited, taking into account personal circumstances and the circumstances of time and place existing. 353 ELEVEN: As regards the subjective elements of the aforementioned crimes, genocide, terrorism and torture-, it seems clear that they are clearly intentional unlawful acts which respectively entail the following: a) direct deceit to destroy the human group in its various manifestations b) the intention to attack constitutional stability, public order or the International Community by means constituting a crime against humanity, and c) in this same context to degrade the person as a member of the human race and the International Community by attacking such valuable rights as life, physical integrity or freedom. Finally, the subjective element means that the conduct, although affecting each of the subjects individually, forms part of an overall plan devised in advance to achieve the objectives proposed, a) the partial disappearance of the national group through the selective elimination of persons belonging to the national group itself for ideological, (political), ethnic and religious reasons, intensifying the repression in the latter cases, and in all cases imposing forced removal, exile, massive expulsions from jobs, or sexual aggression and multiple forms of abuse; b) the development of a criminal terrorist effort, organised and co-ordinated within and outside the country (Condor Plan), for the elimination of political opponents or of persons who, according to the persons in charge, potentially pose a risk; and c) the performance of systematic torture in all cases. In the proceedings there are indicia of an agreement between the military personnel in charge, headed by Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, to bring the Chilean Constitutional system to an end and assassinate the President elected in accordance with the Constitution and commence a whole system of selective but massive repression as described and for this purpose they provided all the institutions and subordinate persons within the hierarchy with all the means which were not formally legal as well as the illegal means necessary and the impunity required -there is no exercise of "ius puniendi" by the State, its institutions not only inciting but also co-ordinating the campaign of terror- to undertake the task entrusted. Thus, a system of summary executions without trial was established, with mass burials in unidentified places, Clandestine Detention Centres which operated as concentration camps, a "scientific" system of torture was designed, and organisations like the DINA and the CNI were established to carry out paramilitary activity; in order to carry out such action within and outside the country, a system of international terrorist co-ordination was designed to obtain support and assistance from other countries or other terrorist organisations in order to eliminate or unlawfully hand over prisoners who were subsequently executed (Condor Plan). 354 At the head of this organisational chart of terror was allegedly Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, who although not participating in the material execution of the acts did conceive the plan and finance it with public funds from the State itself, whose power he usurped and exercised together with other high-ranking officers of the Governing Junta from 11 September 1973 onwards. The alleged participation of Augusto Pinochet as instigator in the prior action giving rise to the criminal acts (illegal arrests, murders, disappearances, torture) is clear; a) is direct and authority is exercised over certain persons. As Head of the Governing Junta and President of the Republic he had the power to bring the situation to an end immediately, but instead he incited and encouraged it by giving the relevant orders to his subordinates, sometimes even directly exercising absolute control over the execution of an act from the position of sole Head of the DINA; b) is for the purpose of the commission of certain offences such as those listed to which should be added the misappropriation of public resources by using public funds for illegal or criminal purposes, or offences against property arising from the violent seizure of the property of the victims; c) against clearly defined persons who comprise those listed in this order and all those who have not been identified but who have a real identity and importance and who were victims of the criminal action described; d) is also effective and is the cause of the perpetrator decision to commit the act, who receives the order from the higher-ranking military officers, the latter in turn receiving orders from the members of the Governing Junta; e) is open, clear and undisguised as shown by the course of events and the absence of criminal sanctions or even the slightest administrative sanctions; f) is intentional, since one cannot seriously say there was ignorance, error or negligence, but rather awareness and the will to directly execute acts, and g) is followed by the execution of the crime agreed, an aspect which at this stage does not need to be stated more explicitly. Augusto Pinochet, in his role as Director of the criminal plan provisionally established, as already mentioned, performed a series of necessary, irreplaceable and essential acts, without which there would have been no commission, persistence in, and continuance of, the criminal conduct, which was carried out in accordance with the previously agreed plan under which each of the participants played their respective roles which they had assumed and in which they could hardly be replaced according to "the theory of scarce resources". In fact, the members of the Governing Junta, the highranking officers involved, in particular, those of the Intelligence Services or those who fulfilled orders of their immediate superiors, can hardly escape being considered coperpetrators. However, undoubtedly this description cannot be avoided in the case of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte (Articles 27 and 28 of the Penal Code). TWELVE: The list of indicia which have been mainly taken into account in drawing up this order is as follows: 355 1.- Copy of the notice issued by Augusto Pinochet's Delegate, Manuel Contreras Sepulveda in October 1975 calling the meeting in Santiago, Chile of the Heads of the Condor Plan (Volume I, p. 68 to 73). 2.- Testimony of Ernesto Sabato in Investigation 19/98 in relation to 119 Chileans whose documentation appeared in Argentina (Volume 42). 3.- Document of CODEPU-DIT-T of Santiago, Chile published in January 1994, pages 101 to 104, of the book La Gran Mentira. El Caso de la lista de las 119. Aproximación a la guerra psicológica de la Dictadura chilena 1973-1990. ("The Big Lie. The case of the list of 119. A consideration of the psychological war during the Chilean Dictatorship 1973-1990") (Volume 1). 4.- Report on the classification of victims of human rights and OF POLITICAL VIOLENCE. 5.- Report of the National Commission on TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION, attached as an appendix to the presenting Procurator's document duly legalised on 29 October 1998, although it was already on record in the proceedings. 6.- Rogatory Commission and documentation sent by the Italian authorities in relation to the conduct of the DINA, the fact that it was under the direct control of Augusto Pinochet, and the involvement of the latter, Manuel Contreras and others in attacks on Letelier, Mrs. Moffit, Leighton and his wife, Carlos Altamirano, Carlos Prats and other actions abroad, including judgments against Manuel Contreras and others for the attempted murder of Leighton and his wife (Appendix to Italian Rogatory Commission), received on 16 October 1998, pending translation. 7.- Documentation received from the American judicial authorities in compliance with various Rogatory Commissions which refer to the murder of Orlando Letelier and Mrs. Moffit. It contains documentation concerning the attack on General Prats in Buenos Aires, the involvement of Mr. Townley, Manuel Contreras and other senior members of the DINA, and of Augusto Pinochet himself, due to the testimony of Contreras himself and Mr. Barcela, in the various acts which are mentioned and included within the catalogue of actions carried out abroad by the DINA, a body which was directly under the control of Pinochet Ugarte (Appendixes 10, 11 and 12 and Rogatory Commissions Townley 1, 2 and 3). There is extensive documentation forming the Commission which is pending translation (Volume 31, document of 27 July 1998). 8.- Testimony of Luz Arce Sandoval which provides, as well as personal testimony implicating the senior members of the DINA and Augusto Pinochet himself, documentation (diagrams) of the structures of the DINA and CNI, the military headquarters, operating groups through which it operated and detention and torture 356 centres (Volume I, Italian Rogatory Commission, testimony in the Fifth Central Magistrates' Court, in Investigation 19/97 Volume 24 and 25). 9.- Testimony of Manuel Contreras, Special Delegate of Pinochet Ugarte and Director of the DINA, in which he openly stated that he always acted strictly in accordance with Pinochet's orders in all respects and accounted precisely for all his actions to him (Volume 4). 10.- Judgment of the Chilean Supreme Court against Manuel Contreras and the latter's appeal (Volume 4, p. 789- and Volume 21). 11.- Testimony of Ernest Lawrence Barcella in these proceedings on 10 July 1997 and the documents attached (Volume I and 14) relating to the involvement of Pinochet and the DINA. 12.- Testimony of Bishop Helmut Erich Walter Frenz in these proceedings on 9 February 1998 regarding the involvement of Augusto Pinochet in the events and specifically in the case of the Spanish priest A. Llidó, and the persecution of other persons and organisations, such as for example "Christians for Socialism" and the torture of detainees (Volumes 21 and 33). 13.- Statements of the President of the Chilean Episcopal Conference Fernando Ariztia in which he confirmed before the Chilean Lower House of Parliament the testimony of Bishop Helmut Erich Walter Frenz that Augusto Pinochet was aware of the detention and torture by the DINA of the Spanish priest Antonio Llidó (Volume 33). 14.- The statement, in the same sense, of Juan Enrique Salias Cortes on 5 March 1998 in the Spanish Consulate in Mexico (Volume 33). 15.- Testimony of Gladys del Carmen Marin Milie in this Court on 8 May 1998 in relation to the Condor Operation, the involvement of Augusto Pinochet and Manuel Contreras among others, and the persecution of victims on grounds of ideology by the aforementioned persons and the DINA as well as the Condor Plan (Volume 33). 16.- Statement of Hernan Eugenio Schwember Fern ndez on 16 July 1998 concerning the "Colombo Operation" or "the Case of the 119" and the actions of the DINA, the torturing of Father Llidó and others, and the Detention Centres (Volume 33). 17.Document of the Chilean Medical College concerning detentions, disappearances and torture of its members (Volume 33). 357 18.- Documents of "Porto Alegre Movement for Justice and Human Rights" and of the Latin American Association for Human Rights (Volume 36 and 42). 19.- a) Statement of Miguel Jord on 22 September 1998 regarding the detention, torture and murder of the Spanish priest Juan Albina (Volume 33). b) The resolution of the Commission for Human Rights of the Organisation of American States (OEA) in the case of Juan Alcina, Juan Meneses, Ricardo Lagos and Pedro Vergara. Report no. 34/96 notified on 20 March 1997, which concludes as follows: "1.- The Amnesty Decree-Law is incompatible with the provisions of the American Convention on Human Rights ratified by Chile on 21 August 1990. 2.- The judicial decisions definitively dismissing the criminal proceedings in relation to Ricardo Lagos, Salinas, Juan Aniceto Meneses Reyes, Pedro Vergara Inostroza and Juan Alsina Hurtos not only worsen the situation of impunity but also violate the right to justice to which the relatives of the victims are entitled..." It also reproaches the Chilean Government for failing to adopt the necessary legislative measures "to give effect to the right of the aforementioned persons to obtain justice" (Volume 31). 20.- Report of the Economic and Social Council of 8 October 1976 (Pages 1104 to 1215) in which it states how the DINA: undertook the function of applying selective repression, using exclusively methods of torture to obtain information and physical annihilation as a means of eliminating embarrassing witnesses. Each member of the DINA, apart from applying the torture methods which he obviously knew thanks to the special training given, uses his own impulses or "imagination" in relation to torture.....". The members of the DINA were active members of the various bodies of the Armed Forces but there were also civilians. The actions of the DINA were secret. "This allowed it to resort to non-judicial interrogations based on coercion and to commit all kinds of abuses, such as looting the homes of their victims, extortion and other similar acts". 21.- Report of the ad hoc Working Group established under Resolution 8 (XXXI) of the Commission for Human Rights to investigate the current situation of Human Rights in Chile (page 1216-1257). 22.- Statement of Isabel Marguerite Marie Ropert Fern ndez (Volume 36) in relation to the disappearance of Ropert Fern ndez. 23.- Statement of Jean Ives Claudet (Volume 36). 358 24.- Statement of Dora Gladys Carreño Araya on 25 October 1998 and 11 November 1998 (Volume 34 and 36) containing information concerning the detention by the DINA of her sister Cristina Magdalena Carreño Araya. 25.- Decree-Law number 527 of the Chilean Governing Junta of 26 June 1974: Article 14 provides: "Only the President of the Governing Junta is empowered to detain persons in places other than prisons or other places which are used for the detention or imprisonment of ordinary criminals". In other words, among others the persons interned in the DINA and CNI centres without a judicial warrant (pages 5067-5612) and the cases of Michelle Peña (page 3144) and (volume 36). 26.- Copy of Decree-Law number 806 of 1974 of 17 December 1974, Article 2 which amends Article 7 of the aforementioned Decree-Law 527 (Volume 36). 27.- Copy of the FAX of the EFE Agency from Bonn dated 21 August 1987 regarding the statements made to German Television by Ingrid Olderock Bernhard, exagent of the DINA and CNI, according to whom Augusto Pinochet Ugarte ordered the murder of General Prats and his wife on 30 September 1974 (Volume 36). 28.- SORIA CASE (Volumes 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30) 1.- Certificate of the Assistant Secretary of CEPAL (UN) of 22 October showing that the vehicle driven by Mr. Soria had a UN registration plate when he was kidnapped. 2.- Memorandum of the Chilean Ministry for Foreign Affairs showing that the Chilean Government was aware of Carmelo Soria's status as an international functionary since 21 June 1973, and, therefore, that he was a protected person. 3.- Report of the UN Economic and Social Council of 7 January 1997 (E/CN. 4/1997/25) showing that the UN considers the case of the detention and death of the UN functionary Carmelo Soria to be pending. 4.- Legalised copy of the record of the investigation conducted by the Chilean Supreme Court into the murder of Carmelo Soria, which was dismissed due to the application of the Self-amnesty Decree of 1978 (Volumes 22 to 30). It also shows that those who abducted, tortured and killed the Spanish UN functionary Carmelo Soria were members of the so-called MULCHEN Brigade of the DINA, who were fulfilling the orders of their superiors and, in short, those of Augusto Pinochet. 5.- Statement of Laura González Vera Marchant, Carmelo Soria s widow on 14 April 1997 (Volume 12). 6.- The rest of the proceedings (Volume 22 to 30). 359 29.- Various testimonies concerning the detention and torture of Rosa Elvira Lizama Leiva, Lelin Matilde Pérez Valdés, Irma del Carmen Parada Gonz lez and several others (Volume 36-fact sixteen). 30.-Testimony of Matilde Artes Company on 5 October 1996 in this Court together with the accompanying documentation relating to the participation of the Argentinian Military Juntas and the role of the Automotores Orletti Detention Centre in the Condor Plan (Volume 2). 31.- Likewise the testimonies of other persons detained in Automotores Orletti (page 571 to 624) -Alicia Cadenas, Cecilia Irene Gayoso, María del Carmen Martínez, Ana María Salva, Maria Mónica Solirio, Ariel Rogelio, Gastón Zina, Joséé Luis Bertazzo, Sara Méndez, Beatriz Victoria Barboza.-. 32.- Documentation of the Commission of Investigation concerning the situation of missing persons and the reasons for same of the Lower House of the Uruguayan Eastern Republic. Statement of Estanislao Vaelle, Andrés Francisco Valdez and Directive of the Commandant General of the Army number 404/75 (adopted against Uruguayan subversion) (page 625 to 695, Volume 3). 33.- The text Más Allá de las Fronteras ("Beyond Frontiers"), a study of the persons executed or missing outside Chile (1973-1990) of the Committee for the Defence of the Rights of the People (CODEPU) and its team for the denunciation, investigation, and treatment of the tortured and their family family group (DIT-T) (Volume 9), one of the authors of which is María Paz Rojas Baeza. (Volume 14, indicium 59). 34.- Opinion of the Special Commission for the Investigation of the disappearance of Spaniards in American countries (Volume 10). 35.- Dossier on the disappearance of Father Llidó in Chile (Volume 10). 36.- Statement of Mónica Hermosilla Jordens concerning the torture and rape she suffered in Villa Grimaldi at the hands of the DINA (Volume 11). 37.- Statement of Vicente Laureano Barzana Yutronic, made in the Spanish Consulate in Chile on 20 August 1996, concerning his own detention and the system of torture used by the Carabineros and the disappearance and torture of various persons such as Ruben Cabeza Pases, Mayor of Quillota, Pablo Gac (Volumes 11 and 12). 38.- Extension of the statement of Mr. Barzana Yutronic in which he implicates senior members of the DINA in various acts and in the Soria case (Volume 11). 360 39.- Rules governing the DINA and CNI according to Decree-Law 521 of 1974 and Decree-Law 1878 of 1977 8 (Volumes 11 and 25) which should be read in conjunction with Contreras' testimony in relation to how it really operated. 40.- Appearance of Benedicto Omar Salinas Jiménez in relation to the execution of his wife Margarita Eliana Martín Martínez, his son Hern n Salinas and his sister-in-law María Paz Martín Martínez on 30 June 1986; and the detention of his brother and himself in September from 1973-74 at the hands of the Carabineros (Volume 11). 41.- Sworn testimony of Alfredo Carlos Walter Mingram, relating to his detention and the torture and abuse he suffered (Volume 11). 42.- Statement by Juan Humberto Campos Cifuentes on the arrest and disappearance in 1981 of his brother José Alejandro Campos Cifuentes (Volume 11). 43.- Written statement of Manuel José Salinas Letelier concerning his own case and many others (Volume 11). 44.- Statement of Herminia Antequera Latrille concerning the detention and disappearance of her two sons Jorge Elías and Juan Carlos Andronicos Cartagena. 45.- Testimony of Marta Caballero Santa Cruz concerning her detention and the torture she suffered as well as that inflicted on Father Antonio Llidó. 46.- Testimony of Viola Graciela Muñoz Silva concerning her own detention on 11 September 1973 and the torture to which she was subjected (Volume 11). 47.Copy of the notary's record, made at the request of Oscar Iv n Soto Guzmán, President Allende's personal doctor, concerning his detention and the detention of the other officials and personnel of the Palacio de la Moneda (Volume 11). His own statement on 16 April 1997 (Volume 12). 48.- Appearance and documents contributed by Josefa Martínez Ruiz in relation to the identification, detention and disappearance of her daughter, María Isabel Gutierrez Martínez on 24 January 1975, at the hands of a DINA agent (Volume 12). 49.- Statement made in the presence of a Notary by Carlos Ruiz Aranzaes concerning his own detention and the detention of Sonia Bustos Reyes, Teobaldo Tello and Francisco Eduardo Aedo Carrasco and documentation relating to the latter (Volume 12). 50.Documentation of the Archbishopric of Santiago, FOUNDATION, DOCUMENTATION AND ARCHIVES of the Vicaría de la Solidaridad concerning 361 Sergio Alfonso Reyes Navarrete and the 119 Chileans in the Colombo Operation; persons responsible for the DINA (Volume 12). 51.- Attested copy of the statement made by Michael Vernon Townley, DINA agent, to the Italian prosecutor Salvi (Volume 12 together with Appendixes of the Italian Rogatory Commission). 52.- Declassified copy of the telegram which on 25 September 1976 was sent by the FBI representative at the US Embassy in Argentina to the Director of the FBI in Washington informing him of the Condor Operation of which "Chile is the centre" (Volume 12). 53.- Declassified copy of the internal memorandum dated 9 December 1981 of the FBI in Washington DC concerning the use of SARIN lethal gas in international terrorist operations by Chilean State agents during the dictatorship (Volume 12). 54.- Testimony of Pedro Enrique Abarca Castro (Volume 14) concerning his detention and the systematic violation of his rights and torture. 55.- Description of similar experiences by Hugo César Zúñiga Acuña (Volume 14). 56.- Documentation concerning the attack on Letelier, statement by Armando Fernández Larios of 4 February 1987 in which he admits having lied at the trial in order to conceal the truth of what happened to Mr. Letelier and Ms. Ronni Moffit (Volume 14). 57.- Statement of Marco Roberto Roitman Rosenmann, a Spanish citizen, on 7 May 1997 in these proceedings in which he described the detention, torture and mistreatment in the National Stadium (Volume 14). 58.- Statement of María Adela Maluenda Campos on 14 July 1997 in these proceedings, as President of the Chilean Lower House of Parliament and of the Human Rights Commission of said House, concerning the collection of funds by Pinochet abroad, actions of the DINA, the DICOMAR, and declarations of the Minister for Defence General Hern n Brady that he had fulfilled orders of the Head of State, i.e. Augusto Pinochet. She also describes the detention of her son on 29 March 1985 together with Manuel Guerrero and his murder by beheading at the hands of the Militarised Police, without any measure being taken by any person in authority to prevent it, least of all Augusto Pinochet (Volume 14). 59.- Statement by María Paz Rojas Baeza on 14 July 1997 concerning systems of torture, sequela, DINA centres, detainees-missing persons and persons in charge (Volume 14 read together with indicium number 32). 362 60.- Testimony of Isabel Martínez Sánchez, detained on 29 March 1984 concerning her own experience and that of other detainees such as Pedro Abarca, Victor Hugo Yañez, Angélica Abarca and Marta Pilar Martínez S nchez (Volume 14). 61.- Statement of María Isabel Allende Bussi on 19 September 1997 concerning the events which preceded and occurred on 11 September 1973, the death of her father, President Allende, and Pinochet's responsibility (Volume 15). 62.- Statement of Julio Laks Feller in this Court on 26 November 1998 concerning torture, degrading treatment of persons, a pre-organised system, management of same. 63.- Statement of Roberto Garreton Merino in these proceedings on 22 September 1997. He was Ambassador to the Human Rights International Organisations from 1990-1994 under President Patricio Aylwin. He was a lawyer for the Vicaría de la Solidaridad. In particular, he describes the intentional nature of Pinochet's conduct in carrying out the repression. 64.- Statement of Carmen Gloria Quintana Arancibia of 23 September 1997 concerning her experience on 2 July 1986 and that of Rodrigo Rojas de Negri, who were set on fire by the military, the former managing to survive but not the latter. The CNI retaliated against her and her lawyers (Volume 15). 65.- Resolution number 010/88 of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights concerning the subject-matter of the previous point, case 9758 of 12 September 1988 which declared that the Chilean Government, whose President was Augusto Pinochet, violated the right to life of Rodrigo Rojas de Negri and the right to personal integrity of Carmen Gloria Quintana (Volume 15) (see also Volume 20, Appendix 9). 66.- Statement of Sola Angela Sierra Henriquez on 23 September 1997 (Volume 15) concerning the number of missing persons and other circumstances of which she is aware as President of the Association of Relatives of Chilean Detainees and Missing Persons; the responsibility of the DINA; the case of Marta Ugarte Rom n hurled from a helicopter; detainees who were dynamited; torture centres and the Condor Operation; involvement of Augusto Pinochet and others (Volume 15). 67.- Documentation concerning detainees and missing persons submitted to the heads ofthe Governing Junta (Volume 15). 68.- Documentation concerning the case of Father Michael Woodward Iriberry (Volume 15). 363 69.- Documentation prepared by the European Parliament concerning the facts investigated and the resolutions of that Institution (Volume 19). 70.- Statement of Gladys Nélida Díaz Armijo on 21 October 1997 in these proceedings as Director of the School of Journalism at the University of Arsis; it concerns her own detention, torture, detention centres, persons who she met, Michelle Peña, a Spaniard; Carolina Wiff, a Chilean; DINA aggressors; the Condor Plan (Volume 19). 71.- Documentation concerning the case of Luci ni Videla Montoya (Volume 19). 72.- Documentation concerning the abduction, torture, infliction of injuries on, and the disappearance of various persons: Santiago E. Araya Cabrera, Armando Portilla Portilla, Waldo Ulises Pizarro Molina, Reinalda del C. Pereira Plaza, Lincayan Yalu Barrios Cataldo, Luis Segundo Lazo Santander, Juan Fernando Ortiz Letelier, Horacio Cepeda Marin Karic, Leandro Tucapel Cruz Díaz, Edras de las Mercedes Pinto Arroyo (Volume 19). 73.- Statement of Pedro Hugo Arellano Carvajal on 3 November 1997 concerning his own detention and the torture he suffered and that of other detainees such as Pedro Arancibia (Volume 20). 74.- Statement of José Marcelino Gonz lez Malón concerning his detention on 29 October 1976, torture, detention centres and the actions of the DINA (Volume 20). 75.- Statement of Berta Inés Ugarte Rom n on 5 November 1997 concerning the detention, torture and murder of her sister Marta Lidia Ugarte Rom n (Volume 20). 76.- Statement of Berta Ester Manríquez Murna on 5 November 1997 concerning the detention of Farut Aguar Pérez on 8 October 1973 and the torture to which he was subjected and his death by shooting at the hands of State officers (Volume 20). 77.- Statement of Fabiola Alicia Letelier del Solar on 4 December 1997 concerning the murder of her brother and the direct involvement in same of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, and on his orders, Manuel Contreras and other DINA agents; payment of sums for DINA operations abroad (Volume 20). 78.- Sworn statement before the Judge on 8 October 1991 of Brigadier General and Commander-in-chief of the Antofagasta Area, Hugo Joaquín Lagos Osorio concerning the involvement of General Arellano and Augusto Pinochet in the acts committed in the so-called "Caravan of Death" (Volume 21). 364 79.- Statement, ratified by the previous one, of the same General on 3 July 1986 in the First Criminal Court of Antofagasta (Volume 21). 80.- Sworn statement of Army Colonel Eugenio Rivera Desgroux, Commandant of the Calama Regiment which confirms the same matters as the previous two points in relation to the involvement of General Arellano as the perpetrator of the murders in compliance with the orders of Augusto Pinochet (Volume 21). 81.- Communication addressed to the President of the Court of Appeal of Santiago on 18 March 1975 signed by the Director of the DINA, Manuel Contreras Sepúlveda in which he literally states "that (he) strictly complies with the orders of the President of the Republic", i.e. Augusto Pinochet (Volume 21). 82.- Confidential communication number 14-F-263 of the Minister of the Interior General Raul Benavides Escobar dated 9 July 1975 to the President of the Court of Appeal of Santiago in which he informs him that the "Cuatro Alamos" (torture) centre is under the authority of the President of the Republic, i.e. Augusto Pinochet (Volume 21). 83.- Communication between the same sender and addressee dated 18 July 1975 concerning the Spanish citizen Michelle Peña Herreros (Volume 21). 84.- Communication of the Director of the CNI refusing information to the Courts by order of the Minister of the Interior (Volume 21). 85.- Communiqué of the UN Committee against Torture concerning Spain's competence (Volume 21). 86.- Statement of Juan Gasparini of 17 November 1997 in which he provides extensive information concerning the facts under investigation (Volume 21). 87.- Statement of Chilean Air Force General Sergio Poblete Garcés dated 27 January 1998. The testimony relates to his detention, torture, circumstances surrounding the coup d'état, direct involvement of Augusto Pinochet, involvement of other high-ranking officers (Volume 21). 88.- Statement of Reinaldo Antonio Erick Zott Chuecas on 4 March 1998 concerning his detention, torture, the involvement of Augusto Pinochet and the operation of the DINA (Volume 22). 89.- Statement of Luis Enrique Peebles Skarnic on 4 March 1998 describing his detention, torture, involvement of Colonel Espinosa of the DINA (Volume 22). 365 90.- A revised and updated copy of the report on the issue of the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide prepared by Mr. B. Whitaker. UN Social and Economic Council (Volume 32). This document has among others been taken into consideration in preparing the legal arguments for this order. 91.- Documentation relating to the detention and disappearance of Alexis Vladimir Jaccard Siegler in Argentina in 1977 (Volume 34). 92.- Statement of Alberto Pedro Pedroncini on 28 October 1998 in relation to the Condor Plan; documentation is attached in relation to the activity of said Plan; reference to the unitary action of the Argentinian army; information concerning the Automotores Orletti Detention Centre and the participation of the DINA (Volume 34). 93.- Statement of Sergio Carlos Requena Rueda on 28 October 1998 in which he provides information concerning his detention and that of other detainees such as Santiago Ferrues López, José Ramón Ascencio Subiobre, Alejandro Avalos Davison and Jorge Fuentes Alarcón, and information concerning detention and torture centres (Volume 34). 94.- List of Chilean and non-Chilean missing persons submitted by the Association of Relatives of Detainees-Missing Persons (AFDD) dated August 1996 (Volume 35). 95.- Documentation relating to the detention and disappearance of Doctor Carlos Enrique Lorca Tobar on 25 June 1975 (Volume 35). 96.- Documentation relating to the detention of Gonzalo Marcial Toro Garland on 4 April 1974 in Santiago, Chile (Volume 35). 97.- Statement of Julio Manuel Lacks Feller of 26 November 1998 (Volume 37). 98.- Statement of Martín Ernesto Sivak of 26 November 1998 (Volume 37) concerning the Condor Operation, references to Bolivia and Chile in relation to Bolivian and Chilean victims. 99.- Statement of José Luis Saenz Bernal on 26 November 1998 in relation to the detention-disappearance of his brother Reynaldo L zaro Saenz Bernal, a Bolivian national, in the Condor Operation (Volume 37). 100.- Statement of Loyola Guzm n of 26 November 1998 concerning the Condor Operation and Bolivia (Volume 37). 366 101.- Statement made before a notary on 10 November 1998 by Jorge Horacio Uriarte concerning his own detention, torture, interrogation and deaths of other detainees, among them two Bolivians (Volume 39). 102.- Document of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro concerning Brazilian missing persons in Chile (Volume 39). 103.- Documentation concerning the attack on General Prats and his wife in Buenos Aires on 30 September 1974, consisting of the order for the imprisonment of Enrique Lautaro Arancibia Clarel issued in proceedings 1407/93; documentation concerning the information demanded in relation to Augusto Pinochet (Volume 39). 104.- Chilean legal texts showing the unlawfulness of each and all of the acts herein described (Volume 39). 105.- Statement of Martín Almada, a Paraguayan national, on 3 December 1998 concerning his own detention and the so-called "Terror Files" in which he mentions the Condor Operation (Volume 40), as well as the documentation relating to them (Volume 41). 106.- Copy of the Report of Amnesty International on CHILE "Dureza Extrema: Las penalidades de los indígenas mapuches durante los años de gobierno militar": ("Extreme Severity: The suffering of the Mapuche natives during the years of the military government"). July 1992 (Volume 42). 107.- Copy of the letter sent by SIMON WIESENTHAL CENTER dated 23 November 1997 which mentions the violation of human rights of political opponents amongst whom are included numerous Jews (Volume 42). THIRTEEN.- Since in the light of the indicia and reasoning set forth, the acts and alleged crimes described are attributable to AUGUSTO PINOCHET UGARTE, he must be indicted in accordance with Article 384 of the Criminal Procedure Law. Furthermore, having regard to the fact that extradition proceedings against him are currently pending, it is necessary to maintain the defendant in provisional custody given the risk that he might evade justice; this is a definite risk in the light of the declarations formally made by representatives of the Chilean Government --Minister for Foreign Affairs-- in our own country. Therefore, the measure becomes necessary under Articles 503, 504 and 539 of the Criminal Procedure Law without prejudice to what may be appropriate once he has been made available to the Spanish Courts and has complied with the requirement to appear before the Court imposed by Article 504 bis 2 of the Criminal Procedure Law. 367 FOURTEEN:- In accordance with the provisions of Article 589 et seq. of the Criminal Procedure Law, any civil liability which may ultimately be established must be secured, but this can only be done when such liability is duly quantified. At present it is sufficient to issue a provisional declaration of such liability and ratify the attachment of the defendant's property and accounts imposed by the order of 19 October 1998. Whereas having regard to the aforementioned articles and any other relevant articles of general application I ORDER 1. THE INDICTMENT OF AUGUSTO PINOCHET UGARTE for the acts and alleged crimes established in this order, who will hereinafter be notified as a party to the proceedings once he is made available to this Court. 2. Notify him of the writ and take his declaration. 3. The ratification of the unconditional, provisional detention of the defendant in custody and the International Warrant of Arrest based on the facts contained in this order. 4. A provisional declaration, without prejudice to any declaration ultimately made, of the defendant's civil liability, and ratification of the attachment ordered on 19 October 1998. 5. That a certificate of the defendant's convictions and of any summons issued and charges pending against him be furnished (hoja histórico-penal) 6. That an attested copy of this order be sent to the English Judicial Authorities through diplomatic channels, without prejudice to the right to send said order by fax, when translated. Notify this order to the Public Prosecutor's Office and all other parties in the proceedings. The Hon. Mr. Baltasar Garzón Real, Judge of the Fifth Central Magistrates' Court of the National Court sitting in Madrid, so resolves, orders and signs. I certify. E/. EXECUTION.- What has been decided is hereupon fulfilled. I certify. 368
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