Reseller Depth App User Guide

User Guide
Reseller Intelligence – Depth App
IMSmart is the latest business intelligence (BI) offering from Ingram Micro. Compiling your
relevant, up-to-date business data from nine different sources, this application will deliver
your transactional and customer data analytics instantly to your mobile device. Thanks to
IMSmart’s crisp presentation and intuitive interface, it has never been easier to get exactly
what you want out of your data, when you want it, empowering your decisions and
providing improved insight into your business.
Using IMSmart you’ll be able to:
Target product, customer, or sales performance
Create targeted marketing campaigns
Measure ROI and assess campaign success
Incorporate new ROI data into your next targeted campaign
Reseller Depth
This dashboard is designed to give you an in-depth look at your current customers. It
allows you to drill down to info on specific reseller groups by product cluster, industry,
size, business unit, sales group, and location, and from there filter the results by a host of
metrics including price sensitivity, sales touch, credit utilization, and many more.
The info displayed includes sales averages such as quote size and winrate, marketing
metrics such as events attended and click rate, and an array of other types of data. Also
featured are visualizations of KPIs such as COGS by state and business unit, as well as the
ability to view a scorecard of key metrics for a particular reseller.
With this app you will be able to:
Profile your existing reseller base.
Identify customer purchasing patterns.
Uncover missed opportunities.
Discover cross-sell and white space opportunities.
Map out reseller verticals.
See what value-added services they purchase from Ingram Micro
How to Use:
The Reseller Depth dashboard allows you to look at three different groups of resellers:
Growth: These targets are identified as having the highest growth potential. Resellers
meeting the following criteria are classified as growth targets:
Active reseller or new reseller AND
BTA amount ranked in the top 10% among all resellers
At-Risk: These targets are identified as having the highest attrition risk. Resellers meeting
the following criteria are classified as at-risk targets:
Active reseller AND
Revenue declined more than 10% OR Recency Score =1, AND
Revenue declined amount ranked in top 10% among all resellers
Loyal: These targets are identified as having taken on the lion’s-share of Ingram’s revenue,
who we cannot afford to lose. Resellers meeting the following criteria will be classified as
loyal targets:
 New or active reseller AND
 IM relation score = 90 AND
 wallet size ranked in top 30% of all resellers
After selecting one of the reseller groups, the dashboard will open revealing a plethora of
various selectors and filters. If at any point you wish to change which group of resellers you
are viewing, simply click the appropriate icon on the bottom right of the dashboard.
On the left side of the screen are the selectors for drilling down to the specific group of
resellers you are interested in. Simply check the boxes next to the attribute you want to
include in your search, and un-check those you wish to exclude. There are six different
ways to customize your results:
1. Product Cluster - allows you to
select based on the type of
products a reseller carries.
2. Primary EU Vertical - allows
you to select based on the
vertical market of the end users
that the reseller serves
3. Primary EU Seat Size - allows
you to select based on the
number of end users the reseller
4. Sales Business Units - allows
you to select based on the
specific BU the reseller is tied to
5. Sales Group – allows you to
select based on the sales group
the reseller belongs to
6. Reseller State – allows you to
select based on the state the
reseller is located
On the top of the screen are the various drop down filters for refining your results. Simply
click on the arrow under each metric to select the desired filtering option. There are ten
different ways to filter your results:
Reference the glossary if you need to see any of the above terms defined.
How to Read
At the top left of the dashboard is a small table with some aggregate data including:
 -the total number of resellers in your set
 -the total revenue these resellers bring Ingram Micro
 -YOY%
 -the bring to average amount
There are two main views, or “panels”, that showcase the reseller information you have
selected for.
Play Definition
Scorecard Summary: The scorecard summary is essentially a quick profile of the set of
selected resellers. It contains a list of average metrics that include:
Avg Neg Frequency
Avg Quote Size
Avg Quote Winrate
Rev % from Web
Share of Wallet
Avg Emails/Quote
Avg Min Spent/Quote
Avg Open Rate
Avg Events Attended
Avg Click Rate
Emails Sent/Contact
Avg Click to Open Rate
Avg Credit Utilization
Total Credit Limit
% Spent on Freight
% Rev used on Flooring
Days Sales Outstanding
Rev % from RMA
Reference the glossary if you need to see any of the above terms defined.
Reseller Count: To the right of the scorecard summary lies a table totaling the number of
resellers by End User Vertical Cluster and End User Size Cluster.
COGS: There are two separate visualizations of the Cost of Goods Sold.
In the bottom center of the dashboard is a map of the U.S. with each state color-coded to
reflect the total COGS from that state.
Red: Less than $100,000
Orange: between $100,000 and $500,000
Light Green: between $500,000 and $1,000,000
Dark Green: Greater than $1,000,000
Grey: no data available
Scrolling over the states on the map will allow you to see the YoY COGS%. Negative values
are notated with parentheses.
Selecting the Grid View option above the map will convert the visualization to a table with
the COGS and reseller count organized alphabetically by state. Re-selecting Graph View
will turn the table back into a map.
In the bottom right corner of the dashboard is a heat map demonstrating the COGS by CPU,
and includes the CPU SOW. The size of the block represents the subcategory’s share of total
COGS, while the color represents the YoY% COGS for subcategories.
Play List
*Please note Resellers' information is masked in this User Manual.
Reseller List: Contains the names and Master Branch Customer Numbers of the specific
resellers included in your data selection. It is possible to scroll up and down the list, as well
as sort in ascending or descending order by MBCN. To sort, simply scroll over the Customer
Master bar at the top of the list, click the drop down arrow that appears to the right, and
select your sorting preference.
Customer Scorecard: Contains the same metrics as the Scorecard Summary, but gives the
ability to see the exact info (as opposed to the group averages) for a specific reseller. To
view a reseller’s specific data, click on its name or MBCN in the Reseller List, and the
Customer Scorecard will be automatically updated.
White Space Opportunities: This table shows the customer count and estimated
opportunity for each of the CPUs. Clicking on White Space Opportunities will link you to the
Opportunity Report.
% Rev used on Flooring: % of revenue used on flooring
% Spent on Freight: % of revenue that is spent on freight
Active Reseller: reseller transacted with Ingram in recent 12 fiscal months excluding new
Avg BTA per MBCN: average BTA (Bring to Average) amount per Master Branch Customer
Avg Click Rate: average number of clicks from those who received the email
Avg Click to Open Rate: average number of clicks from those who opened the email
Avg Credit Utilization: average % of credit used
Avg Emails/Quote: average emails per quote
Avg Events Attended: the average number of events attended
Avg Min Spent/Quote: average minutes spent on the phone per quote
Avg Neg Frequency: % of lines negotiated
Avg Open Rate: average email open rate
Avg Quote Size: average quote size
Avg Quote Winrate: average winrate per quote
BTA Amount: Bring-To-Average amount. Annual incremental dollar amount if a reseller’s
share of wallet can be raised to company average
COGS: Cost of Goods Sold
Credit Utilization: % use of credit account
Days Sales Outstanding: number of days it takes to pay invoices
Emails Sent/Contact: how many times sent marketing email
E-Mkt Touch: based on email blasts received, open rate, and click-through rate
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Event Attended: at least 1 event attended = Yes
Flooring ACC Utilization: whether or not using flooring accounts/companies
Freight Sensitivity: % of revenue spent on freight
IM Relation Score: measured by Recency (how recently did the customer purchase),
Frequency (How often do they purchase) and Monetary (how much do they spend). Value
range 30-90 (with 30 being lowest and 90 being highest).
KPI: Key Performance Indicator
Logistics Comparative: indicates who has closest warehouse
Lost Reseller: reseller transacted with Ingram in 3 fiscal years but hasn’t purchased
anything in recent 12 fiscal months.
New Reseller: reseller has joined Ingram in past 12 fiscal months
Price Sensitivity: how frequently a customer negotiates
Rev % from RMA: % of revenue that comes from RMA (returns)
Rev % from Web: % of revenue that comes from web
RMA Sensitivity: considered high if greater than 2%
Sales Touch: based on quote volume, quote winrate, average follow-up emails, and amount
of time on phone per quote
Share of Wallet: Reseller’s total Ingram annual revenue/Reseller’s projected total annual
wallet size
Total Credit Limit: the maximum amount of credit available for use
Total Reseller Count: distinct count of Master Branch Customer Number
Wallet Size: annual total channel spending
Web Shoppers: % that purchase over the web
YoY COGS %: Year over Year Cost of Goods Sold Percentages
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