Sherlock Holmes: - Binbrook Little Theatre

Having Hope At Home
By David S. Craig
October 15-16, 22-23, 29-30, 2010
A sidesplitting look at a family learning to love again. On a winter
night in a drafty farmhouse a baby is about to arrive. But modern
medicine meets midwifery head on in a torrent of family feuding.
As tensions rise between three dysfunctional generations, so does
the laughter. It takes a baby to heal the rift in this funny,
heartwarming story of forgiveness and hope.
BRAVO 4 - November 20, 2010
One night only!! Binbrook Little Theatre's 'every-other-yearvariety-show-fundraiser'.
Like what you see? Want to give it a try?
Coming this summer to Binbrook Little Theatre...
July 26 – 30 and Aug 16 – 20 for ages 8 – 14
Visit our website in the spring for registration details!
No outside food or beverages permitted in the auditorium
Please remember we are a non-smoking facility
Please turn off all cellphones / pagers
Photography or use of recording devices is prohibited
Sherlock Holmes:
Ian McKechnie
Steve Lowden
Rory Ruud
Greg Brenzil
Megan Davey
Phil Gauthier
Rick Kuipers
Nikki Wiersma
Steve Heynemans
John Burns
John Thompson
Place: London & the Continent
Time: 1893
Setting: Sherlock Holmes’ study on Baker St.
Sitting room at Briony Lodge
Gas chamber at Stepney
Act 2
Holmes Study. Morning.
Sherlock Holmes….………………..
Dr. Watson…….……………………
King of Bohemia……………………..
Irene Adler………….………………
James Larrabee…….……………….
Sid Prince………….……………….
Madge Larrabee………………………
Man with paper/Swiss man…….…..
A London street before dawn.
Act 1
Education never ends Watson. It is a series of
lessons with the greatest for the last.
– Sherlock Holmes
Director ................................. Valerie Harrison
Co-Producers......................... Jane Wood, Paul Purser
Stage Manager....................... Robert Blowey
Assistant Stage Manager ...... Tracy Higgins
Lighting Design..................... Nathan Marshall, Esther Brown
Lighting Operation ................ Rob Bussey
Sound Design ........................ Rob Blowey
Sound Operation.................... Stephen C. Parkin
Set Construction .................... Troy Smillie, Paul Purser
Set Décor............................... Troy & Olla Smillie, Paul Purser,
Sue McCormick, Debbie Wilson,
Gary Harrison, Roger Kelly
Props ..................................... Brenda Brunt, Shirley Marshall
Costumes ............................... Marla Green, Deborah Twigg,
Barbara Reavley
Script Assistant...................... Barb Laughland
Special Effects....................... John Thompson
Make Up................................ Wendy Lowden, Vanessa Szkut
Biographies/Photography...... Adam Harrison
Concession Co-Ordinator ..... Rita Taylor
Programs ............................... Sherri Marshall
Publicity ................................ David Wice
thank you to:
Westfield Heritage Village
Dundas Little Theatre
Players Guild of Hamilton
April 2010
To the Family and Friends of our Cast & Crew
... We thank you for your support!
April 2010