How do particles behave in the four states of matter?

How do particles behave in the four states of matter?
1. Atoms and molecules in matter are always _____________________________________.
2. The _____________________________ of particles determines the state of matter.
3. The three familiar states of matter are ___________________ and the fourth is ________.
4. A solid is the state of matter that _____________________________________________.
5. The particles of a substance in a solid state are __________________________________
6. Describe the movement of particles in a solid. ___________________________________
7. Particles in a solid have __________________ than particles in other states.
8. Liquid is the state of matter that ______________________________________________.
9. A liquid takes the shape of __________________ and although it changes shape, the
________________ stays the same.
10. Describe the movement of particles in a liquid. __________________________________
11. Particles in liquids have _____________________ than particles in _________________.
12. A gas is the state of matter that _____________________________________________.
13. Describe the movement of particles in a gas. ___________________________________
14. The particles of a gas have __________________ than the particles of a liquid or a solid.
15. ____________ have the highest energy of the states of matter.
How do particles behave in the four states of matter?
16. The molecules of plasma function together, but they are broken down into protons,
neutrons, and electrons. Explain why. ____________________________________________
17. List some examples of plasma. ______________________________________________
18. Distributed
Summarizing: Illustrate the
movement of particles in a
solid, liquid, and gas in the
diagram below.
19. In order to change from one state of matter to another, you must ___________________.
20. Describe what happens when a solid is changed to a liquid. _______________________
21. Describe what happens when a liquid is changed to a solid. _______________________
22. Describe what happens when a liquid is changed to a gas. ________________________
23. Describe what happens when a gas is changed to a liquid. ________________________
24. What is the relationship between energy, temperature, and particle movement? ________
How do particles behave in the four states of matter?
25. In the diagram below, identify which box represents a solid, liquid, and gas. Then, identify
what both arrows represent.
26. In the diagram below, label all of the arrows as either Heat Released or Heat Absorbed