Civics Workbook Legislative Branch Section 3

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The Legislative Branch
Section 3
The Constitution both defines and limits the powers of Congress.
Key Terms
congressional powers to do any actions relating to delegated
powers that are considered “necessary and proper”
implied powers
elastic clause
another name for the “necessary and proper” clause
to accuse an officeholder of misconduct
an act that betrays or endangers one’s country
Section Summary
The Constitution assigns powers to Congress in five
areas: government finance, trade and industry,
defense, the court system, and growth. To pay
government expenses, Congress may raise and
collect taxes and borrow and print money. To
defend the country and its laws, Congress may
declare war, maintain an army, and create national
courts. Congress may pass laws that control trade
and immigration. It can also govern U.S. territories.
In addition to the stated powers of Congress, the
Constitution suggests that Congress has other
powers, as well. The Constitution states that
Congress has the power to make all laws that are
“necessary and proper” for it to carry out its stated
powers. These implied powers are sometimes
referred to as the elastic clause of the Constitution
because they allow Congress to stretch or flex its
Congress also has the power to impeach
government officials, or bring individuals accused
of crimes or bad behavior to trial. If an official is
found guilty of a serious crime such as treason,
Congress may remove this person from office. The
Underline the stated
powers of Congress.
Draw a box around the
implied powers of
What is the difference
between a stated power of
Congress and an implied
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Section 3, continued
process of accusing and charging an official is the
responsibility of the House of Representatives. The
process of trying an official is the responsibility of
the Senate.
The Constitution gives each house of Congress
special powers. The House of Representatives starts
all bills related to raising money, has the power to
impeach officials, and chooses the president when
no candidate receives enough electoral votes to be
elected. The Senate has four special powers. It holds
impeachment trials, chooses the vice president
when no candidate receives enough electoral votes
to be elected, approves treaties with foreign nations,
and approves high officials appointed by the
While the Constitution gives some powers to
Congress, it also limits the powers of Congress. For
example, based on the Tenth Amendment, state
governments, not Congress, have the power to run
elections, manage schools, and create marriage
laws. In addition, Congress does not have any of the
following powers: apply new laws to past deeds,
sentence people without trials, cancel court orders,
tax exports, create laws that go against the Bill of
Rights, show trade favoritism toward a state, grant
royal or noble titles, or withdraw money without the
support of a law.
Why are special powers
divided between the House
and the Senate?
Why might the
Constitution guarantee
some powers to state
Critical Thinking: Analyzing In a short essay,
explain how power is balanced between the House
of Representatives, the Senate, the president, the
courts, and state governments. Make sure to provide
specific examples in your explanation. Conclude by
stating why this balance of power is an important
part of the U.S. government.
Original content © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
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Section 3, continued
DIRECTIONS Explain the relationship between each pair of words or
1. implied powers : elastic clause
2. impeach : treason
Original content © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Guided Reading Workbook