october 2016 - TowerLight on Wooddale Avenue

Free Wellness Clinic!
Join us the second Tuesday of the month from
1:30-3 p.m. in the small conference room to get
your oxygen, pulse, temperature, weight and
blood pressure checked for free! We will provide
you with your very own Wellness Record card so
you can track your vitals from month to month.
Exercise & Brain Health
What is good for the body is good for
the brain.
The brain and body are connected
and work together in nearly all
activities. We can help to maintain a
healthy brain by exercising and working
to keep a healthy body.
Science explains:
• Exercise brings more oxygen,
blood and glucose to the brain.
• Exercise helps balance hormones
within the brain that allow the
heart, lungs and muscles to work
more efficiently together.
• Exercise lowers our stress
thresholds and eases one’s ability
to deal with more significant
physical and emotional stress.
• Exercise is shown to be one of
the most important predictors
of brain health through one’s life
time, as reported by PhD’s Small,
Nussbaum, Ratey and Medina.
1/3 of brain aging is due to genetics,
while 2/3 of brain aging is due to
lifestyle. Exercise is a great way to
maintain a positive lifestyle.
Come to exercise class at Towerlight:
• Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays
from 10-11 a.m.
• Information for this article is
from Exercise and the Aging
Brain Terry Eckmann
Thursday Night Thrillers
Oct. 6 — Frankenstein
In Frankenstein, a mad scientist (Colin Clive) creates a
monster (the inimitable Boris Karloff) but errs by giving him a
criminal brain.
Oct. 13 — The Bride of Frankenstein
In Bride of Frankenstein, the monster (Karloff) gets his own
made-to-order bride (Elsa Lanchester).
Oct. 20 — Dracula
Bela Lugosi turns in a landmark horror performance in
this 1931 adaptation of Bram Stoker’s classic vampire novel.
Revisit Transylvania for the eerie mood created by spectacular
cinematography and Lugosi’s oft-copied take on the infamous
Dracula. Dwight Frye as Renfield also helps define the
grotesque and sniveling sidekick role.
Oct. 27 — Foreign Correspondent
Johnny Jones, a naive New York reporter sent on assignment
to Europe on the eve of World War II, stumbles on a deadly
conspiracy devised by Stephen Fisher, whose spy ring
masquerades as a peace organization.
Camelot at Chanhassen!
Please sign up in the outing book by Oct. 7
Date: Wednesday, Oct. 19
Time: Depart TowerLight by 10:30 a.m. (Show time is 1 p.m.);
return by 4:30 p.m.
Cost: $70.54 ($65 + taxes and Chanhassen processing fees)
“A great American Musical Theatre classic, magically returns to
the Main Stage!
Come along to the idyllic kingdom of Camelot. Revel in the
rich, deeply romantic legend of King Arthur and his beloved
Queen, Guenevere. Celebrate the dashing Sir Lancelot, the
gallant Knights of the Round Table, the mystical wizard Merlin
and the Lady of the Lake from the mists of Avalon.
Beyond romance, noble quests and magic spells lie twisted
plots, inner demons and betrayal — all threatening to snuff out
Arthur’s dreams to build the greatest kingdom ever known —
one where true justice and compassion reign supreme. The
ideals of Camelot are ones we long for in our own day, making
Camelot a hopeful legend for all time.”
Written by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe (My Fair
Lady, Brigadoon), Camelot is a multi-Tony Award-winner,
including one for Best Musical Score. Camelot is based on the
King Arthur legends found in T.H. White’s novel ‘The Once
and Future King.’
Rediscover the romance and grandeur of Camelot
at Chanhassen Dinner Theatres.” -Chanhassen Dinner
Theater site
The TowerLight
TowerLight on Wooddale
3601 Wooddale Avenue S
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
Halloween Parade & Trick-or-Treating
Halloween has come once again, and we will be having a Halloween parade.
Our little grandfriends will be roaming the floors in costume. If you would like
to have trick-or-treaters at your door, please prop it open! Unfortunately, we
are unable to do any decorating or hanging signs on our doors in order to stay
compliant with fire code, so we can’t use “trick-or-treat here” signs this year.
What is safe to hand out?
• Stickers
• Crayons
• Bubbles
• Pencils
• Markers
• Candy — No Nuts!
Photo Corner!
Executive Director
Jake Schneider
Polly Marell, BA
Director of Health Services
Laura Duff, RN
Activities Director & Music
Maggie Sonsteby, MA, MTBC
Culinary Manager
Brandy Aguilera
Director of Environmental
Congratulations to our
hard-working Employee
of the Month! We’re
so glad to have you,
Shermon Honeycutt!
Did you know we have two centenarians?
Join us as we celebrate! Lena will be 101,
and Renza will be 102 years young!
Outreach & Sales Director
Mike Lengeling
Activities Assistant
Elise Ollrich, BA
Activities Assistant
Shandy Potes Mangra, BIS
Volunteers from Jewish Family and Children’s
Service of Minneapolis brought their dogs
over for an intergenerational dog parade!
Rock-a-bye Baby is
every week! Come to the
child care to rock some
adorable little babies!
“Grocery/Necessities outings will
be held the 1st, 3rd, 4th, (and 5th)
Thursdays of each month. The
2nd weeks, the grocery outings
may be variable depending on
activities that occurring week.”
B, Bistro (First Floor)
C, Club Room (First Floor)
C&GV, Club Room & Garden View
CCIR, Child Care
Intergenerational Room
CHR, Charting Room (Second Floor)
CR, Craft Room (Fifth Floor)
CSC, Care Suite Commons
(Third Floor)
F, Fitness (First Floor)
FD, Meet by Front Desk
FR, Family Room (Fifth Floor)
FSN, Fox Sports North Channel
GV, Garden View (Second Floor)
IR, Infant Room (Child Care Side)
LIB, Library (Fourth Floor)
MDR, Main Dining Room (First Floor)
MDR&2, Main Dining Room &
Second Floor
PAT, Outdoor Patio (Near
Main Entrance)
PAT, Patio (By Playground)
PDRL, Private Dining Room (L.
of Kitchen)
PDRR, Private Dining Room (R.
of Kitchen)
PG, Playground Outside
REF, Reflection Room (Third Floor)
SM CONF., Small Conference Room
(First Floor)
TH, Theater (Basement)
6:30 Sunday Cinema
(Titles Displayed
in Elevators), TH
10:00 Bone Builders With Betty, F 3
10:30 MacPhail Music for
Life (Adults 10:30-11
a.m.; Intergenerational
11-11:30 a.m.), GV
11:15 Bible Study With Serena, REF
1:00 TowerLight Town Hall, C
2:00 Scrabble, C
2:00 Bridge, C
2:00 Cribbage, C
2:00 Apples & Honey
With Polly!, GV
2:30 Piano With Rita, GV
3:30 Piano With
Rita, REF
6:30 Sunday Cinema
(Titles Displayed
in Elevators), TH
10:00 Bone Builders
With Betty, F
10:30 MacPhail Music for
Life (Adults 10:30-11
a.m.; Intergenerational
11-11:30 a.m.), GV
11:15 Bible Study With Serena, REF
Acupuncture, TH
1:30 Scrabble, C
1:30 Cribbage, C
1:30 Bridge, C
6:30 Sunday Cinema
(Titles Displayed
in Elevators), TH
10:00 Bone Builders With Betty, F
10:30 MacPhail Music for
Life (Adults 10:30-11
a.m.; Intergenerational
11-11:30 a.m.), GV
11:15 Bible Study With
Serena, REF
1:30 Scrabble, C
1:30 Bridge, C
1:30 Cribbage, C
6:30 Sunday Cinema
(Titles Displayed
in Elevators), TH
10:00 Bone Builders
With Betty, F
10:30 MacPhail Music for
Life (Adults 10:30-11
a.m.; Intergenerational
11-11:30 a.m.), GV
11:15 Bible Study With Serena, REF
1:00 SLP High School Class:
World Drumming, C
2:00 Scrabble, C
2:00 Bridge, C
2:00 Cribbage, C
9:00 Wandering Halloween Parade
3:30 Piano Recital With
(Our Little Grandfriends
Will Roam the Floors
Students of Jill
Showing Off Their Cute
Costumes!) (9-11 a.m.)
Thomas, REF
10:00 Bone Builders With Betty, F
6:30 Sunday Cinema
10:30 MacPhail Music for Life (Adults
10:30-11 a.m.; Intergenerational
(Titles Displayed
11-11:30 a.m.), GV
11:15 Bible Study With Serena, REF
in Elevators), TH
1:30 Cribbage, C
2:00 Bridge, C
9:30 Depart for Dollar
Tree (Hopkins), FD
10:00 SAIL Fitness Class: Stay Active
& Independent for Life, F
10:15 Fun With Grandfriends, GV
Service With Pastor
Margie Olson, REF
1:00 500 Bid, LIB
2:30 News Discussion, TH
3:30 Bingo, C
9:15 Depart for the Minnesota
Landscape Arboretum ($17 for
Admission + Tram Ride), FD
10:00 SAIL Fitness Class: Stay Active
& Independent for Life, F
10:15 Fun With Grandfriends, GV
1:00 500 Bid, LIB
1:30 Wellness Clinic: Free BP, Oxygen
and Pulse Checks, SM CONF.
2:30 News Discussion, TH
3:30 Bingo, C
10:00 SAIL Fitness Class:
Stay Active &
Independent for Life, F
10:15 Fun With Grandfriends, GV
11:15 Interdenominational Service
With Pastor Margie Olson, REF
12:00 Lunch & Learn: Sugar
Blues, MDR&2
1:00 500 Bid, LIB
1:00 Onsite Podiatry (1-5 p.m.)
3rd Floor Spa Room (Across
From Reflection Room)
2:30 News Discussion, TH
3:30 Bingo, C
9:45 Depart for Minneapolis
Synod Band Concert @ Westwood
Lutheran Church, FD
10:00 SAIL Fitness Class: Stay Active
& Independent for Life, F
10:15 Fun With Grandfriends, GV
1:00 500 Bid, LIB
1:00 Depart for Lenox Presentation:
Journey Down the Mississippi, FD
2:30 News Discussion, TH
3:30 Bingo, C
3:30 Aerial America: Featuring
Michigan, TH
Massages by Carol: Sign Up at
Front Desk by 10 a.m., FR
Toddler Time With Grandfriends, GV
No Balance Class Today -- Rest Day
Mahjong, C
Westwood Lutheran Streamed
Service (Video), TH
Catholic Communion Visits, GV
Birthday Party With Mary Franz
(2 p.m. on Garden View), C
Rockabye Baby Hour (Or any time
that works best for you!) Just let
Maggie know what days and times you
would like to rock some babies, IR
Massages by Carol: Sign Up at
Front Desk by 10 a.m., FR
Toddler Time With Grandfriends, GV
Balance First Fitness Class, F
Mahjong, C
Catholic Communion Visits, GV
Interdenominational Service
With Pastor Alison, REF
Outing to Target (Smaller Target), FD
Rockabye Baby Hour (Or any time
that works best for you!) Just let
Maggie know what days and times you
would like to rock some babies, IR
Elegant Dinner With Music
by Bob Scoggin (Barb Huber
on Garden View), MDR
Sylvia Kamenow, 1st
Larry Carlson, 1st
Donna Lundstrom, 3rd
Renza Anderson’s
102nd Birthday!, 7th
Jean Madsen, 11th
Dottie Thomson, 11th
Mae Thompson, 14th
Paul Johnson, 15th
Clayton Gardner, 16th
Marion Thompson, 20th
Lena Triethart’s 101st Birthday!, 30th
Pancake Breakfast: 8-9 a.m., MDR&2
Massages by Carol: Sign Up at
Front Desk by 10 a.m., FR
Toddler Time With Grandfriends, GV
Balance First Fitness Class, F
Westwood Lutheran Streamed
Service (Video), TH
Mahjong, C
Depart for Chanhassen Dinner
Theater: Camelot, FD
Catholic Communion Visits, GV
Advanced Care Planning Presentation, TH
Rockabye Baby Hour (Or any time that works
best for you!) Just let Maggie know what days
and times you would like to rock some babies, IR
Massages by Carol: Sign Up
at Front Desk by 10 a.m., FR
Toddler Time With Grandfriends, GV
Balance First Fitness Class, F
Mahjong, C
Westwood Lutheran Streamed
Service (Video), TH
Catholic Communion Visits, GV
Taylor Marie Clothing Fashion
Show & Boutique, C
Rockabye Baby Hour (Or any time
that works best for you!) Just let
Maggie know what days and times you
would like to rock some babies, IR
Lorraine Lacher (216),
Theekla Johnson (417)
Don Patrie,
Pat Frechette
10:00 SAIL Fitness Class:
Stay Active &
Independent for Life, F
10:00 Visit From Bumblebees, GV
11:00 Fun With Grandfriends, GV
1:00 Fairview Presentation With
Megan: Understanding
Arthritis, TH
1:30 Scrabble, C
1:30 Cribbage, C
2:00 Bridge, C
6:30 Thursday Night Thriller (See
Newsletter Side for Movies), TH
SAIL Fitness Class: Stay Active
& Independent for Life, F
Visit From Bumblebees, GV
Fun With Grandfriends, GV
Caregiver Support Group, TH
Depart for Omni Theater @
Science Museum: National Parks
Adventure $8.95/Person, FD
Cribbage, C
Scrabble, C
Bridge, C
Public Library Book Club Group, REF
Piano With Betty Carr, GV
Thursday Night Thriller (See
Newsletter Side for Movies), TH
10:00 SAIL Fitness Class:
Stay Active &
Independent for Life, F
10:00 Visit From Bumblebees, GV
11:00 Grocery Outing: Byerly’s, FD
11:00 Fun With Grandfriends, GV
1:00 Presentation by Karen
Gaskell: Health Screenings:
Beyond the Basics, TH
1:30 Scrabble, C
1:30 Cribbage, C
2:00 Bridge, C
6:30 Thursday Night Thriller (See
Newsletter Side for Movies), TH
10:00 SAIL Fitness Class:
Stay Active &
Independent for Life, F
10:00 Visit From Bumblebees, GV
11:00 Grocery Outing: Cub Foods, FD
11:00 Fun With Grandfriends, GV
1:00 iPad/iPhone Workshop
(Free!), TH
1:30 Scrabble, C
1:30 Cribbage, C
2:00 Bridge, C
6:30 Thursday Night Thriller (See
Newsletter Side for Movies), TH
8:00 Men’s Breakfast
to Crossroads
Delicatessen, FD
10:30 Scrabble, C
11:15 Current Events, CSC
1:00 Poker Group (Sponsored by
Men’s Group) 1-4 p.m., LIB
1:00 Chair Yoga, F
2:30 Club Room Chat, C
6:30 Saturday Cinema (Titles
Displayed in Elevators), TH
Art With Crystal, GV
Bone Builders With Betty, F
Grocery Outing to Byerlys, FD
Movie Matinee (Titles
Displayed in Elevators), TH
2:00 Garden View Happy Birthday
Party for Renza Anderson:
102 Years Young!, GV
2:00 Popcorn Cart in the Lobby 2:15-3
p.m. (Stops in Theater, Care Suites
& Garden View 1:30-2:15 p.m.), B
4:00 Friday Social Hour: BYOB and
Snacks to Share If Desired, C
10:00 Mac Phail Strings
Concert (Children), C
10:30 Scrabble, C
11:15 Current Events, CSC
1:00 Poker Group (Sponsored by
Men’s Group) 1-4 p.m., LIB
1:00 Chair Yoga, F
2:30 Club Room Chat, C
6:30 Saturday Cinema (Titles
Displayed in Elevators), TH
10:00 Art With Amy:
Leaf Coasters, GV
10:00 Bone Builders With Betty, F
11:15 Clean Eating Group
With Polly, PDRR
1:00 Movie Matinee (Titles
Displayed in Elevators), TH
2:00 Meet the Artist
With Elise!, CR
4:00 Friday Social Hour: BYOB and
Snacks to Share If Desired, C
10:30 Scrabble, C
11:15 Current Events, CSC
1:00 Poker Group (Sponsored
by Men’s Group)
1-4 p.m., LIB
1:00 Chair Yoga, F
2:30 Club Room Chat, C
6:30 Saturday Cinema
(Titles Displayed in
Elevators), TH
10:30 Scrabble, C
11:15 Current Events, CSC
1:00 Poker Group (Sponsored
by Men’s Group)
1-4 p.m., LIB
1:00 Chair Yoga, F
2:30 Club Room Chat, C
6:30 Saturday Cinema
(Titles Displayed in
Elevators), TH
10:30 Scrabble, C
11:15 Current Events, CSC
1:00 Poker Group (Sponsored
by Men’s Group)
1-4 p.m., LIB
1:00 Chair Yoga, F
2:30 Club Room Chat, C
6:30 Saturday Cinema
(Titles Displayed in
Elevators), TH
10:00 Art With Crystal, GV
10:00 Bone Builders With Betty, F
11:00 Depart for Ladies’ Lunch
Outing: Location TBD, FD
1:00 Movie Matinee (Titles
Displayed in Elevators), TH
2:00 Popcorn Cart in the Lobby
2:15-3 p.m. (Stops in Theater,
Care Suites & Garden
View 1:30-2:15 p.m.), B
4:00 Social Hour With a Trivia
Twist: Jeopardy!, C
10:00 Bone Builders With Betty, F
11:00 Depart for Jack & Jill Lunch:
Pannekoeken Huis, FD
11:15 Clean Eating With Polly, PDRR
1:00 Movie Matinee (Titles
Displayed in Elevators), TH
2:30 Garden View Happy Birthday
Party for Lena Triethart:
101 Years Young!, GV
4:00 Friday Social Hour: BYOB and
a Dish to Share If You Wish, C
Please see the daily calendars for
current schedule.
Please sign up for outings at front desk!
TL Channel: 51-1.