Desert Yarns - Diamantina Shire Council

Diamantina Shire Council
Desert Yarns
Distributed free to all residents.
October, 2012
Upcoming Events
Volume 4 Issue 56
Message from the Mayor
Ordinary Council Meeting October 15
Youth Council Meeting - October
Melbourne Cup - November 6
Bedourie Swim Camp - November
NAIDOC Celebrations - November
Diamantina Triathlon - November
Bedourie Bikekhana - December 1
Message from the Mayor
Writings from the CEO
The Simpson Desert Racing wound up for 2012, at Bedourie with a huge crowd, the biggest
I’ve seen I think. All three meetings were a roaring success and it was great to see the revival
of the crowds, who saw some terrific racing.
The CEO, Scott Mason, and I attended the Western Local Government Conference in
Barcaldine. It was not long after the State budget so all the Department speakers were full of
doom and gloom, but I say let’s just get on with things and do the best we can with what we
have. As far as roads funding is concerned the shire hasn’t actually lost any future projects,
but most have been put off for several years. We have fared better than some shires who
have lost funding for some projects.
At the conference, Diamantina had two motions which were both successful. One that the
low cost funding for housing be restored and the second being that the State Government do
more to fund our health services. This means that the WLGAQ will now help lobby the State
Government for us. The CEO and I will be meeting with the relevant State Ministers in
Brisbane later this month to put our case forward for both these matters.
With the health services, I believe it to be unfair for the shire to have to help fund the day to
day running of our clinics when it is the responsibility of the state government. Diamantina is
the only shire that has to help fund its own clinics. Also while in Brisbane the Barcoo and
Diamantina Mayors and CEOs will be meeting with the Minister for Local Government to
update him on progress in our attempt to get optical fiber to our two shires.
Next Friday, October 12, the Councillors and senior staff will be commencing a road run of
all the shire roads over three days. We will be calling at all stations along the way, for about a
half an hour each. So if anyone has any issues or comments be ready as we will be more than
happy to hear you out.
With the raising of the dingo bounty, it has been brought to my attention that some people
have not been doing the right thing and have been bringing scalps in from out side the shire.
Just a reminder that this bounty is for dingos destroyed within the shire only.
4 11-12
Tourism & Community
Mayors Message
Manager Report
Police News
Fundraising Walk from Gulf
Community Catch Up
to Gulf
Health News
Local Advertisements
Flyers Notice Board
Bedourie Races/Ute Muster
Wet Fest Results
I had the pleasure of attending the
Wet Fest held in Birdsville. This
event turned out to be an enjoyable day, a big thank you to all the
Youth Councillors who organised
the day.
L-R Rob Dare, Cr Geoff Morton, Barry Gaffney, Joyce Crombie
and Cr Garth Tully at the Outgoing Councillors Dinner.
As the days start to warm up
again I would like to remind
travellers, local and visitors alike,
to take all precautions when
driving in the area. Heat can kill
both man and machine.
Mayor Cr Geoff Morton
Diamantina Shire Council
07 4746 1202
17 Herbert Street
07 4746 1272
 [email protected]
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Writings from the CEO
Wild Dog and Feral Pig Control
A second wave of aerial baiting utilising ‘pig-strength’ 1080 baits will take place during November, 2012. For further
information, contact Council’s Land Protection Officer, Mr Peter Pidgeon on 4658 6915. The recent first wave was
successful. Councils thanks all participating cattle stations and makes special mention of Sandringham who were very well
organised for the campaign.
Western Queensland Local Government Association (WQLGA) of Queensland Annual Conference
The Mayor and I represented Council at the WQLGA Annual Conference which was held in Barcaldine from September 17
to 18, 2012. The membership of the WQLGA is 11-strong.
Barcaldine Regional Council
Barcoo Shire Council
Blackall-Tambo Regional Council
Boulia Shire Council
Central Highlands Regional Council
Diamantina Shire Council
Flinders Shire Council
Isaac Regional Council
Longreach Regional Council
Richmond Regional Council
Winton Shire Council
A variety of information relevant to Councils was presented by government representatives and legal experts.
Many regional contemporary issues were debated and decisions were taken to progress a variety of positions to benefit local
government. Key issues included:
More support from the State Government for plant pest management and animal pest management
Changes to broadcasting regulations to permit television to be re-broadcast in MPG4 format
Parking of refrigerated trucks in urban areas
Support for the kangaroo industry
Support for fibre optic telecommunications
Funding for stock route infrastructure
Increased compensation for shire road flood damage restoration works
Encouraging the Queensland Government to reconsider the closure of rural fire service offices
Retention of funding to local governments for native title negotiations
Support to the Member for Gregory for his advocacy on issues facing western Queensland including areas outside his
Diamantina was successful in gaining regional support for increased funding for the Diamantina Health Service and for a low
interest capital loan to construct dwelling accommodation in Birdsville and Bedourie.
Scott Mason
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From the Tourism Desk
Many of you will have noticed the public artwork which is currently under construction in Birdsville, Bedourie & Betoota. The
Sculptures of the Dreamtime project (Dust, Sand & Gibbers) has received funding from both State and Federal Governments and
artists Glenn Romanis and MarkTrinham have created a sculpture in Bedourie, a meeting place in Birdsville and are busy working
on an installation in Betoota. There are photos below of the work so far and the project has been driven for council by our
Community Development Coordinator, Jo Lewington. Jo will also be driving the development of an Arts and Culture Policy for
Diamantina Shire.
Two members of the Tourism & Community team are are currently visiting the Australian Camp Oven festival in Millmerran to look
at opportunities for a similar event to be held in Bedourie.
Both Diamantina Visitor Centres have now changed to low season opening hours which is 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday
(with the exception being charter flights and event weekends where the centres will open as needed)
Council at their September meeting approved the Economic Development Plan and profile for the Shire and this will sit alongside
the Tourism Development Plan as the recommendations are progressively implemented over the coming years.
Whilst the busy season is slowly coming to an end as we move towards summer there are still plenty of visitors travelling through
and last week we had no less than 3 different Variety Bashes in Birdsville in less than 4 days. We are very close to finalising our
Destination Branding for the shire and hope to be able to present these in the next edition of Desert Yarns. Our Parks and
Gardens teams have been busy both distributing plants to residents and finalising the landscape work at both airport Terminals.
Council has also been nominated for several awards at the forthcoming Outback QLD tourism awards to be held in Longreach
and congratulations to staff members Jeff Smith, Ali Angus and Kim Wildman for their work on the submissions. The Wirrarri
Visitor Information Centre, Vaughan Johnson Lookout and the Bedourie Ute & Travellers Muster are all in the running for the
awards in November.
Until next month
Steven Baldwin
Tourism & Community Manager
Bedourie Parks and
Gardens Crew
delivering the five
plants that every
shire household is
entitled to.
Left: The sculptures in Bedourie stand approximately six metres high and depict the dust
Right: The commencement of
the Birdsville sculpture.
Left: The Bedourie
airport terminal prior
to the commencement
of work.
Right: The Parks and
Gardens Crew after
the makeover.
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Works Report
The races season this year is now completed, successfully with huge crowds in attendance. We have
received a very positive feedback from the tourists. All the Crews have done tremendous work to make
these events successful.
The Construction Crew have been working on base widening of the bitumen stretch from King Creek
intersection to Cluny Sandhills in preparation for road widening. They have almost completed road
shoulders reinstatement of the road between the end of “9 Mile” and the end of the bitumen near
Glengyle Station.
This Crew has almost completed work on the sub-base for the Durrie Overtaking Opportunity Pave and
The Crusher has completed crushing at the town pit and is back crushing at the Old Roseberth Pit to
establish stockpiles for future works.
One Crew is progressing well at the Mulligan on the Sandringham to Ethabuka Road completing
re sheeting. This Crew will then move on to the Kamaran Road for road repairs. The other Crew has
successfully completed the re-sheeting of the Springvale to Coorabulka Road. They have worked on the
restoration of Diamantina Lakes air strip at Diamantina lakes. They are currently working on re sheeting
of the Coorabulka to Boulia Boundary Road.
This Crew is helping the Art Work project. They are also working
on the preparation of Browns Creek floodway, they will then move
on to install the grid at the Betoota By Pass
Realignment Road.
This Crew has received a new CAT 962 Loader.
This Crew is proceeding with the road patching contract
commencing at Nappabillie.
This Crew has commenced heavy shoulder works on the Monkira to
Davenport Road with the help of the hired scraper.
Harin Karra
Assistant Works Manager
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Playgroup Toy Library
In the accordance with section 177(7) of the Local Government
(Finance, Plans and Reporting) Regulation 2010 council has amended the tender specifications and tender closing date.
Diamantina Shire Council invites tenders in accordance with section
177 of the Local Government (Finance, Plans and Reporting) Regulation 2010 for the following:
Tender 2012/16A – Supply and Delivery of Road Furniture
Bedourie and Birdsville Playgroups
now have the Toy Libraries for shire
residents to borrow toys.
Toy Libraries offer a range of toys and
equipment for use in playgroup
sessions and at home. The toys
complement playgroup activities.
Tender 2012/16B – Installation of Road Furniture
Tenders close in Bedourie at 2pm on Thursday, October 11, 2012
and should be submitted by post with tender number clearly marked
on the envelope.
Further particulars and tender documents can be obtained from
Council’s website or by contacting the Council’s Technical
Officer, Mr Dinesh Shrestha on 07 4746 1202.
Diamantina Shire Council reserves the right to invite all tenderers to
change their tender to account for changes in the tender specifications prior to awarding the contract. The lowest or any tender may
not be accepted.
Scott Mason
17 Herbert Street, BEDOURIE QLD 4829
( 07 4746 1202 Ê 07 4746 1272
* [email protected]
 Council Meeting - October 15
 Council Meeting - November 19
 Council Meeting - December 14
If you are interested in borrowing
please contact the Early Childhood
Facilitators Mrs Kylie Scott in Birdsville
or Mrs Anna Karra in Bedourie.
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Staff Profiles
Name: Seven Ryan
Name: Dinesh Shrestha
Family: Two Children: Sascha five years old and Sheridan
two years.
Family: Wife and Two beautiful girls. One four years and
one just two months.
Where have you come from to join the shire?
Long Gully Station, near Forsayth in the Etheridge Shire,
Far North Queensland.
Where have you come from to join the shire?
I come from Nepal, landlocked country in between India and
China, where lord Buddha was born (Buddhism) and where
Mt Everest is. It is a small country compared to the neighbors and also a different country with temples everywhere,
so it can be called “The country of temples” as well. It is
also a multicultural country with all different people with
their own religions living together.
Occupation with the shire:
Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer
Can you describe what your occupation involves?
Providing administrative support to the Chief Executive
Officer and Councillors. Coordinate meetings and
projects, provide research assistance and liaise with other
staff members, businesses and departments to achieve
effective outcomes for the Shire.
What enticed you to work for DSC?
I enjoyed my previous employment experience with Etheridge Shire Council, and after being a jillaroo for the last 5
years wanted a change and to re-enter service with a local
government authority.
What do you like most about the shire?
The landscape is incredible and the communities are friendly and welcoming.
Occupation with the shire: I work as a Technical
Can you describe what your occupation involves?
My occupation involves assisting the Works Department and
support with technical and administration works as assigned.
Interests and hobbies:
Movies/ Theatre
Stamp collecting
Public Speaking
Sports including tennis, softball, swimming, track and field
NRL and Cricket
What enticed you to work for DSC?
I started work in DSC in May 2012, I was looking for
something better by assisting with the development works
within the shire to compete with other shires in the hope
that more people will decide to come and live here.
Talents or skills:
Music – guitar, piano, flute, songwriting
What do you like most about the shire?
Well management of properties and infrastructures although
it’s far from big and developed towns.
Interests and hobbies: Travelling to new places and
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Outgoing Councillors Dinner
On Wednesday, September 5, the Council hosted its first ever
testimonial dinner for outgoing Councillors. The formal sit-down
dinner attended by around 90 invited guests was a fitting tribute to
former Mayor Robbie Dare, Deputy Mayor Barry Gaffney and
Councillor Joyce Crombie. With current Councillors Mayor Geoff
Morton, Deputy Mayor Garth Tully and Councillors Don Rayment,
Steve Cramer and Jody Barr looking on, the three former Councillors
were presented with a clock and original painting by local artist
Wolfgang John to honour their time served with the Diamantina Shire
Council. The night was highlighted by delicious set menu prepared
with flair by the Bedourie branch of the Sporting Shooters Association
of Australia and served proficiently by members of the Youth Council,
setting a new standard for service in the Shire.
Keeping everyone well fed - Adrie Den Ronden, Tim and
Rachel Farran.
Enjoying the evening - Rob Dare, Barry Gaffney, Scott Mason and
Narelle Gaffney.
L-R Back Row: Cr Don Rayment, Rob Dare, Cr Mayor Geoff Morton, Barry Gaffney, Joyce Crombie, Cr Garth Tully, Cr Steve Cramer,
Cr Jody Barr.
L-R Front Row Youth Councillors - Cr Arron May, Cr Nerissa Parsons, Cr Yarryn Lewington, Cr Breeanna Monaghan, Cr Cody Cramer.
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All correspondence addressed to:
The Chief Executive Officer
506 Herbert Street
Telephone: (07) 4746 1202
Facsimile: (07) 4746 1272
 [email protected]
The Simpson Desert Racing Carnival reaps rewards for the Queensland economy
The 2012 Simpson Desert Racing Carnival has drawn to a close, with this years’ Carnival being bigger and better than
previous years.
All races in the Carnival, which includes the Betoota, Bedourie and iconic Birdsville Races, experienced a surge in
crowd numbers with racegoers, trainers and jockeys converging on the Diamantina Shire in Outback Queensland from
all across Australia.
Birdsville Race Club Event Coordinator Prue Fargher said that near record crowds rolled in to town for the Birdsville
Races held on August 31 and September 1.
“The racetrack withheld the pressure of 3500 race goers on Friday, an overwhelming increase from the year before,” Ms
Fargher said.
“The crowd increased to over 5000 on Saturday and punters were treated with fine sunny weather to see Roma horse
Dancefloor Prodigy snag the 2012 XXXX Gold Birdsville Cup just ahead of Betoota Cup winner Grey’s a Rockin.”
The Royal Flying Doctor Service benefited from donations of over $8000 by patrons on the shuttle buses operated by
Kangaroo Bus Lines, and for a short while Birdsville Airport became one of the busiest airports in Australia with nearly
140 aircraft flying in for the event. Seven of these aircraft belonged to the Australian Defence Force with the RAAF
Roulettes putting on two stunning displays over the racetrack.
The economic significance of the Simpson Desert Racing Carnival, in particular the Birdsville Races, to the Diamantina
Shire is enormous.
In 2011, the Diamantina Shire Council commissioned an economic assessment of the Birdsville Races which found that
whilst the races had $1m - $1.4m in direct value-added impacts in the shire, it also contributed between $4.2m - $5 m in
value-added impacts in regional Queensland. The race meet also helped increase employment in the Diamantina by
8.6% to 10.4% and created 52 to 61 full time equivalent positions in Queensland.
General Manager of the Central Western Remote Area Planning and Development Board (RAPAD), Mr David Arnold
said that what the Birdsville Races Economic Impact Assessment (EIA) helps identify is the value of the races in hard
economic terms.
“This is quite important not only for the Diamantina Shire Council but also for the whole Central West region when
seeking support from Government on priority areas like roads and infrastructure.” Mr Arnold said.
“For example, when the shire or region lobbies on these matters, State and Federal Governments want to see hard data
and this EIA adds to the collection of data needed to support lobbying efforts,” he added.
With the Simpson Desert Racing Carnival done and dusted for another year we look forward to doing it all again in 2013.
September 14, 2012
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The Hon Bruce ScoƩ MP
September 26, 2012 Delivered: September 19, 2012
Member Statements: Royal couple to
visit Longreach
Scott committed to the Maranoa
and will nominate again Federal LNP Member for Maranoa Bruce Scott
today confirmed he will nominate to stand for the
seat at the next Federal election. Mr Scott said he received very strong support
across the electorate to continue providing a
steady hand to ensure the Coalition wins the next
election. “I have received very strong encouragement from
constituents, the business community and senior
colleagues as we head towards the next must-win
Federal election,” Mr Scott said. “I’m absolutely committed to getting the best for
the electorate and will do everything I can for a
change in government in Canberra. “As a previous minister in the Howard Government
and an experienced representative of rural and
regional Australia, I am keen to make a significant
contribution to an Abbott/Truss Government
restoring the confidence of Australians in the
economic management and direction of our
nation. “I’m a team player of a strong Coalition team and I
will spend my time and energy on how we can
defeat this dreadful Labor government at the next
election.” I am absolutely thrilled with the news that Their Royal
Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of
Cornwall will visit the electorate of Maranoa this year.
As announced by the Prime Minister, the royal couple will
visit Longreach during their six-day visit to Australia from 5
November to 10 November as Her Majesty the Queen's
personal representatives in this diamond jubilee year.
To borrow the words from Clancy of the Overflow in that
wonderful poem by Banjo Paterson:
And he sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains
And at night the wondrous glory of the everlasting stars.
That is where Longreach in Western Queensland is
centred, right in the heartland of that sort of scene as
penned by Banjo Paterson so long ago.
Let me take you through a quick tour of Longreach, which
is set among the vast Mitchell grass plains of outback
Queensland, with star-studded night skies and people with
a very firm handshake.
Longreach is home to the Qantas Founders Museum and
the Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame and Outback Heritage Centre.
The Prince of Wales has a very special connection with
the hall of fame as he has been patron there since 1998.
Longreach is not far also from where Banjo Paterson
penned our unofficial national anthem, Waltzing Matilda,
at Winton in 1895 and in the other direction is the Labor
Party's foundation at Barcaldine, the Tree of Knowledge.
The Prince of Wales last visited Australia in 2005 and this
will be the first visit to Australia by the Duchess of
This is a wonderful announcement and the outback
communities of Maranoa and across many parts of rural
Australia, including the people of Longreach, I know will
give the royal couple a welcome they will never forget.
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Police News
Bedourie Police news
This month a large traffic operation is underway. It
aims at reducing the September holiday road toll.
During this next month I will be targeting several
traffic offences.
These will include seatbelts, drink driving, speeding
and fatigue.
As many of you would know, Neale McShane is
currently away on holidays, and I am the relieving
Officer at the police station for a month.
Last month Shawn the camel man had one of his
camels shot whilst it was on Durrie Station. It
appears to be a deliberate act and anyone with any
information can contact either Neale or myself.
I would also like to warn everyone again about the
upcoming Summer. There are a lot of new people in
town now and this will be their first summer in the
When you are travelling take plenty of water
and a bit of food. Also carry an extra spare
tyre with you.
A lot of the roads in the off season may not see cars
for several days. If you are on one of these roads
and breakdown, you may be stuck for a couple of
Always let someone know of your travel plans
and keep in contact with them.
That way if you do get stranded someone can raise
the alarm and we know roughly where to look for
Thank you to the many people who have already
warmly welcomed me here, and if I haven’t
already met you, please feel free to drop in to
the station or say “hello” when you see me
Neale will be back on approximately the 20th
In the meantime, if there is anything that needs
my attention, please let me know.
Lost Property:
Some equipment has been handed in to the
police station:
If this belongs to you or you know who it does
belong to can you please let me know.
Till next month.
The Bedourie Sherriff.
Stay safe on our roads.
Mathew Seneviratne
The (relieving) Birdsville Cop
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Did you know......
New Arrivals to the Shire
Isla is Marianne and
Wallace McCarthy’s little
She was born on the
13th March at 2.25pm,
in Mount Isa
Weighed 3150grams
and was 52cms long.
Jahkai Michael Robert Francis Purcell was born in Mount Isa
on May 20 weighing 10 pounds 14 ounces with a length of
56 cms. Jahkai is first child to Richard Purcell and Melissa
Gadsby of Birdsville.
If you have any community news/articles or
photographs that you wish to see in the
newsletter please contact Mrs Jo Lewington.
Frogs can't swallow with their eyes open.
Elephants are the only mammal that cannot jump.
A 1/4 of your bones are in your feet.
Your tongue is the fastest healing part of your body.
A 'jiffy' is actually 1/100th of a second.
On your birthday you share it with 9 million others.
1 googol is the number 1 (one) followed by 100 zeros.
A 1 minute kiss burns 26 calories.
You burn more calories sleeping than watching TV.
Frogs don’t drink. (they absorb water through their
 At birth dalmations are always white.
 Hummingbirds are the only bird that can fly backwards.
 A duck can't walk without bobbing its head.
 A hummingbird's heart beats at over a 1,000 times a
 Dragonflies have six legs but can not walk.
 A crocodile can not move its tongue.
 A strawberry is the only fruit which seeds grow on the
 That the first MTV video played was 'Video killed the
radio star' by the Buggles.
 In 1878 the first telephone book made contained only
50 names.
 The safest car color is white.
 The most commonly forgotten item for travelers is
their toothbrush.
 Coca Cola launched its 3rd product Sprite in 1961.
 Apples are more effective at waking you up in the
morning than coffee.
 Room temperature is defined as between 20 to 25°C.
(68 to 77°F)
 An octopus pupil is rectangular.
 The hyoid bone in your throat is the only bone in your
body not attached to any other.
 The Australian aircraft carrier QANTAS stands for
Queensland And Northern Territories Aerial Service.
 The movie Pulp Fiction cost $8 million to make with $5
million going towards actor's salaries.
 The oldest word in the English language is 'town'.
 Cats can not move their jaw sideways.
 Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
 It is physically impossible for pigs to look up at the sky.
 Your most sensitive finger is your index finger. (closest
to your thumb)
 Venetian blinds were invented in Japan.
 The average golf ball has 336 dimples.
 The word 'Strengths' is the longest word in the English
language with just one vowel.
 The movie 'Wayne's World' was filmed in two weeks.
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Our ‘Dress the Desert in Pink’ weekend kicked off on Friday 7th September at our fortnightly
RFDS Clinic. We had a BBQ, accompanied by pink damper & bread. There were also Pink
cupcakes and a guitar shaped cake made especially for the day. With the help of Meegan Bradbury, our RFDS Flight Nurse from Mt Isa & with kind donations from Anne from Genius Creations, for a donation towards Breast Cancer everyone could have a go at painting their own silk
scarf. This was a very successful event with $302 raised.
With permission from Garth & Kathi Tully and the Bedourie Race Club the finishing post at the
racetrack was repainted to support the cause. Thanks must go to Jody Barr, Bill & Shaz Riddiford for their help painting, in less than ideal conditions.
On Saturday Joyce & I set up our stall and were very busy as soon as people began entering the
track. The locals & tourists were especially generous with their donations & no one hesitated
to put their hand in their pocket for the raffle (thanks to Lyndall!!) or guess the jelly beans in the Jody Barr, Sharon Fong & Bill
We sold almost all of our merchandise & after the auction was over & everything added up the
total raised for the National Breast Cancer Foundation & West ‘n Breast in Longreach was $8409.
Joyce & I can not say thank you enough to everyone who helped make our day a great success.
Joyce Crombie & Lauren Hart
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The Bedourie Branch of the Sporting Shooters Association held their 2nd Annual General Meeting on Friday 28 October. A new Management Committee was elected.
Tim Farran
Vice President
Geoff Lewington
Maggie den Ronden
Alana Donovan
The club will be approaching Diamantina Shire Council for the allocation of land behind the Racecourse for the gun club Range. Weapons
Licensing demands that the parcel of land be 3k long and 1k wide and the area we are requesting is more than adequate.
On 5 September, the club catered for the Diamantina Shire’s Outgoing Councillors Dinner. This was a fully catered three course meal
served by members of the Junior Youth Council. Our special thanks go to Nerissa Parsons, Bree Monaghan, Yarryn Lewington, Cody
Cramer and Aaron May. The event was very successful with the club members giving their time to make this the success it was.
If anyone would like to join this exciting club please contact the Secretary and we will send you the necessary paperwork. Our next meeting will be held at the Royal Hotel on Friday 26 October at 5.00pm. All new members are welcome.
Contact for new members
Maggie den Ronden – email [email protected]
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12 September 2012
Have diabetes? Keep
your feet in check…
New research shows a staggering 85 per cent of diabetesrelated amputations in Australia are avoidable, prompting
Diabetes Queensland to call for people with diabetes to
prioritise regular foot check-ups.
The statistics, presented as part of a national diabetes
conference on the Gold Coast this month, reveal Australia
has one of the highest rates of lower-limb amputations
globally. 85 people with diabetes have a foot or part of their
leg removed each week.
With the news that around 3,600 diabetes-related
amputations can be prevented each year, Diabetes
Queensland CEO Michelle Trute is encouraging people with
diabetes to check their feet on a daily basis, and visit a
podiatrist regularly.
“Knowing how to care for your feet can prevent low-risk feet
from developing to high-risk feet, and help avoid potential
amputations in the future,” Ms Trute said.
“It’s important for people with all types of diabetes to attend
an education session to know what to look for when
assessing their feet. Washing, drying and looking at your
feet every day – especially between your toes – is vital to
keep them in a healthy condition. Being aware of irregular
sensations, bruising and redness and decreased blood flow
are all important too.”
“Health experts will check your foot shape, toenails,
footwear, circulation and nerves during regular check-ups.
Often low-risk feet can become high-risk feet without
symptoms, and you may need to be referred to a specialist
or high-risk foot clinic.”
Damage to the nerves and blood-supply of the feet is more
likely in people who have had diabetes for a long time, high
blood glucose levels for an extended period of time, if the
person smokes or is inactive.
Research from the Queensland University of Technology
also shows diabetes is responsible for 6 out of every 10
lower extremity amputations. 53 per cent occur due to type
2 diabetes, while 7 per cent are a result of type 1 diabetes.
Diabetes Queensland recommends people with diabetes
make contact with their GP and take proper steps to
manage their diabetes. Checking and recording blood
glucose levels regularly, being physically active and eating
well are all essential measures to prevent diabetes
People can access more information about diabetes and
their feet via an online fact sheet at
Information about the Australian Podiatry Association in
Queensland can be found at
More information about Diabetes Queensland, and reducing
your risk of preventable diabetes, is available at
Desert Yarns
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Desert Yarns
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Diamantina—Get your teams together
Bus will be departing Bedourie around
Wear your best pink
Bring your swag
Need more info contact Alex - 1300 794 257
or Trevor - 4746 1202 (ext 123)
Desert Yarns
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Desert Yarns
Bedourie rounds off racing trifecta
The Simpson Desert Carnival trifecta rounded off with the
Bedourie Races on the second weekend in September. Renowned for its strong focus on country spirit and hospitality,
more than 400 racegoers packed the dusty track to watch as
Just a Touch beat Streetson to the post to take out the 1600m
George Bourne and Associates/Cluny Station Open Bedourie
Three proved a lucky number for trainer Kylie Geran from
Oakey whose horse Jam Tin, won the McInnes Wilson/IOR
Energy Bracelet Class 3 Plate as well as the Diamantina Shire
Triple Bonus with wins at each of the Simpson Desert Carnival’s three races – Betoota, Birdsville and Bedourie.
Other race winners included:
GW Murphy Builder/G&J Lewington Maiden Plate – Legal Limit trained by Neil Byrne, Mt Isa
The Outback Loop & Kamaran Downs Open Handicap –
Gesink trained by Richard Simpson, Longreach
Toby and Gem Harris/KAB Contracting Class B Handicap –
Master of Reality trained by Neil Byrne, Mt Isa
Cava Hydraulics/MAS Mechanical/Bedourie Hotel Class C
Handicap – Whispering Death trained by Garth Tully, Bedourie
Off track heads were turned by Fashions on the Field entrants
with Jahni Garland taking out the title of the best dressed “filly”
of the day and Shay Booth awarded the “spunky buck” title.
To add to the festivities, this year racegoers were encouraged
to dress the desert pink to help promote awareness of Breast
Cancer. All funds raised from merchandise and raffle tickets
sold on the day went to West ‘n Breast in Longreach supporting Breast Cancer suffers in Western Queensland and the
National Breast Cancer Foundation who provide funding for a
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Desert Yarns
Bedourie Ute & Travellers Muster Winners
The fourth annual Bedourie Ute & Travellers’ Muster was another huge success for the Diamantina Shire. With
travellers coming from as far away as Shearwater in Tasmania and Perth in Western Australia to take part in the
event. With much pride taken in motor vehicle ownership – especially among local ute owners – categories such as
Best Outback/Station Ute, Best Chick’s Ute, Best Travellers’ Wagon and Best Travellers’ Motorhome were hard
The 2012 winners included:
Best Town and Country Ute:
First: Ross and Frances Morris
Second: David Woods
Third: Quinton Parsons
Best Outback/Station Ute:
First: Garth Tully
Second: Jody Barr
Third: David Woods
Best Chick’s Ute:
First: Beck Smith
Second: Kristy Matthews
Third: Bree Monaghan
Best Bullbar Ute:
First: Jody Barr
Second: Kevin Barr Junior
Third: Max Smith
Furthest Ute from Home:
Adrian Wild – Shearwater, Tasmania
Best Travellers’ Motorhome Name
John Horsley – Wheel Estate
Furthest Interstate Motorhome from Home:
Fred Dew – Perth, Western Australia
Furthest QLD Motorhome from Home:
Ron Walsh – Keperra, Queensland
Best Travellers’ Motorhome:
First: Gerald and Doreen Madeley
Tied Second: Ian Barbour
Tied Second: Charlie and Yvonne Sorel
Best Travellers’ Wagon
Tied First: Diane McMaster
Tied First: David Garland
Second: Col Wildman
Furthest Interstate Traveller from Home:
Wayne Lyndon – White Beach, Tasmania
Many thanks to all the competitors and of course to our generous sponsors: The Outback Loop, Nissan, Ergon
Energy, Diamantina Shire Council, Champion Contracting, Skytrans, Hastings Deering, Bedourie Hotel, Simpson
Desert Oasis Roadhouse, Birdsville Caravan Park, PE & GC Harris Road Contractors, KAB Contracting, Parsons
Transport, Minserv Pest Services, Birdsville Fuel Services, JP Barr Operator/Contractor, P & M Hindom, L&S Rosenberg Plumbing & Drainage, MAS Mechanical, Butch Davie Contracting , A. Coulthard & Sons, Wild Writing & Photography, Mead Perry Group, Young Enterprises and Outback Waters.
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Images kindly supported by Shelley Dillon & Sharon Veal
Desert Yarns
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Desert Yarns
Diamantina Shire Events 2012
NAIDOC Celebrations
Friday, November 16, 2012
A full day of activities starting at 9am with night time food and entertainment at the Mud Hut.
Program to be announced.
For more information contact Joanne Lewington (07) 4746 1202 or [email protected]
Diamantina Triathlon
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Bedourie Aquatic Centre
Kids commencing at 8am, Teams 9am, Individuals 10am
For more information contact Joanne Lewington (07) 4746 1202 or [email protected]
Bedourie Bikekhana
Saturday, December 1, 2012
A great day of motorbike events for the whole family.
For more information contact Joanne Lewington (07) 4746 1202 or [email protected]
Contact details:
Business Hours
After Hours
Cr Geoff Morton
(07) 4746 3250
(07) 4746 3250
Cr Garth Tully
Deputy Mayor
(07) 4746 1219
(07) 4746 1219
Cr Jody Barr
(07) 4656 3095
(07) 4656 3095
Cr Don Rayment
(07) 4656 3321
(07) 4656 3321
Cr Steve Cramer
(07) 4746 1236
(07) 4746 1236
Scott Mason
Chief Executive Officer
(07) 4746 1202
(07) 4746 1009
Trevor Stewart
Works Manager
(07) 4746 1202
(07) 4746 1021
Corporate Services Manager
(07) 4746 1202
Jenny Neale
Finance Manager
(07) 4746 1202
(07) 4746 1109
Steven Baldwin
Tourism and Community
(07) 4656 3300
(07) 4656 3331
0408 824 179
Paul Veal
Birdsville Town Services
(07) 4656 3350
(07) 4656 3069
Jodie Girdler
Bedourie Town Services
(07) 4746 1202
(07) 4746 1160
Shire Profile
The Diamantina Shire is the second largest shire in Queensland, with an area of approximately 95,000 square kilometres and a population of
350 people. The 95,000 square kilometres includes three towns – Birdsville, Bedourie and Betoota. The shire is predominantly a beef
producing area containing some of the best contaminant-free natural fattening country in Australia.
The Diamantina Shire shares borders with the Northern Territory and South Australia and lies within the region known as the Channel
Country. The Diamantina and Georgina Rivers, Cooper and Eyre Creek are the main players in a network in western Queensland Rivers.
These three great river systems draw water from an area of 556,000 square kilometres. In the regular dry periods these systems contain
numerous waterholes that can vary in depth and length.
Points of Interests
Deon’s Lookout
Big Red Sandhill
Aquatic Centre
Betoota Hotel
Waddi Trees
Mud Hut
Browns Creek Camping Area
Simpson Desert National Park
Diamantina National Park
The Bilby Way
Cuttaburra Crossing
Carcoory Ruins
Historic Hotel
Burke & Wills Campsite
Vaughan Johnson Lookout
To add your name to the newsletter mailing/email list, or to change your contact details,
please advise Mrs Jo Lewington on 07 4746 1202 or email [email protected]. Alternatively, you may elect to remove your name from the mailing list and access the newsletter via
the shire website at