To Kill a Mockingbird Background Research Project

To Kill a Mockingbird
Background Research Project
For this project, you and your partner(s) will need to become the experts on your assigned topic. As you
research, make sure you’ve asked extensive questions about your topic; found relevant and important
information; can explain why each piece of information is relevant and important to your topic; and are
able to present facts/information about your topic as if you and your partner(s) were the only ones able to
teach the information to a room full of people who would otherwise know nothing about your topic. The
bullet points on your PowerPoint slides will act as outlines for you only.
Women’s Rights and Roles in the 1930’s
African American/Minority rights and struggles in the 1930’s
The Dust Bowl
The Great Depression
Class Divisions in the South (rich vs poor) in the 1930’s
Herbert Hoover’s role and impact on the 1930’s
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s role and impact on the 1930’s
Jim Crow Laws. What were they and who did they affect?
Music in the 1930’s, what influenced it, what was its influence, etc.
Major events from 1930-1934 and how they impacted the U.S.A.
Major events from 1935-1939 and how they impacted the U.S.A.
Eleanor Roosevelt
~Research Project Requirements~
1) Each group must have a minimum of ten (10) slides, no more than 13 slides.
2) Each group must have a final slide which will contain the bibliography information.
3) Each slide must have 1-2 pictures.
4) Slides can have one-sentence bullet points only. The bulk of the information you and your
partner(s) present about your topic should come from your own knowledge based off of the research
you and your partner(s) have done.