1 9 oG. V IC TOHIA. STATE RIVERB R,EPORT, PRESE~TED A~D WATER SUPPLY STATE~IENT, AND CO}IMISSIO~. ESTI~IATES. TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 49 01'' THE WATER ACT 1905, ~)l ~n~ltDtih!: ,&', ltEMP, ACTING GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. No. 40.-[9d,]-10406, APPROXlMATII:·tCOST OF~,itLPORt.:: £ Prepu.rntwn-Xot giver... Printing- (850 copies 1 D 0 d. STATE RIVERS AND 'VATER SUPPLY COJ\ilJ\iliSSION. The State Rivers and Water Supply Commission, appointed lst May, 1906, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 49 of the Water Act 1905, submits the following Report, Statement, and Estimates:~ By the Water Act 1905, in addition to other powers and duties imposed on the Commission, the control and management of the Works, Irrigation and Water Supply Districts, Waterworks Districts, and the property of the Waterworks Trust set out, with the amount of Capital Cost and other details, in the following Tables, were vested in the Commission, viz. :~ (I) STATE ·woRKS. (a) FREE HEAD-WORKS. Description of Works. Broken River Works Goulburn River vVorks, together with theW aranga Reservoir (to be handed over when completed) .. .. Kow Swamp Works Loddon River Works JJake Lonsdale Reservoir I,ower Wimmera Compensation Work;;; Long Lake Pumping Works Kerang North-West Lakes Works Total (b) £ s. d. 14,852 15 0 693,835 180,399 153,678 48,639 8,558 27,346 9,587 0 19 18 0 7 16 2 0 7 11 2 3 5 4 1,13fi,892 19 8 OTHER STATE WORKS. Description of Works. Geelong Water Supply Works Coli ban System of Waterworks Mallee Di~trihntion Works Mallee Local Storage Works Total Amount of Capital Cost at 30th June, 1906, on which no Interest is to be charged in respect of Work, excluding Cost of Loan Flotation. Capital Sum at 30th June, 1906, standing at the debit of each of such Works. Subject to addition by Proportion of Expenses of recent Loan Con· version; figures not yet avail.. able. £ 8. d. 456,45() 6 6 1,2H),73-t 13 ll (For Capital Snm, ~ee page 4, Sea Lake.) 1,676,183 0 5 In addition to the above State Works, the Commission has the control and management of the Glenorehy Works and Donald Weir, constructed by the Wimmera United 'Waterworks Trust. 4 (2) IRRIGATION AND WATER SUPPLY DISTRICTS. C'apital Sum at 1st liiay, 1906, standing at the Tot.al A<lvances exclmliug Cost of J,oan Flotation. Name of District. debit of the Trust ha v)ng \'aJ•!tal written off jurisdiction over the District immediately pre ceding the commence· ment of the Water .dc1905, excluding C{)st ofl IA>an Flotation. Amount paid in n l'demption to 'l'masury. J~~~. ~\r6t~5 and 1651. 1 Cohuna Koondrook and Myall Benjeroop and Murrahit Rwan Hill Gunbower West Kerang East ~Iacorna ::"Torth Dry Lake South Kerang Marquis Hill Rodnev Campl"~pc Bacch11R Marsh Tragowel Plains North Poort East Bcort Leaghur and Meering Wandella Twelve Mile Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I £ s. d. 151,213 6 5 15,468 10 2 12,936 4 0 799 13 7 5,889 0 1 14,024 18 10 18,557 9 9 1,704 0 0 632 16 1 14,476 16 ci 223,269 8 3 61,700 0 0 H,406 2 4 159,847 18 0 6977139 , 21,566 911 5,043 5 6 30,754 9 0 5,050 0 0 6,984 8,082 686 17 10 1 81 0 0 297 2 10 14 9 6 9,076 149,949 52,685 8,906 124,531 4,867 14,866 2,543 20,929 3,250 2 7 5 2,901 305 212 443 52 142 77 111 28 788,318 540,404 5,479 12 £ s. 512 6 52 15 64 3 162 10 £ 93,968 12,080 7,200. 19.799 2 0 d. 9 5 0 0 9 4 6 8 14 6 15 8 8 3 £ 8. 56,732 3,335 5,672 4,838 5,889 7,023 10,394 720 618 5,398 70,418 8,709 5,287 34,870 2058 6,558 2,422 9,714 1,772 19 14 1 3 0 8 9 17 . 6 2 18 4 8 8 0 0 242,434 7 d. 8 9 0 7 1 9 9 2 6 7 8 11 18 11 13 4 7 10 2 4 56 3 9 7 2 0 4 0 () 9 5 i I (3) vVATERWORKS DISTRICTS. Capital Sum at 30th June, 1906, standing at the debit of each of such Works, excluding C<Jst of Loan Flotation. District. Long Lake £ 33,549 Sea Lake 46,442 14 10 (4) Trust. 8. 4 d. 3* WATERWORKS TRUST. Total A(_lvances, excluding Cost or Loan Flotation. C'apltal Sum at 30th June, 1906, standing at the debit of the Trust. Capital writtL'Il oil' by Act No. 1625. ! £ Loddon United 21,771 s. d. 4 9 £ 1,717 £ 20,0;\4 8. ·1 d. 9 DISTRICTS SUPPLIED WITH WATER FOR DOl\IESTIC AND ORDINARY USE AND FOR 'V ATERING CATTLE OR OTHER S'rOCK. The whole of the Districts set out in (2), (3), and (4) above are now supplied by the Commission with water for domestic and ordinary use, and L::· ',',r::-,tering cattle or other stock. • Ineluding £27,346 llls, 5d. for Free Head-works. See page 3. 5 LANDS UNDER IRRIGATED CULTURE. Returns of the whole of the lands under irrigated culture within the State are in process of being compiled by the Commission. The following is an interim return compiled from information obtained from the Vietorian ·water Rupply Department, and from that so far collected bv the Commission. " STATE:\fENT SHOWING THE EXTENT OF IRRIGATION AND THE AREAS OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF CROPS \VATERED-YEAR 1905-6. Name of District. Acres. Supplied from Goulburn State Works. I Rodney Eclmca and Waranga 269,000 :100,000 Totals 569,000 Supplied /mm Kow Swamp State Works. Dry Lake GunbowE>r West Kerang East Macorna North :Marquis Hill South Kerang Wandella (portion) 1,106 432 151 111 353 560 895 60 496 1,188 2,0581 4,263 2,152 I 8,183 I 554 I 2,684 : ' 541 70 II M9 i 2,979 i 5,740 2,713 6,039 l2o, 733 140 1,108 2,028 556 972 14,117 914 559 2 861 6 8a0 60 649 2,978 922 329 I 115 1,389 . . ! 811 1,182 307 19,695 1,469 2,582 20,592 905 1,981 160 7,746 1,187 3,057 4 243 369 148 6,437 591 3,662 126 489 1,880 1,797 427 38 1,109 Tohds I 9751 3,365) 30 . 8,7111 : 12,2831 3,7761 .. I 1,oo2 10 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 1 .. 40 1,510 9,790 18,100 27,300 10,930 2,630 11,600 81,860 Supplied from Loddon State Works. Wandella (portion) East Boort Leaghur and Meering North Boort Tragowel Plains Tv,elve Mile Totals I .. .. .. ~ - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 11,600 30,000 10,300 10,000 180,900 9,030 251,830 Not supplied /rorn State Works. Bacchus Marsh .. Benjeroop and Murrabit Campaspe <:oh una Koondrook and ;\fyall Swan Hill Western Wirnmem Tota 1s First l\1ildura Grand 'l'otals 5 253 3,588 493 I 5,349 i 14,644 509 i 2,9;)4 54 I 46 2 4 156 2541 6,2631 .. 827, 13 134,786 . . • 5,239! ! 9,56o' 910 19,740 ,14,5go 94,230 12,590 14,400 1,578,030 14,135 11,576 1,764,490 1,962 ;35,000 42,199 46,507 2,702,180 1,000 "' The areaslshown are the areas waterell in 1904--5, the information for 1905-6 not being avnilabJc. w. NOTE.-Areas watol'Cti more_ than once, are counted once for €'i:H'h \Yatcring. VALUATION AND RATING. As the Commission came into existence after rates for the current vear had been made for the several Irrigation and Water Supply Districts, such rates wfU be collected as general rates for the period ending 31st December, 1906. Meanwhile, valuers have been appointed to value the properties in these and in certain Waterworks Districts subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, preparatory to the levying of future general rates for the supply of water for domestic and ordinary use and for watering cattle or other stock. The valuers, in making these valuations, will also prepare a return setting out the number of persons dwelling on the lands valued. In the case of the Waterworks Districts subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, rates for the like purpose will be made immediately on the completion of the valuations. In the Loddon United ·waterworks Trust the present rating conditions will hold until 31st December next. The following is a return of the Annual Value (Municipal) of I.ands and Tenements and of the rates made and levied thereon for the year 1906 by the late controlling bodies in the districts named : - Name of District. Rate £ 11,642 1,471 2,619 2,038 1,138 1,905 3, Hi~ Cohuna Koondrook and Mvall Benjeroop and Mlirrabit Swan Hill Gunbower West Kerang East .. Macorna North Dry Lake South Kerang .. Marquis Hill Rodney Campaspe 4 2 {Division l \.Division. 2 1 rUrban Division ·~ Parwan Division 7,221 ,Lower Parwan Division j'Division l D~v~s~on '; 'I Tragowel Plains 19,276 •IDivision DIVISIOn 1 I • , .l 4 1,341 3,122 1,185 2,682 ],004 North Boort East Boort Leaghur and Meering Wandella Twelve·mile Long Lake Sea Lake Loddon United \Vaterworks Trust* • Taken over by the Auditor-Gener,ll and tramifAtred t.o Con1n1i~sion hv Section 278, WatM" Act 1905. • 61,615 (j 6 5 0 Nil. 3H 1,236 59,565 7,062 Mar~h £1. s. d. 7 0 4 6 2 0 7 0 5 0 Werribee Division Bacchus in~the .. 3 5 l 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 2 l ·2 1 2 l 0 0 6 6 0 6 1 1 \} 6 4 6 6 0 6 0 9 2d. per acre N{l. Marong Shire Division 0 6 East Loddon Shire Division 0 6 No. 1 East Division 1 6 No. 2 East Division 1 0 No. 3 East Divi~ion 0 9 ' · Gordon Sh',re No. l West Division 2 0 No. 2 West Division , l 6 'No. 3 West Division 0 9 Korong Shire (No. 1 Division · l 4 O'H \No. 2 Division , C'harlton Division 0 6 .• ! lr GEELONG AND CouBAN SysTE:o.rs. For the Geelong \Vater Supply area and the Coliban \Vaterworks District, revised and amended by-laws have been made for the imposition of rates and charges and for the administration of th? works. These by-la\YS have been published in the 7 Government Gazette (see pages 3247, 3248, 3249, 3512, 3513, and 3514) and in newspapers circulating in the districts affected. GKl~LONG AND COLIBAN~RF::CEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE. The following is a statement of Receipts and Expenditure in respect of these systems for the year ended 30th June, 1906. It is compiled, as to the first ten months, from the records of the Victorian \Vater Supply Department; as to the last two, from the records of the Commission:Expenditure from Consoli<lated Revenue. Total Cost at 30th June, 1906. including C'ust of J..oan Flotation. • lnt,erest on and I~uuui~ J~xpent~ed payiug same. Maintenance an<l lllanal'en,ent. including Proportion of Head Office Expenses. Receipts paid intu Receipts over Treasury to Credit Expenditure on of Consolidated Maintenance and Revenue, Year . Management equa.l ended 30th June, to% on Total 1 1906. ; Cost. ·--·-·------- £ Geelong Works Coliban Works £ £ £ 4f>o,45o 15,540 3,385 13,470 1,219,734 40,600 10,438 34,045 • Subject to addition by proportion of·expenses of recent·Loun Conversion.. --·------£ 10,085 = 2t% 23,607 = 1iqo% Figures not yet available. REGISTER OF LANDS~IRRIGATION AND WATER SUPPLY DISTRICTS. As a necessary preliminary to the compilation of a Register of Lands within the Rodney Irrigation and Water Supply District, a complete contour survey of such lands has been arranged for. It should be completed by 31st December, 1906. Arrangements will, from time to time, as found necessary, be made for like surveys of other districts. IRRIGATION UHARGE.-UHARGES FOR SALES OF 'VVATER. Pending the completion of the R<>gisters of Lands in the several Irrigation and Water Supply Districts and the making of an Irrigation Charge, the Commission intends charging for water supplied for irrigation purposes in any district at the rates set out in the Regulations of the Trust having jurisdiction over such district immediately preceding the commencement of the Water Act 1905. ADMINISTRATION OF' IRRIGATION AND \VATER SUPPLY DISTRICTS. ·with a view of securing more effective administration of these districts, a Resident Secretary and Collector and a Resident Engineer have been appointed for each of the following centres :Rodney.----Office at Tatura for the Rodncy Irrigation and Water Supply District. Resident Recretary and Collector, Mr. J. A. Carey. Resident Engineer, Mr. W. Hector. Kerang.-Office at Kerang for the Cohuna, Koondrook and Myall, Benjeroop and Murrabit, Swan Hill, Gunbower West, Kerang East, .J.Iacorna North, South Kerang, Dry Lake, Marquis Hill, and \Vandella Irrigation and \Vater Supply Districts. Resident Secretary and Collector, Mr. D. G. Rattray. Resident Engineer, Mr. C. R. Anderson. Loddon.-Office at present at ::\iineha (to be removed to Pyramid Hill) for the Tragowel Plains, North Boort, East Boort, Leaghur and ~f'l:eering, and Twelve-mile Irrigation and Water Supply Districts. Resident Secretary and Collector and Resident Engineer, Mr. G. .Laing. Ca1npaspe.-Office at Rochester, for the Campaspe Irrigation and Water Supply District. Resident Secretary and Collector, Mr. H. T. Downe. Resident Engineer, Mr. A. K Castles. Bacchu& Jlarsh.--Uffice at Bacchus .\\hush for the Bacehus Marsh Irrigation and Water Supply District. Resident Seeretary and Collector and Resident Engin~er, Mr. D. A. Little. · 8 ADMINISTRATION OF WATERWORKS DISTRICTg. For the present it is proposed to administer the Long Lake and gea Lake Waterworks Districts and Loddon United Waterworks Trust from Head Office. The Resident Engineer for the Loddon will, however, supervise works in the Loddon United "\Vaterworks Trust District. WORKS CARRIED ON OR COMPLETED. As the distributary channels in the Irrigation and Water Supply Districts were in a very defective condition, the Commission expended from funds provided by the Treasurer, approximately, £2,800 on their improvement. It is proposed to continue such work at seasonable opportunities until the whole of the schemes under the control of the Commission are brought into a state of efficiency. CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO. A contract for the supply of cast-iron pipes for improvement of reticulation at Eaglehawk (Coliban Waterworks) was entered into with Messrs. J. Nixon and Sons, the amount being £388 2s. 4d. GAUGING OF RIVERS. Arrangements have been made to continue the gauging and the recording of the volume and flow of rivers and streams and of the volume of lakes and lagoons as required by the Water Act 1905. A new gauging station has been established on the Barwon lEver, some distance above the junction of the Moorabool. STATEMENT OF RJ<jCEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. Statements of the moneys received and disbursed in respect of State "\Vorks for the year ended 30th June, 1906, as to the first ten months by the Victorian Water Supply Department, and as to the last two by the Commission, and in respect of Irrigation and \Vater Supply Districts for the two months ended 30th June, 1906. Expenditure. Excess. ···~'·····---- Deduct Ex pcnditure Revenue~ Oil Capital Works. 1. Coliban Works Geelong Works Goulburn Works Loddon River Works .. Kow Swamp Works Broken River Works .. North-West Lakes 1\blleeLake Lonsdale .. Distributing Channels Long Lake T.-~ower Wimmera Irrigation and Water Supply Districts* .. .. .. £ 34,045 13,470 20,! 28 215 7 110 134 1,2 111 3. £ 4,394 1,696 Net Expenditure ou ~fanugement and Maintenance. - 4. 2,352 325 1,880 212 211 £ 10,438 3,385 2,352 325 1,880 212 2ll 304 2,471 2,451 153 304 2,471 2,451 153 3,777 Totals 27,959 I{evcnue over Expenditure ns per C<>lumn 4. 5, £ 23,607 10,085 I E:qlendlture over Revenue. 6, £ 2,148 297 1,665 205 101 170 2,471 1,210 153 2,213 35,905 8,420 • For two months only. Balance Re':enue in excl'l.ss over Net Expenditure as per column 4 .. .. Deduct Capltal Expenditure as per column 3 Net balance Revenue in excess over Expenditure £27,485 6,090 21,395 9 ESTIMATES. Estimates of the moneys required for the expenses to be incu.rr~d by the Conimission, and of the moneys available from the revenue of the Comm1sswn therefor, for the year ending 30th June, 1907 : EsTIMATED ExPENDITURE.· £14,460 4,350 21,800 2,800 2,500 560 2,500 450 350 280 2,980 Coli ban Geelong .. .. .. Irrigation and Water Supply Districts Long Lake Goulburn-Waranga Loddon Kow Swamp Broken River North-\V est Lakes Lake Lonsdale Distributing Channels Lower Wimmera .. River Gauging . . .. .. Surveys for Irrigation and Water Supply Distric:ts .... Salaries over £250 Total - ' 310 1,500 3,000 3,639 .. . £61,479' ESTIMATED RECEIPTS. Coliban •• Geelong.. •• .,. Irrigation and Water Supply Districts Long Lake Sea Lake Other State \Vorks .... £33,850 13,450 26,000 1,800 900 800 Total Deduct Estimated Expenditure as above 76,800 61,479 15,321 Balance Balance as above Deduct Salaries of two Commissioners Balance available for Interest, see page 10 15,321 1,300 £14,021 Estimates of the sums to be provided by the State to meet Interest on its Loan Expenditure for \VorksofWater Supply, both State Works of Water Supply and Works vested in Authorities other than the Board of Land and \Vorks or the Commission, and of the sums available from the revenues of the Commission and from the moneys receivable from such Authorities to provide such Interest for the year ending 30th June, 1907Loan Liability for Works of Water Supply to 30th June, 1906, exclusive of Loan Liability in respect of " Yan Yean " £6,122,151 supply 147,789 Deduct Redemption Contributions (paid into Treasury) Net Loan Liability* £5,974,362 Annual Interest payable (including Interest £9,504 on account of Trust Funds upon which no Interest is paid by the Treasurer) . . • Includes unexpended balances amounting to £63,171, made up as follows:-From Country TramwaY$ Acts Nos. 1933 • and from other Loan Acts-£35,67 4.. 10403. B £208,998 anc\1943~-£27,497 10 Estimates of sums available to provide such Interest for the year ending 30th June, 1907 :From the Revenues of the Commission (see page 9) £14,021 From the moneys receivable from such other authorities (as estimated by the Victorian Water Supply Department) excluding £1,060 payable on Loans made under Surplus Revenue Acts 54,440 Estimated total sum available to provide such Interest £68,461 STUART 1\iURRAY, Chairman. G. GARSON, Commissioner. \Vl\1. CATTANACH, Commissioner. Treasury Gardens, Melbourne, 21sf September, 1906. By Antborilly: J. K:mi,r.p, Aciing <klvernment Printer, Melboume. 1
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