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Part 1
Johnson’s Great Society
• The civil rights movements helped black Americans, but they were still relegated
to a second-class status economically, politically, and socially.
• The presidential administrations in the postwar decades expanded the size and
scope of government.
• Liberalism reshaped social, economic, gender, racial, and political relations.
Ch. 38
LBJ’s Domestic Policies
• Election of 1964
• LBJ’s Great Society
– Economic Opportunity
Act 1964
– Elementary and
Secondary Education Act
– Medicare Act of 1965
LBJ’s Domestic Policies
• Cabinet-level agencies
– Dept of Housing and
Urban Development
– Dept of Transportation
• New Amendments
– 24th Amendment (1964)
– 25th Amendment (1967)
LBJ’s Domestic Policies
• Civil rights initiatives
– Civil Rights Act (1964)
– Voting Rights Act (1965)
Supreme Court Reforms
• Warren Court
1. Mapp v. Ohio (1961)
2. Gideon v. Wainright
3. Escobedo v. Illinois
4. Miranda v. Arizona