4H - Waves - IIS Cremona

In a longitudinal wave, the disturbance that makes up the wave is along the
direction ...
Longitudinal waves are also referred to as ...
In a transverse wave, the disturbance that makes up the wave is ...
Which are some characteristics of waves?
Are harmonic waves periodic waves?
Are periodic waves harmonic waves?
Are harmonic waves sinusoidal waves?
Are sinusoidal waves harmonic waves?
How do we call the highest point in a transverse wave? Peak or ...
How do we call the lowest point in a transverse wave?
How do we call the distance from the baseline to the crest (or from the baseline
to the through)?
How do we call the distance between "the same point" on "two consecutive
Better said, the distance between two consecutive points that oscillate in phase
(which means that they have, at the same time, equal displacements from their
equilibrium points and equal velocities) is called ...
Q. Is velocity considered only in its absolute value?
A. No, it isn't. So, for instance, 3 m/s and -3 m/s are not the same velocity.
Q. How do we detect the velocity from the graph of a wave?
A. The velocity is represented by the slope of the graph.
Two or more points in a wave are in phase when they have, at the same time,
the same displacement from their equilibrium point and also the same velocity.
When two or more points in a wave are said to have the same phase, or that
they are in phase?
What is the wavelength?
Two or more points in a wave are in phase when their distance (actually, the
distance from their abscissas in a transverse wave) is an integer multiple of a
How do we call the amount of time it takes "for one complete wave to go by", or
the time it takes for a complete wavelength to go by?
Better said, the time a point in a wave takes to do a complete oscillation; also,
the time a wave takes to travel through a distance equal to a wavelength.
Define, in two different ways, the period of a wave.
Two or more points in a wave are in phase when the time required to cover
their distance (actually, the distance from their abscissas in a transverse wave)
is an integer multiple of a period.
The frequence of a wave is one over the ... and also the number of wavelengths
that pass a given point in ... seconds.
The phase of a harmonic wave is the argument of the sine or cosine function.
Two or more points in a harmonic wave are in phase when their phases differ by
an integer multiple of 2π.
Explain, in four different ways, when to points in a wave are in phase.
In a longitudinal wave, wavelength is the distance from compression to
compression, or from rarefaction to rarefaction.
In the above graph the black point A and the yellow dot poin are in phase, that
is, their phases differ by 2π, 360°, a wavelength, a period.
The black point A and the red cross point are π radians out of phase, that is
180° out of phase, half a wavelenght out of phase, half a period out of phase.
Say, in four different ways, how much point A and the yellow dot point are out
of phase.
Say, in four different ways, how much point A and the red cross point are out of
What is wave motion?
How can be waves be classified?
Does an electromagnetic wave require any medium for its propagation?
What is a mechanical wave?
Q. In which media can a transverse mechanical wave propagate?
A. A transverse mechanical wave propagates only in those media which can
sustain shearing stress, that is, only in solid media.
Q. Electromagnetic waves are longitudinal or transverse waves? In which media
do thei propagate?
A. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves and propagate in solids, liquid,
gases and empty space.
Write the wave equation.
What is the superposition principle?
What is interference?
Which types of interference are there?
When two waves with same amplitude interfere constructively, what is their
phase difference and what is the resulting amplitude?
When two waves with same amplitude interfere desctuctively, what is their
phase difference and what is the resulting amplitude?
When do we have standing waves?
When we have a single dusturbance, shall we call it a wave or had we better call
it a ...
What does propagate in a wave, matter or energy?
The wave below propagates to the left. In which direction (up or down) must
the green dot on the wave must be moving?
And now?
Sound in a gas or in a liquid is a longitudinal or transverse wave?
Sound in a solid is mostly a longitudinal wave, but also a transverse wave.
Q. What is the speed of a wave deteremined by?
A. By the medium it travels through and its physical conditions (tension,
pressure, temperature and other characteristics of the medium). In an
electromagnetic wave, also by its frequency.
When a wave propagates in a given medium, as the frequency goes up, the
speed ........., so therefore the wavelength ..........
When a sound wave has a low frequency, is it a low or high tone (also called
And when it has a high frequency?
As the wave enters medium 2, the speed ........., the wavelength .........
and the frequency ..............
The time it takes to complete one cicle (that is, the .........) ................
A change in medium only affects ....... and ........, it does not affect ......
or ........
If two in phase signals (that is, waves) of equal amplitude are added together,
their sum produces another signal with the ............ frequency, but ............
the amplitude.
How many wavelengths are here?
And here?
How has the frequency changed? And the propagation speed?
If you have a string of given length L, which is attached at both ends, which are
the possible values, as functions of L, for the wavelengths of the standing
And if the propagation speed is v, which are the possible values, as functions of
L and v, for the frequencies of the standing waves?
Standing waves are generated by the superposition (interference) of two ........
that travels in .......... directions. What we see is the resulting wave.
In certain points, called ..........., the two component waves interfere ........vely
and the resulting amplitude is ................., while in other points, called ........ ,
the two componente waves interfere .........vely, and the resulting amplitude
is .............. .