tthe linden park - Linden Park Primary School

Week 6
Term 2
18th / 19th June
14 Hay Road, LINDEN PARK 5065
Phone: 8379 2171 Fax: 8338 2507
Student Absences 8379 3382
Email: [email protected]
4th June 2015
On Thursday 21st May Rooms 20 and 21 participated in Walk Safely to School Day. Walk
Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual, national event when all Primary School
children in Australia are encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. The event is
supported by the Federal, State and Local Governments.
They met at Miller Reserve and did a “walking school bus” to school. Students wore high visy vests and
had a fruit breakfast on arrival at the school.
Linden Park Primary School strongly supports the Way2Go program, so participating in these events is a
fantastic way to raise student awareness about being healthy and active. It also helps to reduce
congestion around the school and improves student understanding of road safety.
“It was fun because it was freezing but we warmed up in the end by exercising” -Olivia
“I enjoyed the walk because we were saving the environment by walking to school” -Abinesh
“I think it was really fun because it meant we were being fit and active by walking to school safely”-Jemima
“I think it was really fun because even though it was a cold morning we were able to warm up our muscles
and joints by being fit and active” -Aadi
“It was really fun to walk together as a group because it got us out of our cars and meant we were outside
having fun” -Isabelle
Sheree Wingard, Teacher—Room 21
Linden Park Primary School
CRICOS Provider
Number: 00018A
an international learning community
Diversity Respect Creativity Responsibility
Coming Events
Dear Parents and Caregivers
TERM 2 2015
From the Deputy Principal
Friday 5th June
9:00am R-2 Assembly Rms
11 & 12
R-2 Footsteps
Yr 7 Growth & Development
Week 7
Monday 8th June
Wednesday 10th June
5.30pm Student Learning Committee
6.30pm Finance Committee
Friday 12th June
9:00am 3-7 Assembly Rm 23
R-2 Footsteps
Yr 7 Growth & Development
Saturday 13th June
Week 8
Monday 15th June
ICAS Writing exam
Yr 3-7 Footsteps
7pm Governing Council
Tuesday 16th June
ICAS Spelling exam
7pm Q&A on Hay : Maths
Wednesday 17th June
9.15am RAN induction
Thursday 18th June
School Photos
Friday 19th June
School Photos
9:00am R-2 Assembly Rms 2 & 3
Yr 7 Growth & Development
Week 9
Friday 26th June
9:00am 3-7 Assembly Rm 34 & 40
Yr 7 Growth & Development
Week 10
Tuesday 30th June
Mid Year Reports go home
Wednesday 1st July
R/1 Learning Journeys
END OF TERM 2 : 3.10pm finish
Thursday 2nd July
Friday 3rd July
Reporting Student Learning
Written reports are just one of the ways that teachers maintain
quality communication between school and home about your
child’s learning. Teachers are currently working on formulating
mid-year written reports which will be coming home with students
on Tuesday 30th June.
New Classroom Block
In the coming weeks, works will begin on the 5 new classrooms
which will be located in between the Library and the Room 28-30
block. The first stage of this development will be the demolition
and removal of the current French room. Then there will be some
ground work before the delivery of the five sections that will make
up the classroom block. We anticipate that this work will be
undertaken this Term, over the school holidays and will continue in
to next Term. Next week there will be a portion of the school oval
that will be cordoned off to ensure that the works are contained.
There will, at times, be trucks and vehicles accessing the area
across the oval, but these times will be limited and all vehicles will
be escorted by a walking observer to ensure student and staff
safety. We are looking forward to the new development and the
additional working spaces it will provide for our school.
Staff Professional Learning
On our Student Free Day in May, staff attended a “Language for
expressing ideas” workshop with Bev Derewianka, furthering their
knowledge and understandings of grammar. Below is a
perspective on the day from Kathy Lloyd. Please note that the last
two days of this term (2nd and 3rd July) are Student Free Days
Heidi Rohrig, Deputy Principal
Language for Expressing Ideas workshop
Have you ever stopped to think about the English language and just
how difficult it is to master? During my days at primary school, a
verb was simply ‘a doing word’. Now we refer to verbs as
processes that can be categorised into action verbs, sensing verbs,
saying verbs and relating verbs. Undoubtedly these types of verbs
have always existed but as a teacher I haven’t always explored
them as deeply with my classes as maybe I should have. After
attending a whole school workshop on Friday 22nd May, about
“Language for Expressing Ideas “ by Beverly Derewianka from the
University of Wollongong, I can now appreciate the features of the
English language more. During this workshop teachers investigated
how language works at the level of a clause. We looked at clauses
from both a traditional and functional perspective, as outlined in the
Australian Curriculum for English. We developed our confidence
and knowledge about grammar and a language for talking about
language with our students. It will never amaze me how many
different ways we can teach our students to analyse a piece of
writing in a meaningful and interesting way. Thanks to this
workshop teachers have walked away with new and refreshing
ideas to help their students master the English language.
Kathy Lloyd, Teacher Room 40
Student Free Days: 2nd July & 3rd July
Why a two day concept based workshop for teachers in July?
In the PYP, concepts and conceptual questions drive the way we teach and learn in a transdisciplinary context. We will
explore concepts in greater depth. We will review the theory behind conceptual thinking, develop a better
understanding of key and related concepts and analyse the programme of inquiry and units of inquiry through different
conceptual lenses. Our school’s PYP evaluation late in 2014 highlighted the importance of all teachers understanding
this important aspect of PYP teaching. MYP teachers will be looking at their planning processes and aligning their work
to the MYP standards and practices.
OSHC will be available, please phone direct on OSHC 8379-4610 for bookings.
Teacher Profiles
Year 3 Greys have started their winter season
well. The girls are putting their training into
practise and are continuing to show huge
improvements in all aspects of their
game. Well done girls!
Congratulations on a great win by the Yr 3 Maroon Netball
team defeating the Comets 12-3. The girls showed great
ball skills and moved the ball confidently down the court.
Some sneaky bounce passes took the opposition by
surprise and our goal shooters were able to score the goals.
Year 5 Strikers -The girls bounced back well this week with
a strong 21-8 win over St Joseph's Payneham. Our defence
was strong thanks to good anticipation from Lali, Lily and
Azada. Middle court flowed well with strong, accurate
passing by Maggie, Lauren and Cates. Our shooters, Darcy
and Jessica had great positioning and accuracy, producing
a great finish. Overall it was an inspiring team performance
for the Strikers. Well done team!
Mike McDonnell — Rm 36
I started out as a tennis coach
of young children at the age of
15 and found that I enjoyed
working with children, helping
them develop skills and found I
had the ability to relate to them.
I love the International
Baccalaureate programme as it
inspires me as a teacher and
the children to achieve their potential within the
inquiry based approach to learning.
I started teaching in 1986 in a small Catholic school
for a number of years. I wanted to travel and help
young kids so I volunteered as a teacher in Africa for
three years. I absolutely loved it. I also had another
passion—Sport! I became a professional golfer and
followed this dream for some time and also coached
golf. I eventually realised it was the teaching aspect
that I enjoyed the most and here I am, teaching Year
7 at Linden Park.
Camping and mountain biking are things that my
whole family enjoy. We go camping whenever we
can and usually end up at a place that we can
mountain bike or bush walk or 4WD. The Flinders
Ranges is a favourite spot and my family and I are
aiming to cross the Simpson Desert this July—which
is creating much excitement in
my house!
Year 3, The Linden Tigers continued their
strong form this week with a 2-0 win over East
Adelaide. Our rock solid defence lead by Jack,
Harry, Will, Griffin and Bowen were the strong
foundations to a hard fought victory over a very competitive
East Adelaide. Midfield lineup of Ayan, Jamie, Irha and
Daniel led some quick breakaways, supported by our
forwards Nitin and Rhys which led to 2 good team goals.
The team were all smiles finishing off with the 'Tigers' war
cry to celebrate. Go Tigers!!
The Boys SAPSASA Soccer team won their first game on
the 21st May against Magill Primary. Wonderful team effort,
congratulations to the team. We will be facing Burnside on
5th June. Best of Luck!
Geoff Mills —PE teacher
I chose to become a teacher
quite early on in High School. It
made sense to me because I
have always enjoyed working
with kids and sport has also
always been a big part of my
life both physically and socially;
so PE teaching became a pretty obvious choice.
Both the staff and students here are great. If it wasn’t
for their willingness to adapt and learn, our high
numbers would be an even more difficult challenge
than it already is. The cultural diversity at the school
is also something quite amazing. As a teacher I still
find myself learning something from the students
every day.
I didn’t really follow an orthodox path into teaching.
After University I worked with Hockey SA for 18
months managing their Game Development program
at schools across Metro and Regional S.A. From
there I started doing Relief Teaching for 18 months at
a number of different schools, and then luckily found
myself at LPPS.
Congratulations to Liam K, Lascelle W & Zac D for making
the Adelaide South East Soccer Team 2015.
The Girls SAPSASA Soccer
team played their first game
together unfortunately
losing to Burnside who got
a goal in the last 5 minutes
of play. Well done to all
players and thank you to
Chris Morrison for coming
back to Linden Park to
SAPSASA Table Tennis
An outstanding
performance by our two
Linden Park teams in
the Finals on Friday
22nd May. Linden Park
A came first and Linden
Park B runner up—
Congratulations on a
fantastic effort.
Tammy Verrall, Sports Co-ordinator
Why did you choose to become a teacher?
What do you enjoy most about teaching at LPPS ?
Previous experience.
Outside of school I enjoy (hobbies, interests)
4. I’m a sport tragic; there are very few sports that I don’t
follow in some way. I play hockey and tennis at a
decent level to keep me active physically and socially,
so that takes up a lot of time. Along with sport, I love
hanging out with friends and family, getting away for
weekend trips to the river and playing with my dog.
Year 1 Carnival of the Animals excursion
As part of Rooms 5, 6, 8, 12 and 13’s Unit of Inquiry “Let’s
Perform” they went to the Festival Theatre to see the play
Carnival of the Animals on Thursday, 28 May 2015.
The Educators at LPOSHC are excited to be getting
assessed next week. The assessors will be coming to
the service on the afternoon of Wednesday 10th June
and the morning of the Thursday 11thJune. After
thorough observation, sighting of documentation and
discussions with Nicole Marinos (Director) and Tessa
Saccardo (Assistant Director) we will receive
documentation with our level of compliance of
assessment. We have been busily working towards
achieving Excellence and our room, documentation and
operations are evident of this.
"They made lots of
different animals and
it made us feel
happy!" - Alek Rm 13
"I liked the bit where
the shark came into
the audience" Jessica Rm 13
Year 3 : Adelaide Planetarium
As part of their Unit of Inquiry into “Day and Night” Year 3
students when to the Adelaide Planetarium on
Wednesday, 27st May . They experienced a journey into
outer space, exploring the solar system, stars and
constellations, including Indigenous and traditional star
lore and mythology.
“It was lots of fun because they showed us the Milky Way and
it was also very cool to see the constellation Orion Hunter.”
Jamie Rm 19
“I really enjoyed learning about space. I learnt lots of facts
about the Sun, Moon and planets. I want to thank all the Yr 3
teachers for the excursion to
the Planetarium” Paige Rm 19
The upcoming Vacation care dates: Monday 6th July –
Friday 17th July. The upcoming Student Free dates:
Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd July. BOOKINGS FILLING
UP FAST! Ensure all paperwork is completed correctly
and outstanding fees are paid prior to returning booking
Educator Trish and the
children worked
together creating this
art work for National
Sorry Day last week.
Nicole Marinos
Director LPOSHC
Year 7 Portraits
Year 7 students Rose M, Ayana S, Chris W, Afif R and
Philip D
portraits as
part of their
inquiry into
leaders who
have made a
contribution to