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Basic Training Course in Hardware Retailing
Learn the common features and uses of each product.
1. Ultrasonic Humidifier
• Uses high-fre q u e n cy energy
to break the water up into
tiny droplets, wh i ch are then
dispersed into the air by a
small fan.
• Quiet and use little energy.
• Has the potential of leaving a sticky
white dust around the house if used with
h a rd tap water.
• Can pose health risks if the unit raises the
level of airborne particles in the air.
• For best results and to prevent pollutants
in the air, use distilled water with this type
of humidifier.
2. Evaporative Humidifier
• Uses a wick and high-volume air to return moisture to
the air.
• The wick is a honeycomb
arrangement of cellulose paper with a large
surface area.
• Operates by partially submerging the wick
in the water while a fan forces air to pass
through the upper exposed area, distributing
absorbed water into the air.
• Wicks will need replacing.
• This type uses little energy and is easy to
clean. Some units can be noisy.
3. Warm-Mist Device
• Uses a heating element to
restore moisture to the air.
• The water surrounding the
heating element is brought to
near boiling and a fan cools and
distributes the moistened air, which is
slightly warmer than room air.
• This type can be used with tap water and
will not cause white dust.
• Can be noisy and consumes more energy
than other types.
4. Impeller Humidifier
• Sprays droplets of water
into the air.
• An inexpensive type of
• Must be used with distilled water or with
demineralizing tablets in the water.
5. Floor-Vent Humidifier
• Replaces standard floor
vent registers.
• Provides humidity for
individual rooms without
the need for a plug-in humidifier.
• Uses a water chamber where homeowners
can add water, which then passes through a
wick filter and into the air when the furnace
cycles on.
6. Furnace-Mounted Humidifier
• Forces dry air from the furnace through a saturated foam
element or plate.
• Connected to the water supply
so it is re filled automatically.
• Another type sprays a fine mist of water
into the heated air.
• Uses an automatic reset humidistat to
adjust moisture output to compensate for
weather changes.
7. Evaporative Coolers
• Sometimes called a swamp cooler.
• Uses ice and cool water to cool
and return moisture to the air.
• Ice and cool water is mounted on
top of the unit. As the ice melts,
cool water flows over a wicking material. A
fan mounted behind the wick creates a cool
moist breeze.
• E nv i ro n m e n t a l ly friendly as it uses little
e n e rgy and contains no harmful ch l o ro fl uoro c a r b o n s.
• Advise customers who will use this product to crack a few windows to prevent moisture build-up on inside walls.
8. Dehumidifier
• Removes excess moisture from
the air by blowing humid air
over cold evaporator coils in a
refrigerator system.
• Moisture collects in a pan, and
the unit will automatically shut off when the
pan is full.
• A humidistat controlling the dehumidifier
will respond to changes in moisture content
and is necessary for efficient energy consumption.
Designed to give you confi dence on the salesfloor!
This section is for retail skills
training specific to this core
product category.
Q: What is the benefit of a humidifier?
A: A humidifier can make a house more
comfortable during the winter months. Cold
air holds little moisture. When it enters the
house and is warmed, the air in the house
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Basic Training Course in Hardware Retailing
becomes dry. Humidifiers restore moisture
to the air and can make the house feel
warmer, allowing you to use less heat and
thus save energy.
Q: How large of a humidifier should I buy?
A: There are three main sizes of humidifiers. The portable type, or tabletop style, is
intended to service a single room. The console humidifiers can output from six to 13
gallons of water per day, enough for several
rooms. An in-duct humidifier can be
installed in a forced-air heating system.
Q: Why should I use distilled water with
my humidifier?
A: C e rtain types of humidifi e rs such as the
ultrasonic humidifier should be used with
distilled water. If not, the humidifier could
leave a sticky, white dust around the house. It
could also contri bute to elevated levels of
bacteria residue and mold part i cles in the air.
Q: Does the tank size contribute to the efficiency of the humidifier?
A: No. Larger tank sizes merely mean you
won’t have to refill them as often.
Q: Where should I place my humidifier for
maximum efficiency?
A: Place port able humidifi e rs near an inside
wall, p re ferably facing a stairwell. Also keep
the unit at least 6" from the wall for proper
air circ u l ation. Since moist, warm air rises, an
upstairs floor unit will not be as effective.
Q: How can I get the most efficient use
from my dehumidifier?
A: O p e rate the dehumidifier with doors
and windows cl o s e d. Place the unit away
f rom wa l l s , f u rn i t u re and other airflow
Q: How do I know how much humidity my
humidifier is producing?
A: Use a hygrometer. These are inexpensive
and will tell you how much humidity is in
the air.
• Better portable humidifiers feature large,
easy-to-open screw caps for easy tank refilling and cleaning.
• Better console humidifiers will feature a
filler hose that connects to a faucet for tank
filling. They may also have adjustable fan
speeds, a built-in humidistat and an automatic shutoff.
• A furnace-mounted humidifier that is selfcleaning eliminates the need for water additives.
• Quality of dehumidifiers is closely related
to the amount of moisture a unit extracts
during a 24-hour period. A high-capacity
unit can remove 50-60 pints of moisture
during a 24-hour period. Small units only
remove 25 pints of water per day and may
not be able to dry the air satisfactorily all
the time.
• Distilled Water
• Watering Can
• Replacement Wick
• Replacement Filter
• Garden Hose
• Liquid Descaler
Make sure your customers know how to
properly care for their humidifier
• Clean tanks and filters or belts regularly.
• Watch for scale formation in humidifiers.
Mineral scale forms as a residue when water
evaporates. These mineral formations clog
filters, pads and belts to the extent that they
cannot pick up or hold water.
• Mineral buildup can reduce performance
and damage equipment.
• Liquid descalers clean out mineral
buildup. Use them to keep the humidifier
running at optimum performance.
• An alternative to solving the mineral
buildup problem is to treat the water used in
the humidifier. Concentrate water treatment
for console humidifiers reduces scale
buildup and controls mold and mildew
• Liquid descalers and other cleaners are
used to maintain humidifiers. If you normally stock these items in a different department, cross merchandise a few in the
humidifier display to prompt add-on sales.
• Merchandise hygrometers, replacement filters and replacement humidifier wicks close
to the humidifiers.