Lesson Topic The Stono Rebellion SC Standards and Indicators 8

 Lesson Title Grade Level Lesson Topic SC Standards and Indicators The Resistance of Slavery 8th Teacher Amanda Jacob Duration of Lesson One (1) 90 minute class The Stono Rebellion 8-­‐1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the settlement of South Carolina and the United States by Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans. 8-­‐1.4 Explain the significance of enslaved and free Africans in the developing culture and economy of the South and South Carolina, including the growth of the slave trade and resulting population imbalance between African and European settlers; African contributions to agricultural development; and resistance to slavery, including the Stono Rebellion and subsequent laws to control slaves. Academic Vocabulary Vocab for 8.1.4 1. African American-­‐ A black American of African descent. 2. Gullah-­‐ A language and culture combined from African, Caribbean, and English cultures. 3. Slave Trade-­‐ The practice of buying and selling workers for the plantations. 4. Stono Rebellion-­‐ An uprising of slaves in South Carolina in 1739. 5. Black Codes-­‐ Laws developed after the Stono Rebellion meant to restrict the movement and freedom of the slaves. Lesson Materials 8-­‐1.4 smartboard lesson (attached) Teacher resource book-­‐ African Americans and the Palmetto State Stono Rebellion questions sheet and graphic organizer (attached) Butcher paper for silent graffiti Lesson Set Content Objective(s) Analyze the results of rebellions on a society. Evaluate the specific effects of the Stono Rebellion and how they affected various groups. Focus Question: What impact did the Stono Rebellion have on subsequent laws to control the slave population? Literacy Objective(s) Evaluate multiple points of view or biases and attribute the perspectives to the influences of individual experiences, societal values, and cultural traditions. Lesson Importance Learn how cultural differences can lead to rebellions in society. CONTENT OVERVIEW African Americans played a significance role in the developing culture of South Carolina. The economy of South Carolina was largely based on the plantation system which depended upon slave labor. Most of the crops were labor intensive, thus requiring many slaves to cultivate the crops. African slaves also harvested the naval stores and lumber from the forests of the Carolinas contributing to a thriving trade with Britain. With the development of cash crops and the plantation system came an increased need for labor and an increase in the slave trade. Many slaves were brought from Barbados or forced on the “Middle Passage” from the west coast of Africa and then sold on the auction block. Slaves brought their African culture with them, including the knowledge of cattle herding and rice cultivation. As a result of this knowledge, South Carolina developed a flourishing trade in cattle and rice that made the planters wealthy and made Carolina one of the economic successes of the British colonial system. Africans also brought other aspects of their culture to the colonies, including language, dance music, woodcarving, folk medicine and basket weaving. Gullah was a spoken language of Africans that developed in the Sea Islands off the coasts of South Carolina and Georgia. A mixture of many spoken languages combined with newly created words, Gullah was unique to the coastal region because of this area’s limited access and the large concentration of Africans from numerous regions. Over time, the flourishing slave trade created a population imbalance. Slaves outnumbered whites and raised concerns about controlling the slave population. The Stono Rebellion, a slave revolt near Charles Town, significantly increased this concern. It started when a small group of slaves, who wanted to escape to St. Augustine Florida where the Spanish said they would be free, broke into a store on the Stono River and killed two settlers. By the end of the day many settlers and slaves were killed. As a result of the Stono Rebellion, Slave Codes developed. Although Slave Codes also punished slave owners who were cruel to the slaves, what was most important to the colonists was that the codes established tighter control of their slaves. One example of tighter control was that slaves could not hold a meeting without permission from their owners. Connections to prior and future learning In the 3rd grade, students learned about the transfer of the institution of slavery into South Carolina from the West Indies, including the slave trade and the role of African Americans in the developing plantation economy; the daily lives of African American slaves and their contributions to South Carolina, such as the Gullah culture and the introduction of new foods; and African American acts of resistance against white authority. (3-­‐2.7) In the 4th grade they learned how conflicts and cooperation among the Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans influenced colonial events including the French and Indian Wars, slave revolts, Native American wars, and trade (4-­‐2.7). In United States History, students will learn about the settlement of North America (USHC-­‐1) and will summarize the distinct characteristics of each colonial region in the settlement and development of America, including religious, social, political, and economic differences (USHC-­‐1.1). Anticipatory Set/ Hook Project Silent Graffiti rules on the smartboard (included in smartboard file) (Engage) Have students participate in Silent Graffiti. Cover a wall with butcher paper and provide markers for students to use. Write in the center of the butcher paper-­‐ Slave Rebellion. After students participate, make oral observation of their work. Ask students: Now that South Carolina has a successful settlement at Albermarle Point, what types of economic and social resources will be needed to survive? Why would owning slaves be essential to the success of the settlement? How would history have been different if slaves had not been brought to South Carolina? What societal problems could result from having a much higher slave population than free population (white)? Analyze the objectives as a class. Skill Development Initial “explain” portion of the lesson. Introduce vocabulary, explain/demonstrate/model the skill required for the literacy objective, introduce content components. The content portion is only a brief introduction; the bulk of the student learning will take place during the guided practice activity. Introduce
components Review indicator vocabulary (on smartboard page) and have students copy definitions in their notebooks. TSW participate in vocabulary matching game (on smartboard page) Review African American culture and the economy in S.C. “I do”
Skill from literacy
Analyze population figures (on smartboard page) objective
introduce/explain/model Guided Practice This is the inquiry portion of the lesson, student-­‐centered & often cooperative learning strategies used, teacher acting as facilitator, also known as Explore. “We do”
Include student “explore”
components and
opportunities for them to
explain their learning. Checking for
Assessment Pair students based on their MAP reading scores and have them read pgs. 27-­‐
28 in African Americans and the Palmetto State Student pairs will answer questions 1-­‐10 from “The Stono Rebellion” question handout. TTW circulate around the room checking for student understanding and assist struggling readers. Closure Teacher will re-­‐visit content and answer students’ questions developed during the Guided Practice component. Summarize the lesson, clarify content, and revisit content and literacy objectives. Content
TTW project causes of the Stono Rebellion. TSW outline the causes and effects of the Stono Rebellion on a graphic organizer (back side of Stono Rebellion handout) Flip to next slide to go over effects and hold class discussion on students’ answers. Independent Practice “You Do”
Create a slavery poem, song, or rap using the sheet provided. Summative/ “Formal” Assessment Assessment
Formative assessment throughout Stono Rebellion handout. Completion of poem, song, rap sheet with content included. Pick a few of the listed assessment questions and have students answer on an exit slip. Differentiation During Lesson Assessment During Stono Rebellion reading, TTW facilitate small group guided reading for struggling readers. Cause and effect chart