Parts of Speech - Common Core Standards Plus

 Parts of Speech Teacher Note: There are two pages to reproduce for the students. Activity 1 – What Is the Part of Speech? “In this activity, you will read sentences. Each sentence has four underlined words. Work with a partner to determine the part of speech for each of the underlined words.” When the students have finished, discuss the words and their parts of speech. 1.
Answers: The students wished peace and friendship to the teachers visiting from around the world. (wished ‐ verb; peace ‐ abstract noun; and ‐ coordinating conjunction; friendship ‐ abstract noun) The car traveled at top speed through the wet streets. (traveled ‐ verb; speed ‐ abstract noun; wet ‐ adjectives; streets ‐ noun) The massive sled full of singers tested the horses’ strength. (massive ‐ adjective; sled ‐ noun; tested ‐ verb; strength ‐ abstract noun) The workers could not get the power back on during the wild thunderstorm. (get ‐ verb; power ‐ abstract noun; wild ‐ adjective; thunderstorm ‐ noun) Because she was so young when it happened, Melissa had no memory of the accident. (Because ‐ subordinating conjunction; young ‐ adjective; Melissa ‐ noun; memory ‐ abstract noun) Activity 2 – Why Is It Abstract? “In this activity, you will analyze seven words. Each of these words is an abstract noun. Working with a partner, discuss why each of the words is abstract. Consider what each word looks or feels like. Write at least three words that describe each of the abstract nouns.” As a class, discuss the words that each student pair wrote to describe each noun. Did you like this resource?
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Directions: Write the part of speech for each of the underlined words.
1. The students wished peace and friendship to the teachers visiting from around the world. 2. The car traveled at top speed through the wet streets. 3. The massive sled full of singers tested the horses’ strength. 4. The workers could not get the power back on during the wild thunderstorm. 5. Because she was so young when it happened, Melissa had no memory of the accident. ©Learning Plus Associates, 2016 Directions: Discuss why each noun is abstract. Write three words that describe the abstract noun. surprise fascination freedom patience fear honesty adventure ©Learning Plus Associates, 2016