Notice Inviting tender (NIT)

Notice Inviting tender (NIT)
Dated: 30/11/2016
Sub: Notice Inviting Quotation for “Development of pressure irrigation system on
turnkey basis in command area of following Packages
1. Package-I: Kumhar Disty. Arjun Minor and Bhuaji Minor of Dr. Karni Singh Lift
2. Package-II: Suthar Minor, Kumhar Minor, Nagrasar Disty and Panchvati Minor
of Dr. Karni Singh Lift Canal.
3. Package-III: Nagrasar Minor, Khidrat Disty, Kolasar Minor & Kolasar Sub-Minor
of Dr. Karni Singh Lift Canal.
4. Package-IV: Lakhasar Disty, Randhisar Minor and Randhisar Sub Minor of
Pannalal Barupal Lift canal.
5. Package-V: Surjera Disty, Agnaeu Minor and Bannewala Minor of Pannalal
Barupal Lift canal.”
Sealed quotations are hereby invited by the WRD Division, WAPCOS Limited, 76C, Sector-18, Gurgaon–122015 (Haryana) (hereinafter referred to as “Employer”)
from reputed and experienced firms/companies/agencies (hereinafter referred to as
For details of eligibility, submission and other terms & conditions of the work, the bidders
are required to purchase the NIT document from the address below up to 01.12.2016
during office hours on submission of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) through
cash or a non-refundable demand draft of in favour of WAPCOS Ltd. payable at
The bidder should have sufficient experience in designing, procurement, construction of
Outlet structure, fixing of APM outlet, construction of diggi sump well and pump house ,
laying, installing, energizing, etc. of pumping system including pumps, rising main,
main lines, branch lines, distribution network, controlling and regulation systems, etc. for
supply of water for irrigation under pressure including supp ly, installation,
commissioning and testing.. The bidder shall furnish all the required documents along with
the tender as stated in the NIT document.
The offer(s) submitted by the bidder shall be valid for a period of 90 (Ninety) days from
the date of opening the quotations.
Earnest money amounting to Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakh only) for each package shall
be deposited along with the quotation in the form of Bank Draft / Bank Guarantee. The
Bank Draft shall be drawn in favour of WAPCOS Ltd. payable at Gurgaon.
The last date of receipt of quotations is 5th December 2016 up to 15.00 hrs.
Opening of bid date & venue will be intimated later. All the bids will be opened in
the presence of qualified bidders’ representatives who may like to be present.
Any queries regarding the terms of reference can be obtained during office working
hours from the address mentioned below on any working day till 05.12.2016 upto 10:00
hrs. The details of contact address, mail and phone numbers are given hereunder.
The Chief Engineer (WRD)
WAPCOS Limited
WRD Division
Plot 76-C, Institutional Area, Sector –
18, Gurgaon Haryana – 122015
Tel – 0124-2399427, Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Incomplete quotations, conditional quotation and quotations received without EMD
and quotation received after the stipulated time shall out rightly be rejected.
WAPCOS reserves the right to reject any one or all of the quotations without assigning
any reason thereof.
In case of any dispute in the award of work or terms & condition of award and execution
of works, the decision of CMD, WAPCOS is final and binding on all the parties.
(H.S. Sandhu)
Chief Engineer (WRD)
WAPCOS Gurgaon