Case Statement PDF

“When you have a disability,
knowing that you are not
defined by it is the
sweetest feeling.”
“In My Dreams I Dance”
Autobiography by Anne Wafula"
1951 1st St West
Dickinson, ND 58601
(701) 456-3000
101 North Main
Bowman, ND 58623
(701) 523-5844
1304 2nd Ave South
Hettinger, ND 58639
(701) 567-4734
Our Mission
ABLE, Inc. is dedicated to enhancing relationships,
providing opportunities for growth and encouraging people
to reach their personal dreams
Our Values and Beliefs
We believe that ABLE, Inc. has the power to weave lives together making our communities more interesting and more beautiful.
We believe that we are all keepers of people’s reputations and that we must be vigilant in understanding and promoting each
We believe and have witnessed the power of positive relationships through side by side walks with people.
We believe that by transforming one life, you transform many.
We believe in hosting deep continuous conversations and observations to reveal people’s true spirits and dreams.
We believe that by being careful listeners we can hear how to help someone with their life journey.
We believe that every person has a story to tell which are masterful ways to speak to the universe.
We believe that those stories are the force of connectivity that ties us together and helps us understand that we are more alike
than different.
We believe that life is about choices, which evolve into moments, which evolve into stories, which evolve into journeys.
ABLE, Inc. is the entrepreneurial spirit that is not satisfied with what is but delights in creating what isn’t.
We believe that all people have the power to change the world in big and small ways.
We believe that in order to teach others you must be taught. We are lifelong teachers, we are lifelong learners.
We are dedicated to promoting the physical, spiritual and emotional well-being of people we support and invite our general
community and health care community to encircle people with care, kindness and hope.
We believe that well-kept health histories are paramount in keeping and promoting good health.
Dear Community Member,
I have been involved with ABLE, Inc. since 1981 when we began the process of
relocating people with intellectual disabilities from the institution in Grafton. It
has been a long journey and one filled with many lessons. I
remember my first trip to Grafton and I am so pleased with what has taken place
for people since then. ABLE, Incorporated is one of the finest providers in the
country and I am extremely proud to serve on ABLE, Inc.’s Board of Directors.
ABLE is an entity that strives to grow in its capacity of a provider, looking for new
ways to serve, to make life better for everyone. We are embarking on new ventures
in our growth and would invite you to become a participant. The challenges for
persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities will continue to be there and it is with great excitement
that we look to fundraising to help us meet those challenges. Please join us in our campaign to continue Weaving
Lives Together.
Shelley Flaget
Board of Director for ABLE, Inc.
Dear Friends,
As we enter this new chapter of support for people with intellectual disability I remember in 1982 when I visited what was then called Grafton State School. I recall
thinking, “why are people living in this emotionally empty and secluded place?”
Little did I know that three years later I would join ABLE, Inc. in the efforts of
transitioning people from the life of an institution into the life of a community.
What an exciting time it was!
In 1985 I was privileged to welcome people into their new homes in Dickinson.
Thirty-one years later, I get to do the same thing by welcoming some of the same
people, into brand new homes again! These homes will be owned by ABLE, Inc.
therefore insuring long term housing for people.
I hope you join us in creating a wonderful life for people with intellectual disabilities. The personal rewards will
be great!
Mary Anderson,
Executive Director,
ABLE, Inc.
What We Do
ABLE, Inc. supports people with intellectual disabilities in their homes,
work and communities. Our team’s primary role is to discover who people
are; who they love, what they enjoy and what enhances their lives. Discovery of all these things about people happens through day to day relationships as well as through the eyes of families, friends, coworkers and community associates. Together we walk side by side with people to support
their life-long process of personal growth.
ABLE, Inc.’s primary impact is in Southwest North Dakota. We have
offices and residential supports in Bowman, Hettinger and Dickinson,
however, our outreach impacts all of North Dakota and has extended into
other states.
Administrative, Nursing and Direct Support
1. Our Administrative Team is the creative drive behind services. Our values and beliefs come from over 320
years of combined experience and excellence in supporting people.
2. Our three full time Nursing Professionals assist people directly with health care concerns, coordinate all the
health care services and train the direct support professionals.
3. Our team of over 100 Direct Support Professionals support people who live in:
• Five Group Homes that support 6 people each. We are constructing four new group homes in Dickinson to replace the leased properties. We have one group home in Hettinger. These homes could house
six people who have intense physical and intellectual disabilities and need a support team that is readily available and can provide team support in all areas of their lives such as hygiene, nutrition, socialization, etc. There are times that one person may require the support of 2 -3 team members for periods of
the day. Our support team is on-site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
• Three Apartment Complexes. There is an apartment complex in Bowman where 11 people occupy 9
apartments in a 26 unit complex. There are 2 separate complexes in Dickinson where 9 to 11 people
reside in each complex where other people without disabilities live. The support team is present 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. Clients who live in these apartments benefit from a consistent schedule and
a readily available on-site support team to assist with daily living.
• Apartments or Homes within the community where the support staff assists 17 people intermittently
throughout the week. The people living throughout the community are self-sufficient but need assistance with finances, shopping and general home maintenance.
4. Our team of direct support professionals also support 67 people who are employed at:
• “Made to Order Store” in Bowman
• Recycling in Bowman
• Thrift Center in Dickinson
• Crews at 10 businesses in Dickinson and Bowman
• Independent employment at various businesses throughout the community.
5. All together our Direct Support Professional Team logged 240,000 hours of support last year.
Weaving Lives Together
Our capital campaign is focused on constructing four group homes in Dickinson for people with significant physical and intellectual disabilities.
Why Build? Because we have to. The currently leased buildings will not be available long term. After extensive research, the best option was to construct buildings that ABLE, Inc.
Years Past
Prior to 1984, there were very few community supports available for
people with intellectual disabilities. Because of a lack of community
supports, many
people were
encouraged to
attend the Grafton State Institution. In 1984, The
ARC won a lawsuit against the state of ND declaring
the state’s method of providing support for people with State House in Years Past
intellectual disabilities violated their constitutional
rights. People were going home.
Rented House
In 1984, ABLE, Inc. was formed to welcome people back to their home communities. These leased
homes provided good supports for many years;
however, people’s needs have changed and have
become more complex through natural aging and
through other physical disabilities. These leased
homes were not built to meet the physical accessibility that people require today.
Coming Soon-- -Construction Underway
Features of the New Homes:
We believe that ABLE, Inc. has the power to weave lives together making our communities
more interesting and more beautiful. Our homes are inviting and will make the community
proud. To be neighborly we have:
Off street parking for employees
Retaining walls for water diversion
Fences for privacy
Sound proofing for noise that comes from fire alert systems and people who may have various
communication styles
• Landscaping that will enhance the neighborhood and will be invitational to neighbors
ABLE, Inc. is the entrepreneurial spirit that is not satisfied with what is but delights in creating
what isn’t. Our homes have cutting edge designs and features. These features provide dignity
for people and safety for employees:
• Specialized ceiling track lifts to assist people to move from their beds into their wheelchairs
• Specialized bathing systems designed for people who have very severe physical disabilities. The
bathing systems provide therapeutic bathing to promote skin integrity. The tubs lift to an ergonomically sound height for those who are assisting.
• Oversized garages so people who use a wheelchair assessable van can get in and out of the van
during harsh weather
• Whole home ventilation systems
• Security systems that protect people supported and assist in helping maintain healthy lifestyles
• Fire protection and alarm systems
• Oversized doors and rooms to allow space for extra equipment
• Basement that provides for greater independence, privacy, and comfort. An elevator so that clients
can access the basement.
We believe that every person has a story to tell and that those stories are masterful ways to
speak to the universe.
• Please read Tyler’s story (back cover) to see how he and his family benefit from these homes.
Project Scope - Construction Completion of Four Homes: $8,000,000 (approximately)
Project Financing Translated to Average Cost of Monthly Rent Per Person: $1,200 to $1,500 per person
Project Funding:
• $5,500,000 funded through long term financing and reimbursed through the provision of services
• $2,500,000 goal for funding through private donations
First Phase Success: $1,500,000 raised in pledges and cash
ABLE, Inc. Thanks Our Current Givers!
First Phase Funding Partners
Platinum: $500,000 - $999,999 Gold: $ 250,000 - $ 499,999
American Bank Center
Silver: $ 100,000 - $249,999 Baranko Brothers Inc. Otto Bremer
Bronze: $ 50,000 - $ 99,999 ABLE, Inc. Employees
Stark Development Grant
RD Community Grant (Agri Bank)
Silk: $ 25,000 - $49,999
Family One (annonymous) Basin Electric
Family Two (annonymous)
WSI Grant
Wool: $10,000 - $24,999
Eagles Club
Mary Anderson/Rick Hutchens
MDU Resources
Linen: $5,000 - $9,999
Beatrice and William Kubischta
Helen Hassebrock
Normanna Lutheran Church Trust Board
U.S. Bankcorp Foundation
Florence Billig
Karen Brazelton
Southwest Business Machine Inc.
Cotton: $1,000 - $4,999
Amanda and Mike Klein Antonio Uribe
Carolynne Jones and Steve Pfau
Connie and Kelly Kralicek
Connie Rehbein
Diane and Patrick Weir
Don Hestekin
Doreen and Jim Steckler
Ellen and John Lee Njos
Irene and Bruce Olin
J.A. Wedum Foundation
Janelle Stoneking
JoAnne Hassebrock
Kennedy Fresh Foods
Mary Mathern
Nadine and Dale Hoyt
Pattie and Rick Ross
Paula and Fred Lengowski
Ray Gress
Reg and Curt Sadowsky
Rhonda and Russ Weber
Rosie and Cory Jahner
Sydney Larsen
Tori and Mick Rohr
Whiting Oil and Gas Corp.
Cindy and Ernest Wolla
WM. C. Blair Post No. 144 American Legion Trust Fund
Raymond Hecker
Phase Two Fundraising Goal: $1,000,000
Items that are ABLE, Inc.
Cost Share
1/2 Garage
Finished Basement
Security Systems
Specialized Bathtubs
Ceiling Track Lifts
Cost per home
Cost Total Four Homes
Current Dollars Raised
Dollars Left to Raise
$137,500.00 $550,000.00$550,000.00
$75,000.00 $300,000.00$100,000.00 $200,000.00
$625,000.00 $2,500,000.00$1,500,000.00 $1,000,000.00
Who Is Helping With This Effort?
ABLE Inc. Leadership Team
(pictured from left to right)
Kirsten Friedt, Health Services Coordinator - 6-28-89 - 27 years
Mary Anderson, Executive Director - 10-21-85 - 31 years
Carolynne Jones, Director of Satellite Services - 10-1-84 - 32 years
Tori Rohr, Director of Residential Services - 9-21-93 - 23 years
Mike Klein, Business Manager - 9-6-05 - 11 years
Janelle Stoneking, Lead MSLA Support Coordinator - 12-8-97 - 19 years
Sarah Carlson, Lead ICF Support Coordinator - 11-5-12 - 4 years
Connie Kralicek, Director of Community and Day Supports - 6-27-94 - 22 years
ABLE Inc. Administrative Support
(pictured from left to right)
Darlene Ovitt, Secretary/ICM, 3-13-85 - 31 years
Doreen Steckler, Supervising Secretary, 12-27-88 - 28 years
Vicki Gillen, Secretary, 5-12-08 - 8 years
Julie Jahner, Assistant Support Coordinator, 12-9-88 - 28 years
Rosie Jahner, Human Resource Assistant, 10-25-86 - 30 years
Lorna O’Connor, Bookkeeper, 9-25-89 - 27 years
Meet Tyler
ABLE, Inc. has been fortunate in having many
people impact us. One person is Tyler. Tyler
was a neurotypical adolescent who was living
life to its fullest; high school, friends, hockey,
fishing, hunting and the greatest love of his life
–motocross. All was ordinary...until August 24,
To sustain Tyler’s life, he needs daily supports;
OT & PT, speech therapy, and basic hygiene. To
enhance Tyler’s life, he needs a place to gather
with family and friends. He needs a spacious
bedroom to call his own for privacy, store his
medical devices and allow for a bed large enough
to accommodate his 6’2” frame. His bathroom
needs to have space enough for him and a caregiver.
Tyler is a young man, he could be your brother, your son, your friend and he could be YOU.
He is a Teacher, calling us, inviting us to build
a HOME for him and others. A home that is
dignified and filled with the warmth of care and
Tyler was warming up and practicing laps with
his dirt bike in preparation for an upcoming
race. There was one misstep, Tyler lost control
of his dirt bike and in an instant, at the young
age of 17, Tyler’s life changed forever! He had
suffered a severe traumatic brain injury.
After many months of rehabilitation at one of
the best brain injury centers in the world, Tyler
returned to North Dakota to live in Mandan,
supported in a rehabilitation center. His family
visited often but not as much as they would have
liked. Tyler’s mother was considering a Dickinson nursing home. It was a chance encounter
with Mary Anderson, Executive
Director for
ABLE, Inc., that prompted Tyler’s mother to
consider ABLE, Inc.