WL - Spanish Language Prep Hour 1 - Room 210 Phone # 602

Gemeniano Nunes
[email protected]
Office hours: 2:15-3:00 pm Mon-Fri
Prep Hour 1st - Room 210
WL - Spanish Language
Phone # 602-467- 6822
Planned Course Statement Spanish 3-4
Course Description:
Spanish 3-4 is the second year of Spanish course. Students will more experience extensive speaking in Spanish. It introduces
Hispanic literature and integrates reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The textbook - ¡Así se dice! Level 2 expands
and refines vocabulary, language structure, and knowledge of Hispanic cultures. Students are expected to use Spanish to
communicate via conversation and written expression.
Course Goals and Objectives: Students will ask and answer questions for information or clarification; have conversations
with other students and relay information to a third party; listen to longer passages and respond to comprehension checks;
give presentation or skits; use pronunciation which is less impeded by English interference and more comprehensible to
native speakers; read materials from authentic sources; write paragraphs and compositions using several verb tenses;
identify geographical features in countries where Spanish is spoken and relate geography to historical and cultural
development; compare and contrast cultures which are being studied with U.S. culture; note influences of Spanish-speaking
culture on the U.S. culture and language.
Comprehension: Students will comprehend the main ideas and key details in informational texts
Culture: Students will develop an appreciation of diverse cultural practices and traditions. And they will gain perspective on
their own culture through the study of a different culture/language.
Course Materials: In class, students will use the textbook ¡Así se dice!, bellwork and Cornell Notes sheets. Students also may
check out a textbook from the bookstore or access the book online at home trough http://estudio.quia.com/books/.
Students should always have a pen or pencil, paper, notebook / binder / folder to keep all of their class work, notes and
homework; students are responsible for having these materials every day for class,. Please bring a red pen also for checking
assignments. A Spanish/English English/Spanish dictionary and a 501 Spanish Verbs book are highly recommended.
Grading System, Scale and Weighting for Spanish 3-4
Grade scale
90 -100%
80 - 89%
70 - 79%
60 - 69%
0 - 59%
18-week Activity
18 - Assessments
Test / Project
Electronic devices: Many students want the privilege of carrying electronic devices on campus. With that privilege, comes
the responsibility of ensuring that those items are not used on campus during class. If students are found listening to music or
texting in class or otherwise not fully engaged in learning, the device will be confiscated. Misuse of electronic devices may
result in disciplinary procedures in addition to the confiscation of the device. It should only be visible when the instructor
directly states that you may do so.
ID Card: Students must visibly wear I.D. card at all times while on campus or at any school activity for the safety and security
of all students.
Attendance: any student who enters class after the ringing of the tardy bell without a proper excuse will be sent to sweep.
Grading Scale and Weighting
Homework: On-line and paper homework is assigned regularly frequently. Always write your full name and class period on
paper homework to facilitate identification. NO late or unnamed work is accepted for credit, and it must be in the
homework tray for your class period within the first two minutes of class. Some assignments may require the use of a
computer. The media center is open 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Some assignments will be collected and graded outside of class
and some reviewed in class. Some are graded for completion and some for accuracy. In class students may grade and
correct homework therefore a red pen will be needed. An assignment that must be rewritten may receive full credit.
Students must do their own work in order to learn…and to receive credit!!!
Students are also expected do their homework, study their vocabulary and verb conjugations daily; practice speaking
Spanish at home and in the community as much as possible.
Class work, homework, notes and assessment information are posted daily in the afternoon on my Spanish 3-4 website
which is linked to the DVHS - website department list of World Language teachers- http://www.dvusd.org/Page/22965
Other useful website are:
http://estudio.quia.com/books/ for the online Así se dice text and online exercises
www.studyspanish.com for grammar review
http://glencoe.mheducation.com/sites/0076604233/student_view0/index.html online resources
http://quizlet.com Site for vocabulary practice
Test Retakes: Students must complete the original written practices assigned along with additional practice to be eligible
for a retake. Meet with the teacher to review the content and discuss retake requirements that may include a tutoring
session and remedial work. Students may retake a test or a quiz after school or by appointment before school. This retake
policy does not apply to District or semester exams. Students have two weeks after an assessment is returned to complete
the retake process. Please check the daily lesson plans on my website to see when the assessment was returned to
Attendance: Students must not only attend every class, but also be on time, prepared, and take an active part in class.
Daily attendance is crucial for academic success. It will be difficult for students to have enough exposure to acquire the
Spanish language without regular and consistent class participation. District rules are followed regarding absences; students
have 1 day to make up an assignment or test for each day missed. It is very important for parents to call in when students
are absent (602) 467-6790. If a student is absent s/he should check side table in the classroom for worksheets and view Mr.
Nunes’ Spanish website linked to the World Language department on the DVHS website for class work, homework, and any
assessment announced or missed during the absence. Talk with teacher if there is anything you do not understand on the
website or if need tutoring is needed for missed work.
Make-up Policy: for each excused absence, you will have one (1) day to complete the required assignments. It is YOUR
responsibility to find out what you have missed. Students who are marked unexcused will not receive credit for missed work,
but we still receive feedback. Assignments, projects and tests are considered to be late when the student is in class yet the
material is submitted after the due date. Please see the student handbook for more information regarding excused and
unexcused absences.
Also, students may make up quizzes or tests before school (7:15-7:35 am) or after school (2:15-3:00 pm) or during SET. Please
see Mr.Nunes ahead of time to make an appointment for taking a test that you missed when absent.
Participation points: Because a major goal in this course is to be able to speak Spanish, participation points comprise 25% of
a student’s 18-week grade. Reaching that goal is dependent upon student’s interaction in Spanish in class. A student must
be prepared with materials, remain on task and speak Spanish/ Spanglish (using both Spanish and English together) in the
classroom. English may be used after school and for tutoring.
¡Mi clase es su clase!
Mr. Nunes’ expectations…
1. Respect all school personnel and classmates. Keep it positive!
2. Come prepared for class with materials, having studied and/or done homework to the best of your ability. Write your first
and last name and class period on all work.
3. Homework goes in class inbox first 2 minutes of class or NO credit. Work is NOT done in RED please!
4. In class stay on task, ask questions and speak Spanish as much as you can. HINT: If you are talking when you should be
listening, you are off task.
5. As students, you are not allowed to use your cell phone in classroom, unless you are requested to use it for classroom
activity. Otherwise your phone may be confiscated and taken to the administration office.
6. Do not eat food, chew gum and bring other beverage except water in classroom.
7. Show readiness, engagement, discipline and respect.
8. Come to class on time, and when absent make up your missed assignment on time. You have one day for each day
absent to complete missed work.
9. Act. with Accountability, Integrity, and Respect – A.I.R.
10. Check my website, linked to the World Languages department on the DVHS website, when you are absent to see the
classwork, homework, quizzes/ tests announced or taken, that you missed.
8. Stop by to see me after school if there is anything you need to talk about. Keep the lines of communication open. Also,
stop by for help after school.
Classroom Rules:
1. Cooperate with the teacher and classmates, listen when others talking.
2. Respect the rights and property of others.
3. Follow directions, work quietly and do not disturb others.
4. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
5. Carry out student responsibility
Classroom procedures
1. Be prepared for class - With ID, assignments, supplies, projects, materials out and ready.
2. Be polite - No hats, gum, food, electronics, water on the desk, attitude and rudeness.
3. Act with integrity - Do your homework, quizzes, and tests by your own all the times.
4. Be respectful - No derogatory comments, attitude, aggressive, defiant, hurtful, rudeness and ridicules.
5. Dismissal - please stay in your seat until teacher dismisses you following the bell.
6. Follow the rules and classroom procedures
Parent /Guardian and Student Sign Off Document:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PLEASE PUT IN THE INBOX FOR YOUR CLASS PERIOD BY August 19th. Worth 25pts.
I _________________________________________________________________________, do acknowledge that I have
received, Mr. Nunes’ Planned Course Statement for Spanish Language for the 2015-16 school year.
I, as well as my parent / guardian, have read over it and agree to comply with the terms for success outlined
for this class.
Course title: __WL- Spanish Language______
Date _______/________/___________
Teacher: Mr. Nunes_____________
Print student name above
Student signature
Spanish Class Period
Print parent name above
Parent signature/date
Parent e-mail ____________________________________________________
Parent home phone _________-__________-____________
Parent work phone _________-__________-__________
Parent cell phone ___________-__________-____________
Please CIRCLE the preferred means of parent contact. 
3 Weeks
Spanish 3-4
Repaso A, B, C, D ASD2
Greeting people
Saying god-bye
Friends, family and home
Adjectives –noun agreement
Adjectives of nationalities
Present tense of regular verbs
Present tense of Ser vs. Estar, tener, Ir, Dar
Estar, Aburrir, Interesar & gustar.
indirect object & interogatives
Possessives adjectives;
The present tense of Stem - changing verbs
Personal descriptions / traits
Numbers 1-100
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
Chapter 7 & 8, SP 1-2
"En mi tiempo libre" (El Ocio)
Grammar, - preterite tense of regular ar verbs
Preterite tense of Ir & Ser, Direct object pronouns
Present & preterite tense of er & ir Verbs - Oir & leer.
Affirmative and negative words
Vocabulary – Summer & winter
- Weather and activities in Spanish –speaking countries
- una fiesta en casa, un concierto, el cine & el museo
- Celebrating a birthday
Culture – “Hispanic, art and music”
Chapter 9, SP 1-2
"Vamos de compra"
Grammar – present tense of Saber &
Comparative and superlative
Demonstrative adjectives &
- Shopping for clothes and food
- Shopping in an indigenous market
Numbers 101 -1,000
Culture – “compare shopping in
Spanish Speaking countries with US”
3 Weeks
Repaso E, F ASD2
Grammar – present tense of Saber & Conocer;
Comparative and superlative
Preterite of regular verbs, & Ir & ser
Direct & indirect object pronouns
- Friends, students, and relatives
- At home and at school; Personality and health ; Sport
- Shopping for food and clothing
- Summer and winter vacations and activities
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
Chapter 1 - "En avión"
Chapter 2 -"¡Una rutina
Grammar, present tense of Saber &
Conocer; Present progressive tense
Reflexive verbs & pronouns
Reflexive verbs with Stem-changes
Affirmative e informal commands (tú) Regular
and Irregular; preposition of location
- Parts of the body; Daily routine
- Backpacking and camping; Camping
Vocabulary &
- Packing for a trip; Getting to the airport
- At airport; On board an airplane
Culture - "El avión en la América del Sur"
Culture "Los mochileros"
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
Chapter 5 - "¿Que se celebra?"
Chapter 4 - "En el restaurante"
Regular & Irregular imperfect tense “rules and use”
- Various festival
- Traditional carnival costumes
Stem-changing verbs in the present &
preterite; adjective of nationality;
Passive voice with “Se”
Vocabulary - Restaurant and types of food;
Cultura – “Restaurantes de España y
Preterite of I,U,J verbs
Pronouns after prepositions
Vocabulary &
- Train travel
- Train trips in Peru and Mexico
4 Weeks
4 Weeks
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Grammar - Present perfect tense; regular
& irregular past participle; Review of D.O &
I.O and double object pronoun.
Vocabulary - Checking into hotel or hostel.
Hotel and hostel in Spain & Latin America
Grammar - the future tense
Object pronoun with infinitives & gerunds
City life; Transportation in city; Countries
life; Farm animals
Culture – “La Ciudad y el Campo”
Culture "Una fiesta hispana"
4 Weeks
Chapter 6 - "Tecnomundo"
Grammar -Preterite vs. imperfect; rules for preterite
use; Imperfect with mental activities or conditions;
Using two past tense in the same sentence
Vocabulary - Computers and e-mails
- Cameras and mp3s; Making and receiving phone calls
- Technologies in Hispanic countries
Culture - "En un mundo tecnológico"
Culture " Un hostal y un parador"
3 Weeks
Chapter 3
" En tren"
Culture - "viaje ferroviarios fabulosos"