Name United States Htstory: Book 3 Lesson 29 ~ Date Handout 29 Ipage I) ~ __ _ Containment: Truman's Response to Soviet Expansion Part A. Interpret the following cartoons by answering the questions below. Great Expectations Edwin Marcw. TM New York 1imf!~. 1947. Figure 29.1 Cartoon 1: "Great Expeclations" a. Identify the country and leader represented by the undertaker. b. Why would the cartoonist represent postwar England as a sick man? c. Tradi tionally. England had policed the Medi terranean in order to protect its access to India and the Suez Canal. In what Mediterranean countries did the USSR make early postwar advances to take advantage of England's incapacity to defend the Mediterranean balance of power? Figure 29.1 "Great Expectations" by Edwin Marcus in A Cartoon Hfslory oj United States Foreign Policy. 1776-1976 [New York: Foreign Policy Association, 1975),89. © COPYRIGHT. The Center for Learning. Used with permlsslon. Not for sale. 177 Name Unlted States History: Book 3 Lesson 29 Date Handout 29 (page 2) _ _ d. In a sentence, summarize the meaning of Ihls carloon. e. Through what 1947 policy did the United States act to spoil Russia's "Great Expectations" In this area? Step on II, Dod Roy JUSIUS. Tht MinntapoJis Star. 1941. Figure 29.2 Cartoon 2: "Step on It. Doc!" a. In what way would Ihe continuation of chaos In Western Europe be beneficial to Communism? b. What country might take advantage of the weakness of Western Europe In 1947? c. What country does the cartoonist see as the savior of Western Europe? d. In a sentence. summarize the meaning of this cartoon. e. Through what 1947 policy did the United States hasten to send economic aid to a Europe devastated by war? FIgure 29.2 "Step on it, Doc'" By Roy Justice In Cartoon Htstory oj United States Foreign Policy. 90. © COPYRIGHT. The Center for Learning. Used with permission. Not for sale. 178 Name United States HIstory: Book 3 Lesson 29 Handout 29 (page 3) _ ~ Date _ llninfenlional Cupid •.• Ric;hard Q. Yardley. Th~ ,. JI. Sun (Baltimore). 1949. Figure 29.3 Cartoon 3: "Unintentional Cupid" a. Name some of the countries represented under the Atlantic Pact. b. What country and leader are portrayed in the role of Cupid? c. What historic agreement is being represented here as a marriage? d. In a sentence, summarize the meaning of this cartoon. e. In what sense could the Atlantic Pact be referred to as a "shotgun wedding"? Figure 29.3 92. "Unintentional Cupid" by Richard Q. Yardley in Cartoon History of United States Foreign Policy. © COPYRIGHT. The Center for Learning. Used with permission. Not for sale. 179 Name United States HIstory: Book 3 Lesson 29 Handout 29 (page 41 Date _ ~ _ HJsrORY IXlESN"T REPUT rrSELF Truman rushes UN to the res~e. Low In the Llmdon Dldfy Heruld. )950, By spedal ptmlJJ.rion. Figure 29.4 Cartoon 4: "History Doesn't Repeat Itself." a. Who is the man leading the United Nations? b. To what 1950 conflict are they presumably headed? c. What historic Incidents leading to World War II prompted the Inscription on the League of Nations tombstone? d. In a sentence, summarize the meaning of this cartoon. e. In your opinion, why didn't history repeat Itself after World War 11? Figure 29.4 Low In the London Dally Herald, 1950 found In A DiplomatIc HIstory qf the American People. 12th ed. by Thomas A. Batley (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentlce-HalJ, Inc., 1980).820. © COPYRIGHT. The Center for Learning. Used with permlssJon. Not for sale. 180 Name United States History: Book 3 Lesson 29 "andout 29 (page 51 _ Date Part l:l. To conclude this lesson. interpret the final cartoon below by answering the questions at the end. One ....y 01 "eatins up the cold "'~r. FIgure 29.5 a. Why was the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II often referred to as "the cold war"? b. According to the cartoonist, what was America's most effective weapon in the Cold War? c. In your opmlOn, did American involvement in postwar Western Europe result in "heattng up the cold war" or serve as a measured alternative to World War III? Explain your answer. d. How did containment permanently change United States peacetime foreign policy? Figure 29.5 Justus in the Minneapolis Star found in Henry F. Graff and John A. Krout. The Adventures qf the American People. 2nd ed. (ChIcago. 1L Rand McNally and Company. 19701. 748. © COPYRIGHT. The Center for Learning. Used with permission. Not for sale. lSI
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