Journey Museum 4th Grade Program

Journey Museum 4th Grade Program
South Dakota: Cultural Growth and Expansion
 Orientation to lifeways of Native Americans (nomadic), gold seekers and fur traders
(transient) and Pioneers (sedentary) and implications: wars, treaties, reservations,
boarding schools
 Bison Box
 Winter Counts activity
Uniview presentation:
 Locate seven continents, four major oceans, major United States and world landforms on
theater projection of Earth
 discussion of Pangaea and continental drift
4th Grade Social Studies Standards
4.US.1.1. Students are able to explain factors affecting the growth and expansion of South Dakota.
•Identify historic tribes.
4.US.1.2. Students are able to identify basic environmental, economic, cultural, and population issues of concern to
South Dakota.
4.US.2.1. Students are able to describe the impact of significant turning points on the development of the culture in
South Dakota.
4.US.2.2. Students are able to explain the effects of the Native American conflicts and establishment of reservations
on the Native American culture.
•Identify major reasons or events leading to the establishment of reservations in South Dakota.
Example: discovery of gold, homesteaders, Native American conflicts
•Describe the effects that the relocation of Native Americans had on their culture.
Performance Level Descriptors:
Fourth grade students performing at the advanced level:
•connect major events with notable South Dakotans in the history of the state;
•explain why environmental, economic, cultural, and population issues are of concern to South Dakota.
4th Grade Science Standards
4-ESS1-1 Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in rock layers to support an explanation for
changes in a landscape over time.
4-ESS2-2 Analyze and interpret data from maps to describe patterns of Earth’s features.
Performance Level Descriptors:
Fourth grade students will understand how maps can be used to locate features and determine patterns.