Goodwill after 71 years It`s no secret what is hidden

Goodwill after 71 years
It's no secret what is hidden behind the doors of the vehicle halls at the Gunzenhausen
Technical Relief Organisation's local group. There is an impressive ZR type tractor from the
manufacturer FAUN. It is a one-off and is not driven by just anyone but personally by the
local commissioner at THW Gunzenhausen, Willi Rettlinger. He doesn't just have power of
the FAUN's keys but he also knows its features inside out.
In Roman mythology FAUN is the God of fertility and the protector of shepherds and farmers,
their cattle and fields. For the men from the Technical Relief Organisation in Gunzenhausen
the name FAUN stands for a tractor with a whole lot of power and torque, which could even
still be used occasionally today if well if it wasn't for the clutch which failed after 71 years of
service, among other things during the Second World War, for the postal service and finally
for the THW. As a result the local commissioner Willi Rettlinger and group leader Alexander
Federschmidt set out to seek assistance from the worldwide web and found what they were
looking for. Repairs are very expensive and therefore the local commissioner Willi Rettlinger
dared to write an enquiry by email in May this year to the FAUN company, now TADANO
FAUN GmbH. He asked for assistance in maintaining the tractor. After two weeks the
company TADANO FAUN replied and was prepared to support the local group with this.
However, it could only start at the end of the year.
In mid-October, TADANO FAUN made contact and everything was prepared in a very short
time. A mobile lifting platform was collected from the THW Kirchehrenbach local group and
FAUN towed it to a heated hall where work then started on 23rd October 2013.
Two TADANO FAUN employees came to the local group and disassembled the clutch with
the assistance of several volunteers. They then took this with them and took it to the
company Rem-Ex in Feucht. By request of TADANO FAUN, it had decided to also actively
support us. On 6th November 2013 we were informed that the new clutch was ready.
The 26th November 2013 was the date when the clutch was officially handed over in a small
group at the Gunzenhausen local group and could be installed in front of everyone.
At this point we would like to thank both companies (TADANO FAUN GmbH and Rem-Ex)
who supported the THW Gunzenhausen local group so superbly. Our thanks also go to Willi
Rettlinger and Alexander Federschmidt who took care of everything as well as all the helpers
who were involved in the repairs.
Next year the FAUN tractor will personally embark on a major trip and drive to both
companies to say thank you.
Left to right: Alexander Federschmidt (group leader), Robert Buchner (CEO Rem-Ex), Friedrich Rettlinger (second
chairman THW Gunzenhausen), Worgang Hornischer (Spar Parts Management TADANO FAUN GmbH), Dieter
Weber (Service Manager TADANO FAUN GmbH), Stefan Rettlinger (maintenance sergeant), Wilhelm Rettlinger
(local representative) Hans (mechanic TADANO FAUN GmbH).
Left to right: Robert Buchner (CEO Rem-Ex), Wolfgang Hornischer (Spare Parts Management TADANO FAUN
GmbH), Alexander Federschmidt (group leader), Hans (mechanic TADANO FAUN GmbH), Dieter Weber (Service
Manager TADANO FAUN GmbH), Stefan Rettlinger (maintenance sergeant) sowie Wilhelm Rettlinger (local