What is a Travel Zone? - Bureau of Transport Statistics

March 2010
What is a Travel Zone?
Travel Zones (TZs) are the spatial base of the Transport Data Centre’s (TDC) data
collection, transport modelling and analysis.
TZs allow for detailed spatial analysis as they are smaller than Statistical Local Areas
(SLA), but generally larger than an ABS Collection District (CD) or Mesh Block (MB).
In order to provide for a similar level of trip generation across zones, TZs are
different sizes across the metropolitan area. As with many other spatial boundaries,
TZs tend to be small in areas with high land use densities and larger in areas of
lower density. The key land uses of interest in defining TZs are employment, housing
and transport infrastructure.
As urban areas change over time, the TDC has created a new zoning system in line
with each 5-yearly population census, the latest being 2006.
Some Facts about Travel Zones
The 2006 coverage has
ƒ 2,690 TZs across the Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA)
2,277 TZs in Sydney Statistical Division (SD)
215 TZs in Hunter Statistical Sub-Division (SSD)
198 TZs in Illawarra SD
ƒ an average of 34 TZs per SLA (ranging from 8 to 166)
Typical TZ characteristics
ƒ homogeneous land uses within each TZ
ƒ boundaries following topographical features
ƒ relatively constant population and area between zones
ƒ made up of one or more MBs
ƒ can be aggregated to SLAs
ƒ contain no more than one freeway, interchange or train station
Figure 1: Map of Greater
Metropolitan Area (GMA)
The basis of the 2006 TZ boundaries is the new ABS micro-level geographic unit
called ‘Mesh Blocks’. Mesh Blocks are based on property boundaries and will
eventually replace CDs. Information on mesh blocks is available from the ABS web
site at www.abs.gov.au.
TDC undertook a complete boundary redesign to arrive at the 2006 TZs. This
involved moving zone boundaries, splitting zones and even combining zones. The
goal was to allow for more detailed analysis of transport networks and travel
behaviour at the TZ level.
Transport Data Centre NSW Transport & Infrastructure• GPO Box 1620 SYDNEY NSW 2001 • Level 21, 227 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: (02) 9268 2211 • Facsimile: (02) 9268 2839 • Email: [email protected] • Web: www.transport.nsw.gov.au/tdc
March 2010
The guidelines for creating the 2006 boundaries were to
ƒ minimise changes where possible to retain over time comparability
ƒ align with MB boundaries
ƒ align with SLA and Local Government Area (LGA) boundaries
ƒ correct for boundary anomalies created by changes since the 2001 Census
ƒ include one train station to a TZ
ƒ avoid overlapping major transport network features where there is no access
from one side to another
ƒ make it possible to travel from one side of a TZ to the other side without having
to go outside of the zone
ƒ prevent multiple suburbs in each zone
ƒ contain only one commercial centre
ƒ account for planned developments unless they are expected to be very large or
have a high level of employment.
Example of a Travel Zone Map
Further Information
The Journey to Work User Guide describes zone changes from 2001 to 2011 (and
previous years).
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Transport Data Centre NSW Transport & Infrastructure• GPO Box 1620 SYDNEY NSW 2001 • Level 21, 227 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: (02) 9268 2211 • Facsimile: (02) 9268 2839 • Email: [email protected] • Web: www.transport.nsw.gov.au/tdc