Editing Homework: Articles and Word Form Almost/ Mostly /Most

Writing 8
Editing Homework: Articles and Word Form
Almost/ Mostly /Most / Most of the
Almost Americans have a TV.
Yes: Almost all Americans have a TV.
Yes: Most Americans have a TV.
à “Almost” means nearly or about 80 percent to 99 percent. It cannot be used directly before
a noun. It is often used before the word “all (of the)__” or “none (of the)__”.
à “Mostly” is an adverb. Put it directly before adjectives.
The puppies are mostly brown.
American food is mostly high in fat.
à Use most with a noun.
à Use “most of the” ONLY before a specific noun. That will usually be a noun + phrase.
Most of the people that I know …
Most of the animals in the ocean …
Most of the food cooked at home …
Most of the situations where infection occurs …
Most of the plants here in Portland …
à “Most OF ___” must have a determiner after “of.” The determiner is usually “the” but it
could be a possessive or “this/that/these/those/them.”
Most of them are missing.
I like dark chocolate, but most of these candies are milk chocolate.
HINT: Other quantifiers, like “some,” follow EXACTLY the same pattern as “most”.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Choose the best forms in the following sentences.
School Schedules
1. (Almost/ Most / Most of the) schools in North America begin in the fall and finish in the spring.
2. (Almost/ Most/ Mostly) all schools in Japan begin the school year in April.
3. There is some kind of vacation around New Year's Day in (almost/ most/ most of the) countries.
4. In Korea, (almost/ most/ most of the) high school students study at school until 7 or 8 P.M.
5. (Almost/ Most/ Most of the) everyone wants a break, but after a long vacation, students are
(almost/ most) ready to come back to school.
6. I learned (most of / mostly) my English from TV.
7. (Most of / Most / Most of the) people in the world say they support democracy.
8. I like to eat junk food (mostly / most of the / most of ) time.
9. Aren't (most of / most of the / most) Americans native English speakers?
10. (Most of / Most of the) them haven’t come yet.
11. (Most of / Most of the) his problems are his own creation.
12. The majority of our country’s laws are obeyed by (most of / most of the) its citizens.
Write in the best form of “most, most of, most of the, mostly, almost” in the following
1. _____________ people in the world want to lead a better life.
2. _____________ junior high students in Japan and Korea have to study hard to pass high
school examinations.
3. I like summer ________________ the time, but August is really too hot!
4. I _______________ had a bad accident yesterday. I have to drive more carefully.
5. The cat ______________ scratched my leg, but I shooed it away.
6. Are ________________ Americans English speakers?
7. I learned _________________ my English by watching movies and listening to music.
8. We had _________________ arrived in the city when it started to snow.
9. Did ________________ the hikers remember to bring extra water for our hike today?
10. Something terrible happened! I was flying in a plane and it ________________ crashed!
Complete the sentences with a/an, the or ∅.
lightning is
2. Last night we had
flash of light. It is usually followed by
terrible storm. Our children were frightened by
______ thunder.
3.____circles are______round geometric figures.
4.___circle with_______slash drawn through
it is an international symbol meaning "Do
not do this!" For ____example,______circle
in_______illustration to the right means "No
Figure 1. No Smoking.
5._ _______milk I put on my cereal this morning was sour ________because someone
forgot to put it in__________refrigerator after dinner last night.
6. ________milk is an important source________of protein and________calcium.
7.____wisdom comes more from________understanding than from________knowledge.
8. I always appreciate________wisdom of my mother's advice.
9. In class yesterday, I sat next to two women. ________woman on my right
had________right ____answer to___________teacher's question about verb forms.
10. Maria is___________independent young woman who knows her own mind.
11. Have you met Mr. and Mrs. Smith? Mrs. Smith used to be___________teacher, but now
she is ___________computer programmer. Mr. Smith is___________architect.
The Smiths used to live in ___________apartment, but recently they have
12. Frank Lloyd Wright is___________name of___________famous architect. He
is___________architect ___________who designed the Guggenheim Museum in New York.
He also designed___________hotel in ___________Tokyo.___________hotel was designed to
13. According to today's paper, the mayor has appointed___________committee to study
what ___________improvements need to be made in the city.___________committee, which
plans to continue its ___________study through the rest of this year, will
discuss___________following proposals: (1) to build ___________new sewage disposal plant
and (2) to create___________new park. In___________present
___________proposal,___________new park would have___________swimming pool.
14. The large oak tree growing at___________southeast corner of Vine Avenue and Pine
Street has ___________been___________landmark since pioneer days. Unfortunately, it
was shattered by___________bolt ___________ of lightning during the thunderstorm last
Fill in the blanks with the best determiner or possessive. Use ∅ if no word is needed.
"Cold Comfort"
by Michael Castleman
from Mother Jones Magazine, March/April 1998; reprinted with permission.
Not so long ago, many of us resisted separating ___________ glass, cans, and paper out of our garbage.
What ___________ hassle. Today, of course, every second-grader knows that ___________ world's resources
are limited and that recycling helps preserve them. We act locally, while thinking globally. It's time to
bring ___________ same consciousness to ___________ health care as we face ___________ growing medical
crisis: loss of antibiotic effectiveness against ___________ common bacterial illnesses. By personally
refusing -- or not demanding -- antibiotics for viral illnesses they won't cure, we can each take ___________
step toward prolonging overall antibiotic effectiveness.
Media reports have likely made you aware of this problem, but they have neglected ___________
implications. Your brother catches ___________ cold that turns into ___________ sinus infection.
___________ doctor treats him with ___________ antibiotics, but ___________ bacteria are resistant to all of
them. The infection enters ___________ bloodstream -- a condition known as septicemia -- and few days
later, ___________ brother dies. (Septicemia is what killed ___________Muppets creator Jim Henson a few
years ago.) Or instead of ___________ cold, he has ___________ infected cut that won't heal, or any other
common bacterial disease, such as ___________ ear or prostate infection.
Far-fetched? It's not. ___________ antibiotics crisis is real. Consider Streptococcus pneumoniae: This
common bacterium often causes ___________ post-flu pneumonia. (Pneumonia and influenza combined are
___________ country's sixth leading cause of death, killing 82,500 Americans in 1996.) Before 1980, less
than 1 percent of S. pneumoniae samples showed any resistance to ___________ penicillin. As of last May,
researchers at ___________ Naval Medical Center in San Diego discovered that 22 percent of S.
pneumoniae samples were highly resistant to it, with another 15 percent moderately so. And ___________
most recent statistics from ___________ Sentry Antimicrobial Surveillance Program, which monitors
bacterial resistance at 70 medical centers in ___________ U.S., Canada, Europe, and ___________ South
America, show that 44 percent of S. pneumoniae samples in the U.S. are highly resistant, and worldwide,
resistance is at ___________ all-time high (55 percent).
Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a direct outgrowth of the overuse of ___________drugs. In classic
Darwinian fashion, ___________ more doctors prescribe antibiotics, ___________ more likely it is for some
lucky bacterium blessed with minor genetic variation to survive antibiotic assault-and pass its resistance
along to ___________ offspring. The solution is obvious: Doctors should prescribe antibiotics only as
___________ last resort.