Active and Passive Voice Practice

Name: __________________________ PER:____
Active and Passive Voice Practice
You are probably wondering how all of the rules and their exceptions will be remembered by you.
1) What is the BEST way to revise this sentence?
A) All of the rules and their exceptions need to be remembered by you.
You will probably need to remember all of the rules and their exceptions.
You are probably wondering how you will remember all of the rules and their exceptions.
D) How all of the rules and their exceptions will be remembered you are probably wondering.
2) Which sentence is written in the active voice?
A) My new car was washed by Sam.
The sweet apple pie was prepared by the chef.
My grandmother makes the best fried pies in the state.
D) The jelly and preserves were made by my Aunt Betty for my birthday.
3) Which sentence is written in the passive voice?
A) The bike fell off its stand.
During the movie, we ate buttered popcorn.
After the alarm sounded, the children calmly exited the building.
D) The game was won by the Atlanta Braves after nine laborious innings.
4) Which sentence is written in the active voice?
A) Janine's idea was liked by everyone.
The fundraiser was planned by the band.
The trombone player suggested a carwash to raise money.
D) Enough money was raised by the band to buy a new travel bus.
5) Mrs. Watson suggested that Sam revise his science paper and change from the passive to the active voice.
Which would be the correct way to rewrite this sentence?
The experiment was done by the students in the lab on Wednesday.
A) The experiment in the lab was done by the students.
The students did the experiment in the lab on Wednesday.
In the lab, the experiment was done by the students on Wednesday.
D) In the lab on Wednesday, the experiment was done by the students.
6) Which sentence is written in the active voice?
A) Juan planted the tomatoes and onions.
The squash and peas were planted by Anita and Benito.
The land was cultivated by Fred and his landscaping team.
D) The garden will be watered and fertilized by Jay and John.
7) Which sentence is written in the active voice?
A) The valley was destroyed by wildfire.
Firefighters worked tirelessly to control the fire.
Food was taken to displaced families by the Red Cross.
D) Property and homes were evaluated by the insurance companies.
8) Which sentence is written in the active voice?
A) Our house will be painted by Tom and Sam.
The plumbing will be completed by Sal's Plumbing Company.
Anrea's Heating and Air Company will install the ventilation system.
D) The tile and carpeting will be installed by Professional Flooring Systems.
The boys were tired after a long day of practice, but sleep was punctuated by bouts of insomnia.
9. In which of these choices is the above sentence written in passive voice correctly translated into
active voice?
A) The boys are tired out after a long day of practice, but sleep is punctuated by bouts of insomnia.
B) The boys have been tired out after a long day of practice, but sleep has been punctuated by
bouts of insomnia.
C) The long day of practice tired the boys out, but their sleep was punctuated by bouts of insomnia.
D) The long day of practice tired the boys out, but bouts of insomnia punctuated their sleep.
10. Create your own sentence – Write it first in passive voice, and then rewrite it in active voice:
Passive: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Active: ____________________________________________________________________________________