KS3 Assessment – Year 8 Progress Grid

KS3 Assessment – Year 8 Progress Grid
Good ability to analyse Cubist Art &
Good ability to research and record
key characteristics of Cubism
Good ability to respond to visual
Sound ability analyse Cubist Art &
Sound ability to research and record
details, tone & scale.
Basic ability to respond to visual
Mostly sound ability to analyse
Cubist Art & Picasso
Mostly sound ability to research and
record key characteristics of Cubism
Good ability to respond to visual
Some basic ability to analyse Cubist
Art & Picasso
Some basic ability to research and
record key characteristics of Cubism
Good ability to respond to visual
Limited ability to analyse Cubist Art &
Limited ability to research and record
key characteristics of Cubism
Limited ability to respond to visual
St Cuthbert's Catholic High School
Good ability to explore cubism using a
variety of materials and techniques &
refine artworks, including final personal
Good ability to experiment with different
media and processes including 3D
Sound ability to explore cubism using a
variety of materials and techniques &
refine artworks, including final personal
Sound ability to experiment with different
media and processes including 3D
Mostly sound ability to explore cubism
using a variety of materials and
techniques & refine artworks, including
final personal responses
Mostly sound ability to experiment with
different media and processes including
Some basic ability to explore cubism
using a variety of materials and
techniques & refine artworks, including
final personal responses
Some basic ability to experiment with
different media and processes including
Limited ability to explore cubism using a
variety of materials and techniques &
refine artworks, including final personal
Limited ability to experiment with different
media and processes including 3D
Good ability to record ideas both visual and
written ( still life instruments, key visual
elements of cubism)
Good ability to present a personal, informed
and meaningful response when realising
Good ability to record from primary &
secondary sources, own ideas and
imagination (Draw from real instruments,
objects and own sculptural forms)
Sound ability to record ideas both visual and
written ( still life instruments, key visual
elements of cubism)
Good ability to evaluate their own and others
work, in line with given criteria.
Sound ability to record from primary &
secondary sources, own ideas and
imagination (Draw from real instruments,
objects and own sculptural forms)
Mostly sound ability to record ideas both
visual and written ( still life instruments, key
visual elements of cubism)
Sound ability to evaluate their own and others
work, in line with given criteria.
Mostly sound ability to record from primary &
secondary sources, own ideas and
imagination (Draw from real instruments,
objects and own sculptural forms)
Mostly sound ability to evaluate their own and
others work, in line with given criteria.
Some basic ability to record ideas both visual
and written ( still life instruments, key visual
elements of cubism)
Some basic ability to present a personal,
informed and meaningful response when
realising intentions.
Some basic ability to record from primary
& secondary sources, own ideas and
imagination (Draw from real instruments,
objects and own sculptural forms)
Limited ability to record ideas both visual and
written ( still life instruments, key visual
elements of cubism)
Some basic ability to evaluate their own and
others work, in line with given criteria.
Limited ability to record from primary &
secondary sources, own ideas and
imagination (Draw from real instruments,
objects and own sculptural forms)
Limited ability to evaluate their own and
others work, in line with given criteria.
Sound ability to present a personal, informed
and meaningful response when realising
Mostly sound ability to present a personal,
informed and meaningful response when
realising intentions.
Limited ability to present a personal, informed
and meaningful response when realising
September 2015