ART 7 Mid Term Project PDF file

7th grade Mid-term Project. DUE January 13th
Choose ONE of the following projects:
Galley/Exhibit –visit & review
Interview an Artist- in Person
Artist Biography or Related Visual Arts Non-Fiction Reading
Movie Review- Visual Arts or Artist
Current Event in the Arts
-Follow Directions for Project Chosen and hand in completed work by Jan. 13th
You may include photos or other materials to enhance and add to your project.
1-Galley/Exhibit reviewComplete all Three Parts- Visit Review /Critique/Artwork
Visit [in person] a gallery or exhibit of some kind.
Note the place, date, and title of the exhibit- it may be historical such as a museum or an exhibit of a
collection or a gallery. For example- Baseball hall of Fame, Railroad museum, Art galleries
Who did you go with? What was the weather like that day?
Describe the interior of the space and how the exhibit is arranged.
What did you notice first and why?
What information was given about the artifacts/artwork that was there?
What did you like the most? What would you change or improve?
Choose one of the artifacts/artworks to discuss as a critique:
Critique format:
1. Describe everything you see in the artwork.
2. Tell me about the use of color, texture, focal-point, depth and use of materials.
3. Interpret what you think the story behind the artwork is.
4. Make a judgment about why you like or dislike the work- Emotional response or technical use of
materials for the piece.
5. What do you think the artist looked like?
6. How much would you pay for this piece and why?
Artwork-Create a piece of artwork inspired by the exhibit- any material or media and size.
Submit Review and Artwork together
2-Interview an Artist
Complete Three Parts- Interview/Critique/Artwork
Interview- find a living working artist to speak with in person [not a relative/living with you].
Call the artist and set up the time and day for the interview.
Create a list of 15 interview questions to ask before you go to the interview
Describe the artist visually-what do they look like?
What is the environment they work in? [Home, studio, other?]
Write the interview as an article/story in a modified essay format.
Include the name of the artist and their address.
Choose one of the artworks you saw to critique.
Critique format:
1. Describe everything you see in the artwork.
2. Tell me about the use of color, texture, focal point, depth and use of materials.
3. Interpret what you think the story behind the artwork is.
4. Make a judgment about why you like or dislike the work- Emotional response or technical use of
materials for the piece.
Create a piece of artwork inspired by the artist’s work or ideas- any material or media and size.
Submit interview and artwork together.
[You may create a video of the interview if you like as well]
3-Artist Biography or Art Related Fiction or Non-Fiction Story/BookComplete Two Parts- Review and Artwork
Find a book about an artist or art style or event in the arts that you would like to read. Check
with teacher for approval of book if unsure
Before you write, read. There’s no substitute for reading the book. Choose a book you’ll enjoy—reading
should be fun, not a chore! Read with a pen and paper at your side.
Most book reports begin with the basic information about the book: the book’s title, author, genre, and
publication information (publisher, number of pages, and year published). The opening paragraph is also your
opportunity to build interest by mentioning any unusual facts or circumstances about the writing of the book or
the author. Is the author a well-known authority on the subject? Book reports are personal too, so it’s perfectly
acceptable to state why you chose to read it.
Review- Overview of the story, including its setting, time period, main characters, and plot. Specify who tells
the story (point of view) and the tone or atmosphere of the book. Is it a creepy tale of suspense or a lighthearted
adventure? Describe the main characters and identify the major conflict or problem the main characters are
trying to solve. In writing about the plot, you don’t need to tell every detail of the story. Instead, focus on the
main sequence of events.
Helpful questions:
What is the Main idea of the story/book?
Where does the story take place?
When does the story take place?
Tell us about Something unique about the time/place in which the story takes place and
how it affects the characters:
What was your Favorite part of the book/story and why:
Was the story/book entertaining, educational, amusing, etc., and why?
Explain what you learned from this reading and how it may have changed your point of view or your
attitude towards the topic/artist/event.
Support your statements with examples from the book.
Give your honest opinion of the book/story and whether or not you would recommend it to others.
Artwork- Create a piece of artwork inspired by the book- any material or media and size.
Submit Review and artwork together.
4-Movie ReviewComplete all Three Parts- Review/Questions/Artwork
Choose a movie that is about an artist or visual arts- it may be fiction or non-fiction. Be sure
it is appropriate for you to watch- check with your parent or teacher. Ask for a movie list if you need
one. PBS Documentaries or Nova Documentaries are always good! List on back to start.
Review-The first step in writing the review is to watch the movie. Watch the movie in a relaxed environment
you are familiar with. Watching the movie a second time will help you to absorb a lot more detail about the
movie. Most movie reviewers take notes as they watch the movie. You should take notes too!
Description-include the following: name of the film, prominent stars of the film, basic setting
(Time and place), and type of film (comedy, adventure, drama, etc.) Did the movie have its own score
[Music] or did it feature songs from popular artists?-write a plot summary for the movie (tell what
happened in a shorter version). Discuss at least 2 specific events in the movie and your reaction or
opinion of the ending.
Go to…Next page- instructions continue……
o Analysis -Discuss an aspect of filmmaking. You may choose from acting, direction, editing, costume
design, set design, photography, background music, or anything else you may think of. Be sure that you
are specific and give examples from the movie.
o Interpretation- Did the movie follow a regular predictable story line, or did it get you thinking?
Explain the connections that it might have made in your mind as well as what you think it might suggest
to other viewers.
o Judgment- Give your overall reaction to the film as well as your opinion on the quality of the film.
Also include your recommendations for potential viewers.
Questions-Write 5 questions you would ask someone who had seen it to create a discussion.
Artwork-Create a piece of artwork inspired by the movie- any material or media or size
Submit review, questions and artwork together.
5-Current Events in the Arts
Complete all Three Parts- Summary/Questions/Artwork
Find a current news article about the VISUAL ARTS- [painting, architecture, sculpture, illustration etc.]
You may look in newspapers or magazines. The article you choose should be at least 4 paragraphs in
Include a copy of the article in your project.
Summaryo Begin by looking quickly at the opening statements, headings and opening sentences of each
paragraph and the conclusion.
o Then go back to the beginning and read the article in its entirety.
o Reading the article again with a highlighter or pen in hand allows for making notes or highlighting
important sections.
o Start your review by referring to the title of the article in the first paragraph. Include the name of the
o Express the main points and arguments of the article in your own words, referring to your highlighted
portions for assistance. Use specific examples and references.
o Express your opinion about whether the article was a clear, thorough and useful explanation of the
Questions-Write 5 questions you would ask someone who read this article to start a discussion.
Artwork-Create a piece of artwork inspired by the article- any material or media or size
Submit the summery, questions and artwork together
Just suggestions….
Be sure you pick a film that is appropriate for you.
Check with parent or Ms. W. if you have a question.
There are also numerous Visual art documentaries that are wonderful on PBS
NOVA documentaries
-Terracotta Warriors
-Great Cathedral Mystery
My Left Foot
Big Eyes
Monuments Men
Tim’s Verneer
The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting (1978) in french
Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2011)
Eames: The Architect & The Painter (2011)
Waste Land (2010)
Edvard Munch (1974)
Rembrandt (1936)
Cezanne in Provence
Frank Lloyd Wright
The Private Life of a Masterpiece:
Every Picture Tells a Story
How Art Made the World
The Agony and the Ecstasy
Vincent & Theo (1990)
Lust for Life- Van Gough
Mary Cassatt - A Brush With Independence (2003)
The Mystery of Picasso (1956)
Van Gogh: A Brush with Genius (2009)
Sketches of Frank Gehry by Sydney Pollack
Chuck Close: A Portrait in Progress
My Kid Could Paint That
National Geographic - Inside the Vatican
Rothko's Rooms / Mark Rothko (2008)
Dali Dimension: Decoding the Mind of a Genius (2008)
Vincent (1981)
Rivers and Tides
Against the Odds: The Artists of the Harlem Renaissance (2006)