The E vening G azette. P u R lS s lie d . E v e r y T u e s d a y , T li- a r s d a y a n d Saturday Afternoon. A ccid en ts, D isa sters, &c. —^Last night, Andrew Burns of Hampton, started from Goshen, to walk homo on tho railroad track. Ho had hcon drinking freely heforo ho started. This morning Conductor Frank Goraghty, Jr., found tho remains of Bums on tho track about a milo this side of Goshon, His body was cut to pieces, a number of trains having mangled i t during tho night, —On Saturday evening last an old man named Pfutznor residing a t Matamoras, Ba., fell headlong down a flight of stairs, and was jneked up in an unconscious state. Ho foceived three deep gashes on his head, breaking two of his ribs and severely in juring his spine. He lies in a critical con dition, attended by Dr. Jones of this village. —^Last Saturday a big wagon containing tw enty Guymard Hotel boarders on an ex cursion to Milford, broke down just below this village, upsetting tho occupants by tho roadside. Luckily nobody was hurt. —John Harvoy White, a farmer residing about three miles south of Middletoivn, near Michigan, m et with a frightful mowingmachine accident last Friday. Ho was mowing w ith the machine, and -was thrown off or fell off and was caught by the knives, and his legs wore dreadfully cut and lacer ated, so th at the amputation of one of his logs^was necessary. A t last accounts ho was very low and it was thought ho would not recover. —^At Montgomery, on Tuesday last, Isaac Drake, a laborer, was thiow n from a horso and so severely injured th a t ho died tho same evening. —iSobren Presley, a blacksmith living at Homowack, Ulster county, was thrown from a carriage one night last week, and received injuries about the head of which ho died next day. Ho was twenty-four years of age, and unmarried. —A young man named Dubois Decker, > says the Ellenville Journal, a resident of th a t to-wn, was IdUed last Wednesday the canal. I n attem pting to jump from one boat to another, ho dipped and fell, striking his head with such force as to cause his death. —The Joimial&lm says th at a lad, son of P a u l Enklor of Ellonvillo, was drowned sam e d ay i n th e ca n al a t P h ilip sp o rt. I m p o r ta n t to th o N a tio n a l G u a r d — O p in io n o f th e A tto rn e y G e n e ra l. Attoriioy General Oliamplaiii has given an opinion in relation to exemptions from taxation of members of tho National Guard. Ho considers th at by section 146, of chap ter 302, of the laws of 18G7, all oflicers, mu sicians and privates aro exempt from jury duty dm ing tho time they perform military sorvieo. They aro entitled to a deduction in tho assessment of their real and personal property, to tho amount of $500, except th at cavalrymen, artillerymen and mount ed officers Iwcro entitled to a deduction of $1,(800 on all classes of taxes- Tho follow ing: provision incorporated in tho general appropriation act of tho present year it is claimed repeals these exemptions: “ Section 146, of chapter three hundred and thirty-four, Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-four, which exempts members of tho National Guard from the payment of highway taxes and which entitles them to a dedluetion in the assessment of real and per sonal property to tho amount of Jive hundred dollars, is hereby repealed.” This attonipted repeal (says the Attorney General), it is obvious, is directed a t tho wrong statute. I am of opinion th at all tho exemptions to members of tho National Guard, declared by section 146 of chapter 502 of tho Laws of 1867, still exist in full force and aro unrepealed. NEW ADVERTISIMENTS. TTii H O L B R O O K , BEAL ESTATE OFFICE, Samnels’ Brick Builfllng, comer Pike ana .Rallroadsts. ScUs and exchanges Real E state; also attends to th e leasing of property, collecting rents, &c. Alll business entrusted to his care will be promptly pro "‘indcd to t S i SSOLXJTION.—T ho firm o f WELLS & J l J MARVIN is this day dissolved by mutual con se n t Q’he accounts the late firm may be settled with either of the former partners. And all our creditors are respcctf ally requested to calland settle as early as possible. Mr. CIIAS. MARVIN Will Continue the business as heretofore a t the old stand. Port Jervis, July 81.1869. P. WELLS, CHAS. MARVIN. p lA R D TO THE PUBMO.—In retiring \ J from the Dry-Goods business in which I have been engaged In tills Village for the pastfirtcen years, Ifeolltlianksare duo my friends and customers for what Success I have had In this line, and hope the ex perience of ray successor may be as pleasing. JL. nave inis uay transierreu my iiiieresi, lu i of RIDGWAY & MARVIN to PETER WELl my connection with the Brlck-maklng buslnesi with this date. Port Jervis, July 31,1869. CHARLES MARVIN. JJE M O Y A L. Now Is the C hance for Bargains. In consequence of entering into other business else N E W A D V E R T IS E M E N T S . 0 _ R A N D AT D R U G S A N D M E D IC IN E S . JQRUGGIST. P IC N IC , N IID o Il E T O W N , O N M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 2 d , 1869. A Special Train will le.avo Port Jervis a t 7.30 a. m. Returning will leave Middletown on Way Passen ger time, 7.25 p. m. Tickets ?l, entitling gent and lady to passage down and re tu rn . Tickets may be obtained of any member of St. Mary’s Benevolent Society, or of Fowler Engine Co. No. S. All members of the Society and Company are requested to meet at Fo'vvlcr Engine House at 7 o’clock By order of tho Committee of Arrangements, MICHAEL COLGAN, J. MCLAUGHLIN, P. LYONS, P. FEENY, THOS. GILLAN, J. FRACKELTON. C E O R C E ~ ^ . COOK, Plke-st., P ort Jervis, (Grogan’s BuiUUng.) WHOLESALE AXD llETAXL HEALEUS IN DRUGS A N D i s z toosnme”m a/be°scen an d ’e.xamlned^byany of the Inhabitants of said town, (hiring twenty days from PERFUM ERY, TOILET AND FANCY TV rO T IC E IS - H E R E B Y G IV E N T H A T J J ir th e . Bdiiid of Trustees of the Village of Port Jervis, ■win receive proposals for building^an addition to Engine H oubc No. 2, in said village. Proposals to bo Hied with the Clerk Of said village, on or before the 30th Of July next. Plans and speclflcatlons can be examined at the Office of the u ndersigned. GEO. BRODHEAD, President. A UCTION SALESROOM. JTX. J.M . RfUGWAY has opened an Auction and Commission Salesrhom at his old stand, corner of Orange and Maln-sts., where now ready to receive all kinds of new or second hand goods On sale or will buy, as may sa lt parties. Notice of sales will be made known. ," J. M. ALLERTON, Auctioneer. Would rcspecfully announce th at Ihci' aro prepared ARTICLES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, FIN E JO B P R IN T IN G , POTASH, KEROSENE OIL LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS. —A good supply of Fish and Yegotables Perfected Spectacles and Eye Glasses a t the old Fish and Vegetable stand of H. are gallnlng steadily and certainly a reputation unsur T allm an . —J ames S h a y , in order to close out his stock of D ry Goods, now offers them a t cc»t. L ight Calicoes, formerly sold at 12-^ cents, he is now Selling a t 10 cts. Best Delaines 18 cts. Good bleached muslin 12^ cts. He is selling his groceries very low. Good flour $6.50 bbl. MolalSos a t 45 cents ^ gallon, and best Porto Rico molasses 75 cts. Kerosene oil 35 cts. IP gallon. Store on Front-st. —^Yott uvill (dways find what you want in the F ru it and Vogotablo lino a t T all m an ’s old Fish Market. Having in use in our estalilisliihent ' SCHOOL AND BLANK BOOKS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS — R eduction in that they render impaired sight clear and distinct; strengthen and preserve tlie eyes; and very rasy and pleasant to wear, and Last many Years without Change, day, July 31st, from 9 o’clock a. m*, to 4 o’clock r. M., on each of said days, for tho purpose of receiving payment of said taxes. Dated a t Port Jervis, July 1, 1869.. L. H. BECKWITH, Collectca-. TTNION BANKING COMPANY, U OF PORT JERVIS, N. Y., are doing a general Banking business, receive depos its, loan money on approved pa^er, buy an^sell Gov- The largest and most complete stock of tho above prices. BILL-HEADS, J|c M O N A G L E & ROGERS’ HIGHLY CONCENTRATED osed of his Interest In Ketchuin’s Patent Tank ’atent Tar and Yard Cranes for supplying Locomotives lotlves with wit water, and that all Ageneles established, or powers of attorney granted for the purpose of doing anything ■jVfELODEONS REPAIRED in th e Best IVX manner and made as good as new. Melodeons timed and put in perfect order. Also, wires put in LAZARUS * MORRIS, Pianos. Orders solicited by JOHN’ STEPHENS. Conkllng’BBlock, Maln-st., P ort Jervls. S2tf Manupactuiukg Opticians, Hartford, Conn. —S t . J ohn & S ons have just received a large stock of crockery and wooden-ware, w hich th e y aro offering a t low figures. GOOD HA«I> BRICK, BALL TICKETS, UNKIVAIJiKD FOJl PROGRAMMES, Pnri-ty, D e lic a c y , a iid S ir e u g ilt. VISITING a n d w e d d in g CARDS, SIDING AND -< LATH, PIC K E T S, BATTENS, &c. Also OAK TIMBER to order. For sale at our mills nine miles west of Port Jervis, on Mongaup Flankroad. Postoffice address, Spar rowbush, Orange county, N. Y. IL E. EASTGATE. July 24,18C9. 42tr p O R T JERVIS PLANING MILL. HAMMOND r e g a rd th is o il,as pe rfec tly sa fe a n d reliab le a rtic le ; * the patent sealed can with the screw nozzle or spout I seem s to u s tp e only sa fe g u ard a g a in s t a d u lte ra te d ’ The Eire Insurance Companies generally, (nearly 100 or the leading companies) who say; I t is prepared' with great hare, and Is an unusually safe article fo r family use, and we hereby recommend Devoe’s Oil,, When put up as stated, to all having need of such am illuminator. I t Is important th at consumers should purchase It as put up by the manufacturers, and w e believe th at the result will be a saving of life, and such a diminution in the number of fires from Kerosene lamp explosions, as to make all Companies more readily Insure premises where this Oil Is used, for lighting.”*’ Eor sale, ttholeSale and reail, by THE DEVOEStAN- % U PA C T D llIN G Co„ l l T I ’u lto n S tre et, N e w T o rk . Eaimiies w ill iiiwv DeVoe’s OH for sale by local deal ers; If not, are requested to send orders to aboveiOddress. Goods promptly forwarded by express or otherwise. 12w4 QO-OPERATION AND RELIEF. •THE WAYNE COUNTY Co-Operative Benefit Company. ^ Chartered by special Act of the Legislature of Penn sylvania. ^Offices a t llonesdale, Penn., and Middletown, New OBJECTS OE THE COMPANY. The object of this Company Is to secure by a cheap, safe and practical system of ’Mutual Operation, a large measure of relief and benefit to Itsm em bera in case of death. To guarantee to the family or heirs BASSWOOD BOARDS, within forty, days from death, as many Dollars as there are Members intheD iyision to which the de ceased member belonged. The full Divisions are well-seasoned, for Carriage and Cabinet work. lim ited respectively to 1,000 and 6,000 members. WALNUT AND CHERRY PLANKS. MEMBERSHIP PEES. Single Divisions................ .....; .......................|6,00 -NEW EL POSTS AND BALUSTERS, In In Married Divisions. . . ; ....................................... S.oo neatly turned, of Walnut, Cherry, and Birch, Also BENEFITS. In Single One Thousand Divisions...................$1,000 STAIR RAILINGS, “ Married “ “ ' “ ......... ....... 1,000 Ready worked, and p ut up to order when required, of In Single Eive-Thousand Divisions.. “ Married “ “ “ Walnut, Cherry,, o r Birch, to suit the puyer. Any person -within the speclii Bowing a hazardous emplov PLANING,"SAW ING AND TURNING, )dBy health, may become a I full and equal benefits in the Company. And SCROLL SAWING done to order, with neatness H.1I. BBARDSLEE, President. and despatch. M. L ewis Clark, Secretary. ,• GOOD KINDLING WOOD constantly on hand. All communications should be addressed to the. Secretary, a t Company’s office, P ort JCrvis, N. Y. Port Jervis, May 13,1869. Agents \vanted. H OTELS A N D R E STA U R A N T S. ■|>RIOK.—^Wo are now prepared to furnish .13 an excellent quality of both SOFT AND H A R D BRICK, in quantities and prices that will satisfy purchasers. Innuirc of ^ CHARLES MARVIN firm of Wells * Marvin, Pt. Jervis, N. Y., or of NEWELL O.RIDGE\VAY Yard, Rosetown, Pa. TOE CREAM.— ^Tho choicest ico-oroam up- fJ 'H E DEERPARK X town will be found a t BOYST’S. Room lltted up especliUlly to accommodate ladles and gentlemen. B L U E STONE Largo diBhes given and plenty of fine llavorcd cream always on hand. 23tf arc now prdpared to furnish S E W IN G M A C H IN E S . ^ M E R I C A N COMBINATION Port Jervis, June 16,1869. THIS AND EVERY EVENING, a t Leach’s new and elegantly Utted up Saloon, op posite Graham’s Hall. CmCTJLATiS, F R U IT FLAVORING E X T R A C l^. p O W L E R HOUSE, 8-ltf. J O E CREAM. . CARDS, nAOT>BILLS, offer a t lo-w prices for cash, to Cabinet-makers, Wagon-Makers, and others, the following; CHEAPEST AS WELL AS BEST. T AMES CREEGAN WILL PAY $500 FOR e l an exact match for ills four-years-old dapple-gray Orders for anything In the line of n p o ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.— CHOICE W IDE AND NARROW X Notice Is hereby given th a t Jam es Taynton has 80 that in the end they are tho *^°Port Jervis, July 8,1869. ^ ' G E N E R A L J O B P R IN T IN G , H. & W. P rioes .-^J B ev a n s is selling his best Pacific Delains a t 18c. per yard, L aw n 20e. per yard, good Calico 10c. per yard, good Corsets 75c. Latest Hoop Skirts, The celebrated Brace Flour again in m arket $10.00 per bbl. — you w ant to buy Fish, Oysters and Clams go to tho old Fish M arket on Frontstreet. —^Westbrook & Stoll aro selling ladies kid gloves $1.00 per pair. French corsets, all numbers, 88 cts. each. Best calicoes, 12|^ cts. per yard, including pinks, purples, and shirtings. Invisible hoop skirts, tho smallest thing out. Gents half hose, only 10 cts. per pair. Pure cider vinegar. New and Fast Presses, New Type and Materials goods In town and oll’orod for sale at reasonable SAWED AVniTE PINE LUMBER, YELLOW PINE LUMBER, OAK AND niOKORY WAGON TIMBER, passed!. The readily ascertained superiority they pos sess over the ordinary Spectacles makes them very popular. • I T IS A FACT of any description, promptly, and at reasonable pi’iccp. Carefully prepared from the finest materials. They can not fail to give the most perfect satisfaction l\/rOUNTAIN HOME INSTITUTE, p o r t JERVIS, N. Y. For sale a t wholesale by the manufacturers, McPAMPHLETS, LAW CA^ES, &q., &d. The next session will begin SEPTEMBER Cth. Terms MONAGLE & ROGERS, Druggists, Middletown, N. for Board, English Tuition, washing, *c. $300 per Y .; by F. C. WELLS & CO., New York, and at retail year. Send for circular, or call on the Principal, ^‘kotf ‘ D.W ILBllJl. by JAMES McDOUGAL, Druggist, Port Jervis, and ■will receive prompt attention and work done on satis by dealers generally. ImC ' factory terms. p O O D OPPORTUNITY.—THE STOCK V X and lease of awoll-estaWlshed Dry Goods Store is offered for sale on reasonable terms—or may be ex changed for good village property. 86m3. M A C H IN E R Y . JQ E Y O E ’S KEROSENE OIL, Inquire of the Editors of The Evening Gazette. p O R T JERV IS About the same price as ordinary oil, and guaranteed .y-, '( ET THE BEST. of superior quality In all respects. Send for circular, giving full particulars and testi STEAM ENGINE WORKS, monials. WEBSTER’S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. ^ Economical, convenient, and a splendid illuminaC orner F r o n t a n d S u ssex-sts. 1 0 ,0 0 0 Words and, Meanings not in other Dictionaries. 3 0 0 0 Engravings; 1 8 4 0 Pages Quarto. Price $ 1 2 . IN EIV E GALLON PATENT CANS, RAY A C O M P A N Y , Vldwedasaivhole, ivearoconiident that no other With cork-lined screw nozzles, and warranted per- ’ MANUPACTUUEUS OF living language has a dictionary which so fully and fectly safe. faithfully sets forth its present condition as this last Pabked expressly for family a id general local use. edition of Webster does that of our written and spo FortaDlc a m i Sl:ationavy Steam En-' Devoe’s OIL, and Devoe’s Patiint Sealed Call ken English tongue.—Harper’s Magazine. These three books are tlie s \m total o.fgreat libraries: are endorsed and recommended in the strongest term s the Bible, Shakespeare, and Webster’s JXogal Quarto— by R. Ogden Doremus, Professor of CHejnistry and Chicago Morning Jorumal, Physics, College of New York ; Professor of Chemis^ STEAM PIPES AND FITTINGS, This work, well used in a family, will be of more try ana Toxicology. Bellevue Hospital Medical Col a d v an ta g e to th e m e m bers tliereo f th a n hundreds of lege, WhO gays: “ I t Is evident, by the process of Milivyright Work, dollars laid up in monay.—Alliance Monitor. fractional distillation, th a t your Oil contains but m e re traces of the more volatile products, for after heating one h ourand a h a lf with the Oil a t ai3*E.. but two drops were obtained.” BRASS AND IRON FOUNDERS. The New York Elre CommsslonerSi, who say: “ We M e e tin g s a n d N o tic e s . QUR CELEBRATED PORT JEFiVIS, N. Y. of the latest Improved styles, our facilities for doing TRUSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, superior -worlf, a t fair rates, are not surpassed by Sole agent for HUMPHREY’S HOMEOPATHY those of any establishment in this section of tlid country. REMEDIES. —^Peach headquarters, at the old Fish and W anted 5 0 0 Men to W ork on K ingston RR. Yegetablo stand, Front-st. Poaohos sold by Saturday, JffiylTth; a t’isaao Penny’s hotel, on Satur Apply to THOS. SCHOLES, 43w4 Pike St., Port Jervis. —^Alarge Assortment of Stamped Paper and Envelopes, for sale b y Geo . E. Cook. I J N F A IL J N G EYE PRESERVERS. j for medicinal use. anyperaons conceiving themselves aggrieved. AAn m r t)ECICEP '' V is e l l o u s c l i o l t l F i i i 'i i i t i i r e f o r S a l e . MAN. (Gazeti'E B uilding, P ike -st,) PATENT MEDICINES, t 0 4 ; 0 P ages OewAvo. O O O E saBA T ixas. P r ic e i t o . —^At Goshen on Thursday evening, says where, I offer my The work Is really a gem o f a Dictimxary, just the tho RepuUican, Mr. Edward Haight, son in g fo r th e m illion.—A m erican Mditcational MontiUg. ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS BELOW COST. th In many respects, this Dlctionaiy is the most con o f David H . H aight a ttem p ted to cross tho P o r t Je rv is, Aj>ril 2 2 ,1SC9. v e n ien t e v er published.—Rochester Democrat. track in fro n t o f the locom otive, b u t i t -was As a manual of reference, It is eminently flttod for u se In fam ilies an d schools.—V. V . Tribune. so oloso upon him, his foot was caught, tei L U M B E R A N D CO AL. It la altogether the best treasury of words o f its size T H E S T O R E S TO B E N T Which tho English language has ever poBsessed..— ing off his shoo and badly bruising his J^UM BER FOR SALE. with or without purchase Of Stock, together or separ Uartford Dress. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass. ankle and heel, b u t no bones wore broken. ately; also tho Dwelling P a rt of the House. The subscriber offers for sale Ho very narrowly escaped a terrible death. single one, basket, or crato, b y H . T all - T lie O azcttc P r in tin g C om pany, ’ CHEMICALS, STATIONERY, iia « M IS C E L L A N E O U S . p P J N T IN G . COMPAJVY the hotel. The patronage o; public generally is solicited. Port Jervis, Ju ly l, 1869. F L A G G I N G - S T O N E , a n d sto n e s fo r CURBING, GUTTERS, COPING, H. WHITAKER. U -N IO N HO U SE. —S mith ’s Hall and Lager Bier Garden, SILLS AND LINTELS, Jersey Avenue, is now open every evening, PLATFORMS, STEPS, RISES, &c., w ith ice-cream, lager, and other refresh ready manufactured or cut to order, at short notice ments. The Erie (iuadrillo Band will dis and reasonable prices. course music in the Garden every Saturday Orders by mall or otherwise may bo addressed to■TT^HITB GRAVEL for Garden Walks, evening. T T for sale in quantities to suit purclm sw^ by EASTGATE A LOUNDSBERRY, —^Ladies-and Children’s shoos and gai Sparrowbush, N. Y. ters in endless variety, a t S t . J ohn & Or to JOSEPH II. TUTHILL & SON, or NICHOLAS CARPENTER, EllcnvllIc, N. Y. PORT JERVIS, N. Y. R. Vt. PALMER, Proprietor. BUTTON HOLE OVERSEAMING AND This elegant and spacious Hotel has been thorough SEWING M A CH IN E, ly refitted and refurnislied throughout, and is now re I ts Wondekful P opularitv Conclusive P koop op ITS Great Merit, opened for the accommodation of the traveling public. The increase in the demand for this valuable ma chine has been tenfold during the last seven months HOT Ej |j ’.a.v.’xx.ti.i'i VTJii5 j-iv-f xEL, Of its first year before the public, JOj f r o n t -s t r e e t , p o r t JERVIS, N, Y. ind and The subscriber has recently purchased this wellknown-hotel, and will continue the management of CORNER MAIN ANd' CANAL STS., PORT JERVIS. Good Accommodations for Guests, also a Stable connected with this Hotel. Horses boarded by the day, week or month. 40tf. ISAAC PENNEY, Proprietor. ■\rOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ACCORD- _L 1 Ing to law, to all persons having claims against CHAUNCBY WICKHAM, deceased, that they are re quired to exhibit the same, w’lth vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the executor of the last will and tc 35m3 • Dated this 13th July, 1869. I t Is really two machines combined in one (by a sim ple and beautiful mechanical arrangement) making both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch, and the Overseam and Button-hole Stitch, with equal facility and perfection. It executes in the very best m anner every variety of Sewing, such as Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking Stitching, Braiding and (inilting. (lathering and sew ing on (done at the same time,) and in addition Overseams, Embroldgrs on the edge, and makes beautiful Button and Eyelet Holes in all fabrics. All who desire to pui-chase a sewing machine are cordially invited to call and examine for themselves, and we.desirc all to see and try it, and we are willing to rest th e case on its own merits alone. Samples of work will be furnished whenever -de sired. Instructions given without charge to all purchasers W. C, SLAWSON, Agent for Port Jervis and Deeipark. Office a t the store of W estbrook* Stoll, Pike-sreet, Port Jervis, N. Y. .
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