2014 Annual research report Rebecca me Williams

Report on Research Activities
A. Reconstructing the Aqueous History Within Southwestern Melas
Chasma, Valles Marineris, Mars.
In Vallles Marineris, a perched basin located in southwestern Melas Chasma has widely
been recognized in prior studies as the site of a postulated paleolake, and is a landing site now
under consideration for the 2020 Mars Rover. Valley networks converge from the east and west
into an enclosed 30 x 120 km basin and terminate in fan-shaped landforms. Fan deposits are
interbedded with layered beds that are largely presumed to be lacustrine deposits. New details of
the aqueous history in the Melas basin have been revealed from analysis of high-resolution image,
topographic and spectral datasets as reported in a manuscript published this year in Icarus
(Williams and Weitz, 2014). We examined high-resolution images (THEMIS, CTX, HiRISE),
topographic data (derived from HRSC stereo pairs), and complimentary CRISM spectral data of
key regions to refine our understanding of the sequence of events within this basin. Eleven fanshaped landforms have been identified which reflect various depositional environments and some
fans indicate lake level (Fig. 1). Synthesizing the emplacement processes and the stratigraphic
succession of fan-shaped deposits enables reconstruction of various lacustrine phases.
A range of depositional environments is recorded by these fans from deep subaqueous to
shallow subaqueous to subaerial emplacement. In addition, there is a marker bed with inferred
aeolian bedforms within the stratigraphic record of presumed lacustrine deposits. This
observation, taken together with the stratigraphic succession of fan-shaped deposits, indicates
fluctuating lake levels with, at a minimum, early and late-stage lake highstands (Fig. 2). Landform
scale was used to estimate average discharge (~30 m3/s), formative discharge (200-300 m3/s), and
fan formation timescale, which further inform the duration of lacustrine activity within the basin.
Warm surface conditions and precipitation recharge of source basins is required to generate and
sustain this long-lived lake over periods of at least centuries to millenia.
Figure 1: Study region and sketch map of eleven fans within the southwestern Melas basin.
Landslides (I1, J), debris flows (C1, D1), fan-deltas (C2, E, H), deltas (D2, F, G, I2), and deep
sublacustrine (A, B) deposits are present within the basin. Figure from Williams and Weitz (Icarus,
Figure 2. Examples of potential lake levels in southwestern Melas Basin are illustrated in this
digital elevation model derived from HRSC stereo images, overlain on a CTX image mosaic. Scale
bar in (A) applies to all panels. Elevation of lake levels for each panel is given at upper right. (A)
Maximum lake level is defined by the outline of an enclosed depression in the modern topography
with an associated maximum water depth is ~415 m. This lake level matches a number of fan
apices, as labeled. (B) This illustration an intermediate lake level (maximum water depth ~230 m),
however no morphological evidence for this lake level, or any specific intermediate lake level, was
found in this study. (C) Maximum lake level (~65 m) where the marker bed would be above water.
Figure from Williams and Weitz (Icarus, 2014).
B. In Situ outcrop investigations at Gale crater with the Mars Science
Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover.
The main events and science results from the first 500 sols of the mission are summarized
in Vasavada et al., (JGR, 2014). One of the early major findings from the Curiosity mission is
documentation of a habitable environment at Gale crater based on the identification of a lacustrine
deposit at Yellowknife Bay (Grotzinger et al., Science, 2014). Since departing Yellowknife Bay
in the summer of 2013, the MSL science team and Williams have been investigating the outcrop
properties and stratigraphic context of several prominent locations, including the Darwin
waypoint, along Curiosity’s traverse before reaching the Pahrump Hills in September 2014 for an
intensive campaign. At these sites, the presence of sandstones and pebbly sandstones with grainsupported textures, and the common presence of cross-stratification, both provide strong evidence
for a hypothesis of bedload sediment transport in an ancient fluvial system (Figures 3 - 5).
In this report, the Darwin site (Williams et al., LPSC, 2014b; Vasavada et al., JGR, 2014)
is used as an illustration of some of the major findings observed throughout Curiosity’s traverse
across Aeolis Palus. The Darwin deposits are consistent with a complex scenario of dominantly
fluvial activity. The bulk of the deposits are likely from ephemeral flows through the region, rather
than deposits associated with sustained river flows. The disorganized and poorly sorted basal Altar
Mountains facies is consistent with rapid deposition, while the topmost Bardin Bluffs outcrop
shows clear evidence for bedload transport with grain to grain contact and clast texture (moderately
rounded and pock_marked pebbles) reflects vigorous flows. The Darwin site has undergone an
extensive diagenetic history, resulting in a well lithified and fractured outcrop. Multiple fluids
have circulated through these rocks, initially cementing the fluvial deposits and subsequently
resulting in fracture filled veins after lithification (Figures 4 and 5). There is abundant evidence
for widespread burial and exhumation within Gale crater.
Figure 3: Sketch map of four rock types in the Dawin outcrop, with the approximate locations of
the two parking sites marked by numbers. Mastcam mosaic acquired on sol 390. Figure from
Vasavada et al. (JGR, 2014).
Figure 4: Localized fracture set, interpreted as veins, at the Darwin outcrop (location 2 in figure
3) are closely spaced and nearly parallel. These deposits were likely buried, with lithostatic
pressure producing this en eschelon fracture pattern. Mastcam image acquired on sol 396. B)
Discrete fine pebbles (white arrows) are bound within the vein-filling material and are especially
prominent on the surface of the vein ridge top, where they are more resistant to weathering.
Mstcam image acquired on sol 401. Figure from Vasavada et al. (JGR, 2014).
Figure 5: MAHLI images of the Bardin Bluffs outcrop at the Darwin waypoint (location 1 in
figure 3) were acquired on sol 394. A) Overview of Bardin Bluffs outcrop. B) An immature
sandstone of very coarse sand, bearing small pebbles (<1 cm diameter). Pock marked pebbles
(white arrow) record high energy collisions in fluvial transport. Note that the footprint of figure
#F extends off the scene. C) Yellow circles mark irregularly shaped, dark-toned patches interpreted
as pore-filling cements. The left one is triangular shaped and appears rimmed by a light-toned
secondary cement phase possibly with isopachous texture. Hairline fracture marked by blue
arrows. D) Yellow circle outlines a dark-toned triangle interpreted to be pore-filling cement.
Hairline fractures are marked by blue arrows. E) Dark-toned cement surrounds light-toned sand
grains within the yellow circle. F) Blue arrows point to a grey curvilinear band outlined by lighttoned material of uniform thickness, interpreted as evidence for multiple cement phases and
temporal changes in fluid composition that flowed through the rock.
C. Martian Alluvial Fans
The most detailed record of fan stratigraphy exposed on Mars is the deflated large alluvial
fans located in Saheki crater. Morgan et al. (Icarus, 2014) used knowledge gleaned from
examining fine-grained alluvial fans in Chile’s Atacama Desert to unravel the processes
responsible for constructing the Saheki fans and constrain the associated flow events. Sediment
(sand to boulder size) is deposited by channelized flows and overbank mudflows; subsequent wind
erosion leaves channels expressed in inverted topographic relief (Figures 6 and 7). The study
concludes that hundreds to thousands of short duration, modest magnitude flows (probably less
than ~60 m3/s) were involved in the formation of the uppermost 100 m Saheki fan deposits. Saheki
fan construction occurred over an extended time period around the Hesperian-Amazonian
boundary, requiring climate conditions favorable to surface water flow relatively late in martian
Figure 6 (left): Inverted channels (1-2 m relief, white arrows) on an alluvial fan in the Atacama
Desert, Chile. Inversion is due to coarser grain size of the channel deposits, protecting them from
wind erosion and possibly chemical cementation. Recent overbank deposits are pinkish. GeoEye
imaging from Google Earth centered at 21.115S, 69.576W. Figure from Morgan et al. (Icarus,
Figure 7 (right): Shaded relief image of the distal end of one alluvial fan within Saheki crater.
Digital elevation map (DEM) is constructed from HiRISE stereo image pairs, centered at 22.10
S, 72.97 E. The overall slope of the fan surface has been subtracted from the DEM so that portions
of the fan surface at approximately equal stratigraphic level have the same relative elevation.
Portions of image (lower right) not mantled with fan deposits are uncolored. Figure from Morgan
et al. (Icarus, 2014).
D. Fieldwork on Terrestrial Inverted Channels.
Inverted channels are a prevalent feature of martian landcapes. As part of a Mars
Fundamental Research grant, Williams is collecting data from a number of terrestrial field sites
that span a range of formation histories for these landforms. In September 2014, Williams led a
field team including Dr. Ross Irwin (Smithsonian Institution) and Dr. David Miller (USGS) to
collect data on inverted channels in the Mojave Desert, California (Figure 8). Topographic and
grain size data as well as observations about the degree of induration of these fluvial deposits are
important characteristics to document and compare with other inverted channel sites to better
understand the range of formation conditions and diagnostic attributes that are unique to specific
development pathways.
Figure 8: Dr. Ross Irwin conducts a topgraphic survey along an inverted channel ridge crest in
the Mojave Desert, California. These modest relief (~1 m) landforms are capped by
unconsolidated, fluvially-transported pebbles.
In conjunction with the Aerospace Corporation and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Williams is serving as a science consultant on development of the MARSDROP architecture (Figure
9), a steerable parawing glider and guided flight for a targeted landing with a small (~1 kg) payload
(Staehle, et al., 2014a,b). Proof-of-concept tests have been conducted from high-altitude balloons
(reaching ~1000,00 feet/~30 km) demonstrating the parawing could withstand deployment
dynamic pressure, and the landing system fits within the capsule leaving sufficient volume and
mass for a useful landed scientific payload. MARSDROP represents a new approach to augment
Mars exploration by enabling precisely-targeted science at minimal cost for in situ investigation
at scientifically compelling locations. MARSDROP can double or triple the number of Mars landers
at small additional cost for each mission opportunity. With a guided flight capability, the payload
can be delivered to regions previously considered high-risk. In addition, this targeted delivery
enables distributed network science applications and/or provide reconnaissance data for future
missions. In short, this delivery system can dramatically enhance the scientific return of Mars
exploration, providing access to sites of high geologic and astrobiologic interest.
Figure 9: A) MARSDROP microprobe landing architecture. B) MarsDrop balloon test descending
to Nevada desert floor superimposed on MER scene. Image “color matched” to Mars.
C) Engineering team holding parawing with balloon test article on table.
A. Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts
Williams, R. M. E., and C. M. Weitz, (2014) Reconstructing the Aqeuous History within the
Melas Basin: Clues from Stratigraphic and Morphometric Analysis, Icarus. 242, 19-37.
Grotzinger, J. P. et. al., including R. M. E. Williams, D. Vaniman, and R. A. Yingst, (2014)
A Habitable Fluvio-Lacustrine
Environment at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater,
Mars. Science, 343, 1242777-1 to 1242777-14. doi:10.1126/science.1242777.
Morgan, A. M., Howard, A. D., Hobley, D. E., Moore, J. M., Dietrich, W. E., Williams, R.
M. E., Burr, D. M., Grant, J. A., Wilson, S. A., and Y. Matsubara, (2014) Sedimentology
and Climatic Environment of Alluvial Fans in the Martian Saheki Crater and a
Comparison with Terrestrial Fans. Icarus, 229, 131-156.
Vasavada, A. R., Grotzinger, J. P., Arvidson, R. E., Calef, F. J., Crisp, J. A., Gupta, S.,
Hurowitz, J., Mangold, N., Maurice, S., Schmidt, M. E., Wiens, R. C., Williams,
R.M.E., and A. Yingst, (2014) Overview of the Mars Science Laboratory Mission:
Bradbury Landing to Yellowknife Bay and Beyond, Journal of Geophysical Research. 119,
1134-1161. doi: 10.1002/2014JE004622.
B. Reports
LSSWG (The ExoMars 2018 Landing Site Selection Working Group including R. M. E.
Williams), (2014) Recommendation for the Narrowing of ExoMars 2018 Landing Sites.
C. Book
Kaufman, Marc (2014) Mars Up Close: Inside the Curiosity Mission, National Geographic, 304pp.
R. M. E. Williams was interviewed for this book, detailing the discovery of fluvial conglomerates
during the early days of ground-based rover operations, her experience with the Curiosity mission,
and reviewed portions of the manuscript.
D. First-Author Conference Abstracts
Williams, R. M. E., and C. M. Weitz, (2014a) Lacustrine History Within Southwestern Melas
Basin, Mars, LPSC XLV, Abstract #2432.
Williams, R. M. E., Weitz, C. M., Grindrod, P.M., Davis, J., Quantin-Nataf, C., and G.
Dromart, (2014) In Situ investigation of the Southwestern Melas Basin. Mars 2020
Landing Site Workshop, Crystal City, VA, (2014)
Williams, R. M. E., D. Y. Sumner, S. Gupta, J. P. Grotzinger, D. Rubin, R. C. Wiens, K. S.
Edgett, M. S. Rice, L. A. Edgar, K. W. Lewis, M. E. Minitti, J. Schieber, K. Williford, D.
L. Blaney, R. A. Yingst, M. C. Malin, N. Mangold, A. Cousin, J. Lasue, R. B. Anderson,
S. Schroeder, O. Gasnault, M. R. Fisk, (2014b) Sedimentology of Darwin Waypoint from
Curiosity Observations, LPSC XLV, Abstract #2401.
Williams, R. M. E., Grotzinger, J. P., Sumner, D. Y., Lewis, K., Gupta, S., Edgar, L. A., Stack,
K. M., Rubin, D. M., and Kah, L. C., 2014, Insight into paleoenvironments from
sedimentary rocks along the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity’s traverse,
Northeastern Section of Geological Society of America, GSA Abstracts with Programs.
Vol. 46, No. 2, Paper 3-1.
Williams, R. M. E., Kah, L., Siebach, K. L., Grotzinger, J., Sumner, D. Y., Minitti, M. E.,
Yingst, A. Y., (2014) Lithification of Sedimentary Rocks on Mars—A View from
Curiosity, GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 46, No. 6, Abstract # 246288.
Williams, R. M. E., M. Rice, K. M. Stack, J. Grotzinger, S. Gupta, D. Rubin, D. Sumner, L.
Edgar, and K. Lewis, (2014) Curiosity In Situ Observations at Kylie, a Preview of the
Kimberley Drill Site Geology, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract #P42C-06.
E. Co-Author Conference Abstracts
i. Lunar & Planetary Science Conference
Calef, F. J., R. Arvidson, R. Sletten, R. Williams, J. Grotzinger, (2014) Surface Roughness
Derived from HiRise Visible Imagery: A Case Study at the MSL Landing Site, LPSC
XLV, Abstract #1614.
Edgar, L. A., S. Gupta, D. M. Rubin, K.W. Lewis, G.A. Kocurek, R.B. Anderson, J.F. Bell
III, G. Dromart, K.S. Edgett, J.P. Grotzinger, C. Hardgrove, L.C. Kah, R. Leveille, M.C.
Malin, N. Mangold, R.E. Milliken, M. Minitti, M. Palucis, M. Rice, S.K. Rowland, J.
Schieber, K.M. Stack, D.Y. Sumner, A.J. Williams, J. Williams, R.M.E. Williams, (2014)
A Fluvial Sandbody on Mars: Reconsturction of the Shaler Outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars,
LPSC XLV, Abstract #1648.
Yingst, R. A., R. M. E. Williams, K. S. Edgett, L. C. Kah, (2014) Lithology and Texture of a
Potential Conglomerate in Gale Crater as Imaged by MAHLI, LPSC XLV, Abstract #1295.
ii. Geological Society of America Conferences
Calef, F. J., III., Arvidson, R. E., Parker, T., Lewis, K., Rice., M., Edgar., L., Stack., K. M.,
Williams, R. M. E., Palucis, M., and Dietrich, W., (2014) Stratigraphic Context of Bradbury
Rise Conglomerates in the MSL Landing Ellipse, GSA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada,
19-22 October 2014, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No.
6, Abstract #202-6.
Rubin, D., Grotzinger, J., Edgar, L. Edgett, K., Lewis, K., Stack, K., Sumner, D. Y., Williams,
R. M. E., and MSL Team, (2014) Ground-based Observations of Physical Sedimentology
in Gale Crater, Mars, GSA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 19-22 October 2014,
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, Abstract #202-3.
Stack, K. M., J. Grotzinger, D. Sumner, F. Calef, :. Edgar, C. Edwards, S. Gupta, S. Jacob, K.
Lewis, M. Rice, D. Rubin, R.M.E. Williams, (2014) Synthesizing MSL Curiosity rover
observations and orbital geologic mapping to build a regional stratigraphy for Aeolis Palus,
GSA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 19-22 October 2014, Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, Abstract #202-4.
Yingst, R. A., Hamilton, V. E., Arvidson, R., Calef, F., Grotzinger, J. P., Lewis, K., Williams,
R. M. E., (2014) Terrain Assessment in Gale Crater from Sol 0-500 Using Orbital Thermal
Inertia and In Situ Visible Data, GSA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 19-22 October
2014, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 6, Abstract
Yingst, R. A., Garvin, J., Hamilton, V. E., Jensen, J. K., Kah, L. C., Meslin, P.Y., Palucis, M.,
Pilleri, A., and Williams, R. M. E., (2014) Morphologic Characteristics of pebble and
cobble-sized clasts along the Curiosity rover traverse, Northeastern Section of Geological
Society of America, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No.
2, Paper 3-2.
iii. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
Edgar, L. A., D. Rubin, J. Schieber, S. Gupta, R. M. E. Williams¸K. Stack, M. Rice, J. Grotzinger,
K. Lewis, M. Malin, D. Sumner, J. Bell., and K. Edgett (2014) Reconstructing Ancient
Fluvial Environments at the Balmville and Dingo Gap Outcrops, Gale Crater, Mars, AGU
Fall Meeting, Abstract #42C-05.
Grotzinger, J. P. D. Blake, J. Crisp, K. Edgett, R. Gellert, S. Gupta, K. Lewis, P. Mahhafy, M.
Malin, H. Newsom, T. Parker, M. Rice, D. Rubin, K. Siebach, K. Stack, D. Sumner, R.
Wiens and R. Williams, (2014) Geologic Framework for Aeolis Palus Bedrock, and Its
Relationship to Mt. Sharp, Mars, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract #P42C-01.
Gupta, S., D. Rubin, M. Rice, K. Lewis, K. Stack, D. Sumner, J. Grotzinger, R. Williams, L.
Edgar, K. Edgett, L. Kah and the MSL Science Team, Making Sense of Martian
Sediments at the Kimberley, Gale Crater, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract #P42C-02.
Mangold, N., R. B. Anderson, D. L. Blaney, J. C. Bridges, F. Calef, B. Clark, S. M. Clegg, A.
Cousin, G. Dromart, L. Edgar, C. Fabre, M. Fisk, O. Forni, O. Gasnault, J. Grotzinger, S.
Gupta, K. E. Herkenhoff, J. Hurowitz, J. R. Johnson, L. C. Kah, N. Lanza, J. Lasue, L. Le
Deit, S. Le Mouélic, R. Léveillé, E. Lewin, S. McLennan, S. Maurice, P.-Y. Meslin, D.
Ming, M. Nachon, H. Newsom, V. Sautter, M. Schmidt, K. Stack, D. Y. Sumner, R.C.
Wiens, A. Williams, R. Williams, MSL Team, (2014) Overview of the Composition of
Sedimentary Rocks Along the Curiosity Rover Traverse using the ChemCam Instrument,
AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract #P42C-03.
Palucis, M. C., W. Dietrich, T. Parker, D. Sumner, R. Williams, A. Hayes, N. Mangold and K.
Lewis, (2014) Quantitative topographic analysis as a guide to rover-based research on
Mars, AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract #P41D-3956.
Siebach, K. L., J. P. Grotzinger, S. McLennan, J. Hurowitz, L. Kah, K. Edgett, R. Williams,
Sandstone diagenesis at Gale Crater, Mars, as observed by Curiosity, AGU Fall Meeting,
Abstract #P42C-07.
iv. Other Conferences
Calef, F. J., R. Arvidson, B. Deen, K. Lewis, R. Sletten, R. Williams, J. P. Grotzinger,, (2014)
Surface Roughness Derived from Ground and Orbital Imagery: A Case Study at The MSL
Landing Site, 8th International Conference on Mars, Abstract #1182.
Dietrich, W. E., M. C. Palucis, T. Parker, D. Rubin, D. Lewis, D. Sumner and R. M. E.
Williams, (2014) Clues to the relative timing of lakes in Gale Crater, 8th International
Conference on Mars, Abstract #1178.
Edgar, L. A., Gupta, S., Rubin, D. M., Schieber, Lewis, K. W., Bell, J. F., Hardgrove, C., Kah, L.
C., Rice, M., Stack, K. M., Sumner, D. Y., and Williams, R. M. E., (2014) Cross-bedded
facies and inferred paleocurrents observed by the Curiosity Rover along the Traverse to
Mt. Sharp, Gale Crater, Mars, 8th International Conference on Mars, Abstract #1389.
Flahaut, J., Loizeau, D., and Vago, J., Westall, F., Edwards, H. G., Whyte, L., Fairén, A.,
Bibring, J.-P., Bridges, J., Hauber, E., Ori, G. G., Werner, S., Kuzmin, R., Williams, R.
M. E., , Forget, F., Rodionov, D., Korablev, O., Witasse, O., Kminek, G., Lorenzoni, L.,
Bayle, O., Joudrier, L., Mikhailov, V., Zashirinsky, A., Alexashkin, S., Calantropio, F.,
and Merlo, A., and ExoMars Team, Where to Land with Exomars 2018: The Candidate
Landing Sites. 8th International Conference on Mars. Abstract #1232.
Gupta, G., L. A. Edgar, R. M. E. Williams, D. M. Rubin, Yingst R.A., K. W. Lewis, G.
Kocurek, R. Anderson, J. F. Bell III, G. Dromart, K.S. Edgett, J. P. Grotzinger, C.
Hardgrove, L. C. Kah, R. Leveille, M. C. Malin, N. Mangold, R. Milliken, M. Minitti, M.
Palucis, M. Rice, S. Rowland, J. Schieber, K. M. Stack, D. Y. Sumner, A. J. Williams, J.
Williams, (2014) An Aquatic Journey Toward Mount Sharp: Sedimentary Rock Evidence
Observed by Mars Science Laboratory, European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting.
Abstract #EGU2014-13635.
Laporte, M. G. A., M. P. Lamb, R. M. E. Williams, (2014), Deciphering Outburst Flood
Discharges from the Morphology of Hesperian Canyons, 8th International Conference on
Mars, Abstract #1129.
Mangold, N., O. Forni, R.C. Wiens, L. Le Deit, M. Joulin, S. Clegg, V. Sautter, R.M.E.
Williams, R.B. Anderson, D. Blaney, A. Cousin, G. Dromart, C. Fabre, M.R. Fisk, O.
Gasnault, N. Lanza, J. Lasue, S. Le Mouelic, R. Leveille, E. Lewin, S. Maurice, P.-Y.
Meslin, M. Nachon, H. Newsom, A. Ollila, S. Schröder, C. D’Uston, and the MSL Science
Team,, (2014) Composition of the Conglomerates Analyzed by Chemcam Onboard
Curiosity, 8th International Conference on Mars, Abstract #1114.
Rubin, D., Edgar, L., Edgett, K., Grotzinger, J., Gupta, S., Lewis, K., Rice, M., Schieber, J.,
Siebach, K., Stack, K., Sumner, D., and R. Williams, (2014) Sedimentary structures as
indicators of flowing wind and water in Gale crater, Mars, European Planetary Science
Congress, v. 9, EPSC2014-501-2, Estoril, Portugal, 7-12 September 2014.
Staehle, R. L., Eby, M. A., Otero, R., Williams, R. and K. Williford, (2014a) MARSDROP
Architecture: Landing Microprobes at Exciting Sites on Mars, International Astronautical
Conference. 65th International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, Canada, 29 September
- 3 October 2014, http://www.iafastro.net/iac/paper/id/22457/summary/
Staehle, R.L., Eby, M. A., Williams, R. M. E., Williford, K., de la Torre, M., Bhartia, R.,
Boland, J., Duncan, C., and Imken, T., (2014b) "MarsDrop Architecture: MicroLanders to
Enable Multiple Landings At Every Mars Opportunity" Mars CubeSat Workshop,
Vago, J. L., Rodinov, D. S., Witasse, O., Kiminek, G., Lorenzoni, L., Westall, F., Edwards, H.
G., Whyte, L., Fairén, A., Bibring, J.-P., Bridges, J., Hauber, E., Ori, G. G., Werner, S.,
Loizeau, D., Kuzmin, R., Williams, R. M. E., Flahaut, J., Forget, F., Vago, J. L., Rodionov,
D., Korablev, O., Witasse, O., Kminek, G., Lorenzoni, L., Bayle, O., Joudrier, L.,
Mikhailov, V., Zashirinsky, A., Alexashkin, S., Calantropio, F., and Merlo, A., and
ExoMars Team, 8th International Conference on Mars. Abstract #1105.
Yingst, R. A., K. S. Edgett, R. M. E. Williams, - The Texture of Mars: Observations of
Rock and Outcrop Targets Over 360 Martian Sols at the Gale Field Site, European
Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Abstract #EGU2014-7263.
Service to the Science Community
A. Member of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) ExoMars Landing Site Selection
Working Group (LSSWG)
B. Session chair at Northeastern sectional meeting of the Geological Society of
America (NE-GSA) held in Lancaster, PA for thematic session: "Gaining a Greater
Understanding of Mars from Gale Crater and Beyond."
C. PSI Prize Committee
D. Peer-reviewed manuscripts for Nature Geoscience (April), Icarus (April & August),
and Earth and Planetary Science Letters (December).
Public Outreach Activities
February 15, 2014
Interacting with BadgerBots clubs, high school students that build robots
for the FIRST competition.
February 25, 2014
Physics Department Seminar at University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI,
“Roving the Red Planet: A Field Geologist Explores Gale Crater, Mars,”
audience of 20.
February, 27, 2014
Public lecture at Waunakee Public Library, “Roving the Red Planet: A
Field Geologist Explores Gale Crater, Mars,” audience of 50.
March 7, 2014
5th graders at Waunakee Intermediate School, Waunakee, WI, “Mars
Curiosity Rover Overview,” audience of 150.
March 23, 2014
Keynote Speaker at the Franklin & Marshall College Alumni/Geoscience
Founders Society Gala Dinner, “Roving the Red Planet: A Field Geologist
Explores Gale Crater, Mars,” Lancaster, PA, audience of 200.
April 9, 2014
Department Seminar at Caltech, Pasadena, CA, “The Lacustrine History in
Southwestern Melas Chasma, Mars,” audience of 40.
April 29, 2014
1st grade class, Arboretum Elementary, Waunakee, WI, “Mars
Curiosity Rover Overview,” 22 students.
June 10, 2014
1st grade class, Arboretum Elementary, Waunakee, WI, “Mars
Curiosity Rover Update after Drilling at The Kimberley,” 22 students.
July 10, 2014
Public lecture at Lakeview Public Library in Madison, WI, “Roving the
Red Planet: A Field Geologist Explores Gale Crater, Mars,”
audience of 50.
July 10, 2014
Public lecture at Meadowridge Public Library in Madison, WI, “Roving
the Red Planet: A Field Geologist Explores Gale Crater, Mars,”
audience of 50.
August 23, 2014
Public lecture for the Iowa County Astronomers (ICASTRO) at Governor
Dodge State Park, Dodgeville, WI, “Roving the Red Planet: A Field
Geologist Explores Gale Crater, Mars,” general audience of 50.
October 10, 2014
Public lecture for the Madison Astronomical Society (MAS) at UW-Space
Place, Madison, WI, “Roving the Red Planet: A Field Geologist Explores
Gale Crater, Mars,” general audience of 60.
November 20, 2014
5th graders at Waunakee Intermediate School, Waunakee, WI, “Mars
Curiosity Rover Overview,” audience of 150.